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In the Trinity you would be the “Holy Ghost”. You are one of those who believe both in vision and in people and therefore want to do something for both. You know what you need for that: people who are enthusiastic about new ideas both within the company and out there in the market. For this you take the initiative yourself.

When you are inspired you immediately start up a campaign and find people who are also enthusiastic. You are able to bond with people, and do it with a feeling for the little delicate things in life and an empathy that often astonishes your fellow human beings. You are able to head teams because you like to set a good example.

Promoters are gregarious animals and geniuses at getting other people interested in something, establishing contacts and building networks. The world gets wind of an idea or a product through them alone. They are comparatively extrovert, like people, are charming, witty and have star qualities as entertainers.

You have a fine sense of what is appropriate: the right design, the people who understand the product or the service and fit into the company. You attract others magnetically. And once you believe in something, you can present it creditably. Your passion is to be the bringer of good news. Just as in sales. Thanks to your empathy and human warmth you deliver the right product to the right man or the right woman. You don’t put pressure on people who don’t need the product, but find the people for whom the product is suitable. You do the same in the office. Your inspiration keeps the team in good shape. Your firm belief in people is the energy which keeps the business machine running, because you enjoy doing things for others.

Promoters are movers and shakers. They turn dreams into deeds. They act first and think later. While visionaries are dreaming of what the human race needs, they are already on the phone, and are totally committed.

Where others are regularly shy, they first begin to glow, and so does the email box, the telephone and the fax machine. They want to reach people and sell. That is their sense of achievement. Contact with other people is their universe. If there are only genuine promoters in the marketing department the firm makes a profit and has fun doing it.

Promoters are curious about people, are born communicators, and are always on top of things. They know exactly when to put pressure on others or how to give them space to develop. Where many of us fail in personal affairs, they have the right touch for diplomacy, know how to resolve conflicts; and thanks to their knowledge of people also know exactly which candidate would be best for the company. Women are often exceptional promoters, because their ability to communicate and create social order is stamped by evolution.

When it comes to details, however, promoter types switch off. They leave it to the manager to supervise what works and what doesn’t. But their directness is refreshing and always an enrichment fort he human race. But they would sell their own grandmother once they get going. Their power rides roughshod over every problem and every objection. Many promoters come to recognize at the end of their career that they would have been considerably more successful if they hadn’t changed horses so often. Apart from this handicap, promoters have the greatest career chances. When they spearhead a company it can explode with success.

The symbiosis of visionaries and promoters often brings astronomical success with it, as for example when brothers are business partners. Just imagine: one discovers, the other sells, all day long, side by side. Most companies have been founded by visionaries. But the world can only be conquered with a promoter. One has a dream and the other believes in the dream. When the ship is ready to be launched, the manager comes on board.

The Female Leader

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