Читать книгу The Female Leader - Sonja Becker - Страница 8

Businesses are alive – and grow



n any company, you only have to see how much time people spend coming to an agreement, what the mood is and how individuals behave towards one another and communicate. This is of almost more concern to the manager today that the turnover figures. It’s not surprising: everyone knows that they can only succeed as long as there is a good team. And that is why there is a demand for female bosses, with their clear-eyed perception of everything that passes between people.

If you decide today to live your own life and go into action, at certain times things will rain down on you that you can only partially explain without the concept of mental development. We will explain these things to you and show you how to go forward. This should arouse your curiosity. In his book “Live your Dream”, Martin Sage has demonstrated how to live a life that leads to our true talent. The “female leader” is meant here – the woman who embraces her natural talent in order to make herself independent and to make a career out of her life. The time is ripe. It has never been easier for women to have the self-confidence to found their own organization and do business than today. Programs like the series “Sex and the City” have contributed considerably to a paradigm shift. Suddenly women have stopped focusing on men, and prefer to turn on their own axis. What happens next when the compass is pointed in a new direction cannot be predicted – only experienced. That is curiosity.

During the course of life curiosity is mostly repressed. Disillusionment, disappointment and above all the need for security dissuade the majority of people from putting their “calling” in the foreground or from making it the goal of their lives. If you are doing what you have always wanted to do, or if you have now decided to do it - congratulations! This book is a manual for all those who dare to take the step out into the wide prairie of independent entrepreneurship. And their numbers are increasing - especially among women.

The Female Leader

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