Читать книгу The Female Leader - Sonja Becker - Страница 16





Satisfaction depends on whether we know who we are and what we want. Then we can do things which correspond to our talents and temperament. We all know that leaders are very different in character.

We have taken three types that we have come across again and again and who had blazed a trail. And one of them will most resemble you.

For your business to be successful you need all three. You have aspects of all three in you. At first you have to play all three roles. But a leading role is designed for you.

However we should be honest. There are no right answers and wrong answers. Have fun with the “She is the Natural Leader” personality test – and especially with the results.

1.At the moment you are reading:

a.The Little Prince. Againandagain. Really from another planet.

b.Harry Potter. I want to know what people find so fascinating about it. And if you can keep a secret: I can’t stop any more.

c.Machiavelli for Women. Simple,effective, efficacious.

2.What is your house like?

a.A sexy apartment in Bauhaus style with a lot of room for meditation.

b.Trendy, colorful and lively. No need to change it round for a party.

c.Classical with a hint of country style. Another world where you can wind down and feel comfortable.

3.What did you want to be as a child?

a.A diva

b.A Nobel Prize winner


4.Which of these things would be the most desirable?

a.A silver wedding

b.Multiple orgasms

c.A meteoric career

5.You are sitting in your favorite bar with a glass of Bailey’s in front of you, when your dream man walks in and gives you a cheeky grin. What happens next?

a.I can already see us waking up together the next morning. I play the siren and get him to come over and sit with me.

b.I buy him a Bailey’s before he does.

I teach him some manners. If he behaves, he will pay my check. Otherwise he gets what he deserves.

6.Your worst vice is?

a.Nice shoes

b.Soft drugs (nicotine, alcohol)


7.What do you like to wear best?

a.Prada, Etro, Chanel. Esprit in your free time.

b.Jennifer Lopez style tasty butt jeans, a scanty blouse by Helmut Lang: it’s always free time.

c.Jil Sander, Calvin Klein. Elegant and practical for every occasion.

8.Your ideal first date looks like this:

a.He appears like a prince on a white horse to save me. And next time he’ll bring a picnic basket with him.

b.During happy hour he is suddenly standing next to me, and we both sense something between us.

c.Brahms by candlelight, and then he even conjures a soufflé out of the oven.

9.How do you end it?

a.The “man of my life” turns out to be a complete idiot. But after the game is before the game. I have already found a replacement.

b.I flirt with his best friend. In his face of course.

c.I throw his drink in his face and turn on my heels. In the case of betrayal I turn my heel on his breastbone.

10.On whom or what would you rely when it comes to the question of whether he is Mr. Right?

a.On the question whether we discover new and wonderful things together, and how many minutes, hours, months or years it would take before we got bored with each other. Or never…

b.On my intuition and on my best friends.

c.On precedence and the color of his tie.

11.Which adjective describes you best?




The Female Leader

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