Читать книгу The Female Leader - Sonja Becker - Страница 14



“A lot of people don’t get what they want because they don’t say what they want.“

Madonna, in: “SEX”

What shall I do?

So, what is your goal? What does your career look like? Is it your passion? Your life? These are not easy questions. But the right way. There is no happiness: as soon as you have obtained it, you become unhappy. But there is satisfaction. If you can answer these questions easily, you can be satisfied.

You don’t just “acquire” satisfaction. A lot of people follow whatever undertaking and believe that one day they will achieve happiness. Others believe that one day the meaning of their lives will become clear. One day? Why not now? It is essential to be satisfied here and now.

True happiness consists in following your passion. In one moment you live in every moment.

Satisfaction doesn’t consist in finding the meaning of life, but in feeling alive. Here and now.

You have two means: time and money. Forget the idea that you don’t have time.

Forget the saying that money can’t buy happiness. You have all the time in the world when you follow your own goal. That means making your passion your life. And then you will get all the money in the world. It is that simple. And that hard.

We all have a task: to make the best out of our lives. Each of us has something unique within us: our individual brilliance. Both of these ideas were formulated by Immanuel Kant in the sentence: “Every human being is his/her own purpose”. By “purpose” he meant “goal”. Every human being is therefore a goal. “His/her own” because it is unique and inviolate. For no one can make others his or her purpose, but they may use other people as a means to an end. That is the basic idea behind the Enlightenment, the “emergence of mankind from his self-inflicted immaturity” (Kant). Whoever reaches this point, where the goal is clear, has decided to lead his own life. Then new questions arise. And here, too, Kant has the basic question formulated: “What should I do?” It is the basic question in ethics. “Ethos” means “attitude”.

The Female Leader

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