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Superfoods Cookbook Introduction


What are Superfoods?

As the saying goes, we are what we eat and people are becoming ever more conscious that this is the case – and that they’d rather not be consuming a long list of chemical additives which they probably can’t even pronounce, much less identify as food! It’s well known that diet is one of the keys to better health and simply put, some foods are better for you than others.

That’s where superfoods come in. These are foods which offer a wealth of nutrients as well as antioxidants and other naturally occurring compounds which promote better health and even reduce the risk of many illnesses from minor to life threatening. Superfoods include a fairly wide variety of different fruits and vegetables; and to be perfectly honest, most of them are foods that you probably already knew were good for you.

In this cookbook, we’ve included recipes which incorporate many of the foods which are well known as the most nutritious, healthy dietary choices. We’ve also steered clear of the trends; as you’re probably aware if you spend any time at all following the latest news about nutrition and fitness, it seems that there’s a new “superfood” being trumpeted as the best thing ever almost every week, soon to be replaced by the next flavor of the month.

Not that many of these foods aren’t healthy and certainly, there’s nothing wrong with including some spirulina or acai berries in your diet. Instead, we’ve decided to focus on superfoods which are, by and large, available at your average well-stocked supermarket.

One thing that you’ll probably notice as you read and cook the recipes in this book is that many of the recipes here are vegetarian. Many nutritionists have long said that a diet which is largely vegetarian is better for you, although there is some difference of opinion on this subject as well.

However, the superfoods are all plant-based and they’re the star of these recipes; many of these recipes are also flexible enough to add meat to them if you’d like to increase your protein intake. There is one exception to this rule: salmon, which you will find plenty of recipes for in this book. Basically, as long as you make sure to include plenty of the superfoods which take center stage in these recipes, you can fine tune the recipes to match your own tastes.

What Superfoods Should You Add To Your Diet?

As we’ve discussed above, many of the most nutritious and healthiest foods are ones you probably already knew that you should be eating regularly. Sweet potatoes, salmon, kale and other dark leafy greens, garlic and onions, blueberries and other berries, tomatoes, beans, nuts and seeds are all superfoods which provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids it needs for optimal health. Along with whole grains and other healthy choices, a diet rich in superfoods like the ones used in these recipes can help you to live a longer, healthier and yes, even a happier life! Here’s to your health!

Healthy Cooking Recipes: Clean Eating Edition: Quinoa Recipes, Superfoods and Smoothies

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