Читать книгу Party Crochet - Sue Whiting - Страница 37



The stitch pattern used for a crochet item can be shown on a diagram. This diagram provides a visual reference of exactly how the stitches that make up the pattern fit together. The diagram uses a different symbol for each type of stitch worked, using tall symbols for tall stitches and short symbols for short stitches, with these symbols being placed together as they would be on the finished work. As with abbreviations, certain symbols are common to many crochet patterns while some symbols are specific to one particular stitch pattern. Each diagram should be accompanied by a key explaining what each symbol means.

beaded ch – slide bead up next to work, yoh and draw loop through leaving bead sitting against RS of work
beaded dc – insert hook as indicated, slide bead upnext to work, yoh and draw loop through leaving bead sitting against RS of work, yoh, and draw through both loops on hook
sequined dc – insert hook as indicated, slide sequin up next to work, yoh and draw loop through leaving sequin sitting against RS of work, yoh and draw through both loops on hook
alt alternate
beg beginning
ch chain
cm centimetres
cont continue
dc double crochet
dec decreas(e)(ing)
dtr double treble
foll following
htr half treble
in inches
inc increas(e)(ing)
mm millimetres
patt pattern
rem remaining
rep(s) repeat(s)
RS right side
sp(s) space(s)
ss slip stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
tr(s) treble(s)
WS wrong side
yoh yarn over hook
Party Crochet

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