Читать книгу With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause - Susanne McAllister - Страница 49

The Use of Phytoestrogenic Herbs


These herbal remedies work by binding to oestrogen receptors within the body so as to balance the oestrogen levels in the body. If the oestrogen levels are too elevated, the phytoestrogen replaces the stronger form of the human oestrogen.

Phytogenic herbs are best used to manage the side effects of menopause and things like osteoporosis. They can be used as part of a healthy diet and can be beneficial to women suffering from menopausal symptoms, which basically stems from a hormonal imbalance. They work by imitating the oestrogen levels of the body and by balancing unstable hormones.

Vaginal dryness. Without the protective effect of oestrogen and progesterone, the cervix and vagina do not secrete as much fluid. This can result in pain during intercourse as well as an increased risk of yeast infections, bladder infections, and vaginal itching. It is best treated with a water-based lubricating gel that is all-natural or extra virgin coconut oil.

Sleeping difficulties. While in menopause, sleep can be difficult. This is one of the things that has been hard for me to adjust. This is why I became a bit of an expert on this. You may have difficulty getting to sleep at night or may wake earlier in the morning, with difficulty in falling back to sleep. A good bedtime routine can help you wind down. Read more about this in the next chapter.

Incontinence of Urine. Women in menopause may experience an increase in the urge to urinate or incontinence of urine. Stress incontinence can occur, which is the kind of incontinence that occurs when coughing, lifting heavy objects, or sneezing. Urge incontinence is the type of incontinence that causes you to have sudden urges to void, sometimes not making it to the toilet before urinating. Kegel exercises would be good for you:

With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause

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