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Menopause and Joint pain and how to feel better naturally


I never even thought about Menopause and Joint pain until I had joint pain caused by arthritis, gluten in my food and …. You guessed it: “Menopause.” I would like to share with you what helped me and my clients and how to feel better naturally.

Waking up in the morning and having to move my hurting fingers around until they seemed to function more normally was not my idea of fun and made me wonder what my future was going to be like.

How many of you unfold yourself out of your car after a car trip? And how about standing up after sitting for a while on your desk? My knees and right hip have given me a lot of trouble over the last few years. I have been teaching Nia Movement classes for 9 years now, and this mind, body, spirited movement really helps, but it still didn’t solve the problem completely. Discovering that I was Gluten intolerant and cutting out the foods that caused more inflammation was another step in my healing journey.

Joint aches aren’t often associated with menopause. Most women just assume that they are “just getting old,” which is true to a certain extent but not everyone “ageing” have to deal with achy joints either. The lack of Oestrogen affects the ligaments around the joints, and the cartilage at the end of your bones will naturally start to get worn down. This could make your joints stiff, swollen, inflamed, and tender. Or you might even experience your joints creaking like an old castle door.

Oestrogen is very important in maintaining joint and bone health; it helps to minimise the swelling around the joints. Falling hormone levels in your body will also affect how your body is going to retain water efficiently.

With SEX, No Drugs and Rock'n Roll Through Menopause

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