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Many people have this crazy idea that starting a t-shirt business is easy. The truth is, starting a t-shirt business is far from easy. If you’re looking for the quickest route to get rich while putting in little effort, look elsewhere. In fact, both successful and aspiring t-shirt entrepreneurs alike will tell you that launching a successful t-shirt business can be extremely hard. Sorry to break it to you, but they’re right.

It’s Tough Out There

With all the new t-shirt brands popping up every day, it’s no surprise that many people believe it doesn’t take much work to set up shop and start making money. Starting a successful t-shirt business is just like starting any other business. It takes, among several other things, willingness, dedication, skill and, whether you like it or not, money. There are going to be times you’ll feel like throwing in the towel, too.

Even after we had been at it for a while, there were still months we had to rummage for loose change for lunch money, and we thought maybe it was time to give it up, maybe it just wasn’t worth it. But you know what? We kept on going, and that’s what set us apart from most aspiring business owners who fail in less than a year.

Think You Got What It Takes?

Before you dive deep into the business, you need to seriously think about it and decide if this is the business for you. Are you truly passionate about creating a t-shirt brand? Are you ready, willing and able to sacrifice other important things in your life for your business? Are you ambitious enough to set goals and climb the ladder to success? Or are you just doing this for the money, or because you thought it would be cool to have a clothing line?

Don’t give up on your dreams just yet. Only you can truly decide if you have what it takes to make it in the business. If you believe so, it’s likely that you’ll do whatever you have to do to make things happen, and reading this book is a big step. But in addition to being mentally prepared for this venture, you have to be financially prepared. Starting a t-shirt business is neither easy nor cheap. If you thought you were going to magically start a business and actually make money without spending any money, you’ve been misled. Know your finances, and be ready to spend time and money.

A Lot To Learn

While starting a brand is its own reward, sometimes you yearn for a little more. If your goal is to become a successful t-shirt entrepreneur, or even a t-shirt millionaire, this book will give you the information you need to set yourself apart from the slew of other aspiring t-shirt entrepreneurs out there with the same goal. You will learn how to research the market, get your t-shirts printed and ready for sale, and acquire press coverage for your brand online and offline.

From developing your ideas on paper to producing and selling them to earn money, there is a lot to learn. This book contains a wealth of knowledge to set you on the right path to accomplishing these difficult tasks while having fun at the same time.

So you want to start a kick-ass t-shirt brand? Are you ready for the exhilarating journey of running your own business? Well then, read on!

Launch a Kick-Ass T-Shirt Brand

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