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Setting Objectives


So now you’re looking at a sheet of paper with a list of your goals. Each of your goals have solid deadlines. You made sure that your goals are S.M.A.R.T.

But wait! How exactly are you going to reach these goals? Setting goals is nice, but it’s even nicer to actually reach them. To make sure you reach your goals, you need to map out a plan of action. Take each goal that you set and define the objectives, or “mini-goals,” that will help you reach your main goals.

For example, let’s say it’s currently early June and you’ve set the goal of selling ten t-shirts in the month of July. Let’s also suppose that you haven’t ordered any t-shirts yet, but you have already decided on your brand idea, created your designs, and saved up enough money to get your brand started. In this case, your objectives may look something like this:

1) Launch seven products for sale in online shop.

2) Have brand featured on five blogs.

3) Get 100+ daily visitors to website.

Your objectives should be the “meat” of your goal. The objectives you establish should be designed in such a way that completing them will equal reaching your goal. In the beginning, it can be hard to know for sure that completing your objectives will lead to the completion of your goal, but by establishing them, you’ll have a clear sense of how to go about reaching that goal.

Launch a Kick-Ass T-Shirt Brand

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