Читать книгу Pink Ribbon Stories: A Celebration of Life - Tammy Miller - Страница 27

Running the Show Allison Cummings


On June 15th 2010 at 2:47 pm, I received the call from my breast surgeon telling me that I had early stage-one breast cancer at the age of 39. Who has to worry about breast cancer at that age? I soon found out women 10-15 years younger than me worried about breast cancer. When my surgeon called, I was standing by my bedroom closet. When I hung up the phone, I called my family and then sat there crying my eyes out for about ten minutes.

I decided that while I have breast cancer, it would never have me. I would run the show and cancer would never dictate a moment of my life going forward. I have never asked “why me?” Why not me? It is not like I had a big neon sign over my head saying “no cancer allowed here”.

I do have a new “normal” since my diagnosis. I am still the same person but don’t let the little things get to me anymore. I don’t allow toxic people in my life. Fellow survivors had told me, that once you start telling friends about your diagnosis that you will quickly learn who your real friends are. I like to say that it quickly separated the men from the boys.

I have to constantly remind myself to slow down. I work out on a regular basis and I ate decently before diagnosis. Post diagnosis I work on becoming very attuned to my body and what are the best foods to fuel it. I read labels, I drink more water, and I pay attention to food and nutrition studies. I have added strength training to my workout regimen because it is important to keep my strength, balance, and bone density.

I wrote a book about my experience for my nephew who is three. It is very important to me that he knows how strong his auntie was in beating breast cancer. I want to show women that you can get through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment and thrive.

To whom much is given, much is expected

Allison lives in Austin TX with her spoiled shih-tzu Shelby. She works with families going through crisis and you can reach her at http://www.facebook.com/alli3300.

A Sprinkle of FUN from the Author…

“I never married because there was no need. I have three pets at home who answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon, and a cat that comes home late every night.”

-- Marie Corelli

Pink Ribbon Stories: A Celebration of Life

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