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Reflections Tammy A. Miller


Like many people in this book, my story as a survivor started when my doctor said the words we never want to hear, “Tammy, it is breast cancer”.

Another one of my books, The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery: Lessons Learned Along the Path to Healing, details the entire journey so I won’t try to duplicate it here. Instead, I will share a few words about my personal journey and some of the things I have learned as we walked through this incredible book project.

My Journey…

My personal journey began on September 14, 2001. I had noticed a change in my breast and we all know the saying, “if I only knew then what I know now!” I thought there was something different going on but when I went to the doctor and saw the physician’s assistant, she wasn’t concerned at all – the first thing – know your own body! Since it was close to the time for my mammogram anyway, I pushed her to have one done.

The experience was a familiar one to many people in this book. I get a mammogram and they call me back for more films because they “see something”.

When I went back for the follow-up, the radiologist described what he saw and told me that even if he did a needle biopsy he wouldn’t trust the results and he recommended I see a surgeon for a surgical biopsy.

Enter Dr. B! Dr. B is a man I had seen briefly a few years before, but I didn’t know him very well. That was about to change! He turned out to be a wonderful doctor who became the head of my Humor Team (yes, clown noses, kazoos, and rubber chickens!) and was the man I credit with saving my life!

You may be wondering about the Humor Team and the other items listed, well, at the time I was a very active professional clown known in my area as Hugz the Clown. As is the case with any well-stocked clown, I was armed with all of the above mentioned equipment, and a few other crazy things.

I firmly believe that we cannot always change what happens to us in life, but we can control how we respond to any given situation. I don’t ever want people to think I am making fun of anyone with cancer, I am just choosing the best response I could, given the situation. For me, I knew I could not change the cancer diagnosis, no matter how hard I tried, but I had complete control over the attitude I brought to the healing process, and that was going to include humor.

There is a great deal of research indicating the positive, healthy effects of humor and a positive attitude in the healing process. The research isn’t just for cancer but also for heart disease and other life challenges. In most cases, recovery is faster and better.

I had three surgeries along my path to healing and each one included clown noses, kazoo send-offs, and a few rubber chickens here and there. There were strange nipple send-of parties, with very interesting cakes (and strategically placed Hershey kisses), go ahead, use your imagination and you are probably right on!

I took notes of everything that was happening. I did this for a couple of reasons, first, I believe that when you are diagnosed with breast cancer, or any life threatening illness, you feel like your whole world is spinning out of control. You may feel that your body has betrayed you; I know I did, and writing everything down that was happening somehow made me feel like I had more control. I know, I didn’t but the perception helped!

Some people journal their thoughts and feelings, and I was taking notes because I felt I could turn the situation into a book that might help others, much like this book will help others on their path to healing.

Throughout my journey I identified a few lessons that I learned along my path to healing. There were twenty in total, and I will share those lessons here:

Lesson One – Don’t put off your yearly exams. Make the call – schedule the appointment.

Lesson Two – Trust your own instincts.

Lesson Three – Keep a record of everything that is happening.

Lesson Four – Develop a personal mantra to replace negative thoughts.

Lesson Five – Recruit your personal Humor Team! (No cost involved!)

Lesson Six – Be prepared to put up your own personal shield of protection.

Lesson Seven – Start and keep a “Recovery File”.

Lesson Eight – Find love and laughter everywhere.

Lesson Nine –Tell your closest family and friends of your diagnosis in person.

Lesson Ten – Be informed!

Lesson Eleven – Remain positive in every single way that you can – no matter how small.

Lesson Twelve - Write down the questions that you want to ask.

Lesson Thirteen – Look for the smallest blessings in each day.

Lesson Fourteen – Know that you have choices.

Lesson Fifteen – Remember, you are a unique person!

Lesson Sixteen – Celebrate the smallest victories.

Lesson Seventeen – Accept that there are some things in life we cannot change.

Lesson Eighteen – Keep your doctors and health care providers accountable.

Lesson Nineteen – Thank your healthcare providers.

Lesson Twenty – Live life to the fullest!

Except from: The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery: Lessons Learned Along the Path to Healing - Tammy A. Miller, Lighthearted Press

There is so much happening when you are faced with this type of a health challenge and for me, identifying the lessons that I learned was very helpful as it made me feel like I had some control.

I believe all of these lessons are important, but a few especially stand out, like trusting your own instincts; finding the humor in every situation, remembering that you cannot always change what is happening; having a personal mantra (thought, prayer, saying, etc.) in your head because you can only have one thought at a time and you get to choose – you may as well make it positive; be informed; write down your questions; look for every blessing and remain positive; know that you DO have choices; and finally, live life to the fullest!

My life is truly blessed with wonderful family and friends and I am very thankful that I did not go through this alone. Above all, I know that none of us are truly alone, but we have the love of the mighty Lord to guide our steps – for me, I just need to remember to listen!

I truly cannot say that every day on my healing journey was grins and giggles, but I can say there was more laughter than tears, but it was my choice, as it is everyone’s choice on how they will respond to any given situation in life. I pray that you will embrace every second of your life and that your path will always be blessed!

Thoughts on this book project…

For a few years I thought about doing a compilation book with stories from other people, but the time and topic just didn’t seem right. That is until I heard Christine Allen talk about her story of keeping silent about her breast cancer for over 30 years for fear of losing her job in the 1970’s (her story is in this book). I know that breast cancer has changed immensely over the years as far as detection, treatment, and recovery, but I sat there and listened and thought about how the mental part of a diagnosis has changed. Has it really changed? I don’t think so. I am sure that anytime in history that a woman (or man) heard a breast cancer diagnosis; there was immediate fear and uncertainty. Yes, we do know now that the outlook is better than it was 30 years ago, and early detection, new medicines and procedures have helped immensely, but there is still a fear in many hearts and heads.

I sat there and started to think about how other things have changed over the years and that is when the idea of Pink Ribbon Stories: A Celebration of Life was born! A “celebration” you might ask? Did you notice that one of the lessons above was to celebrate the smallest victories (or ideas)? Okay, I admit it, I love to laugh and have a good time. Ready for a party to celebrate getting a new pair of shoes just call me!!

I was hopeful that I could get at least 50 women and men to share their stories as a survivor or caregiver or medical assistant. WOW!!! I never expected to have a completed book with over 120 stories!! In a small twist of faith – yes, faith, or maybe a little quirky, whenever I see a number that is in order like 234, or 456, etc., I always send up a little prayer of thanksgiving for the many blessings in my life. If you take the time to count the number of people who have a story featured here, there are… 123!!! Some days, I thought my e-mail was going to explode! I also firmly believe this may just be the first edition of a series, who knows!

There are all kinds of stories in this book. I am certain that something here will resonate with every reader. For some of the stories I should probably issue a “tissue warning”, and for others a laughter warning, just Depends – yes, the pun IS intended!! There are stories that will warm your heart; make you laugh; cause you to pause for reflection; sometimes make you a bit angry; and others that simply tell a story of a courageous woman’s journey through life.

I have noticed a few similar themes. Many of the stories share a faith in God, or other beliefs in the Power of the Universe. For some it is a renewed faith, for others a new found faith.

There are themes of the strength found in family and friends. How vitally important it is to surround yourself with people who care. There are a few reminders that we never have to go through this alone. If you don’t relate to God or a higher power, we are also reminded that breast cancer affects many, many people, and there is always someone willing to reach out a hand of support – sometimes we just have to ask!

Another theme that emerged was a theme of thankfulness that cancer touched our lives, in fact some call it a gift. This may sound strange but there are many stories included that talk about a cancer diagnosis being the push needed to remind us of what and who are really important in our lives. In this hustle and bustle of life, which seems to get faster everyday, some people now look upon their lives in a different way because of cancer; a slower, more peaceful way.

Whichever story you find as your favorite, I pray that every person reading this book is touched by the stories and words that are written here to encourage, inspire, and make us smile!

For me, I pray that God blesses your path always and that your journey is somehow helped by a story or two in this book.

Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to collect these stories from these incredible people, and thank you for your support in reading along! May you always celebrate every moment, every detail of your life!

Blessings to you always and all ways!


Author’s Note: The next section of the book includes stories from those closest to me while I was traveling the journey to recovery. They include my mother, Ruth, my youngest daughter, Lacey, my dear “Pinky Swear” friend, Mary and one of my best clown friends, Anita. From that point, the stories are alphabetical, but include some family connections, as noted in the stories. Read on and be blessed!!

I have also sprinkled a few “funnies” throughout the book. If you find a quote on a person’s page, it does not necessarily reflect the

opinion of that author…just a place to add some fun…

Pink Ribbon Stories: A Celebration of Life

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