Читать книгу Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying - The Doctor Barefoot - Страница 10

you create your own reality and can create it any old way you like


It’s true. You can create a reality ruled by a scary ogre or one generated by someone as gorgeous and sexy as our beloved Universal Dinner Lady. It’s all about models and which ones you use. All the great metaphysical systems and all the great religions are, when stripped of all superfluous dressing and emotion, merely models you’ve chosen, consciously or unconsciously, to adopt. Once adopted, models take on a power of their own, which then rule your life.

(A funny thought just struck me. Imagine a hundred years from now some well-meaning idiot finding this manuscript and starting a new religion based on worshipping our Universal Dinner Lady. By the altar stands the priestess or priest wearing a pinafore, silk underwear, stockings and suspenders, and dolloping mashed potatoes and mushy peas onto the plates of the devotees who come up for their weekly sacrament. I like it as an idea – it’s got legs.)

But time is money and money is time, or so they say, so back to the plot. Your mind, when harnessed, is all-powerful and the way it describes reality to you is the way you’ll believe it to be. Not only that – and here’s the metaphysical twist that distinguishes this from a get-rich-quick book – the way you believe it to be is precisely the way it will play itself out on the stage of your world.

In other words, believe your world to be a hostile place where you have to fight for every scrap and morsel and that’s the reality you’ll have. You’ll (unconsciously) transmit signals through body language, facial expression, vocal sound and sentence structure to everyone you meet, that say, ‘Beat me, beat me!’ Which is fine if you’re into that sort of thing and you like suffering.

However, if you don’t like suffering unnecessarily and want to enjoy yourself while you’re on the planet, you’re perfectly at liberty to believe your world a friendly, loving place where you need but ask and you will receive. And it will be so. It’s really as simple as that.

There are actually no rules save the ones you make up. No restrictions other than the ones you invent. The world conforms to the beliefs you hold about it.

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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