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the internal revolution


If you go deep enough into meditation or altered mind-states and you know what to look out for, you’ll notice, at the deepest level of your being, a flow of what the Taoists call ‘prenatal energy’ in constant motion up the back of your spine, over your head and down the midline of the front of your body. It is this flow that causes all the constituent parts of the self to hold together in a meaningful enough shape for you to recognize yourself as a discrete entity, from the most profound to the most superficial level of being. At the superficial end of the scale, all you need do to recognize yourself as an entity is to look in the mirror, but the force that holds you together in one piece in order that you may position yourself in front of the mirror in the first place is this ‘prenatal energy’. Even when you drop your body and die, say the Taoists, it will still be this flow that will hold you together in spirit form enough to recognize yourself – though of course this may be merely conjecture and does it matter anyway? However, what does matter is the huge significance of this fundamental force, which when consciously joined with lends you the manifesting power of the golden immortals (gods).

As soon as you learn to join your consciousness with it, you can manifest anything you want with ease. It would be tempting to waffle on about it for pages but it will be far more useful, from both our points of view, to get you started doing it immediately and subsequently to explain how to use it specifically for manifesting what you want. That way you can see how it works for yourself and it ceases to be merely an intellectual consideration. So, if that’s OK with you, seat yourself comfortably so your weight is fairly evenly distributed between both buttocks and your spinal column is pretty much perpendicular to the horizontal. Run a scan over the aforementioned relaxation trigger points, starting with your solar plexus, allowing your breathing to settle into a smooth, even pattern. Relax your anal sphincter muscles and pelvis, lengthen and release the back of your neck, relax your face, your throat and chest, and feel your limbs soften all the way to your fingers and toes.

Now, as you inhale, visualize, imagine; visualize yourself imagining; imagine yourself visualizing; or simply feel the breath float up your spine from between your legs, through the back of your neck and up to the crown of your head. Now exhale and feel the breath float back down the front through your face, throat, chest, solar plexus, lower abdomen and pubic bone, to end up between your legs, ready to rise up the spine again.

If at first you find it hard to get your mind round the loop in time with the breath, simply move your awareness slowly round the loop while breathing naturally. Remember, this is only a device to join your consciousness with the prenatal flow that is occuring anyway. You’re not trying to instigate something that wasn’t already there, but be patient, because it can take anything from three seconds to three decades before the conscious link-up occurs. Not that that matters, because as soon as you start actively circulating your awareness round the loop, your enhanced manifesting power is activated, the full effect and significance of which will be shortly explained. But first, a few (thousand) more words on the basics of visualization and what-have-you.

practise awareness of this internal revolution all the time now, while doing whatever else you do.

Meantime, practise awareness of this internal revolution all the time now, while doing whatever else you do during the day and night, whether at work, rest or play, and you’ll notice within days how your body, mind and spirit feel stronger already.

Now, before going any further along this path of getting what you want the wu wei way, it behoves me to ask you this question in order that you may ask it of yourself (of course) …

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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