Читать книгу Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying - The Doctor Barefoot - Страница 8

you’ve got to do something while you’re hanging around waiting to die


Haven’t you?

Well, possibly not. You could be a professional lotus-eater, hanging back in the cul-de-sac and never venturing another step on the Great Thoroughfare of Life. You could play safe, avoid the adventure, forget all about the revolution and mollify yourself with TV, banal conversation, second-rate sex, tainted romance and consumerism instead. You could, in other words, do nothing much and that would be fine – horses for courses, as it were. You could still read this manifesto – it would amuse you regardless.

But I tell you what, if you reckon on the fact that you’re going to die anyway one day, and you never know exactly when that will be until it happens, and you figure from that that you’ve got nothing to lose and in fact everything in the entire world to gain, then with the data you access from reading this, you will, in no time, find yourself having a ball, baby, you’ll find yourself having an absolute ball. So put on your dancing shoes and let’s dance. Me, I go barefoot.

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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