Читать книгу Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying - The Doctor Barefoot - Страница 16

you probably enjoy wanting more than getting


It’s true; as daft as it seems, you might actually prefer the set of endorphins – the internal drug cocktail – that is released when you want something, to the set released when you actually get it. Which, in fact, is totally understandable. For a start, it’s a state you’re familiar with, and however much you may hate it, deep down you love it really – simply because our innate nature is to cling to and love what is, no matter how turgid it may be – that’s the glue nature uses to organize itself into form and shape. Secondly, you know that as soon as you get what you want, not only will you have to deal with a new batch of responsibilities, but you’ll have to deal with the disorientation of the new and the grief of letting go of the old, because you fear change and ultimately death (which all change finally leads to).

So you invent – at the deepest level of being, with all the backup of proof from years past, all the way back to the womb – reasons you can’t get what you want, reasons which normally fit into two categories: I don’t deserve it and I’m not capable of it. These categories then subdivide into more insidious beliefs, including: it’s not fair to others who have less if I have more – I’ll be depriving them of theirs; this world is hostile and unforgiving and won’t give me what I want; others will be envious and hate (even destroy) me if I get what I want; and even if I get what I want I’ll still be miserable.

our innate nature is to cling to and love what is, no matter how turgid it may be.

And while you may be tempted to examine your own reasons in depth, in faux-psychotherapeutic fashion, I wouldn’t advise it right now, as what we’re concerned with here is not how you got into gaol, but how to get out. The door is open, and the first step is to look around you (literally and metaphorically) and accept (fully, with all your heart, soul and might) that …

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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