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so, am I a jammy bastard?


I don’t think so. I’ve worked patiently, consistently, tirelessly and lovingly for over twenty years, always faithful to the vision, never once wobbling in the face of constant obstruction and adversity, never complaining (except to one or two really close friends, who I actually drove half mad) about having no wealth or home for that time, never selling out and taking the conventional route to comfort, and doing it pretty much always with a smile and a cheerful heart. Yes, I’m a sensational guy; it’s true. Sure, I have my faults, but then who doesn’t. Sure, there are people who hate me and bless them all, but there are far more who love me and you know why, because I love you – you in everyone. It’s as simple as that. And the you in everyone is the Tao, the Great Spirit, the Ineffable Suchness, generating, permeating, animating, connecting and informing the entirety of all creation, and if you love that, as I do, it loves you back, as you love me and I love you.

So no, not a jammy bastard at all, but a well-blessed bastard for sure, and damn thankful to life, myself and you that it’s so. And now you can be one too – in fact you already are (you blessed bastard, you) – as I said, the revolution has begun whether you are aware of it or not.

But why bother? Why bother manifesting what you want – the Taoist way or any other way for that matter? Why rock the boat? Because unless you’ve learned to live your entire life in serene meditation without money, food, possessions or any other form of material sustenance …

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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