Читать книгу Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying - The Doctor Barefoot - Страница 6

the internal revolution


Comrades, sisters and brothers of the world, the revolution has begun. No more confusion about getting what you want. The time has come to get what you want without confusion.

This is a bloodless revolution – but it’s not for sissies. There will be disorientation. After aeons of confusion and clinging to the past, clarity is at first disorientating. This is only natural. Disorientation, however, is only disorientation and will pass as quickly as it came, leaving in its wake scenes of such splendour you will gasp in astonishment.

Have courage. This is a revolution of the heart. The heart will see things differently now and as it does, reality will change to match it. This may require you saying goodbye to many things of the past as the new makes itself known in your life. At times you will no longer recognize yourself as you struggle to grasp on to unfamiliar reference points.

be bold, for when the dust settles and the sound of galloping hooves fades into the distance, you will find yourself enjoying the life you always dreamed of but never really believed you could have.

Be bold, comrades, sisters and brothers, for when the dust settles and the sound of galloping hooves fades into the distance, you will find yourself enjoying the life you always dreamed of but never really believed you could have. And if you don’t believe me either, read this manifesto and find out for yourself.

Not that I really mind – all faux-revolutionary propaganda aside – the internal revolution’s already paid off for me, so I’m all right, Jack – but to increase my own good fortune, I know the only way is to share it. So I’m giving you the precise lowdown on exactly how it’s done – the Taoist way – the way of wu wei, in fact – and you can use it or not as suits.

One thing’s for sure, the more of us who do it now, the happier we’ll all be, which will make me happier because I love it when people laugh and smile. It thrills me to the quick.

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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