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empty mind


According to the precepts of the wu wei way, once you’ve relaxed yourself enough to dance with the Dinner Lady, you then have to empty your mind. So go on, empty your mind now. Done? No, of course not, because emptying the mind is one of the trickiest things a person can attempt on this planet. However, don’t be deterred by that. Indeed, take it up as a challenge and go to it with gusto, because until you manage to achieve an occasional fleeting moment of silence in there, your wu simply won’t wei. This is because to manifest what you want you first have to have a clear picture of what it is, and you can’t have that if your mind is full of interference. That would be like listening to the cacophonous sound of two tunes playing at the same volume at the same time. I say emptying the mind is tricky, but it’s not impossible and is, once you get the knack, actually extremely simple.

to manifest what you want you have to first have a clear picture of what it is and you can’t have that if your mind is full of interference.

To start with you have to believe that you can control your own mind, rather than the other way round. Now there are a thousand and eight different techniques from a plethora of spiritual disciplines to help you do this, including, for example, the following.

Imagine yourself standing by a river and throwing each thought, as it arises, into the current to be swept away.

Simply watch each thought arise from the nothingness and disperse again, making sure you catch the dispersal in case you lose yourself in the thought and get carried away.

Count your in and out breaths from one to nine and start again, or one to one thousand and eighty if you like, starting again at the beginning every time you get lost in a thought, visualize an extremely deep, dark hole, repeat, silently or aloud a mantra (sacred sound), such as:

Om (approximately, the sound of the Universal Dinner Lady’s belly rumbling)

imagine yourself standing by a river and throwing each thought, as it arises, into the current to be swept away.

Om mane padme hum (approximately, I surrender to the thunderbolt in the void)

Om shanti (approximately, peace)

Nam yoho renge kyo (approximately, I surrender to the law of cause and effect)

Gaté, gaté, paragaté, parasamgaté, bodhisvaha (approximately, go, go, go beyond, go beyond the beyond – to you (inside) who goes, I bow down)

Fortuna, Fortuna, give me my sweetcorn and tuna (approximately, goddess of good fortune, give me sustenance), or whatever you like really, as long as when you repeat it over and over, it cancels out the thoughts in your forebrain.

Or you can simply say to your mind with utmost authority, compassion and firmness, ‘Shut the f*** up!’ (which is approximately how I do it).

Whichever way you choose, and it really doesn’t matter which, as long as you achieve even brief moments of emptiness, start practising immediately and continue till you die, if you really want to …

Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

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