Читать книгу Ditch. Dare. Do! - William Arruda - Страница 16


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Be Your Own Boss:

Promote Yourself!

You control your destiny.

Reality check: In the new world of work, building your brand is not optional. You are one of numerous executives with similar credentials competing for the same positions. No matter what the hierarchical structure is in your profession or organization, you are your own boss. No one else is there to take care of you. No one else will pull you to the top—not your manager, not the CEO.

In this competitive and rapidly changing executive environment, the only constant—the only security—is your brand and the value it promises and delivers. Power and momentum come from you and only from you!

Not long ago, your employer took control of your career.

As long as you conformed and didn’t make too many waves, you could stay with a company for thirty years and retire with a pension. Now, on average, executives change positions every three years, companies every four years, and industries every five years. Yet, surveys tell us that most executives spend less than 5% of their time doing any form of career management. It’s no wonder many executives feel adrift: they’re navigating without a map.

But not all executives relinquish career control while they’re busy working. They don’t wait for their company to notice their strengths; they seize the wheel and steer their career. These executives develop a career blueprint that’s good for them and good for their company.

Deb worked with an executive whose goal was to move from his position in a multinational company headquartered in Europe to a senior role leading an innovation center in China and then to a position in the C-suite. He didn’t wait for it to happen—he put a plan in play. He requested global assignments, led the global sales team, developed innovation summits in China, fostered a culture of exploration within his teams, and earned an advanced degree at a leading international business school. He now leads the innovation center in China and is in line for a C-level role. The company is fully engaged with this top performer, and he is living his dream.

Proactively managing your brand is good for you and good for your company. When you take control of the choices you make about the positions you take, the way in which you handle challenges, the degree of effort you apply to your position, the way you present your intellectual and emotional assets, and the people you position as your allies and manage as your opponents, you shape and ensure your professional success. It is entirely up to you.

Are you ready to take control of your career? To place your career in good hands? YOUR good hands?


Accept that YOU are your boss. When you take charge of your career destiny, you are unstoppable. You are extraordinary!

Ditch. Dare. Do!

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