Читать книгу Ditch. Dare. Do! - William Arruda - Страница 24


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Don’t Be Fine:

Be Extraordinary

When it comes to succeeding in today’s competitive marketplace, the word “fine” is a four-letter word.

Fine, adequate, average, okay, acceptable. Do you want your work to be described with these words? If your reputation is fine, you’re in trouble. People rarely get excited in life about things that are “fine,” and they rarely have emotional connections to them. “Fine” doesn’t position you to win the Executive of the Year award.

Replace the word “fine” with “great” and strive for greatness by leveraging your strengths, rather than improving on your weaknesses. If you have a weakness that will impede your success, work on it, but if it won’t get in the way of your success, ignore it!

Maximize your strengths; become known by them and build your personal brand around those things that make you different and interesting. If you are the most creative CIO, focus on that. If you are the most ethical, efficient, and organized finance director, make that more visible. If you are the zany team leader who gets all of the company functions’ attendees talking and laughing, be more of that.

When William was working in London, a copywriter on his team was a real jokester—with an incomparable, amazingly quick wit. William noticed that although the copywriter’s humor was on display with his peers and enjoyed by all during team meetings, it was greatly subdued with internal clients and senior leaders. William encouraged him to share his witty quips in meetings with senior executives, and the copywriter soon became known for this attribute throughout the company.

Knowing your strengths not only builds your brand, but also helps you stay on course. Travis, a supply-chain executive, was deeply aware of his strengths (each tied to people and relationships) and how they impacted his performance and job satisfaction (aka happiness!). He was offered a promotion that required none of his strengths, and he convinced his manager not to promote him into the role, explaining that the company would be losing the greatest value he delivered. Shortly after his manager heard this rational business case, he found Travis a perfect-fit leadership position in another part of the organization. He’s now cheerfully working in his sweet spot at least 90% of the time-a win-win for him and for the company.

As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote, “Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.” Be outstanding, be audacious, push the envelope. Never settle for adequate. When you apply your strengths to everything you do, you raise yourself far above “fine.” You become great, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary. And that’s how you want to be known, isn’t it?

What will position you to win the Executive of the Year award?


Deliberately ignore weaknesses that don’t impede your success. Identify your TOP strengths. Build on them. Your strengths are the drivers that excite you and propel your career.

Ditch. Dare. Do!

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