Читать книгу Klassiek reeks: Kroniek van Perdepoort - Anna M. Louw - Страница 4
ОглавлениеHet die goeie dan vir my die dood geword?
Nee, stellig nie! Maar wel die sonde,
dat dit kon blyk sonde te wees, omdat dit
deur die goeie vir my die dood bewerk,
sodat die sonde deur die gebod
uitermate sondig kon word.
After this the Lord brought to my mind
the longing that I had to Him afore.
And I saw that nothing letted me but sin.
And so I looked generally, upon us all,
and methought: If sin had not been,
we should all have been clean and like
to our Lord, as He made us …
But Jesus, who in this Vision, informed me
of all that is needful to me, answered
by this word and said: “It behoved that there
should be sin, but all shall be well,
and all shall be well, and all manner
of thing shall be well.”