Читать книгу The Food Intolerance Bible: A nutritionist's plan to beat food cravings, fatigue, mood swings, bloating, headaches and IBS - Antoinette Savill, Antoinette Savill - Страница 20

Diet, Crime and Delinquency


Alexander Schauss was the Director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research when he wrote his book Diet, Crime and Delinquency in 1980. This slim, 108-page volume presents startling evidence that what we eat can have a significant impact on our potential to commit crimes and misbehave. The book is not just about food intolerance, however, but also refers to sugar, toxic metals such as lead, food additives, nutrient insufficiencies, lack of exercise and lack of proper exposure to light.

The Food Intolerance Bible: A nutritionist's plan to beat food cravings, fatigue, mood swings, bloating, headaches and IBS

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