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Оглавлениеbike-and-ride {noun} (bike-and-rides) depósito de bicicletas biker [/ˈbaɪkɚ/] {noun} (bikers) motera | motero bikini [/bɪˈkiːni/] {noun} (bikinis) biquini | bikini bikini bottom {noun} (bikini bottoms) braga de bikini bikini line {noun} (bikini lines) jersey bilabial {adjective, noun} (bilabials) bilabial bilateral [/baɪˈlætəɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (more bilateral, most bilateral, bilaterals) bilateral Bilbao [/bɪlˈbaʊ/] {properNoun} Bilbao Bilbaoan {adjective, noun} (Bilbaoans) bilbaína | bilbaíno bilberry [/ˈbɪlb(ə)ɹɪ/] {noun} (bilberries) arándano | mirtilo bildungsroman [/ˈbɪl.dʊŋzˌɹoʊ.mən/] {noun} (bildungsromane, bildungsromans) adulcionaria | novela adulcionaria | novela de adulción bile [/baɪl/] {noun, verb} (biles, biling, biled) bilis | hiel bile duct {noun} (bile ducts) conducto biliar | vía biliar bilge [/bɪldʒ/] {noun, verb} (bilges, bilged, bilging) sentina bilgewater [/ˈbɪldʒwɔtɚ/] {noun} (bilgewaters) agua de sentina Bilhah {properNoun} Bilha bilingual [/baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/] {adjective, noun} (bilinguals) bilingüe bilingualism {noun} bilingüismo bilious [/ˈbɪl.i.əs/ | /ˈbɪl.jəs/] {adjective} (more bilious, most bilious) atrabiliario | atrabilioso | biliar | biliario | bilioso | colérico bilirubin [/bɪlɪˈɹuːbɪn/] {noun} bilirrubina biliverdin {noun} biliverdina bill [/bɪl/] {noun, verb} (bills, billing, billed) proyecto de ley | pico | factura | cartel | declaración | letra bill of exchange {noun} (bills of exchange) letra de cambio bill of fare {noun} (bills of fare) carta | menú bill of lading {noun} (bills of lading) conocimiento de embarque bill of rights {noun} (bills of rights) declaración de derechos billboard {noun} (billboards) cartelera billet [/ˈbɪlɪt/] {noun, verb} (billets, billetted, billetting, billeted, billeting) acuartelar billeting {noun, verb} (billetings) acantonamiento billhook {noun, verb} (billhooks, billhooked, billhooking) corquete | podón billiard [/ˈbɪl.i.ɑː(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbɪl.i.ə(ɹ)d/] {noun, numeral} (billiards) billardo billiards [/ˈbɪl.jɚdz/ | /ˈbɪlɪədz/] {noun} billar billion [/ˈbɪljən/] {noun} (billions) millardo | mil millones | billón billionaire [/ˌbɪl.i.əˈnɛə(ɹ)/ | /ˌbɪl.jəˈnɛɚ/] {noun} (billionaires) multimillonario | millardario | milmillonario billow [/ˈbɪloʊ/ | /ˈbɪləʊ/] {noun, verb} (billows, billowed, billowing) hincharse | inflar | ola | oleada billposting {noun} fijación billy {noun} (billies) cabro billy goat {noun} (billy goats) cabrón | cabro bilocation [/baɪləʊˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} bilocación bimbo [/ˈbɪmboʊ/ | /ˈbɪmbəʊ/] {noun} (bimbos, bimboes) mujer florero bimetallism {noun} bimetalismo bimonthly {adjective, adverb, noun} (bimonthlies) bimestral bin [/bɪn/] {noun, verb} (bins, binned, binning) basura | bote | caneca binary [/ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹi/ | /ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹɪ/] {adjective, noun} (most binary, more binary, binaries) binario binary code {noun} código binario binary operator {noun} (binary operators) operador binario binary relation {noun} (binary relations) relación binaria binary star {noun} (binary stars) estrella binaria binary tree {noun} (binary trees) árbol binario bind [/baɪnd/] {noun, verb} (binds, bounden, bound, binding) encuadernar | acoplar | atar | empastar | engargolar | liar binder [/ˈbaɪndə/ | /ˈbaɪndɚ/] {noun} (binders) agavilladora | aglutinante | carpeta | encuadernador binder clip {noun} (binder clips) pinza sujetapapeles | sujetapapeles binding [/ˈbaɪndɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most binding, more binding, bindings) vinculante | lomo | unión binding spell {noun} (binding spells) hechizo vinculante bindle [/ˈbɪndl/] {noun} (bindles) hatilllo bindweed [/ˈbaɪndwiːd/] {noun} cacho binge [/bɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (binges, binging, binged, bingeing) atracón | botellón | comilona | francachela binge eating disorder {noun} trastorno por atracón binge watching {noun, verb} atracón | maratón binge-watch {verb} (binge-watches, binge-watching, binge-watched) maratonear bingo [/ˈbɪŋ.ɡoʊ/ | /ˈbɪŋ.ɡəʊ/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (bingos, bingoing, bingoed) bingo Bini {properNoun} edo binnacle [/ˈbɪnəkəl/] {noun} (binnacles) bitácora binoculars [/ˈbɪnˌɒk.jʊ.lə(ɹ)z/] {noun} (binocular) prismáticos | binoculares | gemelos binomial [/baɪˈnoʊ.mi.əl/ | /baɪˈnəʊ.mi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (binomials) binomio | binomial binomial coefficient {noun} (binomial coefficients) coeficiente binomial binomial nomenclature {noun} nomenclatura binominal binucleate {adjective, noun} (binucleates) binuclear bio- {prefix} bio- bioaccumulation {noun} bioacumulación bioaccumulative {adjective} (more bioaccumulative, most bioaccumulative) bioacumulativo bioactive {adjective, noun} (more bioactive, most bioactive, bioactives) bioactif bioavailability {noun} (bioavailabilities) biodisponibilidad bioboy {noun} (bioboys) chico biológico bioch {noun} (bioches) mujerzuela | putilla biochemical {adjective, noun} (biochemicals) bioquímico biochemist {noun} (biochemists) bioquímico | bioquímica biochemistry {noun} (biochemistries) bioquímica biochronology {noun} (biochronologies) biocronología biocide [/ˈbaɪoʊsaɪd/ | /ˈbaɪəʊsaɪd/] {noun} biocida bioclimatic {adjective} bioclimático biocoenosis {noun} (biocoenoses) biocenosis biodegradability {noun} (biodegradabilities) biodegradabilidad biodegradable [/baɪoʊdəˈɡɹeɪdəbl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more biodegradable, most biodegradable, biodegradables) biodegradable biodegradation {noun} biodegradación biodiesel {noun} biodiésel biodiversity [/ˌbaɪ.əʊˌdaɪˈvɜː(ɹ).sɪ.ti/ | /ˌbaɪoʊdɑɪˈvɚsəti/] {noun} (biodiversities) biodiversidad bioenergy {noun} (bioenergies) bioenergía bioethics {noun} bioética biofilm {noun} biopelícula biofuel [/ˈbaɪ.əʊˌfjʊ(.ə)l/] {noun} (biofuels) biocombustible biogas {noun} (biogasses, biogases) biogás biogenesis [/bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ | /ˌbaioʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/] {noun} (biogeneses) biogénesis biogeography {noun} (biogeographies) biogeografía biogirl {noun} (biogirls) chica biológica biographer {noun} (biographers) biógrafo | biógrafa biographette {noun} (biographettes) biografieta biographical {adjective} (more biographical, most biographical) biográfico biography [/baɪˈɑːɡɹəfi/ | /baɪˈɒɡɹəfi/] {noun, verb} (biographies, biographying, biographied) biografía biohazard {noun} (biohazards) riesgo biológico bioindicator {noun} (bioindicators) bioindicador bioinformatics [/ˌbaɪoʊˌɪnfɚˈmætɪks/ | /ˌbaɪəʊˌɪnfəˈmætɪks/] {noun} bioinformática biologic [/bʌɪəˈlɒdʒɪk/] {adjective, noun} (biologics) biológico biological [/ˌbaɪə(ʊ)ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ | /ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (biologicals) biológico | consanguíneo biological immortality {noun} inmortalidad biológica biological parent {noun} (biological parents) padre biológico biological warfare {noun} guerra biológica biological weapon {noun} (biological weapons) arma biológica | bioarma | arma bacteriológica biologically {adverb} biológicamente biologist {noun} (biologists) biólogo | bióloga biology [/baɪˈɑlədʒi/ | /baɪˈɒlədʒɪ/] {noun} (biologies) biología bioluminescence [/ˌbaɪ̯oʊ̯ˌluməˈnɛsəns/] {noun} bioluminiscencia bioluminescent {adjective} (more bioluminescent, most bioluminescent) bioluminescente biomagnetism {noun} biomagnetismo biomarker [/ˈbaɪoʊˌmɑɹkɚ/ | /ˈbaɪəʊˌmɑːkə/] {noun} (biomarkers) biomarcador biomass [/ˈbaɪ.ə(ʊ)ˌmæs/] {noun} (biomasses) biomasa biomaterial {noun} (biomaterials) biomaterial biome [/ˈbaɪoʊm/] {noun} (biomes) bioma biomedicine {noun} biomedicina biometric {adjective} biométrico biometrical {adjective} biométrico biometrics {noun} biometría biomolecule {noun} (biomolecules) biomolécula bionic [/ˈbɪˌɒn.ɪk/] {adjective} (more bionic, most bionic) biónico bionics [/ˈbaɪˌɒnɪks/] {noun} biónica biophilia [/ˈbaɪəʊˌfɪil.i.ə/] {noun} biofilia biophysics {noun} biofísica bioplastic {noun} (bioplastics) bioplástico biopower {noun} biopoder biopsy [/ˈbaɪɑpsi/] {noun, verb} (biopsies, biopsied, biopsying) biopsia bioremediation {noun} biorremediación bioscience {noun} (biosciences) biociencia biosimilar {noun} (biosimilars) biosimilar biospeleology {noun} bioespeleología biosphere {noun} (biospheres) biosfera biostatistics {noun} bioestadística biosynthesis {noun} (biosyntheses) biosíntesis biota {noun} (biotas) biota biotechnological [/ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nə.lɒdʒ.ɪk.əl/] {adjective} biotecnológico biotechnology [/ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nɒl.əʊ.dʒi/] {noun} (biotechnologies) biotecnología biotherapy {noun} (biotherapies) bioterapia biotic [/baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ | /baɪˈɒt.ɪk/] {adjective} biótico biotin [/ˈbaɪətɪn/] {noun} biotina biotite [/ˈbaɪəˌtaɪt/] {noun} biotita biotope {noun} (biotopes) biotopo biotypologic biotipológico biotypological biotipológico bipartidism {noun} bipartidismo bipartisan [/baɪˈpɑɹt.ə.sən/ | /ˈbaɪˌpɑː(ɹ)t.ɪ.zæn/] {adjective} bipartidista bipartisanship [/ˈbaɪˌpɑː(ɹ)t.ɪ.zæn.ʃɪp/] {noun} bipartidismo bipartite {adjective} bipartito biped [/ˈbaɪpɛd/] {noun} (bipeds) bípedo bipedal {adjective} bipedal bipedalism {noun} bipedismo biphenyl {noun} bifenilo biplane {adjective, noun} (biplanes) biplano bipolar {adjective, noun} (most bipolar, more bipolar, bipolars) bipolar bipolar disorder {noun} trastorno bipolar bipolarity {noun} (bipolarities) bipolaridad birch [/bɜːtʃ/ | /bɝtʃ/] {noun, verb} (birches, birched, birching) abedul birchbark {noun} corteza bird [/bɜd/ | /bɜːd/ | /bɝd/ | [bɜɪd]] {noun, verb} (birds, birding, birded) pájaro | ave | chica | muchacha | novia bird of ill omen {noun} (birds of ill omen) agorero | pájaro de mal agüero bird of paradise {noun} (birds of paradise) ave del paraíso bird of prey {noun} (birds of prey) ave de rapiña | ave de rapaz | ave rapiega bird's nest {noun} (bird's nests, birds' nests) nido bird's-eye view {noun} (bird's-eye views) vista aérea | vista elevada birdbrain [/ˈbɚd.bɹeɪn/ | /ˈbɜː(ɹ)d.bɹeɪn/] {noun} (birdbrains) casquivano birdcage {noun} (birdcages) jaula birdcall {noun, verb} (birdcalls, birdcalled, birdcalling) reclamo birdcatcher {noun} (birdcatchers) pajarero birdie [/ˈbɜːdi/ | /ˈbɝdi/] {noun, verb} (birdies, birdied, birdying, birdieing) pajarito birdlime [/ˈbɜːdlaɪm/] {noun, verb} (birdlimes, birdliming, birdlimed) liga | ajonje birdling [/ˈbɜɹd.lɪŋ/] {noun} (birdlings) pajarito birds of a feather {noun} Dios los cría y ellos se juntan birds of a feather flock together {proverb} cada oveja con su pareja | Dios los cría y ellos se juntan | dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres birdshit {noun} mierda de pájaro birdsong {noun} reclamo birdwatching [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)dˌwɒtʃ.ɪŋ/] {noun} observación de aves birdweed centinodia biretta {noun} (birettas) birreta Birobidzhan {properNoun} Birobidzhán birth [/bɜːθ/ | /bɝθ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (births, birthing, birthed) nacimiento | parto birth certificate {noun} (birth certificates) certificado de nacimiento birth control {noun} control de la natalidad birth defect {noun} (birth defects) defecto congénito birth weight {noun} peso al nacer birthday [/ˈbɜːθ.deɪ/ | /ˈbɜːθ.dɪ/ | /ˈbɝθˌdeɪ/] {noun, verb} (birthdays, birthdaying, birthdayed) cumpleaños | natalicio | fecha de nacimiento birthday boy {noun} (birthday boys) cumpleañero | festejado birthday cake {noun} (birthday cakes) torta de cumpleaños birthday girl {noun} (birthday girls) cumpleañera birthday paradox {noun} paradoja del cumpleaños birthday party {noun} (birthday parties) fiesta de cumpleaños birthday problem {noun} paradoja del cumpleaños birthday suit {noun} (birthday suits) como su madre le trajo al mundo birthmark {noun} (birthmarks) lunar | mancha de nacimiento birthplace [/ˈbɝθˌpleɪs/] {noun} (birthplaces) lugar de nacimiento | lugar natal birthrate {noun} (birthrates) natalidad birthwort {noun} aristoloquia biryani {noun} biryani Biscay {properNoun} Vizcaya biscuit [/ˈbɪskɪt/] {noun} galleta | biscocho | bizcocho bisect [/baɪˈsɛkt/] {noun, verb} (bisects, bisected, bisecting) bisecar bisector [/ˈbaɪˌsɛktɚ/] {noun} (bisectors) bisectriz bisexual [/baɪˈsɛk.ʃu.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most bisexual, more bisexual, bisexuals) bisexual bisexuality {noun} (bisexualities) bisexualidad Bishkek [/bɪʃˈkɛk/] {properNoun} Biskek Bishnupriya Manipuri {properNoun} bishnupriya manipurí bishop [/ˈbɪʃəp/] {noun, verb} (bishops, bishoped, bishopping, bishopped, bishoping) alfil | obispo | arfil bishopric [/ˈbɪʃ.ə.pɹɪk/] {noun} (bishoprics) obispado Bislama [/ˈbɪʃləmɑː/] {properNoun} bislama bismuth [/ˈbɪz.məθ/] {noun} bismuto bison [/ˈbaɪ̯sən/] {noun} (bisons, bison) bisonte bisque [/bɪsk/] {adjective, noun} (bisques) biscuit Bissau {properNoun} Bissau | Bisáu bissextile [/bɪˈsɛks.taɪəl/ | /bɪˈsɛkstɪl/] {adjective, noun} (bissextiles) bisiesto bissextile year {noun} (bissextile years) año bisiesto bistable {adjective, noun} (bistables) biestable bistro [/ˈbiːstɹoʊ/ | /ˈbiːstɹəʊ/] {noun} (bistros) bistró | casa de comidas bistronomic {adjective} bistronomico bisulfate {noun, verb} (bisulfates, bisulfating, bisulfated) bisulfato bit [/bɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bits, bitting, bitted) bocado | binio | broca | octavo de dólar | porción | un pelín bit by bit {adverb} poco a poco bit of skirt {noun} (bits of skirt) falda bitch [/bɪt͡s/ | /bɪt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (bitches, bitched, bitching) perra | zorra | arpía | loba | marrón | quejarse bitch slap {noun, verb} (bitch slaps, bitch slapping, bitch slapped) bofetada bitchy [/ˈbɪtʃi/] {adjective} (bitchest, bitcher) mala leche | venenoso bitcoin [/ˈbɪtˌkɔɪn/] {noun, properNoun} (bitcoins, bitcoin) bitcóin bite [/baɪt/ | /bʌɪt/] {noun, verb} (bites, biting, bit, bitten) morder | mordedura | mordida | mordisco | picadura | picar bite cell {noun} (bite cells) degmacito bite me {interjection} que te jodan bite off {verb} (bites off, biting off, bitten off, bit off) agarrar bite off more than one can chew {verb} abarcar más de lo que se puede | quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta bite one's tongue {verb} morderse la lengua bite the bullet {verb} (bites the bullet, bitten the bullet, biting the bullet, bit the bullet) cobrar bite the dust {verb} (bites the dust, bitten the dust, biting the dust, bit the dust) morder el polvo | morder la tierra bite the hand that feeds one {verb} morder la mano que te da de comer Bithynia [/bɪˈθɪni.ə/] {properNoun} Bitinia biting [/ˈbaɪtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most biting, more biting, bitings) fuerte bitmap {noun} (bitmaps) mapa de bits bitness {noun} (bitnesses) anchura Bitola {properNoun} Bitola bitstock {noun} (bitstocks) berbiquí bitt {noun, verb} (bitts, bitting, bitted) bita bitter [/ˈbɪtə/ | /ˈbɪtəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bitterer, bitterest, more bitter, most bitter, bitters, bittered, bittering) amargo | amargado | bíter bitter melon [/ˈbɪtəɹ ˈmɛlən/] {noun} (bitter melons) melón amargo bitter orange {noun} naranja agria bittercress {noun} (bittercresses) hierba de Santa Bárbara bitterling {noun} (bitterlings) boleto amargo bitterly [/ˈbɪtəli/ | /ˈbɪtəɹli/] {adverb} (more bitterly, most bitterly) amargamente bittern [/ˈbɪtən/ | /ˈbɪtəɹn/] {noun} (bitterns) avetoro | avetorillo bitterness [/ˈbɪtənəs/] {noun} (bitternesses) amargura | acíbar | amargo bittersweet [/ˈbɪtɚˌswit/] {adjective, noun} (most bittersweet, more bittersweet, bittersweets) agridulce | dulcamara bitumen [/bɪˈtumən/ | /ˈbɪt.jʊ.mɪn/] {noun, verb} (bitumina, bitumens, bitumening, bitumened) betún | bitumen bivalve [/ˈbaɪvælv/] {noun} (bivalves) bivalvo bivector {noun} (bivectors) bivector bivouac [/ˈbɪv.u.æk/] {noun, verb} (bivouacs, bivouacks, bivouacking, bivouacked, bivouacing) vivac | vivaque bivouac sack {noun} (bivouac sacks) saco de vivac biweekly [/baɪˈwiːkli/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (biweeklies) bisemanario | bimensual | bisemanal | quincenal bizarre [/bɪˈzɑɹ/ | /bɪˈzɑː(ɹ)/] {adjective} (most bizarre, more bizarre, bizarrer, bizarrest) raro | extraño | estrafalario BL Lac object {noun} (BL Lac objects) objeto BL Lac blab [/blæb/] {noun, verb} (blabs, blabbing, blabbed) cotillear blabber [/ˈblæb.ə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blabbers, blabbering, blabbered) cotilla | cotillear blabbermouth [/ˈblæb.ə(ɹ)ˌmaʊθ/] {noun} (blabbermouths) bocazas black [/blæk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blackest, blacker, blacks, blacked, blacking) negro | negra | oscuro black alder {noun} aliso | alisos black and white {adjective, noun} (most black and white, more black and white, black and whites) americano black antshrike {noun} (black antshrikes) batará negro black art {noun} (black arts) magia negra black bear {noun} (black bears) oso negro | baribal | oso del Himalaya | oso negro asiático | oso tibetano black beetle {noun} (black beetles) cucaracha Black Billed Whistling-Duck yaguasa black box {noun, verb} (black boxes, black boxed, black boxing) caja negra black buzzard zopilote black cat {noun, verb} (black cats, black-cats, black-catted, black-catting) gato negro black chanterelle {noun} (black chanterelles) trompeta de los muertos black child {noun} (black children) negrillo black coal {noun} carbón de piedra black coffee {noun} (black coffees) café solo | café Express | café negro | negrito | tinto black currant [/ˈblækˌkɜɹənt/ | /ˈblækˌkʌɹənt/] {noun} (black currants) grosella negra | grosellero negro Black Death {properNoun} peste negra black dwarf {noun} (black dwarfs) enana negra black eye {noun} (black eyes) ojo morado | ojo a la funerala Black Forest {properNoun} Selva Negra Black Forest gâteau {noun} (Black Forest gâteaus, Black Forest gâteaux) pastel Selva Negra | tarta Selva Negra | torta Selva Negra black francolin {noun} (black francolins) francolín ventrinegro Black Friday {properNoun} (Black Fridays) Black Friday | liquidaciones | viernes negro black gold {noun} oro negro black grouper abadejo black grouse [/ˈblæk ɡɹɑʊs/] {noun} (black grouses) gallo lira black guillemot {noun} (black guillemots) arao aliblanco black hole [/blæk ˈhoʊl/ | /blæk ˈhəʊl/] {noun, verb} (black holes) agujero negro | hoyo negro black horehound {noun} ballota fétida | ballota negra black humor {noun} humor negro black ice {noun} placa de hielo | verglás black kite {noun} (black kites) milano negro Black Legend {properNoun} Leyenda Negra black letter {noun} (black letters) Fraktur black light {noun} (black lights) luz negra black liquor {noun} licor negro black locust {noun} (black locusts) acacia de flor blanca black magic {noun} magia negra black magick {noun} magia negra black mamba {noun} (black mambas) mamba negra black market {noun} (black markets) mercado negro black marketeer {noun} (black marketeers) estraperlista black metal {noun} black metal black mulberry {noun} (black mulberries) moral negro black nightshade {noun} (black nightshades) hierba mora black out {verb} censurar black pepper {noun} pimienta negra black powder {noun} pólvora black pudding {noun} (black puddings) morcilla black rat {noun} (black rats) rata de campo | rata negra black redstart {noun} (black redstarts) colirrojo tizón black rhinoceros {noun} (black rhinoceroses, black rhinoceros) rinoceronte negro black rice {noun} (black rices) arroz negro black salsify {noun} (black salsifies) escorzonera Black Sea {properNoun} Mar Negro | mar Negro black sheep {noun} (black sheep) oveja negra black skimmer {noun} (black skimmers) rayador americano black stork {noun} (black storks) cigüeña negra black swan {noun} (black swans) cisne negro black tea {noun} té negro black tern {noun} (black terns) fumarel común | gaviotín negro black tie {noun} de etiqueta black urine disease {noun} alcaptonuria black vulture {noun} (black vultures) buitre negro americano | cuervo de cabeza negra | gallinazo | gallinazo negro | guaraguao | jote black widow {noun} (black widows) viuda negra | cazampulga black woodpecker [/ˈblækˈwʊdpɛkə(ɹ)/] {noun} (black woodpeckers) pito negro black-and-white {adjective} (more black-and-white, most black-and-white) blanco y negro | blanquinegro black-arched moth {noun} (black-arched moths) lagarta monacha | mariposa moncha | mariposa monja black-backed jackal {noun} (black-backed jackals) chacal de gualdrapa | chacal de lomo negro black-bellied plover {noun} (black-bellied plovers) chorlito gris black-bellied sandgrouse {noun} (black-bellied sandgrouses) churra black-bibbed tit {noun} (black-bibbeded tits) carbonero barbinegro black-browed albatross {noun} (black-browed albatroses) albatros de ceja negra | albatros ojeroso black-chinned siskin {noun} (black-chinned siskins) cabecita negra austral | jilguero golinegro black-crested antshrike {noun} (black-crested antshrikes) batará crestinegro black-crested titmouse {noun} (black-crested titmouses) carbonero cresta negra | carbonero crestinegro | herrerillo crestinegro | paro crestinegro black-crowned night heron {noun} (black-crowned night herons) garza bruja | gauda | guaco | huairavo | martinete común | cuaco black-eyed pea {noun} (black-eyed peas) caupí black-faced ibis {noun} bandurria austral | bandurria de collar black-footed cat {noun} (black-footed cats) gato patinegro black-footed rock wallaby {noun} (black-footed wallabies) walabí de las rocas de flancos negros | warru black-haired {adjective} pelinegro black-handed gibbon {noun} (black-handed gibbons) gibón de manos negras black-headed gull {noun} (black-headed gulls) gaviota reidora black-hooded antshrike {noun} (black-hooded antshrikes) batará negruzco black-legged kittiwake {noun} (black-legged kittiwakes) gaviota tridáctila black-necked grebe {noun} (black-necked grebes) zampullín cuellinegro black-tailed godwit {noun} (black-tailed godwits) aguja colinegra black-throated antshrike {noun} (black-throated antshrikes) batará gorginegro black-throated diver {noun} (black-throated divers) colimbo ártico black-winged kite {noun} (black-winged kites) elanio común black-winged pratincole {noun} (blackwinged pratincoles) canastera alinegra blackamoor {noun} (blackamoors) moro Blackbeard {properNoun} Barbanegra blackberry [/ˈblækbeɹi/ | /ˈblækbəɹi/] {noun, verb} (blackberries, blackberried, blackberrying) zarzamora | zarza blackbird [/ˈblakbəːd/ | /ˈblækˌbɚd/] {noun, verb} (blackbirds, blackbirded, blackbirding) mirlo | soldadito | turpial blackboard [/ˈblækbɔɹd/ | /ˈblækbɔːd/] {noun, verb} (blackboards, blackboarding, blackboarded) pizarra | pizarrón | tablero | encerado blackbody {noun} (blackbodies) cuerpo negro blackcap {noun} (blackcaps) curruca capirotada blacken [/ˈblækən/] {verb} (blackens, blackening, blackened) ennegrecer | tiznar blackhead {noun} comedón blackish [/ˈblækɪʃ/] {adjective} (most blackish, more blackish) negruzco blackish-gray antshrike {noun} (blackish-gray antshrikes) batará ceniciento blackjack [/ˈblækdʒæk/] {noun, verb} (blackjacks, blackjacking, blackjacked) bandera pirata | veintiuna blackleg {noun, verb} (blacklegs, blacklegging, blacklegged) fullero blacklist [/ˈblæklɪst/] {noun, verb} (blacklists, blacklisted, blacklisting) lista negra blackmail {noun, verb} (blackmails, blackmailed, blackmailing) chantaje | chantajear blackmailer {noun} (blackmailers) chantajista blackness [/ˈblæknəs/] {noun} (blacknesses) negror | negrura blackout [/ˈblækaʊt/] {noun} (blackouts) apagón | corte | desmayo blackshirt {noun} (blackshirts) camisa negra | escuadrista blacksmith [/ˈblæk.smɪθ/] {noun} (blacksmiths) herrero | herrador | herradora | herrera blackthorn [/ˈblækˌθɔɹn/ | /ˈblækˌθɔːn/] {noun} (blackthorns) endrino | arañonera | arañuela | arañón | ciruelo salvaje | ciruelo silvestre blackwater {noun} (blackwaters) agua negra bladder [/ˈblædə/ | /ˈblæɾɚ/] {noun, verb} (bladders, bladdered, bladdering) vejiga | barrica plástica | bota | cubi bladder cherry {noun} (bladder cherries) alquequenje | farol chino | halicácabo | vejiga de perro blade [/bleɪd/] {noun, verb} (blades, blading, bladed) hoja | cuchilla | aleta | aspa | cuchillo | espada blade of grass {noun} (blades of grass) cannabis Blagoevgrad {properNoun} Blagóevgrad Blagoveshchensk {properNoun} Blagovéshchensk blah [/blɑː/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (more blah, most blah, blahs, blahed, blahing) bla | bla-bla-bla | blablablá | bluaa | bluaaa blah blah blah {interjection} bla bla bla | bla-bla-bla | blablablá Blairism {noun} blairismo Blaise {properNoun} Blas blame [/bleɪm/] {noun, verb} (blames, blaming, blamed) culpar | inculpar | culpa | culpabilizar | echar la culpa blameless {adjective} (more blameless, most blameless) inocente blameworthy [/ˈbleɪmˌwɚ.ði/ | /ˈbleɪmˌwɜː(ɹ).ði/] {adjective} (most blameworthy, more blameworthy) culpable | reprehensible | reprensible blanch [/blɑːntʃ/] {verb} (blanches, blanched, blanching) blanquear Blanche {properNoun} Blanca bland [/blænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blander, blandest, blands, blanding, blanded) soso | insulso | insípido | suave | desabrido | débil blandish [/ˈblændɪʃ/] {verb} (blandishes, blandished, blandishing) adular blandness {noun} (blandnesses) insipidez blank [/blæŋk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most blank, blankest, blanker, more blank, blanks, blanking, blanked) espacio | bala de salva | blanquear | borrar | cartucho de fogueo | en blanco blank check {noun} (blank checks) cheque en blanco blanket [/ˈblæŋkɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blankets, blanketed, blanketing) manta | cobija | frazada | colcha | frisa | capa blare [/blɛə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blares, blared, blaring) astilla Blasius {properNoun} Blas blaspheme [/ˈblæs.fim/ | /ˌblæsˈfiːm/] {noun, verb} (blasphemes, blaspheming, blasphemed) blasfemar blasphemer {noun} (blasphemers) blasfemo blasphemous [/ˈblæs.fəm.əs/] {adjective} (most blasphemous, more blasphemous) blasfemo blasphemy [/ˈblæs.fə.mi/] {noun} (blasphemies) blasfemia blast [/blæst/ | /blɑːst/] {interjection, noun, verb} (blasts, blasting, blasted) explosión blast furnace {noun} (blast furnaces) alto horno blasted [/ˈblæst.ɪd/ | /ˈblɑːst.ɪd/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (more blasted, most blasted) maldicho blastoderm [/ˈblæstəˌdɚm/] {noun} (blastoderms) blastodermo blastoff {noun} (blastoffs) partida blastopore {noun} (blastopores) blastoporo blastula {noun} (blastulas, blastulae) blástula blasé [/blɑˈzeɪ/ | /ˈblɑːzeɪ/] {adjective} (most blasé, more blasé) decepcionado blat {noun, verb} (blats, blatting, blatted) blat blatant [/ˈbleɪtənt/] {adjective} (more blatant, most blatant) descarado | evidente | flagrante | notorio | obvio | ostensible blather [/blæðə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blathers, blathering, blathered) despotricar blaxploitation {noun} blaxploitation blazar [/ˈbleɪz.ɑɹ/] {noun} (blazars) blazar blaze [/bleɪz/] {noun, verb} (blazes, blazing, blazed) llamarada | fogonazo | llama blazer [/ˈbleɪzə/ | /ˈbleɪzɚ/] {noun} (blazers) blazer | saco | vestón blazing [/ˈbleɪzɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blazings) flamígero | llameante blazon [/ˈbleɪzən/] {noun, verb} (blazons, blazoned, blazoning) blasonar | blasón bleach {adjective, noun, verb} (more bleach, bleacher, most bleach, bleachest, bleaches, bleached, bleaching) blanquear | lejía | decolorar | blanqueador | curar | lavandina bleachers {noun} gradas bleak [/bliːk/] {adjective, noun} (bleakest, bleaker, bleaks, bleak) albur | alegría | amargado | color | desolado | pálido bleakness {noun} (bleaknesses) palidez | tristeza blear [/ˈblɪə/] {adjective, verb} (more blear, most blear, blears, blearing, bleared) turbio bleary {adjective} (blearest, blearer) legañoso bleat [/ˈbliːt/] {noun, verb} (bleats, bleated, bleating) balar | balido bleating {noun, verb} (bleatings) balador bleed [/ˈbliːd/] {noun, verb} (bleeds, bleeding, bled) sangrar | purgar bleed out {noun, verb} (bleed outs, bleeds out, bled out, bleeding out) desangrarse bleeding [/ˈbliːdɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} hemorragia | sangrado bleep {noun, verb} (bleeps, bleeped, bleeping) pip bleep censor {noun} (bleep censors) censor de la señal bleh {adjective, interjection} (more bleh, most bleh) que asco blemish [/ˈblɛmɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (blemishes, blemished, blemishing) defecto | lacra | maca | mancha | manchar | marca blend [/blɛnd/] {noun, verb} (blends, blending, blent, blended) mezclar | combinar | mezcla blender [/ˈblɛndə/ | /ˈblɛndɚ/] {noun} (blenders) batidora blennorrhea {noun} blenorragia blenny {noun} (blennies) blénidos blepharitis [/blɛfəɹˈaɪtɪs/] {noun} (blepharitides) blefaritis blepharoplasty {noun} (blepharoplasties) blefaroplastia bless [/blɛs/] {interjection, verb} (blesses, blessing, blest, blessed) bendecir bless you {interjection} Jesús | salud | santinos blessed [/blɛst/ | /ˈblɛsɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most blessed, more blessed) bendito blessing [/ˈblɛs.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (blessings) bendición blessing in disguise {noun} (blessings in disguise) no hay mal que por bien no venga blight [/blaɪt/] {noun, verb} (blights, blighted, blighting) mal | mildiu | plaga | tizón blighter {noun} (blighters) ablandabrevas blimey [/ˈblaɪmi/] {interjection} caramba blimp [/blɪmp/] {noun, verb} (blimps, blimping, blimped) dirigible blind [/blaɪnd/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (blinder, blindest, most blind, more blind, blinds, blinding, blinded) ciego | persiana | celosía | cegar | ciega blind as a bat {adjective} no ver tres en un burro | ver menos que un gato de escayola blind date {noun} (blind dates) cita a ciegas blind drunk {adjective} estar como una cuba blind man's buff {noun} gallina ciega blind massage {noun} (blind massages) masaje a ciegas blind spot {noun} (blind spots) punto ciego | mancha ciega | papila optica blinder [/ˈblaɪndə/ | /ˈblaɪndɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blinders, blindering, blindered) anteojera blinders [/ˈblaɪndəz/ | /ˈblaɪndɚz/] {noun} anteojo blindfold {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (blindfolds, blindfolding, blindfolded) venda | vendar blindfolded {adjective, verb} vendado blinding [/ˈblaɪndɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (more blinding, most blinding, blindings) cegador blindly [/ˈblaɪndli/] {adverb} (more blindly, most blindly) ciegamente | a ciegas | a tientas | a tiento blindman {noun} (blindmen) ciego blindness {noun} (blindnesses) ceguera | ceguedad blindside [/ˈblaɪndˌsaɪd/] {noun, verb} (blindsides, blindsiding, blindsided) coger por sorpresa | desconcertar | sorprender | tomar por sorpresa blink [/blɪŋk/] {noun, verb} (blinks, blinking, blinked) parpadear | destellar | titilar | guiñar | parpadeo blink of an eye {noun} (blinks of an eye) instante blinker [/ˈblɪŋkə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blinkers, blinkered, blinkering) anteojeras | gríngolas blinkers {noun, verb} anteojera blip [/blɪp/] {noun, verb} (blips, blipping, blipped) parpadeo | pitido bliss [/blɪs/] {noun} (blisses) beatitud | dicha | euforia blissful {adjective} (more blissful, most blissful) dichoso | feliz | maravilloso blister [/ˈblɪstɚ/] {noun, verb} (blisters, blistered, blistering) ampolla | ampollar | ámpula blister pack {noun} (blister packs) blister blistering {adjective, noun, verb} (more blistering, most blistering, blisterings) abrasador | candente blithe [/blaɪð/] {adjective} (blithest, blither) alegre | descuidado | feliz | indiferente blithely [/ˈblaɪðli/] {adverb} (most blithely, more blithely) descuidado blitz [/blɪts/] {noun, verb} (blitzes, blitzed, blitzing) carga | relámpago blitz chess {noun} ajedrez rápido Blitzen {properNoun} Rayo | Relámpago blitzkrieg {noun} (blitzkriegs) guerra relámpago | guerra célere blizzard [/ˈblɪ.zəd/ | /ˈblɪ.zɚd/] {noun, verb} (blizzards, blizzarding, blizzarded) tempestad de nieve | ventisca bloat [/bloʊt/ | /bləʊt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bloat, more bloat, bloats, bloating, bloated) hinchar | inflar bloated [/ˈbloʊtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most bloated, more bloated) gigantesco | inflado blob [/blɑb/ | /blɒb/] {noun, verb} (blobs, blobbing, blobbed) bloboque | bodoque | grumo | mazacote bloc [/blɑk/ | /blɒk/] {noun} (blocs) bloque block [/blɑk/ | /blɒk/] {noun, verb} (blocks, blocking, blocked) bloquear | bloque | atascar | atorar | block | cuadra block and tackle {noun} (block and tackles, blocks and tackles) aparejo | mufla | polipasto | polispasto blockade [/blɑˈkeɪd/ | /blɒˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (blockades, blockaded, blockading) bloqueo blockage {noun} estancamiento | tapón blockbuster [/ˈblɒkˌbʌstə(ɹ)/] {noun} (blockbusters) taquillazo | bombazo blockchain {noun} (blockchains) cadena de bloques blocked {adjective, verb} (most blocked, more blocked) bloqueado | cerrado | cortado | estancado | obstruido | tapado blocker {noun} (blockers) bloqueador | bloqueadora blockhead {noun, verb} (blockheads, blockheaded, blockheading) idiota blockhouse {noun} (blockhouses) blocao Bloemfontein [/ˈbluːmfɒnˌteɪn/] {properNoun} Bloemfontein blog [/blɑɡ/ | /blɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (blogs, blogging, blogged) bitácora | bloguear | blog | ciberbitácora blogger [/ˈblɒ.ɡə(ɹ)/ | /ˈblɔ.ɡɚ/] {noun} (bloggers) bloguera | bloguero | blogger blogosphere {noun} (blogospheres) blogosfera blogpost {noun} (blogposts) +posteo bloke [/bləʊk/] {noun} (blokes) tío | tipo blond [/blɑnd/ | /blɒnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blondest, most blond, more blond, blonder, blonds, blonding, blonded) rubio | canche | catire | chele | choco | fulo blood [/blʊd/ | /blʌd/] {noun, verb} (bloods, blooding, blooded) sangre | crúor | ensangrentar | lazo de sangre blood bank {noun} (blood banks) banco de sangre blood cell {noun} (blood cells) glóbulo blood clot {noun} (blood clots) coágulo | coágulo de sangre blood diamond {noun} (blood diamonds) diamante de sangre blood donor {noun} (blood donors) donante de sangre blood flow {noun} flujo sanguíneo blood is thicker than water {proverb} la sangre tira mucho blood libel {noun} calumnia de sangre | libelo de sangre blood orange {noun} (blood oranges) naranja sanguina blood plasma {noun} (blood plasmas) plasma sanguíneo blood poisoning {noun} envenenamiento de la sangre blood pressure {noun} presión sanguínea | tensión arterial | presión arterial | tensión venosa blood red {adjective, noun} (most blood red, more blood red, blood reds) sanguíneo blood relation {noun} (blood relations) consanguinidad blood relationship {noun} (blood relationships) consanguinidad blood sausage {noun} (blood sausages) morcilla | prieta blood sugar {noun} (blood sugars) azúcar en la sangre blood tax {noun} (blood taxes) impuesto de sangre blood test {noun} (blood tests) análisis de sangre blood transfusion {noun} (blood transfusions) transfusión de sangre | transfusión blood type {noun} (blood types) grupo sanguíneo | tipo de sangre blood vessel {noun} (blood vessels) vaso sanguíneo blood volume {noun} volemia blood, sweat and tears {noun} sangre, sudor y lágrimas bloodbath [/ˈblʌdˌbæθ/] {noun} (bloodbaths) baño de sangre | escabechina bloodcurdling {adjective} (most bloodcurdling, more bloodcurdling) estremecedor bloodhound [/ˈblʌdhaʊnd/] {noun} (bloodhounds) sabueso bloodily {adverb} (most bloodily, more bloodily) sangrientamente bloodless {adjective} (more bloodless, most bloodless) incruento | exangüe | exánime | sin efusión de sangre bloodletting {noun, verb} (bloodlettings) sangría | carnicería bloodlust [/ˈblʌdˌlʌst/] {noun} sed de sangre bloodnut {noun} (bloodnuts) pelirrojo bloodroot {noun} (bloodroots) sanguinaria bloodshed [/ˈblʌdˌʃɛd/] {noun} (bloodsheds) derramamiento de sangre | carnicería | derramamiento | derrame de sangre | hechos de sangre | matanza bloodshot {adjective} (more bloodshot, most bloodshot) inyectado de sangre | inyectados en sangre | sanguinolento bloodstained {adjective} (more bloodstained, most bloodstained) sangriento bloodstone {noun} (bloodstones) heliotropo bloodstream [/ˈblʌd.stɹɪim/] {noun} (bloodstreams) torrente sanguíneo bloodsucker {noun} (bloodsuckers) sanguijuela | chupasangre | chupóptero bloodthirsty [/ˈblʌdˌθɚsti/ | /ˈblʌdθəːsti/] {adjective} (bloodthirster, bloodthirstest, most bloodthirsty, more bloodthirsty) sanguinario bloody [/ˈblʌ.di/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bloodies, bloodest, blooder, more bloody, most bloody, bloodied, bloodying) sangriento | ensangrentado | cruento | encarnizado | ensangrentar | jodido bloody hell {adverb, interjection} joder | me cago en la leche | mierda bloody mary {noun} (bloody maries, bloody marys) bloody mary bloom [/bluːm/] {noun, verb} (blooms, blooming, bloomed) pruina | florecer bloomers {noun} bombacha blooming [/ˈbluː.mɪŋ/ | /ˈblʊ.mɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most blooming, more blooming) floreciente | plancheado blooper [/ˈblupɚ/ | /ˈbluːpə/] {noun} (bloopers) abalorio blossom [/ˈblɑ.səm/ | /ˈblɒ.səm/] {noun, verb} (blossoms, blossomed, blossoming) flor | florecer | floración blot [/blɑt/ | /blɒt/] {noun, verb} (blots, blotting, blotted) emborronar | manchar blot out {verb} borrar blotch [/blɑtʃ/ | /blɒtʃ/] {noun, verb} (blotches, blotching, blotched) mancha blotter {noun} (blotters) borrador blotting {noun, verb} (blottings) emborronador blotting paper {noun} papel secante | secante blouse [/blaʊs/] {noun, verb} (blouses, bloused, blousing) blusa blow [/bloʊ/ | /bləʊ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blow, most blow, blower, blowest, blows, blown, blowing, blew) soplar | golpe | apestar | arruinar | cagar | chupar blow away {verb} (blows away, blown away, blowing away, blew away) apagar blow hot and cold {verb} una de cal y otra de arena blow me down {interjection} mierda blow of a sabre sablazo blow off {verb} (blows off, blown off, blowing off, blew off) desatender blow off steam {verb} (blows off steam, blown off steam, blowing off steam, blew off steam) desahogarse blow one's nose {verb} sonarse | mocarse blow out {verb} (blows out, blown out, blowing out, blew out) apagar blow out of proportion {verb} cargar las tintas blow over {verb} (blows over, blown over, blowing over, blew over) agotar blow someone out of the water {verb} latir blow someone's mind {verb} apagar blow the whistle {verb} (blows the whistle, blown the whistle, blowing the whistle, blew the whistle) chivarse | pitar blow to kingdom come {verb} arruinar blow up {verb} (blows up, blowing up, blown up, blew up) explotar | inflar blow up in one's face {verb} explotar en la cara de blower {noun} (blowers) ventilador | fuelle blowfish {noun} (blowfish, blowfishes) pez globo blowfly {noun} (blowflies) moscarda | moscardón blowgun {noun} (blowguns) cerbatana blowhard [/ˈbloʊhɑɹd/ | /ˈbləʊhɑːd/] {noun} (blowhards) bocazas blowjob [/ˈbloʊdʒɑb/ | /ˈbləʊdʒɒb/] {noun} (blowjobs) francés | mamada | pete | chupada | petardo blowtorch [/ˈbloʊˌtɔɹtʃ/ | /ˈbləʊˌtɔːtʃ/] {noun, verb} (blowtorches, blowtorched, blowtorching) soplete blowy {adjective, noun} (blowest, blower, blowies) ventoso Blu-Tack {noun, verb} (Blu-Tacks, Blu-Tacking, Blu-Tacked) Blu-Tack blubber [/ˈblʌbɚ/] {noun, verb} (blubbers, blubbered, blubbering) sebo blubbo {noun} (blubbos) grasote | guatón | morsa blucher [/ˈbluːkə/] {noun} (bluchers) blucher bludge {noun, verb} (bludges, bludged, bludging) embestir bludgeon [/blʌdʒ.ən/] {noun, verb} (bludgeons, bludgeoned, bludgeoning) porra | cachiporra | aporrear | clava | garrote | maza blue [/bljuː/ | /blu/ | /bluː/ | /blɪʊ̯/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bluer, bluest, blues, bluing, blueing, blued, most blue, more blue) azul | celeste | azular | deprimido | melancólico | triste blue beret {noun} (blue berets) casco azul blue blood {noun} sangre azul blue cheese {noun} queso azul blue corn {noun} maíz negro blue giant {noun} (blue giants) gigante azul blue hour {noun} (blue hours) hora azul blue jay {noun} (blue jays) arrendajo azul | urraca azul | urraca de América blue jeans {noun} (blue jean) jeans | tejanos | vaqueros | yin | yines blue mussel {noun} (blue mussels) mejillón blue plumbago celestina blue screen of death {noun} (blue screens of death) pantalla azul de la muerte blue shark {noun} (blue sharks) tintorera blue straggler {noun} (blue stragglers) estrella rezagada azul blue supergiant {noun} (blue supergiants) supergigante azul blue tit {noun} (blue tits) herrerillo común blue whale {noun} (blue whales) ballena azul | rorcual azul blue wildebeest {noun} (blue wildebeest) ñu azul blue-and-yellow tanager sietecolores blue-collar {adjective} (more blue-collar, most blue-collar) clase obrera blue-eyed {adjective} de ojo azul blue-eyed boy {noun} (blue-eyed boys) preferido blue-gray {adjective} (most blue-gray, more blue-gray) azul colombino blue-pencil {verb} (blue-pencils, blue-penciling, blue-pencilled, blue-penciled, blue-pencilling) censurar blue-sky thinking {noun} ensueño blue-winged kookaburra {noun} (blue-winged kookaburras) cucaburra aliazul Bluebeard {noun, properNoun} (Bluebeards) Barba Azul bluebell {noun} (bluebells) jacinto de los bosques blueberry [/ˈblu.ˌbɛ.ɹi/ | /ˈbluːb(ə)ɹi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blueberry, most blueberry, blueberries, blueberrying, blueberried) arándano | mora azul | arándano azul bluebird {noun} (bluebirds) azulejo bluefish {noun} (bluefish, bluefishes) anjova | sastre blueprint [/ˈbluːˌpɹɪnt/] {noun, verb} (blueprints, blueprinted, blueprinting) copia de plano | hoja de ruta | modelo blues [/bluːz/] {noun, verb} (blues) murria blueshift [/ˈbluːˌʃɪft/] {noun} (blueshifts) corrimiento al azul bluesman {noun} (bluesmen) blusero blueswoman {noun} (blueswomen) blusera bluethroat {noun} (bluethroats) pechiazul bluetongue {noun} lengua azul Bluetooth [/ˈblutuθ/ | /ˈbluːtuːθ/] {properNoun} Bluetooth bluff [/blʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bluffest, bluffer, bluffs, bluffed, bluffing) alardear | farol | petate | presumir bluish [/ˈbluːɪʃ/] {adjective} (more bluish, most bluish) azulado bluishly {adverb} (most bluishly, more bluishly) azulado blunder [/ˈblʌn.də(ɹ)/ | /ˈblʌn.dɚ/] {noun, verb} (blunders, blundered, blundering) metida de pata | condoro | dar tumbos | desatino | descache | desliz blunderbuss [/ˈblʌndəbʌs/ | /ˈblʌndəɹbʌs/] {noun, verb} (blunderbusses, blunderbussing, blunderbussed) trabuco blunt [/blʌnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blunter, bluntest, blunts, blunted, blunting) obtuso | brusco | blon | embotar | filin | porro bluntly [/ˈblʌntli/] {adverb} (most bluntly, more bluntly) bruscamente blur [/blɜ(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blur, most blur, blurs, blurring, blurred) esfumarse | borrar | desdibujar | difuminar | difuso | manchar blurb [/blɝ(ː)b/] {noun, verb} (blurbs, blurbed, blurbing) resumen blurred [/blɜːd/ | /blɝd/] {adjective, verb} (most blurred, more blurred) borroso | desdibujado | desenfocado blurring {noun, verb} (blurrings) emborronador blurry [/ˈblɜːɹi/] {adjective} (blurrest, blurrer) borroso | confuso | desenfocado | movido blurt [/ˈblɜːt/ | /ˈblɝt/] {noun, verb} (blurts, blurted, blurting) espetar | soltar blush [/blʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (blushes, blushing, blushed) sonrojarse | ruborizarse | abochornar | arrebol | arrebolarse | bochorno bluster [/ˈblʌs.tə/ | /ˈblʌs.tɚ/] {noun, verb} (blusters, blustering, blustered) bullicio blusterer {noun} (blusterers) perdonavidas blustery {adjective} (most blustery, more blustery) tormentoso | ventoso blutwurst {noun} (blutwursts) morcilla Blyth's reed warbler {noun} (Blyth's reed warblers) carricero de Blyth BMI {noun} (BMIs) IMC boa [/ˈboʊ.ə/ | /ˈbəʊ.ə/] {noun} (boae, boas) boa boa constrictor {noun} (boa constrictors) boa constrictora Boaco {properNoun} Boaco boar [/bo(ː)ɹ/ | /boə/ | /bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/] {noun} (boars, boar) verraco board [/bo(ː)ɹd/ | /boəd/ | /bɔːd/ | /bɔːɹd/] {noun, verb} (boards, boarded, boarding) tablero | tabla | abordar | bordo | buró | comité board and lodging {noun} comida y alojamiento board game {noun} (board games) juego de mesa | juego de tablero board member {noun} (board members) fiscal board of directors {noun} (boards of directors) consejo de administración boarder [/ˈbo(ː)ɹdɚ/ | /ˈboədə/ | /ˈbɔədə/ | /ˈbɔɹdɚ/ | /ˈbɔːdə/] {noun} (boarders) huésped boarding {noun, verb} embarque boarding house {noun} (boarding houses) pensión | internado | pupilaje boarding pass [/ˈbɔɹdɪŋ ˌpæs/] {noun} (boarding passes) tarjeta de embarque boarding school {noun} (boarding schools) internado boarhound {noun} (boarhounds) galgo boast [/boʊst/ | /bəʊst/] {noun, verb} (boasts, boasted, boasting) fanfarronear | ostentar | presumir | alarde | alardear | fanfarronada boastful {adjective} (most boastful, more boastful) jactancioso | fachendoso boastfulness {noun} (boastfulnesses) fanfarronería | jactancia boat [/boʊt/ | /bəʊt/] {noun, verb} (boats, boated, boating) barco | bote | barca | barquear boat lift {noun} (boat lifts) ascensor de barcos boat neckline {noun} (boat necklines) escote barco boat shoe {noun} (boat shoes) zapato náutico boat trip {noun} (boat trips) viaje en barco boater [/ˈboʊ.tɚ/ | /ˈbɐʉt.ɘ/ | /ˈbəʊt.ə/] {noun} (boaters) canotier boathook {noun} (boathooks) bichero boatload [/ˈboʊtˌloʊd/ | /ˈbəʊtˌləʊd/] {noun} (boatloads) variedad boatman {noun} (boatmen) balsero | barquero boatswain [/ˈboʊ.sn̩/ | /ˈbəʊ.sn̩/ | /ˈbəʊtˌsweɪn/] {noun} (boatswains) contramaestre Boaz {properNoun} Booz Bob [/bɑb/ | /bɒb/] {noun, properNoun} (Bobs) Beto bob [/bɑb/ | /bɒb/] {noun, verb} (bobs, bob, bobbing, bobbed) zarandear bob haircut {noun} (bob haircuts) bob bobbin {noun} (bobbins) bobina | carrete | carreta bobbin lace {noun} encaje de bolillos bobble [/ˈbɒbəl/] {noun, verb} (bobbles, bobbled, bobbling) borla bobby [/ˈbɑbi/ | /ˈbɒbi/] {noun} (bobbies) agente bobcat [/ˈbɑbkæt/ | /ˈbɒbkæt/] {noun} (bobcats) lince rojo bobolink {noun} (bobolinks) chambergo | charlatán | tordo arrocero bobsleigh {noun, verb} (bobsleighs, bobsleighing, bobsleighed) bobsleigh bobstay {noun} (bobstays) barbiquejo | barboquejo bobtail [/ˈbɑbteɪl/] {noun, verb} (bobtails, bobtailing, bobtailed) colín bobtailed {adjective, verb} rabón boccaro búcaro bocce [/ˈbɑtʃi/] {noun} bochas Bochum {properNoun} Bochum bodacious [/boʊˈdeɪʃəs/] {adjective, adverb} (more bodacious, most bodacious) atractivo bode [/boʊd/ | /bəʊd/] {noun, verb} (bodes, boding, boded) agorar | anunciarse | presagiar | prever | pronosticar bodega [/boʊˈdeɪɡə/] {noun} (bodegas) bodega bodhi [/ˈbəʊdi/] {noun} bodhi bodhi tree {noun} (bodhi trees) árbol de bodhi bodhisattva [/boʊ̯diːˈsɑtvə/ | /boʊ̯diːˈsʌtvə/] {noun} (bodhisattvas) bodhisattva bodice [/ˈbɑdɪs/ | /ˈbɒdɪs/] {noun} (bodices) corpiño | jubón bodily [/ˈbɑdɪli/ | /ˈbɒdɪli/] {adjective, adverb} (more bodily, most bodily) corporal | corporalmente | corpóreo bodily fluid {noun} (bodily fluids) humor bodkin {adverb, noun} (bodkins) alesna body [/ˈbɑdi/ | /ˈbɒdi/] {noun, verb} (bodies, bodying, bodied) cuerpo | carrocería | cadáver | torso body art {noun} arte corporal body double {noun} (body doubles) doble body hair {noun} vello | vello androgénico | vello corporal body image {noun} imagen corporal body language {noun} (body languages) expresiones físicas | kinésica | movimientos | quinésica body mass index {noun} (body mass indices, body mass indexes) IMC body odour {noun} bromhidrosis | sobaquina body of water {noun} (bodies of water) agua | cuerpo de agua | extensión de agua body part {noun} (body parts) parte del cuerpo | parte corporal | parte de auto body shop {noun} (body shops) carrocería | chapista | latonería bodyboarding {noun, verb} bodyboard bodybuilder [/ˈbɑː.diˌbɪl.dɚ/ | /ˈbɒ.diˌbɪl.də/] {noun} (bodybuilders) culturista | fisicoculturista bodybuilding [/ˈbɑːdiˌbɪldɪŋ/ | /ˈbɒdiˌbɪldɪŋ/] {noun} culturismo | musculación | fisicoculturismo | carrocería bodyguard [/ˈbɑːdiɡɑːɹd/ | /ˈbɒdiɡɑːd/] {noun, verb} (bodyguards, bodyguarding, bodyguarded) guardaespaldas | escolta | espaldero bodyswap {noun} (bodyswaps) cambio de cuerpos bodywash {noun} champú de cuerpo bodywork {noun} (bodyworks) cuerpo | exterior | terapia física Boeotia [/biːˈəʊʃə/] {properNoun} Beocia Boeotian [/biːˈəʊʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Boeotian, more Boeotian, Boeotians) beocio | simplón | tarado Boer [/ˈbʊəɹ/] {noun} (Boers) bóer boffin [/ˈbɑfɪn/ | /ˈbɒfɪn/] {noun} (boffins) técnico bog [/bɑɡ/ | /bɒɡ/ | /bɔɡ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bogs, bogged, bogging, bogger, boggest) ciénaga | pegado bog arum cala bog down {verb} (bogs down, bogging down, bogged down) empantanar | empantanarse bog iron ore {noun} hierro de los pantanos | hierro de los prados bog roll {noun} limpiaculos bogan [/ˈboʊɡən/] {noun, verb} (bogans, boganning, boganned) campesino bogart {noun, verb} (bogarts, bogarting, bogarted) acaparar | arrebatar bogatyr {noun} (bogatyrs, bogatyri) bogatyr bogey [/boʊɡi/ | /bəʊɡi/] {noun, verb} (bogeys, bogeyed, bogeying) blanco bogeyman [/ˈboʊɡimæn/ | /ˈbuɡiˌmæn/ | /ˈbəʊɡɪmæn/] {noun} (bogeymen) coco | cucuy | cuco boggle [/ˈbɑ.ɡəl/ | /ˈbɒɡ.əl/] {noun, verb} (boggles, boggling, boggled) acojonar bogie [/ˈboʊɡi/ | /ˈbəʊɡi/] {noun} (bogies) bogi Bogota [/ˌboʊɡəˈtɑː/] {properNoun} Bogotá Bogotan {adjective, noun} (most Bogotan, more Bogotan, Bogotans) bogotana | bogotano bogue {noun, verb} (bogues, boguing, bogued) boga bogus [/ˈboʊ.ɡəs/ | /ˈbəʊ.ɡəs/] {adjective, noun} (more bogus, most bogus) adulterado | averiado | falsificado | falso | jodido | pajolero Bohemia [/boʊˈhimiə/] {noun, properNoun} (Bohemias) Bohemia Bohemian {adjective, noun} bohemia | bohemio bohemian [/boʊˈhimi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more bohemian, most bohemian, bohemians) bohemia | bohemio Bohemian waxwing {noun} (Bohemian waxwings) ampelis europeo bohrium [/ˈbɔːɹiəm/] {noun} bohrio boil [/bɔɪl/] {noun, verb} (boils, boiling, boiled) hervir | bullir | forúnculo | furúnculo boil down {verb} reducir | resumirse boil up {noun, verb} (boil ups, boils up, boiled up, boiling up) bullir boiled egg {noun} (boiled eggs) huevo cocido | huevo duro | huevo hervido | huevo pasado boiler [/ˈbɔɪlə/ | /ˈbɔɪlɚ/] {noun} (boilers) caldera | bóiler | calefón | calentador | terma | termotanque boiler room {noun} (boiler rooms) sala de calderas boilermaker [/ˈbɔɪləɹmeɪkəɹ/] {noun} (boilermakers) calderero boiling [/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most boiling, more boiling, boilings) hirviendo boiling point [/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˌpɔɪnt/] {noun} punto de ebullición boiserie {noun} (boiseries) boiserie boisterous [/ˈbɔɪstəɹəs/] {adjective} (most boisterous, more boisterous) ruidoso | escandaloso | salvaje bok choy {noun} berro chino | col china | repollo chino bokeh [/ˈboʊ.kə/] {noun} bokeh Bokmål {noun} bokmål bold [/boʊld/ | /bəʊld/] {adjective, noun, verb} (boldest, bolder, bolds, bolding, bolded) atrevido | audaz | intrépido | negrita | denodado boldly [/ˈboʊldli/ | /ˈbəʊldli/] {adverb} (boldler, more boldly, most boldly, boldlest) audazmente | valientemente boldness [/ˈboʊldnəs/ | /ˈbəʊldnəs/] {noun} (boldnesses) osadía boldo {noun} boldo bole [/boʊl/ | /bəʊl/] {noun} (boles) tronco bolete [/boʊˈlit/] {noun} (boletes) boleto boletus {noun} (boletuses, boleti) boleto comestible bolide [/ˈboʊ.laɪd/] {noun} (bolides) bólido Bolivarian {adjective, noun} (more Bolivarian, most Bolivarian, Bolivarians) bolivariano Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {properNoun} República Bolivariana de Venezuela Bolivarianism {noun} bolivarianismo Bolivia [/boʊ.ˈlɪv.i.ə/ | /bə.ˈlɪv.i.ə/] {properNoun} Bolivia Bolivian [/bəˈlɪv.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Bolivians) boliviano | boliviana Bolivian slaty antshrike {noun} (Bolivian slaty antshrikes) batará pizarroso Boliviano boll [/boʊl/ | /bɒl/] {noun, verb} (bolls, bolled, bolling) cápsula | vaina boll weevil {noun} (boll weevils) picudo del algodón bollard [/ˈbɒlɑːd/ | /ˈbɒləɹd/] {noun} (bollards) noray | bolardo | pilona bollock [/ˈbɒ.lək/] {noun, verb} (bollocks, bollocking, bollocked) cojón bollocks [/ˈbɒ.ləks/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bollock, bollockses, bollocksing, bollocksed) chingados | cojones | hostia | me cago en la puta | mierda Bollywood {properNoun} Bollywood bolo tie {noun} (bolo ties) corbata de bolo | corbata de cordón Bologna [/bəˈloʊnjə/ | /bəˈlɒnjə/] {properNoun} Bolonia Bolognese [/ˌbɒləˈneɪz/] {adjective} boloñés bolognese [/ˌbɒləˈneɪz/] {noun} boloñesa | salsa boloñesa bolon {noun} (bolons) bolon Bolshevik [/ˈboʊ̯lʃəvɪk/ | /ˈbɒlʃəvɪk/] {noun} (Bolsheviki, Bolsheviks) bolchevique Bolshevism [/ˈbɑlʃəˌvɪzəm/ | /ˈbɒlʃəˌvɪz(ə)m/] {noun} bolchevismo bolster [/ˈboʊlstɚ/ | /ˈbəʊlstə/] {noun, verb} (bolsters, bolstering, bolstered) almohada | cabecera bolt [/boʊlt/ | /bɒlt/] {adverb, noun, verb} (bolts, bolted, bolting) tornillo | virote | cerrojo | atornillar | cadenas | esposas bolt bucket {noun} (bolt buckets) chatarra bolt cutter {noun} (bolt cutters) napoleón bolt from the blue {noun} (bolts from the blue) como rayo caído del cielo bolt-hole {noun} (bolt-holes) abrigaño bolthole {noun} (boltholes) abrigaño boltsprit {noun} (boltsprits) bauprés bolus {noun, verb} (boluses, boli, bolusing, bolused) bolo | bolo alimenticio Bolzano {properNoun} Bolzano bomb [/bɑm/ | /bɒm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bomb, more bomb, bombs, bombed, bombing) bomba | bombardear | bombear | hacer la bomba bombard [/ˈbɑmˌbɑɹd/ | /ˈbɒmˌbɑːd/ | /ˌbɑmˈbɑɹd/ | /ˌbɒmˈbɑːd/] {noun, verb} (bombards, bombarded, bombarding) bombardear | bombarda bombardier beetle {noun} (bombardier beetles) escarabajo bombardero bombardment {noun} bombardeo bombastic [/bɑmˈbæs.tʰɪk/ | /bɒmˈbæs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more bombastic, most bombastic) ampuloso | altisonante | bombástico | grandilocuente | grandílocuo | hinchado bombe [/bɒmb/] {noun} (bombes) bomba bomber [/ˈbɑməɹ/] {adjective, noun} (more bomber, most bomber, bombers) bombardero bomber jacket {noun} (bomber jackets) cazadora bombing [/ˈbɒmɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bombings) bombardeo bombproof {adjective, noun, verb} (more bombproof, most bombproof, bombproofs, bombproofing, bombproofed) a prueba de bombas bombshell {noun} (bombshells) bomba | bombazo | bombón | pibón bon appétit [/ˌboʊn æpəˈti(t)/ | /ˌbɒn apəˈtiː/] {phraseologicalUnit} buen provecho | que aproveche | buen apetito | que aprovechen | que aproveches | que aprovechéis bon mot [/bɑn moʊ/ | /bɒn məʊ/] {noun} (bon mots, bons mots) chanza bon vivant [/ˌbɑn viˈvɑnt/ | /ˌbɒ̃ viːˈvɒ̃/] {noun} (bons vivants, bon vivants) vividor | vividora bon voyage [/ˌbɒn vwaɪˈɑːʒ/] {interjection} buen viaje bona fide [/ˈboʊnə.faɪd/ | /ˌbəʊ.nəˈfaɪ.di/] {adjective, adverb} auténtico | de buena fe Bonaire {properNoun} Bonaire Bonaparte's gull {noun} (Bonaparte's gulls) gaviota de Bonaparte Bonapartism [/ˈbəʊnəpɑːtɪzəm/ | /ˌboʊnəˈpɑɹ(ˌ)tɪzəm/] {noun} bonapartismo Bonapartist {adjective, noun} (most Bonapartist, more Bonapartist, Bonapartists) bonapartista Bonaventure {properNoun} Buenaventura bond [/bɑnd/ | /bɒnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bond, more bond, bonds, bonding, bonded) enlace | pegar bondage [/ˈbɑn.dɪd͡ʒ/ | /ˈbɒn.dɪd͡ʒ/] {noun} esclavitud | bondage bondholder {noun} (bondholders) obligacionista bonding {noun, verb} (bondings) vínculo afectivo bondman {noun} (bondmen) esclavo bondsman [/ˈbɑndzmən/ | /ˈbɒndzmən/] {noun} (bondsmen) fiador | aval bone [/bɐʉn/ | /bəʉn/ | /bəʊn/ | /ˈboʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bones, boning, boned) hueso | deshuesar | espina | coger | culear | follar bone density {noun} (bone densities) densidad ósea bone marrow {noun} (bone marrows) médula ósea | tuétano | médula | meollo bone of contention [/ˈboʊn əv kənˈtɛnʃən/ | /ˈbəʊn əv kənˈtɛnʃən/] {noun} (bones of contention) manzana de la discordia bone-eating snot flower worm [/boʊn itɪŋ ˈsnɑt flaʊɚ wɝm/ | /bəʊn iːtɪŋ ˈsnɒt flaʊə wɜːm/] {noun} (bone-eating snot flower worms) gusano bone-idle {adjective} perezosa bonefolder {noun} (bonefolders) plegador boneless {adjective} (most boneless, more boneless) deshuesado boner [/ˈboʊ.nɚ/ | /ˈbəʊ.nə(ɹ)/] {noun} (boners) cagada | empalme | erección | metida de pata | pifia | tieso bonfire [/ˈbɑnˌfaɪ.ɚ/ | /ˈbɒnˌfaɪ.ə/] {noun, verb} (bonfires, bonfired, bonfiring) fogata | hoguera bong [/bɒŋ/] {noun, verb} (bongs, bonging, bonged) pipa | tuberia de barrilete bongo {noun, verb} (bongos, bongoes, bongoed, bongoing) bongo | bongó bonhomie [/boʊnəˈmiː/] {noun} (bonhomies) amigable | bonhomía | cordial Bonifatius {properNoun} Bonifacio bonito {noun} (bonitoes, bonito, bonitos) sarda bonk [/bɒŋk/] {noun, verb} (bonks, bonking, bonked) battre bonkers {adjective, noun} chiflado | loco | majara | majareta Bonn {properNoun} Bonn bonnet [/ˈbɑn.ɪt/ | /ˈbɒn.ɪt/] {noun, verb} (bonnets, bonneted, bonneting) capó | cofia | cofre | bonete | capirote | capota bonnie {adjective} (more bonnie, most bonnie) alegre bonobo [/bəˈnoʊ̯ˌboʊ̯/ | /bəˈnəʊ̯ˌbəʊ̯/ | /ˈbɒ.nəˌboʊ̯/] {noun} (bonobos) bonobo bonsai {interjection, noun, verb} (bonsai, bonsais, bonsaied, bonsaiing) bonsái bonus [/ˈboʊ.nəs/ | /ˈbəʊ.nəs/] {noun, verb} (bonuses, bonused, bonusing) bono | beneficio | bonificación | plus | prima bony [/ˈbəʊni/] {adjective} (bonest, boner) huesudo bonze {noun} (bonzes) bonzo boo [/buː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (boos, booing, booed) abuchear | abucheo | bu | uuh boo-boo [/ˈbuːˌbuː/] {noun, verb} (boo-boos, boo-booing, boo-booed) pupa | yaya boob [/ˈbuːb/] {adjective, noun, verb} (boobs, boobing, boobed) teta | chichi | macoca | tetica boob job {noun} (boob jobs) arreglo de tetas boob tube {noun} (boob tubes) caja idiota | caja tonta booby [/ˈbuːbi/] {noun, verb} (boobies, boobying, boobied) melón | teta | tonto | bobo | pendejo | piquero booby prize {noun} (booby prizes) premio limón booby trap {noun} (booby traps) bomba trampa booger [/ˈbʊɡə/ | /ˈbʊɡɚ/] {noun} (boogers) moco | pelotilla de la nariz boogie [/ˈbuːɡi/] {noun, verb} (boogies, boogieing, boogying, boogied) baile boojum tree cirio book [/buːk/ | /bʊk/] {noun, verb} (books, booking, booked) libro | reservar | libreto | anotar | libros | multar book burning {noun} quema de libros book fair {noun} (book fairs) feria del libro book lover {noun} (book lovers) bibliófilo | letraherido book lung {noun} (book lungs) filotráquea | pulmón en libro Book of Mormon {properNoun} El libro de Mormón Book of Shadows {noun} (Books of Shadows) libro de las sombras book store {noun} (book stores) librería bookbag {noun} (bookbags) mochila bookbinding {noun} encuadernación bookcase [[ˈbʊkːeɪs]] {noun} (bookcases) biblioteca | estantería | librero bookend {noun, verb} (bookends, bookending, bookended) sujetalibros booking [/ˈbʊkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} reserva | amonestación bookish [/ˈbʊk.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (most bookish, more bookish) libresco | empollón | estudioso | formalista | literario | matado bookkeeper [/ˌbʊkˈkiː.pə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bookkeepers) contable bookkeeping {noun, verb} (bookkeepings) contabilidad booklet [/ˈbʊk.lət/] {noun} (booklets) folleto | libreto bookmaker [/ˈbʊkmeɪkəɹ/] {noun} (bookmakers) corredor de apuestas bookmark [/ˈbʊkmɑɹk/] {noun, verb} (bookmarks, bookmarking, bookmarked) marcapáginas | marcador | favorito | punto de libro | separador | señalador bookplate {noun, verb} (bookplates, bookplated, bookplating) ex libris Books of Moses {properNoun} Libros de Moisés bookseller [/ˈbʊksɛlɚ/] {noun} (booksellers) librero | librera bookshelf [/ˈbʊkˌʃɛlf/] {noun} (bookshelves) estantería | estante | librero bookshop {noun} (bookshops) librería bookstand [/ˈbʊkˌstænd/] {noun} (bookstands) atril bookworm [/ˈbʊk.wɜːm/] {noun} (bookworms) ratón de biblioteca | comelibros | letraherido | tragalibros Boolean [/ˈbuli.ən/ | /ˈbuːl.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Booleans) booleano boom [/bum/ | /buːm/] {interjection, noun, verb} (booms, booming, boomed) boom | bum | retumbar boom barrier {noun} (boom barriers) barrera boom box {noun} (boom boxes) boombox | radiocasetera | radiograbador boomerang [/ˈbuməɹæŋ/ | /ˈbuːməɹæŋ/] {noun, verb} (boomerangs, boomeranging, boomeranged) bumerán | búmeran boomerang effect {noun} (boomerang effects) efecto bumerán boon bendición | oración | ventaja boondock {noun, verb} (boondocks, boondocking, boondocked) barrios lejanos boondoggle [/ˈbuːndɒɡəl/] {noun, verb} (boondoggles, boondoggled, boondoggling) pérdida de tiempo boor [/bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/ | /bʊə/ | /bʊɹ/] {noun} (boors) paleto | patán | cateto | huaso boorish [/ˈbʊəɹɪʃ/] {adjective} (more boorish, most boorish) grosero | bestia | bruto | cafre | maleducado | patán boost [/buːst/] {noun, verb} (boosts, boosting, boosted) empujar | empuje | impulsar | impulso boot [/but/ | /buːt/] {noun, verb} (boots, booting, booted) bota | arrancar | cepo booted eagle {noun} (booted eagles) águila calzada booth [/buːð/ | /buːθ/] {noun} (booths) cabina | puesto | garita | stand bootjack {noun, verb} (bootjacks, bootjacking, bootjacked) sacabotas bootleg {adjective, noun, verb} (bootlegs, bootlegging, bootlegged) caña bootlegger {noun} (bootleggers) contrabandista | traficante bootlicker {noun} (bootlickers) zalamero | zalamera bootstrap [/ˈbuːtˌstɹæp/] {noun, verb} (bootstraps, bootstrapping, bootstrapped) arranque | arreglárselas | arreglárselas solo | lengüeta booty [/ˈbuːti/] {noun} (booties) botín booze [/buːz/] {noun, verb} (boozes, boozed, boozing) aguardiente | bebercio | chupe | copa | copete | priva booze-up {noun} (booze-ups) botellón | joda | juerga boozer [/ˈbuː.zə(ɹ)/] {noun} (boozers) borracho boozing {noun, verb} (boozings) bebercio boozy [/ˈbuːzi/] {adjective} (boozer, boozest) borracho boracic {adjective} (most boracic, more boracic) bórico boracite {noun} (boracites) boracita borage [/ˈbɒɹ.ɪdʒ/] {noun} (borages) borraja borax {noun} borraj | bórax Borbonic borbónico borborigmus [/bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/] {noun} (borborigmi) borborigmo borborygmus [/bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/] {noun} (borborygmi) borborigmo Bordeaux [/bɔɹdoʊ/] {noun, properNoun} (Bordeauxs, Bordeaux, Bordeauxes) Burdeos border [/ˈbɔədə/ | /ˈbɔɹdəɹ/ | /ˈbɔːdə/] {noun, verb} (borders, bordering, bordered) frontera | borde | cenefa | orla | parterre border on {verb} (borders on, bordered on, bordering on) acercar bordering {adjective, noun, verb} (borderings) colindante | lindante | rayano borderland {noun} (borderlands) marca borderline {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most borderline, more borderline, borderlines, borderlining, borderlined) demarcación bordure {noun} (bordures) bordura bore [/bo(ː)ɹ/ | /boə/ | /bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/] {noun, verb} (bores, boring, bored) aburrir | agujerear | horadar | perforar | muermo | palizas boreal [/ˈbɔɹi.əl/ | /ˈbɔːɹɪəl/] {adjective} (more boreal, most boreal) boreal Boreas [/ˈbɔɹɪəs/ | /ˈbɔːɹɪəs/] {properNoun} Bóreas boreas {noun} (boreases) bóreas bored [/bo(ː)ɹd/ | /boəd/ | /bɔːd/ | /bɔːɹd/] {adjective, verb} (most bored, more bored) aburrido boredom [/ˈbɔɹ.dəm/ | /ˈbɔː.dəm/] {noun} (boredoms) aburrimiento | tedio borer [/ˈbɔːɹə/ | /ˈbɔːɹɚ/] {noun} (borers) taladradora Borgesian {adjective} (most Borgesian, more Borgesian) borgeano | borgiano | borgesiano Borgia {properNoun} Borja boric {adjective} bórico boric acid {noun} (boric acids) ácido bórico boric oxide {noun} óxido bórico boride {noun} (borides) boruro boring [/ˈbɔːɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most boring, more boring, borings) aburrido | soso | tedioso Borjomi {properNoun} Bordzhomi born [/ˈbɔɹn/ | /ˈbɔːn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (borns, bornin, bornt) nacido | nato born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adjective} nacer en cuna de oro born-again {adjective, noun} (born-agains) renacido borne [/bo(ː)ɹn/ | /boən/ | /bɔɹn/ | /bɔːn/] {adjective, verb} aguantado | soportado Borneo [/ˈbo(ː)ɹnioʊ/ | /ˈboənioʊ/ | /ˈbɔɹnioʊ/ | /ˈbɔːni.əʊ/] {properNoun} Isla de Borneo bornite {noun} (bornites) bornita boron [/ˈbɔːˌɹɒn/] {noun} (borons) boro borough [/ˈbʌɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹə/] {noun} (boroughs) concejo | municipio borreliosis {noun} borreliosis borrow [/ˈbɑɹoʊ/ | /ˈbɒɹəʊ/ | /ˈbɔɹoʊ/] {noun, verb} (borrows, borrowed, borrowing) pedir prestado | tomar prestado borrower [/ˈbɔɹəuə/] {noun} (borrowers) prestatario borscht [/bɔɹʃt/ | /bɔːʃt/] {noun} borscht | borshch borzoi [/ˈbɔːzɔɪ/] {noun} (borzoi, borzois) borzoi | lebrel ruso para la caza Bose-Einstein condensate {noun} (Bose-Einstein condensates) condensado de Bose-Einstein bosky [/ˈbɒski/] {adjective} (bosker, boskest) boscoso Bosnia [/ˈbɑz.ni.ə/ | /ˈbɒz.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina [/ˈbɒzni.ə ænd hɜɹtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ænd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd hɜɹtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/] {properNoun} Bosnia y Herzegovina | Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosniac [/ˈbɒznɪæk/] {adjective, noun} (Bosniacs) bosniaco Bosniak {noun} (Bosniaks) bosniaco Bosnian [/ˈbɑːzni.ən/ | /ˈbɒzni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bosnian, most Bosnian) bosnio | bosnia bosnian bosnio bosom [/ˈbʊz(ə)m/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bosoms, bosomed, bosoming) busto | seno | pechera bosom friend {noun} (bosom friends) amiga del alma | amigo del alma boson [/ˈboʊ.zɒn/ | /ˈbəʊ.zɒn/] {noun} (bosons) bosón Bosphorus [/ˈbɑs.fɚ.əs/ | /ˈbɒs.fəɹ.əs/] {properNoun} Bósforo boss [/bɑs/ | /bɒs/ | /bɔs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bosses, bossing, bossed) jefe | patrón | dirigir | jefa | mandar bossage {noun} (bossages) almohadillado bossy [/ˈbɑsi/ | /ˈbɒsi/ | /ˈbɔsi/] {adjective, noun} (bossies, most bossy, more bossy, bosser, bossest) mandón Boston [/ˈbɑstən/ | /ˈbɒstən/ | /ˈbɔstən/] {noun, properNoun} (Bostons) Boston Boston terrier {noun} (Boston terriers) boston terrier bosun {noun} (bosuns) contramaestre bot [/bɑt/ | /bɒt/] {noun, verb} (bots, botting, botted) bot bota bag {noun} (bota bags) bota botanical {adjective, noun} (botanicals) botánico botanical garden {noun} (botanical gardens) jardín botánico botanically {adverb} botánica botanist [/ˈbɒt.ən.ɪst/] {noun} (botanists) botánico | botánica | botanista botanize {verb} (botanizes, botanized, botanizing) botanizar botany [/ˈbɒtəni/] {noun} (botanies) botánica botch [/bɑt͡ʃ/ | /bɒt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (botches, botching, botched) chapucería | chapucear | chapuza | desbarrar | pifia botch up {verb} (botches up, botching up, botched up) consentir botched {adjective, verb} chapucero botfly {noun} (botflies) éstrido | estro both [/boʊlθ/ | /boʊθ/ | /bəʊθ/] {conjunction, determiner, pronoun} ambos | los dos | tanto... como... bother [/ˈbɒðəɹ/ | [ˈbɑðɚ] | [ˈbɒðə(ɹ)] | [ˈbɔðə(ɹ)]] {interjection, noun, verb} (bothers, bothered, bothering) molestar | agobiar | cansón bothersome {adjective} (most bothersome, more bothersome) hostigoso | irritante | molestoso Botox [/ˈboʊtɑks/ | /ˈbəʊtɒks/] {properNoun, verb} (Botoxes, Botoxing, Botoxed) bótox Botswana [/bɑːtˈswɑːnə/ | /bɒtˈswɑːnə/] {properNoun} Botsuana Botswanan {adjective, noun} (more Botswanan, most Botswanan, Botswanans) botsuana | botsuano bottle [/ˈbɑ.təl/ | /ˈbɒ.təl/] {noun, verb} (bottles, bottling, bottled) botella | embotellar | frasco | arrojo | de bote | osadía bottle bank {noun} (bottle banks) contenedor de vidrio bottle cap {noun} (bottle caps) chapa | corcholata | tapón bottle opener {noun} (bottle openers) abrebotellas | destapador bottle out {verb} chascar bottle up {verb} (bottles up, bottled up, bottling up) embotellar bottled water {noun} (bottled waters) agua botellada | agua de botella bottleneck {noun, verb} (bottlenecks, bottlenecking, bottlenecked) atasco | boquerón | cuello | cuello de botella | embotellamiento | embudo bottlenose dolphin {noun} (bottlenose dolphins) delfín mular | delfín nariz de botella bottom [/ˈbɑtəm/ | /ˈbɒtəm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bottoms, bottomed, bottoming) fondo | culo | pasivo bottom bracket {noun} (bottom brackets) eje pedalier bottom line {noun} conclusión | saldo final bottom quark {noun} (bottom quarks) quark fondo bottom sheet {noun} (bottom sheets) bajera | sábana bajera bottom the house {verb} (bottoms the house, bottomed the house, bottoming the house) limpiar completamente bottomless [/ˈbaɾm̩lɨs/ | /ˈbɒtm̩.ləs/] {adjective} sin fondo bottomless pit {noun} (bottomless pits) pozo sin fondo | tragaldabas