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Оглавлениеbottomry {noun} (bottomries) préstamo a la gruesa ventura bottoms up {interjection} salud botulism [/ˈbɑt͡ʃ.əˌlɪz.əm/ | /ˈbɒt.jʊl.ɪz.əm/] {noun} (botulisms) botulismo Bouches-du-Rhône {properNoun} Bocas del Ródano bougainvillea [/ˌbu.ɡənˈvɪl.jə/ | /ˌbuː.ɡənˈvɪl.ɪ.ə/] {noun} (bougainvilleas) buganvilla | buganvilia | papelillo | trinitaria | veranera | Santa Rita bough [/baʊ/ | /bə/ | /bʌʊ/] {noun} (boughs) rama bouillabaisse [/ˈbujəˌbeɪs/ | /ˈbuːjəˌbeɪs/] {noun} bullabesa bouillon [/ˈbuː.jɒn/ | /ˈbʊlˌjɑn/] {noun} caldo bouillon cube {noun} (bouillon cubes) cubo de caldo boulder [/ˈboʊldəɹ/ | /ˈbəʊl.də(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (boulders, bouldering, bouldered) peñasco | roca | peña bouldering {noun, verb} bouldering | bulder | búlder | escalada en bloque boule {noun, verb} (boules, bouled, bouling) bola | bolear | pan bola boules {noun} petanca bouleuterion {noun} (bouleuteria) bouleuterión boulevard [/ˈbuː.ləˌvɑːd/ | /ˈbʊləvɑɹd/] {noun} (boulevards) bulevar bounce [/baʊns/] {noun, verb} (bounces, bounced, bouncing) rebotar | rebote bounce off the walls {verb} (bounces off the walls, bounced off the walls, bouncing off the walls) estar bouncer [/ˈbaʊnsə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbaʊnsə˞/] {noun} (bouncers) portero bouncing [/ˈbaʊnsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bouncings) robusto bouncing castle [/ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkæsəl/ | /ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkɑːsəl/] {noun} (bouncing castles) castillo hinchable | brincolín bouncy [/ˈbaʊnsi/] {adjective} (bouncest, bouncer) animado bound [/ˈbaʊnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bounds, bounding, bounded, most bound, more bound) limitar | límite | limitado boundary [/ˈbaʊndəɹi/ | /ˈbaʊndɹi/] {noun} (boundaries) frontera | límite | linde | lindero bounded [/ˈbaʊndɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most bounded, more bounded) testarudo boundless {adjective} (most boundless, more boundless) ilimitado | sin límites bounty [/ˈbaʊn(t)i/ | /ˈbaʊnti/] {noun} (bounties) dádiva | donación | obsequio | presente | recompensa | regalo bounty hunter {noun} (bounty hunters) cazarrecompensas bouquet [/boʊˈkeɪ/] {noun} (bouquets) ramo | buqué | ramita | aroma bouquet garni {noun} (bouquets garnis) bouquet garni bourbon [/bɜː(ɹ)bən/ | /ˈbʊə(ɹ)bən/] {noun} bourbon Bourbonic {adjective} borbónico bourgeois [/bu(ɹ)ʒ.ˈwɑː/ | /ˈbɔːʒ.wɑː/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bourgeois, most bourgeois, bourgeois, bourgeoises, bourgeoising, bourgeoised) burgués | breviario bourgeoisie [/ˌbʊə(ɹ)ʒwɑːˈziː/] {noun} burguesía bourgeoisify {verb} (bourgeoisifies, bourgeoisifying, bourgeoisified) aburguesarse Bourges {properNoun} Bourges Bourgogne-Franche-Comté {properNoun} Borgoña-Franco Condado Bourguibism {noun} bourguibismo boustrophedon [/ˌbuːstɹəˈfiːdən/] {adjective, adverb, noun} bustrófedon | bustrofedon bout [/bʌʊt/ | /ˈbaʊt/] {noun, preposition, verb} (bouts, bouting, bouted) encuentro | racha boutique [/buːˈtiːk/] {adjective, noun} (boutiques) boutique bouzouki [/bəˈzuːki/] {noun} (bouzoukis) buzuki bovarysm {noun} bovarismo bovid [/ˈboʊvɪd/] {noun} (bovids) bóvido bovine [/ˈboʊvaɪn/ | /ˈbəʊ.vaɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more bovine, most bovine, bovines) bovino | vacuno bovine spongiform encephalopathy {noun} encefalopatía espongiforme bovina bow [/boʊ/ | /bəʊ/] {noun, verb} (bows, bowing, bowed) arco | lazo | reverencia | proa | doblar | curvar bow and arrow [/bəʊ(.)ən(d.)æɹəʊ/] {noun} (bows and arrows) arco y flecha bow grip {noun} (bow grips) carriola bow out [/baʊ aʊt/] {verb} (bows out, bowed out, bowing out) inclinar bow tie pasta corbata bow wave {noun} (bow waves) ola de proa bow wow {noun} (bow wows) guau guau bow-legged {adjective} (most bow-legged, more bow-legged) patizambo Bowden cable {noun} (Bowden cables) chicote bowel [/ˈbaʊ.əl/] {noun, verb} (bowels, boweled, boweling, bowelling, bowelled) entrañas | intestino | intestino grueso | tripa | vísceras bowel movement {noun} (bowel movements) deposición bowel obstruction {noun} (bowel obstructions) obstrucción intestinal bowels [/baʊ.əlz/] {noun} entrañas | intestinos | profundidades bower [/baʊ.əɹ/ | /bəʊ.əɹ/] {noun, verb} (bowers, bowering, bowered) tocador bower bird {noun} (bower birds) jardinero bowhead {noun} (bowheads) ballena boreal bowl [/boɫ/ | /bəʊɫ/] {noun, verb} (bowls, bowling, bowled) cuenco | tazón | bol bowl cut {noun} (bowl cuts) casquete bowleg {noun} (bowlegs) genu varo | pierna arqueada bowlegged {adjective} (more bowlegged, most bowlegged) chueco bowler hat {noun} (bowler hats) bombín | hongo bowline {noun} (bowlines) as de guía bowling [/ˈboʊliŋ/ | /ˈbəʊlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} bolos bowling alley {noun} (bowling alleys) bolera bowling, boliche bowls [/boʊlz/ | /bəʊlz/] {noun, verb} bowls sobre hierba bowser {noun} (bowsers) camión cisterna bowsman {noun} (bowsmen) proel bowsprit [/ˈbəʊspɹɪt/] {noun} (bowsprits) bauprés bowstring [/ˈboʊstɹɪŋ/ | /ˈbəʊstɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bowstrings, bowstringing, bowstrung, bowstringed) cuerda bowtie [/boʊˈtaɪ/ | /bəʊˈtaɪ/] {adjective, noun} (bowties) pajarita | corbata de moño | moño | corbata de humita | corbata de lacito | corbata de pajarito box [/bɑks/ | /bɒks/] {noun, verb} (boxen, boxes, boxing, boxed) caja | boj | boxear | casilla | palco | cajón box office [/ˈbɑksˌɑfɪs/ | /ˈbɒksˌɒfɪs/] {noun} taquilla box plot {noun} (box plots) diagrama de caja box seat {noun} (box seats) local box spring {noun} (box springs) somier box tree {noun} (box trees) boj box-office bomb {noun} (box-office bombs) fracaso en taquilla Boxer {noun} (Boxers) bóxer boxer [/ˈbɑːksɚ/ | /ˈbɒksə/] {noun} (boxers) bóxer | boxeador | boxeadora boxer briefs {noun} bóxer slip boxer engine {noun} (boxer engines) motor bóxer boxer shorts {noun} bóxer boxful {noun} (boxfuls, boxesful) caja boxing [/ˈbɑːksɪŋ/ | /ˈbɒksɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (boxings) boxeo Boxing Day [/ˈbɑːksɪŋ deɪ/ | /ˈbɒksɪŋ deɪ/] {noun} (Boxing Days) Boxing Day boxing glove {noun} (boxing gloves) guantes boxeo boxing ring {noun} (boxing rings) cuadrilátero boxwood {noun} boj boy [/bɔɪ/ | /bɔːə/] {interjection, noun, verb} (boys, boying, boyed) muchacho | chico | niño | chaval | varón Boy Scout {noun} (Boy Scouts) niño explorador boyar [/ˈbɔɪɑː/] {noun} (boyars) boyardo boycott [/ˈbɔɪkɑt/ | /ˈbɔɪkɒt/] {noun, verb} (boycotts, boycotted, boycotting) boicot | boicotear | boicoteo boyfriend [/ˈbɔɪˌfɹɛnd/] {noun} (boyfriends) novio | amigo | pololo | enamorado boyhood [/ˈbɔɪˌhʊd/] {noun} (boyhoods) niñez boyish [/ˈbɔɪ.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (more boyish, most boyish) chico boykin [/ˈbɔɪkən/ | /ˈbɔɪkɪn/] {noun} (boykins) nino boysenberry [/ˈbɔɪzn̩ˌbɛɹi/] {noun} (boysenberries) boysena | boysenberi | boysenberry | zarza boysen | zarza de boysen Boötes [/boʊˈoʊtiːz/] {properNoun} Boyero | Boötes | Pastor bra [/bɹɑː/] {noun} (bras) sujetador | sostén | corpiño | brasier | ajustador | soutien Brabant [/ˈbɹæbənt/] {properNoun} Brabante brace [/bɹeɪs/] {noun, verb} (braces, bracing, braced) doblete | prepararse bracelet [/ˈbɹeɪslət/] {noun} (bracelets) pulsera | brazalete braces [/ˈbɹeɪsɪz/] {noun, verb} aparato | frenillo | frenos brachial [/ˈbreɪkɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (brachials) braquial brachiation {noun} braquiación brachiocephalic {adjective} braquiocefálico brachiopod [/ˈbɹækɪəˌpɒd/] {noun} (brachiopods) braquiópodo brachioproctic {adjective} braquioproctal brachioradialis {noun} braquiorradial brachiosaur {noun} (brachiosaurs) braquiosaurio brachylogy {noun} braquilogía brachytherapy {noun} (brachytherapies) braquiterapia brachyuran [/ˌbɹæk.iˈju.ɹən/ | /ˌbɹæk.iˈjʊə.ɹən/] {adjective, noun} (brachyurans) perteneciente a los braquiuros bracing [/ˈbɹeɪsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bracing, most bracing) ameno bracken {noun} (brackens) helecho bracket [/ˈbɹækɪt/] {noun, verb} (brackets, bracketing, bracketed) paréntesis | canecillo | consola | ménsula | soporte bracket fungus {noun} (bracket fungi) poliporo brackish [/ˈbɹækɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brackish, more brackish) salobre | desabrido braconid {noun} (braconids) bracónido bract {noun} (bracts) bráctea bradoon {noun} (bradoons) bridón bradycardia {noun} bradicardia bradykinesia {noun} bradiquinesia brag [/bɹæɡ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bragger, braggest, most brag, more brag, brags, bragging, bragged) fanfarronear | presumir | jactarse Bragança [/bɹəˈɡanzə/ | /bɹəˈɡɑnzə/] {properNoun} Braganza braggart [/ˈbɹæɡɑːt/ | /ˈbɹæɡɚt/] {adjective, noun} (most braggart, more braggart, braggarts) fanfarrón | baladrón | bravucón | fanfarria | fantasma | matasiete bragger {adjective, noun} (braggers) alabancioso Brahman {noun, properNoun} (Brahmans) Brahman brahmin {adjective, noun} (brahmins) brahman braid [/bɹeɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (braids, browden, braiding, braided, more braid, most braid) trenza | trenzar braille [/bɹeɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brailles, brailling, brailled) braille brain [/bɹeɪn/] {noun, verb} (brains, braining, brained) cerebro | seso | sesudez brain cancer {noun} cáncer cerebral | cáncer del cerebro brain cell {noun} (brain cells) célula cerebral brain damage {noun} (brain damages) daño cerebral | lesión cerebral brain drain {noun} (brain drains) fuga de cerebros brain mushroom {noun} (brain mushrooms) falsa colmenilla brain stem {noun} (brain stems) tronco del encéfalo brain surgeon {noun} (brain surgeons) cabeza brain-dead [/ˈbɹeɪnˌdɛd/] {adjective} absurda brain-washing {noun} comedura de coco | lavado de cerebro brainchild [/ˈbɹeɪn.tʃaɪld/] {noun} (brainchildren) bodeguero | invención brainiac [/ˈbɹeɪniæk/] {noun} (brainiacs) cerebrito | pitagorín brainless {adjective} (more brainless, most brainless) descerebrado brains [/bɹeɪnz/] {noun, verb} entendederas | mollera | sesera | seso brainstorming {noun, verb} (brainstormings) brainstorming | lluvia de ideas | tormenta de ideas brainwash [/ˈbɹeɪnwɒʃ/] {noun, verb} (brainwashes, brainwashing, brainwashed) lavado de cerebro | lavar el cerebro brainy [/ˈbɹeɪni/] {adjective} (brainest, brainer) sesudo braise [/bɹeɪz/] {noun, verb} (braises, braising, braised) estofar | guisar brake [/bɹeɪk/] {noun, verb} (brakes, braking, braked) freno | frenar | agramadera | guimbalete brake fluid {noun} líquido de frenos brake lining {noun} (brake linings) balata brake pad {noun} (brake pads) pastilla de frenos brake shoe {noun} (brake shoes) zapata braking [/ˈbɹeɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} frenado braking distance {noun} (braking distances) distancia de frenado bramble [/ˈbɹæmbəl/] {noun} (brambles) zarzamora | mora | zarza | zarzal brambling {noun, verb} (bramblings) pinzón real bran [/ˈbɹæn/] {noun} salvado | acemite | afrecho branch [/bɹæntʃ/ | /bɹɑːntʃ/] {noun, verb} (branches, branching, branched) rama | sucursal | ramificar | ramo branch line {noun} (branch lines) ramal ferroviario branch off {verb} bifurcar branch office {noun} (branch offices) delegación | sucursal branchy {adjective} (more branchy, branchest, brancher, most branchy) ramoso brand [/bɹand/] {noun, verb} (brands, branding, branded) marca | tachar | tildar | tizón brand new {adjective} flamante | recién estrenado | sin estrenar brandade {noun} (brandades) brandada Brandenburg {noun, properNoun} (Brandenburgs) Brandeburgo branding iron {noun} (branding irons) fierro brandish [/ˈbɹændɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (brandishes, brandishing, brandished) blandir | esgrimir brandy [/ˈbɹændi/] {noun, verb} (brandies, brandied, brandying) brandy | coñac brane [/bɹeɪn/] {noun} (branes) brana Brannock device {noun} (Brannock devices) aparato brant [/bɹænt/] {adjective, noun} (most brant, more brant, brant, brants) barnacla bras d'honneur [/ˌbɹɑ dɑˈnɝ/ | /ˌbɹɑː dɒˈnɜː/] {noun} (bras d'honneur) corte de manga | corte de mangas | mentada de madre brash [/bɹæʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most brash, more brash, brashest, brasher, brashes, brashed, brashing) irreflexivo | precipitado | procaz | tosco brashness {noun} (brashnesses) audacia Brasilia {properNoun} Brasilia brass [/bɹæs/ | /bɹɑːs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brasses, most brass, more brass, brassing, brassed) latón | casquillo | cobres brass band {noun} (brass bands) orquesta de instrumentos de viento brass instrument {noun} (brass instruments) instrumento de metal brass knuckles {noun} manopla | puño americano | puño de acero Brasília [/bɹəˈziːli.ə/] {properNoun} Brasilia brat [/bɹat/ | /bɹæt/ | /bɹɑt/] {noun} (brats) mocoso Bratislava [/ˌbɹætɨˈslɑːvə/] {properNoun} Bratislava bratwurst {noun} bratwurst bravado [/bɹɑːˈvɑːdoʊ/] {noun, verb} (bravados, bravadoes, bravadoing, bravadoed) bravata | bravuconada brave [/bɹeɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (braver, bravest, braves, braved, braving) valiente | corajudo | valeroso bravely [/ˈbɹeɪvli/] {adverb} (bravelest, braveler, most bravely, more bravely) valientemente bravery [/ˈbɹeɪvəɹi/] {noun} (braveries) valor bravo [/ˈbɹɑvoʊ/ | /ˈbɹɑːvəʊ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bravoes, bravos, bravoing, bravoed) Barcelona brawl [/bɹɑl/ | /bɹɔl/ | /bɹɔːl/] {noun, verb} (brawls, brawling, brawled) pelea | pelear | trifulca brawler {noun} (brawlers) gamberro brawn [/bɹɔːn/] {noun, verb} (brawns, brawning, brawned) queso de cabeza brawny {adjective} (brawnest, brawner) musculoso bray [/bɹeɪ/] {noun, verb} (brays, brayed, braying) rebuznar | rebuzno | roncar | ronquido braze [/bɹeɪz/] {noun, verb} (brazes, brazing, brazed) soldar brazen [/ˈbɹeɪzən/] {adjective, verb} (more brazen, most brazen, brazens, brazening, brazened) descarado brazen bull {noun} (brazen bulls) toro de Falaris brazen-faced [/ˈbɹeɪ.zənˌfeɪst/] {adjective} (more brazen-faced, most brazen-faced) sinvergüenza brazier [/ˈbɹeɪ.ʒə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹeɪ.ʒɚ/ | /ˈbɹeɪʒəɹ/] {noun} (braziers) brasero Brazil [/bɹə.ˈzɪl/] {properNoun} Brasil brazil nut {noun} (brazil nuts) nuez de Brasil | bertholletia excelsa Brazilian [/bɹə.ˈzɪ.lɪ.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Brazilians) brasileño | brasileña | brasilero Brazilian bikini microkini Brazilian Portuguese {properNoun} portugués brasileño brazilwood {noun} (brazilwoods) pernambuco | palo Brasil | pau-Brasil Brazzaville [/ˈbɹɑːzəvɪl/] {properNoun} Brazzaville breach [[bɹiːtʃ]] {noun, verb} (breaches, breached, breaching) brecha | batería | boquete | disolución | quebrada | violación breach of contract {noun} (breaches of contract) incumplimiento de contrato breach of promise {noun} (breaches of promise) incumplimiento de la promesa de matrimonio bread [/bɹɛd/] {noun, verb} (breads, breaded, breading) pan | empanar | empanizar | lana | pasta | plata bread and circuses [/ˈbɹɛd ənd ˈsɜːkəsəz/ | /ˈbɹɛd ənd ˈsɝkəsəz/] {noun} pan y circo bread knife {noun} (bread knives) cuchillo de pan bread maker {noun} (bread makers) máquina panificadora bread roll {noun} (bread rolls) bollo breadbasket [/ˈbɹɛdbɑːskɨt/ | /ˈbɹɛdˌbæskɪ̈t/] {noun} (breadbaskets) panera breadboard {noun, verb} (breadboards, breadboarded, breadboarding) tabla de cortar breadbox {noun} (breadboxes) panera breadcrumb {noun, verb} (breadcrumbs, breadcrumbed, breadcrumbing) miga | migaja breadfruit [/ˈbɹedfɹuːt/] {noun} (breadfruits) árbol del pan | buen pan | pana | yaca breadstick {noun} (breadsticks) colín | grisín | palillo de pan | palito de pan | pico | rosquilleta breadwinner [/ˈbɹɛdˌwɪnɚ/] {noun} (breadwinners) cabeza de familia break [/bɹeɪk/] {noun, verb} (breaks, broke, breaking, broken, brake) romper | quebrar | romperse | descomponer | pausa | ruptura break a law violar la ley break a leg {interjection} ¡mucha mierda! break a sweat {verb} comenzar a sudar | empezar a sudar | sudar la gota gorda break away {verb} comprar break bad [/bɹeɪk bæd/] {verb} (breaks bad, breaking bad, broken bad, broke bad) irse cuesta abajo break bread {verb} (breaks bread, breaking bread, broken bread, broke bread) compartir el pan | comulgar break down {noun, verb} (break downs, breaks down, broken down, breaking down, broke down) descomponerse | estropearse | fallar | romperse | averiarse | debilitarse break in {verb} (breaks in, broken in, breaking in, broke in) irrumpir | ahormar | domar | estrenar break into {verb} (breaks into, breaking into, broken into, broke into) forzar la entrada break off {verb} (breaks off, breaking off, broken off, broke off) cesar break on the wheel {verb} ajusticiar en la rueda break one's back {verb} deslomarse | romperse el lomo break one's fast {verb} desayunar break out {verb} (breaks out, breaking out, broken out, broke out) estallar break ranks {verb} romper filas break someone's heart {verb} partirle a alguien el corazón break the bank {verb} (breaks the bank, breaking the bank, broken the bank, broke the bank) arruinarse | hacer saltar la banca break the ice [/ˈbɹeɪk ði ˈaɪs/] {verb} (breaks the ice, breaking the ice, broken the ice, broke the ice) romper el hielo break the Internet {verb} (breaks the Internet, breaking the Internet, broken the Internet, broke the Internet) romper Internet break through {verb} (breaks through, broken through, breaking through, broke through) abertura break up {verb} (breaks up, broken up, breaking up, broke up) romper | romperse | separar | terminar break wind {verb} (breaks wind, breaking wind, broken wind, broke wind) peer | peerse break-even point {noun} (break-even points) punto muerto break-in {noun} (break-ins) efracción | allanamiento de morada breakable [/ˈbɹeɪkəbl/] {adjective, noun} (most breakable, more breakable, breakables) frangible | rompible breakaway {adjective, noun} (breakaways) escapado | separado | separatista breakdown {noun} (breakdowns) avería | pana | ataque de nervios | colapso nervioso | descompostura | desglose breaker [/ˈbɹeɪkə/ | /ˈbɹeɪkɚ/] {noun} (breakers) cuchilla breakfast [/ˈbɹeɪkˌfæst/ | /ˈbɹɛkfəst/] {noun, verb} (breakfasts, breakfasting, breakfasted) desayuno | desayunar breakfast cereal {noun} cereal breaking [/ˈbɹeɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} refracción breaking news {noun} noticia de última hora | última hora | último adelanto breakneck {adjective, noun} (more breakneck, most breakneck, breaknecks) a toda carrera | a toda leche | a toda máquina | a toda ostia | a toda pastilla | a todo vapor breakout {adjective, noun} (breakouts) evasión breakthrough [/ˈbɹeɪkθɹuː/] {adjective, noun} (breakthroughs) brecha breakup [/ˈbɹeɪkʌp/] {noun} (breakups) fin breakwater [/ˈbɹeɪkˌwɔːtə/] {noun} (breakwaters) rompeolas bream [/bɹiːm/ | /bɹɪm/] {noun, verb} (breams, bream, breaming, breamed) brema | platica breast [/bɹɛst/] {noun, verb} (breasts, breasting, breasted) pecho | seno | teta | corazón | pechuga breast augmentation {noun} arreglo de tetas | cirugia a los pechos | cirugia a los senos breast cancer {noun} cáncer de mama breast feeding {verb} lactancia breast implant {noun} (breast implants) implante mamario breast ironing {noun} planchado de senos breast milk {noun} leche materna breast pump {noun} (breast pumps) sacaleche breastbone {noun} (breastbones) esternón breastfeed {verb} (breastfeeds, breastfed, breastfeeding) amamantar | dar de mamar | lactar | dar el pecho | dar teta breastfeeding [/ˈbɹɛstˌfidɪŋ/] {noun, verb} lactancia breastplate {noun} (breastplates) peto | petral breaststroke {noun, verb} (breaststrokes, breaststroked, breaststroking) braza | estilo braza breastwork {noun} (breastworks) parapeto breath [/bɹɛθ/] {noun} aliento | respiración | respiro breath of fresh air {noun} (breaths of fresh air) soplo de aire fresco breathalyzer {noun} (breathalyzers) alcoholímetro | alcotest breathe [/bɹið/ | /bɹiːð/] {verb} (breathes, breathing, breathed) respirar breathe down someone's neck {verb} tener a alguien en la mira breathe easy {verb} apagar breather [/bɹiː.ðə(ɹ)/] {noun} (breathers) respiro | respirador breathing [/ˈbɹiːðɪŋ/] {noun, verb} respiración breathless [/ˈbɹɛθləs/] {adjective} (more breathless, most breathless) jadeante | sin aliento breathtaking [/ˈbɹɛθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/] {adjective} (most breathtaking, more breathtaking) asombroso | emocionante | fascinador | fascinante | impresionante breccia [/ˈbɹɛtʃ(ɪ)ə/] {noun} (breccias) brecha Brechtian {adjective} (more Brechtian, most Brechtian) brechtiano breech [/bɹiːtʃ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (breeches, breeched, breeching) culata breeches [/ˈbɹiːtʃɪz/ | /ˈbɹɪtʃɪz/] {noun} calzones breed [/bɹiːd/] {noun, verb} (breeds, breeding, bred) criar | raza | aparearse | casta | cepa | cultivar breeder [/ˈbɹiːdə(ɹ)/] {noun} (breeders) criadora | criador breeding [/ˈbɹiːdɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} ganadería breeding-ground {noun} (breeding-grounds) caldo de cultivo | semillero breeze [/bɹiːz/] {noun, verb} (breezes, breezed, breezing) brisa breezy [/ˈbɹiːzi/] {adjective} (breezer, breezest) fresco Bremen [/ˈbɹeɪmən/] {properNoun} Bremen Brendan {properNoun} Borondón brent goose {noun} (brent geese) barnacla carinegra Brescia [/ˈbɹɛʃə/] {properNoun} Brescia Brest [/bɹɛst/] {properNoun} Brest brethren [/ˈbɹɛðɹən/] {adjective, noun} (most brethren, more brethren) hermanos Breton [/ˈbɹɛtən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} bretón | bretona breve [/bɹiːv/] {noun} (breves) cuadrada breviary [/ˈbɹiː.və.ɹi/ | /ˈbɹɛv.i.ɛɹ.i/ | /ˈbɹɛv.ɪ.əɹ.i/] {noun} (breviaries) breviario brevier {noun} gallarda brevity [/ˈbɹɛvəti/] {noun} (brevities) brevedad | concisión brevity is the soul of wit {proverb} la brevidad es el alma del talento brew [/bɹuː/] {noun, verb} (brews, brewing, brewed) destilado | destilar | fermentando | fermentar | hirviendo | preparar brew, brewski chela brewer [/ˈbɹu.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (brewers) cervecero | brebajero brewery [/ˈbɹuːəɹi/] {noun} (breweries) cervecería brewing {noun, verb} elaboración de cerveza brewski {noun} cervecería Brexit [/ˈbɹɛɡzɪt/] {properNoun, verb} (Brexits, Brexited, Brexiting) Brexit Brezhnev {properNoun} Brézhnev briar [/bɹʌɪə/ | /ˈbɹaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (briars) brezo briard {noun} (briards) pastor de Brie bribable {adjective} (most bribable, more bribable) sobornable bribe [/bɹaɪb/] {noun, verb} (bribes, bribing, bribed) sobornar | soborno | coima | mordida | corromper | cohecho bribery [/ˈbɹaɪbəɹi/] {noun} (briberies) soborno | cohecho BRIC {properNoun} BRIC brick [/bɹɪk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bricks, bricking, bricked) ladrillo brick and mortar {adjective, noun} físico | tradicional brick wall {noun, verb} (brick walls, brick walled, brick walling) pared bricklayer {noun} (bricklayers) albañil brickyard {noun} (brickyards) tejar bricolage [/ˌbɹi.kəʊˈlɑːʒ/ | [ˌbɹi.koʊˈlɑʒ]] {noun} bricolaje bridal [/ˈbɹaɪd(ə)l/ | /ˈbɹʌɪdl̩/] {adjective, noun} (bridals) boda bride [/bɹaɪd/] {noun, verb} (brides, briding, brided) novia bride price {noun} (bride prices) excrex bridegroom [/ˈbɹaɪdˌɡɹuːm/] {noun} (bridegrooms) novio bridesmaid [/ˈbɹaɪdzˌmeɪd/] {noun, verb} (bridesmaids, bridesmaided, bridesmaiding) dama de honor bridge [/bɹɪd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (bridges, bridging, bridged) puente | bridge | bóveda | pasarela bridge pattern {noun} (bridge patterns) pons bridge wing alerón bridgehead [/ˈbɹɪdʒhɛd/] {noun} (bridgeheads) cabeza de puente Bridget [/ˈbɹɪd͡ʒɪt/] {noun, properNoun} (Bridgets) Brigida Bridgetown [/ˈbɹɪdʒˌtaʊn/] {properNoun} Bridgetown bridle [/ˈbɹaɪdəl/] {noun, verb} (bridles, bridling, bridled) brida bridled tern {noun} (bridled terns) charrán ambridado bridled titmouse {noun} (bridled titmouses) carbonero embridado | herrerillo embridado bridoon {noun} (bridoons) bridón brie [/bɹiː/] {noun} brie brief [/bɹiːf/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (briefer, briefest, more brief, most brief, briefs, briefing, briefed) breve | corto | conciso | escueto | poner al tanto | resumen briefcase [/ˈbɹiːfˌkeɪs/] {noun} (briefcases) maletín briefing [/ˈbɹiːfɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (briefings) revista briefly [/ˈbɹiːfli/] {adverb} (most briefly, more briefly) concisamente briefs [/bɹiːfs/] {noun, verb} slip | trusa brig {noun} (brigs) bergantín | calabozo brigade [/bɹɪˈɡeɪd/] {noun, verb} (brigades, brigading, brigaded) brigada brigadier {noun} (brigadiers) brigadier brigadier general {noun} (brigadier generals) brigadier brigand [/ˈbɹɪɡ.ənd/] {noun} (brigands) bandido brigandine [/ˈbɹɪɡəndiːn/] {noun} (brigandines) brigantina brigantine {noun} (brigantines) bergantín bright [/bɹaɪt/] {adjective, noun} (brighter, brightest, brights) luminoso | claro | inteligente | brillante | alegre | expresivo bright spark {noun} (bright sparks) aguja brighten [/ˈbɹaɪtən/ | [ˈbɹaɪ̯ʔn̩]] {verb} (brightens, brightening, brightened) avivar brightly [/ˈbɹaɪtli/] {adverb} (most brightly, more brightly, brightlest, brightler) justamente brightness [/ˈbɹaɪtnəs/] {noun} (brightnesses) brillo Brill {properNoun} rombo brill [/bɹɪl/] {adjective, noun} (most brill, more brill, brill, brills) corujo brilliance [/ˈbɹɪljən(t)s/] {noun} (brilliances) brillantez brilliant [/ˈbɹɪljənt/] {adjective, noun} (more brilliant, most brilliant) brillante | perla brillo pad {noun} (brillo pads) estropajo brim [/bɹɪm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brims, most brim, more brim, brimming, brimmed) ala | borde brimstone [/ˈbɹɪmˌstoʊn/ | /ˈbɹɪmˌstəʊn/] {noun} azufre Brindisi {properNoun} Brindisi brindled [/ˈbɹɪndəld/] {adjective, verb} (most brindled, more brindled) aleonado brine [/bɹaɪn/] {noun, verb} (brines, brined, brining) salmuera | agua de mar | poner en salmuera | salar bring [/ˈbɹɪŋ/] {interjection, verb} (brings, bringing, brought) traer | llevar bring about {verb} (brings about, brought about, bringing about) provocar | lograr | traer bring back {verb} (brings back, brought back, bringing back) rehogar bring down {verb} (brings down, bringing down, brought down) derrocar bring forth {verb} (brings forth, bringing forth, brought forth) generar bring forward {verb} (brings forward, brought forward, bringing forward) adelantar bring home the bacon {verb} ganarse la vida | traer el pan a casa bring in {verb} devengar bring to a boil {verb} (brings to the boil, bringing to the boil, brought to the boil) poner a hervir bring to bear {verb} (brings to bear, brought to bear, bringing to bear) aplicar bring to heel {verb} meter en cintura bring to light {verb} sacar a la luz | sacar a luz bring together {verb} (brings together, bringing together, brought together) concitar bring up {verb} (brings up, brought up, bringing up) criar | alzar | detener | interrumpir | levantar | sacar a relucir bring up the rear {verb} cerrar la marcha brink [/bɹɪŋk/] {noun} (brinks) borde briny [/ˈbɹaɪni/] {adjective, noun} (most briny, more briny, brinest, briner) salado brio [/ˈbɹiːoʊ/] {noun} brío brioche [/ˈbriːɒʃ/] {noun} (brioches) bollo suizo | pan de yema briquet [/bɹɪˈkɛt/] {noun} (briquets) encendedor Brisbane [/ˈbɹɪzbən/] {properNoun} Brisbane brisk [/bɹɪsk/] {adjective, verb} (brisker, most brisk, briskest, more brisk, brisks, brisking, brisked) brioso | brusco | enérgico | vigorizante | vital brisket {noun} falda | pecho briskly [/ˈbɹɪskli/] {adverb} (more briskly, most briskly) brioso | con brío | enérgico | rápido bristle [/ˈbɹɪs.l̩/ | /ˈbɹʌs.l̩/] {noun, verb} (bristles, bristled, bristling) cerda | erizar bristletail {noun} (bristletails, bristletail) lepisma de la harina | lepisma del azúcar | pececillo de plata Britain [/ˈbɹɪ.tn̩/ | /ˈbɹɪ.tən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Britains, more Britain, most Britain) Gran Bretaña Briticism {noun} (Briticisms) anglicismo British [/ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ/ | [ˈbɹɪ.ʔɪʃ] | [ˈbɹɪɾ.ɪʃ]] {adjective, properNoun} (most British, more British) británico | británicos | inglés británico British Columbia [/ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ kə.ˈlʌm.bi.ə/] {properNoun} Columbia Británica British Empire {properNoun} Imperio Británico British English {adjective, noun} (more British English, most British English) inglés británico British Isles [/ˌbɹɪ.tɪʃ ˈaɪlz/] {properNoun} Islas Británicas British Virgin Islands {properNoun} Islas Vírgenes Británicas Britisher [/ˈbɹɪtɪʃə/] {adjective, noun} (Britishers) británico Briton [/ˈbɹɪtən/] {noun} (Britons) británico | británica | británicas | británicos Brittany [/ˈbɹɪtəni/] {properNoun} Bretaña | spaniel bretón brittle [/ˈbɹɪtl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more brittle, brittler, brittlest, most brittle, brittles) quebradizo | frágil | crocante | friable brittle star {noun} (brittle stars) ofiura | ofiuroideo brittleness {noun} (brittlenesses) fragilidad bro [/bɹoʊ/ | /bɹəʊ/] {noun} (bros) broder | compadre broach [/bɹoʊtʃ/ | /bɹəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (broaches, broached, broaching) espitar | sacar a colación broad [/bɹɑd/ | /bɹɔd/ | /bɹɔːd/] {adjective, noun} (broadest, broader, broads) jermu | pava | piba broad bean {noun} (broad beans) haba broad-billed sandpiper {noun} (broad-billed sandpipers) correlimos falcinelo broad-leaved {adjective} planifolio | de hoja ancha | latifolio broad-minded {adjective} (most broad-minded, more broad-minded) generoso broad-shouldered {adjective} (most broad-shouldered, more broad-shouldered) ancho de hombro broad-winged hawk {noun} (broad-winged hawks) gavilán aliancho | águila aliancha broadband {adjective, noun} (broadbands) banda ancha broadcast [/ˈbɹɑdkæst/ | /ˈbɹɔdkæst/ | /ˈbɹɔːdkɑːst/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most broadcast, more broadcast, broadcasts, broadcasted, broadcast, broadcasting) emitir | programa | transmitir | emisión broadcaster {noun} (broadcasters) emisor broadcasting {adjective, noun, verb} emisión | retransmisión broaden {verb} (broadens, broadened, broadening) ensancharse | ensanchar broadleaf {adjective, noun} (broadleafs, broadleaves) folio broadly {adverb} (more broadly, most broadly) a grandes rasgos | en líneas generales broadness {noun} (broadnesses) vastedad broadside {adverb, noun, verb} (broadsides, broadsiding, broadsided) andanada | costado brocade [/bɹəˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (brocades, brocading, brocaded) bordado | bordadura broccoli [/ˈbɹɑ.kə.li/ | /ˈbɹɒ.kə.li/] {noun} (broccoli, broccolis) brécol | brócoli | bróculi brochure [/bɹoʊˈʃʊɚ/ | /ˈbɹəʊ.ʃə(ɹ)/] {noun} (brochures) folleto brogue [/bɹoʊɡ/ | /bɹəʊɡ/] {noun, verb} (brogues, broguing, brogued) dialecto broil [/bɹɔɪl/] {noun, verb} (broils, broiled, broiling) tostar broiler [/ˈbɹɔɪlə/ | /ˈbɹɔɪlɚ/] {noun} (broilers) broiler broke [/bɹoʊk/ | /bɹəʊk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more broke, most broke, broker, brokest, brokes, broked, broking) sin un duro | pelado | sin blanca | sin un peso brokeback {adjective} fila broken [/ˈbɹəʊkən/] {adjective, verb} (more broken, most broken) quebrado | roto | estropeado | averiado | bruja | chapurreado broken down {adjective, verb} (more broken down, most broken down) derrumbado broken heart {noun} (broken hearts) corazón partido broken record {noun} (broken records) disco rayado broken-down {adjective} (most broken-down, more broken-down) estropeado broker [/ˈbɹoʊkɚ/ | /ˈbɹəʊkə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brokers, brokering, brokered) corredor | agente de bolsa | bróker | corredor de bolsa | intermediario brokerage {noun} corredor | correduría | corretaje bromatological {adjective} bromatológico bromatology [/bɹəʊməˈtɒlədʒi/] {noun} bromatología bromhexine {noun} bromhexina bromide [/ˈbɹoʊ.maɪd/ | /ˈbɹəʊ.maɪd/] {noun} (bromides) bromuro | pelmazo bromine [/ˈbɹoʊmin/ | /ˈbɹəʊmaɪn/ | /ˈbɹəʊmɪn/] {noun} bromo bromocriptine {noun} (bromocriptines) bromocriptina bromophenol blue {noun} azul de bromofenol bronchial [/ˈbɹɑːn.ki.əl/] {adjective} bronquial bronchiectasis {noun} (bronchiectases) bronquiectasia bronchitis [/bɹɒŋˈkaɪtɪs/] {noun} (bronchitises, bronchitides) bronquitis broncho- {prefix} bronco- bronchodilator {noun} (bronchodilators) broncodilatador bronchoscope {noun} (bronchoscopes) broncoscopio bronchoscopy {noun} (bronchoscopies) broncoscopia | broncoscopía bronchospasm {noun} (bronchospasms) broncoespasmo bronchus [/ˈbɹɑŋkəs/ | /ˈbɹɒŋkəs/] {noun} (bronchi) bronquio bronze [/bɹɑnz/ | /bɹɒnz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bronze, most bronze, bronzes, bronzed, bronzing) bronce | bronceado | broncear | broncínea | broncíneo | brónceo Bronze Age {properNoun} Edad de Bronce bronze medal {noun} (bronze medals) medalla de bronce bronze-like broncíneo bronzed {verb} broncíneo brooch [/bɹoʊtʃ/ | /bɹəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (brooches, brooching, brooched) broche brood [/bɹuːd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (broods, brooding, brooded) empollar | cría | polluelo | prole | proteger brooder [/ˈbɹudɚ/ | /ˈbɹuːdə/] {noun} (brooders) incubadora brooding [/ˈbɹuːdɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more brooding, most brooding, broodings) meditativo broody [/ˈbɹuːdi/] {adjective, noun} (brooder, more broody, broodest, most broody, broodies) clueca | culeca brook [/bɹuːk/ | /bɹʊk/] {noun, verb} (brooks, brooking, brooked) arroyo | arroyuelo brook trout {noun} (brook trout, brook trouts) trucha de manantial brooklet {noun} (brooklets) riacho Brooklyn [/ˈbɹʊk.lən/ | /ˈbɹʷʊk.ɫɪn/] {properNoun} Brooklyn broom [/bɹuːm/] {noun, verb} (brooms, broomed, brooming) escoba | cepillo | escobillón | genista | hiniesta | retama broomrape {noun} orobanca broomstick [/ˈbɹum.stɪk/] {noun} (broomsticks) mango de escoba bros. {noun} hnos. broth [/bɹɑθ/ | /bɹɒθ/ | /bɹɔθ/] {noun} caldo brothel [/ˈbɹɑθəl/ | /ˈbɹɒθəl/ | /ˈbɹɔθəl/] {noun} (brothels) prostíbulo | mancebía | burdel | lupanar | casa de putas | casa de citas brother [/ˈbɹɐðɘ(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌvə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌðə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (brothers, brethren, brothered, brothering) hermano brother-in-arms {noun} (brothers-in-arms) aliado brother-in-law [/ˈbɹʌðəɹ ɪn ˌlɔː/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɑ/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɔ/] {noun} (brothers-in-law, [[brethren-in-law]]) cuñado | concuñado brotherhood [/ˈbɹʌðɚhʊd/] {noun} fraternidad | hermandad brotherly [/ˈbɹʌð.ə.li/ | /ˈbɹʌð.ɚ.li/] {adjective, adverb} (more brotherly, most brotherly) fraterno | fraternal brouhaha [/ˈbɹuː.hɑː.hɑː/] {noun} (brouhahas) agitación browbeat [/ˈbɹaʊ.biːt/] {verb} (browbeats, browbeating, browbeaten, browbeat) intimidar Brown {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Browns, more Brown, most Brown) Castaño | Moreno | Pardo brown [/bɹaʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (browner, brownest, more brown, most brown, browns, browning, browned) marrón | pardo | castaño | café | dorar | moreno brown bear {noun} (brown bears) oso pardo brown bread {adjective, noun} (brown breads) pan integral brown bullhead {noun} (brown bullheads) bagre de agua dulce brown dwarf {noun} (brown dwarves, brown dwarfs) enana marrón brown falcon {noun} (brown falcons) halcón berigora brown noser {noun} (brown nosers) chupamedias | lameculos | pelota brown rat {noun} (brown rats) rata común brown rice {noun} (brown rices) arroz integral brown study {noun} (brown studies) abejarrón brown sugar {noun} azúcar morena | azúcar moreno brown trout {noun} (brown trout) trucha brown woolly monkey {noun} (brown woolly monkeys) barrigudo | mono barrigudo brown-eyed {adjective} ojimoreno Brownian motion {noun} movimiento browniano Brownie [/ˈbɹaʊni/] {noun, properNoun} (Brownies) wolf cub brownie [/ˈbɹaʊni/] {noun} (brownies) duendecillo brownish [/ˈbɹaʊnɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brownish, more brownish) pardusco brownish gray pardo brownish grey pardo brownnose {noun, verb} (brownnoses, brownnosing, brownnosed) hacer la pelota | lamer el culo | pelotear brownout {noun} (brownouts) baja de voltaje browse [/bɹaʊz/] {noun, verb} (browses, browsed, browsing) navegar brucellosis {noun} (brucelloses) brucelosis Bruges [/bɹuːʒ/] {properNoun} Brujas bruise [/bɹuːz/] {noun, verb} (bruises, bruised, bruising) cardenal | moretón | moratón | magullar | maca | amoratarse bruiser {noun} (bruisers) animal bruit [/bɹuːt/] {noun, verb} (bruits, bruited, bruiting) rumor Brumaire [/bɹuːˈmɛː/ | /bɹʊˈmɛəɹ/] {properNoun} (Brumaires) brumario brumous [/ˈbɹuməs/ | /ˈbɹuːməs/] {adjective} (most brumous, more brumous) brumoso brunch [/bɹʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (brunches, brunching, brunched) brunch Brunei [/bɹuːˈnaɪ/] {properNoun} Brunéi | Brunei Bruneian {adjective, noun} (Bruneians) bruneano | bruneana brunette [/bɹuˈnɛt/ | /bɹuːnɛt/] {adjective, noun} (brunettes) moreno | morena | castaña clara | castaña oscura | morocha | morocho Bruno [/ˈbɹunoʊ/] {properNoun} Bruno brunost {noun} geitost Brunswick {properNoun} Brunsvico | Brunsvigo bruschetta [/bɹuˈʃɛtə/ | /bɹʊˈskɛtə/] {noun} (bruschettas, bruschette) bruschetta brush [/bɹʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (brushes, brushing, brushed) cepillo | cepillar | escobilla | brocha | pincel | matorral brush off {noun, verb} (brush offs) pasar por alto brush one's teeth {verb} (brushes one's teeth, brushing one's teeth, brushed one's teeth) cepillarse los dientes brush up {verb} (brushes up, brushed up, brushing up) desempolvar brushstroke {noun} (brushstrokes) pincelada brushwood {noun} broza brusque [/bɹuːsk/ | /bɹʌsk/] {adjective} (most brusque, more brusque, brusquest, brusquer) brusco brusquely {adverb} (most brusquely, more brusquely) bruscamente Brusselian {adjective, noun} (Brusselians) bruselense Brussels [/ˈbɹʌsəlz/] {noun, properNoun} (Brussels) Bruselas Brussels Capital Region {properNoun} Región de Bruselas-Capital Brussels griffon {noun} (Brussels griffons) grifón de Bruselas Brussels sprout {noun} (Brussels sprouts) col de Bruselas brutal [/ˈbɹuːtəl/] {adjective} (more brutal, most brutal) brutal brutalise {verb} (brutalises, brutalised, brutalising) brutalizar Brutalism {noun} brutalismo brutality {noun} (brutalities) brutalidad brutalize {verb} (brutalizes, brutalizing, brutalized) brutalizar brutally {adverb} (most brutally, more brutally) brutalmente brute [/bɹuːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brutes, bruting, bruted, most brute, more brute) bestia | bruto brutish [/ˈbɹuːt.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brutish, more brutish) cafre brutishness {noun} (brutishnesses) bestialidad Brutus [/ˈbɹutəs/] {noun, properNoun} (Brutuses) Bruto bruxism [/ˈbɹʌksɪz(ə)m/ | /ˈbɹʌksɪzəm/] {noun} (bruxisms) bruxismo Bryansk {properNoun} Briansk Bryce {properNoun} Bryce bryology {noun} briología bryophyte [/ˈbɹaɪ̯.ə.fʌit/ | /ˈbɹʌɪ̯.ə.fʌɪt/] {noun} (bryophytes) briofita | briofito | briófito bryozoan [/ˌbɹɑɪəˈzəʊən/] {adjective, noun} (bryozoans) briozoo Brythonic [/bɹɪˈθɒnɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Brythonic, more Brythonic) britónico bubble [/ˈbʌb.əl/] {noun, verb} (bubbles, bubbling, bubbled) burbuja | burbujear | pompa bubble butt {noun} (bubble butts) culón bubble tea {noun} té de burbujas | té de perlas bubble wrap {noun} film alveolar bubbly [/ˈbʌbli/] {adjective, noun} (bubblest, bubbler, bubblies) burbujeante bubo [/ˈbjuː.bəʊ/ | /ˈbu.boʊ/] {noun} (buboes) bubón bubonic {adjective} bubónico bubonic plague {noun} peste bubónica Bucalemu {properNoun} Bucalemo | Bucalemu buccal [/ˈbʌk.əl/] {adjective} mejilla buccaneer [/ˌbʌkəˈnɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (buccaneers, buccaneering, buccaneered) bucanero buccaneering {adjective, noun, verb} (most buccaneering, more buccaneering, buccaneerings) piratería Bucharest [/ˌbuːkəˈɹɛst/] {properNoun} Bucarest buck [/bʌk/] {noun, verb} (bucks, bucking, bucked) macho | buco | caballerete | corcovear | gamo | pavo buck-billed platypus ornitorrinco bucket [/ˈbʌkɪt/] {noun, verb} (buckets, bucketed, bucketing) cubo | balde | cubeta | jarrear | llover a cántaros | pozal bucket down {verb} (buckets down, bucketed down, bucketing down) caer a plomo | caer chuzos de punta | llover a cántaros bucket of bolts {noun} (buckets of bolts) chatarra buckeye [/ˈbʌkaɪ/] {noun} (buckeyes) castaño de Indias Buckingham Palace {properNoun} Palacio de Buckingham buckle [/ˈbʌk(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (buckles, buckling, buckled) hebilla buckle up {verb} abrochar buckler [/ˈbʌk.lə/ | /ˈbʌk.lɚ/] {noun, verb} (bucklers, bucklered, bucklering) escudo | rodela buckling [/ˈbʌk.lɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bucklings, more buckling, most buckling) arenque ahumado buckshot {noun} granizo buckskin {adjective, noun} ante | piel de ante buckthorn {noun} (buckthorns) arraclán buckwheat [/ˈbʌkʍiːt/] {noun} (buckwheats) alforfón | trigo sarraceno bucolic [/bjuˈkɑlɪk/ | /bjuːˈkɒlɪk/] {adjective, noun} (bucolics, most bucolic, more bucolic) bucólico bud [/bʌd/] {noun, verb} (buds, budding, budded) botón | brote | yema | amigote | brotar | cogollo Budapest [/ˈbuːdəpɛst/] {properNoun} Budapest Buddha [/bʊdːʰə/ | /ˈbudə/ | /ˈbʊdə/] {noun, properNoun} (Buddhas) Buda buddha [/ˈbudə/ | /ˈbʊdə/] {noun} Buda Buddha's hand {noun} (Buddha's hands) mano de buda Buddhahood {noun} budeidad Buddhic [/ˈbʊdɪk/] {adjective} (most Buddhic, more Buddhic) búdico Buddhism [/ˈbu.dɪ.zəm/] {noun} (Buddhisms) budismo Buddhist [/ˈbudɪst/] {adjective, noun} (most Buddhist, more Buddhist, Buddhists) budista Buddhist Era {properNoun} era budista Buddhistic {adjective} búdico budding [/ˈbʌdiŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} futuro buddy [/bʌd.i/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buddies, buddying, buddied, more buddy, most buddy) compañero | camarada | acompañante | colega | compinche | cuate budge [/bʌdʒ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more budge, most budge, budges, budging, budged) mover budgerigar {noun} (budgerigars) periquito budget [/ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (budgets, budgeted, budgeting) presupuesto | presupuestar budgetary {adjective} presupuestal | presupuestario budyonovka {noun} (budyonovkas) budiónovka Buenos Aires [/ˌbweɪnoʊs ˈaɪɹeɪs/] {properNoun} Buenos Aires buff [/bʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buffer, buffest, most buff, more buff, buffs, buffing, buffed) aficionado | color del ante | papiado buff out {verb} des- buff-breasted sandpiper {noun} (buff-breasted stints) correlimos canelo buff-necked Ibis bandurria buff-tailed bumblebee {noun} (buff-tailed bumblebees) abejorro común Buffalo {properNoun} Buffalo buffalo [/ˈbʌf.ə.loʊ/ | /ˈbʌf.əl.əʊ/] {noun, verb} (buffalos, buffalo, buffaloes, buffaloed, buffaloing) búfalo | bisonte buffer [/ˈbafə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌfə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌfɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buffers, buffering, buffered) memoria intermedia | solución amortiguadora | solución reguladora | tamponar | tampón buffer solution {noun} (buffer solutions) solución tampón buffet [/bəˈfeɪ/ | /ˈbʊfeɪ/ | /ˈbʌfɪt/] {noun, verb} (buffets, buffetted, buffeting, buffeted, buffetting) buffé bufflehead [/ˈbʌfəlhɛd/] {noun} (buffleheads) pato moñudo | pato pinto | porrón albeola | porrón coronado buffoon [/bəˈfuːn/] {noun, verb} (buffoons, buffooned, buffooning) bufón bug [/bʌɡ/] {noun, verb} (bugs, bugged, bugging) bicho | micrófono oculto | chinche | buscarle las cosquillas | colocar micrófonos ocultos | defecto bug off {interjection, verb} ir bug spray {noun} repelente de insectos bugfix {noun} (bugfixes) parche bugger [/ˈbʌɡə/ | /ˈbʌɡɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (buggers, buggered, buggering) encular | bugarrón | bujarrón | fastidio | fregón | jodón bugger off {interjection, verb} (buggers off, buggered off, buggering off) carajo buggy [/bʌ.ɡi/] {adjective, noun} (buggest, bugger, buggies) quad bughouse chess {noun} Pasapiezas Buginese {properNoun} buginés bugle [/ˈbjuːɡəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bugles, more bugle, most bugle, bugling, bugled) clarín bugler {noun} (buglers) clarín bugloss {noun} (buglosses) aspa build [/bɪld/] {noun, verb} (builds, builded, built, building) construir | edificar build castles in the air {verb} (builds castles in the air, building castles in the air, builded castles in the air, built castles in the air) forjar castillos en el aire | hacer castillos de naipes | hacer castillos en el aire | levantar castillos en el aire build up {noun, verb} (builds up, building up, built up) amplificar builder [/ˈbɪl.də/ | /ˈbɪl.dɚ/] {noun} (builders) constructor | constructora | constructor civil | constructora civil building [/ˈbɪldɪŋ/] {noun, verb} edificio | construcción | edificación building block {noun} (building blocks) bloque building blocks {noun} bloques de construcción building material {noun} (building materials) material de construcción building site {noun} (building sites) obra building society {noun} (building societies) sociedad de préstamo inmobiliario buildup {noun} construcción built-in {adjective, noun} (built-ins) empotrado | incluido | integrado Buin {properNoun} Buin buisine {noun} (buisines) añafil Bujumbura [/ˌbuːdʒəmˈbʊəɹə/ | /ˌbuːdʒəmˈbʊɹə/] {properNoun} Buyumbura bukkake [/buˈkɑː.ki/] {noun} bucake | bukake | bukkake bulb [/bʌlb/] {noun, verb} (bulbs, bulbing, bulbed) bulbo bulbar {adjective} bulbar bulbourethral {adjective} bulbouretral bulbous [/ˈbʌlbəs/] {adjective} (more bulbous, most bulbous) bulboso bulbul [/ˈbʊlbʊl/] {noun} (bulbuls) bulbul Bulgaria [/bʌlˈɡɛə.ɹi.ə/ | /bʌlˈɡɛɹ.i.ə/] {properNoun} Bulgaria Bulgarian [/bʌlˈɡɛɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bulgarian, most Bulgarian) búlgaro | búlgara Bulgarian Hound {noun} (Bulgarian Hounds) sabueso de Bulgaria bulge [/bʌldʒ/] {noun, verb} (bulges, bulged, bulging) abultamiento | abultar | bulto | protuberancia bulgur [/ˈbʌlɡə(ɹ)/] {noun} bulgur bulimia [/bjuˈlimi.ə/] {noun} bulimia | bulimia nerviosa bulimic {adjective, noun} (most bulimic, more bulimic, bulimics) bulímico bulk [/bʌlk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bulks, bulked, bulking) bulto | grueso | masa | masivo bulkhead {noun} (bulkheads) mamparo | panel bulky [/ˈbʌlki/] {adjective} (bulker, bulkest) voluminoso | abultado bulky waste {noun} basura voluminosa bull [/ˈbʊl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bulls, bulling, bulled) toro | bula | bulo | mamar bull bar {noun} (bull bars) mataburros bull dyke [/ˈbʊlˌdaɪk/] {noun} (bull dykes) marimacho bull market {noun} (bull markets) mercado alcista bull run {noun} (bull runs) encierro bull shark {noun} (bull sharks) tiburón sarda bull terrier {noun} (bull terriers) bull terrier bulldog [/ˈbʊldɑɡ/ | /ˈbʊldɒɡ/ | /ˈbʊldɔɡ/] {noun, verb} (bulldogs, bulldogged, bulldogging) buldog | bulldog | dogo bulldozer [/ˈbʊldoʊzɚ/] {noun, verb} (bulldozers, bulldozering, bulldozered) aplanadora | bulldozer bullectomy {noun} (bullectomies) bullectomía bullet [/ˈbʊl.ɪt/] {noun, verb} (bullets, bulleted, bulleting) bala | proyectil bullet ant {noun} (bullet ants) conga | folofa | hormiga bala | tucandera | yanabe bullet train {noun} (bullet trains) shinkansen bulletin [/ˈbʊlɪtɪn/] {noun, verb} (bulletins, bulletining, bulletined) boletín bulletin board {noun} (bulletin boards) tablón de anuncios bulletproof [/bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf/] {adjective, verb} (most bulletproof, more bulletproof, bulletproofs, bulletproofed, bulletproofing) antibalas | a prueba de balas | infalible bulletproof vest [/bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf vɛst/] {noun} (bulletproof vests) chaleco antibalas bullfight {noun} (bullfights) corrida | corrida de toros bullfighter {noun} (bullfighters) diestro | matador | torero bullfighting {noun} (bullfightings) tauromaquia | toreo | corrida de toros bullfinch {noun} (bullfinches) camachuelo bullfrog [/ˈbʊlfrɒɡ/ | /ˈbʊlfɹɑɡ/] {noun} (bullfrogs) rana toro bullhead [/ˈbʌlˌhɛd/] {noun} (bullheads) bagre de agua dulce bullhorn {noun} (bullhorns) megáfono bullion [/ˈbʊl.jən/] {noun} tejo | tejón bullionism {noun} bullionismo Bullmastiff [/ˈbʊlˌmæstɪf/] {noun} (Bullmastiffs) bullmastiff bullock [/ˈbʊlək/] {noun, verb} (bullocks, bullocked, bullocking) buey bullpen {noun} (bullpens) toril bullring {noun} (bullrings) plaza de toros bullroarer {noun} (bullroarers) rombo bullseye [/ˈbʊlzaɪ/] {interjection, noun} (bullseyes) centro del blanco | diana | ojo de buey bullshit [/ˈbʊlʃɪt/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most bullshit, more bullshit, bullshits, bullshit, bullshitting, bullshitted, bullshat) chorrada | gilipollez | bosta | caca | chamullo | chorradas bullshitter {noun} (bullshitters) cantamañanas bully [/ˈbʊli/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (buller, bullest, bullies, bullying, bullied) abusador | abusón | acosar | bravo | bravucón | chulear bullying [/ˈbʊl.i.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} acoso | bullying | hostigamiento | matonaje | matonismo | mobbing bulrush {noun} (bulrushes) junco bulwark [/ˈbʊl.wək/ | /ˈbʊl.wɝk/] {noun, verb} (bulwarks, bulwarking, bulwarked) baluarte | amurada bum [/bʌm/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (bummest, bummer, bums, bummed, bumming) vagabundo | trasero | ano | vago bum bag {noun} (bum bags) banana bum rap {noun} (bum raps) afabulación bum wine {noun} calostro bumblebee [/ˈbʌmbl̩bi/] {noun} (bumblebees) abejorro | abejarrón | abejón | moscardón | jicote bumfuck {adjective, noun, verb} (most bumfuck, more bumfuck, bumfucks, bumfucking, bumfucked) jurutungo viejo bumfuck nowhere {properNoun} el culo del mundo bummer [/ˈbʌ.mə(ɹ)/] {adjective, interjection, noun} (bummers) decepción | fiasco | fracaso | vergüenza bump [/bʌmp/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bumps, bumping, bumped) chichón | bulto | tolondro | abolladura | bache | cototo bump stock {noun} (bump stocks) bump stock | modificación semiautomática bump up {verb} (bumps up, bumping up, bumped up) adelantar bumper [/ˈbʌmpə(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bumpers, bumpered, bumpering) parachoques | bumper | bómper | defensa | paragolpes bumper car {noun} (bumper cars) carro chocón | auto chocador | auto chocón | carro chocador bumpkin [/ˈbʌmpkɪn/] {noun} (bumpkins) cazurro | guajiro | jíbaro | montañero | montuno | paleto bumptious [/ˈbʌmpʃəs/] {adjective} (more bumptious, most bumptious) presumido bumpy [/ˈbʌmpi/] {adjective} (bumper, bumpest) desparejo | dispar | disparejo bun [/bʌn/] {noun, verb} (buns, bun, bunned, bunning) moño | bollo | chongo | rodete bunch [/ˈbʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (bunches, bunched, bunching) racimo | ramo | montón | pandilla | arracimarse | bolsada bunch of fives {noun} (bunches of fives) buñuelo Bundestag [/ˈbʊndəsˌtɑːɡ/] {properNoun} Bundestag bundle [/ˈbʌnd(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (bundles, bundled, bundling) haz | fajo | abrigar | amarrar | apurar | atado bundt cake {noun} (bundt cakes) gugelhupf bung [/ˈbʌŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bungs, bunged, bunging) corcho | tapón bungalow {noun} (bungalows) bungalow bungee [/ˈbʌn.d͡ʒi/] {noun} (bungees) pulpo bungee jump {noun, verb} (bungee jumps) hacer puenting | salto de puenting bungee jumping {noun} puentismo | bungee jumping | bungy | bungy jumping | góming | puénting bungee rope {noun} (bungee ropes) goma bungle [/ˈbʌŋ.ɡ(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (bungles, bungling, bungled) malograr bungler {noun} (bunglers) torpe bungling {adjective, noun, verb} (most bungling, more bungling, bunglings) incapacitado bunion [/ˈbʌnjən/] {noun} (bunions) juanete bunk [/bʌŋk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bunks, bunked, bunking) litera | hacer la cimarra | hacer novillos bunk bed {noun} (bunk beds) litera bunkbed {noun} (bunkbeds) litera bunker [/ˈbʌŋkɚ/] {noun, verb} (bunkers, bunkered, bunkering) búnker bunkhouse {noun} (bunkhouses) barracón bunny [/ˈbʌni/] {adjective, noun} (bunnies, bunniest, bunnier, bunner, bunnest, more bunny, most bunny) gazapo | conejita | conejito bunny girl {noun} (bunny girls) conejita Bunsen burner {noun} (Bunsen burners) mechero | quemador Bunsen bunt {noun, verb} (bunts, bunted, bunting) tocar | toque bunting [/ˈbʌntɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (buntings) escribano Bunuelian {adjective} (more Bunuelian, most Bunuelian) buñueliano buoy [/ˈbuːiː/ | /ˈbwɔɪ/ | /ˈbɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (buoys, buoyed, buoying) boya buoy up {verb} (buoys up, buoying up, buoyed up) animar buoyancy [/ˈbɔɪ.ən.si/] {noun} (buoyancies) flotabilidad | impulso | optimismo | sustentación hidráulica buoyant [/ˈbɔɪ.ənt/] {adjective} (most buoyant, more buoyant) boyante bupleurum {noun} (bupleurums) abejera burble [/ˈbɜɹ.bəl/] {noun, verb} (burbles, burbling, burbled) borbollar | borbotar burbot [/ˈbɜ(ɹ).bət/] {noun} (burbots) lota burden [/ˈbɜːdn/ | /ˈbɝdn/] {noun, verb} (burdens, burdening, burdened) carga | gravar | preocupación | responsabilidad burden basket {noun} (burden baskets) cuévano burden of proof {noun} (burdens of proof) carga de la prueba burdensome [/ˈbəː.dən.səm/ | /ˈbɝ.dən.səm/] {adjective} (most burdensome, more burdensome) pesado | agotador | arduo | exigente | fastidioso | penoso Burdigalian {properNoun} Burdigaliense burdock [/ˈbɜːdɒk/ | /ˈbɝːdɑːk/] {noun} (burdocks) bardana | cachurrea | cadillo | lampazo | lapaizo | pegadillo bureau [/ˈbjʊɹ.oʊ/ | /ˈbjʊɹ.ə/ | /ˈbjʊɹ.əʊ/] {noun} (bureaus, bureaux) oficina | cómoda | escritorio bureau de change [/ˈbjʊəɹ.əʊ.dəˌʃɒ̃ʒ/] {noun} (bureaus de change, bureaux de change, bureau de changes) casa de cambio bureaucracy [/bjʊəˈɹɒkɹəsi/ | /bjʊˈɹɑːkɹəsi/] {noun} (bureaucracies) burocracia bureaucrat [/ˈbjʊəɹəkɹæt/ | /ˈbjʊɹəkɹæt/] {noun} (bureaucrats) burócrata bureaucratic {adjective} (more bureaucratic, most bureaucratic) burocrático bureaucratically {adverb} (more bureaucratically, most bureaucratically) burocráticamente bureaucratize [/bjʊəˈɹɒkɹətʌɪz/] {verb} (bureaucratizes, bureaucratized, bureaucratizing) burocratizar burette {noun} (burettes) bureta burg {noun} (burgs) burgo Burgas {properNoun} Burgas burgee {noun} (burgees) gallardete Burgenland [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡənlænd/] {properNoun} Burgenland burgeon [/ˈbɜː.d͡ʒən/ | /ˈbɝː.d͡ʒən/] {noun, verb} (burgeons, burgeoned, burgeoning) florecer | medrar | retoñar burger [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡə(ɹ)/] {noun} (burgers) hamburguesa burger bar {noun} (burger bars) hamburguesería burgess [/ˈbɜːdʒɪs/] {noun} (burgesses) burgués burgher [/ˈbɝɡɚ/] {noun} (burghers) burgués burglar [/ˈbɜːɡlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɝɡlɚ/] {noun, verb} (burglars, burglaring, burglared) ladrón burglar alarm {noun} (burglar alarms) alarma burglary [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡləɹi/] {noun} (burglaries) allanamiento de morada burgle [/ˈbɜːɡəl/] {verb} (burgles, burgling, burgled) hurtar | robar burgomaster [/ˈbɜɹɡəmæstəɹ/] {noun} (burgomasters) burgomaestre Burgundian [/bɜːɹˈɡʌndɪən/ | /bɜːˈɡʌndɪən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Burgundians) burgundio Burgundy [/ˈbɜːɡəndi/ | /ˈbɝːɡəndi/] {noun, properNoun} (Burgundies) Borgoña burgundy [/ˈbəː.ɡən.dɪ/ | /ˈbɝ.ɡən.di/] {adjective, noun} (most burgundy, more burgundy, burgundies) burdeos burial [/ˈbɛɹiəl/ | /ˈbɛɹɪəl/ | /ˈbɝiəl/] {noun} entierro burial chamber {noun} (burial chambers) cámara mortuoria buried [/ˈbɛ.ɹid/] {adjective, verb} (most buried, more buried) enterrado burka {noun} (burkas) burka | burqa Burkina Faso [/bəː(ɹ)ˈkiːnə ˈfɑsoʊ/] {properNoun} Burkina Faso Burkinabe {adjective, noun} (Burkinabes) burkinés burl [/bɜːl/ | /bɝl/] {noun, verb} (burls, burling, burled) lobanillo | lupia burlap [/ˈbəɹˌlæp/] {noun} arpillera burlesque [/bə(ɹ)ˈlɛsk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more burlesque, most burlesque, burlesques, burlesqued, burlesquing) sainete burly [/ˈbɜːli/] {adjective} (more burly, most burly, burlest, burler) corpulento | musculoso Burma [/ˈbɜːmə/ | /ˈbɝmə/] {properNoun} Birmania Burmese [/bɜːˈmiːz/ | /bɝˈmiz/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Burmese) birmano burn [/bɜːn/ | /bɝn/] {noun, verb} (burns, burnt, burning, burned) quemar | arder | quemadura | quema | quemarse | quemazón burn down {verb} (burns down, burning down, burnt down, burned down) arrasar | incendiar | incendiarse burn one's bridges {verb} quemar las naves | quemar los puentes burn one's fingers {verb} pegarse un tiro en el pie burn out {noun, verb} (burns out, burned out, burning out, burnt out) cauterizar burn the candle at both ends {verb} (burns the candle at both ends, burnt the candle at both ends, burned the candle at both ends, burning the candle at both ends) quemar la vela por los dos cabos burn the midnight oil {verb} (burns the midnight oil, burnt the midnight oil, burned the midnight oil, burning the midnight oil) hacer días y noches burner [/ˈbɜːnə/ | /ˈbɝnɚ/] {noun} (burners) quemador | grabador de CD | incinerador burning [/bɜːnɪŋ/ | /bɝnɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most burning, more burning, burnings) ardiente burning bush {noun} (burning bushes) zarza ardiente burning times {noun} los tiempos de la quemas burnish {noun, verb} (burnishes, burnisht, burnished, burnishing) bruñir burnisher {noun} (burnishers) enceradora burnoose [/bɜːˈnuːs/ | /bɝˈnus/] {noun} (burnooses) albornoz burnout {noun} (burnouts) burnout | queme burnt [/ˈbɜɹnt/ | /ˈbɜːnt/] {adjective, verb} (more burnt, most burnt) quemado buro {noun} (buros) cómoda | escritorio | oficina burocratic {adjective} (most burocratic, more burocratic) burocrático burp [/bɝp/] {noun, verb} (burps, burped, burping) eructar | eructo | regoldar | regüeldo burqa {noun} (burqas) burka burqini {noun} (burqinis) burkini burr [/bɝ/] {noun, verb} (burrs, burred, burring) arrastrar las erres | astilla | cadillo | erre francesa | esquirla | limadura burr cell {noun} (burr cells) equinocito burrito [/bəˈɹi.toʊ/ | /bəˈɹiː.təʊ/] {noun} (burritos) burrito burro {noun} (burros) burrico burrow [/ˈbɜɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹəʊ/] {noun, verb} (burrows, burrowed, burrowing) madriguera | cavar | ratonera | socavar burrowing parrot {noun} (burrowing parrots) loro tricahue bursary {noun} (bursaries) beca bursitis {noun} (bursitises, bursitides) bursitis burst [/bɜːst/ | /bɝst/] {noun, verb} (bursts, bursted, bursting, bursten, burst, brast) reventar | estallido | estallo | explosión | reventón | romper burst into flame {verb} (bursts into flame, burst into flame, bursting into flame) coger candela burst out laughing {verb} reirse a carcajadas burundanga {noun} burundanga Burundi [/bʊˈɹʊndi/] {properNoun} Burundi Burundian {adjective, noun} (most Burundian, more Burundian, Burundians) burundés bury [/ˈbɛ.ɹi/ | /ˈbʊ.ɹi/ | /ˈbʌ.ɹi/] {noun, verb} (buries, buried, burying) enterrar | sepultura bury one's head in the sand {verb} esconder la cabeza bajo el ala bury the hatchet {verb} (buries the hatchet, burying the hatchet, buried the hatchet) enterrar el hacha de guerra Buryat {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Buryats) buriato Buryatia {properNoun} Buriatia bus [/bɐs/ | /bɔs/ | /bʊs/ | /bʌs/] {noun, verb} (buses, busses, bused, bussing, busing, bussed) autobús | bus | guagua | camión | bondi | camioneta bus attendant terramoza bus bulb {noun} (bus bulbs) ensanchamiento para autobús bus driver {noun} (bus drivers) conductor de autobús bus route {noun} (bus routes) línea de autobús bus shelter {noun} (bus shelters) marquesina bus station {noun} (bus stations) estación de autobús bus stop {noun} (bus stops) parada de autobús Busan {properNoun} Busán busbar {noun} (busbars) barra colectora | barraje | embarrado busboy {noun} (busboys) ayudante de camarero | ayudante de mozo | galopino busby [/ˈbʌz.bi/] {noun} (busbies, busbys) colbac bush [/bʊʃ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bushes, more bush, most bush, bushed, bushing) arbusto | pelos púbicos | pendejos (vulgar) | vello púbico bush dog {noun} (bush dogs) perro de monte bush hammer {noun} (bush hammers) bujarda bushed [/bʊʃt/] {adjective} fatigado bushel [/ˈbʊʃəl/] {noun, verb} (bushels, bushelled, bushelling, busheling, busheled) fanega bushing [/ˈbʊʃɪŋ/] {noun} (bushings) canguelo Bushism {noun, properNoun} (Bushisms) bushismo Bushman {noun} (Bushmen) bosquimán bushmaster {noun} (bushmasters) cascabel muda bushy [/ˈbʊʃi/] {adjective} (busher, bushest) poblado | tupido business [/ˈbɪd.nəs/ | /ˈbɪz.nəs/ | /ˈbɪz.nɪs/] {adjective, noun} (businesses) negocio | asunto | empresa business administration {noun} administración business as usual {adjective, noun} como si nada ocurriera | zona de conflicto business before pleasure {proverb} primero el deber y después el placer business card {noun} (business cards) tarjeta de visita | tarjeta de presentacion business class {noun} clase ejecutiva business partner {noun} (business partners) socio business trip {noun} (business trips) viaje de negocios businesslike {adjective} (more businesslike, most businesslike) objetiva businessman [/ˈbɪznəsmæn/ | /ˈbɪznəsmən/] {noun} (businessmen) hombre de negocios | empresario | negociante businessperson {noun} (businesspeople, businesspersons) empresario businesswoman {noun} (businesswomen) mujer de negocios | negocianta busker {noun} (buskers) artista callejero buskin [/ˈbʌskɪn/] {noun} (buskins) borceguí bust [/ˈbʌst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (busts, busting, busted, bust) busto | pillar | cazar | fiasco | reventar | trincar bustard [/ˈbʌs.təd/] {noun} (bustards) avutarda busted [/ˈbʌstəd/] {adjective, verb} (more busted, most busted) mondo buster {noun} (busters) amigo | boludo | huevón | tipo | tío bustle [/ˈbʌsəl/] {noun, verb} (bustles, bustled, bustling) abundar | polisón bustling {adjective, noun, verb} (more bustling, most bustling, bustlings) ajetreado busty [/ˈbʌsti/] {adjective} (buster, bustest) mamelluda | tetuda busy [/ˈbɪzi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (busest, buser, busies, busying, busied) ocupado | complicado busy beaver {noun} (busy beavers) abeja busy bee {noun} (busy bees) abeja busy work {noun} terapia ocupacional busybody {noun} (busybodies) entremetido | metiche | intruso | metijón | metomentodo but [/bət/ | /bʊt/ | /bʌt/] {adverb, conjunction, noun, preposition, verb} (buts, butting, butted) pero | aunque | sino | solamente | sólo | excepto butadiene {noun} butadieno butane [/ˈbjuːteɪn/] {noun} butano butanol {noun} butanol butanone {noun} butanona | metiletilcetona butch [/bʊtʃ/] {adjective, noun} (butchest, more butch, butcher, most butch, butches) machista butcher [/ˈbʊtʃ.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʊt͡ʃ.ɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (butchers, butchering, butchered) carnicero | matar | carnicera | carnear | destazar | masacrar butcher block {noun} (butcher blocks) tajadero butcher shop carnicería butcher's [/ˈbʊtʃə(ɹ)z/] {noun} carnicería butcher's hook {noun} (butcher's hooks, butchers' hooks) gancho de carnicero | gancho de carnicería butchershop {noun} (butchershops) carnicería butchery {noun} (butcheries) carnicería butene {noun} (butenes) buteno butler [/ˈbʌt.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌt.lɚ/] {noun, verb} (butlers, butlered, butlering) mayordomo | sumiller butt [/bʌt/] {noun, verb} (butts, butted, butting) colilla | culo | trasero | bacha | calilla | chenca butt in {verb} (butts in, butting in, butted in) meter baza butt plug [/ˈbʌtplʌɡ/] {noun} (butt plugs) butt plug butt-ugly {adjective} más feo que Picio butte [/ˈbjuːt/] {noun} (buttes) cuello volcánico | otero | páramo butter [/ˈbʊtə/ | /ˈbʌtə/ | /ˈbʌtəɹ/ | /ˈbʌtɚ/] {noun, verb} (butters, buttered, buttering) mantequilla | manteca | untar con mantequilla butter dish {noun} (butter dishes) mantequera butter fingers {noun} (butter fingers) manos de manteca butter knife {noun} (butter knives) cuchillo de untar butter up {verb} (butters up, buttering up, buttered up) hacer el buz | hacer la pelota | incensar | lisonjear butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth {phraseologicalUnit} parecer una mosquita muerta butterbur {noun} (butterburs) petasita buttercup [/ˈbʌt.ə.kʌp/ | /ˈbʌt.ɚ.kʌp/] {noun} (buttercups) ranúnculo butterfingers [/ˈbʌtəˌfɪŋɡəz/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌfɪŋɡɚz/] {noun} (butterfingers) manazas | manos muertas | torpe butterfly [/ˈbʌtə(ɹ)flaɪ/ | [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] | [ˈbʌɾɚflaɪ]] {noun, verb} (butterflies, butterflying, butterflied) mariposa butterfly door {noun} (butterfly doors) puerta de gaviota butterfly effect {noun} (butterfly effects) efecto mariposa butterfly stroke {noun} (butterfly strokes) mariposa butterflyfish {noun} (butterflyfishes, butterflyfish) pez mariposa buttermilk [/ˈbʌtəˌmɪlk/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌmɪlk/] {noun} suero de mantequilla | suero de manteca butternut squash {noun} (butternut squashes) calabaza butternut | calabaza de nuez butterscotch [/ˈbʌtəˌskɒtʃ/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌskɑtʃ/] {adjective, noun} (butterscotches) caramelo buttery [/ˈbʌtəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (butterest, butterer, butteries) mantecoso buttfuckable {adjective} (most buttfuckable, more buttfuckable) culeable buttfucker {noun} (buttfuckers) enculador | cogeculos | culeador | follaculos butthurt [/ˈbʌtˌhɜːt/ | /ˈbʌtˌhɝt/] {adjective, noun} (more butthurt, most butthurt) emputado | encabronado buttock [/ˈbʌtək/] {noun} (buttocks) nalga buttocks [/ˈbʌtəks/] {noun} culo buttom zapatilla button [/ˈbʌtn̩/] {noun, verb} (buttons, buttoning, buttoned) botón | abotonar | abrochar | capullo | clítoris | prendedor button mushroom {noun} (button mushrooms) champiñón button up {verb} (buttons up, buttoned up, buttoning up) abotonar | abrocharse button-tree yana buttonhole {noun, verb} (buttonholes, buttonholing, buttonholed) ojal | cazar al espartillo buttonwood {noun} (buttonwoods) yana buttress [/ˈbʌtɹəs/ | /ˈbʌtɹɪs/] {noun, verb} (buttresses, buttressing, buttressed) contrafuerte | estribo | apuntalar | sostén | apoyo | afianzar butyl {noun} (butyls) butilo butylene {noun} (butylenes) butileno butyric {adjective} (most butyric, more butyric) butiroso | butírico | mantecoso butyric acid {noun} (butyric acids) ácido butírico buxom [/ˈbʌksəm/] {adjective} (most buxom, buxomer, buxomest, more buxom) maciza | pechugona | tetona buy [/baɪ/] {noun, verb} (buys, boughten, buying, bought) comprar | creer buy cheap, buy twice {proverb} lo barato sale caro buy into {verb} (buys into, buying into, bought into) comprar | creérselo | tragar buy off {verb} (buys off, bought off, buying off) cohechar buy the farm {verb} (buys the farm, bought the farm, buying the farm) morir buy time {verb} (buys time, bought time, buying time) ganar tiempo buy-in {noun} soporte buyable [/ˈbaɪəbəl/] {adjective} comprable buyback {noun} (buybacks) recompra buyer [/ˈbaɪ.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (buyers) comprador | compradora | cliente | clienta buzz [/bʌz/] {noun, verb} (buzzes, buzzing, buzzed) zumbar | abejorrear | comentar | suspiro | zumbido | zurrido buzz-phrase {noun} (buzz-phrases) frase zumbona buzzard [/ˈbʌzəɹd/] {noun} (buzzards) busardo | ratonero común buzzcut {noun} (buzzcuts) corte militar buzzer [/ˈbʌzə/ | /ˈbʌzəɹ/] {noun} (buzzers) zumbador | bocina buzzing [/ˈbʌzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} zumbido buzzword {noun} (buzzwords) palabra de moda by [/baɪ/] {adjective, adverb, interjection, noun, preposition} (bys) por | para by a landslide {adverb} de goleada | por goleada by a long shot de lejos by all means en toda regla | sin duda by and large {adverb} en general by any chance por algún casual by any means por todos los medios by chance por casualidad by default por defecto | por omisión by dint of {preposition} a fuerza de by far de lejos | con creces | con mucho | por mucho by God {adjective, adverb, interjection} por Dios | rediós by hand a mano by heart [/baɪ ˈhɑɹt/ | /baɪ ˈhɑːt/] de memoria by hook or by crook de una forma u otra | por todos los medios by means of {preposition} por medio de by no means de ninguna manera | ni por asomo by now ya by oneself solo | a solas | por sí mismo by rights en justicia by the book a toda ley by the Grace of God por la Gracia de Dios by the looks of things {adverb} por lo que parece by the same token de la misma manera by the skin of one's teeth con las justas | dejando pelos en la gatera by the time para cuando by the way {adverb} por cierto | a propósito | dicho sea de paso | depaso by virtue of [/baɪ ˈvɜːtʃuː ɒv/ | /baɪ ˈvɝtʃu ʌv/] {preposition} en virtud de by way of {phraseologicalUnit} a modo de by-election {noun} (by-elections) elección parcial by-product {noun} (by-products) subproducto Byblos {properNoun} Biblos bycatch {noun, verb} (bycatches, bycaught, bycatching) captura accesoria Bydgoszcz {properNoun} Bydgoszcz bye [/baɪ/] {interjection, noun, preposition} (byes) adiós | chao | chau bye-bye [/baɪˈbaɪ/] {interjection, noun} (bye-byes) adiós | chau Byelorussian SSR [/ˌbjɛləˈrʌʃən/] {properNoun} RSS de Bielorrusia byform {noun} (byforms) variante bygone [/ˈbaɪɡɒn/ | /ˈbaɪɡɔn/] {adjective, noun} (bygones) pasado byhove [/bɪˈhəʊv/] {verb} (byhoves, behoved, behoving) convenir bylaw [/ˈbaɪ.lɑ/ | /ˈbaɪ.lɔ/ | /ˈbaɪ.lɔː/] {noun} (bylaws) estatuto bylina [/bəˈliːnə/] {noun} (bylinas, byliny, bylini) bylina byname {noun, verb} (bynames, bynamed, bynaming) apelativo | apellido | apodo bypass [/ˈbaɪpæs/ | /ˈbaɪpɑːs/] {noun, verb} (bypasses, bypassing, bypassed) baipás | variante byproduct {noun} (byproducts) subproducto byre {noun} (byres) establo byssus [/ˈbɪ.səs/] {noun} (byssi, byssuses) biso bystander {noun} (bystanders) espectador | cotilla | curioso | mirona | mirón | transeúnte byte [/baɪt/] {noun} (bytes) byte byword [/ˈbaɪ.wə(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbaɪ.wɚd/] {noun} (bywords) estribillo | proverbio | refrán Byzantine [/bɪˈzæntaɪn/ | /ˈbɪzəntiːn/] {adjective, noun} (more Byzantine, most Byzantine, Byzantines) bizantino | bizantina | farragoso | sibilino Byzantine Empire [/ˈbɪzəntiːn ˈɛmpaɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Imperio bizantino Byzantium [/bɪˈzænti.əm/] {noun, properNoun} Bizancio Béarn {properNoun} Bearne béarnaise sauce {noun} (béarnaise sauces) salsa bearnesa béchamel sauce {noun} bechamel | besamel bête noire [/beɪtˈnwɑː/ | /bɛt ˈnwɑɹ/] {noun} (bêtes noires) bestia negra bʼakʼtun [/ˈbɑkˌtun/ | /ˈɓakʼtun/] {noun} (bʼakʼtuns) baktun | baktún