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calafatear | enmasillar

caulker {noun} (caulkers) calafateador Cauquenes {properNoun} Cauquenes causal [/ˈkɔːz.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more causal, most causal, causals) causal causalism {noun} causalismo causality {noun} (causalities) causalidad causation {noun} causación causative [/ˈkɔzətɪv/ | /ˈkɔːzətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (causatives) causativo cause [/kɔz/ | /kɔːz/] {noun, verb} (causes, causing, caused) causar | causa cause célèbre [/koz se.lɛbʁ/ | /kɔz sɛˈlɛb/ | /kɔːz sɛˈlɛbɹ(ə)/] {noun} (causes célèbres) tema de interés cause of death {noun} (causes of death) causa de la muerte causeway [/ˈkɔːz.weɪ/] {noun, verb} (causeways, causewaying, causewayed) calzada elevada caustic [/ˈkɔːstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most caustic, more caustic, caustics) cáustico caustic soda {noun} (caustic sodas) soda cáustica causticity [/kɔːˈstɪsɪti/] {noun} (causticities) causticidad cauterization {noun} (cauterizations) cauterización cauterize [/ˈkɔːtəɹaɪz/ | [ˈkʰɔɾəɹaɪz]] {verb} (cauterizes, cauterizing, cauterized) cauterizar caution [/ˈkɑʃn/ | /ˈkɑːʃ(ə)n/ | /ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n/] {noun, verb} (cautions, cautioned, cautioning) cuidado | advertir | precaución | advertencia | cautela | fianza cautionary tale {noun} (cautionary tales) cuento moralizante cautious [/ˈkɔːʃəs/] {adjective} (most cautious, more cautious) cauteloso | cuidadoso | cauto | precavido cautiously [/ˈkɑʃəsli/ | /ˈkɔːʃəsli/] {adverb} (more cautiously, most cautiously) precavidamente cavalcade [/ˈkævəlˌkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (cavalcades, cavalcaded, cavalcading) cabalgada | cabalgata cavalier [/ˌkævəˈlɪəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cavalier, most cavalier, cavaliers, cavaliering, cavaliered) caballero cavalry [/ˈkævəlɹi/] {noun} (cavalries) caballería cavalryman {noun} (cavalrymen) soldado de caballería cave [/keɪv/] {interjection, noun, verb} (caves, caving, caved) cueva cave bear {noun} (cave bears) oso cavernario | oso de las cavernas cave in {noun, verb} (cave ins, caves in, caved in, caving in) ceder cave painting {noun} (cave paintings) pintura rupestre cave pearl {noun} (cave pearls) perla de caverna caveat [/ˈkæviɑt/ | /ˈkævɪæt/] {noun, verb} (caveats, caveating, caveated, caveatting, caveatted) reserva | advertencia | aviso | condición | notificación caveman {noun} (cavemen) cavernícola | hombre de las cavernas | troglodita | cavernario | hombre prehistórico caveola {noun} (caveolae) caveola cavern [/ˈkæv.ən/ | /ˈkæv.ɚn/] {noun, verb} (caverns, caverned, caverning) caverna cavernous {adjective} (more cavernous, most cavernous) cavernoso cavesson {noun} (cavessons) cabezón caviar [[kæviːɑɹ] | [kæviːɑː]] {noun} caviar cavil [/ˈkæv.əl/] {noun, verb} (cavils, caviled, caviling, cavilled, cavilling) gruñir cavitary {adjective} cavitario cavitation [/ˌkævɪˈteɪʃən/] {noun} cavitación cavity [/ˈkævɪti/ | [ˈkʰævɪɾi]] {noun} (cavities) cavidad | caries cavort [/kəˈvɔɹt/ | /kəˈvɔːt/] {verb} (cavorts, cavorting, cavorted) juguetear | retozar caw [/kɔː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (caws, cawing, cawed) graznar | graznido cawing {noun, verb} (cawings) graznador Cayenne [/kaɪˈɛn/] {properNoun} Cayena cayenne pepper {noun} pimienta de Cayena Cayman Islands {properNoun} Islas Caimán Caymanian {adjective, noun} (Caymanians) caimanés Cayo Largo {properNoun} Cayo Largo | Cayo Largo del Sur CCP {noun, properNoun} (CCPs) PCCh CCTV {noun, properNoun} (CCTVs) CCTV CD [/ˌsiːˈdiː/] {noun, verb} (CDs, CDing, CDed) CD CD burner {noun} (CD burners) grabador de CD CD player {noun} (CD players) reproductor de CD CD-ROM [/siː.diːˈɹɒm/] {noun} (CD-ROMs) cederrón cDNA {noun} ADNc CE {noun, properNoun} (CEs) E.C. cease [/siːs/] {noun, verb} (ceases, ceased, ceasing) terminar | cesar | dejar | parar cease and desist {noun, verb} cese y renuncie cease-fire {noun} (cease-fires) alto el fuego | armisticio | tregua ceaseless [/ˈsiːsləs/] {adjective} infinito ceaselessly {adverb} (most ceaselessly, more ceaselessly) incesantemente Cebu {properNoun} Cebú | isla de Cebú Cebuano {adjective, noun} cebuano Cecil [/ˈsiːsəl/ | /ˈsɛsəl/] {properNoun} Cecilio Cecilia [/sɛˈsiːli.ə/] {properNoun} Cecilia Cecina {properNoun} Cecina cedar [/ˈsi.dɚ/ | /ˈsiː.də/] {noun} cedro cede [/siːd/] {verb} (cedes, ceding, ceded) ceder cedilla [/səˈdɪlə/] {noun} (cedillas) cedilla | zedilla cee [/siː/] {noun} (cees) ce cefotaxime [/sɛfəˈtæksiːm/] {noun} cefatoxime | cefotaxima ceftriaxone {noun} ceftriaxona ceiling [/ˈsiːlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (ceilings) techo ceiling fan {noun} (ceiling fans) abano | ventilador de techo celadon [/ˈsɛlədən/ | /ˈsɛləˌdɑn/] {adjective, noun} (most celadon, more celadon, celadons) celadón celandine {noun} (celandines) celidonia Celebes {properNoun} Célebes celebrant {noun} (celebrants) celebrante celebrate [/ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪt/] {verb} (celebrates, celebrated, celebrating) celebrar | festejar | alabar | honrar | loar celebrated [/ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪ.tɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more celebrated, most celebrated) celebrado celebration {noun} celebración celebrity [/sɪˈlɛbɹɪti/] {noun} (celebrities) celebridad celeriac {noun} apio nabo celerity [/sɪˈlɛɹɪti/] {noun} (celerities) celeridad celery [/ˈsɛl.ə.ɹi/] {noun} (celeries) apio | celery celery salt {noun} (celery salts) sal de apio celesta [/səˈlɛstə/] {noun} (celestas) celesta celestial [/səˈlɛst͡ʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (celestials) celestial | celeste celestial body {noun} (celestial bodies) cuerpo celeste Celestial Empire {properNoun} Imperio celeste celestial equator {noun} (celestial equators) ecuador celeste celestial sphere {noun} (celestial spheres) esfera celeste celestially {adverb} celestialmente celestine {adjective, noun} (celestines, more celestine, most celestine) celestina | celestita Celestinian {noun} (Celestinians) celestino Celia {properNoun} Celia celiac {adjective, noun} (celiacs) celiaco | celíaco celibacy [/ˈsɛləbəsi/] {noun} (celibacies) celibato celibate [/ˈsɛləbət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (celibates, celibating, celibated) célibe Celine {properNoun} Celina cell [/sɛl/] {noun, verb} (cells, celled, celling) célula | celda | bartolina | celular | estancia | móvil cell division {noun} división celular cell line {noun} (cell lines) línea celular cell membrane {noun} (cell membranes) membrana celular cell theory {noun} teoría celular cell wall [/sɛl wɔːl/] {noun} (cell walls) pared celular cellar [/ˈsɛlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛlɚ/] {noun, verb} (cellars, cellaring, cellared) sótano | bodega | cava | cola cellar door {noun} (cellar doors) puerta del sótano cellist [/ˈt͡ʃɛlɪst/] {noun} (cellists) violonchelista | violoncelista | chelista cello [/ˈsɛloʊ/ | /ˈsɛləʊ/ | /ˈtʃɛloʊ/ | /ˈtʃɛləʊ/] {noun} (cellos, celli) violonchelo | chelo | violoncelo cellobiose {noun} celobiosa cellophane [/ˈsɛləfeɪn/] {noun, verb} (cellophanes, cellophaned, cellophaning) celofán | celo cellular {adjective, noun} (most cellular, more cellular, cellulars) celular cellulite {noun} celulitis celluloid [/ˈsɛljəˌlɔɪd/] {noun} celuloide cellulose {adjective, noun} celulosa Celsius [/ˈsɛlsiːəs/] {adjective} Celsius Celt [/kɛlt/] {properNoun} celta Celtic [/ˈkɛltɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} céltico | celta Celtic studies {noun} celtismo Celtic Wicca {properNoun} wicca celta Celtist {adjective, noun} (most Celtist, more Celtist, Celtists) celtista celtuce [/ˈsɛlt.əs/] {noun} lechuga china cement [/səˈmɛnt/ | /ˈsimɛnt/] {noun, verb} (cements, cemented, cementing) cemento | pegamento | cementar cement mixer {noun} (cement mixers) hormigonera cementum {noun} cemento cendrée {noun} cenizo cenobite [/ˈsiːnəbaɪt/] {noun} (cenobites) coenobita Cenomanian {properNoun} Cenomaniense cenotaph [/ˈsɛn.ə.tæf/ | /ˈsɛn.əʊ.tæf/] {noun} (cenotaphs) cenotafio cenote [/səˈnoʊtiː/ | /sɛˈnoʊteɪ/] {noun} (cenotes) cenote Cenozoic [/ˌkeɪnəʊˈzəʊɪk/ | /ˌkɛnɵˈzoʊɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} Cenozoico cense [/sɛns/] {noun, verb} (censes, censed, censing) incensar censer [/ˈsɛn.sə/ | /ˈsɛn.sɚ/] {noun} (censers) incensario | botafumeiro | turíbulo | pebetero | turífero censor [/ˈsɛn.sə/ | /ˈsɛn.sɚ/] {noun, verb} (censors, censoring, censored) censurar | censor | censora | censurador | censuradora censorial [/ˌsɛnˈsɔɹi.əl/] {adjective} (more censorial, most censorial) censura censorship [/ˈsɛnsəˌʃɪp/ | /ˈsɛnsɚˌʃɪp/] {noun} censura censorware {noun} software de censura censure [/ˈsɛn.sjə/ | /ˈsɛn.ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (censures, censuring, censured) censura census [/ˈsɛnsəs/] {noun, verb} (census, censuses, censusing, censused) censo cent [/sɛnt/] {noun} (cents, cent) céntimo | centavo Centaur {noun} (Centaurs) centauro centaur [/ˈsɛntɑɹ/ | /ˈsɛntɔː(ɹ)/] {noun} (centaurs) centauro Centaurus {properNoun} Centaurus centaury [/ˈsɛntɔɹi/ | /ˈsɛntɔːɹɪ/] {noun} (centauries) bilis centenarian [/ˌsɛn.tɪˈnɛəɹ.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more centenarian, most centenarian, centenarians) centenario centenary {adjective, noun} (centenaries) centenario centennial [/sɛnˈtɛnɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (centennials) centenario center [/ˈsɛn.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ | [ˈsɪɾ̃ɚ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (centers, centering, centered) centro | pívot | centrar | central | concentrarse | mediar center of gravity [/ˌsen.təɹ əv ˈɡɹæv.ə.ti/] {noun} (centers of gravity) baricentro center punch {noun, verb} (center punches) granete centering {noun, verb} (centerings) cimbra centiampere {noun} (centiamperes) centiamperio centigram [/ˈsɛntɪˌɡɹæm/] {noun} (centigrams) centigramo centilitre {noun} (centilitres) centilitro centime {noun} (centimes) céntimo centimetre [/ˈsɑ̃.-/ | /ˈsɛn.tɪ.miː.tə/] {noun} (centimetres) centímetro centipede [/ˈsɛnt.ɪ.pid/] {noun} (centipedes) ciempiés | escolopendra centisecond {noun} (centiseconds) centisegundo central [/ˈsɛntɹəl/] {adjective} (most central, more central) central Central Africa {properNoun} África Central Central African {adjective, noun} (Central Africans) centroafricano Central African Republic [/ˈsɛntɹəl ˈæfɹɪkən ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/] {properNoun} República Centroafricana Central America [/ˌsɛntɹəl əˈmɛɹɪkə/] {properNoun} América Central | Centroamérica Central American {adjective, noun} (Central Americans) centroamericano | centroamericana Central Asia {properNoun} Asia Central Central Asian Ovcharka {noun} (Central Asian Ovcharkas) pastor de Asia Central central bank {noun} (central banks) banco central central business district {noun} (central business districts) centro Central Europe [/ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊəɹəp/ | /ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊɹəp/] {properNoun} Europa Central Central European {adjective, noun} (Central Europeans) centroeuropeo Central German {adjective, noun} centroalemán central government {noun} (central governments) gobierno central central heating {noun} calefacción central central nervous system {noun} (central nervous systems) sistema nervioso central Central Park {properNoun} Parque Central central processing unit {noun} (central processing units) unidad central de procesamiento central simple algebra {noun} (central simple algebras) ASC | álgebra simple central centralism {noun} centralismo centrality {noun} (centralities) centralidad centralize {verb} (centralizes, centralizing, centralized) centralizar Centre {properNoun} Centro centre [/ˈsen.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ | [ˈsɪɾ̃ɚ]] {noun, verb} (centres, centreing, centred, centring) comedio centre forward {noun} (centre forwards) lulú de Pomerania centre half {noun} (centre halves) centre half Centre-Val de Loire [/ˌsɛntə væl ˈdə lwɑː/] {properNoun} Centro-Valle de Loira centreboard {noun} (centreboards) deriva centrepiece {noun} (centrepieces) centro de mesa centric [/ˈsɛntɹɪk/] {adjective} (most centric, more centric) céntrico centrifugal [/sɛnˈtɹɪf(j)əɡəl/] {adjective, noun} (centrifugals) centrífugo centrifugal force {noun} fuerza centrífuga centrifuge [/ˈsɛntɹɪˌfjuːdʒ/] {noun, verb} (centrifuges, centrifuged, centrifuging) centrifugar | centrífuga centriole [/ˈsɛntɹɪˌəʊl/] {noun} (centrioles) centriolo | centríolo centripetal [/sɛnˈtɹɪpətəl/] {adjective} centrípeto centripetal force {noun} fuerza centrípeta centrism {noun} centrismo centrist {adjective, noun} (more centrist, most centrist, centrists) centrista centroid {noun} (centroids) centroide centromere [/ˈsɛntɹə(ʊ)mɪə/ | /ˈsɛntɹəˌmiɚ/] {noun} (centromeres) centrómero centrosome {noun} (centrosomes) centrosoma centuplicate {verb} (centuplicates, centuplicated, centuplicating) centuplicar centurion [/sɛnˈtjʊɹ.i.ən/] {noun} (centurions) centurión century [/ˈsɛn.t͡ʃə.ɹiː/] {noun} (centuries) siglo | centuria century egg {noun} (century eggs) huevo centenario century plant {noun} (century plants) magüey CEO {noun} (CEOs) director ejecutivo cephalalgic {adjective, noun} (cephalalgics) cefalálgico cephalic [/sɪˈfælɪk/] {adjective} (most cephalic, more cephalic) cefálico Cephalonia {properNoun} Cefalonia cephalopod [/ˈsɛfalapɑd/ | /ˈsɛfalapɒd/] {noun} (cephalopods) cefalópodo Cephas {properNoun} Cefas cepheid variable {noun} (cepheid variables) estrella variable Cefeida Cepheus [/ˈsiːfi.əs/] {properNoun} Cefeo | Cefeus cepstral {adjective} cepstral cepstrum [/ˈkɛpstɹəm/] {noun} (cepstra) cepstrum ceramic [/səˈɹæmɪk/] {adjective, noun} cerámico | cerámica ceramics {noun} cerámica ceramide [/ˈsɪɹ.əˌmaɪd/] {noun} (ceramides) ceramida Cerberus [/ˈsɝbəɹəs/] {properNoun} Cerbero cereal [[ˈsɪəɹiːəɫ]] {noun} cereal | cereales cerebellar {adjective} cerebeloso cerebellum [/ˌseɹəˈbeləm/] {noun} (cerebella, cerebellums) cerebelo cerebral [/ˈsɛɹ.ə.bɹəl/] {adjective} (most cerebral, more cerebral) cerebral cerebral cortex {noun} (cerebral cortices, cerebral cortexes) corteza cerebral | córtex cerebral cerebral hemisphere {noun} (cerebral hemispheres) hemisferio | hemisferio cerebral cerebral palsy {noun} (cerebral palsies) parálisis cerebral cerebrospinal {adjective} cefalorraquídeo | cerebroespinal cerebrospinal fluid {noun} líquido cefalorraquídeo | líquido cerebroespinal cerebrovascular accident {noun} (cerebrovascular accidents) ataque de apoplejía cerebrum [/ˈsɛ.ɹɪ.bɹəm/] {noun} (cerebra, cerebrums) telencéfalo ceremonial {adjective, noun} (more ceremonial, most ceremonial) ceremonial ceremony [/ˈsɛɹəmoʊni/ | /ˈsɛɹɪməni/] {noun} (ceremonies) ceremonia Cerenkov effect [/tʃɛˈɹɛŋkəf ɛˈfɛkt/] {noun} (Cerenkov effects) Radiación de Cherenkov Ceres [/ˈsɪəɹiːz/] {properNoun} Ceres cerise [/səˈɹiːz/] {adjective, noun} (more cerise, most cerise) cereza cerium [/ˈsɪəɹiəm/] {noun} (ceriums) cerio certain [/ˈsɜːtn̩/ | /ˈsɝtn̩/ | /ˈsɝtən/] {adjective, determiner, noun, pronoun} (more certain, most certain) cierto | cierta certainly [/ˈsɜːtn̩li/ | /ˈsɝʔn̩li/] {adverb} (more certainly, most certainly) ciertamente | por supuesto | sin duda | a todas luces certainty [/ˈsɜːtn̩ti/ | /ˈsɝtn̩ti/] {noun} (certainties) certeza | certidumbre certifiable {adjective, noun} (most certifiable, more certifiable, certifiables) certificable certificate [/səɹˈtɪfɪkɪt/ | /səɹˈtɪfɪˌkeɪt/] {noun, verb} (certificates, certificating, certificated) certificado certification [/ˌsɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌsɝtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} certificación certify {verb} (certifies, certifying, certified) certificar certitude [/ˈsɜːtɪtjuːd/ | /ˈsɝtət(j)ud/] {noun} certidumbre cerulean [/səˈɹuːli.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most cerulean, more cerulean) cerúleo cerussite {noun} cerusita Cervantesque {adjective} cervantesco cervical [/ˈsɝːvɨkl̩/] {adjective, noun} (cervicals) cervical cervical cancer {noun} cáncer cervical cervical cap {noun} (cervical caps) capuchón cervical | cubierta cervical cervical vertebra {noun} (cervical vertebras, cervical vertebrae) vértebra cervical cervicitis {noun} (cervicites, cervicitides) cervicitis cervico- {prefix} cervico- cervicothoracic {adjective} cervicotorácico cervid {noun} (cervids) cérvido cervix [/ˈsɜː.vɪks/ | /ˈsɝ.vɪks/] {noun} (cervices, cervixes) cérvix cessation [/sɛˈseɪʃən/] {noun} cese cession [/ˈsɛʃən/] {noun} cesión cesspit [/ˈsɛspɪt/] {noun} (cesspits) foso séptico cesspool [/ˈsɛsˌpuːl/] {noun} (cesspools) pozo negro | cloaca | pozo ciego cetacean [/sɪˈteɪʃən/] {adjective, noun} (more cetacean, most cetacean, cetaceans) cetáceo cetane {noun} (cetanes) cetano cetirizine [/sɛˈtɪɹɨziːn/] {noun} cetirizina cetology {noun} (cetologies) cetología Cetti's warbler [/ˈtʃɛtiz/] {noun} (Cetti's warblers) ruiseñor bastardo Cetus {properNoun} Cetus Ceuta {properNoun} Ceuta ceviche [/səˈviːtʃeɪ/] {noun} cebiche Ceylon [/seɪˈlɑn/ | /sɪˈlɒn/] {noun, properNoun} Ceilán cf. {verb} cf. | cfr. cha-cha {noun, verb} (cha-chas, cha-chaing, cha-chaed) chachachá Chabad {properNoun} Jabad Chabadnik [/χəˈbɑdnɪk/] {noun} (Chabadniks) jabádnik chabournéite {noun} Chabournéita Chaco {properNoun} Chaco Chad [/tʃæd/] {noun, properNoun} (Chads) Chad Chadian {adjective, noun} (Chadians) chadiano Chadic {adjective} (most Chadic, more Chadic) chádico chador {noun} (chadors) chador chaebol [/ˈt͡ʃeɪbʌl/] {noun} (chaebols) chaebol chafe [/tʃeɪf/] {noun, verb} (chafes, chafing, chafed) irritar | cocedura | enrabietar | escocer | escocimiento | irritación chaff [/tʃæf/] {noun, verb} (chaffs, chaffed, chaffing) bagazo | barcia | paja | pienso chaffinch [/ˈt͡ʃæfɪnt͡ʃ/] {noun} (chaffinches) pinzón vulgar Chagas' disease {noun} enfermedad de Chagas | tripanosomiasis americana Chagatai {properNoun} Chagadai | Chagatai | Chagatay | Djagatai | Tschagatai chagrin [/ʃəˈɡɹɪn/ | /ˈʃæɡ.ɹɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chagrin, more chagrin, chagrins, chagrined, chagrining) disgusto | mortificar | pesar chain [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn/] {noun, verb} (chains, chained, chaining) cadena | encadenar chain drive {noun} (chain drives) transmisión de cadena | cadena de transmisión chain mail {noun} cota de malla chain of command {noun} (chains of command) cadena de mando chain of title {noun} (chains of title) cadena titulativa chain reaction {noun} (chain reactions) reacción en cadena chain rule {noun} regla de la cadena chain smoker {noun} (chain smokers) fumador empedernido chain store {noun} (chain stores) filial chainlink {noun} eslabón de la cadena chainman {noun} (chainmen) cadenero chainplate {noun} (chainplates) cadenote chainring [/ˈtʃeɪnɹɪŋ/] {noun} (chainrings) plato chainsaw [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn.ˌsɔː/] {noun, verb} (chainsaws, chainsawed, chainsawing, chainsawn) motosierra | sierra de cadena | sierra eléctrica chair [/t͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ | /t͡ʃɛəɹ/] {noun, verb} (chairs, chaired, chairing) silla | asiento | presidir | dirigir | eminencia chair maker sillero chairlift {noun} (chairlifts) telesilla chairman [/ˈtʃɛːmən/] {noun, verb} (chairmen, chairmans, chairmanned, chairmanning) presidente chairperson {noun} (chairpeople, chairpersons) presidenta | presidente chairwoman {noun} (chairwomen) presidenta chaise longue [/ˌʃeɪz ˈlɒŋ(ɡ)/ | /ˌʃeɪz ˈlɔŋ/] {noun} (chaises longues, chaise longues) tumbona | chaise longue | cheslón chakra [/ˈtʃʌk.ɹə/] {noun} (chakras) chakra chalaza [/kəˈleɪzə/] {noun} (chalazae, chalazas) chalaza chalazion [/kəˈleɪzi.ən/] {noun} (chalazia, chalazions) chalación chalcanthite {noun} (chalcanthites) calcantita Chalcedon [/ˈkælsɪdɑːn/ | /ˈkælsɪdɒn/] {properNoun} Calcedonia | Calcedón chalcedony [/kælˈsɛdəni/] {noun} (chalcedonies) calcedonia chalcocite {noun} calcosina chalcogen {noun} (chalcogens) calcógeno chalcopyrite {noun} (chalcopyrites) calcopirita Chaldea {properNoun} Caldea Chaldean Catholic Church {properNoun} Iglesia católica caldea chalet [/ʃæleɪ/] {noun} (chalets) casalete chalice [/ˈtʃæl.ɪs/] {noun} (chalices) cáliz chalk [/t͡ʃɑk/ | /t͡ʃɔk/ | /t͡ʃɔːk/] {noun, verb} (chalks, chalked, chalking) creta | tiza | gis | clarión | pizarrín chalk and cheese {noun} como agua y aceite chalk up {verb} (chalks up, chalking up, chalked up) acumular chalk up to {verb} asignar chalkboard [/t͡ʃɔk.bɔː(ɹ)d/ | /t͡ʃɔːk.bɔː(ɹ)d/] {noun} (chalkboards) pizarrón | pizarra | tablero challah [/ˈχɑːlə/] {noun} (challoth, challahs, challos, challot) jalá challenge [/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (challenges, challenging, challenged) desafío | desafiar | reto | retar | impugnar challenger {noun} (challengers) desafiador Challenger Deep {properNoun} abismo de Challenger challenging [/ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most challenging, more challenging, challengings) desafiador | desafiante chalumeau [/ˌʃælʊˈməʊ/] {noun} (chalumeaux, chalumeaus) caramillo Chamaeleon {properNoun} Chamaeleon Chamartín {properNoun} Chamartín chamber [/ˈtʃeɪmbə(ɹ)/ | /ˈtʃeɪmbɚ/] {noun, verb} (chambers, chambered, chambering) cámara | recámara | compartimento chamber music {noun} música de cámara chamber of commerce {noun} (chambers of commerce) cámara de comercio chamber orchestra {noun} (chamber orchestras) orquesta de cámara chamber pot {noun} (chamber pots) orinal | bacineta | bacinica | bacinilla | pelela chamberlain [/ˈt͡ʃeɪmbəlɪn/ | /ˈt͡ʃeɪmbɚlɪn/] {noun} (chamberlains) chambelán chambermaid [/ˈtʃeɪm.bə(ɹ).meɪd/] {noun} (chambermaids) camarera chambranle [/ˈʃɒmbɹɒnlə/] {noun} (chambranles) chambrana Chameleon Camaleón chameleon [/kəˈmiːljən/ | /kəˈmiːlɪən/] {adjective, noun} (chameleons) camaleón chamfer [/ˈtʃæm.fɚ/ | /ˈʃæm.fə/] {noun, verb} (chamfers, chamfered, chamfering) achaflanar | chaflán chamfron [/ˈt͡ʃamfɹən/] {noun} (chamfrons) chaflán chamois [/ˈʃæmi/ | /ˈʃæmiz/ | /ˈʃæmwɑː/ | /ˈʃæmwɑːz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chamois, chamoises, chamoised, chamoising) gamuza | rebeco | sarrio chamomilia camamila Chamorro [/tʃəˈmɒɹəʊ/ | /tʃəˈmɔɹoʊ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chamorros) chamorro champ [/t͡ʃæmp/] {noun, verb} (champs, champed, champing) mamullar Champagne {noun, properNoun} (Champagnes) Champaña champagne [/ʃæmˈpeɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (champagnes, champagned, champagning) champán | champaña champagne bucket {noun} (champagne buckets) champañero Champagne-Ardenne {properNoun} Champaña-Ardenas champaign [/ˈtʃæmpeɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more champaign, most champaign, champaigns) llanura champignon [/t͡ʃæmˈpɪnjən/ | /ʃæmˈpɪnjən/] {noun} (champignons) champiñón | champiñón común champion [/ˈtʃæmpiən/] {adjective, noun, verb} (champions, championing, championed) campeón | campeona | adalid | valedor Champions League {properNoun} Champions | Liga de Campeones championship [/ˈtʃæmpi.ənʃɪp/] {noun} campeonato chance [/tʃæns/ | /tʃɑːns/ | [tʃʰæns] | [tʃʰɐːns] | [tʃʰɑːns] | [tʃʰɛəns]] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (chances, chanced, chancing) probabilidad | posibilidad | oportunidad | suerte | casualidad | albur chancel [/ˈtʃænsəl/ | /ˈtʃɑːnsəl/] {noun} (chancels) presbiterio chancellery [/ˈtʃænt.slə.ɹi/ | /ˈtʃɑːnt.səl.ɹi/] {noun} (chancelleries) cancillería chancellor [/ˈtʃænsələ/ | /ˈtʃɑːnsələ/] {noun} (chancellors) canciller Chanco {properNoun} Chanco Chanco cheese {noun} chanco chancre [/ˈʃæŋ.kɚ/] {noun} (chancres) chancro chancy {adjective} (chancest, chancer) aleatorio | arriesgado | incierto chandelier [/ʃændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chandeliers) araña de luces | lámpara de araña chandler [/ˈtʃændlə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chandlers) candelabro chandlery {noun} (chandleries) cerería Changchun [/t͡ʃæŋˈt͡ʃʊn/] {properNoun} Changchun change [/tʃeɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (changes, changed, changing) cambiar | cambio | modificar | modificación | mutación | demudar change aversion {noun} aversión al cambio change hands {verb} (changes hands, changing hands, changed hands) cambiar de manos change one's mind {verb} cambiar de idea | cambiar de opinión change someone's mind {verb} hacer cambiar de idea changeable [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒəbəl/] {adjective} (most changeable, more changeable) cambiable | cambiante | variable changeful {adjective} (most changeful, more changeful) caprichoso changeling [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒlɪŋ/] {noun} (changelings) cabezota changeover {noun} (changeovers) canje Changhsingian {properNoun} Changhsingiense changing room {noun} (changing rooms) probador | vestuario changing table [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/] {noun} (changing tables) cambiador channel [/ˈtʃænəl/] {noun, verb} (channels, channelling, channeled, channelled, channeling) canal | estrecho | canalizar | dirigir Channel Islands {properNoun} islas Anglonormandas | islas del Canal Channel Tunnel {properNoun} Eurotúnel channelize {verb} (channelizes, channelized, channelizing) canalizar chanson [/ʃɑ̃.sɔ̃/] {noun} (chansons) canción chansonnier {noun} (chansonniers) cancionero chant [/tʃænt/ | /tʃɑːnt/] {noun, verb} (chants, chanting, chanted) salmodiar chanter [/ˈtʃæntɚ/ | /ˈtʃɑːntə/] {noun} (chanters) caramillo chanterelle [/ˈtʃæntəɹɛl/] {noun} (chanterelles) rebozuelo | chantarela chaos [/ˈkeɪ.ɑs/ | /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/] {noun} (chaoses) caos chaos theory {noun} teoría del caos chaotic [/keɪˈɑtɪk/ | /keɪˈɒtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most chaotic, more chaotic, chaotics) caótico chaotically {adverb} (most chaotically, more chaotically) caóticamente chap [/tʃæp/] {noun, verb} (chaps, chapped, chapping) tipo chaparral [/ˌʃæpəˈɹæl/] {noun} chaparral chapel [/ˈtʃæ.pəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chapels, chapelled, chapelling) capilla chapel of ease {noun} (chapels of ease) sucursal chaperon [/ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/ | /ˈʃæ.pəˌɹəʊn/] {noun, verb} (chaperons, chaperoned, chaperoning) mimar chaperone [/ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/] {noun, verb} (chaperones, chaperoning, chaperoned) carabina | chaperón | dueña chaplain [/ˈtʃæp.lɪn/] {noun} (chaplains) capellán chaplet [/ˈtʃæplət/] {noun} (chaplets) corona Chapman's antshrike {noun} (Chapman's antshrikes) batará de Chapman chapped [/tʃæpt/] {adjective, verb} (most chapped, more chapped) agrietado chaps [/tʃæps/] {noun, verb} zahones chapter [/ˈt͡ʃæptə/ | /ˈt͡ʃæptɚ/] {noun, verb} (chapters, chaptering, chaptered) capítulo | sección | sede chapter house {noun} (chapter houses) sala capitular char [/tʃɑɹ/ | /tʃɑː/] {noun, verb} (char, chars, charring, charred, charing, chared) carbonizar character [/ˈkæɹəktə/ | /ˈkɛɹəktɚ/] {noun, verb} (characters, charactering, charactered) carácter | personaje | característica character assassination {noun} difamación characteristic [/ˌkæɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/ | /ˌkɛɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most characteristic, more characteristic, characteristics) característico | característica characteristic polynomial {noun} (characteristic polynomials) polinomio característico characteristically {adverb} (more characteristically, most characteristically) característicamente characterization {noun} (characterizations) caracterización characterize [/ˈkæɹəktəɹaɪz/ | /ˈkɛɹəktəɹaɪz/] {verb} (characterizes, characterizing, characterized) caracterizar characterologic {adjective} caracterológico characterological {adjective} caracterológico charade [/ʃəˈɹeɪd/ | /ʃəˈɹɑːd/] {noun, verb} (charades, charaded, charading) charada charades {noun} charada charango [/t͡ʃəˈɹæŋɡəʊ/] {noun} (charangos) charango charcoal [/ˈtʃɑɹ.koʊl/ | /ˈtʃɑː.kəʊl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most charcoal, more charcoal, charcoals, charcoaled, charcoaling) carbón vegetal | carbón | carboncillo chard [/tʃɑɹd/ | /tʃɑːd/] {noun} acelga charge [/t͡ʃɑɹd͡ʒ/ | /t͡ʃɑːd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (charges, charging, charged) cargar | cobrar | arremeter | atacar | cargo | encargo charger [/ˈtʃɑɹdʒɚ/ | /ˈtʃɑːdʒə/] {noun} (chargers) cargador charging station {noun} (charging stations) electrolinera | estación de carga chargé d'affaires [/ʃɑrˈʒeɪ dəˈfɛɹ/] {noun} (chargés d'affaires) encargado de negocios chariness {noun} cuidado chariot [/ˈt͡ʃæɹiət/ | /ˈt͡ʃæɹɪət/] {noun, verb} (chariots, charioting, charioted) carro | carreta charioteer {noun, verb} (charioteers, charioteered, charioteering) auriga | cochero charisma [/kəˈɹɪzmə/] {noun} (charismas, charismata) carisma | pegue charismatic [/ˌkæɹɪzˈmætɪk/ | /ˌkɛɹəzˈmætək/] {adjective, noun} (most charismatic, more charismatic, charismatics) carismático charitable {adjective} (most charitable, more charitable) benéfico | caritativo Charity {properNoun} Caridad charity [/ˈtʃæɹɪti/ | /ˈtʃɛɹəti/] {noun} (charities) caridad | amor al prójimo | entidad benéfica | organización benéfica charlatan [/ˈʃɑɹlətən/ | /ˈʃɑːlətən/] {noun} (charlatans) charlatán | vendedor de crecepelo | vendehúmos charlatanry {noun} (charlatanries) charlatanería Charlemagne [/ˈʃɑɹlɨmeɪn/] {properNoun} Carlomagno Charleroi {properNoun} Charleroi Charles [/tʃɑɹlz/ | /tʃɑːlz/] {properNoun} Carlos Charles's law [/ˌtʃɑːlz ˈlɔː/] {properNoun} ley de Charles charley horse {noun} (charley horses) apoyo Charlie [/ˈtʃɑɹli/] {noun, properNoun} (Charlies) Carlito Charlotte [/ˈʃaɹlət/ | /ˈʃaːlət/ | /ˈʃɑɹlət/ | /ˈʃɑːlət/] {noun, properNoun} (Charlottes) Carlota charlotte [/ˈʃɑɹlət/ | /ˈʃɑːlət/] {noun} (charlottes) carlota Charly Carlos charm [/tʃɑɹm/ | /tʃɑːm/] {noun, verb} (charms, charmed, charming) encanto | hechizar | amuleto | dije | encantar | prendar charm offensive {noun} (charm offensives) ofensiva de seducción charm quark {noun} (charm quarks) quark encantado charmed [/tʃɑɹmd/ | /tʃɑːmd/] {adjective, verb} (most charmed, more charmed) encantado | hechizado charmer [/ˈtʃɑɹmɚ/] {noun} (charmers) encantador | encantadora charming [/ˈtʃɑː(ɹ).mɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more charming, most charming, charmings) encantador charnel house {noun} (charnel houses) osario Charon [/ˈkɛəɹɒn/ | /ˈkɛəɹən/] {noun, properNoun} (Charons) Caronte charred {adjective, verb} (most charred, more charred) calcinado | carbonizado chart [/tʃɑɹt/] {noun, verb} (charts, charted, charting) lista de éxitos charter [/ˈt͡ʃɑɹtɚ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɑːtə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (charters, chartering, chartered) alquilado | carta fundacional | fletamento | flete charwoman {noun} (charwomen) mujer de la limpieza chary [/ˈtʃɛəɹi/ | /ˈtʃɛɹi/] {adjective, adverb} (charer, charest, most chary, more chary) cauteloso Charybdis [/kəˈɹɪbdɪs/] {properNoun} Caribdis chase [/tʃeɪs/] {noun, verb} (chases, chasing, chased) perseguir | persecución | asenderear chaser [/ˈtʃeɪsə/ | /ˈtʃeɪsɚ/] {noun} (chasers) cazador chasm [/ˈkæz(ə)m/] {noun} (chasms) abismo | barranca | barranco | cañón | disensión | garganta chassis [/ˈtʃæsi/ | /ˈtʃæsiz/ | /ˈʃæzi/] {noun} (chassis) chasis chaste [/tʃeɪst/] {adjective} (chaster, chastest) casto chaste tree {noun} (chaste trees) agnocasto | sauzgatillo | pimiento de los monjes | vitex | árbol casto chastely {adverb} (most chastely, more chastely) castamente chastise [/tʃæˈstaɪz/] {verb} (chastises, chastising, chastised) castigar | escarmentar | regañar chastisement [/ˈtʃæstəzmənt/] {noun} castigo chastity [/ˈtʃæstɪti/] {noun} (chastities) castidad chastity belt {noun} (chastity belts) cinturón de castidad chastushka {noun} (chastushkas, chastushki, chastushky) chastushka chasuble [/ˈt͡ʃæzjʊbəl/] {noun} (chasubles) casulla chat [/tʃæt/] {noun, verb} (chats, chatting, chatted) charlar | chat | charla | platicar | chamuyar | chamuyo chat room {noun} (chat rooms) sala de charla | sala de chat | sala de conversación | sala de plática chat up {verb} (chats up, chatting up, chatted up) camelar | chamuyar | echar los perros | tirar los trastos chat-tyrant {noun} (chat-tyrants) pitajo Chatino {noun, properNoun} (Chatinos) chatino chattel [/ˈtʃæt.əl/ | [-ɾɫ]] {noun} (chattels) alma chatter [/ˈtʃætə/ | /ˈtʃætɚ/] {noun, verb} (chatters, chattered, chattering) parlotear | barullo | charlatanear | cháchara | cotorrear | cotorreo chatterbox {noun} (chatterboxes) loro | charlatán | cotorra | lora Chattian {properNoun} Chattiense chatty [/ˈtʃæti/] {adjective, noun} (chatties, chatter, chattest) charlador | conversador | locuaz | parlanchín chauffeur [/ʃoʊˈfɝ/ | /ʃɒˈfɜː/] {noun, verb} (chauffeurs, chauffeuring, chauffeured) chófer | chofer chauvinism [/ˈʃoʊ.vɪˌnɪzm̩/ | /ˈʃəʊ.və.nɪ.zəm/ | /ˈʃəʊ.vɪ.nɪ.zəm/] {noun} chovinismo | patrioterismo chauvinist {adjective, noun} (more chauvinist, most chauvinist, chauvinists) chovinista chauvinistic {adjective} (most chauvinistic, more chauvinistic) chauvinista chav [/tʃæv/] {noun} (chavs) cani | choni | flaite | poligonera | poligonero chavette [/tʃæˈvɛt/] {noun} (chavettes) choni Chavism {noun} chavismo Chavista {noun} (Chavistas) chavista chaya {noun} (chayas) chaya | árbol espinaca chayote [/tʃɑˈjoʊti/ | /ˈtʃeɪəʊti/] {noun} chayote | chayotera Chayuco {properNoun} Chayuco | San Agustín Chayuco cheap [/t͡ʃip/ | /t͡ʃiːp/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (cheaper, cheapest, most cheap, more cheap, cheaps, cheaped, cheaping) barato | económico | corriente cheaply [/ˈtʃiːpli/] {adverb} (most cheaply, more cheaply) barato cheapness [/ˈtʃiːpnəs/] {noun} (cheapnesses) baratura cheapskate {noun} (cheapskates) avaricioso cheat [/tʃiːt/] {noun, verb} (cheats, cheated, cheating) engañar | hacer trampa | tramposo | embaír | mentiroso | truco cheat on {verb} engañar | poner los cuernos cheat sheet {noun} (cheat sheets) chuleta | machete cheating [/ˈtʃiːtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cheating, more cheating) trampa Chechen [/ˈtʃɛ.tʃɛn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chechens) checheno Chechnya [/ˈtʃɛtʃ.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Chechenia check [/t͡ʃɛk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (checks, checked, checking) jaque | examinar | inspeccionar | cuenta | comprobar | verificación check in {verb} (checks in, checking in, checked in) facturar | registrar check out {verb} (checks out, checked out, checking out) obtener | sacar check through {verb} (checks through, checked through, checking through) inspeccionar check up {verb} (checks up, checking up, checked up) revisar check-in {noun} check-in checkbox [/ˈtʃɛkbɑks/ | /ˈtʃɛkbɒks/] {noun} (checkboxes) casilla de verificación checker [/ˈtʃɛkə/ | /ˈtʃɛkɚ/] {noun, verb} (checkers, checkered, checkering) caja checkerboard {noun, verb} (checkerboards, checkerboarding, checkerboarded) damero | tablero | escaque | tablero de damas checkered {adjective, verb} (more checkered, most checkered) ajedrezado | a cuadros | escaqueado checkmate [/ˈt͡ʃɛkmeɪt/] {interjection, noun, verb} (checkmates, checkmating, checkmated) jaque mate | mate | dar jaque mate | dar mate checkout {noun} (checkouts) caja checkpoint {noun, verb} (checkpoints, checkpointed, checkpointing) puesto de control checks and balances {noun, verb} división de poderes checksum {noun, verb} (checksums, checksummed, checksumming) suma de verificación | checksum checkup {noun} (checkups) chequeo | control Cheddar cheese {noun} Cheddar cheder {noun} (chedarim, chederim, cheders, chadorim, chadarim) Jéder cheek [/tʃiːk/] {noun, verb} (cheeks, cheeked, cheeking) mejilla | cachete | cacha | descoco | glúteo | nalga cheek by jowl {adjective, adverb} (most cheek by jowl, more cheek by jowl) junto cheek pouch {noun} (cheek pouches) abazón cheekbone {noun} (cheekbones) pómulo | cigoma cheekily {adverb} (most cheekily, more cheekily) descaradamente cheeky [/ˈtʃiːki/] {adjective} (cheeker, cheekest) descarado | insolente | burlón | impertinente | pillastre | pícaro cheep [/tʃiːp/] {interjection, noun, verb} (cheeps, cheeped, cheeping) piar cheer [/t͡ʃɪə(ɹ)/ | /t͡ʃɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (cheers, cheered, cheering) aclamar | alegría | hurra cheer up {interjection, verb} (cheers up, cheered up, cheering up) animar | animarse | ánimo cheerful [/ˈt͡ʃɪəfəl/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəl/] {adjective} (most cheerful, more cheerful) animado cheering [/ˈt͡ʃɪəɹɪŋ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (cheerings) alborozador cheerio [/ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.oʊ/ | /ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.əʊ/] {interjection, noun} (cheerios) diga cheerleader {noun} (cheerleaders) animadora | porrista cheerleading {noun, verb} animación cheers [/tʃɪəz/ | /tʃɪɹz/] {interjection, noun, verb} salud | gracias | nos vemos cheese [/t͡ʃiz/ | /t͡ʃiːz/] {interjection, noun, verb} (cheeses, cheesed, cheesing) queso | patata cheese it {phraseologicalUnit} veintidós cheese knife {noun} (cheese knives) cuchillo de queso cheese mite {noun} (cheese mites) ácaro del queso cheese sauce {noun} (cheese sauces) salsa de queso cheese slicer {noun} (cheese slicers) rebañador de queso | rebanador de queso cheeseboard {noun} (cheeseboards) tabla de queso cheeseburger {noun} (cheeseburgers) hamburguesa con queso cheesecake {noun} pastel de queso | tarta de queso | cheesecake | pay de queso | torta de queso cheesecloth {noun} estameña cheesemaker {noun} (cheesemakers) quesera | quesero cheesemonger {noun} (cheesemongers) quesera | quesero cheeseparing {adjective, noun, verb} (more cheeseparing, most cheeseparing, cheeseparings) codo cheeser {noun} (cheesers) oso hormiguero | quesero | saludazo | sonrizón | tapita | viejujo cheesy [/ˈtʃiːzi/] {adjective} (cheeser, cheesest) caseoso | cursi | empalagoso | hortera | kitsch | sensiblero cheetah [/ˈtʃiːtə/] {noun} (cheetahs) guepardo | chita chef [/ʃɛf/] {noun, verb} (chefs, cheffed, cheffing) chef chef's knife {noun} (chefs' knives, chef's knives) cuchillo de chef Chehalem berry {noun} (Chehalem berries) mora chehalem chela [/ˈkilə/ | /ˈt͡ʃei.lə/] {noun} (chelae, chele, chelas) pinza chelation [/ˈkiːˌleɪˈʃən/] {noun} quelación chelicera [/kəˈlɪ.sə.ɹə/] {noun} (chelicerae) quelícero Chelyabinsk [/tʃɛlˈjæbɪnsk/] {properNoun} Cheliábinsk chemical [/ˈkɛmɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (chemicals) químico | producto químico chemical agent {noun} (chemical agents) agente químico chemical biology {noun} bioquímica chemical bond {noun} (chemical bonds) enlace químico chemical compound {noun} (chemical compounds) compuesto químico chemical element {noun} (chemical elements) elemento químico chemical equation {noun} (chemical equations) ecuación química chemical formula {noun} (chemical formulae, chemical formulas) fórmula química chemical imbalance {noun} (chemical imbalances) desbalance químico chemical reaction {noun} (chemical reactions) reacción química chemical symbol {noun} (chemical symbols) símbolo químico chemical weapon {noun} (chemical weapons) arma química chemically {adjective, adverb} (most chemically, more chemically) químicamente chemically imbalanced {adjective} (more chemically imbalanced, most chemically imbalanced) químicamente desbalanciado chemiosmosis {noun} (chemiosmoses) quimiosmosis chemise [/ʃəˈmiːz/] {noun} (chemises) camisón chemist [/ˈkɛmɪst/] {noun} (chemists) químico | química chemistry [/ˈkɛm.ɪ.stɹi/] {noun} (chemistries) química Chemnitz [/ˈkɛmnɪts/] {properNoun} Chemnitz chemokine {noun} (chemokines) quimiocina | quimioquina chemoreception {noun} quimiorrecepción chemoreceptor {noun} (chemoreceptors) quimiorreceptor chemosensory {adjective} quimiosensorial chemosynthesis {noun} (chemosyntheses) quimiosíntesis chemotaxis {noun} (chemotaxes) quimiotaxis chemotherapy {noun} (chemotherapies) quimioterapia chengguan {noun} (chengguans) inspector cheque [/tʃɛk/] {noun} (cheques) cheque | talón chequebook {noun} (chequebooks) chequera chequered flag {noun} (chequered flags) bandera a cuadros chequy [/ˈt͡ʃɛki/] {adjective} ajedrezado | jaquelado Cher [/ʃɛə/ | /ʃɛɹ/] {properNoun} Cher cherimoya {noun} (cherimoyas) chirimoya cherish [/ˈtʃɛɹɪʃ/] {verb} (cherishes, cherished, cherishing) mimar Cherkessk {properNoun} Cherkessk Chernobyl [/tʃə(ː)ˈnɒbəl/ | /tʃɚˈnoʊbəl/] {noun, properNoun} (Chernobyls) Chernóbil | Chernóbyl chernozem [/ˈt͡ʃɜː(ɹ)nəˌzɛm/] {noun} chernozem Cherokee [/ˈt͡ʃɛ.ɹə.ˌkiː/] {noun, properNoun} (Cherokees) cheroquí | cheroqui cheroot [/tʃəˈɹuːt/] {noun} (cheroots) cigarro cherry [/ˈt͡ʃɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more cherry, most cherry, cherries) cereza | guinda | cerezo | guindo cherry blossom {noun} flor de cerezo | flor del cerezo | sakura cherry brandy {noun} (cherry brandies) brandy de cerezas cherry laurel {noun} (cherry laurels) laurel cerezo | laurel real | lauroceraso cherry picker {noun} (cherry pickers) plataforma elevadora cherry plum {noun} (cherry plums) ciruelo de jardín cherry red {adjective, noun} cereza cherry tomato {noun} (cherry tomatoes) tomate cereza cherry tree {noun} (cherry trees) cerezo cherry-pick {verb} (cherry-picks, cherry-picking, cherry-picked) escoger la crema | seleccionar la cereza cherrywood {noun} cerezo chert {noun} pedernal | sílex cherub [/ˈtʃɛɹəb/] {noun} (cherubim, cherubims, cherubs) querubín cherubic {adjective} (most cherubic, more cherubic) querúbico Cherusci {noun} querusco chervil [/ˈtʃɜː(ɹ)vɪl/] {noun} perifollo | cerefolio | perifolio chervonets {noun} (chervontsy) chervonets Cheshire cat [/ˌtʃɛʃə ˈkat/ | /ˌtʃɛʃɚ ˈkæt/] {properNoun} Gato Risón | Gato de Cheshire Cheshire cheese {noun} Cheshire chess [/t͡ʃɛs/] {noun} (chesses) ajedrez | escaques chess clock {noun} (chess clocks) Reloj de ajedrez chess piece {noun} (chess pieces) pieza de ajedrez chess player {noun} (chess players) ajedrecista chessboard {noun} (chessboards) tablero de ajedrez chessman {noun} (chessmen) pieza chest [/t͡ʃɛst/] {noun, verb} (chests, chested, chesting) pecho | tórax | arca | cómoda | baúl | caja chest of drawers {noun} (chests of drawers) cómoda | cajonera chest press {noun} (chest presses) prensa de pecho chest wall {noun} (chest walls) caja torácica chestnut [/ˈtʃɛs.nʌt/] {adjective, noun} castaña | castaño | marrón chestnut tree [/ˈtʃɛsnʌt ˌtɹiː/] {noun} (chestnut trees) castaño chestnut-backed antshrike {noun} (chestnut-backed antshrikes) batará dorsicastaño chestnut-bellied tit {noun} (chestnut-bellied tits) carbonero ventricastaño cheval glass {noun} (cheval glasses) psique cheval trap abrojo chevon [/ˈʃɛvən/] {noun} cabrito chevron [/ˈʃɛvɹən/] {noun, verb} (chevrons, chevroned, chevroning) cabrio | chebrón chew [/tʃu/ | /tʃuː/] {noun, verb} (chews, chewing, chewed, chewn) masticar | mascar chew out {verb} regañar chew over {verb} (chews over, chewing over, chewed over) rumiar chew the cud {verb} rumiar chew the scenery {verb} robar escena Chewa {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chewa, Chewas) chewa chewing gum {noun} chicle | goma de mascar chewy [/ˈtʃu.i/] {adjective} (chewest, chewer) cauchudo | correoso | duro | recio chi [/kaɪ/ | /tʃiː/] {noun} (chis) ji chia [/ˈtʃiː.ə/] {noun} chía Chianti [/kiˈɑnti/ | /kɪˈantɪ/] {noun} chianti Chiapas {properNoun} Chiapas chiaroscuro [/kɪˌɑːɹəˈskʊəɹəʊ/ | /ˌkjɑɹəˈsk(j)ʊɹoʊ/] {adjective, noun} (chiaroscuros, chiaroscuri, most chiaroscuro, more chiaroscuro) claroscuro chiasma [/kaɪˈæzmə/] {noun} (chiasmas, chiasmata) quiasma chiasmus [/kaɪˈæzməs/] {noun} (chiasmuses, chiasmi) quiasmo Chiba {properNoun} (Chibas) Chiba chic [/ʃik/ | /ʃiːk/] {adjective, noun} (chics, most chic, chicer, chicest, more chic) chic | elegante Chicago [/ʃəˈkɑː.ɡo/ | /ʃɪˈkɑ.ɡo/] {properNoun} Chicago chicane [/ʃɪˈkeɪn/] {noun, verb} (chicanes, chicaning, chicaned) obstáculo chicanery [/ʃɪˈkeɪn(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (chicaneries) decepción chick [/t͡ʃɪk/] {noun, verb} (chicken, chicks, chicked, chicking) polluelo | pollito | chica | muchacha | pichón chick sexer sexador chickadee [/ˈt͡ʃɪ.kə.ˌdi/] {noun} (chickadees) carbonero Chickasaw [/ˈtʃɪkəsɔː/] {noun, properNoun} (Chickasaws, Chickasaw) chickasaw chicken [/ˈt͡ʃɪkɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chicken, most chicken, chickens, chickening, chickened) pollo | gallina chicken breast {noun} pechuga de pollo chicken feet {noun} patas de pollo chicken hawk {noun} (chicken hawks) azor | gavilán | rabo verde chicken leg {noun} (chicken legs) muslo de pollo chicken out {verb} (chickens out, chickened out, chickening out) rajarse | achicarse | acobardarse | ciscarse chicken pox {noun} (chicken poxes) china | varicela | lechina | peste cristal chicken run {noun} (chicken runs) gallinero chicken scratch {noun} (chicken scratches) garambainas | garrapato chicken sexer sexador chicken soup {noun} sopa de pollo chicken wing {noun} (chicken wings) alita de pollo chicken wire {noun} rejilla chicken-hearted {adjective} (more chicken-hearted, most chicken-hearted) gallina chicken-or-egg question {noun} (chicken-or-egg questions) paradoja del huevo y la gallina chickenshit {adjective, noun} (most chickenshit, more chickenshit) cobarde de mierda chickling vetch {noun} almorta | chícharo | pito chickpea [/ˈtʃɪkˌpiː/] {noun} (chickpeas) garbanzo chickweed {noun} (chickweeds) capiquí | hierba gallinera | pamplina Chiclayo {properNoun} Chiclayo chicory [/ˈtʃɪkəɹi/] {noun} (chicories) achicoria chide [/tʃaɪd/] {verb} (chides, chided, chidden, chiding, chid, chode) reprender chief [/tʃiːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chief, chiefest, chiefer, more chief, chiefs, chiefing, chiefed) jefe | principal chief executive {noun} (chief executives) director ejecutivo chief executive officer {noun} (chief executive officers) director ejecutivo | gerente general | presidente ejecutivo chief of staff {noun} (chiefs of staff) Jefe de Estado Mayor chiefly [/ˈtʃiːf.li/] {adjective, adverb} (chiefliest, chieflier, most chiefly, more chiefly) principalmente chieftain [/ˈtʃiːf.tən/] {noun} (chieftains) cacique | cabecilla | caudillo | jefe | jeque | líder Chiers [/ʃiˈɛə(r)/] {properNoun} aguardiente chiffchaff [/ˈt͡ʃɪf.t͡ʃæf/] {noun} (chiffchaffs) mosquitero | mosquitero común chiffon [/ʃɪˈfɑn/] {noun} (chiffons) gasa chiffonier [/ˌʃɪ.fəˈnɪə/] {noun} (chiffoniers) chifonier chigger {noun} (chiggers) nigua | ácaro de la cosecha | ácaro rojo chignon [/ʃɪnˈjɒn/] {noun} (chignons) moño chigoe [/ˈt͡ʃɪ.ɡoʊ/] {noun} (chigoes) nigua Chihuahua [/tʃɪˈwaʊ(w).ə/ | /tʃɪˈwɑːwɑː/] {noun, properNoun} (Chihuahuas) Chihuahua | chihuahua | chihuahueño chihuahua [/tʃɪ.waʊ(w).ə/ | /tʃɪˈwɑːwɑː/] {noun} (chihuahuas) chihuahueño chikungunya [/tʃɪkʊŋˈɡʊnjə/] {noun} chikunguña chilblain [/tʃɪlbleɪn/] {noun} (chilblains) friera | sabañón child [/t͡ʃaɪld/] {noun, verb} (children, childer, childs, childing, childed) hijo | niño | hija | niña | infante child abuse [/ˈtʃaɪldəbjuːs/] {noun} abuso de menores child bride {noun} (child brides) novia menor de edad | novia niña child carrier {noun} (child carriers) portabebés child molester {noun} (child molesters) abusador de niños | abusadora de niños child prodigy {noun} (child prodigies) niño prodigio child safety seat {noun} (child safety seats) silla infantil child soldier {noun} (child soldiers) niño soldado child's play {noun} juego de niños | pan comido | papa childbearing {adjective, noun} (childbearings) embarazo childbirth {noun} (childbirths) parto | nacimiento childcare {noun} cuidado infantil Childermas {properNoun} (Childermases) Día de los Inocentes | Día de los Santos Inocentes childhood [/ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/] {noun} infancia | niñez childish [/ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/] {adjective} (most childish, more childish) infantil | pueril | aniñado | infantiloide | niños | para childishness {noun} (childishnesses) chiquillada | chiquillería | infantilada | infantilismo | niñada | niñería childless {adjective} sin hijos childlessness {noun} falta de hijos childlike [/ˈtʃaɪldlaɪk/] {adjective} (more childlike, most childlike) infantil childminder {noun} (childminders) ama de crianza children's home {noun} (children's homes) casa cuna children's hospital {noun} (children's hospitals) clínica pediátrica Chile [/ˈt͡ʃileɪ/ | /ˈt͡ʃiː.leɪ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪl.e/] {properNoun} Chile Chilean [/ˈtʃɪli.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Chileans) chileno | chilena Chilean abalone {noun} (Chilean abalones) chanque | loco | pata de burro | pie de burro | tolina Chilean bellflower {noun} (Chilean bellflowers) copihue Chilean eagle {noun} (Chilean eagles) águila mora | águila real chilean eared dove tórtola Chilean false larch alerce Chilean firetree {noun} (Chilean firetrees) ciruelillo | fosforito | notro Chilean flamingo {noun} (Chilean flamingos) flamenco austral | flamenco chileno Chilean hazel avellano Chilean hazelnut avellana Chilean mussel {noun} (Chilean mussels) chorito | choro | mejillón | quilmahue Chilean potato tree natre Chilean potato vine natre Chilean rhubarb nalca Chilean romerillo romerillo Chilean swallow {noun} (Chilean swallows) golondrina chilena | golondrina patagónica Chilean tinamou {noun} (Chilean tinamous) perdiz chilena Chilean wineberry maque Chileanism {noun} chilenismo chili [/ˈt͡ʃɪli/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪliː/] {noun} (chilies, chilis) chile | ají | pimiento chili con carne [/ˈtʃɪli kɑn ˈkɑɹni/] {noun} chili con carne chili oil {noun} aceite de guindilla chili pepper {noun} (chili peppers) chile chiliasm [/ˈkɪ.lɪæ.z(ə)m/] {noun} (chiliasms) quiliasmo | milenarismo chill [/tʃɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chill, most chill, chills, chilling, chilled) enfriar | fresco | frío | salir chill out {noun, verb} (chill outs, chills out, chilling out, chilled out) relajarse chilli [/ˈt͡ʃɪli/] {noun} (chillies, chillis) ají chilling [/ˈtʃɪlɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chilling, most chilling, chillings) escalofriante chills [/tʃɪlz/] {noun, verb} escalofríos chilly [/ˈtʃɪli/] {adjective, noun} (chiller, chillest, chillies) frío Chilote chilote chimaera {noun} (chimaeras) quimera chimango caracara {noun} (chimango caracaras) caracara chimango | chimango | chiuque | tiuque Chimbarongo {properNoun} Chimbarongo chime [/ˈtʃaɪm/] {noun, verb} (chimes, chimed, chiming) campanilla | coincidir | tañer Chimera {properNoun} quimera chimera [/kaɪˈmɪəɹə/ | /kʌɪˈmɪəɹə/] {noun} (chimeras) quimera chimerical [/kɪˈmɛɹɪkəl/] {adjective} (more chimerical, most chimerical) quimérico chimichanga [/tʃɪmiˈtʃæŋɡə/] {noun} (chimichangas) chimichanga chimney [/tʃɪmni/] {noun, verb} (chimneys, chimneyed, chimneying) chimenea | tubo chimney sweep {noun} (chimney sweeps) deshollinador | limpiachimeneas chimpanzee [/tʃɪmˈpæn.zi/] {noun} (chimpanzees) chimpancé chin [/tʃɪn/] {noun, verb} (chins, chinning, chinned) mentón | barbilla | pera chin up {phraseologicalUnit} coraje China [/ˈt͡ʃaɪnə/] {noun, properNoun} (Chinas) China china [/tʃʌɪnə/] {noun} porcelana China proper {properNoun} China histórica China Seas {properNoun} Mar de China Chinaman [/ˈtʃaɪnəmən/] {noun} (Chinamen) china Chinandega {properNoun} Chinandega Chinatown [/ˈtʃaɪnətaʊn/ | /ˈtʃaɪnəˌtaʊn/] {noun} (Chinatowns) barrio chino chinchilla [/tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə/] {noun} chinchilla chine [/tʃaɪn/] {noun, verb} (chines, chined, chining, chone, chane) cepillo Chinese [/t͡ʃaɪˈniːz/ | /ˈt͡ʃaɪniːz/ | /ˈt͡ʃaɪˌniz/ | /ˌt͡ʃaɪˈniz/] {adjective, noun} (most Chinese, more Chinese, Chinese) chino | china | chinos | comida china Chinese Buddhism {properNoun} budismo chino Chinese character {noun} (Chinese characters) carácter chino | hanzi | letras chinas Chinese checkers {noun} damas chinas | tablero chino Chinese cinnamon {noun} canelero chino Chinese Crested Dog {noun} (Chinese Crested Dogs) perro crestado chino Chinese finger trap {noun} (Chinese finger traps) atrapanovios Chinese fire drill {noun} (Chinese fire drills) simulacro de incendio de China Chinese lantern {noun} (Chinese lanterns) alquequenje Chinese mugwort {noun} artemisa china Chinese studies {noun} sinología Chinese Wall {noun} (Chinese Walls) Gran Muralla China Chinese water torture {noun} gota china Chinese whispers {noun} teléfono | teléfono descompuesto | teléfono estropeado Chinglish {adjective, properNoun} (more Chinglish, most Chinglish) chinglés | pidgin chino chink [/tʃɪŋk/] {noun, verb} (chinks, chinking, chinked) fisura | monedas | rellenar | rendija chinois {noun} (chinoises) chino | colador chino chinook salmon {noun} (chinook salmon, chinook salmons) salmón real chintz [/tʃɪnts/] {noun} (chintzes) chintz Chios [/ˈki.ɑs/ | /ˈkiː.ɒs/] {properNoun} Quíos chip [/tʃɪp/] {noun, verb} (chips, chipping, chipped) chip | ficha | astilla | astillar | desconchado | desconchar chip fork {noun} (chip forks) tenedor de currywurst chip off the old block {noun} (chips off the old block, chips off old blocks) de tal palo, tal astilla chipboard {noun} aglomerado chipmunk {noun, verb} (chipmunks, chipmunked, chipmunking) ardilla listada | ardilla rayada | tamia chipolata {noun} (chipolatas) chipolata chipper [/ˈtʃɪpə/ | /ˈtʃɪpɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chippers, chippered, chippering, more chipper, most chipper) alegre chipset {noun} (chipsets) chipset chiral [/ˈkaɪɹəl/] {adjective} quiral chirality [/kaɪˈɹælɪti/] {noun} (chiralities) quiralidad chirography {noun} (chirographies) quirografía chiromancer [/ˈkaɪɹə(ʊ)mænsə/ | /ˈkaɪɹəˌmænsɚ/] {noun} (chiromancers) quiromante | quiromántico chiromancy [/ˈkaɪ.ɹəʊ.mæn.si/] {noun} (chiromancies) quiromancia Chiron [/ˈkaɪɹən/] {properNoun} Quirón chiropractic {adjective, noun} quiropráctica chiropractics {noun} chiropractic chiropractor [/ˈkaɪ.ɹəˌpɹæk.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chiropractors) quiropráctica | quiropráctico chiropter {noun} (chiropters) bollo chirp [/tʃɜː(ɹ)p/] {noun, verb} (chirps, chirped, chirping) chirriar | chirrido | grillar | trinar | trino chirping {noun, verb} (chirpings) gorjeador chirr [/t͡ʃɜː/ | /t͡ʃɝ/] {noun, verb} (chirrs, chirred, chirring) chirriar | chirrido | grillar chisel [/ˈtʃɪzəl/] {noun, verb} (chisels, chiselled, chiseling, chiselling, chiseled) formón | cincel | escoplo | cincelar | piqueta | zapapico Chisinau {properNoun} Chisinau chistorra {noun} (chistorras) chistorra chit [/t͡ʃɪt/] {interjection, noun, verb} (chits, chitted, chitting) coser a máquina chit-chat {noun, verb} (chit-chats, chit-chatting, chit-chatted) cháchara | cotillear | cotilleo | palique Chita [/tʃɪˈtɑː/] {properNoun} Chitá chitin [/ˈkaɪtɪn/] {noun} quitina chitinous {adjective} (more chitinous, most chitinous) quitinoso chitosan {noun} (chitosans) chitosán Chitral {properNoun} Chitral chitterlings [/ˈtʃɪ.tɚ.lɪŋz/ | [ˈtʃɪtˤ.lɪnz]] {noun} chinchulín | chinchurria | choncholi | chunchules | chunchullo | chunchurria chivalrous [/ˈʃɪv.əl.ɹʌs/] {adjective} (more chivalrous, most chivalrous) caballeresco | caballeroso chivalrousness {noun} caballerosidad chivalry [/ˈʃɪvəlɹi/] {noun} (chivalries) caballerosidad chive [/tʃaɪv/] {noun, verb} (chives, chiving, chived) cebollino | cebolleta | cebollines chlamydia [/kləˈmɪd.i.ə/] {noun} (chlamydias, chlamydiae) clamidia chlamys [/ˈklamɪs/ | /ˈklæmɪs/] {noun} (chlamyses, chlamydes) clámide Chloe [/ˈkloʊ.i/] {properNoun} Cloé chlorargyrite {noun} clorargirita chlorate {noun} (chlorates) clorato chlorhydric {adjective} clorhídrico chloric acid {noun} ácido clórico chloride [/ˈklɔːɹaɪd/] {noun} (chlorides) cloruro chlorinate [/ˈklɒ.ɹɪ.neɪt/] {verb} (chlorinates, chlorinating, chlorinated) clorinar chlorine [/ˈklɔɹin/ | /ˈklɔːɹiːn/] {noun} (chlorines) cloro chlorite [/ˈklɔːɹʌɪt/] {noun} clorita | clorito chloro- {prefix} cloro- chlorofluorocarbon {noun} (chlorofluorocarbons) clorofluorocarbono chloroform [/ˈklɔːɹə(ʊ)̩fɔː(ɹ)m/] {noun, verb} (chloroforms, chloroforming, chloroformed) cloroformo | cloroformizar chloroformic {adjective} clorofórmico chlorogenic {adjective} clorogénico chlorophyll [/ˈklɔɹ.ə.fɪl/ | /ˈklɔː.ɹə.fɪl/] {noun} (chlorophylls) clorofila chlorophyllic {adjective} (most chlorophyllic, more chlorophyllic) clorofílico chloroplast [/ˈklɔːrəʊˌplæst/] {noun} (chloroplasts) cloroplasto chlorosis {noun} (chloroses) clorosis choana [/ˈkoʊənə/] {noun} (choanae) coana choanoflagellate {noun} (choanoflagellates) coanoflagelado Chochenyo {properNoun} Chocheño chock [/tʃɑk/ | /tʃɒk/] {adverb, noun, verb} (chocks, chocking, chocked) calzo | engalgar chock full {adjective} (most chock full, more chock full) abarrotado chockablock [/ˈtʃɒkəˌblɒk/] {adjective, adverb} (more chockablock, most chockablock) de bote en bote chocolate [/ˈt͡ʃɑk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lət/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔːk(ə)lət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chocolate, most chocolate, chocolates, chocolating, chocolated) chocolate | bombón | achocolatado | chocolateado | de chocolate chocolate bar {noun} (chocolate bars) barra de chocolate | chocolatina chocolate cake {noun} pastel de chocolate chocolate chip {noun} (chocolate chips) chip de chocolate | chispa de chocolate | chocochip | pepita de chocolate chocolate milk {noun} (chocolate milks) chocomilk chocolate spread {noun} crema al cacao | crema de cacao chocolate truffle {noun} (chocolate truffles) trufa chocolatey {adjective} (chocolatier, chocolatiest) achocolatado chocolatier {adjective, noun} (chocolatiers) chocolatero chocolaty {adjective} (chocolatiest, chocolatier) achocolatado choice [/tʃɔɪs/] {adjective, noun} (more choice, choicer, most choice, choicest) elección | opción | selección | decisión | exquisito choir [/kwaɪə(ɹ)/ | /kwaɪɚ/] {noun, verb} (choirs, quires, choiring, choired, quired, quiring) coro choke [/t͡ʃoʊk/ | /t͡ʃəʊk/] {noun, verb} (chokes, choked, choking) estrangular | estrangulador | ahogar | sofocar | asfixiar | estrangulamiento chokehold {noun} (chokeholds) llave de cuello | llave mataleón | mataleón choker [/ˈtʃoʊkɚ/ | /ˈtʃəʊkə/] {noun} (chokers) collar cholangiocarcinoma {noun} (cholangiocarcinomata, cholangiocarcinomas) colangiocarcinoma cholangiography {noun} colangiografía cholangiole {noun} (cholangioles) colangiolo cholecystectomy {noun} (cholecystectomies) colecistectomía cholecystitis {noun} (cholecystites, cholecystitides) colecistitis cholecystokinin {noun} (cholecystokinins) colecistoquinina choledochal {adjective} colédoco choler {noun} (cholers) rencor cholera [/ˈkɑləɹə/ | /ˈkɒləɹə/] {noun} cólera choleric [/ˈkɑlɝɪk/ | /ˈkɒl(ə)ɹɪk/ | /ˈkɔl(ɘ)ɹɘk/] {adjective, noun} (more choleric, most choleric, cholerics) colérico cholerine {noun} colerina cholesteatoma [/kəˌlɛsti.əˈtʰəʊ̯mə/] {noun} (cholesteatomata, cholesteatomas) colesteatoma cholesterol {noun} colesterol choline [/ˈkoʊliːn/] {noun} (cholines) colina cholinergic {adjective, noun} (most cholinergic, more cholinergic, cholinergics) colinérgico cholla {noun} (chollas) cholla choluria {noun} coluria chomp [/tʃɒmp/ | /t͡ʃɔmp/] {noun, verb} (chomps, chomped, chomping) mamullar chondrite {noun} (chondrites) condrita chondritic [/kɑnˈdɹɪtɪk/ | /kɒnˈdɹɪtɪk/] {adjective} (most chondritic, more chondritic) condrítico chondrographic condrográfico chondroma {noun} (chondromata, chondromas) condroma chondrosarcoma {noun} (chondrosarcomas, chondrosarcomata) condrosarcoma chondrule [/ˈkɒndɹuːl/] {noun} (chondrules) cóndrulo Chongqing [/ˈtʃɔŋˈtʃɪŋ/] {properNoun} Chongqing Chontales {properNoun} Chontales chook [/tʃʊk/] {interjection, noun} (chooks) gallina choose [/t͡ʃuːz/] {conjunction, noun, verb} (chooses, chosen, choosing, chose) elegir | escoger choosy {adjective} (choosest, chooser) difícil de complacer | exigente | selectivo chop [/tʃɒp/] {noun, verb} (chops, chopping, chopped) chuleta | picar | cortar | tajada | tajar | tajo chop-chop {adverb, interjection, noun} presto | pronto chopped [/t͡ʃɑpt/ | /t͡ʃɒpt/] {adjective, verb} (most chopped, more chopped) picado chopper [/ˈtʃɑ.pɚ/ | /ˈtʃɒp.ə/ | /ˈtʃɔp.ə/] {noun, verb} (choppers, choppered, choppering) helicóptero | chóper | helicar | helico | tajador chopping board {noun} (chopping boards) tabla de cortar choppy [/ˈtʃɒ.pi/] {adjective} (chopper, choppest) entrecortado chopstick {noun, verb} (chopsticks, chopsticked, chopsticking) palillo choral [/ˈkɒɹɑːl/ | /ˈkɔɹəl/ | /ˈkɔːɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (chorals) coral chorale [/kɔːˈɹɑːl/] {noun} (chorales) coral chord [/kɔɹd/ | /kɔː(ɹ)d/] {noun, verb} (chords, chorded, chording) cuerda | acorde chordate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/ | /ˈkɔːɹdeɪt/] {adjective, noun} (chordates) cordado chordophone {noun} (chordophones) cordófono chore [/tʃo(ː)ɹ/ | /tʃoə/ | /tʃɔɹ/ | /tʃɔː/] {noun, verb} (chores, chored, choring) quehacer | tarea | mandado choreograph {verb} (choreographs, choreographing, choreographed) coreografiar choreographer {noun} (choreographers) coreógrafo choreographic {adjective} coreográfico choreography [/ˌkɔɹ.iˈɒɡ.ɹə.fi/] {noun} (choreographies) coreografía chorister {noun} (choristers) corista chorizo [/tʃɒˈɹiː.zəʊ/ | /tʃɒˈɹiːsəʊ/ | /tʃɒˈɹiːθəʊ/ | /tʃɔˈɹisɔ/ | /tʃɔˈɹiθɔ/ | /tʃəˈɹi.zoʊ/] {noun} chorizo choroid [/ˈkɔɹˌɔɪd/ | /ˈkɔː.ɹɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (choroids) coroides chortle [/ˈt͡ʃɔɹtəl/] {noun, verb} (chortles, chortling, chortled) carcajada chorus [/ˈkɔːɹəs/] {noun, verb} (choruses, chorused, chorusing, chorussing, chorussed) coro | estribillo | corear chorus line {noun} (chorus lines) coro chosenness {noun} elegida | elegido | seleccionada | seleccionado chotki [/ˈt͡ʃoʊtki/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒtki/] {noun} (chotki, chotkis) cordón de oración chough [/tʃʌf/] {noun} (choughs) chova chouse [/t͡ʃaʊ̯s/] {noun, verb} (chouses, choused, chousing) espantar choux pastry [/ʃuː ˈpeɪstɹi/] {noun} (choux pastries) pasta choux chow [/tʃaʊ/] {noun, verb} (chows, chowed, chowing) alimento chow mein [/ˌtʃaʊ ˈmeɪn/] {noun} chow mein chowder [/ˈtʃaʊdɚ/] {noun, verb} (chowders, chowdering, chowdered) guiso chrematistics {noun} crematística chrestomathy [/kɹɛˈstɒməθi/] {noun} (chrestomathies) crestomatía chrism [/ˈkɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} crisma Christ [/kɹaɪst/] {interjection, noun, properNoun} (Christs) Cristo | Jesucristo | hostia | me cago en Dios Christ child {properNoun} El Niño | Niño Dios | Niño Jesús | Santo Niño Christadelphian {adjective, noun} (Christadelphians) cristadelfiano christen [/ˈkɹɪsən/] {verb} (christens, christening, christened) bautizar Christendom [/ˈkɹɪsn̩dəm/] {noun} cristiandad christening {noun, verb} (christenings) bautismo Christian [/ˈkɹɪʃtʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Christian, more Christian, Christians) cristiano | cristiana | Cristián Christian name {noun} (Christian names) nombre de pila Christian year {noun} (Christian years) año litúrgico Christiana {properNoun} Cristiana Christianism {noun} cristianismo Christianities {noun} cristianismos Christianity [/ˌkɹɪstiˈænɪti/ | /ˌkɹɪstʃiˈænɪti/] {properNoun} (Christianities) cristianismo Christianization {noun} (Christianizations) cristianización Christianize {verb} (Christianizes, Christianized, Christianizing) cristianizar Christianlike {adjective} (more Christianlike, most Christianlike) cristiano Christianly {adjective, adverb} (more Christianly, most Christianly) cristiano Christianophobe {noun} (Christianophobes) cristianófoba | cristianófobo Christianophobia {noun} cristianofobia Christina [/kɹɪsˈtiːnə/] {properNoun} Cristina Christine [/kɹɪsˈtiːn/] {properNoun} Cristina Christkind {properNoun} Niño Dios Christmas [/ˈkɹɪsməs/] {adjective, properNoun} (Christmases) Navidad Christmas box {noun} (Christmas boxes) aguinaldo Christmas cake {noun} pastel de Navidad Christmas card {noun} (Christmas cards) tarjeta navideña Christmas carol {noun} (Christmas carols) villancico Christmas Day {noun} (Christmas Days) día de Navidad Christmas Eve {properNoun} Nochebuena Christmas Island {properNoun} Isla de Navidad Christmas list {noun} (Christmas lists) carta a los Reyes Magos Christmas market {noun} (Christmas markets) mercado navideño Christmas season {noun} (Christmas seasons) Navidades | época navideña Christmas time {noun} tiempo de Navidad Christmas tree [/ˈkɹɪsməs tɹiː/] {noun} (Christmas trees) árbol de Navidad Christmassy {adjective} (Christmasser, Christmassest) navideño Christmastime {noun} Navidades | época navideña christophany cristofanía Christopher [/ˈkɹɪs.tə.fə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Cristóbal chromate {noun} (chromates) cromato chromatic {adjective} cromático chromatic aberration [/kɹoʊˈmæ.tɪk ˌæb.əˈɹeɪ.ʃn̩/] {noun} (chromatic aberrations) aberración cromática chromatic number {noun} (chromatic numbers) número cromático chromatic scale {noun} (chromatic scales) escala cromática chromatid [/ˈkɹəʊmətɪd/] {noun} (chromatids) cromátida chromatin [/ˈkɹəʊmətɪn/] {noun} (chromatins) cromatina chromatography [/ˌkɹəʊ.məˈtɒɡɹə.fi/] {noun} (chromatographies) cromatografía chromatophore {noun} (chromatophores) cromatóforo chrome [/kɹoʊm/ | /kɹəʊm/] {noun, verb} (chromes, chromed, chroming) cromar chromite {noun} cromita chromium [/ˈkɹoʊmi.əm/] {noun} cromo chromophore {noun} (chromophores) cromóforo chromosomal {adjective} cromosómico chromosomal crossover entrecruzamiento chromosome [/ˈkɹoʊməˌsoʊm/ | /ˈkɹəʊ.məˌsəʊm/] {noun} (chromosomes) cromosoma chromosphere {noun} (chromospheres) cromosfera chronic [/ˈkɹɒnɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more chronic, most chronic) crónico chronic fatigue syndrome {noun} encefalomielitis miálgica | encefalopatía miálgica/síndrome de fatiga crónica | síndrome de fatiga crónica chronic obstructive pulmonary disease {noun} (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica chronically {adverb} (most chronically, more chronically) crónicamente chronicity [/kɹɑˈnɪsɪti/ | /kɹɒˈnɪsɪti/] {noun} (chronicities) cronicidad chronicle [/ˈkɹɒnɪkəl/] {noun, verb} (chronicles, chronicled, chronicling) crónica chronicler {noun} (chroniclers) cronista Chronicles {properNoun} Crónicas chrono- {prefix} crono- chronobiology {noun} (chronobiologies) cronobiología chronological [/ˌkɹɒnəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/] {adjective} (most chronological, more chronological) cronológico chronologically {adverb} (more chronologically, most chronologically) cronológicamente chronology [/kɹəˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/] {noun} (chronologies) cronología chronometer [/kɹəˈnɒm.ə.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chronometers) cronómetro chrononym {noun} (chrononyms) crononimo chronospecies {noun} (chronospecies) cronoespecie chrysalis [/ˈkɹɪsəlɪs/] {noun} (chrysalises, chrysalides) crisálida chrysanthemum {noun} (chrysanthemums) crisantemo Chrysanthemum Throne {properNoun} trono del Crisantemo chrysoberyl [/ˈkɹɪsə(ʊ)bɛɹɪl/] {noun} crisoberilo chrysoprase {noun} (chrysoprases) crisoprasa Chrysostom [/ˈkɹɪsəstəm/] {properNoun} crisóstomo chthonic [/ˈkθɒnɪk/ | /ˈθɑnɪk/] {adjective} (most chthonic, more chthonic) ctónico chub [/tʃʌb/] {noun} (chubs, chub) bagre chubby [/ˈtʃʌbi/] {adjective, noun} (chubbest, chubber, chubbies) regordete | gordito | metido en carnes | morcillón | rechoncho | rellenito Chubut {properNoun} Chubut chuchotage [/ʃu.ʃoʊˈtɑʒ/ | /ʃu.ʃəʊˈtɑːʒ/] {noun} cuchicheo chuck [/tʃʌk/] {noun, verb} (chucks, chucking, chucked) mandril | portabrocas chuck steak {noun} (chuck steaks) solomillo chuck up {verb} (chucks up, chucking up, chucked up) devolver chuckle [/ˈt͡ʃʌkəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chuckles, chuckled, chuckling, most chuckle, more chuckle) cocorear | reír entre dientes chuckwalla {noun} (chuckwallas) chacahuala chufa {noun} (chufas) chufa | cuca chuff [/tʃʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chuff, more chuff, chuffs, chuffed, chuffing) grosero chug [/tʃʌɡ/] {noun, verb} (chugs, chugging, chugged) engullir chugger [/tʃʌɡə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chuggers) carpetero Chukchi [/ˈtʃuktʃiː/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chukchis, Chukchi) chucoto | chucota Chukchi Peninsula {properNoun} península de Chukchi Chukchi Sea {properNoun} Mar de Chukchi chukker {noun} (chukkers) lote Chukotka {properNoun} Chukotka chullo {noun} (chullos) chullo

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