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assistant referee {noun} (assistant referees) abanderado assistantship {noun} ayudantía associate [/əˈsoʊʃi.ət/ | /əˈsoʊʃieɪt/ | /əˈsəʊʃi.ət/ | /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (associates, associating, associated) relacionar | asociar | asociado | asociarse | compañero | sociabilizar associate's degree {noun} (associate's degrees) grado de asociado association [/əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ | /əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃən/] {noun} asociación association football {noun} fútbol associative [/əˈsoʊ.ʃi.ə.tɪv/] {adjective} (more associative, most associative) asociativo associative array {noun} (associative arrays) léxico associativity {noun} (associativities) asociatividad assonance [/ˈæsənəns/ | /ˈɛsɘnɘns/] {noun} asonancia assonant {adjective} (most assonant, more assonant) asonante assort [/əˈsɔɹt/ | /əˈsɔːt/] {verb} (assorts, assorting, assorted) clasificar | ordenar assorted {adjective, verb} (more assorted, most assorted) surtido assortment [/əˈsɔːtmənt/] {noun} (assortments) surtido | colección | variedad assuage [/əˈsweɪdʒ/] {verb} (assuages, assuaging, assuaged) apaciguar | sosegar | aliviar | calmar | mitigar | satisfacer assume [/əˈsjuːm/ | /əˈsuːm/ | /əˈzuːm/ | /əˈʃuːm/] {verb} (assumes, assuming, assumed) suponer | asumir | dar por sentado assumed {adjective, verb} (most assumed, more assumed) supuesto | fingido assumption [/əˈsʌmp.ʃən/] {noun} asunción | suposición assurance [/əˈʃʊəɹəns/ | /əˈʃʊɹəns/] {noun} certidumbre | confianza assure [/əˈʃʊə/ | /əˈʃʊɹ/] {verb} (assures, assuring, assured) asegurar asswipe [/ˈæswaɪp/] {noun} limpiaculos Assyria [/əˈsɪɹi.ə/] {properNoun} Asiria Assyrian [/əˈsɪɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Assyrians) asirio Assyriology {noun} asiriología Astana [/æsˈtɑːnə/ | /əsˈtɑːnə/] {properNoun} Astaná astatine [/ˈastətiːn/ | /ˈæstəˌtin/] {noun} astato | ástato astaxanthin {noun} astaxantina aster [/ˈæstə(ɹ)/] {noun} (asters) áster asterisk [/ˈæstəɹɪsk/] {noun, verb} (asterisks, asterisked, asterisking) asterisco asterism [/ˈastəɹɪzəm/] {noun} (asterisms) asterismo | constelación Asterix {properNoun} Astérix astern [/əˈstɜːn/ | /əˈstɝn/] {adjective, adverb} (most astern, more astern) a popa | detrás | hacia atrás astern of {preposition} detrás asteroid [/ˈæstəɹoɪd/] {noun} (asteroids) asteroide | planetoide asteroid belt {noun, properNoun} (asteroid belts) cinturón de asteroides asthenia [/æsˈθi.ni.ə/ | /æsˈθiː.nɪə/] {noun} astenia asthenosphere [/asˈθɛnə(ʊ)sfɪə/] {noun} (asthenospheres) astenosfera asthma [/ˈasmə/ | /ˈæzmə/] {noun} (asthmata, asthmas) asma asthmatic [/æzˈmætɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more asthmatic, most asthmatic, asthmatics) asmático astigmatism [/əˈstɪɡmətɪzm̩/] {noun} astigmatismo astonish [/əˈstɑnɪʃ/ | /əˈstɒnɪʃ/] {verb} (astonishes, astonishing, astonished) asombrar | sorprender | pasmar astonished {adjective, verb} (most astonished, more astonished) asombrado astonishing [/əˈstɑnɪʃɪŋ/ | /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most astonishing, more astonishing) asombroso | sorprendente astonishing, amazing pasmoso astonishment [/əˈstɑːnɪʃmənt/ | /əˈstɒnɪʃmənt/] {noun} sorpresa | asombro | estupefacción | extrañeza astound [/əˈstaʊnd/] {adjective, verb} (more astound, most astound, astounds, astounding, astounded) pasmar | asombrar astounding {adjective, verb} (most astounding, more astounding) asombroso | epatante | pasmoso | sorprendente astraddle [/əˈstɹædəl/] {adverb, preposition} a horcajadas astragalar {adjective} astragalino astragalo- {prefix} astragalo- astragalocalcaneal {adjective} astragalocalcáneo astragalofibular {adjective} astragaloperoneo astragaloscaphoid {adjective} astragaloescafoideo Astrakhan [/æstɹəˈkæn/] {properNoun} Astracán astral [/ˈæstɹəl/] {adjective} (most astral, more astral) astral | estelar astraphobia {noun} astrafobia astray [/əˈstɹeɪ/] {adverb} extraviado | perdido astriction {noun} astricción astrictive {adjective, noun} (most astrictive, more astrictive, astrictives) astrictivo astride [/əˈstɹaɪd/] {adverb, preposition} a horcajadas astringency [/əˈstɹɪn.dʒən.si/] {noun} (astringencies) astringencia astringent [/əˈstɹɪn.dʒənt/] {adjective, noun} (most astringent, more astringent, astringents) astringente astrobleme [/ˈæs.tɹoʊ.blim/ | /ˈæs.tɹəʊ.bliːm/] {noun} (astroblemes) astroblema astrocyte {noun} (astrocytes) astrocito astrocytoma {noun} (astrocytomata, astrocytomas) astrocitoma astroid {noun} (astroids) astroide astrolabe [/ˈæs.tɹəˌleɪb/] {noun} (astrolabes) astrolabio astrologer {noun} astrólogo | astróloga astrologic {adjective} astrológico astrological {adjective} (most astrological, more astrological) astrológico astrological sign {noun} (astrological signs) signo zodiacal astrology [/əˈstɹɒlədʒi/] {noun} (astrologies) astrología astrometry [/əˈstɹɒmətɹi/] {noun} (astrometries) astrometría astronaut [/ˈæstɹəˌnɒt/ | /ˈæstɹəˌnɔt/ | /ˈæstɹəˌnɔːt/] {noun} (astronauts) astronauta astronautic {adjective} astronáutico astronautics {noun} astronáutica astronomer [/ə.ˈstɹɑ.nə.mɚ/ | /ə.ˈstɹɒ.nə.mə/ | /ə.ˈstɹɒ.nə.mɚ/] {noun} (astronomers) astrónomo | astrónoma astronomic {adjective} (more astronomic, most astronomic) astronómico astronomical [/ˌæs.tɹəˈnɒm.ɪk.əl/ | /ˌæstɹəˈnɑːmɪkəl/] {adjective} (more astronomical, most astronomical) astronómico astronomical unit {noun} (astronomical units) unidad astronómica astronomically {adverb} (most astronomically, more astronomically) astronómico astronomy [/əˈstɹɑnəˌmi/] {noun} (astronomies) astronomía astrophysical {adjective} astrofísico astrophysicist {noun} (astrophysicists) astrofísico | astrofísica astrophysics {noun} astrofísica Astur-Leonese {properNoun} asturleonés Asturia {properNoun} Asturias Asturian [/æsˈtʊə.ɹi.ən/ | /æsˈtʊɹ.i.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Asturian, more Asturian, Asturians) asturiano | bable Asturianism {noun} asturianismo Asturias [/æsˈtʊə.ɹi.əs/ | /æsˈtʊɹ.i.əs/] {properNoun} Asturias astute [/əsˈtjuːt/] {adjective} (astutest, astuter) perspicaz | sagaz | astuto astutely {adverb} (most astutely, more astutely) astutamente astuteness {noun} (astutenesses) astucia | letra menuda | sagacidad Asunción [/əˌsuːnsiˈɒn/] {properNoun} Asunción asunder [/əˈsʌndə/ | /əˈsʌndɚ/] {adverb} (most asunder, more asunder) en dos | en pedazos asylee {noun} (asylees) asilado asylum [/əˈsaɪləm/] {noun} (asyla, asylums) asilo | manicomio | santuario asylum seeker {noun} (asylum seekers) solicitante de asilo asymmetric {adjective} (most asymmetric, more asymmetric) asimétrico asymmetrical {adjective} (more asymmetrical, most asymmetrical) asimétrico asymmetrically {adverb} (most asymmetrically, more asymmetrically) asimétricamente asymmetry [/eɪˈsɪmɪtɹi/] {noun} (asymmetries) asimetría asymptomatic {adjective, noun} (asymptomatics) asintomático asymptote {noun, verb} (asymptotes, asymptoted, asymptoting) asíntota asymptotic [/ˌæsəm(p)ˈtɑtɪk/ | /ˌæsəm(p)ˈtɒtɪk/] {adjective} asintótico asynchronous [/eɪˈsɪŋkɹənəs/] {adjective} asíncrono asynchronously {adverb} asíncronamente asynchrony {noun} (asynchronies) asincronismo asyndeton {noun} (asyndeta, asyndetons) asíndeton asystolic {adjective} (most asystolic, more asystolic) asistólico at [/æt/ | /ət/] {noun, preposition, pronoun} (ats, at) en | a at a glance a primera vista at a loss a pérdida at a loss for words boquiabierto at a push apurando at a time a la vez at all [[ætˈɔːɫ] | [æˈɾɔɫ]] en absoluto | para nada | en realidad at all costs cueste lo que cueste | a toda costa | a cualquier precio | a todo trance at bay a raya at best a lo sumo at dark durante el anochecer at death's door a las últimas at ease acomodado at first al principio at first blush a primera vista at first glance a primera vista at gunpoint a punta de pistola at hand a mano at home {noun} (at homes) en casa at issue en cuestión at it [/ˈat ɪt/ | /ˈæt ɪt/] con ello at large al completo | en general | liberado | libre | suelto at last al fin | por fin | al cabo at latter Lammas jamás at least al menos | por lo menos | siquiera | como mínimo | cuando menos at length al fin | detalladamente | largo tiempo | largo y tendido at loggerheads [/æt ˈlɒɡəhɛdz/ | /æt ˈlɔɡɚˌhɛdz/] a la greña | de pique at marriageable age casadero at most a lo sumo | a lo más | como máximo | no más de | cuando mucho | todo lo más at night {adverb} por la noche | de noche at once [/ət ˈwʌns/] {adverb} ahora mismo | a la vez | enseguida at one blast [/ət wʌn ˈblæst/ | /ət wʌn ˈblɑːst/] {adverb} de un plumazo at one time ante at one's own risk por su cuenta y riesgo at peace quieto at places aquí y allá at present ahora at random al azar at sign {noun} (at signs) arroba at sixes and sevens hecho un lío at some point a veces at stake en juego at that además at the best of times a lo sumo at the cost of {preposition} a expensas de at the drop of a hat en un abrir y cerrar de ojos at the end of one's rope a la desesperada at the end of one's tether en las últimas at the end of the day al fin y al cabo | a fin de cuentas at the expense of a costa de | a costo de | a cuenta de | a expensas de at the feet of {preposition} a los pies de | afectísimo | de la escuela de | de la filiación de | de la sangre de | del estirpe de at the hands of {preposition} en manos de at the helm al timón at the latest a más tardar at the mercy of a merced de at the moment en este momento at the ready a punto | al pie del cañón at the same time al mismo tiempo | a la vez at the time entonces at the top of one's lungs a pleno pulmón at the top of one's voice a grito limpio | a grito pelado | a voz en cuello | a voz en grito at the very least {adverb} al menos at times a veces at war en guerra at will a discreción at-grade {adjective} parejo Atacaman {adjective, noun} (Atacamans) atacameña | atacameño atactic {adjective} (more atactic, most atactic) atáxico ataman [/ˈætəmən/] {noun} (atamans) atamán ataraxia {noun} (ataraxias) ataraxia ataraxy [/ˈatəɹaksi/] {noun} ataraxia atavism [/ˈætəˌvɪzəm/] {noun} atavismo atavistic [/æt.əˈvɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (most atavistic, more atavistic) atávico ataxia [/əˈtæksɪə/] {noun} ataxia ataxic {adjective} atáxico atelectasis [/ætɪˈlɛktəsɪs/] {noun} (atelectases) atelectasia atelier [/æ.təlˈjeɪ/] {noun} (ateliers) taller atelophobia [/əˌtɛləˈfəʊbɪə/] {noun} atelofobia atemoya {noun} (atemoyas) anón | atemoya | chirimorinon atemporal {adjective} (more atemporal, most atemporal) atemporal Atenism {noun} atonismo athame [/ɑˈθɑ.meɪ/ | /ɑːˈθɑː.meɪ/] {noun} (athames) daga | átame Athanasius [/ˌæθəˈneɪʃəs/] {properNoun} Atanasio athanor [/ˈæθənɔɹ/ | /ˈæθənɔː/] {noun} (athanors) athanor atheism [/ˈeɪθiɪzəm/] {noun} (atheisms) ateísmo atheist [/ˈeɪθiɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more atheist, most atheist, atheists) ateo | atea | ateísta atheistic {adjective} (more atheistic, most atheistic) ateo Athena [/əˈθiːnə/] {noun, properNoun} (Athenas) Atenea Athenian [/əˈθiː.ni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Athenians) ateniense Athens [/ˈeɪθənz/ | /ˈæθənz/] {properNoun} Atenas atherectomy {noun} (atherectomies) aterectomía athermic [/ˌeɪˈθɜɹmɪk/] {adjective} (most athermic, more athermic) atérmico atheroma {noun} (atheromas, atheromata) ateroma atherosclerosis [/ˌæθɚoʊskləˈɹoʊsəs/] {noun} (atheroscleroses) ateroesclerosis atherosclerotic {adjective} (more atherosclerotic, most atherosclerotic) aterosclerótico athetosis {noun} (athetoses) atetosis athleisure {noun} atletocio athlete [/ˈæθ.lit/ | /ˈæθ.liːt/ | /ˈæθ.ə.liːt/] {noun} (athletes) atleta | deportista | atletica athlete's foot {noun} pie de atleta athletic [/æθˈlɛt.ɪk/] {adjective} (most athletic, more athletic) atlético athletic shoe {noun} (athletic shoes) zapatilla deportiva athletics [/æθˈlɛtɪks/] {noun} atletismo Athonite {adjective, noun} (Athonites) athonita athrepsia {noun} atrepsia athwart [/əˈθwɔː(ɹ)t/] {adverb, preposition} (more athwart, most athwart) a través | de lado a lado Atkins diet {noun} (Atkins diets) dieta de Atkins | régimen de Atkins Atlanta [/ætˈlæntə/] {properNoun} Atlanta Atlantic [/ætˈlæn.tɪk/ | /ətˈlæn.tɪk/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Atlantics) Atlántico | atlántico Atlantic bonito {noun} (Atlantic bonitos) bonito del Atlántico Atlantic cod {noun} (Atlantic cods, Atlantic cod) bacalao Atlantic herring {noun} (Atlantic herrings, Atlantic herring) arenque | arenque del Atlántico Atlantic Ocean {properNoun} océano Atlántico | Atlántico Atlantic puffin {noun} (Atlantic puffins) frailecillo atlántico Atlantic salmon {noun} (Atlantic salmon, Atlantic salmons) salmón del Atlántico Atlantic tomcod {noun} (Atlantic tomcods) tomcod Atlantis [/ətˈlæntəs/] {properNoun} Atlántida Atlas [/ˈætləs/] {properNoun} Atlas | Atlante atlas [/ˈætləs/] {noun} (atlantes, atlases) atlas Atlas moth {noun} (Atlas moths) mariposa atlas Atlas Mountains {properNoun} Atlas atlatl [/ˈatlat(ə)l/] {noun} (atlatls) estólica | lanzadardos | propulsor | átlatl ATM {adverb, noun} cajero automático atmosphere [/ˈæt.məsˌfɪə(ɹ)/ | /ˈætməsˌfɪɹ/] {noun} (atmospheres) atmósfera | ambiente | clima | aire atmospheric {adjective} (more atmospheric, most atmospheric) atmosférico atmospheric pressure {noun} presión atmosférica | presión barométrica atoll [/ˈætɑl/ | /ˈætɒl/] {noun} (atolls) atolón atom [/ˈatəm/ | /ˈætəm/] {noun} (atoms) átomo atomic [/əˈtɑː.mɪk/ | /əˈtɒm.ɪk/ | /əˈtɔm.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} (atomics) atómico Atomic Age [/əˈtɑːmɪk ˌeɪd͡ʒ/ | /əˈtɒmɪk ˌeɪd͡ʒ/] {properNoun} era atómica atomic bomb {noun} (atomic bombs) bomba atómica atomic clock {noun} (atomic clocks) reloj atómico atomic energy {noun} energía atómica atomic mass {noun} (atomic masses) masa atómica atomic mass unit {noun} (atomic mass units) unidad de masa atómica atomic nucleus {noun} (atomic nuclei) núcleo atómico atomic number {noun} (atomic numbers) número atómico atomic orbital {noun} (atomic orbitals) orbital atomic weight {noun} (atomic weights) peso atómico atomically {adverb} atómicamente atomicity {noun} (atomicities) atomicidad atomistic {adjective} (most atomistic, more atomistic) atomístico atomization {noun} (atomizations) atomización atomize {verb} (atomizes, atomizing, atomized) atomizar atomizer {noun} (atomizers) atomizador | pulverizador atomoxetine {noun} atomoxetina atonal [/eɪˈtoʊnəl/ | /eɪˈtəʊnəl/] {adjective} (most atonal, more atonal) atonal atonality {noun} (atonalities) atonalidad atone [/əˈtoʊn/ | /əˈtəʊn/] {verb} (atones, atoned, atoning) expiar atonement [/əˈtoʊnmənt/] {noun} expiación | desagravio atop {adverb, preposition} encima de atopic {adjective} (most atopic, more atopic) atópico atopy [/ˈætəpi/] {noun} (atopies) atopia atovaquone {noun} atovaquona atoxic {adjective} atóxico atrabiliar {adjective} (more atrabiliar, most atrabiliar) atrabilioso atrabilious [/ˌæ.tɹəˈbɪ.li.əs/] {adjective} (more atrabilious, most atrabilious) atrabilioso atresia {noun} atresia atrial {adjective} auricular atrium [/ˈeɪ.tɹi.əm/] {noun} (atria, atriums) atrio | aurícula atrocious [/əˈtɹoʊʃəs/ | /əˈtɹəʊʃəs/] {adjective} (more atrocious, most atrocious) atroz | malvado | ofensivo atrocity {noun} (atrocities) atrocidad atrophic {adjective} atrófico atrophy [/ˈæ.tɹə.fi/] {noun, verb} (atrophies, atrophying, atrophied) atrofia | atrofiar atropine [/æ-tɹo-pin/] {noun} (atropines) atropina attaboy [/ˈætəˌbɔɪ/] {interjection, noun} (attaboys) ducho attach [/əˈtætʃ/] {verb} (attaches, attaching, attached) adjuntar | anexar attachment [/əˈtætʃmənt/] {noun} archivo adjunto | apego | afición | atadura | cariño | ejecución attaché [/əˈtæʃeɪ/ | /ˌætæˈʃeɪ/] {noun} (attachés) agregado | agregada attack [/əˈtæk/] {noun, verb} (attacks, attacking, attacked) atacar | ataque attack is the best form of defence {proverb} la mejor defensa es un buen ataque attacker [/əˈtækɚ/] {noun} (attackers) asaltante | atacante | delantero attacking midfielder {noun} (attacking midfielders) mediapunta attain [/əˈteɪn/] {verb} (attains, attaining, attained) conseguir | lograr attainable [/əˈteɪnəb(ə)l/] {adjective, noun} (more attainable, most attainable, attainables) asequible | alcanzable | realizable attainder {noun} (attainders) muerte civil attainment [/əˈteɪnmənt/] {noun} consecución | logro | realización attempt [/əˈtɛmpt/] {noun, verb} (attempts, attempted, attempting) intentar | tentativa | tratar | intento | atentado | conato attend [/əˈtɛnd/] {verb} (attends, attending, attended) asistir | acudir | atender | cursar | ocupar attendance [/əˈtɛn.dəns/] {noun} presencia | asistencia attendant [/əˈtɛndənt/] {adjective, noun} (more attendant, most attendant, attendants) asistente | concomitante | guarda | inherente attendee {noun} (attendees) asistente attention [/əˈtɛn.ʃən/] {interjection, noun} atención attention deficit hyperactivity disorder {noun} TDAH | trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad attentive [/əˈtɛntɪv/] {adjective} (most attentive, more attentive) atento | solícito attentively {adverb} (most attentively, more attentively) atentamente attentiveness {noun} (attentivenesses) consideración attenuate [/əˈtɛn.juː.eɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more attenuate, most attenuate, attenuates, attenuating, attenuated) atenuar attenuation {noun} atenuación attest [/əˈtɛst/] {verb} (attests, attested, attesting) atestiguar | avalar attestation [/ˈæ.tɛs.teɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌætɛˈsteɪʃən/] {noun} atestación attested [/əˈtɛstɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more attested, most attested) atestiguado Attic [/ˈætɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Attic, more Attic) ático attic [/ˈætɪk/] {noun} (attics) ático | desván | sobrado | zaquizamí | covacha Attica {properNoun} Ática Atticus {properNoun} Ático Attila the Hun {noun, properNoun} Atila attire [/əˈtaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (attires, attired, attiring) atuendo | ataviar | atavío attitude [/ˈætɪtud/ | /ˈætɪˌtjuːd/] {noun, verb} (attitudes, attituding, attituded) actitud | postura attitudinize {verb} (attitudinizes, attitudinized, attitudinizing) interpretar attoampere {noun} (attoamperes) attoamperio attorney [/əˈtɜː(ɹ)ni/] {noun, verb} (attorneys, attorneying, attorneyed) abogado | abogada | notario attorney general {noun} (attorneys general, attorney generals) fiscal general attorney-at-law {noun} (attorneys-at-law) abogado attorney-in-fact {noun} (attorneys-in-fact) apoderado | procurador attorneyship {noun} (attorneyships) abogacía | jurisprudencia attract [/əˈtɹækt/] {verb} (attracts, attracted, attracting) atraer | llamar attract attention {verb} hacerse notar | llamar la atención attraction [/əˈtɹækʃən/] {noun} atracción attractive [/əˈtɹæktɪv/] {adjective} (more attractive, most attractive) atractivo | atrayente attractively {adverb} (more attractively, most attractively) hermosamente attractiveness {noun} (attractivenesses) atractividad | atractivo attributable [/əˈtɹɪbjuːtəbəl/] {adjective} atribuible | imputable attribute [/əˈtɹɪbjuːt/ | /əˈtɹɪˌbjut/ | /ˈætɹɪbjuːt/ | /ˈætɹɪ̈ˌbjut/] {noun, verb} (attributes, attributed, attributing) atributo | atribuir attribution {noun} atribución attributive [/ə.ˈtɹɪ.bju.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most attributive, more attributive, attributives) atributivo | antecedente attributive adjective {noun} (attributive adjectives) adjetivo atributivo attrition [[əˈtɹɪʃən]] {noun, verb} (attritions, attritioned, attritioning) abrasión | atrición | deserción | desgaste dental attune [/əˈt(j)un/ | /əˈtjuːn/] {verb} (attunes, attuned, attuning) adaptar | adecuar ATV {noun, properNoun} cuadriciclo | cuatriciclo | cuatrimoto | quad atypical [/eɪ.ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/] {adjective, noun} (most atypical, more atypical, atypicals) atípico atypically {adverb} (most atypically, more atypically) típico au contraire [/oʊ ˌkɑnˈtɹɛ(ə)ɹ/ | /əʊ ˈkɒntɹɛː(ɹ)/] {adverb} por el contrario | al contrario | en contra | en contrario au pair [/əʊ ˈpɛə/] {noun} (au pairs) de au pair au revoir [/o.ʁə.ˈvwaʁ/ | /ɔʁ.ˈvwaʁ/ | /ɔːɹ.ˈvwɑː/ | /ˌoʊ.ɹə.ˈvwɑɹ/ | /ˌəʊ.ɹə.ˈvwɑː/] {interjection} adiós | hasta la vista aubade [/oʊˈbɑːd/] {noun} (aubades) alborada Aube {properNoun} Aube aubergine [/ˈoʊ.bɚ.ʒin/ | /ˈəʊ.bə.ʒiːn/] {noun} (aubergines) berenjena auburn [/ˈɑ.bɚn/ | /ˈɔ.bɚn/] {adjective, noun} (most auburn, more auburn) castaño | bermejo Auckland [/ˈɔːklənd/] {properNoun} Auckland auction [/ˈɒkʃən/ | /ˈɔːkʃən/] {noun, verb} (auctions, auctioned, auctioning) subasta | remate | subastar | rematar auctionable {adjective} (more auctionable, most auctionable) rematable auctioneer {noun, verb} (auctioneers, auctioneering, auctioneered) pregonero | rematador | rematar | subastador | subastar audacious [/ɔˈdeɪʃəs/ | /ɔːˈdeɪʃəs/] {adjective} (more audacious, most audacious) audaz | insolente audacity [/ɔˈdæsɪti/ | /ɔːˈdæsɪti/] {noun} (audacities) audacia | desfachatez | osadía Aude {properNoun} Aude audible [/ˈɔːdɪbl̩/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most audible, more audible, audibles, audibling, audibled) audible | oíble audience [/ˈɔːdi.əns/] {noun} (audiences) audiencia | público audio [/ˈɑ.di.oʊ/ | /ˈɔ.di.oʊ/ | /ˈɔː.di.əʊ/] {adjective, noun} (most audio, more audio, audios) audio | sonido audio frequency {noun} (audio frequencies) audiofrecuencia audio guide {noun} (audio guides) audioguía audio- {prefix} audio- audiobook {noun} (audiobooks) audiolibro audiology [/ɔːdiˈɒləd͡ʒi/] {noun} audiología audiometer {noun} (audiometers) audiómetro | audímetro audiometry {noun} (audiometries) audiometría audiomotor {adjective} audiomotriz audiotape {noun, verb} (audiotapes, audiotaping, audiotaped) grabar audiovisual [/ˌɑ.di.oʊˈvɪ.ʒu.əl/ | /ˌɔ.di.oʊˈvɪ.ʒu.əl/ | /ˌɔː.di.əʊˈvɪ.zjʊ.əl/] {adjective} audiovisual audit [/ɔː.dɪt/] {noun, verb} (audits, auditing, audited) auditar | auditoría audition {noun, verb} (auditions, auditioning, auditioned) audición | oído auditor [/ˈɔːdɪtə(ɹ)/] {noun} auditor | auditora auditorium [/ɔː.dɪˈtɔː.ɹɪ.əm/ | /ˌɔ.dəˈtɔ.ɹi.əm/] {noun} (auditoria, auditoriums) auditorio | sala auditory {adjective, noun} (auditories) auditivo | audiencia | público | sala Audouin's gull {noun} (Audouin's gulls) gaviota de Audouin Augeas [/ɔːˈdʒiːəs/] {properNoun} Augías auger [/ˈɔːɡə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (augers, augered, augering) taladro | barrena | barreno | taladrador | barrenar | berbiquí aught [/ɑt/ | /ɔt/ | /ɔːt/] {adjective, adverb, noun, numeral, pronoun, verb} (aughts, most aught, more aught, aughted, aughting) don nadie augite {noun} augita augment [/ɑɡˈmɛnt/ | /ɔːɡˈmɛnt/ | /ˈɑɡmənt/ | /ˈɔːɡmənt/] {noun, verb} (augments, augmented, augmenting) aumentar | incrementar augmentation {noun} aumentación augmentative {adjective, noun} (augmentatives) aumentativo augmented reality {noun} (augmented realities) realidad aumentada augmenting {verb} aumentador Augsburg {properNoun} Augsburgo augur [/ˈɑ.ɡɚ/ | /ˈɔ.ɡɚ/ | /ˈɔː.ɡə/] {noun, verb} (augurs, augured, auguring) augur | augurar | presagiar auguring {verb} augurador augury [/ˈɔː.ɡjʊ.ɹi/] {noun} (auguries) augurio | agüero | presagio August [/ˈɑ.ɡəst/ | /ˈɔ.ɡəst/ | /ˈɔː.ɡəst/] {properNoun} (Augusts) agosto august [/ɔːˈɡʌst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (augusts, augusting, augusted, more august, augustest, auguster, most august) augusto | hidalgo | majestuoso | noble Augustine [/ɔːˈɡʌstɪn/ | /əˈɡʌstɪn/ | /ˈɑɡəˌstin/] {noun, properNoun} (Augustines) Agustín | Augustín Augustinian {adjective, noun} (Augustinians) agustino Augustus [/ɔːˈɡʌstəs/] {properNoun} Augusto Augustus Caesar Augusto auk [/ɔːk/] {noun} (auks) alca aunt [/ant/ | /eɪnt/ | /ænt/ | /ɑ(ː)nt/ | /ɒnt/ | /ɔnt/] {noun} (aunts) tía Aunt Flo {properNoun} señora auntie [/ˈæn.ti/] {noun, verb} (aunties, auntied, auntying) tía aura [/ˈɔːɹə/] {noun} (aurae, auræ, auras) aura aural [/ˈɔːɹəl/] {adjective} (more aural, most aural) auditivo aurally [/ˈɔːɹ.əl.i/] {adverb} auditivamente Aurelia {properNoun} Aurelia Aurelian {noun, properNoun} (Aurelians) Aureliano Aurelius {properNoun} Aurelio aureola {noun} (aureolas, aureolae) aureola aureole [/ˈɔːriːoʊl/ | /ˈɔːriːəʊl/] {noun} (aureoles) aureola auric {adjective} áurico auricle [/ɒɹəkəl/ | /ɔːɹɪkəl/] {noun} (auricles) aurícula auricular [/ɔˈɹɪkjəlɚ/] {adjective, noun} (auriculars) auricular auricular muscle {noun} (auricular muscles) músculo auricular auriculo- [/ɔːˈɹɪkjʊləʊ/] {prefix} auriculo- auriculoventricular {adjective} auricoventricular | auriculoventricular auriferous {adjective} (more auriferous, most auriferous) aurífero Auriga {properNoun} Auriga aurivorous {adjective} aurívoro aurochs [/ˈaʊɹɒks/] {noun} (aurochsen, aurochses, aurochs) uro Aurora {properNoun} Aurora aurora [/əˈɹɔː.ɹə/] {noun} (aurorae, auroras) aurora aurous {adjective} (most aurous, more aurous) aurífico Auschwitz [/ˈaʊ̯ʃ.vɪts/] {properNoun} Auschwitz auscultate {verb} (auscultates, auscultating, auscultated) auscultar auscultation [/ˌɔskəlˈteɪʃən/ | /ˌɔːskəlˈteɪʃən/] {noun} auscultación Ausonius {properNoun} Ausonio auspice [/ˈɑspɪs/ | /ˈɔspɪs/ | /ˈɔːspɪs/] {noun} (auspices) auspicio auspices {noun} auspicios auspicious [/ɔːˈspɪʃəs/] {adjective} (more auspicious, most auspicious) prometedor | propicio auspiciously {adverb} (more auspiciously, most auspiciously) prometedor austere [/ɑˈstiɹ/ | /ɒstɪə(ɹ)/ | /ɔˈstiɹ/] {adjective} (austerest, more austere, austerer, most austere) austero | severo austerely [/ɔˈstiəɹli/] {adverb} (most austerely, more austerely) austeramente austerity [/ɔˈstɛɹɪti/] {noun} (austerities) austeridad Austerlitz [/ˈɔstɚlɪts/ | /ˈɔːstəlɪts/] {properNoun} Austerlitz austral [/ˈɒstɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (australs, most austral, more austral) austral austral blackbird {noun} (austral blackbirds) quireo | tordo patagón Austral parakeet cachaña austral parakeet {noun} (austral parakeets) cachaña | catita | cotorra austral | cotorra cachaña Australasia [/ˌɒstɹ(ə)lˈeɪʒə/ | /ˌɔstɹl̩ˈæɪʒɐ/] {properNoun} Australasia Australia [/ɑˈstɹeɪliə/ | /ɒˈstɹeɪliːə/ | /ɒˈstɹeɪljə/ | /ɔˈstɹeɪliə/ | /ɔːˈstɹeɪlɪə/ | /əˈstɹæɪljə/ | /əˈstɹɛliːə/] {properNoun} Australia Australian [/ɑˈstɹeɪ.li.ən/ | /ɒˈstɹeɪ.liː.ən/ | /ɔˈstɹeɪ.li.ən/ | /əˈstɹæɪ.ljən/] {adjective, noun} (Australians) australiano | australiana Australian Capital Territory {properNoun} Territorio Capital Australiano Australian Cattle Dog {noun} (Australian Cattle Dogs) boyero australiano Australian dollar {noun} (Australian dollars) dólar australiano Australian pelican {noun} (Australian pelicans) pelícano australiano Australian rules football {noun} fútbol australiano Australian Shepherd {noun} (Australian Shepherds) pastor australiano australopith {adjective, noun} (more australopith, most australopith, australopiths) australopithecus australopithecine [/ˌɒstɹələ(ʊ)ˈpɪθɪsiːn/] {adjective, noun} (more australopithecine, most australopithecine, australopithecines) australopiteco Austrasia {properNoun} Austrasia Austria [/ˈɑst.ɹi.ə/ | /ˈɒs.tɹɪə/ | /ˈɔs.tɹi.ə/ | /ˈɔːs.tɹɪə/] {properNoun} Austria Austria-Hungary {properNoun} Austria-Hungría | Imperio Austrohúngaro Austrian [/ˈɒstɹi.ən/ | /ˈɔːstɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Austrian, more Austrian, Austrians) austriaco | austríaco | austriaca | austríaca Austro-Hungarian {adjective, noun} (Austro-Hungarians) austrohúngaro Austronesia [/ˌɒs.tɹəˈniː.ʒə/] {properNoun} Austronesia Austronesian [/ˌɔːs.tɹoʊˈniː.ʒən/] {adjective, noun} (most Austronesian, more Austronesian, Austronesians) austronesio autarch {noun} (autarchs) autarca autarchy [/ˈɔːtɑː(ɹ)ki/] {noun} (autarchies) autarcía | autarquía autarkic [/ɔːˈtɑːkɪk/] {adjective} (more autarkic, most autarkic) autárquico autarky {noun} (autarkies) autarquía auteur [/oʊˈtɝ/ | /ɔːˈtɜː/] {noun} (auteurs) autor authentic [/ɑ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/ | /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/] {adjective} (more authentic, most authentic) auténtico authentic cadence {noun} (authentic cadences) cadencia auténtica authentically {adverb} (most authentically, more authentically) auténticamente authenticate [/ɑ.ˈθɛn.tɪ.keɪt/ | /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪ.keɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more authenticate, most authenticate, authenticates, authenticated, authenticating) autenticar | autentificar authentication {noun} (authentications) autenticación | autentificación authenticity [/ɑθɛnˈtɪsɪti/] {noun} (authenticities) autenticidad author [/ˈɑ.θɚ/ | /ˈɒː.təɹ/ | /ˈɔ.θɚ/ | /ˈɔː.θə/] {noun, verb} (authors, authoring, authored) autor | autora | escritor | escritora | escribir authoress {noun} (authoresses) autora authorial intent {noun} (authorial intents) intención autoral authoritarian [/ɔːˌθɒrɪˈtɛːrɪən/ | /əˌθɔrəˈtɛriən/] {adjective, noun} (most authoritarian, more authoritarian, authoritarians) autoritario authoritarianism {noun} autoritarismo authoritative [/ɔːˈθɒɹɪˌteɪtɪv/ | /əˈθɔɹɪˌteɪtɪv/] {adjective} (most authoritative, more authoritative) autoritativo | autoritario | autorizado | fidedigno | oficial authoritatively {adverb} (most authoritatively, more authoritatively) autoridad | autoritativamente authorities {noun} autoridad authority [/ɒːˈtɒɹɪti/ | /ɔːˈθɒɹəti/ | /əˈθɔɹəti/] {noun} (authorities) autoridad | prestigio authorization {noun} autorización authorize [/ˈɒθəɹaɪz/ | /ˈɔːθəɹaɪz/ | /ˈɔθəɹaɪz/] {verb} (authorizes, authorizing, authorized) autorizar authorized [/ˈɑθəɹaɪzd/ | /ˈɔːθəɹaɪzd/ | /ˈɔθəɹaɪzd/] {adjective, verb} autorizado authorship {noun} autoría autism [/ˈɔːtɪzəm/] {noun} (autisms) autismo autism spectrum disorder {noun} (autism spectrum disorders) trastorno del espectro autista autist [/ˈɔː.tɪst/] {noun} (autists) autista autistic [/ɔːˈtɪs.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most autistic, more autistic, autistics) autista auto body {noun} (auto bodies) canasta auto da fe [/ˈaʊtəʊ də ˈfeɪ/] {noun} (autos da fe, auto da fes) auto de fe auto insurance {noun} seguro automotor | seguro automotriz auto racing {noun} automovilismo auto- [/ˈɔː.təʊ/] {prefix} auto- auto-reply {noun} (auto-replies) respuesta automática autoantibody {noun} (autoantibodies) autoanticuerpo autobiographer {noun} (autobiographers) autobiógrafo autobiographical [/ˌɑtoʊˌbaɪəˈɡɹæfəkəl/ | /ˌɔː.təˌbaɪ.əˈɡɹæf.ɪk.əl/] {adjective} (more autobiographical, most autobiographical) autobiográfico autobiography {noun} (autobiographies) autobiografía autoblock {noun, verb} (autoblocks, autoblocked, autoblocking) autobloqueo | bloqueo automático autocatalysis {noun} autocatálisis autocephalous [/ɔːtə(ʊ)ˈsɛfələs/] {adjective} (most autocephalous, more autocephalous) autocéfalo autochthon [/ɔˈtɑkθ(ə)n/ | /ɔːˈtɒkθ(ə)n/] {noun} (autochthons, autochthones) autóctono autochthonous [/ɑˈtɑkθənəs/ | /ɔˈtɑkθənəs/ | /ɔːˈtɒkθənəs/] {adjective} autóctono autoclave [/ˈɔtəˌkleɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (autoclaves, autoclaving, autoclaved) autoclave autoconfirm {verb} (autoconfirms, autoconfirmed, autoconfirming) autoconfirmar autoconfirmed {adjective, verb} autoconfirmado autocracy {noun} (autocracies) autocracia autocrat {noun} (autocrats) autócrata autocratic {adjective} (most autocratic, more autocratic) autocrático autodefense autodefensa autodidact [/ˌɔːtoʊˈdaɪdækt/] {noun} (autodidacts) autodidacta | autodidacto autofellatio {noun} autofelación autofiction {noun} autoficción autofocus {noun, verb} (autofocuses, autofocusses, autofocusing, autofocussed, autofocused, autofocussing) autofoco autograph {adjective, noun, verb} (autographs, autographed, autographing) autógrafo | firma | autografiar | manuscribir autogyro {noun} (autogyros) giroplano autoimmune {adjective} autoinmune autoimmunity {noun} (autoimmunities) autoinmunidad autoist {noun} (autoists) automovilista autological [/ˌɑːtoʊˈlɑːdʒɪkəl/ | /ˌɔː.təʊˈlɒ.dʒɪ.kəl/] {adjective} autológico autolysis {noun} autolisis automagical [/ˈɑtoʊˈmædʒɪkəl/] {adjective} (more automagical, most automagical) automágico automagically {adverb} (most automagically, more automagically) automágicamente automate [/ˈɔtoʊˌmeɪt/] {verb} (automates, automated, automating) automatizar automated {adjective, verb} automatizado automated teller machine {noun} (automated teller machines) cajero automático | redbanc automatic [/ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/ | /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more automatic, most automatic, automatics) automático | semi-automática automatic transmission {noun} (automatic transmissions) cambio automático automatically [/ˈɔːtəʊˌmæt.ɪk(.ə)li/] {adverb} (more automatically, most automatically) automáticamente | solo automation {noun} automatización automatism [/ɔːˈtɒmətɪzəm/] {noun} automatismo automaton [/ɔːˈtɒmətən/ | /əˈtɑməˌtɑn/] {noun} (automatons, automata) autómata automobile [/ˈɔ.tə.moʊ.ˌbil/ | /ˈɔ.tə.mə.biːl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (automobiles, automobiling, automobiled) automóvil | coche | carro | auto automorphism {noun} (automorphisms) automorfismo automotive {adjective, noun} (automotives) automotor | automotora | automotriz | automovilística | automovilístico automotive industry {noun} (automotive industries) automoción autonomic nervous system {noun} (autonomic nervous systems) sistema nervioso autónomo autonomous [/ɑˈtɑnəməs/ | /ɔˈtɑnəməs/ | /ɔːˈtɒnəməs/] {adjective} (most autonomous, more autonomous) autónomo autonomous community {noun} (autonomous communities) comunidad autónoma autonomy [/ɑˈtɑnəmi/ | /ɔˈtɑnəmi/ | /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/] {noun} (autonomies) autonomía autophagy {noun} autofagia autopilot {noun, verb} (autopilots, autopiloting, autopiloted) piloto automático autoplasty {noun} (autoplasties) autoplastia autopoiesis {noun} autopoiesis autopoietic {adjective} (more autopoietic, most autopoietic) autopoyético autopsy [/ˈɔtɑpsi/ | /ˈɔːtɒpsiː/] {noun, verb} (autopsies, autopsying, autopsied) autopsia autoregulation {noun} autorregulación autosomal {adjective} (most autosomal, more autosomal) autosómico autosome [/ˈɑtəzoʊm/ | /ˈɔɾəˌsoʊm/ | /ˈɔːtəsəʊm/] {noun} (autosomes) autosoma autosuggestion {noun} autosugestión autotomy [/ɔːˈtɒtəmi/] {noun} (autotomies) autotomía autotransplantation {noun} (autotransplantations) autoinjerto autotroph [/ˈɔɾəˌtɹoʊf/ | /ˈɔːtə(ʊ)tɹəʊf/] {noun} (autotrophs) autótrofo autotrophic {adjective} autótrofo autotrophy {noun} autotrofia autumn [/ˈɔtəm/ | /ˈɔːtəm/] {adjective, noun} otoño autumnal [/ɔˈtʌmnəɫ/ | /ɔːˈtʌmnəl/] {adjective} (most autumnal, more autumnal) otoñal | autumnal autumnal equinox {noun} (autumnal equinoxes) equinoccio otoñal Auvergne {properNoun} Auvernia Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes {properNoun} Auvernia-Ródano-Alpes Auvergnese {adjective, noun} (Auvergnese) auvernés auxiliary [/ɑɡˈzɪljəɹi/ | /ɔɡˈzɪljəɹi/ | /ɔːkˈsɪljəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (auxiliaries) auxiliar | ayudante auxiliary language {noun} (auxiliary languages) auxilengua | lengua auxiliar auxiliary verb {noun} (auxiliary verbs) verbo auxiliar | auxiliar auxin {noun} auxina auxology {noun} auxología avail [/əˈveɪl/] {noun, verb} (avails, availed, availing) aprovechar | servir availability [[əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ]] {noun} (availabilities) disponibilidad available [/əˈveɪləb(ə)l/] {adjective} (most available, more available) disponible avalanche [/ˈævəlæntʃ/ | /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/] {noun, verb} (avalanches, avalanched, avalanching) alud | avalancha avant-garde [/æˈvɑ̃t.ɡɑːd/ | /ˌɑˌvɑntˈɡɑɹd/] {adjective, noun} (more avant-garde, most avant-garde, avant-gardes) vanguardia | anteguardia | vanguardista avant-gardism {noun} vanguardismo avant-gardist {noun} (avant-gardists) vanguardista avant-guard {noun} avantguarda Avar [/ˈævɑɹ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Avars) ávaro | idioma avar | idioma ávaro avarice [/ˈævəɹəs/ | /ˈævəɹɪs/] {noun} (avarices) codicia | avaricia avaricious [/ˌævəˈɹɪʃəs/] {adjective} (most avaricious, more avaricious) codicioso | avaricioso avariciously {adverb} (more avariciously, most avariciously) avaramente avariciousness {noun} avaricia avascular {adjective} (more avascular, most avascular) avascular avatar [/ˈæv.ə.tɑɹ/ | /ˌæv.əˈtɑː/] {noun} (avatars) avatar | emblema | encarnación | materialización | personificación | símbolo Avellino {properNoun} Avellino avenge [/əˈvɛnd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (avenges, avenging, avenged) vengar avenger {noun} (avengers) vengador | vengadora avens [/ˈævɪnz/] {noun} (avens) té del Pirineo aventurine [/əˈvɛnt͡ʃəɹɪn/] {noun} venturina | aventurina avenue [/ˈæv.əˌnjuː/ | /ˈæv.əˌnu/] {noun} (avenues) avenida | camino | vía aver [/əˈvɜː/ | /ˈeɪ.vɚ/] {noun, verb} (avers, averring, averred) asegurar average [/ˈævəɹɪd͡ʒ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (averages, most average, more average, averaging, averaged) promedio | media | medio | ni fu ni fa Averroism {noun} (Averroisms) averroísmo averse [/əˈvɜː(ɹ)s/] {adjective, verb} (more averse, most averse, averses, aversed, aversing) opuesto aversion [/əˈvɜːʃn/ | /əˈvɝʒn/] {noun} aversión aversion therapy {noun} (aversion therapies) terapia de aversión aversive {adjective, noun} (more aversive, most aversive) aversivo avert [/əˈvɜːt/ | /əˈvɝt/] {verb} (averts, averting, averted) evitar | apartar Avestan [/əˈvɛst(ə)n/] {adjective, properNoun} avéstico Aveyron {properNoun} Aveyron avian [/ˈeɪvi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (avians) aviar avian influenza {noun} gripe aviar aviary [/ˈeɪvɪəɹi/] {noun} (aviaries) aviario | pajarera aviation [/eɪviˈeɪʃən/] {noun} (aviations) aviación | aeronáutica aviator {noun} aviador | aviadora Avicenna [/ˌævɪˈsenə/] {properNoun} Avicena avicultural {adjective} avícola aviculture {noun} avicultura aviculturist {noun} (aviculturists) avicultor avid [/ævɪd/] {adjective} (most avid, more avid) ávido avidly {adverb} (most avidly, more avidly) apasionado Avignon {properNoun} Aviñón Avilés {properNoun} Avilés avitaminosis {noun} avitaminosis avocado [/ævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ | /ɑvəˈkɑdoʊ/] {adjective, noun} (avocadoes, avocados) aguacate | palta | cura | avocado | palto avocado fruit aguacate avocation [/avə(ʊ)ˈkeɪʃən/ | /ævoʊˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} afición | pasatiempo avocet [/ˈævəsɛt/] {noun} (avocets) avoceta Avogadro's number {noun} número de Avogadro | constante de Avogadro avoid [/əˈvɔɪd/] {verb} (avoids, avoiding, avoided) evitar avoid like the plague [/əˈvɔɪd laɪk ðə ˈpleɪɡ/] {verb} (avoids like the plague, avoiding like the plague, avoided like the plague) evitar como la peste avoidable [/əˈvɔɪdəbl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more avoidable, most avoidable, avoidables) evitable avoidance {noun} (avoidances) abstinencia | anulación | evasión | evitación avouch {noun, verb} (avouches, avouching, avouched) confirmar avow [/əˈvaʊ/] {noun, verb} (avows, avowing, avowed) admitir | confesar | reconocer avowal {noun} reconocimiento avulsion {noun} avulsión | extirpación avuncular [/əˈvʌŋkjʊlə/ | /əˈvʌŋkjʊlɚ/] {adjective} (more avuncular, most avuncular) paternal await [/əˈwɛɪt/] {noun, verb} (awaits, awaiting, awaited) esperar | aguantar awake [/əˈweɪk/] {adjective, verb} (more awake, most awake, awakes, awoken, awaken, awaked, awaking, awoke) despierto | despertar | despertarse | listo awaken [/əˈweɪkən/] {verb} (awakens, awakened, awakening) despertar | despertarse awakening [/əˈweɪ̯kənɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more awakening, most awakening, awakenings) despertar award [/əˈwɔɹd/ | /əˈwɔːd/] {noun, verb} (awards, awarded, awarding) premio | galardón | decretar | fallar | galardonar | laudar aware [/əˈweːɹ/ | /əˈwɛə/ | /əˈwɛɚ/] {adjective} (most aware, awarest, more aware, awarer) consciente | alerta | conocedor | sabedor awareness [/əˈwɛənəs/ | /əˈwɛɹnəs/] {noun} (awarenesses) conciencia awash [/əˈwɒʃ/] {adjective} (most awash, more awash) inundado away [/əˈweɪ/] {adjective, adverb, interjection} (furthest away, further away, most away, more away) lejos | ausente | fuera | sin parar away with the fairies [/əˈweɪ wɪð ðə ˈfɛəɹɪːz/] {adjective} en la luna awayday {noun} (awaydays) seminario awe [/ɑ/ | /ɔ/ | /ɔː/] {noun, verb} (awes, aweing, awed, awing) abrumar | asombrar | asombro | pavor aweigh [/əˈweɪ/] {adjective} suelto awesome [/ˈɑs.əm/ | /ˈɔs.əm/ | /ˈɔːsəm/] {adjective, noun} (awesomest, more awesome, awesomer, most awesome) piola | tremendo awestruck {adjective} (more awestruck, most awestruck) asombrado awful [/ˈɑfəl/ | /ˈɔfəl/ | /ˈɔːfʊl/] {adjective, adverb} (most awful, awfuller, more awful, awfullest) horrible | terrible | atroz | espantoso | tremendo awfully [/ˈɑfəli/ | /ˈɔfəli/ | /ˈɔːfʊli/] {adverb} (most awfully, more awfully) asombroso awhile [/əˈwaɪl/] {adverb} algún tiempo | un rato awkward [/ˈɑkwɚd/ | /ˈɔkwɚd/ | /ˈɔːkwəd/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (awkwardest, more awkward, awkwarder, most awkward, awkwards) embarazoso | desmañado | torpe | atravesado | delicado | difícil awkward age {noun} edad del pavo awkwardly {adverb} (most awkwardly, more awkwardly) torpemente awkwardness {noun} (awkwardnesses) torpeza awl [/ɑl/ | /ɔl/ | /ɔːl/] {noun} (awls) lezna | alesna | lesna | punzón awn [/ɔːn/] {noun} (awns) arista awning [/ˈɑnɪŋ/ | /ˈɔnɪŋ/ | /ˈɔːnɪŋ/] {noun} (awnings) toldo AWOL {adjective, noun} (AWOLs) ausente sin licencia awry [/əˈɹaɪ/ | /ˈɔ.ɹi/] {adjective, adverb} (most awry, more awry) inadecuadamente | torcido axe [/æks/] {noun, verb} (axes, axing, axed) hacha axial [/ˈæksi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most axial, more axial, axials) axial axil [/ˈæk.sɪl/] {noun} (axils) axila axilla [/ækˈsɪlə/] {noun} (axillae) sobaco axillary {adjective, noun} (axillaries) axilar axinite {noun} axinita axiom [/ˈaks.ɪ.əm/ | /ˈæks.i.əm/] {noun} (axioms, axiomata) axioma axiom of choice {noun} (axioms of choice) axioma de elección axiomatic [/ˌæk.si.əˈmæt.ɪk/] {adjective} (more axiomatic, most axiomatic) axiomático axiomatically {adverb} axiomáticamente axiomatize {verb} (axiomatizes, axiomatized, axiomatizing) axiomatizar axion {noun} (axions) axión axis [/ˈæksəs/ | /ˈæksɪs/] {noun} (axises, axes) eje | axis axis of evil {noun} (axes of evil) eje del mal axis of symmetry {noun} (axes of symmetry) eje de simetría Axis power {noun} (Axis powers) potencia del Eje axle [/ˈæksəl/] {noun} (axles) eje axletree {noun} (axletrees) eje axlike {adjective} (most axlike, more axlike) hacha axolotl [/ˈak.səˌlɒ.təl/ | /ˈæk.səˌlɑ.təl/] {noun} (axolotls) ajolote | ajolota axon {noun} (axons) axón | cilindroeje | neurita Ayacuchan ayacuchano ayah [/aɪə/] {noun} (ayahs, ayat) aleya ayatollah {noun} (ayatollahs) ayatolá aye [/aɪ/ | /eɪ/] {adverb, interjection, noun} (ayes) sí | sé aye aye, sir {phraseologicalUnit} mucho aye-aye [/ˈaɪˌaɪ/ | /ˈʌɪˌʌɪ/] {noun} (aye-ayes) aye-aye Aymara [/ˌaɪməˈɹɑː/] {noun, properNoun} aymara | aimara | idioma aimara | aimará ayni aine Ayurveda [/aɪ.ʊəˈveɪ.də/] {noun} ayurveda azalea [/əˈzeɪliə/] {noun} (azaleas) azalea azarole {noun} (azaroles) acerolo Azawad {properNoun} Azauad Azawakh {noun} (Azawakhs) azawakh Azerbaijan [/ˌæz.ə(ɹ).baɪˈ(d)ʒɑːn/] {properNoun} Azerbaiyán | Azerbaiján Azerbaijan SSR {properNoun} RSS de Azerbaiyán Azerbaijani [/ˌæzəbaɪˈdʒɑːni/ | /ˌæzəɹbaɪˈdʒɑːni/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Azerbaijanis) azerbaiyano Azeri {noun, properNoun} (Azeris) azerbaiyano azide {noun} (azides) azida azimuth [/ˈæzɪməθ/] {noun} (azimuths) acimut | azimut azimuthal [/ˌæzəˈmʌθəl/] {adjective, noun} (azimuthals) acimutal | azimutal azitromycin {noun} (azitromycins) azitromicina azoic {adjective} azoico azole {noun} (azoles) azol Azores [/əˈzɔːz/ | /ˈeɪzɔːɹz/] {properNoun} Azores azotemia [/ˌæzoʊˈtimiə/ | /ˌæzəʊˈtiːmɪə/] {noun} azotemia Azrael {properNoun} Azrael Aztec [/ˈæz.tɛk/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Aztec, most Aztec, Aztecs, Aztec) azteca Aztecan {adjective, noun} (most Aztecan, more Aztecan, Aztecans) azteca azuki bean {noun} (azuki beans) judía adzuki | judía azuki azure [/æˈzjʊə/ | /ˈæzjʊə/ | /ˈæʒɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (azures, azuring, azured) azur | azul celeste | blao Azure Tit trepatroncos azurite [/ˈæʒ(j)ʊˌɹaɪt/ | /ˈæʒ.əˌɹaɪt/] {noun} (azurites) azurita

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