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B [/b/ | /biː/] {noun, numeral, properNoun, symbol} (Bs) si B major {noun} si mayor B minor {noun} menor B-flat {noun} si bemol B-flat minor {noun} menor baa [[bæ] | [bæ̰ː] | [bɑː]] {interjection, noun, verb} (baas, baaing, baaed) balar | be | balido baaing {noun, verb} (baaings) balador Baal [/ˈbeɪəl/] {properNoun} (Baalim, Baals) Baal baba {noun} (babas) padre baba ganoush [/ˈbɑ.bə ɡəˈnuʃ/] {noun} baba ganush Baba Yaga {properNoun} Baba Yaga babalaas {noun} (babalaases) borrachera llorona babble [/ˈbæb.l̩/] {noun, verb} (babbles, babbling, babbled) murmurar | charlar | parlotear | chacharear | charlatanear | balbuceo babbler [[ˈbæb(ə)lə(ɹ)]] {noun} (babblers) balbuceador babbling {noun, verb} balbuceo babe [/beɪb/] {noun} (babes) crisálida Babel [/ˈbeɪ.bl̩/ | /ˈbæb.l̩/] {noun, properNoun} (Babels) babélico babesiosis {noun} (babesioses) babesiasis | babesiosis babi panggang {noun} cerdo frito con salsa babiroussa {noun} (babiroussas) babirusa babirusa {noun} (babirusas) babirusa Babism {noun} babismo baboon [/bəˈbuːn/ | /ˌbæˈbuːn/] {noun} (baboons) babuino babouche {noun} (babouches) babucha babushka [/bəˈbuːʃ.kə/] {noun} (babushkas) anciana | mujer vieja | señora mayor | vieja | viejecita | viejita baby [/ˈbeɪbi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (babies, babying, babied) bebé | nene | bebe | benjamina | benjamín | guagua baby boom {noun} (baby booms) baby-boom | explosión de natalidad baby boomer {noun} (baby boomers) baby boomer baby bottle {noun} (baby bottles) biberón | mamadera | bibi | chupón | mamila | pacha baby boy {noun} (baby boys) chiquito | niño baby doll {noun} (baby dolls) picardías baby face {noun} (baby faces) lampiño baby food {noun} comida de bébé | papilla baby grand {noun} (baby grands) colín | piano de media cola | piano de un cuarto de cola baby grand piano {noun} (baby grand pianos) colín baby hatch {noun} (baby hatches) torno de adopción baby monitor {noun} (baby monitors) bebéfono baby powder {noun} talco baby shower {noun} (baby showers) baby shower | fiesta de pañales baby's breath {noun} nube | velo de novia babyish {adjective} (more babyish, most babyish) infantil | pueril Babylon [/ˈbæbɪ.lɑn/ | /ˈbæbɪ.lɒn/] {properNoun} Babilonia Babylonia [/ˌbæbɪˈloʊni.ə/ | /ˌbæbɪˈləʊnɪə/] {properNoun} Babilonia Babylonian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Babylonians) babilonio Babylonic {adjective} (more Babylonic, most Babylonic) babilónico babysit [/ˈbeɪbiː.sɪt/] {verb} (babysits, babysat, babysitting) cuidar de los niños | hacer de canguro babysitter [/ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtɚ/] {noun} (babysitters) canguro | niñera | china baccalaureate [/bækəˈlɔːɹɪət/] {noun} (baccalaureates) bachillerato baccarat [/ˈbækəɹæt/ | /ˈbækəɹɑː/] {noun} bacará | bacarrá bacchanal [/ˈbækənəl/] {adjective, noun} (more bacchanal, most bacchanal, bacchanals) bacanal bacchic {adjective} (most bacchic, more bacchic) báquico Bacchus [/ˈbækəs/] {properNoun} Baco Bacchylides {properNoun} Baquílides Bach [/bɑːx/] {properNoun} Bach bachata [/bəˈt͡ʃɑːtə/] {noun} bachata bachatero {noun} (bachateros) bachatero bachelor [/ˈbætʃ.ə.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbætʃ.ə.lɚ/] {noun} (bachelors) soltero | bachiller | licenciado | licenciatura | título de grado Bachelor of Science {noun} (Bachelors of Science) Bachillerato en Ciencias bachelor party {noun} (bachelor parties) despedida de soltero bachelor's button {noun} (bachelor's buttons) aciano bachelor's degree {noun} (bachelor's degrees) licenciatura bachelorette [/batʃələˈɹɛt/ | /ˌbætʃləˈɹɛt/] {noun} (bachelorettes) soltera bachelorette party {noun} (bachelorette parties) despedida de soltera bachelorhood {noun} (bachelorhoods) celibato bacillar {adjective} (most bacillar, more bacillar) bacilar bacillophobia {noun} bacilofobia bacillus [/bæˈsɪl.əs/] {noun} (bacilli) bacilo back [/bæk/ | [bax]] {adjective, adverb, noun, postposition, verb} (most back, more back, furthest back, further back, backs, backed, backing) espalda | dorso | de vuelta | atrás | defensa | revés back and forth {adjective, adverb, noun} de acá para allá | de ceca en meca back at you {phraseologicalUnit} igualmente back away {verb} (backs away, backed away, backing away) aplazar back cover {noun} (back covers) contraportada back door {adjective, noun, verb} (back doors, back dooring, back doored) puerta trasera | puerta de atrás back end {noun} (back ends) dorsal | motor back fire {noun} (back fires) contrafuego | deflagración de escape back garden {noun} (back gardens) patio back in the day en aquellos tiempos | entonces back of beyond {noun} quinto pino back off {verb} (backs off, backed off, backing off) retroceder back out {verb} (backs out, backed out, backing out) dar marcha atrás | desdecirse | echarse atrás | retractarse back seat {noun} (back seats) segundón back to front {adjective, adverb} al revés back up {verb} (backs up, backed up, backing up) retroceder | respaldar back vowel {noun} (back vowels) vocal posterior back-formation {noun} (back-formations) derivación regresiva | derivado regresivo back-pass rule cesión back-to-back [/ˌbæk.təˈbæk/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (back-to-backs) espaldera backache [/ˈbækeɪk/] {noun} dolor de espalda backbencher {noun} (backbenchers) parlamentaria backbite {noun, verb} (backbites, backbiting, backbitten, backbit) calumniar backboard {noun} (backboards) tabla backbone [/ˈbækˌboʊn/ | /ˈbækˌbəʊn/] {noun} espina dorsal | columna vertebral | coraje backboned {adjective} vertebrado backcountry [/ˈbækˌkʌntri/] {noun} (backcountries) andurriales backdate {noun, verb} (backdates, backdated, backdating) antedatar backdrop [/ˈbæk.dɹɒp/] {noun, verb} (backdrops, backdropped, backdropping) telón de fondo | telón de foro backfire [/bækˈfaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (backfires, backfiring, backfired) salir el tiro por la culata | tener contraefecto | tener efecto retroactivo | tener el efecto contrario backfisch [/ˈbækfɪʃ/] {noun} (backfische, backfisches) pescado frito backgammon [/ˈbæk.ɡæm.ən/] {noun, verb} (backgammons, backgammoned, backgammoning) backgammon background [/ˈbæk.ɡɹaʊnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (backgrounds, backgrounding, backgrounded) fondo | antecedente | trasfondo | formación | segundo plano background check {noun} (background checks) verificación de antecedentes background music {noun} hilo musical | música de fondo | música fondal backhand [/ˈbækhænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most backhand, more backhand, backhands, backhanding, backhanded) revés backhanded compliment {noun} (backhanded compliments) crítica velada backhander {noun} (backhanders) torniscón backhoe [/ˈbæk.həʊ/] {noun, verb} (backhoes, backhoed, backhoeing) pala excavadora backing [/ˈbæk.ɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} apoyo backlash [/ˈbækˌlæʃ/] {noun, verb} (backlashes, backlashed, backlashing) juego | reacción backlight [/ˈbæk.laɪt/] {noun, verb} (backlights, backlighting, backlit, backlighted) retroiluminación | contraluz | retroiluminar backlit {adjective, verb} (most backlit, more backlit) retroiluminado backlog [/ˈbæk.lɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (backlogs, backlogging, backlogged) atraso backorder {noun, verb} (backorders, backordered, backordering) residuo backpack [/ˈbæk.pæk/] {noun, verb} (backpacks, backpacking, backpacked) mochila | bolsón | morral backpacker {noun} (backpackers) mochilera | mochilero backpacking {noun, verb} mochileo backpedal [/ˈbækˌpɛdəɫ/] {verb} (backpedals, backpedaling, backpedalling, backpedaled, backpedalled) aplazar backrest [/ˈbækˌɹest/] {noun} (backrests) respaldo backroom {adjective, noun} (backrooms) apartado backrush resaca backscratch {noun, verb} (backscratches, backscratched, backscratching) pastelear backscratcher {noun} (backscratchers) rascador de espaldas | rascaespalda backside [/ˈbækˌsaɪd/] {noun} (backsides) trasero backslang [/ˈbækslæŋ/] {noun} vesre backslash [/ˈbækˌslæʃ/] {noun, verb} (backslashes, backslashed, backslashing) barra inversa | barra invertida | barra oblicua inversa | barra revertida | contrabarra backslide {noun, verb} (backslides, backslided, backsliding, backslid, backslidden) reincidir backspace [/ˈbækˌspeɪs/] {noun, verb} (backspaces, backspaced, backspacing) retroceso backsplash {noun} (backsplashes) salpicadero backstabber [/ˈbækˌstæbɚ/] {noun} (backstabbers) hipócrita backstage [/bækˈsteɪdʒ/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most backstage, more backstage, backstages) detrás del telón backstitch {noun, verb} (backstitches, backstitched, backstitching) pespuntar | pespunte backstop {noun, verb} (backstops, backstopped, backstopping) abrigo backstory {noun} (backstories) historia de fondo backstroke [/ˈbækˌstɹoʊk/] {noun, verb} (backstrokes, backstroking, backstroked) estilo espalda | dorso backtalk {noun, verb} (backtalks, backtalked, backtalking) contradecir backtrack [/ˈbæk.tɹæk/] {noun, verb} (backtracks, backtracked, backtracking) repasar | retroceder | retroceso backup [/ˈbækˌʌp/] {adjective, noun, verb} (backups, backuping, backuped) reserva | copia de reserva | copia de respaldo | copia de seguridad | respaldo backward [/ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbækwɚd/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most backward, more backward) anticuado | atrasado | pasado de moda | retrógrado | rezagado backward compatibility {noun} (backward compatibilities) retrocompatibilidad backward compatible {adjective} (more backward compatible, most backward compatible) retrocompatible backwardness {noun} (backwardnesses) atraso backwards [/ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)dz/] {adjective, adverb} (more backwards, most backwards) hacia atrás | a contrapelo | carca | invertido backwash [/ˈbæk.wɑʃ/ | /ˈbæk.wɒʃ/] {noun, verb} (backwashes, backwashed, backwashing) resaca backwater {noun, verb} (backwaters, backwatered, backwatering) pueblucho | ciar backwoods [/ˈbakˌwʊdz/] {adjective, noun} sotobosque backwoodsman {noun} (backwoodsmen) patán backyard [/bækˈjɑːd/] {noun} (backyards) traspatio bacon [/ˈbeɪ.kən/] {noun} (bacons) tocino | bacón bacon rind {noun} mamotreto bacteraemia {noun} bacteriemia bacteria [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪ.ə/ | /bækˈtɪɹ.i.ə/] {noun} (bacteriae) bacterias bacterial [[bækˈtɪəɹɪəɫ]] {adjective} bacteriano | bacterial bactericidal {adjective, noun} (bactericidals) bactericida bactericide [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪˌsaɪd/] {noun} (bactericides) bactericida bacteriochlorophyll {noun} (bacteriochlorophylls) bacterioclorofila bacteriologic {adjective} (most bacteriologic, more bacteriologic) bacteriológico bacteriological {adjective} bacteriológico bacteriologist {noun} (bacteriologists) bacteriólogo bacteriology [/bækˌtɪəɹ.ɪˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} (bacteriologies) bacteriología bacteriophage [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəʊˌfeɪdʒ/] {noun} (bacteriophages) bacteriófago bacteriostat {noun} (bacteriostats) bacteriostático bacteriostatic {adjective} (most bacteriostatic, more bacteriostatic) bacteriostático bacterium [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəm/] {noun} (bacteria) bacteria Bactria [/ˈbæktɹɪə/] {properNoun} Bactriana Bactrian camel [/ˈbæktɹɪən ˈkæməl/] {noun} (Bactrian camels) camello bactriano bad [/beəd/ | /bæd/ | /bæːd/ | /bɛd/ | /bɛʔ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (baddest, badder, bads, badded, badding, worst, worse) malo | defectuoso | desagradable | inapropiado bad apple {noun} (bad apples) mal elemento | manzana podrida | oveja negra bad blood {noun} mala leche | mala sangre | mala uva bad breath {noun} halitosis bad egg [/ˈbæd ɛɡ/] {noun} (bad eggs) delincuente bad faith {noun} mala fe bad guy {noun} (bad guys) malo bad humour {noun} maña bad luck {noun} mala suerte | mala pata | mal fario bad news {noun} camorrista | embrollón | malas noticias bad trip {noun} (bad trips) mal viaje bad-mannered {adjective} (more bad-mannered, most bad-mannered) maleducado bad-tempered {adjective} (worse-tempered, most bad-tempered, worst-tempered, more bad-tempered) mal temperamento | malhumorado Badajoz [/ˌbɑːdəˈhoʊs/] {properNoun} Badajoz badass [/bædˈæs/ | /ˈbædæs/ | /ˈbædˌæs/] {adjective, noun} (more badass, most badass, badasses) atrevido | aventurero | choro | malvado | riesgoso baddie [/ˈbædi/] {noun} (baddies) malo Baden [/ˈbɑːdən/] {properNoun} Baden Baden-Württemberg [[ˌbɑːdən ˈvɜːtəmbɜːɡ]] {properNoun} Baden-Wurtemberg badge [/bædʒ/] {noun, verb} (badges, badging, badged) chapa | credencial | identificación | insignia | medalla | pin badger [/ˈbædʒə/ | /ˈbædʒɚ/] {noun, verb} (badgers, badgered, badgering) tejón | fastidiar | molestar badinage [/ˌbæd.ɪˈnɑːʒ/ | /ˌbɑd.ɪˈnɑʒ/] {noun, verb} (badinages, badinaged, badinaging) bromear badlands [/ˈbæd.lændz/] {noun} (badlands) tierras baldías badly [/ˈbæd.li/] {adjective, adverb} (more badly, most badly, worse, worst) mal | malamente Badminton {properNoun} Badminton badminton [/ˈbæd.mɪn.tən/] {noun} bádminton badminton player {noun} (badminton players) badmintonista badmouth [/ˈbæd.maʊθ/] {verb} (badmouths, badmouthing, badmouthed) denigrar badness [/ˈbæd.nəs/] {noun} (badnesses) maldad Baetic {adjective} bético baffle [/ˈbæfl̩/] {noun, verb} (baffles, baffling, baffled) confundir | desconcertar baffled [/ˈbæfl̩d/] {adjective, verb} (most baffled, more baffled) admirado baffling {adjective, noun, verb} (more baffling, most baffling, bafflings) desconcertante Bafut {properNoun} concha bag [/ˈbeɪɡ/ | /ˈbæɡ/ | /ˈbæːɡ/ | /ˈbɛɡ/] {noun, verb} (bags, bagging, bagged) bolsa | saco | cartucho | funda | jaba | talego bagasse {noun} bagazo bagatelle [/ˌbæɡəˈtɛl/] {noun} (bagatelles) bagatela | menudencia | nadería | nimiedad | pequeñez | billar romano bagel [/ˈbeɪɡəl/] {noun, verb} (bagels, bagelled, bagelling) bagel | baguel | panecillo baggage car {noun} (baggage cars) furgón baggage claim {noun} (baggage claims) (área de) recogida de equipaje baggy [/ˈbæɡi/] {adjective, noun} (baggies, bagger, baggest) holgado Baghdad [/bæɡˈdæd/] {properNoun} Bagdad Baghdadi {adjective, noun} (Baghdadis) bagdadí bagna cauda [/ˌbɑːnjə ˈkaʊdə/] {noun} bagna cauda bagpiper {noun} (bagpipers) gaitero bagpipes [/ˈbæɡ.pɑɪps/] {noun} (bagpipe) gaita baguette [/bæˈɡɛt/] {noun} (baguettes) baguette | baguete | barra de pan bah [/bæ/] {interjection} bah Bahamas [/bəˈhɑː.məz/] {properNoun} Bahamas Bahamian [/bəˈheɪm.ɪən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bahamian, most Bahamian, Bahamians) bahameño Bahia [/bəˈhiːə/] {properNoun} Bahía Bahrain [/bɑːˈɹeɪn/] {properNoun} Baréin | Bahréin Bahraini {adjective, noun} (Bahrainis) bareiní | bahreiní baht [/bɑːt/] {adverb, noun} (bahts, baht) baht Bahá'í Faith {properNoun} bahaísmo baiji [/ˈbaɪd͡ʒi/] {noun} (baiji, baijis) baiji | delfín chino de río Baikal [/baɪˈkɑːl/ | /ˌbaɪˈkɑːl/] {properNoun} Baikal bail [/beɪ̯l/] {noun, verb} (bails, bailing, bailed) fianza | caución | achicar | balde bail bond {noun} (bail bonds) fianza bail out {verb} (bails out, bailing out, bailed out) abandonar | achicar | sacar de un apuro | saltar (del avión) bailiff [/ˈbeɪlɪf/] {noun} (bailiffs) alguacil bailiwick [/ˈbeɪ.lɪ.wɪk/] {noun} (bailiwicks) bailía bailout [/ˈbeɪlˌawt/] {noun} (bailouts) auxilio financiero | rescate | rescate financiero | suministro de escapada bain-marie {noun} (bains-marie) baño de María | baño maría Baird's sandpiper {noun} (Baird's sandpipers) correlimos de Baird bait [/beɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (baits, baiting, baited, most bait, more bait) cebo | carnada | cebar | anzuelo baize [/beɪz/] {noun, verb} (baizes, baized, baizing) bahía Baja California [/ˈbɑː.hɑː ˌkælɪˈfɔː(ɹ)n.ɪə/] {properNoun} Baja California | Península de Baja California Baja California Sur {properNoun} Baja California Sur Bajocian {properNoun} Bajociense bake [/beɪk/] {noun, verb} (bakes, baken, baking, baked, book) hornear | enhornar baked [/beɪkt/] {adjective, verb} (more baked, most baked) cocido baked goods {noun} productos horneados Bakelite [/ˈbeɪk.ə.laɪt/] {noun} baquelita Baker {properNoun} Panadero baker [/ˈbeɪ.kə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbeɪ.kɚ/] {noun} (bakers) panadero baker's {adjective, noun} (most baker's, more baker's, bakers') panadería baker's dozen [/ˌbeɪkəz ˈdʌzən/ | /ˌbeɪkəɹz ˈdʌzən/] {noun} (bakers' dozens, baker's dozens) docena del fraile bakery [/ˈbeɪ.kə.ɹi/] {noun} (bakeries) panadería | tahona | horno bakeshop {noun} (bakeshops) panadería Bakhchisaray {properNoun} Bajchisarái baking [/ˈbeɪkɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bakings) panpasteleo baking powder {noun} polvo de hornear | royal baking soda {noun} bicarbonato de sodio baking tray {noun} (baking trays) bandeja | bandeja del horno baklava [/ˈbæk.lə.və/] {noun} (baklavas) baclava bakmi {noun} fideos cintas baksheesh [/bækˈʃiːʃ/] {noun, verb} (baksheeshes, baksheeshing, baksheeshed) baksheesh Baku [/bɑːˈkuː/ | /ˈbækuː/] {properNoun} Bakú balaclava [/ˌbæl.əˈklɑː.və/] {noun} (balaclavas) pasamontañas Balaklava {properNoun} Balaklava balalaika [/bæləˈlaɪkə/] {noun} (balalaiki, balalaikas) balalaica balance [/ˈbæləns/] {noun, verb} (balances, balancing, balanced) equilibrio | balanza | balance | balancear | hacer balance balance beam {noun} (balance beams) trabe balance of trade {noun} (balances of trade) balanza comercial balance sheet {noun} (balance sheets) balance balance wheel {noun} (balance wheels) báscula balanced [/ˈbælənst/] {adjective, verb} (most balanced, more balanced) equilibrado balanitis {noun} balanitis balanoposthitis {noun} balanopostitis Balaton [/ˈbælətɒn/] {properNoun} lago Balatón balboa [/bælˈbəʊə/] {noun} (balboas) balboa balconing {noun} balconing | balconismo balcony [/ˈbælkəni/] {noun} (balconies) balcón | palco bald [/bɑld/ | /bɔld/ | /bɔːld/ | /bəʊld/] {adjective, noun, verb} (baldest, balder, balds, balding, balded) calvo | pelón bald eagle {noun} (bald eagles) águila calva | pigargo americano | pigargo cabeciblanco bald spot {noun} (bald spots) calva baldacchin [/ˈbaldəkɪn/] {noun} (baldacchins) baldaquino baldie {noun} (baldies) pelado baldness {noun} (baldnesses) calvicie baldrick {noun} (baldricks) tahalí Baldwin {noun, properNoun} (Baldwins) Balduino baldy [/ˈbɔːl.di/] {noun} (baldies) calvo bale [/beɪ̯l/] {noun, verb} (bales, baling, baled) bala | embalar Balearic [/bæliˈæɹɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} balear | baleárico Balearic Islands {properNoun} Islas Baleares | Baleares Balearic Sea {properNoun} mar Balear baleen [/ˈbeɪliːn/] {noun} barbas de ballena balefire {noun} (balefires) fogata de brujos baleful [/ˈbeɪl.fəl/] {adjective} (most baleful, more baleful) funesto | torvo baler {noun} (balers) empacador | empacadora Bali [/ˈbɑːli/] {properNoun} Bali Bali tiger {noun} (Bali tigers) tigre de Bali Balinese [/ˈbɑːlɪniːz/] {adjective, noun} (Balinese) balinés balk [/bɑk/ | /bɔk/ | /bɔːk/] {noun, verb} (balks, balking, balked) viga Balkan [/ˈbɔːlkən/] {adjective} balcánico Balkan Peninsula {properNoun} Península balcánica Balkanization [/ˌbɑl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌbɔːl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} balcanización Balkanize {verb} (Balkanizes, Balkanizing, Balkanized) dividirse Balkans [/ˈbɑl.kənz/ | /ˈbɔːl.kənz/] {properNoun} Balcanes ball [/bɑl/ | /bɔːl/] {interjection, noun, verb} (balls, balling, balled) baile | pelota | bola | esfera | balón | huevo ball and chain {noun} (balls and chains) menudillo ball bearing {noun} (ball bearings) cojinete | rodamiento ball boy {noun} (ball boys) recogepelotas ball game [/ˈbɔːl ˌɡeɪm/] {noun} (ball games) juego de pelota ball girl {noun} (ball girls) recogepelotas ball hog {noun} (ball hogs) chupón ball in hand {noun} (balls in hand) balonmano ball lightning {noun} (ball lightnings) rayo globular ball of fire {noun} (balls of fire) buscavida ball player [/ˈbɔːl ˌpleɪ.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (ball players) pelotera ball up {verb} (balls up, balling up, balled up) apelotonar ball-and-socket joint {noun} (ball-and-socket joints) rótula ballad [/ˈbæləd/] {noun, verb} (ballads, ballading, balladed) balada ballast [/ˈbæl.əst/] {noun, verb} (ballasts, ballasting, ballasted) lastre | balasto | balastro | balastra | lastrar ballerina [/ˌbæləɹˈiːnə/] {noun} (ballerinas, ballerine) bailarina ballet [/bælæe/ | /bæˈleɪ/ | /bɐleː/ | /bɛlæe/ | /ˈbæleɪ/] {noun, verb} (ballets, balleting, balleted) ballet | baile ballet dancer {noun} (ballet dancers) bailarín de ballet ballet master {noun} (ballet masters) maestra de baile balletic [/ˌbəˈlɛtɪk/] {adjective} ballet balletomane [/bæˈlɛt.əˌmeɪn/] {noun} (balletomanes) balletómano ballista [/bəˈlɪstə/] {noun} (ballistae, ballistas, ballistæ) balista ballistic [/bəˈlɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (most ballistic, more ballistic) balístico ballistic missile {noun} (ballistic missiles) misil balístico ballistics [/bəˈlɪst.ɪks/] {noun} balística balloon [/bəˈlun/ | /bəˈluːn/] {noun, verb} (balloons, ballooned, ballooning) globo | bomba | chimbomba | vejiga balloon modelling {noun} globoflexia ballot [/ˈbalət/ | /ˈbælət/] {noun, verb} (ballots, balloted, balloting) balota | balotar | candidatura | elecciones | papeleta de voto | votar ballot box {noun} (ballot boxes) urna | urna electoral ballot paper {noun} (ballot papers) papeleta ballpark {adjective, noun, verb} (ballparks, ballparking, ballparked) aproximado | cancha | estimar | orientativo | región | vecindad ballpark figure {noun} (ballpark figures) número de la casa ballpoint pen {noun} (ballpoint pens) bolígrafo | boli | birome | esfero | lapicero | lápiz pasta ballroom [/ˈbɔːlɹuːm/] {noun, verb} (ballrooms, ballrooming, ballroomed) salón de baile balls [/bɔːlz/] {adverb, noun, verb} (ballses, ballsing, ballsed) cojones | bolas | huevos | pelotas balls-deep {adjective, adverb} hasta las pelotas ballsack {noun} (ballsacks) bolsa testicular ballsiness {noun} confianza ballsy [/ˈbɔlzi/] {adjective} (ballsest, ballser) cojonudo | corajudo ballyhoo [/bæliˈhuː/] {noun, verb} (ballyhoos, ballyhooing, ballyhooed) alborotar | alboroto | jaleo balmy [/ˈbɑː.mi/] {adjective} (balmest, balmer) apacible balneology {noun} (balneologies) balneología Balochi {noun, properNoun} (Balochis) baluchi Balochistan {properNoun} Beluchistán baloney [/bəˈloʊni/ | /bəˈləʊni/] {noun} chorrada | chuminada | farfolla | inventos | mortadela | tonterías balsa [/ˈbɑlsə/ | /ˈbɔːl.sə/] {noun} balsa balsam [/ˈbɔːlsəm/] {noun, verb} (balsams, balsaming, balsamed) bálsamo | balsamina Balt [[bɔːlt]] {noun} (Balts) báltica | báltico Balthazar [/bælˈθeɪzə/ | /ˈbælθəˌzɔɹ/] {noun, properNoun} (Balthazars) Baltasar Baltic [/ˈbɑl.tɪk/ | /ˈbɔl.tɪk/ | /ˈbɔːl.tɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Baltic, more Baltic) báltico | Báltico | países bálticos Baltic herring {noun} (Baltic herrings) arenque del Báltico Baltic Sea {properNoun} mar Báltico | Báltico Balto-Slavic {adjective, properNoun} baltoeslavo balun {noun} (baluns) balun baluster [/ˈbæl.ʌ.stɹ/] {noun} (balusters) balaustre | balaústre balustrade [/ˈbæl.ə.stɹeɪd/ | /ˌbæl.əˈstɹeɪd/] {noun} (balustrades) balaustrada Balzacian [/balˈzakɪ.ən/ | /bɔlˈzæki.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Balzacian, more Balzacian, Balzacians) balzaciano Bamako {properNoun} Bamako | Bámako Bambara {noun, properNoun} (Bambaras, Bambara) bambara bamboo [/bæmˈbu/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bamboos, bambooed, bambooing) bambú Bamboo Curtain {properNoun} Telón de Bambú bamboozle [/bæm.ˈbuː.zəl/] {verb} (bamboozles, bamboozled, bamboozling) engañar ban [/bæn/] {noun, verb} (bans, banning, banned, bani) prohibición | prohibir banal [/bəˈnæl/ | /bəˈnɑːl/ | /ˈbeɪnəl/] {adjective} (banaler, banalest, more banal, most banal) banal banality [/beɪˈnælɨti/ | /bəˈnælɨti/] {noun} (banalities) banalidad banalize {verb} (banalizes, banalizing, banalized) banalizar banally {adverb} (most banally, more banally) banal banana [/bəˈnænə/ | /bəˈnɑːnə/] {adjective, noun} plátano | banana | banano | guineo | bananero | cambur banana bread {noun} pan de banana | pan de guineo | pan de plátano banana peel {noun} (banana peels) cáscara de banana | cáscara de plátano banana republic {noun} (banana republics) república bananera banana split [/bə.ˈnæ.nə splɪt/ | /bə.ˈnɑː.nə splɪt/] {noun} (banana splits) banana split bananaquit {noun} (bananaquits) platanero | reinita Banbury story of a cock and a bull [/ˈbænb(ə)ɹi ˈstɔːɹi əv ə ˈkɑk ənd ə ˈbʊl/ | /ˈbænbɹi ˈstɔːɹi əv ə ˈkɒk ənd ə ˈbʊl/] {noun} (Banbury stories of a cock and a bull) una historia sin pies ni cabeza band [/bænd/ | [beənd]] {noun, verb} (bands, banding, banded) banda | grupo | cinta | franja | pasmo band-aid [/ˈbændeɪd/] {noun, verb} (band-aids, band-aiding, band-aided) tirita | apósito | esparadrapo | curita | parche curita band-tailed antshrike {noun} (band-tailed antshrikes) batará Guayanés bandage [/ˈbændɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (bandages, bandaged, bandaging) venda | vendaje | vendar bandana [/bænˈdæn.ə/] {noun} (bandanas) paliacate Bandar Seri Begawan [/ˌbɑːndəɹ sɪˌɹiː bɪˈɡaʊ.ən/] {properNoun} Bandar Seri Begawan banded [/ˈbændɪd/] {adjective, verb} bandado banderilla [/ˌbæn.də.ˈɹiː.jə/] {noun} (banderillas) banderilla banderillero [/ˌbændəɹiːˈjeəɹəʊ/] {noun} (banderilleros) banderillero bandicoot [/ˈbændiˌkut/ | /ˈbændɪˌkuːt/] {noun, verb} (bandicoots, bandicooting, bandicooted) bandicut | peramélido bandit [/ˈbændɪt/] {noun, verb} (bandits, bandited, banditing) bandido banditry {noun} (banditries) bandolerismo bandolier [/ˌbændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bandoliers) canana | bandolera bandoneon {noun} (bandoneons) bandoneón bandsaw {noun, verb} (bandsaws, bandsawing, bandsawn, bandsawed) sierra de cinta bandstand [/ˈbænd.stænd/] {noun} (bandstands) templete bandurria {noun} (bandurrias) bandurria bandwagon [/ˈbændˌwæɡ.ən/] {noun} (bandwagons) plataforma bandwidth [/ˈbændwɪdθ/] {noun} ancho de banda bandy [/ˈbændi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bandies, bandied, bandying, bandest, bander) arqueado | cambiar | intercambiar bane [/beɪn/] {noun, verb} (banes, baned, baning) arruinar | desgracia | envenenar | intoxicar | maldecir | maldición baneful {adjective} (most baneful, more baneful) dañino bang [/bæŋ(ɡ)/] {adverb, interjection, noun, verb} (more bang, most bang, bangs, banging, banged) estallido | golpe | estruendo | detonación | explosión | percusión bang away {verb} (bangs away, banging away, banged away) aderezar bang out {noun, verb} (bangs out, banging out, banged out, bang outs) chapucear bang up {adjective, verb} (bangs up, banged up, banging up) damnificar Bangalore [/ˈbæŋɡəlɔːɹ/ | /ˌbæŋɡəˈlɔː/] {properNoun, verb} (Bangalores, Bangalored, Bangaloring) Bangalore banger [/ˈbæŋ(ɡ)ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bangers) cacharro bangers and mash {noun} salchichas con puré banging [/ˈbæŋ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} genial Bangkok [/bæŋˈkɒk/] {properNoun} Bangkok Bangladesh [/ˌbæŋ.ɡlə.ˈdɛʃ/] {properNoun} Bangladés | Bangladesh Bangladeshi {adjective, noun} (Bangladeshis) bangladesí Bangladeshi taka taka bangle [/ˈbæŋ.ɡəl/] {noun, verb} (bangles, bangled, bangling) brazalete | pulsera bangs [/bæŋz/] {noun, verb} (bang) flequillo | fleco | capul | cerquillo | chasquilla | china Bangui {properNoun} Bangui banish [/ˈbænɪʃ/] {verb} (banishes, banishing, banished) desterrar banishment [/ˈbænɪʃmənt/] {noun} exilio banister [/ˈbænɪstə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (banisters, banistered, banistering) barandilla banj {noun} banj banjax [/ˈbæn.d͡ʒæks/] {noun, verb} (banjaxes, banjaxing, banjaxed) arruinar banjo [/ˈbæn.dʒoʊ/ | /ˈbæn.dʒəʊ/] {noun, verb} (banjoes, banjos, banjoed, banjoing) banjo | banyo Banjul {properNoun} Banjul bank [/bæŋk/] {noun, verb} (banks, banking, banked) banco | orilla | ribera | ahorrar | almacén | amontonar bank account {noun} (bank accounts) cuenta bancaria bank card {noun} (bank cards) tarjeta de débito bank cheque {noun} (bank cheques) cheque bancario bank holiday {noun} (bank holidays) fiesta nacional Bank of China {properNoun} (Bank of China) Banco de China Bank of England {properNoun} Banco de Inglaterra bank robber {noun} (bank robbers) ladrón de bancos | robabancos bank statement {noun} (bank statements) extracto bank swallow {noun} (bank swallows) avión zapador bankbook {noun} (bankbooks) libreta banked slalom {noun} banked slalom banker [/ˈbæŋkə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbæŋkɚ/] {noun} (bankers) banquero | banquera banking {noun, verb} banca banknote {noun} (banknotes) billete bankroll {noun, verb} (bankrolls, bankrolled, bankrolling) billetaje | fajo bankrupt [/ˈbæŋ.kɹəpt/ | /ˈbæŋk.ɹəpt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bankrupt, more bankrupt, bankrupts, bankrupting, bankrupted) quebrado | arruinado bankruptcy [/ˈbæŋkɹʌptsɪ/] {noun} (bankruptcies) bancarrota | concurso | quiebra banner [/ˈbænə/ | /ˈbænɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (banners, bannering, bannered) estandarte | bandera | banner publicitario | excepcional | pancarta banner blindness {noun} banner blindness | ceguera a banner banquet [/ˈbæŋkwɪt/] {noun, verb} (banquets, banquetting, banqueting, banqueted, banquetted) banquete | comida festiva | convite banshee [/bænˈʃiː/] {noun} (banshees) La Llorona | banshee bantam {adjective, noun} (more bantam, most bantam, bantams) enana bantamweight {noun} (bantamweights) peso gallo banter [/ˈbæntə/ | /ˈbæntɚ/] {noun, verb} (banters, bantered, bantering) bromear | burlar | chacotear | charla | charlar | cháchara Bantu {noun} (Bantus, Bantu) bantú banya [/ˈbɑːnjə/] {noun} (banyas) cate banyan [/ˈbæn.jən/] {noun} (banyans) baniano baobab [/ˈbeɪoʊˌbæb/ | /ˈbeɪəʊbab/] {noun} (baobabs) baobab Baotou {properNoun} Baotou Baphomet [/ˈbæfɵmɛt/] {properNoun} Baphomet baptism [/ˈbæptɪzəm/] {noun} bautismo | bautizo baptism of fire {noun} (baptisms of fire) bautismo de fuego baptismal {adjective, noun} (baptismals) bautismal baptismal font {noun} (baptismal fonts) pila bautismal baptismal name {noun} (baptismal names) nombre de pila Baptist {adjective, noun} (most Baptist, more Baptist) bautista baptist [/ˈbæptɪst/] {noun} (baptists) bautista baptistery {noun} (baptisteries) baptisterio baptistry {noun} (baptistries) baptisterio baptize [/ˈbæptaɪz/] {verb} (baptizes, baptized, baptizing) bautizar bar [/bɑɹ/ | /bɑː/] {noun, preposition, suffix, verb} (bars, barring, barred) bar | barra | taberna | abogacía | barrar | barrera bar chart {noun} (bar charts) diagrama de barras bar line {noun} (bar lines) barra de compás bar none {adverb} excepción bar of chocolate {noun} (bars of chocolate) chocolatina bar shot {noun} (bar shot) palanqueta bar stool {noun} (bar stools) banqueta de bar bar-crested antshrike {noun} (bar-crested antshrikes) batará crestibarrado bar-tailed godwit {noun} (bar-tailed godwits) aguja colipinta Barabbas [/bəˈɹæbəs/] {properNoun} Barrabás barb [/bɑː(ɹ)b/] {noun, verb} (barbs, barbed, barbing) barba | puya Barbadian {adjective, noun} (Barbadians) barbadense Barbados [/bɑɹˈbeɪ.doʊs/ | /bɑː(ɹ)ˈbeɪ.dɒs/] {properNoun, verb} (Barbadoses, Barbadosing, Barbadosed) Barbados Barbara [/ˈbɑɹb(ə)ɹə/ | /ˈbɑːb(ə)ɹə/] {properNoun} (Barbaras) Bárbara barbarian [/bɑɹ.ˈbɛəɹ.i.ən/ | /bɑː(ɹ).ˈbɛə.ɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (barbarians) bárbaro barbaric [/bɑː(ɹ)ˈbæɹɪk/] {adjective} (most barbaric, more barbaric) bárbaro | barbárico barbarism [/ˈbɑɹbəˈɹɪzm̩/ | /ˈbɑː(ɹ)bəɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} barbarismo barbarity [/bɑː(ɹ)ˈbæɹɪti/] {noun} (barbarities) barbaridad barbarize [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)bəɹaɪz/] {verb} (barbarizes, barbarizing, barbarized) barbarizar Barbary [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)bəɹi/] {properNoun} Berbería Barbary lion {noun} (Barbary lions) león bárbaro | león de Berbería | león del Atlas Barbary macaque {noun} (Barbary macaques) macaco de Gibraltar barbecue [/ˈbɑɹbɪˌkju/ | /ˈbɑːbɪˌkjuː/] {noun, verb} (barbecues, barbecuing, barbecued) barbacoa | parrillada | asar | asador | parrilla | rostizar barbecue sauce [/ˈbɑːbɪkjuː sɔːs/ | /ˈbɑːɹbəkjuː sɑːs/] {noun} salsa barbacoa barbed wire {noun} (barbed wires) alambre de púas | alambre de espino | alambre de espinas barbel [/ˈbɑːbəl/] {noun} (barbels) barbo barbell {noun} (barbells) barra | barra con pesas | haltera barber [/ˈbɑɹ.bɚ/ | /ˈbɑː.bə/] {noun, verb} (barbers, barbering, barbered) barbero barber pole {noun} (barber poles) poste de barbero barberry [/ˈbɑɹbɛɹi/] {noun} (barberries) agracejo | alarguez | calafate | michay barbershop {noun} peluquería barbet {noun} (barbets) perro de agua francés barbican [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)bɪkən/] {noun} (barbicans) barbacana Barbie {noun, properNoun} (Barbies) rubia barbiturate [/ˌbɑɹˈbɪtʃu.ɪt/ | /ˌbɑː(ɹ)ˈbɪtʃəɹɪt/] {noun} (barbiturates) barbitúrico barbituric {adjective} barbitúrico Barbuda [/bɑɹˈb(j)udə/] {properNoun} Barbuda barcarole [/ˈbɑɹkəˌɹoʊl/ | /ˈbɑːkəɹəʊl/] {noun} (barcaroles) barcarola Barcelona [/ˌbɑɹsəˈloʊnə/ | /ˌbɑːsəˈləʊnə/] {properNoun} Barcelona Barcelonian {adjective, noun} (Barcelonians) barcelonesa | barcelonés barcode [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)kəʊd/] {noun} (barcodes) código de barras bard [/bɑːd/ | [bɑɹd]] {noun, verb} (bards, barding, barded) bardo bardiche [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)diːʃ/] {noun} (bardiches) bardiche bardo [/ˈbɑɹdoʊ/ | /ˈbɑːdəʊ/] {noun} (bardos) bardo budista bare [/bɛə(ɹ)/ | /bɛɚ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bares, baring, bared, barer, barest) desnudo | descubrir | mínimo bare-faced ground-dove palomita bareass {noun} (bareasses) a culo pelado bareback [/ˈbɛəbæk/] {adverb, verb} (barebacks, barebacked, barebacking) a pelo barebone {noun} (barebones) huesuda | huesudo barebutt {adjective} nalgas peladas | poto pelado barefaced [/ˈbeə(ɹ)feɪst/] {adjective} (more barefaced, most barefaced) descarado | caradura | desvergonzado barefoot [/ˈbɛəfʊt/ | /ˈbɛɹfʊt/] {adjective, adverb} descalzo | a pies pelados | chuña barefoot doctor {noun} (barefoot doctors) médica descalza | médico descalzo bareheaded {adjective, adverb} a capo scoperto barely [/ˈbɛə(ɹ).li/ | /ˈbɛɹ.li/] {adverb} apenas Barents Sea {properNoun} mar de Barents barfly [/bɑɹflaɪ/ | /bɑːflaɪ/] {noun} (barflies) borracho | cierrabares | parroquiano bargain [/ˈbɑːɡən/ | /ˈbɑːɹɡən/] {noun, verb} (bargains, bargaining, bargained) ganga | regatear | bicoca | chollo | trato bargaining {noun, verb} (bargainings) negociación barge [/bɑɹdʒ/ | /bɑːdʒ/] {noun, verb} (barges, barging, barged) barcaza | lancha a remolque Bari {properNoun} Bari barista [/baˈɹista/ | /bəˈɹiːstə/ | /bəˈɹɪstə/] {noun} (baristas) barista barite {noun} barita | baritina baritone [/ˈbæɹ.ɪ.toʊn/ | /ˈbɛɹ.ɪ.toʊn/] {noun} (baritones) barítono barium [/ˈbɛəɹɪəm/] {noun} (bariums) bario bark [/bɑɹk/ | /bɑːk/] {noun, verb} (barks, barked, barking) ladrar | corteza | ladrido | bricbarca | descortezar bark beetle {noun} (bark beetles) escolitino bark up the wrong tree {verb} ir muy descaminado barker {noun} (barkers) cascador | cascarillero barking {adjective, noun, verb} (barkings, most barking, more barking) ladrido barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} perro ladrador, poco mordedor | perro que ladra no muerde barley [/ˈbɑɹli/ | /ˈbɑːli/] {noun} (barleys) cebada barleycorn [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)liˌkɔː(ɹ)n/] {noun} (barleycorns) cebada barmaid [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)meɪd/] {noun} (barmaids) camarera barn [/bɑɹn/ | [baːn] | [bɐːn] | [bɑɹn] | [bɑːn] | [bɒən]] {noun, verb} (barns, barning, barned) granero | barn | establo | galpón barn owl [/ˈbɑːn ˌaʊl/] {noun} (barn owls) lechuza común | lechuza barn swallow {noun} (barn swallows) golondrina Barnabas [/ˈbɑɹnəbəs/] {properNoun} Bernabé Barnaby {noun, properNoun} Bernabé barnacle [/ˈbɑɹnəkl̩/ | /ˈbɑːnəkl̩/] {noun, verb} (barnacles, barnacled, barnacling) percebe barnacle goose {noun} (barnacle geese) barnacla cariblanca Barnaul {properNoun} Barnaúl barometer [/bəˈɹɑməɾɚ/ | /bəˈɹɒmətə(ɹ)/] {noun} (barometers) barómetro barometric [/ˌbæɹəˈmetɹɪk/] {adjective} barométrico baron [/ˈbæɹən/ | /ˈbɛɹən/] {noun} barón baroness [/ˌbæ.ɹəˈnɛs/] {noun} (baronesses) baronesa barony [/ˈbæ.ɹə.ni/] {noun} (baronies) baronía Baroque [/bəˈɹoʊk/ | /bəˈɹɒk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Baroque, more Baroque) barroco | Barroco | barroca Baroque guitar {noun} (Baroque guitars) guitarra barroca barotrauma {noun} barotrauma barque [/bɑː(ɹ)k/] {noun} (barques) bricbarca barquentine {noun} (barquentines) bergantín goleta barrack [/ˈbæ.ɹək/] {noun, verb} (barracks, barracking, barracked) cuartel | barraca barracuda [/ˌbæɹəˈkuːdə/] {noun} (barracudas, barracuda) barracuda barrage [/bəˈɹɑːʒ/ | /ˈbæɹɑːʒ/] {noun, verb} (barrages, barraged, barraging) embalse barramundi {noun} (barramundis) barramundi barrator [/ˈbæɹətə(ɹ)/] {noun} (barrators) querulante barre {noun} (barres) barra barred antshrike {noun} (barred antshrikes) batará barrado barred spiral galaxy {noun} (barred spiral galaxies) galaxia espiral barrada barrel [/ˈbæɹəl/] {noun, verb} (barrels, barrelled, barreling, barreled, barrelling) barril | cañón | tonel | caño barrel bomb {noun} (barrel bombs) bomba de barril barrel organ {noun} (barrel organs) organito | organillo barrel roll {noun} (barrel rolls) tonel | vuelta de campana barrel vault {noun} (barrel vaults) bóveda de cañón barren [/ˈbæɹən/] {adjective, noun} (barrenest, more barren, most barren, barrener, barrens) estéril | infértil Barrett's esophagus {noun} esófago de Barrett barrette [/bəˈɹɛt/] {noun, verb} (barrettes, barretted, barretting) pinche | prendedor | prendedor de pelo barricade [/ˌbæɹɪˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (barricades, barricaded, barricading) barricada barrier [/ˈbæɹi.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbæɹi.əɹ/ | /ˈbɛɹi.əɹ/] {noun, verb} (barriers, barriered, barriering) barrera | límite barring [/ˈbɑːɹɪŋ(ɡ)/] {noun, preposition, verb} (barrings) salvo barrister [/ˈbæ.ɹɪst.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (barristers) legalista barroom {noun} (barrooms) bar barrow [/ˈbæɹ.əʊ/ | /ˈbæɹoʊ/] {noun} (barrows) túmulo | carretilla | carrucha bars [/ˈbɑː(ɹ)z/] {noun, verb} cuadrícula barse [/bɑːs/ | /bɑːɹs/] {noun} (barses) lobo bartender [/ˈbɑɹˌtɛndɚ/ | /ˈbɑːˌtɛndə(ɹ)/] {noun} barman Bartender's lime lima barter [/ˈbɑɹtəɹ/ | /ˈbɑːtə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (barters, bartering, bartered) trueque | trocar Bartholomew [/bɑɹˈtɑləmi/ | /bɑɹˈθɑləmju/ | /bɑːˈθɒləmjuː/] {properNoun} Bartolomé Bartonian {properNoun} Bartoniense Baruch {properNoun} Baruc barycenter {noun} (barycenters) baricentro baryon [/ˈbæɹɪɒn/] {noun} (baryons) barión baryonic {adjective} bariónico bas-relief [/ˈbæs.ɹɪˌliːf/] {adjective, noun} bajorrelieve basal [[ˈbeɪsəɫ] | [ˈbeɪzəɫ]] {adjective, noun} (more basal, most basal, basals) basal basal ganglion {noun} (basal ganglia) ganglio basal basal layer {noun} (basal layers) capa basal basalt [/bəˈsɑlt/ | /ˈbæsɒlt/] {noun} basalto bascinet [/ˌbæsɪˈnet/] {noun} (bascinets) bacinete bascule bridge {noun} (bascule bridges) puente basculante base [/beɪs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bases, basing, based, most base, baser, more base, basest) base | basar | bajo | campaña | rastrero | sede BASE jumping {noun, verb} salto BASE base unit {noun} (base units) máquina baseball [/ˈbeɪs.bɔl/ | /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl/] {noun} (baseballs) béisbol baseball cap [/ˈbeɪs.bɔl ˌkæp/ | /ˈbeɪs.bɔːl ˌkæp/] {noun} (baseball caps) gorra | jockey baseball field {noun} (baseball fields) campo de béisbol | diamante baseball mitt {noun} (baseball mitts) guante | manopla baseball player {noun} (baseball players) beisbolista | balonvoleísta | beisbolero | jugador de béisbol | pelotera | pelotero Basel {properNoun} Basilea baseline [/ˈbeɪslaɪn/] {noun, verb} (baselines, baselining, baselined) referencia basement [/ˈbeɪsmənt/] {noun} (basements) sótano | zócalo Basenji [/bəˈsɛndʒi/] {noun} (Basenjis) Basenji baserunner {noun} (baserunners) corredor bash [/bæʃ/] {noun, verb} (bashes, bashing, bashed) criticar bash the bishop {verb} (bashes the bishop, bashing the bishop, bashed the bishop) pajearse | pelársela bash up {verb} (bashes up, bashed up, bashing up) golpear basha [/ˈbæʃə/] {noun} (bashas) cubierta de lona bashful [[ˈbæʃfəɫ]] {adjective} (most bashful, more bashful) tímido bashfulness {noun} (bashfulnesses) vergüenza Bashkir [/bæʃˈkɪə/ | /bɑːʃˈkɪəɹ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Bashkirs) baskir Bashkortostan [[baʃˈko̞ː(ɹ)təʉ̯stæn] | [bɑʃˈkɔɹtoə̯stɛən]] {properNoun} Baskortostán basic [/ˈbeɪsɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more basic, most basic, basics) básico basic form {noun} (basic forms) entrada basic income {noun} (basic incomes) renta básica basically [/ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/] {adverb} (more basically, most basically) básicamente basidiomycete {noun} (basidiomycetes) basidiomiceto basidium [/bəˈsɪdɪəm/] {noun} (basidia) basidio Basil [/ˈbæz.əl/] {properNoun} Basilio basil [/ˈbeɪz.əl/ | /ˈbæz.əl/] {noun, verb} (basils, basilling, basilled) albahaca | alhábega basilar [/ˈbæsəlɚ/ | /ˈbæsɪlə/] {adjective} (most basilar, more basilar) basilar basilect [/ˈbæsɪlekt/] {noun} (basilects) basilecto basilica [/bəˈsɪlɪkə/] {noun} (basilicae, basilicas) basílica basilican {adjective} (most basilican, more basilican) basílica basilisk [/ˈbæs.ɪ.lɪsk/] {adjective, noun} (basilisks) basilisco basin [/ˈbeɪsɪn/] {noun, verb} (basins, basined, basinned, basining, basinning) cuenca | lavabo | jofaina | lavamanos | palangana | pileta basis [/ˈbeɪsɪs/] {noun} (bases, basises, baseis) base | fundamento basis point {noun} (basis points) punto base | punto básico bask [/bæsk/ | /bɑːsk/] {verb} (basks, basked, basking) degustar basket [/ˈbaːskət/ | /ˈbæskɪt/ | /ˈbɑːskɪt/] {noun, verb} (baskets, basketed, basketing) cesta | canasta | cesto basket case {noun} (basket cases) caso perdido basketball [/ˈbæs.kɪt.bɔːl/ | /ˈbɑːs.kɪt.bɔːl/] {noun} baloncesto | básquetbol basketball hoop {noun} (basketball hoops) aro de baloncesto basketball player {noun} (basketball players) baloncestista | basquetbolista basketmaker {noun} (basketmakers) baloncestista basking shark {noun} (basking sharks) tiburón peregrino Basler [/ˈbɑːzlə(ɹ)/] {noun, properNoun} (Baslers) basiliense basophil [/ˈbeɪsəfɪl/] {noun} (basophils) basófilo basophil granulocyte, basófilo Basque [/bæsk/ | /bɑːsk/] {adjective, noun} vasco | euskera | vascuence | vasca | eusquera basque [/bæsk/] {noun} (basques) vasco Basque Country {properNoun} País Vasco | Vasconia Basque Shepherd Dog {noun} (Basque Shepherd Dogs) pastor vasco bass [/beɪs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (basses, bass, most bass, more bass, bassing, bassed) bajo | perca | lubina | róbalo bass clarinet {noun} (bass clarinets) clarinete bajo bass drum [/ˈbeɪsˌdɹʌm/] {noun} (bass drums) bombo bass guitar [/ˈbeɪsɡɪˈtɑːɹ/] {noun} (bass guitars) bajo | guitarra baja basset horn {noun} (basset horns) corno Basseterre {properNoun} Basseterre bassinet [/ˌbæsɪnˈet/] {noun} (bassinets) moisés bassist [/ˈbeɪs.ɪst/] {noun} (bassists) bajista basso continuo {noun} (basso continuos) bajo continuo bassoon [/bəˈsun/ | /bəˈsuːn/] {noun, verb} (bassoons, bassooning, bassooned) fagot | bajón bassoonist {noun} (bassoonists) fagot | fagotista | bajonista | bajón | piporro basswood [/ˈbæswʊd/] {noun} (basswoods) tilo bast [/bæst/] {noun} fibra basta {interjection} basta bastard [/ˈbæs.tɚd/ | /ˈbɑːs.təd/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most bastard, more bastard, bastards, bastarding, bastarded) bastardo | bastarda | hijo de puta | cabrón | desgraciado | tipejo bastard sugar {noun} azúcar sin cristalizar baste [/beɪst/] {noun, verb} (bastes, basting, basted) hilvanar | embastar baster [/ˈbeɪstə/ | /ˈbeɪstɚ/] {noun} (basters) cuentagotas | inyector | pera Bastia {properNoun} Bastia bastide {noun} (bastides) bastide Bastille [[bæˈstɪəɫ]] {properNoun} Bastilla bastille [[bæˈstɪəɫ]] {noun} (bastilles) fortaleza bastion [/ˈbæsti.ən/] {noun} (bastions) bastión bat [/bæt/] {noun, verb} (bats, batted, batting) murciélago | bate | bat | batear bat an eyelid {verb} inmutarse bat away {verb} (bats away, batting away, batted away) acuñar bat one's eyes {verb} hacer ojitos bat-eared fox {noun} (bat-eared foxes) zorro orejudo batard [/bæˈtɑːd/ | /bəˈtɑɹd/] {noun} (batards) batarda batch [/bæt͡ʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (batches, batching, batched) lote | hornada batch processing {noun} (batch processings) procesamiento por lotes Batesian mimicry {noun} mimetismo batesiano bath [/bæθ/ | /bɐːθ/ | /bɑːθ/ | [baθ⁓bæθ] | [bæθ⁓bɛəθ⁓beəθ] | [bɑːt̪ʰ] | [bɑːθ]] {noun, verb} (baths, bathed, bathing) baño | bañera | bañar | cuarto de baño bath sponge {noun} (bath sponges) esponja bath towel {noun} (bath towels) toalla de baño bathe [/beɪð/] {noun, verb} (bathes, bathing, bathed) bañar | lavar bather [/ˈbeɪðə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bathers) bañador | bañadora | bañista bathhouse {noun} (bathhouses) casa de baños bathing [/ˈbeɪˌðɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bathings) baño bathometer {noun} (bathometers) batímetro Bathonian {properNoun} Bathoniense bathrobe [/ˈbæθɹoʊb/ | /ˈbɑːθɹəʊb/] {noun} (bathrobes) albornoz | bata de baño | salida de baño bathroom [/ˈbæθ.ɹuːm/ | /ˈbæθɹum/ | /ˈbɑːθ.ɹuːm/] {noun} (bathrooms) cuarto de baño | baño bathroom scales {noun} báscula de baño Bathsheba [/bæθˈʃiːbə/] {properNoun} Betsabé bathtub [/ˈbæθtʌb/ | /ˈbɑːθtʌb/] {noun} (bathtubs) bañera | bañadera | tina bathymetric {adjective} batimétrico bathymetry {noun} (bathymetries) batimetría bathyscaphe [/ˈbæθɪˌskeɪv/] {noun} (bathyscaphes) batiscafo | batíscafo bathysphere [/ˈbæθɪˌsfɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bathyspheres) batisfera batik [/bəˈtiːk/] {noun, verb} (batiks, batiked, batiking) batik Batman [/batˈman/] {interjection, properNoun, verb} (Batmans, Batmen, Batmanning, Batmanned) Batman batman [/ˈbætmən/] {noun, verb} (batmen, batmans, batmanned, batmanning) asistente baton [/bəˈtɑn/ | /ˈbætɒn/] {noun, verb} (batons, batoned, batoning) batuta | porra | testigo Baton Rouge {properNoun} Baton Rouge Bats {properNoun} Bats batshit [/ˈbæt.ʃɪt/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most batshit, more batshit) loco batt {noun} (batts) lana battalion [/bəˈtælɪən/] {noun, verb} (battalions, battalioned, battalioning) batallón batten [/ˈbætən/] {noun, verb} (battens, battening, battened) aprovecharse | filete | mejorar batten down the hatches {verb} (battens down the hatches, battened down the hatches, battening down the hatches) cerrar las escotillas batter [/ˈbætə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbætəɹ/] {noun, verb} (batters, battered, battering) apalear | apanar | bateador | batido | botellón | empanar battered {adjective, verb} (more battered, most battered) maltrecho battering ram {noun} (battering rams) ariete battery [/ˈbætəɹi/] {noun} (batteries) pila | batería | golpes | lesiones batting [/ˈbætɪŋ/] {noun, verb} algodón battle [/ˈbætl̩/ | /ˈbætəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (battles, battling, battled, most battle, more battle) batalla | luchar | lucha | batallar battle axe {noun} (battle axes) hacha de armas battle cry {noun} (battle cries) grito de guerra Battle of Britain {properNoun} batalla de Inglaterra battlefield {noun} (battlefields) campo de batalla battlefront {noun} (battlefronts) frente de batalla battleground [/ˈbætəlˌɡɹaʊnd/] {noun} (battlegrounds) campo de batalla battlement [[ˈbætəɫmənt]] {noun} (battlements) almenaje battleship {noun} (battleships) acorazado battue [/bæˈtu/ | /bəˈt(j)uː/] {noun} batida batty [/ˈbæti/] {adjective, noun} (battest, batter, batties) bobo bauble [/ˈbɑbəl/ | /ˈbɔbəl/ | [ˈbɒbəɫ] | [ˈbɔːbəɫ]] {noun} (baubles) bola de navidad Bautzen [[ˈbaʊtsən]] {properNoun} Bautzen bauxite [/ˈbɔːksaɪt/] {noun} bauxita Bavaria [/bəˈveəɹɪə/] {properNoun} Baviera Bavarian [/bəˈvɛəɹɪən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Bavarian, more Bavarian, Bavarians) bávaro | bávara bavarois [/ˌbævə(ɹ)ˈwɑː/ | /ˌbɑvɚˈwɑ/] {noun} (bavaroises) bavarois | bavaroise | crema bávara | crème bavaroise bawdily [/ˈbɔːdɪli/] {adverb} (most bawdily, more bawdily) lúbrico bawdy [/ˈbɔdi/ | /ˈbɔːdi/] {adjective} (bawder, bawdest, most bawdy, more bawdy) guarro | lascivo | sucio bawl [/bɑl/ | /bɔl/ | [bɔːɫ]] {noun, verb} (bawls, bawled, bawling) alarido | gritar | grito Bay {properNoun} La Bahía bay [/beɪ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bays, baying, bayed, more bay, most bay) bahía | laurel | alazana | alazán Bay Area {properNoun} La Área de la Bahía bay cat {noun} (bay cats) gato de Borneo bay leaf {noun} (bay leaves) laurel Bay of Bengal {properNoun} golfo de Bengala | bahía de Bengala Bay of Biscay {properNoun} golfo de Vizcaya Bay of Pigs {properNoun} Bahía de Cochinos bay window {noun} (bay windows) ventana de bahía | ventana saliente bayard {adjective, noun} (more bayard, most bayard, bayards) zorra Bayesian [/ˈbeɪzɪən/] {adjective} (most Bayesian, more Bayesian) bayesiano bayonet [/ˈbeɪə(ʊ)nɨt/ | /ˌbeɪəˈnɛt/] {noun, verb} (bayonets, bayoneting, bayoneted, bayonetted, bayonetting) bayoneta Bayonne {properNoun} Bayona bayou [/ˈbaɪ.uː/] {noun} (bayous) pantano | pantanos bazaar [/bəˈzaː/ | /bəˈzɑɹ/ | /bəˈzɑː(ɹ)/] {noun} (bazaars) bazar | mercado bazooka [/bəˈzuːkə/] {noun} (bazookas) bazuca BBC {noun, properNoun} (BBCs) BBC BC {adverb, noun, properNoun} a. de J.C. | a.C. | antes de Jesucristo BCG {noun} (BCGs) BCG BDSM {noun} BDSM be [/bi/ | /biː/] {preposition, verb} estar | ser | existir | haber be able to {verb} (is able to, been able to, being able to, was able to) saber | poder | ser capaz de be all about {verb} enfocarse en | estar interesado en | lidiar con | tratarse de be all ears {verb} ser todo oídos be allowed valerse be ashamed {verb} avergonzarse be awake {verb} velar be bored {verb} aburrirse be born {verb} (is born, has been born, being born, was born) nacer be born yesterday {verb} ayer | chuparse el dedo | haber | nacer | nacido | no haberse caído del guindo be called {verb} llamarse | decirse be careful {interjection} aguas | ten cuidado be careful what you wish for {phraseologicalUnit} ¿No querías caldo? ¡Pues toma dos tazas! be fattening engordar be good for {verb} servir be my guest {verb} adelante | adelante, llegale con confinaza | orale como vas be off with you {phraseologicalUnit} esfumarse | largarse be right {verb} estar en lo correcto | tener razón be right back {phraseologicalUnit} ya regreso | ya vuelvo be sick {verb} estar enfermo be silent {verb} callarse be that as it may {adverb} sea como fuere be up to {verb} de | depender | tramar be widowed enviudar be wrong {verb} estar equivocado beach [/bit͡ʃ/ | /biːt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (beaches, beached, beaching) playa | embarrancar | encallar | varar beach ball {noun} (beach balls) balón de playa beach chair {noun} (beach chairs) tumbona beach towel {noun} (beach towels) toalla de playa beach volleyball {noun} voleibol de playa | vóley playa | balón de vóley-playa | pelota de [[vóley-playa]] | vóley-playa beachfront {adjective, noun} (beachfronts) balneario beachhead {noun} (beachheads) cabeza de playa | punto de apoyo beacon [/ˈbiːkən/] {noun, verb} (beacons, beaconed, beaconing) almenara | baliza | cúspide | punto conspicuo bead [/biːd/] {noun, verb} (beads, beaded, beading) cuenta | gota bead tree {noun} (bead trees) acederaque beadle [[ˈbiːdəɫ]] {noun} (beadles) alguacil beagle [[biːɡəɫ]] {noun, verb} (beagles, beagled, beagling) beagle beak [/biːk/] {noun, verb} (beaks, beaking, beaked) pico beaked whale {noun} (beaked whales) zifio | zifíido | zífido beaker [/ˈbiːkə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbiːkɚ/] {noun} (beakers) vaso de precipitación beakhead {noun} (beakheads) alas de proa | espolón beam [/biːm/] {noun, verb} (beams, beaming, beamed) viga | radio bean [/biːn/] {noun, verb} (beans, beaning, beaned) judía | frijol | alubia | haba | habichuela | poroto bean goose {noun} (bean geese) ganso de las habas | ánsar campestre bean sprout {noun} (bean sprouts) brote | brotes de soja | dientes de dragón | frijolitos chinos beaner [/ˈbinɚ/] {noun} (beaners) frijolero beanie [/ˈbiː.ni/] {noun} (beanies) gorro beanpole {noun} (beanpoles) espigado | larguirucho | zanquilargo bear [/bɑɹ/ | /bɛə(ɹ)/ | /bɛəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bears, beared, bearing, born, borne, bore, bare) oso | aguantar | soportar | portar | llevar | atestiguar bear corn elotillo bear cub {noun} (bear cubs) osezno bear down {verb} (bears down, bearing down, borne down, bore down) bajar bear fruit {verb} (bears fruit, borne fruit, bearing fruit, bore fruit) dar sus frutas bear hug {noun} (bear hugs) abrazazo | abrazote bear in mind {verb} tener en cuenta | tener en mente bear market {noun} (bear markets) mercado bajista bear out {verb} (bears out, bearing out, borne out, bore out) confirmar | corroborar bear with {verb} (bears with, borne with, bearing with, bore with) aguantar bear witness {verb} (bears witness, borne witness, bearing witness, bore witness) atestiguar bearable [/ˈbɛəɹəbəɫ/] {adjective} soportable | llevadero | tolerable bearberry [/ˈbɛəb(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (bearberries) gayuba beard [/bɪəd/ | /bɪɹd/] {noun, verb} (beards, bearded, bearding) barba | barbar | jotera | mortificar | pantalla | provocar bearded [/ˈbɪədɪd/ | /ˈbɪɹdəd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bearded, more bearded, beardeds) barbudo | barbado bearded clam {noun} (bearded clams) chucha bearded seal [/ˈbɪədɪd siːl/ | /ˈbɪɹdəd siːl/] {noun} (bearded seals) foca barbuda bearded tit {noun} (bearded tits) bigotudo beardless {adjective} (more beardless, most beardless) imberbe | barbilampiño | inmaduro | lampiño | mancebo | sin barba bearer [/ˈbɛəɹə/ | /ˈbɛɹɚ/] {noun} (bearers) portador | portadora bearing [/ˈbɛə̯ɹɪŋ/ | /ˈbɛɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bearings) rodamiento | cojinete | rumbo | acimut | apoyo | balero bearish {adjective} (more bearish, most bearish) osuno | ursino Beast {properNoun} Bestia beast [/biːst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most beast, more beast, beasts, beasted, beasting) bestia | animal | salvaje beast of burden {noun} (beasts of burden) bestia de carga | animal de carga beast of prey {noun} (beasts of prey) animal depredador beastie [/ˈbiːsti/] {noun} (beasties) bicho beastliness {noun} (beastlinesses) bestialidad beastmaster {noun} (beastmasters) gladiador beat [/biːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most beat, more beat, beats, beaten, beat, beating) batir | golpear | vencer | derrotar | latido | latir beat around the bush {verb} (beats around the bush, beating around the bush, beaten around the bush) andarse por las ramas | andar con ambages | andarse con rodeos | ir por los cerros de Úbeda beat it [/ˈbiˌdɪt/] {verb} (beats it, beat it, beating it) ahuecar el ala beat the meat {verb} pajearse beat to a pulp {verb} hacer fosfatina | hacer papilla | hacer puré beat to the punch {verb} anticipar | ganar de mano beat up {adjective, noun, verb} (more beat up, most beat up, beat ups, beats up, beaten up, beating up, beat up) apalear | pegar beater [/ˈbitɚ/ | /ˈbiːtə/] {noun} (beaters) batidor | batidora | montero beatification [/biˌætɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} beatificación beatified {adjective, verb} beato beatify [/biːˈætɪfaɪ/] {verb} (beatifies, beatifying, beatified) beatificar beating [/ˈbiːtɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (beatings) latido beatitud bienaventuranza Beatles [/ˈbiːtl̩z/] {noun, properNoun} Beatles beatnik [/ˈbiːtnɪk/] {noun} (beatniks) beatnik Beatrice [/ˈbiː(ə)tɹɪs/] {properNoun} Beatriz beau [/boʊ/ | /bəʊ/] {noun} (beaux, beaus) dandi Beauceron [/ˈboʊsəˌɹɑn/ | /ˈbəʊsəˌɹɒn/] {noun} (Beaucerons) pastor de Beauce Beaufort scale {properNoun} escala de Beaufort beautician [/bjuːˈtɪʃən/] {noun} (beauticians) esteticista beautiful [/ˈbjuːtɪfəl/] {adjective, noun} (more beautiful, most beautiful, beautifuls) bello | bonito | hermoso | guapo | alegre | bella beautifully [/ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)li/] {adverb} (more beautifully, most beautifully) bellamente beautifulness {noun} (beautifulnesses) belleza beautify [/ˈbjuː.tɪ.faɪ/] {verb} (beautifies, beautifying, beautified) embellecer beauty [/ˈbjuɾi/ | /ˈbjuːti/ | /ˈbuːti/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (beauties, beautying, beautied, most beauty, more beauty) belleza | hermosura | beldad | guapa | guapo | lindeza beauty is in the eye of the beholder [/ˈbjuːti ɪz ɪn ðiː aɪ əv ðiː bɪˈhəʊldə/] {proverb} la belleza está en el ojo de quien la contempla beauty pageant {noun} (beauty pageants) concurso de belleza beauty parlor {noun} (beauty parlors) salón de belleza | salón de estética beauty queen {noun} (beauty queens) reina de belleza beauty sleep {noun} (beauty sleeps) coyotito beauty spot {noun} (beauty spots) lunar beaver [/ˈbivɚ/ | /ˈbiːvə/] {noun} (beavers, beaver) castor beaver away {verb} (beavers away, beavering away, beavered away) hoguera because [/biˈkɔz/ | /bɪkəz/ | /bɪˈkɒz/ | /bɪˈkɔːz/] {adverb, conjunction, preposition} porque | ya que | por cuanto because of {preposition} a causa de | debido a Bechuanaland [/ˌbɛtʃuˈɑːnəlænd/] {properNoun} Bechuanalandia becket [/ˈbɛkɪt/] {noun} (beckets) enlace beckon [/ˈbɛkən/] {noun, verb} (beckons, beckoning, beckoned) atraer | llamar | llamar con señas become [/bəˈkʌm/ | /bɪˈkʊm/ | /bɪˈkʌm/] {verb} (becomes, becoming, becomen, become, became, becomed) devenir | convertir | hacer | quedar bien | volver | llegar a ser becoming [/bəˈkʌmɪŋ/ | /bɪˈkʌmɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more becoming, most becoming, becomings) devenir becquerel [[bɛkəˈɹɛɫ]] {noun} (becquerels) becquerelio | becquerel bed [/bed/ | /bɛd/ | [beː]] {noun, verb} (beds, bedding, bedded) cama | lecho | catre | encamar | ir a la cama | piltra bed and breakfast {noun} (bed and breakfasts) bed and breakfast bed of roses [/bɛd ʌv ˈɹəʊzəz/] {noun} (beds of roses) camino de rosas | jauja bed sheet {noun} (bed sheets) sábana bedbug {noun} (bedbugs) chinche bedclothes {noun} ropa de cama bedcover {noun} (bedcovers) cubierta beddable {adjective} (most beddable, more beddable) follable bedding [/ˈbɛdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} ropa de cama bedding plane {noun} (bedding planes) plano de estratificación beddy-bye {noun} cama bedeck [/bɪˈdɛk/] {verb} (bedecks, bedecking, bedecked) adornar bedevil [[bɪˈdɛvəɫ]] {verb} (bedevils, bedevilling, bedeviling, bedeviled, bedevilled) atormentar bedhead [/ˈbɛdhɛd/] {noun} pelo descuidado | pelo desordenado | pelo despeinado bedlam [/ˈbɛdləm/] {noun} (bedlams) belén bedlinen {noun} ropa de cama bedouin [/ˈbɛd.wɪn/] {noun} (bedouins) beduina | beduino bedpan {noun} (bedpans) válvula de compuerta bedrest {noun} reposo en cama bedridden [/ˈbɛdɹɪdən/] {adjective} encamado | postrado en cama | confinado en cama bedrock {noun} lecho rocoso | roca madre bedroll {noun} (bedrolls) saco de dormir bedroom [/ˈbɛdˌɹum/] {noun} (bedrooms) dormitorio | alcoba | habitación | cuarto | pieza | recámara bedroom community {noun} (bedroom communities) ciudad dormitorio bedsheet [/ˈbɛdʃiːt/] {noun} (bedsheets) sábana bedsit [/ˈbɛdˌsɪt/] {noun} (bedsits) estudio bedsore {noun} (bedsores) escara | úlcera por presión bedspread {noun} (bedspreads) colcha | cubrecama bedstead {noun} (bedsteads) cama bedtime [/ˈbɛdtaɪm/] {noun} hora de dormir bedwetter [/ˈbɛdwɛtɚ/] {noun} (bedwetters) mojacamas bee [/ˈbiː/] {noun, verb} (bees, been) abeja | be bee fly {noun} (bee flies) bombílido bee hummingbird {noun} (bee hummingbirds) colibrí zunzuncito | zunzuncito | elfo de las abejas | pájaro mosca bee in one's bonnet {noun} (bees in one's bonnet) idea fija bee sting {noun} (bee stings) picadura de abeja bee-eater [/ˈbiː iːtəɹ/] {noun} (bee-eaters) abejaruco | merópido beech [/biːt͡ʃ/] {noun} (beeches) haya | pellín beech marten {noun} (beech martens) garduña beech wood hayedo beechen {adjective} conseguir beechnut [/ˈbiːtʃˌnʌt/] {noun} (beechnuts) hayuco beechwood {noun} hayal beef [/bif/ | /biːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (beefs, beeves, beef, beefed, beefing) carne de res | carne de vaca beefcake [/ˈbiːfˌkeɪk/] {noun} churro | galán | guapetón | mijito rico beefsteak [/ˈbiːfsteɪk/] {noun} bistec | bife beefy [/ˈbiːfi/] {adjective} (beefest, beefer) carnoso | carnudo | cárnico Beehive {noun, properNoun} (Beehives) abejita beehive [/ˈbiːhaɪv/] {noun, verb} (beehives, beehived, beehiving) colmena | beehive beekeeper [/ˈbiˌkipɚ/] {noun} (beekeepers) apicultor | colmenero | abejero | abejera | apicultora | colmenera beekeeping {noun} apicultura beeline [/ˈbiːlaɪn/] {noun, verb} (beelines, beelining, beelined) a vuelo de pájaro Beelzebub [/biːˈɛlzɪbʌb/] {properNoun} Belcebú beemer {noun} (beemers) Brennero been there, done that {phraseologicalUnit} yo lo hice antes beep [/biːp/] {noun, verb} (beeps, beeped, beeping) pitido beer [/bɛə/ | /bɪə(ɹ)/ | /bɪə/ | /bɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (beers, beering, beered) cerveza | caña | birra beer and skittles {noun} no todo el monte es orégano beer belly {noun} (beer bellies) barriga cervecera | lonja | pancho | panza chelera | panza de birra beer bong {noun} (beer bongs) tuberia de barrilete beer bottle {noun} (beer bottles) botella de cerveza beer can {noun} (beer cans) lata beer garden {noun} (beer gardens) cervecería al aire libre beer mat {noun} (beer mats) posavaso (de cerveza) beer parlour {noun} (beer parlours) cervecería beeswarm {noun} (beeswarms) enjambre beeswax [/ˈbizwæks/] {noun, verb} (beeswaxes, beeswaxing, beeswaxed) cera de abeja beet [/biːt/] {noun, verb} (beets) remolacha | betabel | betarraga | beterava Beethovenian [/ˌbeɪt(h)əʊˈviːnɪən/ | /ˌbeɪtoʊˈvini.ən/] {adjective} (most Beethovenian, more Beethovenian) beethoveniano Beetle {noun} (Beetles) Vocho | escarabajo beetle [/ˈbiːtəl/ | [ˈbiɾəɫ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (beetles, beetling, beetled, more beetle, most beetle) escarabajo beetroot [/ˈbitɹut/ | /ˈbiːtɹuːt/] {noun, verb} (beetroots, beetrooted, beetrooting) remolacha | beterraga befit {verb} (befits, befitting, befitted) complacer before [/bəˈfɔɹ/ | /bɪˈfo(ː)ɹ/ | /bɪˈfoə/ | /bɪˈfɔː/] {adverb, conjunction, preposition} antes | antes de | ante | enfrente de | frente a | antes que before dark antes de anochecer beforehand [/bɪˈfo(ː)ɹhænd/ | /bɪˈfoəhænd/ | /bɪˈfɔɹhænd/ | /bɪˈfɔːhænd/] {adjective, adverb} (most beforehand, more beforehand) de antemano | antes | adelantadamente | anticipadamente | con anterioridad befoul {verb} (befouls, befouling, befouled) deshonrar befuddle [/bɪˈfʌdl/] {verb} (befuddles, befuddled, befuddling) confundir befuddled {adjective, verb} (most befuddled, more befuddled) borracho befuddlement {noun} confusión beg [/bɛɡ/] {noun, verb} (begs, begged, begging) mendigar | rogar | suplicar | pordiosear beget [/biˈɡɛt/] {verb} (begets, begotten, begetting, begat, begot) engendrar | concebir beggar [/ˈbɛɡə/ | /ˈbɛɡɚ/] {noun, verb} (beggars, beggared, beggaring) mendigo | pordiosero | limosnero | mendicante | mendiga beggars can't be choosers {proverb} a caballo regalado no le mires el diente | a mucha hambre, no hay pan duro beggary [/ˈbɛɡəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more beggary, most beggary, beggaries) mendicidad Beghard [/bəˈɡɑːɹd/] {noun} (Beghards) begardo begin [/bɪˈɡɪn/] {noun, verb} (begins, begun, beginning, began) comenzar | empezar | iniciar | principiar beginner [/bəˈɡɪnɚ/ | /bɪˈɡɪnə/] {noun} (beginners) principiante | novato | iniciador beginning [/bɪˈɡɪn.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} comienzo | principio | inicio | origen begird {verb} (begirds, begirded, begirding, begirt) acordonar begonia [/ˈbəɡoʊni.ə/ | /ˈbəɡəʊniː.ə/] {noun} (begonias) begonia begrime {verb} (begrimes, begriming, begrimed) ensuciar begrudge [/bɪˈɡɹʌdʒ/] {verb} (begrudges, begrudged, begrudging) envidiar beguile [/bɪˈɡaɪl/] {verb} (beguiles, beguiling, beguiled) cautivar | encanto engañador | encanto oculto | encanto secretivo | engañar beguiling {adjective, noun, verb} (most beguiling, more beguiling, beguilings) insinuador beguinage {noun} (beguinages) beguinaje Beguine [/beɪˈɡiːn/] {noun} (Beguines) beguina | beguino beguine [/beɪˈɡiːn/ | /bə.ˈɡiːn/] {noun} (beguines) beguine behalf [/bɪˈhæf/ | /bɪˈhɑːf/] {noun} (behalves, behalfs) medio behave [/bɪˈheɪv/] {verb} (behaves, behaved, behaving) comportarse | portarse behavior [[bɪˈheɪvjə] | [bɪˈheɪvjɚ]] {noun} (behaviors) comportamiento | conducta | proceder behavioral {adjective} conductual | del comportamiento behavioral crisis {noun} (behavioral crises) crisis de comportamiento behaviorism {noun} conductismo behavioural {adjective} actitud behavioural science {noun} ciencia de la conducta | ciencia del comportamiento behead {verb} (beheads, beheaded, beheading) decapitar | descabezar beheading {noun, verb} decapitación | degüello | descabezamiento behemoth [/bəˈhi(ː)məθ/] {noun} (behemoths) behemot behest [/biˈhɛst/] {noun, verb} (behests, behested, behesting) orden | solicitud behind [/bɪˈhaɪnd/ | /ˈbiːˌhaɪnd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} (more behind, most behind, behindest, behinder, behinds) detrás | atrás | después behind bars entre rejas behind closed doors a puerta cerrada behind someone's back a espaldas de alguien behind the scenes [/bɪˈhaɪnd ðə siːnz/] {adjective} detrás del telón | entre bastidores | tras bambalinas behind the times obsoleto behind time atrasado behold [/bɪˈhoʊld/ | /bɪˈhəʊld/] {interjection, verb} (beholds, beheld, beholding, beholden) observar | contemplar | he aquí | mirar beholden [/bɨˈhoʊldən/ | /bɪˈhəʊldən/] {adjective} comprometido beholder [/bɪˈhoʊldɚ/ | /bɪˈhəʊldə/] {noun} (beholders) observador behove [/biˈhoʊv/ | /bɪˈhəʊv/] {verb} (behoves, behoved, behoving) concernir | incumbir beige [/ˈbeɪʒ/] {adjective, noun} (beigest, most beige, more beige, beiger) beige | beis beignet [/bɛnˈjeɪ/ | /ˈbɛn.jeɪ/] {noun} (beignets) buñuelo | buñuelo de viento Beijing [/beɪˈdʒɪŋ/ | /beɪˈʒɪŋ/] {properNoun} Pekín being [/ˈbiɪŋ/ | /ˈbiːɪŋ/] {conjunction, noun, verb} ser | criatura | existencia Beirut [/beɪˈɹuːt/] {properNoun} Beirut Beiruti [/beɪˈɹuːti/] {adjective, noun} (more Beiruti, most Beiruti, Beirutis) beirutí bejel {noun} lepra bejewel {verb} (bejewels, bejeweled, bejewelled, bejeweling, bejewelling) alhajar | enjoyar Bel Paese [/ˌbɛl pɑˈeɪzi/ | /ˌbɛl pɑːˈeɪzeɪ/] {noun} Bel Paese belabour [/bɪˈleɪ.bə/] {verb} (belabours, belaboured, belabouring) ladrar Belarus [/ˌbɛləˈɹus/ | /ˌbɛləˈɹuːs/] {properNoun} Bielorrusia | Belarús | Rusia Blanca Belarusian [/ˌbɛləˈɹuːsi.ən/] {adjective, noun} bielorruso belated {adjective, verb} (most belated, more belated) tardío belatedly {adverb} (more belatedly, most belatedly) atrasado belay [/bɪˈleɪ/ | /ˈbiːleɪ/] {noun, verb} (belays, belayed, belaid, belaying) poner el seguro belaying pin {noun} (belaying pins) cabilla belch [/ˈbɛltʃ/] {noun, verb} (belches, belched, belching) eructar | regoldar | eructo beleaguer [/bɪˈli.ɡɚ/ | /bɪˈliː.ɡə/] {verb} (beleaguers, beleaguered, beleaguering) sitiar beleaguered [/bɪˈliːɡəd/] {adjective, verb} (most beleaguered, more beleaguered) hostigado Belfast [/ˈbɛl.fæst/] {properNoun} Belfast belfry [/ˈbɛlfɹi/] {noun} (belfries) campanario | campanil Belgian [/ˈbɛl.dʒən/ | [ˈbɛɬ.ɡi.ən]] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Belgian, more Belgian, Belgians) belga Belgian Congo {properNoun} Congo Belga Belgian Groenendael {noun} perro de pastor belga groenendael Belgian Laekenois {noun} perro de pastor belga laekenois Belgian Malinois {noun} perro de pastor belga malinois Belgian Sheepdog {noun} (Belgian Sheepdogs) pastor belga Belgian Tervuren {noun} perro de pastor belga tervueren Belgium [/ˈbɛldʒəm/] {properNoun} Bélgica Belgorod {properNoun} Bélgorod Belgrade [/ˈbɛlɡɹeɪd/] {properNoun} Belgrado belie [/bɪˈlaɪ/ | /bɪˈlʌɪ/] {verb} (belies, belain, belying, belay, belied) calumniar | desmentir | malrepresentar | representar mal belief [/bɪˈliːf/] {noun} creencia belief system {noun} (belief systems) concepción del mundo believability {noun} credibilidad believable {adjective} (more believable, most believable) creíble believe [/bɪˈliv/ | /bɪˈliːv/] {verb} (believes, believing, believed) creer | tener fe believe in {verb} (believes in, believing in, believed in) creer believe it or not {adverb} lo creas o no believe one's ears {verb} dar crédito believe one's eyes {verb} dar crédito believer {noun} (believers) creyente Belisarius {properNoun} Belisario belittle [/bɨˈlɪt.əl/] {verb} (belittles, belittled, belittling) disminuir | menospreciar | minimizar Belize [/bəˈliːz/] {properNoun} Bélice | Belice Belize City {properNoun} Ciudad de Belice Belizean {adjective, noun} (Belizeans) beliceño | beliceña bell [/bɛl/] {noun, verb} (bells, belled, belling) campana | campanilla bell pepper {noun} pimiento | morrón | chiltoma | locote | pimentón bell ringer {noun} (bell ringers) campanera | campanero bell the cat {verb} (bells the cat, belled the cat, belling the cat) ponerle el cascabel al gato bell tower {noun} (bell towers) campanario bell-bottoms {noun} pantalones acampanados | pantalones de campana | pantalones de pata de elefante bell-end {noun} (bell-ends) capullo bell-gable {noun} (bell-gables) espadaña bellboy [/ˈbɛlˌbɔɪ/] {noun} (bellboys) botones belle [/bɛl/] {noun} (belles) beldad belles-lettres [/ˌbɛlˈlɛtɹ/] {noun} narrativa belletrist {noun} (belletrists) esteta bellflower {noun} (bellflowers) farolillos bellgirl {noun} (bellgirls) botones bellicism [/ˈbɛlɪsɪzm̩/] {noun} belicismo bellicose [/ˈbɛlɪkoʊs/] {adjective} (most bellicose, more bellicose) belicoso bellicosity [/ˌbɛlɪˈkɒsəti/ | /ˌbɛlɪˈkɒsɪti/] {noun} (bellicosities) belicosidad belligerence {noun} beligerancia belligerent [/bəˈlɪdʒ.(ə).ɹənt/ | /bəˈlɪdʒ.ə.ɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (most belligerent, more belligerent, belligerents) beligerante | belicoso | bélico bellow [/ˈbɛloʊ/ | /ˈbɛləʊ/] {noun, verb} (bellows, bellowed, bellowing) berrear | bramar | berrido | bramido bellows [/ˈbɛl.oʊz/ | /ˈbɛl.əs/ | /ˈbɛl.əʊz/] {noun, verb} (bellows, bellowses, bellowsing, bellowsed) fuelle bells [/bɛlz/] {noun, verb} cristal bells and whistles {noun} ringorrangos bellwether [/ˈbɛlwɛðə/ | /ˈbɛlwɛðɚ/] {noun} (bellwethers) manso | barómetro belly [/bɛli/] {noun, verb} (bellies, bellied, bellying) vientre | barriga | panza belly button {noun} (belly buttons) maruto belly dance {noun, verb} (belly dances, belly dancing, belly danced) danza del vientre belly flop {noun, verb} (belly flops, belly flopping, belly flopped) planchazo | tirarse en plancha bellyache [/ˈbɛliˌeɪk/] {noun, verb} (bellyaches, bellyaching, bellyached) dolor de barriga bellyacher {noun} (bellyachers) llorón | quejumbroso bellyaching {noun, verb} joroba Belmopan {properNoun} Belmopán belong [/bɪˈlɑŋ/ | /bɪˈlɒŋ/ | /bɪˈlɔŋ/] {preposition, verb} (belongs, belonged, belonging) pertenecer | a belonging [/bɪˈlɒŋɪŋ/ | /bɪˈlɔŋɪŋ/] {noun, verb} cachachá | chivas | macundales | maritates | pertenencia | pertenencias belongings {noun} pertenencias | bártulos | enseres beloved [/bɪˈlʌvd/ | /bɪˈlʌvɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more beloved, most beloved, beloveds) amado | querido | bienamado | dilecto | enamorado below [/bəˈloʊ/ | /bɪˈləʊ/] {adverb, preposition} abajo | bajo below the belt desleal belt [/bɛlt/] {noun, verb} (belts, belting, belted) cinturón | cinto | correa | faja | cincho | cinta Beltane {properNoun} Belotenia | buenfuego beluga [/bəˈluː.ɡə/] {noun} (belugas) beluga belvedere [/ˈbɛl.vəˌdɪɹ/ | /ˈbɛl.vɪ.dɪə/] {noun} (belvederes) mirador | belvedere bemoan [/bɪˈmoʊn/ | /bɪˈməʊn/] {verb} (bemoans, bemoaning, bemoaned) lamentar | quejar bemol {noun} (bemols) bemol bemuse [/bɪˈmjuːz/] {verb} (bemuses, bemusing, bemused) desconcertar bemused {adjective, verb} (most bemused, more bemused) confuso bemusement {noun} (bemusements) preocupación bename {verb} (benames, benempt, benamed, benaming) invocar bench [/bɛntʃ/] {noun, verb} (benches, benched, benching) banco | banca | banquillo bench press [/ˈbɛntʃ.pɹɛs/] {noun, verb} (bench presses, bench pressed, bench pressing) banco de prensa | prensa de banco benchmark {noun, verb} (benchmarks, benchmarking, benchmarked) criterio bend [/bɛnd/ | /bɪnd/] {noun, verb} (bends, bending, bended, bent) banda | curva | doblar | curvar | recodo | someter bend down {verb} (bends down, bent down, bending down) agacharse bend over {verb} (bends over, bent over, bending over) agacharse bend sinister {noun} (bends sinister) barra bend the knee {verb} (bends the knee, bent the knee, bending the knee) arrodillar bend the truth {verb} (bends the truth, bent the truth, bending the truth) falsear bendable {adjective} (more bendable, most bendable) articulable | flexible bender [/ˈbɛndə/ | /ˈbɛndɚ/] {interjection, noun} (benders) curvadora | doblador | dobladora bending [/ˈbɛndɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bendings) curvado bendy [/ˈbɛndi/ | /ˈbɪndi/] {adjective, noun} (bendest, bender, bendies) flexible beneath [/bɪˈniːθ/] {adverb, preposition} bajo | abajo Benedict [/ˈbɛnədɪkt/] {properNoun} (Benedicts) Benedicto | Benito | Benicio Benedicta {properNoun} Benita Benedictine {adjective, noun} (Benedictines) benedictino benediction {noun} bendición benefactive case {noun} (benefactive cases) caso benefactivo benefactor [/ˈbɛnəˌfæktɚ/] {noun} bienhechor | benefactor beneficence [/bəˈnɛfɪsəns/] {noun} de beneficencia beneficent [/bəˈnɛf.ə.sənt/] {adjective} (most beneficent, more beneficent) benéfico beneficial [/ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (most beneficial, more beneficial, beneficials) beneficioso beneficiary [/ˌbɛn.ɨˈfɪʃ.ɚ.i/ | /ˌbɛn.ɪˈfɪʃ.əɹ.i/] {adjective, noun} (beneficiaries) beneficiario benefit [/ˈbɛn.ə.fɪt/] {noun, verb} (benefits, benefited, benefitting, benefiting, benefitted) beneficiar | prestación | ventaja | beneficio benefit of the doubt {noun} beneficio de la duda Benelux {properNoun} Benelux Benevento {properNoun} Benevento benevolence [/bəˈnɛvələns/] {noun} benevolencia benevolent [/bəˈnɛvələnt/] {adjective} (most benevolent, more benevolent) benevolente | benévolo benevolent dictator {noun} (benevolent dictators) dictablanda Bengal [/bɛŋˈɡɑl/ | /bɛŋˈɡɔːl/] {noun, properNoun} (Bengals) Bengala Bengal tiger {noun} (Bengal tigers) tigre de Bengala Bengali {adjective, noun} bengalí Benghazi {properNoun} Bengasi | Bengazi benight {verb} (benights, benighted, benighting) oscurecer benign [/bɪˈnaɪn/] {adjective} (most benign, more benign, benignest, benigner) benigno Benin [/bəˈnin/ | /bɛˈnɪn/] {properNoun} Benín Beninese {adjective, noun} (more Beninese, most Beninese, Beninese) beninés | beninesa benison {noun} (benisons) bendición Benjamin [/ˈbɛndʒəmɪn/] {noun, properNoun} (Benjamins) Benjamín bent [/bɛnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (benter, most bent, bentest, more bent, bents) doblado | inclinación | predisposición benthopelagic {adjective, noun} (benthopelagics) bentopelágico benthos [/ˈbɛnθɒs/] {noun} bentos bentonite {noun} bentonita benzene [/ˈbɛnziːn/] {noun} (benzenes) benceno benzo- {prefix} benzo- benzoate {noun} (benzoates) benzoato benzodiazepine [/ˌbɛnzoʊdaɪˈæzɨpiːn/] {noun} (benzodiazepines) benzodiazepina benzofuran {noun} (benzofurans) benzofurano benzoic {adjective} benzoico benzoic acid {noun} ácido benzoico benzoin [/ˈbɛnzəʊɪn/] {noun} benjuí benzol {noun} (benzols) benzol benzoquinone {noun} benzoquinona benzphetamine {noun} benzfetamina benzyl {noun} (benzyls) bencilo benzylic {adjective} bencílico Beowulf [/ˈbeɪoʊwʊlf/] {properNoun} Beowulf beplaster {verb} (beplasters, beplastering, beplastered) cubrir bequeath [/bɪˈkwiːθ/] {verb} (bequeaths, bequethen, bequeathing, bequeathed, bequoth) legar | ceder | conferir | confiar | dar | dejar bequest [/bɪˈkwɛst/] {noun, verb} (bequests, bequesting, bequested) herencia | heredad | testamento berate [/bɪˈɹeɪt/] {verb} (berates, berating, berated) reprender | vituperar Berber {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Berbers) berebere | bereber berceuse [/bɛɹˈsuz/] {noun} (berceuses) canción de cuna bereave [/bɪˈɹiːv/] {verb} (bereaves, bereaved, bereft, bereaving) arrebatar | despojar | desposeer | privar bereavement {noun} duelo | luto bereft [/bəˈɹɛft/] {adjective, verb} privado (de) Berengar [/ˈbɛɹɪŋɡəɹ/] {properNoun} Berenguer | Berengario beret [/bəˈɹeɪ/ | /ˈbɛɹ.eɪ/] {noun} (berets) boina Bergamasco {noun} (Bergamaschi, Bergamascos) pastor bergamasco Bergamo [/ˈbɜːɡəˌməʊ/ | /ˈbɝɡəˌmoʊ/] {properNoun} Bérgamo Bergen {properNoun} Bergen beriberi {noun} (beriberis) beriberi Bering Sea [/ˈbɛɹɪŋ ˈsiː/] {properNoun} mar de Bering Bering Strait {properNoun} estrecho de Bering berkelium [/bɜːɹˈkiːliəm/ | /ˈbɜːɹkliəm/] {noun} berkelio Berkshire [/bəɹkʃəɹ/ | /ˈbɑːkʃə/] {noun, properNoun} (Berkshires) Berkshire Berlin [/bə.ˈlɪn/ | /ˈbɚ.lɪn/ | /ˈbɜː.lɪn/ | [bɚ.ˈlɪn]] {noun, properNoun} Berlín Berlin Wall {noun, properNoun} (Berlin Walls) muro de Berlín Berliner [/bəˈlɪnə/ | /bɚˈlɪnɚ/] {noun} (Berliners) berlinés | berlinesa Berlinese [/bɜː(ɹ).lɪn.iːz/] {noun} (Berlinese) berlina Berlusconism {noun} berlusconismo berm {noun, verb} (berms, berming, bermed) berma Bermuda [/bəˈmjuːdə/ | /bɚˈmjuːdə/] {noun, properNoun} Bermudas Bermuda shorts {noun} bermuda Bermudian {adjective, noun} (Bermudians) bermudeño Bern [/bɛ(ɹ)n/ | /bɜː(ɹ)n/] {properNoun} Berna Bernard [/bəɹˈnɑɹd/ | /ˈbɜːnəd/] {properNoun} Bernardo berry [/ˈbɛɹi/] {noun, verb} (berries, berrying, berried) baya berserk [/bə(ɹ)ˈzɜː(ɹ)k/] {adjective, noun} (more berserk, most berserk, berserks) fuera de control berth [/bɜːθ/ | /bɝθ/] {noun, verb} (berths, berthed, berthing) amarra | atracar | catre | plaza Bertha [/ˈbɜːθə/ | /ˈbɝθə/] {properNoun} Berta Bertram [/ˈbɜːtɹəm/] {properNoun} Beltrán beryl [/ˈbɛɹəl/] {adjective, noun} berilo | berilio beryllium [/bəˈɹɪli.əm/] {noun} berilio beryllium oxide {noun} óxido de berilio Berytian {adjective, noun} (Berytians) beritense Berytus [/bəˈɹaɪtəs/ | /ˈbɛɹətəs/] {properNoun} Berito beseech [/bɪˈsiːt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (beseeches, beseeched, besought, beseeching) suplicar | implorar | rogar beset [/bɪˈsɛt/] {verb} (besets, besetting, beset) asediar | cercar | sitiar beshrew {verb} (beshrews, beshrewing, beshrewed) maldecir beside [/biˈsaɪd/ | /bɪˈsaɪd/] {adverb, preposition} al lado de | cabe beside oneself fuera de sí beside the point {adjective, adverb} no venir a cuento | no venir al caso besides [/bəˈsaɪdz/] {adverb, preposition} aparte de | excepto | además | aparte | de lo contrario | salvo besiege [/bəˈsiːd͡ʒ/] {verb} (besieges, besieged, besieging) asediar | sitiar | asaeteado Beskids [/ˈbɛskɪdz/] {properNoun} Montañas Beskides besmear {verb} (besmears, besmeared, besmearing) ensuciar besmirch [/bɪˈsmɜːtʃ/ | /bɪˈsmɝːtʃ/] {verb} (besmirches, besmirched, besmirching) manchar | empañar | enlodar | macular | mancillar besom [/ˈbiː.zəm/] {noun, verb} (besoms, besomed, besoming) escoba besotted {adjective, verb} (most besotted, more besotted) borracho | ebrio | embelesado | intoxicado bespatter {verb} (bespatters, bespattering, bespattered) calumniar bespeak [/bɪˈspiːk/] {noun, verb} (bespeaks, bespeaking, bespoken, bespoke, bespake) articular bespectacled [/bɪˈspɛktəkəld/] {adjective} (more bespectacled, most bespectacled) anteojudo | gafas | gafotas | gafudo bespoke [/bəˈspoʊk/ | /bɪˈspəʊk/] {adjective, verb} a la medida | a medida Bessarabia {properNoun} Besarabia best [/ˈbɛst/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bests, besting, bested) mejor | aventajar | derrotar | flor | nata | rebasar best friend {noun} (best friends) mejor amiga | mejor amigo best man {noun} (best men) padrino best regards {noun} atentamente | cordialmente best-selling {adjective} éxito bestial [/ˈbɛs.ti.əl/ | /ˈbɛs.tʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (most bestial, more bestial) bestial | animalesco bestiality [/ˈbɛstʃəlˌlɪtɪ/ | /ˌbɛstʃiˈælɪti/] {noun} (bestialities) bestialidad | bestialismo | zoofilia bestiary {noun} (bestiaries) bestiario bestir [/bɪˈstɜː/ | /bɪˈstɝ/] {verb} (bestirs, bestirring, bestirred) animar | animarse bestow [/bɪˈstoʊ/ | /bɪˈstəʊ/] {verb} (bestows, bestowing, bestowed) conferir | acordar | alojar | conceder | dar en matrimonio | depositar bestride [/bəˈstɹaɪd/ | [bɪˈstɹaɪd]] {verb} (bestrides, bestrid, bestrode, bestridden, bestriding) cabalgar bestseller {noun} (bestsellers) superventas | bestseller bet [/ˈbɛt/] {interjection, noun, preposition, verb} (bets, betted, bet, betting) apuesta | apostar beta [/ˈbeɪtə/ | /ˈbiːtə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (betas, betaing, betaed) beta beta blocker [/ˈbeɪ.tə ˈblɔk.ɚ/] {noun} (beta blockers) betabloqueante | beta bloqueador beta wave {noun} (beta waves) onda beta betake [/bɪˈteɪk/] {verb} (betakes, betaken, betaking, betook) desplazarse betatron {noun} (betatrons) betatrón Betawi {noun, properNoun} (Betawi, Betawis) bátavo betel {noun} (betels) betel betel nut {noun} (betel nuts) nuez de areca betel pepper {noun} (betel peppers) betel Betelgeuse [/ˈbiːtəldʒuːz/] {properNoun} Betelgeuse Bethel {properNoun} Bethel Bethesda [/bə.θɛz.də/] {noun, properNoun} (Bethesdas) Betesdá Bethlehem [/ˈbɛθləhɛm/] {noun, properNoun} (Bethlehems) Belén betimes [/bɪˈtaɪmz /] {adverb} al alba betony {noun} (betonies) betónica betray [/bəˈtɹeɪ/] {verb} (betrays, betraying, betrayed) traicionar betrayer {noun} (betrayers) traidor | confidente | delator | oreja betroth [/bəˈtɹoʊð/] {verb} (betroths, betrothing, betrothen, betrothed) matrimonio | prometer betrothal {noun} esponsales | palabra de matrimonio | promesa de matrimonio betrothed [/bɪˈtɹəʊðd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (betrotheds, more betrothed, most betrothed) comprometida | comprometido betta {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bettas) abanderado better [/ˈbɛtə/ | /ˈbɛtəɹ/ | [ˈbeɾə] | [ˈbeʔə] | [ˈbɛtʰə] | [ˈbɛtʰɚ~ˈbɛθ̠ɚ~ˈbɛt̪ɚ] | [ˈbɛɾɚ] | [ˈbɛʔɚ~ˈbɛʔəɾ]] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (betters, bettered, bettering) mejor | mejorar | mejores better half {noun} (better halves) media naranja better late than never {adverb} más vale tarde que nunca | nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena better safe than sorry {proverb} más vale prevenir que curar better the devil you know than the devil you don't know {proverb} más vale diablo conocido que por conocer | más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness {proverb} es mejor encender una sola vela que maldecir a la penumbra betterment {noun} mejora betting [/ˈbɛtɪŋ/ | [ˈbɛɾɪŋ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (bettings) apuesta bettor [/ˈbetə/ | /ˈbɛtə/ | /ˈbɛtɚ/] {noun} (bettors) apostador | apostadora between [/bəˈtwin/ | /bɪˈtwiːn/] {noun, preposition} (betweens) entre between a rock and a hard place entre la espada y la pared between jobs desempleado between Scylla and Charybdis [/bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪlə.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/ | /bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪləɹ.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/] entre Escila y Caribdis | entre la espada y la pared | entre dos fuegos between the hammer and the anvil contra las cuerdas betwixt [/bɪˈtwɪkst/] {preposition} entre bevel [/ˈbɛvəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bevel, most bevel, bevels, bevelled, beveled, bevelling, beveling) afilar beverage [/ˈbevəɹɪdʒ/] {noun} bebida | trago bevor [/ˈbivɚ/ | /ˈbiːvə/] {noun} (bevors) barbote bevy [/ˈbɛvi/] {noun} (bevies) bandada bewail [/bɪˈweɪl/] {verb} (bewails, bewailing, bewailed) lamentar beware [/ˌbiˈwɛəɹ/ | /ˌbəˈwɛəɹ/ | /ˌbɪˈwɛəɹ/] {verb} tener cuidado | ser precavido bewhiskered {adjective} (more bewhiskered, most bewhiskered) barbado Bewick's swan {noun} (Bewick's swans) cisne silbador bewilder [/bɪˈwɪldə(ɹ)/ | /bɪˈwɪldɚ/] {verb} (bewilders, bewildering, bewildered) confundir | desconcertar bewildered [/bəˈwɪldəd/ | /bəˈwɪldɚd/] {adjective, verb} (most bewildered, more bewildered) pasmo bewildering [/bɪˈwɪldəɹɪŋ/ | /bɪˈwɪldɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bewildering, most bewildering, bewilderings) desconcertante bewilderment [/bɪˈwɪldəmənt/ | /bɪˈwɪldəɹmənt/] {noun} (bewilderments) desconcierto | perplejidad bewitch [/bəˈwɪtʃ/] {verb} (bewitches, bewitched, bewitching) hechizar | embrujar bewitched [/bɪˈwɪtʃt/] {adjective, verb} (most bewitched, more bewitched) embrujado | encantado bewitching [/bəˈwɪtʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun} (most bewitching, more bewitching, bewitchings) hechicero bey [/beɪ/ | /bæɪ/] {noun} (beys) bey beyond [/biˈjɑnd/ | /biˈjɒnd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} más allá | más allá de beyond a reasonable doubt más allá de una duda razonable beyond the pale pasar de castaño oscuro | al margen de la sociedad | clamar al cielo | fuera de lugar | inaceptable | insoportable bezant [/ˈbɛzənt/] {noun} (bezants) besante bezel [/ˈbɛz.əl/] {noun} (bezels) amento bezoar [/ˈbi.zɔɹ/ | /ˈbiː.zɔː/] {noun} (bezoars) bezoar bhikkhu [/ˈbɪkuː/] {noun} (bhikkhus) bhikkhu Bhutan [/buːˈtɑːn/] {properNoun} Bután Bhutanese [/bu.təˈniːz/] {adjective, noun} (more Bhutanese, most Bhutanese, Bhutanese) butanés | butanesa bi [/baɪ/ | /biː/] {adjective, noun} (bi) bi bi- [/baɪ-/] {prefix} bi- | bis- | biz- Biafra [/biˈɑfɹə/] {properNoun} Biafra biannual [/baɪˈænjuəl/ | /bʌɪˈanjuːəl/] {adjective, noun} (biannuals) bianual bias [/ˈbaɪəs/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (more bias, most bias, biases, biasses, biased, biassing, biasing, biassed) prejuicio | sesgo | tendencia | inclinación | parcialidad | predilección biased [/ˈbaɪəst/] {adjective, verb} (most biased, more biased) parcial | tendencioso | en declive | inclinado | ladeado | oblicuo biathlon {noun} (biathlons) biatlón bib [/bɪb/] {noun, verb} (bibs, bibbing, bibbed) babero bibimbap {noun} bibimbap Bible [/ˈbaɪbəl/] {noun, properNoun} (Bibles) Biblia bible [/ˈbaɪbəl/] {noun} (bibles) biblia Bible basher {noun} (Bible bashers) chupacirios Bible Belt {properNoun} Cinturón de la Biblia biblical [/ˈbɪblɪkəl/] {adjective} (more biblical, most biblical) bíblico Biblical Hebrew {properNoun} hebreo bíblico | hebreo clásico bibliographic {adjective} (more bibliographic, most bibliographic) bibliográfico bibliography [/bɪbliɒɡɹəfi/] {noun} (bibliographies) bibliografía bibliolatry {noun} (bibliolatries) bibliolatra bibliomancy {noun} (bibliomancies) bibliomancia bibliomania {noun} (bibliomanias) bibliomanía bibliophile {noun} (bibliophiles) bibliófilo | bibliófila bibliophilia {noun} bibliofilia bibliophilism {noun} bibliofilia biblist [/ˈbɪblɪst/] {noun} (biblists) biblista bicameral [/bʌɪˈkaməɹəl/] {adjective} bicameral bicarbonate {noun} (bicarbonates) bicarbonato bicentenary {noun} (bicentenaries) bicentenario bicephalous {adjective} bicéfalo bicephaly [/baɪˈsɛfəli/] {noun} bicefalia biceps [/ˈbaɪ.sɛps/] {noun} (bicepses, biceps) bíceps biceps brachii {noun} (biceps brachii, biceps brachiorum) bíceps braquial bichon [/biʃɔn/] {noun} (bichons) bichón Bichon Frisé [/ˈbiːʃɒn fɹiːˈzeɪ/] {noun} (Bichons Frisés) bichon de pelo rizado bicker [/ˈbɪkə/] {noun, verb} (bickers, bickered, bickering) altercar bickering {noun, verb} (bickerings) riña bickie {noun} (bickies) galletita bicuspid {adjective, noun} (bicuspids) diente premolar bicycle [/ˈbaɪsɪkl̩/] {noun, verb} (bicycles, bicycling, bicycled) bicicleta | bici bicycle helmet {noun} (bicycle helmets) casco de ciclismo bicycle kick {noun, verb} (bicycle kicks, bicycle kicked, bicycle kicking) chilena bicycle lane {noun} (bicycle lanes) ciclovía | bicisenda | carril bici | ciclorruta bicycle path {noun} (bicycle paths) ciclovía | carril bici | sendavía bicycle touring {noun} cicloturismo bid [/bɪd/] {noun, verb} (bids, bidding, bid, bidden, bade, bad) ofrecer | licitación | ofertar | pujar bidder [/ˈbɪdɚ/] {noun} (bidders) postor | postora biddy [/ˈbɪdi/] {noun} (biddies) corto bidet [[bɨˈdeɪ] | [ˈbiːdeɪ]] {noun} (bidets) bidé bidirectional [/ˌbaɪdɪˈɹɛkʃənəl/] {adjective} bidireccional Biella {properNoun} Biella biennale {noun} (biennales) bienal biennial [/baɪˈɛnɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (biennials) bienal | bienio bier [/biɚ/ | /bɪə/] {noun} (biers) catafalco | camilla | angarillas | parihuelas biface {noun} (bifaces) bifaz bifurcate [/baɪˈfɝ.kɪt/ | /ˈbaɪ.fɚˌkeɪt/ | /ˈbʌɪ.fək.eɪt/] {adjective, verb} (bifurcates, bifurcated, bifurcating) bifurcar bifurcation [/ˌbaɪfəˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌbaɪfɚˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} bifurcación big [/bɪɡ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bigs, bigged, bigging, biggest, bigger) grande | adulto | mayor Big Apple {properNoun} Gran Manzana big baby [/bɪɡ ˈbeɪbi/] {noun} (big babies) bebé Big Bad Wolf [/bɪɡ bæd ˈwʊlf/] {noun} (Big Bad Wolves) Lobo feroz Big Bang {properNoun} Big Bang big bang {noun} (big bangs) big bang Big Ben {properNoun} Big Ben Big Brother {properNoun} Gran Hermano big cat {noun} (big cats) felino grande big cheese {noun} (big cheeses) pez gordo | cerote gordo | gerifalte Big Crunch {properNoun} Gran Colapso | Gran Implosión big deal {interjection, noun} (big deals) gran cosa Big Dipper {properNoun} Carro | Cazo big fat [/ˈbɪɡ.fæt/] {adjective} sagrado big fish in a small pond [/bɪɡ ˈfɪʃ ɪn ə smɔl ˈpɑnd/ | /bɪɡ ˈfɪʃ ɪn ə smɔːl ˈpɒnd/] {noun} (big fish in small ponds) más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león big hairy armadillo {noun} (big hairy armadillos) armadillo peludo | quirquincho grande Big Mac [/bɪɡ mæk/] {noun} (Big Macs) Big Mac big mouth {noun} (big mouths) bocazas | hocicón | bocachancla | bocón | hocicona big picture [/bɪɡ ˈpɪk(t)ʃɚ/] {noun} (big pictures) visión general | impresión general | idea general | panorama general | visión de conjunto Big Rip {properNoun} Gran Desgarramiento big screen {noun} (big screens) gran pantalla big toe {noun} (big toes) dedo gordo del pie | hallux bigamist [/ˈbɪɡəmɪst/] {noun} (bigamists) bígamo | bígama bigamy [/ˈbɪɡəmi/] {noun} (bigamies) bigamia Bigfoot [/ˈbɪɡˌfʊt/] {noun, verb} (Bigfoot, Bigfoots, Bigfeet, Bigfooted, Bigfooting) Pie Grande bight [/baɪt/] {noun} (bights) corva | curva | ensenada | lazo | sangradura bigmouth {adjective, noun} (bigmouths) bocaza | hocicón | bocón bigness [/ˈbɪɡnəs/] {noun} (bignesses) grandeza bigorexia {noun} vigorexia bigorexic {adjective, noun} (bigorexics) vigoréxica | vigoréxico bigot [/ˈbɪɡət/] {noun} (bigots) fanático bigoted {adjective} (most bigoted, more bigoted) de miras estrechas bigotry [/ˈbɪɡ.ə.tɹi/] {noun} (bigotries) discriminación bigtime {adjective, adverb, noun} (most bigtime, more bigtime, bigtimes) sagrado bigwig {noun} (bigwigs) pez gordo Bihar [/bɪˈhɑɹ/ | /bɪˈhɑː/ | /bɪˈɦɑːɻ/] {properNoun} Bihar bijection [/baɪ.dʒɛk.ʃən/] {noun} (bijections) biyección bijective {adjective} biyectivo bike [/baɪk/ | [bɐɪk]] {noun, verb} (bikes, biking, biked) bici | moto bike kick chalaca

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