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Оглавлениеcalendario de adviento
Advent Sunday {properNoun} domingo de Adviento Adventism {noun} adventismo Adventist {adjective, noun} (more Adventist, most Adventist, Adventists) adventista adventist adventista adventitious [/ˌæd.vənˈtɪʃ.əs/] {adjective} (more adventitious, most adventitious) adquirido | adventicio | aleatorio | auxiliar | ectópico | exógeno adventual {adjective} (more adventual, most adventual) adventual adventure [/ədˈvɛnt͡ʃə/ | /ədˈvɛnt͡ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (adventures, adventured, adventuring) aventura adventure playground {noun} (adventure playgrounds) parque de aventuras adventurer [/ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ɚ/] {noun} (adventurers) aventurero | aventurera adventuress [/ədˈvɛntʃəɹɪs/] {noun} (adventuresses) aventurera adventurous [/ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ʌs/] {adjective} (most adventurous, more adventurous) arriesgado | aventurado | aventurero | intrépido adventurously {adverb} (most adventurously, more adventurously) arriesgadamente adverb [/ˈæd.vɜːb/ | /ˈæd.vɝb/] {noun, verb} (adverbs, adverbed, adverbing) adverbio adverbial [/ædˈvɝbi.əl/ | /ədˈvɜːbi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most adverbial, more adverbial, adverbials) adverbial adverbial clause {noun} (adverbial clauses) expresión adverbial adverbial participle {noun} (adverbial participles) gerundio adverbial phrase {noun} (adverbial phrases) locución adverbial adverbialization {noun} adverbialización adverbialize {verb} (adverbializes, adverbializing, adverbialized) adverbializar adverbially {adverb} adverbialmente adversarial {adjective} (most adversarial, more adversarial) adverso adversary [/ædˈvɜː.sə.ɹi/ | /ˈæd.və.s(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈæd.və.sɛɹi/ | /ˈæd.vəɹ.sɛɹi/] {noun} (adversaries) adversario | adversaria adversative {adjective, noun} (adversatives) adversativo adverse [/ˈæd.və(ɹ)s/] {adjective} (adverser, adversest) adverso | contrario | desfavorable | opuesto adversely {adverb} (most adversely, more adversely) adversamente adversity [/ædˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/ | /ædˈvɝ.sɪ.ti/] {noun} (adversities) adversidad advert [/ədˈvɜː(ɹ)t/ | /ˈædvɜː(ɹ)t/] {noun, verb} (adverts, adverted, adverting) enviar advertise [/ˈadvə(ɹ)taɪz/ | /ˈædvɚtaɪz/] {verb} (advertises, advertised, advertising) anunciar | hacer publicidad advertisement [/ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ | /ədˈvɝtɪzmənt/ | /ˈædvəˌtʌɪzmənt/ | /ˌædvəˈtɪzmənt/] {noun} publicidad | anuncio | aviso | reclamo | anuncio publicitario | aviso publicitario advertiser {noun} (advertisers) anunciante advertising [/ˈædvə(ɹ)ˌtaɪzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (advertisings) publicidad advertising mail {noun} correo directo advertorial [/ˈæd.vɜːˌtɔːɹ.i.əl/ | /ˌædvɚˈtɔɹi.əl/] {noun} (advertorials) infomercial | publirreportaje advice [/ædˈvaɪs/ | /ədˈvaɪs/] {noun, verb} consejo | aviso advisability [/ædˌvaɪz.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/] {noun} (advisabilities) conveniencia advisable {adjective} (most advisable, more advisable) aconsejable | recomendable | conveniente advise [/ədˈvaɪz/] {verb} (advises, advising, advised) aconsejar | asesorar | notificar advisedly {adverb} (most advisedly, more advisedly) intencionalmente advisor [/ædˈvaɪz.ɚ/] {noun} (advisors) asesor | consejero advisory [/ədˈvaɪzəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (most advisory, more advisory, advisories) consultivo advisory opinion {noun} (advisory opinions) opinión asesora | opinión consultiva advocaat [/ˈadvəkɑː/] {noun} abogado advocacy [/ˈæd.və.kə.si/] {noun} (advocacies) apoyo | defensa advocacy group {noun} (advocacy groups) grupo de interés advocate [/ˈæd.və.keɪt/ | /ˈæd.və.kət/] {noun, verb} (advocates, advocated, advocating) abogado | abogada | abogar | portavoz | recomendar | representante adware {noun} adware | programa publicitario | software publicitario Adygea [/ɑːdɪˈɡeɪ.ə/] {properNoun} Adiguesia Adyghe [/ˈɑː.dɪ.ɡeɪ/] {properNoun} adigué adynamia {noun} adinamia adynaton [/ædəˈnɑtn̩/ | /ædɪˈnɑːtɒn/] {noun} (adynata, adynatons) adynaton adytum [/ˈadətəm/ | /ˈadɪtəm/] {noun} (adyta, adytums) ádyton adze [/ædz/] {noun, verb} (adzes, adzing, adzed) azuela aedile [/ˈiːdaɪl/] {noun} (aediles) edil | regidor Aegean [/iˈdʒi.ən/] {adjective, properNoun} egeo Aegean Sea [/əˈdʒi.ən ˈsi/] {properNoun} mar Egeo | Egeo Aegidius {properNoun} Egidio Aegina [/iˈdʒaɪnə/] {properNoun} Egina aegis [/ˈiːdʒɪs/] {noun} (aegises, aegides) égida Aeneas [/ɪˈniː.əs/] {properNoun} Eneas Aeneid [/ˈiː.ni.ɪd/] {properNoun} (Aeneids) Eneida aeolian {adjective, noun} (more aeolian, most aeolian) eólico Aeolian mode {noun} modo eólico Aeolus [/iˈoʊləs/] {properNoun} Eolo aerate {verb} (aerates, aerating, aerated) airear | gasear aeration {noun} aireación aerial [/eɪˈɪə.ɹɪ.əl/ | /ˈɛɹ.i.əl/ | /ˈɛː.ɹɪ.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more aerial, most aerial, aerials) antena | aéreo aerial cableway {noun} (aerial cableways) funicular aerial yoga {noun} aeroyoga aeriferous {adjective} (most aeriferous, more aeriferous) aerífero aeriform {adjective} aeriforme aerify {verb} (aerifies, aerifying, aerified) orear aero- {prefix} aero- aerobe {noun} (aerobes) aerobio aerobeacon {noun} (aerobeacons) aerofaro aerobic [/ɛˈɹoʊbɪk/] {adjective} aeróbico | aerobio aerobics [/əˈɹoʊbɪks/] {noun} aerobic | aeróbic aerobiology {noun} aerobiología aerobiosis {noun} (aerobioses) aerobiosis aerodrome {noun} (aerodromes) aeródromo aerodynamic {adjective} (more aerodynamic, most aerodynamic) aerodinámico aerodynamical {adjective} (most aerodynamical, more aerodynamical) aerodinámico aerodynamics {noun} aerodinámica aerodynamism {noun} aerodinamismo aerodyne {noun} (aerodynes) aerodino aerogel {noun} aerogel aerogram {noun} (aerograms) aerograma aerography {noun} aerografía aerolite [/ˈɛə.ɹə.laɪt/] {noun} (aerolites) aerolito aerolithic {adjective} aerolítico aerology {noun} (aerologies) aerología aeromancy [/ˈeə.ɹə.mæn.si/] {noun} aeromancia aerometer {noun} (aerometers) aerómetro aeromodeller {noun} (aeromodellers) aeromodelista aeromodelling {noun} aeromodelismo aeronaut [/ˈɛəɹəˌnɔːt/ | /ˈɛɹəˌnɑt/ | /ˈɛɹəˌnɔt/] {noun} (aeronauts) aeronauta aeronautic [/ˌæɹoˈnɔtɪk/] {adjective} (more aeronautic, most aeronautic) aeronáutico aeronautical {adjective} (most aeronautical, more aeronautical) aeronáutico aeronautics {noun} aeronáutica aeronaval {adjective} aeronaval Aeronian {properNoun} Aeroniense aerophobia {noun} aerofobia aerophobic {adjective} (more aerophobic, most aerophobic) aerófobo aerophone {noun} (aerophones) aerófono aeroplane [/ˈeə.ɹə.pleɪn/] {noun, verb} (aeroplanes, aeroplaning, aeroplaned) avión aerosol [/ˈɛəɹəsɒl/ | /ˈɛɹəsɔl/] {noun} (aerosols) aerosol aerosol can {noun} (aerosol cans) lata de aerosol aerospace {adjective, noun} (most aerospace, more aerospace, aerospaces) aeroespacial | aeroespacio aerospatial {adjective} aeroespacial aerostat {noun} (aerostats) aerostato | aeróstato aerostatics {noun} aerostática aerotechnic {adjective} aerotecnia aerotechnics {noun} aerotecnia aerothermal {adjective} aerotérmica | aerotérmico aerotrain {noun} (aerotrains) aerotrén aerugo [/iːˈɹuːɡoʊ/] {noun} cardenillo Aeschylus [/ˈɛs.kə.ləs/] {properNoun} Esquilo Aesculapius [/ˌiːskjʊˈleɪpɪəs/] {properNoun} Esculapio Aesop [/ˈiːsɒp/] {properNoun} Esopo Aesopian [/iːˈsoʊpi.ən/ | /iːˈsəʊpɪən/] {adjective} (more Aesopian, most Aesopian) esópico Aesopic {adjective} (most Aesopic, more Aesopic) esópico Aesopical {adjective} (most Aesopical, more Aesopical) esópico aesthete [/ˈɛs.θiːt/] {noun} (aesthetes) esteta aesthetic [/es.ˈθe.tɪk/ | /ɛs.ˈθɛ.tɪk/ | /ɪs.ˈθe.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more aesthetic, most aesthetic, aesthetics) estético aesthetically {adverb} (most aesthetically, more aesthetically) estéticamente aesthetician {noun} (aestheticians) esteticista aestheticism {noun} esteticismo aesthetics [/ɛsˈθɛt.ɪks/] {noun} estética aestival [/iːˈstʌɪv(ə)l/] {adjective} (more aestival, most aestival) veraniego aestivation [/ˌiːstɪˈveɪʃən/] {noun} estivación aetiologic {adjective} etiológico aetiological {adjective} (more aetiological, most aetiological) etiológico aetiology [/itiˈɑlədʒi/ | /iːtɪˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} (aetiologies) etiología aetiopathogenesis {noun} (aetiopathogeneses) etiopatogenia Aetolia [/iːˈtəʊ.liː.ə/] {properNoun} Etolia Aetolian {adjective, noun} (most Aetolian, more Aetolian, Aetolians) etolio aeviternity {noun} (aeviternities) eviternidad Afar {noun, properNoun} (Afar, Afars) afar afar [/əˈfɑː/ | /ʌˈfaɹ/] {adverb} a lo lejos | lejos affability {noun} (affabilities) afabilidad affable [/ˈæf.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (more affable, most affable) afable | amable | tranquilo affair [/əˈfɛə(ɹ)/ | /əˈfɛə/ | /əˈfɛɹ/] {noun} (affairs) asunto | aventura | amorío | devaneo | escarceo amoroso | lío de faldas affect [/ə.ˈfɛkt/] {noun, verb} (affects, affecting, affected) afectar | fingir | conmover affectable {adjective} (most affectable, more affectable) afectable affectation [/ˌæf.ɛkˈteɪ.ʃən/] {noun} afectación affected [/əˈfɛktɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more affected, most affected, affecteds) afectado | aquejado affecting [/əˈfɛktɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more affecting, most affecting) conmovedor affection [/əˈfɛkʃən/] {noun, verb} (affections, affectioning, affectioned) cariño | afecto | apego affectionate [/əˈfɛkʃəneɪt/ | /əˈfɛkʃənət/] {adjective, verb} (more affectionate, most affectionate, affectionates, affectionated, affectionating) afectuoso | cariñoso affectionately [/əˈfɛkʃənətli/] {adverb} (most affectionately, more affectionately) afectuosamente affective [/əˈfɛktɪv/] {adjective} (more affective, most affective) afectivo Affenpinscher {noun} (Affenpinschers) Affenpinscher afference [/ˈæfəɹəns/] {noun} aferencia afferent [/ˈæ.fə.rənt/ | /ˈæ.fɜː.ənt/] {adjective, noun} (afferents) aferente affidavit [/ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt/] {noun} (affidavits) affidávit | declaración jurada affiliate [/əˈfɪl.i.et/ | /əˈfɪl.i.eɪt/] {noun, verb} (affiliates, affiliated, affiliating) afiliar | afiliada | afiliado | asociar | filial affiliation [/əˌfɪliˈeɪʃən/] {noun} afiliación | filiación affine [/əˈfaɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more affine, most affine, affines, affined, affining) afín affine transformation {noun} (affine transformations) transformación afín affinity [/əˈfɪnɪti/] {noun} (affinities) afinidad affirm [/əˈfɜːm/ | /əˈfɝm/] {verb} (affirms, affirming, affirmed) afirmar affirmation [/æfɝˈmeɪʃn/] {noun} afirmación affirmative [/əˈfɜːmətɪv/ | /əˈfɝmətɪv/] {adjective, interjection, noun} (more affirmative, most affirmative, affirmatives) afirmativo | afirmativa | positivo affirmative sentence {noun} (affirmative sentences) frase afirmativa affix [/ə.ˈfɪks/ | /ˈæ.fɪks/] {noun, verb} (affixes, affixed, affixing) afijo | fijar | pegar afflatus [/əˈfleɪtəs/] {noun} (afflatuses) inspiración afflict [/əˈflɪkt/] {verb} (afflicts, afflicted, afflicting) afligir affliction [/əˈflɪkʃən/] {noun} aflicción | quebranto | tribulación afflictive {adjective} (more afflictive, most afflictive) aflictivo affluence [/ˈæf.lu.əns/] {noun} abundancia | afluencia | prosperidad affluent [/æˈfluːənt/ | /ˈæf.lu.ənt/ | /ˈæfluːənt/] {adjective, noun} (most affluent, more affluent, affluents) rico | afluente | adinerado | abundante | ricachón afford [/əˈfo(ː)ɹd/ | /əˈfoəd/ | /əˈfoɹd/ | /əˈfɔːd/] {verb} (affords, affording, afforded) permitirse | costear affordable [/əˈfɔː(ɹ).də.bəl/ | /ʌˈfɔɹdʌbəl/] {adjective} (more affordable, most affordable) asequible | económico affordance {noun} (affordances) ofrecimiento afforest [/əˈfɒɹɪst/ | /əˈfɔɹɪst/] {verb} (afforests, afforesting, afforested) reforestar afforestation {noun} forestación affray [/əˈfɹeɪ/] {noun, verb} (affrays, affrayed, affraying) desorden affreightment {noun} (affreightments) fletamento | flete affricate [/ˈæfɹɪkeɪt/ | /ˈæfɹɪkət/] {noun, verb} (affricates, affricated, affricating) africada affront [/əˈfɹʌnt/] {noun, verb} (affronts, affronting, affronted) afrenta | afrentar | ofender | afrontar | afruenta | baldón Afghan [/ˈæfˌɡæn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Afghans) afgano | afgana Afghan Hound [/ˌæfɡæn ˈhau̯nd/] {noun} (Afghan Hounds) lebrel afgano afghani [/æfˈɡɑːni/] {noun} (afghanis) afgani Afghanistan [/æfˈɡæn.ɪˌstæn/] {properNoun} Afganistán Afghanistani {adjective, noun} (more Afghanistani, most Afghanistani, Afghanistanis) afgana afire [/əˈfaɪə(ɹ)/] {adjective, adverb} (more afire, most afire) ardiendo aflame [/əˈfleɪm/] {adjective} (most aflame, more aflame) llama | llameante afloat [/əˈfloʊt/] {adverb} a flote aflutter [/əˈflʌt.ə/ | /əˈflʌt.ɚ/] {adjective} (most aflutter, more aflutter) agitado afoot [/əˈfʊt/] {adjective, adverb} a pie | en curso | andando | de pie | en pie | marcha aforementioned [/əˈfɔɹˌmɛn.ʃənd/ | /əˈfɔːˌmɛn.ʃənd/] {adjective, noun} antedicho | mencionado | sobredicho | susodicho aforesaid [/əˈfɔɹsɛd/] {adjective} antedicho | sobredicho | susodicho aforetime {adjective, adverb} antes afoul [/əˈfaʊl/] {adverb} (most afoul, more afoul) en conflicto con afraid [/əˈfɹeɪd/] {adjective} (more afraid, most afraid) asustado | con miedo | con susto | con temor | temerse que afresh [/ʌˈfɹɛʃ/] {adverb} (most afresh, more afresh) de nuevo | otra vez Africa [/ˈæf.ɹɪ.kə/] {properNoun} África African [/ˈæf.ɹɪ.kən/] {adjective, noun} (most African, more African, Africans) africano | africana African blue tit {noun} (African blue tits) herrerillo africano | herrerillo canario African crake {noun} (African crakes) guion africano African elephant {noun} (African elephants) elefante africano African lily {noun} (African lilies) agapanto African Union {properNoun} Unión Africana African violet {noun} (African violets) violeta africana African wildcat {noun} (African wildcats) gato del desierto African-American {adjective, noun} (most African-American, more African-American, African-Americans) afroamericano | afroamericana Africanism {noun} africanismo Africanize {verb} (Africanizes, Africanizing, Africanized) africanizar Afrikaans [/ˌɑːfɹɪˈkɑːnz/] {adjective, properNoun} afrikáans | afrikaans Afrikaner {noun} (Afrikaners) afrikáner | bóer afro [/ˈæf.ɹoʊ/] {noun} (afros) afro Afro- [/ˈæfɹoʊ-/] {prefix} afro- Afro-Eurasia [/ˈæf.ɹoʊ.jʊɹˈeɪ.ʒə/] {properNoun} Eurafrasia | Afroeurasia | África-Eurasia afrobeat {noun} afrobeat Afrophobia {noun} afrofobia aft [/æft/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (furthest aft, more aft, most aft, further aft, afts) a popa after [/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈæf.tɚ/] {adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition} después | detrás de | a pesar de | debido a | después de | por after all después de todo | al final after dark {noun} (after darks) después de anochecer after the fact [/ˌæftɚ ðə ˈfækt/ | /ˌɑːftə ðə ˈfækt/] a toro pasado after-party [/ˈæftɚˌpɑɹti/ | /ˈɑːftəpɑːti/] {noun} (after-parties) after afterbirth [/ˈæf.tɚ.bɚθ/] {noun} (afterbirths) alumbramiento afterbrain {noun} (afterbrains) mielencéfalo afterburner {noun} (afterburners) postquemador aftereffect [/ˈæftəɹ.əˌfɛkt/ | /ˈɑːftəɹ.ɪˌfɛkt/] {noun} (aftereffects) efecto secundario afterimage {noun} (afterimages) imagen remanente | imagen residual afterings [/ˈæf.təɹ.ɪŋz/] {noun} hez afterlife [/ˈæftɚˌlaɪf/] {noun} (afterlives) más allá | ultratumba | inframundo | lo de allá | orco | otro mundo aftermarket {noun, verb} (aftermarkets, aftermarketing, aftermarketed) mercado secundario aftermath [/ˈæf.təˌmæθ/ | /ˈæf.tɚˌmæθ/ | /ˈɑːf.təˌmɑːθ/] {noun} (aftermaths) consecuencias | resultados afternoon [/af.təɾˈnʉːn/ | /ˌæf.tɚ.ˈnun/ | /ˌɑːf.tə.ˈnuːn/] {adverb, interjection, noun} (afternoons) tarde afternoon tea {noun} aperitivo aftershave {noun} aftershave aftershock {noun} réplica aftertaste {noun} (aftertastes) regusto | resabio afterthought [/ˈæft.ɚ.θɔt/] {noun, verb} (afterthoughts, afterthoughted, afterthoughting) idea tardía | ocurrencia tardía aftertime [/ˈɑːf.tə.taɪm/] {noun} (aftertimes) futuro afterwards [/ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz/ | /ˈɑːftə.wədz/] {adverb} después | consecuentemente | en seguida again [/əˈɡɛn/ | /əˈɡɪn/] {adverb, preposition} de nuevo | otra vez | nuevamente again and again {adverb} una y otra vez against [/əˈɡeɪnst/ | /əˈɡɛnst/] {conjunction, preposition} contra | en contra | cerca de | en pugna | enfrente | frente against all odds contra todo pronóstico | contra viento y marea against the clock contra el reloj | contra reloj | contrarreloj against the grain [/əˈɡɛnst ðə ɡɹeɪn/] a contracorriente | contramano agalactia {noun} agalactia Agamemnon [/æɡæˈmɛmnɒn/] {properNoun} Agamenón agami [/ˈæɡəmi/] {noun} (agamis) agamí | trompetero aganglionic {adjective} agangliónico agape [/əˈɡeɪp/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (agapae, most agape, more agape) boquiabierto | ágape agar [/ˈeɪ.ɡə/ | /ˈɑˌ.ɡɑɹ/] {noun} agar-agar Agaricus agárico agarwood {noun} agáloco | áloe agate [/ˈæ.ɡət/] {adverb, noun} ágata Agatha [/ˈæɡəθə/] {properNoun} Águeda agave [/əˈɡeɪviː/ | /əˈɡɑːveɪ/] {noun} (agaves) agave | maguey | pita age [/eɪd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (ages, aging, ageing, aged) edad | envejecer | era | época | años | edades age of consent {noun} (ages of consent) edad del consentimiento sexual age of majority {noun} (ages of majority) mayoría de edad age-mate {noun} (age-mates) coetáneo aged [/eɪdʒd/ | /ˈeɪ.dʒɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (furthest aged, more aged, further aged, most aged) anciano | viejo ageless {adjective} (most ageless, more ageless) eterno | siempre joven agency [/ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/] {noun} (agencies) agencia | agency | albedrío | oficina agenda [/əˈdʒɛn.də/] {noun} (agendas) orden del día | agenda | programa agenesis {noun} (ageneses) agenesia agent [/ˈeɪ.dʒənt/] {noun} (agents) agente agent noun {noun} (agent nouns) nombre de agente Agent Orange {properNoun} Agente Naranja aggiornamento [/əˌdʒɔɹnəˈmɛntəʊ/ | /əˌdʒɔːnəˈmɛntəʊ/] {noun} reforma agglomerate [/əˈɡlɒməɹeɪt/ | /əˈɡlɒməɹət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more agglomerate, most agglomerate, agglomerates, agglomerating, agglomerated) aglomerar agglomeration {noun} aglomeración agglutinate {adjective, verb} (agglutinates, agglutinating, agglutinated) pegar agglutination {noun} aglutinación agglutinative [/əˈɡluːtɪnətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most agglutinative, more agglutinative, agglutinatives) aglutinante aggrandize [/əˈɡɹændaɪ̯z/] {verb} (aggrandizes, aggrandizing, aggrandized) aumentar aggrandizement {noun} engrandecimento aggravate [/ˈæɡ.ɹə.veɪ̯t/] {verb} (aggravates, aggravated, aggravating) agravar | empeorar | exasperar | irritar | sublevar aggravation {noun} agravante | agravio aggravative {adjective, noun} (most aggravative, more aggravative, aggravatives) agravante aggregate [/ˈæɡɹɪɡət/ | /ˈæɡɹɪˌɡeɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more aggregate, most aggregate, aggregates, aggregated, aggregating) agregado | conglomerado | conjunto | juntar | sumar | total aggregation [/æɡɹəˈɡeɪʃən/] {noun} (aggregations) agregación aggression [/əˈɡɹɛʃən/] {noun} agresión aggressive [/əˈɡɹɛs.ɪv/] {adjective} (most aggressive, more aggressive) agresivo aggressively {adverb} (more aggressively, most aggressively) agresivamente aggressiveness {noun} (aggressivenesses) agresividad aggressor {noun} (aggressors) agresor | agresora aggrieve [/ʌˈɡɹiv/] {verb} (aggrieves, aggrieved, aggrieving) enojar aggrieved {adjective, verb} (more aggrieved, most aggrieved) herido | ofendido aghast [/əˈɡæst/ | /əˈɡɑːst/] {adjective} (most aghast, more aghast) aterrado | espantado | horrorizado Aghori {properNoun} aghori agile [/ˈæd͡ʒ.aɪl/] {adjective} (most agile, agiler, more agile, agilest) ágil agile gibbon {noun} (agile gibbons) gibón ágil agility [/əˈdʒɪl.ɪ.ti/] {noun} (agilities) agilidad aging [/ˈeɪ.dʒɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most aging, more aging) envejecimiento agio [/ˈæ.dʒoʊ/] {noun} (agios) agio agitate [/ˈæ.dʒɪ.teɪt/] {verb} (agitates, agitated, agitating) agitar | perturbar agitation [/ad͡ʒɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ | /æ.d͡ʒɪˈteɪ.ʃən/] {noun} agitación | desasosiego | inquietud agitator {noun} (agitators) agitador | agitadora Aglaia {properNoun} Aglaya aglycone {noun} (aglycones) aglycona agname {noun} (agnames) agnombre agnate [/ˈæɡneɪt/] {adjective, noun} (more agnate, most agnate, agnates) agnado agnathan [/ˈæɡ.nəθən/] {adjective, noun} (most agnathan, more agnathan, agnathans) agnato agnatic {adjective} (most agnatic, more agnatic) agnaticio agnation {noun} agnación Agnes [/ˈæɡ.nɪs/] {properNoun} Inés agnition {noun} agnición agnolotti [/ˌanjəˈlɒtɪ/ | /ˌænjəˈlɑti/] {noun} añoloti agnomen {noun} (agnomina, agnomens) agnombre | agnomento agnomination {noun} (agnominations) agnominación agnosia [/æɡ.ˈnoʊ.ʒə/] {noun} agnosia agnostic [/aɡˈnɒstɪk/ | /æɡˈnɑstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most agnostic, more agnostic, agnostics) agnóstico | agnóstica agnosticism [/æɡˈnɑstɪsɪzəm/ | /æɡˈnɒstɪsɪzəm/] {noun} agnosticismo agnotology {noun} agnotología ago [/əˈɡoʊ/ | /əˈɡəʊ/] {adjective, adverb, postposition} (most ago, more ago) hace | atrás agog [/əˈɡɑɡ/ | /əˈɡɒɡ/] {adjective, adverb} (most agog, more agog) curioso | ansioso agon [/ˈæ.ɡoʊn/ | /ˈæ.ɡəʊn/] {noun} (agons, agones) batalla agonist {noun} (agonists) agonista agonistic [/aɡəˈnɪstɪk/] {adjective} (most agonistic, more agonistic) agonística agonize {verb} (agonizes, agonized, agonizing) agonizar agonizing {adjective, noun, verb} (most agonizing, more agonizing, agonizings) angustioso | terrible agony [/ˈæ.ɡə.niː/] {noun} (agonies) agonía | angustia agony aunt {noun} (agony aunts) doctora corazón agora [/ˈæ.ɡə.ɹə/ | /ˌæɡ.əˈɹɑː/] {noun} (agorot, agoroth, agorae, agoras) ágora agoraphobia [/ˌæɡəɹəˈfoʊbi.ə/] {noun} (agoraphobias) agorafobia agoraphobic {adjective, noun} (most agoraphobic, more agoraphobic, agoraphobics) agorafóbico agorism [/ˈæ.ɡəˌɹɪzm̩/] {noun} agorismo agouti [/əˈɡuːti/] {noun} (agoutis) agutí | añuje | cotuza | guatusa | jochi colorado | picure Agra {properNoun} Agra agraphia {noun} agrafia agraphic {adjective} (most agraphic, more agraphic) ágrafo agrarian [/əˈɡɹɛ(ə)ɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more agrarian, most agrarian, agrarians) agrario agrarianism {noun} agrarismo agree [/əˈɡɹi/ | /əˈɡɹiː/] {verb} (agrees, agreeing, agreed) estar de acuerdo | concordar | acceder | asentir | coincidir | consensuar agreeable [/əˈɡɹiːəbl/] {adjective, noun} (more agreeable, most agreeable, agreeables) agradable | conforme | dispuesto | lisonjero agreeableness {noun} (agreeablenesses) amabilidad agreeably {adverb} (more agreeably, most agreeably) agradablemente agreed [/ə.ɡɹi.ːd/] {adjective, interjection, verb} (most agreed, more agreed) concordar | de acuerdo agreement [/əˈɡɹiːmənt/] {noun} acuerdo | convenio | contrato | concordancia agreement in principle {noun} (agreements in principle) principio de acuerdo agreer {noun} (agreers) concordante agribusiness [/ˈæɡɹɪˌbɪznəs/] {noun} (agribusinesses) agronegocio agricultural [/ˌæɡɹɪˈkəltjʊəɹəl/ | /ˌæɡɹɪˈkəlt͡ʃəɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (more agricultural, most agricultural, agriculturals) agrícola agriculture [/ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃə/ | /ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃɚ/] {noun} (agricultures) agricultura agriculturist {adjective, noun} (agriculturists) agricultor | agricultora | agrícola agriculturize {verb} (agriculturizes, agriculturizing, agriculturized) agriculturizar Agrigento [/ˌæɡɹɪˈd͡ʒɛntəʊ/] {properNoun} Agrigento agrimi {noun} (agrimis) kri-kri agrimony [/ˈæɡ.ɹɪ.mən.i/ | /ˈæɡ.ɹɪˌmoʊ.ni/] {noun} (agrimonies) agrimonia agritourism {noun} agroturismo agro- {prefix} agro- agro-environmental {adjective} agroambiental agrobiology {noun} agrobiología agrobiotechnology {noun} (agrobiotechnologies) agrobiotecnología agrochemistry {noun} agroquímica agroclimatic {adjective} agroclimático agroecological {adjective} agroecológico agroecology {noun} (agroecologies) agroecología agrofuel {noun} (agrofuels) agrocombustible agroindustry {noun} (agroindustries) agroindustria agrology [/əˈɡɹɑlədʒi/ | /əˈɡɹɒlədʒi/] {noun} agrología agronomic {adjective} agronómico agronomist [/əˈɡɹɑːnəmɪst/ | /əˈɡɹɒnəmɪst/] {noun} (agronomists) agrónomo agronomy [/əˈɡɹɑːnəmi/ | /əˈɡɹɒnəmi/] {noun} (agronomies) agronomía agrotechnical {adjective} (more agrotechnical, most agrotechnical) agrotécnico aground [/əˈɡɹaʊnd/] {adjective, adverb} encallado | varado Aguascalientes {properNoun} Aguascalientes ague [/ˈeɪ.ɡju/] {noun, verb} (agues, agued, aguing) escalofrío | fiebre intermitente ah [/ɑː/] {interjection, noun, particle, pronoun, verb} (ahs, ahing, ahed) ja aha [/ɑːhɑː/ | [ɑˈhɑ]] {interjection} ajá aha moment {noun} (aha moments) iluminación Ahasuerus [/əˈhæz.wə.ɹəs/] {properNoun} Asuero ahead [/əˈhɛd/] {adverb} adelante | al frente de | delante de ahead of {preposition} ante ahead of time temprano ahistorical [/ˌeɪhɪˈstɔɹɪkəl/] {adjective} (most ahistorical, more ahistorical) ahistórico ahistoricism {noun} ahistoricismo Ahriman {properNoun} Ahrimán Ahura Mazda {properNoun} Ahura Mazda | Ahura-Mazda aid [/eɪd/] {noun, verb} (aids, aiding, aided) ayuda | auxilio | ayudar | asistente | ayudante | recurso aid worker {noun} (aid workers) espontánea Aida {properNoun} Aída aide-de-camp [/ˌeɪd dɪ ˈkæmp/] {noun} (aides-de-camp) edecán aide-mémoire [/ˌeɪd.mɛmˈwɑː/] {noun} (aide-mémoires) pro memoria Aidi {noun} (Aidis) perro de montaña del Atlas AIDS [/eɪdz/] {noun} SIDA | sida aiglet [/ˈeɪ.ɡlɛt/] {noun} (aiglets) acetato | herrete aiguillette [/ˌeɪɡwɪˈlɛt/] {noun} (aiguillettes) cordón | cordón militar aikido [/aɪˈkiːdəʊ/] {noun} aikido ail [/eɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (ailer, most ail, more ail, ailest, ails, ailed, ailing) adolecer | afligir | aquejar | enfermedad | padecer ailanthus [/ˌeɪˈlænθəs/ | /ˌeɪˈlænθəsɪz/] {noun} (ailanthuses) ailanto aileron [/ˈeɪlərɒn/] {noun} (ailerons) alerón ailing [/ˈeɪ.lɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most ailing, more ailing, ailings) enfermo | achacoso | enfermito ailment [/ˈeɪlmənt/] {noun} (ailments) enfermedad | achaque | alifafe | dolencia ailuro- [/aɪˈljʊəɹə-/ | /aɪˈlʊɹə-/] {prefix} aeluro- | ailuro- | eluro- ailurophobia [/aɪˌlʊɹəˈfoʊbi.ə/ | /ˌaɪljʊəɹəˈfəʊbɪ.ə/] {noun} (ailurophobias) ailurofobia | aelurofobia | elurofobia aim [/eɪm/] {noun, verb} (aims, aimed, aiming) apuntar | objetivo | dirigir | intención | lazar | pretender aimlessly {adverb} (most aimlessly, more aimlessly) al azar Ain {properNoun} Ain Ainu {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Ainu) ainu aioli [/(ˌ)aɪˈoʊli/ | /aɪˈəʊlɪ/] {noun} ajiaceite | alioli air [/ˈɛə/ | /ˈɛəɹ/] {noun, verb} (airs, airing, aired) aire | aria | airear | aerar | retransmitir air base {noun} (air bases) base aérea air bed {noun} (air beds) colchón de aire air bubble {noun} (air bubbles) burbuja air commodore {noun} (air commodores) brigadier air conditioner {noun} (air conditioners) aire acondicionado | climatizador | acondicionador de aire air conditioning {noun, verb} aire acondicionado | climatizador air force {noun} (air forces) fuerza aérea air freshener {noun} (air fresheners) ambientador air hole {noun} (air holes) corriente | descendente | espiráculo | región | respiradero air out {verb} (airs out, airing out, aired out) airear air pistol {noun} (air pistols) pistola de aire air pocket {noun} (air pockets) (región de) corriente descendente air pollution {noun} contaminación ambiente air pump {noun} (air pumps) bomba de aire air purifier {noun} (air purifiers) depurador de aire air quote {noun} (air quotes) entre comillas | entre comillas con los dedos air resistance {noun} (air resistances) resistencia aerodinámica air rifle {noun} (air rifles) rifle de aire air show {noun} (air shows) exhibición de vuelo air strike {noun} (air strikes) ataque aéreo air taxi {noun} (air taxis) aerotaxi air ticket {noun} (air tickets) pasaje de avión | pasaje de vuelo | pasaje aéreo air traffic {noun} tráfico aéreo air traffic control {noun} control de tráfico aéreo air traffic controller {noun} (air traffic controllers) controlador de tráfico aéreo | controlador de tránsito aéreo air-condition {verb} (air-conditions, air-conditioned, air-conditioning) climatizar | condicionar con el aire air-raid shelter {noun} (air-raid shelters) refugio antiaéreo | refugio antibombas airan [/ˈaɪ.ɹɑn/] {noun} (airans) ayran airbag {noun} (airbags) airbag | bolsa de aire airboat {noun} (airboats) hidrodeslizador airborne {adjective, noun} (airborne, airbornes) aerotransportado | transportado por el aire | volando airbridge {noun} (airbridges) puente aéreo airbrush {noun, verb} (airbrushes, airbrushed, airbrushing) aerógrafo airbus {noun} (airbuses, airbusses) aerobús aircraft [/ɛə.kɹɑːft/ | /ɛəɹ.kɹæft/] {noun} (aircraft) aeronave aircraft carrier {noun} (aircraft carriers) portaaviones | portaviones aircraft engine {noun} (aircraft engines) motor aeronáutico airfield {noun} (airfields) aeródromo | campo de aviación airfoil {noun} (airfoils) perfil | perfil aerodinámico | perfil alar airhead [/ˈɛɹˌ(h)ɛd/ | /ˈɛːhɛd/] {noun} (airheads) cabeza de chorlito | burro | cabeza hueca | chorlito | estúpido | tontón airlift [/ˈɛə.lɪft/] {noun, verb} (airlifts, airlifting, airlifted) puente aéreo airline {noun} (airlines) aerolínea | compañía aérea airliner {noun} (airliners) avión de pasajeros | avión de línea airlock {noun} (airlocks) cedazo airmail [/ˈɛə.meɪl/] {noun, verb} (airmails, airmailed, airmailing) correo aéreo airman [/ˈeə.mən/] {noun} (airmen) aviador | aviadora airmass {noun} (airmasses) masa de aire airplane [/ˈɛəpleɪn/ | /ˈɛəɹˌpleɪ̯n/] {noun, verb} (airplanes, airplaning, airplaned) avión | aeroplano airport [/ˈɛə.pɔːt/ | /ˈɛɹ.pɔɹt/] {noun} (airports) aeropuerto airscrew {noun} (airscrews) hélice airshaft {noun} (airshafts) conducto de ventilación | foso de ventilación | pozo de ventilación airspace {noun} espacio aéreo airstrip {noun} (airstrips) pista de aterrizaje airtight {adjective} (more airtight, most airtight) hermético airtime {noun} tiempo aire | tiempo en antena | tiempo facturable airwaves {noun} radio | televisión airway {noun} (airways) aerovía airworthiness {noun} aeronavegabilidad | aptitud para volar airworthy {adjective} (more airworthy, airworthest, airworther, most airworthy) apto para volar | navegable airy [/ˈɛəɹ.i/] {adjective} (airer, airest) airoso aisle [/aɪ̯l/] {noun} (aisles) pasillo | nave | paso aisle seat {noun} (aisle seats) corredor Aisne {properNoun} Aisne aitch [/eɪtʃ/] {noun} (aitches) hache Ajaccio [/əˈdʒæksɪoʊ/ | /əˈdʒæksɪəʊ/] {properNoun} Ajaccio ajar [/əˈd͡ʒɑɹ/ | /əˈd͡ʒɑː/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (ajars, ajarring, ajarred, most ajar, more ajar) entornado | entreabierto Ajax [/ˈeɪ.dʒæks/] {properNoun} (Ajaxes) Áyax AKA {adverb} alias | también conocida como | también conocido como akaganéite {noun} (akaganéites) acaganeita Akan {adjective, properNoun} acano | akan akashic {adjective} akásico akee [/ˈækiː/] {noun} (akees) akí Akhenaten [/ˌækəˈnɑːtən/] {properNoun} Akenatón akimbo [/əˈkɪm.bo͡ʊ/ | /əˈkɪm.bəʊ/] {adjective, adverb} con los brazos en jarras | en jarras akin [/əˈkɪn/ | /ʌˈkɪn/] {adjective} (most akin, more akin) semejante | emparentado | similar akinete {noun} (akinetes) acineto Akkadian [/əˈkeɪ.di.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Akkadians) acadio Aksai Chin {properNoun} Aksai Chin Akureyri {properNoun} Akureyri al fresco {adjective, adverb} al aire libre | al fresco Al Jazeera [/æl dʒəˈziːɹə/] {properNoun} Al-Yazira Al-Andalus {properNoun} al-Ándalus al-Qaeda [/æl ˈkaɪdə/ | /ɒl ˈkaɪdə/] {properNoun} Al Qaida Alabama [/ˌæ.lə.ˈbæ.mə/] {properNoun} Alabama alabandite {noun} (alabandites) alabandina alabaster [/ˈæl.əˌbæs.tɚ/ | /ˈæl.əˌbɑːs.tə/] {adjective, noun} (alabasters) alabastro Alacaluf alacalufe alack [/əˈlæk/] {interjection} ay alacrity [[əˈlækɹɨti]] {noun} (alacrities) alacridad | presteza | prontitud Aladdin {properNoun} Aladino Alamo [/ˈæləˌmoʊ/ | /ˈæləˌməʊ/] {properNoun} Álamo Alan [/ˈæl.ən/] {noun, properNoun} (Alans, Alani) Alano | Alán | alano Aland {properNoun} Åland Alania {properNoun} Alania Alanic [/əˈleɪnɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Alanic, most Alanic) alano alanine {noun} (alanines) alanina alar {adjective} alado Alaric {properNoun} (Alarics) Alarico alarm [/əˈlɑɹm/ | /əˈlɑːm/] {noun, verb} (alarms, alarmed, alarming) alarma | despertador | rebato | tocar a rebato alarm clock {noun} (alarm clocks) despertador alarming [/ə.ˈlɑɹm.ɪŋ/ | /ə.ˈlɑːm.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more alarming, most alarming) alarmante alarmism {noun} (alarmisms) alarmismo alarmist [/əˈlɑɹmɪst/] {adjective, noun} (alarmists) alarmista alas [/ɘˈlɛs/ | /əˈlæs/] {interjection, noun} (alasses, alases) ay | aj | ay de mí | aymé | guay | heu Alaska [/əˈlæs.kə/] {noun, properNoun} (Alaskas) Alaska Alaskan [/əˈlæskən/] {adjective, noun} (most Alaskan, more Alaskan, Alaskans) alaskeño | alasqueño Alaskan Malamute {noun} (Alaskan Malamutes) malamute de Alaska Alaskar lascar alaunt {noun} (alaunts) alano alb [/alb/ | /ælb/] {noun} (albs) alba Albacete {properNoun} Albacete albacore [/ˈæl.bə.kɔɹ/] {noun} (albacores) abacora Alban {adjective, properNoun} Albano Albania [/ælˈbeɪ.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Albania Albanian [/ælˈbeɪ.ni.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Albanian, most Albanian, Albanians) albanés | albanesa Albany {properNoun} Albany albatross [/ˈæl.bəˌtɹɑs/ | /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɒs/ | /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɔs/] {noun} (albatrosses, albatross) albatros albatross around one's neck {noun} masa albedo [/ælˈbi.doʊ/] {noun} (albedoes, albedos) albedo | albédine albeit [/ɔlˈbi.ət/ | /ɔːlˈbiː.ɪt/] {conjunction} aunque | si bien | no obstante Albert [/ˈæl.bɚt/] {noun, properNoun} (Alberts) Alberto Alberta [/ˌælˈbɜː(ɹ).tə/] {properNoun} Alberta Albin {properNoun} Albino albinism [/ˈælbəˌnɪzəm/] {noun} albinismo albino [/alˈbiːnoː/ | /ælˈbaɪnoʊ/ | /ælˈbiːnəʊ/] {adjective, noun} (albinos, albinoes) albino | albina Albion [/ˈælbi.ən/ | /ˈælbɪən/] {properNoun} Albión Albireo {properNoun} Albireo albite {noun} (albites) albita album [/ˈælbəm/] {noun} (alba, albums) álbum albumen [/ˈalbjʊmɪn/ | /ˈælbjʊmən/] {noun} (albumina, albumens) clara | albumen albumin [/æl.ˈbjuː.mən/ | /ˈalbjʊmɪn/] {noun} albúmina albuminous [/ælˈbjuː.mɪn.əs/] {adjective} albuminoso albuminuria {noun} albuminuria Albuquerque [/ˈæl.bə.ˌkəɹ.ki/] {properNoun} Albuquerque Alcaic [/ælˈkeɪɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most Alcaic, more Alcaic, Alcaics) alcaico Alcalá de Henares {properNoun} Alcalá de Henares alcaptonuria {noun} alcaptonuria alcarraza {noun} (alcarrazas) alcarraza alcazar [/ˌalkəˈzɑː/ | /ˌælkəˈzɑɹ/] {noun} (alcazars) alcázar alchemical {adjective} alquímico alchemist [/ˈæl.kə.mɪst/] {noun} (alchemists) alquimista alchemy [/ˈælkəmi/] {noun} (alchemies) alquimia Alcibiades [/ˌælsəˈbaɪədiz/] {properNoun} Alcibíades Alcmene [/ælkˈmiːni/] {properNoun} Alcmena alcohol [/ˈæl.kə.hɒl/ | /ˈæl.kə.hɔl/ | /ˈɑl.kə.hɔl/] {noun} alcohol alcohol-free {adjective} sin alcohol alcoholaemia {noun} (alcoholaemias) alcoholemia alcoholic [/ˌælkəˈhɑlɪk/ | /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk/ | /ˌælkəˈhɔlɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more alcoholic, most alcoholic, alcoholics) alcohólico | alcohólica Alcoholics Anonymous {properNoun} Alcohólicos Anónimos alcoholism [/ˈælkə(ˌ)hɔlˌɪzəm/ | /ˈælkəhɒlˌɪzəm/] {noun} (alcoholisms) alcoholismo alcoholometer {noun} (alcoholometers) alcoholímetro | alcohómetro alcoholometry {noun} alcoholimetría Alcorcón {properNoun} Alcorcón alcove [/ˈæl.kəʊv/] {noun} (alcoves) hornacina | hueco | nicho Alcubierre {properNoun} Alcubierre aldaric acid {noun} (aldaric acids) ácido aldárico Aldebaran [/alˈdɛbəɹən/] {properNoun} Aldebarán aldehyde [/ˈæl.dɨ.haɪd/] {noun} (aldehydes) aldehído alder [/ˈɑldɚ/ | /ˈɔldɚ/ | /ˈɔːldə/] {noun} (alders) aliso alderman {noun} (aldermen) concejal | regidor alditol {noun} (alditols) alditol aldolase {noun} (aldolases) aldolasa aldonic {adjective} (most aldonic, more aldonic) aldónico aldonic acid {noun} (aldonic acids) ácido aldónico aldopentose {noun} (aldopentoses) aldopentosa aldose {noun} (aldoses) aldosa aldosterone {noun} (aldosterones) aldosterona ale [/eɪl/] {noun} ale | cerveza ale | cerveza inglesa aleatory [/ˈeɪ.lɪ.ə.tə.ɹi/ | /ˈæ.lɪ.ə.tɔ.ɹi/] {adjective} aleatorio alectoromancy {noun} alectomancia alectryomancy {noun} alectomancia Alectryon {properNoun} Alectrión Alemannic [/ˌælɪˈmænɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Alemannic, most Alemannic) alemánico | alamán alembic [/əˈlɛmbɪk/] {noun} (alembics) alambique aleph {noun} (alephs) álef Aleppine {adjective, noun} (Aleppines) alepina Aleppo [/əˈlɛpoʊ/ | /əˈlɛpəʊ/] {properNoun} Alepo alerion {noun} (alerions) águila alert [/əˈlɜːt/ | /əˈlɝt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (alerts, alerted, alerting, most alert, more alert) alarma | alerto | alerta | alertar | vigilante alertness [/əˈlɝt.nəs/] {noun} (alertnesses) vigilancia Alessandria {properNoun} Alejandría Aleutian [/ˌæ.liːˈuːʃən/] {adjective, noun} (Aleutians) aleutiana | aleutiano Aleutian Islands [/ˌæliːˈuːʃən ˈɑɪlændz/] {properNoun} Islas Aleutianas alevin [/ˈæl.ə.vən/] {noun} (alevins) alevín Alevism {noun} alevís alewife [/ˈeɪlwʌɪf/ | /ˈeɪlˌwaɪf/] {noun} (alewives) cervecera | pinchagua | tabernera Alexander [/ˌæ.lɨɡˈzæn.dɚ/ | /ˌæ.lɨɡˈzɑːn.də/ | [ˌæ.lɨɡˈzeən.də] | [ˌæ.lɨɡˈzeən.dɚ]] {noun, properNoun} (Alexanders) Alejandro | Alexandro Alexander the Great {properNoun} Alejandro Magno Alexandra {properNoun} Alejandra Alexandria [/æləkˈzændɹi.ə/] {properNoun} Alejandría | Alejandra Alexandrian [/æ.lɛksˈzæn.dɹi.ən/ | /æl.ɛɡˈzæn.dɹiː.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Alexandrian, most Alexandrian, Alexandrians) alejandrino Alexandrian Wicca {properNoun} wicca alexandriana alexandrine {noun} (alexandrines) alejandrino alexandrite [/ˌæl.ɪɡ.ˈzæn.dɹaɪt/] {noun} alejandrita Alexandroupoli {properNoun} Alejandrópolis Alexia {properNoun} Aleja alexia [/ə.ˈlɛk.si.ə/] {noun} alexia Alexis {properNoun} (Alexises) Aleja alexithymia [/ˌeɪ.lɛk.səˈθaɪ.mi.ə/] {noun} alexitimia Alexius {properNoun} Alejo | Alexis alfa {noun} (alfas) Adán alfalfa [/ælˈfælfə/] {noun} alfalfa alfaqui [/alfəˈkiː/] {noun} (alfaquis) alfaquí alfiz {noun} alfiz Alfonsine {adjective} alfonsino alfonsino {noun} (alfonsinos) emperador Alfonso {properNoun} Alfonso Alfred {properNoun} Alfredo Alfreda {properNoun} Alfreda alfresco [/æl.ˈfɹɛs.koʊ/] {adjective, adverb} al aire libre Alfvén wave {noun} (Alfvén waves) onda de Alfvén alga [/ˈæl.ɡə/] {noun} (algae) alga algae [/ˈæl.dʒi/] {noun} (algaes) alga algal bloom {noun} proliferación de algas algebra [/ˈæl.dʒɪ.bɹə/] {noun} álgebra algebraic [/ˌældʒɪˈbɹeɪɪk/] {adjective} (more algebraic, most algebraic) algebraico | algébrico algebraic equation {noun} (algebraic equations) ecuación algebraica algebraic geometry {noun} (algebraic geometries) geometría algebraica algebraic integer {noun} (algebraic integers) número entero algebraico algebraical {adjective} (more algebraical, most algebraical) algebraico algebraically {adverb} (more algebraically, most algebraically) algebraicamente algebraically closed {adjective} algebraicamente cerrado algebraist {noun} (algebraists) algebrista Algeciras {properNoun} Algeciras Algeria [/ælˈdʒɪəɹi.ə/] {properNoun} Argelia Algerian [/ælˈdʒɪɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Algerian, more Algerian, Algerians) argelino | argelina Algerian Arabic {properNoun} árabe argelino Algherese {adjective, properNoun} (more Algherese, most Algherese) alguerés Alghero [/alˈɡɛəɹəʊ/ | /ɑlˈɡɛɹoʊ/] {properNoun} Alguer Algic {properNoun} álgico algid [/ˈæl.dʒɪd/] {adjective} (most algid, more algid) álgido algidity {noun} algidez Algiers [/ælˈdʒɪəz/ | /ælˈdʒɪɹz/] {properNoun} Argel alginate {noun} (alginates) alginato algolagnia [/alɡə(ʊ)ˈlaɡnɪə/] {noun} algolagnia algologist {noun} (algologists) algólogo algology {noun} algología | ficología algometry {noun} algometría algophilia {noun} (algophilias) algofilia | masoquismo algorithm [/ˈælɡəɹɪðəm/ | /ˈælɡəˌɹɪðəm/] {noun} (algorithms) algoritmo algorithmic [/ˌælɡəˈɹɪðmɪk/] {adjective} algorítmico algorithmics {noun} algorítmica Alhambra {properNoun} Alhambra alias [/ˈeɪ.li.əs/] {adverb, noun, verb} (aliases, aliasing, aliased) seudónimo | alias | apodo | sobrenombre alibi [/ˈæl.ə.baɪ/] {noun, verb} (alibis, alibies, alibied, alibiing) coartada Alicante [/ˌælɪˈkænti/ | /ˌɑləˈkɑnteɪ/] {properNoun} Alicante Alice [/ˈæl.ɪs/] {properNoun} Alicia Alice in Wonderland {adjective, noun} (more Alice in Wonderland, most Alice in Wonderland, Alices in Wonderland, Alice in Wonderlands) Alicia en el mundo de maravillas alidade [/ˈæ.lɪ.deɪd/] {noun} (alidades) alidada alien [/ˈeɪ.li.ən/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most alien, more alien, aliens, aliened, aliening) extraterrestre | alienígena | extranjero | extranjera | ajeno | desconocida alienate [/ˈeɪ.li.ə.neɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (alienates, alienated, alienating) alienar | enajenar alienated {adjective, verb} (most alienated, more alienated) alienado alienation [[ˌeɪli.əˈneɪʃən]] {noun} (alienations) alienación alienist [/ˈeɪ.lɪ.ən.ɪst/] {noun} (alienists) alienista aliferous {adjective} (more aliferous, most aliferous) alífero aligator clip perro aligerous {adjective} alígero alight [/əˈlaɪt/] {adjective, verb} (alights, alighted, alighting, alit) bajarse | apearse | aterrizar | posarse alighting {noun, verb} (alightings) acuatizaje align [/əˈlaɪn/] {verb} (aligns, aligning, aligned) alinear | ingresar aligned [/əˈlaɪnd/] {adjective, verb} (most aligned, more aligned) alineado alignment [[əˈɫaɪnmənt]] {noun} alineación | alineamiento aligot [/æ.li.ɡoʊ/] {noun} aligot alike [/əˈlaɪk/] {adjective, adverb} (most alike, more alike) semejante | parecido | igualmente | igual alimentary [/ˈa.lɪ.mən.təɹ.i/] {adjective} (most alimentary, more alimentary) alimentario | alimenticio alimony [/ˈæ.lɪ.moʊ.ni/ | /ˈæ.lɪ.mə.ni/] {noun} (alimonies) alimenticia | pensión aliphatic [/ælɪˈfætɪk/] {adjective, noun} (aliphatics) alifático aliquot [/ˈæ.lɪ.kwɒt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (aliquots, aliquotted, aliquoting, aliquotting, aliquoted) alícuota Alita {properNoun} (Alitas) Alita alive [/əˈlaɪv/] {adjective} (most alive, more alive) vivo | viviente alive and kicking {adjective} vivito y coleando | vivo y coleando aliyah [/əliːˈjɑː/ | /əˈliːjə/] {noun, verb} (aliyahs, aliyahed, aliyahing, aliyos, aliyoth, aliyot) aliyá | aliá aljamiado {noun} aljamiado | aljamía alkali [/ˈæl.kə.laɪ/] {noun} (alkalies, alkalis) álcali alkali metal {noun} (alkali metals) metal alcalino alkalimeter {noun} (alkalimeters) alcalímetro alkalimetry {noun} (alkalimetries) alcalimetría alkaline [/ˈæl.kə.laɪn/ | /ˈæl.kəl.aɪn/] {adjective, noun} (most alkaline, more alkaline, alkalines) alcalino alkaline earth metal {noun} (alkaline earth metals) metal alcalinotérreo alkalinity {noun} (alkalinities) alcalinidad alkaloid [/ˈæl.kə.lɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (most alkaloid, more alkaloid, alkaloids) alcaloide alkalosis [/æl.kəˈləʊ̯sɪs/] {noun} (alkaloses) alcalosis alkane [/ˈæl.keɪn/] {noun} (alkanes) alcano alkaptonuria [/ælˌkæptəˈnʊəɹɪə/] {noun} alcaptonuria alkene {noun} (alkenes) alqueno alkoxide {noun} (alkoxides) alcóxido alkyl {noun} (alkyls) alquilo alkyne {noun} (alkynes) alquino all [/ɑl/ | /ɔl/ | /ɔːl/] {adjective, adverb, conjunction, determiner, noun, pronoun} todos | todas | todo | toda all along {adverb, preposition} desde el inicio | todo el tiempo all and sundry {pronoun} propios y extraños all at once [/ˌɔl ət ˈwʌn(t)s/ | /ˌɔːl ət ˈwʌn(t)s/] {adverb} abrupto all bark and no bite {adjective} mucho ruido y pocas nueces | perro ladrador, poco mordedor all but {adverb} casi all cats are grey in the dark {proverb} de noche todos los gatos son pardos | a la luz de la vela, no hay mujer fea all day {adverb} todo el día all ears {adjective} escucho | todo oídos All Hallows [/ˌɔːl ˈhæləʊz/] {properNoun} Día de Todos los Santos all hands on deck {interjection} todos manos a la obra all hell breaks loose {verb} se arma la gorda | todo se fue al demonio all in a day's work {adjective} gajes del oficio | pan nuestro de cada día all in all {adverb, noun} a fin de cuentas all in good time {adverb} a la corta o a la larga, el tiempo todo lo alcanza all kidding aside {adverb} bromas aparte | en serio | fuera de joda all night {adverb} entero all of {adverb} solamente all of a sudden [/ˌɔl əv ə ˈsʌdən/] {adverb} de golpe | de repente | al primer envite | de buenas a primeras | de golpe y porrazo | de pronto all over {adverb, preposition} dondequiera all over the place desperdigado | patrón all right [/ˌɔːlˈɹaɪt/] {adjective, adverb, interjection} de acuerdo | okey | vale | 'tá | bien | dale all rights reserved {phraseologicalUnit} reservados todos los derechos | todos los derechos reservados all roads lead to Rome {proverb} todos los caminos llevan a Roma | todos los caminos conducen a Roma All Saints' Day {properNoun} Día de Todos los Santos all smiles {adjective} todo sonrisa All Souls' Day {properNoun} Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos | Día de Muertos | Día de los Difuntos all talk and no action {noun} mucho ruido y pocas nueces | mucho hablar y poco hacer all that glitters is not gold {proverb} no es oro todo lo que reluce | no todo lo que brilla es oro all the more {adverb} más, si cabe | máxime all the same {adverb} sin embargo all the tea in China {noun} todo el oro en el mundo all the time {adverb} todo el tiempo all there {adjective} imbécil all things being equal {adverb} en igualdad de circunstancias | permaneciendo invariables los demás datos | si todo sigue igual | siempre que las demás condiciones no varíen | siendo todo lo demás igual all thumbs {adjective} torpe all wet {adjective} desafinada all's fair in love and war {proverb} en la guerra y en el amor todo vale all's well that ends well {proverb} bien está lo que bien acaba | a buen fin no hay mal principio | a buen fin no hay mal tiempo all-clear {noun} fin de la alerta all-embracing {adjective} omnímodo all-inclusive {adjective, noun} (all-inclusives) global all-night {adjective} que dura toda la velada all-or-nothing {adjective} todo o nada all-out {adjective, adverb} (more all-out, most all-out) sin cuartel all-over {adjective} absoluto all-powerful {adjective} omnipotente all-purpose {adjective} universal all-terrain {adjective} todoterreno all-you-can-eat {adjective} bufet libre | buffet libre | bufé libre Allah [/əˈlɑː/ | /ˈæ.lə/] {properNoun} Alá allantoid {adjective, noun} (most allantoid, more allantoid, allantoids) alantoideo allantoin {noun} (allantoins) alantoína allantois {noun} (allantoises, allantoides) alantoides allative [/ˈælətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (allatives) alativo allative case {noun} (allative cases) caso alativo allay [/əˈleɪ/] {noun, verb} (allays, allaying, allayed) aquietar | aliviar | calmar | mitigar allegation [/ˌæl.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} (allegations) acusación | alegato allege [/əˈlɛdʒ/] {verb} (alleges, alleging, alleged) alegar | afirmar alleged [/əˈlɛdʒd/] {adjective, verb} supuesto allegedly {adverb} dizque | supuestamente allegiance [/əˈliː.dʒəns/] {noun} lealtad | fidelidad allegoric {adjective} (more allegoric, most allegoric) alegórica allegorical [/ˌæl.ɪˈɡɔɹ.ɪ.kəl/] {adjective} (most allegorical, more allegorical) alegórico allegorically [/æl.əˈɡɒɹ.ɪk.(ə.)li/] {adverb} (most allegorically, more allegorically) alegóricamente allegory [/ˈæl.ɘˌɡoʊɹ.i/] {noun} (allegories) alegoría allele [/əˈ.liː.l/ | /ˈæ.liː.l/] {noun} (alleles) alelo allelopathy {noun} alelopatía alleluia {interjection, noun, verb} (alleluias, alleluiaed, alleluiaing) aleluya Allen key [/ˈælən kiː/] {noun} (Allen keys) llave Allen allene {noun} (allenes) aleno allergen {noun} (allergens) alérgeno allergenic {adjective} alérgeno allergic [/ə.ˈlɜɹ.dʒɪk/ | [ə.ˈlɜː.dʒɪk] | [ə.ˈlɝ.dʒɪk]] {adjective, noun} (more allergic, most allergic, allergics) alérgico allergic rhinitis {noun} rinitis alérgica allergist {noun} (allergists) alergólogo allergologist {noun} (allergologists) alergólogo allergology {noun} (allergologies) alergología allergy [/ˈæl.əɹ.dʒi/ | [ˈæl.ə.dʒi] | [ˈæl.ɚ.dʒi]] {noun} (allergies) alergia alleviate [/əˈli.vi.eɪt/] {verb} (alleviates, alleviating, alleviated) aliviar | mitigar | paliar alleviation [/əˌliːviˈeɪʃən/] {noun} alivio alley [/ˈæ.li/] {noun} (alleys) calleja | callejón | callejuela | pasaje alleyway [/ˈæ.li.weɪ/] {noun} (alleyways) callejón alliance [/əˈlaɪ.əns/] {noun, verb} (alliances, allianced, alliancing) alianza allicin {noun} alicina Allied [/ˈælaɪd/] {adjective} aliado allied [/əˈlaɪd/ | /ˈæl.aɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more allied, most allied) aliado Allier {properNoun} Allier alligator [/ˈæl.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tə/ | /ˈæl.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (alligators, alligatored, alligatoring) aligátor | aligator | caimán alligator pear {noun} (alligator pears) aguacate alliteration [/əˌlɪtəˈɹeɪʃən/] {noun} aliteración allo- {prefix} alo- allocate [/ˈæl.ə.keɪt/] {verb} (allocates, allocating, allocated) asignar | adjudicar allocation {noun} asignación | distribución | reparto allochthonous [/ə.ˈlɒk.θə.nəs/] {adjective} alóctono allodial {adjective, noun} (allodials) alodial allodium {noun} (allodia) alodio allogamy {noun} alogamia allograft {noun, verb} (allografts, allografting, allografted) aloinjerto allomorph [/ˈæl.oʊ.mɔɹf/ | /ˈæl.ə.mɔːf/] {noun} (allomorphs) alomorfo allonge [/əˈlɒnʒ/] {noun, verb} (allonges, allonging, allonged) asaltar allonym {noun} (allonyms) alónimo allopatric {adjective} alopátrico allophone [/ˈaləˌfəʊn/ | /ˈæləˌfoʊn/] {adjective, noun} (more allophone, most allophone, allophones) alófono | alófona allose {noun} alosa allot [/əˈlɑt/ | /əˈlɒt/] {verb} (allots, allotted, allotting) asignar | repartir allotment [/əˈlɔt.mɛnt/] {noun} asignación | reparto allotrope [/ˈæ.lə.tɹəʊp/] {noun} (allotropes) alótropo allotropic {adjective} alotrópico allotropy {noun} (allotropies) alotropía allow [/əˈlaʊ/] {verb} (allows, allowing, allowed) permitir | dejar | conceder allowance [/əˈlaʊəns/] {noun, verb} (allowances, allowanced, allowancing) paga alloy [/əˈlɔɪ/ | /ˈæ.lɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (alloys, alloyed, alloying) aleación | liga allspice {noun} pimienta de Jamaica | pimienta allude [/əˈluːd/] {verb} (alludes, alluding, alluded) aludir | referirse allure [/əˈl(j)ʊɚ/] {noun, verb} (allures, alluring, allured) atractivo | atraer | cautivar | encanto | fascinación alluring [/ɚˈluɚ.ɹɪŋ/ | /ɚˈlʊɚ.ɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most alluring, more alluring, allurings) encantador allusion [/əˈlu.ʒən/] {noun} alusión allusive [/əˈluː.sɪv/] {adjective} (most allusive, more allusive) alusivo alluvial [/əˈluː.vi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (alluvials) aluvial | aluvional alluvial fan {noun} (alluvial fans) abanico aluvial | cono de deyección alluvial plain {noun} (alluvial plains) llanura alivial | llanura de inundación | vega alluvium {noun} (alluviums, alluvia) aluvión ally [/əˈlaɪ/ | /ˈæl.aɪ/ | /ˈæli/] {noun, verb} (allies, allied, allying) aliado | aliarse | unirse en allyl {noun} (allyls) alilo allyl alcohol {noun} alcohol alílico allylic [/əˈlɪlɪk/] {adjective} alílico Alma {properNoun} Alma almagest {noun} (almagests) Almagesto almagra {noun} (almagras) almagre almanac [[ˈɑl.mə.næk] | [ˈɔl.mə.næk] | [ˈɔːl.mə.næk]] {noun} (almanacs) almanaque almandine [/ˈal.mən.dʌɪn/] {noun} almandino | almandina Almaty {properNoun} Almatý Almería [/ˌælməˈɹiː.jə/] {properNoun} Almería Almighty {properNoun} Todopoderoso almighty [/ɔːlˈmaɪti/] {adjective, adverb} (most almighty, more almighty) omnipotente | todopoderoso Almodovarian {adjective} (more Almodovarian, most Almodovarian) almodovariano almogavar {noun} (almogavars) almogávar Almohad {adjective} almohade almond [/ˈɑ(l).mənd/ | /ˈɑː(l).mənd/] {adjective, noun} (most almond, more almond) almendra | almendro almond milk {noun} leche de almendra almond paste {noun} pasta de almendra almond tree {noun} (almond trees) almendro almoner [/ˈæl.mə.nɚ/] {noun} (almoners) cura castrense Almoravid {noun} (Almoravids) almorávide almost [/ɔːl.ˈməʊst/ | /ˈɔl.moʊst/] {adverb, noun} (almosts) casi | por poco almost everywhere {adverb} casi en todas partes almost prime {adjective, noun} (almost primes) casi primo alms [/ɑmz/ | /ɑːmz/] {noun} (alms) limosna | caridad almsgiving {noun} limosna almucantar [/ælməˈkæntə/ | /ælməˈkæntɚ/] {noun} (almucantars) almicantarat almuce {noun} (almuces) almuça aloe [/əˈləʊ.i/ | /ˈæ.loʊ/] {noun} (aloes) áloe | aloe aloe vera [/əˌləʊ.i ˈvɛ.ɹə/ | /ˈæ.loʊ ˈvɛ.ɹə/] {noun} aloe vera aloft [/əˈlɑft/ | /əˈlɒft/ | /əˈlɔft/] {adverb} (most aloft, more aloft) arriba aloin [/ˈæloʊ.ɪn/] {noun} aloína alone [/ɐˈluŋ/ | /əˈloʊn/ | /əˈləʊn/] {adjective, adverb} (most alone, more alone) solo | asolas along [/əˈlɑŋ/ | /əˈlɒŋ/ | /əˈlɔŋ/] {adverb, preposition} a lo largo | a lo largo de | por along with {conjunction} junto con alongside [/ə.lɒŋˈsaɪd/ | /ə.lɔŋˈsaɪd/] {adverb, preposition} al costado | al lado | al lado de | junto a aloof [/əˈluːf/] {adjective, adverb, preposition} (more aloof, most aloof) apartado | reservado | alejado | distante | sin compasión aloofness {noun} (aloofnesses) reserva alopecia [/æloʊˈpiː.ʃ(i)ə/ | /ˌæl.əʊˈpiː.ʃə/] {noun} alopecia alopecic {adjective} (most alopecic, more alopecic) alopécico aloud [/əˈlaʊd/] {adjective, adverb} en voz alta | de viva voz alp {noun} (alps) pasto alpestre alpaca [/ælˈpækə/] {noun} (alpacas, alpaca) alpaca Alpes-de-Haute-Provence {properNoun} Alpes de Alta Provenza Alpes-Maritimes {properNoun} Alpes Marítimos alpha [/ˈælfə/] {adjective, noun} alfa Alpha Centauri {properNoun} Alfa Centauri alpha decay {noun} (alpha decays) decaimiento alfa alpha helix {noun} (alpha helixes, alpha helices) hélice alfa alpha male {noun} (alpha males) macho alfa alpha particle {noun} (alpha particles) partícula alfa alpha radiation {noun} radiación alfa alpha ray {noun} (alpha rays) rayo alfa alpha wave {noun} (alpha waves) onda alfa alphabet [/ˈæl.fə.bɛt/ | /ˈæl.fə.bɪt/] {noun, verb} (alphabets, alphabeted, alphabeting) alfabeto | abecedario alphabetical [/ˌæl.fəˈbɛt.ɪ.kəl/ | /ˌælfəˈbɛtɪkəl/] {adjective} alfabético alphabetical order {noun} (alphabetical orders) orden alfabético alphabetically {adverb} (more alphabetically, most alphabetically) alfabéticamente alphabetisation {noun} alfabetización alphabetism {noun} (alphabetisms) alfabetismo alphabetize {verb} (alphabetizes, alphabetizing, alphabetized) alfabetizar | poner en orden alfabético alphanumeric [/ˌæl.fə.n(j)uːˈmɛ.ɹɪk/] {adjective, noun} (alphanumerics) alfanumérico alphasyllabary {noun} (alphasyllabaries) alfasilabario Alphecca {properNoun} Alphecca alphorn [/ˈalp.hɔːn/] {noun} (alphorns) trompa de los Alpes | alforn Alpine [/ˈæl.paɪn/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Alpine, most Alpine) alpino alpine [/ˈæl.paɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more alpine, most alpine, alpines) alpino alpine chough [/ˈalpaɪn ˈtʃʌf/] {noun} (alpine choughs) chova piquigualda alpine skiing {noun} esquí alpino alpinism [/ˈælpɪnɪzəm/] {noun} (alpinisms) alpinismo alprazolam [/ælˈpɹeɪ.zəʊ.læm/ | /ælˈpɹæz.əˌlæm/] {noun} alprazolam Alps [/ælps/] {properNoun} Alpes already [/ɑlˈɹɛdi/ | /ɔlˈɹɛdi/ | /ɔːlˈɹɛdi/] {adverb} ya alrighty {interjection} belleza Alsace [/ælˈseɪs/] {properNoun} Alsacia Alsatian [/ælˈseɪʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Alsatians) alsaciano also [/ˈɑl.soʊ/ | /ˈɔl.soʊ/ | /ˈɔːl.səʊ/] {adverb} también | además Altai Republic {properNoun} República de Altái Altaic [/ælˈteɪ.ɪk/] {adjective} altaico Altair {properNoun} Altair altar [/ˈɑl.tɚ/ | /ˈɔl.tɚ/ | /ˈɔːl.tə/] {noun} (altars) altar altar boy {noun} (altar boys) monaguillo altarpiece {noun} (altarpieces) retablo Altay {properNoun} Altái alter [/ˈɑl.tɚ/ | /ˈɔl.tɚ/ | /ˈɔːl.tə/] {noun, verb} (alters, altered, altering) alterar | cambiar | modificar alter ego {noun} (alter egos) otro yo | alter ego alterability {noun} (alterabilities) alterabilidad alterable {adjective, noun} (most alterable, more alterable, alterables) alterable alteration [/ɒl.tə(ɹ)ˈeɪ.ʃən/ | /ɔl.tɚˈeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} alteración | cambio | modificación altercate {verb} (altercates, altercated, altercating) altercar altercation [/ɔl.tɚˈkeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} disputa | altercado altered [/ˈɑl.tɚd/ | /ˈɔl.tɚd/ | /ˈɔːl.təd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (altereds) alterado alterity {noun} (alterities) alteridad alternate [/ˈɒl.tə(ɹ)ˌneɪt/ | /ˈɒlˌtɜː(ɹ).nət/ | /ˈɔl.tɚ.neɪt/ | /ˈɔl.tɚ.nət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (alternates, alternating, alternated) alternar | alterno | sustituta | sustituto alternately [/ˈɔl.tɚ.nət.li/ | [ɔːlˈtɜɹnətlɪ]] {adverb} alternativamente | por turno alternating {adjective, verb} alterno | alternante | alternativo alternating current {noun} corriente alterna alternation [/ˈɒl.təˌneɪ.ʃən/ | /ˈɔːl.tɚˌneɪ.ʃən/] {noun} alternancia | rotación alternation of generations {noun} alternancia de generaciones alternative [/ˌɑlˈtɝnəɾɪv/ | /ˌɒlˈtɜːnətɪv/ | /ˌɔlˈtɝnəɾɪv/] {adjective, noun} (alternatives) alternativo | alternativa alternative dispute resolution {noun} alternativa de resolución de conflictos alternative fact {noun} (alternative facts) verdad alterna alternative fuel {noun} (alternative fuels) combustible alternativo alternative investment fund {noun} (alternative investment funds) fondo de inversión alternativo alternative medicine {noun} medicina alternativa alternatively {adverb} en lugar de | si no alternator {noun} (alternators) alternador althorn {noun} (althorns) trombón alto although [/ɔlˈðoʊ/ | /ɔːlˈðəʊ/] {conjunction} aunque | a pesar de altimeter {noun} (altimeters) altímetro altimetric {adjective} altimétrico altitude [/ˈælt.ɪˌtjuːd/ | /ˈælt.ɪˌtuːd/] {noun} altitud | altura altitude sickness {noun} mal de montaña | puna | soroche alto [/ˈæl.toʊ/ | /ˈæl.təʊ/] {noun} (altos) alto | contralto alto saxophone {noun} (alto saxophones) saxofón alto altocumulus {noun} (altocumuli) altocúmulo altogether [/ɔl.tuˈɡɛð.ɚ/ | /ɔːl.tʊˈɡɛð.ə(ɹ)/] {adverb} completamente | en general | en suma | totalmente altostratus {noun} (altostrati) altostrato altrose {noun} (altroses) altrosa altruism {noun} altruismo altruist {noun} (altruists) altruista altruistic [/ˌæl.tɹuˈɪs.tɪk/ | /ˌɑl.tɹuˈɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (most altruistic, more altruistic) altruista alum [/ˈæl.əm/] {noun, verb} (alums, aluming, alumed) alumbre | alumbrar alumina [/əˈl(j)uːmɪnə/] {noun} alúmina aluminic {adjective} aluminio aluminite {noun} aluminita aluminium [/əˈluːmɪnəm/ | /ˌæl.(j)uˈmɪn.i.əm/ | /ˌæl.(j)ʊˈmɪn.i.əm/ | /ˌɛl.(j)ɘˈmɘn.jɘm/] {noun} aluminio aluminium foil {noun} (aluminium foils) papel aluminio | papel plata aluminium hydroxide {noun} hidróxido de aluminio aluminium oxide {noun} óxido de aluminio aluminosilicate {noun} (aluminosilicates) aluminosilicato aluminothermy {noun} aluminotermia aluminous {adjective} aluminoso aluminum [/ə.ˈluː.mɨ.nəm/] {noun} aluminio alumna [/əˈlʌmnə/] {noun} alumna | antigua alumna | estudiante | ex alumna alumnus [/əˈlʌmnəs/] {noun} alumno | egresado | exalumno alunite {noun} alunita alveolar [/æl.ˈvi.ə.lɚ/ | /æl.ˈvɪə.lə/] {adjective, noun} (alveolars) alveolar alveolar ridge {noun} (alveolar ridges) cresta alveolar alveolus [/ælˈvi.ələs/ | /ˌælviˈəʊləs/] {noun} (alveoli) alvéolo | alveolo