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Оглавлениеcalving {noun, verb} (calvings) vêlage calving interval intervalle entre mises bas Calvinism {noun} calvinisme Calvinist [/ˈkælvənɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more Calvinist, most Calvinist, Calvinists) calviniste calx [/kælks/] {noun} (calxes, calces) cendre calybium calybion calyculus [/kəˈlɪkjələs/] {noun} (calyculi) bol Calymmian {adjective, properNoun} (more Calymmian, most Calymmian) Calymmien Calypso [/kəˈlɪp.soʊ/ | /kəˈlɪp.səʊ/] {properNoun} Calypso calypso [/kəˈlɪp.soʊ/ | /kəˈlɪp.səʊ/] {noun, verb} (calypsos, calypsoes, calypsoed, calypsoing) calypso calyptolite calyptolite calyptra {noun} (calyptrae, calyptras) calyptre calyx [/ˈkæ.lɪks/] {noun} (calyces, calyxes) calice calzone [/kæltˈsəʊni/ | /kælˈzoʊn/] {noun} (calzones, calzoni) calzone calèche [/kəˈlɛʃ/] {noun} (calèches) calèche Caló {properNoun} calo CAM {noun, properNoun} (CAMs) molécule d’adhérence cellulaire Cam {properNoun} Cam cam [[kæm]] {adverb, noun, verb} (most cam, more cam, cams, camming, cammed) came cama fox renard du Cap camaieu {noun} (camaieux, camaieus) camaïeu camaraderie [/ˌkæməˈɹɑːdəɹi/ | /ˌkɑməˈɹɑdəɹi/] {noun} camaraderie Camargue {properNoun} Camargue camargue camargue Camargue cattle camargue camarilla {noun} (camarillas) camarilla camas {noun} (camas, camases) quamassie camasite kamacite camauro {noun} camauro cambarysu {noun} (cambarysus) cambarysu Camber Camber camber [/ˈkæm.bə/ | /ˈkæm.bɚ/] {noun, verb} (cambers, cambering, cambered) bouge Camberley {properNoun} Camberley Camberwell Beauty morio cambion {noun} (cambions) cambion Camblesforth Camblesforth Cambodia [[kæmˈboʊdi.ə]] {properNoun} Cambodge Cambodian {adjective, noun} Cambodgien | cambodgien Camborne {properNoun} Camborne Cambourne {properNoun} Cambourne Cambrai Cambrai Cambresian Cambrésien Cambrian [/ˈkam.bɹɪ.ən/ | /ˈkeɪm.bɹi.ən/ | /ˈkæm.bɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Cambrian, more Cambrian, Cambrians) Cambrien Cambrian explosion [/ˈkam.bɹɪ.ən ɪkˈspləʊ.ʒən/ | /ˈkæm.bɹi.ən ɛkˈsploʊ.ʒən/] {noun, properNoun} (Cambrian explosions) explosion cambrienne cambric {noun} batiste Cambridge [/ˈkeɪm.bɹɪdʒ/] {properNoun} Cambridge | l'université de Cambridge Cambridgeshire [/ˈkeɪmˌbɹɪdʒ.ʃə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Cambridgeshire Cambus Cambus Cambusbarron Cambusbarron Cambuskenneth Cambuskenneth Cambuslang [/ˈkæmbəsˈlæŋ/] {properNoun} Cambuslang Cambyses {properNoun} Cambyse camcorder [/ˈkæmˌkɔɹdɚ/] {noun, verb} (camcorders, camcordering, camcordered) caméra vidéo | caméscope Camden [/ˈkæmdən/] {properNoun} Camden came [/keɪm/] {noun, preposition, verb} (cames) plomb camel [/ˈkæməl/] {adjective, noun} (camels) chameau camel driver {noun} (camel drivers) chamelier | chamelière camel fucker bougnoule camel jockey {noun} (camel jockeys) bougnoule camel meat {noun} viande de chameau | viande caméline camel pox variole du dromadaire camel rider {noun} (camel riders) chamelier | chamelière camel spider {noun} (camel spiders) solifuge CamelCase {noun} CamelCase cameleer {noun} (cameleers) chamelier | chamelière Cameley Cameley Camelford {properNoun} Camelford camelina {noun} cameline Camellia Camélia camellia [/kəˈmiːlɪ.ə/ | /kəˈmɛlɪ.ə/] {noun} (camellias) camélia Camelon {properNoun} Camelon camelopard [/kəˈmɛ.lə.pɑɹd/ | /ˈkæ.mə.lə.pɑːd/] {noun} (camelopards) camélopard Camelopardalis {properNoun} Girafe camelpox {noun} variole du dromadaire camelthorn tree acacia à girafe cameltoe {noun, verb} (cameltoes, cameltoed, cameltoeing) cameltoe Camembert {properNoun} Camembert camembert [/ˈkæmɒmˌbeə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkæməmˌbeː/] {noun} camembert cameo [/ˈkæm.i.oʊ/ | /ˈkæm.iː.əʊ/] {noun, verb} (cameoes, cameos, cameoing, cameoed) camaïeu | caméo cameo appearance passage éclair cameo star vedette éclair camera [/ˈkæməɹə/] {noun} (cameras) appareil photo | caméra camera obscura [/ˈkam(ə)ɹə əbˌskjʊəɹə/ | /ˈkæm(ə)ɹə əbˌskjʊɹə/] {noun} (camera obscuras, camerae obscurae) chambre noire camera operator cadreur camera phone {noun} (camera phones) photophone camera sheet rapport de tournage cameralism {noun} caméralisme cameraman {noun} (cameramen) caméraman | cadreur camerawoman {noun} (camerawomen) cadreuse camerlengo {noun} (camerlengos) camerlingue Cameron [/ˈkæm(ə)ɹən/] {properNoun} (Camerons) Cameron Cameroon [/kæməˈɹuːn/] {noun, properNoun} (Cameroons) Cameroun Cameroonian {adjective, noun} (Cameroonians) Camerounais | Camerounaise Camerton Camerton Camiguin hanging-parrot coryllis de Camiguin Camilla [/kəˈmɪlə/] {properNoun} (Camillas) Camille camisole [/ˈkamɪsəʊl/] {noun} (camisoles) camisole Caml {properNoun} Caml Cammachmore Cammachmore Cammeringham Cammeringham camomile [/ˈkæ.məˌmaɪl/] {noun} camomille camomile tea {noun} camomille | thé à la camomille Camorra [/kəˈmɒɹə/ | /kəˈmɔɹə/] {properNoun} camorra Camorrist [/kəˈmɒɹɪst/] {noun} (Camorrists) camorriste Camorrista [/ˌkaməˈɹɪstə/ | /ˌkɑməˈɹistə/] {noun} (Camorristas, Camorristi) camorriste camouflage [/ˈkæ.məˌflɑːʒ/] {noun, verb} (camouflages, camouflaging, camouflaged) camouflage | camoufler | déguisement camouflet {noun} (camouflets) camouflet camp [/kæmp/ | [kʰɛəmp]] {adjective, noun, verb} (camps, camped, camping, camper, campest) camp | camper | bivouaquer camp bed {noun} (camp beds) lit de camp | lit pliant campaign [/kæmˈpeɪn/] {noun, verb} (campaigns, campaigning, campaigned) campagne campaigner {noun} (campaigners) campagniste Campania {properNoun} Campanie Campanian {noun, properNoun} (Campanians) Campanien campaniform {adjective} (most campaniform, more campaniform) campaniforme campanist {noun} (campanists) campaniste campanologic {adjective} (most campanologic, more campanologic) campanologique campanology {noun} (campanologies) campanologie campanula {noun} (campanulas) campanule Campari {noun} campari Campbell Park Campbell Park Campbeltown Campbeltown Campeche {properNoun} Campeche camper [/ˈkæmpə(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun} (campers) campeur camper van {noun} (camper vans) auto-caravane campfire {noun} (campfires) feu de camp campground {noun} (campgrounds) camp camphine {noun} camphine camphone {noun} (camphones) photophone camphor [/ˈkæmfə/ | /ˈkæmfɚ/] {noun} camphre camphor tree {noun} (camphor trees) camphrier camphorfume camphorée de Montpellier Campine {noun, properNoun} (Campines) Campine camping [/ˈkæmpɪŋ/] {noun, verb} camping | campisme camping chair {noun} (camping chairs) chaise de camping camping site {noun} (camping sites) camping camping-car autocaravane campion [/ˈkæmpiən/] {noun} (campions) silène Campmuir Campmuir Campobasso {properNoun} Campobasso campodeiform {adjective} (most campodeiform, more campodeiform) campodéiforme Campsey Ash Campsey Ash campsite {noun} (campsites) camping | campement | terrain de camping camptocormia {noun} (camptocormias) camptocormie Campton and Chicksands Campton and Chicksands Camptosaurus Camptosaurus campus [/ˈkæmpəs/] {noun, verb} (campuses, campused, campusing) campus campy [/ˈkæmpi/] {adjective} (camper, campest) quétaine camrecorder caméscope Camrose {properNoun} Camrose camshaft {noun} (camshafts) arbre à cames Camus {properNoun} Camus Camusian {adjective} (more Camusian, most Camusian) camusien Camuston Camuston can [/kən/ | /ˈkæn/] {noun, verb} (cans, canning, canned, can, couth, could) pouvoir | boîte de conserve | bidon | conserver | canette | WC can be joined together jumelable can I buy you a drink {phraseologicalUnit} puis-je vous offrir quelque chose à boire ? can I come in [/kən ˌaɪ kʌm ˈɪn/] {phraseologicalUnit} puis-je entrer? can I use your phone {phraseologicalUnit} puis-je utiliser votre téléphone can it {verb} (cans it, canning it, canned it) se taire can of worms {noun} (cans of worms) sac de nœuds can opener {noun} (can openers) ouvre-boîtes can you help me {phraseologicalUnit} peux-tu m'aider ? | pouvez-vous m'aider ? can't carry a tune in a bucket {verb} chanter comme une casserole can't help {verb} ne pas pouvoir ne pas | ne pouvoir s'empêcher de can't wait {verb} avoir hâte Canaan [/ˈkeɪnən/] {properNoun} Canaan Canaan Dog {noun} (Canaan Dogs) chien de Cannan Canaan dog {noun} (Canaan dogs) chien de Canaan Canaanite [/ˈkeɪnənaɪt/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Canaanite, most Canaanite, Canaanites) Cananéen | cananéen | chananéen Canada [/ˈkænədə/ | [kʰɛənədə]] {noun, properNoun} (Canadas) Canada Canada balsam {noun} baume du Canada Canada goose {noun} (Canada geese) bernache du Canada | outarde Canada lynx {noun} (Canada lynxes) lynx du Canada Canada turpentine {noun} térébenthine du Canada Canada yew if du Canada Canadian [/kə.ˈneɪ.di.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Canadian, most Canadian, Canadians) canadien | Canadien | Canadienne | canadienne | anglais canadien Canadian Armed Forces {properNoun} Forces armées canadiennes Canadian Army Armée canadienne Canadian dollar {noun} (Canadian dollars) dollar canadien Canadian eskimo dog esquimau du Canada Canadian fleabane vergerette du Canada Canadian football {noun} football | football canadien Canadian Football League {properNoun} Ligue canadienne de football Canadian Forces {properNoun} Forces canadiennes Canadian French {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Canadian French, most Canadian French) français du Canada Canadian horseweed vergerette du Canada Canadian Security Intelligence Service {properNoun} Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité Canadian speckle park speckle park Canadian sphynx sphynx Canadian-American canado-américain Canadianism {noun} canadianisme | québécisme Canadianization {noun} canadianisation Canadianize [/kə.ˈneɪ.di.ə.naɪz/] {verb} (Canadianizes, Canadianized, Canadianizing) canadianiser Canadienne cattle canadienne canadiennerie canadiennerie Canado-American {adjective} canado-américain canal [/kəˈnæl/ | /kəˈnɛl/] {noun, verb} (canals, canaling, canaled, canalled, canalling) canal canaliculus [/ˌkænəˈlɪkjələs/] {noun} (canaliculi) canalicule canalise [/kə.ˈnæl.aɪz/] {verb} (canalises, canalising, canalised) canaliser Canals of Hering canal de Herring canape {noun} (canapes) canapé canapé {noun} (canapés) canapé canard [/kəˈnɑɹd/ | /kəˈnɑːd/] {noun} (canards) canard | aileron | avion-canard | moustache | plan canard Canaria canaria Canaria cattle canaria Canarian {adjective, noun} (Canarians) Canarien Canarian Spanish canarien canary [/kəˈnɛəɹi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more canary, most canary, canaries, canarying, canaried) canari | jaune canari canary in a coal mine {noun} (canaries in a coal mine, canaries in coal mines) canari dans une mine de charbon | signe avant-coureur Canary Island Date Palm palmier des Canaries Canary Island spurge euphorbe des Canaries Canary Islands {properNoun} Canaries | îles Canaries Canary Islands dragon tree dragonnier des Canaries Canary islands hound chien de garenne des Canaries canary-winged parakeet toui à ailes variées canasta [/kəˈnæstə/] {noun} (canastas) canasta Canberra [/ˈkænbɹə/ | /ˈkænˌbɛɹə/] {properNoun} Canberra cancan {noun, verb} (cancans, cancanned, cancanning) cancan cancel [/ˈkænsl̩/] {noun, verb} (cancels, cancelling, cancelled, canceling, canceled) annuler | décommander | éliminer | annulation | compenser | mettre fin cancellable {adjective} (most cancellable, more cancellable) résiliable cancellation [/kænsəˈleɪʃən/] {noun} annulation | résiliation | suppression | élimination cancelled {adjective, verb} annulé Cancer [/ˈkænsə/ | /ˈkænsɚ/] {noun, properNoun} (Cancers) Cancer cancer [/ˈkænsə/ | /ˈkænsɚ/ | /ˈkæːnsə/] {noun} cancer cancer jalap raisin d’Amérique cancer stem cell CST cancerization {noun} (cancerizations) cancérisation cancerous [/kænsəɹəs/] {adjective} (more cancerous, most cancerous) cancéreux canchim canchim candareen {noun} (candareens) minute Candaules Candaule candaulism {noun} candaulisme candela [/kænˈdēlə/ | /kænˈdɛlə/] {noun} (candelas) candela | candéla candela per square meter candela par mètre carré candela per square metre candela par mètre carré candelabra {noun} (candelabras) candélabre candelabrum [/kændɪˈleɪbɹəm/ | /kændɪˈlɑːbɹəm/ | /ˌkæn.dl̩ˈɑ.bɹəm/] {noun} (candelabrums, candelabra) candélabre candid [/ˈkæn.dɪd/] {adjective, noun} (candider, candidest, candids) candide | sincère | spontané candid camera {noun} (candid cameras) caméra cachée candidacy {noun} (candidacies) candidature candidate [/ˈkæn.dɪ.deɪt/ | /ˈkæn.dɪdət/ | /ˈkæn.ɪ.dɪt/] {noun, verb} (candidates, candidating, candidated) candidat | candidate candidate gene gène candidat candidate key {noun} (candidate keys) clé candidate candidature {noun} candidature candidiasis [/ˌkændɪˈdaɪəsɪs/] {noun} (candidiases) candidose candidly [/ˈkændɪdli/] {adverb} (most candidly, more candidly) de bonne foi candied [/ˈkæn.diːd/] {adjective, verb} (most candied, more candied) candi candle [/ˈkændəl/] {noun, verb} (candles, candled, candling) bougie | chandelle candle in the wind {noun} (candles in the wind) petite chose fragile candle snuffer {noun} (candle snuffers) éteignoir | mouchette candleholder {noun} (candleholders) chandelier Candlemas [/ˈkæn.dəl.məs/] {noun} (Candlemases) Chandeleur candlenut {noun} (candlenuts) bancoulier candlepower {noun} (candlepowers) bougie candler {noun} (candlers) chandelier Candlesby with Gunby Candlesby with Gunby candlesnuff fungus xylaire du bois candlesnuffer {noun} (candlesnuffers) éteignoir candlestick [/ˈkændəlˌstɪk/] {noun, verb} (candlesticks, candlesticked, candlesticking) chandelier candlestick fungus xylaire du bois candlewick {noun} mèche candor [/ˈkæn.də(ɹ)/ | /ˈkæn.dɚ/] {noun} (candors) candeur candour {noun} (candours) candeur Candovers Candovers candrabindu {noun} (candrabindus) chandrabindu candy [/ˈkændi/] {noun, verb} (candies, candied, candying) bonbon | confire | candir | dragée | sucrerie candy apple {noun} (candy apples) pomme d'amour candy bar {noun} (candy bars) barre chocolatée | barre de chocolat candy box bonbonnière candy cane [/ˈkændi ˌkeɪn/] {noun} (candy canes) canne de Noël | canne de bonbon | sucre d'orge candy factory confiserie candy floss [/ˈkændi ˌflɒs/] {noun} (candy flosses) barbe à papa candy store {noun} (candy stores) confiserie candy-ass {noun} (candy-asses) tarlouze cane [[kʰeɪn]] {noun, verb} (canes, caning, caned) canne | tige | bastonnade | bâtonner | canne blanche cane brake {noun} (cane brakes) cannaie Cane Corso {noun} (Cane Corsos) chien de cour italien cane corso cane corso cane juice vesou cane rat {noun} (cane rats) aulacode cane spider babouk cane sugar {noun} sucre de canne cane toad {noun} (cane toads) crapaud-buffle canebrake rattlesnake crotale des bois canefield {noun} (canefields) cannaie Canela canela canella [/kəˈnɛlə/] {noun} (canellas) cannelier canephora {noun} (canephoras) canéphore canerow tresse africaine Canes Venatici {properNoun} Chiens de chasse Canewdon Canewdon cangue [/kæŋ/] {noun} (cangues) joug Canichana canichana canicross {noun} canicross canid [/ˈkeɪnəd/] {noun} (canids) canidé canine [/ˈkeɪnaɪn/ | /ˈkeɪˌnaɪn/] {adjective, noun} (canines) canin Canine distemper maladie de Carré canine freestyle obé rythmée canine hookworm ankylostome du chien canine tooth {noun} (canine teeth) dent de l'œil | dent œillère Canine unit brigade canine caning [/ˈkeɪnɪŋ/] {noun, verb} bastonnade caninoid {adjective, noun} (more caninoid, most caninoid, caninoids) caninoïde caninus {noun} (canini) muscle élévateur de l’angle de la bouche Canis Major {properNoun} Grand Chien Canis Minor {properNoun} Petit Chien canister [/ˈkænɪstɚ/] {noun, verb} (canisters, canistering, canistered) canister Canje pheasant hoazin canker [/ˈkæŋkə/ | /ˈkæŋkɚ/] {noun, verb} (cankers, cankered, cankering) chancre Cann {properNoun} (Canns) Cann Canna Canna cannabis [/ˈkænəbɪs/] {noun} (cannabises) cannabis Cannae [/ˈkæniː/] {properNoun} Cannes canned [/kænd/] {adjective, verb} boîte | conserve canned laughter {noun} rires en boîte | rires enregistrés canneleur canneleur cannelloni {noun} cannelloni cannery {noun} (canneries) conserverie Cannes [/ˈkæn/] {properNoun} Cannes cannibal [/ˈkænɪbl/] {noun} (cannibals) cannibale cannibalisation {noun} (cannibalisations) cannibalisation cannibalise {verb} (cannibalises, cannibalised, cannibalising) cannibaliser cannibalism {noun} (cannibalisms) cannibalisme cannibalistic [/kan.ɪ.bəˈlɪs.tɪk/ | /kæn.ə.bəˈlɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more cannibalistic, most cannibalistic) cannibale cannibality cannibalisme cannibalization {noun} (cannibalizations) cannibalisation cannibalize {verb} (cannibalizes, cannibalized, cannibalizing) cannibaliser canning [/ˈkænɪŋ/] {noun, verb} mise en boîte | mise en conserve canning factory conserverie Cannington Cannington Cannizzaro reaction {noun} (Cannizzaro reactions) réaction de Cannizzaro Cannock [/ˈkænək/] {properNoun} Cannock Cannock Chase {properNoun} Cannock Chase Cannock Wood Cannock Wood cannoli [/kaˈnəʊlɪ/ | /kəˈnoʊli/ | /k̬ɐˈnɔːlɪ̆/] {noun} (cannoli, cannolis) cannolo cannon [/ˈkæn.ən/] {noun, verb} (cannons, cannon, cannoned, cannoning) canon cannon bone {noun} (cannon bones) canon cannon fodder {noun} chair à canon cannon shot {noun} coup de canon cannonade {noun, verb} (cannonades, cannonading, cannonaded) canonnade cannonball {interjection, noun, verb} (cannonballs, cannonballing, cannonballed) boulet de canon cannoneer {noun} (cannoneers) canonnier cannot [/kəˈnɑt/ | /ˈkæ(n.)nɑt/ | /ˈkænɒt/] {noun, verb} (cannots) ne pas pouvoir cannot but {verb} ne pas pouvoir ne pas cannot help ne pas pouvoir ne pas cannula [/ˈkænjʊlə/] {noun} (cannulæ, cannulae, cannulas) canule cannulated cow vache à hublot canny [/ˈkæni/] {adjective, adverb} (cannest, canner) astucieux | prudent | rusé canoe [/kəˈnuː/] {noun, verb} (canoes, canoeing, canoed) canoë canoe birch {noun} (canoe birches) bouleau à papier canoeist {noun} (canoeists) canoéiste canola oil {noun} huile de canola canon [/ˈkæn.ən/] {noun} (canons) chanoine | canon | gros-canon Canon Frome Canon Frome canon law {noun} droit canon | droit canonique Canon Pyon Canon Pyon Canonbie Canonbie canonic {adjective} (more canonic, most canonic) canonique canonical [/kə.ˈnɒn.ɪ.kl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more canonical, most canonical, canonicals) basique | canonique | orthodoxe canonical basis base canonique canonical form {noun} (canonical forms) forme canonique canonicalise {verb} (canonicalises, canonicalising, canonicalised) canonicaliser canonicalization {noun} (canonicalizations) canonicalisation canonicalize {verb} (canonicalizes, canonicalizing, canonicalized) canonicaliser canonically {adverb} (most canonically, more canonically) canonialement | canoniquement canonisation {noun} canonisation canonise {verb} (canonises, canonised, canonising) canoniser canonization {noun} canonisation canonize [/ˈkænənaɪz/] {verb} (canonizes, canonizing, canonized) canoniser canonry {noun} (canonries) canonicat Canons Ashby Canons Ashby canoodle {noun, verb} (canoodles, canoodled, canoodling) baisoter canope canope canopic {adjective} canope Canopus [/kəˈnoʊpəs/] {noun, properNoun} (Canopuses) Canopus canopy [/ˈkæ.nə.pi/] {noun, verb} (canopies, canopying, canopied) dais | baldaquin | canopée | marquise | toile de parachute | voûte canopy bed {noun} (canopy beds) lit à baldaquin Canso Strait détroit de Canso cant [/kænt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cants, canting, canted) argot | armes parlantes | canter | lamentation | langue de bois Cantabria [/kænˈtæbɹiə/] {properNoun} Cantabrie Cantabrian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Cantabrian, more Cantabrian, Cantabrians) cantabrique Cantabrian Mountains {properNoun} monts Cantabriques Cantabrican morning glory liseron de Biscaye Cantal {noun, properNoun} (Cantals) Cantal | cantal cantal cheese cantal cantalite cantalite cantaloup {noun} (cantaloups) cantaloup cantaloupe [/ˈkæn.tə.loʊp/ | /ˈkæn.tə.luːp/] {noun} (cantaloupes) cantaloup cantankerous [/kænˈtæŋkəɹəs/] {adjective} (more cantankerous, most cantankerous) irritable cantarella cantarelle cantata [/kənˈtɑːtə/] {noun} (cantatas) cantate cantatrice {noun} (cantatrices, cantatrici) cantatrice canteen [/kænˈtiːn/] {noun} (canteens) gourde | cantine | bidon canter [/ˈkæntə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (canters, cantered, cantering) galop Canterbury [/ˈkæntəbəɹi/ | /ˈkæntəbəɹɪ/ | /ˈkɛntɘbɘɹi/] {properNoun} Cantorbéry cantharus {noun} (canthari) canthare canthus [/ˈkænθəs/] {noun} (canthi) canthus canticle {noun} (canticles) cantique cantilever [/ˈkantɪliːvə/] {noun, verb} (cantilevers, cantilevered, cantilevering) porte-à-faux cantillate {verb} (cantillates, cantillating, cantillated) cantiller cantillation [/ˌkæntɪˈleɪʃən/] {noun} cantillation canting arms {noun} armes parlantes cantle [/ˈkantəl/ | /ˈkæntəl/] {noun, verb} (cantles, cantled, cantling) troussequin Cantley {properNoun} (Cantleys) Cantley Cantleyite Cantelois canto [/ˈkæntoʊ/ | /ˈkæntəʊ/] {noun} (cantos) chanson Canton [/ˈkæntən/ | /ˌkænˈtɒn/] {properNoun} Canton | Kouang-toung canton [/ˈkæntn̩/ | /ˈkæntɒn/] {noun, verb} (cantons, cantoned, cantoning) canton Canton River rivière des Perles cantonal {adjective} cantonal Cantonese [/kæn.təˈniːz/] {adjective, noun} (Cantonese) cantonais | cantonaise Cantonese onion ciboule de Chine cantonist {noun} (cantonists) cantoniste cantonization {noun} (cantonizations) cantonisation cantonize {verb} (cantonizes, cantonizing, cantonized) cantoniser Cantopop {noun} cantopop cantor {noun} (cantors) chantre Cantsfield Cantsfield canvas [/ˈkæn.vəs/] {noun, verb} (canvases, canvasses, canvased, canvasing) toile | entoiler | toiler canvasback {noun} (canvasbacks) fuligule à dos blanc canvass {noun, verb} (canvasses, canvassed, canvassing) soliciter Canvey Island {properNoun} Canvey Island Canwick Canwick canyon [/ˈkænjən/] {noun} (canyons) canyon | gorge canyoneering {noun} canyonisme canyoning {noun} canyonisme can’t help ne pas pouvoir ne pas can’t help but ne pas pouvoir ne pas Cao {properNoun} Cao Cao Dai {properNoun} caodaïsme Cao Lan cao lan caoutchouc [/ˈkaʊtʃʊk/] {noun} caoutchouc caoutchouc tree hévéa du Brésil cap [/kæp/] {noun, verb} (caps, capped, capping) casquette | bonnet | bouchon | calotte | capsule | capuchon cap and trade {noun} bourse du carbone cap interest rate taux plafond cap it all couronner le tout cap-and-trade programme dispositif de quotas d’émission cessibles cap-and-trade scheme dispositif de quotas d’émission cessibles cap-and-trade system dispositif de quotas d’émission cessibles capability [/keɪpəˈbɪləti/] {noun} (capabilities) capacité capable [/ˈkeɪpəbl̩/] {adjective} (more capable, most capable) capable capably {adverb} (more capably, most capably) savamment capacious [/kəˈpeɪʃəs/] {adjective} (more capacious, most capacious) spacieux capacitance {noun} capacité électrique capacitate {verb} (capacitates, capacitated, capacitating) être en mesure de capacitation {noun} capacitation capacitive {adjective} (most capacitive, more capacitive) capacitif capacitor {noun} (capacitors) condensateur capacity [/kəˈpæsɪti/] {adjective, noun} (capacities) capacité capacity creep bonus de capacité capacity factor coefficient de production capacity-building renforcement des capacités caparison {noun, verb} (caparisons, caparisoning, caparisoned) caparaçon cape [/keɪp/] {noun, verb} (capes, caping, caped) cap | cape Cape aloe aloès des Barbades Cape asparagus asperge du Cap Cape Canaveral {properNoun} Cap Canaveral Cape Ferret Cap Ferret Cape fox renard du Cap cape gooseberry {noun} (cape gooseberries) coqueret du Pérou | amour en cage Cape Horn {properNoun} Cap Horn Cape leadwort dentelaire du Cap Cape lion {noun} (Cape lions) lion du Cap Cape of Good Hope {properNoun} cap de Bonne-Espérance Cape parrot perroquet robuste Cape plumbago dentelaire du Cap Cape pond weed asperge du Cap Cape sorrel oxalis pied de chèvre Cape teal {noun} (Cape teals) canard du Cap Cape Town [/ˈkeɪp ˌtaʊn/] {properNoun} Le Cap Cape Verde [/keɪpˈvɝd/] {properNoun} Cap-Vert Cape Verde little shearwater puffin de Boyd Cape Verde shearwater puffin du Cap-Vert Cape Verdean {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Cape Verdeans) Cap-Verdien | Cap-Verdienne | Capverdien | Capverdienne caped [/ˈkeɪpt/] {adjective} encapé Capel {properNoun} (Capels) Capel Capel Bangor Capel Bangor Capel Celyn Capel Celyn Capel Curig Capel Curig Capel Dewi Capel Dewi Capel Garmon Capel Garmon Capel le Ferne Capel le Ferne Capel St Andrew Capel St Andrew Capel St Mary Capel St Mary Capel Tygwydd Capel Tygwydd Capel-y-ffin Capel-y-ffin capelin {noun} (capelins, capelin) capelan Capella {properNoun} Capella Capellen {properNoun} Capellen Capenhurst Capenhurst caper [/ˈkeɪpə/ | /ˈkeɪpɚ/] {noun, verb} (capers, capering, capered) câpre caper bush {noun} (caper bushes) câprier commun caper spurge {noun} (caper spurges) épurge capercaillie [/kæpəˈkeɪli/ | /kæpɚˈkeɪli/] {noun} (capercaillies) grand tétras | grand coq de bruyère Capernaum {properNoun} Capharnaüm | Capernaüm Capetian {adjective, noun} (Capetians) capétien Capeverdean Crioulo {properNoun} créoles du Cap-Vert CAPEX {noun} dépenses d’investissement capex {adjective, noun} capex Capheaton Capheaton capillary [/kəˈpɪ.lə.ɹi/ | /ˈkæpɪˌlɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (most capillary, more capillary, capillaries) capillaire capillary action {noun} capillarité capillary fringe frange capillaire capillary moisture eau capillaire capillary water eau capillaire capilliform {adjective} (most capilliform, more capilliform) capilliforme capisce [/kəˈpiʃ/ | /kəˈpiːʃ/] {interjection} pigé? capital [/ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/] {adjective, noun} capital | chapiteau | excellent | majuscule capital adequacy {noun} adéquation des fonds propres capital city {noun} (capital cities) capitale | chef-lieu capital expenditures {noun} dépenses d’investissement capital gain {noun} (capital gains) plus-value capital gains tax {noun} (capital gains taxes) impôt sur les plus-values capital investments dépenses d’investissement capital letter {noun} (capital letters) majuscule capital punishment {noun} peine de mort | peine capitale | punition capitale capital ship {noun} (capital ships) bâtiment précieux | navire capital capitalisation {noun} capitalisation capitalise {verb} (capitalises, capitalising, capitalised) capitaliser capitalism [/ˈkapɪt(ə)lɪz(ə)m/ | /ˈkæpɪ̈tl̩ˌɪzm̩/] {noun} capitalisme capitalist {adjective, noun} (most capitalist, more capitalist, capitalists) capitaliste capitalistic {adjective} (most capitalistic, more capitalistic) capitaliste capitalization {noun} capitalisation capitalize [/ˈkæpətəˌlaɪz/] {verb} (capitalizes, capitalized, capitalizing) capitaliser Capitanian {properNoun} Capitanien capitate bone {noun} (capitate bones) capitatum | os capitatum capitation [/kapɪˈteɪʃən/] {noun} (capitations) capitation Capitol {properNoun} Capitole | Capitole des [[États-Unis]] Capitol Hill {properNoun} Capitol Hill | Capitole | colline du Capitole Capitoline Hill {properNoun} Capitole capitular {adjective, noun} (capitulars) capitulaire capitulate [/kəˈpɪ.tjʊ.leɪt/ | /kəˈpɪt͡ʃ.jʊ.leɪt/] {verb} (capitulates, capitulated, capitulating) capituler capitulation {noun} capitulation capitulator {noun} (capitulators) capituleur capnia capnie capnomancy {noun} capnomancie capnometer {noun} (capnometers) capnomètre capnometry {noun} capnométrie capo [/ˈkæ.pəʊ/] {noun} (capos, capi) capodastre capoeira [/kæpəˈweəɹə/ | /kɑpəˈwɛɹə/] {noun} capoeira capon [/ˈkeɪpən/] {noun, verb} (capons, caponed, caponing) chapon caponata {noun} caponata caponier {noun} (caponiers) caponnière caponization {noun} (caponizations) chaponnage caponize {verb} (caponizes, caponizing, caponized) chaponner capotasto {noun} (capotastos) capodastre Cappadocia [[kæpəˈdoʊʃə]] {properNoun} Cappadoce Cappadocian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Cappadocian, most Cappadocian, Cappadocians) cappadocien | Cappadocien | Cappadocienne capped heron héron coiffé capping [/ˈkapɪŋ/] {noun, verb} coiffage cappuccino [/ˌkæpəˈtʃinoʊ/ | /ˌkæpəˈtʃiːnəʊ/] {noun} cappuccino Capri [/ˈkɑːpɹi/] {properNoun} Capri capri pants {noun} corsaire | pantacourt capric {adjective} caprique capric acid {noun} acide caprique capriccio [/kəˈpriːchoʊ/] {noun} (capriccios, capricci) capriccio caprice [/kəˈpɹis/] {noun} (caprices) caprice capricious {adjective} (more capricious, most capricious) capricieux capriciously {adverb} (more capriciously, most capriciously) capricieusement Capricorn [/ˈkæpɹɪkɔːn/ | /ˈkæpɹɪkɔːɹn/] {noun, properNoun} (Capricorns) Capricorne Capricornus [/ˌkæpɹɪˈkɔːnəs/ | /ˌkæpɹɪˈkɔːɹnəs/] {properNoun} Capricorne caprid [/ˈkæprɪd/] {adjective, noun} (caprids) caprin caprification {noun} (caprifications) caprification caprine {adjective, noun} (more caprine, most caprine, caprines) capriné caprine pleuropneumonia pleuropneumonie contagieuse caprine capris {noun} pantacourt Caprivi strip bande de Caprivi caprizant {adjective} (more caprizant, most caprizant) caprisant caproic acid {noun} acide caproïque caprolactam {noun} (caprolactams) caprolactame caprylic {adjective} caprylique caprylic acid {noun} acide caprylique capsaicin [/kæpˈseɪəsən/] {noun} (capsaicins) capsaïcine Capsian {adjective} capsien capsicum [/ˈkæpsɪkəm/] {noun} (capsicums, capsica) poivron | piment | piment doux capside capside capsize [/kæpˈsaɪz/] {verb} (capsizes, capsized, capsizing) chavirer capsizing {noun, verb} (capsizings) chavirage capslock {noun} verrouillage majuscule capsomere {noun} (capsomeres) capsomère capstan [/ˈkap.stən/] {noun} (capstans) cabestan capstan bar barre d’anspect capstone {noun, verb} (capstones, capstoning, capstoned) aboutissement capsule [/ˈkæps(ə)l/ | /ˈkæpsjuːl/] {noun, verb} (capsules, capsuled, capsuling) gélule | capsule capsule hotel {noun} (capsule hotels) hôtel capsule Capt(N) CapV captain [/ˈkæp.tən/ | /ˈkæp.tɪn/ | /ˈkæp.ən/] {noun, verb} (captains, captained, captaining) capitaine | agir en capitaine | capitaine de vaisseau | piloter captain cooker cochon captaincy {noun} (captaincies) capitainerie captainess {noun} (captainesses) capitainesse CAPTCHA [/ˈkæp.t͡ʃə/] {noun} (CAPTCHAs) CAPTCHA | Captcha captcha {noun} (captchas) CAPTCHA captcha test test captcha caption [/ˈkæp.ʃən/] {noun, verb} (captions, captioned, captioning) sous-titre | légende | légender | sous-titrer captioning {verb} sous-titrage captious [/ˈkæpʃəs/] {adjective} (most captious, more captious) pinailleur | piège captivate [/ˈkæptɪveɪt/] {verb} (captivates, captivating, captivated) captiver captivating [/kæptɪveɪtɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more captivating, most captivating) captivant | fascinant | passionnant | prenant captive [/ˈkæptɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (captives, captiving, captived) captif | captive captive customer client captif captivity [/kæpˈtɪvɪti/] {noun} (captivities) captivité captor {noun} (captors) abducteur capture [/ˈkæp.t͡ʃə/ | /ˈkæp.t͡ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (captures, captured, capturing) capture | capturer | enregistrer | prendre | prisonnier | saisir capture group groupe de capture captured rotation verrouillage gravitationnel capturing group {noun} (capturing groups) group de capture Capua Capoue Capuchin {noun} (Capuchins) capucin capuchin [/ˈkæpət͡ʃɪn/] {noun} (capuchins) capucin capuchin babbler phyllanthe capucin capuchin monkey {noun} (capuchin monkeys) capucin capybara [/kapɪˈbɑːɹə/ | /ˌkæpiˈbɛɹə/] {noun} (capybaras) capybara car [/kɑɹ/ | /kɑː/] {noun} (cars) voiture | auto | automobile | wagon | char car bomb {noun} (car bombs) voiture piégée car carrier {noun} (car carriers) porte-autos car carrying wagon porte-autos car chase {noun} (car chases) course-poursuite car club autopartage Car Colston Car Colston car door {noun} (car doors) portière car ferry {noun} (car ferries) transbordeur car insurance assurance auto car labelling étiquetage CO₂ car navigation system géonavigateur car park [/ˈkɑɹ ˌpɑːɹk/ | /ˈkɑːpɑːk/] {noun} (car parks) parc de stationnement car radio {noun} (car radios) autoradio car rental {noun} location de voiture car rotisserie rôtissoire car seat {noun} (car seats) siège enfant car sharing autopartage car twirler rôtissoire car wash {noun} (car washes) lave-auto | station de lavage car window vitre car-club partage de véhicule car-sleeper train TAC carabao [/kæɹəˈbeɪəʊ/] {noun} (carabaos) buffle des marais carabineer {noun} (carabineers) carabinier carabiner [/ˈkɛ.ɹəˌbi.nɚ/] {noun} (carabiners) mousqueton Caracal caracal caracal [/ˈkaɹəkal/ | /ˈkæɹəkæl/] {noun} (caracals) caracal Caracalla [/ˌkærəˈkælə/] {properNoun} Caracalla caracara [/ˈkæ.ɹəˌkɑ.ɹə/] {noun} (caracaras) caracara Caracas [/kəˈɹækəs/] {properNoun} Caracas carack {noun} (caracks) carat caraco caraco caracole [/ˈkæɹəkəʊl/] {noun, verb} (caracoles, caracoling, caracoled) caracole caract {noun} (caracts) carat carafe [/kəˈɹæf/] {noun} (carafes) carafe | carafon caragana [/ˌkæɹəˈɡɑːnə/] {noun} (caraganas) caraganier carambola {noun} (carambolas) carambole caramel [/ˈkæ.ɹə.məl/ | /ˈkæɹ.ə.məl/ | /ˈkɑɹ.məl/ | /ˈkɛɹ.ə.məl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (caramels, caramelling, caramelled) caramel caramelisation {noun} caramélisation caramelise {verb} (caramelises, caramelised, caramelising) caraméliser caramelization {noun} caramélisation caramelize {verb} (caramelizes, caramelizing, caramelized) caraméliser carapace [/ˈkɛɹ.əˌpeɪs/] {noun} (carapaces) carapace Carapana carapana carat [/ˈkæɹ.ət/] {noun} (carats) carat Caravagesque caravagesque Caravaggism caravagisme Caravaggist caravagiste caravan [/ˈkæɹəvæn/] {noun, verb} (caravans, caravanning, caravanned, caravaning, caravaned) caravane | roulotte caravan hound lévrier caravan hound caravaner {noun} (caravaners) autocaravanier caravanner {noun} (caravanners) autocaravanier caravansary {noun} (caravansaries) caravansérail caravanserai [/kaɹəˈvansəɹʌɪ/ | /kɑɹəˈvænsəɹaɪ/] {noun} (caravanserais) caravansérail caravel [/ˈkæɹəvɛl/] {noun} (caravels) caravelle caraway [/ˈkæɹəˌweɪ/] {noun} carvi | cumin carb [/kɑɹb/ | /kɑːb/] {noun} (carbs) glucide carbamazepine {noun} carbamazépine carbamic acid {noun} acide carbamique carbane {noun} méthane carbazotic acid {noun} acide picrique carbendazim {noun} carbendazime carbene {noun} (carbenes) carbène carbenoid {adjective, noun} (most carbenoid, more carbenoid, carbenoids) carbénoïde Carbeth Carbeth carbide lamp {noun} (carbide lamps) lampe à acétylène carbine [/ˈkɑɹbiːn/] {noun} (carbines) carabine carbinolamine {noun} (carbinolamines) carbinolamine carbo activatus charbon actif carbocentrist carbocentriste carbochemical carbochimique carbochemistry {noun} carbochimie carbohydrate [/kɑːbəʊˈhaɪdɹeɪt/ | /kɑːɹboʊˈhaɪdɹeɪt/] {noun} (carbohydrates) glucide carbolic {adjective, noun} carbolique carbolic acid {noun} phénol carbomer {noun} (carbomers) carbomère carbon [/ˈkɑɹbən/] {noun, verb} (carbons, carboning, carboned) carbone | charbon carbon antlers xylaire du bois carbon black {noun} noir de carbone carbon compensation compensation carbone carbon copy {noun, verb} (carbon copies, carbon copied, carbon copying) copie | copie carbone carbon cycle {noun} (carbon cycles) cycle du carbone carbon dioxide {noun} dioxyde de carbone | anhydride carbonique | gaz carbonique carbon emissions trading {noun} marché du carbone carbon fixation {noun} (carbon fixations) photosynthèse carbon footprint {noun} (carbon footprints) empreinte carbonique carbon group {noun} cristallogène carbon leakage {noun} fuite de carbone carbon monoxide {noun} monoxyde de carbone carbon nanotube {noun} (carbon nanotubes) nanotube de carbone carbon neutral {adjective} carboneutre carbon neutrality {noun} carboneutralité carbon paper {noun} papier carbone carbon sink {noun} (carbon sinks) puits de carbone carbon steel {noun} asier au carbone carbon tetrachloride {noun} tétrachlorure de carbone carbon tetrahydride méthane carbon-14 {noun} carbone 14 carbon-carbon bond liaison carbone-carbone carbonade [/ˈkæɹbɒneɪd/] {noun} (carbonades) carbonade carbonadium carbonadium carbonado [/ˌkɑɹbəˈneɪdoʊ/ | /ˌkɑːbəˈneɪdəʊ/] {noun, verb} (carbonados, carbonadoes, carbonadoing, carbonadoed) carbonade | carbonado | carbonnade carbonara [/ˌkɑɹbəˈnɑɹə/ | /ˌkɑːbəˈnɑːɹə/] {noun} carbonara Carbonarism [/ˌkɑɹbəˈnɑɹɪzəm/ | /ˌkɑːbəˈnɑːɹɪzəm/] {noun} carbonarisme carbonate [/ˈkɑɹbəneɪt/ | /ˈkɑɹbənət/ | /ˈkɑː(ɹ).bə.neɪt/ | /ˈkɑː(ɹ).bə.nət/] {noun, verb} (carbonates, carbonated, carbonating) carbonate carbonated [/ˈkɑɹ.bəˌneɪ.təd/ | /ˈkɑː(ɹ)bɒneɪtəd/] {adjective} (most carbonated, more carbonated) gazeux | gazéifié carbonated water {noun} eau gazeuse carbonic [/kɑɹˈbɒnɪk/ | /kɑːˈbɒnɪk/] {adjective} carbonique carbonic acid {noun} acide carbonique carbonic acid gas dioxyde de carbone carbonic anhydride {noun} dioxyde de carbone carbonic gas gaz carbonique Carboniferous {adjective, properNoun} Carbonifère | carbonifère carboniferous {adjective} (most carboniferous, more carboniferous) carbonifère carbonization {noun} carbonisation carbonometer {noun} (carbonometers) carbonomètre carbonous oxide monoxyde de carbone carbonyl {noun} (carbonyls) carbonyle carbophilic {adjective} (most carbophilic, more carbophilic) carbophile carboxy-lyase décarboxylase carboxyhemoglobin {noun} (carboxyhemoglobins) carboxyhémoglobine carboxylate {noun, verb} (carboxylates, carboxylated, carboxylating) carboxylate carboxyle carboxyle carboxylic {adjective} carboxylique carboxylic acid {noun} (carboxylic acids) acide carboxylique carboy [/ˈkɑɹ.bɔɪ/ | /ˈkɑː.bɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (carboys, carboyed, carboying) dame-jeanne Carbrooke Carbrooke carbuncle [/ˈkɑːbʌŋkəl/ | /ˈkɑːɹbʌŋkəl/] {noun} (carbuncles) carboucle carburetor [/ˈkɑːɹb(j)əˌɹeɪtɚ/] {noun} (carburetors) carburateur carburizing {verb} cémentation Carburton Carburton carbyne {noun} (carbynes) carbyne carcajou [/ˈkɑːkəˌʒu/] {noun} (carcajous) carcajou carcass [/ˈkɑɹkəs/ | /ˈkɑːkəs/] {noun} (carcasses) carcasse | cadavre Carcassonne {properNoun} Carcassonne carceral [/ˈkɑɹsəɹəl/ | /ˈkɑːsəɹəl/] {adjective} carcéral | carcérale Carcharodontosaurus Carcharodontosaurus carcinogen [/kɑɹˈsɪnədʒən/] {noun} (carcinogens) cancérogène | carcinogène carcinogenesis {noun} (carcinogeneses) cancérogenèse carcinogenic {adjective, noun} (carcinogenics, more carcinogenic, most carcinogenic) cancérigène carcinogenicity {noun} (carcinogenicities) cancérogénicité carcinoma [/ˌkɑɹsɪˈnoʊmə/] {noun} (carcinomata, carcinomas) carcinome card [/kaːd/ | /kɐːd/ | /kɑɹd/ | /kɑːd/] {noun, verb} (cards, carding, carded) carte | carder | agenda | allumé | carde | contrôler card game {noun} (card games) jeu de cartes | cartes card manipulation cartomagie card reader {noun} (card readers) lecteur card skimming copiage de carte card trick {noun} (card tricks) tour de cartes cardamom [/ˈkɑɹ.də.məm/ | /ˈkɑː.də.məm/] {noun} cardamome Cardan joint cardan cardboard [/ˈkɑɹdbɔɹd/ | /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/] {adjective, noun} carton cardboard box [/kɑːdbɔːd bɒks/] {noun} (cardboard boxes) carton Carden {properNoun} Carden cardia {noun} (cardiae, cardias) orifice de l'estomac cardiac [/ˈkɑɹdiˌæk/ | /ˈkɑːdɪæk/] {adjective, noun} (cardiacs) cardiaque cardiac arrest {noun} arrêt cardiaque cardiac muscle {noun} myocarde cardiac tamponade {noun} (cardiac tamponades) hémopéricarde cardiac valve valve cardiaque cardiac valvule valve cardiaque cardialgia {noun} pyrosis cardice {noun} glace carbonique Cardiff [/ˈkɑɹdɪf/ | /ˈkɑːdɪf/] {properNoun} Cardiff Cardiff city centre Cardiff city centre Cardigan {properNoun} Cardigan cardigan [/ˈkɑːdɪɡən/] {noun} (cardigans) cardigan | veste cardigan welsh corgi welsh corgi cardigan Cardiganshire [/ˈkɑː(ɹ)dɪɡənʃə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Cardiganshire Cardinal {noun} (Cardinals) cardinal cardinal [/ˈkɑɹdɪnəl/ | /ˈkɑː.dɪ.nəl/] {adjective, noun} (more cardinal, most cardinal, cardinals) cardinal | rouge cardinal cardinal beetle {noun} (cardinal beetles) cardinal cardinal flower {noun} (cardinal flowers) lobélie écarlate cardinal fritillary cardinal cardinal lory lori cardinal cardinal number {noun} (cardinal numbers) nombre cardinal cardinal numeral [/ˈkɑɹdɪnəl ˈnumɜɹəl/ | /ˈkɑːdɪnəl ˈnjuːməɹəl/] {noun} (cardinal numerals) nombre cardinal cardinal point {noun} (cardinal points) point cardinal cardinal sine sinus cardinal cardinal tetra {noun} (cardinal tetras) tétra cardinal cardinalate {noun} (cardinalates) cardinalat cardinalfish {noun} (cardinalfish, cardinalfishes) apogon cardinality {noun} (cardinalities) cardinalité cardinality of the continuum puissance du continu carding machine {noun} (carding machines) cardeuse Cardington Cardington Cardinham Cardinham cardio [/ˈkɑɹ.di.oʊ/ | /ˈkɑː.dɪ.əʊ/] {adjective, noun} cardio cardio- {prefix} cardio- cardiogram {noun} (cardiograms) cardiogramme cardiograph {noun} (cardiographs) cardiographe cardiographic {adjective} cardiographique cardioid {adjective, noun} (more cardioid, most cardioid, cardioids) cardioïde cardiological {adjective} (more cardiological, most cardiological) cardiologique cardiologist {noun} (cardiologists) cardiologue cardiology {noun} (cardiologies) cardiologie cardiomegalia cardiomégalie cardiomegaly {noun} (cardiomegalies) cardiomégalie cardiomyopathy {noun} (cardiomyopathies) cardiomyopathie cardiopathy {noun} (cardiopathies) cardiopathie cardiopulmonary {adjective} cardiopulmonaire cardiopulmonary arrest arrêt cardiaque cardiopulmonary resuscitation {noun} (cardiopulmonary resuscitations) RCP | RCR | réanimation cardio-pulmonaire | réanimation cardio-respiratoire cardiorespiratory {adjective} cardiorespiratoire cardioscope {noun} (cardioscopes) cardioscope cardiosurgery {noun} cardiochirurgie cardiotaph cardiotaphe cardiothoracic {adjective} cardio-thoracique | cardiothoracique cardiotomy {noun} (cardiotomies) cardiotomie cardiotonic drug cardiotonique cardiotoxin {noun} (cardiotoxins) cardiotoxine cardiotraining entraînement cardiovasculaire cardiovascular {adjective} cardiovasculaire cardiovascular deconditioning déconditionnement cardiovasculaire cardiovascular disease {noun} maladie cardiovasculaire cardioversion {noun} cardioversion carditis {noun} (carditides) cardite cardo {noun} (cardines) cardo cardoon {noun} (cardoons) artichaut à cardes | cardon Cardowan Cardowan Cardrona Cardrona Cardross Cardross care [/kɛ(ə)ɹ/ | /kɛə/] {noun, verb} (cares, cared, caring) intéresser | soin | soigner | souci | soucier Care Bears {noun} Bisounours | Calinours care for {verb} (cares for, caring for, cared for) guérir care of {preposition} a/s | aux bons soins de | à l'attention de care worker travailleur social Careby Aunby and Holywell Careby Aunby and Holywell careen [/kəˈɹiːn/] {noun, verb} (careens, careening, careened) caréner | battre ou mettre en carène | se coucher careening {noun, verb} (careenings) abattage career [/kəˈɹɪə/ | /kəˈɹɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (careers, careered, careering) carrière career changer {noun} néophyte careerism {noun} (careerisms) carriérisme careerist {adjective, noun} (most careerist, more careerist, careerists) carriériste carefree [/ˈkɛɘfɹiː/] {adjective} (more carefree, most carefree) insouciant carefreeness {noun} insouciance careful [/ˈkɛ(ə)ɹfəl/ | /ˈkɛːfəl/] {adjective} (most careful, more careful) soigneux | attentif | soigneuse | prudent | prudente carefully [/ˈkɛɹfəli/ | /ˈkɛːfəli/] {adverb} (most carefully, more carefully) soigneusement carefulness {noun} (carefulnesses) attention caregiver {noun} (caregivers) aidant careless [/ˈkɛəlɪs/ | /ˈkɛɹləs/] {adjective} (more careless, most careless) négligent | distrait | étourdi | distraite carelessly [/ˈkɛələsli/ | /ˈkɛɹləsli/] {adverb} (most carelessly, more carelessly) négligemment carelessness [/ˈkɛələsnəs/ | /ˈkɛɹləsnəs/] {noun} (carelessnesses) incurie | négligence carer [/ˈkɛəɹə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkɛəɹɚ/] {noun} (carers) soignant | soignante caress [/kəˈɹɛs/] {noun, verb} (caresses, caressed, caressing) caresser caressing [/kəˈɹɛsɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (caressings) effleurement caressive [/kəˈɹɛsɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more caressive, most caressive, caressives) caressive Careston Careston caret [/ˈkæɹ.ɪt/] {noun} (carets) circonflexe caretaker [/ˈkɛəˌteɪ.kə/ | /ˈkɛɹˌteɪ.kɚ/] {adjective, noun} (caretakers) gardien | concierge | gardienne caretaker government {noun} (caretaker governments) gouvernement provisoire caretaker speech {noun} mamanais Carew Carew careware {noun} careware carex {noun} (carices, carexes) carex Carfin Carfin cargo [/ˈkɑɹɡoʊ/ | /ˈkɑːɡəʊ/] {noun} (cargoes, cargos) cargaison cargo bin {noun} (cargo bins) cale cargo cult {noun} (cargo cults) culte du cargo cargo hold {noun} (cargo holds) cale | cale arrière | cale avant cargo ship {noun} (cargo ships) cargo | navire de charge | navire marchand cargo transporter cargo spatial cargo vessel {noun} (cargo vessels) cargo Carham Carham Carhampton Carhampton Carharrack Carharrack Caria {properNoun} Carie Carian [/ˈkɛːɹɪən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Carians) Carien Carib {noun, properNoun} (Caribs, Carib) Caraïbe carib kali’na Caribbean [/ˌkæɹɪˈbiːɪn/] {adjective, properNoun} Caraïbes | caraïbe | mer des Antilles Caribbean flamingo flamant des Caraïbes Caribbean Netherlands {properNoun} Pays-Bas caribéens Caribbean Sea {properNoun} mer des Caraïbes | mer des Antilles caribou [/ˈkɛɹəbu/] {noun} (caribous, caribou) caribou caricatural {adjective} (most caricatural, more caricatural) caricatural caricaturally {adverb} caricaturalement caricature [/ˈkæɹɪkətʃʊə/ | /ˈkæɹɪkətʃʊɚ/] {noun, verb} (caricatures, caricaturing, caricatured) caricature caricaturesque {adjective} (more caricaturesque, most caricaturesque) caricaturesque caricaturist [/ˈkæɹɪkəˌt͡ʃʊəɹɪst/] {noun} (caricaturists) caricaturiste caricaturistic {adjective} (most caricaturistic, more caricaturistic) caricatural caridean shrimp caridine caries [/ˈkɛ.ɹiz/ | /ˈkɛə.ɹiːz/] {noun} (caries) carie carillon [/ˈkɛɹɪˌlɑn/] {noun} (carillons) carillon Carina {properNoun} Carène Carinatae carinate caring [/ˈkɛə.ɹɪŋ/ | /ˈkɛɹ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more caring, most caring, carings) attentif Carinthia [/kəˈrɪnθiə/] {properNoun} Carinthie Carinthian [/kəˈrɪnθiən/] {adjective} de la Carinthie Carinthian blondvieh blonde de Carinthie carioca {noun} (cariocas) carioca carious [/ˈkɛə.ɹi.əs/ | /ˈkɛɹ.i.əs/] {adjective} (more carious, most carious) carieux caritative [/ˈkæɹ.ɪˌteɪ.tɪv/] {adjective} caritatif caritive case {noun} (caritive cases) caritif carjacker {noun} (carjackers) pirate de la route carjacking {noun, verb} (carjackings) piraterie routière Carl {noun, properNoun} (Carls) Charles Carlatton Carlatton Carlby Carlby Carleton {properNoun} Carleton Carleton Rode Carleton Rode Carleton St Peter Carleton St Peter carline [/ˈkɑːlɪn/] {noun} (carlines) carline Carlisle [/kɑːɹˈlaɪl/] {properNoun} Carlisle Carlism {noun} carlisme carload [/ˈkɑɹloʊd/ | /ˈkɑːləʊd/] {noun} (carloads) wagonnée Carlogie Carlogie Carlovingian {adjective, noun} (more Carlovingian, most Carlovingian, Carlovingians) carlovingien Carloway Carloway Carlton {properNoun} Carlton Carlton and Chellington Carlton and Chellington Carlton Colville Carlton Colville Carlton Curlieu Carlton Curlieu Carlton Highdale Carlton Highdale Carlton Husthwaite Carlton Husthwaite Carlton in Lindrick Carlton in Lindrick Carlton le Moorland Carlton le Moorland Carlton Miniott Carlton Miniott Carlton on Trent Carlton on Trent Carlton Scroop Carlton Scroop Carlton Town Carlton Town Carluke {properNoun} Carluke Carlyon Carlyon carmaker {noun} (carmakers) constructeur automobile Carmarthen {properNoun} Carmarthen Carmarthenshire [/kɑː(ɹ)ˈmɑː(ɹ)ðənʃə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Carmarthenshire Carmel {properNoun} Carmel Carmelite {noun} (Carmelites) carmélite carmeltazite carmeltazite Carmen {properNoun} Carmen carminative {adjective, noun} (more carminative, most carminative, carminatives) carminatif carmine {adjective, noun} carmin | carminé carminic {adjective} carminique carminic acid {noun} acide carmique Carmyllie Carmyllie Carn Brea Carn Brea Carnaby Carnaby Carnaby's black cockatoo cacatoès à rectrices blanches carnage [/ˈkɑɹ.nɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɑː.nɪdʒ/] {noun} (carnages) carnage carnal [/ˈkɑɹnəl/] {adjective} (more carnal, most carnal) charnel carnallitite carnallitite carnation [/kɑɹˈneɪ.ʃən/ | /kɑːˈneɪ.ʃən/] {adjective, noun} œillet | incarnat carnauba {noun} carnauba carnauba palm palmier carnauba carnauba wax {noun} (carnauba waxes) carnauba carnaubeira palm palmier carnauba Carnbee Carnbee Carnbroe Carnbroe carneau carneau carnelian {noun} cornaline Carnetown Carnetown Carnforth {properNoun} Carnforth Carnian Carnien carnie {noun} (carnies) forain carnism {noun} carnisme carnist {noun} (carnists) carniste carnival [/ˈkæɹnɪvəl/] {noun} (carnivals) carnaval carnivoran {adjective, noun} (carnivorans) carnivore carnivore [/ˈkɑːnɪvɔː/ | /ˈkɑːɹ.nɪ.vɔɹ/] {noun} (carnivores) carnivore carnivorism {noun} carnivorisme carnivorous [/kɑɹˈnɪv.əɹ.əs/] {adjective} (most carnivorous, more carnivorous) carnivore | carnassier Carno Carno Carnock Carnock carnosine {noun} carnosine carnotite {noun} carnotite Carnoustie [/kɑːˈnuːsti/] {properNoun} Carnoustie Carnutes Carnutes Carnwath Carnwath carny [/ˈkɑː(ɹ)ni/] {noun, verb} (carnies, carnying, carnied) forain carob {noun} caroubier | caroube carob tree caroubier Carol {properNoun} Carole carol [/ˈkæɹəl/] {noun, verb} (carols, carolled, caroling, caroled, carolling) carole | chœur Carol Ann Carole-Anne carolathine carolathine Carolina chickadee {noun} (Carolina chickadees) mésange de Caroline Carolina duck canard carolin Carolina palmett chou palmiste Carolina parakeet {noun} (Carolina parakeets) conure de Caroline | perroquet de Caroline | perruche de Caroline Carolina wren {noun} (Carolina wrens) troglodyte de Caroline Caroline [/ˈkæ.ɹəˌlaɪn/ | /ˈkɛɹ.əˌlaɪn/] {adjective, properNoun} Caroline Carolingian {adjective, noun} (most Carolingian, more Carolingian, Carolingians) carolingien Carolinian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Carolinians) carolinien Carolyn [/ˈkæɹəlɪn/ | /ˈkɛɹəlɪn/] {properNoun} Caroline carom [/ˈkæ.ɹəm/] {noun, verb} (caroms, caroming, caromed) caramboler carom billiards {noun} billard français caron [/ˈkæɹən/] {noun} (carons) caron carotene {noun} carotène carotenoid {adjective, noun} (carotenoids) caroténoïde carotid [/kəˈɹɒ.tɪd/ | /kəˈɹɒt.ɪd/] {adjective, noun} (carotids) carotide carotin {noun} (carotins) carotène carousal [/kəˈɹaʊzəl/] {noun} (carousals) beuverie carouse [/kəˈɹaʊz/] {noun, verb} (carouses, carousing, caroused) chopiner carousel [/ˈkæɹəsɛl/ | /ˌkærəˈsɛl/ | /ˌkærəˈzɛl/] {noun} (carousels) carrousel carouser {noun} (carousers) bambocheur carp [/ˈkɑɹp/ | /ˈkɑːp/] {noun, verb} (carp, carps, carped, carping) carpe | maugréer carp bream {noun} (carp breams) brame