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Оглавлениеchemical castration {noun} castration chimique chemical compound {noun} (chemical compounds) composé chimique | produit chimique chemical element {noun} (chemical elements) élément chimique chemical engineering {noun} génie chimique | génie des procédés chemical equation {noun} (chemical equations) équation chimique chemical formula {noun} (chemical formulae, chemical formulas) formule chimique chemical library chimiothèque chemical looping combustion anaérocombustion chemical peel {noun} (chemical peels) peeling chemical peeling peeling chemical reaction {noun} (chemical reactions) réaction chimique chemical reactor {noun} (chemical reactors) réacteur chimique chemical sensitivity {noun} (chemical sensitivities) sensibilité chimique chemical series {noun} (chemical series) série chimique chemical shift {noun} déplacement chimique chemical species {noun} (chemical species) espèce chimique chemical symbol {noun} (chemical symbols) symbole chemical tanker chimiquier chemical toilet {noun} (chemical toilets) toilette chimique chemical warfare {noun} guerre chimique chemical weapon {noun} (chemical weapons) arme chimique chemically {adjective, adverb} (most chemically, more chemically) chimiquement chemicals {noun} industrie chimique chemiluminescence {noun} (chemiluminescences) chimiluminescence cheminformatics {noun} chimio-informatique chemise [/ʃəˈmiːz/] {noun} (chemises) chemise de nuit | nuisette chemisorption {noun} adsorption chimique chemist [/ˈkɛmɪst/] {noun} (chemists) chimiste chemistry [/ˈkɛm.ɪ.stɹi/] {noun} (chemistries) chimie chemist’s pharmacie chemist’s shop pharmacie chemo [/ˈkimoʊ/ | /ˈkiːməʊ/] {noun} (chemos) chimio chemokine {noun} (chemokines) chimiokine | chémokine chemoresistance {noun} chimiorésistance chemoresistant {adjective} (more chemoresistant, most chemoresistant) chimiorésistant chemoselectivity {noun} (chemoselectivities) chimiosélectivité chemostratigraphy {noun} chimiostratigraphie chemosynthesis {noun} (chemosyntheses) chimiosynthèse chemotherapeutic {adjective, noun} (chemotherapeutics) chimiothérapeutique chemotherapy {noun} (chemotherapies) chimiothérapie chemotropism {noun} chimiotropisme chemsex {noun} chemsex chenevixite {noun} chenevixite Chengdu {properNoun} Chengdu chengguan {noun} (chengguans) inspecteur chengyu [/t͡ʃʌŋˈjuː/] {noun} (chengyu) chengyu Chenies Chenies Chennai [/ˈtʃɛnaɪ/] {properNoun} Chennai Cheondoism {noun} cheondoïsme cheongsam {noun} (cheongsams, cheongsam) robe chinoise Cheops [/ˈkiɑːps/ | /ˈkiːɒps/] {properNoun} Khéops Chepping Wycombe Chepping Wycombe Chepstow {properNoun} Chepstow cheque [/tʃɛk/] {noun} (cheques) chèque chequebook {noun} (chequebooks) carnet de chèques chequered flag {noun} (chequered flags) drapeau à damier Chequered Skipper hespérie du brome chequers {noun} empilage chequy [/ˈt͡ʃɛki/] {adjective} échiqueté chequy of nine équipollé Cher [/ʃɛə/ | /ʃɛɹ/] {properNoun} Cher cherchez la femme cherchez la femme chergui {noun} chergui Cherhill Cherhill cherifian kingdom royaume chérifien cherimoya {noun} (cherimoyas) chérimole | chérimolier Cherington Cherington cherish [/ˈtʃɛɹɪʃ/] {verb} (cherishes, cherished, cherishing) chérir | tenir cherished [/ˈtʃɛɹɪʃt/] {adjective, verb} (more cherished, most cherished) cher Cheriton Cheriton Cheriton Bishop Cheriton Bishop Cheriton Fitzpaine Cheriton Fitzpaine Cherkess {noun} (Cherkesses) tcherkesse Cherkessk {properNoun} Tcherkessk Chernivtsi {properNoun} Tchernivtsi Chernobyl [/tʃə(ː)ˈnɒbəl/ | /tʃɚˈnoʊbəl/] {noun, properNoun} (Chernobyls) Tchernobyl chernozem [/ˈt͡ʃɜː(ɹ)nəˌzɛm/] {noun} tchernoziom | tchernozème Cherokee [/ˈt͡ʃɛ.ɹə.ˌkiː/] {noun, properNoun} (Cherokees) cherokee | Cherokees cheroot [/tʃəˈɹuːt/] {noun} (cheroots) cheroot | stogie cherry [/ˈt͡ʃɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more cherry, most cherry, cherries) cerise | griotte | cerisier cherry blossom {noun} fleur de cerisier cherry brandy {noun} (cherry brandies) cherry brandy Cherry Burton Cherry Burton cherry laurel {noun} (cherry laurels) laurier-cerise cherry on top {noun} (cherries on top) cerise sur le gâteau cherry orchard cerisaie cherry picker {noun} (cherry pickers) nacelle élévatrice cherry picking {noun, verb} picorage | cueillette de cerises cherry plum {noun} (cherry plums) prunes-cerises cherry red {adjective, noun} cerise cherry tomato {noun} (cherry tomatoes) tomate cerise cherry tree {noun} (cherry trees) cerisier Cherry Willingham Cherry Willingham cherry-headed conure conure à tête rouge cherry-pick {verb} (cherry-picks, cherry-picking, cherry-picked) grappiller cherry-popping {noun} défloration cherrywood {noun} cerisier chert {noun} chaille Chertsey [/t͡ʃɜːtsiː/] {properNoun} Chertsey cherub [/ˈtʃɛɹəb/] {noun} (cherubim, cherubims, cherubs) chérubin cherubic {adjective} (most cherubic, more cherubic) chérubique Cherusci {noun} chérusque chervil [/ˈtʃɜː(ɹ)vɪl/] {noun} cerfeuil chervonets {noun} (chervontsy) tchervonets Cherwell [/ˈtʃɑːɹwɛl/] {properNoun} Cherwell Chesapeake Bay {properNoun} baie de Chesapeake Chesapeake Bay retriever retriever de la baie de Chesapeake Cheselbourne Cheselbourne Chesham [/t͡ʃɛʃəm/] {properNoun} Chesham Chesham Bois Chesham Bois Cheshire [/ˈtʃɛʃə/] {properNoun} Cheshire Cheshire cat [/ˌtʃɛʃə ˈkat/ | /ˌtʃɛʃɚ ˈkæt/] {properNoun} chat de Chester | chat du Cheshire Cheshire cheese {noun} cheshire | chester Cheshire East {properNoun} Cheshire East Cheshire West and Chester {properNoun} Cheshire West and Chester Cheshunt {properNoun} Cheshunt Cheshvan {properNoun} hechvan Cheslyn Hay Cheslyn Hay chess [/t͡ʃɛs/] {noun} (chesses) échecs chess flower fritillaire pintade chess piece {noun} (chess pieces) pièce d'échecs | pièce chess player {noun} (chess players) joueur d’échecs | joueuse d’échecs chess-rook roc d’échiquier chessboard {noun} (chessboards) échiquier chessboxing {noun} chessboxing chessic {adjective} échiquéen chessplayer {noun} (chessplayers) joueur d’échecs chest [/t͡ʃɛst/] {noun, verb} (chests, chested, chesting) poitrine | coffre chest of drawers {noun} (chests of drawers) commode | chiffonnier chest waders pantalon-bottes chest wall {noun} (chest walls) cage thoracique Chester [/ˈtʃɛs.tə/ | /ˈtʃɛs.tɚ/] {noun, properNoun} (Chesters) Chester Chester Castle Chester Castle Chester-le-Street [/t͡ʃɛstə li stɹiːt/] {properNoun} Chester-le-Street Chesterfield {properNoun} Chesterfield chesterfield rugby {noun} partie de jambes en l’air Chesterton {properNoun} (Chestertons) Chesterton Chesterton and Kingston Chesterton and Kingston Chestfield {properNoun} Chestfield chestnut [/ˈtʃɛs.nʌt/] {adjective, noun} châtaigne | marron | châtain | châtaigner | marronnier chestnut antpitta grallaire de Blake chestnut bur bogue chestnut munia {noun} (chestnut munias) capucin à tête noire chestnut oriental shorthair havana chestnut roasting pan poêle à marrons chestnut teal {noun} (chestnut teals) sarcelle rousse chestnut tree [/ˈtʃɛsnʌt ˌtɹiː/] {noun} (chestnut trees) châtaignier chestnut-backed antshrike {noun} (chestnut-backed antshrikes) batara mantelé chestnut-backed chickadee {noun} (chestnut-backed chickadees) mésange à dos marron chestnut-bellied heron héron agami chestnut-collared longspur plectrophane à ventre noir chestnut-crowned antpitta grallaire à tête rousse chestnut-flanked sparrowhawk {noun} (chestnut-flanked sparrowhawks) autour à flancs roux chestnut-fronted macaw ara vert chestnut-headed crake râle à masque rouge chestnut-naped antpitta grallaire à nuque rousse chestnut-shouldered goshawk autour de Bürgers chestnut-striped opossum opossum-musaraigne roux chestnut-striped short-tailed opossum opossum-musaraigne roux Cheswardine Cheswardine Cheswick Green Cheswick Green Cheticamp Chéticamp chetnik [/ˈtʃɛtnɪk/] {noun} (chetniks) tchetnik Chetnole {properNoun} Chetnole Chettle Chettle Chetton Chetton Chetwode Chetwode Chetwynd Chetwynd Chetwynd Aston and Woodcote Chetwynd Aston and Woodcote cheval de frise [/ʃəˈvɑːl də ˈfɹiːs/] {noun} (chevaux de frise) cheval de frise cheval de Mérens mérens cheval glass {noun} (cheval glasses) psyché chevauchee {noun} (chevauchees) chevauchée Cheveley Cheveley Chevenementist chevènementiste Chevening Chevening Cheverell Magna Cheverell Magna Cheverell Parva Cheverell Parva Chevet Chevet cheville {noun} (chevilles) cheville Chevington Chevington cheviot [/ˈʃɛviət/] {noun} cheviotte Cheviot sheep cheviot chevorell cerfeuil chevron [/ˈʃɛvɹən/] {noun, verb} (chevrons, chevroned, chevroning) chevron chevrotain {noun} (chevrotains) chevrotain chew [/tʃu/ | /tʃuː/] {noun, verb} (chews, chewing, chewed, chewn) mâcher | mastiquer | mordiller Chew Magna Chew Magna chew off {verb} réprimander chew on {verb} (chews on, chewing on, chewed on) réfléchir chew out {verb} engueuler | enguirlander chew over {verb} (chews over, chewing over, chewed over) réfléchir Chew Stoke Chew Stoke chew the cud {verb} ruminer chew the fat {verb} (chews the fat, chewed the fat, chewing the fat) discuter le bout de gras chew the scenery {verb} cabotiner | surjouer Chewbacca defense {noun} (Chewbacca defenses) défense Chewbacca chewing gum {noun} chewing-gum | gomme à mâcher | chiclet | chiclette Chewton Mendip Chewton Mendip chewy [/ˈtʃu.i/] {adjective} (chewest, chewer) dur Cheyenne [/ʃaɪˈæn/] {noun, properNoun} (Cheyenne, Cheyennes) Cheyenne chez [/ʃeɪ/] {preposition} chez CHF ratio marge de sécurité par rapport au flux de caléfaction chhaang tchang chi [/kaɪ/ | /tʃiː/] {noun} (chis) chi | qi chi-rho {noun} (chi-rhos) chrisme chi-square {noun} (chi-squares) khi-carré chia [/ˈtʃiː.ə/] {noun} chia chianina chianina Chianti [/kiˈɑnti/ | /kɪˈantɪ/] {noun} chianti chiaroscuro [/kɪˌɑːɹəˈskʊəɹəʊ/ | /ˌkjɑɹəˈsk(j)ʊɹoʊ/] {adjective, noun} (chiaroscuros, chiaroscuri, most chiaroscuro, more chiaroscuro) clair-obscur chiasmus [/kaɪˈæzməs/] {noun} (chiasmuses, chiasmi) chiasme chibouk {noun} (chibouks) chibouque chic [/ʃik/ | /ʃiːk/] {adjective, noun} (chics, most chic, chicer, chicest, more chic) chic Chicago [/ʃəˈkɑː.ɡo/ | /ʃɪˈkɑ.ɡo/] {properNoun} Chicago chicane [/ʃɪˈkeɪn/] {noun, verb} (chicanes, chicaning, chicaned) chicane chicanery [/ʃɪˈkeɪn(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (chicaneries) chicanerie Chicano [/t͡ʃiˈkano/ | /t͡ʃɪˈkɑːnəʊ/] {adjective, noun} (Chicanos) chicano Chicheley Chicheley Chichester [/ˈtʃɪtʃɪstə/] {properNoun} Chichester chick [/t͡ʃɪk/] {noun, verb} (chicken, chicks, chicked, chicking) poussin | oisillon | nana | gonzesse chick sexer sexeur de poussins chickadee [/ˈt͡ʃɪ.kə.ˌdi/] {noun} (chickadees) mésange Chickasaw [/ˈtʃɪkəsɔː/] {noun, properNoun} (Chickasaws, Chickasaw) Chickasaw chickasaw plum prunier chickasaw Chicken {properNoun} Coq chicken [/ˈt͡ʃɪkɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chicken, most chicken, chickens, chickening, chickened) poulet | poule | poltron | poule mouillée chicken breast {noun} blanc de poulet chicken feed {noun} fifrelin | trois fois rien chicken hawk {noun} (chicken hawks) épervier brun chicken out {verb} (chickens out, chickened out, chickening out) laisser tomber | lâcher | lâcher l'affaire | se dégonfler chicken oyster huître de poulet chicken pox {noun} (chicken poxes) varicelle chicken scratch {noun} (chicken scratches) griffonnage | pattes de mouche chicken sexer sexeur de poussins chicken skin chair de poule chicken soup {noun} soupe de poulet chicken tikka poulet tikka chicken tikka masala poulet tikka masala chicken wing {noun} (chicken wings) aile de poulet chicken wire {noun} grillage chicken-hearted {adjective} (more chicken-hearted, most chicken-hearted) timoré chicken-or-egg question {noun} (chicken-or-egg questions) paradoxe de l’œuf et de la poule chicken-shit {adjective, noun} (most chicken-shit, more chicken-shit, chicken-shits) peureux chickenshit {adjective, noun} (most chickenshit, more chickenshit) conneries | merde | poule mouillée Chickerell Chickerell Chicklade Chicklade chickling vetch {noun} gesse | gesse commune | lentille d'Espagne | pois carré Chickney Chickney chickpea [/ˈtʃɪkˌpiː/] {noun} (chickpeas) pois chiche chickweed {noun} (chickweeds) mouron blanc chicle [/ˈt͡ʃɪkəl/] {noun} chicle chiclet keyboard {noun} (chiclet keyboards) clavier gomme Chicoder Chicoder chicory [/ˈtʃɪkəɹi/] {noun} (chicories) chicorée Chiddingfold Chiddingfold Chiddingly Chiddingly Chiddingstone Chiddingstone chide [/tʃaɪd/] {verb} (chides, chided, chidden, chiding, chid, chode) réprimander Chideock Chideock Chidham and Hambrook Chidham and Hambrook Chidlow Chidlow chief [/tʃiːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chief, chiefest, chiefer, more chief, chiefs, chiefing, chiefed) chef chief administrator commissaire chief brigadier brigadier-chef chief candidate tête de liste chief data officer directeur des données chief editor rédacteur en chef chief executive {noun} (chief executives) directeur général chief executive officer {noun} (chief executive officers) PDG chief financial officer {noun} (chief financial officers) directeur administratif et financier chief information officer {noun} (chief information officers) directeur des systèmes d’information chief information security officer responsable de la sécurité des systèmes d’information chief inspector inspecteur-chef chief magistrate magistrat chief of staff {noun} (chiefs of staff) chef de cabinet | Chef d'état major | chef d’état-major chief operating officer {noun} (chief operating officers) directeur de l’exploitation chief petty officer {noun} (chief petty officers) maître chief privacy officer responsable de la confidentialité chief superintendent superintendant en chef chief technical officer directeur technique chief town chef-lieu chiefess [/tʃiːˈfɛs/] {noun} (chiefesses) cheffe chiefly [/ˈtʃiːf.li/] {adjective, adverb} (chiefliest, chieflier, most chiefly, more chiefly) surtout chieftain [/ˈtʃiːf.tən/] {noun} (chieftains) cheftaine chien français blanc et orange français blanc et orange chien français tricolore français tricolore Chiers [/ʃiˈɛə(r)/] {properNoun} Chiers Chieti {properNoun} Chieti Chieveley Chieveley chiffchaff [/ˈt͡ʃɪf.t͡ʃæf/] {noun} (chiffchaffs) pouillot véloce chiffon [/ʃɪˈfɑn/] {noun} (chiffons) chiffon chiffonier [/ˌʃɪ.fəˈnɪə/] {noun} (chiffoniers) chiffonnier chigger {noun} (chiggers) puce chique | aoutat Chignall Chignall chignon [/ʃɪnˈjɒn/] {noun} (chignons) chignon chigoe flea {noun} (chigoe fleas) puce chique Chigwell Chigwell Chihuahua [/tʃɪˈwaʊ(w).ə/ | /tʃɪˈwɑːwɑː/] {noun, properNoun} (Chihuahuas) chihuahua chihuahua [/tʃɪ.waʊ(w).ə/ | /tʃɪˈwɑːwɑː/] {noun} (chihuahuas) chihuahua chikungunya [/tʃɪkʊŋˈɡʊnjə/] {noun} chikungunya chilblain [/tʃɪlbleɪn/] {noun} (chilblains) engelure Chilbolton Chilbolton Chilcomb Chilcomb Chilcombe Chilcombe Chilcompton Chilcompton Chilcote {properNoun} (Chilcotes) Chilcote child [/t͡ʃaɪld/] {noun, verb} (children, childer, childs, childing, childed) enfant child abuse [/ˈtʃaɪldəbjuːs/] {noun} maltraitance sur mineur child allowance allocation familiale child benefit {noun} allocation familiale child bride {noun} (child brides) enfant mariée child day-care centre bambinerie child grooming grooming child language {noun} langage enfantin child neglect {noun} négligence parentale Child Okeford Child Okeford child pornography {noun} pédopornographie child process processus fils child prodigy {noun} (child prodigies) enfant prodige child safety seat {noun} (child safety seats) siège enfant child soldier {noun} (child soldiers) enfant soldat | enfant-soldat child support {noun} pension alimentaire child's play {noun} jeu d'enfant child-directed speech mamanais child-in-law {noun} (children-in-law) bel-enfant childbirth {noun} (childbirths) accouchement | naissance | parturition childcare {noun} garde d'enfants Childeric {properNoun} (m) Childéric Childerley Childerley Childermas {properNoun} (Childermases) massacre des Innocents childfree {adjective} childfree childhood [/ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/] {noun} enfance childhood friend {noun} (childhood friends) ami d'enfance | amie d'enfance childing pink œillet prolifère childish [/ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/] {adjective} (most childish, more childish) puéril | enfantin | gamin childishly {adverb} puérilement childishness {noun} (childishnesses) enfantillage childless {adjective} sans enfants childlessness {noun} absence d’enfants childlike [/ˈtʃaɪldlaɪk/] {adjective} (more childlike, most childlike) enfantin childminder {noun} (childminders) nourrice | nounou children's circus cirque pour enfants children's home {noun} (children's homes) maison d'enfants children's hospital {noun} (children's hospitals) hôpital pour enfants children's park parc pour enfants children's zoo zoo pour enfants Childrey Childrey childspeak {noun} langage enfantin Childswickham Childswickham Child’s Ercall Child’s Ercall child’s play jeu d’enfant Chile [/ˈt͡ʃileɪ/ | /ˈt͡ʃiː.leɪ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪl.e/] {properNoun} Chili chile pepper {noun} (chile peppers) piment Chile pine araucaria du Chili Chilean [/ˈtʃɪli.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Chileans) chilien | Chilien | Chilienne | chilienne Chilean eagle {noun} (Chilean eagles) buse aguia Chilean flamingo {noun} (Chilean flamingos) flamant du Chili chilean flamingo flamant du Chili Chilean mouse opossum opossum-souris élégant chilean pigeon pigeon du Chili Chilean pine {noun} (Chilean pines) pin du Chili chilean skua labbe du Chili Chilean strawberry fraise du Chili Chilean wine palm cocotier du Chili Chilfrome Chilfrome Chilham Chilham chili [/ˈt͡ʃɪli/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪliː/] {noun} (chilies, chilis) piment chili con carne [/ˈtʃɪli kɑn ˈkɑɹni/] {noun} chili con carne chili oil {noun} huile piquante chili pepper {noun} (chili peppers) piment chili powder {noun} chili chiliad [/ˈkɪl.iˌæd/] {noun} (chiliads) chiliade chiliagon [/ˈkɪlɪæɡən/] {noun} (chiliagons) chiliogone chiliarch {noun} (chiliarchs) chiliarque chiliarchy [/kɪlɪɑɹki/] {noun} (chiliarchies) chiliarchie chiliasm [/ˈkɪ.lɪæ.z(ə)m/] {noun} (chiliasms) chiliasme | millénarisme chiliast [/ˈkɪliəst/] {noun} (chiliasts) chiliaste chiliastic [/kɪ.liˈa.stɪk/ | /kɪ.liˈæ.stɪk/] {adjective} (most chiliastic, more chiliastic) chiliaste chill [/tʃɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chill, most chill, chills, chilling, chilled) froid | chiller | fraicheur | frisson | se relaxer chill bump chair de poule chill out {noun, verb} (chill outs, chills out, chilling out, chilled out) se calmer | se détendre | se relaxer chill out Holmes relax Max chillax [/t͡ʃɪˈlæks/] {verb} (chillaxes, chillaxed, chillaxing) se calmer | se détendre chillblain engelure chilled [/tʃɪld/] {adjective, verb} (most chilled, more chilled) transi Chillesford Chillesford chilli [/ˈt͡ʃɪli/] {noun} (chillies, chillis) piment chilli con carne {noun} chili con carne chilli pepper {noun} (chilli peppers) piment chilliness {noun} (chillinesses) froideur chilling [/ˈtʃɪlɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chilling, most chilling, chillings) effrayant Chillingham Chillingham Chillington Chillington chills [/tʃɪlz/] {noun, verb} frisson chilly [/ˈtʃɪli/] {adjective, noun} (chiller, chillest, chillies) froid Chilmark Chilmark chilote chilote Chilson {properNoun} (Chilsons) Chilson Chiltern {properNoun} Chiltern Chilthorne Domer Chilthorne Domer Chilton {properNoun} (Chiltons) Chilton Chilton Cantelo Chilton Cantelo Chilton Foliat Chilton Foliat Chilton Polden Chilton Polden Chilton Trinity Chilton Trinity Chilwell {properNoun} (Chilwells) Chilwell Chilworth Chilworth chimaera {noun} (chimaeras) chimère chimaera gene gène chimère chimango caracara {noun} (chimango caracaras) caracara chimango Chimané chimane Chimay Chimay chimborazite chimborazite Chimborazo Highland Quichua quichua du Chimborazo chimboraçite chimborazite chime [/ˈtʃaɪm/] {noun, verb} (chimes, chimed, chiming) carillon | carillonner Chimera {properNoun} Chimère | chimère chimera [/kaɪˈmɪəɹə/ | /kʌɪˈmɪəɹə/] {noun} (chimeras) chimère chimeric DNA ADN chimère chimeric gene gène chimère chimerical [/kɪˈmɛɹɪkəl/] {adjective} (more chimerical, most chimerical) chimérique chimerism {noun} chimérisme chimichanga [/tʃɪmiˈtʃæŋɡə/] {noun} (chimichangas) chimichanga chimmy chonga chimichanga chimney [/tʃɪmni/] {noun, verb} (chimneys, chimneyed, chimneying) cheminée chimney bellflower pyramidale chimney pot {noun} (chimney pots) tuyau de cheminée chimney sweep {noun} (chimney sweeps) ramoneur Chimney Sweeper tanagre du cerfeuil chimney-sweeping ramonage chimp [/tʃɪmp/] {noun, verb} (chimps, chimped, chimping) chimpanzé chimpanzee [/tʃɪmˈpæn.zi/] {noun} (chimpanzees) chimpanzé chin [/tʃɪn/] {noun, verb} (chins, chinning, chinned) menton chin chin {interjection, noun} (chin chins) à votre santé chin up {phraseologicalUnit} courage | haut les cœurs chin-beard bouc China [/ˈt͡ʃaɪnə/] {noun, properNoun} (Chinas) Chine china [/tʃʌɪnə/] {noun} chine China aster {noun} (China asters) reine-marguerite china cabinet vaisselier china clay {noun} kaolin China grass {noun} ramie China proper {properNoun} Chine propre China rose {noun} (China roses) rose de Chine China syndrome {noun} syndrome chinois Chinafrica Chinafrique Chinaman [/ˈtʃaɪnəmən/] {noun} (Chinamen) Chinois Chinatown [/ˈtʃaɪnətaʊn/ | /ˈtʃaɪnəˌtaʊn/] {noun} (Chinatowns) quartier chinois China’s Sorrow fleuve Jaune chinchilla [/tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə/] {noun} chinchilla chinchilla longhair chinchilla chinchilla rabbit chinchilla petit chindo jindo coréen chindogu chindogu chine [/tʃaɪn/] {noun, verb} (chines, chined, chining, chone, chane) brosse Chineham Chineham Chinese [/t͡ʃaɪˈniːz/ | /ˈt͡ʃaɪniːz/ | /ˈt͡ʃaɪˌniz/ | /ˌt͡ʃaɪˈniz/] {adjective, noun} (most Chinese, more Chinese, Chinese) chinois | Chinois | Chinoise | Chinoises | langue chinoise Chinese (Oak) Tussah Moth bombyx chinois du chêne Chinese artichoke crosne Chinese astrology {noun} astrologie chinoise Chinese basil shiso Chinese black pied pie noire de Chine Chinese black-and-white pie noire de Chine chinese burn brûlure indienne Chinese Canadian sino-canadien chinese cassia cannelier de Chine Chinese character {noun} (Chinese characters) caractère chinois | hanzi | sinogramme | kanji Chinese checkers {noun} dames chinoises Chinese chive {noun} (Chinese chives) ciboule de Chine Chinese cinnamon {noun} cannelier de Chine | cannelle de Chine | casse chinese cinnamon cannelier de Chine Chinese Crested Dog {noun} (Chinese Crested Dogs) chien chinois à crête Chinese crested dog chien chinois à crête Chinese date {noun} (Chinese dates) jujubier commun Chinese dress robe chinoise Chinese dumpling {noun} (Chinese dumplings) ravioli chinois Chinese goose oie de Chine Chinese gooseberry {noun} (Chinese gooseberries) groseille de Chine Chinese grapefruit {noun} pamplemoussier Chinese hibiscus {noun} (Chinese hibiscuses) rose de Chine Chinese jump rope {noun} jeu de l'élastique Chinese language langue chinoise Chinese lantern {noun} (Chinese lanterns) lampion Chinese lion dog shih tzu Chinese macaroni {noun} macaroni chinois Chinese mainland Chine continentale Chinese mugwort {noun} armoise chinoise | armoise de Chine chinese mulberry tree mûrier blanc Chinese mushroom {noun} (Chinese mushrooms) champignon chinois Chinese New Year {noun} (Chinese New Years) nouvel an chinois Chinese numeral {noun} (Chinese numerals) chiffre chinois Chinese onion oignon de Chine Chinese owl cravaté chinois Chinese paddlefish {noun} (Chinese paddlefish) spatule chinoise Chinese painted quail caille peinte Chinese pea pois gourmand Chinese pheasant {noun} (Chinese pheasants) faisan doré chinese plate assiette chinoise chinese pole mât chinois Chinese potato pomme de terre du Soudan Chinese radish {noun} (Chinese radishes) radis blanc Chinese river dolphin {noun} (Chinese river dolphins) baiji Chinese scallion oignon de Chine Chinese silver grass susuki Chinese studies {noun} sinologie Chinese Taipei {properNoun} Taipei chinois Chinese truffle {noun} (Chinese truffles) truffe chinoise Chinese vase potiche Chinese Wall {noun} (Chinese Walls) Grande muraille Chinese wall cloison étanche Chinese water chestnut châtaigne d’eau chinoise Chinese water torture {noun} supplice de la goutte d'eau Chinese whispers {noun} téléphone arabe | téléphone sans fil Chinese Windmill Palm palmier de Chine Chinese yellow cattle jaune de Chine Chinese yew if de Chine Chinese zodiac {noun} zodiaque chinois Chink {adjective, noun} (most Chink, more Chink, Chinks) chinetoc | chinetoque | chintok chink [/tʃɪŋk/] {noun, verb} (chinks, chinking, chinked) fente chink in the armor {noun} (chinks in the armor) point faible Chinley, Buxworth and Brownside Chinley, Buxworth and Brownside Chinnor {properNoun} Chinnor chinois {noun} (chinoises) chinois chinoiserie [/ʃiːnwɑːzəˈɹiː/] {noun} chinoiserie chinoite chinoïte Chinook [/tʃɪˈnuːk/] {noun, properNoun} (Chinooks) chinook Chinook salmon {noun} (Chinook salmons, Chinook salmon) saumon quinnat chinquapin tree castanopside à feuilles dorées chinrest {noun} (chinrests) mentonnière chinstrap penguin {noun} (chinstrap penguins) manchot à jugulaire chintz [/tʃɪnts/] {noun} (chintzes) chintz Chiny Chiny chionophile [/kaɪˈɒnəfaɪl/] {noun} (chionophiles) chionophile chionophilous {adjective} chionophile Chios [/ˈki.ɑs/ | /ˈkiː.ɒs/] {properNoun} Chio Chios Strait détroit de Chios chip [/tʃɪp/] {noun, verb} (chips, chipping, chipped) frite | briser | brisure | chips | coche | cocher chip away {verb} fendre l’armure chip in {verb} apporter sa pierre à l’édifice chip leader {noun} (chip leaders) chip leader chip log {noun} (chip logs) loch à plateau chip shop {noun} (chip shops) friterie | pataterie chip shot {noun} (chip shots) du gâteau chip tuning reprogrammation de moteur chip wagon {noun} (chip wagons) roulotte à patate chip-on-board process pastillage chip-scale package boîtier à puce Chipaya chipaya chipboard {noun} aggloméré chipmunk {noun, verb} (chipmunks, chipmunked, chipmunking) suisse | tamia chipolata {noun} (chipolatas) chipolata chipotle [/tʃɪˈpoʊt.leɪ/ | /tʃɪˈpəʊt.leɪ/] {noun} (chipotles) chipotle Chippendale {properNoun} Chippendale Chippenham {properNoun} Chippenham Chippenham Without Chippenham Without chipper [/ˈtʃɪpə/ | /ˈtʃɪpɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chippers, chippered, chippering, more chipper, most chipper) hache-paille | broyeur Chipperfield Chipperfield Chippewas {noun} Saulteux Chipping Chipping chipping [/ˈtʃɪpɪŋ/] {noun, verb} cloutage Chipping Campden {properNoun} Chipping Campden Chipping Norton {properNoun} Chipping Norton Chipping Warden and Edgcote Chipping Warden and Edgcote chips [/tʃɪps/] {noun, verb} (chips) frite chipset {noun} (chipsets) chipset Chipstable Chipstable Chipstead Chipstead chiptune {noun} (chiptunes) chiptune chiptuning reprogrammation de moteur Chiquitano bésiro chiral [/ˈkaɪɹəl/] {adjective} chiral chiral center {noun} (chiral centers) centre chiral chiral centre {noun} (chiral centres) centre chiral chirality [/kaɪˈɹælɪti/] {noun} (chiralities) chiralité chirashi chirashi chirashizushi {noun} chirashi Chirbury with Brompton Chirbury with Brompton chiridial limb membre chiridien Chiriguano chiriguano chirimoya {noun} (chirimoyas) chérimolier chirimoyo chérimolier Chirk {properNoun} Chirk Chirnside Chirnside chirograph {noun} (chirographs) chirographe chirography {noun} (chirographies) chirographie chiromancer [/ˈkaɪɹə(ʊ)mænsə/ | /ˈkaɪɹəˌmænsɚ/] {noun} (chiromancers) chiromancien chiromancy [/ˈkaɪ.ɹəʊ.mæn.si/] {noun} (chiromancies) chiromancie Chiron [/ˈkaɪɹən/] {properNoun} Chiron chironomy {noun} (chironomies) chironomie chiropodist [/kɪˈrɒpədɪst/] {noun} (chiropodists) pédicure chiropractic {adjective, noun} chiropratique chiropractor [/ˈkaɪ.ɹəˌpɹæk.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chiropractors) chiropraticien | chiropraticienne chiropter {noun} (chiropters) chiroptère chiropterochory {noun} chiroptérochorie chiropterologist [/kaɪˌɹɑptəˈɹɑlədʒɪst/ | /kaɪˌɹɒptəˈɹɒlədʒɪst/] {noun} (chiropterologists) chiroptérologue chiroptic {adjective} (more chiroptic, most chiroptic) chiroptique chiroptical {adjective} (most chiroptical, more chiroptical) chiroptique chirotony {noun} chirotonie chirp [/tʃɜː(ɹ)p/] {noun, verb} (chirps, chirped, chirping) gazouiller | pépier | craqueter | craquètement | piaillement | piailler Chirton Chirton Chisel Burin chisel [/ˈtʃɪzəl/] {noun, verb} (chisels, chiselled, chiseling, chiselling, chiseled) ciseau | ciseler | burin chisel plow chisel Chiselborough Chiselborough Chiseldon Chiseldon chiseler {noun} (chiselers) ciseleur Chisinau {properNoun} Chișinău Chislet Chislet Chistmas noël Chisworth Chisworth chit [/t͡ʃɪt/] {interjection, noun, verb} (chits, chitted, chitting) départoir | piquer chit chat {noun} parler de la pluie et du beau temps chit-chat {noun, verb} (chit-chats, chit-chatting, chit-chatted) bavardage | blabla | blablater | parler de la pluie et du beau temps | parler de tout et de rien | parlotte Chita [/tʃɪˈtɑː/] {properNoun} Tchita chital {noun} (chital, chitals) cerf axis chitin [/ˈkaɪtɪn/] {noun} chitine chitinization {noun} chitinisation chitinous {adjective} (more chitinous, most chitinous) chitineux Chitlásha chitlásha chiton [/ˈkaɪtn̩/] {noun} (chitons, chitones) chiton chitosan {noun} (chitosans) chitosane Chitral {properNoun} Chitral | Chitrâl Chittagonian {properNoun} chittagonien chitterlings [/ˈtʃɪ.tɚ.lɪŋz/ | [ˈtʃɪtˤ.lɪnz]] {noun} tripes de porc Chitterne Chitterne Chittlehamholt Chittlehamholt Chittlehampton Chittlehampton chivalrous [/ˈʃɪv.əl.ɹʌs/] {adjective} (more chivalrous, most chivalrous) galant | chevaleresque chivalrously {adverb} (most chivalrously, more chivalrously) galamment chivalry [/ˈʃɪvəlɹi/] {noun} (chivalries) chevalerie | galanterie chive [/tʃaɪv/] {noun, verb} (chives, chiving, chived) ciboulette | cive Chivelstone Chivelstone chivichanga chimichanga chlamydia [/kləˈmɪd.i.ə/] {noun} (chlamydias, chlamydiae) chlamydia chlamydiosis {noun} chlamydiase chlamydomonas chlamydomonas chlamys [/ˈklamɪs/ | /ˈklæmɪs/] {noun} (chlamyses, chlamydes) chlamyde chloasma {noun} (chloasmas, chloasmata) chloasma Chloe [/ˈkloʊ.i/] {properNoun} Chloé chloramphenicol {noun} chloramphénicol chlorargyrite {noun} chlorargyrite chlorate {noun} (chlorates) chlorate chlordecone {noun} chlordécone chlordiazepoxide {noun} (chlordiazepoxides) chlordiazépoxide chloric {adjective} chlorique chloric acid {noun} acide chlorique chloride [/ˈklɔːɹaɪd/] {noun} (chlorides) chlorure chlorinate [/ˈklɒ.ɹɪ.neɪt/] {verb} (chlorinates, chlorinating, chlorinated) chlorer chlorine [/ˈklɔɹin/ | /ˈklɔːɹiːn/] {noun} (chlorines) chlore chlorine fluorine oxide fluorure de perchloryle chlorine oxyfluoride fluorure de perchloryle chlorine pentafluoride {noun} pentafluorure de chlore chlorine trifluoride {noun} trifluorure de chlore Chloris {properNoun} Chloris chlorite [/ˈklɔːɹʌɪt/] {noun} chlorite chloro- {prefix} chloro- chloroauric {adjective} chloraurique chlorocruorin {noun} chlorocruorine chlorofluorocarbon {noun} (chlorofluorocarbons) chlorofluorocarbure chloroform [/ˈklɔːɹə(ʊ)̩fɔː(ɹ)m/] {noun, verb} (chloroforms, chloroforming, chloroformed) chloroforme | chloroformer chlorogenic {adjective} chlorogénique chloroma {noun} (chloromata, chloromas) Chlorome chlorophyll [/ˈklɔɹ.ə.fɪl/ | /ˈklɔː.ɹə.fɪl/] {noun} (chlorophylls) chlorophylle chlorophyllic {adjective} (most chlorophyllic, more chlorophyllic) chlorophyllien chlorophytum chlorophytum chloroplast [/ˈklɔːrəʊˌplæst/] {noun} (chloroplasts) chloroplaste chlorosis {noun} (chloroses) chlorose chlorotic {adjective} (more chlorotic, most chlorotic) chlorotique chlorous {adjective} chloreux chlorphenamine {noun} chlorphéniramine chlorpheniramine {noun} chlorphéniramine Chlothar Clotaire Chloë [/ˈkloʊ.i/] {properNoun} Chloé choanal opening choane Chobham Chobham choc [/t͡ʃɒk/] {noun} choco chocho {noun} (chochos) lupin changeant chock [/tʃɑk/ | /tʃɒk/] {adverb, noun, verb} (chocks, chocking, chocked) carrément | coinceur | en plein | remplissage | tin chock full {adjective} (most chock full, more chock full) bourré | plein à craquer chocolate [/ˈt͡ʃɑk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lət/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔk(ə)lɪt/ | /ˈt͡ʃɔːk(ə)lət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more chocolate, most chocolate, chocolates, chocolating, chocolated) chocolat | au chocolat | chocolaté | de chocolat | praline chocolate bar {noun} (chocolate bars) tablette de chocolat chocolate block serre-fils chocolate cake {noun} gâteau au chocolat chocolate chip {noun} (chocolate chips) pépite de chocolat chocolate croissant pain au chocolat chocolate factory chocolaterie chocolate milk {noun} (chocolate milks) chocolat au lait chocolate shop chocolaterie chocolate slab tablette de chocolat chocolate spread {noun} páte à tartiner au chocolat chocolate tablet tablette de chocolat chocolate truffle {noun} (chocolate truffles) truffe en chocolat chocolatier {adjective, noun} (chocolatiers) chocolatier Choctaw [/ˈt͡ʃɒktɔː/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Choctaws) choctaw choice [/tʃɔɪs/] {adjective, noun} (more choice, choicer, most choice, choicest) choix | de choix | morceau de choix choir [/kwaɪə(ɹ)/ | /kwaɪɚ/] {noun, verb} (choirs, quires, choiring, choired, quired, quiring) chœur | classe choir school {noun} (choir schools) manécanterie choirmaster {noun} (choirmasters) cantor | chef de chœur choke [/t͡ʃoʊk/ | /t͡ʃəʊk/] {noun, verb} (chokes, choked, choking) juguler | mainmise | réduit | starter | suffoquer | étouffer choke coil bobine d’arrêt choke off {verb} se débarrasser choke pear {noun} (choke pears) poire d'angoisse choke the chicken {verb} (chokes the chicken, choked the chicken, choking the chicken) se masturber chokeberry {noun} (chokeberries) aronie choker [/ˈtʃoʊkɚ/ | /ˈtʃəʊkə/] {noun} (chokers) ras-de-cou choking game jeu du foulard cholagogue {noun} (cholagogues) cholagogue cholangiocarcinoma {noun} (cholangiocarcinomata, cholangiocarcinomas) cholangiocarcinome cholangiocyte {noun} (cholangiocytes) cholangiocyte cholangitis {noun} (cholangitides) cholangite cholate {noun} (cholates) choléate Cholderton Cholderton Cholecalciferol vitamine D3 cholecyst {noun} (cholecysts) vésicule biliaire cholecystectomy {noun} (cholecystectomies) cholécystectomie cholecystitis {noun} (cholecystites, cholecystitides) cholécystite choledochal {adjective} cholédoque cholelith {noun} (choleliths) cholélithe cholelithiasis {noun} (cholelithiases) lithiase biliaire cholepoiesis cholépoïèse choler {noun} (cholers) colère cholera [/ˈkɑləɹə/ | /ˈkɒləɹə/] {noun} choléra choleraic [/ˌkɒləˈɹeɪɪk/] {adjective} (more choleraic, most choleraic) cholérique choleric [/ˈkɑlɝɪk/ | /ˈkɒl(ə)ɹɪk/ | /ˈkɔl(ɘ)ɹɘk/] {adjective, noun} (more choleric, most choleric, cholerics) colérique cholerine {noun} cholérine Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards cholestasis {noun} (cholestases) cholestase cholesteatoma [/kəˌlɛsti.əˈtʰəʊ̯mə/] {noun} (cholesteatomata, cholesteatomas) cholestéatome cholesteric {adjective, noun} (most cholesteric, more cholesteric, cholesterics) cholestérique cholesterol {noun} cholestérol cholesterolemia {noun} cholestérolémie choli {noun} (cholis) choli choliamb {noun} (choliambs) choliambe cholic {adjective, noun} (cholics) cholique choline [/ˈkoʊliːn/] {noun} (cholines) choline cholinergic {adjective, noun} (most cholinergic, more cholinergic, cholinergics) cholinergique Chollerton Chollerton Cholmondeley [/ˈtʃʌmli/] {properNoun} Cholmondeley Cholmondeston Cholmondeston Cholon {properNoun} Cholon Cholsey {properNoun} Cholsey chomp [/tʃɒmp/ | /t͡ʃɔmp/] {noun, verb} (chomps, chomped, chomping) faire des bruits chomp at the bit {verb} (chomps at the bit, chomping at the bit, chomped at the bit) ronger son frein Chomskian {adjective} (more Chomskian, most Chomskian) chomskien Chomsky {properNoun} Chomsky Chomskyan {adjective} (more Chomskyan, most Chomskyan) chomskyen Chondoism {noun} cheondoïsme chondrichthyan {noun} (chondrichthyans) chondrichthyen chondrin {noun} chondrine chondrite {noun} (chondrites) chondrite chondrocalcinosis {noun} chondrocalcinose chondrodite {noun} chondrodite chondroitin {noun} (chondroitins) chondroïtine chondroitin sulfate sulfate de chondroïtine chondroitin sulfate B dermatane sulfate chondroma {noun} (chondromata, chondromas) chondrome chondromalacia {noun} chondromalacie chondrosarcoma {noun} (chondrosarcomas, chondrosarcomata) chondrosarcome Chondrostei chondrostéen chondrotomy {noun} (chondrotomies) chondrotomie chondrule [/ˈkɒndɹuːl/] {noun} (chondrules) chondre Chong {properNoun} (Chongs) chong Chongqing [/ˈtʃɔŋˈtʃɪŋ/] {properNoun} Chongqing | Tchongking chonta {noun} (chontas) cœur de palmier choo-choo {noun} (choo-choos) tchou tchou chook [/tʃʊk/] {interjection, noun} (chooks) poule choosable {adjective, noun} (more choosable, most choosable, choosables) choisissable choose [/t͡ʃuːz/] {conjunction, noun, verb} (chooses, chosen, choosing, chose) choisir | élire | décider choose up {verb} (choosing up, chosen up, chooses up, chose up) choisir chooser {noun} (choosers) choisisseur choosy {adjective} (choosest, chooser) difficile | exigeant | faire la fine bouche | sélectif chop [/tʃɒp/] {noun, verb} (chops, chopping, chopped) côtelette | hacher | atemi | coup de hache | couper | découper chop down {verb} raccourcir chop suey {noun} chop suey chop up {verb} (chops up, chopped up, chopping up) dépecer chop, wave clapot chop-chop {adverb, interjection, noun} coucher | magner | se dépêcher | se grouiller | vite Chopin {properNoun} Chopin Chopinian {adjective} (more Chopinian, most Chopinian) chopinien choppable {adjective} (more choppable, most choppable) hachable chopped [/t͡ʃɑpt/ | /t͡ʃɒpt/] {adjective, verb} (most chopped, more chopped) haché chopped liver [/ˈt͡ʃɑpt ˌlɪvɚ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒpt ˌlɪvə/] {noun} moins-que-rien chopper [/ˈtʃɑ.pɚ/ | /ˈtʃɒp.ə/ | /ˈtʃɔp.ə/] {noun, verb} (choppers, choppered, choppering) banane | hachoir | hélico | zob chopping {adjective, noun, verb} (more chopping, most chopping, choppings) hachage chopping board {noun} (chopping boards) planche à découper | planche à hacher choppy [/ˈtʃɒ.pi/] {adjective} (chopper, choppest) haché | saccadé chops [/t͡ʃɑps/ | /t͡ʃɒps/] {noun, verb} (chopses, chopsing, chopsed) babine chopstick {noun, verb} (chopsticks, chopsticked, chopsticking) baguette choral [/ˈkɒɹɑːl/ | /ˈkɔɹəl/ | /ˈkɔːɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (chorals) choral chorale [/kɔːˈɹɑːl/] {noun} (chorales) choral | chorale choranaptyxic choranaptyxique chord [/kɔɹd/ | /kɔː(ɹ)d/] {noun, verb} (chords, chorded, chording) accord | corde chordal {adjective} cordal chordate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/ | /ˈkɔːɹdeɪt/] {adjective, noun} (chordates) chordé chordophone {noun} (chordophones) instrument à cordes chore [/tʃo(ː)ɹ/ | /tʃoə/ | /tʃɔɹ/ | /tʃɔː/] {noun, verb} (chores, chored, choring) corvée | tâche chorea {noun} (choreae, choreæ, choreas) chorée choregus [/kəˈɹiːɡəs/] {noun} (choregi) chorège choreograph {verb} (choreographs, choreographing, choreographed) chorégraphier choreographer {noun} (choreographers) chorégraphe choreographically {adverb} (more choreographically, most choreographically) chorégraphiquement choreography [/ˌkɔɹ.iˈɒɡ.ɹə.fi/] {noun} (choreographies) chorégraphie chorioamniotic membrane membrane fœtale chorion {noun} (chorions, choria) chorion chorister {noun} (choristers) chœureur | chœureuse chorizo [/tʃɒˈɹiː.zəʊ/ | /tʃɒˈɹiːsəʊ/ | /tʃɒˈɹiːθəʊ/ | /tʃɔˈɹisɔ/ | /tʃɔˈɹiθɔ/ | /tʃəˈɹi.zoʊ/] {noun} chorizo Chorley {properNoun} Chorley Chorleywood {properNoun} Chorleywood Chorlton {properNoun} Chorlton Chorlton by Backford Chorlton by Backford chorographer [/kɒˈɹɒɡɹəfə/] {noun} (chorographers) chorographe chorographic {adjective} chorographique chorography {noun} (chorographies) chorographie choroid [/ˈkɔɹˌɔɪd/ | /ˈkɔː.ɹɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (choroids) choroïde choroidal {adjective, noun} (choroidals) choroïdien chorology {noun} (chorologies) chorologie choronym {noun} (choronyms) choronyme choropleth {noun} (choropleths) choroplèthe chorotype {noun} (chorotypes) chorotype chorten {noun} (chortens) chörten chortle [/ˈt͡ʃɔɹtəl/] {noun, verb} (chortles, chortling, chortled) gloussement | glousser chortling {noun, verb} (chortlings) gloussade chorus [/ˈkɔːɹəs/] {noun, verb} (choruses, chorused, chorusing, chorussing, chorussed) chœur | refrain | chorale | chœur antique chorus line {noun} (chorus lines) corps de ballet Choseley Choseley Chosen People {noun} peuple élu Chostakovitchian chostakovitchien chotki [/ˈt͡ʃoʊtki/ | /ˈt͡ʃɒtki/] {noun} (chotki, chotkis) tchotki chou-chou chou-chou chough [/tʃʌf/] {noun} (choughs) crave choux pastry [/ʃuː ˈpeɪstɹi/] {noun} (choux pastries) pâte à choux chow [/tʃaʊ/] {noun, verb} (chows, chowed, chowing) bouffe chow chow chow-chow chow down {verb} (chows down, chowed down, chowing down) bouffer chowder [/ˈtʃaʊdɚ/] {noun, verb} (chowders, chowdering, chowdered) chaudrée Chowley Chowley CHP generation cogénération CHPG cogénération chrematistic {adjective} chrématistique chrematistics {noun} chrématistique chresmologue {noun} (chresmologues) chresmologe chrestomathy [/kɹɛˈstɒməθi/] {noun} (chrestomathies) anthologie Chrishall Chrishall chrism [/ˈkɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} chrême Christ [/kɹaɪst/] {interjection, noun, properNoun} (Christs) Christ | Messie | bon Dieu de merde | crisse Christ child {properNoun} enfant Jésus Christ's thorn {noun} (Christ's thorns) paliure Christadelphian {adjective, noun} (Christadelphians) christadelphe Christadelphianism christadelphisme Christchurch [/kɹʌɪstˑt͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ/] {properNoun} Christchurch christen [/ˈkɹɪsən/] {verb} (christens, christening, christened) baptiser | nommer Christendom [/ˈkɹɪsn̩dəm/] {noun} chrétienté christendom chrétienté christening {noun, verb} (christenings) baptême Christian [/ˈkɹɪʃtʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Christian, more Christian, Christians) chrétien | chrétienne | Christian Christian Democrat {noun} (Christian Democrats) chrétien-démocrate Christian Malford Christian Malford Christian name {noun} (Christian names) nom de baptême Christiana {properNoun} Christiane Christianisation {noun} (Christianisations) christianisation Christianism {noun} christianisme Christianities {noun} christianismes Christianity [/ˌkɹɪstiˈænɪti/ | /ˌkɹɪstʃiˈænɪti/] {properNoun} (Christianities) christianisme | chrétienté Christianization {noun} (Christianizations) christianisation Christianize {verb} (Christianizes, Christianized, Christianizing) christianiser Christianlike {adjective} (more Christianlike, most Christianlike) chrétien Christianly {adjective, adverb} (more Christianly, most Christianly) chrétien Christianophobe {noun} (Christianophobes) christianophobe Christianophobia {noun} christianophobie | christophobie Christic {adjective} (most Christic, more Christic) christique Christina [/kɹɪsˈtiːnə/] {properNoun} Christine Christine [/kɹɪsˈtiːn/] {properNoun} Christine Christkind {properNoun} enfant Jésus Christleton {properNoun} Christleton Christmas [/ˈkɹɪsməs/] {adjective, properNoun} (Christmases) Noël Christmas box {noun} (Christmas boxes) gratification de Noël Christmas cactus {noun} (Christmas cacti) phyllocactus Christmas cake {noun} gâteau de Noël Christmas card {noun} (Christmas cards) carte de Noël Christmas carol {noun} (Christmas carols) chant de Noël | noël Christmas Day {noun} (Christmas Days) jour de Noël Christmas Eve {properNoun} réveillon de Noël | veille de Noël | veillée de Noël | nuit de Noël Christmas Island {properNoun} île Christmas | Île Christmas Christmas Island shearwater puffin de la Nativité Christmas Islander {noun} (Christmas Islanders) de l'île Christmas Christmas list {noun} (Christmas lists) liste au Père Noël Christmas market {noun} (Christmas markets) marché de Noël Christmas on the porch, Easter by the fire Noël au balcon, Pâques au tison Christmas shearwater puffin de la Nativité Christmas star {properNoun} comète Christmas time {noun} époque de Noël Christmas tree [/ˈkɹɪsməs tɹiː/] {noun} (Christmas trees) arbre de Noël | sapin de Noël Christmassy {adjective} (Christmasser, Christmassest) de Noël Christmastime {noun} période de Noël Christocracy christocratie Christology [/kɹɪˈstɑlədʒi/] {noun} (Christologies) christologie Christophany {noun} (Christophanies) christophanie Christopher [/ˈkɹɪs.tə.fə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Christophe Christophobia {noun} christianophobie Christow Christow chroma key {noun} incrustation chromatic {adjective} chromatique chromatic scale {noun} (chromatic scales) échelle chromatique chromaticity {noun} (chromaticities) chromaticité chromaticity diagram diagramme de chromaticité chromatid [/ˈkɹəʊmətɪd/] {noun} (chromatids) chromatide chromatin [/ˈkɹəʊmətɪn/] {noun} (chromatins) chromatine chromatin organization modifier domain chromodomaine chromatogram {noun} (chromatograms) chromatogramme chromatographic {adjective} chromatographique chromatography [/ˌkɹəʊ.məˈtɒɡɹə.fi/] {noun} (chromatographies) chromatographie chromatophore {noun} (chromatophores) chromatophore chrome [/kɹoʊm/ | /kɹəʊm/] {noun, verb} (chromes, chromed, chroming) chromer chrome dome {noun} (chrome domes) crâne d’œuf chrome plating chromage chromid {noun} (chromids) chromide chromite {noun} chromite chromium [/ˈkɹoʊmi.əm/] {noun} chrome chromium group {noun} groupe 6 chromo-elbaite chromo-elbaïte chromodomain {noun} (chromodomains) chromodomaine chromograph {noun} (chromographs) chromographe chromophore {noun} (chromophores) chromophore chromophoric {adjective} chromophore chromoprotein {noun} (chromoproteins) chromoprotéine chromosomal {adjective} chromosomique chromosome [/ˈkɹoʊməˌsoʊm/ | /ˈkɹəʊ.məˌsəʊm/] {noun} (chromosomes) chromosome chromosome 5p deletion syndrome maladie du cri du chat chromosome aberration aberration chromosomique chromosome deletion Dillan 4p syndrome syndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn chromosphere {noun} (chromospheres) chromosphère chroneme {noun} (chronemes) chronème chronemic {adjective} chronémique chronemics {noun} chronémique chronic [/ˈkɹɒnɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more chronic, most chronic) chronique chronic beryllium disease bérylliose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease {noun} (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive | maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique chronically {adverb} (most chronically, more chronically) chroniquement chronicity [/kɹɑˈnɪsɪti/ | /kɹɒˈnɪsɪti/] {noun} (chronicities) chronicité chronicle [/ˈkɹɒnɪkəl/] {noun, verb} (chronicles, chronicled, chronicling) chronique chronicler {noun} (chroniclers) chroniqueur Chronicles {properNoun} Chroniques chrono merchandising vente à l’évènement chrono- {prefix} chrono- chronobiological {adjective} chronobiologique chronobiology {noun} (chronobiologies) chronobiologie chronogram {noun} (chronograms) chronogramme chronograph [/ˈkɹɒnəɡɹɑːf/] {noun, verb} (chronographs, chronographed, chronographing) chronographe chronological [/ˌkɹɒnəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/] {adjective} (most chronological, more chronological) chronologique chronological order ordre chronologique chronologically {adverb} (more chronologically, most chronologically) chronologiquement chronologist [/kɹəˈnɒlədʒɪst/] {noun} (chronologists) chronologiste chronology [/kɹəˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/] {noun} (chronologies) chronologie chronometer [/kɹəˈnɒm.ə.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chronometers) chronomètre | chronoscope chronometric {adjective} chronométrique chrononaut {noun} (chrononauts) chrononaute chrononym {noun} (chrononyms) chrononyme chronophobia {noun} chronophobie chronophobic chronophobe chronophotography {noun} chronophotographie chronopsychology {noun} chronopsychologie Chronos {properNoun} Chronos chronosequential image image chronoséquentielle chronospecies {noun} (chronospecies) chrono-espèce chronostratigraphic {adjective} chronostratigraphique chronostratigraphy {noun} chronostratigraphie chroot {verb} (chroots, chrooted, chrooting) chrooter chrysalis [/ˈkɹɪsəlɪs/] {noun} (chrysalises, chrysalides) chrysalide chrysaniline {noun} chrysaniline chrysanthemum {noun} (chrysanthemums) chrysanthème Chrysanthemum Throne {properNoun} trône du Chrysanthème chryselephantine [/kɹɪsɛlɪˈfæntɪn/] {adjective} chryséléphantin chrysoberyl [/ˈkɹɪsə(ʊ)bɛɹɪl/] {noun} chrysobéryl chrysobull {noun} (chrysobulls) chrysobulle Chrysogonus Chrysogone chrysography {noun} chrysographie chrysoidine {noun} chrysoïdine chrysolite [/ˈkɹɪsəlʌɪt/] {noun} chrysolite | chrysolithe chrysophane {noun} chrysophane chrysophile {noun} (chrysophiles) chrysophile Chrysopolis Chrysopolis chrysoprase {noun} (chrysoprases) chrysoprase Chrysostom [/ˈkɹɪsəstəm/] {properNoun} chrysostome chrysostomic {adjective} (more chrysostomic, most chrysostomic) chrysostome chrysotherapy {noun} (chrysotherapies) chrysothérapie Chryston Chryston chthonian [/ˈkθoʊni.ən/ | /ˈkθəʊnɪən/ | /ˈθəʊnɪən/ | /ˈθʊni.ən/] {adjective} (most chthonian, more chthonian) chthonien chthonic [/ˈkθɒnɪk/ | /ˈθɑnɪk/] {adjective} (most chthonic, more chthonic) chthonien chu nom [/t͡ʃuː ˈnoʊm/] {noun} chu nom chub [/tʃʌb/] {noun} (chubs, chub) chevesne | chevaine chub mackerel maquereau espagnol chuba {noun} (chubas) chuba chubby [/ˈtʃʌbi/] {adjective, noun} (chubbest, chubber, chubbies) potelé | dodu Chubu Chubu chuchotage [/ʃu.ʃoʊˈtɑʒ/ | /ʃu.ʃəʊˈtɑːʒ/] {noun} chuchotage | interpretation chuchote chuck [/tʃʌk/] {noun, verb} (chucks, chucking, chucked) mandrin | vomir chuck in {verb} (chucks in, chucking in, chucked in) laisser tomber chuck it down {verb} (chucks it down, chucking it down, chucked it down) pleuvoir à verse chuck up {verb} (chucks up, chucking up, chucked up) débecqueter chuckle [/ˈt͡ʃʌkəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chuckles, chuckled, chuckling, most chuckle, more chuckle) ricaner | glousser | ricanerie chucklehead {noun} (chuckleheads) balourd chuckley pear amélanchier Chud {noun} (Chud, Chuds) Este Chudleigh Chudleigh Chudskoye {properNoun} lac Peïpous chuff [/tʃʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chuff, more chuff, chuffs, chuffed, chuffing) fléau chuffed [/ˈtʃʌft/] {adjective, verb} (most chuffed, more chuffed) ravi chuffing {adjective, noun, verb} (chuffings) halètement chug [/tʃʌɡ/] {noun, verb} (chugs, chugging, chugged) boire cul sec | caler chugging [/ˈtʃʌɡɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (chuggings) ronflement Chuj {noun, properNoun} chuj chukar [/ˈtʃʌk.ɚ/] {noun} (chukars) perdrix choukar