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cemented carbide carbure cémenté cementer {noun} (cementers) cimentier cementum {noun} cément cemeterial {adjective} cémétérial cemetery [/ˈsem.ɘˌtʃɹi/ | /ˈsɛm.ɪˌtɛɹ.i/ | /ˈsɛm.ɪˌtɹi/ | [ˈsɪm.əˌtɛ.ɪ]] {noun} (cemeteries) cimetière Cemmaes Road Cemmaes Road Cenacle cénacle cenancestor {noun} (cenancestors) LUCA Cenarth Cenarth cendrarsian cendrarsien cendrée {noun} cendrée cenesthesiopathy [/ˌsiːnəsˌθiːziˈɒpəθi/] {noun} (cenesthesiopathies) cénestopathie cenesthesis {noun} cénesthésie cenesthopathic {adjective} cénestopathique cenesthopathy [/ˌsiːnəsˈθɒpəθi/] {noun} (cenesthopathies) cénesthopathie | cénestopathie cenobite [/ˈsiːnəbaɪt/] {noun} (cenobites) cénobite cenobitic {adjective} (more cenobitic, most cenobitic) cénobitique Cenomanian {properNoun} Cénomanien cenotaph [/ˈsɛn.ə.tæf/ | /ˈsɛn.əʊ.tæf/] {noun} (cenotaphs) cénotaphe cenote [/səˈnoʊtiː/ | /sɛˈnoʊteɪ/] {noun} (cenotes) cénote Cenozoic [/ˌkeɪnəʊˈzəʊɪk/ | /ˌkɛnɵˈzoʊɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} Cénozoïque cense [/sɛns/] {noun, verb} (censes, censed, censing) encenser censer [/ˈsɛn.sə/ | /ˈsɛn.sɚ/] {noun} (censers) encensoir censor [/ˈsɛn.sə/ | /ˈsɛn.sɚ/] {noun, verb} (censors, censoring, censored) censeur | censurer | caviarder censored test essai censuré censoress {noun} (censoresses) censeuse censorial [/ˌsɛnˈsɔɹi.əl/] {adjective} (more censorial, most censorial) censorial censorship [/ˈsɛnsəˌʃɪp/ | /ˈsɛnsɚˌʃɪp/] {noun} censure censorware {noun} logiciel de censure censually {adverb} censuellement censure [/ˈsɛn.sjə/ | /ˈsɛn.ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (censures, censuring, censured) censurer | décrier census [/ˈsɛnsəs/] {noun, verb} (census, censuses, censusing, censused) recensement census-taker recenseur cent [/sɛnt/] {noun} (cents, cent) centime | cent | (pièce d'un) cent | (pièce d'un) centime Centaur {noun} (Centaurs) Centaure centaur [/ˈsɛntɑɹ/ | /ˈsɛntɔː(ɹ)/] {noun} (centaurs) centaure | Centaure centauresque {adjective} (most centauresque, more centauresque) centauresque centauress {noun} (centauresses) centauresse centaurette {noun} (centaurettes) centauresse centauromachy {noun} (centauromachies) centauromachie Centaurus {properNoun} Centaure centaury [/ˈsɛntɔɹi/ | /ˈsɛntɔːɹɪ/] {noun} (centauries) centaurée centavo [/sɛnˈtɑːvoʊ/] {noun} (centavos) centavo centenarian [/ˌsɛn.tɪˈnɛəɹ.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more centenarian, most centenarian, centenarians) centenaire centenary {adjective, noun} (centenaries) centenaire centennial [/sɛnˈtɛnɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (centennials) centenaire center [/ˈsɛn.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ | [ˈsɪɾ̃ɚ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (centers, centering, centered) centre | pivot | milieu | central | centre de masse | foyer center fielder {noun} (center fielders) voltigeur de centre center of gravity [/ˌsen.təɹ əv ˈɡɹæv.ə.ti/] {noun} (centers of gravity) centre de gravité center of interest centre d’intérêt center of mass {noun} (centers of mass) centre de masse center punch {noun, verb} (center punches) pointeau center-to-center distance entraxe centered [/ˈsɛn.təd/ | /ˈsɛn.təɹd/] {adjective, verb} (most centered, more centered) centré centered dot point médian centerfold [/ˈsɛntəfəʊld/ | /ˈsɛntɚfoʊld/] {noun} (centerfolds) pin-up centering {noun, verb} (centerings) centrage | cintrage centerpunch {noun, verb} (centerpunches, centerpunched, centerpunching) pointeau centesimal [/sɛnˈtɛsəməl/] {adjective} centésimal centi- {prefix} centi- centiampere {noun} (centiamperes) centiampère centibecquerel centibecquerel centibel {noun} (centibels) centibel centicandela centicandela centicoulomb centicoulomb centifarad centifarad centigrade {adjective, noun} (centigrades) centigrade centigram [/ˈsɛntɪˌɡɹæm/] {noun} (centigrams) centigramme centigramme [/ˈsɛntɪˌɡɹæm/] {noun} (centigrammes) centigramme centigray {noun} (centigrays) centigray centihenry centihenry centihertz centihertz centijoule centijoule centikatal {noun} (centikatals) centikatal centikelvin centikelvin centilitre {noun} (centilitres) centilitre centilumen centilumen centilux centilux centime {noun} (centimes) centime | pièce d'un centime centimeter {noun} (centimeters) centimètre centimeter per second centimètre par seconde centimetre [/ˈsɑ̃.-/ | /ˈsɛn.tɪ.miː.tə/] {noun} (centimetres) centimètre centimetre per second centimètre par seconde centimillimeter centimillimètre centimillimetre centimillimètre centimole {noun} (centimoles) centimole centimorgan {noun} (centimorgans) centimorgan centinewton {noun} (centinewtons) centinewton centiohm centiohm centipascal centipascal centipede [/ˈsɛnt.ɪ.pid/] {noun} (centipedes) scolopendre | mille-pattes centiradian centiradian centisecond {noun} (centiseconds) centiseconde centisiemens centisiemens centisievert centisievert centisteradian centistéradian centitesla centitesla centivolt centivolt centiwatt {noun} (centiwatts) centiwatt centiweber centiweber centory centaurée Central {properNoun} Centrale central [/ˈsɛntɹəl/] {adjective} (most central, more central) central Central Africa {properNoun} Centrafrique | centre d'Afrique Central African {adjective, noun} (Central Africans) centrafricain | Centrafricain Central African Empire Empire centrafricain Central African Republic [/ˈsɛntɹəl ˈæfɹɪkən ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/] {properNoun} République centrafricaine Central America [/ˌsɛntɹəl əˈmɛɹɪkə/] {properNoun} Amérique centrale Central American {adjective, noun} (Central Americans) centraméricain Central American woolly opossum opossum laineux de Derby Central Asia {properNoun} Asie centrale Central Asian {adjective, noun} (most Central Asian, more Central Asian, Central Asians) centrasiatique Central Asian Ovcharka {noun} (Central Asian Ovcharkas) berger d'Asie centrale central asian ovcharka berger d’Asie centrale central asian shepherd dog berger d’Asie centrale central bank {noun} (central banks) banque centrale Central Bedfordshire {properNoun} Central Bedfordshire Central Berawan batu belah central business district {noun} (central business districts) centre-ville | quartier d'affaires central canal of spinal cord canal de l’épendyme Central Denmark Jutland central Central Europe [/ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊəɹəp/ | /ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊɹəp/] {properNoun} Europe centrale Central European {adjective, noun} (Central Europeans) centreuropéen | médioeuropéen Central German {adjective, noun} de l’Allemagne centrale central government {noun} (central governments) administration centrale central heating {noun} chauffage central central limit theorem {noun} (central limit theorems) théorème central limite Central Milton Keynes Central Milton Keynes central nervous system {noun} (central nervous systems) système nerveux central Central Park {properNoun} Central Park Central Plain {properNoun} Plaine centrale Central Pomo pomo central central processing unit {noun} (central processing units) processeur central | unité centrale | unité centrale de traitement centralisation {noun} centralisation centralism {noun} centralisme centrality {noun} (centralities) centralité centralization [/ˌsɛntɹəlˌaɪˈzeɪʃən/ | /ˌsɛntɹəˌlaɪˈzeɪʃən/] {noun} centralisation centralize {verb} (centralizes, centralizing, centralized) centraliser centrally [/ˈsɛnt.ɹə.li/] {adverb} (more centrally, most centrally) centralement Centre {properNoun} Centre centre [/ˈsen.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ | [ˈsɪɾ̃ɚ]] {noun, verb} (centres, centreing, centred, centring) centre centre circle {noun} (centre circles) rond central centre forward {noun} (centre forwards) attaquant de pointe | avant-centre centre of gravity {noun} (centres of gravity) centre de gravité centre of mass {noun} (centres of mass) centre de masse Centre-barred Sallow xérampéline d’Hübner centre-left {adjective} centre gauche centre-right centre droit Centre-Val de Loire [/ˌsɛntə væl ˈdə lwɑː/] {properNoun} Centre-Val de Loire centreboard {noun} (centreboards) dérive centred dot point médian centrepiece {noun} (centrepieces) noyau centric [/ˈsɛntɹɪk/] {adjective} (most centric, more centric) centrique centrifugal [/sɛnˈtɹɪf(j)əɡəl/] {adjective, noun} (centrifugals) centrifuge centrifugal force {noun} force centrifuge centrifugal molding moulage par centrifugation centrifugal moulding moulage par centrifugation centrifugation {noun} centrifugation centrifuge [/ˈsɛntɹɪˌfjuːdʒ/] {noun, verb} (centrifuges, centrifuged, centrifuging) centrifugeuse | centrifuger centring [/ˈsɛn.t(ə)ɹɪŋ/ | /ˈsɛn.tə.ɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (centrings) cintre centriole [/ˈsɛntɹɪˌəʊl/] {noun} (centrioles) centriole centripetal [/sɛnˈtɹɪpətəl/] {adjective} centripète centripetal force {noun} force centrifuge centrism {noun} centrisme centrist {adjective, noun} (more centrist, most centrist, centrists) centriste centrobaric {adjective} centrobarique centroid {noun} (centroids) centroïde centrolecithal {adjective} centrolécithe centromere [/ˈsɛntɹə(ʊ)mɪə/ | /ˈsɛntɹəˌmiɚ/] {noun} (centromeres) centromère centrosome {noun} (centrosomes) centrosome centrosymmetric multilayer multicouche alternée centrosymétrique centum [/ˈkɛntəm/ | /ˈsɛntəm/] {adjective, noun} (centums) centum centuplication {noun} centuplication centurial {adjective} centurial centuries-old pluricentenaire centurion [/sɛnˈtjʊɹ.i.ən/] {noun} (centurions) centurion centurium {noun} centurium century [/ˈsɛn.t͡ʃə.ɹiː/] {noun} (centuries) siècle | centurie | centennie century egg {noun} (century eggs) œuf de cent ans centésimal centésimal CEO {noun} (CEOs) PDG cep [/sɛp/] {noun} (ceps) cèpe de Bordeaux cephalalgia [/ˌsɛfəˈlæld͡ʒə/] {noun} céphalalgie cephalic [/sɪˈfælɪk/] {adjective} (most cephalic, more cephalic) céphalique cephalization {noun} céphalisation Cephalochordata céphalocordé cephalomancy {noun} céphalomancie cephalon [/ˈsefəlɒn/ | /ˈsefələn/] {noun} (cephalons) céphalon Cephalonia {properNoun} Céphalonie cephalophoric céphalophorique cephalophory céphalophorie cephalopod [/ˈsɛfalapɑd/ | /ˈsɛfalapɒd/] {noun} (cephalopods) céphalopode cephaloscopic {adjective} céphaloscopique cephaloscopy {noun} céphaloscopie cephalothorax [/ˌsɛfələˈθɔɹæks/] {noun} (cephalothoraxes, cephalothoraces) céphalothorax cephalotomy {noun} (cephalotomies) céphalotomie Cephas {properNoun} Céphas cepheid variable {noun} (cepheid variables) céphéide Cepheus [/ˈsiːfi.əs/] {properNoun} Céphée cepstral {adjective} cepstral cepstrum [/ˈkɛpstɹəm/] {noun} (cepstra) cepstre CER {noun} (CERs) URCE ceramic [/səˈɹæmɪk/] {adjective, noun} céramique ceramic injection molding moulage par injection de céramique ceramic injection moulding moulage par injection de céramique ceramics {noun} céramique ceramide [/ˈsɪɹ.əˌmaɪd/] {noun} (ceramides) céramide cerapatite cérapatite ceras {noun} (cerata) cérate cerate {noun} (cerates) cérate Ceratopia cératopsiens Ceratopsia cératopsiens ceraunometer céraunomètre Cerberus [/ˈsɝbəɹəs/] {properNoun} Cerbère cercaricide cercaricide cercus {noun} (cerci) cerque cereal [[ˈsɪəɹiːəɫ]] {noun} céréale cereal bar {noun} (cereal bars) barre de céréales cerebellar {adjective} cérébelleux cerebellitis {noun} cérébellite cerebellum [/ˌseɹəˈbeləm/] {noun} (cerebella, cerebellums) cervelet cerebral [/ˈsɛɹ.ə.bɹəl/] {adjective} (most cerebral, more cerebral) cérébral cerebral cortex {noun} (cerebral cortices, cerebral cortexes) cortex cérébral cerebral hemisphere {noun} (cerebral hemispheres) hémisphère cérébral cerebral palsy {noun} (cerebral palsies) infirmité motrice cérébrale | paralysie cérébrale cerebral peduncle pédoncule cérébral Cerebral softening encéphalomalacie cerebral ventricle ventricule cérébral cerebralisation cérébralisation cerebralization cérébralisation cerebralize {verb} (cerebralizes, cerebralized, cerebralizing) cérébraliser cerebration [/sɛɹɪˈbɹeɪʃən/] {noun} cérébration cerebritis {noun} (cerebritides) cérébrite cerebrospinal {adjective} cérébrospinal cerebrospinal fluid {noun} liquide cérébro-spinal cerebrovascular accident {noun} (cerebrovascular accidents) accident vasculaire cérébral cerebrum [/ˈsɛ.ɹɪ.bɹəm/] {noun} (cerebra, cerebrums) telencéphale cerecloth {noun} sparadrap Ceredigion [/kɛɹəˈdɪɡiən/] {properNoun} Ceredigion ceremonial {adjective, noun} (more ceremonial, most ceremonial) cérémonial ceremonious {adjective} (more ceremonious, most ceremonious) cérémonieux ceremoniously {adverb} (most ceremoniously, more ceremoniously) cérémonieusement ceremony [/ˈsɛɹəmoʊni/ | /ˈsɛɹɪməni/] {noun} (ceremonies) cérémonie Cerenkov effect [/tʃɛˈɹɛŋkəf ɛˈfɛkt/] {noun} (Cerenkov effects) effet Cerenkov Ceres [/ˈsɪəɹiːz/] {properNoun} Cérès Ceresian [/sɨˈɹiːzi.ən/] {adjective} cérésien ceric {adjective} cérique ceride céride ceriferous {adjective} (more ceriferous, most ceriferous) cérifère cerise [/səˈɹiːz/] {adjective, noun} (more cerise, most cerise) cerise cerite {noun} (cerites) cérite cerith cérithe cerium [/ˈsɪəɹiəm/] {noun} (ceriums) cérium cermet {noun} (cermets) cermet CERN {properNoun} CERN Cerne Abbas Cerne Abbas cerolein {noun} (ceroleins) céroléine ceromancy {noun} céromancie cerotic {adjective} cérotique cerotic acid {noun} acide cérotique cerous {adjective} céreux cerrado {noun} cerrado Cerrigydrudion Cerrigydrudion certain [/ˈsɜːtn̩/ | /ˈsɝtn̩/ | /ˈsɝtən/] {adjective, determiner, noun, pronoun} (more certain, most certain) certain | quelconque certainly [/ˈsɜːtn̩li/ | /ˈsɝʔn̩li/] {adverb} (more certainly, most certainly) sûrement | certainement | sans aucun doute | sans nul doute | bien sûr | pour sûr certainty [/ˈsɜːtn̩ti/ | /ˈsɝtn̩ti/] {noun} (certainties) certitude certificate [/səɹˈtɪfɪkɪt/ | /səɹˈtɪfɪˌkeɪt/] {noun, verb} (certificates, certificating, certificated) certificat | document certificate of baptism acte de baptême certification [/ˌsɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌsɝtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} certification certified emission reduction URCE certified emission reduction unit URCE certify {verb} (certifies, certifying, certified) certifier certifying {verb} certificatif certitude [/ˈsɜːtɪtjuːd/ | /ˈsɝtət(j)ud/] {noun} certitude CERU URCE cerulean [/səˈɹuːli.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most cerulean, more cerulean) bleu céruléen | céruléen ceruleofibrite céruléofibrite ceruloplasmin {noun} ferroxidase ceruse [/sɪˈɹuːs/] {noun} céruse cerussite {noun} cérusite cerverina cupidone bleue cervical [/ˈsɝːvɨkl̩/] {adjective, noun} (cervicals) cervical cervical cancer {noun} cancer cervical | cancer du col de l'utérus | cancer du col utérin cervical cap {noun} (cervical caps) cape cervicale cervical ligament ligament cervical cervical smear {noun} (cervical smears) frottis cervical vertebra {noun} (cervical vertebras, cervical vertebrae) vertèbre cervicale cervicalgia {noun} cervicalgie cervicitis {noun} (cervicites, cervicitides) cervicite cervid {noun} (cervids) cervidé cervix [/ˈsɜː.vɪks/ | /ˈsɝ.vɪks/] {noun} (cervices, cervixes) col de l'utérus cervonic acid {noun} acide docosahexaénoïque cesky fousek barbu tchèque cesky terrier terrier tchèque cespitose {adjective} (more cespitose, most cespitose) cespiteux cessation [/sɛˈseɪʃən/] {noun} cessation cessationism {noun} cessationisme | cessationnisme cessative cessatif cessative case cessatif cessel cerceau cession [/ˈsɛʃən/] {noun} cession cesspit [/ˈsɛspɪt/] {noun} (cesspits) fosse septique cesspool [/ˈsɛsˌpuːl/] {noun} (cesspools) cloaque | fosse | fosse d’aisance | porcherie cestode [/ˈsɛs.təʊd/ | /ˈsɛˌstoʊd/] {noun} (cestodes) cestode cestodiasis {noun} cestoïde cestodosis cestodose cetacean [/sɪˈteɪʃən/] {adjective, noun} (more cetacean, most cetacean, cetaceans) cétacé cetaceous {adjective} cétacé cetane {noun} (cetanes) cétane | hexadécane cetane number {noun} (cetane numbers) indice de cétane cetartiodactyl {noun} (cetartiodactyls) cétartiodactyle ceterach {noun} (ceterachs) cétérach Ceterach officinarum cétérach officinal cetirizine [/sɛˈtɪɹɨziːn/] {noun} cétirizine cetologist {noun} (cetologists) cétologiste cetology {noun} (cetologies) cétologie Cetti’s warbler bouscarle de Cetti Cetus {properNoun} Baleine cetylic {adjective} cétylique Ceulanamaesmawr Ceulanamaesmawr Ceuta {properNoun} Ceuta Ceutan {adjective, noun} (most Ceutan, more Ceutan, Ceutans) Ceutien cevadic cévadique ceviche [/səˈviːtʃeɪ/] {noun} ceviche Ceylon [/seɪˈlɑn/ | /sɪˈlɒn/] {noun, properNoun} Ceylan Ceylon frogmouth podarge de Ceylan Ceylon spinach baselle CF {adjective, noun, phraseologicalUnit, properNoun} FC cf. {verb} cf. CFA {noun} (CFAs) CFA CFA franc {noun} (CFA francs) franc CFA CFAV {noun} (CFAVs) NAFC CFB renvoi automatique sur occupation CFC {noun, properNoun} (CFCs) CFC CFD {noun} contrat sur différence CFL {noun, properNoun} (CFLs) LCF CFNR renvoi automatique sur non-réponse CFO {noun} (CFOs) directeur administratif et financier CFP PCP CFR {noun, properNoun} coût et fret CFU {noun} (CFUs) renvoi automatique d’appels CGI {noun, properNoun, verb} CGI cha-cha {noun, verb} (cha-chas, cha-chaing, cha-chaed) Cha-cha-chá chaabi {noun} chaâbi Chaac Chaac chabazite [/ˈkæbəzaɪt/] {noun} (chabazites) chabazite Chabo chabo chabocle escarboucle chacaltaite chacaltaïte Chaceley Chaceley Chacewater Chacewater Chach {properNoun} Tchatch chacha {noun} (chachas) cha-cha chachalaca {noun} (chachalacas) catraca chachka {noun} (chachkas) bibelot chacma baboon chacma Chacombe Chacombe chaconne [/ʃaˈkɔn/] {noun} (chaconnes) chaconne Chad [/tʃæd/] {noun, properNoun} (Chads) Tchad Chadderton {properNoun} Chadderton Chaddleworth Chaddleworth Chadian {adjective, noun} (Chadians) Tchadien | tchadien Chadic {adjective} (most Chadic, more Chadic) tchadique Chadlington Chadlington Chadong chadong chador {noun} (chadors) chador | tchador Chadshunt Chadshunt Chadwell St Mary {properNoun} Chadwell St Mary chaebol [/ˈt͡ʃeɪbʌl/] {noun} (chaebols) chaebol chaetognath {noun} (chaetognaths) chétognathe chafe [/tʃeɪf/] {noun, verb} (chafes, chafing, chafed) abrasion | chauffer en frictionnant | colère | inflammation | irriter | vexer chaff [/tʃæf/] {noun, verb} (chaffs, chaffed, chaffing) balle | bale chaff cutter hache-paille Chaffcombe Chaffcombe chaffinch [/ˈt͡ʃæfɪnt͡ʃ/] {noun} (chaffinches) pinson | pinson des arbres Chafford Hundred Chafford Hundred Chagas disease {noun} maladie de Chagas Chagatai {properNoun} Chagatai | Djaghataï | Tchaghataï Chagford Chagford Chaghatai tchaghataï chagrin [/ʃəˈɡɹɪn/ | /ˈʃæɡ.ɹɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chagrin, more chagrin, chagrins, chagrined, chagrining) chagrin chai [/tʃaɪ/] {noun} (chais) chai chai tea {noun} chai Chailey Chailey chain [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn/] {noun, verb} (chains, chained, chaining) chaîne | enchaîner | chaîner chain catshark roussette maille chain drive {noun} (chain drives) transmission par chaîne chain mail {noun} cotte de mailles chain of command {noun} (chains of command) chaîne de commandement chain of mountains chaîne de montagnes chain polymerisation polymérisation en chaîne chain polymerization polymérisation en chaîne chain reaction {noun} (chain reactions) réaction en chaîne chain rule {noun} règle de la chaîne chain shot {noun} (chain shots) boulet chaîné chain smoker {noun} (chain smokers) gros fumeur | fumeur à la chaîne chain store {noun} (chain stores) chaîne de magasins chain tool dérive-chaîne chain transfer transfert de chaîne chain up {verb} (chains up, chaining up, chained up) enchaîner chain whip fouet à chaîne chainplate {noun} (chainplates) cadène chainring [/ˈtʃeɪnɹɪŋ/] {noun} (chainrings) plateau chainsaw [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn.ˌsɔː/] {noun, verb} (chainsaws, chainsawed, chainsawing, chainsawn) tronçonneuse | scie à chaîne chair [/t͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ | /t͡ʃɛəɹ/] {noun, verb} (chairs, chaired, chairing) chaise | fauteuil | chaire | présider chair conformation {noun} (chair conformations) conformation chaise chair umpire {noun} (chair umpires) arbitre de chaise chaircaner rempailleur chairlift {noun} (chairlifts) télésiège chairman [/ˈtʃɛːmən/] {noun, verb} (chairmen, chairmans, chairmanned, chairmanning) président | secrétaire général chairperson {noun} (chairpeople, chairpersons) président | présidente | secrétaire général | secrétaire générale chairwoman {noun} (chairwomen) présidente | secrétaire générale chaise [/ʃeɪz/] {noun} (chaises) cabriolet chaise longue [/ˌʃeɪz ˈlɒŋ(ɡ)/ | /ˌʃeɪz ˈlɔŋ/] {noun} (chaises longues, chaise longues) chaise longue chaise lounge [/ˌʃeɪz ˈlaʊndʒ/] {noun} (chaise lounges) chaise longue chakalaka {noun} chakalaka chakra [/ˈtʃʌk.ɹə/] {noun} (chakras) chakra | tchakra chalaza [/kəˈleɪzə/] {noun} (chalazae, chalazas) chalaze chalazion [/kəˈleɪzi.ən/] {noun} (chalazia, chalazions) chalaze Chalbury Chalbury chalcanthite {noun} (chalcanthites) chalcantite Chalcedon [/ˈkælsɪdɑːn/ | /ˈkælsɪdɒn/] {properNoun} Chalcédoine chalcedony [/kælˈsɛdəni/] {noun} (chalcedonies) calcédoine Chalcis {properNoun} Chalcis chalcitris chalcitris chalcocite {noun} chalcocite chalcocyanite {noun} chalcocyanite chalcogen {noun} (chalcogens) chalcogène chalcolithic {adjective} chalcolithique chalcomiklite chalcomiklite chalcopyrite {noun} (chalcopyrites) chalcopyrite chalcostibite {noun} chalcostibite chalcotrichite chalcotrichite Chaldea {properNoun} Chaldée Chaldean {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chaldeans) Chaldéen | Chaldéenne Chaldean Catholic Church {properNoun} Église catholique chaldéenne Chaldean Neo-Aramaic néo-araméen chaldéen Chaldon Chaldon Chaldon Herring Chaldon Herring Chale Chale chalet [/ʃæleɪ/] {noun} (chalets) chalet Chalfont St Giles {properNoun} Chalfont St Giles Chalfont St Peter Chalfont St Peter Chalford Chalford Chalgrave Chalgrave Chalgrove Chalgrove chalice [/ˈtʃæl.ɪs/] {noun} (chalices) calice chalice vine solandre chalk [/t͡ʃɑk/ | /t͡ʃɔk/ | /t͡ʃɔːk/] {noun, verb} (chalks, chalked, chalking) craie | magnésie chalk up {verb} (chalks up, chalking up, chalked up) décrocher | engranger | enregistrer | multiplier | remporter | totaliser chalk up to {verb} attribuer la responsabilité | attribuer le mérite | mettre sur le compte Chalk-hill Blue argus bleu nacré chalkboard [/t͡ʃɔk.bɔː(ɹ)d/ | /t͡ʃɔːk.bɔː(ɹ)d/] {noun} (chalkboards) tableau noir | ardoise chalky {adjective} (chalkest, chalker) calcaire Challacombe Challacombe challah [/ˈχɑːlə/] {noun} (challoth, challahs, challos, challot) hallah | challah challenge [/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (challenges, challenging, challenged) défi | défier | chalenge challenger {noun} (challengers) challengeur Challenger Deep {properNoun} Challenger Deep challenging [/ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most challenging, more challenging, challengings) difficile | stimulant challis [/ˈʃæ.li/] {noun} (challises) chaly Challock Challock Chalton Chalton chalumeau [/ˌʃælʊˈməʊ/] {noun} (chalumeaux, chalumeaus) chalumeau chalumist chalumiste Chalvington with Ripe Chalvington with Ripe Cham [/tʃæm/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chams) cham chamade [/ʃəˈmɑːd/] {noun} (chamades) chamade Chamaeleon {properNoun} Caméléon Chamalal chamalal chamamé chamamé chamber [/ˈtʃeɪmbə(ɹ)/ | /ˈtʃeɪmbɚ/] {noun, verb} (chambers, chambered, chambering) chambre | pièce | salle chamber music {noun} musique de chambre chamber of commerce {noun} (chambers of commerce) chambre de commerce chamber orchestra {noun} (chamber orchestras) orchestre de chambre chamber pot {noun} (chamber pots) pot de chambre chamberlain [/ˈt͡ʃeɪmbəlɪn/ | /ˈt͡ʃeɪmbɚlɪn/] {noun} (chamberlains) chambellan chamberlainship {noun} camerlingat chambermaid [/ˈtʃeɪm.bə(ɹ).meɪd/] {noun} (chambermaids) femme de chambre Chambord Chambord chambray [/ˈʃæmbɹeɪ/] {noun} chambray Chambéry {properNoun} Chambéry chameleon [/kəˈmiːljən/ | /kəˈmiːlɪən/] {adjective, noun} (chameleons) caméléon chamfer [/ˈtʃæm.fɚ/ | /ˈʃæm.fə/] {noun, verb} (chamfers, chamfered, chamfering) chanfrein | chanfreiner | champfrain chamfron [/ˈt͡ʃamfɹən/] {noun} (chamfrons) chanfrein Chamicuro {noun, properNoun} (Chamicuro) chamicuro chamois [/ˈʃæmi/ | /ˈʃæmiz/ | /ˈʃæmwɑː/ | /ˈʃæmwɑːz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chamois, chamoises, chamoised, chamoising) chamois | isard chamois leather {noun} peau de chamois Chamonix {properNoun} Chamonix Chamorro [/tʃəˈmɒɹəʊ/ | /tʃəˈmɔɹoʊ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chamorros) chamorro chamotte {noun} chamotte champ [/t͡ʃæmp/] {noun, verb} (champs, champed, champing) faire des bruits champ at the bit {verb} prendre le mors aux dents | ronger son frein | se ronger les ongles champac {noun} (champacs) champac Champagne {noun, properNoun} (Champagnes) Champagne champagne [/ʃæmˈpeɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (champagnes, champagned, champagning) champagne Champagne argente rabbit argenté de Champagne champagne bucket {noun} (champagne buckets) seau à Champagne champagne socialism gauche caviar Champagne-Ardenne {properNoun} Champagne-Ardenne champaign [/ˈtʃæmpeɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more champaign, most champaign, champaigns) plaine champansky [/ʃæmˈpænski/] {noun} champansky Champenois {properNoun} champenois champignon [/t͡ʃæmˈpɪnjən/ | /ʃæmˈpɪnjən/] {noun} (champignons) champignon champion [/ˈtʃæmpiən/] {adjective, noun, verb} (champions, championing, championed) champion | championne | championner championitis championnite Champions League {properNoun} Ligue des champions championship [/ˈtʃæmpi.ənʃɪp/] {noun} championnat | champion | championne Champlain {properNoun} Champlain champlevé [/ˌʃɒ̃mləˈveɪ/] {adjective, noun} champlevé Champs-Élysées Champs-Élysées chanbara chanbara chance [/tʃæns/ | /tʃɑːns/ | [tʃʰæns] | [tʃʰɐːns] | [tʃʰɑːns] | [tʃʰɛəns]] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (chances, chanced, chancing) chance | raccroc | risque chance upon [/t͡ʃɑːns əˈpɒn/] {verb} (chances upon, chanced upon, chancing upon) tomber du ciel chancel [/ˈtʃænsəl/ | /ˈtʃɑːnsəl/] {noun} (chancels) chancel | clôture de chœur chancellery [/ˈtʃænt.slə.ɹi/ | /ˈtʃɑːnt.səl.ɹi/] {noun} (chancelleries) chancellerie chancellor [/ˈtʃænsələ/ | /ˈtʃɑːnsələ/] {noun} (chancellors) chancelier | chancelière | contremaître de jury Chancellor of the Exchequer {properNoun} ministre des finances Chancery Chancery chances are {adverb} il est probable que chancroid [/ˈʃæŋ.krɔɪd/] {noun} (chancroids) chancre mou chancy {adjective} (chancest, chancer) chanceux chandelier [/ʃændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chandeliers) lustre chandler [/ˈtʃændlə(ɹ)/] {noun} (chandlers) chandelier Chandler’s Ford Chandler’s Ford chandoo {noun} chandoo chang {noun} (changs) chang Chang Jiang {properNoun} Yangtsé change [/tʃeɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (changes, changed, changing) changement | changer | monnaie | modification | transformer | mutation | évolution change aversion {noun} immobilisme change hands {verb} (changes hands, changing hands, changed hands) changer de main change horses in midstream {verb} changer de cheval au milieu du gué change house salle des pendus change management {noun} accompagnement au changement change of heart {noun} (changes of heart) revirement change of scenery {noun} (changes of scenery) dépaysement change of tack {noun} (changes of tack) revirement change one's mind {verb} changer d'avis | raviser change one's tune {verb} repenser change one’s stance changer son fusil d’épaule change someone's mind {verb} changer d'avis change the deal changer la donne change the game [/ˈt͡ʃeɪn(d͡)ʒ ðə ˈɡeɪm/ | /ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒ ðə ˈɡeɪm/] {verb} (changes the game, changed the game, changing the game) changer la donne change the record {verb} changer de disque change-over inversion change-up [/ˈtʃeɪndʒʌp/] {noun} (change-ups) changement de vitesse changeable [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒəbəl/] {adjective} (most changeable, more changeable) changeable | changeant changeful {adjective} (most changeful, more changeful) capricieux changeling [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒlɪŋ/] {noun} (changelings) changelin | changeling changelog [/ˈtʃeɪndʒˌlɒɡ/] {noun} (changelogs) changelog changeover {noun} (changeovers) changement | commutation | conversion | passage | transition | transposition changer {noun} (changers) changeur changeroom {noun} (changerooms) cabine d’essayage Changhsingian {properNoun} Changxing'ien changing [/ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (changings) changement changing room {noun} (changing rooms) vestiaire | cabine d'essayage changing table [/ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/] {noun} (changing tables) table à langer channel [/ˈtʃænəl/] {noun, verb} (channels, channelling, channeled, channelled, channeling) chaîne | canaliser channel hop {verb} (channel hops, channel hopping, channel hopped) zapping channel hopping {verb} zapping Channel Islands {properNoun} îles Anglo-Normandes | îles de la Manche channel surf {verb} (channel surfs, channel surfed, channel surfing) zapping channel surfing {verb} zapping Channel Tunnel {properNoun} le tunnel sous la Manche channeling {noun, verb} (channelings) canalisation channelize {verb} (channelizes, channelized, channelizing) canaliser chanson [/ʃɑ̃.sɔ̃/] {noun} (chansons) chanson | chanson française chansonnier {noun} (chansonniers) chansonnier | chansonnière chant [/tʃænt/ | /tʃɑːnt/] {noun, verb} (chants, chanting, chanted) chanter chant royal {noun} chant royal Chantal {properNoun} Chantal chantefable {noun} (chantefables) chantefable chanter [/ˈtʃæntɚ/ | /ˈtʃɑːntə/] {noun} (chanters) chalumeau | scandeur | scandeuse chanterelle [/ˈtʃæntəɹɛl/] {noun} (chanterelles) girolle | chanterelle chanteuse [/ʃɑnˈtuːz/ | /ʃɒnˈtɜːz/] {noun} (chanteuses) chanteuse chantilly {noun} chantilly Chantilly cream {noun} chantilly chantilly-tiffany chantilly chanting {noun, verb} (chantings) chantant chantress {noun} (chantresses) chanteuse chantwell [/ˈtʃæntwɛl/ | /ˈtʃæntˌwɛl/] {noun} (chantwells) chantuelle Chanukah {properNoun} Hanoukka Chaná chaná Chané chané chaoid chaoïde chaology {noun} (chaologies) chaologie chaos [/ˈkeɪ.ɑs/ | /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/] {noun} (chaoses) chaos chaos theory {noun} théorie du chaos chaosphere {noun} (chaospheres) chaosphère chaotic [/keɪˈɑtɪk/ | /keɪˈɒtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most chaotic, more chaotic, chaotics) chaotique chaotic control pilotage par chaos chaotically {adverb} (most chaotically, more chaotically) chaotiquement chaotropic {adjective, noun} (most chaotropic, more chaotropic, chaotropics) chaotropique chap [/tʃæp/] {noun, verb} (chaps, chapped, chapping) mec | bougre | crevasser | quidam chapada chapada chaparral [/ˌʃæpəˈɹæl/] {noun} maquis chapati [/t͡ʃəˈpæti/] {noun} (chapatis) chapati chapel [/ˈtʃæ.pəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (chapels, chapelled, chapelling) chapelle Chapel Allerton Chapel Allerton Chapel and Hill Chorlton Chapel and Hill Chorlton Chapel Ascote Chapel Ascote Chapel en le Frith Chapel en le Frith Chapel Haddlesey Chapel Haddlesey chapel master maître de chapelle chapel of ease {noun} (chapels of ease) succursale Chapel St Leonards Chapel St Leonards Chapelhall Chapelhall Chapelton Chapelton chaperon [/ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/ | /ˈʃæ.pəˌɹəʊn/] {noun, verb} (chaperons, chaperoned, chaperoning) chaperon chaperone [/ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/] {noun, verb} (chaperones, chaperoning, chaperoned) chaperon | chaperonner chaperonin {noun} (chaperonins) chaperonine Chapin's babbler phyllanthe de Chapin Chapin's mountain-babbler phyllanthe de Chapin chaplain [/ˈtʃæp.lɪn/] {noun} (chaplains) chapelain | aumônier chaplaincy [/ˈtʃæp.lɪn.si/] {noun} (chaplaincies) aumônerie chaplet [/ˈtʃæplət/] {noun} (chaplets) chapelet Chaplinesque {adjective} (most Chaplinesque, more Chaplinesque) chaplinesque Chapman's antshrike {noun} (Chapman's antshrikes) batara de Chapman Chapmanslade Chapmanslade chapped [/tʃæpt/] {adjective, verb} (most chapped, more chapped) gercé Chappel {properNoun} (Chappels) Chappel chaps [/tʃæps/] {noun, verb} guêtres chapstick {noun} (chapsticks) beurre de cacao chaptalisation {noun} chaptalisation chaptalization {noun} chaptalisation chaptalize {verb} (chaptalizes, chaptalizing, chaptalized) chaptaliser chapter [/ˈt͡ʃæptə/ | /ˈt͡ʃæptɚ/] {noun, verb} (chapters, chaptering, chaptered) chapitre | branche | section chapter house {noun} (chapter houses) salle capitulaire chapterhouse {noun} (chapterhouses) salle capitulaire chapé {noun} chapé char [/tʃɑɹ/ | /tʃɑː/] {noun, verb} (char, chars, charring, charred, charing, chared) omble | bonne | carboniser | femme de ménage char siu [/ˌtʃɑː ˈʃuː/] {noun} porc laqué Chara chara charabanc [/ˈʃæ.ɹə.bæŋ(k)/] {noun, verb} (charabancs, charabanced, charabancing) char-à-bancs character [/ˈkæɹəktə/ | /ˈkɛɹəktɚ/] {noun, verb} (characters, charactering, charactered) caractère | personnage character assassination {noun} diffamation | médisance character class {noun} (character classes) classe de caractères character reference {noun} (character references) référence de caractère character set {noun} (character sets) jeu de caractères character string chaîne de caractères characterisation {noun} caractérisation characterise {verb} (characterises, characterising, characterised) caractériser characteristic [/ˌkæɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/ | /ˌkɛɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most characteristic, more characteristic, characteristics) caractéristique characteristic polynomial {noun} (characteristic polynomials) polynôme caractéristique characteristic velocity vitesse caractéristique characteristically {adverb} (more characteristically, most characteristically) caractéristiquement | typiquement characterization {noun} (characterizations) caractérisation characterize [/ˈkæɹəktəɹaɪz/ | /ˈkɛɹəktəɹaɪz/] {verb} (characterizes, characterizing, characterized) caractériser | dépeindre charade [/ʃəˈɹeɪd/ | /ʃəˈɹɑːd/] {noun, verb} (charades, charaded, charading) charade charades {noun} charade charango [/t͡ʃəˈɹæŋɡəʊ/] {noun} (charangos) charango charbonnier {noun} (charbonniers) tricholome prétentieux charbray charbray charcoal [/ˈtʃɑɹ.koʊl/ | /ˈtʃɑː.kəʊl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most charcoal, more charcoal, charcoals, charcoaled, charcoaling) charbon de bois charcoal burner {noun} (charcoal burners) russule charbonnière charcoal kiln charbonnière charcuterie [/ʃɑːɹˌkuːtəˈɹi/] {noun} charcuterie chard [/tʃɑɹd/ | /tʃɑːd/] {noun} blette | poirée | bette | jotte Chard Town Chard Town Chardonnay [/ˌʃɑː(ɹ)dəˈneɪ/] {noun} chardonnay Chardstock Chardstock Charente {properNoun} Charente Charente-Maritime {properNoun} Charente-Maritime Charfield Charfield charge [/t͡ʃɑɹd͡ʒ/ | /t͡ʃɑːd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (charges, charging, charged) charge | charger | accuser | armer | chef d’accusation | chef d’inculpation charge carrier {noun} (charge carriers) porteur de charge charge up {verb} (charges up, charging up, charged up) recharger charge-coupled device {noun} (charge-coupled devices) DCC charge-transfer device DTC chargeable {adjective} (more chargeable, most chargeable) accusable chargeback {noun} chargeback charged {verb} chargé charged off amorti charger [/ˈtʃɑɹdʒɚ/ | /ˈtʃɑːdʒə/] {noun} (chargers) chargeur chargino {noun} (charginos) chargino chargon {noun} (chargons) chargeon chargé d'affaires [/ʃɑrˈʒeɪ dəˈfɛɹ/] {noun} (chargés d'affaires) chargé d'affaires | chargée d'affaires chariness {noun} prudence Charing {properNoun} Charing chariot [/ˈt͡ʃæɹiət/ | /ˈt͡ʃæɹɪət/] {noun, verb} (chariots, charioting, charioted) char | charriot chariot racing course de chars charioteer {noun, verb} (charioteers, charioteered, charioteering) aurige charisma [/kəˈɹɪzmə/] {noun} (charismas, charismata) charisme charismatic [/ˌkæɹɪzˈmætɪk/ | /ˌkɛɹəzˈmætək/] {adjective, noun} (most charismatic, more charismatic, charismatics) charismatique charitable {adjective} (most charitable, more charitable) caritatif charitable organization {noun} (charitable organizations) association caritative charitably {adverb} (most charitably, more charitably) charitablement Charites {properNoun} Charites charity [/ˈtʃæɹɪti/ | /ˈtʃɛɹəti/] {noun} (charities) charité | organisme de charité charity begins at home {proverb} charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même charity business économie caritative charity promotion promotion par l’argument charitable charityware {noun} careware charivari [/ʃɑːɹɪˈvɑːɹi/] {noun} charivari charivaric {adjective} (most charivaric, more charivaric) charivarique charlatan [/ˈʃɑɹlətən/ | /ˈʃɑːlətən/] {noun} (charlatans) charlatan charlatanry {noun} (charlatanries) charlatanisme Charlbury {properNoun} Charlbury Charlcombe Charlcombe Charlecote Charlecote Charlemagne [/ˈʃɑɹlɨmeɪn/] {properNoun} Charlemagne Charlene [/ʃɑɹˈlin/] {properNoun} Charlène Charleroi {properNoun} Charleroi Charles [/tʃɑɹlz/ | /tʃɑːlz/] {properNoun} Charles Charles Straight détroit de Belle-Isle Charles the Great Charlemagne Charles's law [/ˌtʃɑːlz ˈlɔː/] {properNoun} loi de Charles charlesite {noun} charlésite Charleston {noun, properNoun} (Charlestons) Charleston Charlesworth {properNoun} (Charlesworths) Charlesworth Charleton Charleton Charleville-Mézières Charleville-Mézières Charlevoix {properNoun} Charlevoix Charley {noun, properNoun} (Charleys) Charley charley horse {noun} (charley horses) béquille | jambe de bois charlie horse {noun} (charlie horses) crampe charlock {noun} (charlocks) moutarde des champs charlock mustard moutarde des champs Charlotte [/ˈʃaɹlət/ | /ˈʃaːlət/ | /ˈʃɑɹlət/ | /ˈʃɑːlət/] {noun, properNoun} (Charlottes) Charlotte charlotte [/ˈʃɑɹlət/ | /ˈʃɑːlət/] {noun} (charlottes) charlotte charlotte russe [/ˈʃɑɹlət ˈɹus/ | /ˈʃɑːlət ˈɹuːs/] {noun} (charlottes russe, charlottes russes, charlotte russes) charlotte russe Charlottetown [/ˈʃɑɹlɪˌtaʊn/] {properNoun} Charlottetown Charlton {properNoun} Charlton Charlton Horethorne Charlton Horethorne Charlton Kings {properNoun} Charlton Kings Charlton Mackrell {properNoun} Charlton Mackrell Charlton Marshall Charlton Marshall Charlton Musgrove {properNoun} Charlton Musgrove Charlton on Otmoor Charlton on Otmoor Charlton, Brinkworth Charlton, Brinkworth Charlton, Pewsey Vale Charlton, Pewsey Vale Charlwood Charlwood charm [/tʃɑɹm/ | /tʃɑːm/] {noun, verb} (charms, charmed, charming) charme | ensorceler | breloque | charmer | fétiche charm price prix magique charm quark {noun} (charm quarks) quark charm | quark charme | quark charmé charmer [/ˈtʃɑɹmɚ/] {noun} (charmers) charmeur charming [/ˈtʃɑː(ɹ).mɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more charming, most charming, charmings) charmant Charminster Charminster charmoise charmoise charmonium {noun} (charmoniums, charmonia) charmonium Charmouth Charmouth Charndon Charndon Charney Bassett Charney Bassett Charnock Richard Charnock Richard Charnwood {properNoun} Charnwood Charoite charoïte Charolais Charollais charolais cattle charolaise charollais mouton charollais charollaise charollaise Charon [/ˈkɛəɹɒn/ | /ˈkɛəɹən/] {noun, properNoun} (Charons) Charon charrus {noun} (charruses) charruage Charrúa charrúa charset {noun} (charsets) jeu de caractères Charsfield Charsfield chart [/tʃɑɹt/] {noun, verb} (charts, charted, charting) carte | diagnostiques | graphe chart index carte-index chart polski lévrier polonais Chart Sutton Chart Sutton chartalism {noun} chartalisme charter [/ˈt͡ʃɑɹtɚ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɑːtə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (charters, chartering, chartered) charte charter-party charte-partie chartered accountant {noun} (chartered accountants) comptable agréé charterer {noun} (charterers) affréteur charterhouse {noun} (charterhouses) chartreuse Chartham Chartham Chartism {properNoun} (Chartisms) chartisme Chartist {adjective, noun} (Chartists) chartiste chartist {noun} (chartists) chartiste Chartres {properNoun} Chartres Chartres blue {noun} (Chartres blues) bleu de Chartres chartreux chartreux Chartridge Chartridge Charvil Charvil Charwelton Charwelton charwoman {noun} (charwomen) femme de journée | femme de ménage | femme de service | nettoyeuse | technicienne de surface chary [/ˈtʃɛəɹi/ | /ˈtʃɛɹi/] {adjective, adverb} (charer, charest, most chary, more chary) prude Charybdis [/kəˈɹɪbdɪs/] {properNoun} Charybde chase [/tʃeɪs/] {noun, verb} (chases, chasing, chased) chasser | poursuivre | poursuite chase away {verb} (chases away, chased away, chasing away) chasser chase off {verb} chasser chase one's tail {verb} (chases one's tail, chasing one's tail, chased one's tail) tourner en rond chase out chasser chase tail {verb} courir le cotillon | courir le jupon chase the dragon {verb} chasser le dragon chaser [/ˈtʃeɪsə/ | /ˈtʃeɪsɚ/] {noun} (chasers) poursuivant | pousse-alcool | rince-cochon | rince-gueule chasm [/ˈkæz(ə)m/] {noun} (chasms) gouffre | chasme | crevasse | divergence | fossé chasma [/ˈkazmə/ | /ˈkæzmə/] {noun} (chasmas, chasmata) chasma chasmophyte [/ˈkæzməʊfaɪt/] {noun} (chasmophytes) chasmophyte chasmophytic {adjective} chasmophyte chasse {noun, verb} (chasses, chasseing, chassed) pas chassé chasse-café [/ˌʃaskaˈfeɪ/ | /ˌʃæskæˈfeɪ/] {noun} (chasse-cafés) chasse-café | pousse-café chassis [/ˈtʃæsi/ | /ˈtʃæsiz/ | /ˈʃæzi/] {noun} (chassis) châssis chaste [/tʃeɪst/] {adjective} (chaster, chastest) chaste chaste tree {noun} (chaste trees) gattilier chastely {adverb} (most chastely, more chastely) chastement chastise [/tʃæˈstaɪz/] {verb} (chastises, chastising, chastised) châtier chastisement [/ˈtʃæstəzmənt/] {noun} châtiment chastiser {noun} (chastisers) châtieur chastity [/ˈtʃæstɪti/] {noun} (chastities) chasteté chastity belt {noun} (chastity belts) ceinture de chasteté chastity ring {noun} (chastity rings) bague de virginité Chastleton Chastleton chastushka {noun} (chastushkas, chastushki, chastushky) tchastouchka chasuble [/ˈt͡ʃæzjʊbəl/] {noun} (chasubles) chasuble chat [/tʃæt/] {noun, verb} (chats, chatting, chatted) bavarder | tchatter | clavardage | chat | papoter | converser chat room {noun} (chat rooms) clavardoir chat show {noun} (chat shows) talk-show chat up {verb} (chats up, chatting up, chatted up) allumer | draguer | emballer chat-tanager konichon chatbot {noun} (chatbots) chatbot Chatburn Chatburn chateau {noun} (chateaus, chateaux) château chatelaine [/ˈʃætl̩ˌeɪn/ | /ˈʃætəleɪn/] {noun} (chatelaines) châtelaine Chatham [/ˈtʃæt.əm/] {properNoun} Chatham Chatham parakeet perruche des Chatham chatoyancy {noun} (chatoyancies) chatoyance Chatsworth {properNoun} Chatsworth chattel [/ˈtʃæt.əl/ | [-ɾɫ]] {noun} (chattels) bien chatter [/ˈtʃætə/ | /ˈtʃætɚ/] {noun, verb} (chatters, chattered, chattering) bavarder | bagou | jacassement | jacasser chatterbox {noun} (chatterboxes) moulin à paroles chatterer {noun} (chatterers) babillard chattering giant honeyeater méliphage vert chattering lory {noun} (chattering lories) lori noira Chatteris [/ˈtʃætɛɹɪs/] {properNoun} Chatteris Chattian {properNoun} Chattien Chattisham Chattisham Chatton Chatton chatty [/ˈtʃæti/] {adjective, noun} (chatties, chatter, chattest) bavard chaudin chaudin Chaudière Chaudière chauffeur [/ʃoʊˈfɝ/ | /ʃɒˈfɜː/] {noun, verb} (chauffeurs, chauffeuring, chauffeured) chauffeur | chauffeuse chauffeuse {noun} (chauffeuses) chauffeuse chaulmoogric {adjective} chaulmoogrique chausie chausie chaussé {adjective} (most chaussé, more chaussé) chaussé chauvinism [/ˈʃoʊ.vɪˌnɪzm̩/ | /ˈʃəʊ.və.nɪ.zəm/ | /ˈʃəʊ.vɪ.nɪ.zəm/] {noun} chauvinisme chauvinist {adjective, noun} (more chauvinist, most chauvinist, chauvinists) chauvin | chauviniste chauvinistic {adjective} (most chauvinistic, more chauvinistic) chauvin | chauviniste | cocardier chav [/tʃæv/] {noun} (chavs) racaille | cacou Chawleigh Chawleigh Chawton Chawton chayote [/tʃɑˈjoʊti/ | /ˈtʃeɪəʊti/] {noun} chayotte | chouchou | christophine | séchion Cheadle {properNoun} Cheadle Cheadle and Gatley Cheadle and Gatley cheap [/t͡ʃip/ | /t͡ʃiːp/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (cheaper, cheapest, most cheap, more cheap, cheaps, cheaped, cheaping) bon marché | au rabais | modique | pas cher | peu cher | radin cheap shot {noun} (cheap shots) coup bas cheapen {verb} (cheapens, cheapened, cheapening) déprécier | dévaluer cheaper {adjective} meilleur marché cheaply [/ˈtʃiːpli/] {adverb} (most cheaply, more cheaply) bas cheapskate {noun} (cheapskates) avare | pingre Chearsley Chearsley cheat [/tʃiːt/] {noun, verb} (cheats, cheated, cheating) tricher | tromper | menteur | tricheur | tricheuse cheat on {verb} tromper cheat sheet {noun} (cheat sheets) antisèche | pompe cheatable {adjective} (more cheatable, most cheatable) trichable cheater [/ˈtʃiːtə(ɹ)/] {noun} (cheaters) infidèle cheating [/ˈtʃiːtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cheating, more cheating) triche Cheboksary [/ˌt͡ʃɛbɒkˈsæɹiː/] {properNoun} Tcheboksary Chebsey Chebsey Chechen [/ˈtʃɛ.tʃɛn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Chechens) tchétchène | Tchétchène Chechnya [/ˈtʃɛtʃ.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Tchétchénie check [/t͡ʃɛk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (checks, checked, checking) échec | vérifier | cocher | contrôle | contrôler | addition check and mate {interjection} mat check box {noun} (check boxes) case à cocher check in {verb} (checks in, checking in, checked in) enregistrer check list liste de vérification check mark {noun} (check marks) coche check out {verb} (checks out, checked out, checking out) examiner | claquer | crever | emprunter | mater | regarder check pattern quadrillage check through {verb} (checks through, checked through, checking through) examiner | inspecter | laisser passer check up {verb} (checks up, checking up, checked up) vérifier check-in {noun} enregistrement checkbook {noun} (checkbooks) carnet de chèque checkbox [/ˈtʃɛkbɑks/ | /ˈtʃɛkbɒks/] {noun} (checkboxes) case à cocher checked syllable syllabe fermée checked vowel voyelle entravée Checkendon Checkendon checker [/ˈtʃɛkə/ | /ˈtʃɛkɚ/] {noun, verb} (checkers, checkered, checkering) vérificateur checker tree alisier torminal checkerboard {noun, verb} (checkerboards, checkerboarding, checkerboarded) damier checkered {adjective, verb} (more checkered, most checkered) à carreaux | échiqueté checkered flag {noun} (checkered flags) drapeau à damier checkers {noun, verb} checkers checking [/ˈtʃɛkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (checkings) enrayement checking account {noun} (checking accounts) compte courant Checkley Checkley Checkley cum Wrinehill Checkley cum Wrinehill checklist [/ˈtʃɛklɪst/] {noun} (checklists) liste de contrôle checkmate [/ˈt͡ʃɛkmeɪt/] {interjection, noun, verb} (checkmates, checkmating, checkmated) échec et mat | faire échec et mat checkout {noun} (checkouts) caisse checkpoint {noun, verb} (checkpoints, checkpointed, checkpointing) point de contrôle | point de sauvegarde | sauvegarde checks and balances {noun, verb} séparation des pouvoirs checksum {noun, verb} (checksums, checksummed, checksumming) somme de contrôle checkup {noun} (checkups) bilan de santé | check-up Chedburgh Chedburgh Cheddar [/ˈtʃɛdɑːɹ/ | /ˈtʃɛdə/ | /ˈtʃɛdɚ/] {noun, properNoun} Cheddar cheddar [/ˈtʃɛdə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (cheddars, cheddaring, cheddared) cheddar Cheddar cheese {noun} cheddar | fromage Cheddar Cheddington {properNoun} Cheddington Cheddleton Cheddleton Cheddon Fitzpaine Cheddon Fitzpaine cheder {noun} (chedarim, chederim, cheders, chadorim, chadarim) heder Chedgrave Chedgrave Chedington Chedington Chediston Chediston Chedworth Chedworth Chedzoy Chedzoy cheek [/tʃiːk/] {noun, verb} (cheeks, cheeked, cheeking) joue | culot | fesse | potence de bringuebale | toupet cheek by jowl {adjective, adverb} (most cheek by jowl, more cheek by jowl) côte à côte | joue contre joue cheek pouch {noun} (cheek pouches) abajoue cheekbone {noun} (cheekbones) pommette cheekily {adverb} (most cheekily, more cheekily) effrontément cheekini slip brésilien cheeky [/ˈtʃiːki/] {adjective} (cheeker, cheekest) impertinent | insolent | effronté cheeky monkey {noun} (cheeky monkeys) insolent cheep [/tʃiːp/] {interjection, noun, verb} (cheeps, cheeped, cheeping) piailler | chanter cheer [/t͡ʃɪə(ɹ)/ | /t͡ʃɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (cheers, cheered, cheering) acclamer | applaudir cheer up {interjection, verb} (cheers up, cheered up, cheering up) courage | remonter le moral cheerful [/ˈt͡ʃɪəfəl/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəl/] {adjective} (most cheerful, more cheerful) joyeux | content | de bonne humeur cheerfully [/ˈtʃɪəfəli/ | /ˈtʃɪɹfəli/] {adverb} (most cheerfully, more cheerfully) gaillardement cheerfulness [/ˈt͡ʃɪəfəlnəs/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəlnəs/] {noun} (cheerfulnesses) enjouement cheering [/ˈt͡ʃɪəɹɪŋ/ | /ˈt͡ʃɪɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (cheerings) drôle cheerio [/ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.oʊ/ | /ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.əʊ/] {interjection, noun} (cheerios) salut Cheerios [/ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.əʊz/ | /ˈtʃɪɹ.i.oʊz/] {noun, properNoun} Cheerios cheerleader {noun} (cheerleaders) cheerleader | pom-pom girl cheerleading {noun, verb} cheerleading cheerless {adjective} (more cheerless, most cheerless) triste cheers [/tʃɪəz/ | /tʃɪɹz/] {interjection, noun, verb} santé | à votre santé | tchin-tchin | ciao | merci | salut cheese [/t͡ʃiz/ | /t͡ʃiːz/] {interjection, noun, verb} (cheeses, cheesed, cheesing) fromage | ouistiti | fric cheese basket faisselle cheese cloth coton à fromage cheese cutter {noun} (cheese cutters) péteur cheese it {phraseologicalUnit} attention | gaffe | vingt-deux cheese knife {noun} (cheese knives) couteau à fromage cheese mite {noun} (cheese mites) mite du fromage cheese shop fromagerie cheese slicer {noun} (cheese slicers) coupe fromage | tranche fromage cheese strainer faisselle cheese trier carotteuse cheese whey lactosérum cheese-maker fromager cheese-paring economy économie de bouts de chandelle cheese-rennet gaillet jaune cheese-seller fromager cheese-sieve faisselle cheeseboard {noun} (cheeseboards) plateau de fromages cheeseburger {noun} (cheeseburgers) cheeseburger | hambourgeois au fromage | hamburger au fromage cheesecake {noun} cheese-cake | cheesecake | gâteau au fromage | cheese cake | tarte au fromage cheesecloth {noun} étamine à fromage cheesed off {adjective, verb} (most cheesed off, more cheesed off) énervé cheesemaker {noun} (cheesemakers) fromager | fromagère cheesemonger {noun} (cheesemongers) fromager | fromagère cheeseparing {adjective, noun, verb} (more cheeseparing, most cheeseparing, cheeseparings) radin | radine | radines | radins cheeseparing economy économie de bouts de chandelle cheeser {noun} (cheesers) fromager cheesesteak {noun} (cheesesteaks) cheesesteak cheesy [/ˈtʃiːzi/] {adjective} (cheeser, cheesest) fromageux | kitsch cheesy gland lymphadénite caséeuse cheetah [/ˈtʃiːtə/] {noun} (cheetahs) guépard cheetal {noun} (cheetals, cheetal) cerf axis chef [/ʃɛf/] {noun, verb} (chefs, cheffed, cheffing) chef | chef cuisinier chef de partie {noun} (chefs de partie) chef de partie chef d’oeuvre chef-d’œuvre chef's hat toque chef's knife {noun} (chefs' knives, chef's knives) couteau de chef chefess {noun} (chefesses) cheffe chef’s knife couteau de chef cheilitis {noun} (cheilitides) chéilite cheiropterophily cheiroptérophilie Chekhov's gun [/t͡ʃɛ.kʰɔfs ɡʌn/] {properNoun} fusil de Tchekhov Chekhovian {adjective} (more Chekhovian, most Chekhovian) tchékhovien Chekhov’s gun fusil de Tchekhov Chekist {noun} (Chekists) tchékiste chelate [/ˈkiːˌleɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most chelate, more chelate, chelates, chelated, chelating) chélate chelation [/ˈkiːˌleɪˈʃən/] {noun} chélation cheletropic {adjective} chélotrope cheletropic reaction réaction chélotrope cheletropic reation réaction chélétrope Chelford Chelford chelicera [/kəˈlɪ.sə.ɹə/] {noun} (chelicerae) chélicère Chelicerata Chélicérates chelicerate {adjective, noun} (chelicerates) chélicéré chelicerates {noun} chélicérés Chelmarsh Chelmarsh Chelmondiston Chelmondiston Chelmorton Chelmorton Chelmsford [/t͡ʃɛlmzfəd/] {properNoun} Chelmsford Chelmsley Wood Chelmsley Wood chelone {noun} (chelones) chélone chelonian {adjective, noun} (most chelonian, more chelonian, chelonians) chélonien chelotropic {adjective} chélotrope chelotropic reaction réaction chélotrope chelotropic reation réaction chélétrope Chelsham and Farleigh Chelsham and Farleigh Chelsworth Chelsworth Cheltenham [/t͡ʃɛltənəm/] {properNoun} Cheltenham Chelveston cum Caldecott Chelveston cum Caldecott Chelwood Chelwood Chelyabinsk [/tʃɛlˈjæbɪnsk/] {properNoun} Tcheliabinsk chelydre {noun} (chelydres) chélydre chemical [/ˈkɛmɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (chemicals) chimique | produit chimique chemical adsorption adsorption chimique chemical agent {noun} (chemical agents) arme chimique chemical biology {noun} biochimie chemical bond {noun} (chemical bonds) liaison chimique

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