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Оглавлениеcarpal [/ˈkɑː(ɹ)pəl/] {adjective, noun} (carpals) carpien carpal navicular bone scaphoïde carpien carpal scaphoid scaphoïde carpien carpal tunnel {noun} (carpal tunnels) canal carpien carpal tunnel syndrome {noun} syndrome du canal carpien Carpathian {adjective} (most Carpathian, more Carpathian) carpatique carpathian shepherd dog berger roumain des Carpates Carpathians {properNoun} Carpates | Karpates | Karpatique carpe diem [/ˌkɑɹ.peɪ ˈdi.əm/ | /ˌkɑː.peɪ ˈdiː.əm/] {proverb} carpe diem | cueille le jour carpel [/ˈkɑː(ɹ)pəl/] {noun} (carpels) carpelle carpenter [/ˈkɑɹpəntɚ/ | /ˈkɑː.pən.tə/] {noun, verb} (carpenters, carpentering, carpentered) menuisier | charpentier | charpentière | menuisière carpenter bee {noun} (carpenter bees) abeille charpentière carpenter miller cossidé carpenter's square {noun} (carpenter’s squares) équerre carpentress {noun} (carpentresses) charpentière carpentry {noun} (carpentries) charpenterie Carperby cum Thoresby Carperby cum Thoresby carpet [/ˈkɑɹpət/ | /ˈkɑː(ɹ)pɪt/] {noun, verb} (carpets, carpeting, carpeted) tapis | moquette | tapisser carpet bombing {noun, verb} tapis de bombes Carpet Moth mite des tapis carpet snake {noun} (carpet snakes) python tapis carpet sweeper {noun} (carpet sweepers) balai mécanique carpetbag {adjective, noun, verb} (carpetbags, carpetbagging, carpetbagged) sac de voyage carpetbagger [/ˈkɑːpɪtbaɡə/] {noun} (carpetbaggers) opportuniste carpetbeater [/ˌkɑːpɪtˈbiːtə/] {noun} (carpetbeaters) battoir carphone {noun} (carphones) téléphone de voiture carpool {noun, verb} (carpools, carpooling, carpooled) covoiturage carpooler {noun} (carpoolers) covoitureur carpooling {verb} covoiturage carpophagous {adjective} carpophage carpophobia carpophobie carpophore {noun} (carpophores) carpophore carport [/kɑː(ɹ).pɔːt/] {noun} (carports) auvent carpus [/ˈkɑɹ.pəs/ | /ˈkɑː.pəs/] {noun} (carpi) carpe carrack {noun} (carracks) caraque | nef Carradale Carradale carrao {noun} (carraos) courlan brun Carrbridge {properNoun} Carrbridge Carreghofa Carreghofa carrel desk carrel carriage [/ˈkæɹɪdʒ/] {noun} wagon | voiture | carrosse carriage and insurance paid to PAP carriage forward port dû carriage house {noun} (carriage houses) remise carriage key carré carriage paid to POP carriage return {noun} (carriage returns) entrée | retour chariot carriageway {noun} (carriageways) chaussée Carrick Castle Carrick Castle Carrickfergus Carrickfergus carried interest {noun} intéressement aux plus-values Carrier {properNoun} porteur carrier [/ˈkæ.ɹɪ.ə/ | /ˈkæ.ɹɪ.ɚ/] {noun} (carriers) porteuse carrier bag {noun} (carrier bags) sac de caisse | sac plastique carrier drain collecteur carrier gas {noun} (carrier gases) gaz porteur carrier haulage acheminement par le transporteur maritime carrier pigeon {noun} (carrier pigeons) pigeon voyageur carrier sheet porte-adresse carrier wave [/ˈkæ.ɹɪ.ə weɪv/ | /ˈkæ.ɹɪ.ɚ weɪv/] {noun} (carrier waves) porteuse | onde porteuse Carrington {properNoun} Carrington carrion [/ˈkæ.ɹi.ən/] {noun} (carrions) charogne carrion beetle {noun} (carrion beetles) nécrophage carrion crow {noun} (carrion crows) corneille noire carrom {noun, verb} (carroms, carroming, carromed) carrom Carron {properNoun} (Carrons) Carron Carronbridge Carronbridge Carronshore Carronshore carrot [/ˈkæɹ.ət/ | /ˈkɛɹ.ət/] {noun, verb} (carrots, carroted, carroting) carotte carrot and stick {noun} (carrots and sticks) la carotte et le bâton carrot top {noun} (carrot tops) poil de carotte carrousel {noun} (carrousels) carrousel carry [/ˈkæ.ɹi/ | /ˈkɛ.ɹi/] {noun, verb} (carries, carrying, carried) porter | retenir carry away {verb} (carries away, carried away, carrying away) charrier carry back report en arrière carry coals to Newcastle {verb} (carries coals to Newcastle, carried coals to Newcastle, carrying coals to Newcastle) porter de l'eau à la rivière carry off {verb} (carries off, carried off, carrying off) déplacer | expédier | transporter carry on [/ˈkæɹi ˈɑn/] {verb} (carries on, carried on, carrying on) se comporter | continuer | emporter | poursuivre | prendre | tenir carry oneself {verb} (carries oneself, carried oneself, carrying oneself) se tenir carry out {verb} (carries out, carried out, carrying out) réaliser | accomplir | effectuer | mettre en application | mettre à exécution | sortir carry through {verb} réaliser carry trade portage carry-on {adjective, noun} (carry-ons) bagages en cabine | bagages à main carry-over ratio taux de carry-over carrying basket {noun} (carrying baskets) hotte carrying capacity {noun} (carrying capacities) capacité porteuse carrying pole {noun} (carrying poles) palanche carsharing {verb} partage de véhicule carsickness [/ˈkɑː(ɹ)ˌsɪk.nəs/] {noun} mal de la route Carsington Carsington Carsonism {noun} carsonisme Carsphairn Carsphairn Carstairs Junction {properNoun} Carstairs Junction Carstairs Village Carstairs Village cart [/kɑɹt/ | /kɑːt/] {noun, verb} (carts, carted, carting) charrette | chariot cart along trimarder cart driver charretier cartage {noun} charroi Cartagena {properNoun} Carthagène carte blanche [/kɑɹtˈblɑnʃ/] {adverb, noun} (cartes blanches) carte blanche cartel [/kɑɹˈtɛl/ | /kɑːˈtɛl/] {noun} (cartels) cartel cartelization {noun} cartellisation carter [/ˈkɑɹtɚ/ | /ˈkɑːtə/] {noun} (carters) charretier Carterton {properNoun} Carterton Cartesian [/kɑɹˈti.ʒən/ | /kɑːɹ ˈtiːziən/] {adjective, noun} (Cartesians) cartésien Cartesian coordinate {noun} (Cartesian coordinates) coordonnées cartésiennes Cartesian coordinates {noun} coordonnées cartésiennes cartesian devil ludion cartesian diver ludion Cartesian division division cartésienne Cartesian join jointure cartésienne Cartesian product {noun} (Cartesian products) produit cartésien cartesian robot robot cartésien Cartesian space {noun} espace cartésien Cartesianism {noun} cartésianisme Carthage [/ˈkɑɹθɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɑːθɪdʒ/] {properNoun} Carthage Carthaginian {adjective, noun} (Carthaginians) carthaginois Carthorpe Carthorpe Carthusian {adjective, noun} (most Carthusian, more Carthusian, Carthusians) chartreux cartilage [/ˈkɑɹtəlɪd͡ʒ/ | /ˈkɑːtɪlɪd͡ʒ/] {noun} cartilage cartilagein {noun} (cartilageins) cartilagéine cartilaginous {adjective} (more cartilaginous, most cartilaginous) cartilagineux Cartington Cartington Cartland Cartland cartload [/ˈkɑɹt.loʊd/ | /ˈkɑːt.ləʊd/] {noun} (cartloads) tombereau Cartmel Fell Cartmel Fell cartographer {noun} (cartographers) cartographe cartographic [/ˌkɑɹ.təˈɡɹæf.ɪk/ | /ˌkɑː.təʊˈɡɹæf.ɪk/] {adjective} cartographique cartographic design conception cartographique cartographically {adverb} (most cartographically, more cartographically) cartographiquement cartography [/kɐɹˈtɒɡɹəfi/ | /kɐː(ɹ)ˈtɔɡɹɘfɪi̯/ | /kɐː(ɹ)ˈtɔɡɹəfɪi̯/ | /kɑɹˈtɑɡɹəfi/ | /kɑːˈtɒɡɹəfi/] {noun} (cartographies) cartographie cartomancer {noun} (cartomancers) cartomancien | cartomancienne cartomancy {noun} cartomancie carton [/ˈkɑɹtn̩/ | /ˈkɑːtən/] {noun, verb} (cartons, cartoning, cartoned) carton | cartouche carton-pierre [/kɑː(ɹ)ˌtɒn piˈɛə(ɹ)/] {noun} carton-pierre cartoon [/kɑɹˈtuːn/ | /kɑːˈtuːn/] {noun, verb} (cartoons, cartooned, cartooning) bande dessinée | caricature | dessin animé | BD | croquis cartoonist {noun} (cartoonists) cartooniste | dessinateur | dessinateur de bande dessinée | dessinateur de dessins animés | dessinatrice | dessinatrice de dessins animés cartophile {noun} (cartophiles) cartophile cartophilic {adjective} (most cartophilic, more cartophilic) cartophile cartouche [/kɑɹˈtuʃ/ | /kɑːˈtuːʃ/] {noun} (cartouches) cartouche cartridge [/ˈkɑɹtɹɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɑːtɹɪdʒ/] {noun} (cartridges) cartouche cartridge box {noun} (cartridge boxes) giberne cartridge case douille cartulary [/ˈkɑːtjuləɹɪ/] {noun} (cartularies) cartulaire cartwheel [/ˈkɑɹtˌwil/ | /ˈkɑːtˌwiːl/] {noun, verb} (cartwheels, cartwheeling, cartwheeled) roue cartwheel-flower berce géante cartwright {noun} (cartwrights) charron caruage charruage carucage {noun} (carucages) charruage caruncle {noun} (caruncles) caroncule carvage charruage carve [/kɑɹv/ | /kɑːv/] {noun, verb} (carves, carved, carven, carving, corven, corve) sculpter carve turn virage coupé carving [[ˈkɑɹvɪŋ]] {noun, verb} sculpture | découpage | gravure | sculpture de bois carving knife {noun} (carving knives) couperet carving turn virage coupé carwash {noun} (carwashes) station de lavage Carway Carway caryatid {noun} (caryatids, caryatides) cariatide caryopsis {noun} (caryopses, caryopsides) caryopse CAS {noun, properNoun} (CASes) TAS CAS registry number numéro CAS Cas9 endodésoxyribonucléase 9 Casablanca [/kæsəˈblæŋkə/] {properNoun} Casablanca Casablancan casablancais Casanova [/ˌkæsəˈnoʊvə/ | /ˌkæsəˈnəʊvə/] {noun, properNoun} (Casanovas) casanova | don Juan casbah {noun} (casbahs) casbah cascabel [/ˈkæskəbɛl/] {noun} (cascabels) grelot cascade [/kæsˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (cascades, cascading, cascaded) cascade Cascadia {properNoun} Cascadie cascading {verb} en cascade Cascading Style Sheets feuilles de style en cascade Cascado plaie de garrot cascara {noun} (cascaras) cascara cascara buckthorn cascara case [/keɪs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cases, casing, cased) cas | caisse | carter | casse | cause | malle case by case au cas par cas case closed {phraseologicalUnit} l'incident est clos case fatality rate {noun} (case fatality rates) taux de létalité case in point [/keɪs ɪn pɔɪnt/] {noun} (cases in point) cas d'exemple | cas d'école | parfait exemple case law {noun} jurisprudence case of recidivism récidive case report form CRF case study {noun} (case studies) étude de cas case worker assistant social case-by-case {adjective} au cas par cas caseic {adjective} caséique casein [/ˈkeɪ.siː.ɪn/] {noun} caséine casemate {noun} (casemates) casemate casement {noun} (casements) casemate casement window {noun} (casement windows) fenêtre à l’anglaise caseous lymphadenitis lymphadénite caséeuse Caserta {properNoun} Caserte cash [/kæʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cashes, cashed, cashing, most cash, more cash, cash) comptant | encaisser | espèces | liquide cash back remise différée cash cow {noun} (cash cows) vache à lait cash desk {noun} (cash desks) caisse cash document pièce de caisse cash flow {noun} flux de trésorerie cash in {verb} profiter | tirer parti | tirer profit cash in hand {adjective, adverb, noun} black | espèces | liquide cash in one's chips {verb} mourir cash management gestion de trésorerie cash on delivery {noun} contre-remboursement cash on the barrelhead {noun} liquide cash on the nail rubis sur l’ongle cash pooling gestion centralisée de la trésorerie cash register {noun} (cash registers) caisse enregistreuse cash value added VAT cash-and-carry {noun} payé-emporté cash-box {noun} (cash-boxes) caisse cashapona {noun} (cashaponas) palmier à échasses cashback {noun} rétro-paiement cashback website cash back cashbox {noun} (cashboxes) caisse enregistreuse cashew [/ˈkæʃuː/] {noun} (cashews) anacardier | cajou cashew apple {noun} (cashew apples) pomme de cajou cashew nut {noun} (cashew nuts) noix de cajou Cashew Nut Shell Liquid baume de cajou cashew tree anacardier Cashibo cashibo cashier [/kəˈʃɪə/] {noun, verb} (cashiers, cashiering, cashiered) caissière | caissier Cashinahua cashinahua cashmere [/kæʒ.ˈmiɹ/ | /ˈkæʃ.mɪə/] {noun} (cashmeres) cachemire cashmere goat chèvre du Cachemire Casimir [/ˈkæzɪmɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Casimir casing [/ˈkeɪsɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (casings) chambranle casing drilling forage tubant casing while drilling forage tubant casino [/kæˈsinoʊ/] {noun} (casinos, casini, casinoes) casino Casiquiare canal canal de Casiquiare cask [/kæsk/ | /kɑːsk/] {noun, verb} (casks, casking, casked) fût | tonneau | barrique cask shell dolium casket [/ˈkæs.kɪt/] {noun, verb} (caskets, casketed, casketing) coffret Caspar {properNoun} Gaspard caspase {noun} (caspases) caspase Caspian [/ˈkæspi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Caspians) caspien Caspian gull {noun} (Caspian gulls) goéland pontique Caspian Lake lac Caspien caspian plover pluvier asiatique Caspian Red Deer maral Caspian Sea [/ˈkæspi.ən ˈsiː/] {properNoun} mer Caspienne Caspian tern {noun} (Caspian terns) sterne caspienne casque {noun} (casques) casque Cassandra [/kəˈsæn.dɹə/] {noun, properNoun} (Cassandras) Cassandre cassata siciliana [/kəˈsɑːtə sɪt͡ʃɪliˈɑːnə/] {noun} cassata cassation [/kæˈseɪʃən/] {noun} (cassations) cassation cassava [/kəˈsɑːvə/] {noun} manioc cassena {noun} cassine casserole [/ˈkæs.əɹˌoʊl/ | /ˈkæs.əˌɹoʊl/] {noun, verb} (casseroles, casseroling, casseroled) casserole | cocotte | timbale casserole dish cocotte Cassette cassette cassette [/kəˈsɛt/] {noun} (cassettes) cassette | audiocassette | cassette audio | cassette vidéo | vidéocassette cassette recorder {noun} (cassette recorders) magnétocassette cassia {noun} (cassias, cassiæ) cassie cassimere {noun} casimir Cassin's hawk-eagle aigle de Cassin Cassington Cassington Cassini oval {noun} (Cassini ovals) cassinoïde cassinite cassinite Cassiopeia [/ˌkæsi.əˈpiːə/] {properNoun} Cassiopée cassiopeium {noun} cassiopéium Cassis Cassis Cassis de Dijon principle principe du cassis de Dijon Cassiterides Cassitérides cassiterite {noun} cassitérite cassock [/ˈkasək/ | /ˈkæsək/] {noun} (cassocks) soutane cassolette {noun} cassolette cassone {noun} (cassoni, cassones) cassone Cassop cum Quarrington Cassop cum Quarrington cassoulet {noun} (cassoulets) cassoulet cassowary [/ˈkæs.ə.ˌwɛɹ.i/] {noun} (cassowaries) casoar cast [/kæst/ | /kɑːst/] {noun, verb} (casts, casting, cast) distribution | fondre | moulage | plâtre | jeter | additionner cast a chill {verb} jeter un froid cast a glance jeter un coup d’œil cast a spell jeter un sort cast anchor {verb} jeter l’ancre cast aspersions {verb} calomnier | dire du mal cast away {verb} (casts away, cast away, casting away) naufrager cast in concrete {adjective} gravé dans le marbre cast iron {adjective, noun} (more cast iron, most cast iron) fonte cast net {noun} (cast nets) épervier cast off {verb} (casts off, casted off, casting off) appareiller cast one's net wide {verb} ratisser large cast one's vote {verb} voter cast out {verb} (casts out, casting out, cast out) chasser | expulser cast out nines {verb} (casts out nines, casting out nines, cast out nines) preuve par neuf cast pearls before swine {verb} (casts pearls before swine, cast pearls before swine, casting pearls before swine) jeter des perles aux pourceaux | donner de la confiture à des cochons cast the first stone {verb} jeter la pierre cast up {verb} (casts up, casting up, cast up) additionner castable {adjective, noun} (more castable, most castable, castables) transtypable Castafioresque castafioresque castanet [/ˌkæs.tə.ˈnɛt/] {noun} (castanets) castagnette castaway [/ˈkæ.stə.weɪ/] {adjective, noun} (castaways) naufragé caste [/kæst/ | /kɑːst/] {noun} (castes) caste castellan [/ˈkæstən/] {noun} (castellans) châtelain castellany {noun} (castellanies) castellanie castellated nut écrou à créneaux Castellau Castellau castellologist castellologue Castelnau's antshrike {noun} (Castelnau's antshrikes) batara de Castelnau caster [/ˈkæstər/ | /ˈkɑːstə(r)/] {noun, verb} (casters, castering, castered) roulette caster sugar {noun} sucre semoule Casterton Casterton castigate [/ˈkæs.tɪ.ɡeɪt/] {verb} (castigates, castigated, castigating) châtier | corriger | réviser castigation {noun} châtiment Castile [/kəsˈtiːl/] {properNoun} Castille Castile and León {properNoun} Castille-et-León Castile soap {noun} savon de Castille Castile-La Mancha {properNoun} Castille-La Manche Castilian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Castilians) castillan castillonnaise sheep castillonnaise casting [/ˈkastɪŋ/ | /ˈkæstɪŋ/ | /ˈkɑːstɪŋ/ | /ˈkɛəstɪŋ/] {noun, verb} audition | moulage casting director régisseur de distribution Castle {properNoun} Castle castle [/ˈkæsəl/ | /ˈkɑːsəl/] {noun, verb} (castles, castling, castled) château | roquer | château-fort Castle Acre Castle Acre Castle Ashby {properNoun} Castle Ashby Castle Bolton with East and West Bolton Castle Bolton with East and West Bolton Castle Bromwich Castle Bromwich Castle Bytham Castle Bytham Castle Caereinion Castle Caereinion Castle Camps Castle Camps Castle Carrock Castle Carrock Castle Cary [/ˌkɑːsəl ˈkɛəɹi/] {properNoun} Castle Cary Castle Combe Castle Combe Castle Donington {properNoun} Castle Donington Castle Douglas {properNoun} Castle Douglas Castle Eaton Castle Eaton Castle Eden Castle Eden Castle Frome Castle Frome Castle Gresley Castle Gresley Castle Hedingham Castle Hedingham Castle Hill {properNoun} Castle Hill castle in the air [/ˈkæs(ə)l ɪn ði ˈɛəɹ/ | /ˈkɑːs(ə)l ɪn ðiː ˈɛə/] {noun} (castles in the air) châteaux en Espagne Castle Island Castle Island Castle Kennedy Castle Kennedy Castle Madoc Castle Madoc Castle Point {properNoun} Castle Point Castle Rising Castle Rising Castle Sowerby Castle Sowerby Castlecary {properNoun} Castlecary Castleford {properNoun} Castleford Castlelevington Castlelevington Castlemartin Castlemartin Castlemorton Castlemorton Castlereagh Castlereagh castles in Spain châteaux en Espagne castles in the air {noun} châteaux en Espagne Castlethorpe {properNoun} Castlethorpe Castleton {properNoun} Castleton Castletown {properNoun} Castletown Castley Castley castling [/ˈkæstlɪŋ/ | /ˈkæsəlɪŋ/ | /ˈkɑːstlɪŋ/ | /ˈkɑːsəlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (castlings) roque castniid moths castnidé Caston {properNoun} (Castons) Caston Castor {properNoun} Castor castor [/ˈkɑːs.tə/] {noun} (castors) bièvre castor oil {noun} huile de ricin castor oil plant {noun} (castor oil plants) ricin castoreum {noun} castoréum Castorian Castorien castrametation {noun} castramétation castrate [/ˈkæs.tɹeɪt/] {noun, verb} (castrates, castrating, castrated) castrer | châtrer castrated {adjective, verb} (more castrated, most castrated) castré castrating {verb} castrateur castration [/kæˈstɹeɪʃən/] {noun} castration castrative [/kaˈstɹeɪtɪv/] {adjective} (most castrative, more castrative) castration castrato [/kæsˈtɹɑː.təʊ/] {adjective, noun} (castrati, castratos) castrat castrator {noun} (castrators) châtreur | châtreuse castratrix [/kæsˈtɹeɪtɹɪks/] {noun} (castratrices) castratrice Castrist {noun} (Castrists) castriste casual [/-uæl/ | /ˈkaʒuəl/ | /ˈkæʒuəl/ | /ˈkɛʒʉɘl/] {adjective, noun} (more casual, most casual, casuals) accidentel | de hasard | décontracté | désinvolte | fortuit | occasionnel casual game {noun} (casual games) jeu grand public casual gaming {noun} jeu occasionnel casual worker intermittent casualisation {noun} précarisation casually {adverb} (more casually, most casually) cavalièrement casualness {noun} (casualnesses) désinvolture casualty [/ˈkaʒ(ʊ)əlti/] {noun} (casualties) victime | accident | urgences casuarina {noun} (casuarinas) casuarine casuarina black cockatoo cacatoès de Latham casuistic [/ˌkæzjuˈɪstɪk/] {adjective} (more casuistic, most casuistic) casuistique casuistry [/ˈkæʒuɪstɹi/] {noun} (casuistries) casuistique casus belli [/ˈkeɪsuːs ˈbɛlaɪ/ | /ˈkeɪsəs ˈbɛlaɪ/ | /ˈkeɪsəs ˈbɛli/] {noun} (casus belli, casus bellis) casus belli CAT {noun, properNoun} TAO cat [/kat/ | /kæt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cats, catting, catted) caponner | débecter | débequeter | dégobiller | fouetter avec un chat à neuf queues cat and mouse {noun, properNoun, verb} (cat and mouses, cat and mousing, cat and moused) jeu du chat et de la souris cat bond obligation-catastrophe cat burglar [/kæt ˈbɜːɡlə/ | /ˈkæt ˌbɝɡlɚ/] {noun} (cat burglars) gentleman cambrioleur cat cafe {noun} (cat cafes) bar à chats cat café {noun} (cat cafés) bar à chats cat cracking craquage catalytique cat door {noun} (cat doors) chatière cat flap {noun} (cat flaps) chatière cat food {noun} (cat foods) nourriture pour chat cat got someone's tongue {phraseologicalUnit} tu as perdu ta langue ? cat in the sack {noun} louche cat lady {noun} (cat ladies) femme à chats cat meat {noun} chat cat organ piano de chats cat piano piano de chats cat piss {noun} pisse d’âne cat scratch disease {noun} lymphogranulome bénin cat scratch fever {noun} lymphogranulome bénin cat thyme {noun} (cat thymes) germandrée maritime cat tree {noun} (cat trees) arbre à chat cat's eye {noun} (cats' eyes) œil de chat cat's foot antennaire cat's tail whip queue-de-chat cat's tongue {noun} (cats' tongues) langue de chat cat's whisker {noun} (cat's whiskers) chercheur cat-o'-nine-tails {noun} (cats-o'-nine-tails) chat à neuf queues cat-o’-nine tails chat à neuf queues catabasis {noun} (catabases) catabase catabolic {adjective} catabolique catabolism {noun} (catabolisms) catabolisme catabolite {noun} (catabolites) catabolite catachresis [/kætəˈkɹiːsɪs/] {noun} (catachreses) catachrèse cataclysm [/ˈkætəˌklɪzm̩/] {noun} (cataclysms) cataclysme cataclysmal {adjective} (most cataclysmal, more cataclysmal) cataclysmique cataclysmic {adjective} (more cataclysmic, most cataclysmic) cataclysmique catacomb [/ˈkatəkuːm/ | /ˈkatəˌkəʊm/ | /ˈkætakoʊm/] {noun} (catacombs) catacombe catadioptric {adjective} catadioptrique catadromic thalassotoque catadromous {adjective} (more catadromous, most catadromous) catadrome catafalco [/ˌkætəˈfælkoʊ/ | /ˌkætəˈfælkəʊ/] {noun} (catafalcoes) catafalque catafalque [/ˈkatəfalk/] {noun} (catafalques) catafalque Catalan [/ˈkæ.tə.ˌlæn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Catalans) catalan | Catalan | Catalane Catalan Countries {properNoun} Pays Catalans catalan sheepdog berger catalan Catalanism {noun} (Catalanisms) catalanisme Catalanity catalanité Catalanness {noun} catalanité Catalanophobia {noun} anticatalanisme | catalanophobie catalanophobia catalanophobie Catalanophone {adjective, noun} (Catalanophones) catalanophone catalase-positive catalase positif catalectic {adjective, noun} (catalectics) catalectique catalepsy {noun} (catalepsies) catalepsie catalog {noun, verb} (catalogs, cataloged, cataloging) catalogue cataloging {noun, verb} (catalogings) catalogage catalogue [/ˈkæt.ə.lɒɡ/ | /ˈkætəlɑɡ/ | /ˈkætəlɔɡ/] {noun, verb} (catalogues, catalogued, cataloguing) catalogue | cataloguer | inventaire | inventorier catalogue of films filmographie catalogue raisonné {noun} (catalogues raisonnés, catalogues raisonné) catalogue raisonné cataloguer {noun} (cataloguers) catalogueur Catalonia [/ˌkæt.əˈləʊn.i.ə/] {properNoun} Catalogne Catalonian {adjective, noun} (Catalonians) Catalan Catalonian jasmine jasmin d’Espagne catalpa [/kəˈtælpə/] {noun} (catalpas) catalpa catalpic {adjective} catalpique catalpic acid {noun} acide catalpique catalyse {verb} (catalyses, catalysed, catalysing) catalyser catalysis [/kəˈtæləsɪs/] {noun} (catalyses) catalyse catalyst [/ˈkæt.ə.lɪst/ | /ˈkæt.əl.ɪst/] {noun} (catalysts) catalyseur | agitateur | démiurge | enzyme | ferment | levain catalytic [/ˌkætəˈlɪtɪk/] {adjective} (more catalytic, most catalytic) catalytique catalytic converter {noun} (catalytic converters) pot catalytique catalytic cracking craquage catalytique catalytic DNA ADN catalytique catalytic reforming reformage catalytic steam reformer reformeur catalytic steam reforming reformage catalyze [/ˈkætəˌlaɪz/] {verb} (catalyzes, catalyzed, catalyzing) catalyser catalyzer {noun} (catalyzers) catalyseur catamaran [/ˌkæ.tə.məˈɹæn/] {noun} (catamarans) catamaran catamenia [/kætəˈmiːnɪə/] {noun} menstruation catamite [/ˈkatəmʌɪt/ | /ˈkætəmaɪt/ | [ˈkʰæɾəmʌɪt]] {noun} (catamites) catamite catamnestic {adjective} catamnestique Catania {properNoun} Catane Catanzaro {properNoun} Catanzaro cataphasia {noun} cataphasie cataphatic {adjective} cataphatique cataphora [/kætəˈfɔɹə/] {noun} (cataphoras) cataphore cataplana {noun} (cataplanas) cataplana catapult [/ˈkæ.tə.pʌlt/] {noun, verb} (catapults, catapultæ, catapulted, catapulting) catapulte | catapulter catapultable {adjective} catapultable catapulter {noun} (catapulters) catapulteur catapulting {verb} catapultage cataract [/ˈkætəɹækt/] {noun} (cataracts) cataracte catarrh [/kəˈtɑɹ/] {noun} catarrhe catarrhal fever {noun} fièvre catarrhale catarrhine {adjective, noun} (catarrhines) catarhinien cataspilite cataspilite catastaltic {adjective} catastaltique catastrophe [/kəˈtæstɹəfi/] {noun} (catastrophes) catastrophe catastrophe bond obligation-catastrophe catastrophic [/kætəˈstɹɒfɪk/] {adjective} (more catastrophic, most catastrophic) catastrophique | désastreux catastrophically {adverb} (most catastrophically, more catastrophically) catastrophiquement catastrophin {noun} (catastrophins) catastrophine catastrophism {noun} catastrophisme catatonia {noun} (catatonias) catatonie catatonic [/kæ.təˈtɑn.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more catatonic, most catatonic, catatonics) catatonique Catawba {noun, properNoun} (Catawbas, Catawba) catawba catbird [/ˈkatbəːd/] {noun} (catbirds) moqueur Catbrook Catbrook catcall {noun, verb} (catcalls, catcalling, catcalled) huer catch [/kæt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (catches, catching, caught) attraper | prise | prendre | choper | conquête | couille catch a chill prendre froid catch a cold {verb} (catches a cold, catching a cold, caught a cold) attraper la mort | attraper un rhume | prendre froid catch and release {noun} graciation catch as catch can {verb} (catches as catch can, catching as catch can) faire flèche de tout bois catch capacity capacité de capture catch fire {verb} (catches fire, catching fire, caught fire) prendre feu | enflammer catch heat {verb} se faire appeler Arthur | se faire enguirlander | se faire remonter les bretelles | se faire sonner les cloches | se faire tirer les oreilles catch hell {verb} se faire appeler Arthur catch in the act prendre la main dans le sac catch it {verb} (catches it, caught it, catching it) se faire appeler Arthur | se faire enguirlander | se faire remonter les bretelles | se faire sonner les cloches | se faire tirer les oreilles catch napping {verb} prendre au dépourvu | prendre de court | prendre sans vert catch on {verb} (catches on, caught on, catching on) se répandre catch on fire {verb} embraser catch one's breath {verb} reprendre son souffle catch one's drift {verb} (catches one's drift, caught one's drift, catching one's drift) saisir [[l']]idée catch out {verb} (catches out, caught out, catching out) piéger catch point aiguille d’ensablement catch red-handed {verb} (catching red-handed, caught red-handed, catches red-handed) prendre la main dans le sac catch sight of {verb} (catches sight of, catching sight of, caught sight of) apercevoir | entrevoir catch some z's {verb} pioncer catch somebody off their guard prendre au dépourvu catch someone with one's hand in the cookie jar prendre la main dans le sac catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar {verb} (catches someone with their hand in the cookie jar, caught someone with their hand in the cookie jar, catching someone with their hand in the cookie jar) prendre en flagrant délit | prendre la main dans le sac | prendre le doigt dans le pot de confiture | prendre sur le fait catch someone's drift {verb} suivre catch someone's eye {verb} attirer [[l']]attention de | attirer le regard de catch system captage catch unawares prendre de court catch up {noun, verb} (catches up, catching up, caught up) atteindre | prendre des nouvelles catch up with rattraper catch wind avoir vent Catch-22 {noun} (Catch-22s) cercle vicieux catch-all {noun} (catch-alls) attrape-tout | fourre-tout catch-and-release pêche no-kill catch-as-catch-can {adjective, adverb} (more catch-as-catch-can, most catch-as-catch-can) ad hoc catch-up television télévision de rattrapage catch-up TV télévision de rattrapage catcher [/ˈkætʃ.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkætʃ.ɚ/] {noun} (catchers) attrapeur | receveur | receveuse catching [/ˈkætʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more catching, most catching) accroche catchline {noun} (catchlines) accroche catchment [/ˈkatʃmənt/ | /ˈkætʃmənt/] {noun} (catchments) bassin catchment basin {noun} (catchment basins) bassin versant catchphrase {noun} (catchphrases) phrase fétiche catchpole [/ˈkatʃpəʊl/] {noun} (catchpoles) appariteur catchword [/ˈkætʃwɜːd/] {noun} (catchwords) conservateur catchy [/ˈkætʃi/] {adjective} (catcher, catchest) attractif Catcliffe Catcliffe Catcott Catcott catechesis {noun} (catecheses) catéchèse catechetical {adjective} cathéchétique catechin {noun} (catechins) catéchine catechine {noun} (catechines) catéchine catechism [/ˈkætɪˌkɪzəm/] {noun} (catechisms) catéchisme catechist {noun} (catechists) catéchiste catecholamine [/katəˈkəʊləmiːn/] {noun} (catecholamines) catécholamine Catechu cachou catechumen [/ˌkæt.əˈkju.mən/ | /ˌkæt.ɪˈkjuː.mɛn/] {noun} (catechumens) catéchumène categorematic {adjective} catégorématique categorially [/ˈkæ.tə.ɡɒ.ɹɪə.li/] {adverb} (more categorially, most categorially) catégoriellement categorical [/ˌkætəˈɡɔɹɪk(ə)l/] {adjective, noun} (more categorical, most categorical, categoricals) catégorique | catégoriel | catégorielle categorical imperative {noun} (categorical imperatives) impératif catégorique categorically [/ˈkæt.ə.ɡɒ.ɹɪk.li/] {adverb} (more categorically, most categorically) catégoriellement | catégoriquement categorify {verb} (categorifies, categorifying, categorified) catégorifier categorise {verb} (categorises, categorising, categorised) catégoriser categorization {noun} catégorisation categorize {verb} (categorizes, categorized, categorizing) catégoriser | classer | classifier categorizing {verb} catégorisant category [/ˈkætəˌɡɔɹi/ | /ˈkætɪɡ(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈkɛtɘɡ(ɘ)ɹi/] {noun} (categories) catégorie category buster discompteur spécialisé category killer {noun} (category killers) discompteur spécialisé category management management de produits category manager manageur de produits category theory {noun} théorie des catégories catena {noun} (catenae, catenas) chaîne catenaccio {noun} catenaccio catenane {noun} (catenanes) caténane catenary [/kəˈtiːnəɹi/ | /ˈkætəˌnɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (most catenary, more catenary, catenaries) chaînette catenate [/ˈkæt.ən.eɪt/] {verb} (catenates, catenated, catenating) caténer catenation {noun} caténation catenative [/ˈkætn̩ə.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (catenatives) caténatif catenin {noun} (catenins) caténine catenoid {noun} (catenoids) caténoïde cater [/ˈkeɪdəɹ/ | /ˈkeɪdɚ/ | /ˈkeɪtə/] {adverb, noun, verb} (caters, catering, catered) faire traiteur | pourvoir | satisfaire caterer [/ˈkeɪtəɹəɹ/] {noun} (caterers) traiteur cateress {noun} (cateresses) traiteur catergol catergol Caterham on the Hill Caterham on the Hill Caterham Valley Caterham Valley catering [/ˈkeɪt(ə)ɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} restauration catering van camion de restauration caterpillar [/ˈkætəˌpɪlə/ | /ˈkætɚˌpɪlɚ/] {noun} (caterpillars) chenille caterpillar fungus {noun} (caterpillar fungi, caterpillar funguses) champignon chenille caterpillar track {noun} (caterpillar tracks) chenille caterwaul [/ˈkæt.ə.wɔːl/ | /ˈkæt.ɚ.wɑl/ | /ˈkæt.ɚ.wɔl/] {noun, verb} (caterwauls, caterwauling, caterwauled) faire du chahut caterwauling [/ˈkætəɹˌwɑlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (caterwaulings) charivari Catesby Catesby Catfield Catfield catfight {noun} (catfights) crêpage de chignons catfish {noun, verb} (catfishes, catfished, catfishing, catfish) silure | poisson-chat catgirl {noun} (catgirls) fille-chat catgut [/ˈkætˌɡʌt/] {noun} catgut | corde en boyau | corde à boyau Cathar [/ˈkæθɑɹ/] {noun} (Cathari, Cathars) cathare Catharist {adjective} (more Catharist, most Catharist) cathare | cathariste catharist cathariste catharsis [/kəˈθɑːsɪs/ | /kəˈθɑːɹˌsɪs/] {noun} (catharses) catharsis | défoulement cathartic {adjective, noun} (most cathartic, more cathartic, cathartics) cathartique cathartine {noun} cathartine Cathay [/kæˈθeɪ/] {properNoun} Cathay Cathays {properNoun} Cathays Cathedine Cathedine cathedra [[kəˈθiːdɹə]] {noun} (cathedrae, cathedras) cathèdre cathedral [/kəˈθiː.dɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (cathedrals) cathédrale | cathédral cathemeral [/kəˈθɛməɹəl/] {adjective} (most cathemeral, more cathemeral) cathéméral Catherine [/ˈkæθ(ə)ɹɪn/] {properNoun} Catherine Catherine wheel {noun} (Catherine wheels) roue de Catherine Catherston Leweston Catherston Leweston catheter [/ˈkæθɪtə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkæθɪt̬ɚ/] {noun} (catheters) cathéter catheter ablation méthodes ablatives cathetus [/ˈkæ.θɪ.təs/] {noun} (catheti, cathetuses) cathète cathinone {noun} cathinone cathisophobia cathisophobie cathode [/ˈkæθ.oʊd/] {noun} (cathodes) cathode cathode ray tube {noun} (cathode ray tubes) tube cathodique cathodic {adjective} cathodique cathodically {adverb} cathodiquement Catholic [/ˈkæθ(ə)lɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most Catholic, more Catholic, Catholics) catholique Catholic Church {noun} (Catholic Churches) Église catholique Catholic League of France Ligue Catholicism [/kəˈθɒlɪsɪzm/] {noun} (Catholicisms) catholicisme catholicism [/kəˈθɔləsɪzm/] {noun} (catholicisms) catholicisme catholicity {noun} (catholicities) universalité catholicos [/kəˈθɒlɪkəs/] {noun} (catholicoi, catholicoses) catholicos Catiline {noun, properNoun} (Catilines) Catilina catio {noun} (catios) catio cation [/ˈkat.ʌɪ.ən/ | /ˈkætˌaɪ.ən/] {noun} (cations) cation catkin {noun} (catkins) iule | chaton Catla catla catlike {adjective} (most catlike, more catlike) félin catlinite {noun} catlinite catlle grub hypoderme catmeat {noun} chat Catmore Catmore catnap {noun, verb} (catnaps, catnapped, catnapping) roupillon catnip [/ˈkatnɪp/] {noun} cataire | chataire | herbe à chat Cato [/ˈkeɪ.toʊ/ | /ˈkeɪ.təʊ/] {properNoun} Caton catoblepas {noun} (catoblepones, catoblepae) catoblépas Caton with Littledale Caton with Littledale Catrine Catrine Catsfield Catsfield catshark {noun} (catsharks) roussette Catshill Catshill Catshill and North Marlbrook Catshill and North Marlbrook catslaughter {noun} félicide catsuit {noun} (catsuits) catsuit catsup {noun} ketchup cattail [/ˈkæt.teɪl/] {noun} (cattails) massette | quenouille cattail millet millet perle cattail swamp typhaie Cattal {properNoun} Cattal cattalo {noun} (cattaloes, cattalos) cattalo Catterall {properNoun} Catterall Catterick {properNoun} Catterick Catterlen Catterlen Catterline Catterline Catterton {properNoun} (Cattertons) Catterton cattery [/ˈkætəɹi/] {noun} (catteries) chatterie Catthorpe Catthorpe cattish {adjective} (more cattish, most cattish) erroné Cattistock Cattistock cattle [/ˈkæt(ə)l/] {noun} (cattle) bétail | bovins cattle car {noun} (cattle cars) bétaillère cattle dog {noun} (cattle dogs) bouvier cattle egret {noun} (cattle egrets) héron garde-bœufs cattle farmer ganadero cattle grid {noun} (cattle grids) barrière canadienne cattle grub varron cattle plague {noun} peste bovine cattleman {noun} (cattlemen) offre de bétail cattleya [/ˈkatlɪə/] {noun} (cattleyas) cattleya Catton {properNoun} (Cattons) Catton catty [/ˈkæti/] {adjective, noun} (catties, cattest, catter) méchant | rosse | rosserie catwalk {noun} (catwalks) podium | passerelle Catwick Catwick Catworth Catworth cat’s-eye œil-de-chat Caucasian [[kɔːˈkeɪʒən]] {adjective, noun} (most Caucasian, more Caucasian, Caucasians) caucasien | Blanc | Blanche | Caucasien | Caucasienne Caucasian Albania {properNoun} Albanie du Caucase Caucasian shepherd {noun} (Caucasian shepherds) berger du Caucase caucasian shepherd dog berger du Caucase Caucasian spruce épicéa d’Orient Caucasoid {adjective, noun} (most Caucasoid, more Caucasoid, Caucasoids) caucasoïde Caucasus [/ˈkɔːkəsəs/] {properNoun} Caucase cauchois cauchois Cauchy–Schwarz inequality inégalité de Cauchy-Schwarz caucus [/ˈkɑ(ː).kəs/ | /ˈkɔ(ː).kəs/ | /ˈkɔː.kəs/] {noun, verb} (caucusses, caucuses, caucussing, caucussed, caucused, caucusing) caucus | groupe parlementaire caucus race {noun} (caucus races) course à l'échalote Caucus-race course à l’échalote caucus-race course à l’échalote cauda equina {noun} queue-de-cheval caudal [/ˈkɔːdəl/] {adjective, noun} (caudals) caudal caudal fin {noun} (caudal fins) nageoire caudale caudal peduncle {noun} (caudal peduncles) pédoncule caudal caudal vena cava veine cave caudale caudate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/] {adjective, noun} (caudates) caudate | urodèle caudectomy {noun} (caudectomies) caudectomie caudillism caudillisme caudillo [/kɔˈdiː(j)oʊ/] {noun} (caudillos) caudillo caudle [/ˈkɔːdəl/] {noun, verb} (caudles, caudling, caudled) chaudet Caughall Caughall Caughnawagan Caughnawaguien caught a cold {verb} enrhumé caught between the devil and the deep blue sea {adjective} entre le marteau et l'enclume caul [/kɔːl/] {noun} (cauls) coiffe | coiffe céphalique cauldron [/ˈkɔːl.dɹən/] {noun} (cauldrons) chaudron Cauldwell {properNoun} Cauldwell caulescent {adjective} (more caulescent, most caulescent) caulescent cauliflorous {adjective} (more cauliflorous, most cauliflorous) cauliflore cauliflory {noun} cauliflorie cauliflower [/ˈkɒl.i.flaʊ.ə/ | /ˈkɔl.ɪˌflaʊ.ɚ/] {noun} (cauliflowers) chou-fleur cauliflower ear {noun} (cauliflower ears) oreille en chou-fleur cauliflower mushroom sparassis caulk [/kælk/ | /kɑk/ | /kɔːk/] {noun, verb} (caulks, caulking, caulked) calfater | calfeutrer | étouper caulker {noun} (caulkers) calfat caulking {noun, verb} (caulkings) calfatage Caumont poule de Caumont Caundle Marsh Caundle Marsh Caunton Caunton causal [/ˈkɔːz.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more causal, most causal, causals) causal causalement causalement causalgia {noun} causalgie causalism {noun} causalisme causality {noun} (causalities) causalité causation {noun} causation causative [/ˈkɔzətɪv/ | /ˈkɔːzətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (causatives) causatif | factitif causative voice voix causative cause [/kɔz/ | /kɔːz/] {noun, verb} (causes, causing, caused) causer | cause | raison cause a stir {verb} faire des vagues cause célèbre [/koz se.lɛbʁ/ | /kɔz sɛˈlɛb/ | /kɔːz sɛˈlɛbɹ(ə)/] {noun} (causes célèbres) fait polémique cause marketing mercatique engagée cause of death {noun} (causes of death) cause de la mort | cause de décès cause to take place causer cause-related marketing mercatique engagée causeless {adjective} (more causeless, most causeless) inexplicable causeway [/ˈkɔːz.weɪ/] {noun, verb} (causeways, causewaying, causewayed) chaussée Causeway Coast and Glens Causeway Coast and Glens Causse Causse caussenarde des garrigues sheep caussenarde des garrigues caustic [/ˈkɔːstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most caustic, more caustic, caustics) caustique caustic potash {noun} hydroxyde de potassium caustic soda {noun} (caustic sodas) soude caustique caustically {adverb} (most caustically, more caustically) caustiquement causticity [/kɔːˈstɪsɪti/] {noun} (causticities) causticité caustification {noun} caustification cauterization {noun} (cauterizations) adustion | cautérisation cauterize [/ˈkɔːtəɹaɪz/ | [ˈkʰɔɾəɹaɪz]] {verb} (cauterizes, cauterizing, cauterized) cautériser cauterizer {noun} (cauterizers) cautère cautery {noun} (cauteries) cautère | cautérisation caution [/ˈkɑʃn/ | /ˈkɑːʃ(ə)n/ | /ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n/] {noun, verb} (cautions, cautioned, cautioning) précaution | avertir | avertissement | admonition | mise en garde caution - slippery when wet {phraseologicalUnit} attention, plancher mouillé | attention, sol glissant cautionary tale {noun} (cautionary tales) fable cautious [/ˈkɔːʃəs/] {adjective} (most cautious, more cautious) prudent cautiously [/ˈkɑʃəsli/ | /ˈkɔːʃəsli/] {adverb} (more cautiously, most cautiously) précautionneusement Cava {noun} Cava cavalcade [/ˈkævəlˌkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (cavalcades, cavalcaded, cavalcading) cavalcade Cavalier {properNoun} cavalier cavalier [/ˌkævəˈlɪəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cavalier, most cavalier, cavaliers, cavaliering, cavaliered) cavalier | chevalier | nonchalant cavalier king Charles spaniel cavalier king Charles spaniel cavalry [/ˈkævəlɹi/] {noun} (cavalries) cavalerie cavalryman {noun} (cavalrymen) cavalier cavansite {noun} cavansite cavatina {noun} (cavatinas) cavatine cave [/keɪv/] {interjection, noun, verb} (caves, caving, caved) grotte | caverne | antre | cave | éboulement cave bear {noun} (cave bears) ours des cavernes cave in {noun, verb} (cave ins, caves in, caved in, caving in) cabosser | s'effondrer | éboulement cave painting {noun} (cave paintings) art pariétal caveat [/ˈkæviɑt/ | /ˈkævɪæt/] {noun, verb} (caveats, caveating, caveated, caveatting, caveatted) avertissement caveman {noun} (cavemen) homme des cavernes Cavendish {noun, properNoun} (Cavendishes) Cavendish Cavenham Cavenham caveola {noun} (caveolae) cavéole caveolin {noun} (caveolins) cavéoline caver {noun} (cavers) spéléologue cavern [/ˈkæv.ən/ | /ˈkæv.ɚn/] {noun, verb} (caverns, caverned, caverning) caverne | grotte cavernous {adjective} (more cavernous, most cavernous) caverneux Caversfield Caversfield Caverswall Caverswall cavesson {noun} (cavessons) caveçon caviar [[kæviːɑɹ] | [kæviːɑː]] {noun} caviar caviar spoon {noun} (caviar spoons) cuillère à caviar cavil [/ˈkæv.əl/] {noun, verb} (cavils, caviled, caviling, cavilled, cavilling) chicane Cavineña cavineña caving [/ˈkeɪvɪŋ/] {noun, verb} spéléologie caviomorph {noun} (caviomorphs) caviomorphe cavitation [/ˌkævɪˈteɪʃən/] {noun} cavitation cavity [/ˈkævɪti/ | [ˈkʰævɪɾi]] {noun} (cavities) carie cavort [/kəˈvɔɹt/ | /kəˈvɔːt/] {verb} (cavorts, cavorting, cavorted) cabrioler caw [/kɔː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (caws, cawing, cawed) croasser | croassement cawdle chaudet cawing {noun, verb} (cawings) croassement Cawood {properNoun} (Cawoods) Cawood Cawston Cawston Cawthorne {properNoun} (Cawthornes) Cawthorne Cawton Cawton CAx XAO Caxton {noun, properNoun} (Caxtons) Caxton cay [/kiː/] {noun} (cayes, cays) caye Cayenne [/kaɪˈɛn/] {properNoun} Cayenne cayman {noun} (caymans) caïman Cayman Islands {properNoun} Îles Caïmans Caymanian {adjective, noun} (Caymanians) Caïmanais | caïmanais Caynham Caynham Cayster Caystre Caythorpe Caythorpe Cayton {properNoun} (Caytons) Cayton Cayuvava cayubaba cazique {noun} (caziques) cacique cañon {noun} (cañones, cañons) canyon CB {adjective, noun, properNoun} bande de fréquences banalisée CB user cibiste CBD {noun} (CBDs, CBD's) bérylliose CBM {noun, properNoun} gaz de charbon CBNG gaz de charbon CBO {properNoun} TCAO CBPP péripneumonie contagieuse bovine CBRN {adjective} NRBC CC {adjective, noun, properNoun, verb} (CCs, CCed, CCing) cc cc [/siːˈsiː/] {noun, verb} (ccs, cc's, cc'ed, cc'ing) cc CCBS rappel automatique CCD {noun} CCD CCF {noun, properNoun} (CCF) DCC CCGC {noun} (CCGCs) CGCC CCGS {noun} (CCGSs) NGCC CCITT [/siːsiːaɪtiːtiː/] {properNoun} CCITT CCPP pleuropneumonie contagieuse caprine CCQ qualification croisée d’équipage CCT {noun} technologie du charbon propre ccTLD {noun} (ccTLDs) ccTLD CCTV {noun, properNoun} (CCTVs) CCTV | vidéosurveillance CCW {adjective, adverb, noun, phraseologicalUnit} (CCWs) SAH CD [/ˌsiːˈdiː/] {noun, verb} (CDs, CDing, CDed) CD CD burner {noun} (CD burners) graveur de CD CD player {noun} (CD players) lecteur CD | lecteur de CD CD-ROM [/siː.diːˈɹɒm/] {noun} (CD-ROMs) cédérom CDA {noun, properNoun} ADC CDATA section section littérale CDK {noun} kinase dépendante des cyclines CDM {noun} PDC CDMA {noun, properNoun} accès multiple par répartition en code CDN {adjective, noun} (CDNs) CDN cDNA {noun} ADNc cDNA library banque d’ADN complémentaire CDO {noun} (CDOs) TCA Cdo Cdo cdo Cdo Cdr CapF cdr [/ˈku.də/ | /ˈkʌd.ə/] {noun} (cdrs) cdr CDRE {noun} (CDREs) cmdre | cmdre. CDS {noun} couverture de défaillance CE {noun, properNoun} (CEs) EC Ceann Ear Ceann Ear Ceará [/seɪ.əˈɹɑː/] {properNoun} Ceará cease [/siːs/] {noun, verb} (ceases, ceased, ceasing) cesser | arrêter | s'arrêter cease and desist {noun, verb} cessez et renoncez cease to be {verb} mourir cease-fire {noun} (cease-fires) cessez-le-feu | trêve ceasefire {noun} (ceasefires) cessez-le-feu ceaseless [/ˈsiːsləs/] {adjective} incessant ceaselessly {adverb} (most ceaselessly, more ceaselessly) incessamment Cebu {properNoun} zébu Cebuano {adjective, noun} cebuano | visayan | cébouano cecal pellet caecotrophe cecidium {noun} (cecidia) cécidie Cecilia [/sɛˈsiːli.ə/] {properNoun} Cécile Cecily {properNoun} Cécile Cecina {properNoun} Cecina cecogram cécogramme cecropia moth saturnie cécropia cecum {noun} (ceca) cæcum cedar [/ˈsi.dɚ/ | /ˈsiː.də/] {noun} cèdre cedar cup pézize du cèdre cedar of Lebanon {noun} (cedars of Lebanon) cèdre du Liban cedarn {adjective} en cèdre cede [/siːd/] {verb} (cedes, ceding, ceded) céder cedilla [/səˈdɪlə/] {noun} (cedillas) cédille Cedric [/ˈsɛdɹɪk/] {properNoun} (Cedrics) Cédric cee [/siː/] {noun} (cees) cé ceebu jen thiéboudiène cefixime {noun} céfixime Cefn Cefn Cefn Coch Cefn Coch Cefn Cribwr Cefn Cribwr Cefn Cross Cefn Cross Cefn Fforest Cefn Fforest Cefn Hengoed Cefn Hengoed Cefn Mawr Cefn Mawr Cefn Meiriadog Cefn Meiriadog Cefn Rhigos Cefn Rhigos Cefn-coed-y-cymmer Cefn-coed-y-cymmer Cefn-y-bedd Cefn-y-bedd Cefn-y-Llwyd Cefn-y-Llwyd Cefnddwysarn Cefnddwysarn Cefneithin Cefneithin Cefnpennar Cefnpennar ceftriaxone {noun} ceftriaxone CEGEP {noun} (CEGEPs) cégep ceiba {noun} (ceibas, ceiba) fromager ceiling [/ˈsiːlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (ceilings) plafond | partie entière par excès ceiling balloon ballon plafonnant ceiling fan {noun} (ceiling fans) ventilateur de plafond Ceiriog Ucha Ceiriog Ucha cel [/sɛl/] {noun} (cels) cell celadon [/ˈsɛlədən/ | /ˈsɛləˌdɑn/] {adjective, noun} (most celadon, more celadon, celadons) céladon celandine {noun} (celandines) chélidoine celeb [/səˈlɛb/] {noun} (celebs) people Celebes {properNoun} Célèbes Celebes hanging parrot coryllis des Célèbes celebrant {noun} (celebrants) prédicateur celebrate [/ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪt/] {verb} (celebrates, celebrated, celebrating) célébrer | fêter | faire la fête | rendre hommage celebrated [/ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪ.tɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more celebrated, most celebrated) célèbre celebration {noun} fête | célébration celebrity [/sɪˈlɛbɹɪti/] {noun} (celebrities) célébrité | people celeriac {noun} céleri-rave celerity [/sɪˈlɛɹɪti/] {noun} (celerities) célérité celery [/ˈsɛl.ə.ɹi/] {noun} (celeries) céleri celery salt {noun} (celery salts) sel de céleri celery-pine phylloclade celery-top pine phylloclade celesta [/səˈlɛstə/] {noun} (celestas) célesta celestial [/səˈlɛst͡ʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (celestials) céleste celestial body {noun} (celestial bodies) astre | corps céleste Celestial Empire {properNoun} Céleste-Empire celestial equator {noun} (celestial equators) équateur céleste celestial mechanics {noun} mécanique céleste celestial navigation {noun} navigation stellaire celestial object {noun} (celestial objects) corps céleste celestial parrotlet toui céleste celestial pole {noun} (celestial poles) pôle céleste celestial sphere {noun} (celestial spheres) sphère céleste celestial stem {noun} (celestial stems) tige céleste celestial vault voûte céleste celestially {adverb} célestement Celestine {noun, properNoun} (Celestines) Célestin celestine {adjective, noun} (celestines, more celestine, most celestine) célestine celestist {noun} (celestists) célestiste Celia {properNoun} Célia celiac plexus plexus cœliaque celibacy [/ˈsɛləbəsi/] {noun} (celibacies) célibat celibate [/ˈsɛləbət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (celibates, celibating, celibated) célibataire Celine {properNoun} Céline cell [/sɛl/] {noun, verb} (cells, celled, celling) cellule | mobile | pile | portable cell adhesion molecule {noun} (cell adhesion molecules) molécule d’adhérence cellulaire cell based circuit intégré précaractérisé cell based circuit circuit intégré précaractérisé cell biology biologie cellulaire cell clone clone cellulaire cell cloning clonage cellulaire cell coat glycocalyx cell colony colonie cellulaire cell division {noun} division cellulaire Cell immunity immunité cellulaire cell library bibliothèque de cellules cell line {noun} (cell lines) lignée cellulaire cell membrane {noun} (cell membranes) membrane plasmique cell phone {noun} (cell phones) mobile cell potential ddp de cellule cell reprogramming reprogrammation cellulaire cell sorter trieur de cellules cell theory {noun} théorie cellulaire cell voltage ddp de cellule cell wall [/sɛl wɔːl/] {noun} (cell walls) paroi cellulaire Cell-mediated immunity immunité cellulaire cellar [/ˈsɛlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈsɛlɚ/] {noun, verb} (cellars, cellaring, cellared) cave cellar door {noun} (cellar doors) cave Cellardyke Cellardyke cellist [/ˈt͡ʃɛlɪst/] {noun} (cellists) violoncelliste cello [/ˈsɛloʊ/ | /ˈsɛləʊ/ | /ˈtʃɛloʊ/ | /ˈtʃɛləʊ/] {noun} (cellos, celli) violoncelle cellophane [/ˈsɛləfeɪn/] {noun, verb} (cellophanes, cellophaned, cellophaning) cellophane cellophane noodle {noun} (cellophane noodles) dangmyeon cellular {adjective, noun} (most cellular, more cellular, cellulars) cellulaire cellular automaton {noun} (cellular automata, cellular automatons) automate cellulaire cellular mobile {noun} (cellular mobiles) téléphone cellulaire cellular pathology cytopathologie cellular phone {noun} (cellular phones) téléphone cellulaire cellular system système cellulaire cellular telephone {noun} (cellular telephones) téléphone cellulaire cellularization {noun} cellularisation cellularly {adverb} cellulairement cellulipetal {adjective} cellulipète cellulite {noun} cellulite cellulitis {noun} (cellulitides, cellulitises) cellulite celluloid [/ˈsɛljəˌlɔɪd/] {noun} celluloïd | cinéma | du cellulose {adjective, noun} cellulose cellulose acetate {noun} acétate de cellulose cellulose diacetate diacétate de cellulose cellulose nitrate {noun} nitrocellulose celosia {noun} (celosias) célosie celsian {noun} celsiane Celsius [/ˈsɛlsiːəs/] {adjective} Celsius Celt [/kɛlt/] {properNoun} Celte Celtiberian [/ˌkɛlt.ɪˈbɪ(ə)r.i.ən/] {noun, properNoun} (Celtiberians) celtibère Celtic [/ˈkɛltɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} celtique | celte Celtic harp harpe celtique Celtic shorthair européen Celtic studies {noun} celtologie celtium {noun} celtium Celtization celtisation Celtology {noun} celtologie celtuce [/ˈsɛlt.əs/] {noun} lattuga asparago Cemaes Cemaes cement [/səˈmɛnt/ | /ˈsimɛnt/] {noun, verb} (cements, cemented, cementing) ciment | adhésif | cimenter | colle cement block aggloméré cement mixer {noun} (cement mixers) bétonnière cementation {noun} cimentation