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Оглавлениеconverb [/ˈkɑn.vɝb/] {noun} (converbs) converbe converge [/kən.ˈvɜːdʒ/] {verb} (converges, converged, converging) converger convergence [/kənˈvɜː(ɹ)d͡ʒəns/] {noun} convergence convergent {adjective, noun} (most convergent, more convergent, convergents) convergent convergent evolution {noun} convergence évolutive | évolution convergente conversant [/kənˈvɝsənt/] {adjective, noun} (most conversant, more conversant, conversants) à l'aise conversation [/ˌkɑn.vəɹˈseɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/] {noun, verb} (conversations, conversationing, conversationed) conversation conversational {adjective} (most conversational, more conversational) conversationnel conversational agent agent conversationnel conversational maxims maximes de Grice conversational mode mode dialogué converse [/kənˈvɜːs/ | /kənˈvɝs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (converses, conversing, conversed) converser | inverse | opposé | réciproque conversely [/kənˈvɜːsli/ | /kənˈvɝsli/] {adverb} inversement | à l'inverse conversion [/kənˈvɜːʃ(ə)n/ | /kənˈvɝʒən/] {noun} conversion conversion rate {noun} (conversion rates) taux de transformation conversion ratio facteur de conversion convert [/kənˈvɛət/ | /kənˈvɛɹt/ | /ˈkɑn.vəɹt/ | /ˈkɒn.vəːt/] {noun, verb} (converts, converted, converting) convertir | reconverti converted [/kənˈvɜːtɪd/ | /kənˈvɝtɪd/] {adjective, verb} converti converter {noun} (converters) convertisseur convertibility {noun} convertibilité convertible [/kənˈvəɹdəbəl/ | /kənˈvəːtɪbəl/] {adjective, noun} (more convertible, most convertible, convertibles) cabriolet | décapotable | convertible convertible bond obligation convertible convertible mark {noun} (convertible marks) mark convertible convex [/ˈkɑnvɛks/ | /ˈkɒnvɛks/] {adjective, noun} (more convex, most convex, convexes) convexe convex body corps convexe convex hull {noun} (convex hulls) enveloppe convexe convexify {verb} (convexifies, convexified, convexifying) convexifier convexity {noun} (convexities) convexité convey [/kənˈveɪ/] {verb} (conveys, conveying, conveyed) transporter | communiquer | véhiculer convey in transit transiter conveyance [/kənˈveɪəns/] {noun, verb} (conveyances, conveyancing, conveyanced) convoyage conveyancing [/kənˈveɪənsɪŋ/] {noun} cession des droits immobiliers conveyor [/kənˈveɪə/ | /kənˈveɪɚ/] {noun} (conveyors) convoyeur conveyor belt {noun} (conveyor belts) bande transporteuse convict [/kənˈvɪkt/ | /ˈkɑnvɪkt/ | /ˈkɒnvɪkt/] {noun, verb} (convicts, convicted, convicting) bagnard | criminel | reconnaître coupable conviction [/kənˈvɪkʃən/] {noun} conviction convince [/kənˈvɪns/] {verb} (convinces, convincing, convinced) convaincre | persuader convinced [/kənˈvɪnst/] {adjective, verb} (more convinced, most convinced) convaincu convincing [/kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more convincing, most convincing) convaincant | probant convivence {noun} convivence convivial [/kənˈvɪv.i.əl/] {adjective} (more convivial, most convivial) convivial convivialism convivialisme conviviality {noun} (convivialities) convivialité convivially {adverb} (most convivially, more convivially) convivialement convocation {noun} convocation convoke [/kənˈvoʊk/] {verb} (convokes, convoking, convoked) convoquer convolute [/ˌkɑːnvəˈluːt/ | /ˌkɒnvəˈluːt/] {adjective, verb} (more convolute, most convolute, convolutes, convoluted, convoluting) convoluté convoluted [/ˌkɑnvəˈlutəd/ | /ˌkɒnvəˈl(j)uːtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most convoluted, more convoluted) convoluté | alambiqué | circonvolutif | compliqué | tortueux convolve [/kənˈvɑlv/ | /kənˈvɒlv/] {verb} (convolves, convolving, convolved) convoluer convolvulus {noun} (convolvuli, convolvuluses) convolvulus Convolvulus Hawk-moth sphinx du liseron convoy [/ˈkɒn.vɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (convoys, convoying, convoyed) convoi convulse {verb} (convulses, convulsed, convulsing) convulser convulsion [/kənˈvʌlʃən/] {noun} (convulsions) convulsion convulsive [/kənˈvʌlsɪv/] {adjective} (most convulsive, more convulsive) convulsif convulsively {adverb} (more convulsively, most convulsively) convulsivement Conwy [/ˈkɒnwi/] {properNoun} Conwy cony [/ˈkoʊni/ | /ˈkəʊni/] {noun} (conies) lapin COO {noun} (COOs) directeur de l’exploitation coo [/ku/ | /kuː/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most coo, more coo, coos, cooed, cooing) roucouler | roucoulement coo coo cot cot codet coo-coo [/ˈkuku/] {noun} toc-toc COOC CLE Coodham Coodham cook [/kuːk/ | /kʊk/] {noun, verb} (cooks, cooked, cooking) cuisinier | cuire | cuisiner | chef | cuistot Cook Islander {noun} (Cook Islanders) Cookien Cook Islands [/ˈkʊk ˈai.ləndz/] {properNoun} îles Cook Cook Strait détroit de Cook cookbook [/ˈkʊkˌbʊk/] {noun} (cookbooks) livre de cuisine Cookbury Cookbury cooked [/kʊkt/] {adjective, verb} (more cooked, most cooked) cuit cooked rice {noun} riz cooker [/ˈkʊkə/ | /ˈkʊkɚ/] {noun} (cookers) cuisinière cooker hood {noun} (cooker hoods) hotte aspirante cookeress {noun} (cookeresses) cuisinière cookery [/ˈkʊkəɹi/] {noun} (cookeries) art culinaire | cuisine cookess {noun} (cookesses) cuisinière Cookham Cookham Cookhill Cookhill cookhouse {noun} (cookhouses) coquerie cookie [/ˈkuːki/ | /ˈkʊki/] {noun, verb} (cookies, cookieing, cookied) biscuit | cookie cookie cutter {noun} (cookie cutters) emporte-pièce Cookie Monster {properNoun} Macaron le glouton cookie-cutter {adjective, noun} (more cookie-cutter, most cookie-cutter) intersection cookie-cutterish {adjective} (more cookie-cutterish, most cookie-cutterish) basique cookiecutter shark {noun} (cookiecutter sharks) squalelet féroce cooking [/ˈkʊ.kɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} cuisine | art culinaire cooking apple {noun} (cooking apples) pomme à cuire | pomme à étuver cooking canopy hotte aspirante cooking oil {noun} huile de cuisson cooking pot {noun} (cooking pots) marmite cooking-pot {noun} (cooking-pots) marmite Cookley Cookley Cookney Cookney Cookstown {properNoun} Cookstown cook’s knife couteau de chef cool [/kuːl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cools, cooling, cooled, cooler, coolest) frais | chouette | cool | calme | looc | rafraichir cool color couleur froide cool down {verb} refroidir | calmer cool one's heels {verb} faire le poireau | poireauter coolability capacité de refroidissement coolant [/ˈkuːlənt/] {noun} (coolants) liquide de refroidissement Coole Pilate Coole Pilate cooler [/ˈkuːl.ə(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun} glacière coolie [/ˈkuːli/] {noun} (coolies) coolie coolie plum mombin Cooling Cooling cooling [/ˈkuːlɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cooling, most cooling, coolings) refroidissement cooling tower {noun} (cooling towers) tour de refroissement cooling-down period conditionnement thermique coolish {adjective} frisquet coolly [/ˈkuːli/] {adjective, adverb} (more coolly, most coolly) fraichement coolness [/ˈkuːlnəs/] {noun} (coolnesses) frais Coombe Bissett Coombe Bissett Coombe Keynes Coombe Keynes Coombes {properNoun} Coombes coomnipotent co-omnipotent coon's tail cératophylle immergé coon-footed long-jointé coonhound {noun} (coonhounds) chien pour la chasse au raton laveur coontail {noun} (coontails) cératophylle immergé coop [/kuːp/] {noun, verb} (coops, cooped, cooping) poulailler coop up {verb} (coops up, cooped up, cooping up) claustrer | enfermer | mettre en cage cooper [/ˈkuːpə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (coopers, coopered, coopering) tonnelier Cooper's hawk {noun} (Cooper's hawks) épervier de Cooper cooperage {noun} tonnellerie cooperate [/koʊˈɒpəɹeɪt/] {verb} (cooperates, cooperated, cooperating) coopérer | collaborer cooperation [/kowɑpəˈɹejʃən/] {noun} coopération cooperation agreement accord de coopération cooperative {adjective, noun} (more cooperative, most cooperative, cooperatives) coopérative cooperativism {noun} coopérativisme coopetition {noun} coopétition cooptation {noun} cooptation cooption {noun} cooption coorbital {adjective} (more coorbital, most coorbital) coorbital coordinate [/koʊˈɔɹdənət/ | /koʊˈɔɹdənɪt/ | /koʊˈɔɹdəˌneɪt/ | /kəʊˈɔːdɪnɪt/ | /kəʊˈɔːdɪˌneɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coordinates, coordinating, coordinated) coordonner | coordonnée | coordonnées coordinate system {noun} (coordinate systems) système de coordonnées coordinate term {noun} (coordinate terms) cohyponyme Coordinated Universal Time {properNoun} temps universel coordonné coordinates {noun, verb} coordonnées coordinating conjunction {noun} (coordinating conjunctions) conjonction de coordination coordination [/koʊˌɔɹdɪˈneɪʃən/] {noun} (coordinations) coordination coordination bond liaison de coordination coordination number {noun} (coordination numbers) coordinence coordinatograph coordinatographe coordinator {noun} (coordinators) coordinateur | coordinatrice | coordonnateur | coordonnatrice Coorg {noun, properNoun} (Coorgs) kodagu coot [/kuːt/] {noun} (coots) foulque cootchie-cootchie-coo {interjection} guili-guili cootie [/ˈkuːti/] {noun} (cooties) microbes cootie catcher {noun} (cootie catchers) coincoin coowner {noun} (coowners) copropriétaire cop [/kɑp/ | /kɒp/] {noun, verb} (cops, copped, copping) flic | poulet | keuf | police cop on [/kɒp ɒn/] {noun, verb} (cops on, copping on, copped on) grandir cop out {verb} (cops out, copped out, copping out) se défiler cop-out {noun} (cop-outs) excuse copacetic [/kəʊ.pəˈsɛt.ɪk/ | /ˌkoʊ.pəˈsɛt.ɪk/] {adjective} (most copacetic, more copacetic) extra | génial | super copal [/ˈkoʊpəl/ | /ˈkəʊp(ə)l/] {noun} copal Copala Trique trique de Copala COPD {noun} (COPDs) BPCO Copdock and Washbrook Copdock and Washbrook cope [/kəʊp/] {noun, verb} (copes, coping, coped) débrouiller | chape | faire face Copeland {properNoun} Copeland Copenhagen [/ˈkoʊpənˌheɪɡən/ | /ˌkəʊpənˈheɪɡən/] {noun, properNoun} (Copenhagens) Copenhague Copenhagen criteria critère de Copenhague Copenhagener {noun} (Copenhageners) Copenhaguois | Copenhaguoise copepod {noun} (copepods) copépode Copernican {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Copernican, more Copernican, Copernicans) copernicien Copernican Revolution {properNoun} révolution copernicienne copernicium [/koʊpəɹˈnɪsi.əm/] {noun} copernicium Copernicus {properNoun} Copernic Copford Copford Copgrove Copgrove copier [/ˈkɑpiɚ/ | /ˈkɒpɪə/] {noun} (copiers) copieur | copiste copilot {noun, verb} (copilots, copiloting, copiloted) copilote coping {noun, verb} (copings) faire-face coping saw {noun} (coping saws) scie à chantourner Copinsay Copinsay copious [/ˈkoʊpi.əs/] {adjective} (most copious, more copious) abondant copiously {adverb} (more copiously, most copiously) abondamment coplanar [/kəʊˈpleɪnə(ɹ)/] {adjective} coplanaire coplanarity {noun} (coplanarities) coplanarité Cople Cople Copmanthorpe Copmanthorpe copoazu cupuaçu copolymer {noun} (copolymers) copolymère copolymerisation {noun} copolymérisation copolymerization {noun} (copolymerizations) copolymérisation copolymerize {verb} (copolymerizes, copolymerizing, copolymerized) copolymériser Coppenhall {properNoun} Coppenhall copper [/ˈkɑ.pɚ/ | /ˈkɒp.ə/ | /ˈkɔp.ə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most copper, more copper, coppers, coppered, coppering) cuivre | flic | keuf | poulaga | poulet | cuivré copper group {noun} groupe 11 copper pheasant faisan scintillant copper poisoning cuprisme copper shark {noun} (copper sharks) requin cuivre Copper sulfate sulfate de cuivre Copper Underwing noctuelle cuivrée copper-plated cuivré copperas {noun} (copperases) couperose coppersmith {noun} (coppersmiths) dinandier | chaudronnier coppery {adjective} (most coppery, more coppery) cuivré coppice [/ˈkɒpɪs/] {noun, verb} (coppices, coppicing, coppiced) boqueteau | rejeter de souche | taillis Copplestone {properNoun} Copplestone Coppull {properNoun} Coppull copra [/ˈkɒ.pɹə/] {noun} coprah coprecipitate {noun, verb} (coprecipitates, coprecipitated, coprecipitating) coprécipiter coprime {adjective} premiers entre eux coprocessor {noun} (coprocessors) coprocesseur coproduce {verb} (coproduces, coproducing, coproduced) coproduire coproducer {noun} (coproducers) coproducteur coproduction {noun} (coproductions) coproduction coprolalia [/ˌkɑpɹəˈleɪliə/] {noun} coprolalie coprolite [/ˈkɒpɹə(ʊ)lʌɪt/] {noun} (coprolites) coprolithe coprophagia {noun} coprophagie coprophagous {adjective} coprophage coprophagy {noun} coprophagie coprophilia {noun} coprophilie coprophobia {noun} cacaphobie coproporphyrin {noun} (coproporphyrins) coproporphyrine coproporphyrin I coproporphyrine I coproporphyrin III coproporphyrine III coproporphyrinogen {noun} (coproporphyrinogens) coproporphyrinogène coproporphyrinogen I coproporphyrinogène I coproporphyrinogen III coproporphyrinogène III cops [/kɒps/] {noun, verb} bœufs | cakes | chiens | cognes | vaches | vandames copse [/kɒps/] {noun, verb} (copses, copsed, copsing) fourré Copston Magna Copston Magna Copt [/kɑpt/ | /kɒpt/] {noun} (Copts) Copte Copt Hewick Copt Hewick copter [/ˈkɑptɚ/ | /ˈkɒptə/] {noun, verb} (copters, coptered, coptering) hélico Coptic [/ˈkɑptɪk/ | /ˈkɒptɪk/] {adjective, noun} copte | coptique copula [/ˈkɑpjələ/ | /ˈkɒpjələ/ | /ˈkɒpjʊlə/] {noun} (copulae, copulas) copule | verbe copule copular verb {noun} (copular verbs) copule copulate [/ˈkɒp.jə.leɪt/ | /ˈkɔ.pjə.leɪt/] {adjective, verb} (copulates, copulating, copulated) coïter copulation [/kɒp.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} copulation copulative {adjective, noun} (copulatives) copulateur copulatory {adjective} copulatoire copy [/ˈkɑpi/ | /ˈkɒpi/] {noun, verb} (copies, copied, copying) copier | copie | exemplaire | imiter | recevoir copy adaptor adaptateur-rédacteur publicitaire copy and paste {verb} copier-coller copy constructor {noun} (copy constructors) constructeur par recopie copy edit {noun, verb} (copy edits, copy edited, copy editing) corriger copy editor {noun} (copy editors) correcteur | lecteur-correcteur | réviseur copy platform base de campagne copy protection {noun} protection contre la copie copy that bien reçu copy-paste {noun, verb} (copy-pastes, copy-pasted, copy-pasting) copié-collé copyable {adjective} (most copyable, more copyable) copiable copycat {adjective, noun, verb} (most copycat, more copycat, copycats, copycatted, copycatting) copieur | copycat | faussaire | imitateur copyedit {noun, verb} (copyedits, copyediting, copyedited) corriger copying [/ˈkɑpiɪŋ/ | /ˈkɒpiɪŋ/] {noun, verb} copiage | copie copyleft {noun, verb} (copylefts, copylefting, copylefted) copyleft | gauche d'auteur copypasta [/ˈkɒpipeɪstə/] {noun, verb} (copypastas, copypastaed, copypastaing) copié-collé copyright [/ˈkɑpiˌɹaɪt/ | /ˈkɒpiˌɹaɪt/] {noun, verb} (copyrights, copyrighting, copyrighted) droit d'auteur | copyright copyright holder ayant droit copyright infringement {noun} atteinte au droit d'auteur Copythorne Copythorne copyvio [/ˈkɑpiˌvaɪ.oʊ/ | /ˈkɒpiˌvaɪ.əʊ/] {noun} copyvio copyviolate copyvioler copywrite {verb} (copywrites, copywritten, copywriting, copywrote) rédiger copywriter [/ˈkɑːpiˌɹaɪɾɚ/ | /ˈkɒpiˌɹaɪtə/] {noun} (copywriters) concepteur-rédacteur | rédacteur coquet [/ˈkɒk.ɛt/] {noun, verb} (coquets, coquetting, coquetted) aguicher coquetry [/ˈkoʊkətɹi/ | /ˈkɒkɪtɹi/] {noun} (coquetries) coquetterie | coquetisme coquette [/koʊˈkɛt/ | /kɒˈkɛt/] {noun, verb} (coquettes, coquetting, coquetted) allumeuse | coquette coquettish {adjective} (more coquettish, most coquettish) coquette | coquet coquettishly {adverb} (most coquettishly, more coquettishly) coquettement Coquille coquille coquina [/kɑˈkinə/ | /kɒˈkiːnə/] {noun} coquina cor anglais [/ˌkɔɹ ɔŋˈɡleɪ/ | /ˌkɔːɹ ˈɒŋɡleɪ/] {noun} (cors anglais) cor anglais cor-ten steel acier Corten Cora {noun, properNoun} (Coras) Cora coracana éleusine cultivée coracle {noun} (coracles) coracle coracoid bone os coracoïde coracoid process {noun} (coracoid processes) processus coracoïde coral [/ˈkɒɹəl/ | /ˈkɔɹəl/] {adjective, noun} corail coral fountain plante corail coral island {noun} (coral islands) ile corallienne | île corallienne coral plant {noun} (coral plants) médicinier coral reef {noun} (coral reefs) récif corallien Coral Sea {properNoun} mer de Corail coral snake {noun} (coral snakes) serpent corail coralblow russélie coralline {adjective, noun} (more coralline, most coralline, corallines) corallin corb {noun} (corbs) corb corbel [/ˈkɔːbəl/] {noun, verb} (corbels, corbeling, corbeled, corbelled, corbelling) modillon corbelling {noun, verb} (corbellings) encorbellement Corbridge {properNoun} Corbridge Corby {properNoun} Corby Corby Glen {properNoun} Corby Glen corbynism corbynisme Corbynite {noun} (Corbynites) corbyniste corckwing wrasse crénilabre mélops cord [/kɔɹd/ | /kɔːd/] {noun, verb} (cords, corded, cording) corde | cordon Cord of the hock corde du jarret cordage [/ˈkɔːdɪdʒ/] {noun} cordage cordate [/ˈkɔːdeɪt/ | /ˈkɔːɹdeɪt/] {adjective} (most cordate, more cordate) cordiforme cordax [/ˈkɔːdaks/] {noun} (cordaxes) cordace Cordelia [/kɔɹˈdili.ə/ | /kɔːˈdiːlɪə/] {properNoun} Cordélia cordeliere {noun} (cordelieres) cordelière cordial [/ˈkɔɹ.dɪ.əl/ | /ˈkɔː.dɪ.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more cordial, most cordial, cordials) sirop cordialise {verb} (cordialises, cordialised, cordialising) cordialiser cordiality {noun} (cordialities) cordialité cordialize {verb} (cordializes, cordialized, cordializing) cordialiser cordially [/ˈkɔɹdʒəli/ | /ˈkɔːdɪəli/] {adverb} (more cordially, most cordially) cordialement cordierite {noun} cordiérite cordilleran {adjective} cordilliérien cordless {adjective} sans fil cordless phone {noun} (cordless phones) téléphone sans fil cordless telephone {noun} (cordless telephones) poste téléphonique sans cordon Cordoba {properNoun} Cordoue Cordoban {adjective, noun} (most Cordoban, more Cordoban, Cordobans) Cordouan | cordouan cordocentesis {noun} (cordocenteses) cordocentèse cordon [/kɔː(ɹ)dən/] {noun, verb} (cordons, cordoning, cordoned) enchaîner cordon bleu {noun} cordon bleu cordon off {verb} (cordons off, cordoned off, cordoning off) boucler cordon sanitaire [/ˌkɔːdɒn sanɪˈtɛː/] {noun} (cordons sanitaires) cordon sanitaire cordon-bleu {noun} (cordon-bleus) cordonbleu d’Angola Cordova {properNoun} Cordoue Cordovan [/ˈkɔːdəvən/ | /ˈkɔːɹdəvən/] {adjective, noun} (most Cordovan, more Cordovan, Cordovans) cordouan Corduene {properNoun} Corduène corduroy [/ˈkɔɹdəɹɔɪ/ | /ˈkɔːdəɹɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (corduroys, corduroying, corduroyed) velours côtelé cordwainer {noun} (cordwainers) cordonnier core [/ko(ː)ɹ/ | /koə/ | /kɔɹ/ | /kɔː/] {noun, verb} (cores, coring, cored) trognon | carotte | centre | cœur | mandrin | noyau core activity cœur de métier core brand cœur de marque core business cœur de métier core catcher cendrier core drill {noun} (core drills) carotteuse core dump {noun} (core dumps) fichier de vidage core exchange échange standard core inflation {noun} (core inflations) inflation sous-jacente core melt accident accident grave core network réseau cœur core product produit phare core router routeur de cœur core sample {noun} (core samples) carotte core wire âme core-hole atome creux coregency {noun} (coregencies) corégence coregent {noun} (coregents) corégent coregistration {noun} coregistration Coreley Coreley coreligionist {noun} (coreligionists) coreligionnaire corella {noun} (corellas) cacatoès coreopsis {noun} (coreopses, coreopsises) coréopsis Coreper Coreper corepressor {noun} (corepressors) corépresseur coresidence {noun} corésidence Corfe {properNoun} Corfe Corfe Castle {properNoun} Corfe Castle Corfe Mullen [/ˌkɔəɹf ˈmʌlən/] {properNoun} Corfe Mullen Corfiot {adjective, noun} (Corfiots) corfiote Corfu [/ˈkɔɹ.fju/] {properNoun} Corfou Corgarff Corgarff corgi [/ˈkɔɹɡi/ | /ˈkɔːɡi/] {noun} (corgwn, corgis, corgies) corgi Corhampton and Meonstoke Corhampton and Meonstoke Corian corian coriander [/ˌkɒɹiˈændə/] {noun} (corianders) coriandre | graine de coriandre coriander seed coriandre Corinna {properNoun} Corinne Corinth [/ˈkɒɹ.ɪnθ/] {properNoun} Corinthe Corinthian [/kəˈɹɪnθiən/] {adjective, noun} (most Corinthian, more Corinthian, Corinthians) Corinthien | Corinthienne Corinthians {noun, properNoun} Corinthiens Coriolis acceleration accélération de Coriolis Coriolis force {noun} (Coriolis forces) force de Coriolis Corippus Corippe corium {noun} (coriums, coria) corium corium-concrete interaction ICB cork [/kɔɹk/ | /kɔːk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (corks, corked, corking) liège | bouchon | cork cork oak {noun} (cork oaks) chêne-liège | liège corkage [/ˈkɔɹkɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɔːkɪdʒ/] {noun} droit de bouchon corkage fee droit de bouchon corker {noun} (corkers) boucheuse corkscrew [/ˈkɔɹk.skɹu/ | /ˈkɔːk.skɹuː/] {adjective, noun, verb} (corkscrews, corkscrewed, corkscrewing) tire-bouchon corkwood tree duboisie corky {adjective, noun} (corker, corkest, corkies) bouchonné Corley {properNoun} (Corleys) Corley corlol càdlàg corm {noun} (corms) corme cormorant [/ˈkɔɹməɹənt/ | /ˈkɔːməɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (more cormorant, most cormorant, cormorants) cormoran cormorants and shags phalacrocoracidés corn [/kɔɹn/ | /kɔːn/] {noun, verb} (corns, corning, corned) cor corn bunting {noun} (corn buntings) bruant proyer corn crake {noun} (corn crakes) râle des genêts corn dog {noun} (corn dogs) pogo | saucisse sur bâtonnet corn earworm {noun} (corn earworms) noctuelle de la tomate corn flakes {noun} (corn flake) flocons de maïs corn mignonette réséda raiponce corn mill minoterie corn on the cob {noun} épi de blé d’Inde corn parsley {noun} persil des moissons corn picker cueilleuse-épanouilleuse corn poppy {noun} (corn poppies) coquelicot corn roast {noun} (corn roasts) épluchette corn salad {noun} mâche | doucette corn snake {noun} (corn snakes) serpent des blés corn-flag {noun} glaïeul corn-sheller cueilleur-égreneur Cornbury and Wychwood Cornbury and Wychwood corncob [/ˈkɔɹnkɒb/ | /ˈkɔːnkɒb/ | [ˈkɔɹnkɑb]] {noun, verb} (corncobs, corncobbing, corncobbed) rafle corncockle {noun} (corncockles) nielle corncrake [/ˈkɔrnˌkreɪk/ | /ˈkɔːnkreɪk/] {noun} (corncrakes) râle des genêts | roi caille | roi des cailles corne du diable Corne du Diable cornea [/ˈkɔː(ɹ)ni.ə/] {noun} (corneas) cornée corneal {adjective} cornéen corned beef {noun} corned-beef cornein {noun} (corneins) cornéine cornel {noun} (cornels) cornouille | cornouiller Cornelia [/kɔɹˈniliə/ | /kɔːˈniːlɪə/] {properNoun} Cornélie Cornelian {adjective} (most Cornelian, more Cornelian) cornélien cornelian cherry {noun} (cornelian cherries) cornouiller mâle Cornelius [/kɔɹˈniliəs/ | /kɔːˈniːlɪəs/] {properNoun} Corneille Cornelly Cornelly corner [/ˈkɔɹnɚ/ | /ˈkɔːnə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (corners, cornering, cornered) coin | acculer | cornériser | manœuvrer | négocier un prix de gros | piéger corner flag {noun} (corner flags) drapeau de coin corner kick {noun} (corner kicks) coup de pied de coin | corner | coup de coin corner of the eye {noun} (corners of the eye) canthus corner shop {noun} (corner shops) Arabe du coin corner store {noun} (corner stores) dépanneur corner the market {verb} accaparer cornerstone {noun} (cornerstones) pierre angulaire | pierre d'angle | première pierre cornet [/kɔɹˈnɛt/ | /ˈkɔːnɪt/] {noun} (cornets) cornet | cornette cornetfish {noun} (cornetfishes, cornetfish) cornette cornetist {noun} (cornetists) cornettiste cornett [/kɔɹˈnɛt/ | /ˈkɔːnɪt/] {noun} (cornetts) cornet à bouquin cornfield [/ˈkɔɹnˌfild/ | /ˈkɔːnfiːld/] {noun} (cornfields) champ de blé cornflake {noun} (cornflakes) corn-flake cornflour [/ˈkɔːn.flaʊə/] {noun} (cornflours) maïzena cornflower [/ˈkɔɹnˌflaʊɚ/] {adjective, noun} (cornflowers) bleuet | centaurée bleuet cornflower blue {adjective, noun} (cornflower blues) bleu bleuet Cornforth Cornforth Cornhill Cornhill Cornhill on Tweed Cornhill on Tweed cornhusking [/ˈkɔɹnˌhʌskɪŋ/ | /ˈkɔːnˌhʌskɪŋ/] {noun} (cornhuskings) épluchette cornice {noun, verb} (cornices, corniced, cornicing) corniche corniche [/kɔːɹˈniːʃ/ | /kɔːˈniːʃ/] {noun} (corniches) corniche Cornish [/ˈkɔːɹnɪʃ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} cornique cornish {noun} (cornishes) combattant indien Cornish chough crave à bec rouge cornish rex rex de Cornouailles Cornishman {noun} (Cornishmen) Cornique Cornishwoman {noun} (Cornishwomen) Cornique cornmeal {noun} farine de maïs cornrow {noun, verb} (cornrows, cornrowed, cornrowing) tresse africaine Cornsay Cornsay cornstarch {noun} (cornstarches) maïzena Corntown Corntown cornucopia [/ˌkɔː.nəˈkəʊ.pi.ə/ | /ˌkɔːɹ.nəˈkoʊ.pi.ə/] {noun} corne d'abondance cornucopian {adjective} (more cornucopian, most cornucopian) cornucopien cornucopianism cornucopianisme Cornwall [/ˈkɔːnwɔːl/] {properNoun} Cornouailles Cornwall black large black Cornwell {properNoun} (Cornwells) Cornwell Cornwood {properNoun} Cornwood Cornworthy Cornworthy corny [/ˈkɔɹni/ | /ˈkɔːni/] {adjective} (more corny, most corny, cornest, corner) banal | dégoulinant | kitsch | sirupeux corolla [/kəˈɹoʊlə/ | /kəˈɹəʊlə/] {noun} (corollae, corollas, corollæ) corolle corollarily {adverb} corollairement corollary [/kɒˈɹɒləɹi/ | /ˈkɔɹəˌlɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (corollaries) corollaire | corolaire Coromandel {properNoun} Coromandel coromandel {noun} calamandre corona [/kəˈɹoʊnə/] {noun} (coronas, coronae, coronæ, corone) couronne Corona Australis {properNoun} Couronne australe Corona Borealis {properNoun} Couronne boréale Corona radiata corona radiata coronach [/kɒɹənək/] {noun} (coronachs) coronach coronagraph {noun} (coronagraphs) coronographe coronal [/ˈkɒɹənəl/ | /ˈkɔɹənəl/] {adjective, noun} (most coronal, more coronal, coronals) coronal | coronale coronal consonant coronale coronal hole {noun} (coronal holes) trou coronal coronal mass ejection {noun} (coronal mass ejections) éjection de masse coronale coronal pulp chambre pulpaire coronal streamer jet coronal coronand {noun} (coronands) composé couronne coronaritis coronarite coronary [/ˈkɒɹən(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈkɔɹənɛɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more coronary, most coronary, coronaries) coronaire coronary arteritis coronarite coronary artery {noun} (coronary arteries) artère coronaire | coronaire coronary artery disease {noun} coronaropathie coronary band bourrelet coronary sinus {noun} (coronary sinuses) sinus coronaire coronary thrombosis {noun} thrombose coronaire coronate {adjective, verb} (coronates, coronated, coronating) couronner coronation [/ˌkɒɹəˈneɪʃən/ | /ˌkɔɹəˈneɪʃən/] {noun} (coronations) couronnement coronavirus [/kəˈɹoʊnəˌvaɪɹəs/ | /kəˈɹəʊnəˌvaɪɹəs/] {noun} (coronaviruses) coronavirus coronene {noun} coronène coroner [/ˈkɒ.ɹə.nə(ɹ)/] {noun} (coroners) coroner | médecin légiste coronet [/ˈkɒɹənɪt/ | /ˈkɔɹənɪt/] {noun} (coronets) couronne Coronilla coronille coronium {noun} coronium coronoid fossa fosse coronoïde coroutine {noun} (coroutines) coroutine corporal [/ˈkɔɹ.pɝ.əl/ | /ˈkɔː.pɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (corporals) caporal | corporal corporal punishment [/ˌkɔː.pəɹ.əl ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/] {noun} châtiment corporel corporality {noun} (corporalities) corporéité corporate [/ˈkɔɹpəɹət/ | /ˈkɔːp(ə)ɹət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most corporate, more corporate, corporates, corporated, corporating) corporatif corporate action opération sur titre corporate bank banque d’entreprise corporate banking banque d’entreprise corporate bond obligation d’entreprise corporate card carte d’entreprise corporate espionage espionnage industriel corporate governance gouvernement de l’entreprise corporate office mandat social corporate open online course CLE corporate purchasing card carte d’achat corporate purpose finalité d’entreprise corporate services manager responsable des services généraux corporate social performance performance sociale corporate social responsibility RSE corporate strategy stratégie de groupe corporate venturing participation-pari corporation [/ˈkɔːpəˈɹeɪʃən/ | /ˌkɔɹpəˈɹeɪʃən/] {noun} (corporations) société anonyme corporation pop {noun} eau du robinet corporatism {noun} corporatisme corporeal [/kɔːɹˈpɔːɹiəl/ | /kɔːˈpɔːɹiəl/] {adjective} (most corporeal, more corporeal) corporel corporeality {noun} (corporealities) corporéité corporeity [/kɔːpəˈɹiːɪti/] {noun} (corporeities) corporéité corps [/ko(ː)ɹ/ | /ko(ː)ɹz/ | /koə/ | /koəz/ | /kɔɹ/ | /kɔɹz/ | /kɔː/ | /kɔːz/] {noun} (corps) corps corpse [/ˈkoːps/ | /ˈkɔɹps/ | /ˈkɔːps/] {noun, verb} (corpses, corpsing, corpsed) cadavre | corps corpulence {noun} corpulence corpulent {adjective} (more corpulent, most corpulent) corpulent corpus [/ˈkɔɹpəs/ | /ˈkɔːpəs/] {noun} (corpuses, corpora) corpus corpus callosotomy {noun} (corpus callosotomies) callosotomie corpus callosum {noun} (corpora callosa) corps calleux | mésolobe corpus cavernosum penis corps caverneux Corpus Christi {properNoun} Fête-Dieu corpus delicti {noun} (corpora delicti) corps du délit corpus luteum {noun} (corpora lutea) corps jaune corpus separatum {noun} corpus separatum corpuscle [/ˈkɔɹˌpʌsəl/ | /ˈkɔːˌpʌsəl/] {noun} (corpuscles) corpuscule corpusculisation corpusculisation corpusculization corpusculisation Corpusty and Saxthorpe Corpusty and Saxthorpe corral [/kəˈɹæl/] {noun, verb} (corrals, corralling, corraled, corralled, corraling) corral correct [/kəˈɹɛkt/] {adjective, interjection, verb} (corrects, correcting, corrected, more correct, most correct) correct | corriger correctable {adjective} (most correctable, more correctable) corrigeable correcting fluid {noun} correcteur liquide correction [/kəˈɹɛkʃən/] {noun} correction | rectification correction fluid {noun} blanco | tipex correction tape {noun} ruban correcteur | tipex corrections officer {noun} (corrections officers) gardien de prison corrective {adjective, noun} (correctives) correcteur corrective rape {noun} viol correctif correctly [/kəˈɹɛktli/] {adverb} (more correctly, most correctly) correctement correctness {noun} (correctnesses) conformité, exactitude | véracité corrector {noun} (correctors) correcteur correctress {noun} (correctresses) correctrice correctrix {noun} (correctrices) correctrice corregidor {noun} (corregidors) corrégidor correlate [/ˈkɒɹəleɪt/ | /ˈkɒɹələt/ | /ˈkɔɹəleɪt/ | /ˈkɔɹələt/] {noun, verb} (correlates, correlated, correlating) corréler correlation [/kɒɹəˈleɪʃən/ | /kɔɹəˈleɪʃən/] {noun} corrélation correlative {adjective, noun} (more correlative, most correlative, correlatives) corrélatif correlogram {noun} (correlograms) corrélogramme correspond [/ˌkɑɹəˈspɑnd/ | /ˌkɒɹəˈspɒnd/ | /ˌkɔɹəˈspɑnd/] {verb} (corresponds, corresponded, corresponding) correspondre correspondence [/ˌkɒɹɪˈspɒndəns/] {noun} correspondance | chronique correspondent [/ˌkɒɹɪˈspɒndənt/ | /ˌkɔɹɪˈspɑndənt/] {adjective, noun} (more correspondent, most correspondent, correspondents) correspondant corresponding [/ˌkɑɹəˈspɑndɪŋ/ | /ˌkɒɹəˈspɒndɪŋ/ | /ˌkɔɹəˈspɑndɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more corresponding, most corresponding, correspondings) correspondant correspondingly {adverb} conformément corridor [/ˈkɒɹɪˌdɔː(ɹ)/ | /ˈkɔɹəˌdɔɹ/] {noun} (corridors) corridor | couloir | couloir aérien corrie [/kɒɹi/] {noun} (corries) cirque corriente cattle corriente corrigendum [/ˌkɒɹ.ɪˈdʒɛn.dəm/ | /ˌkɔɹ.ɨˈdʒɛn.dəm/] {noun} (corrigenda) coquille | erratum corrigible {adjective} (most corrigible, more corrigible) corrigeable Corringham Corringham Corris {properNoun} Corris Corris Uchaf Corris Uchaf corrival {adjective, noun, verb} (most corrival, more corrival, corrivals, corrivalling, corrivalled) corrival corroborate [/kəˈɹɑbəɹeɪ̯t/ | /kəˈɹɒbəɹeɪ̯t/] {verb} (corroborates, corroborated, corroborating) corroborer corroboration {noun} corroboration corroborative {adjective, noun} (most corroborative, more corroborative, corroboratives) corroboratif corrode [/kəˈɹoʊd/ | /kəˈɹəʊd/] {verb} (corrodes, corroding, corroded) corroder | rouiller | éroder corroded {adjective, verb} (most corroded, more corroded) fruste corrosion [/kəˈɹoʊʒən/ | /kəˈɹəʊʒən/] {noun} corrosion corrosion product produit de corrosion corrosive {adjective, noun} (more corrosive, most corrosive, corrosives) corrosif corrugate {adjective, verb} (more corrugate, most corrugate, corrugates, corrugated, corrugating) onduler corrugated {adjective, verb} ondulé corrugated iron {noun} tôle ondulée corrugation [/ˌkɔr.ə.ˈɡeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} corrugation corrupt [/kəˈɹʌpt/] {adjective, verb} (more corrupt, most corrupt, corrupts, corrupted, corrupting) corrompu | corrompre | dévoyé corrupted {adjective, verb} (most corrupted, more corrupted) corrompu corrupter {noun} (corrupters) corrupteur corruptible {adjective, noun} (most corruptible, more corruptible, corruptibles) corruptible corruption [/kəˈɹʌpʃən/] {noun} corruption | concussion | pourriture corruptress {noun} (corruptresses) corruptrice Corrèze {properNoun} Corrèze CORS {noun} CORS corsac fox {noun} (corsac foxes) renard corsac corsage [/kɔːˈsɑːʒ/] {noun} (corsages) corsage | petit bouquet corsair [/ˈkɔːsɛː/] {noun} (corsairs) corsaire | pirate Corscombe Corscombe Corse {properNoun} Corse corselet [/ˈkɔːslət/] {noun} (corselets) combiné Corsenside Corsenside corseque {noun} (corseques) corsèque corset [/ˈkɔː(ɹ).sɪt/] {noun, verb} (corsets, corsetting, corseted, corseting, corsetted) corset corseting {verb} corsetage Corsham {properNoun} Corsham Corsica [/ˈkɔɹsɪkə/ | /ˈkɔːsɪkə/] {properNoun} Corse Corsican [/ˈkɔɹsəkən/ | /ˈkɔː(ɹ)sɪkən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Corsican, most Corsican, Corsicans) corse | Corse Corsican cattle corse Corsican Fritillary nacré tyrrhénien corsican goat corse corsican nuthatch sittelle corse Corsican sheep corse Corsican snail escargot de Corse Corsican Swallowtail porte-queue de Corse Corsley Corsley Corsock Corsock Corston Corston Corstorphine {properNoun} Corstorphine Cortachy Cortachy corte de hongo coupe au bol cortege [/kɔɹˈtɛʒ/ | /ˈkɔɹ.tɛʒ/] {noun} (corteges) cortège Cortes Cortes cortesognoite cortésognoïte cortex [/ˈkɔɹtɛks/ | /ˈkɔːtɛks/] {noun} (cortices, cortexes) cortex cortical [/ˈkɔɹ.tɪ.kəl/ | /ˈkɔː.tɪ.kəl/] {adjective} cortical corticosteroid {noun} (corticosteroids) corticostéroïde corticotropin {noun} corticotrophine cortina {noun} cortine cortinar {noun} (cortinars) cortinaire cortisol {noun} cortisol cortisone {noun} cortisone Corton {properNoun} Corton Corton Denham Corton Denham corundophilite corundophilite corundum [/kəˈɹʌn.dəm/] {noun} corindon coruscant [/kəˈɹʌskənt/] {adjective} (most coruscant, more coruscant) coruscant coruscation {noun} coruscation | fulgurance corvee [/kɔːɹˈveɪ/ | /ˈkɔːveɪ/] {noun} corvée corvette {noun} (corvettes) corvette corvid [/ˈkɔɹvɪd/] {adjective, noun} (more corvid, most corvid, corvids) corvidé corvids {noun} corvidé corvina {noun} (corvinas) courbine corvine {adjective} (more corvine, most corvine) corvide Corvus {properNoun} Corbeau corvus {noun} (corvi) corbeau Corwen {properNoun} Corwen Cory's shearwater {noun} (Cory's shearwaters) puffin cendré corynebacteria {noun} corynébactérie coryphaeus {noun} (coryphaei, coryphaeuses) coryphée corypheus {noun} (corypheuses, coryphei) coryphée coryphée [/kɑɹɪˈfeɪ/ | /kɒɹɪˈfeɪ/] {noun} (coryphées) coryphée Coryton {properNoun} Coryton coryza [/kəˈɹɑɪ̯.zə/] {noun} (coryzae, coryzas, coryzæ) coryza Cos {properNoun} Cos cos lettuce {noun} romaine COS site site COS Cosby {properNoun} Cosby coscreenwriter {noun} (coscreenwriters) coscénariste cosecant [/ˈkoʊˌsiːkənt/] {noun} (cosecants) cosécante Cosenza {properNoun} Cosenza Cosford {properNoun} Cosford Cosgrove {properNoun} (Cosgroves) Cosgrove cosh [/kɒʃ/] {adjective, noun, symbol, verb} (coshes, coshing, coshed, most cosh, more cosh) nerf de bœuf Cosheston Cosheston cosign [/ˈkoʊ.saɪn/ | /ˈkəʊ.saɪn/] {noun, verb} (cosigns, cosigning, cosigned) cosigner cosignatory {adjective, noun} (cosignatories) cosignataire cosigner {noun} (cosigners) cosignataire cosily {adverb} (more cosily, most cosily) agréablement cosine [/ˈkoʊ.saɪn/ | /ˈkəʊ.saɪn/] {noun} (cosines) cosinus Cosmas [/ˈkɔzmɑːs/] {properNoun} Cosme cosmatesque cosmatesque cosmeceutical {noun} (cosmeceuticals) cosméceutique cosmetic [/kɑzˈmɛtɪk/ | /kɒzˈmɛtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most cosmetic, more cosmetic, cosmetics) cosmétique | cosmétiques cosmetic correction retouchage cosmetic powder poudre cosmetic surgeon {noun} (cosmetic surgeons) chirurgien cosmétique | chirurgien esthéticien | chirurgien esthétique | chirurgienne cosmétique | chirurgienne esthéticienne | chirurgienne esthétique cosmetic surgery {noun} (cosmetic surgeries) chirurgie cosmétique | chirurgie esthétique cosmetician {noun} (cosmeticians) esthéticien cosmetics {noun} cosmétique cosmetologist {noun} (cosmetologists) esthéticien | esthéticienne | visagiste cosmetology {noun} cosmétologie cosmic [/ˈkɒz.mɪk/] {adjective} (more cosmic, most cosmic) cosmique cosmic dust {noun} poussière cosmique cosmic inflation inflation cosmique cosmic microwave background {noun} fond diffus cosmologique cosmic microwave background radiation rayonnement fossile cosmic ray {noun} (cosmic rays) rayon cosmique cosmic shear cisaillement gravitationnel cosmid [/ˈkɑzmɪd/ | /ˈkɒzmɪd/] {noun} (cosmids) cosmide Cosmo {properNoun} Côme cosmo- {prefix} cosmo- cosmobiology {noun} cosmobiologie cosmochemist {noun} (cosmochemists) cosmochimiste cosmochemistry {noun} cosmochimie cosmocracy {noun} (cosmocracies) cosmocratie cosmocrat [/ˈkɒzməkɹat/] {noun} (cosmocrats) cosmocrate cosmocratic {adjective} (most cosmocratic, more cosmocratic) cosmocrate cosmodicy {noun} (cosmodicies) cosmodicée cosmodrome {noun} (cosmodromes) base de lancement | cosmodrome cosmogenic {adjective} cosmogénique cosmogony [/kɒzˈmɒɡəni/] {noun} (cosmogonies) cosmogonie cosmographer [/kɒzˈmɒɡɹəfə/] {noun} (cosmographers) cosmographe cosmography {noun} (cosmographies) cosmographie cosmological {adjective} cosmologique cosmological inflation inflation cosmique cosmological time temps cosmologique cosmologist {noun} (cosmologists) cosmologiste | cosmologue cosmology {noun} (cosmologies) cosmologie cosmonaut [/ˈkɒzməˌnɔːt/] {noun} (cosmonauts) cosmonaute cosmonuclide {noun} (cosmonuclides) cosmonucléide cosmopolitan [/ˌkɑz.məˈpɑl.ɪ.tən/ | /ˌkɒz.məˈpɒl.ɪ.tən/] {adjective, noun} (more cosmopolitan, most cosmopolitan, cosmopolitans) cosmopolite cosmopolitanism [/ˌkɑzməˈpɑlɪtənɪzm̩/] {noun} cosmopolitisme cosmopolite [/kɑzˈmɑ.pəˌlaɪt/] {adjective, noun} (more cosmopolite, most cosmopolite, cosmopolites) cosmopolite cosmorama {noun} (cosmoramas) cosmorama Cosmos {properNoun} cosmos cosmos [/ˈkɑz.moʊs/ | /ˈkɑz.məs/ | /ˈkɒz.mɒs/] {noun} (cosmoi, cosmoses, cosmos) cosmos cosplay [/ˈkɑspleɪ/ | /ˈkɑzpleɪ/ | /ˈkɒspleɪ/ | /ˈkɒzpleɪ/ | /ˌkoʊˈspleɪ/] {noun, verb} (cosplays, cosplayed, cosplaying) cosplay | cosplayer | costumade | costumader cosplayer {noun} (cosplayers) cosplayeur Cossack [/ˈkɑsˌæk/ | /ˈkɒsˌæk/] {noun} (Cossacks) Cosaque | cosaque Cossall Cossall cosset [/ˈkɒsɪt/] {noun, verb} (cossets, cosseted, cosseting, cossetting, cossetted) chouchouter | choyer | dorloter | gâter cosseted {adjective, verb} (more cosseted, most cosseted) gâté cossic {adjective} cossique cossid miller cossidé Cossington {properNoun} Cossington cost [/ˈkɑst/ | /ˈkɒst/ | /ˈkɔst/] {noun, verb} (costs, costed, costing, cost) coûter | coût | frais | couter cost a pretty penny coûter les yeux de la tête cost an arm and a leg coûter les yeux de la tête cost and freight {noun} coût et fret cost cutting {noun} chasse aux coûts cost killer chasseur de coûts cost killing chasse aux coûts cost of goods sold {noun} (costs of goods sold) coût de revient cost of living {noun} (costs of living) coût de la vie cost price {noun} revient cost reimbursement contract contrat en régie cost the earth {verb} (costs the earth, cost the earth, costing the earth) coûter bonbon | coûter la peau du cul | coûter la peau du dos | coûter un bras | coûter une blinde | coûter une couille cost, insurance and freight {noun} coût, assurance et fret cost-effective {adjective} (more cost-effective, most cost-effective) rentable cost-plus contract contrat en régie Costa Brava {properNoun} Costa Brava Costa Rica [/ˌkoʊ.stə ˈɹi.kə/ | /ˌkɒs.tə ˈɹiː.kə/] {properNoun} Costa Rica Costa Rican {adjective, noun} (Costa Ricans) Costaricain costal [/ˈkɑstl̩/ | /ˈkɒstl̩/] {adjective} costal costanoan language langue costanoane costar {noun, verb} (costars, costarring, costarred) covedette Costessey Costessey costly [/ˈkɒst.li/] {adjective} (costlest, costler) coûteux | lourd costmary {noun} (costmaries) menthe-coq costochondral {adjective} costochondral Costock Costock costs [/ˈkɑsts/ | /ˈkɒsts/ | /ˈkɔsts/] {noun, verb} frais costume [/kɑsˈt(j)uːm/ | /ˈkɑs.t(j)uːm/ | /ˈkɒs.tjuːm/] {noun, verb} (costumes, costuming, costumed) costume | déguisement costume rehearsal couturière costumier {noun} (costumiers) costumier | costumière cosy [/ˈkoʊzi/ | /ˈkəʊzi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cosest, coser, cosies, cosied, cosying) douillet | douillette | peinard cot [/kɑt/ | /kɒt/ | [kʰat̚] | [kʰɑt̚] | [kʰɒʔ(t)] | [kʰɒːt̚] | [kʰɔt]] {noun} (cots) lit de camp | huche | lit de bébé Cot curve Cot cot death {noun} (cot deaths) mort subite du nourrisson cotangent [/ˈkoʊˌtænd͡ʒənt/] {noun} (cotangents) cotangente Cotcliffe Cotcliffe cotehardie {noun} (cotehardies) cotte-hardie cotenant {noun} (cotenants) colocataire Cotentin Peninsula Cotentin Cotentin sheep cotentin cotentine cotentine coterie [/ˈkoʊtəɹi/ | /ˈkəʊtəɹi/] {noun} (coteries) coterie coterminous [/kɒnˈtəː.mɪ.nəs/ | /kənˈtɝ.mɪ.nəs/] {adjective} limitrophe Cotes Cotes Cotesbach Cotesbach Cotford St Luke Cotford St Luke Cotgrave Cotgrave Cotham {properNoun} Cotham Cothelstone Cothelstone Cotheridge Cotheridge Cotherstone Cotherstone cotidal {adjective} cotidal cotinga {noun} (cotingas) cotinga Cotleigh {properNoun} Cotleigh Coton {properNoun} Coton coton de Tulear coton de Tuléar coton de Tuléar coton de Tuléar Coton Green Coton Green Coton in the Elms Coton in the Elms cotraveler covoyageur cotraveller covoyageur Cotswold [/ˈkɒts.wəʊld/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Cotswolds) Cotswold Cotswold Penny-cress tabouret perfolié cottage [/ˈkɑtədʒ/ | /ˈkɑtɪdʒ/ | /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (cottages, cottaged, cottaging) cottage cottage cheese {noun} fromage blanc | faisselle | fromage frais | quark cottaite cottaïte Cottam {properNoun} (Cottams) Cottam Cottenham Cottenham cotter {noun, verb} (cotters, cottered, cottering) clavette cotter pin {noun} (cotter pins) chevillette cotter-pin about Cottered Cottered Cotterstock Cotterstock Cottesbrooke Cottesbrooke Cottesmore Cottesmore Cottian {adjective} cottien Cottingham {properNoun} (Cottinghams) Cottingham Cottingwith Cottingwith Cottisford Cottisford Cotton {properNoun} Cotton cotton [/ˈkɑt.n̩/ | /ˈkɒt.n̩/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cottons, cottoned, cottoning) coton | cotonnade Cotton Abbotts Cotton Abbotts cotton bollworm noctuelle de la tomate cotton bud {noun} (cotton buds) coton-tige cotton candy {noun} (cotton candies) barbe à papa Cotton Edmunds Cotton Edmunds cotton gin {noun} (cotton gins) égreneuse cotton ginner égreneur de coton cotton lavender santoline cotton on {verb} (cottons on, cottoning on, cottoned on) piger cotton palm palmier de Californie cotton swab {noun} (cotton swabs) coton-tige | bâtonnet ouaté | coton tige cotton tree fromager cotton wool [/ˈkɒtən wʊl/] {noun} (cotton wools) ouate | coton hydrophile cotton wool bud {noun} (cotton wool buds) bâtonnet ouaté cotton-picking {adjective, noun} fichu cotton-plant cotonnier cotton-wool {noun, verb} (cotton-wools, cotton-wooling, cotton-wooled) ouater cottongrass [/kɒt.n̩ ɡɹɑːs/] {noun} (cottongrasses) linaigrette cottonize cotoniser cottontail {noun} (cottontails) lapin de Floride cottontail rabbit lapin de Floride cottontree fromager cottonweed {noun} diotis maritime cottonwood {noun} (cottonwoods) peuplier Cottown Cottown cotyledon [/kɒtɪˈliːdn̩/ | /ˌkɑtl̩ˈiːdn̩/] {noun} (cotyledons) cotylédon cotyloid {adjective} (more cotyloid, most cotyloid) cotyloïde cotylosaur {noun} (cotylosaurs) cotylosaure cou nu du Forez cou nu du Forez coua {noun} (couas) coua coucal {noun} (coucals) coucal couch [/kaʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (couches, couched, couching) canapé | sofa | formuler | rédiger | s'allonger couch grass [/ˈkaʊt͡ʃɡɹɑːs/ | /ˈkaʊt͡ʃˌɡɹæs/] {noun} chiendent couch potato {noun} (couch potatoes) avachi | légume | pantouflard | télézard couch surf {verb} (couch surfs, couch surfed, couch surfing) couchsurfer couch surfer {noun} (couch surfers) couchsurfeur couch-grass {noun} chiendent couchette car voiture-couchettes Couchgrass chiendent rampant Couchoucache Coucoucache couchsurfer couchsurfeur couchsurfing couchsurfing coucou de Rennes coucou de Rennes cougar [/ˈkuɡɚ/ | /ˈkuːɡə/] {noun} (cougars) puma | cougar | lion des montagnes cough [/kɑf/ | /kɒf/ | /kɔf/ | /kɔːf/] {noun, verb} (coughs, coughing, coughed) toux | tousser cough medicine {noun} antitussif cough mixture {noun} antitussif cough syrup {noun} (cough syrups) sirop contre la toux | sirop antitussif cough up {verb} (coughs up, coughed up, coughing up) cracher | lâcher | se planter Coughton Coughton Couillet Couillet could do with {verb} ne pas dire non could I see the menu, please {phraseologicalUnit} apportez-moi la carte, s'il vous plaît | apportez-nous la carte, s'il vous plaît couldn't carry a note in a bucket {verb} chanter comme une casserole coulibiac {noun} (coulibiacs) coulibiac couloir [/kulˈwɑɹ/] {noun} (couloirs) gouttière coulomb [/ˈku.lɑm/ | /ˈkuː.lɒm/] {noun} (coulombs) coulomb Coulomb's law {properNoun} loi de Coulomb coulombic yield rendement faradique Coulon's macaw ara de Coulon Coulport Coulport coulrophobia [/kəʊl.ɹə.ˈfəʊ.bi.ə/] {noun} coulrophobie Coulston {properNoun} (Coulstons) Coulston Coulter {properNoun} (Coulters) Coulter coulter {noun} (coulters) coutre coulter track saignée de drainage Coulton Coulton coumarin [/ˈkuːməɹɪn/] {noun} coumarine coumarone {noun} coumarone Council {properNoun} Conseil council [/ˈkaʊn.səl/] {noun} (councils) conseil Council of Europe {properNoun} Conseil de l'Europe Council of the European Union Conseil de l’Union européenne councillor {noun} (councillors) conseiller municipal councilman {noun} (councilmen) conseiller councilmember {noun} (councilmembers) conseiller councilor {noun} (councilors) conseiller | conseillère Cound {properNoun} Cound counsel [/ˈkaʊn.səl/] {noun, verb} (counsels, counselling, counseling, counseled, counselled) conseil | conseiller | expertise | plan | projet counseling {noun, verb} guidance counselling {noun, verb} guidance counsellor {noun} (counsellors) conseillère counselor [/ˈkaʊnsələ(ɹ)/] {noun} (counselors) conseiller | conseillère count [/kaʊnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (counts, counting, counted) compter | comte | compte | chef d'accusation | chef d’inculpation | compte à rebours count angels on pinheads {verb} (counts angels on pinheads, counting angels on pinheads, counted angels on pinheads) discuter du sexe des anges count crown couronne comtale count down {noun, verb} (count downs, counts down, counting down, counted down) décompter Count Dracula {properNoun} comte Dracula count noun {noun} (count nouns) nom dénombrable | nom comptable count off {verb} égrener count on {verb} (counts on, counting on, counted on) compter sur count one's blessings {verb} voir le monde en rose count one’s chickens before they hatch vendre la peau de l’ours count one’s chickens before they’re hatched vendre la peau de l’ours count sheep {verb} (counts sheep, counted sheep, counting sheep) compter les moutons count-up {noun} (count-ups) compte positif countability [/kaʊnt.əˈbɪ.lɪ.ti/] {noun} dénombrabilité countable [/ˈkaʊntəbəl/ | [ˈkʰaʊn(ɾ)əbɫ̩]] {adjective} dénombrable countable noun nom dénombrable countable set {noun} (countable sets) ensemble dénombrable countdown [/ˈkaʊntˌdaʊn/] {noun, verb} (countdowns, countdowning, countdowned) compte à rebours | décompte | hit-parade | top 50 countenance [/ˈkaʊn.tɪ.nəns/ | [kʲʰæũ̯.ʔɪ̆.nəns]] {noun, verb} (countenances, countenanced, countenancing) visage counter [/ˈkaʊntə/ | /ˈkaʊntɚ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (counters, countered, countering) compteur | guichet | contre counter coup contre-coup d’État counter coup d’etat contre-coup d’État counter to à contre-courant counter top plan de travail counter- {prefix} contre- counter-argument contre-argument counter-attack {noun, verb} (counter-attacks, counter-attacked, counter-attacking) contrattaque | contrattaquer | contre-attaque | contre-attaquer | contre-offensive | controffensive counter-ermine {noun} contre-hermine counter-interrogate contre-interroger counter-offensive {adjective, noun} (more counter-offensive, most counter-offensive, counter-offensives) contre-offensive counter-opinion contre-avis counter-quarterly contre-écartelé counter-rampant {adjective} contre-rampant counter-revolution contre-révolution counter-vair de contre-vair counteract [/ˈkaʊntəɹˌækt/ | /ˌkaʊntəɹˈækt/] {noun, verb} (counteracts, counteracting, counteracted) contrarier counteraction {noun} (counteractions) neutralisation counterargument {noun} (counterarguments) contre-argument counterattack {noun, verb} (counterattacks, counterattacking, counterattacked) contrattaque counterbalance {noun, verb} (counterbalances, counterbalancing, counterbalanced) contrebalancer | contrepoids counterclockwise {adjective, adverb} anti-horaire counterculture {noun} (countercultures) contreculture countercurrent {adjective, noun} (countercurrents) contre-courant countercyclical {adjective} (more countercyclical, most countercyclical) anticyclique counterespionage {noun} contre-espionnage counterexample {noun} (counterexamples) contrexemple counterfactual [/ˌkaʊn.tə(ɹ)ˈfæk.tʃu.əl/ | /ˌkaʊntɚˈfæktʃuəl/] {adjective, noun} (counterfactuals) contrefactuel counterfeit [/ˈkaʊn.tɚˌfɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (counterfeits, counterfeiting, counterfeited) contrefait | contrefaçon | contrefaire counterfeiter {noun} (counterfeiters) faux-monnayeur | contrefacteur counterfeiting {noun, verb} (counterfeitings) contrefaçon counterflory {adjective} contre-fleurdelisé counterfoil {noun} (counterfoils) opinion counterfoil book carnet à souche counterhold contrer counterintelligence {noun} (counterintelligences) contre-espionnage counterinterrogation {adjective} contre-interrogatoire counterintuitive {adjective} (more counterintuitive, most counterintuitive) contre-intuitif counterintuitively {adverb} (most counterintuitively, more counterintuitively) contre-intuitivement countermand [/ˈkaʊntɚˌmænd/ | /ˌkaʊntəˈmɑːnd/] {noun, verb} (countermands, countermanding, countermanded) contre-ordonner countermeasure {noun} (countermeasures) contre-mesure counterpart [/ˈkaʊntəˌpɑːt/ | /ˈkaʊntɚˌpɑɹt/] {noun, verb} (counterparts, counterparted, counterparting) contre-partie | duplicat | homologue | pendant | équivalent counterparty {noun} (counterparties) opposant counterplea {noun} (counterpleas) réplique counterpoint {noun, verb} (counterpoints, counterpointed, counterpointing) contrepoint counterpower {noun} (counterpowers) contre-pouvoir counterproductive {adjective} (more counterproductive, most counterproductive) contreproductif counterquestion {noun} (counterquestions) contre-question counterrevolution {noun} (counterrevolutions) contre-révolution counterrevolutionary {adjective, noun} (more counterrevolutionary, most counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionaries) contre-révolutionnaire counterscarp {noun} (counterscarps) contrescarpe countershot {noun} (countershots) contrechamp countersign {noun, verb} (countersigns, countersigning, countersigned) contresigner countersignature {noun} (countersignatures) contresignature countersink {noun, verb} (countersinks, countersunk, countersinking, countersank) couler countersteer {verb} (countersteers, countersteering, countersteered) contre-braquer countersteering {noun, verb} contre-braquage countersubject {noun} (countersubjects) contre-sujet countersurveillance {noun} contre-surveillance countertenor {noun} (countertenors) contreténor | contre-ténor counterterrorism {noun} contreterrorisme counterterrorist {adjective, noun} (counterterrorists) contreterroriste countertop {noun} (countertops) banc de touche counterweight {noun, verb} (counterweights, counterweighting, counterweighted) contrepoids countess [/ˈkaʊntɨs/] {noun} (countesses) comtesse Countesthorpe Countesthorpe Counthorpe and Creeton Counthorpe and Creeton counting [/ˈkaʊntɪŋ/] {noun, verb} comptage | décompte counting frame {noun} (counting frames) abaque counting rhyme {noun} (counting rhymes) comptine counting rod {noun} (counting rods) baguette à calculer countless [/ˈkaʊntləs/] {adjective} innombrable | incalculable country [/ˈkɐntɹi/ | /ˈkʌntɹi/] {adjective, noun} (countries) pays | campagne | contrée | de la campagne | de la contrée | de province country almond badame country bumpkin {noun} (country bumpkins) péquenaud country club {noun, properNoun} (country clubs) country club country code {noun} (country codes) code de pays | code pays country gentleman {noun} (country gentlemen) hobereau country house {noun} (country houses) maison de campagne country mile [/ˌkʌntɹi ˈmaɪl/] {noun} (country miles) trotte country singer countryman country wine {noun} (country wines) vin de pays country-style champêtre countryfolk {noun} (countryfolks, countryfolk) campagnard countryman [/ˈkʌntɹimən/] {noun} campagnard | campagnarde | citoyen | citoyenne | compatriote | habitant countryside [/ˈkʌn.tɹiˌsaɪd/] {noun} (countrysides) campagne countship {noun} (countships) comté county [/ˈkaʊnti/] {adjective, noun} (more county, most county, counties) comté | département County Durham {properNoun} Durham county town {noun} (county towns) chef-lieu coup [/ku/ | /kuː/] {noun, verb} (coups, couped, couping) coup coup d'état [/ˌkuː.dəˈteɪ/ | /ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/] {noun} (coups d'état, coup d'états) coup d'État coup de foudre {noun} (coups de foudre) coup de foudre coup de grace {noun} (coups de grace) coup de grâce coup de grâce [/kuː də ɡɹæs/ | /kuː də ɡɹɑː/] {noun} (coups de grâce) coup de grâce coup de theatre {noun} (coups de theatre) coup de théâtre coup de théâtre [/ˌkuː.də.teɪˈɑː.tɹə/] {noun} (coups de théâtre) coup de théâtre coup d’etat coup d’État coup d’État coup d’État coup d’état coup d’État Coupar Angus {properNoun} Coupar Angus coupholite coupholite coupist [/ˈkuːɪst/] {noun} (coupists) putschiste couple [/ˈkʌpəl/] {adjective, determiner, noun, verb} (couples, coupling, coupled) couple | paire | coupler | deux ou trois... | quelques | époux couplement {noun} couplement