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Clostridium septicum vibrion septique closure [/ˈkloʊ.ʒɝ/ | /ˈkləʊ.ʒə(ɹ)/] {noun} fermeture Closworth Closworth clot [/klɒt/] {noun, verb} (clots, clotted, clotting) caillot | cailler | coaguler | idiot | imbécile | thrombus cloth [/kloʊθ/ | /klɑθ/ | /klɒθ/ | /klɔːθ/ | /klɔθ/] {noun} tissu | étoffe | tenue Clothall and Luffenhall Clothall and Luffenhall clothe [/ˈkloʊð/ | /ˈkləʊð/] {verb} (clothes, clad, clothing, clothed) habiller | vêtir clothes [/kloʊ(ð)z/ | /kloʊðz/ | /kləʊ(ð)z/ | /kləʊðz/] {noun, verb} vêtements clothes designer couturier clothes don't make the man {proverb} l’habit ne fait pas le moine clothes don’t make the man l’habit ne fait pas le moine clothes dryer {noun} (clothes dryers) sèche-linge clothes hanger {noun} (clothes hangers) cintre clothes horse tancarville clothes iron {noun} (clothes irons) fer à repasser clothes line {noun} (clothes lines) étendoir clothes moth {noun} (clothes moths) mite | mite des vêtements | teigne clothes peg {noun} (clothes pegs) pince à linge | épingle à linge clothes shop {noun} (clothes shops) boutique de vêtements clothes-brush {noun} (clothes-brushes) vergette clotheshorse {noun} (clotheshorses) étendoir clothesline [/ˈkloʊðzlaɪn/ | /ˈkləʊðzlaɪn/] {noun, verb} (clotheslines, clotheslined, clotheslining) corde à linge clothespin {noun, verb} (clothespins, clothespinning, clothespinned) pince à linge clothing [/ˈkloʊðɪŋ/ | /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/] {noun, verb} vêtements | habits clothing rack portant clothoid {noun} (clothoids) clothoïde clotiazepam {noun} clotiazépam Clotilda {properNoun} Clotilde clotted {verb} grumeleux clotted cream {noun} (clotted creams) crème caillée Clotton Hoofield Clotton Hoofield cloud [/klaʊd/] {noun, verb} (clouds, clouding, clouded) nuage | s'obscurcir cloud apple jamalac cloud bank {noun} (cloud banks) barre de nuages cloud chamber {noun} (cloud chambers) chambre à brouillard cloud computing {noun} infonuagique | informatique en nuage cloud forest {noun} (cloud forests) forêt de nuage cloud funnel clitocybe nébuleux cloud level zone étage des brouillards cloud nine [/ˈklaʊd ˈnaɪn/] {noun} septième ciel cloud over {verb} (clouds over, clouded over, clouding over) couvrir | ennuager cloud rap {noun} cloud rap cloud-cuckoo-land [/klaʊdˈkʊkuːlænd/] {noun} Coucouville-les-Nuées cloudberry [/ˈklaʊdˌbɛɹi/] {noun} (cloudberries) plaquebière | ronce des tourbières | chicoutai | chicouté | mûre arctique | mûre des marais cloudburst [/ˈklaʊdˌbɜːst/ | /ˈklaʊdˌbɝst/] {noun} (cloudbursts) averse clouded [/ˈklaʊdɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more clouded, most clouded) couvert clouded agaric clitocybe nébuleux clouded apollo semi-apollon clouded leopard {noun} (clouded leopards) panthère nébuleuse | léopard tacheté | panthère longibande cloudiness {noun} (cloudinesses) nébulosité clouding [/ˈklaʊdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (cloudings) clouding cloudy [/ˈklaʊdi/ | /ˈklaʊːdɪ/ | /ˈkɫaʊdi/] {adjective} (clouder, cloudest) nuageux | brumeux | nébuleux | opaque | trouble Cloughton Cloughton clout [/klaʊt/ | /klʌʊt/] {noun, verb} (clouts, clouting, clouted) influence Clova Clova clove [/kloʊv/ | /kləʊv/] {noun, verb} (cloves) clou de girofle | gousse clove hitch {noun} (clove hitches) nœud de batelier | nœud de cabestan Clovelly [/kləˈvɛli/] {properNoun} Clovelly cloven {adjective, verb} fendu cloven hoof {noun} (cloven hooves) griffe Clovenfords Clovenfords clover [/ˈkloʊ.vɚ/ | /ˈkləʊ.və(ɹ)/] {noun} (clovers) trèfle cloverleaf [/ˈkloʊvɚliːf/ | /ˈkləʊvəliːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cloverleafs, cloverleaves, cloverleafed, cloverleafing) feuille de trèfle cloverleaf interchange {noun} (cloverleaf interchanges) feuille de trèfle clown [/klaʊn/] {noun, verb} (clowns, clowning, clowned) clown | bouffon | guignol | mariole | andouille | bouffonne clown around {verb} (clowns around, clowning around, clowned around) faire le clown Clowne {properNoun} Clowne clowness {noun} (clownesses) clownesse clownfish {noun} (clownfishes, clownfish) poisson clown | poisson-clown clowning [/ˈklaʊnɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (clownings) bouffonnerie clownish [/ˈklaʊnɪʃ/] {adjective} (most clownish, more clownish) clownesque clownlike {adjective} (more clownlike, most clownlike) clownesque cloy [/klɔɪ/] {verb} (cloys, cloyed, cloying) remplir cloying [/ˈklɔɪ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most cloying, more cloying) exagéré cloze [/kloʊz/] {noun} (clozes) texte à trous cloze deletion test exercice de complètement cloze test exercice de complètement club [/klʌb/] {noun, verb} (clubs, clubbing, clubbed) club | trèfle | gourdin | boîte | boîte de nuit | bâton club foot {noun} (club feet) pied bot club hammer massette club house pavillon-club club moss {noun} (club mosses) lycopode club sandwich {noun} (club sandwiches) club sandwich club soda {noun} soda club club-winged manakin manakin à ailes blanches clubber {noun} (clubbers) clubbeur clubfoot {noun} (clubfeet) pied bot clubgoer {noun} (clubgoers) clubbeur clubhouse {noun} (clubhouses) clubhouse clubhouse sandwich {noun} (clubhouse sandwiches) club sandwich clubman {noun} (clubmen) cercleux clubmoss {noun} (clubmosses) lycopode clubs [/klʌbz/] {noun, verb} trèfle cluck [/klʌk/] {noun, verb} (clucks, clucked, clucking) gloussement | glousser cluck cluck cot cot codet clucking [/ˈklʌkɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cluckings) gloussement clue [/kljuː/ | /kluː/] {noun, verb} (clues, cluing, clueing, clued) indice | informer | preuve clueless [/ˈkluː.ləs/] {adjective} (more clueless, most clueless) ignorant cluelessness {noun} ignorance Clumber and Hardwick Clumber and Hardwick Clumber spaniel {noun} (Clumber spaniels) clumber spaniel clump [/klʌmp/] {noun, verb} (clumps, clumped, clumping) massif | touffe clumsily {adverb} (more clumsily, most clumsily) maladroitement clumsiness [/ˈklʌm.zi.nəs/] {noun} (clumsinesses) inélégance | maladresse clumsy [/ˈklʌmzi/] {adjective, noun} (clumser, clumsest, clumsies) maladroit | gauche | lourd Clun and Chapel Lawn Clun and Chapel Lawn clun forest clun forest Clunbury Clunbury Clungunford Clungunford Clunie Clunie clunker [/ˈklʌŋkɚ/] {noun} (clunkers) guimbarde | tacot clunky {adjective} (clunker, clunkest) gauche clupanodonic {adjective} clupanodonique clupanodonic acid {noun} acide clupanodonique cluse cluse cluster [/ˈklʌstə/ | /ˈklʌstɚ/] {noun, verb} (clusters, clustered, clustering) grappe | amas | groupe cluster analysis {noun} (cluster analyses) classification automatique cluster bomb {noun} (cluster bombs) sous-munition cluster headache {noun} (cluster headaches) algie vasculaire de la face cluster launch lancement en grappe cluster of galaxies amas de galaxies clustered bellflower ganteline clustered birdsfoot-trefoil lotier faux-ornithrope clustered broom cytise à trois fleurs clustered carline thistle carline en corymbe clustered index {noun} (clustered indices, clustered indexes) index cluster clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats CRISPR clustered woodlover hypholome en touffe clusterfuck [/ˈklʌs.təˌfʌk/ | /ˈklʌs.tɚˌfʌk/] {noun, verb} (clusterfucks, clusterfucking, clusterfucked) bordel | merdier clustering {adjective, noun, verb} (clusterings) regroupement clustering analysis analyse par segmentation clustering fishtail palm palmier à queue de poisson de Birmanie clustering index index plaçant clutch [/klʌt͡ʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (clutches, clutching, clutched, most clutch, more clutch) embrayage | pédale d'embrayage | agripper | couvée | nichée | serrer clutch bag {noun} (clutch bags) pochette clutch disk disque d’embrayage clutter [/ˈklʌtə(ɹ)/ | /ˈklʌtɚ/] {noun, verb} (clutters, cluttered, cluttering) bordel | bric-à-brac | encombrement cluttering {noun, verb} encombrement clutterlock verrouillage sur le fouillis Clutton Clutton Clwt-y-bont Clwt-y-bont Clwyd Clwyd Clydach Clydach Clydach Vale Clydach Vale Clydau Clydau Clydebank {properNoun} Clydebank Clyffe Pypard Clyffe Pypard Clymene [/ˈklɪmɨni/] {properNoun} Clymène Clynder Clynder Clynderwen Clynderwen Clyne {properNoun} Clyne Clyne and Melincourt Clyne and Melincourt Clynnog Fawr Clynnog Fawr Clyro Clyro Clyst Honiton Clyst Honiton Clyst Hydon Clyst Hydon Clyst St George Clyst St George Clyst St Lawrence Clyst St Lawrence Clyst St Mary Clyst St Mary clyster [/ˈklɪstə/ | /ˈklɪstɚ/] {noun} (clysters) clystère Clytaemnestra {properNoun} Clytemnestre Clytemnestra [/ˌklaɪtɪmˈnɛstɹə/] {properNoun} Clytemnestre CMB {noun} rayonnement fossile CMBR {noun} rayonnement fossile cmdlet {noun} (cmdlets) commandelette Cmdre {noun} (Cmdres) cmdre | cmdre. CME {noun, properNoun} EMC CMF défaillances de mode commun CMMIS gestion de maintenance assistée par ordinateur CMMS {noun} (CMMSes) gestion de maintenance assistée par ordinateur CMO {noun} directeur de la mercatique CMOS [/ˈsiːmɒs/] {noun} CMOS CMP {noun} CMP CMS {noun, properNoun} (CMSs) SGC CMY {noun} CMJ CMYK {noun} CMJN CN Tower {properNoun} Tour CN CNA {noun} (CNAs) LIO CNAME CNAME CND {properNoun} LID CNE cyberrenseignement cnemis [/ˈniː.mɪs/] {noun} (cnemides) cnémide CNG {noun} GNC cnidarian [/nɪˈdɛːɹɪən/ | /nʌɪˈdɛːɹɪən/] {noun} (cnidarians) cnidaire cnidoblast {noun} (cnidoblasts) cnidoblaste cnidoblastic {adjective} cnidoblastique Cnidus {properNoun} Cnide CNO {noun} (CNOs) opération dans le cyberespace CNSL baume de cajou co surnamic copatronymal co surnamical copatronymal co- [/kɒ/ | /ˈkoʊ-/] {prefix} co- co-amphiphilic compound composé semi-amphiphile co-belligerence cobelligérance co-branding {noun} coparrainage co-bride co-épouse co-brother-in-law {noun} (co-brothers-in-law) beau-frère co-catalysis co-catalyse co-conversion process coconversion co-counsel coprocureur co-counselling {noun} co-écoute co-create {verb} (co-creates, co-creating, co-created) cocréer co-driver copilote co-ed [/ˈkoʊˌɛd/] {adjective, noun} (most co-ed, more co-ed, co-eds) étudiante | mixte co-edition {noun} (co-editions) coédition co-extraction process coextraction co-father-in-law {noun} (co-fathers-in-law) co-beau-père co-host {noun, verb} (co-hosts, co-hosting, co-hosted) coprésentateur co-husband {noun} (co-husbands) co-époux co-injection molding co-injection co-injection moulding co-injection co-located satellites satellites copositionnés co-mother-in-law {noun} (co-mothers-in-law) co-belle-mère co-official {adjective} coofficiel co-operate {verb} (co-operates, co-operated, co-operating) coopérer Co-operative Republic of Guyana République coopérative du Guyana co-opt {verb} (co-opts, co-opting, co-opted) coopter co-optable cooptable co-owner {noun} (co-owners) copropriétaire co-ownership copropriété co-parent {noun, verb} (co-parents, co-parenting, co-parented) coparent co-parent-in-law {noun} (co-parents-in-law) co-beau-père co-parenting {verb} coparentalité co-pilot {noun} (co-pilots) copilote co-prince co-prince co-prosecutor coprocureur Co-Prosperity Sphere sphère de coprospérité co-recipient corécipiendaire co-religionist [/kəʊɹɪˈlɪdʒənɪst/] {noun} (co-religionists) coreligionnaire co-responsibility {noun} (co-responsibilitys) coresponsabilité co-responsible {adjective} (more co-responsible, most co-responsible) coresponsable co-simulation cosimulation co-sister-in-law {noun} (co-sisters-in-law) co-belle-sœur co-sleeping {noun} cododo co-sourcing cosourçage co-spreading coétalement co-subscriber co-souscripteur co-tidal {adjective} cotidal co-wife [/ˈkoʊwaɪf/] {noun} (co-wives) co-épouse | coépouse | sœur-épouse co-worker {noun} (co-workers) collègue co-write {verb} (co-writes, co-written, co-writing, co-wrote) co-écrire Co. {noun} cie coach [/koʊtʃ/ | /kəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (coaches, coaching, coached) coche | entraîner | autocar | entrainer | voiture | entraineur coach driver {noun} (coach drivers) cocher coachbuilder {noun} (coachbuilders) carrossier coaching {noun, verb} coaching coaching given by signals instructions par signes coachman [/ˈkoʊt͡ʃmən/ | /ˈkəʊt͡ʃmən/] {noun} (coachmen) cocher coachwork {noun} (coachworks) carrosserie coactive {adjective} (most coactive, more coactive) coactif coadjutor [/kəʊəˈdʒuːtə/] {noun} (coadjutors) coadjuteur coadjutrix {noun} (coadjutrices, coadjutrixes) coadjutrice coadministrator {noun} (coadministrators) coadministrateur coadunation {noun} (coadunations) coadunation coagulant {adjective, noun} (coagulants) coagulant coagulate [/koʊˈæɡ.jə.leɪt/ | /koʊˈæɡ.jə.lət/ | /kəʊˈæɡ.jʊ.leɪt/ | /kəʊˈæɡ.jʊ.lət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coagulates, coagulating, coagulated) coaguler | cailler | caillot | coagulat | se coaguler | thromboser coagulation {noun} coagulation coagulopathy {noun} (coagulopathies) coagulopathie coal [/koʊl/ | /kəʊl/] {noun, verb} (coals, coaling, coaled) charbon | houille | braises | tisons coal bed methane gaz de houille coal gas {noun} gaz de houille coal mine {noun} (coal mines) mine de charbon | charbonnage | houillère coal mine shale schistes stériles coal oil {noun} kérosène coal scuttle seau à charbon coal seam {noun} (coal seams) veine de charbon coal tar {noun} coaltar coal tit {noun} (coal tits) mésange noire coal to olefins CCO coal-bed methane gaz de charbon coal-bed natural gas gaz de charbon coal-crested finch charitospize coal-to-liquid process procédé CTL coal-to-olefins CCO coal-to-olefins process CCO coalbed methane {noun} gaz de charbon coalbed natural gas gaz de charbon Coalburn {properNoun} Coalburn coalesce [/koʊ.əˈlɛs/ | /kəʊ.əˈlɛs/] {verb} (coalesces, coalescing, coalesced) amalgamer | coalescer | réunir | se fondre | unir coalescence {noun} coalescence coalescer {noun} (coalescers) coalesceur Coaley Coaley coalfish {noun} (coalfishes, coalfish) lieu noir | colin Coalford Coalford coalition [/koʊəˈlɪʃən/] {noun} coalition coalition of the willing {noun} (coalitions of the willing) coalition des volontaires coalize {verb} (coalizes, coalized, coalizing) coaliser coalman {noun} (coalmen) charbonnier coalminer {noun} (coalminers) houilleur | mineur de charbonnage Coalsnaughton Coalsnaughton Coalville {properNoun} Coalville Coanwood {properNoun} Coanwood coaptation {noun} coaptation coarse [/ko(ː)ɹs/ | /koəs/ | /kɔːs/ | /kɔːɹs/] {adjective} (coarser, coarsest) grossier | brut | brute | vulgaire coarse salt gros sel coarsely {adverb} (most coarsely, more coarsely) grossièrement coarsen [/ˈkɔː(ɹ)sən/] {verb} (coarsens, coarsened, coarsening) vulgariser coarseness {noun} (coarsenesses) vulgarité coarsest-wool écouailles coast [/koʊst/ | /kəʊst/] {noun, verb} (coasts, coasting, coasted) côte | aller en roue libre | caboter coast guard {noun} (coast guards) garde-côte coast to coast panier à panier coastal [/ˈkoʊstəl/ | /ˈkəʊstəl/] {adjective} (most coastal, more coastal) côtier coastal medick luzerne marine coastal ragwort séneçon à feuilles de marguerite coastal strawberry fraise du Chili coastal sweetpepperbush clèthre à feuilles d’aulne coastal waters {noun} eaux côtières coaster [/kəʊ.stə(ɹ)/] {noun} (coasters) caboteur | sous-verre coastguard {noun} (coastguards) garde-côte coasting {noun, verb} (coastings) phase balistique d’un lancement coasting phase phase balistique d’un lancement coastline {noun} littoral | rive coat [/koʊt/ | /kəʊt/] {noun, verb} (coats, coated, coating) manteau | couche | revêtir | couvrir | paletot coat check {noun} (coat checks) vestiaire coat hanger {noun} (coat hangers) cintre | portemanteau coat of arms {noun} (coats of arms) blason | armes | armoiries coat of mail {noun} (coats of mail) cotte de mailles coat rack {noun} (coat racks) portemanteau coat stand {noun} (coat stands) portemanteau coat with rubber caoutchouter coat-peg patère Coatbridge {properNoun} Coatbridge coated [/ˈkoʊtɪd/ | /ˈkəʊtɪd/] {adjective, verb} revêtu coated particle fuel combustible à particules coated vesicle acanthosome Coates [/koʊts/ | /kəʊts/] {properNoun} Coates Coatham Mundeville Coatham Mundeville coati [/koʊˈɑti/ | /kəʊˈɑːti/] {noun} (coatis) coati coatimundi {noun} (coatimundis) coati coating [/ˈkoʊtɪŋ/ | /ˈkəʊtɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (coatings) couche | enrobage | pellicule coating knife couteau à enduire coating machine enrobeuse coatroom {noun} (coatrooms) vestiaire coauthor {noun, verb} (coauthors, coauthored, coauthoring) coauteur | coautrice | coécrire coauthorship {noun} (coauthorships) copaternité coax [/koʊks/ | /kəʊks/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coaxes, coaxed, coaxing) amadouer | cajoler coax cable {noun} câble coaxial coaxial [/koʊ.ˈæk.sɪi.əl/ | /kəʊ.ˈæk.sɪi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (coaxials) coaxial coaxial cable {noun} (coaxial cables) coax | coaxial | câble coaxial cob [/kɑb/ | /kɒb/] {noun, verb} (cobs, cobbed, cobbing) torchis COB process pastillage cobaea {noun} (cobaeas) cobée cobalt [/ˈkoʊ.bɑlt/ | /ˈkəʊ.bɒlt/] {noun} (cobalts) cobalt cobalt blue {adjective, noun} bleu de cobalt cobalt glass verre de cobalt cobalt green {noun} vert de cobalt cobalt group groupe 9 cobalt-oligonspar cobalto-sphaérosidérite cobalt-winged parakeet toui de Deville cobaltiferous {adjective} cobaltifère cobaltite {noun} cobaltite cobalto-dolomite cobalto-dolomite cobalto-sphaerosiderite cobalto-sphaérosidérite cobaltosmithsonite cobaltosmithsonite cobaltosphaerosiderite cobalto-sphaérosidérite Cobb salad {noun} (Cobb salads) salade Cobb cobber [/ˈkɒb.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (cobbers) vieil cobble [/ˈkɑb.l̩/ | /ˈkɒb.əl/] {noun, verb} (cobbles, cobbled, cobbling) assembler cobble together {verb} (cobbles together, cobbling together, cobbled together) bricoler cobbler {noun} (cobblers) cordonnier | cordonnière | savetier | savetière cobbler's {noun} (cobblers') cordonnerie cobblestone [/ˈkɑbl̩ˌstoʊn/ | /ˈkɒbl̩ˌstəʊn/] {noun} (cobblestones) pavé cobego {noun} (cobegos) colugo cobelligerent {adjective, noun} (cobelligerents) allié Coberley Coberley Cobham [/ˈkɒbəm/] {properNoun} Cobham cobia {noun} (cobia, cobias) cabillaud Cobley {properNoun} Cobley cobordism {noun} (cobordisms) cobordisme cobot {noun} (cobots) cobot cobotics cobotique coboundary {noun} (coboundaries) cobord cobra [/ˈkoʊbɹə/ | /ˈkəʊbɹə/] {noun} (cobras) naja | cobra cobranding {verb} alliance de marques cobre abigarrado érubescite Coburg lark alouette de Cobourg cobweb {noun} (cobwebs) toile d’araignée cobwebby {adjective} (cobwebber, cobwebbest) aranéeux coca [/ˈkoʊkə/ | /ˈkəʊkə/] {noun} (cocas) coca Coca-Cola {noun, properNoun} (Coca-Colas) Coca-Cola cocaine [/koʊˈkeɪn/] {noun} cocaïne cocatalysis {noun} co-catalyse cocatalyst {noun} (cocatalysts) co-catalyseur cocathedral cocathédrale coccidia {noun} coccidie coccidiosis {noun} (coccidioses) coccidiose coccidiostat {noun} (coccidiostats) anticoccidien coccinellid {noun} (coccinellids) coccinelle coccobacillus {noun} (coccobacilli) coccobacille coccolite {noun} (coccolites) coccolite coccus [/ˈkɑ.kəs/] {noun} (cocci) coccus coccygeal {adjective} coccygien coccygeal vertebra {noun} (coccygeal vertebrae) vertèbre coccygienne coccyx [/ˈkɑksɪks/ | /ˈkɒksɪks/] {noun} (coccyges) coccyx Cocha antshrike {noun} (Cocha antshrikes) batara du Cocha cochain {noun} (cochains) cochaine Cochinchina Cochinchine cochineal [/ˈkɑtʃəˈni.əl/] {adjective, noun} cochenille cochlea [/ˈkɒk.lɪə/] {noun} (cochleae, cochleas) cochlée cochlear {adjective} cochléaire cocircuit {noun} (cocircuits) cocircuit Cock {properNoun} Coq cock [/kɑk/ | /kɒk/] {interjection, noun, properNoun, verb} (cocks, cocking, cocked) armer le chien | baiser | chien | mâle cock a snook {verb} (cocks a snook, cocking a snook, cocked a snook) pied de nez Cock Bridge Cock Bridge cock cheese {noun} smegma cock pheasant coq faisan cock pigeon {noun} (cock pigeons) mâle du pigeon | pigeon | pigeon mâle cock ring {noun} (cock rings) anneau pénien cock up {verb} bousiller cock's head sulla cock's-foot dactyle pelotonné cock-a-doodle-doo [/ˌkɑkəˌdudəlˈdu/ | /ˌkɒkəˌduːdəlˈduː/] {interjection, noun} (cock-a-doodle-doos) cocorico cock-and-bull story {noun} (cock-and-bull stories) conte de bonne femme | histoire à dormir debout cock-of-the-rock {noun} (cocks-of-the-rock) coq-de-roche cockade [/kɑˈkeɪd/ | /kɒkˈeɪd/] {noun} (cockades) cocarde Cockaigne [/kɒˈkeɪn/] {properNoun} pays de cocagne | cocagne cockamamy {adjective} (most cockamamy, more cockamamy) fofolle cockatiel [/ˌkɒk.əˈtil/] {noun} (cockatiels) calopsitte cockatoo {noun} (cockatoos) cacatoès cockatrice {noun} (cockatrices) cocatrix Cockburnspath {properNoun} Cockburnspath cockchafer {noun} (cockchafers) hanneton | mélolonthe cockcrow {noun} (cockcrows) chant du coq cocked {adjective, verb} bourré cocked hat {noun} (cocked hats) bicorne Cockenzie and Port Seton Cockenzie and Port Seton cocker {noun, verb} (cockers, cockered, cockering) cocker cocker spaniel {noun} (cocker spaniels) cocker cockerel [/ˈkɑkəɹəl/ | /ˈkɒkəɹəl/] {noun} (cockerels) coquelet Cockerham {properNoun} (Cockerhams) Cockerham Cockermouth {properNoun} Cockermouth Cockett Cockett cockface {noun} (cockfaces) tronche de cake Cockfield {properNoun} Cockfield cockfight {noun, verb} (cockfights, cockfighting) combat de coqs cockfighting {noun, verb} combat de coqs cockfighting pit gallodrome Cocking Cocking cockle [/ˈkɒkl̩/] {noun, verb} (cockles, cockled, cockling) coque | ivraie enivrante cocklebur {noun} (cockleburs) xanthium Cockley Cley Cockley Cley cockney {adjective, noun} (cockneys) cockney Cockpen Cockpen cockpit {noun} (cockpits) cockpit | cabine de pilotage cockpit resource management GRPP cockpit voice recorder {noun} (cockpit voice recorders) enregistreur phonique cockroach {noun} (cockroaches) cafard | blatte cockscomb {noun} (cockscombs) crête de coq Cockshead Cockshead Cockshutt Cockshutt Cockspur panic Cockspur Coral Tree érythrine crête-de-coq cocksucker {noun} (cocksuckers) suceur de bite | lécheur de boule | suceuse de bite cocksure {adjective} (most cocksure, more cocksure) avoir la grosse tête cocktail [/ˈkɒkteɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cocktail, more cocktail, cocktails, cocktailing, cocktailed) cocktail | coquetel cocktail bar {noun} (cocktail bars) bar à cocktails cocktail party {noun} (cocktail parties) cocktail cocktail reception cocktail cocktail shaker shaker cocktail-snack amuse-gueule cocktease {noun, verb} (cockteases, cockteasing, cockteased) allumeuse cocky [/ˈkɑki/ | /ˈkɒki/ | /ˈkɔki/] {adjective, noun, verb} (cocker, cockest, cockies, cockying, cockied) arrogant | suffisant CoCo bond obligation coco coco fesse coco-fesses coco-de-mer [/ˌkəʊkəʊdəˈmɛː/] {noun} (cocos-de-mer) cocotier de mer Cocoa {properNoun} Cocoa cocoa [/ˈkoʊ.koʊ/ | /ˈkəʊ.kəʊ/] {adjective, noun} cacao cocoa bean {noun} (cocoa beans) fève de cacao cocoa butter {noun} (cocoa butters) beurre de cacao cocoa powder {noun} poudre de cacao | cacao cocoi heron héron cocoi coconut [/ˈkoʊ.kə.nʌt/ | /ˈkəʊ.kə.nʌt/] {noun} noix de coco coconut crab {noun} (coconut crabs) crabe de cocotier coconut grove cocoteraie coconut juice eau de coco coconut lorikeet loriquet à tête bleue coconut milk {noun} (coconut milks) lait de coco | lait de noix de coco coconut oil {noun} huile de noix de coco coconut palm {noun} (coconut palms) cocotier coconut shy {noun} (coconut shies) chamboule-tout coconut water {noun} (coconut waters) eau de coco coconversion process coconversion cocoon [/kəˈkuːn/] {noun, verb} (cocoons, cocooned, cocooning) cocon cocooning {noun, verb} mise sous cocon cocoplum {noun} (cocoplums) icaque Cocos (Keeling) Islands {properNoun} Îles Cocos (Keeling) Cocos finch spizin cocoyam {noun} (cocoyams) chou de Chine cocreate {verb} (cocreates, cocreated, cocreating) cocréer coculture {noun, verb} (cocultures, cocultured, coculturing) coculture cocycle {noun} (cocycles) cocycle cocyclic {adjective} cocyclique cocyclical cocyclique cocyclomatic {adjective} cocyclomatique Cocytus {properNoun} Cocyte COD {noun, properNoun} contre-remboursement cod [/kɑd/ | /kɒd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cod, most cod, cods, codded, codding, cod) morue | cabillaud cod liver oil {noun} (cod liver oils) huile de foie de morue coda [/ˈkoʊ.də/ | /ˈkəʊ.də/] {noun} (codas) coda codazzite codazzite Coddenham Coddenham Coddington {properNoun} (Coddingtons) Coddington coddle [/ˈkɒdəl/] {noun, verb} (coddles, coddled, coddling) choyer | dorloter code [/koʊd/ | /kəʊd/] {noun, verb} (codes, coding, coded) code | programmer code 128 code 128 code blue {noun} (code blues) code bleu code brown {noun} (code browns) code brun code division multiple access accès multiple par répartition en code code division multiplexing multiplexage en code code element codet code folding {noun} pliage de code code green code vert code name {noun} (code names) nom de code Code noir Code noir code of conduct {noun} (codes of conduct) code de conduite code orange code orange code pink {noun} (code pinks) code rose code point {noun} (code points) point de code code share partage de code code sharing partage de code code smell {noun} (code smells) code smell code snippet extrait de code code white code blanc code yellow code jaune code-switching {noun, verb} alternance codique | alternance de code codebase {noun} (codebases) codebase codec {noun} (codecs) codec codefest hackathon codeine [/ˈkoʊdin/] {noun} (codeines) codéine codependence {noun} (codependences) codépendance codependency {noun} (codependencies) codépendance coder {noun} (coders) codeur codethyline {noun} éthylmorphine codeword {noun} (codewords) code codex [/ˈkoʊ.dɛks/ | /ˈkəʊdɛks/] {noun} (codexes, codices) codex codfish {noun} (codfish, codfishes) morue codfisher caplanier Codford Codford codger [/ˈkɑdʒɚ/ | /ˈkɒdʒə/] {noun} (codgers) grognon | vieux bougon codicil [/ˈkɒdɪsɪl/ | /ˈkəʊdɪsɪl/] {noun} (codicils) codicille codicillary {adjective} codicillaire codicologist {noun} (codicologists) codicologue Codicote Codicote codification [/ˌkoʊdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} codification codify [/ˈkɑ.dɨˌfaɪ/ | /ˈkəʊ.dɨˌfaɪ/] {verb} (codifies, codifying, codified) codifier codigestion {noun} (codigestions) codigestion codimension {noun} (codimensions) codimension coding {noun, verb} codage coding sequence séquence codante coding strand brin sens codlings {noun} moridé Codnor Codnor codomain [/ˌkoʊ.doʊˈmeɪn/] {noun} (codomains) codomaine codominant [/kəʊˈdɒmɪnənt/] {adjective, noun} (codominants) codominant codon [/ˈkəʊdɒn/] {noun} (codons) codon codpiece [/ˈkɒdˌpiːs/] {noun} (codpieces) braguette codriver {noun} (codrivers) copilote Codsall Codsall coed {adjective, noun} (coeds) mixité Coed Morgan Coed Morgan Coed Talon Coed Talon Coed y Garth Coed y Garth Coed-Ely Coed-Ely Coed-y-bryn Coed-y-bryn Coed-y-paen Coed-y-paen Coedffranc Coedffranc coeditor {noun} (coeditors) coéditeur Coedkernew {properNoun} Coedkernew Coedpenmaen Coedpenmaen Coedpoeth Coedpoeth coeducation {noun} éducation mixte Coedway Coedway Coedyfoel Coedyfoel coefficient [/ˌkəʊ.ɪˈfɪʃn̩t/] {adjective, noun} (more coefficient, most coefficient, coefficients) coefficient | facteur coefficient of friction {noun} (coefficients of friction) coefficient de frottement | coefficient de friction coelacanth [/ˈsiː.lə.kænθ/] {noun} (coelacanths) cœlacanthe Coelbren Coelbren coelenterate [/sɪˈlɛntəɹət/] {noun} (coelenterates) cœlentéré coelenteric {adjective} cœlentéré coeliac [/ˈsiːlɪæk/] {adjective, noun} (coeliacs) cœliaque coeliac disease {noun} maladie cœliaque | cœlialgie coelioscopy {noun} (coelioscopies) cœlioscopie coelom [/ˈsiːləm/] {noun} (coeloms) cœlome Coelomata coelomate Coelus Uranus coenure {noun} (coenures) coenure | cénure coenurosis {noun} (coenuroses) cénurose coenzyme {noun} (coenzymes) coenzyme coenzyme A {noun} coenzyme A coequal {adjective, noun} (coequals) coégal coerce [/koʊˈɝs/ | /kəʊˈɜːs/] {verb} (coerces, coercing, coerced) contraindre | forcer coercibleness {noun} coercibilité coercion [/koʊˈɝʒən/] {noun} coercition coercive {adjective} (more coercive, most coercive) coercif coercivity {noun} (coercivities) coercivité coeruleolactite cœruléolactite coeternal {adjective} coéternel Coeur d'Alene [/kɜɹdəˈleɪn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} Cœur d'Alène | cœur d'alène coeval [/koʊˈi.vəl/ | /kəʊˈiːvəl/] {adjective, noun} (coevals) contemporain | du même âge coevolution {noun} (coevolutions) coévolution coexist {verb} (coexists, coexisted, coexisting) coexister coexistence {noun} coexistence coextended {verb} coétendu coextensive [/ˌkoʊɛkˈstɛnsɪv/ | /ˌkəʊɪkˈstɛnsɪv/] {adjective} coextensif coextinction {noun} (coextinctions) coextinction coextraction process coextraction coextrusion {noun} coextrusion cofactor {noun} (cofactors) cofacteur coffee [/ˈkɑ.fi/ | /ˈkɒ.fi/ | /ˈkɔ.fi/ | /ˈkɔː.fɪ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (coffees, coffeeing, coffeed) café | caféier coffee bar {noun} (coffee bars) cafétéria coffee bean {noun} (coffee beans) grain de café coffee break {noun} (coffee breaks) pause-café coffee cultivation caféiculture coffee cup {noun} (coffee cups) tasse à café coffee dregs marc de café coffee grinder {noun} (coffee grinders) moulin à café coffee grounds {noun} marc de café coffee grove caféraie coffee grower caféiculteur coffee growing caféiculture coffee pot {noun} (coffee pots) cafetière coffee shop {noun} (coffee shops) café coffee stir stick bâtonnet à café coffee stirrer bâtonnet à café coffee table {noun} (coffee tables) table basse | table de salon coffee table book [/ˈkɒfi ˌteɪbəl ˈbʊk/ | /ˈkɔfi ˌteɪbəl ˈbʊk/] {noun} (coffee table books) beau livre | beau-livre coffeehouse {noun} (coffeehouses) café coffeemaker {noun} (coffeemakers) machine à café | cafetière coffer [/ˈkɑfɚ/ | /ˈkɒfə/ | /ˈkɔfɚ/] {noun, verb} (coffers, coffering, coffered) coffre | caisson cofferdam {noun} (cofferdams) batardeau coffered [/ˈkɒfəd/] {adjective, verb} cassette coffered soffit soffite à caissons cofferfish {noun} (cofferfishes, cofferfish) poisson-coffre coffering {verb} plafond à caissons coffin [/ˈkɑfɪn/ | /ˈkɒfɪn/ | /ˈkɔfɪn/] {noun, verb} (coffins, coffined, coffining) cercueil coffin bone {noun} (coffin bones) os du pied | troisième phalangien Coffinswell Coffinswell cofired {verb} cocuit cofiring {noun, verb} cocuisson cofounder [/kəʊˈfaʊndə/ | /ˈkoʊ(ˌ)faʊndɚ/] {noun} (cofounders) cofondateur | cofondatrice Cofton Hackett Cofton Hackett cog [/kɑɡ/ | /kɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (cogs, cogged, cogging) dent | engrenage | pion cog railway {noun} (cog railways) chemin de fer à crémaillère cogeneration {noun} (cogenerations) cogénération Cogenhoe and Whiston Cogenhoe and Whiston cogent [/ˈko͡ʊd͡ʒn̩t/ | /ˈkə͡ʊd͡ʒn̩t/] {adjective} (more cogent, most cogent) cohérent | convaincant | intelligible | irréfutable | logique | persuasif Coggeshall {properNoun} (Coggeshalls) Coggeshall cogitate [/ˈkoʊdʒɪteɪt/ | /ˈkəʊdʒɪteɪt/] {verb} (cogitates, cogitated, cogitating) cogiter cogitation [/kɒdʒ.ɪ.ˈteɪʃ.ən/] {noun} cogitation cognac [/ˈkɒn.jæk/] {noun} cognac cognate [/ˈkɑɡ.neɪt/ | /ˈkɒɡ.neɪt/] {adjective, noun} (cognates) cognat | mot apparenté | apparenté cognate accusative [/ˈkɑɡˌneɪt əˈkjuzətɪv/ | /ˈkɒɡneɪt əˈkjuːzətɪv/] {noun} (cognate accusatives) accusatif interne | complément d'objet interne cognate clone séquence cognate cognate DNA séquence cognate cognate object [/ˈkɒɡneɪt ˈɒbd͡ʒɛkt/] {noun} (cognate objects) complément d’objet interne cognate sequence séquence cognate cognitariat {noun} (cognitariats) cognitariat cognition [/kɑɡˈnɪʃən/ | /kɒɡˈnɪʃən/] {noun} connaissance cognitive [/ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more cognitive, most cognitive, cognitives) cognitif cognitive bias {noun} (cognitive biases) biais cognitif cognitive dissonance {noun} dissonance cognitive cognitive psychology {noun} psychologie cognitive cognitive radio radio cognitive cognitively [/ˈkɒɡ.nə.tɪv.li/] {adverb} cognitivement cognitivism {noun} cognitivisme cognitivist {adjective, noun} (cognitivists) cognitiviste cognizance [/ˈkɒɡnɪzəns/] {noun} connaissance, science cognizant [/ˈkɒɡnɪzənt/] {adjective} (most cognizant, more cognizant) conscient cognize {verb} (cognizes, cognized, cognizing) connaître cognomen [/kɒɡˈnoʊ.mən/] {noun} (cognomina, cognomens) cognomen cognoscente [/kɒnjəˈʃɛnteɪ/ | /ˌkɑɡ.nəˈʃɛn.ti/] {noun} (cognoscenti) connaisseur | expert cogon {noun} impérata cylindrique | impérate | paille de dys | paillotte cogwheel {noun} (cogwheels) roue dentée cogwheel railway chemin de fer à crémaillère cohabit {verb} (cohabits, cohabiting, cohabited) cohabiter cohabitant {noun} (cohabitants) concubinage cohabitate {verb} (cohabitates, cohabitated, cohabitating) cohabiter cohabitation [/koʊhæbɪˈteɪʃən/] {noun} cohabitation cohere [/koʊˈhɪɹ/] {verb} (coheres, cohered, cohering) attirer | s'attirer | se cohérer coherence {noun} cohérence coherent [/koʊˈhɛɹənt/ | /koːˈhiɹənt/ | /kəʊˈhɪəɹənt/] {adjective} (most coherent, more coherent) cohérent coherentism {noun} cohérentisme coherentist {adjective, noun} (more coherentist, most coherentist, coherentists) cohérentiste coherer {noun} (coherers) cohéreur cohesin [/koʊˈhisən/] {noun} (cohesins) cohésine cohesin complex complexe cohésine cohesion [/koʊˈhiʒən/] {noun} (cohesions) cohésion cohesive [/koʊˈhiː.sɪv/ | /ˈkəʊ.hiː.sɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most cohesive, more cohesive, cohesives) cohésif cohesive ends extrémités cohésives coho salmon {noun} (coho salmon) saumon coho cohobate {noun, verb} (cohobates, cohobated, cohobating) cohober cohobation {noun} cohobation cohomology {noun} (cohomologies) cohomologie cohort [/ˈkoʊ̯.hɔɹt/ | /ˈkəʊ.hɔː(ɹ)t/] {noun, verb} (cohorts, cohorted, cohorting) cohorte cohortative {adjective, noun} (cohortatives) cohortatif cohousing {noun} cohabitat cohyponym {noun} (cohyponyms) cohyponyme coif [/kwɑf/] {noun, verb} (coifs, coiffed, coifing, coiffing, coifed) coiffe | coiffure coiffeur {noun, verb} (coiffeurs, coiffeured, coiffeuring) coiffeur coiffure {noun, verb} (coiffures, coiffured, coiffuring) coiffure coil [/kɔɪl/] {noun, verb} (coils, coiling, coiled) bobine | enbobiner | enrouler | spire coil up {verb} se lover coil winder {noun} (coil winders) bobinoir coil winding bobinoir coiled tubing tube spiralé Coimbra [/ˈkwĩbɹə/] {properNoun} Coïmbre coin [/kɔɪn/] {noun, verb} (coins, coined, coining) monnaie | pièce | forger | inventer | jeton coin flipping pile ou face coin of the realm [/ˈkɔɪn əv ðə ˈɹɛlm/] {noun} monnaie sonnante et trébuchante coin purse {noun} (coin purses) porte-monnaie coin tossing pile ou face coin tray vide-poche coin-op [/ˈkɔɪnˌɒp/] {adjective, noun} (coin-ops) menthe coin-operated {adjective} pièce coinage [/ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ/] {noun} frappe coincide [/ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/] {verb} (coincides, coincided, coinciding) coïncider coincidence [/koʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ | /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/] {noun} coïncidence coincident [/ˈkəʊˌɪn.sɪ.dn̩t/] {adjective, noun} (most coincident, more coincident, coincidents) coïncident coincidental [/ˈkəʊ.ɪn.sɪˌdɛn.tl̩/] {adjective} (most coincidental, more coincidental) coïncidentiel | fortuit coincidentally {adverb} (more coincidentally, most coincidentally) coïncidentiellement coinsurance {noun} franchise cointegrate {noun, verb} (cointegrates, cointegrated, cointegrating) coïntégrat cointegrate resolution résolution d’un coïntégrat cointegration {noun} cointégration Cointet-element barrière Cointet Cointreau [/ˈkwæntɹəʊ/] {properNoun} cointreau coir [/ˈkɔɪə/] {noun} caire | chaire coital {adjective} coïtal coitus [/ˈkɔɪ.təs/ | /ˈkəʊ.ɪ.təs/] {noun} (coituses) coït coitus interruptus {noun} coitus interruptus | coït interrompu coitus reservatus {noun} karezza coitus-induced ovulation ovulation provoquée Coity Coity Coity Higher Coity Higher coix {noun} coix cojones [/kəˈhoʊˌneɪs/] {noun} assurance Coke [/koʊk/ | /kəʊk/] {noun} (Cokes) coca | Coke coke [/koʊk/ | /kəʊk/] {noun, verb} (cokes, coking, coked) coke | charbon coke hat chapeau melon coking {noun, verb} cokage Col Col col [/kɒl/] {noun} (cols) col col legno [/ˌkoʊl ˈleɪnjoʊ/ | /ˌkɒl ˈlɛnjəʊ/] {adverb} col legno cola [/ˈkoʊlə/ | /ˈkəʊ.lə/] {noun} (colas) coca Colan Colan colander [/ˈkɑləndəɹ/] {noun} (colanders) passoire colasisi coryllis des Philippines colatitude {noun} (colatitudes) colatitude Colaton Raleigh Colaton Raleigh Colbertism colbertisme Colburn {properNoun} (Colburns) Colburn Colby [/ˈkoʊlbi/] {noun, properNoun} (Colbies, Colbys) Colby colcannon {noun} colcannon Colchester [/ˈkɒl.tʃɛs.tə/] {properNoun} Colchester colchicine {noun} colchicine Colchis {properNoun} Colchis cold [/koʊld/ | /kəʊld/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (colder, coldest, most cold, more cold, colds) froid | rhume | avoir froid | faire froid cold as ice {adjective} glacial Cold Ash Cold Ash Cold Ashby Cold Ashby Cold Ashton Cold Ashton Cold Aston Cold Aston cold atom atome froid cold boot {noun, verb} (cold boots, cold booted, cold booting) démarrage à froid Cold Brayfield Cold Brayfield cold calling {noun} démarchage téléphonique cold case {noun} (cold cases) cold case cold chain {noun} (cold chains) chaîne du froid cold chamber chambre froide cold collector collecteur froid cold cream {noun} cérat de Galien cold crucible creuset froid cold day in Hell {noun} (cold days in Hell) aux calendes grecques | quand les poules auront des dents | semaine aux quatre jeudis | à la Saint-Glinglin cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey {adjective} froid de canard cold fish {noun} (cold fishes, cold fish) pissefroid cold front {noun} (cold fronts) front froid cold fusion {noun} fusion froide cold hands, warm heart {proverb} froides mains, chaudes amours Cold Hanworth Cold Hanworth Cold Higham Cold Higham cold joint retassure Cold Kirby Cold Kirby Cold Newton Cold Newton Cold Norton Cold Norton cold peace paix froide cold plenum collecteur froid cold reboot soft reset cold restart redémarrage à froid cold shock protein protéine de coup de froid cold shutdown arrêt à froid cold snap {noun} (cold snaps) vague de froid | coup de froid cold sore [/ˈkoʊld ˌsɔɹ/] {noun} (cold sores) bouton de fièvre cold spell vague de froid cold start soft reset cold sweat {noun} (cold sweats) sueur froide cold trap {noun} (cold traps) piège froid cold turkey {adverb, noun} brutalement | d'un coup d'un seul | d'un seul coup | manque Cold War {properNoun} Guerre froide | guerre froide cold war {noun} guerre froide cold wave {noun} (cold waves) vague de froid cold weapon {noun} (cold weapons) arme blanche cold weather mask masque de froid cold-blooded [/ˈkoʊldˈblʌd.ɪd/] {adjective} (most cold-blooded, more cold-blooded) impitoyable cold-blooded animal animal à sang froid cold-sensitive {adjective} (more cold-sensitive, most cold-sensitive) frileux Colden Common Colden Common Coldharbour Coldharbour Coldingham Coldingham coldly [/ˈkoʊldli/ | /ˈkəʊldli/] {adverb} (more coldly, most coldly) froidement coldness [/ˈkoʊldnəs/ | /ˈkəʊldnəs/] {noun} (coldnesses) froideur | froid Coldridge Coldridge Coldstream {properNoun} Coldstream Coldwaltham Coldwaltham cole [/koʊl/ | /kəʊl/] {noun} (coles) choux Colebatch Colebatch Colebrooke Colebrooke Coleby Coleby colectomy {noun} (colectomies) colectomie Coleford [/ˈkəʊlfə(ɹ)d/] {properNoun} Coleford Colehill Colehill colemanite {noun} colémanite Colemore and Priors Dean Colemore and Priors Dean coleoid {noun} (coleoids) pieuvre coleopterist {noun} (coleopterists) coléoptériste coleopterologist {noun} (coleopterologists) coléoptérologiste | coléoptérologue coleopterology {noun} coléoptérologie coleopterous {adjective} coléoptère coleoptile [/kɒliːˈɒptɪl/] {noun} (coleoptiles) coléoptile Coleorton Coleorton Coleraine {properNoun} Coleraine Colerne Colerne Colesbourne Colesbourne Coleshill {properNoun} Coleshill coleslaw [/ˈkəʊlslɔː/] {noun} (coleslaws) coleslaw | salade de chou coleta {noun} (coletas) coleta colewort {noun} (coleworts) chou | chou commun Colgate {properNoun} Colgate Colgrain Colgrain coli bacterium colibacille colibacillosis {noun} (colibacilloses) colibacillose colibacillus {noun} (colibacilli) colibacille colic [/ˈkɒl.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} colique colicorto de cabeza roja opossum-musaraigne à tête rouge Colillano cropper colillano Colin [/ˈkɑlɪn/ | /ˈkɒlɪn/] {properNoun} (Colins) Colin colinearity {noun} (colinearities) colinéarité Colinton {properNoun} Colinton Colintraive Colintraive Coliseum Colisée colitis {noun} (colitises) colite Colkirk Colkirk Coll {properNoun} Coll coll [/kɒl/] {verb} (colls, colling, colled) câlin collaborate [/kəˈlabəɹeɪt/] {verb} (collaborates, collaborated, collaborating) collaborer collaboration [/kəˌlæbəˈɹeɪʃən/] {noun} collaboration collaborative {adjective, noun} (more collaborative, most collaborative, collaboratives) collaboratif collaborative decision making PDC collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishmentt planification partagée des approvisionnements collaboratively {adverb} (most collaboratively, more collaboratively) collaborativement collaborator [/kəˈlæbəɹeɪtə/ | /kəˈlæbəɹeɪtɚ/] {noun} (collaborators) collaborateur | collaboratrice collaboratrix {noun} (collaboratrices, collaboratrixes) collaboratrice collage [/kɒˈlɑːʒ/ | /kəˈlɑʒ/] {noun, verb} (collages, collaging, collaged) collage collagen [/ˈkɒlədʒən/] {noun} collagène collagenic {adjective} collagène collagist {adjective, noun} (collagists) collagiste collapse [/kəˈlæps/] {noun, verb} (collapses, collapsed, collapsing) s'effondrer | effondrement collapsed {verb} effondré collapsible {adjective} (most collapsible, more collapsible) pliable collapsible boat berthon collapsible chair chaise pliante collapsing star collapsar collar [/ˈkɑ.lɚ/ | /ˈkɒl.ə/] {noun, verb} (collars, collaring, collared) col | collier collar nut écrou à embase collarbone {noun} (collarbones) clavicule collard greens {noun} chou cavalier | chou fourrager collared antshrike {noun} (collared antshrikes) batara de Bernard collared dove {noun} (collared doves) tourterelle turque collared earthstar géastre à trois enveloppes collared flycatcher gobemouche à collier collared lory lori des Fidji collared peccary {noun} (collared peccaries) pécari à collier collared pratincole {noun} (collared pratincoles) glaréole à collier collaret {noun} (collarets) collerette collarette [/kɒləˈɹɛt/] {noun} (collarettes) collerette collate [/kɒˈleɪt/ | /ˈkoʊ.leɪt/] {verb} (collates, collated, collating) collationner collateral [/kəˈlætəɹəl/] {adjective, noun} gage | collatéral | collatérale | indirect | nantissement collateral damage {noun} (collateral damages) dommage collatéral | dégât collatéral collateralisation {noun} collatéralisation collateralization {noun} collatéralisation collateralized bond obligation TCAO collateralized debt obligation {noun} (collateralized debt obligations) TCA collateralized loan obligation {noun} (collateralized loan obligations) TCAP collating [/kɑˈleɪtɪŋ/ | /kɒˈleɪtɪŋ/ | /ˈkowlejɾɪŋ/] {verb} collationnement collative [/kəˈleɪtɪv/] {adjective} collatif collator {noun} (collators) collateur colleague [/ˈkɑliɡ/ | /ˈkɒliːɡ/] {noun, verb} (colleagues, colleagued, colleaguing) collègue | confrère collect [/kəˈlɛkt/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (collects, collecting, collected) collectionner | rassembler | recueillir | collecte | percevoir | récupérer collect call {noun} (collect calls) PCV collect dust {verb} ramasser la poussière collect on delivery contre-remboursement collect one’s thoughts se recueillir collect up {verb} amasser collectable {adjective, noun} (collectables) collectable collected [/kəˈlɛktɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most collected, more collected) posé collectible {adjective, noun} (most collectible, more collectible, collectibles) collectionnable collecting [/kəˈlɛktɪŋ/] {noun, verb} recherche de renseignement collection [/kəˈlɛkʃən/] {noun} collection | ramassage collection of links webographie collection point point de retrait auto collective [/kəˈlɛktɪv/] {adjective, noun} (collectives) collectif collective agreement {noun} (collective agreements) convention collective de travail collective dose dose collective collective intelligence intelligence collective collective memory {noun} (collective memories) mémoire collective collective noun {noun} (collective nouns) nom collectif Collective Security Treaty Organisation {properNoun} OTSC | Organisation du traité de sécurité collective collectively {adverb} collectivement collectivism {noun} collectivisme collectivity {noun} (collectivities) collectivité collectivité d'outre-mer collectivité d’outre-mer collectivization {noun} (collectivizations) collectivisation collectivize {verb} (collectivizes, collectivizing, collectivized) collectiviser collector [/kəˈlɛktə(ɹ)/ | /kəˈlɛktɚ/] {noun} (collectors) collectionneur | collectionneuse | collecteur | encaisseur | percepteur collector's item {noun} (collectors' items) objet de collection | pièce de collection collectorate {noun} (collectorates) collectorat collector’s item pièce de collection college [/ˈkɑlɪd͡ʒ/ | /ˈkɒlɪd͡ʒ/] {noun} (colleges) université | collège | fac | faculté college town {noun} (college towns) ville universitaire college years scolarité collegiality {noun} (collegialities) collégialité collegially {adverb} (most collegially, more collegially) confraternellement collegiate [/kəˈliːdʒi.ət/] {adjective, noun} (more collegiate, most collegiate, collegiates) universitaire collenchyma [/kəˈlɛŋkəmə/] {noun} (collenchymas) collenchyme Collessie Collessie collet [/ˈkɑlɪt/ | /ˈkɒlɪt/] {noun} (collets) bracelet colliculus {noun} (colliculi) colliculus colliculus seminalis colliculus séminal collide [/kəˈlɑɪd/] {verb} (collides, collided, colliding) heurter | collision | en | entrer collide with aborder collider {noun} (colliders) collisionneur collie [/ˈkɒli/] {noun} (collies) colley collier [/ˈkɑliɚ/ | /ˈkɒlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (colliers) charbonnier | mineur Collier Street Collier Street colliery [/ˈkɑl.jɚ.ɪ/ | /ˈkɒl.jə.ɹi/] {noun} (collieries) charbonnage | houillère colliery shale schistes stériles colliery waste tip terril Collieston Collieston colligation {noun} colligation colligative {adjective} colligatif collimate {verb} (collimates, collimated, collimating) collimater collimating lens collimateur collimation {noun} collimation collimator {noun} (collimators) collimateur Collin {properNoun} Collin collinear [/kəˈlɪn.i.ɚ/] {adjective} colinéaire collinearity {noun} (collinearities) colinéarité Collingbourne Ducis Collingbourne Ducis Collingbourne Kingston Collingbourne Kingston Collingham {properNoun} Collingham Collington Collington Collingtree Collingtree collins glass tumbler colliquate {verb} (colliquates, colliquating, colliquated) liquéfier collision [/kəˈlɪʒən/] {noun} collision collisional {adjective} collisionnel Colliston Colliston collocation [/ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌkɔloʊˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} collocation collocutor {noun} (collocutors) interlocuteur collodion {noun} (collodions) collodion colloid [/ˈkɒlɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (most colloid, more colloid, colloids) colloïde colloidal {adjective} (more colloidal, most colloidal) colloïdal colloquial [/kəˈloʊ.kwi.əl/ | /kəˈləʊ.kwɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (most colloquial, more colloquial, colloquials) familier | parlé colloquialism {noun} (colloquialisms) expression familière colloquially {adverb} (more colloquially, most colloquially) couramment colloquium [/kəˈləʊkwiːəm/] {noun} (colloquiums, colloquia) colloque colloquy [/ˈkɒ.lə.kwi/] {noun, verb} (colloquies, colloquys, colloquied, colloquying) conversation | colloque collotype {noun} phototype | phototypie collude {verb} (colludes, colluded, colluding) colluder | comploter | faire collusion collusion [/kəˈluːʒən/] {noun} collusion colluvial {adjective} colluvial colluvium {noun} (colluviums, colluvia) colluvion collyrite collyrite Collyweston {properNoun} Collyweston Colman {properNoun} Colomban Colmar {properNoun} Colmar Colmonell Colmonell Colmworth Colmworth Coln St Aldwyns Coln St Aldwyns Coln St Dennis Coln St Dennis Colnbrook with Poyle Colnbrook with Poyle Colne [/koʊn/] {properNoun} Colne Colne Engaine Colne Engaine Colne Valley Colne Valley Colney Colney Colney Heath Colney Heath colobus {noun} (colobuses) colobe colocynth [/kɒl.əˈsɪnθ/] {noun} coloquinte cologarithm {noun} (cologarithms) cologarithme Cologne [/kəˈloʊn/] {properNoun} Cologne cologne [/kəˈloʊn/ | /kəˈləʊn/] {noun} (colognes) eau de Cologne Cologne tumbler culbutant de Cologne Colombia [/kəˈlʌm.bi.ə/] {properNoun} Colombie Colombian {adjective, noun} (Colombians) Colombien | colombien | colombienne Colombian necktie {noun} (Colombian neckties) cravate colombienne Colombo [/kəˈlɒm.bəʊ/] {properNoun} Colombo colombophile {noun} (colombophiles) colombophile colometry {noun} colométrie colon [/ˈkoʊ.lən/ | /ˈkoʊlən/ | /ˈkəʊ.lən/] {noun} (colons, cola) côlon | deux points

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