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ОглавлениеC [/s/ | /siː/] {noun, numeral, properNoun, symbol, verb} (Cs) ut | C | do | langage C C clef {noun} (C clefs) clef d’ut C language C C major {noun} do majeur | ut majeur C minor {noun} do mineur | ut mineur C sharp {noun, properNoun} C sharp C sharp major do dièse majeur C sharp minor do dièse mineur C++ {properNoun} C++ C-4 C-4 c-command {noun, verb} (c-commands, c-commanding, c-commanded) c-commande C-pop {noun} C-pop | pop chinoise C-section {noun} (C-sections) césarienne C-sharp {noun} do dièse C-sharp minor {noun} do dièse mineur C-test exercice de complètement C-to-C CCL C-value {noun} (C-values) valeur C C-value enigma paradoxe de la valeur C C-value paradox {noun} paradoxe de la valeur C C.A.T. T.A.O. c/o {preposition} a/s | aux bons soins de | chez C2C {adjective} CCL C9X C9X CA {noun, properNoun} CA ca. {adverb} c. CaaS CaaS caatinga [/kɑːˈtɪŋɡə/] {noun} (caatingas) caatinga Caatinga parakeet conure des cactus cab [/kæb/] {noun, verb} (cabs, cabbing, cabbed) cab cab car voiture-pilote cabal [/kəˈbɑːl/] {noun, verb} (cabals, caballed, caballing) cabale cabalism {noun} cabalisme cabalistic {adjective} (more cabalistic, most cabalistic) cabalistique cabalistically {adverb} (most cabalistically, more cabalistically) cabalistiquement cabana {noun} (cabanas) cabane Cabaret Cabaret cabaret [/kæbəˈreɪ/] {noun} cabaret cabaret singer chansonnier cabaretist {noun} (cabaretists) cabarettiste cabasset {noun} (cabassets) cabasset cabassou [/ˈkæbəsuː/] {noun} (cabassous) kabassou cabbage [/ˈkæbɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (cabbages, cabbaging, cabbaged) chou cabbage palm {noun} (cabbage palms) foulard cabbage palmetto chou palmiste cabbage white {noun} (cabbage whites) piéride du chou cabbage-palm chou palmiste cabbie [/ˈkæbi/] {noun} (cabbies) conducteur de taxi cabbit {noun} (cabbits) cabbit cabdriver {noun} (cabdrivers) fiacre cabernet {noun} cabernet Cabernet Sauvignon [/kæbə(ɹ)ˈneɪ səʊvɪˈnjɒn/] {noun} cabernet sauvignon Cabharstadh Cabharstadh cabin [/ˈkæbɪn/] {noun, verb} (cabins, cabined, cabining) cabine | cabane cabin boy {noun} (cabin boys) mousse | moussaillon cabin crew {noun} (cabin crews, cabin crew) personnel navigant cabin cruiser {noun} (cabin cruisers) vedette de croisière cabin fever {noun} claustrophobie cabinet [/ˈkæ.bə.nət/ | /ˈkæ.bɪ.nɪt/] {noun} (cabinets) cabinet | armoire cabinet maker {noun} (cabinet makers) ébéniste cabinet minister {noun} (cabinet ministers) ministre cabinet of curiosities cabinet de curiosités cabinetmaker {noun} (cabinetmakers) ébéniste | menuisier cable [/keɪ.bl/] {noun, verb} (cables, cabling, cabled) câble cable broadcasting télédistribution cable car {noun} (cable cars) téléphérique cable ferry {noun} (cable ferries) bac à câble cable gland {noun} (cable glands) presse-étoupe cable installer câbleur cable length {noun} (cable lengths) encablure cable lift transport par câble cable television {noun} câblodiffusion | câblodistribution | télévision par câble cable tie {noun} (cable ties) collier serre-câbles | colson cable-car {noun} (cable-cars) benne cabled distribution system réseau câblé cableperson câbliste cableway {noun} (cableways) téléphérique cabling {noun, verb} câblage cabman {noun} (cabmen) taxieur Cabochien {adjective} cabochien caboodle {noun} (caboodles) bataclan caboose [/kəˈbuːs/] {noun} (cabooses) cambuse caboshed [/kəˈbɒtʃ/] {adjective} rencontre cabossed {adjective} rencontre Cabot Strait détroit de Cabot cabotage [/ˈkæbətɪdʒ/] {noun} cabotage Cabourne Cabourne cabrerite {noun} cabrérite cabriolet [/kæ.bɹi.əˈleɪ/] {noun} (cabriolets) cabriolet Cabus Cabus Caca {properNoun} Caca cacao [/kəˈkaʊ̯/ | /kəˈkɑːəʊ̯/] {noun} cacaoyer | fève de cacao cacatory {adjective} cacatoire | diarrhéique cacemphaton kakemphaton cachable {adjective} (more cachable, most cachable) cachable cachalot [/ˈkaʃəlɒt/ | /ˈkæ.ʃə.ˌlɑt/] {noun} (cachalots) grand cachalot cache [/kæɪʃ/ | /kæʃ/] {noun, verb} (caches, cached, caching) cache | mémoire cache cache hit succès de cache cache memory antémémoire cache miss défaut de cache cache storage antémémoire cache-sexe {noun} (cache-sexes) cache-sexe cacheable {adjective} cachable cachebusting cachebusting cachectin {noun} TNF cachena cattle cachena cachena of Galicia cachena cachepot {noun} (cachepots) cache-pot cachet [/kæˈʃeɪ/] {noun, verb} (cachets, cacheting, cacheted) cachet cachexia [/kəˈkɛksiə/ | /kəˈkɛksɪə/] {noun} (cachexias, cachexiae) cachexie cachexin {noun} TNF cachinnation [/kakɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/] {noun} cachinnation cacholong {noun} (cacholongs) cacholong caciocavallo {noun} (caciocavallos) caciocavallo | cașcaval cacique {noun} (caciques) cacique cack [/kæk/] {noun, verb} (cacks, cacking, cacked) crotte cackerel {noun} (cackerels) mendole cackle [/ˈkækəl/] {noun, verb} (cackles, cackling, cackled) caquet | caqueter | ricanement cacodaemon [/kækəˈdiːmən/] {noun} (cacodaemons) cacodémon cacodyl {noun} cacodyle cacodylic acid {noun} acide cacodylique cacoethes [/ˌkakəʊˈiːθiːz/] {noun} (cacoethe) contrainte | manie | tumeur | ulcère cacography [/kaˈkɒɡɹəfi/] {noun} (cacographies) cacographie cacology {noun} (cacologies) cacologie cacomixl {noun} (cacomixls) bassaris rusé cacophagia cacophagie cacophonic {adjective} (more cacophonic, most cacophonic) cacophonique cacophonous [/kəˈkɑfənəs/ | /kəˈkɒfənəs/] {adjective} (most cacophonous, more cacophonous) cacophonique cacophony [/kəˈkɑfəni/ | /kəˈkɒfəni/] {noun} (cacophonies) cacophonie cacosmia {noun} cacosmie Cacouna Cacouna cactus [/ˈkæktəs/] {adjective, noun} (cactuses, cactus, cacti) cactus cactus finch géospize cad [/kæd/] {noun} (cads) contrôleur cadastral {adjective, noun} (more cadastral, most cadastral, cadastrals) cadastral cadastre {noun} (cadastres) cadastre cadaver [/kəˈdæv.ə(ɹ)/ | /kəˈdævɚ/] {noun} (cadavers) cadavre cadaveric [/kadəˈvɛɹɪk/ | /kəˈdavəɹɪk/] {adjective} (most cadaveric, more cadaveric) cadavérique cadaverine {noun} cadavérine cadaverous {adjective} (more cadaverous, most cadaverous) cadavéreux Cadbury {properNoun} Cadbury caddie [/ˈkædi/] {noun, verb} (caddies, caddied, caddying, caddieing) bac caddie cart chariot Caddington Caddington caddis fly {noun} (caddis flies) caset caddy [/ˈkædi/] {noun, verb} (caddies, caddying, caddied) caddy cade juniper genévrier cade Cadeby Cadeby Cadeleigh Cadeleigh cadelle beetle {noun} (cadelle beetles) mauresque cadence [/ˈkeɪ.dn̩s/] {noun, verb} (cadences, cadenced, cadencing) cadence cadenza {noun} (cadenze, cadenzas) cadence Cader Cader cadet [/kəˈdɛt/] {noun} (cadets) cadet | puîné Cadfarch Cadfarch cadherin {noun} (cadherins) cadhérine Cadillac [/ˈkædɪlæk/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Cadillacs, most Cadillac, more Cadillac) Cadillac Cadix {properNoun} Cadix Cadiz [/kəˈdɪz/] {properNoun} Cadix | Cadiz CADM {noun} (CADMs) cmdre | cmdre. Cadmean {adjective} (more Cadmean, most Cadmean) cadméen Cadmean vixen renard de Teumesse cadmic {adjective} cadmique cadmium [/ˈkædmiəm/] {noun} cadmium cadmium plating cadmiage Cadney cum Howsham Cadney cum Howsham Cadole Cadole cadre [/ˈkɑ.dɹeɪ/ | /ˈkɑː.də/] {noun} (cadres) cadre | cadres caduceus [/kəˈdu.si.əs/] {noun} (caducei) caducée caducity {noun} (caducities) caducité Caeathro Caeathro caecal {adjective} cæcal caecal pellet caecotrophe caecotroph {noun} (caecotrophs) caecotrophe caecotrophy {noun} cæcotrophie caecum [/ˈsiːkəm/] {noun} (caeca) cæcum Caegarw Caegarw Caego Caego Caehopkin Caehopkin Caelum {properNoun} Burin Caelus {properNoun} Uranus Caemorgan Caemorgan Caen {properNoun} Caen Caenby Caenby Caerau Caerau Caergwrle Caergwrle Caerhun Caerhun Caerleon Caerleon Caernarfon {properNoun} Caernarfon Caernarfonshire [/kɑː(ɹ)ˈnɑː(ɹ)vənʃə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Caernarfonshire Caernarfonshire and Merionethshire Caernarfonshire and Merionethshire Caerphilly [/kəɹˈfɪli/] {properNoun} Caerphilly Caersws Caersws Caerwedros Caerwedros Caerwent Caerwent Caerwys Caerwys Caesar [/ˈkaɪzə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkaɪzɚ/ | /ˈsiːzə(ɹ)/] {noun, properNoun} (Caesars) César Caesar cipher {noun} (Caesar ciphers) chiffre de César Caesar salad {noun} (Caesar salads) salade César Caesar shift chiffre de César Caesar's code chiffre de César Caesar's mushroom {noun} (Caesar's mushrooms) amanite des Césars Caesarea [/ˌsiːzəˈɹiːə/] {properNoun} Césarée Caesarean section {noun} (Caesarean sections) césarienne Caesarion Césarion Caesarism {noun} césarisme caesarism césarisme caesaropapism [/ˌsiːzəɹəʊˈpeɪpɪzəm/] {noun} césaropapisme caesate césate caesium [/ˈsiːzi.əm/] {noun} césium | cæsium caesura [/sɪˈzjʊəɹə/ | /sɪˈʒʊɹə/] {noun} (caesuras, caesurae) césure cafe latte café latté cafeteria {noun} (cafeterias) cafétéria | cantine | cafèt’ | caféteria | réfectoire caffeinated {adjective, verb} (more caffeinated, most caffeinated) caféiné caffeine [/ˈkæfiːn/] {noun} (caffeines) caféine caffeinism {noun} caféinisme caffè macchiato macchiato caftan {noun} (caftans) caftan café [/ˈkæfeɪ/ | /ˌkæˈfeɪ/] {noun} (cafés) café café au lait {noun} café au lait café gourmand café gourmand café owner cafetier caganer caganer cagastrical cagastrique cage [/keɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (cages, caged, caging) cage | encager cage compound {noun} (cage compounds) clathrate caged ladder échelle à crinoline cageful {noun} (cagefuls) cagée cagey [/ˈkeɪdʒi/] {adjective} (cagest, cager) avec circonspection caging {noun, verb} (cagings) encagement Cagliari [/ˈkæljəɹi/] {properNoun} Cagliari cahoots [/kəˈhuːts/] {noun, verb} (cahoot) ligue Cahors {properNoun} Cahors Cahorsine Cahorsin Cahuilla {noun, properNoun} (Cahuillas, Cahuilla) cahuilla CAI {noun, properNoun} autoallumage préréglé Caia Park Caia Park caica parrot caïque à tête noire caid [/kɑːˈiːd/] {noun} (caids) caïd cail-cedra cail-cédra caiman [/ˈkeɪ.mən/] {noun} (caimans) caïman caimito {noun} (caimitos) caïmite Cain [/keɪn/] {properNoun} Caïn Cain complex complexe de Caïn Cainite {noun} (Cainites) caïnite Cainscross Cainscross Cain’s Syndrome complexe de Caïn Caio Caio caipirinha [/ˌkaɪ.pɪˈɹiː.njə/] {noun} (caipirinhas) caïpirinha Cairene {adjective, noun} (Cairenes) cairote | Cairote cairn [/kɛən/ | /kɛəɹn/] {noun} (cairns) cairn | montjoie cairn terrier {noun} (cairn terriers) cairn terrier Cairnbaan Cairnbaan Cairndow Cairndow Cairngaan Cairngaan Cairnie Cairnie Cairnleith Crofts Cairnleith Crofts Cairnorrie Cairnorrie Cairnryan {properNoun} Cairnryan Cairns [/kæːnz/ | /kɛənz/ | /kɛɹnz/] {properNoun} Cairns Cairo [/kɛɹoʊ/ | /ˈkaɪɹoʊ/] {properNoun} Le Caire Cairo spiny mouse rat épineux du Caire Caister on Sea Caister on Sea Caistor Caistor Caistor St Edmund {properNoun} Caistor St Edmund Cajetan {properNoun} Gaétan cajole [/kəˈdʒoʊl/ | /kəˈdʒəʊl/] {verb} (cajoles, cajoled, cajoling) amadouer cajolement {noun} cajolerie cajuelite cajuélite Cajun [/ˈkeɪdʒən/] {adjective, noun} (Cajuns) Cadien cajun {adjective} cajun cajuput {noun} cajeput cajuputene {noun} cajeputène Cakchiquel {properNoun} cakchiquel cake [/keɪk/] {noun, verb} (cakes, caking, caked) gâteau | pâtisserie cake and pie server pelle à tarte cake mix {noun} (cake mixes) mélange à gâteau cake pop {noun} (cake pops) popcake cake server {noun} (cake servers) pelle à gâteau | pelle à tarte cake shop [/ˈkeɪk ʃɑp/ | /ˈkeɪk ʃɒp/] {noun} (cake shops) pâtisserie cake shovel pelle à tarte cake slice {noun} (cake slices) pelle à tarte cake tin {noun} (cake tins) moule à gâteau | tourtière cake walk {noun} (cake walks) cake-walk cake-walk {noun} (cake-walks) cake-walk Calabar bean {noun} (Calabar beans) physostigma calabash [/ˈkæləbæʃ/ | /ˈkæləˌbæʃ/] {noun} (calabashes) calebasse calabash tree {noun} (calabash trees) calebassier Calabi-Yau manifold variété de Calabi-Yau calabresella terziglio Calabria [/kəˈleɪbɹiːə/] {properNoun} Calabre Calabrian [/kəˈleɪbɹiːən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Calabrians) calabrais caladrius {noun} caladrius calafatite calafatite Calahorra Calahorra Calais [/ˈkæleɪ/] {properNoun} Calais calamanco [/ˌkæləˈmæŋkoʊ/] {noun} (calamancoes, calamancos) calamanco calamander [/ˈkæləˌmændə/ | /ˈkæləˌmændɚ/] {noun} (calamanders) calamandre calamansi {noun} (calamansis) oranger d’appartement calamari [/kæləˈmɑːɹi/] {noun} calmar Calamian deer cerf calamian Calamian hog deer cerf calamian calamine {noun, verb} (calamines, calamined, calamining) calamine calamint {noun} (calamints) calament calamitous [/kəˈlæmɪtəs/] {adjective} (more calamitous, most calamitous) calamiteux calamity [/kəˈlæmɪti/] {noun} (calamities) calamité calamondin [/ˌkæləˈmɒndɪn/] {noun} (calamondins) calamondin calandra lark {noun} (calandra larks) alouette calandre calanque calanque calash {noun} (calashes) calèche calaverite {noun} (calaverites) calavérite Calbost Calbost Calbourne Calbourne calc schist calcschiste calc-schist calcschiste calcaneal {adjective} calcanéen calcaneous {noun} calcanéen calcaneus {noun} (calcanei, calcanea) calcanéum calcareous {adjective} (most calcareous, more calcareous) calcaire calcareous shale calcschiste calcareous tubeworm serpule calcariform {adjective} (more calcariform, most calcariform) calcariforme calced [/ˈkælst/] {adjective} chaussure calcemia {noun} calcémie Calcethorpe with Kelstern Calcethorpe with Kelstern Calchas Calchas calcic {adjective} (more calcic, most calcic) calcique calciferol {noun} vitamine D calciferous {adjective} (more calciferous, most calciferous) calcarifère calcification [/ˌkælsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} calcification calciform {adjective} (more calciform, most calciform) calcimorphe calcify [/ˈkælsɪfaɪ/] {verb} (calcifies, calcifying, calcified) calcifier calcinate {noun, verb} (calcinates, calcinated, calcinating) calciner calcination {noun} calcination calcine [/ˈkælsɪn/] {noun, verb} (calcines, calcined, calcining) calciner calcined {adjective, verb} (more calcined, most calcined) calciné calcineurin {noun} calcineurine calcinosis {noun} (calcinoses) calcinose calcinuria {noun} calciurie calciol {noun} vitamine D3 calcite [/ˈkæl.saɪt/] {noun} calcite calcium [/ˈkælsi.əm/] {noun} calcium calcium carbonate {noun} carbonate de calcium calcium cyanide cyanure de calcium calcium dicyanide cyanure de calcium calcium hydroxide {noun} chaux éteinte calcium nitrate {noun} nitrate de calcium calcium oxide {noun} oxyde de calcium calcium phosphide phosphure de calcium Calcoed Calcoed calcschist {noun} (calcschists) calcschiste calculable {adjective} (more calculable, most calculable) calculable calculate [/ˈkælkjʊleɪt/] {verb} (calculates, calculating, calculated) calculer calculation [/kælkjuˈleɪʃən/ | /kælkjəˈleɪʃən/] {noun} calcul calculative {adjective} (more calculative, most calculative) calculatif calculator [/kæl.kjə.leɪ.təɹ/ | /ˈkæl.kjə.leɪ.tə(ɹ)/] {noun} (calculators) calculatrice | calculette calculus [/ˈkæl.kjə.ləs/ | /ˈkæl.kjʊ.ləs/] {noun} (calculuses, calculi) calcul | lithiase calculus of variations {noun} calcul des variations Calcutta [/kælˈkʌtə/] {properNoun} Calcutta | Kolkata caldarium {noun} (caldaria) caldarium Caldbeck Caldbeck Caldbergh with East Scrafton Caldbergh with East Scrafton Caldecote Caldecote Caldecote and Newnham Caldecote and Newnham Caldecott Caldecott caldera [/kælˈdɛə.ɹə/ | /kælˈdɛɹ.ə/] {noun} (calderas) caldera | caldeira Calderbank Calderbank Caldercruix Caldercruix Calderdale {properNoun} Calderdale Caldermill Caldermill Caldhame Caldhame Caldicot Caldicot Caldwell [/kɔːldwɛl/] {properNoun} (Caldwells) Caldwell Caleb [/ˈkeɪləb/] {properNoun} (Calebs) Caleb Caledfryn Caledfryn Caledonia [/kælɪˈdəʊnɪə/] {properNoun} Calédonie Caledonian [/ˌkæləˈdoʊni.ən/ | /ˌkæləˈdəʊni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Caledonian, most Caledonian, Caledonians) calédonien calendar [/ˈkæl.ən.də/ | /ˈkæl.ən.dɚ/] {noun, verb} (calendars, calendaring, calendared) calendrier | agenda | emploi du temps | programme calendar month {noun} (calendar months) mois calendaire calendar year {noun} (calendar years) année civile calendarist [/ˈkæl.ən.də.ɹɪst/ | /ˈkæl.ən.dəɹ.ɪst/] {noun} (calendarists) calendariste calender [/ˈkæləndə/ | /ˈkæləndɚ/] {noun, verb} (calenders, calendering, calendered) calender | calendre | calandre calendic {adjective} calendique calendic acid {noun} acide α-calendique calendric {adjective} (more calendric, most calendric) calendaire calendrical [/kəˈlɛndɹɪkl̩/] {adjective} calendaire calends [/ˈkæləndz/ | /ˈkælɪndz/] {noun} calende calentita cade calenture {noun} (calentures) calenture Calexit {noun} Calexit calf [/kæf/ | /kɐːf/ | /kɑːf/] {noun} (calves) veau | mollet | baleineau | blanchon | chiot | éléphanteau calf bone {noun} (calf bones) péroné calf broth bouillon de veau Calf of Eday Calf of Eday Calf of Flotta Calf of Flotta calf puller vêleuse calfflesh {noun} veau calfskin {noun} (calfskins) vachette Calgary [/ˈkæl.ɡɹi/] {properNoun} Calgary Caliban [/ˈkælɪbæn/] {noun, properNoun} (Calibans) Caliban caliber [/ˈkæl.ə.bɚ/] {noun} qualité calibrate {verb} (calibrates, calibrated, calibrating) calibrer | étalonner calibration [/kælɪˈbɹeɪʃən/] {noun} calibrage | étalonnage calibrator {noun} (calibrators) calibreur calibre [/ˈkæl.ɪ.bə(ɹ)/ | /ˈkæl.ɪ.bɚ/] {noun} calibre caliche [/kəˈlitʃi/] {noun} caliche calico {adjective, noun} (calicoes, calicos) calicot Calicut {properNoun} Calicut Califia Califia californate {noun} (californates) californate California [/ˌkæl.ɪ.ˈfɔɹ.njə/] {properNoun} Californie California black bear ours noir de Californie California black oak chêne noir de Californie California fan palm palmier de Californie California hazelnut {noun} (California hazelnuts) noisetier à long bec California nutmeg-tree muscadier California palm palmier de Californie California plane tree platane de Californie California poppy {noun} (California poppies) marmotte California quail {noun} (California quail) colin de Californie California spangled California spangled California Spangled Cat {noun} (California Spangled Cats) Californian spangled California spangled cat California spangled California sycamore {noun} (California sycamores) platane de Californie California white oak chêne blanc de Californie Californian {adjective, noun} (Californians) Californien | californien | Californienne Californian rabbit californien californium [/ˌkælɪˈfɔɹniəm/ | /ˌkælɪˈfɔːniəm/] {noun} californium caliginosity {noun} (caliginosities) obscurité caliginous [/kəˈlɪdʒənəs/ | /kəˈlɪdʒɪnəs/] {adjective} (most caliginous, more caliginous) caligineux caligynephobia {noun} caligynephobie caliper [/ˈkælɪpɚ/] {noun} (calipers) étrier calipers [/ˈkæl.ɨ.pɚz/ | /ˈkæl.ɪ.pəz/] {noun} compas d'épasseur caliph [/ˈkeɪ̪lɪf/] {noun} (caliphs) calife Caliph instead of the Caliph calife à la place du calife caliphate [/ˈkælɪfeɪt/] {noun} (caliphates) califat calisthenics [/ˌkæl.ɪsˈθɛn.ɪks/] {noun} callisthénie calk {noun, verb} (calks, calked, calking) griffon Calke Calke call [/kɑɫ/ | /kɔl/ | /kɔːɫ/] {noun, verb} (calls, calling, call'd, called) appeler | appel | crier | cri | visite | téléphoner call a spade a spade {verb} (calls a spade a spade, calling a spade a spade, called a spade a spade) appeler un chat un chat call all the names under the sun traiter de tous les noms call an ambulance {phraseologicalUnit} appelez une ambulance call attention to souligner call back {noun, verb} (calls back, call backs, calling back, called back) rappeler call box {noun} (call boxes) borne d'appel d'urgence call center {noun} (call centers) centre d'appel call centre {noun} (call centres) centre d’appels call deflection déviation d’appels call for {verb} (calls for, calling for, called for) appeler | commander | demander | exiger | nécessiter | passer call for bids appel d’offres call forward on busy renvoi automatique sur occupation call forward-no answer renvoi automatique sur non-réponse call forwarding busy renvoi automatique sur occupation call forwarding no reply renvoi automatique sur non-réponse call forwarding unconditional renvoi automatique d’appels call girl {noun} (call girls) call-girl call hold mise en attente call into question {verb} remettre en cause | remettre en question call it a day {verb} (calls it a day, called it a day, calling it a day) arrêter les frais | jeter l'éponge | retirer call it even {verb} être quitte call it quits {verb} (calls it quits, called it quits, calling it quits) être quitte call line ligne d’appel call names {verb} jurer call number {noun} (call numbers) cote Call of Cthulhu L'Appel de Cthulhu call off {verb} (calls off, called off, calling off) annuler call on the carpet {verb} réprimander call oneself intituler call option option d’achat call out {noun, verb} (call outs, calls out, called out, calling out) annoncer | appeler | convoquer | crier | interpeler | préciser call premium {noun} (call premiums) prime de remboursement call roll {verb} (calls roll, called roll, calling roll) faire l'appel | pointer call scam appel-piège call sign {noun} (call signs) indicatif d'appel call someone every name in the book traiter de tous les noms call stack {noun} (call stacks) pile d’exécution call television télé-tirelire call the police {phraseologicalUnit} appelez la police call the shots {verb} commander | décider call time {noun, verb} cesser call to arms {noun} (calls to arms) appel aux armes call to order {verb} (calls to order, calling to order, called to order) ouvrir call to prayer {noun} (calls to prayer) appel à la prière call transfer transfert de communication call TV télé-tirelire call up {noun, verb} (call ups, calls up, calling up, called up) appeler | sélectionner call upon {verb} (calls upon, calling upon, called upon) invoquer call waiting IAI call warrant option d’achat call-back rétroappel calla {noun} (callas) anguine | calla | calla des marais calla lily {noun} (calla lilies) calla callable bond {noun} (callable bonds) obligation remboursable par anticipation Callaly Callaly Callander {properNoun} Callander Callanish Callanish Callawalla kallawaya Callawaya kallawaya callback {noun} (callbacks) fonction de rappel callbot callbot called [/kɔːld/ | [kɔld] | [kʰɔəd]] {verb} s’appeler callee {noun} (callees) appelé caller [/ˈkɑlɚ/ | /ˈkɔlɚ/ | /ˈkɔːlə/] {noun} (callers) appelant | téléphoneur caller ID {noun} présentation de la ligne appelante calligraffiti [/kəˌlɪɡ.ɹəˈfiː.ti/] {noun} calligraffiti calligram [/ˈkælɪɡɹæm/] {noun} (calligrams) calligramme calligraph [/ˈkælɪɡɹæf/] {verb} (calligraphs, calligraphed, calligraphing) calligraphier calligrapher [/kəˈlɪɡɹəfə(ɹ)/] {noun} (calligraphers) calligraphe calligraphic [/ˌkælɪˈɡɹæfɪk/] {adjective} calligraphique calligraphically {adverb} (most calligraphically, more calligraphically) calligraphiquement calligraphy [/kəˈlɪɡɹəfi/] {noun} (calligraphies) calligraphie calling [/ˈkɔːlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (callings) vocation calling card {noun} (calling cards) fèces | popo | selles calling line identification presentation présentation de la ligne appelante calling line identification restriction refus de présentation de la ligne appelante calling name {noun} (calling names) nom Callington Callington Calliope [/kə.ˈlaɪ.ə.pi/] {properNoun} Calliope calliope [/kəˈlaɪə.pi/] {noun} (calliopes) calliope calliper {noun, verb} (callipers, callipering, callipered) étrier Callippic {adjective} callippique callipygian [/ˌkæ.ləˈpɪ.dʒi.ən/ | /ˌkælɪˈpɪdʒi.ən/] {adjective} (most callipygian, more callipygian) callipyge callipygous [/kalɪˈpɪdʒəs/ | /ˌkæl.ɪˈpɪ.dʒəs/] {adjective} (most callipygous, more callipygous) callipyge callistemon callistemon Callisto {properNoun} Callisto callosity {noun} (callosities) callosité callous [/ˈkæləs/] {adjective, noun} (most callous, more callous, callouses) endurci | insensible | sans-cœur callousness {noun} (callousnesses) callosité callout {noun} (callouts) convocation Callovian {properNoun} Callovien Callow {properNoun} (Callows) Callow callow [/ˈkaləʊ/ | /ˈkæloʊ/] {adjective, noun} (more callow, callowest, most callow, callower) déplumé callow youth blanc-bec callus [/ˈkæləs/] {noun, verb} (calluses, calli, callusing, callused) cal | calus | durillon callused {adjective, verb} (more callused, most callused) calleux calm [/kaɹm/ | /kɑ(l)m/ | /kɑːm/ | /ˈkæm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more calm, calmer, most calm, calmest, calms, calmed, calming) calme | calmer | apaiser | calme plat | tranquille calm before the storm {noun} (calms before storms) calme avant la tempête calm down {verb} (calms down, calming down, calmed down) apaiser | calmer | tranquilliser calm your tits {interjection} péter un coup calming {verb} apaisant calmly [/ˈkɑː(ɹ)m.li/] {adverb} (more calmly, most calmly) paisiblement calmness [/ˈkɑ(l)mnəs/ | /ˈkɑːmnəs/] {noun} (calmnesses) calme Calne [/ˈkɑːln/] {properNoun} Calne Calne Without Calne Without caloric {adjective, noun} (more caloric, most caloric) calorique calorically {adverb} (more calorically, most calorically) caloriquement Calorie Calorie calorie [/ˈkæləɹi/] {noun} (calories) calorie calorific {adjective} (more calorific, most calorific) calorique calorimeter {noun} (calorimeters) calorimètre calorimetric {adjective} calorimétrique calorimetry {noun} (calorimetries) calorimétrie calorization calorisation calotte {noun} (calottes) calotte calotype {noun} (calotypes) calotype Calow {properNoun} Calow calp {noun} calp calpack {noun} (calpacks) colback calpastatin {noun} (calpastatins) calpastatine calque [/kælk/] {noun, verb} (calques, calqued, calquing) calque | calquer calretinin {noun} calrétinine Calstock Calstock Caltanissetta {properNoun} Caltanissetta Calton {properNoun} (Caltons) Calton caltrap {noun} (caltraps) chausse-trape caltrop [/ˈkæltɹəp/ | /ˈkɔːltɹəp/] {noun} (caltrops) centaurée chausse-trape | chardon étoilé | chausse-trape | pied de corbeau | tribule terrestre calumniate [/kəˈlʌmni.eɪt/] {verb} (calumniates, calumniating, calumniated) calomnier calumniator {noun} (calumniators) calomniateur calumnious {adjective} (more calumnious, most calumnious) calomnieux calumniously {adverb} (more calumniously, most calumniously) calomnieusement calumny [/kəˈlʌmni/ | /ˈkæləmni/] {noun, verb} (calumnies, calumnied, calumnying) calomnie Calvados {properNoun} Calvados calvados {noun} (calvadoses) calvados calvaria {noun} (calvariae, calvarias) calvarium Calvary [/ˈkælvəɹi/] {properNoun} Calvaire calvary {noun} (calvaries) calvaire calve [/kæv/ | /kɑːv/] {verb} (calves, calving, calved) vêler | abandonner | aider le vêlage | mettre bas | perdre | se briser Calveley Calveley Calver Calver Calvert Green Calvert Green Calverton {properNoun} Calverton Calvin [/ˈkælvɪn/] {properNoun} Calvin