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Brobury with Monnington on Wye Brobury with Monnington on Wye Broca's aphasia {noun} aphasie de Broca Broca's area {noun} (Broca's areas) aire de Broca brocade [/bɹəˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (brocades, brocading, brocaded) brocart | brocher brocard [/ˈbɹoʊkɚd/ | /ˈbɹəʊkəd/] {noun} (brocards) brocard Broca’s aphasia aphasie expressive broccoli [/ˈbɹɑ.kə.li/ | /ˈbɹɒ.kə.li/] {noun} (broccoli, broccolis) brocoli brochidodromous {adjective} brochidodrome brochs {noun} borie brochure [/bɹoʊˈʃʊɚ/ | /ˈbɹəʊ.ʃə(ɹ)/] {noun} (brochures) brochure Brockdish Brockdish Brockenhurst {properNoun} Brockenhurst brocket [/ˈbɹɒkɪt/] {noun} (brockets) daguet Brockhall Brockhall Brockham Brockham Brockhampton Brockhampton Brocklesby Brocklesby Brockley Brockley Brockworth Brockworth Brocton {properNoun} Brocton brodequin {noun} (brodequins) brodequin Brodick Brodick Brodie helmet casque Brodie Brodsworth Brodsworth Brogborough Brogborough Broginin Broginin brogrammer {noun} (brogrammers) brogrammeur brogue [/bɹoʊɡ/ | /bɹəʊɡ/] {noun, verb} (brogues, broguing, brogued) brogue broil [/bɹɔɪl/] {noun, verb} (broils, broiled, broiling) griller broiler [/ˈbɹɔɪlə/ | /ˈbɹɔɪlɚ/] {noun} (broilers) poulet rôti broke [/bɹoʊk/ | /bɹəʊk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more broke, most broke, broker, brokest, brokes, broked, broking) fauché | désargenté | à sec brokeback {adjective} homosexuel broken [/ˈbɹəʊkən/] {adjective, verb} (more broken, most broken) cassé | brisé | approximatif | buggé | coupé | discontinu broken down {adjective, verb} (more broken down, most broken down) effondré broken glass bris de glace broken heart {noun} (broken hearts) cœur blessé | cœur brisé broken plural {noun} (broken plurals) pluriel brisé | pluriel interne broken rice brisure de riz broken-down {adjective} (most broken-down, more broken-down) H.S. | en panne | hors-service Brokenborough Brokenborough brokenhearted {adjective} (most brokenhearted, more brokenhearted) avoir le cœur brisé broker [/ˈbɹoʊkɚ/ | /ˈbɹəʊkə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brokers, brokering, brokered) courtier | démarcheur | négocier | représentant broker-dealer courtier négociant brokerage {noun} courtage | courtier brolga {noun} (brolgas) grue brolga bromance {noun} (bromances) bromance bromane {noun} bromure d’hydrogène bromantic {adjective} (more bromantic, most bromantic) bromantique bromargyrite {noun} bromargyrite bromate {noun, verb} (bromates, bromated, bromating) bromate bromatology [/bɹəʊməˈtɒlədʒi/] {noun} bromatologie bromazepam {noun} bromazépam brome [/bɹəʊm/] {noun} brome Brome and Oakley Brome and Oakley bromelain {noun} (bromelains) broméline Bromesberrow Bromesberrow Bromeswell Bromeswell Bromfield {properNoun} Bromfield Bromham {properNoun} Bromham bromide [/ˈbɹoʊ.maɪd/ | /ˈbɹəʊ.maɪd/] {noun} (bromides) bromure bromine [/ˈbɹoʊmin/ | /ˈbɹəʊmaɪn/ | /ˈbɹəʊmɪn/] {noun} brome Bromley [/ˈbɹɑmli/ | /ˈbɹɒmli/] {properNoun} Bromley bromocriptine {noun} (bromocriptines) bromocriptine bromoform {noun} (bromoforms) bromoforme bromophenol blue {noun} bleu de bromophénol bromothymol blue {noun} bleu de bromothymol Brompton Brompton Brompton on Swale Brompton on Swale Brompton Ralph Brompton Ralph Brompton Regis Brompton Regis Bromsgrove {properNoun} Bromsgrove Bromyard and Winslow Bromyard and Winslow Bronaber Bronaber bronchia {noun} bronche bronchial [/ˈbɹɑːn.ki.əl/] {adjective} bronchial bronchial tube {noun} (bronchial tubes) bronche bronchiectasis {noun} (bronchiectases) bronchectasie bronchitic {adjective, noun} (most bronchitic, more bronchitic, bronchitics) bronchitique bronchitis [/bɹɒŋˈkaɪtɪs/] {noun} (bronchitises, bronchitides) bronchite bronchodilatator bronchodilatateur bronchodilator {noun} (bronchodilators) bronchodilatateur bronchoscopy {noun} (bronchoscopies) bronchoscopie bronchospasm {noun} (bronchospasms) bronchospasme bronchus [/ˈbɹɑŋkəs/ | /ˈbɹɒŋkəs/] {noun} (bronchi) bronche Brongest Brongest Brongwyn Brongwyn Bronington Bronington Bronllys Bronllys brontosaur {noun} (brontosaurs) brontosaure brontosaurus {noun} (brontosauruses, brontosauri) brontosaure Bronwydd Bronwydd Bronx [/bɹɑŋks/ | /bɹɒŋks/] {noun, properNoun} Bronx brony [/ˈbɹoʊni/ | /ˈbɹəʊni/] {noun} (bronies) brony bronze [/bɹɑnz/ | /bɹɒnz/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bronze, most bronze, bronzes, bronzed, bronzing) bronze | airain | bronzé | hâlé Bronze Age {properNoun} âge du bronze bronze medal {noun} (bronze medals) médaille de bronze bronze medal game petite finale bronze medalist {noun} (bronze medalists) médaillé de bronze | médaillée de bronze bronze-winged duck canard à lunettes bronze-winged parrot pione noire bronzed {verb} bronzé brooch [/bɹoʊtʃ/ | /bɹəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (brooches, brooching, brooched) broche brood [/bɹuːd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (broods, brooding, brooded) couver | broyer du noir | couvée | protéger | se morfondre brood mare {noun} (brood mares) poulinière brooder [/ˈbɹudɚ/ | /ˈbɹuːdə/] {noun} (brooders) couveuse broodmare {noun} (broodmares) poulinière Brook {properNoun} Brook brook [/bɹuːk/ | /bɹʊk/] {noun, verb} (brooks, brooking, brooked) ruisselet brook trout {noun} (brook trout, brook trouts) omble de fontaine | saumon de fontaine | truite mouchetée Brooke [/bɹʊk/] {properNoun} Brooke Brookenby Brookenby Brookfield Brookfield brookite {noun} brookite Brookland Brookland brooklet {noun} (brooklets) ruisselet brooklime {noun} (brooklimes) véronique des ruisseaux Brookthorpe with Whaddon Brookthorpe with Whaddon Brookwood {properNoun} Brookwood broom [/bɹuːm/] {noun, verb} (brooms, broomed, brooming) balai | argalou | balayer | genêt à balais | ramon broom rape {noun} orobanche broom wagon {noun} (broom wagons) camion-balai | voiture-balai Broome {properNoun} (Broomes) Broome Broomfield {properNoun} Broomfield Broomfield and Kingswood Broomfield and Kingswood Broomfleet Broomfleet Broomhall Broomhall Broomhaugh and Riding Broomhaugh and Riding Broomley and Stocksfield Broomley and Stocksfield broomrape {noun} orobanche broomstick [/ˈbɹum.stɪk/] {noun} (broomsticks) manche à balai Brora Brora bros before hoes {proverb} les potes avant les putes Broseley Broseley broth [/bɹɑθ/ | /bɹɒθ/ | /bɹɔθ/] {noun} bouillon | soupe brothel [/ˈbɹɑθəl/ | /ˈbɹɒθəl/ | /ˈbɹɔθəl/] {noun} (brothels) bordel | lupanar | maison close | boxon | maison de tolérance | privé brothel-keeper {noun} (brothel-keepers) tenancier de maison close | tenancière | tenancière de maison close brother [/ˈbɹɐðɘ(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌvə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌðə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (brothers, brethren, brothered, brothering) frère | fraterniser | pair | semblable Brother Isle Brother Isle brother-in-arms {noun} (brothers-in-arms) frère d'armes brother-in-law [/ˈbɹʌðəɹ ɪn ˌlɔː/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɑ/ | /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɔ/] {noun} (brothers-in-law, [[brethren-in-law]]) beau-frère brotherhood [/ˈbɹʌðɚhʊd/] {noun} fraternité | confrérie brotherhoodly fraternitaire brotherly [/ˈbɹʌð.ə.li/ | /ˈbɹʌð.ɚ.li/] {adjective, adverb} (more brotherly, most brotherly) fraternel Brotherton {properNoun} (Brothertons) Brotherton Brotton Brotton Brough [/ˈbɹʌf/] {properNoun} (Broughs) Brough Brough and Shatton Brough and Shatton Brough of Birsay Brough of Birsay Brough Sowerby Brough Sowerby Brough with St Giles Brough with St Giles Brougham Brougham brougham [/ˈbɹuːəm/] {noun} (broughams) brougham brought up {verb} élevé Broughton {properNoun} Broughton Broughton and Bretton Broughton and Bretton Broughton and Old Dalby Broughton and Old Dalby Broughton Astley Broughton Astley Broughton East Broughton East Broughton Gifford Broughton Gifford Broughton Hackett Broughton Hackett Broughton Moor Broughton Moor Broughton West Broughton West brouhaha [/ˈbɹuː.hɑː.hɑː/] {noun} (brouhahas) brouhaha Brow {properNoun} (Brows) Brow brow [/bɹaʊ/] {noun, verb} (brows, browed, browing) bount brow ridge {noun} (brow ridges) arcade sourcilière browbeat [/ˈbɹaʊ.biːt/] {verb} (browbeats, browbeating, browbeaten, browbeat) brusquer | intimider Browhouses Browhouses Brown {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Browns, more Brown, most Brown) Brun | Brunet | Lebrun brown [/bɹaʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (browner, brownest, more brown, most brown, browns, browning, browned) brun | marron | brunir | faire dorer | faire roussir brown adipose tissue {noun} tissu adipeux brun brown ale {noun} brune brown and black beetle eumolpe brown atlas cattle brune de l’Atlas brown bear {noun} (brown bears) ours brun brown bee orchid ophrys brun brown belt ceinture marron brown bread {adjective, noun} (brown breads) pain complet brown bullhead {noun} (brown bullheads) barbote brune brown chestnut of Lorraine brun marron de Lorraine brown coal {noun} houille brune brown comber serran hépate brown crab {noun} (brown crabs) tourteau brown dove phapitréron brown dwarf {noun} (brown dwarves, brown dwarfs) naine brune Brown Edge Brown Edge Brown Elfin lutin brun brown eye {noun} (brown eyes) trou du cul brown fat {noun} tissu adipeux brun brown four-eyed opossum opossum brun à quatre yeux brown goshawk autour australien Brown Knapweed tête-de-moineau brown long-eared bat oreillard roux brown lory lori de Duyvenbode brown mahogany sipo brown marmorated stink bug {noun} (brown marmorated stink bugs) punaise diabolique brown masked opossum opossum brun à quatre yeux brown meagre corb brown moray murène brune brown noser {noun} (brown nosers) cire-pompes | cireur de pompes | lèche-bottes | lèche-cul brown owl {noun} (brown owls) chouette hulotte brown pelican {noun} (brown pelicans) pélican brun brown rat {noun} (brown rats) surmulot brown ray raie miroir brown rice {noun} (brown rices) riz brun | riz complet brown roll-rim paxille enroulé brown rot {noun} moniliose brown sauce {noun} sauce brune brown shrike {noun} (brown shrikes) pie-grièche brune brown shrimp crevette grise brown skua labbe antarctique brown study {noun} (brown studies) blues | bourdon | mélancolie brown sugar {noun} cassonade brown swiss brune brown thrasher {noun} (brown thrashers) moqueur roux brown thumb {noun} (brown thumbs) avoir le pouce brun brown trout {noun} (brown trout) truite fario Brown's parakeet perruche gracieuse brown-backed honeyeater méliphage modeste brown-backed parrotlet toui à dos noir brown-banded antpitta grallaire ceinturée brown-breasted antpitta grallaire sobre brown-cheeked rail râle à joues brunes brown-eared wooly opossum opossum laineux roux brown-haired {adjective} brun brown-headed cowbird vacher à tête brune brown-headed parrot perroquet à tête brune brown-hooded parrot caïque à capuchon brown-lipped snail escargot des bois brown-necked parrot perroquet à cou brun brown-noser {noun} (brown-nosers) lèche-cul brown-out {noun} (brown-outs) sous-tension brown-tail cul-brun brown-throated parakeet conure cuivrée browned off {adjective} (most browned off, more browned off) exaspéré | excité brownfield {adjective, noun} (brownfields) friche Brownian [/ˈbɹaʊni.ən/] {adjective} (most Brownian, more Brownian) brownien Brownian motion {noun} mouvement brownien Brownie [/ˈbɹaʊni/] {noun, properNoun} (Brownies) louveteau brownie [/ˈbɹaʊni/] {noun} (brownies) brownie brownie point {noun} (brownie points) bon point brownish [/ˈbɹaʊnɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brownish, more brownish) brunâtre brownnose {noun, verb} (brownnoses, brownnosing, brownnosed) cirer les pompes | flagorner | lécher le cul | lécher les bottes brownnoser {noun} (brownnosers) fayot Brownray Knapweed tête-de-moineau Brownshirt {noun} (Brownshirts) chemise brune brownstone {noun} grés brun browse [/bɹaʊz/] {noun, verb} (browses, browsed, browsing) brouter | feuilleter | naviguer | parcourir | regarder browsed [/bɹaʊzd/] {verb} abrouti browser [/ˈbɹaʊzə(ɹ)/] {noun} (browsers) logiciel de navigation browsing [/ˈbɹaʊzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (browsings) abroutissement Broxa cum Troutsdale Broxa cum Troutsdale Broxbourne [/bɹɒksbɔːn/] {properNoun} Broxbourne Broxburn Broxburn Broxholme Broxholme Broxted Broxted Broxton {properNoun} (Broxtons) Broxton Broxtowe {properNoun} Broxtowe brr [/ʙ̩ː/] {interjection} glagla brrr {interjection} glagla BRT {noun} SRB brubru [/ˈbɹubɹu/ | /ˈbɹuːbɹuː/] {noun} (brubrus) brubru brucella {noun} (brucellae, brucellas) brucella brucellosis {noun} (brucelloses) brucellose bruciore retrosternale pyrosis brucite {noun} (brucites) brucite Brucknerian brucknérien Brue {properNoun} Brue Bruen Stapleford Bruen Stapleford Bruern Bruern Bruges [/bɹuːʒ/] {properNoun} Bruges bruise [/bɹuːz/] {noun, verb} (bruises, bruised, bruising) bleu | contusion | contusionner | ecchymose | meurtrissure | cotir bruiser {noun} (bruisers) mâle bruising mill égrugeoir bruising webcap cortinaire purpurescent Bruisyard Bruisyard bruit [/bɹuːt/] {noun, verb} (bruits, bruited, bruiting) ébruiter Brumaire [/bɹuːˈmɛː/ | /bɹʊˈmɛəɹ/] {properNoun} (Brumaires) brumaire brumal [/ˈbɹuːməl/] {adjective} (most brumal, more brumal) hivernal brumale truffle truffe d’hiver brumation {noun} brumation brumous [/ˈbɹuməs/ | /ˈbɹuːməs/] {adjective} (most brumous, more brumous) brumeux Brumstead Brumstead brunch [/bɹʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (brunches, brunching, brunched) brunch Brundall {properNoun} Brundall Brundish Brundish Brunei [/bɹuːˈnaɪ/] {properNoun} Brunei Bruneian {adjective, noun} (Bruneians) brunéien | Brunéien | de Brunei brunet {adjective, noun} (brunets) brunet brunette [/bɹuˈnɛt/ | /bɹuːnɛt/] {adjective, noun} (brunettes) brun | brune Bruno [/ˈbɹunoʊ/] {properNoun} Bruno bruno Jura hound bruno du Jura brunoise [/bɹuˈnwɑz/ | /bɹʊˈnwɑːz/] {noun, verb} (brunoises, brunoised, brunoising) brunoise brunschvicgian brunschvicgien Brunstatt {properNoun} Brunstatt brunsvigite brunsvigite Brunswick {properNoun} Brunswick Bruntingthorpe Bruntingthorpe bruschetta [/bɹuˈʃɛtə/ | /bɹʊˈskɛtə/] {noun} (bruschettas, bruschette) bruschetta brush [/bɹʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (brushes, brushing, brushed) brosse | brosser | frôler | accrochage | brossage | effleurer brush off {noun, verb} (brush offs) ignorer | regarder de haut brush one's teeth {verb} (brushes one's teeth, brushing one's teeth, brushed one's teeth) se brosser les dents brush the surface effleurer brush up {verb} (brushes up, brushed up, brushing up) dérouiller brush-tailed porcupine athérure brusher {noun} (brushers) brosseur Brushfield Brushfield Brushford Brushford brushing [/ˈbɹʌ.ʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most brushing, more brushing, brushings) brossage brushstroke {noun} (brushstrokes) coup de pinceau brushtail possum {noun} (brushtail possums) phalanger vulpin | phalanger-renard brushwood {noun} brindilles brusk {adjective} (brusker, more brusk, bruskest, most brusk) brusque brusque [/bɹuːsk/ | /bɹʌsk/] {adjective} (most brusque, more brusque, brusquest, brusquer) brusque Brusselian {adjective, noun} (Brusselians) Bruxellois | Bruxelloise | bruxellois Brussels [/ˈbɹʌsəlz/] {noun, properNoun} (Brussels) Bruxelles Brussels Capital Region {properNoun} Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Brussels griffon {noun} (Brussels griffons) griffon bruxellois Brussels sprout {noun} (Brussels sprouts) chou de Bruxelles Brussels-Capital Region Région de Bruxelles-Capitale brut de décoffrage brut de décoffrage brutal [/ˈbɹuːtəl/] {adjective} (more brutal, most brutal) brutal brutalise {verb} (brutalises, brutalised, brutalising) abrutir | brutaliser brutalism {noun} brutalisme brutality {noun} (brutalities) brutalité brutalization {noun} brutalisation brutalize {verb} (brutalizes, brutalizing, brutalized) brutaliser brutally {adverb} (most brutally, more brutally) brutalement | sauvagement brute [/bɹuːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brutes, bruting, bruted, most brute, more brute) brute brute force [/bɹut ˈfɔɹs/] {noun, verb} (brute forces, brute forced, brute forcing) force brute brutify {verb} (brutifies, brutifying, brutified) brutifier brutish [/ˈbɹuːt.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brutish, more brutish) abruti brutishness {noun} (brutishnesses) bestialité Bruton {properNoun} Bruton Brutus [/ˈbɹutəs/] {noun, properNoun} (Brutuses) Brutus bruxism [/ˈbɹʌksɪz(ə)m/ | /ˈbɹʌksɪzəm/] {noun} (bruxisms) bruxisme bruxomania {noun} bruxomanie bruyerite bruyérite Bryan's shearwater puffin de Bryan Bryansk {properNoun} Briansk Bryanston Bryanston Bryce {properNoun} Brice Brydekirk Brydekirk Bryher Bryher Brymbo Brymbo Brympton Brympton Bryn {properNoun} Bryn Bryn Offa Bryn Offa Bryn-crug Bryn-crug Brynafan Brynafan Brynamman Brynamman Bryncae Bryncae Bryncenydd Bryncenydd Bryncethin Bryncethin Bryncroes Bryncroes Bryndioddef-isaf Bryndioddef-isaf Bryneglwys Bryneglwys Brynford Brynford Bryngolau Bryngolau Bryngwran Bryngwran Bryngwyn Bryngwyn Brynhoffnant Brynhoffnant Bryning with Warton Bryning with Warton Brynithel Brynithel Brynmawr Brynmawr Brynmenyn Brynmenyn Brynna Brynna Brynrefail Brynrefail Brynsadler Brynsadler Brynsiencyn Brynsiencyn Brynteg Brynteg bryology {noun} bryologie bryony [/ˈbɹaɪəni/] {noun} (bryonies) brione bryophyte [/ˈbɹaɪ̯.ə.fʌit/ | /ˈbɹʌɪ̯.ə.fʌɪt/] {noun} (bryophytes) bryophyte bryozoan [/ˌbɹɑɪəˈzəʊən/] {adjective, noun} (bryozoans) ectoprocte bryozoon [/ˌbɹɑɪ.əˈzəʊˌɒn/] {noun} (bryozoa) bryozoaire Brythonic [/bɹɪˈθɒnɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Brythonic, more Brythonic) brittonique Brønsted acid {noun} (Brønsted acids) acide de Brønsted Brønsted base {noun} (Brønsted bases) base de Brønsted Brünnich's Guillemot guillemot de Brünnich BS {noun, properNoun, verb} (BSs, BSes, BSing, BSed) station de base BSE {noun, properNoun} encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine BSON [/ˈbiːsən/] {properNoun} BSON BTL process procédé BTL BTS {noun, phraseologicalUnit, properNoun} (BTSs) BTS BTU [/biː.tiː.juː/] {noun} (BTUs) BTU Btu BTU Bty Bie bty Bie Buan Buan Bubastite boubastite Bubbenhall Bubbenhall bubble [/ˈbʌb.əl/] {noun, verb} (bubbles, bubbling, bubbled) bulle | ambiance | bouillonner | trou | vent bubble bath {noun} bain moussant bubble car {noun} (bubble cars) suppositoire d’autobus bubble chamber {noun} (bubble chambers) chambre à bulles bubble chart graphique à bulles bubble effect effet-bulle bubble level {noun} (bubble levels) niveau à bulle bubble sort {noun} (bubble sorts) tri à bulles bubble tea {noun} thé aux bulles | thé aux perles bubble wrap {noun} papier bulle bubblegum [/ˈbʌbəlɡʌm/] {adjective, noun} gomme balloune | gomme à bulles | gomme à claquer bubbling {noun, verb} (bubblings) bouillonnement bubbly [/ˈbʌbli/] {adjective, noun} (bubblest, bubbler, bubblies) animé Bubi bubi bubinga {noun} (bubingas) bubinga bubo [/ˈbjuː.bəʊ/ | /ˈbu.boʊ/] {noun} (buboes) bubon bubonic {adjective} bubonique bubonic plague {noun} peste bubonique Bubwith Bubwith buccal [/ˈbʌk.əl/] {adjective} buccal Buccal cavity cavité buccale buccaneer [/ˌbʌkəˈnɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (buccaneers, buccaneering, buccaneered) boucanier buccaneering {adjective, noun, verb} (most buccaneering, more buccaneering, buccaneerings) flibuste buccaneers {noun} flibuste bucentaur {noun} (bucentaurs) bucentaure Bucephalus {noun, properNoun} (Bucephaluses) Bucéphale Buchanan Smithy Buchanan Smithy Buchanhaven Buchanhaven Bucharest [/ˌbuːkəˈɹɛst/] {properNoun} Bucarest Bucharestian {adjective, noun} (Bucharestians) Bucarestois | Bucarestoise Buchlyvie Buchlyvie buck [/bʌk/] {noun, verb} (bucks, bucking, bucked) bouc | piasse | ruer buck hare bouquin buck rabbit {noun} (buck rabbits) bouquin buckaroo [/ˌbʌkəˈɹu/] {noun} (buckaroos) cow-boy Buckden Buckden bucker mustard biscutelle Buckerell Buckerell bucket [/ˈbʌkɪt/] {noun, verb} (buckets, bucketed, bucketing) seau | chaudière | bazou | godet | guimbarde | minoune bucket down {verb} (buckets down, bucketed down, bucketing down) dégringoler | pleuvoir comme vache qui pisse | pleuvoir des cordes | pleuvoir à seaux bucket hat {noun} (bucket hats) bob bucket lasser excavator excavateur bucket list {noun} (bucket lists) liste de choses à faire avant de mourir bucket of bolts {noun} (buckets of bolts) tas de ferraille bucket seat {noun} (bucket seats) baquet bucket wheel excavator excavateur bucket-brigade device dispositif en chapelet bucket-elevator noria buckeye [/ˈbʌkaɪ/] {noun} (buckeyes) marronnier Buckfastleigh {properNoun} Buckfastleigh Buckhaven Buckhaven Buckholt Buckholt Buckhorn Weston Buckhorn Weston Buckhurst Hill Buckhurst Hill Buckie [/ˈbʌki/] {properNoun} Buckie bucking [/ˈbʌkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (buckings) ruade Buckingham [/ˈbʌk.ɪŋ.əm/] {properNoun} Bouquinquan Buckingham Palace {properNoun} palais de Buckingham Buckingham Park Buckingham Park Buckinghamer Buckinois Buckinghamshire [/ˈbʌk.ɪŋ.əm.ʃə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Buckinghamshire Buckland {properNoun} (Bucklands) Buckland Buckland and Chipping Buckland and Chipping Buckland Brewer Buckland Brewer Buckland Dinham Buckland Dinham Buckland Filleigh Buckland Filleigh Buckland Monachorum {properNoun} Buckland Monachorum Buckland Newton Buckland Newton Buckland St Mary Buckland St Mary Buckland Tout Saints Buckland Tout Saints Buckland-in-the-Moor Buckland-in-the-Moor bucklandite bucklandite buckle [/ˈbʌk(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (buckles, buckling, buckled) boucle | boucler | céder | déformer | gauchir | renoncer buckle down {verb} (buckles down, buckled down, buckling down) se concentrer buckle up {verb} s'attacher Bucklebury Bucklebury buckled {verb} gauche buckler [/ˈbʌk.lə/ | /ˈbʌk.lɚ/] {noun, verb} (bucklers, bucklered, bucklering) bouclier | targe Bucklerheads Bucklerheads Bucklesham Bucklesham Buckley [/ˈbʌkli/] {properNoun} Buckley buckling [/ˈbʌk.lɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bucklings, more buckling, most buckling) flambage Buckminster Buckminster buckminsterfullerene {noun} (buckminsterfullerenes) buckminsterfullerène Bucknall Bucknall Bucknell {properNoun} Bucknell buckram [/ˈbʌkɹəm/] {noun, verb} (buckrams, buckramed, buckrammed, buckraming) bougran buckrams {noun, verb} ail des ours buckshot {noun} chevrotine buckthorn {noun} (buckthorns) nerprun | nerprun purgatif Buckthorns nerprun Buckton and Coxall Buckton and Coxall buckwheat [/ˈbʌkʍiːt/] {noun} (buckwheats) sarrasin | blé noir | blé sarrasin buckwheat eczema fagopyrisme Buckworth Buckworth bucolic [/bjuˈkɑlɪk/ | /bjuːˈkɒlɪk/] {adjective, noun} (bucolics, most bucolic, more bucolic) bucolique | pastoral Bucovina {properNoun} Bucovine bud [/bʌd/] {noun, verb} (buds, budding, budded) bourgeon | bouton | beu | bourgeonner | pote Budapest [/ˈbuːdəpɛst/] {properNoun} Budapest Budapester {noun} (Budapesters) Budapestois Budbrooke Budbrooke Buddha [/bʊdːʰə/ | /ˈbudə/ | /ˈbʊdə/] {noun, properNoun} (Buddhas) Bouddha buddha [/ˈbudə/ | /ˈbʊdə/] {noun} bouddha Buddha's hand {noun} (Buddha's hands) main de Bouddha Buddhahood {noun} bouddhéité Buddha’s hand main de Bouddha Buddhism [/ˈbu.dɪ.zəm/] {noun} (Buddhisms) bouddhisme Buddhist [/ˈbudɪst/] {adjective, noun} (most Buddhist, more Buddhist, Buddhists) bouddhiste | bouddhique Buddhistic {adjective} bouddhique budding [/ˈbʌdiŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} bourgeonnant buddleia [/ˈbʌdlɪ.ə/] {noun} (buddleias) buddleia buddy [/bʌd.i/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buddies, buddying, buddied, more buddy, most buddy) copain | camarade | pote | mec | compagnon Bude [/ˈbjuːd/] {properNoun} Bude Bude-Stratton Bude-Stratton budge [/bʌdʒ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more budge, most budge, budges, budging, budged) bouger budge an inch {verb} bouger d’un pouce budgerigar {noun} (budgerigars) perruche ondulée budget [/ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (budgets, budgeted, budgeting) budget | budgétaire budgetary {adjective} budgétaire budgeting {noun, verb} budgétisation budgie [/ˈbʌdʒi/] {noun} (budgies) perruche ondulée Budleigh Salterton {properNoun} Budleigh Salterton Budock Budock Budukh boudoukh Buduma boudouma Buenos Aires [/ˌbweɪnoʊs ˈaɪɹeɪs/] {properNoun} Buenos Aires Buerton Buerton buff [/bʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buffer, buffest, most buff, more buff, buffs, buffing, buffed) aficionado | chamois | mordu | passionné Buff Arches ratissée buff out {verb} fignoler | poncer buff-backed heron garde-bœuf buff-breasted sandpiper {noun} (buff-breasted stints) bécasseau roussâtre buff-faced pygmy parrot micropsitte à tête fauve buff-nosed rat-kangaroo rat-kangourou du désert buff-tailed bumblebee {noun} (buff-tailed bumblebees) bourdon terrestre Buff-tip bucéphale buff-tip lunule Buffalo {properNoun} Buffalo buffalo [/ˈbʌf.ə.loʊ/ | /ˈbʌf.əl.əʊ/] {noun, verb} (buffalos, buffalo, buffaloes, buffaloed, buffaloing) buffle | bison | battre | chasser | confondre | frapper buffalo spinach baselle buffalo wing {noun} (buffalo wings) aile Buffalo | aile de poulet Buffalo | aile piquante Buffalo buffer [/ˈbafə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌfə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌfɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (buffers, buffering, buffered) tampon | solution tampon | tamponner buffer circuit circuit tampon buffer layer couche poreuse buffer overflow {noun} (buffer overflows) dépassement de tampon buffer solution {noun} (buffer solutions) solution tampon buffer state {noun} (buffer states) État tampon buffer zone {noun} (buffer zones) zone tampon buffering {verb} tamponnage bufferization bufferisation buffet [/bəˈfeɪ/ | /ˈbʊfeɪ/ | /ˈbʌfɪt/] {noun, verb} (buffets, buffetted, buffeting, buffeted, buffetting) buffet buffet car {noun} (buffet cars) voiture-bar buffeting {noun, verb} (buffetings) tremblement buffetting {noun, verb} (buffettings) battage buffing [/ˈbʌfɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (buffings) dégraffitage bufflehead [/ˈbʌfəlhɛd/] {noun} (buffleheads) garrot albéole | petit garrot buffoon [/bəˈfuːn/] {noun, verb} (buffoons, buffooned, buffooning) bouffon buffoonery [/bəˈfuːnəɹi/] {noun} (buffooneries) bouffonnerie Bug {noun, properNoun} (Bugs) Coccinelle bug [/bʌɡ/] {noun, verb} (bugs, bugged, bugging) bogue | bug | mettre sur écoute | mouchard | poser | punaise bug bounty bug bounty bug off {interjection, verb} aller se faire voir | dégage | va chier bugaboo {noun} (bugaboos) croque-mitaine bugaku {noun} bugaku Buganda {properNoun} Bouganda bugatty bugatti bugbear [/ˈbʌɡ.bɛə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌɡ.bɛɚ/] {noun, verb} (bugbears, bugbeared, bugbearing) bête noire Bugbrooke Bugbrooke bugfix {noun} (bugfixes) correctif | patch | rustine bugger [/ˈbʌɡə/ | /ˈbʌɡɚ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (buggers, buggered, buggering) enculer | empaffer | sodomite bugger all {pronoun} flâner bugger off {interjection, verb} (buggers off, buggered off, buggering off) aller chier dans sa caisse | aller se rhabiller | allez voir là-bas si j'y suis | chiotte | décarrer | déguerpir buggery [/ˈbʌɡəɹi/] {noun} (buggeries) sodomie buggy [/bʌ.ɡi/] {adjective, noun} (buggest, bugger, buggies) buggé | calèche | infesté | quad bughouse chess {noun} Blitz à quatre Buginese {properNoun} bouguinais bugle [/ˈbjuːɡəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bugles, more bugle, most bugle, bugling, bugled) clairon | clairons bugle horn bugle bugler {noun} (buglers) clairon bugleweed {noun} (bugleweeds) bugle bugloss {noun} (buglosses) orcanette Bugthorpe Bugthorpe Buhid {properNoun} bouhid buhurt béhourd build [/bɪld/] {noun, verb} (builds, builded, built, building) construire | édifier | carrure | compiler | croître | fonder build castles in the air {verb} (builds castles in the air, building castles in the air, builded castles in the air, built castles in the air) bâtir des châteaux en Espagne | bâtir des plans sur la comète | tirer des plans sur la comète build up {noun, verb} (builds up, building up, built up) renforcer | s'accumuler | s'empiler | s'entasser build, operate, transfer BOT build-up {noun} (build-ups) montée en puissance opérationnelle builder [/ˈbɪl.də/ | /ˈbɪl.dɚ/] {noun} (builders) constructeur | bâtisseur | bâtisseuse | constructrice builder's cleavage {noun} sourire du plombier building [/ˈbɪldɪŋ/] {noun, verb} bâtiment | immeuble | édifice | construction building automation system immotique building block {noun} (building blocks) brique | cube building information model bâti immobilier modélisé building manager syndic de copropriété building material {noun} (building materials) matériau de construction building permit permis de construire building rubble gravats building site {noun} (building sites) chantier buildup {noun} construction Buildwas {properNoun} Buildwas built like a tank {adjective} armoire à glace built-in {adjective, noun} (built-ins) encastré | incorporé | intrinsèque built-in function {noun} (built-in functions) fonction intégrée built-in self test test intégré Builth Wells Builth Wells builtin {adjective, noun} (builtins) builtin buisine {noun} (buisines) buisine Bujumbura [/ˌbuːdʒəmˈbʊəɹə/ | /ˌbuːdʒəmˈbʊɹə/] {properNoun} Bujumbura Bukawa bukawa Bukhara [/buˈkɑːɹə/] {properNoun} Boukhara bukkake [/buˈkɑː.ki/] {noun} bukkake Bukovina {properNoun} Bucovine Bukusu {noun, properNoun} bukusu bulb [/bʌlb/] {noun, verb} (bulbs, bulbing, bulbed) bulbe bulbar {adjective} bulbaire bulbourethral {adjective} glande de Cowper bulbourethral gland {noun} (bulbourethral glands) glande bulbo-urétrale bulbous [/ˈbʌlbəs/] {adjective} (more bulbous, most bulbous) bulbeux bulbous chervil cerfeuil tubéreux bulbul [/ˈbʊlbʊl/] {noun} (bulbuls) bulbul Bulcote Bulcote Bulford Bulford bulgar {noun} bulgarie Bulgaria [/bʌlˈɡɛə.ɹi.ə/ | /bʌlˈɡɛɹ.i.ə/] {properNoun} Bulgarie Bulgarian [/bʌlˈɡɛɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bulgarian, most Bulgarian) bulgare | Bulgare Bulgarian umbrella parapluie bulgare bulge [/bʌldʒ/] {noun, verb} (bulges, bulged, bulging) bombement | protubérance | bomber | bosse | déformer bulgogi [/bʊlˈɡoʊɡiː/] {noun} bulgogi bulgur [/ˈbʌlɡə(ɹ)/] {noun} boulghour | boulgour bulimia [/bjuˈlimi.ə/] {noun} boulimie bulimia nervosa {noun} boulimie bulimic {adjective, noun} (most bulimic, more bulimic, bulimics) boulimique bulk [/bʌlk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bulks, bulked, bulking) ensemble | gros | grosseur | vrac bulk carrier {noun} (bulk carriers) vraquier bulk eraser effaceur total bulk mail courrier en nombre bulk molding compound préimprégné en vrac bulk moulding compound préimprégné en vrac bulk selection sélection individuelle Bulkeley Bulkeley bulkhead {noun} (bulkheads) cloison Bulkington {properNoun} Bulkington Bulkworthy Bulkworthy bulky [/ˈbʌlki/] {adjective} (bulker, bulkest) volumineux | encombrant | gros bulky waste {noun} encombrant | objets encombrants Bull {properNoun} Taureau bull [/ˈbʊl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bulls, bulling, bulled) taureau | bulle | sceau | mâle | bêtises | bœufs bull bar {noun} (bull bars) pare-buffle Bull Bay Bull Bay bull elephant {noun} (bull elephants) mâle de l'éléphant | éléphant mâle bull husbandry taurellerie bull market {noun} (bull markets) marché haussier bull ray aigle vachette bull run {noun} (bull runs) encierro bull shark {noun} (bull sharks) requin-bouledogue bull terrier {noun} (bull terriers) bull terrier bull's eye {noun} (bull's eyes) noir bull-bar {noun} pare-buffle bull-nose musoir bulldog [/ˈbʊldɑɡ/ | /ˈbʊldɒɡ/ | /ˈbʊldɔɡ/] {noun, verb} (bulldogs, bulldogged, bulldogging) bouledogue bulldog clip [/ˈbʊldɒɡ ˈklɪp/ | /ˈbʊlˌdɔɡ ˈklɪp/] {noun} (bulldog clips) pince à dessin bulldozer [/ˈbʊldoʊzɚ/] {noun, verb} (bulldozers, bulldozering, bulldozered) bulldozer Buller's shearwater puffin de Buller Bullers of Buchan Bullers of Buchan bullet [/ˈbʊl.ɪt/] {noun, verb} (bullets, bulleted, bulleting) balle | projectile | puce bullet ant {noun} (bullet ants) fourmi balle de fusil bullet point {noun} (bullet points) puce bullet train {noun} (bullet trains) shinkansen bullet tuna bonitou bullet-point paper note par points bulleted list {noun} (bulleted lists) liste à puces bulletin [/ˈbʊlɪtɪn/] {noun, verb} (bulletins, bulletining, bulletined) bulletin bulletin board {noun} (bulletin boards) panneau d'affichage bulletin board system {noun} (bulletin board systems) système babillard electronique bulletproof [/bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf/] {adjective, verb} (most bulletproof, more bulletproof, bulletproofs, bulletproofed, bulletproofing) pare-balle | blindé | inattaquable | infaillible | à toute épreuve bulletproof vest [/bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf vɛst/] {noun} (bulletproof vests) gilet pare-balles bullfight {noun} (bullfights) corrida bullfighter {noun} (bullfighters) matador | torero | toréador | toréro bullfighting {noun} (bullfightings) corrida | tauromachie bullfinch {noun} (bullfinches) bouvreuil bullfrog [/ˈbʊlfrɒɡ/ | /ˈbʊlfɹɑɡ/] {noun} (bullfrogs) grenouille-taureau | ouaouaron bullhead [/ˈbʌlˌhɛd/] {noun} (bullheads) chabot bullhead rail {noun} (bullhead rails) rail à double champignon asymétrique bullhorn {noun} (bullhorns) mégaphone Bullington {properNoun} (Bullingtons) Bullington bullion [/ˈbʊl.jən/] {noun} lingot bullionism {noun} bullionisme bullish market marché haussier bullmastiff {noun} (bullmastiffs) bullmastiff bullock [/ˈbʊlək/] {noun, verb} (bullocks, bullocked, bullocking) bouvillon | taurillon bullock's heart {noun} (bullock's hearts) cachiman bullpen {noun} (bullpens) toril bullpout {noun} (bullpouts) barbotte brune bullpup {noun} (bullpups) bullpup bullring {noun} (bullrings) arène bullroarer {noun} (bullroarers) rhombe bullseye [/ˈbʊlzaɪ/] {interjection, noun} (bullseyes) cul-de-bouteille | dans le mille | hublot | mille | mouche bullshit [/ˈbʊlʃɪt/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most bullshit, more bullshit, bullshits, bullshit, bullshitting, bullshitted, bullshat) conneries | dire des conneries | mon œil | n'importe quoi bully [/ˈbʊli/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (buller, bullest, bullies, bullying, bullied) maltraiter | harceler | bravo | brimeur | brute | génial bullying [/ˈbʊl.i.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} harcèlement bull’s eye cul-de-bouteille bull’s-eye cul-de-bouteille Bulmer {properNoun} (Bulmers) Bulmer Bulphan Bulphan bulrush {noun} (bulrushes) scirpe Bulu bulu Bulusu {properNoun} bulusu bulwark [/ˈbʊl.wək/ | /ˈbʊl.wɝk/] {noun, verb} (bulwarks, bulwarking, bulwarked) rempart | bastingage | brise-lames | jetée Bulwick Bulwick bum [/bʌm/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (bummest, bummer, bums, bummed, bumming) cul | fesses | glander | glandouiller | taper | tocard bum around {verb} (bums around, bumming around, bummed around) baguenauder bum bag {noun} (bum bags) banane bum leg patte folle bum rap {noun} (bum raps) affabulation | mytho Bum Seed coco-fesses bum wine {noun} colostrum bum's rush {noun} (bum's rushes) course à l'échalote | débarquement bumble [/ˈbʌmbəl/] {noun, verb} (bumbles, bumbled, bumbling) bourdon bumblebee [/ˈbʌmbl̩bi/] {noun} (bumblebees) bourdon bumblebee bat {noun} (bumblebee bats) chauve-souris bourdon bumblebee grouper mérou lancéolé bumf [/bʌmf/] {noun} paperasse bumfodder {noun} torche-cul bumfuck {adjective, noun, verb} (most bumfuck, more bumfuck, bumfucks, bumfucking, bumfucked) balle bumfuck nowhere {properNoun} Pétaouchnok bummer [/ˈbʌ.mə(ɹ)/] {adjective, interjection, noun} (bummers) déception | flop bump [/bʌmp/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bumps, bumping, bumped) bosse | ballon | boum | bourrade | heurter | saillie bump contact plot de contact bump off {verb} (bumps off, bumping off, bumped off) buter bump up {verb} (bumps up, bumping up, bumped up) avancer | faire un bond | promouvoir bumper [/ˈbʌmpə(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bumpers, bumpered, bumpering) pare-chocs | bande | heurtoir bumper car {noun} (bumper cars) auto tamponneuse bumpkin [/ˈbʌmpkɪn/] {noun} (bumpkins) manant | plouc | péquenaud bumpy [/ˈbʌmpi/] {adjective} (bumper, bumpest) accidenté | accidentée bumshove enculer bun [/bʌn/] {noun, verb} (buns, bun, bunned, bunning) chignon | biture | petit pain Bunbury {properNoun} Bunbury bunch [/ˈbʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (bunches, bunched, bunching) grappe | bouquet | bande | botte | empiler | groupe bunch of fives {noun} (bunches of fives) bugne | pain | patate | pêche bunchberry {noun} (bunchberries) cornouiller de Suède Bund {properNoun} Bund bunder {noun} (bunders) bonnier Bundestag [/ˈbʊndəsˌtɑːɡ/] {properNoun} Bundestag bundle [/ˈbʌnd(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (bundles, bundled, bundling) faisceau | fagot | lier | paquet | se dépêcher bundle up {verb} emmitoufler bundt cake {noun} (bundt cakes) kouglof Bunessan Bunessan bung [/ˈbʌŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bungs, bunged, bunging) bouchon | bonde | bondon | bondonner | boucher bung-hole [/ˈbʌŋˌhoʊl/ | /ˈbʌŋˌhəʊl/] {noun} (bung-holes) trou de balle bungalow {noun} (bungalows) bungalow Bungay {noun, properNoun} (Bungays, Bungay) Bungay bungee [/ˈbʌn.d͡ʒi/] {noun} (bungees) sandow | tendeur bungee jump {noun, verb} (bungee jumps) saut à l’élastique | sauter à l’élastique bungee jumper {noun} (bungee jumpers) sauteur à l'élastique | sauteuse à l'élastique bungee jumping {noun} saut à l’élastique bungee rope {noun} (bungee ropes) élastique | élastique de saut bunghole cleanser torche-cul bungle [/ˈbʌŋ.ɡ(ə)l/] {noun, verb} (bungles, bungling, bungled) foirer bungler {noun} (bunglers) bousilleur | bousilleuse bungy jumping {noun} saut à l’élastique bunion [/ˈbʌnjən/] {noun} (bunions) oignon bunk [/bʌŋk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bunks, bunked, bunking) buissonner | couchette | faire l’école buissonnière bunk bed {noun} (bunk beds) lits superposés | lit superposé bunk beds {noun} lits superposés bunker [/ˈbʌŋkɚ/] {noun, verb} (bunkers, bunkered, bunkering) bunker bunkering {noun, verb} (bunkerings) soutage Bunny Bunny bunny [/ˈbʌni/] {adjective, noun} (bunnies, bunniest, bunnier, bunner, bunnest, more bunny, most bunny) lapereau bunny cat abyssin bunny ears {noun} oreilles d’âne bunny girl {noun} (bunny girls) bunny girl bunong Bunong buns [/bʌnz/] {noun} miche Bunsen burner {noun} (Bunsen burners) bec Bunsen bunt {noun, verb} (bunts, bunted, bunting) amorti bunting [/ˈbʌntɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (buntings) bruant Buntingford {properNoun} Buntingford Bunun {noun} bunun Bunwell Bunwell Buol buol buoy [/ˈbuːiː/ | /ˈbwɔɪ/ | /ˈbɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (buoys, buoyed, buoying) bouée | balise | flotteur | surnager buoy up {verb} (buoys up, buoying up, buoyed up) encourager buoyancy [/ˈbɔɪ.ən.si/] {noun} (buoyancies) flottabilité | poussée d'Archimède buoyant [/ˈbɔɪ.ənt/] {adjective} (most buoyant, more buoyant) flottable | flottant | flottante | gai | joyeux | léger bupivacaine {noun} bupivacaïne bupleurum {noun} (bupleurums) buplèvre buprenorphine {noun} buprénorphine bur chervil anthrisque commun bur oak {noun} (bur oaks) chêne à gros fruits bur-chervil anthrisque commun bur-reed {noun} (bur-reeds) rubanier burakumin {noun} (burakumins, burakumin) burakumin Burbage {properNoun} (Burbages) Burbage burble [/ˈbɜɹ.bəl/] {noun, verb} (burbles, burbling, burbled) gazouiller burbot [/ˈbɜ(ɹ).bət/] {noun} (burbots) lotte | lote Burcombe Without Burcombe Without burd {noun} (burds) jouvencelle burden [/ˈbɜːdn/ | /ˈbɝdn/] {noun, verb} (burdens, burdening, burdened) fardeau | charge burden basket {noun} (burden baskets) hotte burden of proof {noun} (burdens of proof) charge de la preuve burdensome [/ˈbəː.dən.səm/ | /ˈbɝ.dən.səm/] {adjective} (most burdensome, more burdensome) pénible | ardu | casse-cul | chiant | emmerdant | fastidieux Burdigalian {properNoun} Burdigalien burdock [/ˈbɜːdɒk/ | /ˈbɝːdɑːk/] {noun} (burdocks) bardane Burdon {properNoun} Burdon bureau [/ˈbjʊɹ.oʊ/ | /ˈbjʊɹ.ə/ | /ˈbjʊɹ.əʊ/] {noun} (bureaus, bureaux) bureau | commode | agence | chiffonnier | secrétaire bureau de change [/ˈbjʊəɹ.əʊ.dəˌʃɒ̃ʒ/] {noun} (bureaus de change, bureaux de change, bureau de changes) bureau de change bureaucracy [/bjʊəˈɹɒkɹəsi/ | /bjʊˈɹɑːkɹəsi/] {noun} (bureaucracies) bureaucratie bureaucrat [/ˈbjʊəɹəkɹæt/ | /ˈbjʊɹəkɹæt/] {noun} (bureaucrats) bureaucrate bureaucratese {noun} style de chancellerie bureaucratic {adjective} (more bureaucratic, most bureaucratic) bureaucratique bureaucratically {adverb} (more bureaucratically, most bureaucratically) bureaucratiquement bureaucratise {verb} (bureaucratises, bureaucratised, bureaucratising) bureaucratiser bureaucratize [/bjʊəˈɹɒkɹətʌɪz/] {verb} (bureaucratizes, bureaucratized, bureaucratizing) bureaucratiser bureautics {noun} bureautique Bures Hamlet Bures Hamlet Bures St Mary Bures St Mary buret {noun} (burets) burette burette {noun} (burettes) burette burfi {noun} (burfis, burfi) burfi Burford {properNoun} (Burfords) Burford burg {noun} (burgs) bourg Burgas {properNoun} Burgas Burgate Burgate Burgedin Burgedin burgee {noun} (burgees) guidon Burgenland [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡənlænd/] {properNoun} Burgenland burgeon [/ˈbɜː.d͡ʒən/ | /ˈbɝː.d͡ʒən/] {noun, verb} (burgeons, burgeoned, burgeoning) fleurir burger [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡə(ɹ)/] {noun} (burgers) burger burger sauce {noun} sauce pour burger | tartinade pour burger burgess [/ˈbɜːdʒɪs/] {noun} (burgesses) bourgeois Burgess Hill Burgess Hill Burgh Burgh Burgh and Tuttington Burgh and Tuttington Burgh by Sands Burgh by Sands Burgh Castle Burgh Castle Burgh le Marsh Burgh le Marsh Burgh on Bain Burgh on Bain Burgh St Peter Burgh St Peter Burghclere Burghclere Burghead Burghead burgher [/ˈbɝɡɚ/] {noun} (burghers) bourgeois Burghfield Burghfield Burghill Burghill Burghwallis Burghwallis burglar [/ˈbɜːɡlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɝɡlɚ/] {noun, verb} (burglars, burglaring, burglared) cambrioleur | cambrioleuse burglar alarm {noun} (burglar alarms) système d’alarme burglarize {verb} (burglarizes, burglarizing, burglarized) cambrioler burglary [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)ɡləɹi/] {noun} (burglaries) cambriolage burgle [/ˈbɜːɡəl/] {verb} (burgles, burgling, burgled) cambrioler burgomaster [/ˈbɜɹɡəmæstəɹ/] {noun} (burgomasters) bourgmestre burgonet {noun} (burgonets) bourguignotte Burgos {properNoun} Burgos Burgos retriever braque de Burgos burgrave [/ˈbɜɹɡɹeɪv/ | /ˈbɜːɡɹeɪv/] {noun} (burgraves) burgrave Burgundian [/bɜːɹˈɡʌndɪən/ | /bɜːˈɡʌndɪən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Burgundians) Bourguignon | Bourguignonne | Burgonde | bourguignon Burgundy [/ˈbɜːɡəndi/ | /ˈbɝːɡəndi/] {noun, properNoun} (Burgundies) Bourgogne | bourgogne | Burgondie burgundy [/ˈbəː.ɡən.dɪ/ | /ˈbɝ.ɡən.di/] {adjective, noun} (most burgundy, more burgundy, burgundies) bordeaux Burgundy snail escargot de Bourgogne Burgundy-Free County Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Burham Burham burial [/ˈbɛɹiəl/ | /ˈbɛɹɪəl/ | /ˈbɝiəl/] {noun} enterrement | inhumation | sépulture burial mound {noun} (burial mounds) tumulus burial pit fosse buried [/ˈbɛ.ɹid/] {adjective, verb} (most buried, more buried) enfoui | enfouie | enseveli | enterré burin {noun} (burins) burin Buriton Buriton burka {noun} (burkas) burqa Burkina Faso [/bəː(ɹ)ˈkiːnə ˈfɑsoʊ/] {properNoun} Burkina Faso Burkinabe {adjective, noun} (Burkinabes) Burkinabè | burkinabè burkini {noun} (burkinis) burkini burl [/bɜːl/ | /bɝl/] {noun, verb} (burls, burling, burled) loupe burlak {noun} (burlaks, burlaki) bourlak Burland Burland burlap [/ˈbəɹˌlæp/] {noun} toile de jute Burlescombe {properNoun} Burlescombe burlesque [/bə(ɹ)ˈlɛsk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more burlesque, most burlesque, burlesques, burlesqued, burlesquing) burlesque | parodie Burleston Burleston Burley {properNoun} Burley burly [/ˈbɜːli/] {adjective} (more burly, most burly, burlest, burler) fort | robuste | solide Burma [/ˈbɜːmə/ | /ˈbɝmə/] {properNoun} Birmanie Burmarsh Burmarsh Burmeister’s porpoise marsouin de Burmeister Burmese [/bɜːˈmiːz/ | /bɝˈmiz/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Burmese) birman | Birman | Birmane | birmane burmilla burmilla Burmington Burmington Burn {properNoun} (Burns) Burn burn [/bɜːn/ | /bɝn/] {noun, verb} (burns, burnt, burning, burned) brûler | brûlure | graver | avoir | brûlage | gland burn at the stake bûcher burn daylight {verb} (burns daylight, burning daylight, burnt daylight, burned daylight) montrer le soleil avec un flambeau burn down {verb} (burns down, burning down, burnt down, burned down) carboniser | se carboniser burn down chart burndown chart burn notice {noun} (burn notices) discrimination burn off {verb} (burns off, burned off, burning off) écobuer burn one's bridges {verb} brûler les ponts | couper les ponts | faire sauter les ponts burn one's fingers {verb} se tirer une balle dans le pied burn out {noun, verb} (burns out, burned out, burning out, burnt out) s'épuiser burn the candle at both ends {verb} (burns the candle at both ends, burnt the candle at both ends, burned the candle at both ends, burning the candle at both ends) brûler la chandelle par les deux bouts burn the midnight oil {verb} (burns the midnight oil, burnt the midnight oil, burned the midnight oil, burning the midnight oil) bûcher burn through flamber burn up {verb} brûler burn-in {noun} burn-in burn-out arrêt par épuisement burn-up combustion massique burn-up credit crédit de combustion burn-up fraction taux de combustion Burnaston Burnaston burned [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)nd/] {verb} brûlé burner [/ˈbɜːnə/ | /ˈbɝnɚ/] {noun} (burners) graveur | brûleur Burneston Burneston burnet {noun} (burnets) pimprenelle Burnet Companion Moth doublure jaune Burnham [/bəːnəm/ | /ˈbɝnəm/] {properNoun} Burnham Burnham Market Burnham Market Burnham Norton Burnham Norton Burnham on Crouch Burnham on Crouch Burnham on Sea and Highbridge Burnham on Sea and Highbridge Burnham Overy Burnham Overy Burnham Thorpe Burnham Thorpe Burnham Without Burnham Without Burnhope Burnhope burning [/bɜːnɪŋ/ | /bɝnɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most burning, more burning, burnings) ardent | brûlage | brûlant burning bush {noun} (burning bushes) buisson ardent burning cost taux de flambage burnish {noun, verb} (burnishes, burnisht, burnished, burnishing) brunir burnished brass plusie vert-doré burnishing {noun, verb} (burnishings) brunissage Burniston Burniston Burnley [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)nli/] {properNoun} Burnley Burnmouth {properNoun} Burnmouth burnoose [/bɜːˈnuːs/ | /bɝˈnus/] {noun} (burnooses) burnous burnout {noun} (burnouts) burn | burn-out | surmenage | syndrome d’épuisement professionnel Burnsall Burnsall Burnside of Duntrune Burnside of Duntrune burnt [/ˈbɜɹnt/ | /ˈbɜːnt/] {adjective, verb} (more burnt, most burnt) brûlé Burnt Islands Burnt Islands burnt knight tricholome brûlé burnt lime chaux vive Burntisland {properNoun} Burntisland Burntwood Burntwood burnup credit crédit de combustion buro {noun} (buros) agence | bureau | secrétaire burp [/bɝp/] {noun, verb} (burps, burped, burping) rot | roter | éructation | éructer | faire | faire son rot Burpham Burpham burping {noun, verb} (burpings) éructation burqini {noun} (burqinis) burkini burr [/bɝ/] {noun, verb} (burrs, burred, burring) grasseyer | barbe | bardane | grasseyement burr oak {noun} (burr oaks) chêne à gros fruits burrata [/bəˈɹɑtə/ | /bʊˈɹɑːtə/] {noun} burrata Burray Burray Burrelton {properNoun} Burrelton Burrill with Cowling Burrill with Cowling Burringham Burringham Burrington Burrington burrito [/bəˈɹi.toʊ/ | /bəˈɹiː.təʊ/] {noun} (burritos) burrito burro {noun} (burros) âne Burrough Green Burrough Green burrow [/ˈbɜɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹəʊ/] {noun, verb} (burrows, burrowed, burrowing) terrier | clapier Burrow with Burrow Burrow with Burrow Burrowbridge Burrowbridge burrowing flea puce chique burrowing owl {noun} (burrowing owls) chevêche des terriers burrowing parrot {noun} (burrowing parrots) conure de Patagonie bursa of Fabricius bourse de Fabricius bursal-lymphocyte lymphocyte B bursary {noun} (bursaries) bourse Burscough {properNoun} Burscough bursiform [/ˈbəːsɪfɔːm/ | /ˈbɝsɪfɔɹm/] {adjective} (more bursiform, most bursiform) bursiforme bursitis {noun} (bursitises, bursitides) bursite | hygroma Bursledon {properNoun} Bursledon Burslem Burslem burst [/bɜːst/ | /bɝst/] {noun, verb} (bursts, bursted, bursting, bursten, burst, brast) éclater | briser | explosion | faire éclater | rompre | éclatement burst at the seams {verb} (bursts at the seams, bursting at the seams, burst at the seams) plein à craquer burst into irruption burst into flame {verb} (bursts into flame, burst into flame, bursting into flame) prendre feu | s'enflammer burst into tears {verb} (bursts into tears, burst into tears, bursting into tears) fondre en larmes | éclater en sanglots burst out laughing {verb} éclater de rire burst someone's bubble {verb} casser le morceau | casser le mythe Burstall Burstall bursting [/ˈbɜːstɪŋ/ | /ˈbɝstɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bursting, most bursting, burstings) éclatement Burstock Burstock Burston and Shimpling Burston and Shimpling Burstow Burstow Burstwick Burstwick Burtholme Burtholme Burtle Burtle Burton [/ˈbɝtən/] {properNoun} Burton Burton Agnes Burton Agnes Burton Bradstock Burton Bradstock Burton Coggles {properNoun} Burton Coggles Burton Constable Burton Constable Burton cum Walden Burton cum Walden Burton Dassett Burton Dassett Burton Fleming Burton Fleming Burton Hastings Burton Hastings Burton in Kendal Burton in Kendal Burton in Lonsdale Burton in Lonsdale Burton Joyce Burton Joyce Burton Latimer Burton Latimer Burton Leonard Burton Leonard Burton on the Wolds Burton on the Wolds Burton on Yore Burton on Yore Burton Overy Burton Overy Burton Pedwardine Burton Pedwardine Burton Pidsea Burton Pidsea Burton Salmon Burton Salmon Burton upon Stather Burton upon Stather Burtonian {adjective} (most Burtonian, more Burtonian) burtonien Burtonwood and Westbrook Burtonwood and Westbrook Buru green parrot perruche de Buru Buru racket-tail palette de Buru Burundi [/bʊˈɹʊndi/] {properNoun} Burundi Burundian {adjective, noun} (most Burundian, more Burundian, Burundians) Burundais | burundais | Bouroundais | bouroundais Burundian franc franc burundais Burushaski {properNoun} bourouchaski Burusu bulusu Burwardsley Burwardsley Burwarton Burwarton Burwash Burwash Burwell {properNoun} (Burwells) Burwell Burwen Burwen Bury [/ˈbɛɹi/] {properNoun} Bury bury [/ˈbɛ.ɹi/ | /ˈbʊ.ɹi/ | /ˈbʌ.ɹi/] {noun, verb} (buries, buried, burying) enterrer | ensevelir bury one's head in the sand {verb} faire l'autruche Bury St Edmunds {properNoun} Bury St Edmunds bury the hatchet {verb} (buries the hatchet, burying the hatchet, buried the hatchet) enterrer la hache de guerre Buryat {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Buryats) bouriate Buryatia {properNoun} Bouriatie Burythorpe Burythorpe bus [/bɐs/ | /bɔs/ | /bʊs/ | /bʌs/] {noun, verb} (buses, busses, bused, bussing, busing, bussed) bus | autobus bus arbiter arbitre de bus bus catalog catalogue commun bus catalogue catalogue commun bus driver {noun} (bus drivers) chauffeur de bus bus mailing multipostage bus operator autocariste bus rapid transit {noun} bus à haut niveau de service | service rapide par bus bus route {noun} (bus routes) ligne de bus bus shelter {noun} (bus shelters) abribus bus station {noun} (bus stations) gare routière bus stop {noun} (bus stops) arrêt de bus bus with high level of service BHNS Busan {properNoun} Pusan busbar {noun} (busbars) barre omnibus | jeu de barres Busbridge {properNoun} Busbridge Busby {properNoun} Busby Buscemi {properNoun} Buscemi Buscot Buscot bush [/bʊʃ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bushes, more bush, most bush, bushed, bushing) buisson | arbrisseau | brousse | cambrousse | maquis | touffe bush dog {noun} (bush dogs) chien des buissons bush fire {noun} (bush fires) feu de forêt bush hammer {noun} (bush hammers) boucharde bush hyrax daman de steppe bush pig {noun} (bush pigs) potamochère bush pilot {noun} (bush pilots) pilote de brousse bush robin agrobate bush telegraph {noun} (bush telegraphs) téléphone arabe bush vetch {noun} (bush vetches) vesce sauvage bushbaby {noun} (bushbabies) galago bushed [/bʊʃt/] {adjective} crevé Bushehr {properNoun} Bouchehr bushel [/ˈbʊʃəl/] {noun, verb} (bushels, bushelled, bushelling, busheling, busheled) boisseau Bushey [/ˈbʊʃi/] {properNoun} (Busheys) Bushey bushhammer {noun, verb} (bushhammers, bushhammering, bushhammered) boucharde Bushi {properNoun} bushi Bushian {adjective} (most Bushian, more Bushian) bushien bushing [/ˈbʊʃɪŋ/] {noun} (bushings) coussinet Bushism {noun, properNoun} (Bushisms) bushisme Bushist {adjective, noun} (most Bushist, more Bushist, Bushists) bushiste Bushley Bushley Bushman {noun} (Bushmen) Bochiman bushman {noun} (bushmen) broussard Bushmanland {properNoun} Bushmanland bushman’s blow mouchoir d’Adam Bushmen {noun} Bochimans bushpig {noun} (bushpigs) potamochère bushranger {noun} (bushrangers) forçat réfugié dans la brousse Bushwood Bushwood bushy [/ˈbʊʃi/] {adjective} (busher, bushest) broussailleux bushy-tailed opossum opossum à queue touffue business [/ˈbɪd.nəs/ | /ˈbɪz.nəs/ | /ˈbɪz.nɪs/] {adjective, noun} (businesses) affaire | entreprise business administration {noun} administration business analyst {noun} (business analysts) analyste d'affaires business angel business angel business as usual {adjective, noun} comme si de rien n'était business card {noun} (business cards) carte de visite business center centre d’affaires business centre centre d’affaires business cluster grappe d’entreprises business communication communication d’entreprise business consulting conseil d’entreprise business day {noun} (business days) jour ouvrable business developer responsable du développement business development director responsable du développement business development manager responsable du développement business ethics {noun} (business ethics) éthique des affaires business game jeu d’entreprise business historian historien de l’entreprise business history histoire de l’entreprise business intelligence {noun} informatique décisionnelle business model {noun} (business models) business model business object objet métier business park {noun} (business parks) zone d’activité business partner {noun} (business partners) partenaire commercial business plan {noun} (business plans) business plan | plan d'affaires business politics politique d’entreprise business process outsourcing externalisation business risk management GRE business strategy stratégie d’entreprise business trip {noun} (business trips) voyage d'affaires business-as-usual scenario scénario tendanciel business-to-administration EAL business-to-business {adjective} (more business-to-business, most business-to-business) EEL business-to-business commerce EEL business-to-business transactions EEL business-to-consumer {adjective} ECL business-to-consumer commerce ECL business-to-customer ECL businesslike {adjective} (more businesslike, most businesslike) pertinent businessman [/ˈbɪznəsmæn/ | /ˈbɪznəsmən/] {noun} (businessmen) homme d'affaires businessperson {noun} (businesspeople, businesspersons) femme d'affaires | homme d'affaires | personne d'affaires businesswoman {noun} (businesswomen) femme d'affaires Busirite busirite busk [/bʌsk/] {noun, verb} (busks, busking, busked) busc buskin [/ˈbʌskɪn/] {noun} (buskins) brodequin Buslingthorpe Buslingthorpe bussbar jeu de barres bussy [/ˈbʊsi/ | /ˈbʌsɪ/] {noun} (bussies) affairé bust [/ˈbʌst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (busts, busting, busted, bust) buste | pincer | arrestation | arrêter | attraper | bide bust one's ass {verb} se casser le cul bust one's butt {verb} se casser le cul bustard [/ˈbʌs.təd/] {noun} (bustards) outarde busted [/ˈbʌstəd/] {adjective, verb} (more busted, most busted) bouzillé buster {noun} (busters) pote bustier [/ˈbuːstieɪ/] {adjective, noun} (bustiers) bustier bustle [/ˈbʌsəl/] {noun, verb} (bustles, bustled, bustling) activer | affairement | affairer | branlebas | remue-ménage | tournure bustling {adjective, noun, verb} (more bustling, most bustling, bustlings) animé | trépidant busty [/ˈbʌsti/] {adjective} (buster, bustest) pulpeux | à la poitrine planteuse busy [/ˈbɪzi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (busest, buser, busies, busying, busied) occupé | livrer busy signal {noun} (busy signals) tonalité busy tone tonalité busy work {noun} bassotage busybody {noun} (busybodies) touche-à-tout | fouine | fouineur | mêle-tout busying {noun, verb} (busyings) affairement but [/bət/ | /bʊt/ | /bʌt/] {adverb, conjunction, noun, preposition, verb} (buts, butting, butted) mais | cependant | sauf | en dehors de | que | seulement but not only mais pas que but now or butadiene {noun} butadiène Butana Butana butana butana butane [/ˈbjuːteɪn/] {noun} butane butane-1-carboxylic acid acide valérique butanization butanisation butanoic acid {noun} acide butyrique butanol {noun} butanol butanone {noun} butanone butch [/bʊtʃ/] {adjective, noun} (butchest, more butch, butcher, most butch, butches) camionneuse | gouine | hommasse butcher [/ˈbʊtʃ.ə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʊt͡ʃ.ɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (butchers, butchering, butchered) boucher | abattre | bouchère | charcuter butcher block {noun} (butcher blocks) billot butcher shop boucherie butcher's [/ˈbʊtʃə(ɹ)z/] {noun} boucherie butcher's block étal butcher's broom {noun} fragon épineux butcher's piece morceau du boucher butcherbird {noun} (butcherbirds) cassican butcheress {noun} (butcheresses) bouchère butchershop {noun} (butchershops) boucherie butchery {noun} (butcheries) boucherie Butcombe Butcombe Bute {properNoun} Bute Bute Town Bute Town butene {noun} (butenes) butène buteo {noun} (buteos) buse variable Butetown Butetown Butleigh Butleigh butler [/ˈbʌt.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbʌt.lɚ/] {noun, verb} (butlers, butlered, butlering) majordome | sommelier Butlers Marston Butlers Marston Butley Butley butoh {adjective, noun} buto butt [/bʌt/] {noun, verb} (butts, butted, butting) crosse | mégot | cul | derrière butt cheek {noun} (butt cheeks) fesse butt crack {noun} (butt cracks) raie des fesses butt face tronche de cake butt heads {verb} ne pas se mouiller butt in {verb} (butts in, butting in, butted in) ramener sa fraise | s’incruster butt plug [/ˈbʌtplʌɡ/] {noun} (butt plugs) plug butt-naked {adjective} à poil butt-ugly {adjective} laid comme un crapaud Butte {properNoun} Butte butte [/ˈbjuːt/] {noun} (buttes) butte butte temoin butte témoin butter [/ˈbʊtə/ | /ˈbʌtə/ | /ˈbʌtəɹ/ | /ˈbʌtɚ/] {noun, verb} (butters, buttered, buttering) beurre | beurrer butter bean {noun} (butter beans) haricot beurre butter cap mushroom collybie beurrée butter dish {noun} (butter dishes) beurrier butter factory beurrerie butter fingers {noun} (butter fingers) avoir deux mains gauches | maladroit butter knife {noun} (butter knives) couteau à beurre butter one's bread on both sides {verb} vouloir [[le beurre et l'argent du beurre]] butter paddle {noun} (butter paddles) planche à beurre butter tea {noun} thé au beurre butter up {verb} (butters up, buttering up, buttered up) flatter | caresser dans le sens du poil butter wouldn't melt in his mouth donner le bon Dieu sans confession butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth {phraseologicalUnit} on lui donnerait le bon Dieu sans confession butter-oil beurre fondu liquide butterable {adjective} (more butterable, most butterable) beurrable butterbeer bièraubeurre butterbrot [/ˈbʊtə(ɹ)ˌbɹoʊt/] {noun} (butterbrots) beurrée butterbur {noun} (butterburs) pétasite Buttercrambe with Bossall Buttercrambe with Bossall buttercup [/ˈbʌt.ə.kʌp/ | /ˈbʌt.ɚ.kʌp/] {noun} (buttercups) renoncule | fleur de l'impatience | gobet du diable | grenouillette | bouton-d'or buttercup oxalis oxalis pied de chèvre butterfingers [/ˈbʌtəˌfɪŋɡəz/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌfɪŋɡɚz/] {noun} (butterfingers) fou butterfish [/ˈbʌtəfɪʃ/ | /ˈbʌtəɹfɪʃ/] {noun} (butterfish, butterfishes) rouffe butterflies in the stomach avoir la boule au ventre butterfly [/ˈbʌtə(ɹ)flaɪ/ | [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] | [ˈbʌɾɚflaɪ]] {noun, verb} (butterflies, butterflying, butterflied) papillon butterfly breaststroke brasse papillon butterfly bush {noun} (butterfly bushes) buddleia de David butterfly door {noun} (butterfly doors) porte papillon butterfly effect {noun} (butterfly effects) effet papillon butterfly greenhouse serre à papillons butterfly hunting chasse aux papillons butterfly kiss {noun} (butterfly kisses) baiser papillon butterfly knife {noun} (butterfly knives) balisong butterfly net {noun} (butterfly nets) filet à papillons butterfly nut {noun} (butterfly nuts) écrou à oreilles butterfly ray {noun} (butterfly rays) raie-papillon butterfly stroke {noun} (butterfly strokes) papillon butterflyfish {noun} (butterflyfishes, butterflyfish) poisson-papillon Butterleigh Butterleigh Buttermere Buttermere buttermilk [/ˈbʌtəˌmɪlk/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌmɪlk/] {noun} babeurre butternut {noun} noyer cendré | noyer à beurre butternut squash {noun} (butternut squashes) doubeurre butternut tree noyer cendré butterscotch [/ˈbʌtəˌskɒtʃ/ | /ˈbʌtɚˌskɑtʃ/] {adjective, noun} (butterscotches) caramel | caramel au beurre Butterton Butterton butterweed {noun} (butterweeds) encensière Butterwick Butterwick butterwort {noun} (butterworts) grassette buttery collybia collybie beurrée buttfuck {noun, verb} (buttfucks, buttfucked, buttfucking) enculer buttfuckable {adjective} (most buttfuckable, more buttfuckable) enculable buttfucker {noun} (buttfuckers) enculeur butthurt [/ˈbʌtˌhɜːt/ | /ˈbʌtˌhɝt/] {adjective, noun} (more butthurt, most butthurt) offusqué Buttington Buttington buttock [/ˈbʌtək/] {noun} (buttocks) fesse buttocks [/ˈbʌtəks/] {noun} derrière button [/ˈbʌtn̩/] {noun, verb} (buttons, buttoning, buttoned) bouton | boutonner | badge | bourgeon | clou | macaron button clover luzerne orbiculaire button it {verb} (buttons it, buttoned it, buttoning it) se taire button lift {noun} (button lifts) tire-fesse button medick luzerne orbiculaire button mushroom {noun} (button mushrooms) champignon de Paris button one's lip {verb} se taire buttonhole {noun, verb} (buttonholes, buttonholing, buttonholed) boutonnière | tenir la jambe buttoning up {verb} boutonnage buttonquail [/ˈbʌtɜnˌkweɪl/] {noun} (buttonquails) turnix buttonwood {noun} (buttonwoods) platane d’Amérique buttress [/ˈbʌtɹəs/ | /ˈbʌtɹɪs/] {noun, verb} (buttresses, buttressing, buttressed) appui | arc-boutant | arc-bouter | contrefort | corroboration | corroborer buttress root racine-contrefort butyl {noun} (butyls) butyle butyl hydride butane butylene {noun} (butylenes) butylène butyric {adjective} (most butyric, more butyric) butyreux butyric acid {noun} (butyric acids) acide butyrique butyrometer {noun} (butyrometers) butyromètre buuz buuz Buxhall Buxhall buxine {noun} buxine buxom [/ˈbʌksəm/] {adjective} (most buxom, buxomer, buxomest, more buxom) aux formes généreuses | bien en chair Buxted Buxted Buxton {properNoun} Buxton Buxton with Lammas Buxton with Lammas buy [/baɪ/] {noun, verb} (buys, boughten, buying, bought) acheter | gober buy back {noun, verb} (buy backs) racheter buy into {verb} (buys into, buying into, bought into) marcher buy off {verb} (buys off, bought off, buying off) acheter buy online, pick in store cliqué-retiré buy the farm {verb} (buys the farm, bought the farm, buying the farm) casser sa pipe | avaler son extrait de naissance | calancher | canner | crever | passer de vie à trépas buy time {verb} (buys time, bought time, buying time) gagner du temps buy to win buy to win buy-in {noun} support buy-to-win buy to win buyable [/ˈbaɪəbəl/] {adjective} achetable buyback {noun} (buybacks) rétrocession buyback price prix de rétrocession buyer [/ˈbaɪ.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (buyers) acheteur | acheteuse buying [/ˈbaɪ.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} achat buying group groupement d’acheteurs buying out {verb} désintéressement buyout {noun} (buyouts) rachat buzkashi {noun} bouzkachi buzz [/bʌz/] {noun, verb} (buzzes, buzzing, buzzed) bourdonner | coup de fil | raser | tondre buzz around bourdonner buzz marketing bouche à oreille buzz off {interjection, verb} (buzzes off, buzzing off, buzzed off) du balai buzzard [/ˈbʌzəɹd/] {noun} (buzzards) buse | carencro | sale bougre | sale bougresse buzzer [/ˈbʌzə/ | /ˈbʌzəɹ/] {noun} (buzzers) bipeur buzzing [/ˈbʌzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} bourdonnement | vrombissement buzzkill {noun} (buzzkills) rabat-joie buzzword {noun} (buzzwords) buzzword | mot en vogue | mot à la mode BVD {noun} diarrhée virale bovine Bwa bwa Bwaidoka bwaidoka bwana [/ˈbwɑːnə/] {noun} (bwanas) bwana Bwlch Bwlch Bwlchgwyn Bwlchgwyn Bwlchyfadfa Bwlchyfadfa BWR {noun} (BWRs) REB by [/baɪ/] {adjective, adverb, interjection, noun, preposition} (bys) par | de | au bord de | avant | côté | en by a landslide {adverb} dans les grandes largeurs | largement by a long shot de loin | largement by a narrow margin d’une courte tête by a nose de justesse by a nose length de justesse by a short head d’une courte tête by a whisker de justesse by accident {adjective, adverb} (more by accident, most by accident) accidentellement by all accounts de [[l']]avis général | de toute évidence by all means absolu by and large {adverb} en gros | en majeure partie | pratiquement by any chance par hasard by any means de toute façon | de toute manière by birth de naissance by chance par hasard | d'aventure | par rencontre by comparison en comparaison | à titre de comparaison by day de jour by default par défaut by definition par définition by dint of {preposition} grâce à by ear à l'oreille by extension par extension by far de loin | loin s'en faut | tant s'en faut by force de force by force of arms manu militari by God {adjective, adverb, interjection} mon Dieu | pardieu by hand à la main by heart [/baɪ ˈhɑɹt/ | /baɪ ˈhɑːt/] par cœur by hook or by crook d'une manière ou d'une autre | de gré ou de force by implication implicitement by inches à petit feu by Jove {interjection} parbleu by luck par chance by marriage par alliance by means of {preposition} au moyen de by mistake abusivement by nature de naissance by night de nuit by no means en aucun cas | aucunement by one's lights à mon avis by oneself seul | solo | tout seul by pass bipasser by rights légitimement by rote par cœur by surprise au pied levé by the book au pied de la lettre | littéralement | à la lettre by the Grace of God par la grâce de Dieu by the look of it apparemment by the same token dans le même esprit | dans le même ordre d'idées | de la même façon | de la même manière | de même | pour les mêmes raisons by the skin of one's teeth de justesse | d’un poil | par la peau des dents | par le chas de l'aiguille | à fleur de corde by the sweat of his brow à la sueur de son front by the time au moment où | avant que by the way {adverb} au fait | à propos | d'ailleurs | soit dit en passant | tout bien considéré by then d’ici là by trade professionnel by trend tendanciel by turns {adverb} tour à tour by virtue of [/baɪ ˈvɜːtʃuː ɒv/ | /baɪ ˈvɝtʃu ʌv/] {preposition} en vertu de | eu égard à | vu | étant donné by way of {phraseologicalUnit} du fait de | en forme de | en guise de | en passant par | par | par le biais de by way of consequence par voie de conséquence by way of exception exceptionnellement by-catch {noun} (by-catches) capture accessoire by-election {noun} (by-elections) élection partielle by-law [/ˈbaɪ.lɔː/] {noun} (by-laws) statut by-pass {noun} (by-passes) bipasse by-pass engine réacteur à double flux by-pass ratio taux de dilution by-product {noun} (by-products) sous-produit | co-produit | produit dérivé by-wire à commande électrique Byblos {properNoun} Byblos bycatch {noun, verb} (bycatches, bycaught, bycatching) prise accessoire bycoket {noun} (bycokets) bicoquet Bydgoszcz {properNoun} Bydgoszcz bye [/baɪ/] {interjection, noun, preposition} (byes) salut bye-bye [/baɪˈbaɪ/] {interjection, noun} (bye-byes) dodo byelection {noun} (byelections) élection partielle Byelorussian SSR [/ˌbjɛləˈrʌʃən/] {properNoun} Rss biélorusse Byfield {properNoun} (Byfields) Byfield Byfleet {properNoun} Byfleet Byford {properNoun} (Byfords) Byford byform {noun} (byforms) variante bygone [/ˈbaɪɡɒn/ | /ˈbaɪɡɔn/] {adjective, noun} (bygones) passé | d'autrefois Bygrave Bygrave Byland with Wass Byland with Wass Bylaugh Bylaugh bylaw [/ˈbaɪ.lɑ/ | /ˈbaɪ.lɔ/ | /ˈbaɪ.lɔː/] {noun} (bylaws) arrêté | statuts Bylchau Bylchau Byley Byley bylina [/bəˈliːnə/] {noun} (bylinas, byliny, bylini) byline byname {noun, verb} (bynames, bynamed, bynaming) nom Bynea Bynea bypass [/ˈbaɪpæs/ | /ˈbaɪpɑːs/] {noun, verb} (bypasses, bypassing, bypassed) pontage | déviation | contourner | contournement | passer outre bypassing {verb} contournement byproduct {noun} (byproducts) sous-produit Byram cum Sutton Byram cum Sutton byre {noun} (byres) étable Byronian {adjective, noun} (most Byronian, more Byronian, Byronians) byronien byssinosis {noun} byssinose bystander {noun} (bystanders) passant | badaud bystander effect {noun} (bystander effects) effet de proximité byte [/baɪt/] {noun} (bytes) octet bytecode {noun} code à octets Bythorn and Keyston Bythorn and Keyston Byton Byton Bywell {properNoun} Bywell byword [/ˈbaɪ.wə(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbaɪ.wɚd/] {noun} (bywords) proverbe Byzantine [/bɪˈzæntaɪn/ | /ˈbɪzəntiːn/] {adjective, noun} (more Byzantine, most Byzantine, Byzantines) byzantin | Byzantin | Byzantine Byzantine Empire [/ˈbɪzəntiːn ˈɛmpaɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Empire byzantin Byzantine Greek {noun} grec byzantin | grec médiéval Byzantine studies {noun} byzantinologie Byzantinesque {adjective} (most Byzantinesque, more Byzantinesque) byzantin byzantinism byzantinisme Byzantinologist {noun} (Byzantinologists) byzantinologue Byzantinology {noun} byzantinologie byzantism byzantinisme Byzantium [/bɪˈzænti.əm/] {noun, properNoun} Byzance Byzantology byzantinologie Béarn {properNoun} Béarn béarnaise {noun} (béarnaises) béarnaise béarnaise sauce {noun} (béarnaise sauces) béarnaise Bécancour Bécancour béchamel [[ˈbɛʃəmɛɫ]] {noun} (béchamels) béchamel béchamel sauce {noun} sauce béchamel Béchamp {properNoun} Béchamp bépo bépo Béziers {properNoun} Béziers bête noire [/beɪtˈnwɑː/ | /bɛt ˈnwɑɹ/] {noun} (bêtes noires) bête noire Bôn-y-maen Bôn-y-maen Büchner funnel {noun} (Büchner funnels) Büchner bōgu bōgu

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