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ОглавлениеAtlantic bigeye priacanthe rouge Atlantic blue marlin makaire bleu Atlantic bluefin tuna thon rouge du Nord Atlantic bonito {noun} (Atlantic bonitos) bonite à dos rayé | pélamide sarde Atlantic canary canari Atlantic cod {noun} (Atlantic cods, Atlantic cod) morue commune Atlantic goliath grouper mérou géant Atlantic gymnast gymnaste atlantique Atlantic halibut {noun} (Atlantic halibuts, Atlantic halibut) flétan de l’Atlantique Atlantic herring {noun} (Atlantic herrings, Atlantic herring) hareng de l'Atlantique Atlantic horse mackerel {noun} (Atlantic horse mackerels) chinchard commun Atlantic lizardfish poisson-lézard rayé Atlantic mackerel maquereau commun Atlantic molly molly taupe Atlantic Ocean {properNoun} océan Atlantique | Atlantique Atlantic pomfret {noun} (Atlantic pomfrets) hirondelle de mer Atlantic puffin {noun} (Atlantic puffins) macareux moine Atlantic ridley sea turtle tortue de Kemp Atlantic salmon {noun} (Atlantic salmon, Atlantic salmons) saumon atlantique Atlantic saury balaou de l’Atlantique Atlantic Spanish mackerel thazard atlantique Atlantic spotted flounder fausse limande Atlantic stargazer uranoscope de l’Atlantique Atlantic tarpon tarpon de l’Atlantique Atlantic tomcod {noun} (Atlantic tomcods) poulamon | poulamon atlantique Atlantic torpedo torpille noire Atlantic white marlin makaire blanc Atlantic white-sided Dolphin dauphin à flancs blancs Atlantic wolffish loup de l’Atlantique Atlantic wreckfish cernier commun Atlanticism {noun} atlantisme Atlantis [/ətˈlæntəs/] {properNoun} Atlantide atlanto-occipital dislocation dislocation atlanto-occipitale Atlantology atlantologie atlantosaure atlantosaure Atlas [/ˈætləs/] {properNoun} Atlas atlas [/ˈætləs/] {noun} (atlantes, atlases) atlas Atlas moth {noun} (Atlas moths) atlas | mite de l’atlas Atlasic {adjective} atlasique atlatl [/ˈatlat(ə)l/] {noun} (atlatls) propulseur atloidean {adjective} atloïdien Atlow Atlow ATM {adverb, noun} ATM | DAB | GAB | bancomat atmolysis {noun} atmolyse atmosphere [/ˈæt.məsˌfɪə(ɹ)/ | /ˈætməsˌfɪɹ/] {noun} (atmospheres) atmosphère | ambiance atmospheric {adjective} (more atmospheric, most atmospheric) atmosphérique atmospheric braking aérofreinage atmospheric breakup rentrée destructive atmospheric drag freinage atmosphérique atmospheric flight vol atmosphérique atmospheric lidar lidar atmosphérique atmospheric pressure {noun} pression atmosphérique atmospheric re-entry rentrée atmosphérique atoll [/ˈætɑl/ | /ˈætɒl/] {noun} (atolls) atoll atom [/ˈatəm/ | /ˈætəm/] {noun} (atoms) atome atom bomb {noun} (atom bombs) bombe atomique atomic [/əˈtɑː.mɪk/ | /əˈtɒm.ɪk/ | /əˈtɔm.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} (atomics) atomique | indivisible | infinitésimal | microscopique | nucléaire atomic absorption spectrometry spectrométrie d’absorption atomique Atomic Age [/əˈtɑːmɪk ˌeɪd͡ʒ/ | /əˈtɒmɪk ˌeɪd͡ʒ/] {properNoun} Âge atomique atomic bomb {noun} (atomic bombs) bombe atomique atomic clock {noun} (atomic clocks) horloge atomique atomic energy {noun} énergie atomique atomic fountain clock horloge à fontaine atomique atomic mass {noun} (atomic masses) masse atomique atomic mass unit {noun} (atomic mass units) unité de masse atomique atomic mushroom champignon atomique atomic mushroom cloud champignon atomique atomic nucleus {noun} (atomic nuclei) noyau atomique atomic number {noun} (atomic numbers) numéro atomique | nombre atomique atomic theory {noun} (atomic theories) théorie atomique atomic weapon {noun} (atomic weapons) arme atomique atomic weight {noun} (atomic weights) masse atomique | masse atomique relative | poids atomique atomically {adverb} atomiquement atomicity {noun} (atomicities) atomicité atomisation {noun} atomisation atomism {noun} atomisme atomist [/ˈætəmɪst/] {noun} (atomists) atomiste atomization {noun} (atomizations) atomisation atomize {verb} (atomizes, atomizing, atomized) atomiser atomizer {noun} (atomizers) atomiseur atonable {adjective} (more atonable, most atonable) expiable atonal [/eɪˈtoʊnəl/ | /eɪˈtəʊnəl/] {adjective} (most atonal, more atonal) atonal atonality {noun} (atonalities) atonalité atone [/əˈtoʊn/ | /əˈtəʊn/] {verb} (atones, atoned, atoning) expier atoneable expiable atonement [/əˈtoʊnmənt/] {noun} expiation | propitiation | réconciliation | réparation atonic [/eɪˈtɒnɪk/] {adjective} (more atonic, most atonic) atone atony [/ˈæt.ə.ni/] {noun} atonie atop {adverb, preposition} au-dessus de | en haut de atopic {adjective} (most atopic, more atopic) atopique atopic dermatitis {noun} (atopic dermatitides) dermatite atopique atopy [/ˈætəpi/] {noun} (atopies) atopie atorvastatin {noun} atorvastatine atoxic {adjective} atoxique atresia {noun} atrésie Atreus Atrée atrial {adjective} atrial atrial fibrillation {noun} (atrial fibrillations) fibrillation atriale | fibrillation auriculaire atrial flutter flutter auriculaire atrium [/ˈeɪ.tɹi.əm/] {noun} (atria, atriums) atrium | oreillette atrocious [/əˈtɹoʊʃəs/ | /əˈtɹəʊʃəs/] {adjective} (more atrocious, most atrocious) atroce atrocity {noun} (atrocities) atrocité Atropatene {properNoun} Atropatène atrophic {adjective} atrophique atrophy [/ˈæ.tɹə.fi/] {noun, verb} (atrophies, atrophying, atrophied) atrophie | atrophier atropine [/æ-tɹo-pin/] {noun} (atropines) atropine atropisomer {noun} (atropisomers) atropisomère Atropos [/ˈætɹəpɒs/] {properNoun} Atropos Atsina atsina Atsugewi atsugewi attaboy [/ˈætəˌbɔɪ/] {interjection, noun} (attaboys) bon gars attach [/əˈtætʃ/] {verb} (attaches, attaching, attached) attacher attachable {adjective} (most attachable, more attachable) attachable attachable to jumelable attache [/æ.tæˈʃe/] {noun} (attaches) attaché attached [/əˈtætʃt/] {adjective, verb} (more attached, most attached) ci-joint attachment [/əˈtætʃmənt/] {noun} pièce jointe | attachement | dépendance | saisie attaché [/əˈtæʃeɪ/ | /ˌætæˈʃeɪ/] {noun} (attachés) attaché attaché case {noun} (attaché cases) attaché-case attack [/əˈtæk/] {noun, verb} (attacks, attacking, attacked) attaque | attaquer | apostropher | invectiver attack is the best defence la meilleure défense, c’est l’attaque attack is the best form of defence {proverb} l'attaque est la meilleure défense | la meilleure défense, c'est l'attaque attacker [/əˈtækɚ/] {noun} (attackers) attaquant attaging attaging attain [/əˈteɪn/] {verb} (attains, attaining, attained) atteindre attainable [/əˈteɪnəb(ə)l/] {adjective, noun} (more attainable, most attainable, attainables) atteignable | réalisable attainment [/əˈteɪnmənt/] {noun} obtention Attalia {properNoun} Attalie attempt [/əˈtɛmpt/] {noun, verb} (attempts, attempted, attempting) tentative | essayer | attentat | tenter Attenborough {properNoun} Attenborough attend [/əˈtɛnd/] {verb} (attends, attending, attended) assister | présent attend to {verb} (attends to, attended to, attending to) aider attendance [/əˈtɛn.dəns/] {noun} présence attendant [/əˈtɛndənt/] {adjective, noun} (more attendant, most attendant, attendants) attendant | attendante attendee {noun} (attendees) spectateur attention [/əˈtɛn.ʃən/] {interjection, noun} attention | attentions | garde à vous attention deficit hyperactivity disorder {noun} TDAH | trouble du déficit de l'attention avec hyperactivité attention-seeking {adjective} m’as-tu-vu attentional {adjective} (more attentional, most attentional) attentionnel attentive [/əˈtɛntɪv/] {adjective} (most attentive, more attentive) attentif attentively {adverb} (most attentively, more attentively) attentivement attentiveness {noun} (attentivenesses) attention attenuate [/əˈtɛn.juː.eɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more attenuate, most attenuate, attenuates, attenuating, attenuated) affaiblir attenuation {noun} atténuation attenuation factor facteur d’atténuation attenuation reflex réflexe stapédien attenuator {noun} (attenuators) atténuateur attest [/əˈtɛst/] {verb} (attests, attested, attesting) attester attestation [/ˈæ.tɛs.teɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌætɛˈsteɪʃən/] {noun} attestation attested [/əˈtɛstɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more attested, most attested) attesté Attic [/ˈætɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Attic, more Attic) attique attic [/ˈætɪk/] {noun} (attics) grenier | mansarde | combles Attic salt [/ˈatɪk sɔːlt/ | /ˈætɪk sɑlt/] {noun} sel attique Attica {properNoun} Attique atticism atticisme Atticize {verb} (Atticizes, Atticized, Atticizing) atticiser Attila {properNoun} Attila Attila the Hun {noun, properNoun} Attila | Attila le Hun attire [/əˈtaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (attires, attired, attiring) tenue attitude [/ˈætɪtud/ | /ˈætɪˌtjuːd/] {noun, verb} (attitudes, attituding, attituded) attitude | posture | état d'esprit attitude and orbit control system SCAO attitude control commande d’orientation attitude control system centrale d’orientation attitude sensor capteur d’orientation attitudinal {adjective} attitudinal attitudinize {verb} (attitudinizes, attitudinized, attitudinizing) affecter Attié attié Attleborough [/ˈætəlbəɹə/] {properNoun} Attleborough Attlebridge Attlebridge attn {noun} à l’attention de atto- {prefix} atto- atto-volt attovolt atto-watt attowatt attoampere {noun} (attoamperes) attoampère attobecquerel attobecquerel attobel attobel attocandela attocandela attocoulomb attocoulomb attofarad attofarad attogram {noun} (attograms) attogramme attogramme {noun} (attogrammes) attogramme attogray attogray attohenry attohenry attohertz {noun} (attohertz) attohertz attojoule {noun} (attojoules) attojoule attokatal {noun} (attokatals) attokatal attokelvin attokelvin attolitre {noun} (attolitres) attolitre attolumen attolumen attolux attolux attometre {noun} (attometres) attomètre attomole {noun} (attomoles) attomole attonewton attonewton attoohm attoohm attopascal attopascal attoradian attoradian attorney [/əˈtɜː(ɹ)ni/] {noun, verb} (attorneys, attorneying, attorneyed) avocat | avocate | juriste | mandataire attorney general {noun} (attorneys general, attorney generals) parquet attorney-in-fact {noun} (attorneys-in-fact) fondé de pouvoir attorneyship {noun} (attorneyships) jurisprudence attosecond {noun} (attoseconds) attoseconde attosiemens attosiemens attosievert attosievert attosteradian attostéradian attotesla attotesla attovolt attovolt attowatt {noun} (attowatts) attowatt attoweber attoweber attract [/əˈtɹækt/] {verb} (attracts, attracted, attracting) attirer attract attention {verb} attirer l'attention | se faire remarquer attracted [/əˈtɹæktɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most attracted, more attracted) intéressé attracting {verb} attractif attraction [/əˈtɹækʃən/] {noun} attraction | attirance attractive [/əˈtɹæktɪv/] {adjective} (more attractive, most attractive) attractif | attrayant | sympathique attractiveness {noun} (attractivenesses) attractivité | attrait attractivity {noun} (attractivities) attractivité attractor {noun} (attractors) attracteur attributable [/əˈtɹɪbjuːtəbəl/] {adjective} attribuable attributable fraction fraction étiologique attribute [/əˈtɹɪbjuːt/ | /əˈtɹɪˌbjut/ | /ˈætɹɪbjuːt/ | /ˈætɹɪ̈ˌbjut/] {noun, verb} (attributes, attributed, attributing) attribut | épithète | attribuer | déterminant | propriété attribution {noun} attribution attributive [/ə.ˈtɹɪ.bju.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most attributive, more attributive, attributives) attributif | attributive | épithète attributive adjective {noun} (attributive adjectives) épithète attributive noun {noun} (attributive nouns) nom épithète attributor [/əˈtɹɪbjuːtɔː/] {noun} (attributors) attributeur attrition [[əˈtɹɪʃən]] {noun, verb} (attritions, attritioned, attritioning) usure | départs volontaires attune [/əˈt(j)un/ | /əˈtjuːn/] {verb} (attunes, attuned, attuning) accorder ATV {noun, properNoun} tout-terrain Atwick Atwick Atworth Atworth atychiphobia {noun} atychiphobie atypic {adjective} (most atypic, more atypic) atypique atypical [/eɪ.ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/] {adjective, noun} (most atypical, more atypical, atypicals) atypique atypical antipsychotic antipsychotique atypique atypically {adverb} (most atypically, more atypically) typique Au {properNoun} au au contraire [/oʊ ˌkɑnˈtɹɛ(ə)ɹ/ | /əʊ ˈkɒntɹɛː(ɹ)/] {adverb} au contraire au gratin {adjective} gratiné au pair [/əʊ ˈpɛə/] {noun} (au pairs) fille au pair au revoir [/o.ʁə.ˈvwaʁ/ | /ɔʁ.ˈvwaʁ/ | /ɔːɹ.ˈvwɑː/ | /ˌoʊ.ɹə.ˈvwɑɹ/ | /ˌəʊ.ɹə.ˈvwɑː/] {interjection} au revoir aubade [/oʊˈbɑːd/] {noun} (aubades) aubade Aube {properNoun} Aube auberge {noun} (auberges) auberge aubergine [/ˈoʊ.bɚ.ʒin/ | /ˈəʊ.bə.ʒiːn/] {noun} (aubergines) aubergine Aubourn and Haddington Aubourn and Haddington Aubrac cattle aubrac auburn [/ˈɑ.bɚn/ | /ˈɔ.bɚn/] {adjective, noun} (most auburn, more auburn) auburn | roux Auburnian auburnien Auchallater Auchallater Auchenblae Auchenblae Auchencairn Auchencairn Auchendinny Auchendinny Auchengray Auchengray Auchenhalrig Auchenhalrig Auchenheath Auchenheath Auchenmalg Auchenmalg Auchenreoch Auchenreoch Auchentiber Auchentiber Auchindrain Auchindrain Auchinleck {properNoun} Auchinleck Auchinleish Auchinleish Auchinloch Auchinloch Auchleven Auchleven Auchlyne Auchlyne Auchmillan Auchmillan Auchmithie Auchmithie Auchnacree Auchnacree Auchnagatt Auchnagatt Auchterarder Auchterarder Auchterderran Auchterderran Auchterhouse Auchterhouse Auchterless Auchterless Auchtermuchty Auchtermuchty Auchtertool Auchtertool Auckley Auckley auction [/ˈɒkʃən/ | /ˈɔːkʃən/] {noun, verb} (auctions, auctioned, auctioning) vente aux enchères | enchères auctioneer {noun, verb} (auctioneers, auctioneering, auctioneered) commissaire-priseur auctorial {adjective} (more auctorial, most auctorial) auctorial audacious [/ɔˈdeɪʃəs/ | /ɔːˈdeɪʃəs/] {adjective} (more audacious, most audacious) audacieux audaciously [/ɔˈdeɪʃəsli/] {adverb} (more audaciously, most audaciously) audacieusement audacity [/ɔˈdæsɪti/ | /ɔːˈdæsɪti/] {noun} (audacities) audace | culot | impudence | toupet Aude {properNoun} Aude Audenshaw {properNoun} Audenshaw audibility {noun} audibilité audible [/ˈɔːdɪbl̩/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most audible, more audible, audibles, audibling, audibled) audible audibly {adverb} (most audibly, more audibly) audiblement audience [/ˈɔːdi.əns/] {noun} (audiences) public | audience | auditoire | assistance | lectorat audimutism audimutité audio [/ˈɑ.di.oʊ/ | /ˈɔ.di.oʊ/ | /ˈɔː.di.əʊ/] {adjective, noun} (most audio, more audio, audios) audio audio CAPTCHA captcha audio audio cassette {noun} (audio cassettes) cassette audio audio engineer ingénieur du son audio feedback Larsen audio frequency {noun} (audio frequencies) audiofréquence audio guide {noun} (audio guides) audioguide audio- {prefix} audio- audio-video split désynchronisation ponctuelle audiobook {noun} (audiobooks) livre audio | livre sonore audioconference {noun, verb} (audioconferences, audioconferenced, audioconferencing) audioconférence audiofrequency audiofréquence audiogram {noun} (audiograms) audiogramme audiograph {noun} (audiographs) audiographe audiologist {noun} (audiologists) audiologiste audiology [/ɔːdiˈɒləd͡ʒi/] {noun} audiologie audiometer {noun} (audiometers) audiomètre audiometry {noun} (audiometries) audiométrie audionumerical audionumérique audiotape {noun, verb} (audiotapes, audiotaping, audiotaped) bande magnétique audiovisual [/ˌɑ.di.oʊˈvɪ.ʒu.əl/ | /ˌɔ.di.oʊˈvɪ.ʒu.əl/ | /ˌɔː.di.əʊˈvɪ.zjʊ.əl/] {adjective} audiovisuel audism {noun} audisme audist {noun} (audists) audiste audistic audiste audit [/ɔː.dɪt/] {noun, verb} (audits, auditing, audited) audit | inspection auditable {adjective} (more auditable, most auditable) auditable audition {noun, verb} (auditions, auditioning, auditioned) audition | auditionner auditive {adjective} auditif auditor [/ˈɔːdɪtə(ɹ)/] {noun} auditeur | auditrice auditorium [/ɔː.dɪˈtɔː.ɹɪ.əm/ | /ˌɔ.dəˈtɔ.ɹi.əm/] {noun} (auditoria, auditoriums) amphi | salle auditory {adjective, noun} (auditories) auditif | auditoire auditory canal {noun} (auditory canals) conduit auditif auditory clock horloge parlante auditory cortex cortex auditif auditory reflex réflexe stapédien auditory tube {noun} (auditory tubes) trompe d’Eustache auditress {noun} (auditresses) auditrice Audlem Audlem Audley Rural Audley Rural Audouin's gull {noun} (Audouin's gulls) goéland d'Audouin Audouin’s gull goéland d’Audouin Audubon's shearwater puffin d’Audubon Auf der Maur {properNoun} Auf der Maur Augeas [/ɔːˈdʒiːəs/] {properNoun} Augias augelite {noun} (augelites) augélite Augen gneiss orthogneiss augend [/ˈɔdʒɛnd/] {noun} (augends) cumulande auger [/ˈɔːɡə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (augers, augered, augering) tarière | tarière à trépan Auger effect [/ˈɔːʒɚ/] {noun} effet Auger Auger electron électron Auger Auger electron spectroscopy spectrométrie Auger Augeron augeron aught [/ɑt/ | /ɔt/ | /ɔːt/] {adjective, adverb, noun, numeral, pronoun, verb} (aughts, most aught, more aught, aughted, aughting) néant Aughton {properNoun} Aughton augite {noun} augite augment [/ɑɡˈmɛnt/ | /ɔːɡˈmɛnt/ | /ˈɑɡmənt/ | /ˈɔːɡmənt/] {noun, verb} (augments, augmented, augmenting) augmenter | augment | accroître | agrandir | augmenter [[l']]intervalle | élargir le mouvement augmentation {noun} augmentie augmentative {adjective, noun} (augmentatives) augmentatif augmented reality {noun} (augmented realities) réalité augmentée Augsburg {properNoun} Augsbourg augur [/ˈɑ.ɡɚ/ | /ˈɔ.ɡɚ/ | /ˈɔː.ɡə/] {noun, verb} (augurs, augured, auguring) augure | augurer augurate {noun, verb} (augurates, augurated, augurating) augurat augury [/ˈɔː.ɡjʊ.ɹi/] {noun} (auguries) augure August [/ˈɑ.ɡəst/ | /ˈɔ.ɡəst/ | /ˈɔː.ɡəst/] {properNoun} (Augusts) août | aout august [/ɔːˈɡʌst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (augusts, augusting, augusted, more august, augustest, auguster, most august) auguste Augusta [/əɡʌstə/] {properNoun} Augusta Augustamnica Augustamnique Augustine [/ɔːˈɡʌstɪn/ | /əˈɡʌstɪn/ | /ˈɑɡəˌstin/] {noun, properNoun} (Augustines) Augustin Augustinisme augustinisme Augustus [/ɔːˈɡʌstəs/] {properNoun} Auguste auk [/ɔːk/] {noun} (auks) pingouin auklet [/ˈɔːklət/] {noun} (auklets) starique aul [/aʊl/ | /ɔːl/] {noun} (auls) aoul aulaga genêt scorpion auld lang syne [/ˌɔl(d) læŋ ˈsaɪn/ | /ˌɔld ˌlæŋ ˈsaɪn/ | /ˌɔːld læŋ ˈsaɪn/] {noun} ancien temps | temps jadis Auldgirth Auldgirth Auldhame Auldhame Auldhouse Auldhouse auletris {noun} (auletrides) aulétride Aulis [/ˈɔːlɪs/] {properNoun} Aulis aulos {noun} (auloi) aulos Ault Hucknall Ault Hucknall aum {noun} (aums) aum Aunis Aunis Aunsby and Dembleby Aunsby and Dembleby aunt [/ant/ | /eɪnt/ | /ænt/ | /ɑ(ː)nt/ | /ɒnt/ | /ɔnt/] {noun} (aunts) tante | tatie Aunt Flo {properNoun} tante auntie [/ˈæn.ti/] {noun, verb} (aunties, auntied, auntying) tantine | tata | tatie aura [/ˈɔːɹə/] {noun} (aurae, auræ, auras) aura aural [/ˈɔːɹəl/] {adjective} (more aural, most aural) auditif | auriculaire aure et saint-girons aure et saint-girons Auregnais {properNoun} auregnais Aurelia {properNoun} Aurélie Aurelian {noun, properNoun} (Aurelians) Aurélien aureola {noun} (aureolas, aureolae) auréole aureole [/ˈɔːriːoʊl/ | /ˈɔːriːəʊl/] {noun} (aureoles) auréole aureomycin {noun} auréomycine auric {adjective} aurique aurichalcite {noun} (aurichalcites) aurichalcite auricle [/ɒɹəkəl/ | /ɔːɹɪkəl/] {noun} (auricles) auricule auricula {noun} (auriculae) auricule auricular [/ɔˈɹɪkjəlɚ/] {adjective, noun} (auriculars) auriculaire auriculiform {adjective} auriculiforme auriculotherapy {noun} auriculothérapie auride {noun} (aurides) aurure auriferous {adjective} (more auriferous, most auriferous) aurifère aurific {adjective} aurifique auriform {adjective} (more auriform, most auriform) auriforme Auriga {properNoun} Cocher Aurignacian {adjective, noun} (Aurignacians) aurignacien auriphrygiate {adjective} auriphrygiate aurochs [/ˈaʊɹɒks/] {noun} (aurochsen, aurochses, aurochs) aurochs Aurora {properNoun} Aurore aurora [/əˈɹɔː.ɹə/] {noun} (aurorae, auroras) aurore polaire aurora australis {noun} aurore australe aurora borealis [/əˌɹɔːɹ.ə ˈbɔːɹ.i.æl.ɪs/] {noun} aurore boréale auroral [/ɔˈɹɔɹəl/ | /ɔːˈɹɔəɹəl/] {adjective} (most auroral, more auroral) auroral aurous {adjective} (most aurous, more aurous) aureux Auschwitz [/ˈaʊ̯ʃ.vɪts/] {properNoun} Auschwitz | Oświęcim auscultate {verb} (auscultates, auscultating, auscultated) ausculter auscultation [/ˌɔskəlˈteɪʃən/ | /ˌɔːskəlˈteɪʃən/] {noun} auscultation auscultator {noun} (auscultators) auscultateur auscultatory {adjective} auscultateur Auskerry Auskerry Auslan {properNoun} langue des signes australienne Ausonian [/ɔːˈsəʊni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Ausonians) ausonien ausonium {noun} ausonium Ausonius {properNoun} Ausone auspice [/ˈɑspɪs/ | /ˈɔspɪs/ | /ˈɔːspɪs/] {noun} (auspices) auspice | auspices auspices {noun} auspices auspicious [/ɔːˈspɪʃəs/] {adjective} (more auspicious, most auspicious) de bon augure | faste | propice auspiciously {adverb} (more auspiciously, most auspiciously) sous les meilleurs auspices Aust {properNoun} Aust austenite [/ˈɑstɪnaɪt/ | /ˈɒstɪnaɪt/ | /ˈɔstɪnaɪt/] {noun} (austenites) austénite austenitic {adjective} (most austenitic, more austenitic) austénitique austere [/ɑˈstiɹ/ | /ɒstɪə(ɹ)/ | /ɔˈstiɹ/] {adjective} (austerest, more austere, austerer, most austere) austère austerely [/ɔˈstiəɹli/] {adverb} (most austerely, more austerely) austèrement Austerfield Austerfield austerian {adjective} (most austerian, more austerian) rigoriste austerity [/ɔˈstɛɹɪti/] {noun} (austerities) austérité Austerlitz [/ˈɔstɚlɪts/ | /ˈɔːstəlɪts/] {properNoun} Austerlitz Austerson Austerson Austhorpe Austhorpe Austin [/ˈɑstɪn/ | /ˈɒstɪn/ | /ˈɔstɪn/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Austin, most Austin) Austin Austinian {adjective} (more Austinian, most Austinian) austinien Austral {properNoun} austral austral [/ˈɒstɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (australs, most austral, more austral) austral austral parakeet {noun} (austral parakeets) conure magellanique Australasia [/ˌɒstɹ(ə)lˈeɪʒə/ | /ˌɔstɹl̩ˈæɪʒɐ/] {properNoun} Australasie Australasian {adjective, noun} (Australasians) australasien australasian australasien Australasian Mediterranean Sea Méditerranée d’Australasie Australasian realm australasien Australia [/ɑˈstɹeɪliə/ | /ɒˈstɹeɪliːə/ | /ɒˈstɹeɪljə/ | /ɔˈstɹeɪliə/ | /ɔːˈstɹeɪlɪə/ | /əˈstɹæɪljə/ | /əˈstɹɛliːə/] {properNoun} Australie Australian [/ɑˈstɹeɪ.li.ən/ | /ɒˈstɹeɪ.liː.ən/ | /ɔˈstɹeɪ.li.ən/ | /əˈstɹæɪ.ljən/] {adjective, noun} (Australians) australien | Australien | Australienne | australienne Australian Capital Territory {properNoun} Territoire de la Capitale australienne Australian Cattle Dog {noun} (Australian Cattle Dogs) bouvier australien australian cattle dog bouvier australien Australian charbray charbray Australian dollar {noun} (Australian dollars) dollar australien Australian football {noun} football australien Australian kelpie australian kelpie Australian king parrot perruche royale Australian magpie {noun} (Australian magpies) cassican flûteur Australian milking zebu zébu laitier australien Australian osprey balbuzard d’Australie australian pelican pélican à lunettes Australian ringneck perruche à collier jaune Australian rules football {noun} football australien Australian Shepherd {noun} (Australian Shepherds) berger australien australian shepherd berger australien australian silky terrier terrier australien à poil soyeux Australian silver oak chêne soyeux d’Australie Australian spider beetle ptine australien australian terrier terrier australien Australian white ibis {noun} (Australian white ibis, Australian white ibises) bis à cou noir Australianise [/ɒˈstɹeɪljənaɪz/] {verb} (Australianises, Australianising, Australianised) australianiser australopith {adjective, noun} (more australopith, most australopith, australopiths) australopithèque Australopithecus australopithèque australorp australorp Austrasia {properNoun} Austrasie Austrey Austrey Austria [/ˈɑst.ɹi.ə/ | /ˈɒs.tɹɪə/ | /ˈɔs.tɹi.ə/ | /ˈɔːs.tɹɪə/] {properNoun} Autriche Austria-Hungary {properNoun} Autriche-Hongrie Austrian [/ˈɒstɹi.ən/ | /ˈɔːstɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Austrian, more Austrian, Austrians) Autrichien | autrichien | Autrichienne Austrian black and tan hound brachet noir et feu Austrian pinscher pinscher autrichien Austrian smooth-haired hound chien courant d’Autriche Austro-American australo-américain Austro-Asiatic {adjective} (more Austro-Asiatic, most Austro-Asiatic) austro-asiatique Austro-Hungarian {adjective, noun} (Austro-Hungarians) austro-hongrois Austroasiatic {adjective} (more Austroasiatic, most Austroasiatic) austroasiatique Austrofascism {noun} austrofascisme Austrofascist {adjective, noun} (Austrofascists) austrofasciste Austromarxism {noun} austromarxisme Austromarxist {adjective} austromarxiste Austronesia [/ˌɒs.tɹəˈniː.ʒə/] {properNoun} Austronésie Austronesian [/ˌɔːs.tɹoʊˈniː.ʒən/] {adjective, noun} (most Austronesian, more Austronesian, Austronesians) austronésien Austwick Austwick autantonym {noun} (autantonyms) contronyme autapomorphy {noun} (autapomorphies) autapomorphie autarchism autarchisme autarchy [/ˈɔːtɑː(ɹ)ki/] {noun} (autarchies) autarchie autarky {noun} (autarkies) autarcie autecology {noun} autécologie auteur [/oʊˈtɝ/ | /ɔːˈtɜː/] {noun} (auteurs) auteur authentic [/ɑ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/ | /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪk/] {adjective} (more authentic, most authentic) authentique authentically {adverb} (most authentically, more authentically) authentiquement authenticate [/ɑ.ˈθɛn.tɪ.keɪt/ | /ɔ.ˈθɛn.tɪ.keɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more authenticate, most authenticate, authenticates, authenticated, authenticating) authentifier authentication {noun} (authentications) authentification authenticity [/ɑθɛnˈtɪsɪti/] {noun} (authenticities) authenticité authigenic {adjective} authigène author [/ˈɑ.θɚ/ | /ˈɒː.təɹ/ | /ˈɔ.θɚ/ | /ˈɔː.θə/] {noun, verb} (authors, authoring, authored) auteur | autrice | auteure | créer | écrire authoress {noun} (authoresses) auteure | autrice | écrivaine authorial intent {noun} (authorial intents) intention de [[l']]auteur authorisation {noun} autorisation authoritarian [/ɔːˌθɒrɪˈtɛːrɪən/ | /əˌθɔrəˈtɛriən/] {adjective, noun} (most authoritarian, more authoritarian, authoritarians) autoritaire authoritarianism {noun} autoritarisme authoritative [/ɔːˈθɒɹɪˌteɪtɪv/ | /əˈθɔɹɪˌteɪtɪv/] {adjective} (most authoritative, more authoritative) autorisé authoritative server serveur autoritaire authoritatively {adverb} (most authoritatively, more authoritatively) autoritairement authorities {noun} pouvoir authority [/ɒːˈtɒɹɪti/ | /ɔːˈθɒɹəti/ | /əˈθɔɹəti/] {noun} (authorities) autorité authority figure {noun} (authority figures) figure d'autorité authorization {noun} autorisation authorize [/ˈɒθəɹaɪz/ | /ˈɔːθəɹaɪz/ | /ˈɔθəɹaɪz/] {verb} (authorizes, authorizing, authorized) autoriser authorized [/ˈɑθəɹaɪzd/ | /ˈɔːθəɹaɪzd/ | /ˈɔθəɹaɪzd/] {adjective, verb} autorisé Authorpe Authorpe authorship {noun} paternité autism [/ˈɔːtɪzəm/] {noun} (autisms) autisme autism-friendly autism-friendly autism-spectrum quotient quotient autistique autist [/ˈɔː.tɪst/] {noun} (autists) autiste autistic [/ɔːˈtɪs.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most autistic, more autistic, autistics) autiste | autistique autistic savant autiste savant auto [/ˈɑtoʊ/ | /ˈɔtoʊ/ | /ˈɔːtəʊ/] {adjective, noun} (autos) auto auto body {noun} (auto bodies) carrosserie auto da fe [/ˈaʊtəʊ də ˈfeɪ/] {noun} (autos da fe, auto da fes) autodafé auto insurance {noun} assurance auto auto mechanic {noun} (auto mechanics) garagiste auto racing {noun} course automobile auto rotisserie rôtissoire auto show [/ˈɔɾowˈʃow/] {noun} (auto shows) salon automobile auto twirler rôtissoire auto wash station de lavage auto- [/ˈɔː.təʊ/] {prefix} auto- auto-aggressive auto-agressif auto-aggressivity auto-agressivité auto-antonym {noun} (auto-antonyms) contronyme auto-archiving autoarchivage auto-celebration autocélébration auto-immune {adjective} auto-immun auto-increment auto-incrémenter auto-oxidation auto-oxydation auto-reduction auto-réduction auto-reply {noun} (auto-replies) réponse automatique auto-response auto-réponse auto-signed auto-signé autoanacronym autoanacronyme autoantibody {noun} (autoantibodies) autoanticorps autoantonym {noun} (autoantonyms) énantiosème autobiographer {noun} (autobiographers) autobiographe autobiographical [/ˌɑtoʊˌbaɪəˈɡɹæfəkəl/ | /ˌɔː.təˌbaɪ.əˈɡɹæf.ɪk.əl/] {adjective} (more autobiographical, most autobiographical) autobiographique autobiographically [/ˈɔː.təʊˌbaɪ.ə.ɡɹæf.ɪk.(ə)li/] {adverb} (more autobiographically, most autobiographically) autobiographiquement autobiography {noun} (autobiographies) autobiographie autoboxing {noun} autoboxing autocatalytic {adjective} autocatalytique autocategorization {noun} autocatégorisation autocategorize {verb} (autocategorizes, autocategorized, autocategorizing) autocatégoriser autocelebration autocélébration autocenter centre auto autocentre centre auto autocephalous [/ɔːtə(ʊ)ˈsɛfələs/] {adjective} (most autocephalous, more autocephalous) autocéphale autocephaly [/ˌɔːtəˈsɛfəli/] {noun} (autocephalies) autocéphalie autochrome {noun} (autochromes) autochrome autochthon [/ɔˈtɑkθ(ə)n/ | /ɔːˈtɒkθ(ə)n/] {noun} (autochthons, autochthones) autochtone autochthonous [/ɑˈtɑkθənəs/ | /ɔˈtɑkθənəs/ | /ɔːˈtɒkθənəs/] {adjective} autochtone autochtonym autochtonyme autoclassify {verb} (autoclassifies, autoclassifying, autoclassified) autoclassifier autoclave [/ˈɔtəˌkleɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (autoclaves, autoclaving, autoclaved) autoclave | autoclaver autoclave molding moulage en autoclave autoclave moulding moulage en autoclave autocommit {verb} (autocommits, autocommitted, autocommitting) autocommit autocompilation {noun} autocompilation autocompile {verb} (autocompiles, autocompiling, autocompiled) autocompiler autocomplete {noun, verb} (autocompletes, autocompleting, autocompleted) autocompléter autocompletion {noun} autocomplétion autoconfiguration {noun} autoconfiguration autocontradictory autocontradictoire autocorrection {noun} autocorrection autocorrelation {noun} autocorrélation autocorrelogram {noun} (autocorrelograms) autocorrélogramme autocovariance {noun} autocovariance autocracy {noun} (autocracies) autocratie autocrat {noun} (autocrats) autocrate autocratic {adjective} (most autocratic, more autocratic) autocratique autocratress {noun} autocrate autocratrix {noun} (autocratrices) autocrate autocrine {adjective} autocrine autocross [/ˈɔːtəʊˌkɹɒs/] {noun} autocross autocue {noun} (autocues) prompteur autocunnilingus [/ˌɔːtəʊˌkʌnɪˈlɪŋɡəs/] {noun} autocunnilingus autodenomination autodénomination autodescriptive {adjective} autodescriptif autodidact [/ˌɔːtoʊˈdaɪdækt/] {noun} (autodidacts) autodidacte autodidactic [/ˌɔːtoʊdaɪˈdæktɪk/] {adjective} autodidacte autodidacticism {noun} autodidaxie autodiffusion {noun} autodiffusion autodiscovery {noun} autodécouverte autodrome {noun} (autodromes) autodrome autodual autodual autoduality {noun} (autodualities) autodualité autoecholalia {noun} autoécholalie autoerotic [/ˈɔːtəʊ.ɘɹɒt.ɪk/] {adjective} (most autoerotic, more autoerotic) autoérotique autoethnonym autoethnonyme autoexpiration autoexpiration autofellatio {noun} autofellation autofiction {noun} autofiction autofictional {adjective} autofictionnel autofocus {noun, verb} (autofocuses, autofocusses, autofocusing, autofocussed, autofocused, autofocussing) autofocus autoformat {verb} (autoformats, autoformatting, autoformatted) autoformater autogamous {adjective} autogame autogamy {noun} autogamie autogeneous regulation autorégulation autogenic training {noun} training autogène autogenous {adjective} autogène autogenous vaccine autovaccin autoglossonym {noun} (autoglossonyms) autoglossonyme | autoglottonyme autograft {noun, verb} (autografts, autografting, autografted) autogreffe autograph {adjective, noun, verb} (autographs, autographed, autographing) autographe | dédicacer | signature | signer autographic {adjective} (most autographic, more autographic) autographe autographical {adjective} autographe autogyro {noun} (autogyros) autogire autoharp {noun} (autoharps) autoharpe autoignition temperature point d’auto-inflammation autoimmune {adjective} auto-immun autoimmune disease maladie auto-immune autointoxication {noun} auto-intoxication autoist {noun} (autoists) automobiliste autojoin {noun} auto-jointure autoload {verb} (autoloads, autoloaded, autoloading) autocharger autoloaded {verb} auto-chargé autoloading {noun, verb} autochargement autological [/ˌɑːtoʊˈlɑːdʒɪkəl/ | /ˌɔː.təʊˈlɒ.dʒɪ.kəl/] {adjective} autologique autologin {noun} autologin autolysis {noun} autolyse automagical [/ˈɑtoʊˈmædʒɪkəl/] {adjective} (more automagical, most automagical) automagique automagically {adverb} (most automagically, more automagically) automagiquement automate [/ˈɔtoʊˌmeɪt/] {verb} (automates, automated, automating) automatiser automated {adjective, verb} automatisé automated banking machine guichet automatique bancaire automated biometric boarding auto-embarquement automated boarding process auto-embarquement automated driving conduite autonome automated machine learning {noun} apprentissage automatique automated mapping cartographie automatique automated teller {noun} (automated tellers) guichet automatique automated teller machine {noun} (automated teller machines) distributeur de billets | distributeur automatique de billets | guichet automatique bancaire automated valet parking voiturier automatique automatic [/ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/ | /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more automatic, most automatic, automatics) automatique | semi-automatique automatic call-back rappel automatique automatic cartography cartographie automatique automatic data processing traitement automatique de données automatic gearbox boîte de vitesses automatique automatic identification system système d’identification automatique automatic shutdown arrêt automatique du réacteur automatic teller {noun} (automatic tellers) guichet automatique automatic teller machine {noun} (automatic teller machines) guichet automatique bancaire automatic transmission {noun} (automatic transmissions) boite de vitesses automatique automatic watch montre automatique automatically [/ˈɔːtəʊˌmæt.ɪk(.ə)li/] {adverb} (more automatically, most automatically) automatique automatician automaticienne automaticity {noun} (automaticities) automaticité automation {noun} automatisation | automation automatism [/ɔːˈtɒmətɪzəm/] {noun} automatisme automaton [/ɔːˈtɒmətən/ | /əˈtɑməˌtɑn/] {noun} (automatons, automata) automate automobile [/ˈɔ.tə.moʊ.ˌbil/ | /ˈɔ.tə.mə.biːl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (automobiles, automobiling, automobiled) automobile | voiture | char | auto automobile navigation system géonavigateur automorphic {adjective} automorphe automorphic number {noun} (automorphic numbers) nombre automorphe automorphism {noun} (automorphisms) automorphisme automotive {adjective, noun} (automotives) automobile automotive industry {noun} (automotive industries) industrie automobile automount {noun, verb} (automounts, automounting, automounted) automontage automutilate automutiler automysophobia {noun} automysophobie autonegotiation autonégociation autonepiophilia [/ˈɔː.təʊ/] {noun} autonépiophilie Autonoe {properNoun} Autonoé autonomic [/ˌɑː.də.ˈnɑː.mɪk/ | /ˌɔː.tə.ˈnɒm.ɪk/] {adjective} autonome autonomic nervous system {noun} (autonomic nervous systems) système nerveux autonome autonomist {noun} (autonomists) autonomiste autonomous [/ɑˈtɑnəməs/ | /ɔˈtɑnəməs/ | /ɔːˈtɒnəməs/] {adjective} (most autonomous, more autonomous) autonome autonomous car voiture autonome autonomous driving conduite autonome autonomous navigation navigation autonome autonomous taxi taxi autonome autonomous underwater vehicle drone sous-marin téléguidé autonomous vehicle {noun} (autonomous vehicles) véhicule autonome autonomously {adverb} (most autonomously, more autonomously) autonomement autonomy [/ɑˈtɑnəmi/ | /ɔˈtɑnəmi/ | /ɔːˈtɒnəmi/] {noun} (autonomies) autonomie autonym {noun} (autonyms) autonyme autonymic {adjective} autonymique autooxidation {noun} (autooxidations) auto-oxydation autopalpation autopalpation autopatrolled {adjective} autopatrouillé autophagic {adjective} autophage autophagy {noun} autophagie autopilot {noun, verb} (autopilots, autopiloting, autopiloted) pilote automatique autoplasty {noun} (autoplasties) autoplastie | greffe autopode autopode autopoiesis {noun} autopoïèse autopornography autopornographie autopsy [/ˈɔtɑpsi/ | /ˈɔːtɒpsiː/] {noun, verb} (autopsies, autopsying, autopsied) autopsie autoreduction {noun} autoréduction autoregression {noun} auto-régression autoregressive {adjective} (more autoregressive, most autoregressive) autorégressif autoregulation {noun} autorégulation autorenewing {adjective, verb} autorenouvellement autoresponder {noun} (autoresponders) autorépondeur autorickshaw {noun} (autorickshaws) touk-touk autoscrubber autolaveuse autosexing {noun} autosexable autosexual {adjective, noun} (autosexuals) autosexuel autosign auto-signer autosite {noun} (autosites) autosite autositic autositaire autosome [/ˈɑtəzoʊm/ | /ˈɔɾəˌsoʊm/ | /ˈɔːtəsəʊm/] {noun} (autosomes) autosome autostereogram {noun} (autostereograms) autostéréogramme autostimulate {verb} (autostimulates, autostimulated, autostimulating) autostimuler autosuggestion {noun} autosuggestion autotelic {adjective, noun} (more autotelic, most autotelic, autotelics) autotélique autoteller {noun} (autotellers) guichet automatique autothrottle {noun} (autothrottles) automanette autotomy [/ɔːˈtɒtəmi/] {noun} (autotomies) autotomie autotransfusion {noun} (autotransfusions) auto-transfusion | autotransfusion autotroph [/ˈɔɾəˌtɹoʊf/ | /ˈɔːtə(ʊ)tɹəʊf/] {noun} (autotrophs) autotrophe autotrophic {adjective} autotrophe autotrophy {noun} autotrophie autotuning {verb} autoréglage autotypy {noun} similigravure autovaccination {noun} (autovaccinations) autovaccination autovaccine {noun} (autovaccines) autovaccin autowire auto-câbler autowiring autowiring autoxidation {noun} (autoxidations) auto-oxydation autumn [/ˈɔtəm/ | /ˈɔːtəm/] {adjective, noun} automne autumn champion champion d’automne autumn crocus {noun} (autumn crocuses) colchique autumn equinox {noun} (autumn equinoxes) équinoxe d’automne autumnal [/ɔˈtʌmnəɫ/ | /ɔːˈtʌmnəl/] {adjective} (most autumnal, more autumnal) automnal autumnal equinox {noun} (autumnal equinoxes) équinoxe d'automne autunite {noun} autunite AUV {noun} (AUVs) drone sous-marin téléguidé Auvergne {properNoun} Auvergne Auvergne pointer braque d’Auvergne Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes {properNoun} Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Auvergnese {adjective, noun} (Auvergnese) Auvergnat | auvergnat Auvergnian Auvergnat Auxerre Auxerre auxesis {noun} (auxeses) auxèse auxetic {adjective, noun} (most auxetic, more auxetic, auxetics) auxétique auxiliary [/ɑɡˈzɪljəɹi/ | /ɔɡˈzɪljəɹi/ | /ɔːkˈsɪljəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (auxiliaries) auxiliaire auxiliary booster propulseur auxiliaire auxiliary language {noun} (auxiliary languages) langue auxiliaire auxiliary power unit {noun} (auxiliary power units) générateur auxiliaire de bord auxiliary propulsion stage étage auxiliaire auxiliary verb {noun} (auxiliary verbs) verbe auxiliaire | auxiliaire auximone auximone auxinic {adjective} auxinique auxochrome {noun} (auxochromes) auxochrome auxochromic {adjective} auxochrome auxology {noun} auxologie auxotroph {noun} (auxotrophs) auxotrophe auxotrophic {adjective} (more auxotrophic, most auxotrophic) auxotrophe Av {properNoun} Av avadavat {noun} (avadavats) avadava avagraha {noun} (avagrahas) avagraha avail [/əˈveɪl/] {noun, verb} (avails, availed, availing) servir | profiter | saisir availability [[əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ]] {noun} (availabilities) disponibilité available [/əˈveɪləb(ə)l/] {adjective} (most available, more available) disponible | accessible avalanche [/ˈævəlæntʃ/ | /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/] {noun, verb} (avalanches, avalanched, avalanching) avalanche avalanche prone avalancheux avania [/avəˈniːə/] {noun} (avanias) avanie avant-garde [/æˈvɑ̃t.ɡɑːd/ | /ˌɑˌvɑntˈɡɑɹd/] {adjective, noun} (more avant-garde, most avant-garde, avant-gardes) avant-garde avant-gardism {noun} avant-gardisme avant-gardist {noun} (avant-gardists) avant-gardiste avant-guard {noun} avant-garde avantgarde {adjective, noun} (most avantgarde, more avantgarde, avantgardes) avant-garde Avar [/ˈævɑɹ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Avars) avar avarice [/ˈævəɹəs/ | /ˈævəɹɪs/] {noun} (avarices) avarice avaricious [/ˌævəˈɹɪʃəs/] {adjective} (most avaricious, more avaricious) avare avariciously {adverb} (more avariciously, most avariciously) avaricieusement avascular necrosis {noun} (avascular necroses) ostéonécrose avatar [/ˈæv.ə.tɑɹ/ | /ˌæv.əˈtɑː/] {noun} (avatars) avatar | allégorie | emblème | incarnation | matérialisation | personnification Ave Maria [/ˈɑːveɪ̯ məˈɹiːə/] {noun} (Ave Marias) Ave Maria Avebury Avebury Aveley {properNoun} Aveley Avellino {properNoun} Avellino Avenbury Avenbury avenge [/əˈvɛnd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (avenges, avenging, avenged) venger avenger {noun} (avengers) vengeur | vengeresse avengeress {noun} (avengeresses) vengeresse avenging {noun, verb} (avengings) vengeur aveniform {adjective} (more aveniform, most aveniform) avéniforme Avening Avening avens [/ˈævɪnz/] {noun} (avens) benoîte Aventine Hill {properNoun} Aventin aventurine [/əˈvɛnt͡ʃəɹɪn/] {noun} aventurine | verre aventuriné avenue [/ˈæv.əˌnjuː/ | /ˈæv.əˌnu/] {noun} (avenues) avenue aver [/əˈvɜː/ | /ˈeɪ.vɚ/] {noun, verb} (avers, averring, averred) affirmer average [/ˈævəɹɪd͡ʒ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (averages, most average, more average, averaging, averaged) moyenne | moyen | moyenner average daily gain gain moyen quotidien average Joe {adjective, noun} (more average Joe, most average Joe, average Joes) Français moyen averagely {adverb} (most averagely, more averagely) moyennement Averham Averham avermectin {noun} (avermectins) avermectine averrable {adjective} avérable Averroes {properNoun} Averroès Averroism {noun} (Averroisms) averroïsme averruncator {noun} (averruncators) échenilloir averse [/əˈvɜː(ɹ)s/] {adjective, verb} (more averse, most averse, averses, aversed, aversing) antipathique aversion [/əˈvɜːʃn/ | /əˈvɝʒn/] {noun} aversion aversion therapy {noun} (aversion therapies) thérapie aversive aversive {adjective, noun} (more aversive, most aversive) aversif avert [/əˈvɜːt/ | /əˈvɝt/] {verb} (averts, averting, averted) prévenir avertable dose dose évitable Avesta {adjective, properNoun} Avesta Avestan [/əˈvɛst(ə)n/] {adjective, properNoun} avestique Aveton Gifford Aveton Gifford Aveyron {properNoun} Aveyron Aveyron River Aveyron avian [/ˈeɪvi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (avians) aviaire avian cholera choléra aviaire avian coryza coryza aviaire avian flu {noun} grippe aviaire avian haemorrhagic septicemia choléra aviaire avian infectious coryza coryza aviaire avian influenza {noun} grippe aviaire avian pasteurellosis choléra aviaire avianize {verb} (avianizes, avianized, avianizing) avianiser aviary [/ˈeɪvɪəɹi/] {noun} (aviaries) volière aviation [/eɪviˈeɪʃən/] {noun} (aviations) aviation aviator {noun} aviateur | aviatrice aviatress {noun} (aviatresses) aviatrice aviatrix [/ˈeɪ.vi.eɪ.tɹɪks/] {noun} (aviatrixes, aviatrices) aviatrice Avicenna [/ˌævɪˈsenə/] {properNoun} Avicenne Avicennian {adjective} avicennien avicide {noun} (avicides) avicide avicultural {adjective} avicole aviculture {noun} aviculture aviculturist {noun} (aviculturists) aviculteur | avicultrice avid [/ævɪd/] {adjective} (most avid, more avid) avide avidity {noun} (avidities) avidité avidly {adverb} (most avidly, more avidly) avidement Aviemore {properNoun} Aviemore avifauna {noun} (avifaunae, avifaunas) avifaune Avignon {properNoun} Avignon avileña-negra ibérica avilena avionics [/eɪ.viˈɒn.ɪks/] {noun} avionique avionics bay case à équipements avionics module case à équipements aviphile {noun} (aviphiles) ornithophile avise {verb} (avises, avising, avised) prévenir aviso {noun} (avisos, avisoes) aviso avitaminosis {noun} avitaminose avocado [/ævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ | /ɑvəˈkɑdoʊ/] {adjective, noun} (avocadoes, avocados) avocat | avocatier avocado pear {noun} (avocado pears) poire d'avocat | poire-avocat avocado tree avocatier avocation [/avə(ʊ)ˈkeɪʃən/ | /ævoʊˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} affection avocet [/ˈævəsɛt/] {noun} (avocets) avocette Avoch Avoch Avogadro constant {noun} nombre d’Avogadro Avogadro's number {noun} constante d'Avogadro | nombre d'Avogadro Avogadro’s law loi d’Avogadro Avogadro’s number nombre d’Avogadro avoid [/əˈvɔɪd/] {verb} (avoids, avoiding, avoided) éviter | fuir avoid like the plague [/əˈvɔɪd laɪk ðə ˈpleɪɡ/] {verb} (avoids like the plague, avoiding like the plague, avoided like the plague) fuir comme la peste avoidable [/əˈvɔɪdəbl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more avoidable, most avoidable, avoidables) évitable avoidance {noun} (avoidances) évitement avoirdupois [/ˌævədəˈpɔɪz/ | /ˌævɚdəˈpɔɪz/] {noun} avoir-du-poids Avokaya avokaya avolition [/ˌeɪvəˈlɪʃən/] {noun} aboulie Avon Dassett Avon Dassett Avonbridge Avonbridge avoparcin {noun} avoparcine avow [/əˈvaʊ/] {noun, verb} (avows, avowing, avowed) avouer | confesser avowal {noun} aveu avranchin sheep avranchin avuncular [/əˈvʌŋkjʊlə/ | /əˈvʌŋkjʊlɚ/] {adjective} (more avuncular, most avuncular) avunculaire | gentil avunculicide {noun} (avunculicides) avunculicide Awadhi {noun, properNoun} (Awadhis, Awadhi) awadhi await [/əˈwɛɪt/] {noun, verb} (awaits, awaiting, awaited) attendre | guetter | s'attendre à | servir awake [/əˈweɪk/] {adjective, verb} (more awake, most awake, awakes, awoken, awaken, awaked, awaking, awoke) éveillé | réveillé | réveiller | éveiller awaken [/əˈweɪkən/] {verb} (awakens, awakened, awakening) réveiller | se réveiller awakener {noun} (awakeners) réveilleur awakening [/əˈweɪ̯kənɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more awakening, most awakening, awakenings) réveil awale awalé award [/əˈwɔɹd/ | /əˈwɔːd/] {noun, verb} (awards, awarded, awarding) prix | accorder | décerner | médaille | trophé award a medal médailler awardee [/əwɔɹˈdi/] {noun} (awardees) lauréat awarder {noun} (awarders) adjudicateur aware [/əˈweːɹ/ | /əˈwɛə/ | /əˈwɛɚ/] {adjective} (most aware, awarest, more aware, awarer) conscient | au courant awareness [/əˈwɛənəs/ | /əˈwɛɹnəs/] {noun} (awarenesses) conscience | connaissance awassi awassi away [/əˈweɪ/] {adjective, adverb, interjection} (furthest away, further away, most away, more away) loin away game {noun} (away games) à l'extérieur away with the fairies [/əˈweɪ wɪð ðə ˈfɛəɹɪːz/] {adjective} dans la lune | distrait | tête en l'air | étourdi awayday {noun} (awaydays) séminaire Awbridge Awbridge awe [/ɑ/ | /ɔ/ | /ɔː/] {noun, verb} (awes, aweing, awed, awing) admiration | crainte | révérence awed [/ɔːd/] {adjective, verb} (most awed, more awed) abasourdi aweigh [/əˈweɪ/] {adjective} détaché awesome [/ˈɑs.əm/ | /ˈɔs.əm/ | /ˈɔːsəm/] {adjective, noun} (awesomest, more awesome, awesomer, most awesome) magnifique | formidable | génial | impressionnant | terrifiant awesomeness [/ˈɔːsəmnəs/] {noun} génialité awful [/ˈɑfəl/ | /ˈɔfəl/ | /ˈɔːfʊl/] {adjective, adverb} (most awful, awfuller, more awful, awfullest) horrible | terrible | épouvantable awfully [/ˈɑfəli/ | /ˈɔfəli/ | /ˈɔːfʊli/] {adverb} (most awfully, more awfully) affreusement awhile [/əˈwaɪl/] {adverb} un instant | un moment | un peu Awing awing awkward [/ˈɑkwɚd/ | /ˈɔkwɚd/ | /ˈɔːkwəd/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (awkwardest, more awkward, awkwarder, most awkward, awkwards) embarrassant | maladroit | inconvenant awkward age {noun} âge bête | âge ingrat awkwardly {adverb} (most awkwardly, more awkwardly) fâcheusement awkwardness {noun} (awkwardnesses) maladresse awl [/ɑl/ | /ɔl/ | /ɔːl/] {noun} (awls) alêne | alène Awliscombe Awliscombe awm {noun} (awms) aime awn [/ɔːn/] {noun} (awns) barbe awn hair poil de jarre awning [/ˈɑnɪŋ/ | /ˈɔnɪŋ/ | /ˈɔːnɪŋ/] {noun} (awnings) marquise | auvent awning window {noun} (awning windows) fenêtre à auvent AWOL {adjective, noun} (AWOLs) déserteur Awre Awre awry [/əˈɹaɪ/ | /ˈɔ.ɹi/] {adjective, adverb} (most awry, more awry) de guingois | de travers Awsworth {properNoun} Awsworth AWT {noun, properNoun} (AWTs) AWT Axbridge Axbridge axe [/æks/] {noun, verb} (axes, axing, axed) hache | cognée | couperet | gratte Axel [/ˈæksəl/] {properNoun} Axel Axi Yi ahi axial [/ˈæksi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most axial, more axial, axials) axial axial bond liaison axiale axial vector pseudovecteur axil [/ˈæk.sɪl/] {noun} (axils) aisselle axilism axilisme axilla [/ækˈsɪlə/] {noun} (axillae) aisselle axillary {adjective, noun} (axillaries) axillaire axillary wrasse crénilabre méditerranéen axinite {noun} axinite axino {noun} (axinos) axino axinomancy {noun} axinomancie axiological {adjective} axiologique axiology {noun} (axiologies) axiologie axiom [/ˈaks.ɪ.əm/ | /ˈæks.i.əm/] {noun} (axioms, axiomata) axiome axiom of choice {noun} (axioms of choice) axiome du choix axiom system {noun} (axiom systems) axiomatique axiomatic [/ˌæk.si.əˈmæt.ɪk/] {adjective} (more axiomatic, most axiomatic) axiomatique axiomatic system {noun} (axiomatic systems) axiomatique axiomatisable {adjective} axiomatisable axiomatise {verb} (axiomatises, axiomatised, axiomatising) axiomatiser axiomatizable {adjective} axiomatisable axiomatize {verb} (axiomatizes, axiomatized, axiomatizing) axiomatiser axion {noun} (axions) axion axionic {adjective} axionique Axis {properNoun} Axe axis [/ˈæksəs/ | /ˈæksɪs/] {noun} (axises, axes) axe axis deer {noun} (axis deer) cerf axis axis of evil {noun} (axes of evil) axe du mal axis of symmetry {noun} (axes of symmetry) axe de symétrie Axis power {noun} (Axis powers) axe axisymmetric {adjective} (most axisymmetric, more axisymmetric) axisymétrique axisymmetry {noun} (axisymmetries) axisymétrie axle [/ˈæksəl/] {noun} (axles) essieu | axe axle load {noun} (axle loads) charge à l'essieu axletree {noun} (axletrees) essieu axlike {adjective} (most axlike, more axlike) cognée Axminster {noun, properNoun} (Axminsters) Axminster Axmouth Axmouth axolotl [/ˈak.səˌlɒ.təl/ | /ˈæk.səˌlɑ.təl/] {noun} (axolotls) axolotl axon {noun} (axons) axone axonal {adjective} axonal axoneme {noun} (axonemes) axonème axonometric {adjective} axonométrique axonometric projection axonométrie axonometry {noun} axonométrie ayah [/aɪə/] {noun} (ayahs, ayat) aya ayatollah {noun} (ayatollahs) ayatollah aye [/aɪ/ | /eɪ/] {adverb, interjection, noun} (ayes) oui aye aye, sir {phraseologicalUnit} bien | commandant aye-aye [/ˈaɪˌaɪ/ | /ˈʌɪˌʌɪ/] {noun} (aye-ayes) aye-aye Aylburton Aylburton Aylesbeare Aylesbeare Aylesbury [/eɪlzbəɹi/] {properNoun} Aylesbury Aylesbury Vale {properNoun} Aylesbury Vale Aylesby Aylesby Aylesford {properNoun} Aylesford Aylesham [/ˈeɪlʃəm/] {properNoun} Aylesham Aylmer {properNoun} Adhémar Aylmerite Aylmerois Aylmerton Aylmerton Aylsham {properNoun} Aylsham Aylton Aylton Aymara [/ˌaɪməˈɹɑː/] {noun, properNoun} aymara | aimara | Aymara aymara parakeet toui aymara Aymestrey Aymestrey Ayn al-Arab Kobané Aynho {properNoun} Aynho Aynu {properNoun} Aïnou Ayot St Lawrence Ayot St Lawrence Ayot St Peter Ayot St Peter Ayr {properNoun} Ayr ayran ayran Ayrshire cattle Ayrshire Aysgarth Aysgarth Ayston Ayston Aythorpe Roding Aythorpe Roding Ayu {properNoun} ayu Ayurveda [/aɪ.ʊəˈveɪ.də/] {noun} ayurveda Ayurvedic {adjective} ayurvédique ayvar {noun} ajvar Ayyavazhi {properNoun} Ayyavazhi Ayyubid {adjective, noun} (Ayyubids) ayyoubide Azadirachta indica margousier azalea [/əˈzeɪliə/] {noun} (azaleas) azalée azane {noun} ammoniac Azania {properNoun} Azanie Azaouak azawak azaphilic {adjective} (more azaphilic, most azaphilic) azophile azarole {noun} (azaroles) azerolier azaserine {noun} azasérine azathioprine [/ˌeɪzəˈθaɪəʊpɹiːn/] {noun} (azathioprines) azathioprine Azawad {properNoun} Azaouad Azawakh {noun} (Azawakhs) azawakh azawakh azawakh azedarach {noun} (azedarachs) azédarach azeotrope {noun} (azeotropes) azéotrope azeotropic {adjective} (more azeotropic, most azeotropic) azéotropique Azerbaijan [/ˌæz.ə(ɹ).baɪˈ(d)ʒɑːn/] {properNoun} Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan SSR {properNoun} Rss d'Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijani [/ˌæzəbaɪˈdʒɑːni/ | /ˌæzəɹbaɪˈdʒɑːni/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Azerbaijanis) azéri | azerbaïdjanais | Azerbaïdjanais | Azéri Azerbaijanize {verb} (Azerbaijanizes, Azerbaijanized, Azerbaijanizing) azerbaïdjaniser Azeri {noun, properNoun} (Azeris) azéri Azerley Azerley azerole azerolier AZERTY {adjective} azerty azerty {adjective} azerty azete {noun} (azetes) azète azide {noun} (azides) azoture azimuth [/ˈæzɪməθ/] {noun} (azimuths) azimut azimuthal [/ˌæzəˈmʌθəl/] {adjective, noun} (azimuthals) azimutal azine {noun} (azines) azine aziridine [/əˈzɪɹɪdiːn/] {noun} (aziridines) aziridine azithromycin {noun} (azithromycins) azithromycine Aznavour [/ˈæznəvʊə/ | /ˌɑːznəˈvʊəɹ/] {properNoun} Aznavour azo compound {noun} (azo compounds) composé azoïque azobenzene {noun} azobenzène azoic {adjective} azoïque azoimide {noun} acide azothydrique azole {noun} (azoles) azole azonal {adjective} azonal azoospermia {noun} azoospermie azophilic {adjective} (most azophilic, more azophilic) azophile azopolymer {noun} (azopolymers) azopolymère Azorean {adjective, noun} (Azoreans) Açoréen | açoréen Azores [/əˈzɔːz/ | /ˈeɪzɔːɹz/] {properNoun} Açores azote [/ˈæzəʊt/] {noun} azote azotemia [/ˌæzoʊˈtimiə/ | /ˌæzəʊˈtiːmɪə/] {noun} azotémie azotemic {adjective} azotémique Azotobacter Azotobacter azoturia {noun} azoturie azoxy {noun} (azoxys) azoxyque Azoyu Me’phaa me’phaa d’Azoyu Azrael {properNoun} Azraël Aztec [/ˈæz.tɛk/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Aztec, most Aztec, Aztecs, Aztec) Aztèque | aztèque Aztecan {adjective, noun} (most Aztecan, more Aztecan, Aztecans) aztèque azu aji azuki bean {noun} (azuki beans) haricot azuki | haricot rouge du Japon azulejo {noun} (azulejos) azulejo azulene {noun} azulène azuline {noun} azuline azure [/æˈzjʊə/ | /ˈæzjʊə/ | /ˈæʒɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (azures, azuring, azured) azur azure tit {noun} (azure tits) mésange azurée azure-breasted pitta brève de Steere azure-rumped parrot perruche de Müller azure-winged magpie pie bleue azurin {noun} azurine azurite [/ˈæʒ(j)ʊˌɹaɪt/ | /ˈæʒ.əˌɹaɪt/] {noun} (azurites) azurite azymite [/ˈæzɪmaɪt/] {noun} (azymites) azymite açai {noun} (açais) açaï açaí {noun} (açaís) açaï aëriform aériforme añu {noun} (añus) capucine tubéreuse Aÿ Ay A’aninin gros ventre