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Оглавлениеbluecoat {noun} (bluecoats) bleu bluefaced Maine bleu du Maine bluefin tuna {noun} (bluefin tunas) thon rouge bluefish {noun} (bluefish, bluefishes) tassergal bluegrass {noun} (bluegrasses) bluegrass blueing {noun, verb} azurage bluejacking {noun, verb} (bluejackings) bluejacking blueness {noun} (bluenesses) bleuité blueprint [/ˈbluːˌpɹɪnt/] {noun, verb} (blueprints, blueprinted, blueprinting) blueprint | cyanotype blues [/bluːz/] {noun, verb} (blues) blues blueshift [/ˈbluːˌʃɪft/] {noun} (blueshifts) décalage vers le bleu bluestocking {noun} (bluestockings) bas-bleu bluethroat {noun} (bluethroats) gorge-bleue à miroir | gorgebleue à miroir bluetongue {noun} fièvre catarrhale | maladie de la langue bleue Bluetooth [/ˈblutuθ/ | /ˈbluːtuːθ/] {properNoun} Bluetooth blueweed {noun} vipérine commune Bluey {properNoun} Poil de carotte bluff [/blʌf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bluffest, bluffer, bluffs, bluffed, bluffing) bluffer | falaise bluffing [/ˈblʌfɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bluffings) bluffant bluish [/ˈbluːɪʃ/] {adjective} (more bluish, most bluish) bleuâtre | bleuté | légèrement bleu bluishly {adverb} (most bluishly, more bluishly) bleuté bluishness {noun} bleuâtreté blunder [/ˈblʌn.də(ɹ)/ | /ˈblʌn.dɚ/] {noun, verb} (blunders, blundered, blundering) gaffe | faux pas | bourde | impair | maladresse blunderbuss [/ˈblʌndəbʌs/ | /ˈblʌndəɹbʌs/] {noun, verb} (blunderbusses, blunderbussing, blunderbussed) espingole | tromblon Blundeston {properNoun} Blundeston Blunham Blunham Blunsdon St Andrew Blunsdon St Andrew blunt [/blʌnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blunter, bluntest, blunts, blunted, blunting) abrupt | émoussé | blunt | idiot | obtus | réprimer blunt body corps émoussé blunt ends extrémités franches blunt-snouted clingfish gouanie Bluntisham Bluntisham bluntly [/ˈblʌntli/] {adverb} (most bluntly, more bluntly) abruptement | à brûle-pourpoint bluntness [/ˈblʌnt.nəs/] {noun} (bluntnesses) franchise bluntnose sixgill shark requin griset bluntnose smooth-head gymnaste atlantique blur [/blɜ(ɹ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blur, most blur, blurs, blurring, blurred) brouiller | s'estomper | estomper | flou | marque | salissure blurb [/blɝ(ː)b/] {noun, verb} (blurbs, blurbed, blurbing) quatrième de couverture blurred [/blɜːd/ | /blɝd/] {adjective, verb} (most blurred, more blurred) flou blurring {noun, verb} (blurrings) floutage blurry [/ˈblɜːɹi/] {adjective} (blurrest, blurrer) flou | confus blurt [/ˈblɜːt/ | /ˈblɝt/] {noun, verb} (blurts, blurted, blurting) laisser échapper | lâcher blush [/blʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (blushes, blushing, blushed) rougir | blush | cramoisir | empourprer | fard | fard à joues blusher {noun} (blushers) amanite rougissante blushing bride {noun} (blushing brides) une jeune mariée rougissante blushing wood mushroom agaric des forêts bluster [/ˈblʌs.tə/ | /ˈblʌs.tɚ/] {noun, verb} (blusters, blustering, blustered) vantardise blusterer {noun} (blusterers) matamore blustery {adjective} (most blustery, more blustery) bruyant | tumultueux blutwurst {noun} (blutwursts) boudin noir Blyborough Blyborough Blyford Blyford Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Blymhill and Weston under Lizard Blyth {properNoun} Blyth Blyth's frogmouth podarge de Blyth Blyth's parakeet perruche des Nicobar Blyth's reed warbler {noun} (Blyth's reed warblers) rousserolle des buissons Blythburgh {properNoun} Blythburgh Blyton {properNoun} Blyton BMC {noun, properNoun} préimprégné en vrac BMI {noun} (BMIs) IMC BMP {noun, properNoun} (BMPs) BMP BMS {noun} (BMSes) GOB BMW {noun, properNoun} (BMWs) BMW BMX {noun, verb} (BMXes, BMXs, BMXed, BMXing) BMX Bn {noun} Bon bnode ressource anonyme boa [/ˈboʊ.ə/ | /ˈbəʊ.ə/] {noun} (boae, boas) boa boa constrictor {noun} (boa constrictors) boa constricteur boa dragonfish dragon boa Boar Cochon boar [/bo(ː)ɹ/ | /boə/ | /bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/] {noun} (boars, boar) verrat board [/bo(ː)ɹd/ | /boəd/ | /bɔːd/ | /bɔːɹd/] {noun, verb} (boards, boarded, boarding) planche | tableau | aborder | compteur | conseil d'administration | couvert board and lodging {noun} le gîte et le couvert | le vivre et le couvert board game {noun} (board games) jeu de société board member {noun} (board members) membre du comité directeur board of directors {noun} (boards of directors) conseil d'administration board of trade chambre de commerce board of trustees conseil d’administration board shorts {noun} short de bain boarder [/ˈbo(ː)ɹdɚ/ | /ˈboədə/ | /ˈbɔədə/ | /ˈbɔɹdɚ/ | /ˈbɔːdə/] {noun} (boarders) pensionnaire | interne | planchiste boardgamer plateauiste boarding {noun, verb} abordage | embarquement boarding house {noun} (boarding houses) pension | pensionnat boarding pass [/ˈbɔɹdɪŋ ˌpæs/] {noun} (boarding passes) carte d'embarquement boarding school {noun} (boarding schools) internat | pensionnat boardjoring planche de neige tractée boardshorts {noun} short de bain boardsport {noun} (boardsports) sport de planche boardsurfer aquaplanchiste boardwalk [/ˈbɔɹdˌwɑk/ | /ˈbɔːdwɔːk/] {noun, verb} (boardwalks, boardwalked, boardwalking) promenade boarfish {noun} (boarfish, boarfishes) caproïdé boarhound {noun} (boarhounds) vautre Boarhunt Boarhunt Boarstall Boarstall boast [/boʊst/ | /bəʊst/] {noun, verb} (boasts, boasted, boasting) se vanter | fanfaronnade | vantardise boaster [/ˈboʊstɚ/] {noun} (boasters) vantard boastful {adjective} (most boastful, more boastful) fanfaron | vantard boastfulness {noun} (boastfulnesses) vantardise boat [/boʊt/ | /bəʊt/] {noun, verb} (boats, boated, boating) bateau | barque | nacelle boat conformation {noun} (boat conformations) conformation bateau boat lift {noun} (boat lifts) ascenseur à bateaux Boat of Garten Boat of Garten boat people {noun} réfugié de la mer boat person {noun} (boat people) boat-people boat shoe {noun} (boat shoes) chaussure bateau boat tail rétreint boat trip {noun} (boat trips) voyage en bateau boater [/ˈboʊ.tɚ/ | /ˈbɐʉt.ɘ/ | /ˈbəʊt.ə/] {noun} (boaters) canoteur | canotier boathook {noun} (boathooks) gaffe | harpin boathouse [/ˈboʊtˌhaʊs/] {noun} (boathouses) hangar à bateaux boatload [/ˈboʊtˌloʊd/ | /ˈbəʊtˌləʊd/] {noun} (boatloads) variété boatman {noun} (boatmen) batelier | passeur boatswain [/ˈboʊ.sn̩/ | /ˈbəʊ.sn̩/ | /ˈbəʊtˌsweɪn/] {noun} (boatswains) bosco boattail {noun} (boattails) rétreint bob [/bɑb/ | /bɒb/] {noun, verb} (bobs, bob, bobbing, bobbed) ballotter bob cut coiffure à la garçonne bob haircut {noun} (bob haircuts) carré | coiffure à la garçonne Bob's your uncle {phraseologicalUnit} et voilà le travail | le tour est joué bobak marmot bobak bobbin {noun} (bobbins) bobine | canette Bobbing Bobbing Bobbington Bobbington Bobbingworth Bobbingworth Bobbit worm ver Bobbit bobble [/ˈbɒbəl/] {noun, verb} (bobbles, bobbled, bobbling) pompon | élastique à cheveux Bobby [/ˈbɑbi/ | /ˈbɒbi/] {properNoun} keuf bobby [/ˈbɑbi/ | /ˈbɒbi/] {noun} (bobbies) bobby bobcat [/ˈbɑbkæt/ | /ˈbɒbkæt/] {noun} (bobcats) lynx roux bobo [/ˈboʊboʊ/] {noun} (bobos) bobo bobolink {noun} (bobolinks) goglu des prés bobrovkite bobrovkite bobsledder {noun} (bobsledders) bobeur | bobeuse bobsleigh {noun, verb} (bobsleighs, bobsleighing, bobsleighed) bobsleigh bobtail [/ˈbɑbteɪl/] {noun, verb} (bobtails, bobtailing, bobtailed) gressin bobèche [/boʊˈbɛʃ/] {noun} (bobèches) bobèche bocasine {noun} boucassin Boccaccian [/bəˈkɑːt͡ʃiən/] {adjective} (more Boccaccian, most Boccaccian) boccacien Boccaccio Boccace bocce [/ˈbɑtʃi/] {noun} bocce bocconcino {noun} (bocconcini) bocconcino Bochum {properNoun} Bochum Bocking Bocking Bockleton Bockleton Boconnoc Boconnoc bodacious [/boʊˈdeɪʃəs/] {adjective, adverb} (more bodacious, most bodacious) attractif Boddam Boddam Boddin Boddin Boddington Boddington bode [/boʊd/ | /bəʊd/] {noun, verb} (bodes, boding, boded) augurer Bodedern Bodedern Bodelwyddan Bodelwyddan Bodenham Bodenham Bodewryd Bodewryd Bodfari Bodfari Bodferin Bodferin Bodffordd Bodffordd bodge [/bɒdʒ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bodge, more bodge, bodges, bodged, bodging) bidouiller bodger [/ˈbɒ.dʒə/] {noun} (bodgers) bâcleur bodgie {noun} (bodgies) blouson noir Bodham Bodham bodhi [/ˈbəʊdi/] {noun} bodhi bodhisattva [/boʊ̯diːˈsɑtvə/ | /boʊ̯diːˈsʌtvə/] {noun} (bodhisattvas) bodhisattva Bodiam Bodiam bodice [/ˈbɑdɪs/ | /ˈbɒdɪs/] {noun} (bodices) corsage Bodicote Bodicote bodily [/ˈbɑdɪli/ | /ˈbɒdɪli/] {adjective, adverb} (more bodily, most bodily) corporel bodily fluid {noun} (bodily fluids) fluide corporel | humeur | liquide biologique bodkin {adverb, noun} (bodkins) alêne Bodmin {properNoun} Bodmin Bodo {noun, properNoun} (Bodos, Bodo) bodo Bodoland {properNoun} Bodoland Bodorgan Bodorgan Boduan Boduan body [/ˈbɑdi/ | /ˈbɒdi/] {noun, verb} (bodies, bodying, bodied) corps | corpus | cadavre | carrosserie | corps sans vie | organisation body and soul {adverb} corps et âme body art {noun} art corporel | modification corporelle body camera [/ˈbɑdi ˈkæməɹə/ | /ˈbɒdi ˈkæməɹə/] {noun} (body cameras) caméra-piéton | caméra d'intervention | caméra mobile body clock {noun} (body clocks) horloge circadienne body copy corps d’annonce body dysmorphia dysmorphophobie body dysmorphic disorder dysmorphophobie body hair {noun} poils androgéniques | poils du corps body image {noun} image corporelle body language {noun} (body languages) langage du corps body linen {noun} linge de corps body mass index {noun} (body mass indices, body mass indexes) IMC | indice de masse corporelle body odour {noun} odeur corporelle body of the femur corps du fémur body of water {noun} (bodies of water) étendue d'eau body part {noun} (body parts) partie du corps body piercing {noun} piercing body shop {noun} (body shops) carrosserie body temperature {noun} température corporelle body wash {noun} (body washes) gel douche body-con {adjective} (most body-con, more body-con) bodycon body-hugging {adjective} (more body-hugging, most body-hugging) moulant body-stabilization stabilisation sur trois axes bodyboard {noun, verb} (bodyboards, bodyboarded, bodyboarding) bodyboard bodyboarding {noun, verb} bodyboard bodybuilder [/ˈbɑː.diˌbɪl.dɚ/ | /ˈbɒ.diˌbɪl.də/] {noun} (bodybuilders) culturiste bodybuilding [/ˈbɑːdiˌbɪldɪŋ/ | /ˈbɒdiˌbɪldɪŋ/] {noun} culturisme | musculation | carrosserie bodycam {noun} (bodycams) caméra-piéton bodycon {adjective} (more bodycon, most bodycon) bodycon bodyguard [/ˈbɑːdiɡɑːɹd/ | /ˈbɒdiɡɑːd/] {noun, verb} (bodyguards, bodyguarding, bodyguarded) garde du corps bodysuit {noun} (bodysuits) body bodysurfing {verb} bodysurf bodywork {noun} (bodyworks) carrosserie Boedromia Boédromies Boeing [/ˈboʊ.ɪŋ/] {properNoun} Boeing Boeotia [/biːˈəʊʃə/] {properNoun} Béotie Boeotian [/biːˈəʊʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Boeotian, more Boeotian, Boeotians) Béotien | béotien Boer [/ˈbʊəɹ/] {noun} (Boers) Boer boer goat chèvre boer boerboel {noun} (boerboels) boerboel Boesman bushman Boethius Boèce Boeuf River Boeuf boffin [/ˈbɑfɪn/ | /ˈbɒfɪn/] {noun} (boffins) intello bog [/bɑɡ/ | /bɒɡ/ | /bɔɡ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bogs, bogged, bogging, bogger, boggest) tourbière bog beacon mitrule des marais bog bilberry [/bɒɡ ˈbɪlb(ə)ɹɪ/] {noun} (bog bilberries) myrtille des marais bog down {verb} (bogs down, bogging down, bogged down) s'enliser bog iron ore {noun} fer des marais bog off {verb} (bogs off, bogging off, bogged off) partir bog pondweed potamot à feuilles de renouée bog roll {noun} PQ | papier-cul | torche-cul bog rosemary {noun} andromède bogan [/ˈboʊɡən/] {noun, verb} (bogans, boganning, boganned) champêtre bogart {noun, verb} (bogarts, bogarting, bogarted) bogarter bogatyr {noun} (bogatyrs, bogatyri) bogatyr Bogdania {properNoun} Bogdanie | Bogdanie Noire bogey [/boʊɡi/ | /bəʊɡi/] {noun, verb} (bogeys, bogeyed, bogeying) bogey | boguey bogeyman [/ˈboʊɡimæn/ | /ˈbuɡiˌmæn/ | /ˈbəʊɡɪmæn/] {noun} (bogeymen) croque-mitaine boggle [/ˈbɑ.ɡəl/ | /ˈbɒɡ.əl/] {noun, verb} (boggles, boggling, boggled) troubler | épater | être confus | être époustouflé boggy {adjective} (bogger, boggest) marécageux boggy patch mouillère boghouse {noun} (boghouses) goguenot bogie [/ˈboʊɡi/ | /ˈbəʊɡi/] {noun} (bogies) boggie Bogmoor Bogmoor Bogniebrae Bogniebrae Bognor Regis {properNoun} Bognor Regis Bogomil [/ˈbɒɡəmɪl/] {noun} (Bogomils) bogomile Bogomilism {noun} bogomilisme bogon {noun} (bogons) bogon bogosity {noun} (bogosities) bogosité Bogota [/ˌboʊɡəˈtɑː/] {properNoun} Bogota bogrush {noun} (bogrushes) choin Bogside Bogside Bogton Bogton bogue {noun, verb} (bogues, boguing, bogued) bogue bogus [/ˈboʊ.ɡəs/ | /ˈbəʊ.ɡəs/] {adjective, noun} (more bogus, most bogus) bidon | fichu | foireux | foutu | gâté | hors d'usage Bohemia [/boʊˈhimiə/] {noun, properNoun} (Bohemias) Bohême Bohemian {adjective, noun} Bohêmien bohemian [/boʊˈhimi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more bohemian, most bohemian, bohemians) bohème Bohemian Forest Šumava Bohemian pigeon pigeon de Bohême Bohemian waxwing {noun} (Bohemian waxwings) jaseur boréal Bohemian wire-haired pointing griffon barbu tchèque Bohemistics {noun} bohémistique bohemium {noun} bohémium Bohemond [/ˈbəʊəmənd/] {properNoun} Bohémond boho [/ˈboʊhoʊ/ | /ˈbəʊhəʊ/] {adjective, noun} (most boho, more boho) youkou bohor reedbuck cobe rédunca bohrium [/ˈbɔːɹiəm/] {noun} bohrium Bohtan Neo-Aramaic néo-araméen de Bohtan boid [/bɔɪd/ | /ˈboʊ.ɪd/ | /ˈbəʊ.ɪd/] {noun} (boids) boïdé boil [/bɔɪl/] {noun, verb} (boils, boiling, boiled) bouillir | furoncle | faire | porter à l'ébullition boil down {verb} résumer boil over {verb} (boils over, boiled over, boiling over) déborder boil up {noun, verb} (boil ups, boils up, boiled up, boiling up) bouillir | s'énerver boiled [/bɔɪld/] {adjective, verb} (more boiled, most boiled) bouilli boiled egg {noun} (boiled eggs) œuf bouilli | œuf dur | œuf à la coque boiled potato pomme de terre en robe des champs boiler [/ˈbɔɪlə/ | /ˈbɔɪlɚ/] {noun} (boilers) chaudière boiler room {noun} (boiler rooms) chaufferie boiler suit {noun} (boiler suits) combinaison boilermaker [/ˈbɔɪləɹmeɪkəɹ/] {noun} (boilermakers) Dame du lac boilerplate {adjective, noun, verb} (more boilerplate, most boilerplate, boilerplates, boilerplated, boilerplating) texte standard boilie {noun} (boilies) bouillette boiling [/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most boiling, more boiling, boilings) bouillant | ébullition boiling hot {adjective} bouillant boiling point [/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˌpɔɪnt/] {noun} point d'ébullition boiling water reactor REB bois d’arc oranger des Osages Boise [/ˈbɔɪsiː/] {properNoun} Boise boisterous [/ˈbɔɪstəɹəs/] {adjective} (most boisterous, more boisterous) bruyant | tapageur | turbulent | turbulente bok choy {noun} chou chinois | chou de Pékin | pe-tsaï bokator bokator bokeh [/ˈboʊ.kə/] {noun} bokeh Bokhara trumpeter tambour de Boukharie bokken [/ˈbɒk.ən/] {noun} (bokken, bokkens) bokken bokmakierie {noun} (bokmakieries) bacbakiri Bokmål {noun} bokmål Boko {noun, properNoun} (Bokos) Boko | boko | boo bokode bokode Bola bola Bolam Bolam Bold {properNoun} (Bolds) Bold bold [/boʊld/ | /bəʊld/] {adjective, noun, verb} (boldest, bolder, bolds, bolding, bolded) gras | effronté | hardi boldly [/ˈboʊldli/ | /ˈbəʊldli/] {adverb} (boldler, more boldly, most boldly, boldlest) hardiment boldness [/ˈboʊldnəs/ | /ˈbəʊldnəs/] {noun} (boldnesses) audace Boldon Boldon Boldre Boldre Boldron Boldron boldyrevite {noun} boldyrévite Bole {properNoun} (Boles) Bole bole [/boʊl/ | /bəʊl/] {noun} (boles) tronc Bolehall Bolehall boleite {noun} boléite bolero {noun, verb} (boleros, boleroing, boleroed) boléro bolete [/boʊˈlit/] {noun} (boletes) bolet boletus {noun} (boletuses, boleti) bolet bolide [/ˈboʊ.laɪd/] {noun} (bolides) bolide Bolingbroke {properNoun} Bolingbroke Bolivarian {adjective, noun} (more Bolivarian, most Bolivarian, Bolivarians) bolivarien Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {properNoun} République bolivarienne du Venezuela Bolivarianism {noun} bolivarianisme | bolivarisme Bolivia [/boʊ.ˈlɪv.i.ə/ | /bə.ˈlɪv.i.ə/] {properNoun} Bolivie Bolivian [/bəˈlɪv.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Bolivians) bolivien | Bolivien | Bolivienne Bolivian gracile opossum petit opossum-souris de Bolivie Bolivian slaty antshrike {noun} (Bolivian slaty antshrikes) batara de Bolivie boll [/boʊl/ | /bɒl/] {noun, verb} (bolls, bolled, bolling) capsule boll weevil {noun} (boll weevils) anthonome bollard [/ˈbɒlɑːd/ | /ˈbɒləɹd/] {noun} (bollards) bollard | bitte | bitte d'amarrage | borne Bollington {properNoun} Bollington bollock [/ˈbɒ.lək/] {noun, verb} (bollocks, bollocking, bollocked) couille | engueuler bollocks [/ˈbɒ.ləks/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bollock, bollockses, bollocksing, bollocksed) conneries | couilles | couillon | foirer | foutaises | les boules Bollywood {properNoun} Bollywood Bollywoodian {adjective} (most Bollywoodian, more Bollywoodian) bollywoodien Bolney Bolney Bolnhurst and Keysoe Bolnhurst and Keysoe bolo tie {noun} (bolo ties) bolo Bologna [/bəˈloʊnjə/ | /bəˈlɒnjə/] {properNoun} Bologne Bolognese [/ˌbɒləˈneɪz/] {adjective} bolognais bolognese [/ˌbɒləˈneɪz/] {noun} sauce bolognaise bolometer {noun} (bolometers) bolomètre bolometric magnitude {noun} magnitude bolométrique Bolon {noun, properNoun} bolon bolon {noun} (bolons) bolon bolonka bolonka Bolshevik [/ˈboʊ̯lʃəvɪk/ | /ˈbɒlʃəvɪk/] {noun} (Bolsheviki, Bolsheviks) bolchevik | bolchevique | bolchévique Bolshevism [/ˈbɑlʃəˌvɪzəm/ | /ˈbɒlʃəˌvɪz(ə)m/] {noun} bolchévisme Bolshevization {noun} (Bolshevizations) bolchevisation Bolshoi Bolchoï Bolsonarian bolsonarien Bolsover {properNoun} Bolsover bolster [/ˈboʊlstɚ/ | /ˈbəʊlstə/] {noun, verb} (bolsters, bolstering, bolstered) traversin Bolstone Bolstone bolt [/boʊlt/ | /bɒlt/] {adverb, noun, verb} (bolts, bolted, bolting) boulon | vis | carreau | verrou | boulonner | monter bolt bucket {noun} (bolt buckets) tas de boue | tas de ferraille bolt cutter {noun} (bolt cutters) coupe-boulons bolt from the blue {noun} (bolts from the blue) tomber des nues bolt upright {adjective} droit comme un i bolt-hole {noun} (bolt-holes) abri Boltby Boltby bolthole {noun} (boltholes) abri Bolton [/bɒltən/] {properNoun} Bolton Bolton Abbey Bolton Abbey Bolton by Bowland Bolton by Bowland Bolton le Sands Bolton le Sands Bolton on Swale Bolton on Swale Bolton Percy {properNoun} Bolton Percy Bolton upon Dearne {properNoun} Bolton upon Dearne Boltons Boltons bolus {noun, verb} (boluses, boli, bolusing, bolused) bol Bolzano {properNoun} Bolzano | Bolzane bomb [/bɑm/ | /bɒm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bomb, more bomb, bombs, bombed, bombing) bombe | bombarder | bombe sexuelle bomb cyclone {noun} (bomb cyclones) bombe cyclonique bombard [/ˈbɑmˌbɑɹd/ | /ˈbɒmˌbɑːd/ | /ˌbɑmˈbɑɹd/ | /ˌbɒmˈbɑːd/] {noun, verb} (bombards, bombarded, bombarding) bombarder | bombarde bombardier [/ˌbɑm.bɚˈdɪɚ/ | /ˌbɒm.bəˈdɪə/] {noun} (bombardiers) bombardier bombardier beetle {noun} (bombardier beetles) bombardier bombardment {noun} bombardement bombast [/ˈbɑmbæst/ | /ˈbɒmbæst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bombast, most bombast, bombasts, bombasting, bombasted) emphase bombast mahoe fromager bombastic [/bɑmˈbæs.tʰɪk/ | /bɒmˈbæs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more bombastic, most bombastic) abscons | ampoulé | boursouflé | enflé | pompeux | verbeux bombax {noun} (bombaxes) bombax Bombay {noun, properNoun} (Bombays) Bombay bombay cat bombay bombe [/bɒmb/] {noun} (bombes) bombe bombe andalouse bombe andalouse bomber [/ˈbɑməɹ/] {adjective, noun} (more bomber, most bomber, bombers) bombardier | artilleur | poseur de bombes bomber jacket {noun} (bomber jackets) bomber bombin chapeau melon bombing [/ˈbɒmɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bombings) bombardement bombshell {noun} (bombshells) bombe | obus | surprise bombykol {noun} (bombykols) bombykol bombyx {noun} (bombyxes) bombyx bon appétit [/ˌboʊn æpəˈti(t)/ | /ˌbɒn apəˈtiː/] {phraseologicalUnit} bon appétit | bon ap' bon mot [/bɑn moʊ/ | /bɒn məʊ/] {noun} (bon mots, bons mots) bon mot bon ton {noun} de bon ton bon vivant [/ˌbɑn viˈvɑnt/ | /ˌbɒ̃ viːˈvɒ̃/] {noun} (bons vivants, bon vivants) bon vivant | bonne vivante bon voyage [/ˌbɒn vwaɪˈɑːʒ/] {interjection} bon voyage bona fide [/ˈboʊnə.faɪd/ | /ˌbəʊ.nəˈfaɪ.di/] {adjective, adverb} authentique | de bonne foi | véritable Bonaire {properNoun} Bonaire Bonairian Bonairien bonanza {noun} (bonanzas) mine or Bonaparte {properNoun} Bonaparte Bonaparte's gull {noun} (Bonaparte's gulls) mouette de Bonaparte Bonaparte's parakeet conure de Bonaparte Bonaparte’s gull mouette de Bonaparte Bonapartism [/ˈbəʊnəpɑːtɪzəm/ | /ˌboʊnəˈpɑɹ(ˌ)tɪzəm/] {noun} bonapartisme Bonapartist {adjective, noun} (most Bonapartist, more Bonapartist, Bonapartists) bonapartiste | Bonapartiste Bonar Bridge Bonar Bridge Bonaventure {properNoun} Bonaventure Bonawe Bonawe bonbon {noun} (bonbons) bonbon Bonby Bonby Boncath Boncath bonce {noun} (bonces) ciboulot bond [/bɑnd/ | /bɒnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bond, more bond, bonds, bonding, bonded) liaison | lien | alliance | appareil | appareiller | entrave bond market {noun} (bond markets) marché obligataire bond order {noun} (bond orders) indice de liaison bondage [/ˈbɑn.dɪd͡ʒ/ | /ˈbɒn.dɪd͡ʒ/] {noun} bondage | esclavage | servitude bondager {noun} (bondagers) bondageur bonderization bondérisation bondholder {noun} (bondholders) obligataire bonding {noun, verb} (bondings) bonding | lien bonding number indice de valence formelle bonding of stones calepinage Bondleigh Bondleigh bondman {noun} (bondmen) esclave | serf bondologist bondologue bondsman [/ˈbɑndzmən/ | /ˈbɒndzmən/] {noun} (bondsmen) caution bone [/bɐʉn/ | /bəʉn/ | /bəʊn/ | /ˈboʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bones, boning, boned) os | arête | désosser | fourrer | baleine | emmancher bone density {noun} (bone densities) densité minérale osseuse bone folder {noun} (bone folders) plioir bone marrow {noun} (bone marrows) moelle osseuse | moelle bone of contention [/ˈboʊn əv kənˈtɛnʃən/ | /ˈbəʊn əv kənˈtɛnʃən/] {noun} (bones of contention) pomme de discorde bone-dry {adjective} désséché | sec comme du brésil bone-eater bonite bone-eating snot flower worm [/boʊn itɪŋ ˈsnɑt flaʊɚ wɝm/ | /bəʊn iːtɪŋ ˈsnɒt flaʊə wɜːm/] {noun} (bone-eating snot flower worms) ver bone-idle {adjective} cossard | fainéant | flemmard | glandouilleur | oisif bonefish {noun} (bonefishes, bonefish) banane de mer bonefolder {noun} (bonefolders) plioir boneless {adjective} (most boneless, more boneless) pratiquement Bonelli's eagle aigle de Bonelli Bonelli's warbler pouillot de Bonelli boner [/ˈboʊ.nɚ/ | /ˈbəʊ.nə(ɹ)/] {noun} (boners) trique | gaule boneyard {noun} (boneyards) cimetière bonfire [/ˈbɑnˌfaɪ.ɚ/ | /ˈbɒnˌfaɪ.ə/] {noun, verb} (bonfires, bonfired, bonfiring) feu de joie | bûcher bong [/bɒŋ/] {noun, verb} (bongs, bonging, bonged) bang Bonggi bonggi Bongo bongo bongo {noun, verb} (bongos, bongoes, bongoed, bongoing) bongo bonheur du jour [/bɒˌnɜː d(j)uː ˈʒʊə/ | /bəˌnɝ d(j)u ˈʒʊɹ/] {noun} (bonheurs du jour) bonheur-du-jour Bonhill Bonhill bonhomie [/boʊnəˈmiː/] {noun} (bonhomies) bonhomie Bonifacio [/bəˈniː.fɑː.tʃoʊ/] {properNoun} Bonifacio Bonifatius {properNoun} Boniface boning [/ˈboʊnɪŋ/ | /ˈbəʊnɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bonings) désossage Boningale Boningale bonito {noun} (bonitoes, bonito, bonitos) bonite bonk [/bɒŋk/] {noun, verb} (bonks, bonking, bonked) bosse | choc | coït | faire l'amour | heurt | heurter bonkers {adjective, noun} chtarbé | délirant | fou | irrationnel | zinzin Bonkle Bonkle Bonn {properNoun} Bonn bonnet [/ˈbɑn.ɪt/ | /ˈbɒn.ɪt/] {noun, verb} (bonnets, bonneted, bonneting) capot | bonnet | béret | casquette bonnet skate raie léopard bonnie {adjective} (more bonnie, most bonnie) beau Bonnington Bonnington Bonnybridge {properNoun} Bonnybridge Bonnykelly Bonnykelly Bonnyrigg Bonnyrigg Bonnyton Bonnyton bonobo [/bəˈnoʊ̯ˌboʊ̯/ | /bəˈnəʊ̯ˌbəʊ̯/ | /ˈbɒ.nəˌboʊ̯/] {noun} (bonobos) bonobo bonsai {interjection, noun, verb} (bonsai, bonsais, bonsaied, bonsaiing) bonsaï bonsaify bonsaïfier Bonsall {properNoun} (Bonsalls) Bonsall bonsmara bonsmara Bont Dolgadfan Bont Dolgadfan Bont Fawr Bont Fawr Bont Goch Bont Goch Bont Pren Bont Pren Bontddu Bontddu bontebok {noun} (bonteboks) bontebok Bontnewydd Bontnewydd Bontuchel Bontuchel bonus [/ˈboʊ.nəs/ | /ˈbəʊ.nəs/] {noun, verb} (bonuses, bonused, bonusing) bonus Bonvilston Bonvilston bony [/ˈbəʊni/] {adjective} (bonest, boner) osseux bony fishes {noun} ostéichthyens bonze {noun} (bonzes) bonze boo [/buː/] {interjection, noun, verb} (boos, booing, booed) huer | bouh | hou boo boo {noun} (boo boos) bobo boo-boo [/ˈbuːˌbuː/] {noun, verb} (boo-boos, boo-booing, boo-booed) bobo boob [/ˈbuːb/] {adjective, noun, verb} (boobs, boobing, boobed) lolo | nichon | néné | boîte à lait | doudoune | loloche boob tube {noun} (boob tubes) téloche boobie {noun} (boobies) lolo boobocracy {noun} crétinocratie boobook {noun} (boobooks) ninoxe booby [/ˈbuːbi/] {noun, verb} (boobies, boobying, boobied) fou | nibard | nichon | néné | robert booby prize {noun} (booby prizes) prix parodique booby trap {noun} (booby traps) piège | piégé booby-trap {noun, verb} (booby-traps, booby-trapped, booby-trapping) piège boogaloo {noun, verb} (boogaloos, boogalooed, boogalooing) boogaloo booger [/ˈbʊɡə/ | /ˈbʊɡɚ/] {noun} (boogers) crotte de nez | mucus Boogeyman {noun} (boogeymen) bonhomme Sept-Heures boogie [/ˈbuːɡi/] {noun, verb} (boogies, boogieing, boogying, boogied) boogie boogie-woogie {noun} boogie-woogie booh ouh Book Bible book [/buːk/ | /bʊk/] {noun, verb} (books, booking, booked) livre | bouquin | réserver book fair {noun} (book fairs) foire du livre book lover {noun} (book lovers) bibliophile book lung {noun} (book lungs) phyllotrachée book merchant libraire Book of Changes Yi Jing book of hours {noun} (books of hours) livre d'heures Book of Mormon {properNoun} Le livre de Mormon Book of Shadows {noun} (Books of Shadows) livre d'ombres book value {noun} (book values) prix public conseillé book vendor libraire book-building carnet d’ordres bookable {adjective} (most bookable, more bookable) réservable Bookan murut bookan bookbag {noun} (bookbags) sac à dos bookbinder {noun} (bookbinders) relieur | relieuse bookbindery {noun} (bookbinderies) atelier de reliure bookbinding {noun} atelier de reliure bookcase [[ˈbʊkːeɪs]] {noun} (bookcases) bibliothèque bookcrossing {noun, verb} bookcrossing bookend {noun, verb} (bookends, bookending, bookended) serre-livre bookie [/ˈbʊki/] {noun} (bookies) bookmaker booking [/ˈbʊkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} réservation | réserve booking agent imprésario booking note note de réservation bookish [/ˈbʊk.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (most bookish, more bookish) bouquineur | cuistre | formaliste | littéraire | livresque | pédant bookkeeper [/ˌbʊkˈkiː.pə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bookkeepers) comptable bookkeeping {noun, verb} (bookkeepings) comptabilité booklet [/ˈbʊk.lət/] {noun} (booklets) brochure | livret | pamphlet bookmaker [/ˈbʊkmeɪkəɹ/] {noun} (bookmakers) bookmaker bookmark [/ˈbʊkmɑɹk/] {noun, verb} (bookmarks, bookmarking, bookmarked) marque-page | signet | favori bookmarklet {noun} (bookmarklets) applisignet | bookmarklet | favelet | marque-page scripté | signapplet bookmobile {noun} (bookmobiles) bibliobus bookplate {noun, verb} (bookplates, bookplated, bookplating) ex-libris Books of Moses {properNoun} Livres de Moïse bookseller [/ˈbʊksɛlɚ/] {noun} (booksellers) libraire bookshelf [/ˈbʊkˌʃɛlf/] {noun} (bookshelves) bibliothèque | étagère bookshop {noun} (bookshops) librairie bookstagramer bookstagrameur bookstagrammer bookstagrammeur bookstand [/ˈbʊkˌstænd/] {noun} (bookstands) pupitre bookstore [/ˈbʊkstɔː/] {noun} (bookstores) librairie BookTuber {noun} (BookTubers) booktubeur Booktuber {noun} (Booktubers) booktubeur booktuber {noun} (booktubers) booktubeur bookworm [/ˈbʊk.wɜːm/] {noun} (bookworms) rat de bibliothèque | papivore Boolean [/ˈbuli.ən/ | /ˈbuːl.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Booleans) boolien | booléen | variable booléenne Boolean algebra {noun} (Boolean algebras) algèbre booléenne | algèbre de Boole Boolean function {noun} (Boolean functions) fonction booléenne Boolean logic {noun} (Boolean logics) logique booléenne Boolean variable {noun} (Boolean variables) variable booléenne boom [/bum/ | /buːm/] {interjection, noun, verb} (booms, booming, boomed) bôme | boom | boum | hausse | mat | perche boom barrier {noun} (boom barriers) barrage boom box {noun} (boom boxes) boombox | ghettoblaster | radiocassette boom operator perchiste boomer [/ˈbumɚ/ | /ˈbuːmə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbuːmə/ | /ˈbʉːmə/] {noun} (boomers) boomeur boomerang [/ˈbuməɹæŋ/ | /ˈbuːməɹæŋ/] {noun, verb} (boomerangs, boomeranging, boomeranged) boomerang booming [/ˈbuːmɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most booming, more booming, boomings) boum boomslang [/ˈbuːmˌslæŋ/] {noun} (boomslangs, boomslang) boomslang boomtown {noun} (boomtowns) ville champignon boon aubaine boondock {noun, verb} (boondocks, boondocking, boondocked) cambrousse boondocks {noun} bled boondoggle [/ˈbuːndɒɡəl/] {noun, verb} (boondoggles, boondoggled, boondoggling) perte de temps boonies [/ˈbuːniz/] {noun} cambrousse boor [/bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/ | /bʊə/ | /bʊɹ/] {noun} (boors) mufle | rustre | pignouf | plouc | beauf boorish [/ˈbʊəɹɪʃ/] {adjective} (more boorish, most boorish) grossier boorishly {adverb} (most boorishly, more boorishly) grossièrement boorishness {noun} (boorishnesses) goujaterie boost [/buːst/] {noun, verb} (boosts, boosting, boosted) relancer booster [/ˈbustɚ/] {noun} (boosters) rappel booster cables {noun} câbles d’appoint booster coil bobine de démarrage booster dose {noun} (booster doses) piqûre de rappel booster injection {noun} (booster injections) piqûre de rappel booster pump pompe de suralimentation booster rod barre de dopage booster shot {noun} (booster shots) piqûre de rappel boosting {noun, verb} autosévices boot [/but/ | /buːt/] {noun, verb} (boots, booting, booted) botte | démarrer | amorcer | botter | bottine | copie pirate boot camp {noun} (boot camps) classes boot loader {noun} (boot loaders) bootloader boot sector {noun} (boot sectors) secteur d’amorçage boot up {verb} (boots up, booting up, booted up) mettre le pied à l’étrier boot-maker bottier bootable {adjective, noun} (bootables) bootable bootable CD CD bootable booted bantam sabelpoot booted eagle {noun} (booted eagles) aigle botté booted warbler {noun} (booted warblers) hypolaïs bottée bootee {noun} (bootees) bottillon booth [/buːð/ | /buːθ/] {noun} (booths) stand | box | cabine | guérite | échoppe Boothby Graffoe Boothby Graffoe Boothby Pagnell Boothby Pagnell boothmate {noun} (boothmates) concabin bootjack {noun, verb} (bootjacks, bootjacking, bootjacked) tire-botte Bootle [/ˈbuːtəl/] {properNoun} Bootle Bootle-cum-Linacre Bootle-cum-Linacre bootleg {adjective, noun, verb} (bootlegs, bootlegging, bootlegged) [[non-]]officiel bootlegger {noun} (bootleggers) bootlegger bootlicker {noun} (bootlickers) lèche-bottes bootloader {noun} (bootloaders) bootloader bootmaker {noun} (bootmakers) bottier Booton Booton bootscreen bootscreen bootstrap [/ˈbuːtˌstɹæp/] {noun, verb} (bootstraps, bootstrapping, bootstrapped) amorçage | languette | se débrouiller | tirant | tremplin bootstrap current courant autogénéré booty [/ˈbuːti/] {noun} (booties) butin | fesses | cul | dépouille | plan cul | séant booty call {noun} (booty calls) plan cul booze [/buːz/] {noun, verb} (boozes, boozed, boozing) bibine boozehound {noun} (boozehounds) alcoolique boozer [/ˈbuː.zə(ɹ)/] {noun} (boozers) buveuse boozing {noun, verb} (boozings) soûlographie boozy [/ˈbuːzi/] {adjective} (boozer, boozest) humide BOP {noun, properNoun} BDP Bophuthatswana {properNoun} Bophuthatswana Bopomofo {properNoun} zhuyin bopomofo {properNoun} bopomofo Boquhan Boquhan Bora {properNoun} bora boracic {adjective} (most boracic, more boracic) boracique | borique | fauché | fauchée borage [/ˈbɒɹ.ɪdʒ/] {noun} (borages) bourrache boran cattle boran borane {noun} (boranes) borane Boraston Boraston borate {noun} (borates) borate borated {adjective} boré boration {noun} borication borax {noun} borax BORAX accident accident BORAX Borbonic bourbonien borborigmus [/bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/] {noun} (borborigmi) borborygme borborygmus [/bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/] {noun} (borborygmi) borborygme Bordeaux [/bɔɹdoʊ/] {noun, properNoun} (Bordeauxs, Bordeaux, Bordeauxes) Bordeaux Bordeaux mastiff dogue de Bordeaux Bordelais cattle bordelaise Bordelaise bordelaise bordello {noun} (bordellos) bordel Borden {noun, properNoun} (Bordens) Borden border [/ˈbɔədə/ | /ˈbɔɹdəɹ/ | /ˈbɔːdə/] {noun, verb} (borders, bordering, bordered) frontière | bord | border | bordure | délimiter border collie {noun} (border collies) border collie border crossing poste-frontière border guard {noun} (border guards) garde-frontière border on {verb} (borders on, bordered on, bordering on) approcher border terrier border terrier border upon côtoyer bordereau {noun} (bordereaux) bordereau Bordered White fidonie du pin bordering {adjective, noun, verb} (borderings) limitrophe borderland {noun} (borderlands) marche borderline {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most borderline, more borderline, borderlines, borderlining, borderlined) limite borderline personality disorder {noun} (borderline personality disorders) trouble de la personnalité borderline bordure {noun} (bordures) bordure Borduria Bordurie bore [/bo(ː)ɹ/ | /boə/ | /bɔɹ/ | /bɔː/] {noun, verb} (bores, boring, bored) ennuyer | percer | barber | mascaret Boreal {noun} Boréal boreal [/ˈbɔɹi.əl/ | /ˈbɔːɹɪəl/] {adjective} (more boreal, most boreal) boréal boreal chickadee {noun} (boreal chickadees) mésange à tête brune boreal owl {noun} (boreal owls) chouette de Tengmalm boreal vetch vesce craque Boreas [/ˈbɔɹɪəs/ | /ˈbɔːɹɪəs/] {properNoun} Borée boreas {noun} (boreases) aquilon | borée bored [/bo(ː)ɹd/ | /boəd/ | /bɔːd/ | /bɔːɹd/] {adjective, verb} (most bored, more bored) ennuyé | ennuyée boredom [/ˈbɔɹ.dəm/ | /ˈbɔː.dəm/] {noun} (boredoms) ennui Boreham {properNoun} Boreham Borel set {noun} (Borel sets) borélien Boreland Boreland borelian {adjective} borélien boreoeutherian {noun} (boreoeutherians) boréoeuthérien boreout {noun} bore-out borer [/ˈbɔːɹə/ | /ˈbɔːɹɚ/] {noun} (borers) foreuse Boreray Boreray Boreray Blackface boreray Borgesian {adjective} (most Borgesian, more Borgesian) borgien | borgésien Borghastan Borghastan Borgian {adjective} (most Borgian, more Borgian) borgien borgu borgou Borgue Borgue boric {adjective} boracique | borico- | borique boric acid {noun} (boric acids) acide borique boride {noun} (borides) borure boriding {noun} boruration Borinage {properNoun} Borinage boring [/ˈbɔːɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most boring, more boring, borings) ennuyeux | ennuyant | barbant boring as hell chiant comme la pluie boringly {adverb} (more boringly, most boringly) ennuyeusement boringness {noun} ennuyance Boris [/ˈbɔɹɪs/] {properNoun} Boris borism {noun} borisme Borjomi {properNoun} Borjomi Borley Borley born [/ˈbɔɹn/ | /ˈbɔːn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (borns, bornin, bornt) né | née born under a lucky star né sous une bonne étoile born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adjective} né avec une cuillère d'argent dans la bouche born-again {adjective, noun} (born-agains) de nouveau | rené | à nouveau borne [/bo(ː)ɹn/ | /boən/ | /bɔɹn/ | /bɔːn/] {adjective, verb} porté | supporté Bornean banded pitta brève de Schwaner bornean bearded pig sanglier barbu Bornean frogmouth podarge de Bornéo Borneo [/ˈbo(ː)ɹnioʊ/ | /ˈboənioʊ/ | /ˈbɔɹnioʊ/ | /ˈbɔːni.əʊ/] {properNoun} Bornéo borneo camphor camphre de Bornéo borneol {noun} (borneols) bornéol Borness Borness Bornholm [/ˈbɔɹn.həʊm/] {properNoun} Bornholm bornite {noun} (bornites) bornite boromagnesite {noun} (boromagnesites) boromagnésite boron [/ˈbɔːˌɹɒn/] {noun} (borons) bore boron group {noun} (boron groups) groupe 13 boron-bearing boré boronated {adjective} (most boronated, more boronated) boré borophene {noun} (borophenes) borophène borosilicate {noun} (borosilicates) borosilicate borough [/ˈbʌɹoʊ/ | /ˈbʌɹə/] {noun} (boroughs) arrondissement Borough Fen Borough Fen Borough Green {properNoun} Borough Green Boroughbridge Boroughbridge borrelia {noun} (borrelias, borreliae) borrélie borreliosis {noun} borréliose Borromean {adjective} (most Borromean, more Borromean) borroméen Borromean rings {noun} anneaux borroméens borrow [/ˈbɑɹoʊ/ | /ˈbɒɹəʊ/ | /ˈbɔɹoʊ/] {noun, verb} (borrows, borrowed, borrowing) emprunter | retenir Borrowby Borrowby Borrowdale {properNoun} Borrowdale borrowed [/ˈbɑɹoʊd/ | /ˈbɒɹəʊd/ | /ˈbɔɹoʊd/] {verb} emprunté borrowed scenery {noun} paysage emprunté borrower [/ˈbɔɹəuə/] {noun} (borrowers) emprunteur | emprunteuse Borrowfield Borrowfield borrowing {noun, verb} emprunt borscht [/bɔɹʃt/ | /bɔːʃt/] {noun} borsch | bortsch Borsham Borsham Borth {properNoun} (Borths) Borth Borthwick {properNoun} Borthwick Borve Borve Borwick Borwick borzoi [/ˈbɔːzɔɪ/] {noun} (borzoi, borzois) barzoï | levrier de chasse russe bosal [/boʊˈsæl/] {noun} (bosals) bosal bosanski oštrodlaki gonič chien courant de Bosnie à poil dur Bosbury Bosbury Boscobel Boscobel Bose-Einstein condensate {noun} (Bose-Einstein condensates) condensat de Bose-Einstein Bose–Einstein condensate condensat de Bose-Einstein Bosham {properNoun} Bosham bosky [/ˈbɒski/] {adjective} (bosker, boskest) boisé Bosley {properNoun} (Bosleys) Bosley Bosna {properNoun} Bosna Bosnia [/ˈbɑz.ni.ə/ | /ˈbɒz.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Bosnie Bosnia and Herzegovina [/ˈbɒzni.ə ænd hɜɹtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ænd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd hɜɹtsɨˈɡoʊvɨnə/ | /ˈbɒzni.ə ənd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/] {properNoun} Bosnie-Herzégovine | Bosnie-et-Herzégovine Bosniak {noun} (Bosniaks) Bosniaque bosniak bosniaque Bosnian [/ˈbɑːzni.ən/ | /ˈbɒzni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bosnian, most Bosnian) bosnien | Bosnien | bosniaque bosnian Bosnien Bosnian coarse-haired hound chien courant de Bosnie à poil dur bosom [/ˈbʊz(ə)m/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bosoms, bosomed, bosoming) sein | intime bosom friend {noun} (bosom friends) ami(e) intime boson [/ˈboʊ.zɒn/ | /ˈbəʊ.zɒn/] {noun} (bosons) boson bosonic [/boʊˈsɑnɪk/] {adjective} bosonique Bosphorus [/ˈbɑs.fɚ.əs/ | /ˈbɒs.fəɹ.əs/] {properNoun} Bosphore boss [/bɑs/ | /bɒs/ | /bɔs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bosses, bossing, bossed) patron | chef | boss | clé de voûte boss around {verb} (bosses around, bossed around, bossing around) mener à la baguette Bossa nova bossa nova bossage {noun} (bossages) bossage bosshead noix bossiness {noun} (bossinesses) paternalisme Bossington Bossington Bossonian Bossonien bossy [/ˈbɑsi/ | /ˈbɒsi/ | /ˈbɔsi/] {adjective, noun} (bossies, most bossy, more bossy, bosser, bossest) autoritaire bostangi {noun} (bostangis) bostangi Bostock {properNoun} (Bostocks) Bostock Boston [/ˈbɑstən/ | /ˈbɒstən/ | /ˈbɔstən/] {noun, properNoun} (Bostons) Boston Boston bull terrier terrier de Boston Boston Spa Boston Spa Boston terrier {noun} (Boston terriers) terrier de Boston bosun {noun} (bosuns) bosco bos’n bosco BOT {noun} BOT bot [/bɑt/ | /bɒt/] {noun, verb} (bots, botting, botted) bot | robot botanical {adjective, noun} (botanicals) botanique botanical garden {noun} (botanical gardens) jardin botanique botanically {adverb} botaniquement botanist [/ˈbɒt.ən.ɪst/] {noun} (botanists) botaniste botanize {verb} (botanizes, botanized, botanizing) botaniser botanomancy {noun} botanomancie botany [/ˈbɒtəni/] {noun} (botanies) botanique botch [/bɑt͡ʃ/ | /bɒt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (botches, botching, botched) bâcler | rater | saccager botch up {verb} (botches up, botching up, botched up) bousiller | gâter botched {adjective, verb} gâché Botesdale Botesdale botfly {noun} (botflies) œstre both [/boʊlθ/ | /boʊθ/ | /bəʊθ/] {conjunction, determiner, pronoun} tous les deux | les deux Bothamsall Bothamsall Bothel and Threapland Bothel and Threapland Bothenhampton Bothenhampton bother [/ˈbɒðəɹ/ | [ˈbɑðɚ] | [ˈbɒðə(ɹ)] | [ˈbɔðə(ɹ)]] {interjection, noun, verb} (bothers, bothered, bothering) déranger | gêner | bâdrer | daigner | embêter | zut bothersome {adjective} (most bothersome, more bothersome) ennuyeux Bothnia Botnie Bothnian Bay {properNoun} baie de Botnie Bothnian Sea {properNoun} mer de Botnie bothridium {noun} (bothridia) bothridie Bothwell {properNoun} (Bothwells) Bothwell Botley {properNoun} Botley Botlikh botlikh botnet [/ˈbɒtnɛt/] {noun} (botnets) botnet boto [/ˈbəʊtəʊ/] {noun} (botos) boto Botox [/ˈboʊtɑks/ | /ˈbəʊtɒks/] {properNoun, verb} (Botoxes, Botoxing, Botoxed) botox botrytic {adjective} botrytique botrytisation botrytisation botrytised botrytisé Botswana [/bɑːtˈswɑːnə/ | /bɒtˈswɑːnə/] {properNoun} Botswana Botswanan {adjective, noun} (more Botswanan, most Botswanan, Botswanans) Botswanais | Botswanéen | Botswanaise | Botswanéenne Bottesford Bottesford Bottisham Bottisham bottle [/ˈbɑ.təl/ | /ˈbɒ.təl/] {noun, verb} (bottles, bottling, bottled) bouteille | culot | embouteiller | mettre en bouteille | nourrir au biberon | se dégonfler bottle bank {noun} (bottle banks) container de verre usagé bottle cap {noun} (bottle caps) capsule bottle carrier porte-bouteilles bottle drainer porte-bouteilles bottle episode [/ˈbɑtəl ˈɛpəˌsoʊd/ | /ˈbɒtəl ˈɛpɪsəʊd/] {noun} (bottle episodes) épisode bouteille bottle graft greffe de Tschudi bottle green {adjective, noun} (most bottle green, more bottle green) vert-bouteille bottle opener {noun} (bottle openers) décapsuleur | ouvre-bouteille bottle out {verb} craquer | se dégonfler bottle up {verb} (bottles up, bottled up, bottling up) embouteiller | réprimer | enfouir bottle-brush goupillon bottlebrush {noun} (bottlebrushes) callistemon bottled water {noun} (bottled waters) eau embouteillée | eau en bouteille bottleneck {noun, verb} (bottlenecks, bottlenecking, bottlenecked) goulot | goulet d’étranglement | goulot de bouteille | tête de bouteille bottlenose dolphin {noun} (bottlenose dolphins) dauphin à gros nez | grand dauphin | tursiops bottlenose skate {noun} (bottlenose skates) raie blanche bottlenose whale {noun} (bottlenose whales) hyperoodon bottling {noun, verb} (bottlings) embouteillage bottom [/ˈbɑtəm/ | /ˈbɒtəm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bottoms, bottomed, bottoming) fond | derrière | passif | dessous | arrière-train | bas bottom bracket {noun} (bottom brackets) axe de pédalier bottom feeder {noun} (bottom feeders) poisson de fond bottom line {noun} résultat net | résumé bottom of the barrel {noun} fond de tonneau bottom of the pyramid BDP bottom quark {noun} (bottom quarks) quark bottom bottom the house {verb} (bottoms the house, bottomed the house, bottoming the house) nettoyer du sol au plafond bottom turn virage en bas de vague bottom-up {adjective} ascendant bottomless [/ˈbaɾm̩lɨs/ | /ˈbɒtm̩.ləs/] {adjective} insondable bottomless pit {noun} (bottomless pits) abîme | puits sans fond bottomonium {noun} (bottomoniums, bottomonia) bottomonium bottomry {noun} (bottomries) bodinerie | bomerie bottoms up {interjection} cul sec | à fond botulin {noun} (botulins) botuline botulinic {adjective} botulique botulinum toxin {noun} (botulinum toxins) toxine botulique botulism [/ˈbɑt͡ʃ.əˌlɪz.əm/ | /ˈbɒt.jʊl.ɪz.əm/] {noun} (botulisms) botulisme Botusfleming Botusfleming Botwnnog Botwnnog Bouaké {properNoun} Bouaké boubou {noun} (boubous) boubou Bouches-du-Rhône {properNoun} Bouches-du-Rhône boudoir [/buˈdwɑɹ/ | /ˈbuːdwɑː/] {noun} (boudoirs) boudoir Bougainville Strait détroit de Bougainville bougainvillea [/ˌbu.ɡənˈvɪl.jə/ | /ˌbuː.ɡənˈvɪl.ɪ.ə/] {noun} (bougainvilleas) bougainvillier | bougainvillée bough [/baʊ/ | /bə/ | /bʌʊ/] {noun} (boughs) branche Boughrood Boughrood bought deal prise ferme Boughton {properNoun} (Boughtons) Boughton Boughton Aluph Boughton Aluph Boughton Malherbe Boughton Malherbe Boughton Monchelsea Boughton Monchelsea Boughton under Blean Boughton under Blean bougie [/ˈbuːʒi/] {adjective, noun} (bougiest, bougier, bougies) bougie bouillabaisse [/ˈbujəˌbeɪs/ | /ˈbuːjəˌbeɪs/] {noun} bouillabaisse Bouillon Bouillon bouillon [/ˈbuː.jɒn/ | /ˈbʊlˌjɑn/] {noun} bouillon bouillon cube {noun} (bouillon cubes) bouillon cube boulder [/ˈboʊldəɹ/ | /ˈbəʊl.də(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (boulders, bouldering, bouldered) rocher boules {noun} boules | pétanque boulet griffon griffon boulet bouleutes {noun} (bouleutai) bouleute boulevard [/ˈbuː.ləˌvɑːd/ | /ˈbʊləvɑɹd/] {noun} (boulevards) boulevard boulevard theatre théâtre de boulevard Boulge Boulge Boulogne [/bʊˈlɔɪn/] {properNoun} Boulogne-sur-Mer Boulogne-sur-Mer Boulogne-sur-Mer Boulonnais horse boulonnais bounce [/baʊns/] {noun, verb} (bounces, bounced, bouncing) rebond | rebondir bounce address adresse de rebond bounce off the walls {verb} (bounces off the walls, bounced off the walls, bouncing off the walls) avoir bounce rate {noun} (bounce rates) taux de rebond bounced cheque {noun} (bounced cheques) chèque en bois bouncer [/ˈbaʊnsə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbaʊnsə˞/] {noun} (bouncers) videur bouncing [/ˈbaʊnsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bouncings) bondissant bouncing castle [/ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkæsəl/ | /ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkɑːsəl/] {noun} (bouncing castles) jeu gonflable | château gonflable bouncing-bet saponaire officinale bouncy [/ˈbaʊnsi/] {adjective} (bouncest, bouncer) animé bound [/ˈbaʊnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bounds, bounding, bounded, most bound, more bound) frontière | sauter | bond | bondir | borne | délimiter bound morpheme {noun} (bound morphemes) morphème lié bound variable {noun} (bound variables) variable liée bound water {noun} eau de rétention boundary [/ˈbaʊndəɹi/ | /ˈbaʊndɹi/] {noun} (boundaries) frontière | limite boundary effect effet de bord boundary marker borne boundary stone borne bounded [/ˈbaʊndɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most bounded, more bounded) borné bounded function {noun} (bounded functions) fonction bornée boundless {adjective} (most boundless, more boundless) illimité bounteous [/ˈbaʊntiəs/] {adjective} (more bounteous, most bounteous) généreux bounty [/ˈbaʊn(t)i/ | /ˈbaʊnti/] {noun} (bounties) don | prime bounty hunter {noun} (bounty hunters) chasseur de primes bouquet [/boʊˈkeɪ/] {noun} (bouquets) bouquet bouquet garni {noun} (bouquets garnis) bouquet garni Bourbakian {adjective, noun} (Bourbakians) bourbachique Bourbakism {noun} bourbakisme bourbon [/bɜː(ɹ)bən/ | /ˈbʊə(ɹ)bən/] {noun} bourbon bourbon coffee café bourbon Bourbon goose blanche du Bourbonnais Bourbon red bourbon rouge Bourbonic {adjective} bourbonien Bourbonnais grey gris du Bourbonnais Bourbonnais pointer braque du Bourbonnais bourbonnaise bourbonnaise Bourbourg poule de Bourbourg Bourdieusian {adjective} bourdieusien bourdon [/ˈbʊədən/] {noun} (bourdons) bourdon bourgeois [/bu(ɹ)ʒ.ˈwɑː/ | /ˈbɔːʒ.wɑː/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bourgeois, most bourgeois, bourgeois, bourgeoises, bourgeoising, bourgeoised) bourgeois | gaillarde | petit-romain bourgeoisie [/ˌbʊə(ɹ)ʒwɑːˈziː/] {noun} bourgeoisie bourgeoisify {verb} (bourgeoisifies, bourgeoisifying, bourgeoisified) embourgeoiser Bourges {properNoun} Bourges Bourget {properNoun} (Bourgets) Bourget Bourgogne-Franche-Comté {properNoun} Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Bourguibism {noun} bourguibisme Bourke's parakeet perruche de Bourke Bourke's parrot perruche de Bourke Bourn {properNoun} (Bourns) Bourn Bourne {properNoun} Bourne Bournemouth [/bɔːnməθ/] {properNoun} Bournemouth Bournheath Bournheath Bournmoor Bournmoor bournonite {noun} bournonite bourrée {noun} (bourrées) bourrée Bourton Bourton Bourton and Draycote Bourton and Draycote Bourton on the Hill Bourton on the Hill Bourton on the Water Bourton on the Water Bourtons Bourtons Bouscat giant white géant blanc du Bouscat boustrophedon [/ˌbuːstɹəˈfiːdən/] {adjective, adverb, noun} boustrophédon bout [/bʌʊt/ | /ˈbaʊt/] {noun, preposition, verb} (bouts, bouting, bouted) attaque Boutin {properNoun} (Boutins) Boutin boutique [/buːˈtiːk/] {adjective, noun} (boutiques) boutique bouts of fatigue coup de pompe Bouvet Island {properNoun} île Bouvet bouvier des Ardennes bouvier des Ardennes bouvier des Flandres {noun} (bouviers des Flandres) bouvier des Flandres Bouyai bouyei bouzouki [/bəˈzuːki/] {noun} (bouzoukis) bouzouki bovarysm {noun} bovarisme | bovarysme bovarysme bovarysme Boverton Boverton Bovey Tracey Bovey Tracey bovid [/ˈboʊvɪd/] {noun} (bovids) bovidé bovine [/ˈboʊvaɪn/ | /ˈbəʊ.vaɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more bovine, most bovine, bovines) bovin | bovine bovine bolete bolet élégant Bovine ephemeral fever fièvre de trois jours bovine farcy farcin des bovins bovine haemorrhagic septicaemia septicémie hémorragique bovine bovine spongiform encephalopathy {noun} encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine bovine theileriosis theilériose bovine bovine trypanosomosis trypanosomose bovine Bovine virus diarrhea diarrhée virale bovine bovinely {adverb} (more bovinely, most bovinely) bovinement Bovingdon Bovingdon bovinic acid {noun} acide ruménique bovver {interjection, noun} emmerde Bow [/bəʊ/] {properNoun} Bow bow [/boʊ/ | /bəʊ/] {noun, verb} (bows, bowing, bowed) arc | archet | proue | révérence | étrave | arc à flèches bow and arrow [/bəʊ(.)ən(d.)æɹəʊ/] {noun} (bows and arrows) arc et flèche bow and scrape [/ˈbaʊəndskɹeɪp/] {noun, verb} (bows and scrapes, bowing and scraping, bowed and scraped) caresser dans le sens du poil | cirer les pompes | lécher le cul | passer de la pommade Bow Brickhill Bow Brickhill bow down {verb} s’incliner bow drill {noun} (bow drills) drille à archet bow grip {noun} (bow grips) poucette | poussette bow maker {noun} (bow makers) archetier | facteur d'arc bow making archèterie bow out [/baʊ aʊt/] {verb} (bows out, bowed out, bowing out) incliner bow saw {noun} (bow saws) sciotte bow shock [/ˈbaʊʃɑk/] {noun} (bow shocks) onde de shock Bow Street [/bəʊ stɹiːt/] {properNoun} Bow Street bow tie {noun} (bow ties) nœud papillon bow wave {noun} (bow waves) vague d'étrave bow wow {noun} (bow wows) mouarf | ouah ouah bow-wow {adjective, interjection, noun} (bow-wows) ouah Bowden cable {noun} (Bowden cables) câble Bowden Bowdon