Читать книгу The Great Dictionary English - French - Benjamin Maximilian Eisenhauer - Страница 17
Оглавлениеbistronomic {adjective} bistronomique bistronomically bistronomiquement bistronomy {noun} bistronomie bisulfate {noun, verb} (bisulfates, bisulfating, bisulfated) bisulfate Bit khabit bit [/bɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bits, bitting, bitted) bit | peu | foret | instant | minute | mors bit by a barn mouse {phraseologicalUnit} ivre bit by bit {adverb} petit à petit | peu à peu bit cell cellule binaire bit of skirt {noun} (bits of skirt) piémont bit player {noun} (bit players) petit joueur | petite joueuse | utilité bit rate {noun} (bit rates) bitrate bit-to-bit bit à bit bitbrace vilebrequin bitch [/bɪt͡s/ | /bɪt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (bitches, bitched, bitching) chienne | salope | chialer | garce | louve | pester bitch mouse siciste bitch slap {noun, verb} (bitch slaps, bitch slapping, bitch slapped) gifle Bitchfield and Bassingthorpe Bitchfield and Bassingthorpe bitchy [/ˈbɪtʃi/] {adjective} (bitchest, bitcher) acariâtre bitcoin [/ˈbɪtˌkɔɪn/] {noun, properNoun} (bitcoins, bitcoin) bitcoin bite [/baɪt/ | /bʌɪt/] {noun, verb} (bites, biting, bit, bitten) mordre | morsure | bouchée | piquer | piqûre bite me {interjection} aller au diable | aller chier dans sa caisse | va chier | va te faire enculer | va te faire foutre bite off {verb} (bites off, biting off, bitten off, bit off) s'emparer | saisir | se casser le cul | se décarcasser | se dévouer bite off more than one can chew {verb} avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre bite one's tongue {verb} rabattre le caquet | réduire au silence bite the biscuit {verb} (bites the biscuit, biting the biscuit, bitten the biscuit, bit the biscuit) mourir bite the bullet {verb} (bites the bullet, bitten the bullet, biting the bullet, bit the bullet) encaisser | serrer les dents bite the dust {verb} (bites the dust, bitten the dust, biting the dust, bit the dust) mordre la poussière | avaler son extrait de naissance | calancher | claquer | crever | lâcher bite the hand that feeds one {verb} mordre la main nourricière | mordre la main qui nourrit bite your tong se mordre la langue biter bit arroseur arrosé bitfield {noun} (bitfields) champ de bits bitherapy {noun} (bitherapies) bithérapie Bithynia [/bɪˈθɪni.ə/] {properNoun} Bithynie biting [/ˈbaɪtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most biting, more biting, bitings) mordant biting stonecrop orpin âcre bitis bitis bitless {adjective} ennasure bitmap {noun} (bitmaps) image matricielle bitmap image image matricielle bitness {noun} (bitnesses) largeur Bitola {properNoun} Bitola bitonic {adjective} bitonique bitrate {noun} (bitrates) débit binaire bitstock {noun} (bitstocks) chignole | vilebrequin bitt {noun, verb} (bitts, bitting, bitted) bitte Bittadon Bittadon bitter [/ˈbɪtə/ | /ˈbɪtəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bitterer, bitterest, more bitter, most bitter, bitters, bittered, bittering) amer | dur | haineux | haïssable | hostile | odieux bitter almond {noun} (bitter almonds) amande amère bitter bolete bolet de fiel bitter cold froid de canard bitter end {noun} (bitter ends) étalingure bitter gourd {noun} (bitter gourds) margoze bitter melon [/ˈbɪtəɹ ˈmɛlən/] {noun} (bitter melons) margose | melon amer | momordique | poire balsamique | pomme de merveille bitter orange {noun} bigarade | bigaradier | orange amère bitter orange tree bigaradier bitter tomato aubergine bitter tylopilus bolet de fiel bitter vetch {noun} (bitter vetches) ers bittercress {noun} (bittercresses) dentaire Bitterley Bitterley bitterling {noun} (bitterlings) bouvière bitterly [/ˈbɪtəli/ | /ˈbɪtəɹli/] {adverb} (more bitterly, most bitterly) amèrement bittern [/ˈbɪtən/ | /ˈbɪtəɹn/] {noun} (bitterns) butor bitterness [/ˈbɪtənəs/] {noun} (bitternesses) amertume Bitternut Hickory caryer cordiforme bitterroot {adjective, noun} léwisie à racine amère bitters {noun, verb} (bitters) amer bittersweet [/ˈbɪtɚˌswit/] {adjective, noun} (most bittersweet, more bittersweet, bittersweets) doux-amer | douce-amère | aigre-doux | mi-figue mi-raisin bitterweed {noun} (bitterweeds) ambroisie Bittesby Bittesby Bitteswell Bitteswell Bitton {properNoun} (Bittons) Bitton bitumen [/bɪˈtumən/ | /ˈbɪt.jʊ.mɪn/] {noun, verb} (bitumina, bitumens, bitumening, bitumened) bitume bituminize {verb} (bituminizes, bituminized, bituminizing) bitumer bituminous {adjective, noun} (most bituminous, more bituminous, bituminouses) bitumineux bituminous coated material enrobé bitumineux bituminous sand {noun} (bituminous sands) sable asphaltique bitunicate {adjective, noun} (bitunicates) bituniqué bivalence {noun} bivalence bivalent [/baɪˈveɪlənt/] {adjective, noun} (most bivalent, more bivalent, bivalents) bivalent bivalve [/ˈbaɪvælv/] {noun} (bivalves) bivalve bivector {noun} (bivectors) biveteur bivouac [/ˈbɪv.u.æk/] {noun, verb} (bivouacs, bivouacks, bivouacking, bivouacked, bivouacing) bivouac bivvy {noun, verb} (bivvies, bivvied, bivvying) tente-abri biweekly [/baɪˈwiːkli/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (biweeklies) bimensuel | quinzomadaire | bihebdomadaire | bihebdomadairement Bix and Assendon Bix and Assendon bixin {noun} bixine Bixley Bixley biyearly {adjective, adverb} biannuel bizarre [/bɪˈzɑɹ/ | /bɪˈzɑː(ɹ)/] {adjective} (most bizarre, more bizarre, bizarrer, bizarrest) bizarre bizarrely {adverb} (more bizarrely, most bizarrely) bizarrement bizarreness [/bɪ.ˈzɑɹ.nəs/ | /bɪ.ˈzɑː.nəs/] {noun} (bizarrenesses) bizarrerie Bizet sheep {noun} (Bizet sheep) bizet bizkayan biscayen BL Lac object {noun} (BL Lac objects) objet BL Lacertae blaarkop groningue blab [/blæb/] {noun, verb} (blabs, blabbing, blabbed) redire blabber [/ˈblæb.ə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blabbers, blabbering, blabbered) babiller blabbermouth [/ˈblæb.ə(ɹ)ˌmaʊθ/] {noun} (blabbermouths) pipelette Blaby [/bleɪbi/] {properNoun} Blaby black [/blæk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blackest, blacker, blacks, blacked, blacking) noir | Noir | Noire | noir de monde Black Africa Afrique noire black alder {noun} aulne glutineux | aulne noir | aulne poisseux black alpine salamander salamandre noire black and blue {adjective} noir black and tan coonhound chien noir et feu pour la chasse au raton laveur black and tan terrier terrier d’agrément anglais noir et feu black and white {adjective, noun} (most black and white, more black and white, black and whites) noir et blanc black and white honeyeater méliphage varié black angus angus noir black antimony {noun} trisulfure d’antimoine black antshrike {noun} (black antshrikes) batara noir Black Arches nonne black art {noun} (black arts) magie noire black ash {noun} (black ashes) frêne noir black bass {noun} (black bass, black basses) achigan black baza baza huppard black bear {noun} (black bears) baribal | ours noir | ours noir d'Asie | ours à collier du Tibet black beetle {noun} (black beetles) blatte black belt {noun} (black belts) ceinture noire black bile {noun} atrabile black body {noun} (black bodies) corps noir Black Bourton Black Bourton black box {noun, verb} (black boxes, black boxed, black boxing) boîte noire | boite noire black bryony {noun} tamier commun black bulgar bulgarie noire black bullhead poisson-chat commun black caiman {noun} (black caimans) caïman noir black caraway {noun} (black caraways) châtaigne de terre black cat {noun, verb} (black cats, black-cats, black-catted, black-catting) chat noir black chanterelle {noun} (black chanterelles) trompette de la mort | trompette des morts | corne d’abondance | craterelle black child {noun} (black children) enfant noir | négrillon black chocolate chocolat noir black coal {noun} charbon bitumineux | houille grasse black coffee {noun} (black coffees) café noir black country pays noir black crowned crane grue couronnée black currant [/ˈblækˌkɜɹənt/ | /ˈblækˌkʌɹənt/] {noun} (black currants) cassis | cassissier | groseillier noir black cyanide cyanure de calcium Black Death {properNoun} peste noire black disease hépatite infectieuse nécrosante black dogfish aiguillat noir black dwarf {noun} (black dwarfs) naine noire black eagle aigle noir black eye {noun} (black eyes) œil au beurre noir | cocard | mélanobutyrophtalmie | œil poché black film film noir black flag {noun, verb} (black flags) drapeau noir black fly {noun} (blackflies) simulie Black Forest {properNoun} Forêt-Noire | Forêt Noire Black Forest gâteau {noun} (Black Forest gâteaus, Black Forest gâteaux) forêt noire black four-eyed opossum opossum noir black francolin {noun} (black francolins) francolin noir black friar {noun} (black friars) dominicain Black Friday {properNoun} (Black Fridays) Black Friday | vendredi fou | vendredi noir black goby {noun} (black gobies, black goby) gobie noir black gold {noun} or noir black goshawk autour noir black grouse [/ˈblæk ɡɹɑʊs/] {noun} (black grouses) tétras lyre black guillemot {noun} (black guillemots) guillemot à miroir black guineafowl pintade noire black hat {noun} (black hats) black hat black hat SEO black hat SEO black hellebore {noun} (black hellebores) rose de Noël black henbane jusquiame noire black hole [/blæk ˈhoʊl/ | /blæk ˈhəʊl/] {noun, verb} (black holes) trou noir black humor {noun} humour noir black Iberian pig porc ibérique black ice {noun} verglas | glace noire black jack {noun} pavillon noir black kite {noun} (black kites) milan noir black knight {noun} (black knights) chevalier noir black lark alouette nègre black leg charbon black letter {noun} (black letters) Fraktur black light {noun} (black lights) lumière noire black liquor {noun} liqueur noire black locust {noun} (black locusts) robinier black lory lori noir black lung {noun} silicose black magic {noun} magie noire black magick {noun} magie noire black mamba {noun} (black mambas) mamba noir Black Maria [/blæk məˈɹaɪə/] {noun} (Black Marias) vinaigrette black market {noun} (black markets) marché noir | économie souterraine black marketeer {noun} (black marketeers) trafiquant | trafiquante black medick lupuline black merino noire de Thibar Black Moon Lune noire black moon lune noire black morel morille conique black mulberry {noun} (black mulberries) mûre noire | mûrier noir black muscat muscat de Hambourg black neon tetra néon noir black nightshade {noun} (black nightshades) morelle noire black Norwegian elkhound chien d’élan norvégien noir Black Notley Black Notley black out {verb} assombrir | caviarder | noircir | obscurcir | perdre connaissance | s'évanouir black panel affichage nocturne de confort black panther panthère noire black parrot vaza noir black pepper {noun} poivre noir black petrel puffin de Parkinson black pied pie-noir Black poplar peuplier noir Black Poui flamboyant bleu black powder {noun} poudre à canon black pudding {noun} (black puddings) boudin noir black quarter {noun} charbon symptomatique black radish {noun} (black radishes) raifort black rat {noun} (black rats) rat noir black redstart {noun} (black redstarts) rouge-queue noir black rod barre noire Black Saint-Peters Black Saint-Peters black salsify {noun} (black salsifies) scorsonère black scabbardfish {noun} (black scabbardfishes, black scabbardfish) sabre noir Black Sea {properNoun} mer Noire black seabream dorade grise black sheep {noun} (black sheep) brebis galeuse | excentrique | mouton noir | original black skimmer {noun} (black skimmers) bec-en-ciseaux noir black skirt tetra tétra noir black smoker {noun} (black smokers) fumeur noir black sparrowhawk autour noir black spruce épinette noire black squat lobster galathée noire black stork {noun} (black storks) cigogne noire black swallow-wort {noun} dompte-venin noir black swan {noun} (black swans) cygne noir black tea {noun} thé noir black tern {noun} (black terns) guifette noire black tetra tétra noir Black Thursday {properNoun} jeudi noir black tie {noun} smoking Black Torrington Black Torrington black truffle {noun} (black truffles) truffe noire black trumpet trompette de la mort black vulture {noun} (black vultures) vautour moine black walnut {noun} noyer noir black wheatear traquet rieur black widow {noun} (black widows) veuve noire black widow tetra tétra noir black wildebeest gnou noir black willow {noun} saule noir black winter truffle truffe d’hiver black with people noir de monde black woodpecker [/ˈblækˈwʊdpɛkə(ɹ)/] {noun} (black woodpeckers) pic noir black-and-white {adjective} (more black-and-white, most black-and-white) noir et blanc black-arched moth {noun} (black-arched moths) bombyx moine black-backed bush tanager urotangara black-backed jackal {noun} (black-backed jackals) chacal à chabraque black-backed parrotlet toui à dos noir black-bellied plover {noun} (black-bellied plovers) pluvier argenté black-bellied sandgrouse {noun} (black-bellied sandgrouses) ganga unibande black-billed amazon amazone verte black-billed capercaillie {noun} (black-billed capercaillies) tétras à bec noir black-billed cuckoo coulicou à bec noir black-breasted buzzard milan à plastron black-breasted kite milan à plastron black-capped avocet avocette élégante black-capped chickadee {noun} (black-capped tits) mésange à tête noire black-capped conure conure à cape noire black-capped lory lori tricolore black-capped parakeet conure à cape noire black-cheeked lovebird inséparable à joues noires black-cheeked waxbill astrild des fées black-chinned siskin {noun} (black-chinned siskins) siù black-collared lovebird inséparable à collier noir black-crested antshrike {noun} (black-crested antshrikes) Batara huppé black-crowned antpitta pittasome à tête noire black-crowned night heron {noun} (black-crowned night herons) bihoreau gris | héron bihoreau | corbeau de nuit black-crowned waxbill astrild nonnette black-eared miner méliphage à oreillons noirs black-eared opossum opossum commun black-eared parrotlet toui à dos noir black-eared wheatear traquet oreillard black-eyed pea {noun} (black-eyed peas) cornille | dolique à œil noir | niébé | pois à vache black-eyed Susan {noun} (black-eyed Susans) suzanne aux yeux noirs black-faced pitta brève masquée black-faced sheathbill petit chionis black-faced waxbill astrild à moustaches black-footed cat {noun} (black-footed cats) chat à pattes noires black-haired {adjective} aux cheveux noirs black-headed bunting bruant mélanocéphale black-headed cardinal beetle pyrochre écarlate black-headed gull {noun} (black-headed gulls) mouette rieuse black-headed heron héron mélanocéphale black-headed parrot {noun} (black-headed parrots) caïque maïpourri black-headed waxbill astrild à tête noire black-hooded antshrike {noun} (black-hooded antshrikes) batara capucin black-legged kittiwake {noun} (black-legged kittiwakes) mouette tridactyle black-lored parrot perruche de Buru black-lored waxbill astrild à masque noir black-mantled goshawk autour à manteau noir black-masked finch coryphaspize black-naped hare lièvre à collier noir black-necked crane grue à cou noir black-necked grebe {noun} (black-necked grebes) grèbe à cou noir black-necked swan {noun} (black-necked swans) cygne à cou noir black-out {noun} (black-outs) silence radio black-out period période de secret black-rumped waxbill bec-de-corail black-shouldered opossum opossum à épaules noires black-striped pipefish petite aiguille de mer black-tailed godvit barge à queue noire black-tailed godwit {noun} (black-tailed godwits) barge à queue noire black-tailed jackrabbit {noun} (black-tailed jackrabbits) lièvre de Californie black-tailed rattlesnake crotale à queue noire black-tailed waxbill astrild à queue noire black-throated antshrike {noun} (black-throated antshrikes) batara à gorge noire black-throated diver {noun} (black-throated divers) plongeon arctique black-throated loon {noun} (black-throated loons) plongeon arctique black-throated thrush {noun} (black-throated thrushes) grive à gorge noire Black-veined Moth phalène blanche black-veined white {noun} (black-veined whites) gazé black-vented shearwater puffin cul-noir black-winged kite {noun} (black-winged kites) élanion blac black-winged lory lori à joues bleues black-winged lovebird inséparable d’Abyssinie black-winged parrot caïque à ailes noires black-winged pratincole {noun} (blackwinged pratincoles) glaréole à ailes noires black-winged stilt échasse blanche blackamoor {noun} (blackamoors) maure Blackawton Blackawton blackball [/ˈblækbɔːl/] {noun, verb} (blackballs, blackballing, blackballed) billard anglais blackballing {noun, verb} (blackballings) blackboulage Blackbeard {properNoun} Barbe Noire blackberry [/ˈblækbeɹi/ | /ˈblækbəɹi/] {noun, verb} (blackberries, blackberried, blackberrying) mûre | ronce | mûre sauvage | mûrier blackberry winter {noun} (blackberry winters) saints de glace blackberry-bush roncier blackbird [/ˈblakbəːd/ | /ˈblækˌbɚd/] {noun, verb} (blackbirds, blackbirded, blackbirding) merle Blackbird Leys Blackbird Leys blackboard [/ˈblækbɔɹd/ | /ˈblækbɔːd/] {noun, verb} (blackboards, blackboarding, blackboarded) tableau | tableau noir blackbody {noun} (blackbodies) corps noir blackbody locus lieu des corps noirs Blackburn [/blækbəːn/] {properNoun} Blackburn Blackburn with Darwen {properNoun} Blackburn with Darwen blackcap {noun} (blackcaps) fauvette à tête noire blackchin guitarfish guitare de mer fouisseuse blackcock {noun} (blackcocks) tétras lyre blackcurrant {noun} (blackcurrants) cassis Blackdog Blackdog Blackdown Blackdown blacken [/ˈblækən/] {verb} (blackens, blackening, blackened) noircir | salir | souiller blackened {adjective, verb} (more blackened, most blackened) noirci blackening {noun, verb} (blackenings) nigrifiant blackening brittlegill russule noircissante blackening russula russule noircissante blackface [/ˈblækˌfeɪs/] {noun} blackface blackfaced highland blackface d’Écosse blackfin sorcerer congre sorcier blackfly {noun} (blackflies) moucheron Blackfoot {noun, properNoun} (Blackfeet) Pieds-Noirs Blackford {properNoun} (Blackfords) Blackford Blackford and Compton Pauncefoot Blackford and Compton Pauncefoot blackfriar {noun} (blackfriars) dominicain blackgame {noun} (blackgames, blackgame) tétras lyre blackguard [/ˈblæɡəd/ | /ˈblæɡɚd/] {noun, verb} (blackguards, blackguarding, blackguarded) jean-foutre blackhead {noun} comédon | point noir blackish [/ˈblækɪʃ/] {adjective} (most blackish, more blackish) noirâtre blackish-gray antshrike {noun} (blackish-gray antshrikes) batara demi-deuil blackjack [/ˈblækdʒæk/] {noun, verb} (blackjacks, blackjacking, blackjacked) matraque | pavillon de pirates | vingt-et-un blackleg {noun, verb} (blacklegs, blacklegging, blacklegged) charbon symptomatique blackleg bacterium bacille de Chauveau Blackleg Tortoiseshell grande tortue blacklist [/ˈblæklɪst/] {noun, verb} (blacklists, blacklisted, blacklisting) liste noire | blacklister | blacklist blackmail {noun, verb} (blackmails, blackmailed, blackmailing) chantage | faire chanter | faire du chantage blackmailer {noun} (blackmailers) maitre-chanteur | maître chanteur | maître-chanteur Blackmill Blackmill Blackmore, Hook End and Wyatts Green Blackmore, Hook End and Wyatts Green blackmouth catshark chien espagnol Blackness Blackness blackness [/ˈblæknəs/] {noun} (blacknesses) noirceur Blacko Blacko blackout [/ˈblækaʊt/] {noun} (blackouts) blackout | coupure de courant | trou de mémoire blackout curtain {noun} (blackout curtains) rideau occultant Blackpool {properNoun} Blackpool Blackridge Blackridge Blackrod {properNoun} Blackrod blackseed {noun} châtaigne de terre Blackshaw Blackshaw blackshirt {noun} (blackshirts) chemise noire | squadriste blackshirts {noun} chemises noires blacksmith [/ˈblæk.smɪθ/] {noun} (blacksmiths) forgeron | maréchal-ferrant | forgeronne | maréchale-ferrante | sidérurgiste blackspotted smooth-hound émissole pointillée blacktail comber serran à queue noire Blackthorn {properNoun} Blackthorn blackthorn [/ˈblækˌθɔɹn/ | /ˈblækˌθɔːn/] {noun} (blackthorns) prunellier blacktip grouper badèche blacktip reef shark requin à pointes noires blacktip sardinella sardinelle queue noire Blacktoft Blacktoft blackwater {noun} (blackwaters) eaux noires Blackwater and Hawley Blackwater and Hawley Blackwell [/ˈblækwɛl/] {properNoun} Blackwell Blackwell in the Peak Blackwell in the Peak Blackwood {properNoun} Blackwood blacky [/ˈblæki/] {noun} (blackies) noiraud bladder [/ˈblædə/ | /ˈblæɾɚ/] {noun, verb} (bladders, bladdered, bladdering) vessie | vésicule | cubi bladder campion {noun} (bladder campions) silène enflé bladder cherry {noun} (bladder cherries) alkékenge bladder snail physe bladder wrack {noun} fucus vésiculeux bladder-nut baguenaude bladder-nut tree baguenaudier bladdernut {noun} (bladdernuts) staphylier bladderpod {noun} (bladderpods) tabac indien bladderwort {noun} (bladderworts) utriculaire blade [/bleɪd/] {noun, verb} (blades, blading, bladed) lame blade of grass {noun} (blades of grass) beu bladeboard planche en ligne bladeboarding planche à roulettes en ligne Bladnoch Bladnoch Bladon Bladon Blaen Celyn Blaen Celyn Blaen-carno Blaen-carno Blaen-geuffordd Blaen-geuffordd Blaen-pant Blaen-pant Blaenau Gwent [/ˌblaɪnaɪ ˈɡwɛnt/] {properNoun} Blaenau Gwent Blaenavon Blaenavon Blaenbedw Fawr Blaenbedw Fawr Blaenborthyn Blaenborthyn Blaencwm {properNoun} Blaencwm Blaengarw Blaengarw Blaengwrach Blaengwrach Blaenhonddan Blaenhonddan Blaenllechau Blaenllechau Blaenplwyf Blaenplwyf Blaenrheidol Blaenrheidol Blaenrhondda Blaenrhondda Blaenwaun Blaenwaun Blaenycoed Blaenycoed blag [/blæɡ/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (most blag, more blag, blags, blagged, blagging) braquage Blagdon Blagdon blagger {noun} (blaggers) baratineur | braqueur Blagoveshchensk {properNoun} Blagovechtchensk blah [/blɑː/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (more blah, most blah, blahs, blahed, blahing) bla-bla | blabla blah blah blah {interjection} blabla Blaina Blaina Blainville's beaked whale baleine à bec de Blainville Blair Atholl {properNoun} Blair Atholl Blairgowrie and Rattray {properNoun} Blairgowrie and Rattray Blairingone Blairingone Blairism {noun} blairisme Blairlogie Blairlogie Blairmore Blairmore Blais {properNoun} Blais Blaisdon Blaisdon Blaise {properNoun} Blaise Blakelaw and North Fenham Blakelaw and North Fenham Blakemere Blakemere Blakeney {properNoun} (Blakeneys) Blakeney Blakenhall Blakenhall Blakesley {properNoun} (Blakesleys) Blakesley blamable [/ˈbleɪməbəl/] {adjective} (most blamable, more blamable) réprimandable blame [/bleɪm/] {noun, verb} (blames, blaming, blamed) blâmer | reprocher | blâme | coupabilité blameless {adjective} (more blameless, most blameless) innocent blamer [/ˈbleɪmə/ | /ˈbleɪmɚ/] {noun} (blamers) répréhenseur blameworthy [/ˈbleɪmˌwɚ.ði/ | /ˈbleɪmˌwɜː(ɹ).ði/] {adjective} (most blameworthy, more blameworthy) blâmable blanc de Bouscat géant blanc du Bouscat blanc de Hotot blanc de Hotot blanc de l’ouest pig blanc de l’Ouest blanc du Massif Central blanc du Massif central blanch [/blɑːntʃ/] {verb} (blanches, blanched, blanching) blanchir | monder Blanche {properNoun} Blanche Blanchland Blanchland blancmange [/bləˈmɑn(d)ʒ/ | /bləˈmɒn(d)ʒ/] {noun} blanc-manger bland [/blænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blander, blandest, blands, blanding, blanded) fade | douce | doux Blandford Forum {properNoun} Blandford Forum Blandford St Mary Blandford St Mary blandish [/ˈblændɪʃ/] {verb} (blandishes, blandished, blandishing) encourager blandishment [/ˈblændɪʃmn̩t/] {noun} (blandishments) blandices blandly [/ˈblændli/] {adverb} (most blandly, more blandly) benoitement Blanefield Blanefield Blang blang blank [/blæŋk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most blank, blankest, blanker, more blank, blanks, blanking, blanked) vierge | balle à blanc | blanc | cartouche à blanc | espace | préforme blank check {noun} (blank checks) carte blanche | chèque en blanc blank cheque {noun} (blank cheques) chèque en blanc blank node ressource anonyme blank vote vote blanc blanket [/ˈblæŋkɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blankets, blanketed, blanketing) couverture | couvrir | général | recouvrir blanket of snow enneigement Blankney Blankney blanquette [/blɑ̃ˈkɛt/ | /blɒ̃ˈkɛt/] {noun} blanquette Blantyre Blantyre blare [/blɛə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blares, blared, blaring) brillance | éclat Blase {properNoun} Blaise Blasian [/ˈbleɪʒən/] {adjective, noun} (Blasians) chinoir Blasius {properNoun} Blaise blaspheme [/ˈblæs.fim/ | /ˌblæsˈfiːm/] {noun, verb} (blasphemes, blaspheming, blasphemed) blasphémer blasphemer {noun} (blasphemers) blasphémateur | blasphématrice blasphemeress {noun} (blasphemeresses) blasphématrice blasphemous [/ˈblæs.fəm.əs/] {adjective} (most blasphemous, more blasphemous) blasphématoire blasphemy [/ˈblæs.fə.mi/] {noun} (blasphemies) blasphème blast [/blæst/ | /blɑːst/] {interjection, noun, verb} (blasts, blasting, blasted) explosion | blaste | bourrasque | rafale | souffle blast from the past {noun} (blasts from the past) madeleine de Proust blast furnace {noun} (blast furnaces) haut fourneau blast hole trou de mine blast injury effet de souffle blasted [/ˈblæst.ɪd/ | /ˈblɑːst.ɪd/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (more blasted, most blasted) effeuillé | fichu | mort | sec blastema {noun} (blastemas, blastemata) blastème blaster [/ˈblæs.tɚ/ | /ˈblɑːs.tə/] {noun} (blasters) boutefeu blasto- {prefix} blasto- blastocele {noun} (blastoceles) blastocèle blastocoel {noun} (blastocoels) blastocèle blastocoele {noun} (blastocoeles) blastocèle blastocyst {noun} (blastocysts) blastocyste blastocyte {noun} (blastocytes) blastocyte blastoderm [/ˈblæstəˌdɚm/] {noun} (blastoderms) blastoderme blastodisc {noun} (blastodiscs) blastodisque blastodisk {noun} (blastodisks) blastodisque blastogenesis {noun} blastogenèse blastoma [/blæstˈoʊmə/] {noun} (blastomas, blastomata) blastome blastomere {noun} (blastomeres) blastomère Blaston Blaston blastoporal {adjective} blastoporale blastopore {noun} (blastopores) blastopore blastula {noun} (blastulas, blastulae) blastula blastulation {noun} blastulation blasé [/blɑˈzeɪ/ | /ˈblɑːzeɪ/] {adjective} (most blasé, more blasé) blasé blat {noun, verb} (blats, blatting, blatted) bêler blatant [/ˈbleɪtənt/] {adjective} (more blatant, most blatant) clair | flagrant blatantly [/ˈbleɪtəntli/] {adverb} (more blatantly, most blatantly) insolemment blather [/blæðə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blathers, blathering, blathered) déblatérer Blatherwycke Blatherwycke blaverism blavérisme Blawith and Subberthwaite Blawith and Subberthwaite Blaxhall Blaxhall blaxploitation {noun} blacksploitation | blaxploitation Blaxton Blaxton Blaydon {properNoun} Blaydon Blaydon-on-Tyne Blaydon-on-Tyne blazar [/ˈbleɪz.ɑɹ/] {noun} (blazars) blazar blaze [/bleɪz/] {noun, verb} (blazes, blazing, blazed) baliser | briller | brûler | embrasement | feu | flamber blaze abroard crier sur les toits blaze-winged conure conure de Deville blaze-winged parakeet conure de Deville blazer [/ˈbleɪzə/ | /ˈbleɪzɚ/] {noun} (blazers) blazer blazing [/ˈbleɪzɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blazings) éclatant blazon [/ˈbleɪzən/] {noun, verb} (blazons, blazoned, blazoning) blasonnement | blason | blasonner | armorier bleach {adjective, noun, verb} (more bleach, bleacher, most bleach, bleachest, bleaches, bleached, bleaching) blanchir | eau de Javel | javel bleached [/bliːtʃt/] {adjective, verb} (most bleached, more bleached) délavé bleachers {noun} gradin | place de tribune non-couverte bleaching [/ˈbliːtʃɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bleachings) blanchiment bleaching agent {noun} (bleaching agents) agent blanchissant Bleadon {properNoun} Bleadon bleak [/bliːk/] {adjective, noun} (bleakest, bleaker, bleaks, bleak) ablette | morne | terne bleakness {noun} (bleaknesses) tristesse Blean Blean bleary {adjective} (blearest, blearer) exténué Bleasby Bleasby Bleasdale {properNoun} Bleasdale bleat [/ˈbliːt/] {noun, verb} (bleats, bleated, bleating) bêler | rouspéter | bêlement | bégueter | béguètement | chevroter bleating {noun, verb} (bleatings) bêlement bled [/ˈbled/] {noun, verb} (bleds) exsangue Bledington Bledington Bledlow cum Saunderton Bledlow cum Saunderton bleed [/ˈbliːd/] {noun, verb} (bleeds, bleeding, bled) saigner bleed cycle cycle ouvert à expanseur bleed dry {verb} (bleeds dry, bled dry, bleeding dry) saigner à blanc bleed out {noun, verb} (bleed outs, bleeds out, bled out, bleeding out) perdre sang bleed the veins se saigner aux quatre veines bleed white {verb} (bleeds white, bleeding white, bled white) saigner à blanc bleeding [/ˈbliːdɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} saignement | hémorragie | saignant bleeding disorder coagulopathie bleeding heart {noun} (bleeding hearts) ami du peuple | défenseur de la veuve et de l'orphelin bleep {noun, verb} (bleeps, bleeped, bleeping) bip bleep censor {noun} (bleep censors) censeur de bip blemish [/ˈblɛmɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (blemishes, blemished, blemishing) défaut | tache | imperfection Blemmyes {noun} Blemmyes blend [/blɛnd/] {noun, verb} (blends, blending, blent, blended) mélanger | mixer | mélange | mêler blendable {adjective} mélangeable blended family {noun} (blended families) famille recomposée blended learning apprentissage combiné blender [/ˈblɛndə/ | /ˈblɛndɚ/] {noun} (blenders) mixeur Blenheim [/ˈblɛnəm/] {noun, properNoun} (Blenheims) Blenheim Blenheim-coloured blenheim Blennerhasset and Torpenhow Blennerhasset and Torpenhow blennorrhea {noun} blennorrhée blenny {noun} (blennies) blennie bleomycin {noun} (bleomycins) bléomycine blepharitis [/blɛfəɹˈaɪtɪs/] {noun} (blepharitides) blépharite blepharoplasty {noun} (blepharoplasties) blépharoplastie blepharospasm [/ˈblɛfəɹəʊˌspæzəm/] {noun} blépharospasme blesbuck {noun} (blesbucks) blesbok bless [/blɛs/] {interjection, verb} (blesses, blessing, blest, blessed) bénir bless you {interjection} à tes amours ! | à tes souhaits ! | à vos amours ! | à vos souhaits ! blessed [/blɛst/ | /ˈblɛsɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most blessed, more blessed) béni | bienheureux blessed milk thistle chardon-Marie blessedness [/ˈblɛsɪdnɪs/] {noun} (blessednesses) béatitude blessing [/ˈblɛs.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (blessings) bénédiction | groupe | grâce | harde | horde | troupeau blessing in disguise {noun} (blessings in disguise) un mal pour un bien blessing oneself signe de croix blet [/blɛt/] {verb} (blets, bletted, bletting) blettir Bletchingdon Bletchingdon Bletchingley Bletchingley Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Bletsoe Bletsoe bleue de Hollande bleue de Hollande bleue du nord cattle bleue du Nord Blewbury Blewbury bliaut [/ˈbliːˌoʊ/] {noun} (bliauts) bliaut Blickling Blickling Blidworth Blidworth blight [/blaɪt/] {noun, verb} (blights, blighted, blighting) abîmer | abîmé | cloque | fléau | rouille blighter {noun} (blighters) tête à claques blimey [/ˈblaɪmi/] {interjection} bon sang | diantre | fichtre | mazette | mince blimp [/blɪmp/] {noun, verb} (blimps, blimping, blimped) ballon dirigeable | dirigeable blind [/blaɪnd/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (blinder, blindest, most blind, more blind, blinds, blinding, blinded) aveugle | aveugler | store | blind | mal-voyant | mal-voyante blind alley {noun} (blind alleys) cul-de-sac blind as a bat {adjective} myope comme une taupe blind carbon copy {noun} (blind carbon copies) copie carbone invisible blind cave fish tétra aveugle blind date {noun} (blind dates) rencontre à l'aveugle | rendez-vous surprise blind drunk {adjective} noir blind injection injection à l’aveugle blind man aveugle blind man's buff {noun} colin-maillard blind mole taupe aveugle blind spot {noun} (blind spots) angle mort | aveuglement | inconnu | point aveugle | tache aveugle | zone blanche blind spot detection surveillance des angles morts blind test {noun} (blind tests) blind test | test en aveugle blind-your-eye mangrove agalloche Blindbothel Blindbothel Blindcrake Blindcrake blinder [/ˈblaɪndə/ | /ˈblaɪndɚ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blinders, blindering, blindered) œillère blindfold {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (blindfolds, blindfolding, blindfolded) bandeau | bander les yeux | voile blindfolded {adjective, verb} aux yeux bandés blinding [/ˈblaɪndɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (more blinding, most blinding, blindings) aveuglement blindly [/ˈblaɪndli/] {adverb} (more blindly, most blindly) à l’aveuglette blindness {noun} (blindnesses) cécité blinds [/blaɪndz/] {noun, verb} jalousie blindside [/ˈblaɪndˌsaɪd/] {noun, verb} (blindsides, blindsiding, blindsided) prendre au dépourvu blindsight {noun} vision aveugle blindworm {noun} (blindworms) orvet bling bling [/blɪŋ blɪŋ/] {noun} bling-bling blini {noun} (blini, blinis) blini blink [/blɪŋk/] {noun, verb} (blinks, blinking, blinked) ciller | clignoter | clignement | cligner des yeux | clin d’œil | coup d’œil blink of an eye {noun} (blinks of an eye) clin d'œil blinker [/ˈblɪŋkə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (blinkers, blinkered, blinkering) œillère | paupière blinking {adjective, noun, verb} (blinkings) clignotant blip [/blɪp/] {noun, verb} (blips, blipping, blipped) maille Blisland Blisland bliss [/blɪs/] {noun} (blisses) béatitude | félicité blissful {adjective} (more blissful, most blissful) bienheureux blister [/ˈblɪstɚ/] {noun, verb} (blisters, blistered, blistering) ampoule | blâmer | boursouflure | cloque | cloquer | critiquer blister pack {noun} (blister packs) blister Blisworth {properNoun} Blisworth blithe [/blaɪð/] {adjective} (blithest, blither) allègre | content | gai | indifférent | joyeux | négligent blithely [/ˈblaɪðli/] {adverb} (most blithely, more blithely) insoucieux Blithfield Blithfield blitz [/blɪts/] {noun, verb} (blitzes, blitzed, blitzing) charge blitz chess {noun} blitz Blitzen {properNoun} Éclair blitzkrieg {noun} (blitzkriegs) guerre éclair | blitzkrieg blizzard [/ˈblɪ.zəd/ | /ˈblɪ.zɚd/] {noun, verb} (blizzards, blizzarding, blizzarded) blizzard Bloak Bloak bloat [/bloʊt/ | /bləʊt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bloat, more bloat, bloats, bloating, bloated) bouffir | boursoufler | gonfler | météoriser | météorisme | tympanisme bloated [/ˈbloʊtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most bloated, more bloated) fortuné | gigantesque | gonflé bloater {noun} (bloaters) bouffi bloatware {noun} boufficiel | inflagiciel | obésiciel | obésitiel BLOB {noun} (BLOBs) BLOB blob [/blɑb/ | /blɒb/] {noun, verb} (blobs, blobbing, blobbed) goutte | pâte | tache Bloc {properNoun} Bloc bloc [/blɑk/ | /blɒk/] {noun} (blocs) bloc bloc caving foudroyage par blocs bloc heater chauffe-bloc Bloc Québécois {properNoun} Bloc québécois Bloch's bigeye priacanthe de Bloch block [/blɑk/ | /blɒk/] {noun, verb} (blocks, blocking, blocked) bloc | billot | bloquer | blocage | boucher | ciboulot block and tackle {noun} (block and tackles, blocks and tackles) moufle | polyspaste block buster grosse machine block chain {noun} (block chains) chaine de blocs block comment {noun} (block comments) commentaire en bloc block copolymer {noun} (block copolymers) copolymère à blocs block polymer {noun} (block polymers) polymère à blocs block time block-block block validation validation de bloc blockade [/blɑˈkeɪd/ | /blɒˈkeɪd/] {noun, verb} (blockades, blockaded, blockading) blocus blockage {noun} embâcle blockbuster [/ˈblɒkˌbʌstə(ɹ)/] {noun} (blockbusters) blockbuster blockchain {noun} (blockchains) chaine de blocs blocked {adjective, verb} (most blocked, more blocked) bloqué blockhead {noun, verb} (blockheads, blockheaded, blockheading) imbécile | cancre blockhouse {noun} (blockhouses) casemate blocking {noun, verb} barrage blocking minority minorité de blocage Blockley Blockley blockquote [/ˈblɑk.kwoʊt/ | /ˈblɒk.kwəʊt/] {noun} (blockquotes) bloc de citation Bloemfontein [/ˈbluːmfɒnˌteɪn/] {properNoun} Bloemfontein Blofield Blofield blog [/blɑɡ/ | /blɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (blogs, blogging, blogged) bloguer | blog | blogue bloggage {noun} blogage blogger [/ˈblɒ.ɡə(ɹ)/ | /ˈblɔ.ɡɚ/] {noun} (bloggers) blogueur | blogueuse blogging {noun, verb} blogage blogosphere {noun} (blogospheres) blogosphère blogpost {noun} (blogposts) billet Blois Blois bloke [/bləʊk/] {noun} (blokes) mec | gars | type blond [/blɑnd/ | /blɒnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (blondest, most blond, more blond, blonder, blonds, blonding, blonded) blond | blonde blond-haired blond blonde [/blɑnd/ | /blɒnd/] {adjective, noun} (blondest, more blonde, most blonde, blonder, blondes) blond blonde d’Aquitaine blonde d’Aquitaine blondness {noun} blondeur blood [/blʊd/ | /blʌd/] {noun, verb} (bloods, blooding, blooded) sang blood agent hémotoxique blood alcohol content alcoolémie blood bank {noun} (blood banks) banque du sang blood blister {noun} (blood blisters) pinçon blood brother {noun} (blood brothers) frère de sang blood cell {noun} (blood cells) cellule sanguine | globule blood circulation circulation sanguine blood clot {noun} (blood clots) thrombus | caillot sanguin blood clotting coagulation du sang blood crime crime de sang blood culture hémoculture blood diamond {noun} (blood diamonds) diamant de sang blood diseases hémopathie blood donation don de sang blood donor {noun} (blood donors) donneur de sang blood draw prise de sang blood electrolytes ionogramme blood glucose glycémie blood is thicker than water {proverb} bon sang ne peut mentir | bon sang ne saurait mentir | la voix du sang est la plus forte blood moon {noun} (blood moons) lune cuivrée blood orange {noun} (blood oranges) orange sanguine blood pheasant ithagine blood phosphate phosphatémie blood plasma {noun} (blood plasmas) plasma sanguin blood poisoning {noun} septicémie | empoisonnement du sang | toxémie blood pressure {noun} tension artérielle blood pudding {noun} (blood puddings) boudin blood red {adjective, noun} (most blood red, more blood red, blood reds) rouge sang blood relation {noun} (blood relations) consanguinité blood relationship {noun} (blood relationships) consanguinité blood sample {noun} (blood samples) prise de sang blood sausage {noun} (blood sausages) boudin noir | boudin blood sister {noun} (blood sisters) sœur de sang blood suckling midge culicoïde blood sugar {noun} (blood sugars) glycémie blood tax {noun} (blood taxes) impôt du sang blood test {noun} (blood tests) bilan sanguin | prise de sang blood transfusion {noun} (blood transfusions) transfusion sanguine | transfusion blood type {noun} (blood types) groupe sanguin blood type A groupe A blood type AB groupe AB blood type B groupe B blood type O groupe O blood vessel {noun} (blood vessels) vaisseau sanguin | vaisseau blood volume {noun} volémie blood-cleansing dépuratif blood-eared parakeet conure à oreillons blood-relationship consanguinité Blood-vein phalène anguleuse bloodbath [/ˈblʌdˌbæθ/] {noun} (bloodbaths) bain de sang | boucherie | massacre bloodcurdling {adjective} (most bloodcurdling, more bloodcurdling) déchirant blooddrop adonis d’automne bloodhound [/ˈblʌdhaʊnd/] {noun} (bloodhounds) limier | détective bloodless {adjective} (more bloodless, most bloodless) blafard bloodletter {noun} (bloodletters) saigneur bloodletting {noun, verb} (bloodlettings) saignée bloodlust [/ˈblʌdˌlʌst/] {noun} soif de sang bloodnut {noun} (bloodnuts) rouquin | rouquine bloodroot {noun} (bloodroots) sanguinaire bloodshed [/ˈblʌdˌʃɛd/] {noun} (bloodsheds) effusion de sang | carnage bloodshot {adjective} (more bloodshot, most bloodshot) injecté bloodstained {adjective} (more bloodstained, most bloodstained) taché de sang bloodstone {noun} (bloodstones) héliotrope | pierre de sang bloodstream [/ˈblʌd.stɹɪim/] {noun} (bloodstreams) afflux sanguin bloodsucker {noun} (bloodsuckers) sangsue | suceur de sang | suceuse de sang bloodsucking fly phlébotome bloodthirsty [/ˈblʌdˌθɚsti/ | /ˈblʌdθəːsti/] {adjective} (bloodthirster, bloodthirstest, most bloodthirsty, more bloodthirsty) sanguinaire bloody [/ˈblʌ.di/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bloodies, bloodest, blooder, more bloody, most bloody, bloodied, bloodying) sanglant | sanglante | ensanglanté | foutu | foutue | maudit bloody hell {adverb, interjection} bon sang | purée bloody Mary bloody mary bloody mary {noun} (bloody maries, bloody marys) bloody mary bloody William {noun} (bloody Williams) coquelourde des jardins bloody-minded {adjective} (most bloody-minded, more bloody-minded) acariâtre bloody-nosed beetle timarque bloom [/bluːm/] {noun, verb} (blooms, blooming, bloomed) pruine | duvet | efflorescence | en fleurs | fleur | floraison bloomers {noun} bloomer Bloomfieldian {adjective, noun} (most Bloomfieldian, more Bloomfieldian, Bloomfieldians) bloomfieldien blooming [/ˈbluː.mɪŋ/ | /ˈblʊ.mɪŋ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most blooming, more blooming) en fleur | fleurissement | florissant | florissante | sacré | sacrée Bloomington {properNoun} Bloomington blooper [/ˈblupɚ/ | /ˈbluːpə/] {noun} (bloopers) perle bloopers {noun} bêtisier Bloquiste {adjective, noun} (more Bloquiste, most Bloquiste, Bloquistes) bloquiste Blore with Swinscoe Blore with Swinscoe blossom [/ˈblɑ.səm/ | /ˈblɒ.səm/] {noun, verb} (blossoms, blossomed, blossoming) fleur | floraison | fleurir | s'épanouir blossom everywhere éclosion généralisée blossom weevil anthonome blossom-headed parakeet perruche à tête rose blot [/blɑt/ | /blɒt/] {noun, verb} (blots, blotting, blotted) tache | souillure | tacher blot out {verb} effacer blotch [/blɑtʃ/ | /blɒtʃ/] {noun, verb} (blotches, blotching, blotched) tache blotched bigeye priacanthe de Bloch blotched emerald verdelet blotchy {adjective} (blotchest, blotcher) tacheté blotter {noun} (blotters) rondelle blotting paper {noun} buvard blouse [/blaʊs/] {noun, verb} (blouses, bloused, blousing) chemisier | corsage bloviate [/ˈbloʊ.viˌeɪt/] {verb} (bloviates, bloviating, bloviated) parler pompeusement blow [/bloʊ/ | /bləʊ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blow, most blow, blower, blowest, blows, blown, blowing, blew) souffler | coup | chier | claquer | flamber | jouer blow a fuse {verb} (blows a fuse, blowing a fuse, blown a fuse, blew a fuse) péter les plombs blow away {verb} (blows away, blown away, blowing away, blew away) s'envoler | souffler blow gun soufflette blow hot and cold {verb} souffler le chaud et le froid blow me down {interjection} la vache | merde | sapristi | vingt dieux blow off {verb} (blows off, blown off, blowing off, blew off) avoir des gaz | loufer | lâcher une caisse | péter | vesser blow off steam {verb} (blows off steam, blown off steam, blowing off steam, blew off steam) décharger sa bile blow one's nose {verb} se moucher blow out {verb} (blows out, blown out, blowing out, blew out) éteindre blow out of proportion {verb} exagérer blow out preventer bloc d’obturation de puits blow over {verb} (blows over, blown over, blowing over, blew over) abattre | enterrer | passer | terminer blow smoke {verb} parler pour ne rien dire blow someone out of the water {verb} battre | poutrer blow someone's mind {verb} estomaquer | souffler | stupéfier | époustoufler blow the whistle {verb} (blows the whistle, blown the whistle, blowing the whistle, blew the whistle) dénoncer | dévoiler | mettre au jour | mettre à nu | siffler blow to kingdom come {verb} démolir | mettre en pièces | ruiner blow up {verb} (blows up, blowing up, blown up, blew up) faire sauter | exploser | gonfler blow up in one's face {verb} exploser à la gueule | péter à la gueule blow-by-blow {adjective, noun} (blow-by-blows) détaillé blow-down alimentation par détente blow-dry {noun, verb} (blow-dries, blow-drying, blow-dried) sécher blow-dryer {noun} (blow-dryers) sèche-cheveux blow-off {noun} (blow-offs) séparation pyrotechnique blowdown {noun} alimentation par détente blower {noun} (blowers) ventilateur blowfish {noun} (blowfish, blowfishes) poisson ballon | poisson globe blowfly {noun} (blowflies) mouche à viande blowgun {noun} (blowguns) sarbacane blowhard [/ˈbloʊhɑɹd/ | /ˈbləʊhɑːd/] {noun} (blowhards) grande gueule blowhole {noun, verb} (blowholes, blowholing, blowholed) soufflette blowing [/ˈbloʊ.ɪŋ/ | /ˈbləʊ.ɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (blowings) souffle blowing up {verb} gonflage blowjob [/ˈbloʊdʒɑb/ | /ˈbləʊdʒɒb/] {noun} (blowjobs) pipe | pompier | turlute blowlamp {noun} (blowlamps) chalumeau blowout [/ˈbloʊaʊt/] {noun} (blowouts) éruption blowpipe {noun} (blowpipes) sarbacane blowtorch [/ˈbloʊˌtɔɹtʃ/ | /ˈbləʊˌtɔːtʃ/] {noun, verb} (blowtorches, blowtorched, blowtorching) chalumeau | lampe à souder blowy {adjective, noun} (blowest, blower, blowies) venteux Bloxham {properNoun} (Bloxhams) Bloxham Bloxworth Bloxworth Blo’ Norton Blo’ Norton Blu-ray [[ˈbluːˌɹeɪ]] {noun} Blu-ray Disc Blu-ray Disc {noun} (Blu-ray Discs) blu-ray blubber [/ˈblʌbɚ/] {noun, verb} (blubbers, blubbered, blubbering) chialer | pleurer comme un veau Blubberhouses Blubberhouses blucher [/ˈbluːkə/] {noun} (bluchers) derby bludge {noun, verb} (bludges, bludged, bludging) mendier bludgeon [/blʌdʒ.ən/] {noun, verb} (bludgeons, bludgeoned, bludgeoning) matraque | matraquer | soutirer blue [/bljuː/ | /blu/ | /bluː/ | /blɪʊ̯/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bluer, bluest, blues, bluing, blueing, blued, most blue, more blue) bleu | azurer | bleuir | bleus | bleuter | blues Blue Banana {properNoun} banane bleue blue banana banane bleue blue belt ceinture bleue Blue Beret Béret bleu blue beret {noun} (blue berets) casque bleu blue blood {noun} sang bleu blue bream brème bleue blue butterfish fiatole commune blue card {noun} (blue cards) carte bleue blue cestrum iochrome bleu blue cheese {noun} fromage bleu | bleu blue chip {noun} (blue chips) valeur de premier ordre Blue Common Zebra Blue azuré de la luzerne blue crane grue de paradis blue cupidone cupidone bleue blue damselfish castagnole noire blue devils {noun} déprime | idée noire blue false indigo baptisie australe blue featherleg agrion à larges pattes blue finch porphyrin Blue Flag Pavillon Bleu blue flax lin de Narbonne blue gascony basset basset bleu de Gascogne blue giant {noun} (blue giants) géante bleue blue ginger galanga blue grass lily aphyllanthe de Montpellier blue green {adjective, noun} (blue greens) bleu-vert blue grosbeak guiraca blue gum {noun} (blue gums) eucalyptus commun Blue Helmet casque bleu blue hesper palm palmier bleu du Mexique blue hound's tongue cynoglosse de Crète blue hour {noun} (blue hours) l'heure bleue Blue House {properNoun} Maison Bleue blue jacaranda flamboyant bleu blue jay {noun} (blue jays) geai bleu blue jeans {noun} (blue jean) bluejean blue land crab crabe de terre blue lettuce laitue vivace blue line {noun} (blue lines) ligne bleue blue ling lingue bleue blue link {noun} (blue links) lien bleu blue lorikeet lori nonnette blue lupin lupin bleu blue manakin manakin à longue queue blue merle bleu merle Blue Monday Blue Monday blue moon {noun} lune bleue blue mussel {noun} (blue mussels) moule bleue Blue Nile {properNoun} Nil Bleu blue oak chêne bleu blue on blue tir fratricide blue palmetto chou palmiste Blue Paul Terrier blue Paul blue peter {noun, verb} (blue peters, blue petered, blue petering) pavillon de partance blue petrel prion bleu blue Picardy spaniel épagneul bleu de Picardie blue pigeon {noun} (blue pigeons) founingo blue pitta brève bleue Blue Planet {noun} planète bleue blue plumbago dentelaire du Cap blue potato bush arbre à gentiane Blue River {properNoun} fleuve Bleu blue rock thrush {noun} (blue rock thrushes) merle bleu blue screen {noun} (blue screens) écran bleu blue screen of death {noun} (blue screens of death) écran bleu de la mort blue shark {noun} (blue sharks) requin bleu blue sheep mouton bleu blue stalk mushroom pied bleu blue state {noun} (blue states) État bleu blue stilton stilton bleu Blue Stockings Society bas-bleuisme blue supergiant {noun} (blue supergiants) supergéante bleue blue sweet pea gesse commune blue tit {noun} (blue tits) mésange bleue blue tongue fièvre catarrhale du mouton Blue Underwing lichénée bleue Blue Vienna rabbit bleu de Vienne blue walleye doré bleu blue washing habillage onusien blue wattle mimosa d’hiver blue waxbill cordonbleu d’Angola blue whale {noun} (blue whales) baleine bleue | rorqual bleu | rorqual de Sibbald blue wild indigo baptisie australe blue wildebeest {noun} (blue wildebeest) gnou bleu blue-and-yellow macaw ara bleu blue-backed manakin manakin tijé blue-backed parrot perruche de Müller blue-banded parakeet perruche à bouche d’or blue-banded pitta brève à bandeau blue-bellied parrot crick à ventre bleu blue-black grassquit jacarini blue-blood {noun} (blue-bloods) sang bleu blue-breasted cordonbleu cordonbleu d’Angola blue-breasted fairywren mérion à gorge bleue blue-breasted quail caille peinte blue-capped cordon-bleu cordonbleu cyanocéphale blue-capped cordonbleu cordonbleu cyanocéphale blue-cheeked amazon amazone de Dufresne blue-cheeked cordon-bleu cordonbleu d’Angola blue-cheeked parrot amazone de Dufresne blue-chested parakeet conure tiriba blue-collar {adjective} (more blue-collar, most blue-collar) col bleu blue-collar worker col bleu blue-collared parrot perruche à col bleu blue-crowned conure conure à tête bleue blue-crowned green parrot perruche de Luçon blue-crowned hanging parrot coryllis à tête bleue blue-crowned lorikeet lori fringillaire blue-crowned manakin manakin à tête bleue blue-crowned parakeet conure à tête bleue blue-crowned racket-tail palette à couronne bleue blue-eared lory lori masqué blue-eyed {adjective} aux yeux bleus | crédule | cyanophtalme | innocent | naïf blue-eyed boy {noun} (blue-eyed boys) chouchou blue-eyed cockatoo cacatoès aux yeux bleus blue-faced honeyeater méliphage à oreillons bleus blue-fronted lorikeet lori de Buru blue-fronted parrotlet toui à front bleu blue-gray {adjective} (most blue-gray, more blue-gray) colombin blue-green {adjective} (most blue-green, more blue-green) bleu-vert blue-green alga {noun} (blue-green algae) algue bleu-vert blue-green algae {noun} cyanobactérie blue-headed macaw ara de Coulon blue-headed Maine bleu du Maine blue-headed parrot pione à tête bleue blue-headed pitta brève à tête bleue blue-headed racket-tail palette de Palawan blue-naped parrot perruche de Luçon blue-naped pitta brève à nuque bleue blue-pencil {verb} (blue-pencils, blue-penciling, blue-pencilled, blue-penciled, blue-pencilling) caviarder blue-rumped parrot perruche à croupion bleu blue-rumped pitta brève à dos bleu blue-sky thinking {noun} rêverie blue-spotted grouper mérou paon blue-streaked lory lori réticulé blue-throated macaw ara à gorge bleue blue-throated parakeet conure tiriba blue-winged grasshopper {noun} (blue-winged grasshoppers) criquet bleu | criquet rubané | criquet à ailes bleues | criquet à ailes bleues et noires | œdipode bleue | œdipode bleuâtre blue-winged kookaburra {noun} (blue-winged kookaburras) martin-chasseur à ailes bleues blue-winged macaw ara d’Illiger blue-winged parakeet perruche de Malabar blue-winged parrot perruche à bouche d’or blue-winged parrotlet toui de Spix blue-winged pitta brève à ailes bleues blue-winged racket-tail palette des Sulu Bluebeard {noun, properNoun} (Bluebeards) Barbe-Bleue bluebell {noun} (bluebells) jacinthe des bois blueberry [/ˈblu.ˌbɛ.ɹi/ | /ˈbluːb(ə)ɹi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more blueberry, most blueberry, blueberries, blueberrying, blueberried) bleuet | myrtille blueberry farm bleuetière bluebird {noun} (bluebirds) merlebleu bluebonnet {noun} (bluebonnets) lupin bluebottle {noun} (bluebottles) mouche à viande