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ОглавлениеB [/b/ | /biː/] {noun, numeral, properNoun, symbol} (Bs) si | o B item point B B lymphocyte {noun} (B lymphocytes) lymphocyte B B major {noun} si majeur B minor {noun} si mineur B sharp minor si dièse mineur B*-tree arbre B* B+-tree arbre B+ b-boy {noun} (b-boys) b-boy B-field champ B B-flat {noun} si bémol B-flat major {noun} si bémol majeur B-flat minor {noun} si bémol mineur B-frame {noun} (B-frames) B-frame b-girl {noun} (b-girls) b-girl B-movie {noun} (B-movies) série B B-spline {noun} (B-splines) B-spline B-to-A EAL B-to-B EEL B-to-C ECL B-train méga-camion B-tree {noun} (B-trees) arbre B B2A EAL B2B {adjective} EEL B2B commerce EEL B2C {adjective} ECL B2C commerce ECL b2w buy to win BA {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most BA, more BA, BAs) analyste d'affaires ba {noun} (bas) ba Ba'athism [/ˈbɑːθɪzəm/] {noun} Baathisme baa [[bæ] | [bæ̰ː] | [bɑː]] {interjection, noun, verb} (baas, baaing, baaed) bêler | bêlement Baalbek {properNoun} Baalbeck BaaS BaaS Baathist {noun} (Baathists) baassiste Bab el Mandeb {properNoun} Bab-el-Mandeb Baba baba baba {noun} (babas) baba baba au rhum {noun} (babas au rhum) baba au rhum Baba Yaga {properNoun} Baba Yaga babalaas {noun} (babalaases) cafard babbittry {noun} matérialisme petit-bourgeois babble [/ˈbæb.l̩/] {noun, verb} (babbles, babbling, babbled) babillage | murmure | bavarder | jacasser | papoter | babil babbler [[ˈbæb(ə)lə(ɹ)]] {noun} (babblers) babillard | babillarde babbling {noun, verb} balbutiement Babcary Babcary Babchenko Babtchenko babe [/beɪb/] {noun} (babes) bébé Babel [/ˈbeɪ.bl̩/ | /ˈbæb.l̩/] {noun, properNoun} (Babels) Babel Babelic {adjective} babélique Babell Babell Babergh [/ˈbeɪbəɹ/] {properNoun} Babergh babesiosis {noun} (babesioses) babésiose | piroplasmose babingtonite {noun} babingtonite babiroussa {noun} (babiroussas) babiroussa babirusa {noun} (babirusas) babiroussa Babism {noun} babisme | foi babie Babist {noun} (Babists) babi | babie babka {noun} (babkas) babka bablah {noun} (bablahs) bablah baboochka babouchka baboon [/bəˈbuːn/ | /ˌbæˈbuːn/] {noun} (baboons) babouin baboonish {adjective} (more baboonish, most baboonish) babouinesque babouche {noun} (babouches) babouche Babraham Babraham babul acacia piquant loulou babula tree piquant loulou Babuza {properNoun} babuza Babworth Babworth baby [/ˈbeɪbi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (babies, babying, babied) bébé | beau | belle | benjamin | benjamine | chou baby beef {noun} (baby beefs, baby beeves) baby-beef baby boom {noun} (baby booms) babyboom baby boomer {noun} (baby boomers) bébé-boumeur | bébé-boumeuse baby bottle {noun} (baby bottles) biberon baby box tour d’abandon baby boy {noun} (baby boys) bébé baby buggy {noun} (baby buggies) landau baby carriage {noun} (baby carriages) landau baby carrier {noun} (baby carriers) porte-bébé baby doll {noun} (baby dolls) nuisette | poupon baby elephant éléphanteau baby face {noun} (baby faces) poupée baby food {noun} panade baby grand {noun} (baby grands) crapaud baby hatch {noun} (baby hatches) tour d'abandon baby kiwi kiwaï baby monitor {noun} (baby monitors) babyphone baby of the family {noun} (babies of the family) benjamin | benjamine baby powder {noun} talc baby scale pèse-bébé baby shower {noun} (baby showers) baby shower | fête prénatale baby sister sœurette baby talk {noun} langage enfantin | mamanais baby tooth {noun} (baby teeth) dent de lait baby walker {noun} (baby walkers) youpala baby's breath {noun} gypsophile paniculée babyboomer {noun} (babyboomers) baby-boomer babydoll {noun} (babydolls) nuisette babyface {noun} (babyfaces) frimousse babyish {adjective} (more babyish, most babyish) bébête Babylon [/ˈbæbɪ.lɑn/ | /ˈbæbɪ.lɒn/] {properNoun} Babylone Babylon willow saule pleureur Babylonia [/ˌbæbɪˈloʊni.ə/ | /ˌbæbɪˈləʊnɪə/] {properNoun} Babylone | Babylonie Babylonian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Babylonians) babylonien babyrousa babiroussa babysit [/ˈbeɪbiː.sɪt/] {verb} (babysits, babysat, babysitting) faire du [[baby-sitting]] babysitter [/ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtɚ/] {noun} (babysitters) baby-sitter | bonne d’enfant | gardien d’enfant | gardienne d’enfant babysitting {noun, verb} (babysittings) babysitting babytooth quenotte BAC {noun, properNoun} chromosome artificiel de bactérie baccalaureate [/bækəˈlɔːɹɪət/] {noun} (baccalaureates) baccalauréat baccarat [/ˈbækəɹæt/ | /ˈbækəɹɑː/] {noun} baccara baccate {adjective} bacciforme bacchanal [/ˈbækənəl/] {adjective, noun} (more bacchanal, most bacchanal, bacchanals) bacchanale bacchanale {noun} (bacchanales) bacchanale Bacchanalian {adjective, noun} (Bacchanalians) bachique bacchante {noun} (bacchantes) bacchante bacchic {adjective} (most bacchic, more bacchic) bachique Bacchus [/ˈbækəs/] {properNoun} Bacchus Bach [/bɑːx/] {properNoun} Bach Bachau Bachau Bache {properNoun} Bache Bacheldre Bacheldre bachelor [/ˈbætʃ.ə.lə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbætʃ.ə.lɚ/] {noun} (bachelors) célibataire | licence Bachelor of Arts {noun} (Bachelors of Arts) baccalauréat universitaire ès lettres bachelor party {noun} (bachelor parties) enterrement de vie de garçon | enterrement de vie de jeune garçon bachelor's button {noun} (bachelor's buttons) barbeau bachelor's degree {noun} (bachelor's degrees) licence bachelorette [/batʃələˈɹɛt/ | /ˌbætʃləˈɹɛt/] {noun} (bachelorettes) chambre de bonne | célibataire | demoiselle | studio bachelorette party {noun} (bachelorette parties) enterrement de vie de jeune fille bachelorhood {noun} (bachelorhoods) célibat bachelor’s degree licence bacilliform {adjective} (most bacilliform, more bacilliform) bacilliforme bacillophobia {noun} bacillophobie bacillosis {noun} bacillose bacilluria {noun} bacillurie bacillus [/bæˈsɪl.əs/] {noun} (bacilli) bacille Bacillus anthracis bactéridie de Davaine back [/bæk/ | [bax]] {adjective, adverb, noun, postposition, verb} (most back, more back, furthest back, further back, backs, backed, backing) dos | de retour | arrière | revers | reculer | derrière back anchor ancre d’empennelle back and forth {adjective, adverb, noun} va-et-vient | aller-retour back away {verb} (backs away, backed away, backing away) faire marche arrière | reculer back beam faisceau inverse back bench {noun} (back benches) banc arrière back catalog {noun} (back catalogs) fond de catalogue back catalogue {noun} (back catalogues) fond de catalogue back channel {noun} (back channels) pertinage back country sport activité physique de pleine nature back cover {noun} (back covers) dos | quatrième de couv' | quatrième de couverture back down {verb} (backs down, backed down, backing down) baisser d'un ton back end {noun} (back ends) arrière-plan | back-end back fat bardière back filler remblayeuse back fire {noun} (back fires) contre-feu back flip flip back formation {noun} (back formations) dérivation régressive back garden {noun} (back gardens) jardin arrière back in the day alors back kitchen {noun} (back kitchens) arrière-cuisine back matter {noun} posttexte Back of Keppoch Back of Keppoch back of the knee jarret back off {verb} (backs off, backed off, backing off) baisser d'un ton | mettre de l'eau dans son vin | reculer back office {noun} (back offices) arrière-guichet | back office back out {verb} (backs out, backed out, backing out) annuler back page {noun} (back pages) quatrième de couverture back panel fond de panier Back Rogerton Back Rogerton back row {noun} (back rows) troisième ligne back scrubber {noun} (back scrubbers) lave-dos back seat {noun} (back seats) siège arrière back shop arrière-boutique back tee départ arrière back testing contrôle a posteriori back the right horse {verb} (backs the right horse, backed the right horse, backing the right horse) miser sur le bon cheval back the wrong horse {verb} miser sur le mauvais cheval back throat arrière-gorge back to nature {adjective} retour à la nature back to square one {adjective, adverb} Gros-Jean comme devant | de retour à la case départ back to the wall {noun} (backs to the wall) être dos au mur back tracking reconstitution de route back up {verb} (backs up, backed up, backing up) faire marche arrière | reculer | sauvegarde | sauvegarder back vowel {noun} (back vowels) voyelle postérieure back-end {adjective, noun} (back-ends) unité de fabrication finale back-end line unité de fabrication finale back-end of the fuel cycle aval du cycle back-formation {noun} (back-formations) dérivation inverse | dérivation régressive | rétroformation back-heel {noun, verb} (back-heels, back-heeling, back-heeled) talonnade back-hoe loader chargeuse-pelleteuse back-kitchen arrière-cuisine back-of-the-envelope {adjective} dos d'une enveloppe | sur un coin de table | vite fait | à l'arrache back-off dévissage back-off shooting déblocage à l’explosif back-quadrant arbalestrille back-scattering rétrodiffusion back-seat driver {noun} (back-seat drivers) mouche du coche back-side {noun} (back-sides) dos à la vague back-to-back [/ˌbæk.təˈbæk/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (back-to-backs) dos à dos back-to-school {adjective} rentrée back-translate {verb} (back-translates, back-translated, back-translating) rétrotraduction back-translation {noun} (back-translations) rétrotraduction back-up {adjective, noun} (back-ups) de secours back-up line ligne de substitution backache [/ˈbækeɪk/] {noun} mal au dos backbencher {noun} (backbenchers) député de l'arrière-ban | député sans portefeuille | députée sans portefeuille | simple député backbite {noun, verb} (backbites, backbiting, backbitten, backbit) calomnier | diffamer | salir backbiting {adjective, noun, verb} (most backbiting, more backbiting) transfert intramoléculaire backboard {noun} (backboards) table backbone [/ˈbækˌboʊn/ | /ˈbækˌbəʊn/] {noun} épine dorsale | colonne vertébrale | rachis | courage backbone network épine dorsale backboned {adjective} vertébré Backburn Backburn backcomb {noun, verb} (backcombs, backcombed, backcombing) toupet backcombed {verb} crêpé backcountry [/ˈbækˌkʌntri/] {noun} (backcountries) périphérie backdate {noun, verb} (backdates, backdated, backdating) antidater backdating {noun, verb} (backdatings) antidatage backdoor {noun, verb} (backdoors, backdooring, backdoored) porte dérobée backdraft {noun} (backdrafts) backdraft backdraught [/ˈbæk.dɹɑːft/] {noun} (backdraughts) contre-tirage backdrop [/ˈbæk.dɹɒp/] {noun, verb} (backdrops, backdropped, backdropping) contexte | décor | toile de fond Backe Backe backend {noun} (backends) backend backfill {noun, verb} (backfills, backfilling, backfilled) tamponnage backfire [/bækˈfaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (backfires, backfiring, backfired) avoir [[l']]effet inverse | se retourner contre backfire effect {noun} (backfire effects) effet rebond backfiring {noun, verb} (backfirings) pétarade backfisch [/ˈbækfɪʃ/] {noun} (backfische, backfisches) frit backflip [/ˈbæk.flɪp/] {noun, verb} (backflips, backflipping, backflipped) salto arrière backflow {noun} contre-tirage Backford Backford backgammon [/ˈbæk.ɡæm.ən/] {noun, verb} (backgammons, backgammoned, backgammoning) backgammon background [/ˈbæk.ɡɹaʊnd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (backgrounds, backgrounding, backgrounded) arrière-plan | origine | antécédents | fond | passé | en arrière-plan background music {noun} musique d'ambiance | musique de fond | musique de fosse background process {noun} (background processes) tâche de fond backhand [/ˈbækhænd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most backhand, more backhand, backhands, backhanding, backhanded) revers backhander {noun} (backhanders) bakchich backhaul {noun, verb} (backhauls, backhauling, backhauled) réseau de collecte backheel {noun, verb} (backheels, backheeling, backheeled) talonnade Backhill Backhill backhoe [/ˈbæk.həʊ/] {noun, verb} (backhoes, backhoed, backhoeing) pelleteuse | rétrocaveuse | tractopelle backhoe loader tractopelle backing [/ˈbæk.ɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} soutien backing pump pompe auxiliaire backlash [/ˈbækˌlæʃ/] {noun, verb} (backlashes, backlashed, backlashing) jeu | retour de bâton backlight [/ˈbæk.laɪt/] {noun, verb} (backlights, backlighting, backlit, backlighted) contrejour | lunette arrière | rétro-éclairer | rétroéclairage | éclairer par derrière backlighting {noun, verb} contre-jour backlink {noun, verb} (backlinks, backlinked, backlinking) lien retour backlit {adjective, verb} (most backlit, more backlit) rétro-éclairé | éclairé par derrière backlog [/ˈbæk.lɒɡ/] {noun, verb} (backlogs, backlogging, backlogged) arriéré backmasking {noun} backmasking backness [/bæk.nɪs/] {noun} postériorité backorder {noun, verb} (backorders, backordered, backordering) réapprovisionnement backpack [/ˈbæk.pæk/] {noun, verb} (backpacks, backpacking, backpacked) sac à dos backpacker {noun} (backpackers) routard backpedal [/ˈbækˌpɛdəɫ/] {verb} (backpedals, backpedaling, backpedalling, backpedaled, backpedalled) faire marche arrière | reculer | rétropédaler backpedalling {verb} rétropédalage backplane {noun} (backplanes) fond de panier backport {noun, verb} (backports, backporting, backported) rétroporter backporting {verb} rétroportage backpropagation {noun} rétropropagation backrest [/ˈbækˌɹest/] {noun} (backrests) dossier backronym [/ˈbæk.ɹəˌnɪm/] {noun, verb} (backronyms, backronymed, backronyming) rétro-acronyme backronymy {noun} rétro-acronymie backroom {adjective, noun} (backrooms) backroom backs to the wall {noun} au pied du mur backscatter {noun, verb} (backscatters, backscattered, backscattering) rétrodiffuser backscattered {verb} rétrodiffusé backscattering {noun, verb} (backscatterings) rétrodiffusion backscattering coefficient facteur de rétrodiffusion backseat driver {noun} (backseat drivers) gérant d’estrade backside [/ˈbækˌsaɪd/] {noun} (backsides) arrière backslab {noun} (backslabs) demi-plâtre backslang [/ˈbækslæŋ/] {noun} verlan backslash [/ˈbækˌslæʃ/] {noun, verb} (backslashes, backslashed, backslashing) antislash | barre oblique inversée | backslash | contre-oblique backslide {noun, verb} (backslides, backslided, backsliding, backslid, backslidden) reculer backspace [/ˈbækˌspeɪs/] {noun, verb} (backspaces, backspaced, backspacing) retour arrière backspin {noun, verb} (backspins, backspinning, backspun) backspin backsplash {noun} (backsplashes) tableau de bord backstab [/ˈbækˌstæb/] {verb} (backstabs, backstabbing, backstabbed) coup de poignard dans le dos backstabber [/ˈbækˌstæbɚ/] {noun} (backstabbers) hypocrite backstaff {noun} (backstaves, backstaffs) arbalestrille backstage [/bækˈsteɪdʒ/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most backstage, more backstage, backstages) coulisses backstay {noun} (backstays) pataras backstop {noun, verb} (backstops, backstopped, backstopping) adossement backstopper adosseur backstopping {verb} adossement backstory {noun} (backstories) toile de fond backstroke [/ˈbækˌstɹoʊk/] {noun, verb} (backstrokes, backstroking, backstroked) dos | dos crawlé backswimmer {noun} (backswimmers) abeille d’eau backtalk {noun, verb} (backtalks, backtalked, backtalking) contestation backtesting {noun} backtesting backtrack [/ˈbæk.tɹæk/] {noun, verb} (backtracks, backtracked, backtracking) retourner sur ses pas backtracking {noun, verb} (backtrackings) retour sur trace backup [/ˈbækˌʌp/] {adjective, noun, verb} (backups, backuping, backuped) sauvegarde | de sauvegarde | remplaçant backup plan plan B backward [/ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbækwɚd/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most backward, more backward) arriéré | en arrière | sous-développé backward compatibility {noun} (backward compatibilities) compatibilité descendante | rétrocompatibilité backward compatible {adjective} (more backward compatible, most backward compatible) rétrocompatible backwardation {noun} déport backwardness {noun} (backwardnesses) arriération | retard backwards [/ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)dz/] {adjective, adverb} (more backwards, most backwards) arriéré backwards and forwards à fond backwash [/ˈbæk.wɑʃ/ | /ˈbæk.wɒʃ/] {noun, verb} (backwashes, backwashed, backwashing) ressac backwater {noun, verb} (backwaters, backwatered, backwatering) lâcher prise | patelin | trou perdu backwaters {noun, verb} au fin fond Backwell {properNoun} Backwell backwoods [/ˈbakˌwʊdz/] {adjective, noun} sous-bois backwoodsman {noun} (backwoodsmen) plouc backyard [/bækˈjɑːd/] {noun} (backyards) arrière-cour backyard garden jardin arrière baclofen [/bæˈkloʊ.fɪn/] {noun} baclofène bacon [/ˈbeɪ.kən/] {noun} (bacons) lard | lardon bacon and eggs {noun} œufs au bacon bacon rind {noun} couenne Baconian [/bəˈkəʊn.ɪən/] {adjective, noun} (most Baconian, more Baconian, Baconians) baconien Baconianism {noun} baconianisme Baconsthorpe Baconsthorpe bacronym {noun, verb} (bacronyms, bacronymed, bacronyming) rétroacronymie bacteraemia {noun} bactériémie bacteremic {adjective} (most bacteremic, more bacteremic) bactériémique bacteremically {adverb} bactériémiquement bacteria [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪ.ə/ | /bækˈtɪɹ.i.ə/] {noun} (bacteriae) bactéries bacterial [[bækˈtɪəɹɪəɫ]] {adjective} bactérien bacterial artificial chromosome chromosome artificiel de bactérie bacterial riboswitch ARN régulateur de type bactérien bacterial riboswitch aptamer aptamère de riborégulateur bactérien bacterial toxicosis toxi-infection bactericide [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪˌsaɪd/] {noun} (bactericides) germicide bacterid {noun} (bacterids) bactéridie bacteridium bactéridie bacteriochlorophyll {noun} (bacteriochlorophylls) bactériochlorophylle bacteriocyte {noun} (bacteriocytes) bactériocyte bacteriological {adjective} bactériologique bacteriologist {noun} (bacteriologists) bactériologiste bacteriology [/bækˌtɪəɹ.ɪˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} (bacteriologies) bactériologie bacteriolysis {noun} (bacteriolyses) bactériolyse bacteriome {noun} (bacteriomes) bactériome bacteriophage [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəʊˌfeɪdʒ/] {noun} (bacteriophages) bactériophage bacteriorhodopsin {noun} (bacteriorhodopsins) bactériorhodopsine bacteriostatic {adjective} (most bacteriostatic, more bacteriostatic) bactériostatique bacterium [/bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəm/] {noun} (bacteria) bactérie bacterivore {noun} (bacterivores) bactérivore bacteroide bactéroïde Bacton Bacton Bactria [/ˈbæktɹɪə/] {properNoun} Bactriane | Bactrie Bactrian [/ˈbæktɹɪən/] {noun, properNoun} (Bactrians) bactrien Bactrian camel [/ˈbæktɹɪən ˈkæməl/] {noun} (Bactrian camels) chameau de Bactriane baculovirus {noun} (baculoviruses) baculovirus baculum [/ˈbæk.jə.ləm/] {noun} (baculums, bacula) baculum Bacup [/ˈbeɪkʌp/] {properNoun} Bacup bad [/beəd/ | /bæd/ | /bæːd/ | /bɛd/ | /bɛʔ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (baddest, badder, bads, badded, badding, worst, worse) mauvais | méchant | défectueux | faute | fonceur | gaffe bad apple {noun} (bad apples) planche pourrie bad bank {noun} (bad banks) banque de défaisance bad breath {noun} mauvaise haleine bad cheque chèque en bois bad contact faux contact bad driver chauffard bad egg [/ˈbæd ɛɡ/] {noun} (bad eggs) bandit | délinquant | malfrat bad faith {noun} mauvaise foi bad guy {noun} (bad guys) mauvais garçon | méchant bad iron {noun} poisse bad job désagrément bad joke {noun} (bad jokes) travail d'Arabe bad luck {noun} malchance | poisse | guigne bad mood mauvaise humeur bad news {noun} casse-pied | emmerdement | emmerdeur | fouteur de merde | mauvaises nouvelles bad press {noun} mauvaise presse bad temper mauvais caractère bad trip {noun} (bad trips) bad trip | mauvais délire | mauvais voyage bad weather mauvais temps bad word {noun} (bad words) gros mot bad-tempered {adjective} (worse-tempered, most bad-tempered, worst-tempered, more bad-tempered) de mauvaise humeur Badaga {properNoun} bagada Badakhshan Province {properNoun} Badakhchan badass [/bædˈæs/ | /ˈbædæs/ | /ˈbædˌæs/] {adjective, noun} (more badass, most badass, badasses) dur à cuire badaud {noun} (badauds) badaud badbuzz badbuzz Badby Badby Baddesley Clinton Baddesley Clinton Baddesley Ensor Baddesley Ensor baddie [/ˈbædi/] {noun} (baddies) méchant Baddiley Baddiley Baddington Baddington Bade bade Baden [/ˈbɑːdən/] {properNoun} Bade Baden-Wurtenberg Bade-Wurtemberg Baden-Württemberg [[ˌbɑːdən ˈvɜːtəmbɜːɡ]] {properNoun} Bade-Wurtemberg Badenscoth Badenscoth Badenyon Badenyon badge [/bædʒ/] {noun, verb} (badges, badging, badged) insigne | décoration | badge | carte d'accès | macaron | plaque badge engineering remarquage Badger {noun, properNoun} (Badgers) Badger badger [/ˈbædʒə/ | /ˈbædʒɚ/] {noun, verb} (badgers, badgered, badgering) blaireau Badger Farm Badger Farm Badgeworth {properNoun} Badgeworth Badgworth Badgworth badinage [/ˌbæd.ɪˈnɑːʒ/ | /ˌbɑd.ɪˈnɑʒ/] {noun, verb} (badinages, badinaged, badinaging) badiner Badingham Badingham badlands [/ˈbæd.lændz/] {noun} (badlands) Mauvaises Terres | badlands Badlesmere Badlesmere Badley Badley badly [/ˈbæd.li/] {adjective, adverb} (more badly, most badly, worse, worst) mal | mauvaisement Badminton {properNoun} Badminton badminton [/ˈbæd.mɪn.tən/] {noun} badminton badminton player {noun} (badminton players) badiste | joueur de badminton | joueuse de badminton badmouth [/ˈbæd.maʊθ/] {verb} (badmouths, badmouthing, badmouthed) débiner | dénigrer | déprécier badness [/ˈbæd.nəs/] {noun} (badnesses) cruauté Badr Badr Badsey Badsey Badsworth Badsworth Badwell Ash Badwell Ash Baetic {adjective} bétique Baffin Bay {properNoun} baie de Baffin | mer de Baffin Baffin Island {properNoun} Terre de Baffin | île de Baffin baffle [/ˈbæfl̩/] {noun, verb} (baffles, baffling, baffled) déconcerter | dérouter baffle gate tourniquet baffled [/ˈbæfl̩d/] {adjective, verb} (most baffled, more baffled) déconcerté | décontenancé | dérouté | perplexe baffling {adjective, noun, verb} (more baffling, most baffling, bafflings) déconcertant Bafut {properNoun} bafut | fut bag [/ˈbeɪɡ/ | /ˈbæɡ/ | /ˈbæːɡ/ | /ˈbɛɡ/] {noun, verb} (bags, bagging, bagged) sac | ensacher | poche | sachet bag and baggage {adverb, noun} avec armes et bagages bag of bones {noun} (bags of bones) paquet d'os | sac d'os bag of words {noun} (bags of words) sac de mots bag-boy aide de caisse bag-girl aide de caisse bag-in-box caisse-outre bagasse {noun} bagasse bagatelle [/ˌbæɡəˈtɛl/] {noun} (bagatelles) bagatelle | broutille Bagby {properNoun} Bagby bagel [/ˈbeɪɡəl/] {noun, verb} (bagels, bagelled, bagelling) bagel | baguel | beguel Bagendon Bagendon bagful [[ˈbæɡfʊɫ]] {noun} (bagsful, bagfuls) sachée baggage [/ˈbæɡɪdʒ/] {noun} (baggages) bagage baggage car {noun} (baggage cars) chariot à bagages baggage carousel {noun} (baggage carousels) carrousel à bagages baggage cart {noun} (baggage carts) chariot à bagages baggage claim {noun} (baggage claims) retrait des bagages baggage handler {noun} (baggage handlers) bagagiste baggara baggara bagger [/ˈbæɡə/ | /ˈbæɡɚ/ | /ˈbæːɡə/] {noun} (baggers) aide de caisse bagging [/ˈbæɡɪŋ/] {noun, verb} ensachage bagging machine ensacheuse baggy [/ˈbæɡi/] {adjective, noun} (baggies, bagger, baggest) lâche Baghdad [/bæɡˈdæd/] {properNoun} Bagdad Baghdadi {adjective, noun} (Baghdadis) Bagdadi | Bagdadie | Bagdadien | Bagdadienne | Bagdadois | Bagdadoise Bagillt Bagillt Baginton Baginton baglama {noun} (baglamas) baglama Baglan Baglan Baglan Bay Baglan Bay bagman {noun} (bagmen) aide de caisse bagna cauda [/ˌbɑːnjə ˈkaʊdə/] {noun} bagna caoda | bagna cauda | bagna caôda Bagnall {properNoun} (Bagnalls) Bagnall bagoong {noun} bagoong bagot goat chèvre bagot bagpipe [/ˈbæɡˌpaɪp/] {noun, verb} (bagpipes, bagpiped, bagpiping) cornemuse bagpiper {noun} (bagpipers) cornemuseur bagpipes [/ˈbæɡ.pɑɪps/] {noun} (bagpipe) cornemuse Bagthorpe with Barmer Bagthorpe with Barmer baguette [/bæˈɡɛt/] {noun} (baguettes) baguette Bagwalal bagwalal Bagworth and Thornton Bagworth and Thornton bah [/bæ/] {interjection} bah Baha Buyang buyang baha Bahama Grass chiendent pied de poule Bahamas [/bəˈhɑː.məz/] {properNoun} Bahamas Bahamian [/bəˈheɪm.ɪən/] {adjective, noun} (more Bahamian, most Bahamian, Bahamians) bahamien | bahaméen | Bahamien | Bahaméen Baha’i bahaï Bahian {adjective, noun} (Bahians) Bahianais | bahianais Bahnar bahnar Bahrain [/bɑːˈɹeɪn/] {properNoun} Bahreïn | Bahrayn Bahraini {adjective, noun} (Bahrainis) bahreïni | Bahreïni | Bahreïnien | Bahreïnie | Bahreïnite baht [/bɑːt/] {adverb, noun} (bahts, baht) baht bahuvrihi [/bahuːˈvɹiːhi/] {noun} (bahuvrihis) composé exocentrique Bahá baha Bahá'í {adjective, noun} (Bahá'ís) bahaï | bahaïe Bahá'í Faith {properNoun} bahaïsme | foi bahá’íe Bahá’í bahaï Bai {noun, properNoun} Bai baidarka {noun} (baidarkas) baidarka Baie-du-Febvre Baie-du-Febvre baignoire {noun} (baignoires) baignoire baiji [/ˈbaɪd͡ʒi/] {noun} (baiji, baijis) baiji | dauphin de Chine | dauphin du Yangzi baijiu [/ˈbaɪd͡ʒuː/] {noun} baijiu Baikal [/baɪˈkɑːl/ | /ˌbaɪˈkɑːl/] {properNoun} Baïkal Baikal skullcap scutellaire du Baïkal Baikonur [/ˌbaɪ.kəˈnɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Baïkonour bail [/beɪ̯l/] {noun, verb} (bails, bailing, bailed) liberté sous caution | libération sous caution | caution | anse | écope | écoper bail bond {noun} (bail bonds) caution bail out {verb} (bails out, bailing out, bailed out) cautionner | déguerpir | mettre les bouts | renflouer | sauter | se barrer bail out of partir bail-in {noun} (bail-ins) renflouement interne bail-out {noun} (bail-outs) renflouement externe Baildon {properNoun} Baildon Baile an Truiseil Baile an Truiseil Baile Boidheach Baile Boidheach bailee {noun} (bailees) commodataire bailer {noun} (bailers) écope bailiff [/ˈbeɪlɪf/] {noun} (bailiffs) huissier | huissier de justice bailival {adjective} baillival bailiwick [/ˈbeɪ.lɪ.wɪk/] {noun} (bailiwicks) autorité | bailliage | compétence Baillon's crake marouette de Baillon bailout [/ˈbeɪlˌawt/] {noun} (bailouts) sauvetage bain-marie {noun} (bains-marie) bain-marie Bainbridge {properNoun} (Bainbridges) Bainbridge Bainsford Bainsford Bainshole Bainshole Bainton Bainton Baird's beaked whale bérardie de Baird Baird's sandpiper {noun} (Baird's sandpipers) bécasseau de Baird Baird's smooth-head tête lisse de Baird bairn [/beːrn/ | /bɑːn/ | /bɛən/ | /bɛəɹn/ | /bɛəʀn/ | /bɛɚn/] {noun} (bairns) enfant bait [/beɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (baits, baiting, baited, most bait, more bait) appât | appâter bait fish poisson fourrage baiting-place halte baize [/beɪz/] {noun, verb} (baizes, baized, baizing) baie Baja California Sur {properNoun} Basse-Californie du Sud Bajocian {properNoun} Bajocien bak kut teh bak kut teh bake [/beɪk/] {noun, verb} (bakes, baken, baking, baked, book) cuire bakeapple {noun} (bakeapples) plaquebière baked [/beɪkt/] {adjective, verb} (more baked, most baked) cuit | cuit au four baked Alaska [/beɪkt əˈlaskə/ | /ˌbeɪkt əˈlæskə/] {noun} omelette norvégienne baked clay terre cuite baked good {noun} (baked goods) pâtisserie baked goods {noun} produits de boulangerie baked potato {noun} (baked potatoes) pomme de terre au four | pomme de terre en robe des champs bakehouse [/ˈbeɪkhaʊs/] {noun} (bakehouses) fournil Bakelite [/ˈbeɪk.ə.laɪt/] {noun} Bakélite bakelite {noun} bakélite bakeneko bakeneko Baker {properNoun} Boulanger baker [/ˈbeɪ.kə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbeɪ.kɚ/] {noun} (bakers) boulanger | boulangère baker's dozen [/ˌbeɪkəz ˈdʌzən/ | /ˌbeɪkəɹz ˈdʌzən/] {noun} (bakers' dozens, baker's dozens) treizaine bakery [/ˈbeɪ.kə.ɹi/] {noun} (bakeries) boulangerie baker’s ammonia carbonate d’ammonium Bakewell {noun, properNoun} (Bakewells) Bakewell Bakhchisaray {properNoun} Bakhtchissaraï bakhmull lévrier bakhmull bakhmull tazi lévrier bakhmull baking [/ˈbeɪkɪŋ(ɡ)/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bakings) cuisson baking powder {noun} levure chimique baking soda {noun} bicarbonate de soude baking tray {noun} (baking trays) plaque à four bakkie [/ˈbæ.ki/] {noun} (bakkies) bakkie baklava [/ˈbæk.lə.və/] {noun} (baklavas) baklava bakosi cattle bakosi baksheesh [/bækˈʃiːʃ/] {noun, verb} (baksheeshes, baksheeshing, baksheeshed) bakchich Baku [/bɑːˈkuː/ | /ˈbækuː/] {properNoun} Bakou baku baku Bakuninist {adjective} (most Bakuninist, more Bakuninist) bakouninien Bakuvian {adjective, noun} (Bakuvians, more Bakuvian, most Bakuvian) bakinois | Bakinois | Bakinoise Bala {properNoun} Bala Balabac Strait détroit de Balabac Balachka {properNoun} balatchka balaclava [/ˌbæl.əˈklɑː.və/] {noun} (balaclavas) cagoule | passe-montagne Baladi baladi balafon {noun} (balafons) balafon balagan pétaudière balalaika [/bæləˈlaɪkə/] {noun} (balalaiki, balalaikas) balalaïka balalaikist {noun} (balalaikists) balalaïkiste Balallan Balallan balance [/ˈbæləns/] {noun, verb} (balances, balancing, balanced) équilibre | solde | balance | apurer | balancier | contrepoids balance beam {noun} (balance beams) bôme balance of payments {noun} (balances of payments) balance des paiements balance of power {noun} (balances of power) équilibre des puissances balance of probabilities {noun} (balances of probabilities) prépondérance de la preuve balance of terror équilibre de la terreur balance of trade {noun} (balances of trade) balance commerciale balance scales bascule balance sheet {noun} (balance sheets) bilan balance wheel {noun} (balance wheels) balancier balanced [/ˈbælənst/] {adjective, verb} (most balanced, more balanced) équilibré balanced scorecard tableau de bord balancer [/ˈbæ.lən.səɹ /] {noun} (balancers) masselotte balancing {noun, verb} (balancings) rééquilibrage balancing payment soulte balanephagous [/bæləˈniːfəɡəs/] {adjective} balanophage balanic {adjective} balanique balanitis {noun} balanite balanoid {adjective} (most balanoid, more balanoid) balanoïde balanoposthitis {noun} balanoposthite balanorrhea balanorrhée Balanta balante Balante balante balantidiosis balantidiose Balaton [/ˈbælətɒn/] {properNoun} lac Balaton balayeuse {noun} (balayeuses) balayeuse Balbeggie Balbeggie balboa [/bælˈbəʊə/] {noun} (balboas) balboa Balcombe {properNoun} (Balcombes) Balcombe balconette bra {noun} (balconette bras) balconnet balconing {noun} balconing balcony [/ˈbælkəni/] {noun} (balconies) balcon balcony bra {noun} (balcony bras) balconnet bald [/bɑld/ | /bɔld/ | /bɔːld/ | /bəʊld/] {adjective, noun, verb} (baldest, balder, balds, balding, balded) chauve | lisse bald cypress {noun} (bald cypresses) cipre bald eagle {noun} (bald eagles) pygargue à tête blanche bald parrot caïque chauve bald spot {noun} (bald spots) chauve bald-headed {adjective} (more bald-headed, most bald-headed) chauve baldacchin [/ˈbaldəkɪn/] {noun} (baldacchins) baldaquin baldachin {noun} (baldachins) baldaquin balderdash [/ˈbɔːldə.dæʃ/] {noun, verb} (balderdashes, balderdashing, balderdashed) bêtises Baldernock Baldernock Baldersby Baldersby Balderstone Balderstone Balderton Balderton baldie {noun} (baldies) chauve | crâne d’œuf balding {adjective, verb} (most balding, more balding) dégréer baldmoney [/ˈbɔːldˌmʌni/] {noun} fenouil des Alpes | baudremoine | cerfeuil des Alpes | fenouil de montagne | méum baldness {noun} (baldnesses) calvitie Baldock {properNoun} (Baldocks) Baldock Baldons Baldons baldpate {noun} (baldpates) canard siffleur d’Amérique baldrick {noun} (baldricks) baudrier Baldwin {noun, properNoun} (Baldwins) Baudouin baldy [/ˈbɔːl.di/] {noun} (baldies) crâne d’œuf bale [/beɪ̯l/] {noun, verb} (bales, baling, baled) ballot | botte Balearic [/bæliˈæɹɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} baléarique Balearic Islands {properNoun} Baléares | îles Baléares Balearic shearwater puffin des Baléares Balearics {properNoun} Baléares baleen [/ˈbeɪliːn/] {noun} fanon baleen whale {noun} (baleen whales) baleine à fanons baleful [/ˈbeɪl.fəl/] {adjective} (most baleful, more baleful) sinistre baler {noun} (balers) ramasseuse-presse Baleshare Baleshare Balfour {properNoun} Balfour Balfron Balfron Balfron Station Balfron Station Bali [/ˈbɑːli/] {properNoun} Bali Balinese [/ˈbɑːlɪniːz/] {adjective, noun} (Balinese) balinais | Balinais Balinesian {adjective, noun} (Balinesians) Balinais Balintore Balintore Balk {properNoun} (Balks) Balk balk [/bɑk/ | /bɔk/ | /bɔːk/] {noun, verb} (balks, balking, balked) raie | regimber balk at rebiffer Balkan [/ˈbɔːlkən/] {adjective} balkanique Balkan hound chien courant serbe Balkan Peninsula {properNoun} Balkans Balkan pine pin des Balkans Balkanisation {properNoun} balkanisation Balkanization [/ˌbɑl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌbɔːl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} balkanisation Balkanize {verb} (Balkanizes, Balkanizing, Balkanized) balkaniser Balkans [/ˈbɑl.kənz/ | /ˈbɔːl.kənz/] {properNoun} Balkans Balkar {noun} (Balkars) Balkar Balkeerie Balkeerie ball [/bɑl/ | /bɔːl/] {interjection, noun, verb} (balls, balling, balled) bal | ballon | balle | pelote | boule | couille ball and chain {noun} (balls and chains) boulet ball bearing {noun} (ball bearings) roulement à billes | roulement mécanique ball boy {noun} (ball boys) ramasseur ball buster casse-couilles ball game [/ˈbɔːl ˌɡeɪm/] {noun} (ball games) jeu de balle | jeu de ballon | problème | question | sujet ball girl {noun} (ball girls) ramasseuse ball grid array {noun} (ball grid arrays) boîtier matriciel à billes ball in hand {noun} (balls in hand) handball ball lightning {noun} (ball lightnings) foudre en boule | boule de feu ball mill {noun} (ball mills) moulin à billes ball pit {noun} (ball pits) piscine à boules ball pond {noun} (ball ponds) piscine à boules ball pool {noun} (ball pools) piscine à boules ball python python royal ball up {verb} (balls up, balling up, balled up) empoisonner ball valve {noun} (ball valves) vanne à boisseau ball-ache casser les couilles ball-and-socket joint {noun} (ball-and-socket joints) rotule ball-breaker {noun} (ball-breakers) brise-burnes | casse-couilles | enquiquineur | orchidoclaste ball-breaking casse-couilles Ballabeg Ballabeg Ballachulish [/ˌbaləˈxuːlɪʃ/] {properNoun} Ballachulish ballad [/ˈbæləd/] {noun, verb} (ballads, ballading, balladed) ballade ballade {noun} (ballades) ballade ballan wrasse vieille commune Ballantrae Ballantrae Ballardian {adjective} (most Ballardian, more Ballardian) ballardien ballast [/ˈbæl.əst/] {noun, verb} (ballasts, ballasting, ballasted) lest | ballast | ballaster | remblai ballast tamper bourreuse ballast tank {noun} (ballast tanks) ballast ballasting {noun, verb} (ballastings) lestage Ballater {properNoun} Ballater Ballencrieff Ballencrieff ballerina [/ˌbæləɹˈiːnə/] {noun} (ballerinas, ballerine) ballerine ballet [/bælæe/ | /bæˈleɪ/ | /bɐleː/ | /bɛlæe/ | /ˈbæleɪ/] {noun, verb} (ballets, balleting, balleted) ballet ballet dancer {noun} (ballet dancers) danseuse de ballet ballet girl ballerine ballet master {noun} (ballet masters) maître de ballet ballet shoe {noun} (ballet shoes) ballerine balletic [/ˌbəˈlɛtɪk/] {adjective} ballet balletomane [/bæˈlɛt.əˌmeɪn/] {noun} (balletomanes) balletomane Ballidon Ballidon Ballingham Ballingham Ballingry Ballingry Ballinluig {properNoun} Ballinluig ballista [/bəˈlɪstə/] {noun} (ballistae, ballistas, ballistæ) baliste ballistic [/bəˈlɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (most ballistic, more ballistic) balistique ballistic missile {noun} (ballistic missiles) missile balistique ballistic re-entry rentrée balistique ballistics [/bəˈlɪst.ɪks/] {noun} balistique balljoint {noun} (balljoints) rotule Balloch {properNoun} Balloch ballonet [/ˈbalənɛt/] {noun} (ballonets) ballonnet balloon [/bəˈlun/ | /bəˈluːn/] {noun, verb} (balloons, ballooned, ballooning) ballon | montgolfière | ballon de baudruche | ballon en baudruche | ballon gonflable balloon kyphoplasty cyphoplastie balloonfish {noun} (balloonfishes, balloonfish) tétrodon ballooning [/bəˈluːnɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} gonflement balloonist {noun} (balloonists) ballonniste ballot [/ˈbalət/ | /ˈbælət/] {noun, verb} (ballots, balloted, balloting) bulletin | bulletin de vote | voter ballot box {noun} (ballot boxes) urne | urne électorale ballot paper {noun} (ballot papers) bulletin de vote ballot-box urne électorale ballotine {noun} (ballotines) ballottine ballpark {adjective, noun, verb} (ballparks, ballparking, ballparked) approximatif ballpark figure {noun} (ballpark figures) évaluation ballpoint pen {noun} (ballpoint pens) stylo à bille | bic ballroom [/ˈbɔːlɹuːm/] {noun, verb} (ballrooms, ballrooming, ballroomed) danse de salon | salle de bal balls [/bɔːlz/] {adverb, noun, verb} (ballses, ballsing, ballsed) conneries | couilles | putain de ballsack {noun} (ballsacks) scrotum ballsiness {noun} assurance ballsy [/ˈbɔlzi/] {adjective} (ballsest, ballser) couillu Ballumbie Ballumbie ballute [/bəˈluːt/] {noun} (ballutes) ballon-parachute Ballygrant Ballygrant ballyhoo [/bæliˈhuː/] {noun, verb} (ballyhoos, ballyhooing, ballyhooed) aiguillette | battage Ballymena {properNoun} Ballymena Ballymoney {properNoun} Ballymoney balm [/bɑm/ | /bɑːm/] {noun, verb} (balms, balmed, balming) baume Balmaclellan Balmaclellan Balmaghie Balmaghie Balmaha Balmaha Balmedie Balmedie Balmerino Balmerino Balmirmer Balmirmer balmoral {noun} (balmorals) balmoral Balmore Balmore balmy [/ˈbɑː.mi/] {adjective} (balmest, balmer) agréable | bizarre | cintré | doux | embaumant | fou Balne Balne balneatory {adjective} balnéatoire balneology {noun} (balneologies) balnéologie balneotherapy {noun} (balneotherapies) balnéothérapie Balochi {noun, properNoun} (Balochis) baloutche Balochistan {properNoun} Baloutchistan baloney [/bəˈloʊni/ | /bəˈləʊni/] {noun} baloney Balquhidder Balquhidder Balrog Balrog balrog [[ˈbɔːɫ.ɹɒɡ]] {noun} (balrogs) balrog balsa [/ˈbɑlsə/ | /ˈbɔːl.sə/] {noun} balsa balsa-wood fromager Balsall Balsall balsam [/ˈbɔːlsəm/] {noun, verb} (balsams, balsaming, balsamed) baume | balsamine | pommade balsam fir {noun} (balsam firs) sapin baumier balsam pear {noun} (balsam pears) margoze balsamic [/ˌbɔːlˈsæmɪk/] {adjective, noun} (balsamics) balsamique balsamic vinegar {noun} vinaigre balsamique Balsham Balsham Balt [[bɔːlt]] {noun} (Balts) Balte Balta {properNoun} Balta Baltasound Baltasound Balterley Balterley Balthazar [/bælˈθeɪzə/ | /ˈbælθəˌzɔɹ/] {noun, properNoun} (Balthazars) Balthazar Balti {noun, properNoun} (Baltis, Balti) balti Baltic [/ˈbɑl.tɪk/ | /ˈbɔl.tɪk/ | /ˈbɔːl.tɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (most Baltic, more Baltic) baltique Baltic countries pays baltes Baltic herring {noun} (Baltic herrings) hareng de la Baltique Baltic Sea {properNoun} mer Baltique | Baltique Baltic states pays baltes Baltimore [/ˈbɔl.tɪˌmɔɹ/ | /ˈbɔːltɪmo(ː)ɹ/ | /ˈbɔːltɪmoə/ | /ˈbɔːltɪmɔː/] {noun, properNoun} (Baltimores) Baltimore Baltimore oriole {noun} (Baltimore orioles) oriole de Baltimore Balto-Slavic {adjective, properNoun} balto-slave Baltonsborough Baltonsborough Baluchi {properNoun} baloutche Baluchistan {properNoun} Baloutchistan balun {noun} (baluns) balun baluster [/ˈbæl.ʌ.stɹ/] {noun} (balusters) balustre balustrade [/ˈbæl.ə.stɹeɪd/ | /ˌbæl.əˈstɹeɪd/] {noun} (balustrades) balustrade Balvicar Balvicar Balzac {properNoun} Balzac Balzacian [/balˈzakɪ.ən/ | /bɔlˈzæki.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Balzacian, more Balzacian, Balzacians) balzacien Bamako {properNoun} Bamako Bambara {noun, properNoun} (Bambaras, Bambara) bambara Bambara groundnut {noun} (Bambara groundnuts) pois de terre Bambarra bean pois de terre Bambarra groundnut pois de terre Bambassi bambassi Bamberg {properNoun} Bamberg bamboo [/bæmˈbu/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bamboos, bambooed, bambooing) bambou bamboo antshrike {noun} (bamboo antshrikes) batara des bambous Bamboo Curtain {properNoun} Rideau de bambou Bamboo curtain Rideau de bambou bamboo forest forêt de bambous bamboo grove bambouseraie bamboo shark {noun} (bamboo sharks) requin-chabot bamboo shoot {noun} (bamboo shoots) pousses de bambou bamboolike {adjective} (most bamboolike, more bamboolike) bambusacé bamboozle [/bæm.ˈbuː.zəl/] {verb} (bamboozles, bamboozled, bamboozling) embrouiller | enfumer | moquer Bamburgh {properNoun} Bamburgh Bamford {properNoun} (Bamfords) Bamford Bamileke Bamiléké Bampton {properNoun} Bampton ban [/bæn/] {noun, verb} (bans, banning, banned, bani) interdiction | prohibition | interdire | proscrire Banach space {noun} (Banach spaces) espace de Banach banal [/bəˈnæl/ | /bəˈnɑːl/ | /ˈbeɪnəl/] {adjective} (banaler, banalest, more banal, most banal) banal banalisation {noun} banalisation banality [/beɪˈnælɨti/ | /bəˈnælɨti/] {noun} (banalities) banalité banalization {noun} banalisation banalize {verb} (banalizes, banalizing, banalized) banaliser banally {adverb} (most banally, more banally) banal banana [/bəˈnænə/ | /bəˈnɑːnə/] {adjective, noun} banane | bananier banana orchard bananerie banana peel {noun} (banana peels) peau de banane banana plantation bananeraie banana republic {noun} (banana republics) république bananière banana split [/bə.ˈnæ.nə splɪt/ | /bə.ˈnɑː.nə splɪt/] {noun} (banana splits) banane Melba banana tree bananier bananafish banane de mer bananaphobia bananaphobie bananaquit {noun} (bananaquits) sucrier à ventre jaune bananophobia bananaphobie Banat {properNoun} Banat banat {noun} (banats) banat Banbridge Banbridge Banbury [/ˈbænbɹi/] {noun, properNoun} (Banburies) Banbury Banbury story of a cock and a bull [/ˈbænb(ə)ɹi ˈstɔːɹi əv ə ˈkɑk ənd ə ˈbʊl/ | /ˈbænbɹi ˈstɔːɹi əv ə ˈkɒk ənd ə ˈbʊl/] {noun} (Banbury stories of a cock and a bull) une histoire sans queue ni tête Banc-y-Darren Banc-y-Darren Banc-y-môr Banc-y-môr bancarisation bancarisation bancassurance {noun} bancassurance bancassurer {noun} (bancassurers) bancassureur Banchory {properNoun} Banchory Banchory-Devenick Banchory-Devenick Bancyfelin Bancyfelin band [/bænd/ | [beənd]] {noun, verb} (bands, banding, banded) groupe | bande band chief {noun} (band chiefs) chef de bande band gap bande interdite band-aid [/ˈbændeɪd/] {noun, verb} (band-aids, band-aiding, band-aided) pansement | sparadrap band-tailed antshrike {noun} (band-tailed antshrikes) batara de Cayenne band-tailed manakin manakin à queue barrée bandage [/ˈbændɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (bandages, bandaged, bandaging) bandage | pansement | panser bandana [/bænˈdæn.ə/] {noun} (bandanas) bandana Bandar Seri Begawan [/ˌbɑːndəɹ sɪˌɹiː bɪˈɡaʊ.ən/] {properNoun} Bandar Seri Begawan banded [/ˈbændɪd/] {adjective, verb} fascié banded ash borer clyte rayé du frêne banded iron fer rubané banded mongoose {noun} (banded mongoose, banded mongooses) mangouste rayée banded rattlesnake crotale des bois bandera canna comestible banderilla [/ˌbæn.də.ˈɹiː.jə/] {noun} (banderillas) banderille banderillero [/ˌbændəɹiːˈjeəɹəʊ/] {noun} (banderilleros) banderillero | bandérilléro banderole {noun} (banderoles) banderole bandfish {noun} (bandfish, bandfishes) cépolidé bandicoot [/ˈbændiˌkut/ | /ˈbændɪˌkuːt/] {noun, verb} (bandicoots, bandicooting, bandicooted) bandicoot | péramélidé banding effect effet de traîne bandit [/ˈbændɪt/] {noun, verb} (bandits, bandited, banditing) bandit | voleur banditry {noun} (banditries) banditisme bandmaster {noun} (bandmasters) chef d’orchestre bando {noun} (bandos) bando bandog [/ˈbandɒɡ/] {noun} (bandogs) bandog bandolier [/ˌbændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bandoliers) bandoulière | cartouchière | ceinture à munitions bandoneon {noun} (bandoneons) bandonéon bandoneón bandonéon bandsaw {noun, verb} (bandsaws, bandsawing, bandsawn, bandsawed) scie à ruban bandstand [/ˈbænd.stænd/] {noun} (bandstands) kiosque | kiosque à musique bandtooth conger congre des Baléares Bandung [/ˈbændʊŋ/ | /ˈbɑndʊŋ/] {properNoun} Bandung bandura [/bænˈduɹə/ | /bænˈdʊəɹə/] {noun} (banduras) bandoura | bandura bandurria {noun} (bandurrias) bandurria bandwagon [/ˈbændˌwæɡ.ən/] {noun} (bandwagons) parti bandwagoning {noun} ralliement opportuniste bandwidth [/ˈbændwɪdθ/] {noun} bande passante | débit bandwing flyingfish exocet rayé bandy [/ˈbændi/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bandies, bandied, bandying, bandest, bander) bandy bane [/beɪn/] {noun, verb} (banes, baned, baning) cauchemar | drame | fléau baneberry {noun} (baneberries) actée baneful {adjective} (most baneful, more baneful) funeste Banff [/ˈbænf/] {properNoun} Banff bang [/bæŋ(ɡ)/] {adverb, interjection, noun, verb} (more bang, most bang, bangs, banging, banged) niquer | détonation | point d'exclamation | baiser | claquer | cogner bang away {verb} (bangs away, banging away, banged away) bûcher | insister | marner | matraquer | tanner bang out {noun, verb} (bangs out, banging out, banged out, bang outs) bâcler | torcher | traiter par dessous la jambe bang up {adjective, verb} (bangs up, banged up, banging up) abimer | démolir | endommager | flinguer Bangalore [/ˈbæŋɡəlɔːɹ/ | /ˌbæŋɡəˈlɔː/] {properNoun, verb} (Bangalores, Bangalored, Bangaloring) Bangalore | Bengaluru Bangalore torpedo torpille Bangalore banged {adjective, verb} défoncé banger [/ˈbæŋ(ɡ)ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bangers) bagnole bangers and mash {noun} bangers and mash banging [/ˈbæŋ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} baise Bangkok [/bæŋˈkɒk/] {properNoun} Bangkok Bangkokian {adjective, noun} (Bangkokians) Bangkokien | bangkokien Bangladesh [/ˌbæŋ.ɡlə.ˈdɛʃ/] {properNoun} Bangladesh Bangladeshi {adjective, noun} (Bangladeshis) Bangladais | Bangladeshi | bangladais bangle [/ˈbæŋ.ɡəl/] {noun, verb} (bangles, bangled, bangling) bracelet Bangor [/ˈbæŋɡə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Bangor Bangor Teifi Bangor Teifi Bangor-on-Dee Bangor-on-Dee bangs [/bæŋz/] {noun, verb} (bang) frange bangu bangu Bangui {properNoun} Bangui Banguian Banguissois Banham Banham Bani Walid Bani Walid banish [/ˈbænɪʃ/] {verb} (banishes, banishing, banished) bannir banished [/ˈbænɪʃt/] {adjective, verb} banni banishment [/ˈbænɪʃmənt/] {noun} bannissement banishment room placard banister [/ˈbænɪstə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (banisters, banistered, banistering) balustre | rampe banjara greyhound lévrier banjara banjax [/ˈbæn.d͡ʒæks/] {noun, verb} (banjaxes, banjaxing, banjaxed) détruire | ruiner banjo [/ˈbæn.dʒoʊ/ | /ˈbæn.dʒəʊ/] {noun, verb} (banjoes, banjos, banjoed, banjoing) banjo banjoist {noun} (banjoists) banjoïste Banjul {properNoun} Banjul bank [/bæŋk/] {noun, verb} (banks, banking, banked) banque | rive | banc | rang bank account {noun} (bank accounts) compte bancaire | compte en banque bank account details relevé d’identité bancaire bank card {noun} (bank cards) carte bancaire bank clerk banquier bank details coordonnées bank holiday {noun} (bank holidays) jour férié bank manager banquier Bank Newton Bank Newton Bank of England {properNoun} Banque d'Angleterre bank official banquier bank on {verb} (banks on, banking on, banked on) tabler bank robber {noun} (bank robbers) voleur de banque bank run {noun} (bank runs) panique bancaire bank statement {noun} (bank statements) relevé de compte | relevé bancaire bank swallow {noun} (bank swallows) hirondelle de rivage bank transfer {noun} (bank transfers) virement bancaire bank vault chambre forte bank vole {noun} (bank voles) campagnol roussâtre bankable {adjective} (most bankable, more bankable) bancable bankassurer bancassureur bankbook {noun} (bankbooks) opulence | richesse banked slalom {noun} banked slalom banker [/ˈbæŋkə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbæŋkɚ/] {noun} (bankers) banquier | banquière bankeress {noun} (bankeresses) banquière Bankfoot Bankfoot banking panic panique bancaire