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Оглавлениеasperge | escogriffe | échalas | croquette
BeanShell {properNoun} BeanShell beanstalk {noun} (beanstalks) haricot magique bear [/bɑɹ/ | /bɛə(ɹ)/ | /bɛəɹ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bears, beared, bearing, born, borne, bore, bare) ours | porter | supporter | tolérer | baissier | ourse bear away {verb} abattée bear cub {noun} (bear cubs) ourson | oursonne bear down {verb} (bears down, bearing down, borne down, bore down) compter bear fruit {verb} (bears fruit, borne fruit, bearing fruit, bore fruit) porter ses fruits bear in mind {verb} garder à l’esprit | se rappeler bear market {noun} (bear markets) marché baissier bear meat {noun} viande d'ours bear out {verb} (bears out, bearing out, borne out, bore out) confirmer | corroborer bear pit {noun} (bear pits) fosse aux ours bear the brunt {verb} faire les frais bear the cost faire les frais de bear up {verb} (bears up, borne up, bearing up, bore up) tenir le coup bear witness {verb} (bears witness, borne witness, bearing witness, bore witness) attester bear's ear {noun} (bears' ears) oreille-d’ours bear's foot hellébore fétide bear's-paw {noun} hippope bearable [/ˈbɛəɹəbəɫ/] {adjective} supportable | vivable bearberry [/ˈbɛəb(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (bearberries) bearberry | busserole bearcat {noun} (bearcats) binturong beard [/bɪəd/ | /bɪɹd/] {noun, verb} (beards, bearded, bearding) barbe beard grass andropogon beard moss {noun} (beard mosses) usnée beard worm {noun} (beard worms) pogonophore bearded [/ˈbɪədɪd/ | /ˈbɪɹdəd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most bearded, more bearded, beardeds) barbu bearded ark arche barbue bearded clam {noun} (bearded clams) moule bearded collie bearded collie Bearded d’Anvers barbu d’Anvers bearded horsemussel modiole barbue bearded lady {noun} (bearded ladies) femme à barbe bearded milkcap lactaire à toison bearded reedling {noun} (bearded reedlings) panure à moustaches bearded seal [/ˈbɪədɪd siːl/ | /ˈbɪɹdəd siːl/] {noun} (bearded seals) phoque barbu bearded tit {noun} (bearded tits) mésange à moustaches bearded vulture {noun} (bearded vultures) gypaète beardless {adjective} (more beardless, most beardless) imberbe bearer [/ˈbɛəɹə/ | /ˈbɛɹɚ/] {noun} (bearers) porteur bearer bond {noun} (bearer bonds) bon au porteur bearer service service support bearer share action au porteur bearing [/ˈbɛə̯ɹɪŋ/ | /ˈbɛɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bearings) roulement | azimut | coussinet | palier | porteur | portée bearing device appareil d’appui bearing failure matage bearing pressure pression diamétrale bearing resistance pression diamétrale bearish market marché baissier Bearley Bearley Bearnais Béarnais bearnaise {noun} béarnaise Bearpark Bearpark Bearsden {properNoun} Bearsden bearsfoot patte d’ours Bearsted Bearsted Bearwardcote Bearwardcote bear’s foot patte d’ours Beast {properNoun} animal beast [/biːst/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most beast, more beast, beasts, beasted, beasting) bête | bête sauvage beast of burden {noun} (beasts of burden) bête de somme | bête de charge | animal de trait beast of prey {noun} (beasts of prey) bête de proie beast with two backs {noun} (beasts with two backs) bête à deux dos beastie [/ˈbiːsti/] {noun} (beasties) bestiole beastliness {noun} (beastlinesses) bestialité beastly [/ˈbiːstli/] {adjective, adverb} (most beastly, beastlest, more beastly, beastler) méchant beastmaster {noun} (beastmasters) belluaire beat [/biːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most beat, more beat, beats, beaten, beat, beating) battre | vaincre | battement | fouetter | remonter au vent beat a dead horse {verb} enfoncer une porte ouverte beat a man who is down frapper un ennemi à terre beat about the bush {verb} tourner autour du pot beat around the bush {verb} (beats around the bush, beating around the bush, beaten around the bush) tourner autour du pot beat in retreat battre en retraite beat it [/ˈbiˌdɪt/] {verb} (beats it, beat it, beating it) décamper | décaniller | dégager | ficher le camp | se barrer | se branler beat off {verb} (beats off, beating off, beaten off, beat off) se masturber beat one's breast {verb} battre sa coulpe beat one's head against a stone wall {verb} perdre son temps beat the wind coup d’épée dans l’eau beat time {verb} (beats time, beaten time, beat time, beating time) battre la mesure beat to a pulp {verb} battre à plate couture | mettre la pâtée | passer à tabac | tabasser beat to quarters {verb} branle-bas de combat beat to the punch {verb} devancer beat up {adjective, noun, verb} (more beat up, most beat up, beat ups, beats up, beaten up, beating up, beat up) tabasser beat up against the wind louvoyer beater [/ˈbitɚ/ | /ˈbiːtə/] {noun} (beaters) baguette de tambour | batteur | bazou beatification [/biˌætɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} béatification beatified {adjective, verb} béatifique beatify [/biːˈætɪfaɪ/] {verb} (beatifies, beatifying, beatified) béatifier beating [/ˈbiːtɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (beatings) battage | battement Beatles [/ˈbiːtl̩z/] {noun, properNoun} Beatles beatnik [/ˈbiːtnɪk/] {noun} (beatniks) beatnik Beatrice [/ˈbiː(ə)tɹɪs/] {properNoun} Béatrice Beattock {properNoun} Beattock beau monde {noun} (beaux mondes) beau monde Beauceron [/ˈboʊsəˌɹɑn/ | /ˈbəʊsəˌɹɒn/] {noun} (Beaucerons) berger beauceron | berger de Beauce beauceron berger de Beauce Beaudesert Beaudesert Beaufort [/ˈbəʊ.fət/] {noun, properNoun} Beaufort beaufort beaufort Beaufort scale {properNoun} échelle de Beaufort Beaujolais [/ˌboʊ.ʒəˈleɪ/] {noun} (Beaujolais) Beaujolais Beaulieu [/ˈbjuːli/] {properNoun} (Beaulieus) Beaulieu Beaulieu River Beaulieu Beauly Beauly Beaumaris Beaumaris Beaumont [/ˈboʊmɑnt/ | /ˈbəʊmɒnt/] {properNoun} Beaumont Beaumont Chase Beaumont Chase Beaumont cum Moze Beaumont cum Moze Beauraing Beauraing Beauregard [/ˈboʊɹəɡɑɹd/] {properNoun} Beauregard Beausale, Haseley, Honiley and Wroxall {properNoun} Beausale, Haseley, Honiley and Wroxall beautician [/bjuːˈtɪʃən/] {noun} (beauticians) esthéticienne | esthéticien beautification [/bjuːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} embellissement beautifier {noun} (beautifiers) embellisseur | embellisseuse beautiful [/ˈbjuːtɪfəl/] {adjective, noun} (more beautiful, most beautiful, beautifuls) beau | belle Beautiful Carpet phalène de la ronce beautifully [/ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)li/] {adverb} (more beautifully, most beautifully) joliment beautifulness {noun} (beautifulnesses) beauté beautify [/ˈbjuː.tɪ.faɪ/] {verb} (beautifies, beautifying, beautified) embellir beauty [/ˈbjuɾi/ | /ˈbjuːti/ | /ˈbuːti/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (beauties, beautying, beautied, most beauty, more beauty) beauté beauty at the Rhine belle du Rhin beauty contest {noun} (beauty contests) concours de beauté beauty is in the eye of the beholder [/ˈbjuːti ɪz ɪn ðiː aɪ əv ðiː bɪˈhəʊldə/] {proverb} il n’y a point de laides amours beauty mark {noun} (beauty marks) grain de beauté beauty pageant {noun} (beauty pageants) concours de beauté beauty parlor {noun} (beauty parlors) salon de beauté beauty parlour {noun} (beauty parlours) institut de beauté beauty quark {noun} (beauty quarks) quark beauty | quark beauté beauty queen {noun} (beauty queens) miss | reine de beauté beauty salon {noun} (beauty salons) salon de beauté beauty sleep {noun} (beauty sleeps) roupillon | sommeil réparateur beauty spot {noun} (beauty spots) grain de beauté beauty therapist esthéticienne beauvoirian beauvoirien Beauworth Beauworth beaver [/ˈbivɚ/ | /ˈbiːvə/] {noun} (beavers, beaver) castor | bièvre | chatte | foufoune | minou beaver away {verb} (beavers away, beavering away, beavered away) bûcher beavertail {noun} (beavertails) queue de castor Beaworthy Beaworthy Bebel [/ˈbeɪbəl/] {properNoun} Bebel Bebhionn {properNoun} Bebhionn Bebington Bebington bebop [/ˈbiːbɒp/] {noun, verb} (bebops, bebopping, bebopped) be-bop bebother [/bəˈbɑðɚ/ | /bəˈbɒðə/] {verb} (bebothers, bebothered, bebothering) déranger becalmed {adjective, verb} (more becalmed, most becalmed) accalminé becard {noun} (becards) bécarde because [/biˈkɔz/ | /bɪkəz/ | /bɪˈkɒz/ | /bɪˈkɔːz/] {adverb, conjunction, preposition} parce que | car | à cause de because of {preposition} à cause de | en raison de | grâce à Beccles {properNoun} Beccles Bechuanaland [/ˌbɛtʃuˈɑːnəlænd/] {properNoun} Protectorat du Bechuanaland beck [/ˈbɛk/] {noun, verb} (becks, becked, becking) ruisseau Beck Row, Holywell Row and Kenny Hill Beck Row, Holywell Row and Kenny Hill Beckbury Beckbury Beckermet Beckermet becket [/ˈbɛkɪt/] {noun} (beckets) maillon Beckettian {adjective, noun} (most Beckettian, more Beckettian, Beckettians) beckettien Beckford {properNoun} (Beckfords) Beckford Beckingham Beckingham Beckington {properNoun} Beckington Beckley {properNoun} (Beckleys) Beckley Beckley and Stowood Beckley and Stowood beckon [/ˈbɛkən/] {noun, verb} (beckons, beckoning, beckoned) faire signe Beckwithshaw Beckwithshaw beclometasone_dipropionate béclométasone becloud {verb} (beclouds, beclouded, beclouding) s'assombrir | s'ennuager | se couvrir become [/bəˈkʌm/ | /bɪˈkʊm/ | /bɪˈkʌm/] {verb} (becomes, becoming, becomen, become, became, becomed) devenir | aller bien become angry se mettre en colère become calm se calmer become infatuated enticher becoming [/bəˈkʌmɪŋ/ | /bɪˈkʌmɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more becoming, most becoming, becomings) devenir becquerel [[bɛkəˈɹɛɫ]] {noun} (becquerels) becquerel BED {noun} (BEDs) DEB bed [/bed/ | /bɛd/ | [beː]] {noun, verb} (beds, bedding, bedded) lit | gisement bed and breakfast {noun} (bed and breakfasts) bed and breakfast | bed-and-breakfast | chambre d'hôte | chambre d'hôtes | gîte touristique | maison d'hôte bed hair {noun} cheveux en bataille bed head {noun} tête de lit bed of roses [/bɛd ʌv ˈɹəʊzəz/] {noun} (beds of roses) long fleuve tranquille | partie de plaisir bed rest {noun} alitement bed sheet {noun} (bed sheets) drap bed wetter {noun} (bed wetters) pisse-au-lit bed-cover {noun} (bed-covers) couvre-lit Bedale {properNoun} Bedale bedbug {noun} (bedbugs) punaise des lits | punaise bedclothes {noun} literie bedcover {noun} (bedcovers) couvre-lit beddable {adjective} (most beddable, more beddable) baisable | pinocumettable Beddau Beddau bedded back stabulation libre Beddgelert {properNoun} Beddgelert Beddgeraint Beddgeraint bedding [/ˈbɛdɪŋ/] {noun, verb} litière Beddingham Beddingham beddy-bye {noun} dodo Bede Bède bedeck [/bɪˈdɛk/] {verb} (bedecks, bedecking, bedecked) garnir bedeguar {noun} (bedeguars) bédégar bedevil [[bɪˈdɛvəɫ]] {verb} (bedevils, bedevilling, bedeviling, bedeviled, bedevilled) harceler | tourmenter Bedfield Bedfield Bedford [/ˈbɛdfəd/] {properNoun} Bedford Bedfordite Bedfordois Bedfordshire [/ˈbɛd.fəd.ʃə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Bedfordshire Bedhampton {properNoun} Bedhampton bedhead [/ˈbɛdhɛd/] {noun} tête de lit | têtes de lit Bedingfield {properNoun} (Bedingfields) Bedingfield Bedingham Bedingham bedjacket {noun} (bedjackets) liseuse bedlam [/ˈbɛdləm/] {noun} (bedlams) cour du roi Pétaud | pétaudière bedlinen {noun} linge de lit bedlington terrier bedlington terrier Bedlinog Bedlinog Bedouin {noun} (Bedouins) Bédouin bedouin [/ˈbɛd.wɪn/] {noun} (bedouins) Bédouin | Bédouine bedpan {noun} (bedpans) bassin hygiénique bedrest {noun} repos au lit bedrest experiment alitement antiorthostatique bedridden [/ˈbɛdɹɪdən/] {adjective} alité | grabataire | cloué au lit bedrock {noun} soubassement bedroll {noun} (bedrolls) sac de couchage bedroom [/ˈbɛdˌɹum/] {noun} (bedrooms) chambre | chambre à coucher | dortoir | piaule bedroom community {noun} (bedroom communities) cité-dortoir | village-dortoir | ville-dortoir bedroom suburb ville-dortoir bedroom town ville-dortoir bedsheet [/ˈbɛdʃiːt/] {noun} (bedsheets) drap | drap de lit bedside book livre de chevet bedside lamp lampe de chevet bedside table {noun} (bedside tables) chevet bedsit [/ˈbɛdˌsɪt/] {noun} (bedsits) studio bedskirt {noun} (bedskirts) tour de lit bedsore {noun} (bedsores) escarre bedspread {noun} (bedspreads) couvre-lit | dessus-de-lit bedstead {noun} (bedsteads) châlit Bedstone Bedstone Bedstraw Hawk-Moth sphinx du gaillet bedtable {noun} (bedtables) somno bedtime [/ˈbɛdtaɪm/] {noun} heure du coucher bedtime story [/ˈbɛdtaɪm ˈstɔːɹi/] {noun} (bedtime stories) histoire du soir Bedwas Bedwas Bedwas, Trethomas and Machen Bedwas, Trethomas and Machen Bedwellty Bedwellty bedwet {verb} mouiller son lit bedwetter [/ˈbɛdwɛtɚ/] {noun} (bedwetters) pisse-au-lit | péteux | trouillard bedwetting {noun} (bedwettings) faire pipi au lit | énurésie nocturne Bedworth {properNoun} Bedworth bee [/ˈbiː/] {noun, verb} (bees, been) abeille | bé bee beetle {noun} (bee beetles) trichie fasciée bee fly {noun} (bee flies) bombyle bee glue {noun} propolis bee hummingbird {noun} (bee hummingbirds) colibri d'Elena | colibri-abeille bee in one's bonnet {noun} (bees in one's bonnet) fixette | idée fixe | manie | marotte bee in your bonnet marotte bee ophrys ophrys abeille bee repellent apifuge bee smoker {noun} (bee smokers) enfumoir bee sting {noun} (bee stings) piqûre d’abeille bee yard rucher bee-eater [/ˈbiː iːtəɹ/] {noun} (bee-eaters) guêpier bee-eaters {noun} méropidé bee-eating apivore bee-keeping apiculture Beeby Beeby Beech {properNoun} (Beeches) Beech beech [/biːt͡ʃ/] {noun} (beeches) hêtre beech family Fagacées beech forest hêtraie Beech Hill Beech Hill beech marten {noun} (beech martens) fouine beech mast [/ˈbitʃˌmæst/ | /ˈbiːtʃˌmɑːst/] {noun} (beech masts) faine beechen {adjective} hêtre Beechingstoke Beechingstoke beechnut [/ˈbiːtʃˌnʌt/] {noun} (beechnuts) faîne | faine Beechwood Beechwood beechwood {noun} hêtraie Beedon Beedon beef [/bif/ | /biːf/] {adjective, noun, verb} (beefs, beeves, beef, beefed, beefing) bœuf beef bourguignon {noun} (beef bourguignons) bœuf bourguignon | bœuf à la bourguignonne beef stew pot-au-feu beef Stroganoff bœuf Stroganoff beef tapeworm ténia inerme beef tongue langue de bœuf beef up {verb} (beefs up, beefing up, beefed up) muscler beefalo {noun} (beefalo, beefaloes, beefalos) beefalo beefcake [/ˈbiːfˌkeɪk/] {noun} bellâtre Beefchuck paleron Beeford Beeford beefsteak [/ˈbiːfsteɪk/] {noun} bifteck beefsteak fungus fistuline hépatique beefsteak plant shiso beefsteak polypore fistuline hépatique beefy [/ˈbiːfi/] {adjective} (beefest, beefer) baraqué beehive [/ˈbiːhaɪv/] {noun, verb} (beehives, beehived, beehiving) ruche | choucroute | fourmilière | ruchée beekeeper [/ˈbiˌkipɚ/] {noun} (beekeepers) apiculteur | apicultrice beekeeping {noun} apiculture | industrie abeillère beekeepr scaphandre Beeley Beeley beeline [/ˈbiːlaɪn/] {noun, verb} (beelines, beelining, beelined) à vol d'oiseau Beelsby Beelsby Beelzebub [/biːˈɛlzɪbʌb/] {properNoun} Belzébuth beemaster {noun} (beemasters) apiculteur beemer {noun} (beemers) BM been [/biːn/ | /bɛn/ | /bɨn/ | /bɪn/] {noun, verb} y avoir been there, done that {phraseologicalUnit} déjà vu, déjà fait Beenham Beenham beep [/biːp/] {noun, verb} (beeps, beeped, beeping) bip beeper [/ˈbipɚ/ | /ˈbiːpə/] {noun} (beepers) bipeur Beer [/ˈbɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Beer beer [/bɛə/ | /bɪə(ɹ)/ | /bɪə/ | /bɪɹ/] {noun, verb} (beers, beering, beered) bière | demi beer and skittles {noun} bon temps beer belly {noun} (beer bellies) panse à bière | sac à bière beer garden {noun} (beer gardens) brasserie avec terrasse beer gut {noun} (beer guts) panse à bière Beer Hackett Beer Hackett beer mat {noun} (beer mats) sous-bock beer muscles {noun} panse à bière beer parlour {noun} (beer parlours) brasserie | taverne beer pong {noun} bière-pong beer ticket {noun} (beer tickets) papier kraft Beercrocombe Beercrocombe Beerenberg Beerenberg beerstone {noun} bierstein Beesby with Saleby Beesby with Saleby Beeston {properNoun} Beeston Beeston Regis Beeston Regis Beeston St Andrew Beeston St Andrew Beeston with Bittering Beeston with Bittering beeswax [/ˈbizwæks/] {noun, verb} (beeswaxes, beeswaxing, beeswaxed) cire d'abeille | cire d’abeille Beeswing Beeswing beet [/biːt/] {noun, verb} (beets) betterave | bette beet grower betteravier Beetewk {noun} (Beetewks) bitugue | cheval de Voronej Beetham Beetham Beethovenian [/ˌbeɪt(h)əʊˈviːnɪən/ | /ˌbeɪtoʊˈvini.ən/] {adjective} (most Beethovenian, more Beethovenian) beethovenien | beethovénien Beetle {noun} (Beetles) Coccinelle beetle [/ˈbiːtəl/ | [ˈbiɾəɫ]] {adjective, noun, verb} (beetles, beetling, beetled, more beetle, most beetle) scarabée | mailloche beetle curve scarabée beetle mites {noun} oribatides beetle-browed {adjective} (most beetle-browed, more beetle-browed) sourcilleux Beetley Beetley beetroot [/ˈbitɹut/ | /ˈbiːtɹuːt/] {noun, verb} (beetroots, beetrooted, beetrooting) betterave befall [/bɪˈfɑl/ | /bɪˈfɔl/ | /bɪˈfɔːl/] {noun, verb} (befalls, befalling, befallen, befell) tomber befit {verb} (befits, befitting, befitted) convenir à | être inapproprié pour befitting [/biːˈfɪt.ɪŋ/ | /bɪˈfɪt.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more befitting, most befitting) à propos befog {verb} (befogs, befogging, befogged) embrouiller before [/bəˈfɔɹ/ | /bɪˈfo(ː)ɹ/ | /bɪˈfoə/ | /bɪˈfɔː/] {adverb, conjunction, preposition} avant | devant | avant que before a lawyer devant notaire before Christ avant Jésus-Christ before dark avant la tombée de la nuit before long avant longtemps Before Present avant le présent before you can say knife {phraseologicalUnit} en moins de temps qu'il ne faut pour le dire beforehand [/bɪˈfo(ː)ɹhænd/ | /bɪˈfoəhænd/ | /bɪˈfɔɹhænd/ | /bɪˈfɔːhænd/] {adjective, adverb} (most beforehand, more beforehand) au préalable | auparavant | préalablement | à l'avance befoul {verb} (befouls, befouling, befouled) déshonorer befriend [/bɪˈfɹɛnd/] {verb} (befriends, befriending, befriended) copiner befuddle [/bɪˈfʌdl/] {verb} (befuddles, befuddled, befuddling) confondre befuddled {adjective, verb} (most befuddled, more befuddled) aviné beg [/bɛɡ/] {noun, verb} (begs, begged, begging) mendier | implorer | quémander | quêter | supplier Begbroke Begbroke beget [/biˈɡɛt/] {verb} (begets, begotten, begetting, begat, begot) engendrer | procréer begetter {noun} (begetters) géniteur | procréateur beggar [/ˈbɛɡə/ | /ˈbɛɡɚ/] {noun, verb} (beggars, beggared, beggaring) mendiant | mendiante | gueux beggar's velvet chaton beggar-ticks {noun} bident beggars can't be choosers {proverb} faute de grives, on mange des merles beggars can’t be choosers faute de grives on mange des merles beggary [/ˈbɛɡəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more beggary, most beggary, beggaries) mendicité begging [/ˈbɛɡɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (beggings) mendiant begging the question [/ˈbɛɡɪŋ ðə ˈkwɛst͡ʃən/] {noun, verb} pétition de principe Beghard [/bəˈɡɑːɹd/] {noun} (Beghards) bégard begin [/bɪˈɡɪn/] {noun, verb} (begins, begun, beginning, began) commencer | démarrer | mettre beginner [/bəˈɡɪnɚ/ | /bɪˈɡɪnə/] {noun} (beginners) débutant | débutante beginner’s luck aux innocents les mains pleines beginning [/bɪˈɡɪn.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} début | commencement | ébauche beginning of the end {noun} début de la fin beginning of the ending début de la fin beginnings {noun} prémices begird {verb} (begirds, begirded, begirding, begirt) encercler begone {interjection, verb} ouste Begonia Bégonia begonia [/ˈbəɡoʊni.ə/ | /ˈbəɡəʊniː.ə/] {noun} (begonias) bégonia begrudge [/bɪˈɡɹʌdʒ/] {verb} (begrudges, begrudged, begrudging) regretter Beguildy Beguildy beguile [/bɪˈɡaɪl/] {verb} (beguiles, beguiling, beguiled) duper | emporter | exalter | induire en erreur | ravir | tromper beguiling {adjective, noun, verb} (most beguiling, more beguiling, beguilings) séduisant beguinage {noun} (beguinages) béguinage Beguine [/beɪˈɡiːn/] {noun} (Beguines) béguin | béguine beguine [/beɪˈɡiːn/ | /bə.ˈɡiːn/] {noun} (beguines) beguine behalf [/bɪˈhæf/ | /bɪˈhɑːf/] {noun} (behalves, behalfs) soutien behave [/bɪˈheɪv/] {verb} (behaves, behaved, behaving) se comporter | comporter | conduire | tenir behavior [[bɪˈheɪvjə] | [bɪˈheɪvjɚ]] {noun} (behaviors) comportement | conduite behavioral {adjective} comportemental behavioral finance finance comportementale behavioralism {noun} (behavioralisms) béhavioralisme behaviorism {noun} béhaviorisme | comportementalisme behavioristic {adjective} (most behavioristic, more behavioristic) béhavioriste behaviour [/bɪˈheɪvjə/ | /bɪˈheɪvjɚ/] {noun} (behaviours) comportement behavioural {adjective} comportemental behavioural science {noun} science comportementale behaviouralism {noun} béhavioralisme behaviourism {noun} béhaviorisme behaviouristic {adjective} (most behaviouristic, more behaviouristic) béhavioriste behead {verb} (beheads, beheaded, beheading) décapiter beheader {noun} (beheaders) décapiteur beheading {noun, verb} décapitation behemoth [/bəˈhi(ː)məθ/] {noun} (behemoths) Béhémot | Béhémoth | béhémot | béhémoth behenic {adjective} béhénique behenic acid {noun} acide béhénique behest [/biˈhɛst/] {noun, verb} (behests, behested, behesting) demande behind [/bɪˈhaɪnd/ | /ˈbiːˌhaɪnd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} (more behind, most behind, behindest, behinder, behinds) derrière | après | revers behind bars au violon | derrière les barreaux behind closed doors à huis clos | en privé behind someone's back dans le dos de quelqu'un | en douce | subrepticement | à l'insu de behind someone’s back dans le dos de quelqu’un behind the scenes [/bɪˈhaɪnd ðə siːnz/] {adjective} dans les coulisses | en coulisse | de l'autre côté du décor behind the times désuet | hors d'âge | passé de mode | vieillot behind the wheel au volant behind time en retard | à la bourre behold [/bɪˈhoʊld/ | /bɪˈhəʊld/] {interjection, verb} (beholds, beheld, beholding, beholden) voir | regarder | observer | voici | voilà beholden [/bɨˈhoʊldən/ | /bɪˈhəʊldən/] {adjective} redevable beholder [/bɪˈhoʊldɚ/ | /bɪˈhəʊldə/] {noun} (beholders) observateur | regardeur behove [/biˈhoʊv/ | /bɪˈhəʊv/] {verb} (behoves, behoved, behoving) incomber beige [/ˈbeɪʒ/] {adjective, noun} (beigest, most beige, more beige, beiger) beige Beighton {properNoun} Beighton beignet [/bɛnˈjeɪ/ | /ˈbɛn.jeɪ/] {noun} (beignets) beignet Beijing [/beɪˈdʒɪŋ/ | /beɪˈʒɪŋ/] {properNoun} Pékin being [/ˈbiɪŋ/ | /ˈbiːɪŋ/] {conjunction, noun, verb} être | créature | existence being-in-itself {noun} être-en-soi beingness {noun} (beingnesses) étantité beira beira Beirut [/beɪˈɹuːt/] {properNoun} Beyrouth Beiruti [/beɪˈɹuːti/] {adjective, noun} (more Beiruti, most Beiruti, Beirutis) Beyrouthin | beyrouthin | Beyrouthine Beith Beith Beja {noun, properNoun} beja bejel {noun} lépre du nord | maladie de Scherlievo | pian de Nérac bejewel {verb} (bejewels, bejeweled, bejewelled, bejeweling, bejewelling) décorer bejeweled {adjective, verb} (most bejeweled, more bejeweled) bijouté Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Bekesbourne with Patrixbourne Beketan beketan bel [/bɛl/] {noun} (bels) bel bel canto [/ˌbɛlˈkantəʊ/] {noun} belcanto Bel Paese [/ˌbɛl pɑˈeɪzi/ | /ˌbɛl pɑːˈeɪzeɪ/] {noun} Bel Paese belabour [/bɪˈleɪ.bə/] {verb} (belabours, belaboured, belabouring) aboyer Belady's anomaly anomalie de Belady Belainsky {properNoun} Belainsky Beland {properNoun} (Belands) Beland Belanger {properNoun} (Belangers) Bélanger Belansky {properNoun} Belansky Belarus [/ˌbɛləˈɹus/ | /ˌbɛləˈɹuːs/] {properNoun} Biélorussie | Bélarus Belarusian [/ˌbɛləˈɹuːsi.ən/] {adjective, noun} Biélorusse | biélorusse belated {adjective, verb} (most belated, more belated) tardif | tardive belatedly {adverb} (more belatedly, most belatedly) avec du retard | en retard | tardivement Belaugh Belaugh belay [/bɪˈleɪ/ | /ˈbiːleɪ/] {noun, verb} (belays, belayed, belaid, belaying) assurer belayer {noun} (belayers) assureur belaying pin {noun} (belaying pins) cabillot Belbroughton Belbroughton belch [/ˈbɛltʃ/] {noun, verb} (belches, belched, belching) rot | roter | éructer Belchamp Otten Belchamp Otten Belchamp St Paul Belchamp St Paul Belchamp Walter Belchamp Walter Belchford Belchford belching [/ˈbɛltʃɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (belchings) éructation beleaguer [/bɪˈli.ɡɚ/ | /bɪˈliː.ɡə/] {verb} (beleaguers, beleaguered, beleaguering) assiéger | investir beleaguered [/bɪˈliːɡəd/] {adjective, verb} (most beleaguered, more beleaguered) assiégé | en difficulté | mal en point | à bout de souffle | éprouvé belemnite [/ˈbɛləmˌnaɪt/] {noun} (belemnites) bélemnite Belfast [/ˈbɛl.fæst/] {properNoun} Belfast belfie {noun} (belfies) selfesse Belford {properNoun} (Belfords) Belford belfry [/ˈbɛlfɹi/] {noun} (belfries) beffroi | clocher Belgian [/ˈbɛl.dʒən/ | [ˈbɛɬ.ɡi.ən]] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Belgian, more Belgian, Belgians) belge | Belge Belgian Bearded d’Anvers barbu d’Anvers Belgian bearded d’Uccle barbu d’Uccle Belgian Blue blanc bleu belge Belgian Congo {properNoun} Congo belge Belgian d’Uccle barbu d’Uccle Belgian endive {noun} endive Belgian franc franc belge belgian gagea gagée à spathe Belgian Groenendael {noun} chien de berger belge groenendael Belgian hare {noun} (Belgian hares) lièvre belge Belgian improved landrace landrace belge Belgian Laekenois {noun} chien de berger belge laekenois Belgian landrace landrace belge Belgian Limburg {properNoun} Limbourg belge Belgian lop-eared landrace belge Belgian Malinois {noun} chien de berger belge malinois Belgian malinois berger belge malinois Belgian pot pot belge Belgian red cattle rouge flamande Belgian ringbeater ringslager belge Belgian Sheepdog {noun} (Belgian Sheepdogs) berger belge Belgian shepherd berger belge Belgian Tervuren {noun} chien de berger belge tervueren Belgium [/ˈbɛldʒəm/] {properNoun} Belgique Belgium griffon griffon belge Belgo- {prefix} belgo- Belgorod {properNoun} Belgorod Belgrade [/ˈbɛlɡɹeɪd/] {properNoun} Belgrade Belgradian {adjective, noun} (Belgradians) Belgradois | Belgradoise Belgrave {properNoun} (Belgraves) Belgrave Belhelvie Belhelvie Beli beli Belial {properNoun} Bélial belica able belie [/bɪˈlaɪ/ | /bɪˈlʌɪ/] {verb} (belies, belain, belying, belay, belied) démentir belief [/bɪˈliːf/] {noun} croyance | foi | conviction belief system {noun} (belief systems) conception du monde believability {noun} crédibilité believable {adjective} (more believable, most believable) croyable believe [/bɪˈliv/ | /bɪˈliːv/] {verb} (believes, believing, believed) croire believe in {verb} (believes in, believing in, believed in) confier believe it or not {adverb} croyez-le ou non believe one's ears {verb} ne pas en croire ses oreilles believe one's eyes {verb} ne pas en croire ses yeux believer {noun} (believers) croyant Belinda {properNoun} Bélinda Belisarius {properNoun} Bélisaire belittle [/bɨˈlɪt.əl/] {verb} (belittles, belittled, belittling) déprécier | rabaisser Belize [/bəˈliːz/] {properNoun} Belize Belizean {adjective, noun} (Belizeans) bélizien | Bélizien bell [/bɛl/] {noun, verb} (bells, belled, belling) cloche | sonnerie | coup de fil | pavillon | sonnette bell curve {noun} (bell curves) courbe de Gauss bell fruit jamalac bell heather {noun} (bell heathers) bruyère cendrée bell housing {noun} (bell housings) carter bell maker campaniste bell miner {noun} (bell miners) méliphage à sourcils noirs bell morel verpe conique bell pepper {noun} poivron bell plate cloche-plaque bell ringer {noun} (bell ringers) sonneur de cloches bell the cat {verb} (bells the cat, belled the cat, belling the cat) attacher le grelot bell tower {noun} (bell towers) clocher | beffroi bell tree dahlia dahlia bambou bell-bottoms {noun} pattes d'éléphant bell-gable {noun} (bell-gables) clocher-mur bell-ringing {noun} sonnerie Bella-Coola nuxalk Bellabeg Bellabeg belladonna [/ˌbɛləˈdɑnə/ | /ˌbɛləˈdɒnə/] {noun} atrope Bellatrix {properNoun} Bellatrix bellbird {noun} (bellbirds) oiseau-cloche bellboy [/ˈbɛlˌbɔɪ/] {noun} (bellboys) chasseur belle [/bɛl/] {noun} (belles) beauté | belle Belle de Boskoop Belle de Boskoop Belle Époque {properNoun} Belle Époque Belleau Belleau belled [/bɛld/] {adjective, verb} clariné Bellefontaine [/bɛlˈfaʊntən/ | /ˌbɛl.fɒnˈtɛn/] {properNoun} Bellefontaine Bellerby Bellerby Bellerophon {properNoun} Bellérophon belles-lettres [/ˌbɛlˈlɛtɹ/] {noun} belles-lettres belletrist {noun} (belletrists) bel esprit bellflower {noun} (bellflowers) campanule bellgirl {noun} (bellgirls) chasseuse bellhop {noun, verb} (bellhops, bellhopping, bellhopped) groom bellicism [/ˈbɛlɪsɪzm̩/] {noun} bellicisme bellicist {adjective, noun} (more bellicist, most bellicist, bellicists) belliciste bellicose [/ˈbɛlɪkoʊs/] {adjective} (most bellicose, more bellicose) belliqueux bellicosity [/ˌbɛlɪˈkɒsəti/ | /ˌbɛlɪˈkɒsɪti/] {noun} (bellicosities) bellicosité belligenic belligène belligerence {noun} belligérance belligerent [/bəˈlɪdʒ.(ə).ɹənt/ | /bəˈlɪdʒ.ə.ɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (most belligerent, more belligerent, belligerents) belligérant Bellingham [/bɛlɪnd͡ʒəm/ | /bɛlɪŋəm/] {properNoun} Bellingham Bellini {noun, properNoun} (Bellinis) Bellini bellman {noun} (bellmen) groom Bellman-Ford algorithm {noun} (Bellman-Ford algorithms) algorithme de Bellman-Ford Bellochantuy Bellochantuy bellow [/ˈbɛloʊ/ | /ˈbɛləʊ/] {noun, verb} (bellows, bellowed, bellowing) beugler | mugir bellows [/ˈbɛl.oʊz/ | /ˈbɛl.əs/ | /ˈbɛl.əʊz/] {noun, verb} (bellows, bellowses, bellowsing, bellowsed) soufflet bells [/bɛlz/] {noun, verb} verre bells and whistles {noun} fanfreluche | fioritures | frivolités | futilités | tralala Bellsbank Bellsbank Bellshill Bellshill belltower {noun} (belltowers) clocher Belluno {properNoun} Belluno bellwether [/ˈbɛlwɛðə/ | /ˈbɛlwɛðɚ/] {noun} (bellwethers) meneur du troupeau | mouton meneur du troupeau belly [/bɛli/] {noun, verb} (bellies, bellied, bellying) ventre belly boat float-tube belly button {noun} (belly buttons) nombril belly dance {noun, verb} (belly dances, belly dancing, belly danced) danse du ventre belly flop {noun, verb} (belly flops, belly flopping, belly flopped) plat belly landing {noun} (belly landings) atterrissage sur le ventre belly up {adjective, verb} (bellies up, bellied up, bellying up) mort et enterré bellyache [/ˈbɛliˌeɪk/] {noun, verb} (bellyaches, bellyaching, bellyached) mal au ventre bellyacher {noun} (bellyachers) geignard Belmont [/bɛlmɒnt/] {properNoun} (Belmonts) Belmont Belmont Rural Belmont Rural Belmopan {properNoun} Belmopan belomancy [/ˈbɛl.əʊ.mæn.si/] {noun} bélomancie belong [/bɪˈlɑŋ/ | /bɪˈlɒŋ/ | /bɪˈlɔŋ/] {preposition, verb} (belongs, belonged, belonging) faire partie | avoir sa place | trouver sa place belongable appartenable belonging [/bɪˈlɒŋɪŋ/ | /bɪˈlɔŋɪŋ/] {noun, verb} affaire | appartenance | bien | possession belongings {noun} affaires | effets belote [/bəˈlɒt/] {noun} belote beloved [/bɪˈlʌvd/ | /bɪˈlʌvɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more beloved, most beloved, beloveds) bien-aimé | amant | amante | chéri below [/bəˈloʊ/ | /bɪˈləʊ/] {adverb, preposition} sous | au-dessous | ci-dessous | en bas | en dessous below the belt en dessous de la ceinture | déloyal below the line {adverb} hors média Belper Belper Belphegor {properNoun} Belphégor Belsay Belsay Belstead {properNoun} Belstead Belstone Belstone belt [/bɛlt/] {noun, verb} (belts, belting, belted) ceinture | courroie | région belt and braces {noun} (belts and braces) avec ceinture et bretelles belt and suspenders {noun} (belts and suspenders) avec ceinture et bretelles belted galloway galloway ceinturée belted kingfisher {noun} (belted kingfishers) martin-pêcheur d’Amérique beltex texel belge belting [/ˈbɛltɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (beltings) ceinturage Belton {properNoun} (Beltons) Belton Belton and Manthorpe Belton and Manthorpe Belton in Rutland Belton in Rutland Belton with Browston Belton with Browston Beltsville small white blanc de Beltsville beltway {noun} (beltways) boulevard circulaire beluga [/bəˈluː.ɡə/] {noun} (belugas) béluga | bélouga beluga whale [/bəˈluː.ɡə (h)weɪl/] {noun} (beluga whales) bélouga belvedere [/ˈbɛl.vəˌdɪɹ/ | /ˈbɛl.vɪ.dɪə/] {noun} (belvederes) belveder | belvédère Belvoir [/ˈbiːvə/ | /ˈbiːvɚ/] {properNoun} Belvoir Belém {properNoun} Belém bematist bématiste Bemba {noun, properNoun} (Bemba, Bembas) bemba Bembridge Bembridge bemedalled {adjective} (most bemedalled, more bemedalled) emmédaillé bementite {noun} bémentite bemmelenite bemmélénite bemoan [/bɪˈmoʊn/ | /bɪˈməʊn/] {verb} (bemoans, bemoaning, bemoaned) déplorer bemol {noun} (bemols) bémol Bempton Bempton bemuse [/bɪˈmjuːz/] {verb} (bemuses, bemusing, bemused) déconcerter | stupéfier bemused {adjective, verb} (most bemused, more bemused) confus bemusement {noun} (bemusements) préoccupation Ben Wa ball {noun} (Ben Wa balls) boule de geisha Bena {noun, properNoun} (Benas, Bena) bena Benacre Benacre bename {verb} (benames, benempt, benamed, benaming) appeler Benares {properNoun} Bénarès benavidesite {noun} bénavidésite Benbecula {properNoun} Benbecula bench [/bɛntʃ/] {noun, verb} (benches, benched, benching) banc bench grinder {noun} (bench grinders) touret à meuler bench press [/ˈbɛntʃ.pɹɛs/] {noun, verb} (bench presses, bench pressed, bench pressing) développé couché bench tester testeur de prototype benchmark {noun, verb} (benchmarks, benchmarking, benchmarked) critère | point de référence | repère benchmarker {noun} (benchmarkers) benchmarkeur benchmarking {noun, verb} (benchmarkings) référenciation bend [/bɛnd/ | /bɪnd/] {noun, verb} (bends, bending, bended, bent) bande | courber | virage | accident de décompression | maladie des caissons | nœud bend down {verb} (bends down, bent down, bending down) baisser bend knot nœud d’ajut bend of the knee jarret bend over {verb} (bends over, bent over, bending over) se pencher | se replier bend over backwards {verb} se mettre en quatre bend sinister {noun} (bends sinister) barre bend someone's ear {verb} rebattre les oreilles bend the knee {verb} (bends the knee, bent the knee, bending the knee) courber l'échine bend the truth {verb} (bends the truth, bent the truth, bending the truth) déformer la vérité bender [/ˈbɛndə/ | /ˈbɛndɚ/] {interjection, noun} (benders) beuverie | biture | cuite | muflée | murge | pédale Benderloch Benderloch bending [/ˈbɛndɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bendings) flexion bending mode mode de flexion d’un film bendir {noun} (bendirs) bendir Bendis Bendis bendlet {noun} (bendlets) plage bendy [/ˈbɛndi/ | /ˈbɪndi/] {adjective, noun} (bendest, bender, bendies) flexible beneath [/bɪˈniːθ/] {adverb, preposition} sous | dessous Benedict [/ˈbɛnədɪkt/] {properNoun} (Benedicts) Benoît Benedicta {properNoun} Bénédicte Benedictine {adjective, noun} (Benedictines) bénédictin | bénédictine benediction {noun} bénédiction benedictional {noun} (benedictionals) bénédictionnaire benefactive {adjective, noun} (benefactives) bénéfactif benefactive case {noun} (benefactive cases) bénéfactif benefactor [/ˈbɛnəˌfæktɚ/] {noun} bienfaiteur | bienfaitrice benefactress {noun} (benefactresses) bienfaitrice benefactrix {noun} (benefactrices) bienfaitrice beneficent [/bəˈnɛf.ə.sənt/] {adjective} (most beneficent, more beneficent) bienfaisant | miséricordieux beneficial [/ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (most beneficial, more beneficial, beneficials) bénéfique | bienfaisante | bénéficial beneficial organism auxiliaire des cultures beneficially {adverb} (more beneficially, most beneficially) bénéficiairement beneficiary [/ˌbɛn.ɨˈfɪʃ.ɚ.i/ | /ˌbɛn.ɪˈfɪʃ.əɹ.i/] {adjective, noun} (beneficiaries) bénéficiaire Benefield {properNoun} (Benefields) Benefield benefit [/ˈbɛn.ə.fɪt/] {noun, verb} (benefits, benefited, benefitting, benefiting, benefitted) bénéfice | avantage | profiter | subvention benefit of the doubt {noun} bénéfice du doute benefit tourism {noun} tourisme social Benelux {properNoun} Bénélux | Benelux Benenden Benenden Benevento {properNoun} Bénévent benevolence [/bəˈnɛvələns/] {noun} bienveillance | bénévolence benevolent [/bəˈnɛvələnt/] {adjective} (most benevolent, more benevolent) bienveillant Bengal [/bɛŋˈɡɑl/ | /bɛŋˈɡɔːl/] {noun, properNoun} (Bengals) Bengale Bengal fox {noun} (Bengal foxes) renard du Bengale Bengal tiger {noun} (Bengal tigers) tigre du Bengale Bengalese {adjective, noun} (more Bengalese, most Bengalese, Bengalese) Bengalais | Bengalaise | bengalais | bengalaise bengalese bengalais Bengali {adjective, noun} bengali bengaline [/ˈbɛŋɡəliːn/] {noun} bengaline Bengeo Rural Bengeo Rural Benghazi {properNoun} Benghazi Benhall Benhall benight {verb} (benights, benighted, benighting) anuiter benign [/bɪˈnaɪn/] {adjective} (most benign, more benign, benignest, benigner) bénin benign tumor {noun} (benign tumors) tumeur bénigne benignly {adverb} (most benignly, more benignly) bénignement Benin [/bəˈnin/ | /bɛˈnɪn/] {properNoun} Bénin Beninese {adjective, noun} (more Beninese, most Beninese, Beninese) Béninois | béninois | Béninoise Beningbrough Beningbrough Benington Benington Beninism béninisme benison {noun} (benisons) autorisation benitoite {noun} (benitoites) bénitoïte Benjamin [/ˈbɛndʒəmɪn/] {noun, properNoun} (Benjamins) Benjamin Benjamin bush arbre à fièvre Benjamin tree arbre à fièvre Benjaminian benjaminien Benllech Benllech Bennet {properNoun} Benoît Bennett Island Bennett Benniworth Benniworth Benslie Benslie Benson {properNoun} Benson bent [/bɛnt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (benter, most bent, bentest, more bent, bents) courbé bentgrass {noun} (bentgrasses) veine Bentham {properNoun} Bentham Bentheim black pig porc de Bentheim Bentheim pig porc de Bentheim benthic [/ˈbɛnθɪk/] {adjective, noun} (benthics) benthique benthos [/ˈbɛnθɒs/] {noun} benthos Bentley [/ˈbentliː/] {noun, properNoun} (Bentleys) Bentley Bentley Pauncefoot Bentley Pauncefoot Bentley with Arksey Bentley with Arksey bento box {noun} (bento boxes) boite à bento bentonite {noun} bentonite Bentpath Bentpath Bentworth Bentworth Benue {properNoun} Bénoué benumb {verb} (benumbs, benumbing, benumbed) obnubiler Benwick Benwick benzaldehyde {noun} benzaldéhyde Benzathine benzathine benzedrine {noun} benzédrine benzene [/ˈbɛnziːn/] {noun} (benzenes) benzène benzenism benzénisme benzidine {noun} (benzidines) benzidine benzidinic {adjective} benzidinique benzine {noun} (benzines) benzine Benzion {properNoun} Bension benzoate {noun} (benzoates) benzoate benzodiazepine [/ˌbɛnzoʊdaɪˈæzɨpiːn/] {noun} (benzodiazepines) benzodiazépine benzoic {adjective} benzoïque benzoic acid {noun} acide benzoïque benzoin [/ˈbɛnzəʊɪn/] {noun} benjoin | benzoïne benzol {noun} (benzols) benzol benzolism benzolisme benzopyrene {noun} (benzopyrenes) benzopyrène benzoyl {noun} (benzoyls) benzoyle benzyl {noun} (benzyls) benzyle benzylic {adjective} benzylique benzylpenicillin {noun} benzylpénicilline Beoley Beoley Beothuk [/biːˈɒtək/] {noun, properNoun} (Beothuks, Beothuk) béothuk Beotian {adjective, noun} (Beotians) Béotien Beowulf [/ˈbeɪoʊwʊlf/] {properNoun} Beowulf BEP {noun} (BEPs) seuil de rentabilité beplaster {verb} (beplasters, beplastering, beplastered) couvrir bepowder {verb} (bepowders, bepowdering, bepowdered) poudrer Bepton Bepton bequeath [/bɪˈkwiːθ/] {verb} (bequeaths, bequethen, bequeathing, bequeathed, bequoth) donner | léguer | offrir | passer | transmettre bequest [/bɪˈkwɛst/] {noun, verb} (bequests, bequesting, bequested) héritage | legs | testament BER BER Bera Bera Berar Berar berate [/bɪˈɹeɪt/] {verb} (berates, berating, berated) réprimander | admonester | fustiger Berawan Long Jegan berawan long jegan Berawan Long Terawan berawan long terawan Berber {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Berbers) Berbère | berbère Berberologist berbérologue berberologist berbérologue Berberology berbérologie berberology berbérologie Berberophone {noun} (Berberophones) berbérophone berberry {noun} (berberries) épine-vinette berceuse [/bɛɹˈsuz/] {noun} (berceuses) berceuse Berden [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)dən/] {properNoun} Berden berdiche {noun} (berdiches) bardiche Berdichev {properNoun} Berditchev bere [/bɪə/] {noun} escourgeon Bere Ferrers {properNoun} Bere Ferrers Bere Regis [/ˈbɪəɹ ˈɹiːdʒɪs/] {properNoun} Bere Regis bereave [/bɪˈɹiːv/] {verb} (bereaves, bereaved, bereft, bereaving) arracher bereavement {noun} deuil | privation bereft [/bəˈɹɛft/] {adjective, verb} privé Berengar [/ˈbɛɹɪŋɡəɹ/] {properNoun} Bérenger Berenice {properNoun} Bérénice Beresina Bérézina beresofite bérésofite beresovite bérésofite beresowite bérésofite beret [/bəˈɹeɪ/ | /ˈbɛɹ.eɪ/] {noun} (berets) béret Bergamasco {noun} (Bergamaschi, Bergamascos) berger bergamasque | berger de Bergame bergamasco shepherd berger de Bergame Bergamo [/ˈbɜːɡəˌməʊ/ | /ˈbɝɡəˌmoʊ/] {properNoun} Bergame bergamot [/ˈbɜːɡəˌmɒt/ | /ˈbɝɡəˌmɑt/] {noun} (bergamots) bergamote bergamot orange bergamotier Bergelmir {properNoun} Bergelmir Bergen {properNoun} Bergen Bergenia bergénie berger blanc suisse berger blanc suisse berger picard berger de Picardie Bergerac {properNoun} Bergerac Bergeron {properNoun} (Bergerons) Bergeron Berger’s clouded yellow fluoré Bergh Apton Bergh Apton bergschrund {noun} (bergschrunds) rimaye bergshrund {noun} (bergshrunds) rimaye bergsonian bergsonien Berhampur Brahmapur beriberi {noun} (beriberis) béribéri berimbau [/ˌbɛɹɪmˈbaʊ/] {noun} (berimbaus) berimbau Bering Sea [/ˈbɛɹɪŋ ˈsiː/] {properNoun} mer de Béring Bering Sea beaked whale baleine à bec de Stejneger Bering Strait {properNoun} détroit de Béring Beringia {properNoun} Béringie Berinsfield Berinsfield berkelate {noun} (berkelates) berkélate Berkeley [/ˈbɝkli/] {properNoun} Berkeley berkelium [/bɜːɹˈkiːliəm/ | /ˈbɜːɹkliəm/] {noun} berkélium Berkhamsted [/ˈbɜːɹkəmstɛd/] {properNoun} Berkhamsted Berkley {properNoun} (Berkleys) Berkley Berkshire [/bəɹkʃəɹ/ | /ˈbɑːkʃə/] {noun, properNoun} (Berkshires) Berkshire berkshire pig berkshire Berkswell {properNoun} Berkswell Berkswich Berkswich Berlin [/bə.ˈlɪn/ | /ˈbɚ.lɪn/ | /ˈbɜː.lɪn/ | [bɚ.ˈlɪn]] {noun, properNoun} Berlin berlin [/bəˈlɪn/ | [bɚˈlɪn]] {noun} (berlins) berline Berlin Wall {noun, properNoun} (Berlin Walls) mur de Berlin Berlin wall berlinoise Berliner [/bəˈlɪnə/ | /bɚˈlɪnɚ/] {noun} (Berliners) Berlinois | Berlinoise Berlinese [/bɜː(ɹ).lɪn.iːz/] {noun} (Berlinese) beignet Berliozian berliozien Berlusconian {adjective} (more Berlusconian, most Berlusconian) berlusconien Berlusconism {noun} berlusconisme berm {noun, verb} (berms, berming, bermed) berme Bermuda [/bəˈmjuːdə/ | /bɚˈmjuːdə/] {noun, properNoun} Bermudes Bermuda buttercup oxalis pied de chèvre Bermuda Grass chiendent pied de poule Bermuda shorts {noun} bermuda Bermuda sorrel oxalis pied de chèvre Bermuda Triangle {noun, properNoun} (Bermuda Triangles) Triangle des Bermudes Bermudan {adjective, noun} (Bermudans) Bermudien Bermudian {adjective, noun} (Bermudians) Bermudais | Bermudien | Bermudois | bermudais | bermudien | bermudois Bern [/bɛ(ɹ)n/ | /bɜː(ɹ)n/] {properNoun} Berne | canton de Berne Bernadette {properNoun} Bernadette Bernard [/bəɹˈnɑɹd/ | /ˈbɜːnəd/] {properNoun} Bernard Berne halfbeak demi-bec bernois berner laufhund chien courant bernois Berner Niederlaufhund petit chien courant bernois berner niederlaufhund chien courant bernois Berneray Berneray Bernese [/ˌbɜːˈniːz/] {adjective, noun} (Bernese, Berneses) bernois Bernese Alps {properNoun} Alpes bernoises bernese mountain dog bouvier bernois Bernese Oberland {properNoun} Oberland bernois Bernier’s teal sarcelle de Bernier Bernoulli distribution {noun} (Bernoulli distributions) loi de Bernoulli Bernoulli's principle {properNoun} principe de Bernoulli Beroea {properNoun} Bérée Berriasian Berriasien Berrichon de l’Indre sheep berrichon de l’Indre berrichon du Cher berrichon du Cher Berrick Salome Berrick Salome Berriew Berriew Berrington {properNoun} Berrington Berrow {properNoun} Berrow berry [/ˈbɛɹi/] {noun, verb} (berries, berrying, berried) baie Berry Pomeroy Berry Pomeroy berrylike {adjective} (more berrylike, most berrylike) bacciforme Berrynarbor Berrynarbor bersagliere {noun} (bersaglieri) bersaglier | bersallier berserk [/bə(ɹ)ˈzɜː(ɹ)k/] {adjective, noun} (more berserk, most berserk, berserks) fou furieux berserker {noun} (berserkers) berserk Bersham Bersham Bersted Bersted berth [/bɜːθ/ | /bɝθ/] {noun, verb} (berths, berthed, berthing) couchette | marge de manœuvre Bertha [/ˈbɜːθə/ | /ˈbɝθə/] {properNoun} Berthe Berthyfedwen Berthyfedwen Bertolid berthollide Bertram [/ˈbɜːtɹəm/] {properNoun} Bertrand Berwick [/ˈbɛɹɪk/] {properNoun} Berwick Berwick Bassett Berwick Bassett Berwick St James Berwick St James Berwick St John Berwick St John Berwick St Leonard Berwick St Leonard Berwick upon Tweed Berwick upon Tweed Berwyn {properNoun} Berwyn beryl [/ˈbɛɹəl/] {adjective, noun} béryl beryllane hydrure de béryllium berylliated béryllié berylliosis {noun} (beryllioses) bérylliose beryllium [/bəˈɹɪli.əm/] {noun} béryllium beryllium dihydride hydrure de béryllium beryllium group groupe 2 beryllium hydride hydrure de béryllium beryllium-bearing béryllié Berytian {adjective, noun} (Berytians) Bérytien | Bérytienne | bérytien Berytus [/bəˈɹaɪtəs/ | /ˈbɛɹətəs/] {properNoun} Béryte berzelianite {noun} berzélianite berzeline {noun} berzéline Bes [/bɛs/] {properNoun} Bès Besançon {properNoun} Besançon beseech [/bɪˈsiːt͡ʃ/] {noun, verb} (beseeches, beseeched, besought, beseeching) implorer | supplier | prier beseem [/bɪˈsiːm/] {verb} (beseems, beseeming, beseemed) convenable beset [/bɪˈsɛt/] {verb} (besets, besetting, beset) assiéger Besford {properNoun} Besford beshawled {adjective} enchâlé beshrew {verb} (beshrews, beshrewing, beshrewed) maudire beside [/biˈsaɪd/ | /bɪˈsaɪd/] {adverb, preposition} à côté de | auprès | outre beside oneself dépassé | ne plus se sentir besides [/bəˈsaɪdz/] {adverb, preposition} sauf | en plus | en outre | au reste | d'ailleurs | d'autre part besiege [/bəˈsiːd͡ʒ/] {verb} (besieges, besieged, besieging) assiéger | assaillir besieged [/bəˈsiːd͡ʒd/] {verb} assiégé Beskids [/ˈbɛskɪdz/] {properNoun} Beskides besmirch [/bɪˈsmɜːtʃ/ | /bɪˈsmɝːtʃ/] {verb} (besmirches, besmirched, besmirching) avilir | salir Besnoitiosis besnoitiose besom [/ˈbiː.zəm/] {noun, verb} (besoms, besomed, besoming) genêt besom heath bruyère à balais besotted {adjective, verb} (most besotted, more besotted) aviné bespeak [/bɪˈspiːk/] {noun, verb} (bespeaks, bespeaking, bespoken, bespoke, bespake) expliquer bespectacled [/bɪˈspɛktəkəld/] {adjective} (more bespectacled, most bespectacled) à lunettes bespoke [/bəˈspoʊk/ | /bɪˈspəʊk/] {adjective, verb} personnalisé | sur mesure Bessarabia {properNoun} Bessarabie Besselsleigh Besselsleigh besser block aggloméré Bessian besse Besson {properNoun} (Bessons) Besson best [/ˈbɛst/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bests, besting, bested) meilleur | mieux | battre | élite | aplatir | crème best before à consommer de préférence avant best case scenario {noun} (best case scenarios) meilleur des cas best friend {noun} (best friends) meilleur ami | meilleure amie best man {noun} (best men) garçon d’honneur | témoin best of {phraseologicalUnit} best of best of breed {noun} best of breed best of the best crème de la crème best practice {noun} (best practices) bonne pratique best regards {noun} amicalement | cordialement best wishes {interjection} amicalement best wishes for a happy new year meilleurs vœux best-selling {adjective} prospérité Besthorpe Besthorpe bestial [/ˈbɛs.ti.əl/ | /ˈbɛs.tʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (most bestial, more bestial) bestial bestiality [/ˈbɛstʃəlˌlɪtɪ/ | /ˌbɛstʃiˈælɪti/] {noun} (bestialities) bestialité | zoophilie bestialization {noun} bestialisation bestiary {noun} (bestiaries) bestiaire Bestla {properNoun} Bestla bestow [/bɪˈstoʊ/ | /bɪˈstəʊ/] {verb} (bestows, bestowing, bestowed) accorder | conférer | donner en mariage | remettre bestride [/bəˈstɹaɪd/ | [bɪˈstɹaɪd]] {verb} (bestrides, bestrid, bestrode, bestridden, bestriding) chevaucher bestseller {noun} (bestsellers) bestseller Bestwood St Albans Bestwood St Albans Beswick {properNoun} (Beswicks) Beswick bet [/ˈbɛt/] {interjection, noun, preposition, verb} (bets, betted, bet, betting) parier | pari bet one's boots {verb} mettre sa main au feu | mettre sa main à couper beta [/ˈbeɪtə/ | /ˈbiːtə/] {adjective, noun, verb} (betas, betaing, betaed) bêta beta blocker [/ˈbeɪ.tə ˈblɔk.ɚ/] {noun} (beta blockers) bêta-bloquant beta carotene {noun} bêta-carotène beta decay {noun} désintégration β beta parameter bêta beta particle {noun} (beta particles) particule β beta radiation {noun} radioactivité β beta radioactivity radioactivité β beta ray rayon β beta tester {noun} (beta testers) bêta-testeur beta version {noun} (beta versions) version bêta beta-amyloid bêta-amyloïde beta-calendic acid acide β-calendique beta-Carotene bêta-Carotène beta-carotene {noun} bêta-carotène beta-eleostearic acid acide β-éléostéarique beta-keratin kératine bêta beta-lactam antibiotic bêtalactamine beta-sitosterol {noun} bêta-sitostérol betacarotene {noun} bêta-carotène betacism {noun} (betacisms) bêtacisme betafite {noun} (betafites) bétafite betaglobulin bêtaglobuline betake [/bɪˈteɪk/] {verb} (betakes, betaken, betaking, betook) commencer betamethasone {noun} bêtaméthasone betatron {noun} (betatrons) bêtatron Betawi {noun, properNoun} (Betawi, Betawis) betawi Betazoid bétazoïde Betchton Betchton Betchworth {properNoun} Betchworth betel {noun} (betels) bétel betel bag {noun} (betel bags) sac à bétel betel nut {noun} (betel nuts) noix d’arec betel pepper {noun} (betel peppers) bétel Betelgeuse [/ˈbiːtəldʒuːz/] {properNoun} Bételgeuse Betelgeusian {adjective, noun} (most Betelgeusian, more Betelgeusian, Betelgeusians) Bételgeusien beth [/bɛt/ | /bɛθ/] {noun} (beths) bèt Bethania Bethania Bethany [/ˈbɛθəni/] {properNoun} Béthanie Bethersden {properNoun} Bethersden Bethesda [/bə.θɛz.də/] {noun, properNoun} (Bethesdas) Bethesda Bethlehem [/ˈbɛθləhɛm/] {noun, properNoun} (Bethlehems) Bethléem Bethsaida [/ˌbɛθ.ˈseɪ.ɪ.də/ | /ˌbɛθ.ˈseɪ.ɪ.ɾə/] {properNoun} Bethsaïda | Bethsaïde betimes [/bɪˈtaɪmz /] {adverb} de bonne heure betizu betizu Betley Betley