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Оглавлениеbetony {noun} (betonies) bétoine | épiaire betray [/bəˈtɹeɪ/] {verb} (betrays, betraying, betrayed) trahir | livrer betrayal [/bɪˈtɹeɪəl/] {noun} trahison betrayer {noun} (betrayers) dénonciateur | indicateur | traître betroth [/bəˈtɹoʊð/] {verb} (betroths, betrothing, betrothen, betrothed) fiancer betrothal {noun} accordailles | fiançailles betrothed [/bɪˈtɹəʊðd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (betrotheds, more betrothed, most betrothed) fiancé | fiancée betta {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bettas) combattant better [/ˈbɛtə/ | /ˈbɛtəɹ/ | [ˈbeɾə] | [ˈbeʔə] | [ˈbɛtʰə] | [ˈbɛtʰɚ~ˈbɛθ̠ɚ~ˈbɛt̪ɚ] | [ˈbɛɾɚ] | [ˈbɛʔɚ~ˈbɛʔəɾ]] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (betters, bettered, bettering) meilleur | améliorer | mieux better an egg today than a hen tomorrow {proverb} mieux vaut tenir que courir better and better {adverb} de mieux en mieux better half {noun} (better halves) meilleure moitié | moitié better late than never {adverb} mieux vaut tard que jamais better safe than sorry {proverb} mieux vaut prévenir que guérir better than nothing {adjective} mieux que rien betterer {adjective, noun} (betterers) améliorateur betterment {noun} amélioration Betti number {noun} (Betti numbers) nombre de Betti betting shop {noun} (betting shops) boutique de paris Bettiscombe Bettiscombe Bettisfield Bettisfield Bettws Bettws Bettws Cedewain Bettws Cedewain Bettws y Crwyn Bettws y Crwyn Bettyhill Bettyhill between [/bəˈtwin/ | /bɪˈtwiːn/] {noun, preposition} (betweens) entre between a rock and a hard place entre l'arbre et l'écorce | entre la peste et le choléra | entre le marteau et l'enclume between jobs chômeur between Scylla and Charybdis [/bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪlə.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/ | /bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪləɹ.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/] aller de Charybde en Scylla | de Charybde en Scylla | tomber de Charybde en Scylla between the hammer and the anvil entre le marteau et l'enclume | la peste ou le choléra between two stools one falls to the ground être au four et au moulin betwixt [/bɪˈtwɪkst/] {preposition} entre Betws Betws Betws Bledrws Betws Bledrws Betws Garmon Betws Garmon Betws Gwerfil Goch Betws Gwerfil Goch Betws Ifan Betws Ifan Betws Newydd Betws Newydd Betws-y-coed Betws-y-coed Betws-yn-Rhos Betws-yn-Rhos Beulah {properNoun} Beulah beurre blanc beurre blanc beustite beustite Beuvian beuvien bevel [/ˈbɛvəl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bevel, most bevel, bevels, bevelled, beveled, bevelling, beveling) aiguiser | biseauter | chanfreiner beverage [/ˈbevəɹɪdʒ/] {noun} boisson | breuvage beverage can boîte boisson Bevercotes {properNoun} Bevercotes beveren beveren Beveridgean beveridgien Beverley [/ˈbɛvə(ɹ)li/] {properNoun} Beverley Beverston Beverston bevil beauveau bevor [/ˈbivɚ/ | /ˈbiːvə/] {noun} (bevors) bavière bevy [/ˈbɛvi/] {noun} (bevies) passée | vol bewail [/bɪˈweɪl/] {verb} (bewails, bewailing, bewailed) déplorer | pleurer Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth beware [/ˌbiˈwɛəɹ/ | /ˌbəˈwɛəɹ/ | /ˌbɪˈwɛəɹ/] {verb} faire attention beware of the dog {phraseologicalUnit} attention au chien Bewcastle Bewcastle Bewerley Bewerley bewhiskered {adjective} (more bewhiskered, most bewhiskered) barbu Bewholme Bewholme Bewick Bewick Bewick's swan {noun} (Bewick's swans) cygne siffleur bewilder [/bɪˈwɪldə(ɹ)/ | /bɪˈwɪldɚ/] {verb} (bewilders, bewildering, bewildered) abasourdir | confondre | déconcerter | dérouter | désorienter bewildered [/bəˈwɪldəd/ | /bəˈwɪldɚd/] {adjective, verb} (most bewildered, more bewildered) confusionné | déconcerté | dérouter bewildering [/bɪˈwɪldəɹɪŋ/ | /bɪˈwɪldɹɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bewildering, most bewildering, bewilderings) confus bewilderment [/bɪˈwɪldəmənt/ | /bɪˈwɪldəɹmənt/] {noun} (bewilderments) ahurissement | confusion | perplexité bewitch [/bəˈwɪtʃ/] {verb} (bewitches, bewitched, bewitching) ensorceler | envoûter bewitched [/bɪˈwɪtʃt/] {adjective, verb} (most bewitched, more bewitched) ensorcelé bewitching [/bəˈwɪtʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun} (most bewitching, more bewitching, bewitchings) envoutement | envoûtement Bexhill-on-Sea Bexhill-on-Sea Bexley [/bɛksli/] {properNoun} Bexley Bexton Bexton bey [/beɪ/ | /bæɪ/] {noun} (beys) bey beylik {noun} (beyliks) beylicat Beyond outre-tombe beyond [/biˈjɑnd/ | /biˈjɒnd/] {adverb, noun, preposition} par-delà beyond a reasonable doubt au-delà de tout doute raisonnable beyond reproach sans reproche beyond that de plus beyond the pale dépasser les bornes | inacceptable | inadmissible beyond the walls hors les murs Beyton Beyton bezafibrate {noun} bézafibrate bezant [/ˈbɛzənt/] {noun} (bezants) besant bezel [/ˈbɛz.əl/] {noun} (bezels) chaton | monture Bezhta {properNoun} bezhta bezoar [/ˈbi.zɔɹ/ | /ˈbiː.zɔː/] {noun} (bezoars) bézoard BFF [/ˌbiː.ɛfˈɛf/] {noun} (BFFs) BFF BFILE {noun} (BFILEs) BFILE Bhagavad-gita {properNoun} (Bhagavad-gitas) Bhagavad-Gita bhikkhu [/ˈbɪkuː/] {noun} (bhikkhus) bhikshu bhindi {noun} gombo BHLS BHNS bhog bhog Bhojpuri {properNoun} bhojpouri Bhubhi pove bhulan dauphin de l’Indus bhut jolokia {noun} (bhut jolokias) jolokia | piment jolokia Bhutan [/buːˈtɑːn/] {properNoun} Bhoutan Bhutanese [/bu.təˈniːz/] {adjective, noun} (more Bhutanese, most Bhutanese, Bhutanese) bhoutanais | Bhoutanais | Bhoutanaise BI {noun} informatique décisionnelle Bi abampère bi [/baɪ/ | /biː/] {adjective, noun} (bi) bi bi- [/baɪ-/] {prefix} bi- bi-curious [/bʌɪˈkjʊəɹɪəs/] {adjective} (most bi-curious, more bi-curious) bi-curieux bi-loading grain chargement bicomposé biacromial {adjective} biacromial Biafra [/biˈɑfɹə/] {properNoun} Biafra Biafran {adjective, noun} (most Biafran, more Biafran, Biafrans) Biafrais Biafrian biafrien Biak lorikeet loriquet de Biak Biali biali Bianca {properNoun} Bianca biandrous biandre biangbiang noodles {noun} nouilles biang biang biannual [/baɪˈænjuəl/ | /bʌɪˈanjuːəl/] {adjective, noun} (biannuals) biannuel biannually [/baɪˈænjuːəliː/] {adverb} biannuellement bianqing [/biˌænˈt͡ɕɪŋ/] {noun} king Biarritz Biarritz bias [/ˈbaɪəs/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (more bias, most bias, biases, biasses, biased, biassing, biasing, biassed) préjugé | biais | parti-pris bias potential différence de potentiel biased [/ˈbaɪəst/] {adjective, verb} (most biased, more biased) partial | qui a du parti pris | qui n'est pas impartial biasing {noun, verb} (biasings) polarisation biathlete {noun} (biathletes) biathlète biathlon {noun} (biathlons) biathlon biaxial {adjective} biaxe | biaxial BIB {phraseologicalUnit} caisse-outre bib [/bɪb/] {noun, verb} (bibs, bibbing, bibbed) bavoir | bavette | chasuble | dossard bibimbap {noun} bibimbap bibimbop {noun} bibimbap Bible [/ˈbaɪbəl/] {noun, properNoun} (Bibles) Bible bible [/ˈbaɪbəl/] {noun} (bibles) Bible | bible Bible basher {noun} (Bible bashers) grenouille de bénitier | punaise de sacristie bible basher grenouille de bénitier Bible Belt {properNoun} Bible Belt biblical [/ˈbɪblɪkəl/] {adjective} (more biblical, most biblical) biblique Biblical Aramaic {properNoun} araméen biblique biblically {adverb} bibliquement biblio- {prefix} biblio- bibliodiversity bibliodiversité bibliographic {adjective} (more bibliographic, most bibliographic) bibliographique bibliographic record notice bibliographique bibliography [/bɪbliɒɡɹəfi/] {noun} (bibliographies) bibliographie | habbo bibliology {noun} (bibliologies) bibliologie bibliomancy {noun} (bibliomancies) bibliomancie bibliomania {noun} (bibliomanias) bibliomanie bibliometric {adjective} bibliométrique bibliometrics {noun} bibliométrie bibliopegy {noun} bibliopégie bibliophage {noun} (bibliophages) bibliophage bibliophagy {noun} bibliophagie bibliophile {noun} (bibliophiles) bibliophile bibliophilia {noun} bibliophilie bibliophilic {adjective} bibliophilique bibliophobia {noun} bibliophobie bibliotherapy {noun} (bibliotherapies) bibliothérapie bibliovore livrophage biblist [/ˈbɪblɪst/] {noun} (biblists) bibliste bibloc bibloc Bibury Bibury BIC {noun} BIC bicameral [/bʌɪˈkaməɹəl/] {adjective} bicaméral bicameralism {noun} (bicameralisms) bicaméralisme bicarbonate {noun} (bicarbonates) bicarbonate bicarbonate of soda {noun} bicarbonate de sodium bicaudal {adjective} bicaudé bicellular {adjective} bicellulaire bicentenial bicentenaire bicentennial {adjective, noun} (bicentennials) bicentennal bicephalous {adjective} bicéphale biceps [/ˈbaɪ.sɛps/] {noun} (bicepses, biceps) biceps biceps brachii {noun} (biceps brachii, biceps brachiorum) muscle biceps brachial biceps femoris {noun} (biceps femoris, biceps femorum) biceps fémoral Bicester [/ˈbɪstə/ | /ˈbɪstɚ/] {properNoun} Bicester bichon [/biʃɔn/] {noun} (bichons) bichon | bichonne bichon frise bichon à poil frisé Bichon Frisé [/ˈbiːʃɒn fɹiːˈzeɪ/] {noun} (Bichons Frisés) bichon à poil frisé bichromatic {adjective} bichromatique bichrome {adjective} bichrome bichromy bichromie bicipital [/baɪˈsɪp.ɪ.təl/] {adjective} bicipital Bickenhall Bickenhall Bickenhill Bickenhill Bicker Bicker bicker [/ˈbɪkə/] {noun, verb} (bickers, bickered, bickering) se chamailler bickering {noun, verb} (bickerings) chamaillerie bickern [/ˈbɪkən/] {noun} (bickerns) bigorne Bickerstaffe Bickerstaffe Bickerton Bickerton bickie {noun} (bickies) biscuit Bickington Bickington Bickleigh Bickleigh Bickley [/bɪkli/] {properNoun} (Bickleys) Bickley Bickmarsh Bickmarsh Bicknoller Bicknoller Bicknor Bicknor biclique {noun} (bicliques) biclique Bicolano [/bɪkəˈlɑnoʊ/ | /bɪkəˈlɑnə/ | /bɪkəˈlɑːnəʊ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Bicolanos, Bicolano) bicolano bicolored antpitta grallaire bicolore bicolored shrew musaraigne bicolore bicolour {adjective, noun} (bicolours) bicolore biconditional {adjective, noun} (biconditionals) biconditionnel biconfessional biconfessionnel biconical antenna antenne biconique bicontinental {adjective} bicontinental bicross bicross Bicton Bicton bicubic {adjective} bicubique bicultural {adjective, noun} (biculturals) biculturel biculturalism {noun} biculturalisme bicuspid {adjective, noun} (bicuspids) prémolaire bicuspid aortic valve bicuspidie bicuspid valve {noun} (bicuspid valves) valve mitrale bicycle [/ˈbaɪsɪkl̩/] {noun, verb} (bicycles, bicycling, bicycled) bicyclette | vélo | vélocipède | faire de la bicyclette | faire du vélo | rouler à vélo bicycle chain chaîne bicycle clip {noun} (bicycle clips) pince à vélo bicycle kick {noun, verb} (bicycle kicks, bicycle kicked, bicycle kicking) bicyclette bicycle lane {noun} (bicycle lanes) bande cyclable bicycle motocross {noun} bicross bicycle path {noun} (bicycle paths) piste cyclable bicycle stand {noun} (bicycle stands) arceau à vélo bicycle touring {noun} cyclotourisme bicycle tourist {noun} cyclotouriste bicyclist {noun} (bicyclists) cycliste bid [/bɪd/] {noun, verb} (bids, bidding, bid, bidden, bade, bad) annoncer | demander | dire | enchère | exprimer | faire une enchère bid price {noun} (bid prices) prix offert bid-ask spread {noun} (bid-ask spreads) écart de cotation bid-offer spread écart de cotation Bidborough Bidborough Biddenden {properNoun} Biddenden Biddenham Biddenham bidder [/ˈbɪdɚ/] {noun} (bidders) enchérisseur | enchérisseuse Biddestone Biddestone Biddlesden Biddlesden Biddlestone Biddlestone Biddulph {properNoun} Biddulph biddy [/ˈbɪdi/] {noun} (biddies) petit bide [/baɪd/] {verb} (bides, biding, bided, bidden, bode) attendre bide one's time {verb} attendre son heure Bideford {properNoun} Bideford bidet [[bɨˈdeɪ] | [ˈbiːdeɪ]] {noun} (bidets) bidet Bidford-on-Avon Bidford-on-Avon bidirectional [/ˌbaɪdɪˈɹɛkʃənəl/] {adjective} bidirectionnel bidual {noun} (biduals) bidual bidule bidule Bielby Bielby Biella {properNoun} Biella biennale {noun} (biennales) biennale biennial [/baɪˈɛnɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (biennials) bisannuel | bisannuelle biennially {adverb} bisannuellement biennium [/baɪˈɛn.i.əm/ | /bʌɪˈɛn.ɪ.əm/] {noun} (bienniums, biennia) biennium bier [/biɚ/ | /bɪə/] {noun} (biers) civière | catafalque | lit mortuaire Bierton with Broughton Bierton with Broughton biface {noun} (bifaces) biface bifacial {adjective} bifacial bifid {adjective} bifide bifilar {adjective} bifilaire bifoliolate {adjective} bifoliolé bifront {adjective} anacyclique bifurcate [/baɪˈfɝ.kɪt/ | /ˈbaɪ.fɚˌkeɪt/ | /ˈbʌɪ.fək.eɪt/] {adjective, verb} (bifurcates, bifurcated, bifurcating) bifurquer bifurcation [/ˌbaɪfəˈkeɪʃən/ | /ˌbaɪfɚˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} bifurcation big [/bɪɡ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bigs, bigged, bigging, biggest, bigger) grand | gros big air {noun} big air | grand saut Big Apple {properNoun} Big Apple | Grosse Pomme big baby [/bɪɡ ˈbeɪbi/] {noun} (big babies) gros bébé Big Bad Wolf [/bɪɡ bæd ˈwʊlf/] {noun} (Big Bad Wolves) grand méchant loup big bag of radioactive waste GRVS big ball of mud grande boule de boue big band {noun} big band Big Bang {properNoun} Bigbang big bang {noun} (big bangs) big bang Big Ben {properNoun} Big Ben big ben Big Ben big blind {noun} (big blinds) grosse blind big boy {noun} (big boys) grand garçon big break {noun} (big breaks) percée Big Brother {properNoun} Big Brother big brother {noun} (big brothers) grand frère big business {noun} grand capital big cat {noun} (big cats) fauve big cheese {noun} (big cheeses) gros bonnet | grosse légume | huile | big boss | bonze | grand chef big close-up TGP Big Crunch {properNoun} Big Crunch big cuboctahedron cuboctaèdre tronqué big data [/ˌbɪɡ ˈdeɪtə/] {noun} mégadonnées big deal {interjection, noun} (big deals) affaire | drame | en faire tout un plat | et alors | et puis | grosse légume Big Dipper {properNoun} Grand Chariot | Grande Casserole big enchilada {noun} (big enchiladas) grosse légume big fat [/ˈbɪɡ.fæt/] {adjective} bon gros | gros | intégral | sacré | énorme big final {noun} (big finals) grande finale big fish gros poisson big head carp carpe marbrée big huckleberry airelle à feuilles membraneuses big kahuna {noun} (big kahunas) grosse légume Big Mac [/bɪɡ mæk/] {noun} (Big Macs) Big Mac big money {adjective, noun} gros sous big mouth {noun} (big mouths) grande gueule big name {noun} (big names) people big picture [/bɪɡ ˈpɪk(t)ʃɚ/] {noun} (big pictures) aperçu général big red button {noun} (big red buttons) coup de poing big screen {noun} (big screens) grand écran big sheath mushroom volvaire gluante big sister {noun} (big sisters) grande sœur big sleep {noun} mort big spender {noun} (big spenders) flambeur big toe {noun} (big toes) gros orteil | pouce du pied | hallux big top {noun} (big tops) chapiteau big up {noun, verb} (big ups, bigs up, bigging up, big upped, bigged up) big up big wave break rouleau de bord big wheel {noun} (big wheels) grande roue big word {noun} (big words) grand mot big-eared opossum sarigue du Sud-Est brésilien big-endian {adjective} big-endian big-fin bigeye beauclaire longue aile big-headed {adjective} (more big-headed, most big-headed) arrogant big-scale sand smelt joël bigair saut acrobatique sur tremplin de neige bigamist [/ˈbɪɡəmɪst/] {noun} (bigamists) bigame bigamy [/ˈbɪɡəmi/] {noun} (bigamies) bigamie bigarade orange bigarade Bigbury Bigbury Bigby {properNoun} Bigby bigeye {noun} (bigeyes) beauclaire bigeye tuna thon obèse bigeyed sixgill shark requin-vache Bigfoot [/ˈbɪɡˌfʊt/] {noun, verb} (Bigfoot, Bigfoots, Bigfeet, Bigfooted, Bigfooting) bigfoot Bigga Bigga Biggar {properNoun} (Biggars) Biggar Biggin Biggin Biggleswade {properNoun} Biggleswade bighorn {noun} (bighorns) bighorn bighorn sheep {noun} (bighorn sheep) mouflon du Canada bight [/baɪt/] {noun} (bights) baie Bight of Biafra golfe du Biafra Bight of Bonny golfe du Biafra Bighton Bighton bigint bigint bigmouth {adjective, noun} (bigmouths) grande gueule Bignor Bignor bignose shark requin babosse bigophone {noun} (bigophones) bigophone | bigotphone bigophone player bigophoniste bigorexia {noun} bigorexie bigorexic {adjective, noun} (bigorexics) bigorexique bigot [/ˈbɪɡət/] {noun} (bigots) fanatique | intolérant | sectaire bigoted {adjective} (most bigoted, more bigoted) intolérant | sectaire bigotry [/ˈbɪɡ.ə.tɹi/] {noun} (bigotries) bigoterie bigram {noun} (bigrams) bi-gramme bigraph {noun} (bigraphs) digramme bigscale {noun} (bigscales) mélamphéidé bigtime {adjective, adverb, noun} (most bigtime, more bigtime, bigtimes) carrément | de première | magistral | magistralement | sacré | sacrément bigwig {noun} (bigwigs) gros bonnet | grosse légume | huile Bihar [/bɪˈhɑɹ/ | /bɪˈhɑː/ | /bɪˈɦɑːɻ/] {properNoun} Bihar Bihari {properNoun} bihari bijection [/baɪ.dʒɛk.ʃən/] {noun} (bijections) bijection bijective {adjective} bijectif bike [/baɪk/ | [bɐɪk]] {noun, verb} (bikes, biking, biked) vélo | moto | pute | traînée bike & ride facilities relais-vélo bike carrier porte-vélos bike commuting vélotaf bike polo polo à vélo bike pump {noun} (bike pumps) pompe à bicyclette biker [/ˈbaɪkɚ/] {noun} (bikers) biker | bikeur | bikeuse | motard | motarde | motocycliste biking lane bande cyclable bikini [/bɪˈkiːni/] {noun} (bikinis) bikini | deux-pièces bikini bottom {noun} (bikini bottoms) culotte de bain bikini line {noun} (bikini lines) maillot Bila bila bilabial {adjective, noun} (bilabials) bilabial bilabial consonant consonne bilabiale bilabiate {adjective} bilabié bilander {noun} (bilanders) bélandre bilane {noun} (bilanes) bilane bilateral [/baɪˈlætəɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (more bilateral, most bilateral, bilaterals) bilatéral bilateral lisping sigmatisme bilatéral bilateralism {noun} (bilateralisms) bilatéralisme bilaterian {noun} (bilaterians) bilatérien bilayer {noun} (bilayers) bicouche Bilbao [/bɪlˈbaʊ/] {properNoun} Bilbao bilberry [/ˈbɪlb(ə)ɹɪ/] {noun} (bilberries) myrtille bilboquet {noun} (bilboquets) bilboquet Bilbrook Bilbrook Bilbrough Bilbrough bilby {noun} (bilbies) bilby Bildeston Bildeston bildungsroman [/ˈbɪl.dʊŋzˌɹoʊ.mən/] {noun} (bildungsromane, bildungsromans) bildungsroman | roman d'apprentissage Bile bile bile [/baɪl/] {noun, verb} (biles, biling, biled) bile | fiel bile canaliculus canalicule biliaire bile capillary canalicule biliaire bile duct {noun} (bile ducts) voies biliaires Bile ducts voies biliaires bile pigment {noun} (bile pigments) pigment biliaire bilge [/bɪldʒ/] {noun, verb} (bilges, bilged, bilging) sentine | fond de cale bilgewater [/ˈbɪldʒwɔtɚ/] {noun} (bilgewaters) eau de cale bilharziasis {noun} (bilharziases) bilharziose biliary calculus calcul biliaire biliary canal canal biliaire bilin {noun} (bilins) biline bilineal {adjective} bilinéaire bilinear {adjective, noun} (bilinears) bilinéaire bilingual [/baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/] {adjective, noun} (bilinguals) bilingue bilingualism {noun} bilinguisme bilingualization bilinguisation bilious [/ˈbɪl.i.əs/ | /ˈbɪl.jəs/] {adjective} (more bilious, most bilious) atrabilaire | bileux | biliaire | bilieuse | bilieux | coléreux bilirubin [/bɪlɪˈɹuːbɪn/] {noun} bilirubine biliteral {adjective} bilitère biliverdin {noun} biliverdine bilk [/bɪlk/] {noun, verb} (bilks, bilking, bilked) rouler bill [/bɪl/] {noun, verb} (bills, billing, billed) addition | bec | facture | acte | greffe | hallebarde Bill Gates' flower fly {noun} (Bill Gates' flower flies) éristale de Gates Bill Gates’ flower fly éristale de Gates bill of exchange {noun} (bills of exchange) lettre de change bill of fare {noun} (bills of fare) carte | menu bill of lading {noun} (bills of lading) connaissement bill of rights {noun} (bills of rights) déclaration de droits bill-head en-tête billabong [/ˈbɪləbɒŋ/] {noun} (billabongs) bras mort billard game billard anglais billboard {noun} (billboards) panneau d'affichage billboarding {noun} affichage Billericay [/bɪləˈɹɪkiː/] {properNoun} Billericay Billesdon Billesdon Billesley Billesley billet [/ˈbɪlɪt/] {noun, verb} (billets, billetted, billetting, billeted, billeting) billette billet-doux {noun} (billets-doux) poulet billeting {noun, verb} (billetings) cantonnement billfold {noun} (billfolds) portefeuille billhook {noun, verb} (billhooks, billhooked, billhooking) serpe | serpette billiard [/ˈbɪl.i.ɑː(ɹ)d/ | /ˈbɪl.i.ə(ɹ)d/] {noun, numeral} (billiards) billiard | carambole billiard room {noun} (billiard rooms) billard billiard table {noun} (billiard tables) table de billard billiards [/ˈbɪl.jɚdz/ | /ˈbɪlɪədz/] {noun} billards | billard Billing {properNoun} (Billings) Billing billing [/ˈbɪlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (billings) facturation Billingborough {properNoun} Billingborough Billinge Chapel End Billinge Chapel End Billinge Higher End and Winstanley Billinge Higher End and Winstanley Billingford Billingford Billingham {properNoun} Billingham Billinghay Billinghay Billingley Billingley Billingshurst Billingshurst Billingsley {properNoun} (Billingsleys) Billingsley Billington and Langho Billington and Langho billion [/ˈbɪljən/] {noun} (billions) milliard | billion | milliards | millions billionaire [/ˌbɪl.i.əˈnɛə(ɹ)/ | /ˌbɪl.jəˈnɛɚ/] {noun} (billionaires) milliardaire billionairess {noun} (billionairesses) milliardaire billionth [/ˈbɪl.i.ənθ/] {adjective, noun} (billionths) milliardième billon {noun} billon billow [/ˈbɪloʊ/ | /ˈbɪləʊ/] {noun, verb} (billows, billowed, billowing) ondoyer | flot billposting {noun} affichage | placardage billy {noun} (billies) billy billy club {noun} (billy clubs) matraque billy goat {noun} (billy goats) bouc billycan {noun} (billycans) gamelle billycock {noun} (billycocks) chapeau melon bilobate {adjective, noun} (bilobates) bilobé bilocal {adjective} bilocal bilocation [/baɪləʊˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} bilocation bilocular {adjective} biloculaire Bilsby Bilsby Bilsdale Midcable Bilsdale Midcable Bilsington Bilsington Bilsthorpe Bilsthorpe Bilston {properNoun} Bilston Bilton Bilton Bilton in Ainsty with Bickerton Bilton in Ainsty with Bickerton biltong {noun} biltong BIM BIM bima {noun} (bimas) tévah bimah {noun} (bimahs) tévah bimbo [/ˈbɪmboʊ/ | /ˈbɪmbəʊ/] {noun} (bimbos, bimboes) andouille | couillon | gourde sexy | idiot | neuneu | pitoune bimestrial {adjective} bimestriel bimetal {adjective} bilame bimetallic [/baɪmɪˈtælɪk/] {adjective, noun} (bimetallics) bimétallique bimetallism {noun} bimétallisme bimillenary {adjective, noun} (bimillenaries) bimillénaire bimillennial [/baɪˈmɪlɛn.i.əl/] {adjective, noun} (bimillennials) bimillénaire bimmer {noun} (bimmers) béhème bimodal {adjective} bimodal bimodality {noun} (bimodalities) bimodalité bimonthly {adjective, adverb, noun} (bimonthlies) bimensuel | bimestriel bin [/bɪn/] {noun, verb} (bins, binned, binning) benner | boîte | conteneur | poubelle bin lorry {noun} (bin lorries) camion poubelle bin motor camion poubelle bin picking dévracage bin wagon camion poubelle binarity {noun} (binarities) binarité binarization {noun} binarisation binary [/ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹi/ | /ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹɪ/] {adjective, noun} (most binary, more binary, binaries) binaire | binarité | exécutable binary address adresse physique binary cell cellule binaire binary character élément binaire binary chemical munition munition chimique binaire binary digit {noun} (binary digits) chiffre binaire binary distribution {noun} (binary distributions) paquet binaire binary file binaire binary image image binaire binary name {noun} (binary names) nom binominal binary number {noun} (binary numbers) nombre binaire binary operation {noun} (binary operations) opération binaire binary operator {noun} (binary operators) opérateur binaire binary relation {noun} (binary relations) relation binaire binary search {noun} (binary searches) dichotomie binary star {noun} (binary stars) étoile binaire binary tree {noun} (binary trees) arbre binaire binary-coded decimal {noun} (binary-coded decimals) BCD binaural {adjective} biaural Binbrook Binbrook Bincombe Bincombe bind [/baɪnd/] {noun, verb} (binds, bounden, bound, binding) lier | attacher | nouer | connecter | coupler | relier bind up {verb} (binds up, binding up, bound up) bander binder [/ˈbaɪndə/ | /ˈbaɪndɚ/] {noun} (binders) dossier | relieur | reliure binder clip {noun} (binder clips) pince-notes bindi {noun} (bindis) bindi binding [/ˈbaɪndɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most binding, more binding, bindings) contraignant | liaison | reliure bindingness {noun} obligatoriété bindle [/ˈbɪndl/] {noun} (bindles) balluchon bindshell bindshell Bindslev {properNoun} Bindslev bindweed [/ˈbaɪndwiːd/] {noun} liseron Bine bine Binegar {properNoun} (Binegars) Binegar Binfield Binfield Binfield Heath Binfield Heath binge [/bɪndʒ/] {noun, verb} (binges, binging, binged, bingeing) beuverie binge drinking {noun} beuverie express binge eating disorder {noun} syndrome d'hyperphagie incontrôlée binge viewing {noun} binge watching binge watching {noun, verb} binge watching binge-watch {verb} (binge-watches, binge-watching, binge-watched) visionnage en rafale | visionnement en rafale | visionner boulimiquement | écoute en rafale binge-watcher {noun} (binge-watchers) binge-watcher Bingham {properNoun} Bingham Bingley {properNoun} Bingley bingo [/ˈbɪŋ.ɡoʊ/ | /ˈbɪŋ.ɡəʊ/] {adjective, interjection, noun, verb} (bingos, bingoing, bingoed) bingo | scrabble | ça y est Binham Binham binion binion binky {noun, verb} (binkies, binkied, binkying) tétine Binley Woods Binley Woods binnacle [/ˈbɪnəkəl/] {noun} (binnacles) habitacle Binniehill Binniehill bino {noun} (binos) bino binoculars [/ˈbɪnˌɒk.jʊ.lə(ɹ)z/] {noun} (binocular) jumelles | jumelle binomial [/baɪˈnoʊ.mi.əl/ | /baɪˈnəʊ.mi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (binomials) binôme binomial coefficient {noun} (binomial coefficients) coefficient binomial binomial name {noun} (binomial names) nom binomial binomial nomenclature {noun} nom binominal binominal {adjective, noun} (binominals) binominal Binsted Binsted Binton Binton Bintree Bintree Bintulu {properNoun} bintulu binturong [/ˈbɪntjʊɹɒŋ/] {noun} (binturongs) binturong bio incubator bio incubateur bio- {prefix} bio- bio-agent agent biologique bio-based biosourcé bio-food bioalimentaire bio-inspired {adjective} bio-inspiré | bioinspiré bio-isostere bio-isostère bioaccumulation {noun} bioaccumulation bioaccumulative {adjective} (more bioaccumulative, most bioaccumulative) bioaccumulatif bioaerosol {noun} (bioaerosols) bioaérosol bioarchaeology {noun} bioarchéologie bioarcheological {adjective} bioarchéologique bioarcheology {noun} bioarchéologie bioastronautics {noun} biospationautique bioastronomy {noun} bioastronomie bioavailability {noun} (bioavailabilities) biodisponibilité biobank {noun, verb} (biobanks, biobanking, biobanked) biobanque biobased {adjective} biosourcé biocapacity {noun} (biocapacities) biocapacité biocatalysis {noun} biocatalyse biocatalyst {noun} (biocatalysts) biocatalyseur biocatalytic {adjective} biocatalytique biocentric {adjective} (most biocentric, more biocentric) biocentrique biocentrism {noun} biocentrisme bioceramic {noun} (bioceramics) biocéramique biochemical {adjective, noun} (biochemicals) biochimique biochemist {noun} (biochemists) biochimiste biochemistry {noun} (biochemistries) biochimie biochip {noun} (biochips) biopuce biocidal {adjective} (most biocidal, more biocidal) biocide biocide [/ˈbaɪoʊsaɪd/ | /ˈbaɪəʊsaɪd/] {noun} biocide bioclimatic {adjective} bioclimatique bioclimatic building bâtiment bioclimatique bioclimatology {noun} bioclimatologie biocoenosis {noun} (biocoenoses) biocénose biocompatible {adjective} biocompatible biocompatible material biomatériau bioconservatist bioconservateur bioconstruction {noun} bioconstruction biocontrol {noun, verb} (biocontrols, biocontrolling, biocontrolled) biocontrôle biocontrol agent biopesticide bioconversion {noun} bioconversion biocorridor biocorridor biocracy biocratie biocremation {noun} aquamation bioculture {noun} bioculture biocumulable biocumulable biodegradability {noun} (biodegradabilities) biodégradabilité biodegradable [/baɪoʊdəˈɡɹeɪdəbl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more biodegradable, most biodegradable, biodegradables) biodégradable biodegradation {noun} biodégradation biodemographic {adjective} (more biodemographic, most biodemographic) biodémographique biodemography {noun} biodémographie biodetrital {adjective} biodétritique biodiesel {noun} biodiésel biodigester {noun} (biodigesters) biodigesteur biodiversity [/ˌbaɪ.əʊˌdaɪˈvɜː(ɹ).sɪ.ti/ | /ˌbaɪoʊdɑɪˈvɚsəti/] {noun} (biodiversities) biodiversité biodiversity hot spot point chaud de biodiversité biodiversity hotspot point chaud de biodiversité biodome [/ˈbaɪoʊˌdoʊm/] {noun} (biodomes) biodôme biodynamic {adjective} (most biodynamic, more biodynamic) biodynamique biodynamically {adverb} biodynamiquement bioecology {noun} bioécologie bioelectric {adjective} bioélectrique bioelectricity {noun} bioélectricité bioelement {noun} (bioelements) bioélément bioenergetic {adjective} (most bioenergetic, more bioenergetic) bioénergétique bioenergetics {noun} bioénergétique bioenergy {noun} (bioenergies) bioénérgie biofact {noun} (biofacts) biofact | écofact biofeedback {noun} biorétroaction biofilm {noun} biopellicule biofiltration {noun} biofiltration bioflavonoid {noun} (bioflavonoids) flavonoïde biofluorescence {noun} biofluorescence biofluorescent {adjective} biofluorescent biofuel [/ˈbaɪ.əʊˌfjʊ(.ə)l/] {noun} (biofuels) biocarburant biogas {noun} (biogasses, biogases) biogaz biogas plant méthaniseur biogenesis [/bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ | /ˌbaioʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs/] {noun} (biogeneses) biogenèse biogenetic {adjective} biogénétique biogenetics {noun} biogénétique biogenic {adjective} (most biogenic, more biogenic) biogène biogeny {noun} biogénie biogeochemical {adjective, noun} (biogeochemicals) biogéochimique biogeochemist {noun} (biogeochemists) biogéochimiste biogeochemistry {noun} biogéochimie biogeographer {noun} (biogeographers) biogéographe biogeographic realm écozone biogeography {noun} (biogeographies) biogéographie bioglyph {noun} (bioglyphs) bioglyphe biograph {noun, verb} (biographs, biographed, biographing) biographier biographer {noun} (biographers) biographe biographical {adjective} (more biographical, most biographical) biographique biographical picture biofilm biography [/baɪˈɑːɡɹəfi/ | /baɪˈɒɡɹəfi/] {noun, verb} (biographies, biographying, biographied) biographie biohacking {noun} biohacking biohazard {noun} (biohazards) risque biologique bioindicator {noun} (bioindicators) bioindicateur | biorévélateur bioindustry {noun} (bioindustries) bioindustrie bioinformatician {noun} (bioinformaticians) bio-informaticien bioinformatics [/ˌbaɪoʊˌɪnfɚˈmætɪks/ | /ˌbaɪəʊˌɪnfəˈmætɪks/] {noun} bioinformatique bioisostere {noun} (bioisosteres) bio-isostère biokerosene {noun} (biokerosenes) biokérosène biolistic {adjective} biolistique biolistics {noun} biolistique biological [/ˌbaɪə(ʊ)ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ | /ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/] {adjective, noun} (biologicals) biologique biological agent agent biologique biological anthropology {noun} anthropologie biologique biological clock {noun} (biological clocks) horloge biologique biological control {noun} biocontrôle biological defence défense biologique biological defense défense biologique biological father {noun} (biological fathers) père biologique biological immortality {noun} immortalité biologique biological life cycle cycle de développement biological magnification amplification biologique biological mother {noun} (biological mothers) mère biologique biological parent {noun} (biological parents) parent biologique biological resource centre biothèque biological safety biosécurité biological safety cabinet boîte à gants biological security biosûreté biological shield bouclier biologique biological shielding bouclier biologique biological spectrum spectre biologique biological system appareil biological target cible biologique biological threat agent agent biologique biological warfare {noun} guerre biologique biological warfare agent agent biologique biological weapon {noun} (biological weapons) arme biologique biologically {adverb} biologiquement biologist {noun} (biologists) biologiste | biologue biology [/baɪˈɑlədʒi/ | /baɪˈɒlədʒɪ/] {noun} (biologies) biologie bioluminescence [/ˌbaɪ̯oʊ̯ˌluməˈnɛsəns/] {noun} bioluminescence bioluminescent {adjective} (more bioluminescent, most bioluminescent) bioluminescent biomagnetism {noun} biomagnétisme biomagnification {noun} (biomagnifications) amplification biologique biomarker [/ˈbaɪoʊˌmɑɹkɚ/ | /ˈbaɪəʊˌmɑːkə/] {noun} (biomarkers) biomarqueur biomass [/ˈbaɪ.ə(ʊ)ˌmæs/] {noun} (biomasses) biomasse biomass power plant centrale à biomasse biomass-to-liquid process procédé BTL biomaterial {noun} (biomaterials) biomatériau biomathematics {noun} biomathématiques biome [/ˈbaɪoʊm/] {noun} (biomes) biome biomechanical {adjective} biomécanique biomechanics {noun} biomécanique biomedical [/ˌbaɪoʊˈmedɪkl/ | /ˌbaɪəʊˈmedɪkl/] {adjective, noun} (biomedicals) biomédical biomedicine {noun} biomédecine biomethanation {noun} (biomethanations) méthanogenèse biomethane {noun} bio-méthane biometric {adjective} biométrique biometrics {noun} biométrie biometrisation biométrisation biometry {noun} (biometries) anthropométrie biomimetic {adjective} biomimétique biomining {noun} biominage biomolecular {adjective} biomoléculaire biomolecule {noun} (biomolecules) biomolécule biomonitoring {noun} biosurveillance biomorph {noun} (biomorphs) biomorphe biomorphic {adjective} (most biomorphic, more biomorphic) biomorphe biomorphism {noun} biomorphisme bionic [/ˈbɪˌɒn.ɪk/] {adjective} (more bionic, most bionic) bionique bionics [/ˈbaɪˌɒnɪks/] {noun} bionique bionomic {adjective} bionomique bionomics {noun} bionomie biopark {noun} (bioparks) bioparc biopesticide {noun} (biopesticides) biopesticide biopharming [/baɪoʊfɑː(ɹ)mɪŋ/] {noun} moléculture biophilia [/ˈbaɪəʊˌfɪil.i.ə/] {noun} biophilie biophony {noun} (biophonies) biophonie biophotonics {noun} biophotonique biophysicist {noun} (biophysicists) biophysicien biophysics {noun} biophysique biopic [/baɪ.ˈɑ.pɪk/ | /ˈbaɪ.oʊ.pɪk/ | /ˈbaɪ.əʊ.pɪk/] {noun} (biopics) biofilm biopiracy {noun} biopiraterie bioplastic {noun} (bioplastics) bioplastique biopower {noun} biopouvoir bioprinting {noun} bio-impression bioprospecting {noun} bioprospection bioprospection {noun} bioprospection bioprotectant {noun} (bioprotectants) biopesticide biopsy [/ˈbaɪɑpsi/] {noun, verb} (biopsies, biopsied, biopsying) biopsie biopsychokinesis biopsychokinèse biorefinery {noun} (biorefineries) bioraffinerie bioregenerative life support bioconditionnement en circuit fermé bioremediation {noun} bioremédiation bioresistance biorésistance bioresource {noun} (bioresources) bioressource biorhythm {noun} (biorhythms) biorythme biorhythmic {adjective} biorythmique biorobot {noun} (biorobots) biorobot biorobotics {noun} biorobotique BIOS {noun} (BIOSes) BIOS biosafety [/baɪ.ɑˈseɪf.tiː/] {noun} biosécurité biosafety cabinet boîte à gants biosatellite {noun} (biosatellites) biosatellite bioscience {noun} (biosciences) bioscience biosecurity {noun} biosûreté biosensor {noun} (biosensors) biocapteur bioseston {noun} (biosestons) bioseston biosimilar {noun} (biosimilars) biosimilaire biospeleologist {noun} (biospeleologists) biospéléologue biospeleology {noun} biospéléologie biosphere {noun} (biospheres) biosphère biostasis {noun} biostasie biostatistician {noun} (biostatisticians) biostatisticien biostimulation {noun} biostimulation biostratigraphic {adjective} biostratigraphique biostratigraphy {noun} biostratigraphie biostrome {noun} (biostromes) biostrome biosurfactant {noun} (biosurfactants) biosurfactant biosynthesis {noun} (biosyntheses) biosynthèse biosystem {noun} (biosystems) biosystème biot {noun} (biots) abampère biota {noun} (biotas) biote biotechnician {noun} (biotechnicians) biotechnicien biotechnological [/ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nə.lɒdʒ.ɪk.əl/] {adjective} biotechnologique biotechnology [/ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nɒl.əʊ.dʒi/] {noun} (biotechnologies) biotechnologie bioterrorism {noun} bioterrorisme bioterrorist [/baɪəʊˈtɛɹəɹɪst/] {adjective, noun} (bioterrorists) bioterroriste biotherapy {noun} (biotherapies) biothérapie biotic [/baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ | /baɪˈɒt.ɪk/] {adjective} biotique biotin [/ˈbaɪətɪn/] {noun} biotine biotite [/ˈbaɪəˌtaɪt/] {noun} biotite biotope {noun} (biotopes) biotope biotoxin {noun} (biotoxins) biotoxine biotransformation {noun} (biotransformations) biotransformation bioturbation {noun} bioturbation biotype {noun, verb} (biotypes, biotyping, biotyped) biotype biovular {adjective} biovulaire biowaste {noun} biodéchet bioweapon [/ˈbaɪ.oʊˌwɛ.pən/ | /ˈbaɪ.əʊˌwɛ.pən/] {noun} (bioweapons) arme biologique biozone {noun} (biozones) biozone BIP {noun} (BIPs) BIP biparental {adjective} biparental bipartisan [/baɪˈpɑɹt.ə.sən/ | /ˈbaɪˌpɑː(ɹ)t.ɪ.zæn/] {adjective} bipartisan bipartite {adjective} biparti bipartite graph graphe biparti biped [/ˈbaɪpɛd/] {noun} (bipeds) bipède bipedal {adjective} bipède bipedalism {noun} bipédie bipentaphonic bipentaphonique biphasic {adjective} biphasique biphenyl {noun} biphényle biphobia [/ˈbaɪˌfoʊbi.ə/ | /ˈbaɪˌfəʊbiːə/] {noun} biphobie biplane {adjective, noun} (biplanes) biplan BIPM {properNoun} BIPM bipod [/ˈbaɪpɒd/] {noun} (bipods) bipied bipolar {adjective, noun} (most bipolar, more bipolar, bipolars) bipolaire | maniaco-dépressif bipolar disorder {noun} trouble bipolaire bipolarization {noun} bipolarisation bipolaron {noun} (bipolarons) bipolaron biprime {adjective, noun} (biprimes) semi-premier biprocessor biprocesseur bipropellant {noun} (bipropellants) biergol bipyramid {noun} (bipyramids) dipyramide biquaternion {noun} (biquaternions) biquaternion biracial {adjective, noun} (biracials) biracial biramous {adjective} biramé birbynė byrbine Birch {properNoun} (Birches) Birch birch [/bɜːtʃ/ | /bɝtʃ/] {noun, verb} (birches, birched, birching) bouleau | badine | baguette | verger birch bolete {noun} (birch boletes) bolet rude Birch Mocha phalène suspendue birch sap {noun} (birch saps) eau de bouleau Bircham Bircham Birchanger Birchanger birchbark {noun} écorce de bouleau birchbark canoe canot d’écorce Bircher muesli {noun} bircher Birchgrove {properNoun} Birchgrove Birchington {properNoun} Birchington Birchover Birchover Birchwood {properNoun} Birchwood bird [/bɜd/ | /bɜːd/ | /bɝd/ | [bɜɪd]] {noun, verb} (birds, birding, birded) oiseau | oiselet | oiselle | nana | doigt d'honneur | gonzesse bird cherry {noun} (bird cherries) merisier à grappes bird feeder {noun} (bird feeders) mangeoire bird flu {noun} (bird flus) grippe aviaire bird of ill omen {noun} (birds of ill omen) oiseau de mauvais augure bird of paradise {noun} (birds of paradise) paradisier | oiseau de paradis bird of paradise bush oiseau de paradis jaune bird of prey {noun} (birds of prey) rapace | oiseau de proie bird of prey park parc de rapaces bird park parc d’oiseaux bird table {noun} (bird tables) mangeoire bird vetch vesce craque bird's eye view à vol d’oiseau bird's nest {noun} (bird's nests, birds' nests) nid bird's-eye view {noun} (bird's-eye views) plongée bird's-foot trefoil lotier bird-breeding oisellerie bird-selling oisellerie birdbath {noun} (birdbaths) bain d’oiseaux birdbeak dogfish squale savate birdbrain [/ˈbɚd.bɹeɪn/ | /ˈbɜː(ɹ)d.bɹeɪn/] {noun} (birdbrains) étourneau Birdbrook {properNoun} Birdbrook birdcage {noun} (birdcages) panier | volière birdcall {noun, verb} (birdcalls, birdcalled, birdcalling) appeau birdcatcher {noun} (birdcatchers) oiseleur | oiseleuse birdcatching {noun} oisellerie birdfeeder {noun} (birdfeeders) mangeoire Birdfield Birdfield Birdforth Birdforth Birdham Birdham birdhouse {noun} (birdhouses) nichoir birdie [/ˈbɜːdi/ | /ˈbɝdi/] {noun, verb} (birdies, birdied, birdying, birdieing) oiselet | oisillon Birdingbury Birdingbury birdlet {noun} (birdlets) oisillon birdlime [/ˈbɜːdlaɪm/] {noun, verb} (birdlimes, birdliming, birdlimed) glu | engluer birdling [/ˈbɜɹd.lɪŋ/] {noun} (birdlings) oisillon birdlover {noun} (birdlovers) ornithophile birds beak knife bec d’oiseau birds of a feather {noun} bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet | kif-kif birds of a feather flock together {proverb} qui se ressemble s'assemble Birdsall {properNoun} (Birdsalls) Birdsall birdshop {noun} (birdshops) oisellerie birdsong {noun} chant | chant d’oiseau Birdston Birdston birdwatching [/ˈbɜː(ɹ)dˌwɒtʃ.ɪŋ/] {noun} observation des oiseaux birdwing moth agrippine bird’s beak knife bec d’oiseau bird’s-foot ornithope birefringence [/baɪɹɪˈfɹɪndʒəns/] {noun} biréfringence birefringent {adjective} biréfringent bireme {noun} (biremes) birème biretta {noun} (birettas) barrette biribá biriba Birkby Birkby Birkenhead [/bɜːkənhɛd/] {properNoun} Birkenhead Birkenshaw Birkenshaw Birkhill {properNoun} Birkhill Birkin Birkin Birley with Upper Hill Birley with Upper Hill Birling Birling Birlingham Birlingham birman Sacré de Birmanie Birmingham [/ˈbɜː.mɪŋ.əm/ | /ˈbɜː.mɪŋˌhæm/ | /ˈbɝ.mɪŋ.əm/ | /ˈbɝ.mɪŋˌhæm/] {properNoun} Birmingham Birnam {properNoun} Birnam Birobidzhan {properNoun} Birobidjan biromantic {adjective, noun} (most biromantic, more biromantic, biromantics) biromantique Birse Birse Birsemore Birsemore Birstall {properNoun} Birstall Birstwith Birstwith birth [/bɜːθ/ | /bɝθ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (births, birthing, birthed) naissance | accouchement | accoucher birth certificate {noun} (birth certificates) acte de naissance birth control {noun} contrôle des naissances birth defect {noun} (birth defects) anomalie congénitale birth right droit de naissance birth weight {noun} poids à la naissance birthday [/ˈbɜːθ.deɪ/ | /ˈbɜːθ.dɪ/ | /ˈbɝθˌdeɪ/] {noun, verb} (birthdays, birthdaying, birthdayed) anniversaire | fête | date de naissance birthday cake {noun} (birthday cakes) gâteau d'anniversaire | gâteau de fête birthday card {noun} (birthday cards) carte d'anniversaire birthday paradox {noun} paradoxe des anniversaires birthday party {noun} (birthday parties) fête d'anniversaire birthday problem {noun} paradoxe des anniversaires birthday suit {noun} (birthday suits) tenue d’Adam | tenue d’Ève birther [/ˈbɝθɚ/] {noun} (birthers) parturiente birthing center maison de naissance birthmark {noun} (birthmarks) tache de naissance | tache de vin birthplace [/ˈbɝθˌpleɪs/] {noun} (birthplaces) lieu de naissance birthrate {noun} (birthrates) taux de natalité birthwort {noun} aristoloche Birtley {properNoun} Birtley Birtsmorton Birtsmorton biryani {noun} beriani | biriani | biryani Bisbrooke Bisbrooke Biscay {properNoun} Biscaye biscayan biscayen Biscayne {adjective, properNoun} (more Biscayne, most Biscayne) biscaïen biscuit [/ˈbɪskɪt/] {noun} biscuit bisect [/baɪˈsɛkt/] {noun, verb} (bisects, bisected, bisecting) partager en deux bisection [/baɪˈsɛkʃən/] {noun} bissection bisector [/ˈbaɪˌsɛktɚ/] {noun} (bisectors) bissectrice bisectrix {noun} (bisectrixes, bisectrices) bissectrice bisexual [/baɪˈsɛk.ʃu.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most bisexual, more bisexual, bisexuals) bisexuel | bisexuelle | bisexué bisexuality {noun} (bisexualities) bisexualité Bisham Bisham Bishampton Bishampton Bishkek [/bɪʃˈkɛk/] {properNoun} Bichkek Bishnupriya Manipuri {properNoun} bishnupriya manipuri Bishop {noun, properNoun} (Bishops) Lévêque bishop [/ˈbɪʃəp/] {noun, verb} (bishops, bishoped, bishopping, bishopped, bishoping) évêque | fou Bishop Auckland [/ˈbɪʃəp ˈɔːklənd/] {properNoun} Bishop Auckland Bishop Burton Bishop Burton Bishop Middleham Bishop Middleham Bishop Monkton Bishop Monkton Bishop Norton Bishop Norton bishop ray raie léopard Bishop Thornton Bishop Thornton Bishop Wilton Bishop Wilton bishop-fish évêque de mer Bishopbriggs {properNoun} Bishopbriggs Bishopdale Bishopdale bishopric [/ˈbɪʃ.ə.pɹɪk/] {noun} (bishoprics) évêché | épiscopat Bishops Cannings Bishops Cannings Bishops Lydeard Bishops Lydeard Bishops Sutton Bishops Sutton Bishops Waltham Bishops Waltham Bishopsbourne Bishopsbourne Bishopsteignton Bishopsteignton Bishopstoke Bishopstoke Bishopston {properNoun} Bishopston Bishopstone {properNoun} Bishopstone Bishopstrow Bishopstrow Bishopthorpe {properNoun} Bishopthorpe Bishopton {properNoun} Bishopton Bishoptoner Bishoptonnien bishopwort bétoine Bishop’s Castle Bishop’s Castle Bishop’s Caundle Bishop’s Caundle Bishop’s Cleeve Bishop’s Cleeve Bishop’s Frome Bishop’s Frome Bishop’s Hull Bishop’s Hull Bishop’s Itchington Bishop’s Itchington Bishop’s Lynn Bishop’s Lynn Bishop’s Nympton Bishop’s Nympton Bishop’s Stortford Bishop’s Stortford Bishop’s Tachbrook Bishop’s Tachbrook Bishop’s Tawton Bishop’s Tawton Bishton {properNoun} Bishton bisimulation {noun} (bisimulations) bisimulation Bislama [/ˈbɪʃləmɑː/] {properNoun} bichelamar Bisley {properNoun} Bisley Bisley with Lypiatt Bisley with Lypiatt Bismarck hanging parrot coryllis des Bismarck bismillah [/ˌbɪsmɪˈlɑː/] {interjection} bismillah bismuth [/ˈbɪz.məθ/] {noun} bismuth bismuth hydride {noun} bismuthine bismuth subsalicylate {noun} sous-salicylate de bismuth bismuth trihydride bismuthine bismuthane {noun} (bismuthanes) bismuthine bismuthine {noun} (bismuthines) bismuthine bismuthinite {noun} bismuthinite bismuthite {noun} bismutite bismutite {noun} bismutite bison [/ˈbaɪ̯sən/] {noun} (bisons, bison) bison | bison d'Amérique du Nord | bison d'Europe Bispham Bispham bisphenol [/bɪsˈfiːnɒl/] {noun} (bisphenols) bisphénol bisphenol A {noun} bisphénol A bisphosphonate {noun} (bisphosphonates) bisphosphonate bisque [/bɪsk/] {adjective, noun} (bisques) biscuit | bisque Bissau-Guinean {adjective, noun} (Bissau-Guineans) bissau-guinéen bissel truck bissel bissextile [/bɪˈsɛks.taɪəl/ | /bɪˈsɛkstɪl/] {adjective, noun} (bissextiles) bissextil bissextile year {noun} (bissextile years) année bissextile Bisson {properNoun} Bisson Bissonnet {properNoun} Bissonnet Bissonnette {properNoun} Bissonnette bistability {noun} (bistabilities) bistabilité bistable {adjective, noun} (bistables) bistable bister {noun} bistre bistort {noun} bistorte bistre {noun} bistre bistro [/ˈbiːstɹoʊ/ | /ˈbiːstɹəʊ/] {noun} (bistros) bistro