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Оглавление(art galleries)
galerie d’art
art historian {noun} (art historians) historien de l'art | historienne de l'art art history {noun} histoire de l'art art house {noun} (art houses) salle d'art et d'essai art music {noun} musique savante Art Nouveau {properNoun} Art nouveau | modern style | modern-style | style 1900 | style nouille art of living art de vivre art of memory mnémotechnique art of war {noun} (arts of war) art de la guerre | art militaire art therapy {noun} (art therapies) art-thérapie Arta {properNoun} arta Artaudian {adjective} (more Artaudian, most Artaudian) artaudien Artaxerxes [/ˌɑːtə(ɡ)ˈzɜːksiːz/] {properNoun} (Artaxerxeses) Artaxerxès Arte Povera [/ˌɑɹteɪ ˈpoʊvəɹə/ | /ˌɑːteɪ ˈpɒvəɹə/] {properNoun} arte povera artefact {noun} (artefacts) artéfact Artemis [/ˈɑɹtəmɪs/] {properNoun} Artémis Artemisia Artémise artemisia [/ɑːtɪˈmɪzɪə/] {noun} (artemisias) armoise artemisinin {noun} artémisinine arterial {adjective, noun} (arterials) artériel arterial drainage assainissement agricole arteriectomy {noun} (arteriectomies) artériectomie arteriole {noun} (arterioles) artériole arteriosclerosis [/ˌɑɹˌtiɹioʊsklɚˈoʊsəs/] {noun} (arterioscleroses) artériosclérose arteritic {adjective} artéritique arteritis {noun} (arteritides) artérite artery [/ˈɑɹ.təɹɪ/ | /ˈɑː.tə.ɹi/] {noun} (arteries) artère artesian [/ɑɹˈtiʒən/ | /ɑːˈtiːʒən/] {adjective} artésien artesian well {noun} (artesian wells) puits artésien artful [/ˈɑːɹt.fəl/] {adjective} (most artful, more artful) artificiel | artificieux | artistique artfully {adverb} (most artfully, more artfully) habilement Arthington {properNoun} Arthington Arthingworth Arthingworth Arthog Arthog arthritic [/ɑː(ɹ)θˈɹɪtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most arthritic, more arthritic, arthritics) arthritique arthritis [/ɑː(ɹ)θˈɹaɪtɪs/] {noun} (arthritides) arthrite arthritism {noun} arthritisme arthrodesis {noun} (arthrodeses) arthrodèse arthrography {noun} (arthrographies) arthrographie arthrogryposis {noun} (arthrogryposes) arthrogrypose arthrology {noun} arthrologie arthromere {noun} (arthromeres) métamère arthropod {noun} (arthropods, arthropodae) arthropode arthropodology {noun} arthropodologie arthrosis {noun} (arthroses) arthrose Arthur [/ˈɑɹθəɹ/ | /ˈɑːθə(ɹ)/] {noun, properNoun} Arthur Arthuret Arthuret Arthurian {adjective} (more Arthurian, most Arthurian) arthurien artichoke [/ˈɑɹ.tɪˌtʃəʊk/ | /ˈɑː.tɪˌtʃəʊk/] {noun} (artichokes) artichaut artichoke bottom {noun} (artichoke bottoms) fond d'artichaut article [/ˈɑɹtɪkəl/ | /ˈɑːtɪkəl/] {noun, verb} (articles, articling, articled) article article of dress habit article of faith {noun} (articles of faith) article de foi articular {adjective} articulaire articular capsule capsule articulaire articular process processus articulaire articulatable {adjective} (more articulatable, most articulatable) articulable articulate [/ɑː(ɹ)ˈtɪk.jʊ.lət/ | /ɑːɹˈtɪk.jə.lət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (articulates, articulating, articulated, most articulate, more articulate) articuler | éloquent | articulé | clair | éloquente articulated {adjective, verb} articulé articulated arm bras articulé articulated bus {noun} (articulated buses) autobus articulé | bus accordéon articulated lorry {noun} (articulated lorries) semi-remorque articulately {adverb} (more articulately, most articulately) articulément | éloquemment articulateness {noun} éloquence articulation [/ɑɹˌtɪk.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ | /ɑːˌtɪk.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} articulation articulative {adjective} (most articulative, more articulative) articulatif articulatory {adjective} articulatoire artifact [/ˈɑɹtɪfækt/ | /ˈɑːtɪfækt/] {noun} (artifacts) artefact | artéfact | construction artifice [/ˈɑː(ɹ)tɪfɪs/] {noun, verb} (artifices, artificing, artificed) artifice | feinte artificer [/ɑɹˈtɪfəsəɹ/] {noun} (artificers) armurier | artificier artificial [/ɑː(ɹ)təˈfɪʃəl/] {adjective} (most artificial, more artificial) artificiel artificial florist {noun} (artificial florists) fleuriste artificiel artificial flower fleur artificielle artificial insemination {noun} insémination artificielle artificial intelligence {noun} intelligence artificielle artificial neural network réseau de neurones artificial neuron neurone artificiel artificial neurone neurone artificiel artificial respiration {noun} respiration artificielle artificial selection {noun} sélection artificielle artificial snow neige artificielle artificial turf {noun} (artificial turfs) pelouse artificielle | pelouse synthétique | synthé artificial variable variable artificielle artificiality [/ˌɑː(ɹ).tɪˌfɪʃ.iˈæl.ɪ.ti/] {noun} (artificialities) affectation artificially {adverb} (more artificially, most artificially) artificiellement artilect {noun} (artilects) artilect artillerist {noun} (artillerists) artilleur artillery [/ɑɹˈtɪləɹi/ | /ɑːˈtɪləɹi/] {noun} (artilleries) artillerie artillery gun pièce d’artillerie artilleryman {noun} (artillerymen) artilleur Artington Artington Artinian {adjective} artinien Artinskian {properNoun} Artinskien artiodactyl [/ˌɑːtɪəʊˈdaktɪl/] {noun} (artiodactyls) artiodactyle artisan [/ˈɑɹtɪzən/ | /ˈɑː(ɹ)tɪzən/] {adjective, noun} (artisans) artisan artisanal [/ɑːˈtɪzən(ə)l/ | [ˈäɹtəzæn(ə)l]] {adjective} artisanal artisanally {adverb} (more artisanally, most artisanally) artisanalement artisanry {noun} (artisanries) métier artist [/ˈɑɹ.tɪst/ | /ˈɑːtɪst/] {adjective, noun} (most artist, more artist, artists) artiste artist's book livre d’artiste artistess {noun} (artistesses) artiste artistic [/ɑɹˈtɪstɪk/ | /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/] {adjective, adverb} (most artistic, more artistic) artistique artistic gymnastics {noun} gymnastique artistique artistic licence {noun} licence artistique artistically {adverb} (most artistically, more artistically) artistiquement | artistement artivist {noun} (artivists) artiviste artlessness {noun} (artlessnesses) candeur artnapping vol à la rançon Artois {properNoun} Artois Artois hound chien d’Artois arts and crafts {noun} artisanat arts and letters {noun} arts et lettres artwork [/ˈɑɹtˌwɝk/ | /ˈɑːtˌwɜːk/] {noun} œuvre d'art Aruba [/əˈɹuː.bə/] {properNoun} Aruba Aruban {adjective, noun} (Arubans) Arubain | Arubaine | Arubais | Arubaise | Arubéen | Arubéenne Arubian {noun} (Arubians) Arubéen arugula [/əˈɹuɡələ/] {noun} roquette Aruküla {properNoun} Aruküla arum [/ɛ(ə)ɹəm/] {noun} (arums) arum Arun {properNoun} Arun Arundel [/ˈæɹəndəl/] {properNoun} Arundel Arvanitic [/ˌɑːvəˈnɪtɪk/] {properNoun} arvanite Arvanitika [/ˌɑːvəˈnɪtɪkə/] {properNoun} albanais arvanite Arvidian Arvidien Arwarton Arwarton Aryan [/ˈɛəɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Aryans) aryen | Aryen | indo-européen | Arien | Aryenne | Indo-Européen Aryanization {noun} (Aryanizations) aryanisation Aryanize {verb} (Aryanizes, Aryanizing, Aryanized) aryaniser Aryanness {noun} aryanité aryballos {noun} (aryballoi) aryballe aryl {noun} (aryls) aryle arytenoid [/ˌaɹ.ɪˈtiː.nɔɪd/ | /ˌæɹ.əˈtiː.nɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (arytenoids) aryténoïde arytenoid cartilage aryténoïde arâr genévrier de Phénicie arête [/əˈɹɛt/] {noun} (arêtes) arête as [/æz/ | /əz/] {adverb, conjunction, noun, preposition} (ases, asses) comme | as | en tant que | que | car | puisque as a consequence par suite as a good father of the family en bon père de famille as a matter of fact en fait | à vrai dire as a result {conjunction} à la suite as a rule {adverb} en règle générale | généralement | normalement as a whole en fin de compte | somme toute | tout compte fait as and when au fur et à mesure as best one can {adverb} au mieux | du mieux possible | tant bien que mal as built récolement as cold as charity froid de canard as dumb as a post bête comme ses pieds as far as {adverb, conjunction, preposition} autant que as far as I know autant que je sache as far as one knows {adverb} pour autant que je sache as follows {adverb} comme suit | de la façon suivante as for {preposition} pour | quant à as good as {adverb} déjà | pratiquement | presque as good as dead être un homme mort as he is tel quel as hell {adverb} à crever | à mort as if {conjunction, interjection} comme si | genre | mais bien sûr as if by magic {adverb} comme par magie as if it grew on trees à profusion as if nothing had happened {adverb} comme si de rien n’était as if there were no tomorrow {adverb} comme si sa vie en dépendait as in {adverb} comme as in a dream rêveusement as is [/æzˈɪz/] {adjective} tel quel | telle quelle as it happens {adverb} il se trouve as it is {adverb} en l'état as it stands en l'état actuel des choses as it were {adverb} pour ainsi dire as its name suggests comme son nom l’indique as long as {conjunction} pourvu que | du moment que | pendant que | pour peu que | tandis | tant as many autant as memory serves si ma mémoire est bonne as much {adverb} autant as much as {adverb, conjunction} autant que as much as possible {adverb} autant que possible | le plus possible | tout le possible as of {preposition} à compter de | à partir de as of now {adverb} d’ores et déjà as of right de plein droit as one en masse as one goes à la volée as one goes along au fur et à mesure as one man {adverb} comme un seul homme as opposed to {preposition} par opposition à as per [/æz pɜː/] {preposition} bruyant as regards {preposition} en ce qui concerne | quant à as rich as Croesus riche comme Crésus as she is tel quel as silent as the grave muet comme une tombe as silent as the sphinx muet comme un sphinx as silent as the tomb muet comme un sphinx as soon as {conjunction, preposition} dès que | sitôt que as soon as possible {adverb} dès que possible | au plus tôt | dans les plus brefs délais | le plus vite possible as such tel quel as the crow flies {adverb} à vol d'oiseau as thick as a brick bête comme un chou as thick as two short planks bête comme un chou as though [/əzˈðəʊ/] {conjunction} comme si | comme pour as to {preposition} après as ugly as sin laid comme un pou as usual {adverb} comme d'hab | comme d'habitude as well {adverb} aussi | aussi bien | autant que | tout aussi bien as well as {conjunction, preposition} ainsi que | de même que | en plus de as yet {adverb} jusqu'à présent | pour l'instant | pour le moment as you know {adverb} comme vous le savez as you like it à souhait as you make your bed, so you must lie in it {proverb} comme on fait son lit on se couche as you make your bed, so you must lie on it comme on fait son lit on se couche as you sow, so shall you reap {proverb} vous récolterez ce que vous semez as you were {interjection} continuer as you wish {interjection} comme il vous plaira | à volonté Asa {properNoun} aasax asafoetida [/ˌæsəˈfɛtɪdə/] {noun} ase fétide asana [/ˈɑːsənə/] {noun} (asanas) asana ASAP [/ˌeɪ.ɛs.eɪˈpi/] {adverb} au plus vite | dès que possible asap {adverb} dans les plus brefs délais ASAQ ASAQ asarabacca {noun} (asarabaccas) asaret asbestiform {adjective} asbestiforme asbestos [/æs.ˈbɛs.tɒs/] {noun} (asbestoses) amiante | asbeste asbestosis [/ˈæs.bɛsˌtəʊ.sɪs/] {noun} (asbestoses) amiantose Asby Asby ASC {noun, properNoun} (ASCs) cellule souche adulte Ascanius [/æˈskeɪni.əs/] {properNoun} Ascagne ascariasis {noun} (ascariases) ascaridiose ascaris ascaris ascend [/əˈsɛnd/] {verb} (ascends, ascending, ascended) monter ascend the throne monter sur le trône ascendance {noun} ascendance ascendancy {noun} (ascendancies) ascendant Ascendant Ascendant ascendant {adjective, noun} (more ascendant, most ascendant, ascendants) ascendant ascender {noun} (ascenders) ascendante | hampe ascending [/əˈsɛndɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (ascendings) ascendant | croissant ascending colon {noun} (ascending colons) côlon ascendant Ascension {properNoun} Ascension ascension {noun} ascension Ascension Day {properNoun} Ascension Ascension Island {properNoun} île de l'Ascension ascent [/əˈsɛnt/] {noun} montée ascertain [/ˌæsəˈteɪn/ | /ˌæsɚˈteɪn/] {verb} (ascertains, ascertained, ascertaining) constater | définir ascesis [/əˈsisɪs/ | /əˈsiːsɪs/ | /əˈskiːsɪs/] {noun} (asceses) ascèse ascetic [/əˈsɛ.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more ascetic, most ascetic, ascetics) ascète | ascétique ascetically {adverb} (more ascetically, most ascetically) ascétiquement asceticism [/əˈsɛt.əˌsɪz.əm/] {noun} ascèse | ascétisme ASCII [/ˈæski/] {properNoun} ASCII ASCII art {noun} art ASCII ascites {noun} (ascites) ascite Asclepius [/əˈskliːpi.əs/] {properNoun} Asclépios ascocarp {noun} (ascocarps) ascocarpe Ascog Ascog Ascoli Piceno {properNoun} Ascoli Piceno ascomycete {noun} (ascomycetes) ascomycète Ascomycota ascomycète Ascorbate ascorbate ascorbic {adjective} ascorbique ascorbic acid {noun} acide ascorbique ascot tie {noun} (ascot ties) ascot Ascott under Wychwood Ascott under Wychwood ascribe [/əˈskɹaɪb/] {verb} (ascribes, ascribed, ascribing) attribuer | imputer | prêter ascription {noun} (ascriptions) attribution ascriptive {adjective} attribué ascus {noun} (asci) asque ASEAN [/ˈæ.zi.ɑn/] {properNoun} ANASE | Association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est aseity [/əˈsiːɪti/] {noun} aséité asemantic {adjective} asémantique asemic {adjective} asémique Asenby Asenby asepsis {noun} asepsie aseptic [/əˈsɛptɪk/] {adjective} aseptique asexual [/eɪˈsɛkʃuəl/] {adjective, noun} (asexuals) asexuel | asexué asexual reproduction {noun} multiplication asexuée asexuality {noun} (asexualities) asexualité asexually {adverb} (most asexually, more asexually) asexuellement Asfordby {properNoun} Asfordby Asgarby and Howell Asgarby and Howell Asgard [/ˈæsˌɡɑɹd/] {properNoun} Ásgard Ash [/æʃ/] {properNoun} (Ashes) Ash ash [/æʃ/] {noun, verb} (ashes, ashing, ashed) cendre | frêne | e dans l'a ash blond {adjective, noun} blond cendré ash blonde {adjective} (most ash blonde, more ash blonde) blond cendré Ash cum Ridley Ash cum Ridley ash dieback {noun} chalarose Ash Priors Ash Priors ash tree {noun} (ash trees) frêne Ash Wednesday {noun} (Ash Wednesdays) mercredi des Cendres ash-bin {noun} (ash-bins) cendrier ash-pan cendrier ashame [/əˈʃeɪm/] {verb} (ashames, ashamed, ashaming) faire honte ashamed [/əˈʃeɪmd/] {adjective, verb} (more ashamed, most ashamed) honteux ashamedly {adverb} (more ashamedly, most ashamedly) honteusement Ashampstead Ashampstead Ashanti [/əˈʃɑːntiː/] {noun} (Ashanti, Ashantis) Achanti | Ashanti Ashanti plum mombin Ashbocking Ashbocking Ashbourne {properNoun} Ashbourne Ashbrittle Ashbrittle Ashburnham Ashburnham Ashburton {properNoun} Ashburton Ashbury Ashbury Ashby cum Fenby Ashby cum Fenby Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm Ashby de la Launde and Bloxholm Ashby de la Zouch Ashby de la Zouch Ashby Magna Ashby Magna Ashby Parkland Ashby Parkland Ashby Parva Ashby Parva Ashby St Ledgers Ashby St Ledgers Ashby St Mary Ashby St Mary Ashby with Oby Ashby with Oby Ashby with Scremby Ashby with Scremby Ashby Woulds Ashby Woulds ashcan {adjective, noun} (ashcans) cendrier | poubelle Ashchurch Rural {properNoun} Ashchurch Rural Ashcombe Ashcombe Ashcott Ashcott Ashdon Ashdon Asheldham Asheldham Ashen Ashen ashen [/ˈæʃ.ɪn/] {adjective, verb} (most ashen, more ashen, ashens, ashening, ashened) cendreux | cendré Ashendon {properNoun} Ashendon Asher {properNoun} Aser ashes [/ˈæʃ.əz/ | /ˈæʃ.ɪz/] {noun, verb} cendre Ashfield [/ˈæʃˌfiːld/] {properNoun} Ashfield Ashfield cum Thorpe Ashfield cum Thorpe Ashford [/ˈæʃfəd/] {properNoun} Ashford Ashford Bowdler Ashford Bowdler Ashford Carbonel Ashford Carbonel Ashford Hill with Headley Ashford Hill with Headley Ashford in the Water Ashford in the Water Ashgabat {properNoun} Achgabat Ashgill Ashgill ashik {noun} (ashiks) achoug Ashill Ashill Ashingdon Ashingdon Ashington {properNoun} Ashington ashitaba ashitaba Ashkelon {properNoun} Ascalon Ashkenazi [/ˌæʃkɪˈnɑːzi/ | /ˌɑːʃkɪˈnɑːzi/] {adjective, noun} (most Ashkenazi, more Ashkenazi, Ashkenazis, Ashkenazim) ashkénaze ashkenazi achkenaze Ashkirk Ashkirk ashlar [/ˈæʃlə/ | /ˈæʃlɚ/] {noun} pierre de taille ashler {noun} pierre de taille Ashleworth Ashleworth Ashley [/ˈæʃli/] {properNoun} (Ashleys) Ashley Ashley Green Ashley Green Ashleyhay Ashleyhay Ashmanhaugh Ashmanhaugh Ashmansworth Ashmansworth Ashmore {properNoun} Ashmore Ashmore and Cartier Islands îles Ashmore-et-Cartier Ashoka [/əˈʃoʊkə/ | /əˈʃəʊkə/] {properNoun} Ashoka ashore [/əˈʃo(ː)ɹ/ | /əˈʃoə/ | /əˈʃɔɹ/ | /əˈʃɔː/] {adverb} à terre ashough {noun} (ashoughs) achoug Ashover Ashover Ashow Ashow Ashperton Ashperton Ashprington Ashprington ashram {noun} (ashrams) ashram Ashreigney Ashreigney ashtanga {noun} (ashtangas) ashtanga Ashtead Ashtead Ashton {properNoun} Ashton Ashton Hayes Ashton Hayes Ashton in Makerfield Ashton in Makerfield Ashton Keynes Ashton Keynes Ashton under Hill Ashton under Hill Ashton under Lyne Ashton under Lyne ashtray [/ˈæʃtɹeɪ/] {noun} (ashtrays) cendrier ashugh {noun} (ashughs) achoug Ashura {properNoun} Achoura Ashurst {properNoun} (Ashursts) Ashurst Ashurst and Colbury Ashurst and Colbury Ashurst Wood Ashurst Wood Ashvale Ashvale Ashwater Ashwater Ashwell {properNoun} (Ashwells) Ashwell Ashwellthorpe and Fundenhall Ashwellthorpe and Fundenhall Ashwick [/ˈæʃwɪk/] {properNoun} Ashwick ashy [/ˈæʃi/] {adjective} (ashest, asher) cendreux Asia [/ˈeɪʒə/] {properNoun} Asie Asia Minor {properNoun} Asie mineure Asiad {properNoun} Asiades Asiago {properNoun} Asiago asiago {noun} asiago asiala asialie asialorrhea asialorrhée Asiamerica Asiamérique Asian [/ˈeɪʒən/] {adjective, noun} (Asians) asiatique | Asiatique asian Asiatique Asian barbet barbu Asian black bear {noun} (Asian black bears) ours noir d’Asie Asian black truffle truffe chinoise Asian conical hat {noun} (Asian conical hats) chapeau chinois Asian elephant {noun} (Asian elephants) éléphant d'Asie Asian Games {properNoun} Jeux asiatiques Asian Indian {adjective, noun} (Asian Indians) Indien Asian lion [/ˈeɪʒən ˈlaɪən/] {noun} (Asian lions) lion asiatique | lion d'Asie | lion persan Asian longhair tiffany Asian Mediterranean Sea Méditerranée asiatique Asian pear {noun} (Asian pears) nashi Asian semi-longhair tiffany Asianization {noun} asiatisation Asiarch {noun} (Asiarchs) asiarque Asiarchate {noun} (Asiarchates) asiarcat Asiatic {adjective, noun} (more Asiatic, most Asiatic, Asiatics) asiatique Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine athérure malais asiatic plain plaine asiatique Asiatic wild dog dhole ASIC {noun, properNoun} ASIC aside [/əˈsaɪd/] {adverb, noun, postposition} (asides) aparté | en passant | à côté aside from {preposition} hors asinine [/ˈæs.ɪ.naɪn/] {adjective} (most asinine, more asinine) asinin | stupide ask [/eəsk/ | /ˈask/ | /ˈæks/ | /ˈæsk/ | /ˈɑːks/ | /ˈɑːsk/] {noun, verb} (asks, asked, asking) demander | poser ask after {verb} (asks after, asked after, asking after) demander après ask for {verb} (asks for, asked for, asking for) demander ask for it {verb} (asks for it, asked for it, asking for it) chercher la merde | le chercher ask for the moon {verb} (asks for the moon, asked for the moon, asking for the moon) demander la lune ask my arse {phraseologicalUnit} parle à mon cul, ma tête est malade ask out {verb} (asks out, asking out, asked out) demander de sortir Askam and Ireleth Askam and Ireleth askance [/əˈskæns/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (askances, askanced, askancing) avec méfiance | de travers askanian askania mérinos askari {noun} (askari, askaris) askari Aske Aske Askern Askern Askerswell Askerswell Askerton Askerton askew [/əˈskjuː/] {adjective, adverb} (more askew, most askew) de guingois | de travers | de traviole | incliné | oblique | penché Askham Askham Askham Bryan Askham Bryan Askham Richard Askham Richard asking price {noun} (asking prices) prix demandé asklepian {noun} (asklepians) bâton d’Asclépios Asknish Asknish Askrigg Askrigg Askwith Askwith ASL {phraseologicalUnit, properNoun} langue des signes américaine Aslackby and Laughton Aslackby and Laughton Aslacton Aslacton asleep [/əˈsliːp/] {adjective} (most asleep, more asleep) endormi Aslockton Aslockton Asmodeus Asmodée Asmá’ asma asocial [/eɪˈsəʊʃ(ə)l/] {adjective} (most asocial, more asocial) asocial asociality {noun} asociabilité asomatognosia {noun} (asomatognosias) asomatognosie asomtavruli assomtavrouli ASP {noun, properNoun} (ASPs) fournisseur de services d’applications asp [/æsp/] {noun} (asps) aspe asp viper vipère aspic Aspall Aspall asparagine {noun} asparagine asparagus [/əˈspæɹ.ə.ɡəs/ | /əˈspɛɹ.ə.ɡəs/] {noun} (asparagus, asparaguses) asperge asparagus bed aspergeraie asparagus field aspergeraie asparagus patch aspergeraie aspartame [/əˈspɑːteɪm/ | /ˈæspəɹteɪm/] {noun} (aspartames) aspartame aspartic {adjective} aspartique aspartic acid {noun} acide aspartique Aspatria Aspatria aspect [/ˈæspɛkt/] {noun, verb} (aspects, aspecting, aspected) aspect aspect ratio {noun} (aspect ratios) allongement aspect-oriented {adjective} (most aspect-oriented, more aspect-oriented) orienté aspect aspectual {adjective} aspectuel aspen [/ˈæspən/] {adjective, noun} (most aspen, more aspen, aspens) tremble Aspenden Aspenden Asperger syndrome {noun} syndrome d’Asperger Asperger's syndrome [/ˈæspɜːɡəz ˈsɪndɹəʊm/ | /ˈæspɝɡɚz ˈsɪndɹoʊm/] {noun} syndrome d'Asperger Asperger’s syndrome syndrome d’Asperger aspergil {noun} (aspergils) goupillon aspergilloma {noun} (aspergillomata, aspergillomas) aspergillome aspergillosis {noun} (aspergilloses) aspergillose aspergillum [/ˌæspəɹˈdʒɪləm/] {noun} (aspergillums, aspergilla) goupillon Aspergillus Aspergillus aspergillus [/ˌæspɚˈd͡ʒɪləs/] {noun} (aspergilli) aspergille asperity [/əˈspɛɹɪti/ | /əˈspɛɹɪɾi/] {noun} (asperities) aspérité aspermia {noun} aspermie aspermic {adjective} (more aspermic, most aspermic) asperme aspermous {adjective} (more aspermous, most aspermous) asperme asperse [/əˈspɜːs/ | /əˈspɝs/] {verb} (asperses, aspersing, aspersed) asperger aspersion {noun} (aspersions) aspersion aspersorium {noun} (aspersoriums, aspersoria) goupillon Asperula aspérule asphalt [/ˈæsfælt/ | /ˈæsfɔlt/ | /ˈæʃfɑlt/ | /ˈæʃfɔlt/] {noun, verb} (asphalts, asphalting, asphalted) asphalte asphalt shingle {noun} (asphalt shingles) shingle asphaltic {adjective} (most asphaltic, more asphaltic) asphaltique asphodel [/ˈæsfədɛl/] {noun} (asphodels) asphodèle asphyxia {noun} asphyxie asphyxiate {verb} (asphyxiates, asphyxiating, asphyxiated) s'asphyxier asphyxiation {noun} asphyxie aspic [/ˈæspɪk/] {adjective, noun} (aspics) aspic aspic viper vipère aspic aspie [/ˈæspi/] {noun} (aspies) Aspie aspirant [/ˈæspəɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (more aspirant, most aspirant, aspirants) aspirant aspirate [/ˈæs.pə.ɹeɪt/ | /ˈæs.pəɹ.eɪt/ | /ˈæs.pəɹ.ət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more aspirate, most aspirate, aspirates, aspirated, aspirating) aspiration | aspirer | inhaler | inspirer | pomper aspirate h h aspiré aspirated {adjective, verb} (more aspirated, most aspirated) aspiré aspirated consonant consonne aspirée aspirated h [/ˈæspəɹeɪtəd eɪtʃ/] {noun} h aspiré aspiration [/ˌæspəˈɹeɪʃən/] {noun} aspiration aspirational [/ˌæspəˈɹeɪʃənəl/] {adjective, noun} (most aspirational, more aspirational, aspirationals) aspirationnel aspirator {noun} (aspirators) aspirateur aspiratory {adjective} (most aspiratory, more aspiratory) aspiratoire aspire [/əˈspaɪə(ɹ)/ | /əˈspaɪɚ/] {verb} (aspires, aspired, aspiring) briguer aspirin [/ˈæspɹɪn/] {noun} aspirine asplenia {noun} asplénie Asplenium ceterach cétérach officinal Aspley Guise Aspley Guise Aspley Heath Aspley Heath asporulated {adjective} asporulé aspron {noun} (asprons) aspre Aspull {properNoun} Aspull ass [/æs/] {noun} (asses) cul | âne | fesse | idiot | imbécile ass face tronche de cake ass kicking {noun} (ass kickings) coup de pied au cul ass kissing {noun} (ass kissings) fayotage ass over teakettle {adjective, adverb} cul par-dessus tête ass-backwards {adjective, adverb} (more ass-backwards, most ass-backwards) en arrière ass-kisser {noun} (ass-kissers) lèche-cul ass-licker {noun} (ass-lickers) lèche-cul | cire-pompes | lèche-bottes assagai {noun, verb} (assagais, assagaied, assagaiing) sagaie assail [/əˈseɪl/] {verb} (assails, assailed, assailing) assaillir assailable [/əˈseɪləbl̩/] {adjective} (most assailable, more assailable) attaquable assailant [/əˈseɪlənt/] {adjective, noun} (assailants) agresseur | assaillant Assam [/æˈsæm/] {noun, properNoun} Assam Assam Silkworm bombyx de l’Assam Assamese {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Assamese, most Assamese, Assamese, Assameses) assamais Assan {properNoun} assane assassin [/əˈsæsɪn/] {noun, verb} (assassins, assassining, assassined) assassin assassin bug {noun} (assassin bugs) réduve assassinate [/əˈsasɪneɪt/] {noun, verb} (assassinates, assassinated, assassinating) assassiner assassination [/əˌsæs.ɪ.ˈneɪ.ʃən/] {noun} (assassinations) assassinat assassinatress {noun} (assassinatresses) assassine assassinatrix [/əˈsæsɪˌneɪtɹɪks/] {noun} (assassinatrices) assassine assault [/əˈsɔːlt/ | /əˈsʌlt/] {noun, verb} (assaults, assaulting, assaulted) attaquer | assaut | agresser assault rifle {noun} (assault rifles) fusil d'assaut assay [/ˈæseɪ/] {noun, verb} (assays, assaying, assayed) analyser | dosage | essai assaying {noun, verb} (assayings) docimasie asscheek [/ˈæstʃik/] {noun} (asscheeks) fesse assed fichu assegai [/ˈæsəɡaɪ/] {noun, verb} (assegais, assegaied, assegaiing) sagaie | zagaie Asselby Asselby Asselian {properNoun} Assélien assemblage {noun} assemblage assemble [/əˈsɛmbl̩/] {verb} (assembles, assembled, assembling) assembler | rassembler | réunir assembled [/əˈsɛmbl̩d/] {verb} assemblé assembler [/əˈsɛmb(ə)lɚ/] {noun} assembleur assembling {noun, verb} (assemblings) assemblage assembly [/əˈsɛmb.li/ | /əˈsɛmb.lɪ/] {noun} (assemblies) assemblée | rassemblement | assemblage | assembleur | bloc | groupe assembly building hall d’assemblage assembly language {noun} langage d'assemblage assembly line {noun} (assembly lines) ligne de montage Assembly of Councillors Chambre des conseillers Assembly of Representatives Chambre des représentants assent [/əˈsɛnt/] {noun, verb} (assents, assenting, assented) assentiment | assentir assert [/əˈsɜːt/ | /əˈsɝt/] {noun, verb} (asserts, asserted, asserting) affirmer | asseoir asserting {noun, verb} (assertings) affirmateur assertion [/əˈsɜɹʃən/ | /əˈsɜːʃən/] {noun} assertion | affirmation | confirmation assertive [/əˈsɝtɪv/] {adjective} (more assertive, most assertive) assertif | assuré assertively {adverb} (most assertively, more assertively) assertivement assertiveness {noun} (assertivenesses) assertivité assertory {adjective} (more assertory, most assertory) assertoire assess [/əˈsɛs/] {verb} (assesses, assessed, assessing) évaluer | estimer | infliger assessment {noun} évaluation | estimation assessment center centre d’évaluation assessment centre centre d’évaluation assessor [/əˈsɛsɚ/] {noun} (assessors) appréciateur | appréciatrice | assesseur | assesseure | assesseuse | assessrice asset [/ˈæsɛt/ | /ˈæsɪt/] {noun} (assets) actif | atout | avoir asset management {noun} gestion d’actifs asset manager gestionnaire d’actifs asset swap échange d’actifs asset-backed {adjective} adossé à des actifs asset-backed commercial paper billet de trésorerie adossé à des créances titrisées asset-backed security TACT asset-based swap échange d’actifs assets [/ˈæsets/] {noun} (asset) actif asseverate {verb} (asseverates, asseverated, asseverating) assurer assfuck {noun, verb} (assfucks, assfucking, assfucked) enculer asshole [/ˈæsˌhoʊl/] {noun} (assholes) trou du cul | connard assibilate {verb} (assibilates, assibilating, assibilated) assibiler assibilation [/əˌsɪbɪˈleɪʃən/] {noun} (assibilations) assibilation Assidean {noun} (Assideans) assidéen assiduity {noun} (assiduities) assiduité assiduous [/əˈsɪdjuːəs/ | /əˈsɪdʒuːəs/] {adjective} (more assiduous, most assiduous) assidu assiduously {adverb} (most assiduously, more assiduously) assidûment assign [/əˈsaɪn/] {noun, verb} (assigns, assigned, assigning) assigner | attribuer | désigner assignable [/əˈsaɪnəbl̩/] {adjective} (most assignable, more assignable) assignable assignation [/æsɪɡˈneɪʃən/] {noun} cession assignee {noun} (assignees) cessionnaire assignment {noun} cession | mission | devoir | tâche | acte de cession | affectation assignor {noun} (assignors) cédant assimilable {adjective} (most assimilable, more assimilable) assimilable assimilate [/əˈsɪm.ɪ.leɪt/] {noun, verb} (assimilates, assimilated, assimilating) assimiler | absorber | digérer assimilation [/əˌsɪməˈleɪʃən/] {noun} assimilation Assington Assington Assiniboine {noun} assiniboine | assiniboines Assisi {properNoun} Assise assist [/əˈsɪst/] {noun, verb} (assists, assisted, assisting) assister | aider | passe décisive assistance [/əˈsɪs.təns/] {noun} (assistances) assistance assistant [/əˈsɪstənt/ | /əˈsɪstɛnt/] {adjective, noun} (assistants) assistant | aide | auxiliaire assistant caretaker aide soigneur assistant designer ensemblier assistant keeper aide-gardien assistant professor {noun} (assistant professors) maître de conférences assistant referee {noun} (assistant referees) arbitre de touche assistant set designer ensemblier assisted suicide {noun} suicide assisté assistive technology {noun} (assistive technologies) aide associability {noun} associabilité associable {adjective} (more associable, most associable) associable associate [/əˈsoʊʃi.ət/ | /əˈsoʊʃieɪt/ | /əˈsəʊʃi.ət/ | /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (associates, associating, associated) associer | fréquenter associate professor {noun} (associate professors) maître de conférences associate's degree {noun} (associate's degrees) baccalauréat association [/əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃən/ | /əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃən/] {noun} association association football {noun} football | soccer association list {noun} (association lists) liste d’association associationism {noun} associationisme associative [/əˈsoʊ.ʃi.ə.tɪv/] {adjective} (more associative, most associative) associatif associative array {noun} (associative arrays) dictionnaire | table d'association | tableau associatif associative cache cache associatif associative list liste associative associative memory mémoire associative associativity {noun} (associativities) associativité assort [/əˈsɔɹt/ | /əˈsɔːt/] {verb} (assorts, assorting, assorted) classer assortativity {noun} (assortativities) assortativité assorted {adjective, verb} (more assorted, most assorted) assorti | connexe | différent | divers assortment [/əˈsɔːtmənt/] {noun} (assortments) assortiment ASSP composant spécifique standard assuage [/əˈsweɪdʒ/] {verb} (assuages, assuaging, assuaged) apaiser | calmer | assouvir | soulager assume [/əˈsjuːm/ | /əˈsuːm/ | /əˈzuːm/ | /əˈʃuːm/] {verb} (assumes, assuming, assumed) supposer | assumer | présupposer | adopter | présumer | prendre assumed {adjective, verb} (most assumed, more assumed) censé Assumption {properNoun} Assomption assumption [/əˈsʌmp.ʃən/] {noun} supposition | assomption | hypothèse | proposition | prémisse assurance [/əˈʃʊəɹəns/ | /əˈʃʊɹəns/] {noun} assurance | culot assure [/əˈʃʊə/ | /əˈʃʊɹ/] {verb} (assures, assuring, assured) assurer | rassurer assuredly [/əˈʃʊəɹɪdli/ | /əˈʃʊɹɪdli/] {adverb} (most assuredly, more assuredly) assurément asswipe [/ˈæswaɪp/] {noun} PQ | papier cul | peigne-cul | torche-cul Assyria [/əˈsɪɹi.ə/] {properNoun} Assyrie Assyrian [/əˈsɪɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Assyrians) assyrien | Assyrien | Assyrienne Assyrian Neo-Aramaic {properNoun} néo-araméen assyrien Assyriological {adjective} (most Assyriological, more Assyriological) assyriologique Assyriologist {noun} (Assyriologists) assyriologue Assyriology {noun} assyriologie assyriology {noun} assyriologie astable {adjective} astable astaciculture {noun} astaciculture astacologist {noun} (astacologists) astacologiste astacology {noun} astacologie Astana [/æsˈtɑːnə/ | /əsˈtɑːnə/] {properNoun} Astana Astarte {properNoun} Astarté astasia {noun} astasie astatic {adjective} (more astatic, most astatic) astatique astatine [/ˈastətiːn/ | /ˈæstəˌtin/] {noun} astate asteism {noun} astéisme asteismus {noun} astéisme aster [/ˈæstə(ɹ)/] {noun} (asters) aster asterales astérales Asterby Asterby asteriated {adjective} (more asteriated, most asteriated) astérié asterids astéridées asterion {noun} (asterions, asteria) astérion asterisk [/ˈæstəɹɪsk/] {noun, verb} (asterisks, asterisked, asterisking) astérisque asterism [/ˈastəɹɪzəm/] {noun} (asterisms) astérisme | constellation Asterix {properNoun} Astérix asterixis {noun} (asterixes) astérixis astern [/əˈstɜːn/ | /əˈstɝn/] {adjective, adverb} (most astern, more astern) arrière asteroid [/ˈæstəɹoɪd/] {noun} (asteroids) astéroïde asteroid belt {noun, properNoun} (asteroid belts) ceinture d’astéroïdes asteroidal {adjective} (more asteroidal, most asteroidal) astéroïdal asteroseismology {noun} astérosismologie Asterozoa astérozoaire Asthal Asthal asthenia [/æsˈθi.ni.ə/ | /æsˈθiː.nɪə/] {noun} asthénie asthenic {adjective} (more asthenic, most asthenic) asthénique asthenosphere [/asˈθɛnə(ʊ)sfɪə/] {noun} (asthenospheres) asthénosphère asthma [/ˈasmə/ | /ˈæzmə/] {noun} (asthmata, asthmas) asthme asthmatic [/æzˈmætɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more asthmatic, most asthmatic, asthmatics) asthmatique Asti {noun, properNoun} Asti astigmatic {adjective, noun} (most astigmatic, more astigmatic, astigmatics) astigmate astigmatism [/əˈstɪɡmətɪzm̩/] {noun} astigmatisme Astley {properNoun} Astley Astley Abbotts Astley Abbotts Astley and Dunley Astley and Dunley Astley Village Astley Village astomatous {adjective} astome astomous {adjective} astome Aston {noun, properNoun} (Astons) Aston Aston Abbotts Aston Abbotts Aston Botterell Aston Botterell Aston by Budworth Aston by Budworth Aston Cantlow Aston Cantlow Aston Clinton Aston Clinton Aston cum Aughton Aston cum Aughton Aston Eyre Aston Eyre Aston Flamville Aston Flamville Aston Ingham Aston Ingham Aston juxta Mondrum Aston juxta Mondrum Aston le Walls Aston le Walls Aston Park Aston Park Aston Rowant Aston Rowant Aston Sandford Aston Sandford Aston Somerville Aston Somerville Aston Subedge Aston Subedge Aston Tirrold Aston Tirrold Aston upon Trent Aston upon Trent Aston Upthorpe Aston Upthorpe Aston, Cote, Shifford and Chimney Aston, Cote, Shifford and Chimney Aston-Jonction Aston-Jonction astonish [/əˈstɑnɪʃ/ | /əˈstɒnɪʃ/] {verb} (astonishes, astonishing, astonished) étonner | surprendre astonished {adjective, verb} (most astonished, more astonished) abasourdi | stupéfié astonishing [/əˈstɑnɪʃɪŋ/ | /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most astonishing, more astonishing) étonnant astonishment [/əˈstɑːnɪʃmənt/ | /əˈstɒnɪʃmənt/] {noun} étonnement astound [/əˈstaʊnd/] {adjective, verb} (more astound, most astound, astounds, astounding, astounded) stupéfier | ébahir | épater | étonner astounded {adjective, verb} (more astounded, most astounded) abasourdi astounding {adjective, verb} (most astounding, more astounding) impressionnant astraddle [/əˈstɹædəl/] {adverb, preposition} à califourchon Astraea [/æˈstɹiːə/] {properNoun} Astrée astragalar {adjective} astragalien astragalomancy {noun} astragalomancie Astrakhan [/æstɹəˈkæn/] {properNoun} Astrakhan astrakhan [/æstɹəˈkæn/] {noun} astrakan astral [/ˈæstɹəl/] {adjective} (most astral, more astral) astral astrale plane plan astral astray [/əˈstɹeɪ/] {adverb} perdu astriction {noun} astriction astrictive {adjective, noun} (most astrictive, more astrictive, astrictives) astrictif Astrid {properNoun} Astrid astride [/əˈstɹaɪd/] {adverb, preposition} à califourchon | à califourchon sur astringency [/əˈstɹɪn.dʒən.si/] {noun} (astringencies) astringence astringent [/əˈstɹɪn.dʒənt/] {adjective, noun} (most astringent, more astringent, astringents) astringence astrionics [/ˌæs tɹiˈɒn ɪks/] {noun} spationique astrobiology {noun} astrobiologie astrobleme [/ˈæs.tɹoʊ.blim/ | /ˈæs.tɹəʊ.bliːm/] {noun} (astroblemes) astroblème astrochemistry {noun} astrochimie astrocyte {noun} (astrocytes) astrocyte astrodynamics {noun} mécanique spatiale astrogeology {noun} astrogéologie astroid {noun} (astroids) astroïde astrolabe [/ˈæs.tɹəˌleɪb/] {noun} (astrolabes) astrolabe astrolabic {adjective} astrolabique astrologer {noun} astrologue astrologess {noun} (astrologesses) astrologue astrological {adjective} (most astrological, more astrological) astrologique Astrological house maison astrologique astrological sign {noun} (astrological signs) signe | signe du zodiaque astrological twin jumeau astral astrologically {adverb} astrologiquement astrology [/əˈstɹɒlədʒi/] {noun} (astrologies) astrologie astromaterial {noun} astromatériau astrometrician {noun} (astrometricians) astrométriste astrometry [/əˈstɹɒmətɹi/] {noun} (astrometries) astrométrie astronaut [/ˈæstɹəˌnɒt/ | /ˈæstɹəˌnɔt/ | /ˈæstɹəˌnɔːt/] {noun} (astronauts) astronaute astronautic {adjective} astronautique | astronaval astronautical engineering astronautique astronautics {noun} astronautique astronaval astronaval astronavigation {noun} navigation stellaire astronomer [/ə.ˈstɹɑ.nə.mɚ/ | /ə.ˈstɹɒ.nə.mə/ | /ə.ˈstɹɒ.nə.mɚ/] {noun} (astronomers) astronome astronomess {noun} (astronomesses) astronome astronomic {adjective} (more astronomic, most astronomic) astronomique astronomical [/ˌæs.tɹəˈnɒm.ɪk.əl/ | /ˌæstɹəˈnɑːmɪkəl/] {adjective} (more astronomical, most astronomical) astronomique astronomical object corps céleste astronomical unit {noun} (astronomical units) unité astronomique astronomically {adverb} (most astronomically, more astronomically) astronomiquement astronomy [/əˈstɹɑnəˌmi/] {noun} (astronomies) astronomie astronym {noun} (astronyms) astronyme astroparticle {noun} (astroparticles) astroparticule astrophotographer {noun} (astrophotographers) astrophotographe astrophotography {noun} astrophotographie astrophysical {adjective} astrophysique astrophysicist {noun} (astrophysicists) astrophysicien | astrophysicienne astrophysics {noun} astrophysique astroseismology {noun} astrosismologie astrotherapy astrothérapie astrotoponym astrotoponyme astrotourism {noun} astrotourisme Astroturfing {verb} astroturfing Asturia {properNoun} Asturies Asturian [/æsˈtʊə.ɹi.ən/ | /æsˈtʊɹ.i.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Asturian, more Asturian, Asturians) asturien | Asturien | Asturienne Asturian mountain cattle asturienne de montagne Asturian valley cattle asturienne des vallées Asturias [/æsˈtʊə.ɹi.əs/ | /æsˈtʊɹ.i.əs/] {properNoun} Asturies astute [/əsˈtjuːt/] {adjective} (astutest, astuter) astucieux | avisé | sagace astutely {adverb} (most astutely, more astutely) astucieusement astuteness {noun} (astutenesses) perspicacité Astwick Astwick Astwood Astwood Asu {properNoun} asu Asunción [/əˌsuːnsiˈɒn/] {properNoun} Asunción asunder [/əˈsʌndə/ | /əˈsʌndɚ/] {adverb} (most asunder, more asunder) en morceaux Asura {noun} (Asuras) asura | açoura Aswan [/asˈwɑːn/] {properNoun} Assouan Aswarby and Swarby Aswarby and Swarby Aswardby Aswardby asylum [/əˈsaɪləm/] {noun} (asyla, asylums) asile | asile psychiatrique asylum application demande d’asile asylum seeker {noun} (asylum seekers) demandeur d'asile | demandeuse d'asile asylum shopping course au droit d’asile asymetric key clé asymétrique asymmetric {adjective} (most asymmetric, more asymmetric) asymétrique asymmetric cell division division cellulaire asymétrique asymmetric cryptography {noun} cryptographie asymétrique asymmetric digital subscriber line liaison numérique asymétrique asymmetric division division cellulaire asymétrique asymmetric film film asymétrique asymmetric induction induction asymétrique asymmetric synthesis {noun} (asymmetric syntheses) synthèse asymétrique asymmetric warfare {noun} guerre asymétrique asymmetrical {adjective} (more asymmetrical, most asymmetrical) asymétrique asymmetrically {adverb} (most asymmetrically, more asymmetrically) asymétriquement asymmetry [/eɪˈsɪmɪtɹi/] {noun} (asymmetries) asymétrie asymptomatic {adjective, noun} (asymptomatics) asymptomatique asymptote {noun, verb} (asymptotes, asymptoted, asymptoting) asymptote asymptotic [/ˌæsəm(p)ˈtɑtɪk/ | /ˌæsəm(p)ˈtɒtɪk/] {adjective} asymptotique asymptotical {adjective} asymptotique asymptotically {adverb} asymptotiquement asynchronically {adverb} (more asynchronically, most asynchronically) asynchroniquement asynchronism {noun} asynchronisme asynchronous [/eɪˈsɪŋkɹənəs/] {adjective} asynchrone asynchronous transfer mode {noun} ATM | mode de transfert asynchrone asynchrony {noun} (asynchronies) asynchronisme asyndeton {noun} (asyndeta, asyndetons) asyndète asystolic {adjective} (most asystolic, more asystolic) asystolique at [/æt/ | /ət/] {noun, preposition, pronoun} (ats, at) en | à | vers at a foot-pace au pas at a glance au doigt mouillé | au jugé | à première vue | à vue de nez at a good price avantageusement at a loss complètement perdu | perdu | à perte at a loss for words bouche bée at a push au plus tard at a run au pas de course at a stretch {adverb} successivement at a time à la fois at a walk au pas at a walking pace au pas at about vers at all [[ætˈɔːɫ] | [æˈɾɔɫ]] du tout at all costs coûte que coûte | à tout prix at any cost à tout prix at any moment d’un moment à l’autre at anytime à tous moments at attention garde à vous at bat {noun} (at bats) présence au bâton at bay aux abois | à distance at best au mieux at cost à prix coûtant at dark pendant la tombée de la nuit at death's door aux portes de la mort | à l'agonie | à l'article de la mort at each other's throats à couteaux tirés at ease à l'aise at every turn {adverb} à tout bout de champ at fault en tort at first d'abord at first blush au premier abord | de prime abord | à première vue at first glance au premier abord | à première vue | de prime abord | à vue de nez at first sight au premier abord at great speed à la sauvette at gunpoint à bout portant at half-mast en berne at hand concerné | proche | sous la main at home {noun} (at homes) à la maison | chez soi | à l'aise at issue en question at it [/ˈat ɪt/ | /ˈæt ɪt/] alors que at large dans son ensemble | en général | en liberté | entièrement at last enfin | au bout du compte | finalement | à la fin at latter Lammas jamais at least au moins | au minimum | du moins | en tout cas at least if à moins que at leisure à loisir at length longuement | enfin at loggerheads [/æt ˈlɒɡəhɛdz/ | /æt ˈlɔɡɚˌhɛdz/] comme chien et chat | diamétralement opposés at long last finalement at most au plus | au grand maximum | grand max | grand maximum | tout au plus at most countable au plus dénombrable at naked eye à l’œil nu at night {adverb} la nuit | de nuit at odds en conflit at once [/ət ˈwʌns/] {adverb} aussitôt | immédiatement | à la fois | d'un seul coup | en même temps | tout de suite at one time auparavant at one's fingertips sous la main | à portée de main at one's own risk à ses risques et périls at one’s heel sur les talons at pains faire tout son possible at peace tranquille at places par endroits | par-ci par-là | çà et là at point-blank range à bout portant at present maintenant at random aléatoirement | au hasard | de manière aléatoire at rest au repos | à l'arrêt at risk en danger at school à l'école at sea en mer | largué | noyé at short notice au pied levé at sign {noun} (at signs) arobase | arrobe at sixes and sevens largué | ne pas être sur la même longueur d'ondes at snail's pace à pas de tortue at some point un jour | à un moment donné | à un moment ou à un autre at some time jadis at someone’s expense aux dépens de at stake en jeu at symbol {noun} (at symbols) arobase at that aussi | avec ça | en plus at the best of times au mieux at the cost of {preposition} au détriment de | au prix de | au préjudice de | aux dépens de at the crack of dawn dès potron-minet at the earliest au plus tôt at the end of au bout de at the end of one's rope au bout du rouleau | en dernier ressort | en désespoir de cause at the end of one's tether au bout du rouleau | exaspéré at the end of one’s patience à bout de patience at the end of one’s tether au bout du rouleau at the end of the day au bout du compte | au final | en fin de compte at the expense of au détriment de | au préjudice de | aux dépens de | aux frais de at the feet of {preposition} aux pieds de | dans le droit fil de | de l'atelier de | de l'école de | de la filiation de | de la suite de at the hands of {preposition} aux mains de at the head of à la tête de at the helm en charge de at the latest au plus tard at the mercy of à la merci de at the moment en ce moment | actuellement | pour le moment | pour l'instant at the moment of lors de at the money à parité at the nombril en nombril at the rate of par at the ready en joue at the risk of {preposition} au risque de at the same time en même temps | simultanément | d'un autre côté | dans le même temps at the sight of {preposition} à la vue de at the taxpayer's expense aux frais de la princesse at the time à l'époque at the top of one's lungs à pleins poumons | à tue-tête at the top of one's voice du haut de sa tête | à pleins poumons | à tue-tête at the very least {adverb} au bas mot | au minimum | au moins at the wrong moment malencontreusement at times de temps à autre | parfois at war en guerre at water level à fleur d’eau at will à volonté at work au travail | à pied d’œuvre at worst au pire at your service pour vous servir | à votre service at-bat {noun} (at-bats) présence au bâton ATA {noun, properNoun} ATA Ata ata atabal {noun} (atabals) atabale atabaque {noun} (atabaques) atabaque ATAC autoallumage par gaz chauds atacamite {noun} atacamite atactic {adjective} (more atactic, most atactic) atactique ataman [/ˈætəmən/] {noun} (atamans) ataman ATAPI {properNoun} ATAPI ataractic {adjective, noun} (more ataractic, most ataractic, ataractics) tranquillisant ataraxia {noun} (ataraxias) ataraxie ataraxic [/ˌætəˈɹæksɪk/] {adjective} (more ataraxic, most ataraxic) ataraxique ataraxy [/ˈatəɹaksi/] {noun} ataraxie Ataturkist {adjective, noun} (more Ataturkist, most Ataturkist, Ataturkists) ataturkiste ataurique {noun} ataurique atavism [/ˈætəˌvɪzəm/] {noun} atavisme atavistic [/æt.əˈvɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (most atavistic, more atavistic) atavique atavistically {adverb} (most atavistically, more atavistically) ataviquement ataxia [/əˈtæksɪə/] {noun} ataxie Atayal {noun, properNoun} Atayal Atcham Atcham ateji {noun} (ateji) ateji atelic {adjective} atélique atelier [/æ.təlˈjeɪ/] {noun} (ateliers) atelier | studio atelophobia [/əˌtɛləˈfəʊbɪə/] {noun} atélophobie atemporal {adjective} (more atemporal, most atemporal) atemporel Atenism {noun} atonisme atenolol {noun} aténolol Aterian {adjective} Atérien atgar {noun} (atgars) atégar Ath Ath Athabascan {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Athabascans) athabascan athame [/ɑˈθɑ.meɪ/ | /ɑːˈθɑː.meɪ/] {noun} (athames) athamé Athanasius [/ˌæθəˈneɪʃəs/] {properNoun} Athanase athanor [/ˈæθənɔɹ/ | /ˈæθənɔː/] {noun} (athanors) athanor atheism [/ˈeɪθiɪzəm/] {noun} (atheisms) athéisme atheist [/ˈeɪθiɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more atheist, most atheist, atheists) athée | athéiste atheistic {adjective} (more atheistic, most atheistic) athée Athelhampton Athelhampton Athelington Athelington Athelstaneford Athelstaneford athematic [/ˌæθiːˈmætɪk/] {adjective} athématique Athena [/əˈθiːnə/] {noun, properNoun} (Athenas) Athéna | Athéné athenaeum [/aθɪˈniːəm/] {noun} (athenaeums, athenaea) athénée Athenaeus Athénée Athenian [/əˈθiː.ni.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Athenians) Athénien | Athénienne Athens [/ˈeɪθənz/ | /ˈæθənz/] {properNoun} Athènes atheophobia [/ˌeɪθioʊˈfoʊbiə/] {noun} athéophobie Atherington Atherington athermal {adjective} (more athermal, most athermal) adiabatique athermanous {adjective} athermane athermochroic {adjective} athermochroïque atheroma {noun} (atheromas, atheromata) athérome atherosclerosis [/ˌæθɚoʊskləˈɹoʊsəs/] {noun} (atheroscleroses) athérosclérose atherosclerotic {adjective} (more atherosclerotic, most atherosclerotic) athérosclérosique Atherstone {properNoun} Atherstone Atherstone on Stour Atherstone on Stour Atherton {properNoun} Atherton athetize {verb} (athetizes, athetized, athetizing) athétiser athetosis {noun} (athetoses) athétose athlete [/ˈæθ.lit/ | /ˈæθ.liːt/ | /ˈæθ.ə.liːt/] {noun} (athletes) athlète | sportif | sportive athlete's foot {noun} pied d’athlète athlete’s foot pied d’athlète athletic [/æθˈlɛt.ɪk/] {adjective} (most athletic, more athletic) athlétique | sportif athletic protector {noun} (athletic protectors) coquille athletically {adverb} (more athletically, most athletically) athlétiquement athleticism {noun} athlétisme athletics [/æθˈlɛtɪks/] {noun} athlétisme athonite athonite athoracic {adjective} athoracique Athos [/ˈæ.θɒs/] {properNoun} Athos athrepsia {noun} athrepsie athreptic {adjective} athrepsique Athribite athribite athwart [/əˈθwɔː(ɹ)t/] {adverb, preposition} (more athwart, most athwart) [[d']]un coté à [[l']]autre | à travers athwartships {adverb} par le travers athymhormia athymhormie Atikamekw [/ətɪkəˈmɛk/] {noun, properNoun} (Atikamekw) atikamekw Atilius {properNoun} Atilius atimy {noun} atimie atipa fish atipa Atlanta [/ætˈlæntə/] {properNoun} Atlanta Atlantic [/ætˈlæn.tɪk/ | /ətˈlæn.tɪk/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Atlantics) Atlantique | atlantique Atlantic Alliance Alliance atlantique