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aerospace {adjective, noun} (most aerospace, more aerospace, aerospaces) aérospatial aerospace electronics spationique aerospace engineering {noun} astronautique aerospace plane avion spatial aerospatial {adjective} aérospatial aerospike {noun} (aerospikes) tuyère fluide aerostat {noun} (aerostats) aérostat aerostatic [/ˌeɪəɹə(ʊ)ˈstætɪk/] {adjective} (most aerostatic, more aerostatic) aérostatique aerostructure {noun} (aerostructures) aérostructure aerotaxis {noun} aérotaxie aerotechnic {adjective} aérotechnique aerotechnics {noun} aérotechnique aerotherapy {noun} (aerotherapies) aérothérapie aerotolerant {adjective} aérotolérant aerotransportable aérotransportable aerotropism {noun} aérotropisme aerugo [/iːˈɹuːɡoʊ/] {noun} vert-de-gris AES {noun, properNoun} AES Aeschylus [/ˈɛs.kə.ləs/] {properNoun} Eschyle Aesculapian {adjective} (more Aesculapian, most Aesculapian) esculapien Aesculapian snake {noun} (Aesculapian snakes) couleuvre d’Esculape aesculapian staff bâton d’Asclépios Aesop [/ˈiːsɒp/] {properNoun} Ésope aesthesia {noun} esthésie aesthete [/ˈɛs.θiːt/] {noun} (aesthetes) esthète aesthetic [/es.ˈθe.tɪk/ | /ɛs.ˈθɛ.tɪk/ | /ɪs.ˈθe.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more aesthetic, most aesthetic, aesthetics) esthétique aesthetic surgeon {noun} (aesthetic surgeons) chirurgien esthéticien | chirurgien esthétique | chirurgienne esthéticienne | chirurgienne esthétique aesthetically {adverb} (most aesthetically, more aesthetically) esthétiquement aesthetician {noun} (aestheticians) esthéticien aestheticism {noun} esthétisme aesthetics [/ɛsˈθɛt.ɪks/] {noun} esthétique aestival [/iːˈstʌɪv(ə)l/] {adjective} (more aestival, most aestival) estival aestivation [/ˌiːstɪˈveɪʃən/] {noun} estivation Aether {properNoun} Éther aether [/ˈi.θɚ/ | /ˈiː.θə/] {noun} éther aethiops {noun} éthiops aethrioscope {noun} (aethrioscopes) æthrioscope aetiology [/itiˈɑlədʒi/ | /iːtɪˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} (aetiologies) étiologie Aetius {properNoun} Aetius | Aétius Aetolia [/iːˈtəʊ.liː.ə/] {properNoun} Étolie Afade {properNoun} afade AFAIK {adverb} autant que je sache Afar {noun, properNoun} (Afar, Afars) afar | Afar afar [/əˈfɑː/ | /ʌˈfaɹ/] {adverb} loin afara {noun} (afaras) fraké affability {noun} (affabilities) affabilité affable [/ˈæf.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (more affable, most affable) aimable | doux affably {adverb} (more affably, most affably) affablement affair [/əˈfɛə(ɹ)/ | /əˈfɛə/ | /əˈfɛɹ/] {noun} (affairs) liaison | aventure affect [/ə.ˈfɛkt/] {noun, verb} (affects, affecting, affected) affecter | feindre | toucher | émouvoir affectability [/əfɛktəˈbɪlɪti/] {noun} (affectabilities) affectabilité affectation [/ˌæf.ɛkˈteɪ.ʃən/] {noun} affectation affected [/əˈfɛktɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more affected, most affected, affecteds) affecté affecting [/əˈfɛktɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more affecting, most affecting) attendrissant affection [/əˈfɛkʃən/] {noun, verb} (affections, affectioning, affectioned) affection affectionate [/əˈfɛkʃəneɪt/ | /əˈfɛkʃənət/] {adjective, verb} (more affectionate, most affectionate, affectionates, affectionated, affectionating) affectueux affectionately [/əˈfɛkʃənətli/] {adverb} (most affectionately, more affectionately) affectueusement affective [/əˈfɛktɪv/] {adjective} (more affective, most affective) affectif affectivity {noun} (affectivities) affectivité Affenpinscher {noun} (Affenpinschers) Affenpinscher affenpinscher {noun} (affenpinschers) affenpinscher afferent [/ˈæ.fə.rənt/ | /ˈæ.fɜː.ənt/] {adjective, noun} (afferents) afférent affidavit [/ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt/] {noun} (affidavits) affidavit affiliate [/əˈfɪl.i.et/ | /əˈfɪl.i.eɪt/] {noun, verb} (affiliates, affiliated, affiliating) affilier affiliated {adjective, verb} affilié affiliation [/əˌfɪliˈeɪʃən/] {noun} affiliation affine [/əˈfaɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more affine, most affine, affines, affined, affining) affine affine transformation {noun} (affine transformations) transformation affine affinity [/əˈfɪnɪti/] {noun} (affinities) affinité affinity card {noun} (affinity cards) carte affinitaire affinity marketing mercatique par affinité affirm [/əˈfɜːm/ | /əˈfɝm/] {verb} (affirms, affirming, affirmed) affirmer affirmation [/æfɝˈmeɪʃn/] {noun} affirmation affirmative [/əˈfɜːmətɪv/ | /əˈfɝmətɪv/] {adjective, interjection, noun} (more affirmative, most affirmative, affirmatives) affirmatif | phrase affirmative affirmative action {noun} (affirmative actions) discrimination positive affirmative sentence {noun} (affirmative sentences) phrase déclarative affix [/ə.ˈfɪks/ | /ˈæ.fɪks/] {noun, verb} (affixes, affixed, affixing) affixe affixal {adjective} affixal affixation {noun} (affixations) affixation affixoid {noun} (affixoids) affixoïde afflatus [/əˈfleɪtəs/] {noun} (afflatuses) inspiration afflict [/əˈflɪkt/] {verb} (afflicts, afflicted, afflicting) désoler afflicted [/əˈflɪktɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most afflicted, more afflicted) accablé affliction [/əˈflɪkʃən/] {noun} affliction | détresse afflictive {adjective} (more afflictive, most afflictive) afflictif afflorinement afflorinement affluence [/ˈæf.lu.əns/] {noun} opulence affluent [/æˈfluːənt/ | /ˈæf.lu.ənt/ | /ˈæfluːənt/] {adjective, noun} (most affluent, more affluent, affluents) abondant | affluent | richard | riche afflux {noun} (affluxes) afflux affogato [/ˌɑːfəˈɡɑːtəʊ/] {noun} (affogati, affogatos) affogato afford [/əˈfo(ː)ɹd/ | /əˈfoəd/ | /əˈfoɹd/ | /əˈfɔːd/] {verb} (affords, affording, afforded) offrir | permettre affordability {noun} abordabilité affordable [/əˈfɔː(ɹ).də.bəl/ | /ʌˈfɔɹdʌbəl/] {adjective} (more affordable, most affordable) abordable affordance {noun} (affordances) affordance | potentialité afforestation {noun} boisement Affpuddle Affpuddle affray [/əˈfɹeɪ/] {noun, verb} (affrays, affrayed, affraying) bagarre affre affre affreightment {noun} (affreightments) affrètement affricate [/ˈæfɹɪkeɪt/ | /ˈæfɹɪkət/] {noun, verb} (affricates, affricated, affricating) affriquée affright [/əˈfɹaɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (affrights, affrighting, affrighted, most affright, more affright) redouter affront [/əˈfɹʌnt/] {noun, verb} (affronts, affronting, affronted) affront | défier | aller sur le pré | duel | défi | envoyer un cartel Afghan [/ˈæfˌɡæn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Afghans) afghan | Afghan Afghan Hound [/ˌæfɡæn ˈhau̯nd/] {noun} (Afghan Hounds) lévrier afghan Afghan hound {noun} (Afghan hounds) lévrier afghan afghani [/æfˈɡɑːni/] {noun} (afghanis) afghani Afghanisation {noun} afghanisation Afghanistan [/æfˈɡæn.ɪˌstæn/] {properNoun} Afghanistan Afghanistani {adjective, noun} (more Afghanistani, most Afghanistani, Afghanistanis) Afghan afib {noun} (afibs) FA | FIBA | FibA afield [/əˈfiːld/] {adverb} (most afield, more afield) plus loin afire [/əˈfaɪə(ɹ)/] {adjective, adverb} (more afire, most afire) ardent aflame [/əˈfleɪm/] {adjective} (most aflame, more aflame) flamme aflatoxicosis {noun} aflatoxicose aflatoxin {noun} (aflatoxins) aflatoxine afloat [/əˈfloʊt/] {adverb} à flot afloat support soutien logistique à la mer aflutter [/əˈflʌt.ə/ | /əˈflʌt.ɚ/] {adjective} (most aflutter, more aflutter) tremblé Afon Wen {properNoun} Afon Wen Afonwen {properNoun} Afonwen afoot [/əˈfʊt/] {adjective, adverb} à pied | debout | en cours afore- {prefix} sus- afore-enumerated {adjective} sus-énuméré afore-explained {adjective} sus-expliqué aforedeclared {adjective} susdéclaré aforedescribed {adjective} susdécrit aforementioned [/əˈfɔɹˌmɛn.ʃənd/ | /əˈfɔːˌmɛn.ʃənd/] {adjective, noun} ledit | suscité | susmentionné aforenamed {adjective} susnommé aforenarrated {adjective} susnarré aforerelated {adjective} susrelaté aforereported {adjective} susrapporté aforesaid [/əˈfɔɹsɛd/] {adjective} susdit aforetime {adjective, adverb} ancien afraid [/əˈfɹeɪd/] {adjective} (more afraid, most afraid) effrayé Afrasia {properNoun} Afro-Eurasie afresh [/ʌˈfɹɛʃ/] {adverb} (most afresh, more afresh) de nouveau Africa [/ˈæf.ɹɪ.kə/] {properNoun} l’Afrique | Afrique African [/ˈæf.ɹɪ.kən/] {adjective, noun} (most African, more African, Africans) africain | Africain | Africaine African American {adjective, noun} (most African American, more African American, African Americans) Africain-Américain African Animal Trypanosomosis trypanosomose animale africaine African armoured searobin malarmat African blackwood grenadille African blue tit {noun} (African blue tits) mésange nord-africaine African brush-tailed porcupine athérure africain African buffalo {noun} (African buffalos) buffle d’Afrique African butterflyfish poisson-papillon d’eau douce African cedar sipo African civet civette africaine African Cotton Leafworm ver du cotonnier African crake {noun} (African crakes) râle des prés African cuckoo-hawk baza coucou African dormouse graphiure african eggplant aubergine African elephant {noun} (African elephants) éléphant d'Afrique African epsilon e ouvert african fish eagle pygargue vocifère African forest elephant {noun} (African forest elephants) éléphant de forêt d'Afrique African golden cat chat doré africain African goshawk autour tachiro African grey parrot perroquet jaco African hawk-eagle aigle fascié African hemp tilleul d’appartement African horned cucumber concombre africain African horse sickness {noun} peste équine African hunting dog {noun} (African hunting dogs) lycaon African leopard panthère d’Afrique African linden tilleul d’appartement African linsang linsang africain African lion hound rhodesian ridgeback African mahogany {noun} (African mahoganies) caïlcédrat African millet éleusine cultivée African monarch petit monarque African moon moth papillon-comète africain African oak iroko African oil palm palmier à huile african openbill bec-ouvert africain African palm civet nandinie African penguin {noun} (African penguins) manchot du Cap African pitta brève d’Angola african plain plaine africaine African plum safou African queen petit monarque African sharptooth catfish poisson-chat africain African sleeping sickness {noun} maladie du sommeil African striped weasel pœcilogale African swine fever peste porcine africaine African teak iroko African trypanosomiasis {noun} maladie du sommeil African Union {properNoun} Union africaine African violet {noun} (African violets) saintpaulia African wild dog {noun} (African wild dogs) lycaon African wildcat {noun} (African wildcats) chat ganté African-American {adjective, noun} (most African-American, more African-American, African-Americans) Afro-Américain | Afro-Américaine | afro-américain | afro-américaine Africanised honey bee abeille tueuse Africanism {noun} africanisme Africanity {noun} africanité africanization africanisation Africanness {noun} (Africannesses) africanité africanologist africanologue Afrihili {properNoun} afrihili Afrikaans [/ˌɑːfɹɪˈkɑːnz/] {adjective, properNoun} afrikaans Afrikaner {noun} (Afrikaners) Afrikaner | Afrikaans | Boer afrikaner cattle afrikaner Afrin Afrin afro [/ˈæf.ɹoʊ/] {noun} (afros) afro Afro- [/ˈæfɹoʊ-/] {prefix} afro- Afro-American {adjective, noun} (Afro-Americans) Afro-Américain Afro-Argentine {adjective, noun} (Afro-Argentines) Afro-Argentin Afro-Asiatic {adjective, properNoun} afro-asiatique Afro-Brazilian {adjective} africano-brésilien Afro-Colombian afrocolombien Afro-descendant Afro-descendant Afro-Ecuadorian {adjective, noun} (Afro-Ecuadorians) afroéquatorien Afro-Eurasia [/ˈæf.ɹoʊ.jʊɹˈeɪ.ʒə/] {properNoun} Eurafrasie | Afro-Eurasie Afroasiatic {adjective, properNoun} afro-asiatique Afroasiatic language langue afro-asiatique Afrocentric {adjective} (more Afrocentric, most Afrocentric) afrocentrique Afrocentrism {noun} afrocentrisme Afrodescendant {noun} (Afrodescendants) Afro-descendant Afrophobia {noun} afrophobie afrophobia afrophobie afroqueer afroqueer afrothere {noun} (afrotheres) afrothérien afrotherian {adjective, noun} (more afrotherian, most afrotherian, afrotherians) afrothérien afrotropical afrotropical Afshar {properNoun} (Afshars) afchar Afsharid {noun} (Afsharids) Afcharide aft [/æft/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (furthest aft, more aft, most aft, further aft, afts) poupe aftcastle {noun} (aftcastles) dunette after [/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈæf.tɚ/] {adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition} après | après que | après de | d'après | derrière | malgré after a fashion tant bien que mal after all après tout | finalement after dark {noun} (after darks) après la tombée de la nuit after doing your best, time to rest après l’effort, le réconfort after due hearing of the parties contradictoirement after that ensuite after the fact [/ˌæftɚ ðə ˈfækt/ | /ˌɑːftə ðə ˈfækt/] après coup after which après quoi after you {phraseologicalUnit} après vous after-party [/ˈæftɚˌpɑɹti/ | /ˈɑːftəpɑːti/] {noun} (after-parties) after after-shave {noun} après-rasage after-tax {adjective} net afterbirth [/ˈæf.tɚ.bɚθ/] {noun} (afterbirths) arrière-faix | délivrance afterburner {noun} (afterburners) post-combustion aftercare [/ˈæf.tɚ.kɛɹ/ | /ˈɑːf.tə(ɹ).kɛə/] {noun} postcure | suivi aftercastle {noun} (aftercastles) château afterdeck {noun} (afterdecks) pont arrière aftereffect [/ˈæftəɹ.əˌfɛkt/ | /ˈɑːftəɹ.ɪˌfɛkt/] {noun} (aftereffects) effet retardé afterfeather {noun} (afterfeathers) hyporachis aftergrass {noun} (aftergrasses) arrière-foin afterings [/ˈæf.təɹ.ɪŋz/] {noun} lie afterlife [/ˈæftɚˌlaɪf/] {noun} (afterlives) au-delà | autre monde | outre-tombe | vie après la mort aftermath [/ˈæf.təˌmæθ/ | /ˈæf.tɚˌmæθ/ | /ˈɑːf.təˌmɑːθ/] {noun} (aftermaths) regain | séquelles afternoon [/af.təɾˈnʉːn/ | /ˌæf.tɚ.ˈnun/ | /ˌɑːf.tə.ˈnuːn/] {adverb, interjection, noun} (afternoons) après-midi afternoon snack quatre heures afternoon tea {noun} collation | goûter afterparty {noun} (afterparties) after afterplay {noun} épilogue aftershaft {noun} (aftershafts) hypotile aftershave {noun} après-rasage aftershock {noun} réplique aftertaste {noun} (aftertastes) arrière-goût afterward [/ˈæf.tɚ.wɚd/ | /ˈɑːftə.wəd/] {adverb} après afterwards [/ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz/ | /ˈɑːftə.wədz/] {adverb} ensuite | après | après coup | par la suite | ultérieurement afterword {noun} (afterwords) postface afterwork afterwork afterworld {noun} (afterworlds) autre monde afwikkelen débobiner AG {noun} GA Agadir Agadir Agadiri Agadirois again [/əˈɡɛn/ | /əˈɡɪn/] {adverb, preposition} de nouveau | encore | déjà again and again {adverb} encore et encore against [/əˈɡeɪnst/ | /əˈɡɛnst/] {conjunction, preposition} contre | face à | pour against all better judgment en dépit du bon sens against all expectations contre toute attente against all odds contre tout pronostic | contre toute attente | contre vents et marées against the clock contre la montre against the grain [/əˈɡɛnst ðə ɡɹeɪn/] à contre-courant | à contre-cœur | à contre-fil | à son corps défendant agalactia {noun} agalactie agalaxy {noun} agalactie agalloch {noun} agalloche agalmatophilia {noun} agalmatophilie agama {noun} (agamas) agama agami [/ˈæɡəmi/] {noun} (agamis) agami agami heron héron agami agammaglobulinemia {noun} (agammaglobulinemias) agammaglobulinémie agapanthus {noun} (agapanthuses) agapanthe agape [/əˈɡeɪp/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (agapae, most agape, more agape) bouche bée agar [/ˈeɪ.ɡə/ | /ˈɑˌ.ɡɑɹ/] {noun} agar-agar agaric [/ˈæɡəɹɪk/] {noun} (agarics) agaric agariciform {adjective} agariciforme agaricologist [/ˌæɡəɹɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/] {noun} (agaricologists) agaricologiste agaricology [/əˌɡæɹɪˈkɒləd͡ʒi/] {noun} agaricologie agarose {noun} (agaroses) agarose agarwood {noun} agalloche | bois d'aigle | calamba | calambac | calambour | gaharu agate [/ˈæ.ɡət/] {adverb, noun} agate Agatha [/ˈæɡəθə/] {properNoun} Agathe Agathias Agathias agathis agathis agave [/əˈɡeɪviː/ | /əˈɡɑːveɪ/] {noun} (agaves) agave Agden Agden age [/eɪd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (ages, aging, ageing, aged) âge | vieillir | époque | ère | génération age grade classe d’âge age group {noun} (age groups) groupe d'âge | tranche d'âge age limit {noun} (age limits) limite d'âge Age of Aquarius {properNoun} ère du Verseau age of consent {noun} (ages of consent) majorité sexuelle Age of Enlightenment {properNoun} siècle des Lumières age of majority {noun} (ages of majority) majorité civile | majorité légale age of the captain âge du capitaine age of the moon âge de la lune age set classe d’âge age-grade classe d’âge age-mate {noun} (age-mates) du même âge age-set classe d’âge ageable {adjective} (most ageable, more ageable) vieillissable agebrist algébriste aged [/eɪdʒd/ | /ˈeɪ.dʒɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (furthest aged, more aged, further aged, most aged) vieilli ageing management gestion du vieillissement ageism [/ˈeɪdʒ.ɪzm̩/] {noun} âgisme ageless {adjective} (most ageless, more ageless) éternel Agen Agen agency [/ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/] {noun} (agencies) agence | action | agentivité | capacité d'agir | organisme agency fee commission de gestion agenda [/əˈdʒɛn.də/] {noun} (agendas) ordre du jour | agenda | planning agender {adjective} agenre agenesis {noun} (ageneses) agénésie Agenor Agénor agent [/ˈeɪ.dʒənt/] {noun} (agents) agent | complément d'agent | espion agent general [/ˌeɪdʒənt ˈdʒɛn(ə)ɹəl/] {noun} (agents general) agent général agent noun {noun} (agent nouns) nom d'agent Agent Orange {properNoun} agent orange agent provocateur [/aʒɑ̃ pʁɔvɔkatœʁ/ | /ˈeɪ.dʒənt ˌpɹəʊ.vɒk.æ.tʊə(ɹ)/] {noun} (agents provocateurs) agent provocateur agentess {noun} (agentesses) agente agentic [/eɪ.ˈdʒɛn.tɪk/] {adjective} (most agentic, more agentic) en mode mission agentive {adjective, noun} (agentives) agentif agentivity {noun} agentivité ageplay [/eɪd͡ʒ pleɪ/] {noun} jeu de régression ageratum {noun} (ageratums) ageratum ages [/ˈeɪ.dʒɪz/] {noun, verb} paye ages ago belle lurette Agesilaus {properNoun} Agésilas ageusia [/əˈɡjuːzɪə/] {noun} agueusie Aggadah [/əˈɡɑːdə/] {noun} (Aggadot, Aggadah, Aggadoth, Aggadahs) agada agger {noun} (aggers) agger aggiornamento [/əˌdʒɔɹnəˈmɛntəʊ/ | /əˌdʒɔːnəˈmɛntəʊ/] {noun} aggiornamento agglomerate [/əˈɡlɒməɹeɪt/ | /əˈɡlɒməɹət/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more agglomerate, most agglomerate, agglomerates, agglomerating, agglomerated) agglomérat agglomerated {verb} aggloméré agglomeration {noun} agglomération agglutinable {adjective} (most agglutinable, more agglutinable) agglutinable agglutinant {adjective, noun} (most agglutinant, more agglutinant, agglutinants) agglutinant agglutinate {adjective, verb} (agglutinates, agglutinating, agglutinated) agglutiner agglutination {noun} agglutination agglutinative [/əˈɡluːtɪnətɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most agglutinative, more agglutinative, agglutinatives) agglutinant agglutinative language langue agglutinante agglutinatory {adjective} (most agglutinatory, more agglutinatory) agglutinateur agglutinous {adjective} agglutineux aggrandise {verb} (aggrandises, aggrandising, aggrandised) glorifier aggrandize [/əˈɡɹændaɪ̯z/] {verb} (aggrandizes, aggrandizing, aggrandized) glorifier aggrandizement {noun} accroissement aggravate [/ˈæɡ.ɹə.veɪ̯t/] {verb} (aggravates, aggravated, aggravating) aggraver aggravating {verb} fâcheux aggravating failure aggravant unique aggravation {noun} circonstance aggravante aggravative {adjective, noun} (most aggravative, more aggravative, aggravatives) aggravant aggregate [/ˈæɡɹɪɡət/ | /ˈæɡɹɪˌɡeɪt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more aggregate, most aggregate, aggregates, aggregated, aggregating) agrégat | agréger | granulats | skandha aggregate fruit {noun} (aggregate fruits) sorose aggregation [/æɡɹəˈɡeɪʃən/] {noun} (aggregations) aggrégation | agrégation | ar aggregator {noun} (aggregators) agrégateur aggresome {noun} (aggresomes) agrésome aggression [/əˈɡɹɛʃən/] {noun} agression | aggression aggressive [/əˈɡɹɛs.ɪv/] {adjective} (most aggressive, more aggressive) agressif aggressive accounting comptabilité flatteuse aggressively {adverb} (more aggressively, most aggressively) agressif aggressiveness {noun} (aggressivenesses) agressivité aggressor {noun} (aggressors) agresseur aggressor raider attaquant aggrieve [/ʌˈɡɹiv/] {verb} (aggrieves, aggrieved, aggrieving) désoler aggrieved {adjective, verb} (more aggrieved, most aggrieved) affligeant aggro [/ˈæɡ.ɹoʊ/ | /ˈæɡ.ɹəʊ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more aggro, most aggro, aggroes, aggros, aggroed, aggroing) agression agha [/ˈɑːɡə/] {noun} (aghas) aga | agha aghast [/əˈɡæst/ | /əˈɡɑːst/] {adjective} (most aghast, more aghast) affolé | effaré | effrayé | paniqué | pantois | stupéfait Aghem aghem Aghori {properNoun} aghori Aghul {noun, properNoun} aghoul agile [/ˈæd͡ʒ.aɪl/] {adjective} (most agile, agiler, more agile, agilest) agile agile gibbon {noun} (agile gibbons) gibbon agile agile gracile opossum petit opossum-souris agile agile mangabey cercocèbe agile agile software development méthode agile agility [/əˈdʒɪl.ɪ.ti/] {noun} (agilities) agilité aging [/ˈeɪ.dʒɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most aging, more aging) vieillissement | vieillissant aging management gestion du vieillissement agio [/ˈæ.dʒoʊ/] {noun} (agios) agio agiotage {noun} agiotage agitable {adjective} (most agitable, more agitable) agitable agitate [/ˈæ.dʒɪ.teɪt/] {verb} (agitates, agitated, agitating) hérisser agitated [/ˈæd͡ʒɪteɪtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most agitated, more agitated) agissant agitation [/ad͡ʒɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ | /æ.d͡ʒɪˈteɪ.ʃən/] {noun} agitation agitator {noun} (agitators) agitateur agitprop [/ˈædʒ.ɪtˌpɹɒp/] {noun} (agitprops) agitprop Aglaia {properNoun} Aglaé aglet {noun} (aglets) aglet aglossal {adjective} aglosse aglossia {noun} aglossie aglycone {noun} (aglycones) aglycone aglyph {noun} (aglyphs) aglyphe aglyphous {adjective} aglyphe AGN {noun} (AGNs, AGNi, AGNe) noyau actif de galaxie Agnam-Goly Agnam-Goly agnate [/ˈæɡneɪt/] {adjective, noun} (more agnate, most agnate, agnates) agnat Agnatha agnathe agnathia [/æɡˈneɪ.θi.ə/] {noun} agnathie agnatic {adjective} (most agnatic, more agnatic) agnatique agnation {noun} agnation Agnes [/ˈæɡ.nɪs/] {properNoun} Agnès Agni {properNoun} Agni agnosia [/æɡ.ˈnoʊ.ʒə/] {noun} agnosie agnostic [/aɡˈnɒstɪk/ | /æɡˈnɑstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most agnostic, more agnostic, agnostics) agnostique agnosticism [/æɡˈnɑstɪsɪzəm/ | /æɡˈnɒstɪsɪzəm/] {noun} agnosticisme agnotology {noun} agnotologie ago [/əˈɡoʊ/ | /əˈɡəʊ/] {adjective, adverb, postposition} (most ago, more ago) il y a agog [/əˈɡɑɡ/ | /əˈɡɒɡ/] {adjective, adverb} (most agog, more agog) impatiemment | écarquillé agogic {noun} (agogics) agogique agon [/ˈæ.ɡoʊn/ | /ˈæ.ɡəʊn/] {noun} (agons, agones) bataille agonal {adjective} (more agonal, most agonal) agonal agonism [/ˈæ.ɡəˌnɪ.zəm/] {noun} (agonisms) agonisme agonist {noun} (agonists) agoniste agonistic [/aɡəˈnɪstɪk/] {adjective} (most agonistic, more agonistic) agonistique agonize {verb} (agonizes, agonized, agonizing) agoniser agonizing {adjective, noun, verb} (most agonizing, more agonizing, agonizings) agonisant agonothete {noun} (agonothetes) agonothète agony [/ˈæ.ɡə.niː/] {noun} (agonies) agonie | angoisse agora [/ˈæ.ɡə.ɹə/ | /ˌæɡ.əˈɹɑː/] {noun} (agorot, agoroth, agorae, agoras) agora agoraphobia [/ˌæɡəɹəˈfoʊbi.ə/] {noun} (agoraphobias) agoraphobie agorism [/ˈæ.ɡəˌɹɪzm̩/] {noun} agorisme agouti [/əˈɡuːti/] {noun} (agoutis) agouti agouti gene gène agouti AGP {noun} AGP Agra {properNoun} Âgrâ agraf agrafe agraffe [/əˈɡɹæf/] {noun} (agraffes) fibule agrammatism {noun} agrammatisme agraphia {noun} agraphie agrarian [/əˈɡɹɛ(ə)ɹi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more agrarian, most agrarian, agrarians) agraire agrarianism {noun} agrarisme agrarianly {adverb} (more agrarianly, most agrarianly) agrairement agree [/əˈɡɹi/ | /əˈɡɹiː/] {verb} (agrees, agreeing, agreed) consentir | concorder | accorder | être d'accord agree with {verb} (agrees with, agreeing with, agreed with) agréer agreeable [/əˈɡɹiːəbl/] {adjective, noun} (more agreeable, most agreeable, agreeables) agréable agreeableness {noun} (agreeablenesses) agréabilité agreeably {adverb} (more agreeably, most agreeably) agréablement agreed [/ə.ɡɹi.ːd/] {adjective, interjection, verb} (most agreed, more agreed) d'accord agreement [/əˈɡɹiːmənt/] {noun} accord | entente | contrat | pacte agreement in principle {noun} (agreements in principle) accord de principe agreement of tenses concordance des temps agri-food [/ˈæɡɹiˌfuːd/] {noun} agroalimentaire agri-food industry agroalimentaire agri-food sector agroalimentaire agri-food system agroalimentaire agribusiness [/ˈæɡɹɪˌbɪznəs/] {noun} (agribusinesses) agribusiness | agro-business agricultural [/ˌæɡɹɪˈkəltjʊəɹəl/ | /ˌæɡɹɪˈkəlt͡ʃəɹəl/] {adjective, noun} (more agricultural, most agricultural, agriculturals) agricole agricultural equipment agroéquipement agricultural industry agro-industrie agriculture [/ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃə/ | /ˈæɡɹɪˌkʌltʃɚ/] {noun} (agricultures) agriculture agriculturist {adjective, noun} (agriculturists) agriculteur Agrigento [/ˌæɡɹɪˈd͡ʒɛntəʊ/] {properNoun} Agrigente agrimi {noun} (agrimis) chèvre sauvage crétoise | kri-kri agrimony [/ˈæɡ.ɹɪ.mən.i/ | /ˈæɡ.ɹɪˌmoʊ.ni/] {noun} (agrimonies) aigremoine Agrippa [/əˈɡɹɪpə/] {properNoun} Agrippa Agrippina {properNoun} Agrippine agrisystem {noun} (agrisystems) agro-système | agrosystème agritourism {noun} agritourisme agrivoltaic {adjective} agrivoltaïque agrivoltaics {noun} agrivoltaïque agro- {prefix} agro- agro-environmental {adjective} agroenvironnemental agro-food agroalimentaire agro-food industry agro-industrie agro-food sector agroalimentaire agro-food system agroalimentaire agro-industry agro-industrie agro-processing industry agro-industrie agrobiology {noun} agrobiologie agrochemical {adjective, noun} (agrochemicals) agrochimique agrochemistry {noun} agrochimie agroecology {noun} (agroecologies) agro-écologie agroeconomic {adjective} agro-économique agroecosystem {noun} (agroecosystems) agroécosystème agroforester {noun} (agroforesters) agroforestier agroforestry {noun} (agroforestries) agroforesterie agroindustrial {adjective} agroindustriel agrology [/əˈɡɹɑlədʒi/ | /əˈɡɹɒlədʒi/] {noun} agrologie agronomic {adjective} agronomique agronomic biofortification bioenrichissement agronomique agronomically {adverb} agronomiquement agronomics {noun} agronomie agronomist [/əˈɡɹɑːnəmɪst/ | /əˈɡɹɒnəmɪst/] {noun} (agronomists) agronome agronomy [/əˈɡɹɑːnəmi/ | /əˈɡɹɒnəmi/] {noun} (agronomies) agronomie agrostis {noun} (agrostises) agrostide agrostology {noun} agrostologie agrotourism {noun} agrotourisme agrypnia {noun} agrypnie Aguano aguano Aguaruna {properNoun} aguaruna Aguascalientes {properNoun} Aguascalientes ague [/ˈeɪ.ɡju/] {noun, verb} (agues, agued, aguing) fièvre Agutaynen agutaynen agynic agynique ah [/ɑː/] {interjection, noun, particle, pronoun, verb} (ahs, ahing, ahed) ah ah well {interjection} enfin aha [/ɑːhɑː/ | [ɑˈhɑ]] {interjection} aha aha moment {noun} (aha moments) illumination Ahab [/ˈeɪˌhæb/] {properNoun} Achab Ahasuerus [/əˈhæz.wə.ɹəs/] {properNoun} Assuérus Ahau Ajaw ahead [/əˈhɛd/] {adverb} devant ahead of {preposition} auparavant ahead of one's time en avance sur son temps ahead of time avancé ahistoric {adjective} (more ahistoric, most ahistoric) anhistorique ahistorical [/ˌeɪhɪˈstɔɹɪkəl/] {adjective} (most ahistorical, more ahistorical) anhistorique Ahmadiyya {noun} ahmadisme Ahmed [/ˈɑːx.mɛd/] {properNoun} Ahmed Ahmedabad {properNoun} Ahmedabad Ahom ahom ahoy {interjection, noun, verb} (ahoys, ahoyed, ahoying) ohé Ahura Mazda {properNoun} Ormuzd Ahwai {properNoun} ahwaï AI {noun, properNoun} IA Ai-Cham ai-cham aibika {noun} aibika aibohphobia {noun} eibohphobie aid [/eɪd/] {noun, verb} (aids, aiding, aided) aide | aider aid climbing {noun} escalade artificielle aid worker {noun} (aid workers) bénévole Aida {properNoun} Aïda aide [/eɪd/] {noun} (aides) adjoint aide-de-camp [/ˌeɪd dɪ ˈkæmp/] {noun} (aides-de-camp) adjudant | aide de camp aide-mémoire [/ˌeɪd.mɛmˈwɑː/] {noun} (aide-mémoires) aide-mémoire aided recall test TMA Aidi {noun} (Aidis) aïdi | chien de montagne de l'Atlas AIDS [/eɪdz/] {noun} SIDA aids [/eɪdz/] {noun, verb} sida aight [/ˈaˌɐɪt/ | /ˈəɪt/] {adjective, adverb, interjection} aight Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley aiglet [/ˈeɪ.ɡlɛt/] {noun} (aiglets) aglet | aiglet | ferret Aignish Aignish aiguchi aiguchi aikido [/aɪˈkiːdəʊ/] {noun} aïkido aikidoka {noun} (aikidoka, aikidokas) aïkidoka aikinite {noun} aïkinite Aikton Aikton ail [/eɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (ailer, most ail, more ail, ailest, ails, ailed, ailing) faillir | manquer | souffrir | être malade ailanthus [/ˌeɪˈlænθəs/ | /ˌeɪˈlænθəsɪz/] {noun} (ailanthuses) ailante Ailanthus silkmoth bombyx de l’ailante aileron [/ˈeɪlərɒn/] {noun} (ailerons) aileron ailing [/ˈeɪ.lɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most ailing, more ailing, ailings) malade | malsain ailment [/ˈeɪlmənt/] {noun} (ailments) maladie Ailsa Craig Ailsa Craig Ailsworth Ailsworth ailuro- [/aɪˈljʊəɹə-/ | /aɪˈlʊɹə-/] {prefix} ailouro- | ailuro- ailurophile [/aɪˈljʊəɹəˌfaɪl/ | /aɪˈlʊɹəˌfaɪl/] {noun} (ailurophiles) ailourophile | ailurophile ailurophobia [/aɪˌlʊɹəˈfoʊbi.ə/ | /ˌaɪljʊəɹəˈfəʊbɪ.ə/] {noun} (ailurophobias) ailurophobie | ailourophobie | galéphobie aim [/eɪm/] {noun, verb} (aims, aimed, aiming) viser | objectif | ambition | cible | cibler aim for viser aimed [/eɪmd/] {adjective, verb} directement aimless [/ˈeɪm.ləs/] {adjective} (most aimless, more aimless) but aimlessly {adverb} (most aimlessly, more aimlessly) au hasard | sans but Ain {properNoun} Ain Ainderby Mires with Holtby Ainderby Mires with Holtby Ainderby Quernhow Ainderby Quernhow Ainderby Steeple Ainderby Steeple Ainstable Ainstable Aintree Village Aintree Village Ainu {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Ainu) aïnou | aïnu aioli [/(ˌ)aɪˈoʊli/ | /aɪˈəʊlɪ/] {noun} aïoli AIP {noun} (AIPs) propulsion anaérobie air [/ˈɛə/ | /ˈɛəɹ/] {noun, verb} (airs, airing, aired) air | aria | aérer | mettre à l'antenne | ventiler | éventer air ball {noun} (air balls) air ball air base {noun} (air bases) base aérienne air bed {noun} (air beds) matelas pneumatique air brake {noun} (air brakes) aérofrein air bubble {noun} (air bubbles) chimère air chief marshal {noun} (air chief marshals) général air commodore {noun} (air commodores) général de brigade aérienne air conditioner {noun} (air conditioners) climatiseur air conditioning {noun, verb} climatisation | climatiseur air cooled condenser aérocondenseur air cushion {noun} (air cushions) coussin d'air air data computer centrale aérodynamique air dry essorer air filter {noun} (air filters) filtre à air air force {noun} (air forces) armée de l'air | force aérienne air force base base aérienne air force station base aérienne air freshener {noun} (air fresheners) désodorisant air gap {noun} (air gaps) entrefer air guitar {noun, verb} (air guitars, air guitared, air guitaring) guitare invisible air gun [/ˈeə(ɹ).ɡʌn/ | /ˈɛɹ.ɡə/] {noun} (air guns) pistolet à air | pistolet à air comprimé air hockey {noun} air hockey air hole {noun} (air holes) évent air hostess {noun} (air hostesses) hôtesse de l’air air independent propulsion propulsion anaérobie air intake {noun} (air intakes) prise d’air air letter {noun} (air letters) aérogramme air lock {noun} (air locks) bouchon de vapeur air mass [/ɛəɹ mæs/ | /ˈɛː mas/] {noun} (air masses) masse d’air air mattress {noun} (air mattresses) matelas gonflable air one's dirty laundry in public {verb} laver son linge sale en public air out {verb} (airs out, airing out, aired out) aérer | crever l'abcès air pistol {noun} (air pistols) pistolet à air comprimé | pistolet à l'air air pocket {noun} (air pockets) trou d'air air pollution {noun} pollution atmosphérique air portable aéroportable air print copie d’antenne Air Pump Machine pneumatique air pump {noun} (air pumps) pompe à air air purifier {noun} (air purifiers) purificateur d'air air quote {noun} (air quotes) guillemets ironiques air raid {noun} (air raids) raid aérien air refueling ravitaillement en vol air resistance {noun} (air resistances) résistance de l'air air show {noun} (air shows) meeting aérien | spectacle aérien air strike {noun} (air strikes) attaque aérienne air strip bande d’atterrissage air tanker {noun} (air tankers) avitailleur air terminal {noun} (air terminals) aérogare air ticket {noun} (air tickets) billet d'avion air traffic {noun} trafic aérien air traffic control {noun} contrôle du trafic aérien air traffic controller {noun} (air traffic controllers) contrôleur aérien | aiguilleur du ciel | contrôleur du trafic aérien air vent {noun} (air vents) évent air vice marshal général de division aérienne air-condition {verb} (air-conditions, air-conditioned, air-conditioning) climatiser air-entraining agent entraîneur d’air air-raid shelter {noun} (air-raid shelters) abri anti-aérien air-supported structure structure gonflable air-to-air {adjective} air-air air-to-air missile {noun} (air-to-air missiles) missile air-air air-to-air refueling ravitaillement en vol air-to-surface {adjective} air-sol air-to-surface missile {noun} (air-to-surface missiles) missile air-sol airan [/ˈaɪ.ɹɑn/] {noun} (airans) ayran airbag {noun} (airbags) airbag airball {noun, verb} (airballs, airballing, airballed) tir dans le vide airboat {noun} (airboats) hydroglisseur airborne {adjective, noun} (airborne, airbornes) aéroporté | en vol | transporté par [[l']]air airborne launcher lanceur aéroporté airborne remotesensing télédétection aérienne airborne time temps airborne airbridge {noun} (airbridges) pont aérien airbrush {noun, verb} (airbrushes, airbrushed, airbrushing) aérographe aircooling aircooling aircraft [/ɛə.kɹɑːft/ | /ɛəɹ.kɹæft/] {noun} (aircraft) aéronef aircraft carrier {noun} (aircraft carriers) porte-avions aircraft integrated data system enregistreur de maintenance Aird {properNoun} (Airds) Aird airdancer danseur-des-vents Airdeny Airdeny Airdrie {properNoun} Airdrie airdrome {noun} (airdromes) aérodrome airdropped {adjective, verb} aérolargué Airds of Kells Airds of Kells Aireborough Aireborough airedale terrier airedale terrier airfield {noun} (airfields) aérodrome airflow {noun} courant aérien airfoil {noun} (airfoils) profil d'aile airframer {noun} (airframers) avionneur airhead [/ˈɛɹˌ(h)ɛd/ | /ˈɛːhɛd/] {noun} (airheads) tête de linotte Airieland Airieland airing [/ˈɛəɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} aération airing cupboard {noun} (airing cupboards) placard-séchoir airless [/eə(ɹ).ləs/] {adjective} (most airless, more airless) étouffant airletter {noun} (airletters) aérogramme Airlie Airlie airlift [/ˈɛə.lɪft/] {noun, verb} (airlifts, airlifting, airlifted) pont aérien airline {noun} (airlines) compagnie aérienne airline pilot pilote de ligne airliner {noun} (airliners) avion de ligne airlines {noun} lignes aériennes airlock {noun} (airlocks) sas airmail [/ˈɛə.meɪl/] {noun, verb} (airmails, airmailed, airmailing) poste aérienne | Aéropostale | aérogramme | courrier aérien airman [/ˈeə.mən/] {noun} (airmen) aviateur airman first class caporal airmass {noun} (airmasses) mass d'air airmobility aéromobilité Airmyn Airmyn Airntully Airntully airocele pneumatocèle airplane [/ˈɛəpleɪn/ | /ˈɛəɹˌpleɪ̯n/] {noun, verb} (airplanes, airplaning, airplaned) avion | aéroplane airplane mode {noun} mode avion airpocalypse {noun} (airpocalypses) airpocalypse airport [/ˈɛə.pɔːt/ | /ˈɛɹ.pɔɹt/] {noun} (airports) aéroport airport lounge {noun} (airport lounges) salon d'aéroport airport novel {noun} (airport novels) roman de gare airport of debarkation ZAD airport of embarkation ZAE airshaft {noun} (airshafts) canal d'évacuation airship {noun, verb} (airships, airshipping, airshipped) ballon dirigeable airsickness {noun} (airsicknesses) mal de l'air airsoft {noun} airsoft airspace {noun} espace aérien airstrike {noun, verb} (airstrikes, airstriking, airstruck) frappe aérienne airstrip {noun} (airstrips) piste d’atterrissage Airth Airth airtight {adjective} (more airtight, most airtight) hermétique | étanche airtime {noun} airtime Airton Airton airway {noun} (airways) route aérienne airwoman {noun} (airwomen) aviatrice airworthiness {noun} aeronavigabilité | navigabilité airy [/ˈɛəɹ.i/] {adjective} (airer, airest) aéré AIS {noun, properNoun} (AISes, AIS's, AISs) système d’identification automatique Aisha [/aɪˈiːʃə/] {properNoun} Aïcha Aiskew Aiskew Aislaby Aislaby aisle [/aɪ̯l/] {noun} (aisles) allée | couloir | côté couloir | rayon aisle seat {noun} (aisle seats) couloir | côté couloir Aisne {properNoun} Aisne Aisthorpe Aisthorpe AIT machine imageur aitch [/eɪtʃ/] {noun} (aitches) ache | âche Aith Aith Aithnen Aithnen Aix-en-Provence Aix-en-Provence Ajaccio [/əˈdʒæksɪoʊ/ | /əˈdʒæksɪəʊ/] {properNoun} Ajaccio ajar [/əˈd͡ʒɑɹ/ | /əˈd͡ʒɑː/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (ajars, ajarring, ajarred, most ajar, more ajar) entrebâillé | entrouvert Ajaw Ajaw Ajawa ajawa AJAX {properNoun} Ajax Ajax [/ˈeɪ.dʒæks/] {properNoun} (Ajaxes) Ajax ajaxification {noun} ajaxification aji {noun} aji ajika {noun} adjika Ajië {properNoun} ajië Ajmān Ajman ajoite {noun} ajoïte ajowan {noun} ajowan ajuga {noun} (ajugas) bugle ajvar [/ˈaɪ.vɑɹ/] {noun} ajvar ajwain {noun} (ajwains) ajowan AK-47 [/ˌeɪkeɪfɔːtiˈsevən/] {noun} (AK-47s) AK-47 AKA {adverb} alias | autrement dit Aka-Bea {properNoun} aka-bea Aka-Bo {properNoun} aka-bo Aka-Cari {properNoun} aka-cari Aka-Jeru aka-jeru Aka-Kede aka-kede Aka-Kora {properNoun} aka-kora Akaganeite akaganéite Akan {adjective, properNoun} akan akanbe {noun} (akanbe) mon œil Akar-Bale {properNoun} akar-bale akashic {adjective} akashique akasic {adjective} akashique Akatek acatèque akathisia [/æ.kə.ˈθɪ.si.ə/] {noun} akathisie Akavir Akavirois Akawaio {properNoun} akawaïo Ake {properNoun} ake Akebar Akebar akee [/ˈækiː/] {noun} (akees) aki | akée akee apple aki Akei akei Akeld Akeld Akeley Akeley Akenham Akenham akh [/ɑːk/] {noun} (akhs) akh Akha {properNoun} akha Akhal-Teke akhal-teke Akhenaten [/ˌækəˈnɑːtən/] {properNoun} Akhenaton akimbo [/əˈkɪm.bo͡ʊ/ | /əˈkɪm.bəʊ/] {adjective, adverb} poings sur hanches akin [/əˈkɪn/ | /ʌˈkɪn/] {adjective} (most akin, more akin) analogue | apparenté akinesia {noun} akinésie akinesic {adjective} (more akinesic, most akinesic) acinétique | akinésique | akinétique akinete {noun} (akinetes) akinète akinetic {adjective} acinétique akita akita inu Akkad [/ˈæˌkæd/ | /ˈɑˌkɑd/] {properNoun} Akkad Akkadian [/əˈkeɪ.di.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Akkadians) akkadien | accadien | Akkadien | Akkadienne Akkala Sami {properNoun} sami d'Akkala Aklanon {noun, properNoun} (Aklanons) aklanon Akpa akpa Akpes {properNoun} akpes Akposso ikposso akratic {adjective} (most akratic, more akratic) acratique Akrotiri and Dhekelia {properNoun} Akrotiri et Dhékélie aksakal {noun} (aksakals) aksakal Aktobe {properNoun} Aktioubé Akum akum Akureyri {properNoun} Akureyri Akye akyé Akçakale Akçakale al dente [/æl ˈdɛn.teɪ/] {adjective} (most al dente, more al dente) al dente al fresco {adjective, adverb} en plein air Al Hudaydah Hodeida Al Jazeera [/æl dʒəˈziːɹə/] {properNoun} Al Jazeera Al-Andalus {properNoun} Al-Andalus al-Khwarizmi [/ælˈxwɑrɪzˌmi/] {properNoun} Al-Khwarizmi Al-Qaeda Al-Qaïda al-Qaeda [/æl ˈkaɪdə/ | /ɒl ˈkaɪdə/] {properNoun} Al-Qaida ala of nose aile du nez Alabama [/ˌæ.lə.ˈbæ.mə/] {properNoun} Alabama Alabamian [/ˌæləˈbæmi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most Alabamian, more Alabamian, Alabamians) Alabamain alabarch {noun} (alabarchs) alabarque alabaster [/ˈæl.əˌbæs.tɚ/ | /ˈæl.əˌbɑːs.tə/] {adjective, noun} (alabasters) albâtre Alacaluf alacalufe alack [/əˈlæk/] {interjection} hélas alacrity [[əˈlækɹɨti]] {noun} (alacrities) empressement | alacrité | rapidité Aladdin {properNoun} Aladin Alago alago Alan [/ˈæl.ən/] {noun, properNoun} (Alans, Alani) Alain Aland {properNoun} les îles d'Åland Alander {noun, properNoun} (Alanders) Ålandais alane {noun} (alanes) alane alanine {noun} (alanines) alanine alano español alano espagnol alar {adjective} ailé Alaric {properNoun} (Alarics) Alaric alarm [/əˈlɑɹm/ | /əˈlɑːm/] {noun, verb} (alarms, alarmed, alarming) alarme | alarmer | donner/sonner l'alerte | réveil | réveille-matin alarm clock {noun} (alarm clocks) réveil | réveille-matin alarm system {noun} (alarm systems) système d’alarme alarmbell tocsin alarming [/ə.ˈlɑɹm.ɪŋ/ | /ə.ˈlɑːm.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more alarming, most alarming) alarmant alarmingly [/ə.ˈlɑɹm.ɪŋ.li/ | /ə.ˈlɑːm.ɪŋ.li/] {adverb} (most alarmingly, more alarmingly) horriblement alarmism {noun} (alarmisms) alarmisme alarmist [/əˈlɑɹmɪst/] {adjective, noun} (alarmists) alarmiste alas [/ɘˈlɛs/ | /əˈlæs/] {interjection, noun} (alasses, alases) hélas Alaska [/əˈlæs.kə/] {noun, properNoun} (Alaskas) Alaska Alaska pollock {noun} (Alaska pollock, Alaska pollocks) colin d'Alaska Alaska rabbit alaska Alaskan [/əˈlæskən/] {adjective, noun} (most Alaskan, more Alaskan, Alaskans) Alaskien | alaskien Alaskan hare lièvre d’Alaska Alaskan husky alaskan husky Alaskan klee kai alaskan klee kai Alaskan Malamute {noun} (Alaskan Malamutes) malamute de l’Alaska Alaskan malamute malamute de l’Alaska Alawite {noun} (Alawites) alaouite alb [/alb/ | /ælb/] {noun} (albs) aube alba [/ˈæl.bə/] {noun} (albas) aube albacore [/ˈæl.bə.kɔɹ/] {noun} (albacores) albacore Alban {adjective, properNoun} Alban Albania [/ælˈbeɪ.ni.ə/] {properNoun} Albanie Albanian [/ælˈbeɪ.ni.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Albanian, most Albanian, Albanians) albanais | Albanais | Albanaise Albanian roach épirine lippue Albanianise albaniser Albanianize {verb} (Albanianizes, Albanianized, Albanianizing) albaniser Albanologist {noun} (Albanologists) albanologue Albanology {properNoun} albanologie Albany {properNoun} Albany albata {noun} maillechort albatross [/ˈæl.bəˌtɹɑs/ | /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɒs/ | /ˈæl.bəˌtɹɔs/] {noun} (albatrosses, albatross) albatros albatross around one's neck {noun} poids albedo [/ælˈbi.doʊ/] {noun} (albedoes, albedos) albédo | ziste albeit [/ɔlˈbi.ət/ | /ɔːlˈbiː.ɪt/] {conjunction} bien que | quoique albendazole {noun} (albendazoles) albendazole Alberbury with Cardeston Alberbury with Cardeston Albert [/ˈæl.bɚt/] {noun, properNoun} (Alberts) Albert Alberta [/ˌælˈbɜː(ɹ).tə/] {properNoun} Alberta Albertan {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Albertans) Albertain | Albertaine Albertopolis {properNoun} Albertopolis albertype {noun} (albertypes) albertypie Albi {properNoun} Albi Albin {properNoun} Albin albinism [/ˈælbəˌnɪzəm/] {noun} albinisme albino [/alˈbiːnoː/ | /ælˈbaɪnoʊ/ | /ælˈbiːnəʊ/] {adjective, noun} (albinos, albinoes) albinos Albion [/ˈælbi.ən/ | /ˈælbɪən/] {properNoun} Albion Albiorix {properNoun} Albiorix Albireo {properNoun} Albireo albite {noun} (albites) albite albophobia albophobie albophobic albophobe Albourne Albourne Albrighton {properNoun} Albrighton albuginea {noun} albuginée albugo {noun} (albugoes, albugos) albugo album [/ˈælbəm/] {noun} (alba, albums) album albumen [/ˈalbjʊmɪn/ | /ˈælbjʊmən/] {noun} (albumina, albumens) blanc d’œuf | blanc | glaire albumin [/æl.ˈbjuː.mən/ | /ˈalbjʊmɪn/] {noun} albumine albuminoid {adjective, noun} (most albuminoid, more albuminoid, albuminoids) albuminoïde albuminous [/ælˈbjuː.mɪn.əs/] {adjective} albuminé albuminuria {noun} albuminurie albumose {noun} (albumoses) albumose Albuquerque [/ˈæl.bə.ˌkəɹ.ki/] {properNoun} Albuquerque Alburgh Alburgh alburnum {noun} (alburnums) aubier Albury {properNoun} (Alburys) Albury Alby with Thwaite Alby with Thwaite Alcaeus {properNoun} Alcée Alcaic [/ælˈkeɪɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most Alcaic, more Alcaic, Alcaics) alcaïque alcarraza {noun} (alcarrazas) alcarazas alcazar [/ˌalkəˈzɑː/ | /ˌælkəˈzɑɹ/] {noun} (alcazars) alcazar Alcester Alcester alchemical {adjective} alchimique alchemist [/ˈæl.kə.mɪst/] {noun} (alchemists) alchimiste alchemy [/ˈælkəmi/] {noun} (alchemies) alchimie Alcibiades [/ˌælsəˈbaɪədiz/] {properNoun} Alcibiade alcid [/ˈal.sɪd/] {noun} (alcids) alcidé | alque Alciston Alciston Alcmene [/ælkˈmiːni/] {properNoun} Alcmène alcohol [/ˈæl.kə.hɒl/ | /ˈæl.kə.hɔl/ | /ˈɑl.kə.hɔl/] {noun} alcool | boisson alcoolique | boisson alcoolisée alcohol abuse {noun} abus d'alcool alcohol poisoning {noun} intoxication alcoolique alcohol test éthylotest alcohol-free {adjective} sans alcool alcoholaemia {noun} (alcoholaemias) alcoolémie alcoholate {noun} (alcoholates) alcoolat alcoholic [/ˌælkəˈhɑlɪk/ | /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk/ | /ˌælkəˈhɔlɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more alcoholic, most alcoholic, alcoholics) alcoolique | alcoolisé alcoholic drink alcool Alcoholics Anonymous {properNoun} Alcooliques Anonymes alcoholification alcoolification alcoholism [/ˈælkə(ˌ)hɔlˌɪzəm/ | /ˈælkəhɒlˌɪzəm/] {noun} (alcoholisms) alcoolisme alcohologist {noun} (alcohologists) alcoologue alcohology {noun} alcoologie alcoholometer {noun} (alcoholometers) alcoomètre alcoholometric {adjective} (more alcoholometric, most alcoholometric) éthylométrique alcoholometry {noun} alcoométrie alcoholtest éthylotest Alconbury {properNoun} Alconbury Alconbury Weston Alconbury Weston alcopop [/ˈælkəʊ.pɒp/] {noun} (alcopops) prémix alcorexia alcoolorexie Alcorian Alcorien alcove [/ˈæl.kəʊv/] {noun} (alcoves) alcôve Aldborough Aldborough Aldbourne Aldbourne Aldbrough Aldbrough Aldbury Aldbury Aldebaran [/alˈdɛbəɹən/] {properNoun} Aldébaran aldebaranium {noun} aldébaranium Aldeburgh Aldeburgh Aldeby Aldeby aldehyde [/ˈæl.dɨ.haɪd/] {noun} (aldehydes) aldéhyde Aldenham Aldenham alder [/ˈɑldɚ/ | /ˈɔldɚ/ | /ˈɔːldə/] {noun} (alders) aulne | verne alder buckthorn {noun} (alder buckthorns) bourdaine Alderbury Alderbury Aldercar and Langley Mill Aldercar and Langley Mill alderfly [/ˈɔːl.də.flaɪ/] {noun} (alderflies) sialis Alderford Alderford Alderholt Alderholt Alderley Alderley Alderley Edge {properNoun} Alderley Edge alderman {noun} (aldermen) échevin | conseiller municipal Aldermaston [/ˈɔːldəˈmɑːstən/] {properNoun} Aldermaston Alderminster Alderminster Alderney {noun, properNoun} (Alderneys) Aurigny Aldersey Aldersey Aldershot [/ˈɔːldə(ɹ)ˌʃɒt/] {properNoun} Aldershot Alderton Alderton Alderwasley Alderwasley Aldfield Aldfield Aldford Aldford Aldham Aldham Aldine {adjective} aldin Aldingbourne Aldingbourne Aldingham {properNoun} Aldingham Aldington Aldington aldol {noun} (aldols) aldol aldolase {noun} (aldolases) aldolase aldonic {adjective} (most aldonic, more aldonic) aldonique aldopentose {noun} (aldopentoses) aldopentose aldosterone {noun} (aldosterones) aldostérone Aldridge-Brownhills Aldridge-Brownhills Aldringham cum Thorpe Aldringham cum Thorpe Aldsworth Aldsworth Aldwark Aldwark Aldwick Aldwick Aldwincle Aldwincle Aldworth Aldworth ale [/eɪl/] {noun} ale | bière anglaise aleatory [/ˈeɪ.lɪ.ə.tə.ɹi/ | /ˈæ.lɪ.ə.tɔ.ɹi/] {adjective} aléatoire aleatory variable variable aléatoire alecithal {adjective} alécithe alecost {noun} (alecosts) menthe-coq Alecto {properNoun} Alecto alegal [/eɪˈliːɡəl/] {adjective} alégal alegality alégalité Alekano {properNoun} alekano Alemannic [/ˌælɪˈmænɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Alemannic, most Alemannic) alémanique alembic [/əˈlɛmbɪk/] {noun} (alembics) alambic alembroth {noun} alembroth Alentejo {properNoun} Alentejo aleph {noun} (alephs) aleph aleph number {noun} (aleph numbers) aleph Aleppian Alepienne Aleppine {adjective, noun} (Aleppines) Alépin | Alépine | alépin Aleppo [/əˈlɛpoʊ/ | /əˈlɛpəʊ/] {properNoun} Alep Aleppo pine pin d’Alep alerion {noun} (alerions) alérion alert [/əˈlɜːt/ | /əˈlɝt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (alerts, alerted, alerting, most alert, more alert) alerte | alarme alertness [/əˈlɝt.nəs/] {noun} (alertnesses) surveillance Alesia Alésia Alessandria {properNoun} Alexandrie alethic [/əˈliːθɪk/] {adjective} (more alethic, most alethic) aléthique alethiology {noun} aléthiologie aleurodophagous {adjective} aleurodiphage aleuromancy {noun} aleuromancie aleurometer [/ˌæljəˈɹɑmɪtɚ/ | /ˌæljʊˈɹɒmɪtə(ɹ)/] {noun} (aleurometers) aleuromètre aleurone [/əˈl(j)ʊəɹəʊn/] {noun} (aleurones)

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