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americium [/ˌæməˈɹɪsiəm/] {noun} américium americium-bearing américié Americo-Japanese nippo-américain americomania américomanie Amerindian [/ˌæməˈɹɪndi.ən/] {noun} (Amerindians) amérindien Amersham [/ˈæməɹʃəm/] {properNoun} Amersham amertoy terrier amertoy terrier Amesbury {properNoun} Amesbury Ameslan {properNoun} langue des signes américaine amethyst [/ˈæm.ə.θɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more amethyst, most amethyst, amethysts) améthyste amethyst deceiver {noun} (amethyst deceivers) laccaire améthyste amethyst sea holly panicaut améthyste ametrine {noun} amétrine ametropia {noun} amétropie ametropic {adjective} (more ametropic, most ametropic) amétrope Amharic [/æmˈhæɹɪk/] {properNoun} amharique Ami ami amiable [/ˈeɪ.mi.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (most amiable, more amiable) aimable | affable | avenant amiably {adverb} (more amiably, most amiably) affablement amianthus {noun} amiante amicability {noun} amicalité amicable [/ˈæ.mɨ.kə.bəl/] {adjective} (most amicable, more amicable) digestif amice {noun} (amices) amict amid [/əˈmɪd/] {preposition} entre | parmi | au milieu de | entouré de amide [/ˈeɪ.maɪd/ | /ˈæ.maɪd/ | /ˈæ.mɪd/] {noun} (amides) amide | amidure amidopyrine {noun} (amidopyrines) amidopyrine amidst [/aˈmɪdst/] {preposition} au milieu de Amiens {properNoun} Amiens amikacin {noun} amikacine amimia {noun} amimie amimic {adjective} amimique aminal {noun} (aminals) amine amine [/əˈ.miːn/ | /ˈeɪ.miːn/ | /ˈæ.miːn/ | /ˈæ.mɪn/] {noun} (amines) amine amine oxide {noun} (amine oxides) oxyde d'amine amine ylide {noun} (amine ylides) ylure d'ammonium Amington Amington amino acid {noun} (amino acids) acide aminé aminobenzene {noun} aminobenzène aminoglycocide aminoglycoside aminoglycoside {noun} (aminoglycosides) aminoside aminogram {noun} (aminograms) aminogramme aminomethyl {adjective, noun} (aminomethyls) aminométhyle aminomethylpyrimidinylhydroxyethylmethythiazolium aminométhylpyrimidinylhydroxyéthylméthythiazolium aminooxoacetic acid acide oxamique Amis {noun, properNoun} amis Amisfield Amisfield Amish [/ˈɑː.mɪʃ/] {adjective, properNoun} Amish amiss [/əˈmɪs/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (most amiss, more amiss, amisses) mal amission {noun} amission amisulpride {noun} amisulpride amitosis {noun} (amitoses) amitose amity [/ˈæ.mɪ.ti/] {noun} (amities) amitié amixia amixie amixis amixie amla {noun} (amlas) amla amlu amlou Amlwch {properNoun} Amlwch Amman [/ɑːˈmɑːn/ | /əˈmɑːn/] {properNoun} Amman Ammanford Ammanford ammeter {noun} (ammeters) ampèremètre ammocoete {noun} (ammocoetes) ammocète ammodyte {noun} (ammodytes) ammodyte ammonia [/əˈmoʊn.jə/] {noun} ammoniac | ammoniaque ammonia liquor ammoniaque ammonia solution ammoniaque ammonia water ammoniaque ammoniac {adjective, noun} (most ammoniac, more ammoniac) ammoniacal ammoniacal [/aməˈnʌɪəkəl/] {adjective} ammonique ammoniagenesis {noun} ammoniogenèse ammonic {adjective} ammoniac | ammoniaque ammonical {adjective} (more ammonical, most ammonical) ammoniac | ammoniaque ammonical liquor ammoniaque ammonification {noun} ammonification ammoniogenesis ammoniogenèse ammonite {noun} (ammonites) ammonite ammonitic {adjective} ammonitique ammonium [/əˈmoʊni.əm/] {noun} (ammoniums) ammonium ammonium carbonate {noun} carbonate d’ammonium ammonium chloride {noun} chlorure d'ammonium ammonium hydroxide {noun} ammoniaque ammonization ammonisation ammonotelism {noun} ammoniotélie ammophilapoaceae ammophile ammunition [/ˌæmjuˈnɪʃən/] {noun, verb} (ammunitions, ammunitioning, ammunitioned) munitions | balle amnesia [/æmˈniːʒə/ | /ˌæmˈniʒə/] {noun} (amnesias, amnesiæ) amnésie amnesiac {noun} (amnesiacs) amnésique amnesic {adjective, noun} (amnesics) amnésique amnesty [/ˈæm.nɪ.sti/] {noun, verb} (amnesties, amnestied, amnestying) amnistie | amnistier amnicolist [/æmˈnɪkəlɪst/] {noun} (amnicolists) riverain amnicolous {adjective} amnicole amniocentesis [/ˌamnɪə(ʊ)sɛnˈtiːsɪs/] {noun} (amniocenteses) amniocentèse amniomancy {noun} amniomancie amnion [/ˈæm.nɪ.ɑːn/ | /ˈæm.nɪ.ɒn/] {noun} (amnions, amnia) amnios amnioscopy {noun} (amnioscopies) amnioscopie amniotic [/æmniˈɑːtɪk/ | /æmniˈɒtɪk/] {adjective} amniotique amniotic fluid {noun} (amniotic fluids) liquide amniotique amniotic sac {noun} (amniotic sacs) sac amniotique Amo {properNoun} (Amos) amo amoeba [/əˈmiːbə/] {noun} (amoebae, amoebas) amibe amoebiasis {noun} (amoebiases) amœbose amok [/əˈmɒk/] {adverb, noun} (most amok, more amok, amoks) amok among [/əˈmʌŋ/] {preposition} parmi among other things {adverb} entre autres among which dont amongst [/əˈmʌŋst/] {preposition} parmi amongst other things notamment amontillado {noun} amontillado amoral {adjective} (more amoral, most amoral) amoral amoralism {noun} (amoralisms) amoralisme amoralist {noun} (amoralists) amoraliste Amorgos {properNoun} Amorgos Amorites {noun} Amorrites amorous [/ˈæ.mɹəs/] {adjective} (more amorous, most amorous) amoureux amorously [/ˈæ.mə.ɹəs.li/] {adverb} (more amorously, most amorously) amoureusement amorphous [/əˈmɔɹfəs/] {adjective} (more amorphous, most amorphous) amorphe amortisation {noun} (amortisations) amortissement amortise {verb} (amortises, amortised, amortising) amortir amortization [/əˌmɔːtəˈzeɪʃən/ | /ˌæmɚtəˈzeɪʃən/] {noun} amortissement amortize [/əˈmɔːtaɪz/ | /ˈæmɚtaɪz/] {verb} (amortizes, amortized, amortizing) amortir amortized {verb} amorti Amory {properNoun} Amaury Amos [/ˈeɪ.məs/] {properNoun} Amos Amotherby Amotherby amount [/əˈmaʊnt/] {noun, verb} (amounts, amounted, amounting) montant | quantité | correspondre | monter amount of substance {noun} (amounts of substance) quantité de matière amount to s’élever amour [/əˈmʊə/ | [ɑ.mɔɹ]] {noun} amant amoxicillin [/əˌmɑk.sɪˈsɪ.lɪn/] {noun} amoxicilline AMP {noun} AMP amp [/æmp/] {noun, verb} (amps, amped, amping) amplificateur ampallang {noun} (ampallangs) ampallang ampelite {noun} (ampelites) ampélite ampelography {noun} ampélographie ampelophagous {adjective} ampélophage ampelopsis [/ampɪˈlɒpsɪs/] {noun} (ampelopsises) ampélopsis ampelotherapy {noun} ampélothérapie amperage {noun} (amperages) ampérage ampere [/ˈæmˌpɛər/ | /ˈæmˌpɪər/] {noun} (amperes) ampère ampere per square centimeter ampère par centimètre carré ampere per square centimetre ampère par centimètre carré ampere per square meter ampère par mètre carré ampere per square metre ampère par mètre carré ampere-hour {noun} (ampere-hours) ampère-heure Amperian {adjective} ampérien amperometric {adjective} ampérométrique ampersand [/ˈæm.pə(ɹ).sænd/] {noun, verb} (ampersands, ampersanded, ampersanding) esperluette ampersat [/ˈæm.pə.sæt/ | /ˈæm.pɚ.sæt/] {noun} (ampersats) arobase Ampfield Ampfield amphetamine [/æmˈfɛtəmin/] {noun} amphétamine amphiarthrosis {noun} (amphiarthroses) amphiarthrose amphiaster {noun} (amphiasters) amphiaster amphiberingian {adjective} amphibéringien amphibian [/æmˈfɪbɪən/] {adjective, noun} (more amphibian, most amphibian, amphibians) amphibien | batracien amphibiosis amphibiose amphibious [[æmˈfɪbi.əs]] {adjective} amphibie amphibole {noun} (amphiboles) amphibole amphibolic {adjective} (most amphibolic, more amphibolic) amphibolique amphibolite {noun} (amphibolites) amphibolite amphibology [/amfɪˈbɒlədʒi/] {noun} (amphibologies) amphibologie amphibrach [/ˈam.fɪ.bɹak/] {noun} (amphibrachs) amphibraque amphicarpic {adjective} amphicarpe amphicarpous {adjective} amphicarpe amphicarpy {noun} amphicarpie amphicontinental {adjective} amphicontinental amphictyon {noun} (amphictyons) amphictyon amphictyonic {adjective} amphictyonique amphictyony {noun} (amphictyonies) amphictyonie amphidetic {adjective} amphidète amphihaline {adjective} amphihalin amphimixis {noun} (amphimixes) amphimixie amphioxus {noun} (amphioxuses, amphioxi) amphioxus amphipalearctic amphipaléarctique amphipathic [/ˌam.fɪˈpaθ.ɪk/ | /ˌæm.fəˈpæ.θɪk/] {adjective} amphipathique amphiphile {noun} (amphiphiles) amphiphile amphiphilic {adjective} (more amphiphilic, most amphiphilic) amphiphile amphipod [/ˈam.fɪ.pɒd/] {noun} (amphipods) amphipode amphipodiform {adjective} (more amphipodiform, most amphipodiform) amphipodiforme amphiprostyle {adjective, noun} (amphiprostyles) amphiprostyle amphiprotic {adjective} (more amphiprotic, most amphiprotic) amphotère amphiptere amphiptère amphisbaena [/æmfɪsˈbiːnə/] {noun} (amphisbaenas) amphisbène amphisbæna [/æmfɪsˈbiːnə/] {noun} (amphisbænas, amphisbænæ) amphisbène amphitheater {noun} (amphitheaters) amphithéâtre amphitheatre [/ˈæm.pəˌθi.(j)ə.tɚ/ | /ˈæmfɪˌθiːətə/] {noun} (amphitheatres) amphithéâtre amphitheatrical {adjective} (most amphitheatrical, more amphitheatrical) amphithéâtral amphitrichous {adjective} amphitriche Amphitrite [/ˌæm.fɪˈtɹaɪ.ti/] {properNoun} Amphitrite amphitropic {adjective} amphitrope Amphitryon {noun} (Amphitryons) Amphitryon amphocholeretic {adjective} amphocholérétique amphogenic {adjective} amphogène ampholyte {noun} (ampholytes) ampholyte ampholytic {adjective} (most ampholytic, more ampholytic) amphotère amphora [/ˈæm.fə.ɹə/] {noun} (amphorae, amphoras) amphore amphoric {adjective} amphorique amphoteric {adjective} (more amphoteric, most amphoteric) amphotère ampicillin [/æm.pɪ-sɪ-lɪn/] {noun} ampicilline ample [/ˈæm.pəl/] {adjective} (amplest, ampler) ample Ampleforth Ampleforth amplexus {noun} amplexe amplicon {noun} (amplicons) produit d’amplification amplifiable {adjective} amplifiable amplifiable plasmid plasmide amplifiable amplification [/ˌæmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} amplification amplification product produit d’amplification amplificatory {adjective} (most amplificatory, more amplificatory) amplificateur amplified sequence séquence amplifiée amplifier [/ˈæm.plə.faɪ.ə/ | /ˈæm.plə.faɪ.əɹ/] {noun} (amplifiers) amplificateur amplify [/ˈæmp.lɪ.faɪ/] {verb} (amplifies, amplified, amplifying) amplifier amplitude [/ˈæm.plɪ.tud/] {noun} amplitude amplitude modulation {noun} modulation d'amplitude amply [/ˈæmp.li/] {adverb} (more amply, most amply) amplement Ampney Crucis Ampney Crucis Ampney St Mary Ampney St Mary Ampney St Peter Ampney St Peter Amport Amport ampoule [/ˈæm.pjuːl/ | /ˈæm.puːl/] {noun} (ampoules) ampoule Ampthill {properNoun} Ampthill Ampton Ampton Ampulla of Vater ampoule de Vater amputate [/ˈæmpjʊteɪt/] {verb} (amputates, amputating, amputated) amputer amputation {noun} amputation amputee {noun} (amputees) amputé ampyx {noun} ampyx amrita {noun} amrita Amroth Amroth amsonia {noun} (amsonias) amsonie Amsterdam [/ˈæmstəɹˌdæm/ | /ˌæmstəˈdæm/] {properNoun} Amsterdam Amsterdam albatross albatros d’Amsterdam Amsterdam balloon cropper boulant d’Amsterdam Amsterdamer {noun} (Amsterdamers) Amstellodamois | Amstellodamoise AMT {properNoun} AMT AMU {noun, properNoun} (AMUs) UMA amulet [/ˈæm.jə.lɪt/] {noun} (amulets) amulette Amulree Amulree Amun {properNoun} Amon Amur {properNoun} Amour Amur falcon {noun} (Amur falcons) faucon de l'Amour Amur leopard {noun} (Amur leopards) panthère de l’Amour amurca {noun} (amurcas) margine amuse [/əˈmjuːz/] {verb} (amuses, amusing, amused) amuser | divertir amusement [/əˈmjuzmənt/] {noun} amusement amusement park {noun} (amusement parks) parc d'attractions amusia {noun} amusie amusing [/əˈmjuːzɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most amusing, more amusing) amusant | divertissant | amusante | divertissante | drôle Amyclae Amyclées amygdala [/əˈmɪɡ.də.lə/] {noun} (amygdalae, amygdalas) amygdale cérébrale Amygdalin amygdaloside amygdalin {noun} amygdaline amyl [/ˈæ.mɪl/] {adjective, noun} (amyls) amyle amyl- amyl- amylase [/ˈæmɪleɪs/] {noun} amylase amyloid {adjective, noun} (most amyloid, more amyloid, amyloids) amyloïde amyloidosis {noun} (amyloidoses) amyloïdose amylopectin {noun} (amylopectins) amylopectine amylose {noun} amylose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis {noun} SLA | maladie de Lou Gehrig | sclérose latérale amyotrophique américainerie américainerie an [/æn/ | /ən/] {article, conjunction, noun, numeral, preposition} (ans) un | une an apple a day keeps the doctor away [/əˈn‿æ.pəl‿ə ˈdeɪ ˈkips ðə ˈdɑk.tɚ əˈweɪ/ | /əˈn‿æ.pəl‿ə ˈdeɪ ˈkiːps ðə ˈdɒk.təɹ‿əˈweɪ/] {proverb} chaque jour une pomme conserve son homme | une pomme chaque matin éloigne le médecin an arm and a leg {noun} (arms and legs) coûter la peau des fesses | coûter la peau du cul | coûter les yeux de la tête an eye for an eye œil pour œil an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth œil pour œil, dent pour dent an iron fist in a velvet glove une main de fer dans un gant de velours an iron hand in a velvet glove une main de fer dans un gant de velours an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure {proverb} mieux vaut prévenir que guérir Anabaptism [/ænəˈbæptɪzm/] {noun} anabaptisme Anabaptist {adjective, noun} (more Anabaptist, most Anabaptist, Anabaptists) anabaptiste anabasis [/əˈnæbəsɪs/] {noun} (anabases) anabase anabiosis {noun} (anabioses) anabiose anabolic {adjective, noun} (anabolics) anabolisant anabolic steroid {noun} (anabolic steroids) anabolisant anabolism [/ə.ˈnæ.bə.ˌlɪ.zəm/] {noun} (anabolisms) anabolisme anachoretic {adjective} anachorétique anachoretism anachorétisme anachronism [/əˈnæ.kɹə.nɪ.z(ə)m/] {noun} anachronisme anachronistic [/əˌnæk.ɹəˈnɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more anachronistic, most anachronistic) anachronique anachronistically [/əˌnækɹəˈnɪstɪkli/] {adverb} (more anachronistically, most anachronistically) anachroniquement anachronous {adjective} (more anachronous, most anachronous) anachronique anaclastic {adjective} anaclastique anaclitic [/ænəˈklɪtɪk/] {adjective} anaclitique anacoluthon [/ænəkəˈluːθɒn/] {noun} (anacolutha, anacoluthons) anacoluthe anaconda [/ˌænəˈkɒndə/] {noun, properNoun} (anacondas) anaconda Anacreon [/əˈnækɹiən/] {properNoun} Anacréon anacreontic [/əˌnækɹiˈɒntɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most anacreontic, more anacreontic, anacreontics) anacréontique anacrusis [/anəˈkɹuːsɪs/] {noun} (anacruses) anacrouse anacyclosis {noun} anacyclose anadiplosis {noun} (anadiploses) anadiplose anadrome [/ˈæ.nə.dɹoʊm/] {noun} (anadromes) anacyclique anadromic {adjective} potamotoque anadromous [/əˈnad.ɹə.məs/ | /əˈnæd.ɹə.məs/] {adjective} anadrome anaemia {noun} anémie anaemic {adjective, noun} (more anaemic, most anaemic, anaemics) anémique anaerobic [/ˌænəˈɹoʊbik/] {adjective} anaérobique anaerobic digester biodigesteur anaerobic digestion digestion anaérobie anaesthesia {noun} anesthésie anaesthetic {adjective, noun} (more anaesthetic, most anaesthetic, anaesthetics) anesthésique anaesthetize {verb} (anaesthetizes, anaesthetizing, anaesthetized) anesthésier anagnorisis {noun} (anagnorises) anagnorisis anagoge [/anəˈɡəʊdʒi/] {noun} anagogie anagogic {adjective} (most anagogic, more anagogic) anagogique anagogical {adjective} (most anagogical, more anagogical) anagogique anagogy [/æn.əˈɡɒd͡.ʒi/ | /ˈæn.ə.ɡɒ.d͡ʒi/] {noun} (anagogies) anagogie anagram [/ˈæ.nə.ɡɹæm/] {noun, verb} (anagrams, anagramming, anagrammed) anagramme anagrammatically {adverb} (more anagrammatically, most anagrammatically) anagrammatiquement anagrammatise {verb} (anagrammatises, anagrammatised, anagrammatising) anagrammatiser Anal [/ə.nʌl/] {noun, properNoun} (Anals) anal anal [/ˈeɪ.nəl/] {adjective, noun} (most anal, more anal) anal anal beads {noun} chapelet Thaï anal fin {noun} (anal fins) nageoire anale anal probe sonde anale anal sex {noun} sexe anal | sodomie anal sphincter {noun} (anal sphincters) sphincter anal anal-retentive {adjective} (more anal-retentive, most anal-retentive) pédant analcime {noun} analcime analect analecte Analects {properNoun} Analectes | Entretiens de Confucius analemma [/ˌænəˈlɛmə/] {noun} (analemmas, analemmata) analemme analepsis {noun} (analepses) analepse analeptic [/ˌænəˈlɛptɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most analeptic, more analeptic, analeptics) analeptique analgesia [/ˌæn.əlˈd͡ʒiː.zi.ə/ | /ˌæn.əlˈd͡ʒiː.ʒə/] {noun} analgie | analgésie analgesic [/ˌæn.l̩ˈdʒiː.zɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more analgesic, most analgesic, analgesics) analgésique anallagmatic {adjective} anallagmatique anallergic anallergique anally {adverb} (most anally, more anally) analement analog [/ˈæ.nə.lɑɡ/ | /ˈæ.nə.lɒɡ/ | /ˈæ.nə.lɔɡ/] {adjective, noun} (analogs) analogique | analogue analog clock {noun} (analog clocks) horloge analogique analog signal {noun} (analog signals) signal analogique analog simulator simulateur analogique analog switching commutation analogique analog transmission transmission analogique analog-to-digital converter {noun} (analog-to-digital converters) convertisseur A/N analogical {adjective} analogique analogically {adverb} analogiquement analogous [/əˈnæl.ə.dʒəs/ | /əˈnæl.ə.ɡəs/] {adjective} (more analogous, most analogous) analogue analogously [/əˈnæl.ə.ɡəs.li/] {adverb} (more analogously, most analogously) analoguement | de façon analogue analogue {adjective, noun} (analogues) analogique analogue signal signal analogique analogue simulator simulateur analogique analogue switching commutation analogique analogue transmission transmission analogique analogue-to-digital converter convertisseur A/N analogy [/əˈnæləd͡ʒi/] {noun} (analogies) analogie analphabet [/ænˈælfəbɛt/ | /ˌæˈnælfəbɛt/] {adjective, noun} (more analphabet, most analphabet, analphabets) analphabète analphabetic {adjective, noun} (most analphabetic, more analphabetic, analphabetics) analphabète analphabetism {noun} analphabétisme analysable {adjective} (most analysable, more analysable) analysable analyse {verb} (analyses, analysed, analysing) analyser analyser {noun} (analysers) analyseur analysis [/əˈnælɪsɪs/] {noun} (analyses) analyse analyst {noun} (analysts) analyste | psychanalyste analyte {noun} (analytes) analyte analytic [/ˌænəˈlɪtɪk/] {adjective} (most analytic, more analytic) analytique analytical [/æn.əˈlɪt.ə.kəl/] {adjective} (most analytical, more analytical) analytique analytical chemist analyste analytically [/æn.əˈlɪt.ɪk.əl.li/] {adverb} (more analytically, most analytically) analytiquement analyticity {noun} analyticité analytics [/ænəˈlɪtɪks/] {noun} analytique analyzable {adjective} (most analyzable, more analyzable) analysable analyze [/ˈæn.ə.laɪz/] {verb} (analyzes, analyzing, analyzed) analyser Anambra waxbill astrild du Niger anamnesis [/ˌænæmˈniːsɪs/] {noun} (anamneses) anamnèse anamnestic {adjective} (most anamnestic, more anamnestic) anamnestique anamorphic [/ˌænəˈmɔɹfɪk/ | /ˌænəˈmɔːfɪk/] {adjective} anamorphique anamorphosis {noun} (anamorphoses) anamorphose Anang {noun} anang Ananke [/əˈnæŋki/] {properNoun} Ananké Anansi {properNoun} Anansi ananym {noun} (ananyms) ananyme anapaest [/ˈæ.nə.piːst/] {noun} (anapaests) anapeste anapaestic {adjective, noun} (anapaestics) anapestique anapest [/ˈæ.nə.piːst/] {noun} (anapests) anapeste anapestic [/ˌæ.nə.ˈpiː.stɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more anapestic, most anapestic, anapestics) anapestique anaphase [/ˈænəˌfeɪz/] {noun} (anaphases) anaphase anaphonesis anaphonèse anaphora [/ænəˈfɔɹə/] {noun} (anaphors, anaphoras, anaphora) anaphore anaphoresis {noun} anaphorèse anaphoric {adjective} (more anaphoric, most anaphoric) anaphorique anaphrodisiac {adjective, noun} (anaphrodisiacs) anaphrodisiaque anaphylactic {adjective} anaphylactique anaphylactic shock {noun} choc anaphylactique anaphylaxis {noun} (anaphylaxes) anaphylaxie anaplasmosis {noun} (anaplasmoses) anaplasmose anapsid {adjective, noun} (anapsids) anapside anapsid reptile anapsidé anaptyxis [/ˌænəpˈtɪksɪs/] {noun} (anaptyxes) anaptyxe anarcat anarchat anarcha-feminism {noun} anarcha-féminisme anarchic [/ænˈɑɹ.kɪk/ | /ænˈɑː.kɪk/] {adjective} (most anarchic, more anarchic) anarchique | anarchiste anarchical {adjective} (most anarchical, more anarchical) anarchique anarchism [/ˈænəɹˌkɪzəm/] {noun} (anarchisms) anarchisme anarchist [/ˈæn.ɑɹ.kɪst/ | /ˈæn.ə.kɪst/] {adjective, noun} (most anarchist, more anarchist, anarchists) anarchiste anarchistic {adjective} (more anarchistic, most anarchistic) anarchique anarcho-capitalism {noun} anarcho-capitalisme anarcho-punk {adjective} anarcho-punk anarcho-romantic anarcho-romantique anarcho-syndicalism {noun} anarcho-syndicalisme anarcho-syndicalist {adjective, noun} anarchosyndicaliste anarchy [/ˈæ.nə.ki/ | /ˈæn.ɑɹ.ki/] {noun} (anarchies) anarchie anarthria {noun} anarthrie anasarca {noun} anasarque Anastasia [/æn.ə.ˈsteɪ.ʒə/] {properNoun} Anastasia | Anastasie anastasis {noun} (anastases) anastase Anastasius {properNoun} Anastase anastative anastatique anastigmat {noun} (anastigmats) anastigmat anastigmatic {adjective} (more anastigmatic, most anastigmatic) anastigmatique anastomose [/əˈnæs.təˌmoʊz/] {adjective, verb} (most anastomose, more anastomose, anastomoses, anastomosed, anastomosing) anastomoser anastomosis [/ənæstəˈməʊsɪs/] {noun} (anastomoses) anastomose anastomotic {adjective} (most anastomotic, more anastomotic) anastomotique anastrophe {noun} anastrophe anastylosis {noun} anastylose anatase [/ˈænəˌteɪs/ | /ˈænəˌteɪz/] {noun} anatase anatexis {noun} anatexie anatexite {noun} (anatexites) anatexite anathema [/əˈnæθəmə/] {noun} (anathemata, anathemas) anathème anathematic {adjective} anathématique anathematism {noun} (anathematisms) anathématisme anathematization {noun} anathématisation anathematize [/əˈnæ.θə.mə.taɪz/] {verb} (anathematizes, anathematized, anathematizing) anathématiser anatid {noun} (anatids) anatidé anationalism anationalisme Anatole {properNoun} Anatole Anatoli [/æ.nə.ˈtɑ.li/ | /ˌæ.nə.ˈtɒ.li/] {properNoun} Anatole | Anatoli Anatolia [/ˌænəˈtəʊli.ə/] {properNoun} (Anatolias) Anatolie Anatolian [/anəˈtəʊlɪən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Anatolians) anatolien anatolian shepherd dog berger d’Anatolie Anatolius {properNoun} Anatole anatomic piece pièce anatomique anatomic portion pièce anatomique anatomical [/æ.nə.ˈtɑ.mɪ.kəl/] {adjective} anatomique anatomical snuff box tabatière anatomique anatomically {adverb} anatomiquement anatomist [/əˈnæt.ə.mɪst/] {noun} (anatomists) anatomiste anatomy [/əˈnætəmi/] {noun} (anatomies) anatomie anatoxin {noun} anatoxine Anavros Anauros Anaxagoras {properNoun} Anaxagore Ancaster Ancaster ancestor [/ˈæn.sɛs.tə/ | /ˈæn.sɛs.tɚ/] {noun, verb} (ancestors, ancestored, ancestoring) ancêtre ancestors [/ˈæn.sɛs.təz/ | /ˈæn.sɛs.tɚz/] {noun, verb} ancêtres ancestral [/ænˈsɛs.təɹ.əl/] {adjective} ancestral ancestress [/ˈæn.sɛs.tɹəs/ | /ˈæn.sɛs.tɹɪs/] {noun} (ancestresses) ancêtre ancestrology ancestrologie ancestry [/ˈæn.sɛs.tɹi/] {noun} (ancestries) ascendance anchimeric assistance {noun} (anchimeric assistances) assistance anchimère Anchises [/æŋˈkaɪ.siːz/] {properNoun} Anchise anchitherium anchitherium anchor [/ˈæŋ.kə/ | /ˈæŋ.kɚ/] {noun, verb} (anchors, anchoring, anchored) ancre | ancrer anchor windlass guinda anchor's aweigh {interjection} larguez les amarres Anchorage [/ˈæŋ.kə.ɹɪdʒ/] {properNoun} Anchorage anchorage {noun} ancrage anchoring {noun, verb} ancrage anchorite {noun} (anchorites) anachorète anchorman {noun} (anchormen) présentateur anchorwoman {noun} (anchorwomen) ancre anchovy [/ˈæn.tʃoʊ.vi/ | /ˈæn.tʃə.vi/] {noun} (anchovies) anchois Ancien Régime {properNoun} Ancien Régime ancient [/ˈeɪn.(t)ʃənt/] {adjective, noun} (ancientest, most ancient, more ancient, ancienter, ancients) antique | ancien Ancient Egypt {properNoun} Égypte antique Ancient Greece {properNoun} Grèce antique Ancient Greek {adjective, noun, properNoun} grec ancien ancient history {noun} Antiquité | histoire ancienne ancient ligurian ligure ancien ancient monument {noun} (ancient monuments) monument Ancient of Days {properNoun} Ancien des jours Ancient Rome {properNoun} Rome antique ancientness {noun} (ancientnesses) ancienneté ancillary [/ˈænsəˌleɹiː/] {adjective, noun} (most ancillary, more ancillary, ancillaries) accessoire | aide à la personne | ancillaire | auxiliaire | boy | domestique Ancona {noun, properNoun} (Anconas) Ancône Ancroft Ancroft Ancrum {properNoun} (Ancrums) Ancrum Ancus {properNoun} Ancus Ancylostoma duodenale ankylostome duodénal AND {noun, verb} (ANDs, ANDing, ANDed) ET and [/ænd/ | /ənd/] {conjunction, noun, verb} (ands, anding, anded) et | et puis and all {phraseologicalUnit} et ainsi de suite | et cætera | et tout | et tout et tout | et tout le reste | et tout le tremblement and change {phraseologicalUnit} et des | et des broquilles | et des brouettes | et des poussières and how [/ˈænd ˈhaʊ/] {phraseologicalUnit} assurément | et comment | un peu mon neveu and sign esperluette and so forth {phraseologicalUnit} et cetera | etc. | et ainsi de suite | et tout et tout and so on {phraseologicalUnit} consort and so on and so forth j’en passe et des meilleurs and the like {phraseologicalUnit} et ainsi de suite | et compagnie | et patin-couffin | et tout le tintouin and the whole gamut et tout le bataclan and the whole kit and caboodle et tout le bataclan and the whole shebang et tout le bataclan and then some {phraseologicalUnit} c'est rien de le dire | et pas qu'un peu and whatnot {phraseologicalUnit} et compagnie | et tout le bataclan | et tout le toutim | et tutti quanti and/or [/ˈændɔː(ɹ)/] {conjunction} et/ou Andalusia [/ˌændəˈluːsi.ə/] {properNoun} Andalousie Andalusian {adjective, noun} (Andalusians) Andalou | Andaloue | PRE | Pure race espagnole | andalou andalusian andalouse Andalusian Arabic {properNoun} arabe andalou | arabe espagnol andalusian black andalouse andalusian blond andalouse andalusian grey andalouse Andalusian hemipode turnix d’Andalousie Andalusian horse pure race espagnole andalusite {noun} andalousite Andaman and Nicobar Islands {properNoun} îles Andaman-et-Nicobar Andaman Islands [/ˈæn.də.mən ˈaɪ.ləndz/] {properNoun} îles Andaman andante {adjective, adverb, noun} (andantes) andante andantino {adverb} (most andantino, more andantino) andantino Andaqui andaquí Andean [/ænˈdiː.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Andeans) andin | andine Andean condor {noun} (Andean condors) condor des Andes Andean flamingo {noun} (Andean flamingos) flamant des Andes andean flamingo flamant des Andes Andean fox renard de Magellan Andean lupin lupin changeant Andean slender mouse opossum opossum-souris pâle Andean white-eared opossum opossum à oreilles blanches des Andes Anderby Anderby Anderson [/ˈæn.dɚ.sən/] {properNoun} Anderson Anderson’s four-eyed opossum opossum noir Anderson’s mousse opossum opossum-souris d’Anderson Anderton {properNoun} Anderton Anderton with Marbury Anderton with Marbury Andes [/ˈæn.diːz/] {properNoun} Andes | Cordillère des Andes andesite {noun} andésite Andhra Pradesh [/ˌæn.dɹə pɹəˈdɛʃ/] {properNoun} Andhra Pradesh Andi {properNoun} andi andiron {noun} (andirons) chenet andisol {noun} (andisols) andosol Andoa {properNoun} andoa Andorian andorien Andorra [/ænˈdɔɹ.ə/ | /ænˈdɔː.ɹə/] {properNoun} Andorre Andorra la Vella [/ænˈdɔː.ɹə lə ˈveɪl.jə/] {properNoun} Andorre-la-Vieille Andorran [/ænˈdɔːɹən/] {adjective, noun} (Andorrans) Andorran | andorran | Andorrane | andorrane Andover [/ˈændoʊvə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Andover Andoversford {properNoun} Andoversford andradite {noun} (andradites) andradite andragogic {adjective} andragogique andragogy [/ˈan.dɹə.ɡɒ.dʒi/] {noun} andragogie Andrea [/ænˈdɹeɪə/ | /ˈændɹi.ə/] {properNoun} Andrée Andrew [/ˈæn.dɹuː/] {properNoun} André andrewsarchus {noun} (andrewsarchuses) andrewsarchus Andrews’ beaked whale baleine à bec d’Andrews androcentrism {noun} androcentrisme androcephalous {adjective} androcéphale androcracy {noun} (androcracies) androcratie androcrat phallocrate androcratic {adjective} (more androcratic, most androcratic) phallocratique androdioecious {adjective} androdioïque androdioecy {noun} androdiœcie androdynamic {adjective} androdyname androecium {noun} (androecia) androcée androgen {noun} (androgens) androgène androgenesis {noun} androgenèse androgenic {adjective} (more androgenic, most androgenic) androgénique androgenism {noun} androgénisme androgeny androgénie androgyne [/ˈæn.dɹə.dʒaɪn/] {noun} (androgynes) androgyne androgynous [/ænˈdɹɑd͡ʒ.ən.əs/ | /ænˈdɹɒd͡ʒ.ɪn.əs/] {adjective} (most androgynous, more androgynous) androgyne | asexué | hermaphrodite androgyny [/ænˈdɹɑdʒəni/ | /ænˈdɹɒdʒəni/] {noun} (androgynies) androgynie android [/ˈænˌdɹɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (most android, more android, androids) androïde andrologist {noun} (andrologists) andrologue andrology {noun} andrologie Andromache [/ænˈdɹɒməki/] {properNoun} Andromaque Andromeda [/ænˈdɹɑmɪdə/ | /ænˈdɹɒmɪdə/] {properNoun} Andromède Andromeda Galaxy {properNoun} galaxie d'Andromède andromorph {noun} (andromorphs) andromorphe andromorphic {adjective} (most andromorphic, more andromorphic) andromorphe andron {noun} (androns) andrôn andropause {noun} andropause androphobe {noun} androphobe androphobia {noun} androphobie andropogon {noun} (andropogons) andropogon Andros {properNoun} Andros | Ándhros androsphinx {noun} (androsphinxes) androsphinx androstadienone {noun} androstadiénone androstenedione {noun} androstènedione androsterone {noun} androstérone androtomy {noun} androtomie Andy [/ˈæn.di/] {properNoun} Andy anecdotal [/ˌænɪkˈdoʊtl̩/] {adjective} (most anecdotal, more anecdotal) anecdotique anecdotally {adverb} (more anecdotally, most anecdotally) anecdotiquement anecdote [/ˈæ.nɪk.doʊt/] {noun, verb} (anecdotes, anecdoted, anecdoting) anecdote anecdotism anecdotisme anecdotist {noun} (anecdotists) anecdotier | anecdotiste | anecdotière anecdysis anecdysis anechoic {adjective} (most anechoic, more anechoic) anéchoïque anechoic chamber chambre anéchoïque anechoic room chambre anéchoïque anecic {adjective} anécique anelace [/ˈæ.nəˌleɪs/] {noun} (anelaces) anelace anelastic {adjective} anélastique Anelog Anelog anemia [/əˈnimi.ə/] {noun} (anemiæ, anemiae, anemias) anémie anemic [/ʌˈni.mɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most anemic, more anemic, anemics) anémique anemo- {prefix} anémo- anemochorous {adjective} anémochore anemochory {noun} anémochorie anemograph {noun} (anemographs) anémographe anemometer [/ænɪˈmɑːmətɚ/ | /ænɪˈmɒmətə/] {noun} (anemometers) anémomètre anemometre {noun} (anemometres) anémomètre anemone [/əˈnɛm.ə.ni/ | /əˈnɛn.ə.mi/] {noun} (anemones) anémone anemonefish {noun} (anemonefish, anemonefishes) poisson-clown anemonin {noun} anémonine anemophilous {adjective} anémophile anencephalic {adjective} anencéphale anencephaly [/ænɪnˈsɛfəlɪ/] {noun} (anencephalies) anencéphalie anergic {adjective} (most anergic, more anergic) anergique anergize {verb} (anergizes, anergizing, anergized) anergiser anergy {noun} (anergies) anergie aneroid {adjective, noun} (aneroids) anéroïde aneroid barometer {noun} (aneroid barometers) anéroïde anesthesia [/ˌæn.əsˈθi.ʒə/ | /ˌæn.əsˈθiːz.i.ə/] {noun} anesthésie | anæsthésie anesthesiologist {noun} (anesthesiologists) anesthésiste anesthesiology {noun} anesthésiologie anesthetic [/ˌænəsˈθɛtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more anesthetic, most anesthetic, anesthetics) anesthésie | anesthésique anesthetist {noun} (anesthetists) anesthésiste anesthetization {noun} anesthésation | anesthésie anesthetize [/əˈniːs.θə.taɪz/] {verb} (anesthetizes, anesthetized, anesthetizing) anesthésier anestrus {noun} (anestri) anœstrus anethical {adjective} anéthique aneugenic {adjective} (most aneugenic, more aneugenic) aneugène aneuploid {adjective, noun} (aneuploids) aneuploïde aneuploidic {adjective} aneuploïdique aneuploidy {noun} (aneuploidies) aneuploïdie aneurysm [/ˈan.jʊɹ.ɪz.əm/ | /ˈæn.jəɹ.ɪz.əm/] {noun} (aneurysms) anévrisme | anévrysme aneurysmal {adjective} anévrismal aneurysmatic {adjective} anévrysmatique anew [/əˈnjuː/ | /əˈnu/] {adverb} à nouveau | derechef anfractuous [/ænˈfɹæktjʊəs/] {adjective} (more anfractuous, most anfractuous) anfractueux ang arctidé angakkuq {noun} (angakkuqs) angakkuq angel [/ˈeɪn.dʒəl/] {noun, verb} (angels, angeling, angeled, angelling, angelled) ange angel echo écho mirage angel hair {noun} capelli d'angelo | capellini | cheveux d'ange angel of death {noun} (angels of death) ange de la mort angel passes {phraseologicalUnit} un ange passe angel shark {noun} (angel sharks) squatine angel wings {noun} bugne | merveille | oreillette angel's trumpet {noun} (angel's trumpets) datura en arbre Angela [/ˈændʒələ/] {properNoun} Angèle angelface frimousse angelfish {noun} (angelfish, angelfishes) poisson-ange angelic [/ænˈdʒɛlɪk/] {adjective} (most angelic, more angelic) angélique Angelica {properNoun} Angélique angelica {noun} angélique angelical {adjective} (most angelical, more angelical) angélique angelically [/ænˈdʒɛlɪkli/] {adverb} (most angelically, more angelically) angéliquement Angelina [/ˌænd͡ʒəˈliːnə/] {noun, properNoun} (Angelinas) Angeline angelism {noun} angélisme angelist {noun} (angelists) angéliste angelistic {adjective} angéliste Angelman syndrome {noun} syndrome d’Angelman Angeln Angeln angeln cattle angeln Angelo [/ˈæn.dʒə.loʊ/ | /ˈæn.hə.loʊ/] {properNoun} Ange angelologist {noun} (angelologists) angéologue angelology {noun} (angelologies) angélologie angels dancing on the head of a pin {noun} le sexe des anges | sexe des anges angelshark {noun} (angelsharks) ange de mer angelus angélus angeologist angéologue anger [/ˈæŋɡə(ɹ)/ | /ˈæŋɡɚ/] {noun, verb} (angers, angered, angering) colère | courroux | fureur | rage | mettre en colère | ire Angerton {properNoun} Angerton Angevin {adjective, noun} (most Angevin, more Angevin, Angevins) Angevin angiectasis {noun} (angiectases) angiectasie Angika {properNoun} angika angina [/ˈæn.dʒɪ.nə/] {noun} angine angina pectoris [/ænˈdʒaɪnə ˈpɛktəˌɹɪs/ | /ˈændʒɪnə ˈpɛktəˌɹɪs/] {noun} angine de poitrine angio- {prefix} angio- angiocardiography {noun} angiocardiographie angioedema {noun} (angioedemas) angioœdème angiogenesis [/andʒɪə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnɪsɪs/] {noun} (angiogeneses) angiogenèse angiogenic {adjective} angiogénétique angiogram {noun} (angiograms) angiographie angiography {noun} (angiographies) angiographie angioleiomyoma {noun} (angioleiomyomas, angioleiomyomata) angioléiomyome angiology {noun} angiologie angioma {noun} (angiomata, angiomas) angiome angiomyolipoma {noun} (angiomyolipomas, angiomyolipomata) angiomyolipome angioneurotic {adjective} angionévrotique angiopathy {noun} (angiopathies) angiopathie angioplasty [/ˈæn.dʒi.əʊ.plæs.ti/] {noun} (angioplasties) angioplastie angiosperm {noun} (angiosperms) angiosperme angiotenic {adjective} (more angiotenic, most angiotenic) angioténique Angkor Wat [/ˈɑŋ.kɔɹ ˈwɑt/] {properNoun} Angkor Vat Angkorian {adjective, noun} (more Angkorian, most Angkorian, Angkorians) angkorien Angle [/ˈæŋ.ɡəl/] {noun} (Angles) Angle angle [/ˈæŋ.ɡəl/] {noun, verb} (angles, angling, angled) angle | coin | point de vue angle bisector {noun} (angle bisectors) bissectrice angle bracket {noun} (angle brackets) chevron angle grinder {noun} (angle grinders) disqueuse | meuleuse d'angle angle of attack {noun} (angles of attack) angle d’incidence angle of depression {noun} (angles of depression) angle de dépression angle of incidence {noun} (angles of incidence) angle d’incidence angle of tilt angle d’inclinaison Angle Shades méticuleuse angled socket wrench clé à pipe angler [/ˈæŋ.ɡlə(ɹ)/ | /ˈæŋ.ɡlɚ/] {noun} (anglers) pêcheur à la ligne anglerfish [/ˈæŋɡləˌfɪʃ/ | /ˈæŋɡlɚˌfɪʃ/] {noun} (anglerfish, anglerfishes) baudroie Anglesey [/ˈæŋ.ɡəl.siː/] {properNoun} Anglesey anglesite {noun} anglésite Anglezarke {properNoun} Anglezarke Anglia {properNoun} Angeln Anglican [/ˈæŋ.ɡlɪ.kən/] {adjective, noun} (most Anglican, more Anglican, Anglicans) anglican | anglicane Anglican Communion {properNoun} Communion anglicane Anglicanism {noun} anglicanisme anglicisation [/ˌæŋ.ɡlɪ.saɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} anglicisation anglicise {verb} (anglicises, anglicised, anglicising) angliciser anglicised [/ˈæŋ.lɪ.saɪzd/] {adjective, verb} (most anglicised, more anglicised) anglicisé anglicism [/ˈæŋɡləˌsɪzəm/] {noun} (anglicisms) anglicisme Anglicist {noun} (Anglicists) angliciste anglicization {noun} anglicisation Anglicize angliciser anglicized {adjective, verb} (most anglicized, more anglicized) anglicisé angling {noun, verb} pêche Anglish [/ˈænɡliʃ/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Anglish, most Anglish) anglois Anglo- [/ˈæŋ.ɡləʊ/] {prefix} anglo- Anglo-America {properNoun} Amérique anglo-saxonne Anglo-American {adjective, noun} (Anglo-Americans) anglo-américain anglo-arab anglo-arabe anglo-arabe de complément anglo-arabe de complément Anglo-Arabian {noun} (Anglo-Arabians) anglo-arabe Anglo-arabian pur-sang anglo-arabe anglo-arabian anglo-arabe Anglo-Canadian Canadien anglais Anglo-Catholic {noun} (Anglo-Catholics) anglo-catholique Anglo-Egyptian Sudan {properNoun} Soudan anglo-égyptien Anglo-French {adjective, properNoun} (most Anglo-French, more Anglo-French) anglo-français Anglo-French hound anglo-français Anglo-German anglo-allemand Anglo-Norman [/æŋ.ɡloʊ.nɔːɹ.mən/ | /æŋ.ɡləʊ.nɔː.mən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Anglo-Norman, more Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Normans) anglo-normand Anglo-Norman trotter pur-sang trotteur français Anglo-Nubian goat chèvre anglo-nubienne Anglo-Saxon [/ˌæŋɡloʊˈsæksən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Anglo-Saxon, more Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxons) anglo-saxon | Anglo-Saxon | Anglo-Saxonne | Anglosaxon | Anglosaxonne anglobalisation anglobalisation anglobalization anglobalisation Anglocentric {adjective} (more Anglocentric, most Anglocentric) anglocentriste Anglophile {adjective, noun} (Anglophiles) anglophile Anglophilia [/ˌæŋ.ɡləʊˈfɪ.li.ə/] {noun} anglophilie Anglophobe [/ˈaŋ.ɡlə(ʊ).fəʊb/] {noun} (Anglophobes) anglophobe Anglophobia {noun} anglophobie Anglophone [/ˈæŋɡləˌfəʊn/] {adjective, noun} (Anglophones) anglophone anglophone {adjective, noun} (anglophones) anglophone Anglosphere [/ˈæŋ.ɡləˌsfɪɹ/] {properNoun} anglophonie Angmagsalik Angmagsalik Angmering Angmering Angola [/æŋˈɡoʊlə/ | /æŋˈɡəʊlə/] {properNoun} Angola Angola cordon-bleu cordonbleu d’Angola Angolan [/æŋˈɡoʊlən/] {adjective, noun} (Angolans) angolais | Angolais | Angolaise | angolaise angora goat chèvre angora angostura {noun} angostura Angoulême Angoulême Angram Grange Angram Grange Angria {properNoun} Angrie angrily [/ˈæŋ.ɡɹə.li/] {adverb} (more angrily, most angrily) furieusement angry [/ˈæŋ.ɡɹi/] {adjective} (angrest, angrer) fâché | en colère | fâchée angst [/æŋ(k)st/ | [eɪŋ(k)st]] {noun, verb} (angsts, angsted, angsting) angoisse | angoisse existentielle angstrom [/ˈæŋstɹəm/ | /ˈæŋstɹʌm/] {noun} (angstroms) ångström | aangström | angström Anguilla [/æŋˈɡwɪlə/] {properNoun} Anguilla Anguillan [/æŋˈɡwɪlən/] {adjective, noun} (Anguillans) Anguillan | Anguillane anguish [/ˈæŋ.ɡwɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (anguishes, anguished, anguishing) affres de la mort | angoisse de la mort | calvaire | croix angular [/ˈæŋ.ɡju.lɚ/] {adjective, noun} (most angular, more angular, angulars) angulaire | anguleux angular mil {noun} (angular mils) millième angular moment moment cinétique angular momentum {noun} (angular momenta) moment angulaire angular roughshark centrine commune angular velocity {noun} (angular velocities) vitesse angulaire angulate {adjective, verb} (more angulate, most angulate, angulates, angulating, angulated) angulé angulation {noun} angulation Angus [/ˈæŋ.ɡəs/] {properNoun} Angus angus cattle angus anhedonia [/ˌan.hɪˈdəʊ.nɪə/ | /ˌæn.hiˈdoʊ.ni.ə/] {noun} (anhedonias) anhédonie anhemitonic {adjective} anhémitonique anhinga {noun} (anhingas) anhinga d'Amérique anhistous {adjective} anhiste anhydrase {noun} (anhydrases) anhydrase anhydride {noun} (anhydrides) anhydride anhydrite {noun} anhydrite anhydrobiosis {noun} anhydrobiose anhydrosis anidrose anhydrous {adjective} (more anhydrous, most anhydrous) anhydre anhydrous nitric acid pentaoxyde de diazote anhygroscopic {adjective} (most anhygroscopic, more anhygroscopic) hygroscopique ani [/ˈeɪnaɪ/ | /ˈɑː.ni/] {noun} (anis) ani aniconic [/anʌɪˈkɒnɪk/] {adjective} (most aniconic, more aniconic) aniconique aniconism [/ænˈaɪkənɪzəm/] {noun} aniconisme Anii anii anil {noun} (anils) indigo anile [/ˈeɪ.naɪl/ | /ˈæ.naɪl/ | /ˈæn.aɪl/] {adjective} (more anile, most anile) sénile aniline {noun} aniline aniline purple mauvéine anilingus [/ˌeɪnɪˈlɪŋɡəs/] {noun} anilinctus | anulingus anilism {noun} anilisme anima {noun} (animas) anima animacy {noun} (animacies) animacité | animéité animadversion [/ˌænɪmædˈvɜːʒən/ | /ˌænɪmædˈvɝːʒən /] {noun} blâme | critique | reprobation animadvert [/ˌænɪmədˈvɜːt/ | /ˌænɪmədˈvɝt/] {verb} (animadverts, animadverted, animadverting) blâmer animal [/ˈænɪməl/] {adjective, noun} (animals) animal | bête animal African trypanosomiasis nagana animal breeder sélectionneur animal charcoal {noun} charbon animal animal feed {noun} alimentation animale animal garden jardin animalier animal helper aide animalier animal hoarding syndrome de Noé animal husbandry {noun} (animal husbandries) élevage animal keeper gardien d’animaux animal kingdom {noun} règne animal animal life faune animal magnetism {noun} magnétisme animal animal park parc animalier animal reserve réserve d’animaux animal rights {noun} droits des animaux animal rights activist {noun} animaliste animal shelter {noun} (animal shelters) fourrière animal testing {noun} expérimentation animale animal trainer entraîneur d’animaux animal welfare {noun} bientraitance animale animal-like robot animaloïde animalcule [/ænɪˈmælkjuːl/] {noun} (animalcules) animalcule animalculist [/anɪˈmalkjʊlɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more animalculist, most animalculist, animalculists) animalculiste animality {noun} (animalities) animalité animalization {noun} animalisation animaloid {adjective} animaloïde animals [/ˈæn.ɪ.məlz/] {noun} règne animal Animas Animas animatable {adjective} animable animate [/ˈæ.nɪ.meɪt/ | /ˈæ.nɪ.mət/] {adjective, verb} (most animate, more animate, animates, animating, animated) animer | animé animated [/ˈæn.ɪ.meɪ.tɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most animated, more animated) animé animated cartoon {noun} (animated cartoons) dessin animé animated film film d’animation animatics {noun} animatique animating {verb} orientation animation [/æn.əˈmeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} animation | invigoration animator {noun} (animators) animateur | animatrice animatronics {noun} animatronique anime [/ˈæn.ɪ.meɪ/] {noun} (anime, animes) animé | anime animism {noun} animisme animist {noun} (animists) animiste animistic {adjective} (most animistic, more animistic) animiste animosity [/æn.əˈmɑs.ɪ.ti/] {noun} (animosities) animosité animotoponym animétoponyme animus [/ˈæ.nɪ.məs/] {noun} (animuses) animus anion [/ˈæn.aɪ.ɑn/ | /ˈæn.aɪ.ɒn/] {noun} (anions) anion anise [/æˈnis/ | /əˈnis/ | /ˈæn.ɪs/] {noun} anis aniseed [/ˈæ.nɪ.sid/] {noun} graine d'anis aniseed cockleshell lentin en colimaçon aniseed toadstool clitocybe odorant anisette {noun} anisette Anishinaabe {noun} (Anishinaabes, Anishinaabe) anichinabé | anichinabée | anichinabées | anichinabés anisic {adjective} (most anisic, more anisic) anisique anisocoria [/ænˌaɪsəˈkɔɹ i ə/] {noun} anisocorie anisocytosis [/ənˌaɪsəʊsaɪˈtəʊsɪs/] {noun} (anisocytoses) anisocytose anisodactylous {adjective} anisodactyle anisodactyly {noun} anisodactylie anisodont {adjective} anisodonte anisokaryosis {noun} anisocaryose anisomorphism {noun} anisomorphisme anisonucleosis {noun} anisocaryose anisotomous {adjective} anisotome anisotropic {adjective} (more anisotropic, most anisotropic) anisotrope anisotropy {noun} (anisotropies) anisotropie Anita {properNoun} Anita anitis anite anji aji Anjou [/ˈɒnʒuː/] {noun, properNoun} (Anjous) Anjou Ankara [/ˈæŋ.kə.ɹə/] {noun, properNoun} Ankara anker {noun} (ankers) ancre ankerite [/ˈɑŋkɚˌaɪt/] {noun} (ankerites) ankérite ankh [/æŋk/ | /ɑŋk/] {noun} (ankhs) ankh | ânkh ankle [/ˈæŋ.kəl/] {noun, verb} (ankles, ankled, ankling) cheville ankle boot {noun} (ankle boots) bottine ankle monitor {noun} (ankle monitors) bracelet électronique anklebone [/ˈaŋk(ə)lbəʊn/] {noun} (anklebones) astragale | os astragale | talus anklet {noun} (anklets) bracelet de cheville | chaîne de cheville | jambelet Ankole {properNoun} watusi Ankole-Watusi watusi Ankou {properNoun} Ankou ankus [/ˈaŋ.kəs/] {noun} (ankuses) ankus ankylosaurus [/ˌæŋkəloʊˈsɔːrəs/] {noun} (ankylosauri, ankylosauruses) ankylosaure ankylose {verb} (ankyloses, ankylosed, ankylosing) ankyloser ankylosed {adjective, verb} (more ankylosed, most ankylosed) ankylosé ankylosing spondylitis {noun} spondylarthrite ankylosante ankylosis {noun} (ankyloses) ankylose ankylozed ankylosé Anlaby with Anlaby Common Anlaby with Anlaby Common anlaut [/ˈan.laʊt/] {noun} (anlauts) son initial Anmer Anmer Ann [/eən/ | /æn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Anns) Anne Anna [/ˈænə/] {properNoun} (Annas) Anne Annabel [/ˈænəbɛl/] {properNoun} (Annabels) Annabelle annabergite {noun} annabergite annal [/ˈænəl/] {noun} (annals) anal annalist {noun} (annalists) annaliste annals [/ˈæn.əlz/] {noun} annales Annam {properNoun} Annam Annamese {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Annamese) Vietnamien Annamite {adjective, noun} (Annamites) Annamite | annamite Annan {properNoun} Annan Annat Annat Annathill Annathill annatto {noun} rocou | roucou Annbank {properNoun} Annbank Anne [/eən/ | /æn/] {properNoun} (Annes) Anne anneal [/əˈniːl/] {noun, verb} (anneals, annealing, annealed) recuire annealing {noun, verb} recuit annelid {adjective, noun} (annelids) annélide | annélidé Annesley {properNoun} Annesley Annesley Woodhouse Annesley Woodhouse Annette [/əˈnɛt/] {properNoun} (Annettes) Annette annex [/əˈnɛks/ | /ˈænɛks/] {noun, verb} (annexes, annexing, annexed) annexer | annexe annexation {noun} annexion annexationism {noun} annexionnisme annexe {noun, verb} (annexes, annexing, annexed) annexe annexed [/ˈænɛkst/] {verb} annexé annihilate [/əˈnaɪə.leɪt/] {verb} (annihilates, annihilated, annihilating) annihiler | anéantir annihilation [/əˌnaɪ.əˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} annihilation anniversary [/ˌænɪˈvɜːs(ə)ɹi/ | /ˌænɪˈvɝs(ə)ɹi/] {noun} (anniversaries) anniversaire | anniversaire de mariage Anno Domini {adverb} après Jésus-Christ annotate {verb} (annotates, annotating, annotated) annoter annotation {noun} annotation | commentaire annotator {noun} (annotators) annotateur announce [/əˈnaʊns/ | /ˈæ.naʊns/] {verb} (announces, announced, announcing) annoncer announcement [/əˈnaʊns.mɛnt/] {noun} (announcements) annonce | annoncement announcer [/əˈnaʊnsə/ | /əˈnaʊnsɚ/] {noun} (announcers) annonceur | présentateur | speaker annoy [/əˈnɔɪ/] {noun, verb} (annoys, annoyed, annoying) gêner | ennuyer | embêter | agacer | asticoter annoyance [/əˈnɔɪəns/] {noun} ennui | agacement | désagrément | irritation | nuisance annoyed [/əˈnɔɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more annoyed, most annoyed) fâché | contrarié | vexé annoyer {noun} (annoyers) irritant annoying {adjective, noun, verb} (most annoying, more annoying, annoyings) irritant | ennuyeux | ennuyant | agaçant | énervant annoyware {noun} agaciel annual [/ˈæn.ju.əl/] {adjective, noun} (annuals) annuel annual daisy pâquerette annuelle annual general meeting {noun} (annual general meetings) assemblée générale annual mercury {noun} mercuriale annuelle annual plant plante annuelle annual report {noun} (annual reports) rapport annuel Annual Scorpion-vetch queue-de-scorpion annual seablite soude maritime annually [/ˈæn.ju.ə.li/ | /ˈæn.jʊə.li/] {adverb} annuellement annuitant {noun} (annuitants) crédirentier annuity [/əˈn(j)uɪti/] {noun} (annuities) annuité | rente annul [/əˈnʌl/] {verb} (annuls, annulled, annulling) annuler annular [/ˈænjələ/ | /ˈænjəlɚ/] {adjective} annulaire annular eclipse {noun} (annular eclipses) éclipse annulaire annulment [/əˈnʌl.mənt/] {noun} annullation | nullification annulus {noun} (annuli, annuluses) anneau annunciate {verb} (annunciates, annunciated, annunciating) annoncer Annunciation {properNoun} Annonciation annunciation {noun} annonciation annus mirabilis [/ˌanəs mɪˈɹɑːbɪlɪs/] {noun} (anni mirabiles) annus mirabilis anoa [/əˈnoʊə/] {noun} (anoas) anoa anocracy {noun} (anocracies) anocratie anode [/ˈæn.oʊd/ | /ˈæn.əʊd/] {noun} (anodes) anode anodic {adjective} anodique anodize {verb} (anodizes, anodized, anodizing) anodiser anodontia {noun} anodontie anodyne [/ˈæn.ə.daɪn/] {adjective, noun} (most anodyne, more anodyne, anodynes) analgésique | apaisant | calmant anogenital {adjective} ano-génital anoint [/əˈnɔɪnt/] {verb} (anoints, anointing, anointed) oindre | enduire | étaler | étendre anointed [/ə.ˈnɔɪn.tɪd/] {noun, verb} (anointeds) oint anointed of the Lord oint du Seigneur anointing {noun, verb} (anointings) onction Anointing of the Sick {properNoun} onction des malades anointment {noun} onction Anomalocaris anomalocaris anomaloscope [/əˈnɑməloʊskoʊp/ | /əˈnɒmələʊskəʊp/] {noun} (anomaloscopes) anomaloscope anomalous {adjective} (more anomalous, most anomalous) anomal | anormal anomaly [/əˈnɑməli/ | /əˈnɒməlɪ/] {noun} (anomalies) anomalie anomer {noun} (anomers) anomère anomeric {adjective, noun} (anomerics) anomère anomia [/əˈnəʊ.mi.ə/] {noun} anomie anomic [/əˈnɒmɪk/] {adjective} (most anomic, more anomic) anomique anomie [/ˈænəmiː/] {noun} anomie anomocarpous {adjective} anomocarpe anon [/əˈnɑn/ | /əˈnɒn/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (anons) tantôt | tout de suite anonym {noun} (anonyms) anonyme anonymisation {noun} (anonymisations) anonymisation anonymity [/ænəˈnɪmɪti/] {noun} (anonymities) anonymat anonymization {noun} anonymisation anonymize {verb} (anonymizes, anonymizing, anonymized) anonymiser anonymizer {noun} (anonymizers) anonymiseur anonymous [/əˈnɒnəməs/] {adjective} (more anonymous, most anonymous) anonyme anonymous class {noun} (anonymous classes) classe anonyme anonymous function fonction anonyme anonymous letter lettre anonyme anonymous pipe {noun} (anonymous pipes) tube anonyme anonymously [/əˈnɒnəməsli/] {adverb} anonymement anonymousness {noun} anonymat anopheles [/əˈnɒfɪliːz/] {noun} (anopheles) anophèle anopia {noun} manque de vision anorak {noun} (anoraks) anorak anorchia {noun} anorchidie anorchism {noun} anorchidie anorectic [/ænəˈɹɛktɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more anorectic, most anorectic, anorectics) anorexigène anorexia [/ænəˈɹɛksi.ə/] {noun} anorexie anorexia nervosa {noun} anorexie mentale anorexiant {noun} (anorexiants) anorexigène anorexic [/ænəˈɹɛksɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more anorexic, most anorexic, anorexics) anorexique anorexigenic {adjective, noun} (most anorexigenic, more anorexigenic, anorexigenics) anorexigène anorgasmia {noun} anorgasmie anorgasmic {adjective} anorgasmique anorthite {noun} (anorthites) anorthite anosmia {noun} anosmie anosmic [/æˈnɒzmɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most anosmic, more anosmic, anosmics) anosmique anosognosia {noun} anosognosie another [/ænˈʌ.ðə(ɹ)/ | /ænˈʌ.ðɚ/ | /ənˈʌ.ðə(ɹ)/ | /ənˈʌ.ðɚ/] {determiner, pronoun} autre | plus | un autre | un de plus another story c’est une autre paire de manches anovulant {noun} (anovulants) anovulant anovulation {noun} anovulation anovulatory {adjective} anovulatoire anoxaemia {noun} (anoxaemias) anoxyhémie anoxia {noun} anoxie anoxic [/ˌæ.ˈnɑːk.sɪk/] {adjective} anoxique anoxygenic photosynthesis {noun} photosynthèse anoxygénique

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