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bowel [/ˈbaʊ.əl/] {noun, verb} (bowels, boweled, boweling, bowelling, bowelled) boyaux | entrailles | gros intestin bowel movement {noun} (bowel movements) selles bowel obstruction {noun} (bowel obstructions) occlusion intestinale bowels [/baʊ.əlz/] {noun} boyaux | entrailles bowenite {noun} bowénite bower [/baʊ.əɹ/ | /bəʊ.əɹ/] {noun, verb} (bowers, bowering, bowered) boudoir bower bird {noun} (bower birds) jardinier Bowerchalke Bowerchalke Bowers Gifford Bowers Gifford Bowers Gifford and North Benfleet Bowers Gifford and North Benfleet Bowes {properNoun} Bowes bowfin {noun} (bowfins) amie chauve bowhead {noun} (bowheads) baleine boréale bowhead whale {noun} (bowhead whales) baleine boréale bowl [/boɫ/ | /bəʊɫ/] {noun, verb} (bowls, bowling, bowled) bol bowl a googly {verb} poser une colle | prendre de court bowl cut {noun} (bowl cuts) coupe au bol bowl haircut coupe au bol Bowland Forest High Bowland Forest High Bowland Forest Low Bowland Forest Low Bowland with Leagram Bowland with Leagram bowleg {noun} (bowlegs) genu varum | jambe arquée bowler [/ˈboʊ.lɚ/ | /ˈbəʊ.lə/] {noun} (bowlers) bouliste bowler hat {noun} (bowler hats) chapeau melon bowlful {noun} (bowlfuls, bowlsful) bolée bowline {noun} (bowlines) bouline | nœud de chaise Bowling {properNoun} (Bowlings) Bowling bowling [/ˈboʊliŋ/ | /ˈbəʊlɪŋ/] {noun, verb} bowling bowling alley {noun} (bowling alleys) bowling bowling ball {noun} (bowling balls) boule de quille bowling pitch boulodrome bowls [/boʊlz/ | /bəʊlz/] {noun, verb} boulingrin bowmaking {noun} archèterie Bowmore Bowmore Bowness {properNoun} Bowness Bowriefauld Bowriefauld Bowsden Bowsden bowser {noun} (bowsers) camion-citerne | pompe à essence bowsprit [/ˈbəʊspɹɪt/] {noun} (bowsprits) beaupré bowstring [/ˈboʊstɹɪŋ/ | /ˈbəʊstɹɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (bowstrings, bowstringing, bowstrung, bowstringed) corde bowtie [/boʊˈtaɪ/ | /bəʊˈtaɪ/] {adjective, noun} (bowties) nœud papillon | nœud pap' bowyer [/ˈbəʊ.jə(ɹ)/] {noun} (bowyers) arctier Box {properNoun} Box box [/bɑks/ | /bɒks/] {noun, verb} (boxen, boxes, boxing, boxed) boîte | caisse | boxer | buis | loge | boga box beam poutre-caisson box calf {noun} box-calf box elder {noun} érable negundo box girder {noun} (box girders) poutre-caisson box jellyfish {noun} (box jellyfish, box jellyfishes) méduse-boîte box office [/ˈbɑksˌɑfɪs/ | /ˈbɒksˌɒfɪs/] {noun} guichet | billetterie box plot {noun} (box plots) boîte à moustaches box sash window fenêtre à guillotine box seat {noun} (box seats) siège box spring {noun} (box springs) sommier box the compass [/bɒks ðə ˈkʌmpəs/] {verb} (boxes the compass, boxed the compass, boxing the compass) virer de bord box tree {noun} (box trees) buis box turtle {noun} (box turtles) tortue-boîte box wine {noun} caisse-outre | cubi box-and-whisker diagram boîte à moustaches box-and-whisker plot boîte à moustaches boxelder maple érable negundo boxer [/ˈbɑːksɚ/ | /ˈbɒksə/] {noun} (boxers) boxeur | boxer boxer briefs {noun} boxer boxer shorts {noun} caleçon boxfish {noun} (boxfish, boxfishes) poisson-coffre Boxford {properNoun} Boxford boxful {noun} (boxfuls, boxesful) boîte Boxgrove {properNoun} Boxgrove boxing [/ˈbɑːksɪŋ/ | /ˈbɒksɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (boxings) boxe Boxing Day [/ˈbɑːksɪŋ deɪ/ | /ˈbɒksɪŋ deɪ/] {noun} (Boxing Days) Boxing Day boxing glove {noun} (boxing gloves) gant de boxe boxless molding moulage en mottes boxless moulding moulage en mottes Boxley {properNoun} (Boxleys) Boxley boxplot {noun} (boxplots) boîte à moustaches boxstring boxspring Boxted Boxted Boxwell with Leighterton Boxwell with Leighterton boxwood {noun} buis Boxworth Boxworth boy [/bɔɪ/ | /bɔːə/] {interjection, noun, verb} (boys, boying, boyed) garçon | gars | boy boy band {noun} (boy bands) boys band Boy Scout {noun} (Boy Scouts) scout | éclaireur boy scout {noun} (boy scouts) boy scout boy shorts {noun} shorty boy's name {noun} (boys' names) nom de fils boy-lover pédéraste boyar [/ˈbɔɪɑː/] {noun} (boyars) boyard | boïard | barine | barynia boyau [/ˈbwɑːjəʊ/] {noun} (boyaus) boyau Boyce-Codd normal form {noun} forme normale de Boyce Codd boycott [/ˈbɔɪkɑt/ | /ˈbɔɪkɒt/] {noun, verb} (boycotts, boycotted, boycotting) boycott | boycotter | boycottage boycotter {noun} (boycotters) boycotteur | boycotteuse Boyd's shearwater puffin de Boyd boyfriend [/ˈbɔɪˌfɹɛnd/] {noun} (boyfriends) copain | petit ami | ami | chum | mec | petit copain boyish [/ˈbɔɪ.ɪʃ/] {adjective} (more boyish, most boyish) garçon boykin [/ˈbɔɪkən/ | /ˈbɔɪkɪn/] {noun} (boykins) garçonnet boylesker boylesque Boylestone Boylestone Boyndie Boyndie Boynton {properNoun} (Boyntons) Boynton boys will be boys {proverb} les garçons seront toujours des garçons Boysack Boysack boysenberry [/ˈbɔɪzn̩ˌbɛɹi/] {noun} (boysenberries) mûre de Boysen boyshorts {noun} shorty Boyton Boyton Bozeat Bozeat Bozo {noun, properNoun} (Bozo, Bozos) bozo Boötes [/boʊˈoʊtiːz/] {properNoun} Bouvier Bo’ness Bo’ness bo’s’n bosco BP {adjective, adverb, noun, properNoun} AP bp {noun} pb Bps {noun} (Bps) o/s bra [/bɹɑː/] {noun} (bras) soutien-gorge | soutif | brassière Brabant [/ˈbɹæbənt/] {properNoun} Brabant Brabantian {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Brabantians) brabançon | Brabançon | Brabançonne Brabourne Brabourne bracco Italiano braque italien brace [/bɹeɪs/] {noun, verb} (braces, bracing, braced) brasser | doublé | fiche | retenir | toise Braceborough and Wilsthorpe Braceborough and Wilsthorpe Bracebridge Heath Bracebridge Heath Braceby and Sapperton Braceby and Sapperton bracelet [/ˈbɹeɪslət/] {noun} (bracelets) bracelet braces [/ˈbɹeɪsɪz/] {noun, verb} appareil dentaire | appareil | appareil orthodontique | bretelles | faux-palais Bracewell and Brogden Bracewell and Brogden brachial [/ˈbreɪkɪəl/] {adjective, noun} (brachials) brachial brachial plexus {noun} (brachial plexuses) plexus brachial brachialis {noun} brachial | brachial antérieur brachiation {noun} brachiation brachicavit brassicourt brachioradialis {noun} long supinateur brachiosaur {noun} (brachiosaurs) brachiosaure brachiosaurus {noun} (brachiosauruses) brachiosaure brachistochrone {noun} (brachistochrones) brachistochrone brachy- {prefix} brachy- brachycephalization {noun} brachycéphalisation Brachycera brachycères brachyesophagus brachyœsophage brachylogy {noun} brachylogie brachyology {noun} (brachyologies) brachylogie brachypode brachypode brachytherapy {noun} (brachytherapies) curiethérapie brachyuran [/ˌbɹæk.iˈju.ɹən/ | /ˌbɹæk.iˈjʊə.ɹən/] {adjective, noun} (brachyurans) brachyurien bracing [/ˈbɹeɪsɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more bracing, most bracing) contreventement bracken {noun} (brackens) ptéridium bracken poisonning ptéridisme Brackenborough with Little Grimsby Brackenborough with Little Grimsby Brackenfield Brackenfield bracket [/ˈbɹækɪt/] {noun, verb} (brackets, bracketing, bracketed) parenthèse bracket fungus {noun} (bracket fungi) faire tic-tac bracket scaffold échafaudage en bascule bracket-corbel corbeau brackish [/ˈbɹækɪʃ/] {adjective} (most brackish, more brackish) saumâtre brackish water eau saumâtre Brackla Brackla Brackley {properNoun} Brackley Bracknell {properNoun} Bracknell Bracknell Forest {properNoun} Bracknell Forest Bracon Ash Bracon Ash braconid {noun} (braconids) braconide bract {noun} (bracts) bractée Bradbourne Bradbourne Bradbury and the Isle Bradbury and the Isle Bradden Bradden Bradenham Bradenham Bradfield {properNoun} (Bradfields) Bradfield Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Bradfield St Clare Bradfield St Clare Bradfield St George Bradfield St George Bradford [/ˈbɹædfəɹd/ | /ˈbɹædfɚd/] {properNoun} Bradford Bradford Abbas Bradford Abbas Bradford on Avon Bradford on Avon Bradford on Tone Bradford on Tone Bradford Peverell {properNoun} Bradford Peverell Brading {properNoun} Brading Bradley [/ˈbɹædli/] {properNoun} Bradley Bradley Stoke {properNoun} Bradley Stoke Bradleys Both Bradleys Both Bradmore Bradmore Bradninch Bradninch Bradnop Bradnop Bradpole Bradpole Bradstone Bradstone Bradwall Bradwall Bradwell {properNoun} (Bradwells) Bradwell Bradwell Abbey Bradwell Abbey Bradwell on Sea Bradwell on Sea Bradworthy Bradworthy bradycardia {noun} bradycardie bradyon {noun} (bradyons) bradyon bradyonic {adjective} bradyonique bradypnea {noun} bradypnée bradypsychia {noun} bradypsychie bradyseism {noun} (bradyseisms) bradyséisme Brae Brae brae [/bɹeɪ/] {noun} (braes) côte Braemar {properNoun} Braemar Braevallich Braevallich Brafferton Brafferton Brafield on the Green Brafield on the Green brag [/bɹæɡ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (bragger, braggest, most brag, more brag, brags, bragging, bragged) vanter | fanfaronner | brag Braganza {properNoun} Bragance Bragança [/bɹəˈɡanzə/ | /bɹəˈɡɑnzə/] {properNoun} Bragance Bragar Bragar braggart [/ˈbɹæɡɑːt/ | /ˈbɹæɡɚt/] {adjective, noun} (most braggart, more braggart, braggarts) vantard | bravache | fanfaron | fier-à-bras | hâbleur | matamore bragger {adjective, noun} (braggers) vantard bragging [/ˈbɹaɡɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (braggings) fanfaronnade Brahma [/ˈbɹɑmə/] {noun, properNoun} (Brahmas) Brahmâ brahma brahma Brahman {noun, properNoun} (Brahmans) Brahman brahman {noun} (brahmans) brahmane Brahmanism {properNoun} brahmanisme brahmin {adjective, noun} (brahmins) brahmane brahminy kite milan sacré braid [/bɹeɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (braids, browden, braiding, braided, more braid, most braid) tresse | tresser | natte | natter | galon braided reed cannisse braided reed tray cannisse Braidwood Braidwood Brailes Brailes Braille {adjective, noun, properNoun} braille braille [/bɹeɪl/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brailles, brailling, brailled) braille | Braille Braille alphabet alphabet braille braille embosser embosseuse Brailsford {properNoun} (Brailsfords) Brailsford brain [/bɹeɪn/] {noun, verb} (brains, braining, brained) cerveau | cervelle | encéphale brain cancer {noun} cancer du cerveau brain cell {noun} (brain cells) cellule du cerveau brain coral {noun} (brain corals) faviidae brain damage {noun} (brain damages) lésion cérébrale brain death {noun} mort cérébrale brain drain {noun} (brain drains) fuite des cerveaux | exode des cerveaux brain fart {noun} (brain farts) trou de mémoire brain freeze {noun} (brain freezes) gel du cerveau brain mushroom {noun} (brain mushrooms) fausse morille brain plasticity plasticité cérébrale brain stem {noun} (brain stems) tronc cérébral brain surgeon {noun} (brain surgeons) neurochirurgien | tête brain surgery {noun} (brain surgeries) neurochirurgie brain tank cercle de réflexion brain tumor {noun} (brain tumors) tumeur au cerveau | tumeur cérébrale brain-dead [/ˈbɹeɪnˌdɛd/] {adjective} absurde brain-teaser {noun} (brain-teasers) casse-tête brain-washing {noun} lavage de cerveau braincase {noun} (braincases) boîte crânienne brainchild [/ˈbɹeɪn.tʃaɪld/] {noun} (brainchildren) création brainfart {noun} (brainfarts) trou de mémoire brainiac [/ˈbɹeɪniæk/] {noun} (brainiacs) génie brainless {adjective} (more brainless, most brainless) sans cervelle brains [/bɹeɪnz/] {noun, verb} cervelle brainstem {noun} (brainstems) tronc cérébral brainstorm [/ˈbɹeɪnstɔː(ɹ)m/] {noun, verb} (brainstorms, brainstormed, brainstorming) brainstormer brainstorming {noun, verb} (brainstormings) brainstorming | remue-méninge Braintree {properNoun} Braintree brainwash [/ˈbɹeɪnwɒʃ/] {noun, verb} (brainwashes, brainwashing, brainwashed) lavage de cerveau | bourrer le crâne | décerveler | laver le cerveau brainwashing {noun, verb} bourrage de crâne braise [/bɹeɪz/] {noun, verb} (braises, braising, braised) braiser Braiseworth Braiseworth Braishfield Braishfield Braithwell Braithwell brake [/bɹeɪk/] {noun, verb} (brakes, braking, braked) frein | freiner | brisoir | broie | bringuebale brake assembly {noun} (brake assemblies) pièces de driction brake assistance system AFU brake booster servo-frein brake fern fougère aigle brake fluid {noun} liquide de frein brake horsepower {noun} cheval-vapeur brake pad {noun} (brake pads) patin | patin de freins | plaquette de frein brake pedal {noun} (brake pedals) pédale de frein brake tester freinomètre brake-block patin brake-shoe patin brakeman {noun} (brakemen) garde-frein braking [/ˈbɹeɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} freinage braking distance {noun} (braking distances) distance de freinage Bramah key clé à pompe Bramber Bramber bramble [/ˈbɹæmbəl/] {noun} (brambles) ronce | roncier bramble shark squale bouclé brambling {noun, verb} (bramblings) pinson du Nord Bramcote Bramcote Bramdean and Hinton Ampner Bramdean and Hinton Ampner Bramerton Bramerton Bramfield {properNoun} Bramfield Bramford Bramford Bramham cum Oglethorpe Bramham cum Oglethorpe Bramhope Bramhope Bramley {noun, properNoun} (Bramleys) Bramley Brampford Speke Brampford Speke Brampton [/ˈbɹæm(p)tən/] {properNoun} Brampton Brampton Abbotts Brampton Abbotts Brampton Ash Brampton Ash Brampton Bierlow Brampton Bierlow Brampton Bryan Brampton Bryan Brampton with Stoven Brampton with Stoven Bramshaw Bramshaw Bramshill Bramshill Bramshott and Liphook Bramshott and Liphook bran [/ˈbɹæn/] {noun} son Branahuie Branahuie Brancaster Brancaster Brancepeth Brancepeth branch [/bɹæntʃ/ | /bɹɑːntʃ/] {noun, verb} (branches, branching, branched) branche | succursale | rameau | filiale | affluent | branchement conditionnel branch line {noun} (branch lines) embranchement branch off {verb} bifurquer branch office {noun} (branch offices) succursale branch predictor {noun} (branch predictors) prédiction de branchement branch site site de branchement branche montée branched {adjective, verb} ramifié branched asphodel asphodèle ramifié branches [/ˈbɹæntʃɪz/ | /ˈbɹɑːntʃɪz/] {noun, verb} ramure branchial {adjective, noun} (branchials) branchial branching {noun, verb} (branchings) branchement branchlet {noun} (branchlets) rameau branchy {adjective} (more branchy, branchest, brancher, most branchy) branchu brand [/bɹand/] {noun, verb} (brands, branding, branded) marque | tison | cataloguer | flétrir | graver | marquer brand benefit acceptance bénéfice publicitaire brand extension extension de marque brand image {noun} image de marque brand name {noun} (brand names) marque brand new {adjective} flambant neuf brand spanking new {adjective} flambant neuf brand strategy stratégie de marque brand stretching extension de marque brandade {noun} (brandades) brandade brandaosite brandãosite Brandenburg {noun, properNoun} (Brandenburgs) Brandebourg Brandenburger Brandebourgeois Brandesburton Brandesburton Brandeston Brandeston branding {noun, verb} branding brandish [/ˈbɹændɪʃ/] {noun, verb} (brandishes, brandishing, brandished) brandir Brandiston Brandiston brandjacking {noun} brandjacking brandling worm ver du fumier Brandon [/ˈbɹændən/] {properNoun} Brandon Brandon and Bretford Brandon and Bretford Brandon and Byshottles Brandon and Byshottles Brandsby cum Stearsby Brandsby cum Stearsby branduct branduit brandy [/ˈbɹændi/] {noun, verb} (brandies, brandied, brandying) eau-de-vie | brandy | cognac brandywine [/ˈbɹændiwaɪn/] {noun} eau-de-vie brane [/bɹeɪn/] {noun} (branes) brane brangus brangus Brannock device {noun} (Brannock devices) appareil Branscombe Branscombe Bransdale Bransdale Bransfield Strait détroit de Bransfield Bransford {properNoun} (Bransfords) Bransford Bransgore Bransgore Branston {properNoun} Branston Branston and Mere Branston and Mere brant [/bɹænt/] {adjective, noun} (most brant, more brant, brant, brants) bernarche Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Brantham {properNoun} Brantham Brantingham Brantingham Branxton Branxton braquage arrêt par braquage braque du Puy braque du Puy bras d'honneur [/ˌbɹɑ dɑˈnɝ/ | /ˌbɹɑː dɒˈnɜː/] {noun} (bras d'honneur) bras d'honneur brash [/bɹæʃ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most brash, more brash, brashest, brasher, brashes, brashed, brashing) agressif | culotté | gonflé | irréfléchi brashness {noun} (brashnesses) culot | toupet Brasilia {properNoun} Brasilia brass [/bɹæs/ | /bɹɑːs/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brasses, most brass, more brass, brassing, brassed) laiton | couleur de laiton | cuivres | douille | galonnés brass band {noun} (brass bands) fanfare brass instrument {noun} (brass instruments) instrument de cuivre | cuivre brass knuckles {noun} poing américain brass monkey weather froid de canard brassic [/ˈbɹæsɪk/] {adjective} (more brassic, most brassic) brassique brassica [/ˈbɹæs.ɪ.kə/] {noun} (brassicas) brassique brassicavit brassicourt brassiere [/bɹəˈzɪɹ/ | /ˈbɹæsɪɛə/ | /ˈbɹæzɪɛə/] {noun} (brassieres) soutien-gorge Brassington {properNoun} Brassington brassist cuivriste Brasted Brasted Brasília [/bɹəˈziːli.ə/] {properNoun} Brasilia | Brasília brat [/bɹat/ | /bɹæt/ | /bɹɑt/] {noun} (brats) morveux | morveuse | peste | sale gosse Brathens Brathens Bratislava [/ˌbɹætɨˈslɑːvə/] {properNoun} Bratislava | Pressbourg Bratoft Bratoft Brattleby Brattleby Bratton {properNoun} (Brattons) Bratton Bratton Clovelly Bratton Clovelly Bratton Fleming {properNoun} Bratton Fleming Bratton Seymour Bratton Seymour bratwurst {noun} crépinette Braughing Braughing Brauncewell Brauncewell Braunschweig {properNoun} Brunswick Braunston Braunston Braunston in Rutland Braunston in Rutland Braunstone Braunstone Braunton {properNoun} Braunton bravado [/bɹɑːˈvɑːdoʊ/] {noun, verb} (bravados, bravadoes, bravadoing, bravadoed) bravade brave [/bɹeɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (braver, bravest, braves, braved, braving) courageux brave but not reckless courageux mais pas téméraire brave new world {noun} (brave new worlds) meilleur des mondes bravely [/ˈbɹeɪvli/] {adverb} (bravelest, braveler, most bravely, more bravely) bravement bravery [/ˈbɹeɪvəɹi/] {noun} (braveries) courage bravo [/ˈbɹɑvoʊ/ | /ˈbɹɑːvəʊ/] {interjection, noun, verb} (bravoes, bravos, bravoing, bravoed) Berthe | bravo Brawby Brawby Brawdy Brawdy brawl [/bɹɑl/ | /bɹɔl/ | /bɹɔːl/] {noun, verb} (brawls, brawling, brawled) bagarre | rixe | baston | se bagarrer brawler {noun} (brawlers) bagarreur brawn [/bɹɔːn/] {noun, verb} (brawns, brawning, brawned) fromage de tête | hure | muscle | tête fromagée | tête marbrée | tête pressée brawny {adjective} (brawnest, brawner) balaise | balèze braxy [/ˈbɹaksi/] {adjective, noun} (braxies) gastrotoxémie Bray [/bɹeɪ/] {properNoun} Bray bray [/bɹeɪ/] {noun, verb} (brays, brayed, braying) braire | braiment Braybrooke {properNoun} Braybrooke Braydon {properNoun} Braydon Brayford Brayford Brayton {properNoun} Brayton braze [/bɹeɪz/] {noun, verb} (brazes, brazing, brazed) braser braze weld soudo-braser brazen [/ˈbɹeɪzən/] {adjective, verb} (more brazen, most brazen, brazens, brazening, brazened) éhonté | aigu | aigue | brutal | brutale | cuivreux brazen bull {noun} (brazen bulls) taureau d'airain | taureau de Phalaris brazen-faced [/ˈbɹeɪ.zənˌfeɪst/] {adjective} (more brazen-faced, most brazen-faced) impudent brazenly {adverb} (most brazenly, more brazenly) effrontément brazier [/ˈbɹeɪ.ʒə(ɹ)/ | /ˈbɹeɪ.ʒɚ/ | /ˈbɹeɪʒəɹ/] {noun} (braziers) brasier Brazil [/bɹə.ˈzɪl/] {properNoun} Brésil Brazil nut {noun} (Brazil nuts) noix du Brésil brazil nut {noun} (brazil nuts) noix du Brésil | noyer du Brésil Brazilian [/bɹə.ˈzɪ.lɪ.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Brazilians) Brésilien | brésilien | Brésilienne | auriverde Brazilian cut bottom slip brésilien Brazilian gracile mouse opossum petit opossum-souris du Brésil Brazilian gracile opossum petit opossum-souris du Brésil Brazilian Portuguese {properNoun} portugais du Brésil Brazilian rabbit lapin du Brésil Brazilian terrier terrier brésilien brazilianist brésilianiste brazilianite {noun} brazilianite brazilwood {noun} (brazilwoods) bois-brésil | pernambouc brazing {noun, verb} brasage Brazza-Congolese brazza-congolais BRC {properNoun} biothèque breach [[bɹiːtʃ]] {noun, verb} (breaches, breached, breaching) brèche | infraction | violation | brouille breach of contract {noun} (breaches of contract) rupture de contrat breach of promise {noun} (breaches of promise) violation de promesse de mariage breach of trust {noun} (breaches of trust) abus de confiance Breaclete Breaclete bread [/bɹɛd/] {noun, verb} (breads, breaded, breading) pain | paner | blé | fric bread and circuses [/ˈbɹɛd ənd ˈsɜːkəsəz/ | /ˈbɹɛd ənd ˈsɝkəsəz/] {noun} du pain et des jeux bread knife {noun} (bread knives) couteau à pain bread maker {noun} (bread makers) robot boulangeur bread roll {noun} (bread rolls) petit pain bread soda {noun} bicarbonate de sodium bread wheat {noun} blé tendre bread-and-butter letter {noun} (bread-and-butter letters) lettre de château bread-and-butter note {noun} (bread-and-butter notes) lettre de château breadbasket [/ˈbɹɛdbɑːskɨt/ | /ˈbɹɛdˌbæskɪ̈t/] {noun} (breadbaskets) corbeille à pain breadboard {noun, verb} (breadboards, breadboarded, breadboarding) planche à découper breadbox {noun} (breadboxes) panetière breadcrumb {noun, verb} (breadcrumbs, breadcrumbed, breadcrumbing) miette | panure | fil d’Ariane | miette de pain breadcrumbed {verb} chapeluré breadcrumbs {noun, verb} panure breadfruit [/ˈbɹedfɹuːt/] {noun} (breadfruits) arbre à pain | artocarpe | artocarpus | fruit à pain breading {noun, verb} panure Breadsall Breadsall breadstick {noun} (breadsticks) gressin | grissini breadth [/bɹɛdθ/] {noun} étendue breadwinner [/ˈbɹɛdˌwɪnɚ/] {noun} (breadwinners) soutien de famille | gagne-pain | pain Breage Breage break [/bɹeɪk/] {noun, verb} (breaks, broke, breaking, broken, brake) casser | briser | rompre | fracturer | pause | aube break a law enfreindre une loi break a leg {interjection} je te dis merde ! | merde ! break a sweat {verb} broncher | commencer à transpirer | se mettre à transpirer | sourciller break away {verb} casser break bad [/bɹeɪk bæd/] {verb} (breaks bad, breaking bad, broken bad, broke bad) mal tourner break bread {verb} (breaks bread, breaking bread, broken bread, broke bread) casser la croûte | partager le pain break bulk {verb} (breaks bulk, broken bulk, breaking bulk, broke bulk) divers en vrac break camp {verb} (breaks camp, breaking camp, broke camp) détendre break down {noun, verb} (break downs, breaks down, broken down, breaking down, broke down) analyser | craquer | décomposer | se décomposer | tomber en panne break even {verb} (breaks even, broken even, breaking even, broke even) ne pas changer d'un iota | rentrer dans ses frais break even point point mort break in {verb} (breaks in, broken in, breaking in, broke in) pénétrer par effraction | casser | fracturer | mater | roder | se faire break into {verb} (breaks into, breaking into, broken into, broke into) entamer break new ground {verb} ouvrir de nouvelles voies break of dawn {noun} point du jour break of day {noun} point du jour break off {verb} (breaks off, breaking off, broken off, broke off) interrompre break on the wheel {verb} rouer break one's fast {verb} déjeuner | prendre le petit déjeuner | rompre le jeûne break one's word {verb} manquer à sa parole break open {verb} (breaks open, breaking open, broken open, broke open) enfoncer break out {verb} (breaks out, breaking out, broken out, broke out) briser | isoler | montrer | survenir | s’évader | échapper break point {noun} (break points) balle de break break preclusion exclusion de rupture break ranks {verb} rompre les rangs | se désolidariser break someone's heart {verb} briser le cœur break the bank {verb} (breaks the bank, breaking the bank, broken the bank, broke the bank) casser sa tirelire | faire sauter la banque break the deadlock {verb} ouvrir la marque break the ice [/ˈbɹeɪk ði ˈaɪs/] {verb} (breaks the ice, breaking the ice, broken the ice, broke the ice) briser la glace break the Internet {verb} (breaks the Internet, breaking the Internet, broken the Internet, broke the Internet) briser l'Internet break the law violer la loi break the Sabbath {verb} (breaks the Sabbath, broken the Sabbath, breaking the Sabbath, broke the Sabbath) profaner le sabbat | violer le sabbat break through {verb} (breaks through, broken through, breaking through, broke through) percer break up {verb} (breaks up, broken up, breaking up, broke up) casser | cesser | couper | mettre fin | mettre un terme | rompre break wind {verb} (breaks wind, breaking wind, broken wind, broke wind) en lâcher un | loufer | lâcher | lâcher une perle | péter break-even {adjective, noun} équilibre de puissance break-even point {noun} (break-even points) seuil de rentabilité break-in {noun} (break-ins) effraction break-off phenomenon stress spatial break-out session séance en ateliers break-up fee indemnité de rupture breakable [/ˈbɹeɪkəbl/] {adjective, noun} (most breakable, more breakable, breakables) frangible breakage {noun} casse breakaway {adjective, noun} (breakaways) sécessioniste | séparatiste breakaway phenomenon stress spatial breakbeat {noun} (breakbeats) breakbeat breakcore {noun} breakcore breakdancing {noun} breakdance breakdown {noun} (breakdowns) panne | collapse | crise de nerfs | crise nerveuse | dégradation | détail breaker [/ˈbɹeɪkə/ | /ˈbɹeɪkɚ/] {noun} (breakers) casseur | concasseuse | lame breakfast [/ˈbɹeɪkˌfæst/ | /ˈbɹɛkfəst/] {noun, verb} (breakfasts, breakfasting, breakfasted) petit déjeuner | déjeuner | prendre le petit-déjeuner breakfast cereal {noun} céréale | céréale de petit déjeuner | céréales breaking [/ˈbɹeɪkɪŋ/] {noun, verb} fracture breaking capacity {noun} (breaking capacities) pouvoir de coupure breaking news {noun} édition spéciale | nouvelle de dernière heure | nouvelle de dernière minute breakneck {adjective, noun} (more breakneck, most breakneck, breaknecks) casse-cou breakoff phenomenon stress spatial breakout {adjective, noun} (breakouts) explosion breakout clone casse-briques breakpoint {noun, verb} (breakpoints, breakpointing, breakpointed) point d'arrêt breakthrough [/ˈbɹeɪkθɹuː/] {adjective, noun} (breakthroughs) percée | avancée | capital | décisif | primordial | trouée breakup [/ˈbɹeɪkʌp/] {noun} (breakups) rupture breakwater [/ˈbɹeɪkˌwɔːtə/] {noun} (breakwaters) brise-lames bream [/bɹiːm/ | /bɹɪm/] {noun, verb} (breams, bream, breaming, breamed) brème | brème commune | pageot Breamore Breamore Brean Brean Brearton Brearton Breasclete Breasclete breast [/bɹɛst/] {noun, verb} (breasts, breasting, breasted) sein | blanc | poitrine | cœur | poitrail breast augmentation {noun} augmentation mammaire breast band bricole breast cancer {noun} cancer du sein breast collar bricole breast feed {verb} (breast feeds, breast fed, breast feeding) allaiter breast feeding {verb} allaitement breast implant {noun} (breast implants) implant mammaire breast ironing {noun} repassage des seins breast milk {noun} lait maternel breast pump {noun} (breast pumps) tire-lait breast shell {noun} (breast shells) téterelle breast-plate of harness bricole breastbeam {noun} (breastbeams) poitrinière breastbone {noun} (breastbones) sternum breastfeed {verb} (breastfeeds, breastfed, breastfeeding) allaiter | donner la tétée breastfeeding [/ˈbɹɛstˌfidɪŋ/] {noun, verb} allaitement Breaston Breaston breastpin {noun} (breastpins) broche breastplate {noun} (breastplates) cuirasse | plastron | poitrail breasts [/bɹɛsts/] {noun, verb} sein breastshield téterelle breaststroke {noun, verb} (breaststrokes, breaststroked, breaststroking) brasse breaststroker {noun} (breaststrokers) brasseur breastwork {noun} (breastworks) épaulement breath [/bɹɛθ/] {noun} haleine | souffle | respiration breath analyzer éthylomètre breath of fresh air {noun} (breaths of fresh air) bouffée d'oxygène breathable {adjective} (most breathable, more breathable) respirable breathalyzer {noun} (breathalyzers) alcootest | éthylomètre | éthylotest breathe [/bɹið/ | /bɹiːð/] {verb} (breathes, breathing, breathed) respirer | expirer | inspirer breathe a word {verb} ne souffler mot breathe down someone's neck {verb} fliquer | être sur le dos de quelqu'un breathe easy {verb} se calmer | souffler breather [/bɹiː.ðə(ɹ)/] {noun} (breathers) pause breathing [/ˈbɹiːðɪŋ/] {noun, verb} respiration breathing vibration vibration de respiration breathless [/ˈbɹɛθləs/] {adjective} (more breathless, most breathless) haletant breathlessness {noun} (breathlessnesses) essoufflement | halètement breathtaking [/ˈbɹɛθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/] {adjective} (most breathtaking, more breathtaking) à couper le souffle | époustouflant breccia [/ˈbɹɛtʃ(ɪ)ə/] {noun} (breccias) brèche Brechfa Brechfa Brechin Brechin Brechtian {adjective} (more Brechtian, most Brechtian) brechtien Breckland {properNoun} Breckland Breckland thyme serpolet Brecknock Brecknock Brecknockshire [/ˈbɹɛknɒkʃɪə(ɹ)/] {properNoun} Brecknockshire Brecon [/ˈbɹɛkən/] {properNoun} Brecon Breda [/ˈbɹidə/ | /ˈbɹiːdə/] {properNoun} Bréda Bredbury and Romiley Bredbury and Romiley Brede Brede Bredenbury Bredenbury Bredfield Bredfield Bredgar Bredgar Bredhurst Bredhurst Bredicot Bredicot Bredon Bredon Bredon’s Norton Bredon’s Norton Bredwardine Bredwardine breech [/bɹiːtʃ/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (breeches, breeched, breeching) culasse | culotte breech birth {noun} (breech births) présentation du siège | présentation podalique breeches [/ˈbɹiːtʃɪz/ | /ˈbɹɪtʃɪz/] {noun} culotte | haut-de-chausses breed [/bɹiːd/] {noun, verb} (breeds, breeding, bred) race | engendrer | se reproduire | élever breed registry livre généalogique breeder [/ˈbɹiːdə(ɹ)/] {noun} (breeders) éleveur | éleveuse breeder mode sur-génération breeder reactor surgénérateur breeding [/ˈbɹiːdɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} copulation | insémination | élevage breeding ground {noun} (breeding grounds) pépinière breeding-ground {noun} (breeding-grounds) frayère | pépinière | vivier Breedon on the Hill Breedon on the Hill breeze [/bɹiːz/] {noun, verb} (breezes, breezed, breezing) brise | gâteau breeze-block {noun} (breeze-blocks) bloc de béton | parpaing breezy [/ˈbɹiːzi/] {adjective} (breezer, breezest) aéré Bregenz Brégence Brehm's ground parrot perruche de Brehm Brehm's tiger parrot perruche de Brehm brehon {noun} (brehons) brehon Breibhig Breibhig Breinton Breinton breithauptite {noun} (breithauptites) breithauptite breitschwanz [/ˈbɹaɪtʃvɑːnts/] {noun} breitschwanz Brejnevian brejnévien Brem brem Breme Breme Bremen [/ˈbɹeɪmən/] {properNoun} Brême Bremhill Bremhill Brenchley Brenchley Brendan {properNoun} Brendan Brendelian brendelien Brendon and Countisbury Brendon and Countisbury Brenish Brenish Brenne Brenne Brent [/bɹɛnt/] {properNoun} Brent Brent Eleigh Brent Eleigh brent goose {noun} (brent geese) bernache cravant Brent Knoll Brent Knoll Brent Pelham Brent Pelham Brentor Brentor Brentwood {properNoun} Brentwood Brenzett Brenzett Brereton {properNoun} Brereton Brereton and Ravenhill Brereton and Ravenhill Brescia [/ˈbɹɛʃə/] {properNoun} Brescia Bressay Bressay Bresse poule de Bresse Bressingham Bressingham Brest [/bɹɛst/] {properNoun} Brest Bretby Bretby Bretforton Bretforton Bretherton Bretherton brethren [/ˈbɹɛðɹən/] {adjective, noun} (most brethren, more brethren) confrères | frères Breton [/ˈbɹɛtən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} breton | Breton | Bretonne Breton black pied cattle bretonne pie noir Breton dwarf ouessant breton horse breton Breton shirt tricot rayé Breton top tricot rayé Brettenham Brettenham Bretton Bretton breve [/bɹiːv/] {noun} (breves) carrée breviary [/ˈbɹiː.və.ɹi/ | /ˈbɹɛv.i.ɛɹ.i/ | /ˈbɹɛv.ɪ.əɹ.i/] {noun} (breviaries) bréviaire brevier {noun} gaillarde | petit-texte brevilineal bréviligne brevilingual {adjective} (more brevilingual, most brevilingual) brévilingue brevity [/ˈbɹɛvəti/] {noun} (brevities) brièveté | concision | laconisme brevity is the soul of wit {proverb} la brièveté est l’âme de l’esprit brevium {noun} brévium brew [/bɹuː/] {noun, verb} (brews, brewing, brewed) brasser | breuvage brewer [/ˈbɹu.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (brewers) brasseur | brasseuse brewer's grain drêche breweries {noun} brasserie brewery [/ˈbɹuːəɹi/] {noun} (breweries) brasserie Brewham {properNoun} Brewham brewing {noun, verb} brassage brewing industry brasserie Brewlands Bridge Brewlands Bridge brewmaster {noun} (brewmasters) maître brasseur Brewood and Coven Brewood and Coven brewski {noun} brasserie Brexit [/ˈbɹɛɡzɪt/] {properNoun, verb} (Brexits, Brexited, Brexiting) Brexit Brexiteer [/ˌbɹɛksɪˈtiɹ/ | /ˌbɹɛksɪˈtɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (Brexiteers) brexiter Brexiter [/ˈbɹɛɡzɪtə(ɹ)/] {noun} (Brexiters) brexiter Brexitologist brexitologue Brexitology brexitologie Brezhnev {properNoun} Brejnev Briançon apricot marmottier briar [/bɹʌɪə/ | /ˈbɹaɪə(ɹ)/] {noun} (briars) bruyère | églantier briard {noun} (briards) berger de Brie bribe [/bɹaɪb/] {noun, verb} (bribes, bribing, bribed) pot-de-vin | corrompre | soudoyer | verser bribery [/ˈbɹaɪbəɹi/] {noun} (briberies) corruption bribetaker {noun} (bribetakers) concussionnaire BRIC {properNoun} BRIC bric-a-brac [/ˈbɹɪkəˌbɹæk/] {noun} âneries bric-à-brac {noun} bric-à-brac Brice [/bɹaɪs/] {properNoun} Brice brick [/bɹɪk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bricks, bricking, bricked) brique | briquer | en brique | soutien brick and mortar {adjective, noun} conventionnel brick and mortar shop magasin en dur brick cap hypholome couleur de brique brick checkers empilage brick chequers empilage brick partition galandage brick wall {noun, verb} (brick walls, brick walled, brick walling) mur Brickendon Liberty Brickendon Liberty Brickhill Brickhill bricklayer {noun} (bricklayers) maçon Bricklehampton Bricklehampton brickwork {noun} appareil brickyard {noun} (brickyards) briqueterie bridal [/ˈbɹaɪd(ə)l/ | /ˈbɹʌɪdl̩/] {adjective, noun} (bridals) nuptial bridal broom genêt blanc bridal couple {noun} (bridal couples) fiancés bridal registry {noun} (bridal registries) liste de mariage bridal shower {noun} (bridal showers) réception-cadeaux bridal veil broom genêt blanc bride [/bɹaɪd/] {noun, verb} (brides, briding, brided) jeune mariée | mariée | future mariée | future épouse | épouse bride price {noun} (bride prices) prix de la fiancée bridegroom [/ˈbɹaɪdˌɡɹuːm/] {noun} (bridegrooms) marié | jeune marié | futur marié | futur époux | époux Bridekirk Bridekirk bridesmaid [/ˈbɹaɪdzˌmeɪd/] {noun, verb} (bridesmaids, bridesmaided, bridesmaiding) demoiselle d'honneur Bridestowe Bridestowe Bridestowe and Sourton Common Bridestowe and Sourton Common Brideswell Brideswell Bridford Bridford Bridge {properNoun} Bridge bridge [/bɹɪd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (bridges, bridging, bridged) pont | bridge | chevalet | passerelle | fondre | relier bridge below pontet souscrit Bridge Hewick Bridge Hewick bridge loan {noun} (bridge loans) prêt relais Bridge of Alford Bridge of Alford Bridge of Allan Bridge of Allan Bridge of Balgie Bridge of Balgie Bridge of Cally Bridge of Cally Bridge of Craigisla Bridge of Craigisla Bridge of Dee Bridge of Dee Bridge of Earn {properNoun} Bridge of Earn Bridge of Muchalls Bridge of Muchalls Bridge of Orchy {properNoun} Bridge of Orchy Bridge of Tilt Bridge of Tilt Bridge of Weir {properNoun} Bridge of Weir bridge pattern {noun} (bridge patterns) bridge Bridge Sollers Bridge Sollers bridge the gap {verb} (bridges the gap, bridged the gap, bridging the gap) faire la soudure Bridge Trafford Bridge Trafford bridgeable {adjective} (more bridgeable, most bridgeable) où un pont est possible | remédiable | surmontable Bridgefoot Bridgefoot bridgehead [/ˈbɹɪdʒhɛd/] {noun} (bridgeheads) tête de pont Bridgemere Bridgemere Bridgend {properNoun} Bridgend Bridgend of Lintrathen Bridgend of Lintrathen Bridgerule Bridgerule Bridget [/ˈbɹɪd͡ʒɪt/] {noun, properNoun} (Bridgets) Brigitte bridgetender {noun} (bridgetenders) pontier Bridgetown [/ˈbɹɪdʒˌtaʊn/] {properNoun} Bridgetown Bridgham Bridgham bridging [/ˈbɹɪdʒɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (bridgings) bridging bridging force force de transition bridgmanite [/ˈbɹɪd͡ʒmənaɪt/] {noun} bridgmanite Bridgnorth {properNoun} Bridgnorth Bridgtown Bridgtown Bridgwater {properNoun} Bridgwater Bridgwater Without Bridgwater Without bridle [/ˈbɹaɪdəl/] {noun, verb} (bridles, bridling, bridled) bride | brider | refréner | réagir de manière piquée | être susceptible bridled clownfish poisson-clown rouge bridled finch moisson bridled honeyeater méliphage bridé bridled tern {noun} (bridled terns) Sterne bridée bridled titmouse {noun} (bridled titmouses) mésange arlequin Bridlington [/ˈbɹɪdlɪŋtən/] {properNoun} Bridlington Bridport {properNoun} Bridport Bridstow Bridstow brie [/bɹiː/] {noun} brie brie de Meaux brie de Meaux brief [/bɹiːf/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (briefer, briefest, more brief, most brief, briefs, briefing, briefed) bref | court briefcase [/ˈbɹiːfˌkeɪs/] {noun} (briefcases) portefeuille | serviette | porte-documents briefing [/ˈbɹiːfɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (briefings) revue briefly [/ˈbɹiːfli/] {adverb} (most briefly, more briefly) brièvement | concisément briefs [/bɹiːfs/] {noun, verb} slip | bobettes Briercliffe Briercliffe Brierfield Brierfield Brierley {properNoun} (Brierleys) Brierley Brierton Brierton brig {noun} (brigs) brigantin | cachot brigade [/bɹɪˈɡeɪd/] {noun, verb} (brigades, brigading, brigaded) brigade brigadier {noun} (brigadiers) brigadier | brigadière brigadier general {noun} (brigadier generals) brigadier-général brigand [/ˈbɹɪɡ.ənd/] {noun} (brigands) brigand | bandit brigantine {noun} (brigantines) brigantine Brigg {properNoun} Brigg Brigham {properNoun} (Brighams) Brigham Brighouse {properNoun} Brighouse Brighstone Brighstone bright [/bɹaɪt/] {adjective, noun} (brighter, brightest, brights) clair | brillant | heureux | intelligent | luisant | vivide bright side {noun} (bright sides) aspect positif | bon côté bright spark {noun} (bright sparks) flèche | tête bright stock base lubrifiante de haute viscosité brighten [/ˈbɹaɪtən/ | [ˈbɹaɪ̯ʔn̩]] {verb} (brightens, brightening, brightened) aviver brighten up {verb} (brightens up, brightened up, brightening up) agrémenter brightening {noun, verb} (brightenings) surbrillance Brightling Brightling Brightlingsea {properNoun} Brightlingsea brightly [/ˈbɹaɪtli/] {adverb} (most brightly, more brightly, brightlest, brightler) clairement | précisément brightness [/ˈbɹaɪtnəs/] {noun} (brightnesses) brillance | intelligence | luminosité Brighton [/ˈbɹaɪtən/ | [ˈbɹaɪ̯ʔən]] {properNoun} Brighton Brighton and Hove {properNoun} Brighton et Hove Brightons Brightons Brightwalton Brightwalton Brightwell {properNoun} (Brightwells) Brightwell Brightwell Baldwin Brightwell Baldwin Brightwell cum Sotwell Brightwell cum Sotwell brightwork [/ˈbɹaɪt.wɝk/] {noun} (brightworks) cuivres Bright’s disease albuminurie Brignall Brignall Brigsley Brigsley Brigstock Brigstock Brill {properNoun} Brill brill [/bɹɪl/] {adjective, noun} (most brill, more brill, brill, brills) barbue Brilley Brilley brilliance [/ˈbɹɪljən(t)s/] {noun} (brilliances) brillance brilliancy [/ˈbɹɪljənsi/] {noun} (brilliancies) brillance brilliant [/ˈbɹɪljənt/] {adjective, noun} (more brilliant, most brilliant) brillant | perle brilliant uncirculated BU brilliantine {noun, verb} (brilliantines, brilliantining, brilliantined) brillantine brilliantly {adverb} (most brilliantly, more brilliantly) brillamment brillig {noun} brilgue brim [/bɹɪm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (brims, most brim, more brim, brimming, brimmed) bord Brimfield Brimfield Brimington Brimington Brimpsfield Brimpsfield Brimpton Brimpton brimstone [/ˈbɹɪmˌstoʊn/ | /ˈbɹɪmˌstəʊn/] {noun} citron Brimstone Moth citronnelle rouillée Brindisi {properNoun} Brindisi Brindle {properNoun} (Brindles) Brindle brindle {adjective, noun, verb} (brindles, brindled, brindling, more brindle, most brindle) bringé brindled [/ˈbɹɪndəld/] {adjective, verb} (most brindled, more brindled) fauve Brindled Beauty phalène hérissée Brindley {properNoun} (Brindleys) Brindley Brindley Heath Brindley Heath brine [/bɹaɪn/] {noun, verb} (brines, brined, brining) saumure brine shrimp {noun} (brine shrimp, brine shrimps) artémie bring [/ˈbɹɪŋ/] {interjection, verb} (brings, bringing, brought) apporter | amener bring about {verb} (brings about, brought about, bringing about) provoquer | accomplir | causer | effectuer | occasionner | réaliser bring away entraîner bring back {verb} (brings back, brought back, bringing back) faire revenir | ramener | rapporter bring bad luck porter malheur bring down {verb} (brings down, bringing down, brought down) abaisser bring forth {verb} (brings forth, bringing forth, brought forth) générer | créer | donner naissance | produire bring from emporter bring home the bacon {verb} faire bouillir la marmite | faire bouillir la popotte | gagner sa vie | mettre du pain sur la table bring into accord accorder bring into agreement accorder bring into the civil service fonctionnariser bring off {verb} (brings off, brought off, bringing off) mener à bien bring one’s A game sortir le grand jeu bring out {verb} (brings out, bringing out, brought out) dégager bring tears to the eyes piquer les yeux bring to a boil {verb} (brings to the boil, bringing to the boil, brought to the boil) porter à ébullition bring to an end {verb} mettre un point final bring to bear {verb} (brings to bear, brought to bear, bringing to bear) appliquer | employer | pointer | viser bring to heel {verb} mettre au pas bring to light {verb} dévoiler | mettre au grand jour | mettre au jour | révéler bring together {verb} (brings together, bringing together, brought together) unir bring up {verb} (brings up, brought up, bringing up) élever bring up the rear {verb} fermer la marche Bringhurst {properNoun} (Bringhursts) Bringhurst Brington Brington Brington and Molesworth Brington and Molesworth brinicle {noun} (brinicles) brinicle Briningham Briningham brinjal [/bɹɪnd͡ʒɒl/] {noun} (brinjals) brinjal brink [/bɹɪŋk/] {noun} (brinks) bord | lisière Brinkburn Brinkburn Brinkhill Brinkhill Brinkley {properNoun} Brinkley Brinklow {properNoun} Brinklow brinkmanship {noun} (brinkmanships) stratégie du bord de [[l’]]abyme Brinkworth {properNoun} Brinkworth Brinsley Brinsley Brinsop and Wormsley Brinsop and Wormsley Brinsworth Brinsworth Brinton {properNoun} (Brintons) Brinton briny [/ˈbɹaɪni/] {adjective, noun} (most briny, more briny, brinest, briner) saumâtre briny water eau saumâtre brio [/ˈbɹiːoʊ/] {noun} brio brioche [/ˈbriːɒʃ/] {noun} (brioches) brioche briochery briocherie briouat briouate Brioverian Briovérien briquet [/bɹɪˈkɛt/] {noun} (briquets) briquette | briquet briquet griffon vendéen briquet griffon vendéen briquette {noun} (briquettes) briquette brisance [/ˈbɹiːzɑ̃s/] {noun} brisance Brisbane [/ˈbɹɪzbən/] {properNoun} Brisbane Briseis [/bɹaɪˈsiːɪs/] {properNoun} Briséis brisk [/bɹɪsk/] {adjective, verb} (brisker, most brisk, briskest, more brisk, brisks, brisking, brisked) vif | animé | stimulant brisket {noun} poitrail | poitrine briskly [/ˈbɹɪskli/] {adverb} (more briskly, most briskly) vivement Brisley Brisley Brissotin Brissotin bristle [/ˈbɹɪs.l̩/ | /ˈbɹʌs.l̩/] {noun, verb} (bristles, bristled, bristling) poil | se hérisser bristlebird {noun} (bristlebirds) dasyorne bristletail {noun} (bristletails, bristletail) lépisme | poisson d'argent bristly {adjective} (bristler, bristlest) hirsute Bristol [/ˈbɹɪstəl/] {noun, properNoun} Bristol Bristol Stool Chart échelle de Bristol Bristol Stool Form Scale échelle de Bristol Bristol Stool Scale échelle de Bristol Bristolian [/bɹɪsˈtəʊ.li.ən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Bristolian, more Bristolian, Bristolians) Bristolien | bristolien Briston Briston Brit [/bɹɪt/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Brit, most Brit, Brits) Britannique Britain [/ˈbɹɪ.tn̩/ | /ˈbɹɪ.tən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Britains, more Britain, most Britain) Grande-Bretagne Britannia [/bɹɪˈtænɪə/] {properNoun} Britannia Britannia metal {noun} britannia Britannia silver {noun} britannia britannium britannium britanny bretagne britches [/ˈbɹɪtʃɪz/] {noun} futal Britford Britford Brithdir Brithdir Brithdir and Llanfachreth Brithdir and Llanfachreth Brithenig {properNoun} brithenig Briticism {noun} (Briticisms) anglicisme British [/ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ/ | [ˈbɹɪ.ʔɪʃ] | [ˈbɹɪɾ.ɪʃ]] {adjective, properNoun} (most British, more British) britannique | Britannique | anglais britannique british angora javanais British Broadcasting Corporation {properNoun} Corporation britannique de radiodiffusion British Columbia [/ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ kə.ˈlʌm.bi.ə/] {properNoun} Colombie-Britannique British Columbian {adjective, noun} (British Columbians) Britanno-Colombien | Britanno-Colombienne | Colombo-Britannique | britanno-colombien | colombo-britannique British Empire {properNoun} Empire britannique British English {adjective, noun} (more British English, most British English) Anglais Britannique British Guiana {properNoun} Guyane britannique British Honduras {properNoun} Honduras britannique British Indian Ocean Territory {properNoun} Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien British Isles [/ˌbɹɪ.tɪʃ ˈaɪlz/] {properNoun} îles Britanniques British longhair british longhair British shorthair british shorthair British Sign Language {properNoun} langue des signes britannique British thermal unit {noun} (British thermal units) BTU British Virgin Islands {properNoun} Îles Vierges britanniques British white british white British yellowhead inule d’Angleterre Britisher [/ˈbɹɪtɪʃə/] {adjective, noun} (Britishers) Britannique Briton [/ˈbɹɪtən/] {noun} (Britons) Britannique Briton Ferry {properNoun} Briton Ferry Brittany [/ˈbɹɪtəni/] {properNoun} Bretagne | épagneul breton brittany épagneul breton Brittany black and white bretonne pie noir brittle [/ˈbɹɪtl̩/] {adjective, noun} (more brittle, brittler, brittlest, most brittle, brittles) cassant | fragile | croquant brittle star {noun} (brittle stars) ophiure brittleness {noun} (brittlenesses) fragilité brittlestem {noun} psathyrelle Brittonic [/bɹɪˈtɒnɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Brittonic, most Brittonic) brittonique Britwell Britwell Britwell Salome Britwell Salome brivla {noun} (brivla) brivla Brixham [/ˈbɹɪksəm/] {properNoun} Brixham Brixton Deverill Brixton Deverill Brixtonian brixtonien Brixworth Brixworth briyani briyani Brize Norton Brize Norton Brizlincote Brizlincote Brizo Brizo BRM GRE Brno {properNoun} Brno bro [/bɹoʊ/ | /bɹəʊ/] {noun} (bros) frérot bro culture bro culture Bro Garmon Bro Garmon Bro Machno Bro Machno broach [/bɹoʊtʃ/ | /bɹəʊtʃ/] {noun, verb} (broaches, broached, broaching) aborder | entamer | percer un tonneau | perforer | s'adresser à broad [/bɹɑd/ | /bɹɔd/ | /bɹɔːd/] {adjective, noun} (broadest, broader, broads) large | fort | gonzesse | meuf broad bean {noun} (broad beans) fève | fèverole Broad Chalke Broad Chalke Broad Clyst Broad Clyst broad fish tapeworm) bothriocéphale broad gauge {noun} (broad gauges) voie large Broad Haven Broad Haven Broad Hinton Broad Hinton broad leaved anemone anémone des jardins Broad Town Broad Town broad whitefish palée du Léman broad-billed prion prion de Forster broad-billed sandpiper {noun} (broad-billed sandpipers) bécasseau falcinelle broad-billed sanpiper bécasseau falcinelle Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth sphinx du chèvrefeuille broad-clawed porcelain crab porcellane grise broad-footed marsupial mice Antechinus broad-leaved {adjective} feuillu broad-leaved epiphyllum {noun} (broad-leaved epiphyllums) Epiphyllum à large feuilles broad-leaved fleabane vergerette de Sumatra broad-leaved marsh orchid dactylorhize de mai broad-leaved paperbark niaouli broad-leaved pondweed potamot nageant broad-leaved tree feuillu broad-minded {adjective} (most broad-minded, more broad-minded) large d'esprit | ouvert d'esprit broad-mindedness {noun} (broad-mindednesses) largesse d'esprit | ouverture d'esprit broad-shouldered {adjective} (most broad-shouldered, more broad-shouldered) de forte carrure broad-winged hawk {noun} (broad-winged hawks) petite buse broadband {adjective, noun} (broadbands) haut débit broadbill {noun} (broadbills) eurylaime Broadbridge Heath Broadbridge Heath broadcast [/ˈbɹɑdkæst/ | /ˈbɹɔdkæst/ | /ˈbɹɔːdkɑːst/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most broadcast, more broadcast, broadcasts, broadcasted, broadcast, broadcasting) diffuser | émission | radiodiffuser broadcast listener radio broadcast storm {noun} (broadcast storms) tempête de diffusion broadcaster {noun} (broadcasters) expéditeur broadcasting {adjective, noun, verb} radiodiffusion | émission broadcasting right droit de diffusion broaden {verb} (broadens, broadened, broadening) élargir broadening {noun, verb} (broadenings) élargissement Broadford Broadford Broadheath Broadheath Broadhembury Broadhembury Broadhempston Broadhempston Broadholme Broadholme Broadland {properNoun} Broadland broadleaf {adjective, noun} (broadleafs, broadleaves) feuillu | platyphylle broadleaved tree feuillu Broadley Broadley broadly {adverb} (more broadly, most broadly) largement Broadmayne Broadmayne broadnose sevengill shark requin plat-nez broadnosed pipefish siphonostome Broadoak Broadoak Broadsea Broadsea broadsheet {adjective, noun} (broadsheets) feuille volante broadside {adverb, noun, verb} (broadsides, broadsiding, broadsided) bordée | flanc Broadstairs and St Peter’s Broadstairs and St Peter’s broadsword [/ˈbɹɔːd.sɔːd/] {noun} (broadswords) estramaçon Broadwas Broadwas Broadway [/ˈbɹɔdweɪ/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} Broadway Broadwell {properNoun} Broadwell Broadwindsor Broadwindsor Broadwoodkelly Broadwoodkelly Broadwoodwidger Broadwoodwidger

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