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ОглавлениеAnsbach Ansbach Ansbach-Triesdorfer ansbach triesdorfer Anschluss [/ˈan.ʃlʊs/] {noun} anschluss Anselm [/ˈanˌsɛlm/ | /ˈænˌsɛlm/] {properNoun} Anselme anserine [/ˈansəɹiːn/ | /ˈansəɹʌɪn/] {adjective, noun} (most anserine, more anserine) ansérine Anserma anserma Ansford Ansford Ansley {properNoun} Ansley Anslow Anslow Anstey {properNoun} Anstey Anstruther {properNoun} Anstruther Ansty {properNoun} Ansty Ansty and Staplefield {properNoun} Ansty and Staplefield answer [/ˈæn.sɚ/ | /ˈɑːn.sə/ | [ˈeən.sə] | [ˈeən.sɚ]] {noun, verb} (answers, answering, answered) réponse | répondre | solution answer back {verb} (answers back, answered back, answering back) répondre answer for {verb} aller answer to {verb} (answers to, answering to, answered to) répondre à | être responsable devant qn. answerable [/ˈæn.səɹ.ʌ.bl/ | /ˈɑːnsəɹəb(ə)l/] {adjective} (most answerable, more answerable) répondable answerer [/ˈænsəɹəɹ/ | /ˈɑːnsəɹə/] {noun} (answerers) répondant answering machine {noun} (answering machines) répondeur ant [/ænt/ | /ɑːnt/ | /ɛnt/ | [ɛənt]] {noun, verb} (ants, anting, anted) fourmi ant-hill [/ˈænthɪl/] {noun} (ant-hills) fourmilière ant-man homme-fourmi anta [/ˈæn.tə/] {noun} (antae, antas) ante antacid {adjective, noun} (most antacid, more antacid, antacids) antiacide antagonise {verb} (antagonises, antagonising, antagonised) contrarier antagonism {noun} antagonisme antagonist [/ænˈtæɡənɪst/] {noun} (antagonists) antagoniste antagonistic [/æn.tæ.ɡə.ˈnɪs.tɪk/] {adjective} (more antagonistic, most antagonistic) antagonique antagonize {verb} (antagonizes, antagonized, antagonizing) contrarier antagonym {noun} (antagonyms) contronyme antamanide antamanide antanaclasis {noun} (antanaclases) antanaclase Antananarivo {properNoun} Antananarivo | Tananarive antaphrodisiac [/æntæfɹəˈdɪzɪˌæk/] {adjective, noun} (antaphrodisiacs) anaphrodisiaque Antarctic [/ænˈtɑɹ(k)tɪk/ | /ænˈtɑː(k)tɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Antarctic, most Antarctic) antarctique antarctic [/ænˈtɑːktɪk/] {adjective} (most antarctic, more antarctic) antarctique Antarctic Circle {properNoun} cercle antarctique Antarctic minke whale {noun} (Antarctic minke whales) petit rorqual de l’Antarctique Antarctic Peninsula {properNoun} Péninsule Antarctique Antarctic prion prion de la Désolation Antarctica [/ænˈtɑɹ(k)tɪkə/ | /ˌænˈtɑː(k)tɪkə/] {properNoun} Antarctique Antarctican {adjective, noun} (Antarcticans) Antarcticain Antarean {adjective, noun} (most Antarean, more Antarean, Antareans) Antarien Antares {properNoun} Antarès Antarian {adjective, noun} (most Antarian, more Antarian, Antarians) Antarien antbird {noun} (antbirds) fourmilier ante [[ˈæn.tʰi]] {noun, verb} (antes, anteing, anted, anteed) mise | miser ante meridiem {adverb} ante-meridiem ante up [/ˈæntiː ʌp/] {verb} (antes up, anteing up, anted up) payer anteater [/ˈæntˌitɚ/ | /ˈæntˌiːtə/] {noun} (anteaters) fourmilier antebellum {adjective} [[d']][[avant-guerre]] antecedence {noun} antécédence antecedent [/ˌantɪˈsiːdənt/] {adjective, noun} (antecedents) antécédent | ascendant antecedently {adverb} (more antecedently, most antecedently) antécédemment antechamber [/ˈæntiˌt͡ʃeɪmbə/ | /ˈæntiˌt͡ʃeɪmbɚ/] {noun} (antechambers) antichambre Antechinus Antechinus antechinus {noun} (antechinuses) antechine antechinus shrews Antechinus anteclassical [/æntɪˈklæsɪk(ɘ)l/] {adjective} préclassique anteconsonantal {adjective} antéconsonantique antedate [/ˈæntiˌdeɪt/] {noun, verb} (antedates, antedating, antedated) antidater antediluvial [/ˌantɪdɪˈluːvɪəl/] {adjective} (most antediluvial, more antediluvial) antédiluvien antediluvian [/ˌantɪdɪˈluːvɪən/] {adjective, noun} (most antediluvian, more antediluvian, antediluvians) antédiluvien antefix {noun} (antefixes) antéfixe anteflexion {noun} antéflexion antegrammatical {adjective} antégrammatical antelope [/ˈæn.tə.loʊp/ | /ˈæn.tɪ.ləʊp/] {noun} (antelopes, antelope) antilope antemeridiem {adverb} ante-meridiem antemortem {adjective} ante mortem antenatal {adjective} anténatal antenatal depression dépression prénatale antenna [/ænˈtɛn.ə/] {noun} (antennae, antennas) antenne antenna coupler adaptateur d’antenne antenna pattern diagramme de rayonnement antenna tuner adaptateur d’antenne antenna tuning unit adaptateur d’antenne antenuptial {adjective} anténuptial antenuptial agreement contrat de mariage antependium {noun} (antependiums, antependia) antependium antepenultimate {adjective, noun} (antepenultimates) antépénultième anterior [/ænˈtɪəriə(r)/] {adjective} antérieur | précédent anterior chamber {noun} (anterior chambers) chambre antérieure de l'œil anterograde {adjective} antérograde anterograde amnesia {noun} (anterograde amnesias) amnésie antérograde anteroinferior {adjective} antéroinférieur anteroom [/ˈæn.ti.ɹʊm/] {noun} (anterooms) antichambre Anteros Antéros anterosuperior {adjective} antérosupérieur Antes {properNoun} antérieurement Anthe {properNoun} Anthée anthelion {noun} (anthelia) anthélie anthelmintic [/ænθɛlˈmɪntɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most anthelmintic, more anthelmintic, anthelmintics) anthelminthique anthem [/ˈæn.təm/ | /ˈæn.θəm/] {noun, verb} (anthems, anthemed, antheming) hymne anthemol {noun} anthémol anther [/ˈænθɚ/] {noun} (anthers) anthère antheridium {noun} (antheridia) anthéridie anthesis [/ænˈθisɪs/] {noun} (antheses) ouverture anthill [/ˈænt.hɪl/] {noun} (anthills) fourmilière | termitière anthocyanin {noun} (anthocyanins) anthocyane anthologist [/ænˈθɒl.ə.dʒɪst/] {noun} (anthologists) anthologiste anthology [/ænˈθɑlədʒi/ | /ænˈθɒlədʒɪ/] {noun} (anthologies) anthologie | florilège Anthony [/ˈæn.tə.ni/ | /ˈæn.θə.ni/] {properNoun} Antoine anthophagous {adjective} (most anthophagous, more anthophagous) anthophage anthophyllite {noun} anthophyllite anthoxanthin {noun} (anthoxanthins) anthoxanthine anthracene {noun} anthracène anthraciferous {adjective} (more anthraciferous, most anthraciferous) anthracifère anthracite [/ˈænθɹəˌsaɪt/] {noun} anthracite anthracitic {adjective} (most anthracitic, more anthracitic) anthraciteux anthracologist {noun} (anthracologists) anthracologue anthracology {noun} anthracologie anthracomancy {noun} anthracomancie anthrax [/ˈæn.θɹæks/] {noun} (anthraxes) charbon anthro {adjective, noun} anthro anthrophobia anthropophobie anthropic [/ænˈθɹɒp.ɪk/] {adjective} anthropique anthropic principle {noun} (anthropic principles) principe anthropique anthropization {noun} anthropisation anthropize {verb} (anthropizes, anthropizing, anthropized) anthropiser anthropo- {prefix} anthropo- anthropo-zoomorphic anthropo-zoomorphe anthropobiology {noun} anthropobiologie Anthropocene [/ˈænθɹəpəˌsin/ | /ˈænθɹəpəˌsiːn/] {properNoun} anthropocène anthropocene anthropocène anthropocentric {adjective} (most anthropocentric, more anthropocentric) anthropocentrique anthropocentrically {adverb} (more anthropocentrically, most anthropocentrically) anthropocentriquement anthropocentrism [/ˌæn.θɹə.poʊˈsɛn.tɹɪz.m/] {noun} anthropocentrisme anthropochory {noun} anthropochorie anthropodermic {adjective} anthropodermique | anthropodermiques anthropogenesis {noun} anthropogenèse anthropogenic {adjective} anthropique anthropogenic climate change changement climatique anthropique anthropogeny {noun} (anthropogenies) anthropogénie anthropography {noun} anthropographie anthropoid {adjective, noun} (most anthropoid, more anthropoid, anthropoids) anthropoïde anthropolatry {noun} anthropolâtrie anthropological [/æn.θɹə.pə.ˈlɑdʒikəl/] {adjective} (more anthropological, most anthropological) anthropologique anthropologically {adverb} (more anthropologically, most anthropologically) anthropologique anthropologism anthropologisme anthropologist [/ˌæn.θɹoʊˈpɑl.ə.d͡ʒɪst/] {noun} (anthropologists) anthropologue anthropology [/ˌænθɹəˈpɑːlədʒi/ | /ˌænθɹəˈpɒlədʒi/] {noun} anthropologie anthropomancy {noun} anthropomancie anthropometric {adjective} anthropométrique anthropometry [/ænθɹəˈpɒmɪtɹɪ/] {noun} (anthropometries) anthropométrie anthropomorph {noun} (anthropomorphs) anthropomorphe anthropomorphic [/ænθɹɒpəˈmɔɹfɪk/ | [ˌæ̃n̪θɹ̠əpəˈmɔɹ̠fɪ̈k]] {adjective} anthropomorphe anthropomorphism {noun} anthropomorphisme anthropomorphite {noun} (anthropomorphites) anthropomorphite anthropomorphize {verb} (anthropomorphizes, anthropomorphized, anthropomorphizing) anthropomorphiser anthroponym {noun} (anthroponyms) anthroponyme anthroponymy [/ænθɹəʊˈpɒnɪmɪ/] {noun} anthroponymie anthropophagy {noun} (anthropophagies) anthropophagie anthropophilic {adjective} anthropophile anthropophobia {noun} anthropophobie anthropopithecus anthropopithèque anthropopsychology anthropopsychologie anthroposophic [/ˌæŋθɹəˈpɑsəfɪk/ | /ˌæŋθɹəˈpɒsəfɪk/] {adjective} (more anthroposophic, most anthroposophic) anthroposophique anthroposophical {adjective} anthroposophique anthroposophy [/ˌænθɹəˈpɑsəfi/ | /ˌænθɹəˈpɒsəfi/] {noun} anthroposophie anthropotomy {noun} (anthropotomies) anthropotomie anthropotoponym {noun} (anthropotoponyms) anthropotoponyme anthrozoology {noun} anthrozoologie anthumous {adjective} anthume anthurium {noun} (anthuriums) anthurium anthypophora {noun} anthypophore anti [/ˈæn.ti/] {adjective, noun, preposition} (more anti, most anti, antis) anti anti- [/ænti/ | /æntiː/] {prefix} anti- anti-abolitionism {noun} anti-abolitionnisme anti-abortion {adjective} (more anti-abortion, most anti-abortion) anti-avortement anti-aging {adjective} (more anti-aging, most anti-aging) antiâge anti-AIDS antisida anti-air anti-aérien anti-aircraft {adjective, noun} (anti-aircraft, anti-aircrafts) anti-aérien anti-aliasing {noun} anticrénelage anti-allergy antiallergique anti-American {adjective} (most anti-American, more anti-American) antiaméricain anti-Americanism {noun} antiaméricanisme anti-aromatic antiaromatique anti-arrythmia agent antiarythmique anti-art {noun} anti-art anti-arythmic antiarythmique anti-begging antimendicité anti-burka {adjective} antiburqa anti-café anticafé anti-Catalanism {noun} anticatalanisme anti-Christian {adjective, noun} (most anti-Christian, more anti-Christian, anti-Christians) antichrétien anti-civilisation anti-civilisation anti-collusion anticollusion anti-continental anticontinental anti-copy anticopie anti-crime anticriminalité anti-dandruff antipelliculaire anti-debris device antidébris anti-detonation antidétonant anti-diarrheal antidiarrhéique anti-diarrhoeal antidiarrhéique anti-dive antiplongée anti-diving antiplongée anti-dumping duty droit correcteur anti-epileptic antiépileptique anti-establishment {adjective} antisystème anti-Europe antieuropéen anti-European {adjective} antieuropéen anti-Europeanism {noun} antieuropéanisme anti-explosive antidéflagrant anti-fascism {noun} (anti-fascisms) antifascisme anti-federalism {noun} antifédéralisme anti-fire antifeu anti-fraud antifraude anti-French antifrançais anti-g suit combinaison anti-g anti-gang antigang anti-Gaullist {adjective, noun} (anti-Gaullists) antigaulliste anti-German sentiment antigermanisme anti-globalism {noun} altermondialisation anti-gravity {noun} antigravité anti-heat antithermique anti-hero {noun} (anti-heroes) antihéros anti-homophobia antihomophobie anti-hormone anti-hormone anti-imperialism {noun} (anti-imperialisms) anti-impérialisme anti-incendiary {adjective} antifeu anti-index {noun} (anti-indexes) anti-index anti-inflammatory {adjective, noun} (more anti-inflammatory, most anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatories) antiinflammatoire anti-inflation anti-inflationniste anti-inflationary {adjective} (most anti-inflationary, more anti-inflationary) anti-inflationniste anti-intellectualism {noun} anti-intellectualisme anti-Islamic {adjective} (most anti-Islamic, more anti-Islamic) antifoulard | antimusulman anti-Jew {noun} (anti-Jews) anti-Juif | anti-Juive | anti-juif | anti-juive | antijuif | antijuive anti-Jewish {adjective} (most anti-Jewish, more anti-Jewish) anti-juif | antijuif Anti-Lebanon {properNoun} Anti-Liban Anti-Lebanon Mountains Anti-Liban anti-lock {adjective} antiblocage Anti-lock Braking System antiblocage de sécurité anti-malaria antipaludique anti-migraine {adjective} (most anti-migraine, more anti-migraine) antimigraineux anti-militarism {noun} (anti-militarisms) antimilitarisme anti-Muslimism {noun} islamophobie anti-Muslimness {noun} islamophobie anti-nazi antinazi anti-Palestinian {adjective} (more anti-Palestinian, most anti-Palestinian) antipalestinien anti-panhandling antimendicité anti-Parliament antiparlementaire anti-parliament antiparlementaire Anti-Parliamentarism antiparlementarisme anti-police anti-police anti-psychiatry antipsychiatrie anti-racist {adjective, noun} (anti-racists) antiraciste anti-radar antiradar anti-radiation antiradiation anti-Romanyism anti-tsiganisme anti-satellite {adjective} antisatellite anti-segregationist antiségrégationniste anti-Semite {noun} (anti-Semites) antisémite anti-Semitic [/ˌæntiːsəˈmɪtɪk/] {adjective} (more anti-Semitic, most anti-Semitic) antisémite anti-Semitism [/ˌæntɪˈsɛmɪˌtɪzəm/] {noun} anti-sémitisme anti-shock mounting capot amortisseur anti-skid système antipatinage anti-slavery anti-esclavagiste anti-smoking {adjective} antitabac anti-State antiétatique anti-statism antiétatisme anti-stress {adjective} antistress anti-submarine {adjective} anti-sous-marin anti-Syrian antisyrien anti-terrorism antiterrorisme anti-utopia {noun} (anti-utopias) contre-utopie anti-vaccine antivaccin anti-vax {adjective} antivaccin anti-war {adjective} (most anti-war, more anti-war) anti-guerre anti-Western antioccidental anti-wrinkle antiride Anti-Zionism antisionisme anti-Zionist {adjective, noun} (more anti-Zionist, most anti-Zionist, anti-Zionists) antisioniste antiabortion {adjective} (more antiabortion, most antiabortion) anti-avortement antiabortionist {noun} (antiabortionists) adversaire de l'avortement antiacridian {adjective} antiacridien antiaging {adjective} (more antiaging, most antiaging) antiâge antiaircraft {adjective, noun} (antiaircraft, antiaircrafts) antiaérien antialcoholism {noun} antialcoolisme antialiasing [/ˈæn.ti.ˈeɪ.li.əs.ɪŋ/] {noun} anticrènelage antiallergical antiallergique antiamarillic {adjective} antiamaril antianemic {adjective, noun} (antianemics) antianémique antiarin {noun} antiarine antiaromatic {adjective} antiaromatique antiarrhythmic {adjective, noun} (antiarrhythmics) antiarythmique antiasthenic {adjective} (most antiasthenic, more antiasthenic) antiasthénique antiatom {noun} (antiatoms) l'antiatome antibacchic {adjective} antibacchiaque antibacterial {adjective, noun} (antibacterials) antibactérien antiballistic {adjective} antibalistique Antibes {properNoun} Antibes antibiogram {noun} (antibiograms) antibiogramme antibioresistance {noun} antibiorésistance antibiosis {noun} (antibioses) antibiose antibiotherapy {noun} (antibiotherapies) antibiothérapie antibiotic [/ˌæn.taɪ.baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ | /ˌæn.ti.baɪˈɒt.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most antibiotic, more antibiotic, antibiotics) antibiotique antibipyramid antidiamant antiblue {adjective} antibleu antibody {noun} (antibodies) anticorps antibolshevism {noun} antibolchévisme antibonding orbital {noun} (antibonding orbitals) orbitale antiliante antibot {noun} (antibots) antibot antiBoulangist {adjective} (most antiBoulangist, more antiBoulangist) antiboulangiste antibounce {adjective} antirebond antibourgeois {adjective} (more antibourgeois, most antibourgeois) antibourgeois antibribery {adjective} anticorruption antic [/ˈæn.tɪk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (antics, most antic, more antic, anticking, anticked) bouffon | bouffonnerie | clown | pitre | pitrerie anticaking agent {noun} (anticaking agents) anti-agglomérant anticancer {adjective} anticancéreux anticapitalism {noun} (anticapitalisms) anticapitalisme anticapitalist {adjective, noun} (most anticapitalist, more anticapitalist, anticapitalists) anticapitaliste anticastroist anticastriste anticatalyst {noun} (anticatalysts) anticatalyseur anticatholic {adjective, noun} (more anticatholic, most anticatholic, anticatholics) anticatholique antiChinese antichinois anticholera {adjective} anticholérique anticholesterol {adjective, noun} anticholestérol anticholinergic {adjective, noun} (more anticholinergic, most anticholinergic, anticholinergics) anticholinergique anticholinesterase {noun} (anticholinesterases) anticholinestérase antichresis {noun} (antichreses) antichrèse Antichrist {properNoun} antéchrist | Antéchrist antichrist {noun} (antichrists) antéchrist antichristian [/antɪˈkɹɪstɪən/] {adjective, noun} (more antichristian, most antichristian, antichristians) antichrétien Antici Antici anticipable {adjective} (more anticipable, most anticipable) anticipable anticipate [/ænˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/ | /ænˈtɪs.ɪ.peɪt/] {verb} (anticipates, anticipating, anticipated) anticiper | prévoir anticipation [/æn.tɪs.əˈpe.ʃən/] {noun} anticipation anticipatory {adjective} anticipatoire anticipatory assimilation assimilation régressive anticlerical {adjective, noun} (more anticlerical, most anticlerical, anticlericals) anticlérical anticlimax {noun} (anticlimaxes) déception anticlinal conformation conformation anticlinale anticline [/ˈæntiklaɪn/] {noun} (anticlines) anticlinal anticlockwise [/ˌæntiˈklɑkwaɪz/ | /ˌæntiˈklɒk.waɪz/] {adjective, adverb} antihoraire | dans le [[sens contraire des aiguilles d’une montre]] | dans le [[sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre]] | dans le sens antihoraire | sens antihoraire | sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre anticlotting {adjective} anticoagulant anticoagulant {adjective, noun} (more anticoagulant, most anticoagulant, anticoagulants) anticoagulant anticodon [/ˌæntiˈkəʊdɒn/] {noun} (anticodons) anticodon anticollusion {adjective} anticollusion anticolonial [/ˌænt.aɪ.kəˈloʊn.i.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most anticolonial, more anticolonial, anticolonials) anticolonial anticolonialism {noun} anticolonialisme anticommunism [/æntɪˈkɒmjʊnɪzəm/] {noun} (anticommunisms) anticommunisme anticommunist {adjective, noun} (most anticommunist, more anticommunist, anticommunists) anticommuniste anticommutative {adjective} anti-commutatif anticommutativity {noun} anti-commutativité anticompetitive {adjective} (more anticompetitive, most anticompetitive) anticoncurrentiel anticonstitutional {adjective} (most anticonstitutional, more anticonstitutional) anticonstitutionnel anticonstitutionally {adverb} (most anticonstitutionally, more anticonstitutionally) anticonstitutionnellement anticontinental anticontinental anticonvulsant {adjective, noun} (anticonvulsants) anticonvulsif anticonvulsive {adjective, noun} (anticonvulsives) anticonvulsif anticorrosive {adjective, noun} (more anticorrosive, most anticorrosive, anticorrosives) antirouille anticorruption [/ˌæntiːkəˈɹʌpʃən/] {adjective, noun} (more anticorruption, most anticorruption) anticorruption anticounterfeit {noun} anti-contrefaçon anticounterfeiting {adjective, noun} anti-contrefaçon anticyclone {noun} (anticyclones) anticyclone anticyclonic {adjective} anticyclonique Anticythera Anticythère antidemocratic {adjective} (most antidemocratic, more antidemocratic) antidémocratique antidepressant {adjective, noun} (more antidepressant, most antidepressant, antidepressants) antidépresseur antiderivative {noun} (antiderivatives) primitive antidiabetic {adjective, noun} (antidiabetics) antidiabétique antidiagonal {noun} (antidiagonals) antidiagonale antidiarrheal {adjective, noun} (antidiarrheals) antidiarrhéique antidiarrhoeal {adjective, noun} (antidiarrhoeals) antidiarrhéique antidiarrhœal {adjective, noun} antidiarrhéique antidicotyledon {adjective} antidicotylédone antidifferentiation {noun} (antidifferentiations) intégration antidiphteric antidiphtérique antidipyramid antidiamant antidiscriminatory {adjective} (more antidiscriminatory, most antidiscriminatory) antidiscriminatoire antidiuretic {adjective, noun} (antidiuretics) antidiurétique antidoping {adjective} antidopage antidotal {adjective} alexipharmaque antidotary {adjective, noun} (antidotaries) antidotaire antidote [/ˈæn.tə.dot/] {noun, verb} (antidotes, antidoted, antidoting) antidote | contrepoison | alexipharmaque antidrug {adjective} (most antidrug, more antidrug) anti-drogue | antidrogue antidumping {adjective} antidumping antidumping duty droit correcteur antidust {adjective} (most antidust, more antidust) anti-poussière antiegalitarianism {noun} antiégalitarisme antiestablishment {adjective} (more antiestablishment, most antiestablishment) contestataire antieverything {adjective} (more antieverything, most antieverything) antitout antifamily {adjective} (most antifamily, more antifamily) antifamille antifascism {noun} (antifascisms) antifascisme antifascist {adjective, noun} (more antifascist, most antifascist, antifascists) antifasciste antifelting {adjective} antifeutrant antifeminism {noun} antiféminisme antifeminist {adjective, noun} (more antifeminist, most antifeminist, antifeminists) antiféministe antiferromagnetism {noun} antiferromagnétisme antifibrinolytic {adjective, noun} (antifibrinolytics) antifibrinolytique antifire {adjective} antifeu antifog {adjective} antibrouillard antifouling {adjective, noun} (antifoulings) antifouling antifragility {noun} antifragilité antifraud {adjective} (most antifraud, more antifraud) antifraude antifreeze {noun} antigel antifungal {adjective, noun} (more antifungal, most antifungal, antifungals) antifongique antigang {adjective} antigang antigen {noun} (antigens) antigène antigen presentation présentation de l’antigène antigen processing apprêtement de l’antigène antigenemia {noun} antigénémie antigenic {adjective} antigénique antigenized {adjective} antigénisé antigerminative antigerminatif Antigone [/ænˈtɪɡəni/] {properNoun} Antigone antigorite {noun} (antigorites) antigorite antigovernment {adjective} (more antigovernment, most antigovernment) antigouvernemental antigovernmental {adjective} (most antigovernmental, more antigovernmental) antigouvernemental antigravity {noun} antigravité antigreen {adjective, noun} (antigreens) antivert Antigua [/ænˈtiːɡ(w)ə/] {properNoun} Antigua Antigua and Barbuda [/ænˌti.ɡ(w)ə ænd bɑɹˈbju.də/ | /ænˌtiː.ɡə ænd bɑːˈbjuː.də/] {properNoun} Antigua-et-Barbuda Antiguan [/ænˈtiːɡən/] {adjective, noun} (more Antiguan, most Antiguan, Antiguans) Antiguais | Antiguaise antigypsyism {noun} antitziganisme antihalo {adjective} antihalo antihelium {noun} antihélium antihelminthic {adjective, noun} (most antihelminthic, more antihelminthic, antihelminthics) anthelminthique antihero [/ˈæn.taɪˌhi.ɹoʊ/ | /ˈæn.tɪˌhɪə.ɹəʊ/] {noun} (antiheroes) antihéros antiheroic {adjective} (most antiheroic, more antiheroic) antihéroïque antiheroism {noun} antihéroïsme antihiatic {adjective} antihiatique antihistamine [/ˌæn.tiˈhɪs.tə.miːn/] {noun} (antihistamines) antihistaminique antihistaminic {adjective, noun} (antihistaminics) antihistaminique antihomophobia {noun} antihomophobie antihormonal {adjective} antihormonal antihydrogen {noun} (antihydrogens) antihydrogène antihyperlipidemic agents hypolipidémiant antihypertensive {adjective, noun} (antihypertensives) antihypertenseur | antihypertensif antijihadist {adjective} (more antijihadist, most antijihadist) antijihadiste antijoin {noun} (antijoins) anti-jointure antiking {noun} (antikings) anti-roi Antikythera Anticythère antilabe antilabe antilegal {adjective} (more antilegal, most antilegal) antilégal Antilegomena {noun} antilégomènes antileprosy {adjective} antilépreux antilepton {noun} (antileptons) antilepton antiliberal {adjective, noun} (most antiliberal, more antiliberal, antiliberals) antilibéral antiliberalism {noun} (antiliberalisms) antilibéralisme antilithic {adjective, noun} (most antilithic, more antilithic, antilithics) antilithique Antillean [/æntəˈliːən/] {adjective, noun} (Antilleans) Antillais antillean bullfinch pèrenoir Antilles [/ænˈtɪl.iːz/] {properNoun} Antilles Antillian beaked whale baleine à bec de Gervais antilogarithm {noun} (antilogarithms) antilogarithme antilogous {adjective} (most antilogous, more antilogous) antilogue antilogue [/ˈæntiˌlɒɡ/ | /ˈæntiˌlɔɡ/] {adjective} antilogue antilogy [/ænˈtɪləd͡ʒi/] {noun} (antilogies) contronyme antimacassar [/ˌæn.tɪ.məˈkæs.ə/ | /ˌæn.tɪ.məˈkæs.ɚ/] {noun} (antimacassars) têtière antimalarial {adjective, noun} (most antimalarial, more antimalarial, antimalarials) antipaludique antimatter [/ˈæntimæˌtɚ/] {noun} (antimatters) antimatière antimedia {adjective} (most antimedia, more antimedia) antimédiatique antimeridian {noun} (antimeridians) antiméridien antimetabole {noun} antimétabole antimetabolite {noun} (antimetabolites) antimétabolite antimetathesis {noun} antimétathèse antimicrobial {adjective, noun} (antimicrobials) antimicrobien antimicrobic {adjective, noun} (most antimicrobic, more antimicrobic, antimicrobics) antimicrobien antimigraine {adjective} antimigraineux antimigrant {adjective} (most antimigrant, more antimigrant) antimigrants antimins antimense antimissile {adjective, noun} (antimissiles) antimissile antimitotic {adjective, noun} (antimitotics) antimitotique antimodernism {noun} antimodernisme antimonarchic {adjective} (more antimonarchic, most antimonarchic) antimonarchique antimonarchical {adjective} (most antimonarchical, more antimonarchical) antimonarchiste antimonarchist {adjective, noun} (more antimonarchist, most antimonarchist, antimonarchists) antimonarchiste antimonial {adjective, noun} (antimonials) stibié antimoniated {adjective} stibié antimonite {noun} stibine antimonopoly {adjective} antimonopolistique antimonous sufide trisulfure d’antimoine antimony [/ˈæn.tɪ.mə.niː/ | /ˈæn.tɪˌmoʊ.ni/] {noun} (antimonies) antimoine antimony pentasulfide pentasulfure d’antimoine antimony red pentasulfure d’antimoine antimony sesquisulfide trisulfure d’antimoine antimony sulfide pentasulfure d’antimoine antimony trihydride hydrure d’antimoine antimony trisulfide trisulfure d’antimoine antimony vermilion trisulfure d’antimoine antimony(III) sulfide trisulfure d’antimoine antimoral {adjective} (most antimoral, more antimoral) antimoral antimuon {noun} (antimuons) antimuon antinatalism {noun} antinatalisme antinatalist {noun} (antinatalists) antinataliste antinationalism {noun} (antinationalisms) antinationalisme antinaupathic {adjective, noun} (antinaupathics) antinaupathique antinazi antinazi antineoplastic [/æntaɪni.əplæstɪk/] {adjective, noun} (antineoplastics) antinéoplasique antineutrino {noun} (antineutrinos) antineutrino antineutron {noun} (antineutrons) antineutron anting [/ˈæntɪŋ/] {noun} formicage Antingham Antingham antinoise {adjective, noun} (antinoises) antibruit antinomic {adjective} (most antinomic, more antinomic) antinomique antinomy [/ænˈtɪnəmi/] {noun} (antinomies) antinomie antinovel {noun} (antinovels) antiroman antinuclear {adjective} (most antinuclear, more antinuclear) antinucléaire antinuke {adjective, noun} (most antinuke, more antinuke, antinukes) antinucléaire Antioch [/ˈæntiˌɒk/] {properNoun} Antioche Antiochene [/ænˈtaɪəkiːn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (most Antiochene, more Antiochene, Antiochenes) Antiochène Antiochian [/æntiˈoʊkiən/ | /æntiˈɒkiən/] {adjective, noun} (most Antiochian, more Antiochian, Antiochians) Antiochien | Antiochienne | antiochien antiorgastic {adjective} (more antiorgastic, most antiorgastic) antiorgastique antiorthostatic decubitus décubitus antiorthostatique antioxidant {adjective, noun} (antioxidants) antioxydant antioxygenic {adjective} (more antioxygenic, most antioxygenic) antioxydant antioxytocic {adjective, noun} (more antioxytocic, most antioxytocic, antioxytocics) antiocytocique antipapal {adjective} (most antipapal, more antipapal) antipapal antiparallel {adjective, noun} (antiparallels) antiparallèle antiparasitic {adjective, noun} (most antiparasitic, more antiparasitic, antiparasitics) antiparasitaire antiparasitic agent antiparasitaire antiparkinsonian {noun} (antiparkinsonians) antiparkinsonien antiparticle [/ˈæntiˌpɑɹtɪkəl/] {noun} (antiparticles) antiparticule antipassive {adjective, noun} (antipassives) antipassif antipassive voice {noun} antipassif antipasto {noun} (antipasti, antipastos) hors d'œuvre antipathetic {adjective} (most antipathetic, more antipathetic) antipathique antipathic {adjective} (most antipathic, more antipathic) antipathique antipathy [/ænˈtɪpəθi/] {noun} (antipathies) antipathie antipattern {noun} (antipatterns) antipattern antiperiplanar conformation conformation antipériplanaire antiperistasis {noun} (antiperistases) antipéristase antipersonnel {adjective} antipersonnel antiperspirant {noun} antisudorifique antiphilosophy {noun} (antiphilosophies) antiphilosophie antiphon [/ˈæntɪfən/] {noun} (antiphons) antienne antiphonal {adjective, noun} (antiphonals) antiphonaire antiphonary {adjective, noun} (more antiphonary, most antiphonary, antiphonaries) antiphonaire antiphoner {noun} (antiphoners) antiphonaire antiphony {noun} (antiphonies) antienne antiphoton {noun} (antiphotons) antiphoton antiphrasis {noun} (antiphrases) antiphrase antipiracy {adjective} antipiratage antiplatelet {adjective, noun} (antiplatelets) antiplaquettaire antipodagric {adjective, noun} (antipodagrics) antipodagrique antipodal [/ænˈtɪpədl̩/] {adjective, noun} (antipodals) antipodique antipode [/ˈæn.tɪ.poʊd/] {noun} (antipodes) antipode Antipodes Island parakeet perruche des Antipodes Antipodes parakeet perruche des Antipodes antipodism {noun} antipodisme antipodist {noun} (antipodists) antipodiste antipole {noun} (antipoles) pôle antipoliomyelitic antipoliomyélitique antipollution [/æn.taɪ.pəˈluː.ʃən/] {adjective, noun} (more antipollution, most antipollution) antipollution antipoor {adjective} (most antipoor, more antipoor) anti-pauvre antipope [/ˈantɪpəʊp/] {noun} (antipopes) antipape antipopular {adjective} (most antipopular, more antipopular) antipopulaire antiproliferative {adjective, noun} (antiproliferatives) antiprolifératif antiprotectionist {adjective} (most antiprotectionist, more antiprotectionist) antiprotectionniste antiproton {noun} (antiprotons) antiproton antipruritic {noun} (antipruritics) antiprurigineux antipsychotic {adjective, noun} (antipsychotics) antipsychotique antiptosis [/æntɪpˈtəʊsɪs/ | /ˌantɪpˈtəʊsɪs/] {noun} (antiptoses) antiptose antipyretic {adjective, noun} (antipyretics) antipyrétique antiquarian [/ˌæn.tɪˈkwɛɹ.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (more antiquarian, most antiquarian, antiquarians) antiquaire | antique antiquark {noun} (antiquarks) antiquark antiquary {adjective, noun} (antiquaries) antiquaire antiquated [/ˈæntɪˌkweɪtɪd/] {adjective} (most antiquated, more antiquated) vieilli antique [/ænˈtiːk/] {adjective, noun, verb} (antiquer, antiquest, antiques, antiquing, antiqued) antique | ancien antique bookstore bouquiniste antique white {adjective, noun} blanc cassé antiquer {adjective, noun} (antiquers) antiquaire Antiquity {properNoun} Antiquité | Antiquité classique antiquity [/ænˈtɪk.wə.ti/ | /ænˈtɪk.wɪ.ti/] {noun} (antiquities) antiquité | Antiquité antiracism {adjective, noun} (antiracisms) antiracisme antiradar {adjective} antirradar antirational {adjective} (most antirational, more antirational) antirationnel antired {adjective} antirouge antireflection {adjective} antireflet antireflective {adjective} (most antireflective, more antireflective) antireflet antiregulatory {adjective} (most antiregulatory, more antiregulatory) antiréglementaire antirejection {adjective} antirejet antiretroviral {adjective, noun} (most antiretroviral, more antiretroviral, antiretrovirals) antirétroviral | rétroviral antirevolutionary {adjective, noun} (most antirevolutionary, more antirevolutionary, antirevolutionaries) antirévolutionnaire antiRobespierrist {adjective} (more antiRobespierrist, most antiRobespierrist) antirobespierriste antirobot {adjective} (most antirobot, more antirobot) antirobot antiroll {adjective} antiroulis antirust {adjective, noun} (antirusts) antirouille Antiscian {noun} (Antiscians) antisciens antiscientific {adjective} (more antiscientific, most antiscientific) antiscientifique Antiscii {noun} antisciens antisemitism {noun} antisémitisme antisense [/ˌæntaɪˈsɛns/] {noun} (antisenses) antisens antisense RNA ARN antisens antisense strand brin antisens antisepsis {noun} (antisepses) antiseptique antiseptic {adjective, noun} (more antiseptic, most antiseptic, antiseptics) antiseptique antiserum {noun} (antiserums, antisera) antisérum antisexist {adjective, noun} (more antisexist, most antisexist, antisexists) antisexiste antisimilitude antisimilitude antiskating {noun} antiripage antiskid {adjective} antipatinage antislavery {adjective} (more antislavery, most antislavery) antiesclavagiste antismoking {adjective} antitabac antisocial [/ˌæntiˈsoʊʃəl/] {adjective, noun} (more antisocial, most antisocial, antisocials) antisocial antisocial personality disorder {noun} personnalité antisociale antisocialist {adjective, noun} (antisocialists, more antisocialist, most antisocialist) antisocialiste antisocratic {adjective} (more antisocratic, most antisocratic) antisocratique antisoviet {adjective} (more antisoviet, most antisoviet) antisoviétique antispam {adjective} antispam antispasmodic {adjective, noun} (antispasmodics) antispasmodique | antispastique antispast {noun} (antispasts) antispaste antispastic {adjective, noun} (antispastics) antispastique antispecist antispéciste antistatic {adjective, noun} (antistatics) antistatique antistatism {noun} antiétatisme Antisthenes [/ænˈtɪsθəniːz/] {properNoun} Antisthène antistress {adjective} antistress antistressor {noun} (antistressors) antistress antistrophe {noun} (antistrophes) antistrophe antisway {adjective} antiroulis antisymetric antisymétrique antisymmetric {adjective} antisymétrique antisymmetrisation {noun} (antisymmetrisations) antisymétrisation antisymmetrise {verb} (antisymmetrises, antisymmetrising, antisymmetrised) antisymétriser antisymmetrization {noun} (antisymmetrizations) antisymétrisation antisymmetrize {verb} (antisymmetrizes, antisymmetrizing, antisymmetrized) antisymétriser antisymmetry {noun} (antisymmetries) antisymétrie antitank {adjective} anti-char antitauon {noun} (antitauons) antitau | antitauon antitaurine {adjective} antitaurin antitax {adjective} antifiscal antitaxic {adjective} antitaxique antitermination factor facteur d’antiterminaison antiterrorism {noun} antiterrorisme | contreterrorisme antiterrorist {adjective, noun} (more antiterrorist, most antiterrorist, antiterrorists) antiterroriste antitheft {adjective} anti-vol | antivol antitheism {noun} antithéisme antithesis [/ænˈtɪ.θə.sɪs/] {noun} (antitheses) antithèse antithetic {adjective} (most antithetic, more antithetic) antithétique antithetical {adjective} (more antithetical, most antithetical) antithétique antithrombin [/ˌæntɪˈθɹɒmbɪn/] {noun} antithrombine antithyroid {adjective} antithyroïdien antitobacco {adjective} antitabac antitotalitarian {adjective, noun} (antitotalitarians) antitotalitaire antitoxic {adjective} antitoxique antitoxin {noun} (antitoxins) antitoxine antitrinitarianism {noun} antitrinitarisme antitrust {adjective} antitrust antitussive {adjective, noun} (more antitussive, most antitussive, antitussives) antitussif antityphoid {adjective} antityphique antiulcer {adjective} antiulcéreux antiulcerous {adjective} antiulcéreux antiunion {adjective} (most antiunion, more antiunion) antisyndical antiunionism {noun} antisyndicalisme antivenereal {adjective} (most antivenereal, more antivenereal) antivénérien antivenin {noun} (antivenins) antidote antiviral {adjective, noun} (antivirals) antiviral antiviral drug antiviral antivirus {noun} (antiviruses) antivirus antivirus program logiciel antivirus antivirus software logiciel antivirus antivortex {noun} (antivortices) antivortex antiwater {noun} l'antieau antiwhite {adjective} (most antiwhite, more antiwhite) antiblanc antixerophthalmic {adjective} (most antixerophthalmic, more antixerophthalmic) antixérophtalmique antiziganism {noun} anti-tsiganisme antler [/ˈænt.lə/ | /ˈænt.lɚ/] {noun} (antlers) bois | andouiller antlerite {noun} antlérite antlers {noun} ramure Antlia {properNoun} Machine pneumatique antlia {noun} (antliae) antlie antlion {noun} (antlions) fourmi-lion antly {adjective} (most antly, more antly, antlest, antler) myrmécéen Antoinette {properNoun} Antoinette Antoing Antoing Antoinism antoinisme Antoinist antoiniste Antonia {properNoun} Antoinette Antonius [/ænˈtoʊni.əs/ | /ænˈtəʊni.əs/] {properNoun} Antoine antonomasia [/ˌæntənəʊˈmeɪzɪə/ | /ˌæntənəˈmeɪʒə/] {noun} antonomase antonomastic {adjective} antonomastique Antonovka {noun} (Antonovkas) antonovka Antony [/ˈæntəni/] {properNoun} Antoine antonym [/ˈæntəˌnɪm/] {noun} (antonyms) antonyme antonymous [/ænˈtɑnɪməs/ | /ænˈtɒn.ɪ.məs/] {adjective} (most antonymous, more antonymous) antinomique antonymy [/ˈæntə.nɪm.i/] {noun} (antonymies) antonymie antpitta {noun} (antpittas) grallaire Antral follicle follicule de De Graaf Antrim {properNoun} Antrim Antrim and Newtownabbey Antrim and Newtownabbey antritis antrite Antrobus {properNoun} Antrobus antrum [/ˈæn.tɹəm/] {noun} (antra, antrums) antre ants in one's pants {noun} avoir chaud aux fesses | avoir le feu aux fesses antshrike {noun} (antshrikes) batara antsy [/ˈæn.tsi/] {adjective} (antsest, antser) agité | inquiet antthrush tétéma Antverpian anversois Antwerp [/ˈæn.twɝp/] {properNoun} Anvers Antwerp Belgian barbu d’Anvers Antwerp smerle smerle anversois Antwerpian {adjective, noun} (more Antwerpian, most Antwerpian, Antwerpians) Anversois | Anversoise | anversois Anubis {properNoun} Anubis anudātta {noun} (anudāttas) anudatta anunaasika anunasika anuptaphobia {noun} anuptaphobie anuria {noun} anurie anuric {adjective} (more anuric, most anuric) anurique anurous {adjective} anoure anus [/ˈeɪ.nəs/] {noun} (anuses, ani) anus | trou de cul | trou du cul anusvara {noun} (anusvaras) anusvara anvil [/ˈæn.vəl/ | /ˈæn.vɪl/] {noun, verb} (anvils, anvilling, anvilled) enclume | incus Anwick Anwick Anwoth Anwoth anxiety [/ˌæŋ(ɡ)ˈzaɪ.ə.ti/] {noun} (anxieties) anxiété | angoisse | inquiétude anxiety disorder {noun} (anxiety disorders) trouble anxieux anxiodepressive {adjective} anxiodépressif anxiogenic {adjective, noun} (most anxiogenic, more anxiogenic, anxiogenics) anxiogène anxiolytic [/ˌæŋksiəˈlɪtɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more anxiolytic, most anxiolytic, anxiolytics) anxiolytique anxious [/ˈaŋ(k)ʃəs/ | /ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs/] {adjective} (anxiouser, most anxious, more anxious, anxiousest) anxieux | désireux anxiously [/ˈæŋ(k).ʃəs.li/] {adverb} (most anxiously, more anxiously) anxieusement any [/ˈæni/ | /ˈɛni/ | /ˈɛnɪ/ | /ˈɪni/] {adverb, determiner, pronoun} quelconque | n'importe quel | aucun | du tout any at all quelconque any minute now {adverb} d'un moment à l'autre any more {adverb} plus any old {determiner} n'importe quel any old how {adverb} au petit bonheur la chance any other business {phraseologicalUnit} les divers any way one slices it {phraseologicalUnit} de toute façon | en tout cas anybody [/ˈɛn.i.bɑd.i/ | /ˈɛn.i.bɒd.i/] {pronoun} quiconque anycast {noun} envoi à la cantonade anycasting {noun} envoi à la cantonade anyhow [/ˈɛn.i.haʊ/] {adverb} de toute manière Anyin agni anymore [/ˌɛ.niˈmɔː/ | /ˌɛ.niˈmɔ˞/] {adverb} non plus anyone [/ˈɛniˌwʌn/] {pronoun} quelqu'un | n'importe qui | personne | quelqu'une anyone else {pronoun} personne [[d']]autre | toute autre personne anyone's guess {noun} mystère | surprise anything [/ˈæ.ni.θɪŋ/ | /ˈɛ.nə.θɪŋ/ | /ˈɛ.nɪ.θɪŋ/ | /ˈɛn.i.θɪŋ/] {adverb, noun, pronoun} (anythings) n’importe quoi | rien anything but {adverb} tout sauf anything else {pronoun} autre chose anytime {adjective, adverb, interjection} n'importe quand | toujours anyway [/ˈɛniweɪ/] {adverb} de toute façon | en tout cas | quand même | bref | d'ailleurs | quoi qu'il en soit anywhere [/ˈɛn.i.(h)wɛɹ/ | /ˈɛn.iː.(h)wɛə(ɹ)/ | /ˈɛnɪwɛə/] {adverb, pronoun} n'importe où | où que ce soit | nulle part Anzac Day {properNoun} journée de l'ANZAC anœstrus {noun} anœstrus ao dai [[ˈaʊ ˈdaɪ]] {noun} (ao dais) ao dai AOA {noun, properNoun} (AOAs) angle d’incidence AOC {noun, properNoun} (AOCs) avis de taxation AOCS système de commande d’orientation et d’orbite Aoede {properNoun} Aoédé aoidos aède Aore aore aorist [/ˈeɪ.ə.ɹɪst/] {adjective, noun} (aorists) aoriste aorist aspect {noun} aoriste aorta [/eɪˈɔːtə/ | /eɪˈɔːɹtə/] {noun} (aortae, aortas) aorte aortal {adjective} aortique aortic [/eˈoɹ.tɪk/] {adjective} aortique aortic arch {noun} (aortic arches) arc aortique | crosse de l’aorte aortic valve {noun} (aortic valves) valve aortique Aosta [/ɑːˈɒstə/] {properNoun} Aoste Aosta Valley {properNoun} Vallée d’Aoste Aostan {adjective, noun} (most Aostan, more Aostan, Aostans) Aostois | Aostoise | aostois aoudad {noun} (aoudads) mouflon à manchettes apace [/əˈpeɪs/] {adverb} aller bon train | rapidement Apache [/ə.ˈpæ.t͡ʃi/] {noun, properNoun} (Apaches) apache | Apache apadana {noun} (apadanas) apadana apadravya {noun} (apadravyas) Apadravya apagoge {noun} apagogie apagogy apagogie Apalachee apalachee Apalaí {properNoun} apalai Apamea {properNoun} Apamée apanage [/ˈæpənɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (apanages, apanaged, apanaging) apanage apart [/əˈpɑɹt/ | /əˈpɑː(ɹ)t/] {adjective, adverb, noun, postposition} (most apart, more apart) en morceaux | en pièces | séparé | séparément apart from {preposition} sinon | à part apartheid [/əˈpɑɹ.taɪd/ | /əˈpɑɹthaɪt/ | /əˈpɑɹtheɪt/ | /əˈpɑːtheɪt/] {noun, verb} (apartheids, apartheided, apartheiding) apartheid apartment [/əˈpɑɹt.mənt/ | /əˈpɑːt.mənt/] {noun} (apartments) appartement | appartements apartment building {noun} (apartment buildings) immeuble résidentiel apartness {noun} (apartnesses) séparation apastron [/əˈpæstɹən/] {noun} (apastrons) apoastre apatheia {noun} apathie apatheism [/æ.pə.θi.ɪzəm/] {noun} apathéisme apatheist {noun} (apatheists) apathéiste apathete [/ˈæpəθiːt/] {noun} (apathetes) apathique apathetic [/æp.əˈθɛt.ɪk/] {adjective} (more apathetic, most apathetic) indifférent | indifférente apathetically {adverb} (more apathetically, most apathetically) apathiquement apathy [/ˈæ.pə.θi/] {noun} (apathies) apathie apatite [/ˈæp.ə.taɪt/] {noun} apatite apatosaur {noun} (apatosaurs) apatosaure ape [/eɪp/] {adjective, noun, verb} (apes, aped, apeing, aping) singe | hominoïdé | singe anthropoïde | singer ape leader {noun} (ape leaders) vieille fille APEC {properNoun} APEC | Coopération économique pour l'Asie-Pacifique apeirophobia {noun} apéirophobie Apennines [/ˈæpənaɪnz/] {properNoun} Apennins | Apennin apepsia {noun} (apepsias) apepsie apeptic {adjective} (more apeptic, most apeptic) apeptique aperiodic {adjective} (most aperiodic, more aperiodic) apériodique aperitif {noun} (aperitifs) apéritif aperitive {adjective, noun} (most aperitive, more aperitive, aperitives) apéritif aperture [/ˈæp.ə.tʃə(ɹ)/ | /ˈæp.ɚ.tʃɚ/] {noun} (apertures) ouverture aperture synthesis synthèse d’ouverture aperture synthesis telescope TSO aperçu [/ˌa.pɛːˈsjuː/] {noun} (aperçus) perception apetalous {adjective} apétale apetaly {noun} apétalie Apethorpe Apethorpe apex [/ˈeɪˌpɛks/] {noun} (apices, apexes) apex | apogée | sommet apex predator {noun} (apex predators) superprédateur apfelstrudel {noun} apfelstrudel aphaeresis {noun} (aphaereses) aphérèse aphakic {adjective, noun} (aphakics) aphake | aphakique aphaky aphakie aphanisis {noun} aphanisis aphanite {noun} (aphanites) aphanite aphasia [/əˈfeɪzɪə/] {noun} aphasie aphasic [/əˈfeɪzək/] {adjective, noun} (most aphasic, more aphasic, aphasics) aphasique aphelion [/əˈfiːlɪən/] {noun} (aphelia) aphélie apheresis [/əˈfɛɹəsɪs/ | /əˈfɪəɹɪsɪs/ | /ˌæfəˈɹisɪs/] {noun} (aphereses) aphérèse aphesis [/ˈæf.ə.sɪs/] {noun} (apheses) aphésie aphetism [/ˈa.fəˌtɪ.zəm/] {noun} aphérèse aphid [/ˈeɪ.fɪd/] {noun} (aphids) puceron aphonia {noun} aphonie aphonic {adjective} muet aphony {noun} aphonie aphorism [/ˈæ.fə.ɹɪzm̩/] {noun, verb} (aphorisms, aphorisming, aphorismed) aphorisme aphoristic {adjective} aphoristique aphotic [/eɪˈfoʊtɪk/ | /eɪˈfəʊtɪk/] {adjective} (more aphotic, most aphotic) aphotique aphrodisia {noun} aphrodisie aphrodisiac [/æf.ɹoʊ.ˈdi.zi.æk/] {adjective, noun} (aphrodisiacs) aphrodisiaque Aphrodite [/æfɹəˈdaɪti/] {properNoun} Aphrodite aphrodity aphrodité aphrometer {noun} (aphrometers) Aphromètre aphroselenon aphrosélénon aphtha {noun} (aphthae) aphte aphthartodocetic aphthartodocète aphthous {adjective} aphteux aphthous ulcer {noun} (aphthous ulcers) aphte aphtosis aphtose Apia {properNoun} Apia apian [/ˈeɪpi.ən/] {adjective, noun} (most apian, more apian, apians) abeille apiarian [/eɪpɪˈɛəɹɪən/] {adjective, noun} (apiarians) apiaire apiarist {noun} (apiarists) apiculteur apiary [/ˈeɪ.pi.ə.ɹi/ | /ˈeɪ.pi.ɛɹ.i/] {noun} (apiaries) rucher apical complex complexe apical apicifloral {adjective} apiciflore apicodental {adjective, noun} (apicodentals) apicodental Apicomplexan apicomplexé apicoplast {noun} (apicoplasts) apicoplaste apiculate {adjective} (more apiculate, most apiculate) apiculé apiculture {noun} apiculture apiculus {noun} (apiculi) hile apidology apidologie apiece [/əˈpis/ | /əˈpiːs/] {adverb} chacun | chacune apiol {noun} apiol Apis Apis apish [/ˈeɪpɪʃ/] {adjective} (more apish, most apish) simiesque apitherapy {noun} apithérapie apivorous {adjective} (more apivorous, most apivorous) apivore APL quote apostrophe dactylographique aplacental {adjective} aplacentaire aplanatic {adjective} (more aplanatic, most aplanatic) aplanétique aplasia {noun} aplasie aplastic {adjective} aplasique aplenty [/əˈplɛnti/] {adjective, adverb} abondamment Apley Apley aplitic {adjective} (most aplitic, more aplitic) aplitique aplomb [/əˈplʌm/] {noun} (aplombs) aplomb aplustre {noun} (aplustres) aplustre apnea {noun} apnée apo- {prefix} apo- apoapsis {noun} (apoapsides) apoapse | apoapside Apocalypse [/əˈpɑkəlɪps/ | /əˈpɒkəlɪps/] {properNoun} (Apocalypses) Apocalypse | apocalypse apocalypse [/əˈpɑkəlɪps/ | /əˈpɒkəlɪps/] {noun} (apocalypses) apocalypse apocalyptic [/əˈpɒ.kə.lɪp.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (apocalyptics) apocalyptique Apocoloquintosis Apocoloquintose apoconym apoconyme apocopate {adjective, verb} (apocopates, apocopated, apocopating) apocoper | apocopé apocopation [/əˌpɑkəˈpeɪʃən/ | /əˌpɒkəˈpeɪʃən/] {noun} (apocopations) apocope apocope [/əˈpɒ.kə.pi/] {noun} (apocopes) apocope apocopic {adjective} apocopique apocrine {adjective} apocrine apocrisiarius {noun} (apocrisiarii) apocrisiaire apocritical apocritique Apocrypha {properNoun} apocryphe apocrypha [/ʌˈpɑk.ɹə.fə/] {noun} apocryphe apocryphal [/əˈpɑːkɹɪfəl/ | /əˈpɒkɹɪfəl/] {adjective} (most apocryphal, more apocryphal) apocryphe APOD {noun} (APODs) ZAD apodal {adjective, noun} (apodals) apode apode {noun} (apodes) apode apodictic [/apoʊˈdɪktɪk/ | /apəʊˈdɪktɪk/] {adjective} (most apodictic, more apodictic) apodictique apodyterium {noun} (apodyteriums, apodyteria) apodytère | apodytérium APOE ZAE apogalacticon {noun} (apogalacticons) apogalacticon apogamy [/əˈpɒɡəmɪ/] {noun} apogamie apogee [/ˈæ.pə.dʒi/] {noun} (apogees) apogée apogee boost motor moteur d’apogée apogee ignition allumage à l’apogée apogee kick motor moteur d’apogée apogee motor moteur d’apogée Apoidea apoïdes apojove [/ˈæpəˌdʒəuv/] {noun} (apojoves) apojove Apolista apolista apolitical {adjective, noun} (most apolitical, more apolitical, apoliticals) apolitique apoliticism {noun} apolitisme Apollinarism {noun} apollinarisme Apollo [/əˈpɑloʊ/ | /əˈpɒləʊ/] {noun, properNoun} (Apollos) Apollon | Apollo | apollon Apollonia {properNoun} Apollonie Apollonian {adjective, noun} (Apollonians) apollinien apollonian {adjective} apollinien Apollyon {properNoun} Apollyon apologetic [/əˌpɑləˈdʒɛtɪk/ | /əˌpɒləˈdʒɛtɪk/] {adjective} (most apologetic, more apologetic) apologétique apologia [/ˌæp.əˈloʊ.dʒi.ə/] {noun} (apologias) apologie apologist [/əˈpɒl.ə.dʒɪst/] {noun} (apologists) apologiste apologize [/əˈpɑləd͡ʒaɪz/ | /əˈpɒləd͡ʒaɪz/] {verb} (apologizes, apologizing, apologized) excuser | faire l'apologie de apologue {noun} apologue apology [/əˈpɒl.ə.dʒi/] {noun} (apologies) apologie | excuse apolune {noun} (apolunes) apolune apolysis {noun} apolyse apomediary apomédiaire apomediation apomédiation apomictic {adjective} (most apomictic, more apomictic) apomictique apomixis {noun} (apomixes) apomixie apomorphic {adjective} (more apomorphic, most apomorphic) apomorphe apomorphine {noun} apomorphine aponeurosis {noun} (aponeuroses) aponévrose aponeurositis aponévrosite aponeurotic {adjective} aponévrotique apopatophobia apopatophobie apophantic {adjective} apophantique apophasis [/əˈpɒfəsɪs/] {noun} (apophases) paralipse apophatic [/apə(ʊ)ˈfatɪk/] {adjective} (more apophatic, most apophatic) apophatique apophenia [/æpəˈfiːni.ə/] {noun} apophénie Apophis [/ˈæpəfəs/ | /ˈæpəfɪs/] {properNoun} Apophis apophonic [/ˌæ.pəˈfɒ.nɪk/] {adjective} (more apophonic, most apophonic) apophonique apophyge {noun} (apophyges) apophyge apophysis {noun} (apophyses) apophyse apoplast {noun} (apoplasts) apoplasme apoplectic [/ˌæpəˈplɛktɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more apoplectic, most apoplectic, apoplectics) apoplectique apoplectic fit apoplexie apoplexy [/ˈæp.əˌplɛk.si/] {noun} (apoplexies) apoplexie apoptosis [/ˌapɒpˈtəʊsɪs/ | /ˌæ.pəˈtoʊ.sɪs/] {noun} (apoptoses) apoptose aporia [/əˈpɔːɹɪə/] {noun} (aporias) aporie aporophobia {noun} aporophobie | pauvrophobie aport {adverb} contribution aposematism [/ˌæpoʊsɪˈmætɪz(ə)m/ | /ˌæpə(ʊ)sɪˈmætɪz(ə)m/] {noun} (aposematisms) aposématisme aposiopesis [/ˌæpəsaɪəˈpiːsɪs/] {noun} (aposiopeses) aposiopèse | réticence apostasy [/əˈpɒstəsi/] {noun} (apostasies) apostasie apostate [/ə.ˈpɒs.teɪt/] {adjective, noun} (apostates) apostat | apostate apostille {noun, verb} (apostilles, apostilling, apostilled) apostille Apostle {noun, properNoun} (Apostles) apôtre apostle [/əˈpɑsl̩/ | /əˈpɒs(ə)l/] {noun} (apostles) apôtre | apôtresse Apostles' Creed {properNoun} Symbole des apôtres apostleship {noun} apostolat apostolate {noun} (apostolates) apostolat apostolic [/ˌæpəˈstɑːlɪk/ | /ˌæpəˈstɒlɪk/] {adjective} apostolique apostolic succession {noun} succession apostolique apostolically {adverb} apostoliquement apostolicity [/əˌpɒstəˈlɪsɪti/] {noun} (apostolicities) apostolicité apostrophe [/əˈpɑːs.tɹə.fi/ | /əˈpɒs.tɹə.fi/] {noun} (apostrophes) apostrophe apostrophe-quote apostrophe dactylographique apostrophize {verb} (apostrophizes, apostrophizing, apostrophized) apostropher apotemnophilia {noun} apotemnophilie apotemnophobia {noun} apotemnophobie apothecary [/əˈpɑθəˌkɛəɹi/ | /əˈpɒθəkəɹi/] {noun} (apothecaries) apothicaire apothecary shop pharmacie apothecium {noun} (apothecia) apothécie apothegm [/ˈæp.ə.θɛm/] {noun} (apothegms) apophthegme apothem [/ˈæp.ə.θɛm/] {noun} (apothems) apothème apotheosis [/əˌpɑː.θiˈoʊ.sɪs/ | /əˌpɒθ.iːˈəʊ.sɪs/] {noun} (apotheoses) apothéose apotheosize {verb} (apotheosizes, apotheosizing, apotheosized) apothéoser apotheotic {adjective} apothéotique apothesis {noun} (apotheses) apothèse apotome [/əˈpɒtəmi/] {noun} (apotomes) apotome apotropaic [/ˌæpətɹəˈpeɪ.ɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more apotropaic, most apotropaic, apotropaics) apotropaïque app [/æp/ | [ʔæʔp̚]] {noun} (apps) appli app store app store appal {verb} (appals, appalling, appalled) choquer Appalachia [/ˌæ.pəˈleɪ.(t)ʃə/ | /ˌæ.pəˈlæ.tʃə/] {properNoun} Appalachie Appalachian [/ˌæ.pəˈleɪ.(t)ʃən/ | /ˌæ.pəˈlæ.tʃən/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (more Appalachian, most Appalachian, Appalachians) Appalaches appalachian dulcimer dulcimer Appalachians [/ˌæ.pəˈleɪ.ʃənz/ | /ˌæ.pəˈlæ.tʃənz/] {noun, properNoun} Appalaches appall [/əˈpɔːl/] {verb} (appalls, appalling, appalled) consterner appalling [/əˈpɔːlɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (most appalling, more appalling) effroyable | épouvantable appallingly [/ʌˈpɑlɪŋli/] {adverb} (more appallingly, most appallingly) affreusement appaloosa [/ˌæ.pə.ˈlu.sə/] {noun} (appaloosas) appaloosa appaloosa horse appaloosa apparatchik [/apəˈɹatʃɪk/ | /æpəˈɹæt͡ʃɪk/] {noun} (apparatchiki, apparatchiks) apparatchik apparatus [/æ.pəˈɹeɪ.təs/ | /æ.pəˈɹæ.təs/ | /æpəˈɹɑːtəs/] {noun} (apparatus, apparatuses) appareil Apparatus Sculptoris Atelier du sculpteur apparel [/əˈpæɹ.əl/ | /əˈpæɹəl/] {noun, verb} (apparels, appareled, apparelled, appareling, apparelling) habillement apparent [/əˈpæ.ɹənt/] {adjective} (more apparent, most apparent) apparent | apparente | criant | criante | manifeste | visible apparent death thanatose apparent magnitude {noun} magnitude apparente apparent temperature température ressentie apparent time {noun} temps solaire apparently [/əˈpaɹəntli/ | /əˈpæɹ.ɨnt.li/] {adverb} (most apparently, more apparently) apparemment | évidemment apparition [/ˌæp.əɹˈɪʃn̩/ | /ˌæp.ɚˈɪʃ.n̩/] {noun} (apparitions) apparition apparitor {noun} (apparitors) appariteur appeal [/əˈpiːl/] {noun, verb} (appeals, appealed, appealing) appel | faire appel | plaire | appeler | attrait | interjeter appeal to attirer appealable {adjective} (more appealable, most appealable) appelable | susceptible d'appel | susceptible de recours appealing [/ʌˈpi.əl.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more appealing, most appealing, appealings) attractif appear [/əˈpiɹ/ | /əˈpiːɹ/ | /əˈpɪə/] {verb} (appears, appeared, appearing) apparaître | sembler | paraître appear in court ester appear to be paraître appearance [/əˈpɪəɹəns/ | /əˈpɪɹəns/] {noun} apparition | apparence | comparution appease [/əˈpiːz/] {verb} (appeases, appeased, appeasing) apaiser appeasement [/əˈpɪiz.mənt/] {noun} apaisement appellant [/əˈpɛln̩t/] {adjective, noun} (appellants) appelant