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ОглавлениеCrow [/kɹoʊ/] {noun, properNoun} (Crow, Crows) crow crow [/kɹoʊ/ | /kɹəʊ/] {noun, verb} (crows, crowing, crowed, crown, crew) corneille | corbeau | chanter | chant | pied-de-biche crow family corvidé crow honeyeater méliphage toulou crow soap saponaire officinale crow's feet {noun} pattes d'oie crow's nest {noun} (crow's nests) nid-de-pie | vigie | gabie Crowan Crowan crowbar [/ˈkɹoʊˌbɑɹ/] {noun, verb} (crowbars, crowbarred, crowbarring) pied-de-biche | pince-monseigneur crowberry [/ˈkɹəʊbəɹɪ/] {noun} (crowberries) camarine | camarine noire Crowborough {properNoun} Crowborough Crowcombe Crowcombe crowd [/kɹaʊd/] {noun, verb} (crowds, crowding, crowded) foule | monceau | se précipiter crowd surfer {noun} (crowd surfers) slammeur crowd surfing {noun, verb} body surfing crowded [/ˈkɹaʊdɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more crowded, most crowded) bondé crowdequity financement participatif par titres crowdfunding {noun} financement participatif | sociofinancement | finance participative crowding out {verb} effet d’éviction crowdinvesting crowdinvesting crowdlending {noun} crowdlending crowdsource {verb} (crowdsources, crowdsourcing, crowdsourced) crowdsourcer crowdsourcing {noun, verb} externalisation ouverte | production participative crowdsponsoring financement participatif par don Crowell {properNoun} (Crowells) Crowell Crowfield Crowfield Crowhurst {properNoun} Crowhurst Crowland Crowland Crowle Crowle Crowmarsh Crowmarsh Crown {properNoun} Couronne crown [/kɹaʊn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (crowns, crowned, crowning) couronne | couronner | houppier | sommet | cime | clef crown cap {noun} (crown caps) capsule crown cork {noun} (crown corks) capsule crown daisy chrysanthème couronné crown glass {noun} (crown glasses) cul-de-bouteille crown jewels {noun} bijoux de famille | joyaux de la couronne crown molding {noun} (crown moldings) moulure couronnée | moulure de couronnement crown of thorns [/ˌkɹaʊn əv ˈθɔːnz/] {noun} (crowns of thorns) couronne d’épines crown prince {noun} (crown princes) prince héritier | héritier | héritier du trône | prince impérial | prince royal crown princess {noun} (crown princesses) princesse héritière Crown prosecutor {noun} (Crown prosecutors) procureur de la république | procureur du roi | procureure de la Couronne crown seal capsule crowned pigeon {noun} (crowned pigeons) goura crowning [/ˈkɹaʊnɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most crowning, more crowning, crownings) couronnement crowning glory fleuron crownpiece {noun} (crownpieces) dessus-de-tête Crowthorne {properNoun} Crowthorne Crowton Crowton Croxdale and Hett Croxdale and Hett Croxden Croxden Croxley Green {properNoun} Croxley Green Croxton {properNoun} (Croxtons) Croxton Croxton Kerrial Croxton Kerrial Croy {properNoun} (Croys) Croy Croydon [/kɹɔɪdən/] {noun, properNoun} (Croydons) Croydon crozier {noun} (croziers) crosse CRP {noun} (CRPs) réapprovisionnement continu CRT {noun} tube cathodique CRU {noun} (CRUs) motif constitutif crucial [/ˈkɹuː.ʃəl/] {adjective} (most crucial, more crucial) crucial crucian carp {noun} (crucian carps) carassin crucible [/ˈkɹuː.sɪ.bəl/] {noun} (crucibles) creuset | épreuve du feu crucifer {noun} (crucifers) crucifère cruciferous [/kɹuˈsɪfəɹəs/] {adjective} crucifère crucifier {noun} (crucifiers) crucificateur crucifix [/ˈkɹuː.sɨˌfɪks/] {noun} (crucifixes) crucifix | croix crucifixion [/ˌkrusəˈfɪkʃn̩/] {noun} crucifixion | crucifiement cruciform {adjective, noun} (cruciforms) cruciforme crucify [/ˈkɹuːsɪfaɪ/] {verb} (crucifies, crucified, crucifying) crucifier cruciverbalist {noun} (cruciverbalists) verbicruciste CRUD [/kɹʌd/] {noun} CRUD crud [/kɹʌd/] {interjection, noun} crud | crude | merde cruddy [/ˈkɹʌdi/] {adjective} (crudder, cruddest) mauvais crude [/kɹuːd/ | /kɹʉd/] {adjective, noun} (cruder, crudest) brut | cru | vulgaire crude distillation distillation atmosphérique crude distillation unit distillation atmosphérique crude oil {noun} (crude oils) pétrole brut crude sap {noun} (crude saps) sève brute crude tanker pétrolier crudely [/ˈkɹuːdli/] {adverb} (most crudely, more crudely) crûment Cruden Bay Cruden Bay crudeness {noun} (crudenesses) grossièreté crudity [/ˈkɹuːdɪti/] {noun} (crudities) crudité Crudwell Crudwell cruel [/kɹuːəl/] {adjective, adverb, noun, verb} (most cruel, cruelest, cruellest, crueller, more cruel, crueler, cruels, cruelling, cruelled) cruel Cruella Cruella cruelly [/ˈkɹuːəli/] {adverb} (most cruelly, more cruelly) cruellement cruelty [/ˈkɹuː(ə)lti/] {noun} (cruelties) cruauté cruet [/ˈkɹu.ɪt/] {noun} (cruets) ampoule cruft [/kɹʌft/] {noun, verb} (crufts, crufting, crufted) bric-à-brac Crugybar Crugybar Crugyreryr Crugyreryr cruise [/kɹuːz/] {noun, verb} (cruises, cruised, cruising) croisière cruise control {noun} régulateur de vitesse cruise missile {noun} (cruise missiles) missile de croisière cruise operator croisiériste cruise passenger croisiériste cruise ship {noun} (cruise ships) navire de croisière cruise tourism croisière cruise-ship navire de croisière cruiser [/ˈkɹuzɚ/] {noun} (cruisers) croiseur cruising speed {noun} vitesse de croisière crumb [/kɹʌm/] {noun, verb} (crumbs, crumbed, crumbing) miette | paner | mie crumb collector ramasse-miette crumble [/ˈkɹʌmbəl/] {noun, verb} (crumbles, crumbling, crumbled) croustade | crumble | effriter | s'effondrer | émietter crumbling {noun, verb} (crumblings) effritement crumbly {adjective, noun} (crumblest, most crumbly, crumbler, more crumbly, crumblies) friable crumbs [/kɹʌmz/] {interjection, noun, verb} mie crumhorn {noun} (crumhorns) cromorne Crumlin Crumlin crummy [/ˈkɹʌmi/] {adjective, noun} (crummest, crummer, crummies) mauvais crumpet [/ˈkɹʌmpɪt/] {noun} crumpet crumple [/ˈkɹʌmpəl/] {noun, verb} (crumples, crumpling, crumpled) chiffonner | froisser | s'effondrer | se froisser crumpling {noun, verb} (crumplings) chiffonnement crunch [/kɹʌntʃ/] {noun, verb} (crunches, crunched, crunching) compiler | croquer crunchiness {noun} croustillance crunchy [/ˈkɹʌntʃi/] {adjective, noun} (cruncher, crunchest, crunchies) croquant Crundale Crundale cruoric {adjective} cruorique crupper [/ˈkɹʌpə/] {noun, verb} (cruppers, cruppering, cruppered) croupière crural [/ˈkɹʊəɹəl/] {adjective} crural cruralgia cruralgie Crusade {noun} (Crusades) croisade crusade [/kɹuːˈseɪd/] {noun, verb} (crusades, crusaded, crusading) croisade crusader [/kɹuˈseɪdɚ/ | /kɹuːˈseɪdə/] {noun} (crusaders) croisé crush [/kɹʌʃ/] {noun, verb} (crushes, crushed, crushing) écraser | broyer | écrabouiller | amourette | avoir le béguin | barricade crushable {adjective} (more crushable, most crushable) broyable crushed [/kɹʌʃt/] {adjective, verb} (most crushed, more crushed) attristé | déprimé crusher [/ˈkɹʌʃə/] {noun} (crushers) manomètre à écrasement crushing [/ˈkɹʌʃɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most crushing, more crushing) écrasant crust [/kɹʌst/] {noun, verb} (crusts, crusted, crusting) croûte | écorce crustacean [/kɹʌsˈteɪʃən/] {noun} (crustacea, crustaceans) crustacé crustaceous [/kɹʌsˈteɪʃəs/] {adjective} (more crustaceous, most crustaceous) crustacé crustal rebound rebond post-glaciaire crustose [/ˈkɹʊs.toʊs/ | /ˈkɹʊs.təʊs/] {adjective} crustacé crusty [/ˈkɹʌsti/] {adjective, noun} (cruster, crustest, crusties) bourru crutch [/kɹʌtʃ/] {noun, verb} (crutches, crutching, crutched) béquille | soutien | support Cruwys Morchard Cruwys Morchard Crux {properNoun} Croix du Sud crux [/kɹʌks/] {noun} (cruces, cruxes) la croix et la bannière cruzeiro {noun} (cruzeiros) cruzeiro cry [/kɹaɪ̯/] {noun, verb} (cries, crying, cried) pleurer | cri | crier | pleur cry down {verb} abaisser cry one's eyes out {verb} pleurer à chaudes larmes cry out {verb} (cries out, cried out, crying out) crier | hurler cry over spilt milk {verb} (cries over spilt milk, cried over spilt milk, crying over spilt milk) pleurer sur le lait renversé cry wolf {verb} (cries wolf, cried wolf, crying wolf) crier au loup crybaby [/ˈkɹaɪˌbeɪbi/] {noun} (crybabies) pleurnichard | pleurnicheur | pleurnicheuse crying [/kɹaɪ̯.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} lacrimation crying bird {noun} (crying birds) courlan brun Crymych Crymych Crynant Crynant Crynfryn Crynfryn Cryogenian {adjective, properNoun} (most Cryogenian, more Cryogenian) Cryogénien cryogenic [/ˌkɹaɪoʊˈdʒɛnɪk/] {adjective} (most cryogenic, more cryogenic) cryogénique cryogenic arm bras cryotechnique cryogenic propulsion propulsion cryogénique cryogenic rocket propellant ergol cryotechnique cryoglobulin {noun} (cryoglobulins) cryoglobuline cryoglobulinaemia {noun} cryoglobulinémie cryoglobulinemia {noun} cryoglobulinémie cryolipolysis {noun} cryolipolyse cryolite {noun} cryolite | cryolithe cryomicroscopy {noun} cryomicroscopie cryonic {adjective} cryonique cryoplankton cryoplancton cryopreservation {noun} cryoconservation cryoscopy {noun} (cryoscopies) cryoscopie cryosol {noun} (cryosols) gélisol cryosphere {noun} (cryospheres) cryosphère cryostat {noun} (cryostats) cryostat cryotechnology {noun} (cryotechnologies) cryotechnologie cryotherapy {noun} (cryotherapies) cryothérapie cryoturbation {noun} cryoturbation cryovolcano {noun} (cryovolcanoes, cryovolcanos) cryovolcan crypt [/kɹɪpt/] {noun} (crypts) crypte cryptanalysis {noun} (cryptanalyses) cryptanalyse cryptanalyst {noun} (cryptanalysts) cryptanalyste cryptanalytic {adjective} cryptanalytique cryptand {noun} (cryptands) cryptand cryptarch cryptarque cryptarchy [/ˈkɹɪp.tɑː.ki/] {noun} (cryptarchies) cryptarchie cryptate {noun} (cryptates) cryptate cryptic [/ˈkɹɪptɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more cryptic, most cryptic, cryptics) mystérieux | énigmatique cryptid {noun} (cryptids) cryptide crypto- [/kɹɪptoʊ-/] {prefix} crypto- crypto-dynamic cryptodynamique crypto-Jew {noun} Crypto-juif crypto-Judaism {noun} (crypto-Judaisms) crypto-judaïsme | cryptojudaïsme cryptobiosis {noun} cryptobiose cryptochrome {noun} (cryptochromes) cryptochrome cryptococcosis {noun} (cryptococcoses) cryptococcose cryptocurrency {noun} (cryptocurrencies) cryptomonnaie cryptodepression [/ˌkɹiptoʊdəˈpɹɛʃ(ə)n/ | /ˌkɹɪptəʊdɪˈpɹɛʃən/] {noun} (cryptodepressions) cryptodépression cryptodynamic cryptodynamique cryptofauna {noun} cryptofaune cryptogam {noun} (cryptogams) cryptogame cryptogram {noun} (cryptograms) cryptogramme cryptographer {noun} (cryptographers) cryptographe cryptographic {adjective} cryptographique cryptographically {adverb} cryptographiquement cryptography [[kɹ̥ɪpˈtʰɒɡɹəfiː]] {noun} (cryptographies) cryptographie cryptojacking cryptojacking cryptolect [/ˈkɹɪptəlɛkt/ | /ˈkɹɪptəˌlɛkt/] {noun} (cryptolects) cryptolecte cryptolocker cryptovirus cryptologic {adjective} cryptologique cryptologist {noun} (cryptologists) cryptologue cryptology [/kɹɪpˈtɑ.lə.dʒi/ | /kɹɪpˈtɒl.ə.dʒi/] {noun} (cryptologies) cryptologie cryptomeria {noun} (cryptomerias) cèdre du Japon cryptomorphic {adjective} cryptomorphique cryptomorphism {noun} (cryptomorphisms) cryptomorphisme cryptonym {noun} (cryptonyms) cryptonyme cryptophasia {noun} cryptophasie cryptophyte [/ˈkɹɪptə(ʊ)fʌɪt/ | /ˈkɹɪptəˌfaɪt/] {noun} (cryptophytes) cryptophyte cryptoporticus {noun} (cryptoporticuses, cryptoportici) cryptoportique cryptopsychy cryptopsychie cryptoransomware cryptorançongiciel cryptorchidism {noun} (cryptorchidisms) cryptorchidie cryptorebel cryptomane cryptosystem {noun} (cryptosystems) cryptosystème cryptovirology {noun} cryptovirologie cryptovirus [/ˈkɹɪptəʊˌvaɪɹəs/] {noun} (cryptoviruses) crypto-verrouilleur | cryptorançongiciel | cryptovirus | logiciel de cryptoverrouillage cryptozoological [/ˌkɹɪptoʊˌzoʊəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/] {adjective} cryptozoologique cryptozoology [/ˌkɹɪptoʊzoʊˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} cryptozoologie crystal [/ˈkɹɪstəl/] {adjective, noun} cristal | de cristal | en cristal crystal ball {noun} (crystal balls) boule de cristal crystal clear {adjective} clair comme de l’eau de roche crystal habit {noun} (crystal habits) habitus crystal set {noun} (crystal sets) poste de radio à cristal | poste à galène | récepteur à cristal crystal sugar sucre cristallisé crystal system {noun} (crystal systems) système cristallin crystal twinning {noun} macle crystalline [/ˈkɹɪst.əl.aɪn/] {adjective, noun} (more crystalline, most crystalline, crystallines) cristallin crystalline lens cristallin crystallinity {noun} (crystallinities) cristallinité crystallised {verb} cristallisé crystallite {noun} (crystallites) cristallite crystallization {noun} cristallisation crystallize [/ˈkɹɪstəlaɪz/] {verb} (crystallizes, crystallizing, crystallized) cristalliser crystallized {adjective, verb} cristallisé crystallizer {noun} (crystallizers) cristallisoir crystallogen {noun} (crystallogens) cristallogène crystallographer {noun} (crystallographers) cristallographe crystallographic {adjective} cristallographique crystallography {noun} cristallographie crystallomancy {noun} cristallomancie crèche [/kɹeɪʃ/ | /kɹɛʃ/] {noun} (crèches) crèche crème anglaise {noun} crème anglaise crème brûlée [/kɹɛm bɹuˈleɪ/] {noun} (crème brûlées, crèmes brûlées, crèmes brûlée) crème brûlée crème de la crème {noun} crème de la crème | fin du fin | fine fleur | nec plus ultra | top du top crème fraîche [/kɹɛmˈfɹɛʃ/] {noun} (crèmes fraîches) crème fraîche crèvecœur crèvecœur crêpe [/kɹeɪp/ | /kɹɛp/] {noun, verb} (crêpes, crêping, crêped) crêpe crêpe de Chine {noun} (crepe de Chines, crepes de Chine) crêpe de Chine crêpe paper {noun} papier crépon crêperie {noun} (crêperies) crêperie Cröllwitzer turkey crollwitzer CSA {noun, properNoun} (CSAs) ACNOR | ASC | CSA csardas [/ˈtʃɑɹdɑʃ/ | /ˈtʃɑːdæʃ/] {noun} (csardases) csardas | czardas csarist tsariste CSC {noun, properNoun} CST CSCW TCAO CSDP PSDC CSE {noun, properNoun} CST CSEC {noun, properNoun} CSTC CSF {noun} peste porcine classique CSIS [/ˈsiː.sɪs/] {properNoun} SCRS CSM {noun, properNoun} (CSMs) CSM CSP {noun, properNoun} (CSPs) boîtier à puce CSR {noun} CSR CSS [/siː ɛs ˈɛs/ | /ˌsi ˌɛs ˈɛs/] {noun} CSS CST {noun, properNoun} TAC CSV {noun, properNoun} (CSVs) CSV CTC {noun, phraseologicalUnit, properNoun, verb} (CTCs, CTCed, CTCing) CTC CTD {noun} DTC ctenidium {noun} (ctenidia) cténidie ctenoid [/ˈtiː.nɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (most ctenoid, more ctenoid, ctenoids) cténoïde ctenophore [/ˈtiːnəfɔː/] {noun} (ctenophores) cténaire | cténophore Ctesiphon [/ˈtɛsɨfɒn/] {properNoun} Ctésiphon cthulhoid cthulhoïde Cthulhu [/kəˈθuːluː/] {properNoun} Cthulhu Ctimene {properNoun} Ctimène CTL process procédé CTL CTO {adjective, noun} (CTOs) CCO CTO process CCO CTOD écartement de fissure CTR {noun} (CTRs) techniques de randonnée équestre de compétition Ctrl {noun} Ctrl cuadrilla {noun} (cuadrillas) quadrille cub [/kʌb/] {noun, verb} (cubs, cubbing, cubbed) petit | lionceau | louveteau | ourson | renardeau Cub Scout {noun} (Cub Scouts) louveteau Cuba [/ˈkjuːbə/ | [ˈkjuː.bə] | [ˈkjʉː.bə]] {properNoun} Cuba Cuba Libre cuba libre Cuban [/ˈkjuːbən/ | [ˈkju.bən] | [ˈkjuː.bən] | [ˈkjʉː.bən]] {adjective, noun} (Cubans) cubain | Cubain Cuban crocodile crocodile de Cuba cuban parakeet conure de Cuba cuban parrot amazone de Cuba Cubbington Cubbington cube [/kjub/ | /kjuːb/] {noun, verb} (cubes, cubing, cubed) cube | élever à la troisième puissance cube root {noun} (cube roots) racine cubique cubeb [/ˈkjuːbɛb/] {noun} (cubebs) cubèbe cubed {adjective, verb} au cube Cubeo cubeo Cubert Cubert cubewano [/ˌkjuː.biːˈwʌn.oʊ/] {noun} (cubewanos) cubewano cubic [/ˈkju.bɪk/ | /ˈkjuː.bɪk/] {adjective, noun} (cubics) cube | cubique cubic attometer attomètre cube cubic attometre attomètre cube cubic capacity {noun} (cubic capacities) cylindrée cubic centimeter {noun} (cubic centimeters) centimètre cube cubic centimetre {noun} (cubic centimetres) centimètre cube cubic decameter décamètre cube cubic decametre décamètre cube cubic decimeter {noun} (cubic decimeters) décimètre cube cubic decimetre {noun} (cubic decimetres) décimètre cube cubic ell aune cube cubic equation {noun} (cubic equations) équation cubique cubic exameter examètre cube cubic exametre examètre cube cubic femtometer femtomètre cube cubic femtometre femtomètre cube cubic function {noun} (cubic functions) fonction cubique cubic gigameter gigamètre cube cubic gigametre gigamètre cube cubic gigaparsec gigaparsec cube cubic graph {noun} (cubic graphs) graphe cubique cubic hectometer hectomètre cube cubic hectometre hectomètre cube cubic inch {noun} (cubic inches) pouce cube cubic kilometer kilomètre cube cubic kilometre {noun} (cubic kilometres) kilomètre cube cubic kiloparsec kiloparsec cube cubic megameter mégamètre cube cubic megametre mégamètre cube cubic megaparsec mégaparsec cube cubic meter {noun} (cubic meters) mètre cube cubic metre {noun} (cubic metres) mètre cube cubic micrometer micromètre cube cubic micrometre micromètre cube cubic millimeter millimètre cube cubic millimetre {noun} (cubic millimetres) millimètre cube cubic myriameter myriamètre cube cubic myriametre myriamètre cube cubic nanometer nanomètre cube cubic nanometre nanomètre cube cubic parsec parsec cube cubic petameter pétamètre cube cubic petametre pétamètre cube cubic picometer picomètre cube cubic picometre picomètre cube cubic terameter téramètre cube cubic terametre téramètre cube cubic yoctometer yoctomètre cube cubic yoctometre yoctomètre cube cubic yottameter yottamètre cube cubic yottametre yottamètre cube cubic zeptometer zeptomètre cube cubic zeptometre zeptomètre cube cubic zettameter zettamètre cube cubic zettametre zettamètre cube cubicle [/ˈkjubɪkəl/] {noun} (cubicles) box | cabine | cabinet cubicuboctahedron cubicuboctaèdre cubism [/ˈkjuː.bɪz.əm/] {noun} cubisme cubist {adjective, noun} (cubists, more cubist, most cubist) cubiste cubit [/ˈkju.bɪt/ | /ˈkjuː.bɪt/] {noun} (cubits) coudée Cubley Cubley Cublington Cublington cuboctahedron {noun} (cuboctahedra, cuboctahedrons) cuboctaèdre cubohemioctahedron {noun} (cubohemioctahedra) cubohémioctaèdre cuboid {adjective, noun} (more cuboid, most cuboid, cuboids) parallélépipède rectangle | parallélépipèdique cuboid bone {noun} (cuboid bones) cuboïde | os cuboïde cuboite cuboïte Cuby Cuby Cuckfield {properNoun} Cuckfield cucking stool {noun} (cucking stools) siège à plongeon Cucklington Cucklington Cuckmere Valley Cuckmere Valley Cuckney Cuckney cuckold [/ˈkʌk.oʊld/ | /ˈkʌk.əʊld/] {noun, verb} (cuckolds, cuckolded, cuckolding) cocu | cocufier | cornard cuckolded {verb} cocu cuckoo [/ˈkuːkuː/ | /ˈkʊkuː/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more cuckoo, most cuckoo, cuckoos, cuckooing, cuckooed) coucou cuckoo clock {noun} (cuckoo clocks) coucou cuckoo roller courol cuckoo skate raie fleurie cuckoo-dove [/ˈkʊkuːˌdʌv/] {noun} (cuckoo-doves) phasianelle Cuckoo-pint gouet cuckoos {noun, verb} cuculidés cuckquean [/ˈkʌk.kwiːn/] {noun, verb} (cuckqueans, cuckqueaned, cuckqueaning) cocue cuckservative {noun} (cuckservatives) candaule cucumber [/ˈkaʊˌkʌmbəɹ/ | /ˈkjuːˌkʌmbə/ | /ˈkjuːˌkʌmbəɹ/] {noun} (cucumbers) concombre cucumiform [/kjuːˈkjuːmɪfɔːm/] {adjective} (more cucumiform, most cucumiform) cucumiforme cud [/kʌd/] {noun, verb} (cuds, cudded, cudding) herbe ruminée Cuddesdon and Denton Cuddesdon and Denton Cuddington Cuddington cuddle [/ˈkʌd.l̩/] {noun, verb} (cuddles, cuddling, cuddled) câliner | câlin | cajoler cuddly {adjective} (cuddlest, cuddler) câlin cudgel [/ˈkʌdʒəl/] {noun, verb} (cudgels, cudgelled, cudgelling, cudgeling, cudgeled) gourdin cudgel one’s brains se creuser la tête Cudworth {properNoun} (Cudworths) Cudworth cue [/kjuː/] {noun, verb} (cues, cueing, cued) cu | ku | queue de billard | signe cue ball {noun} (cue balls) blanche cue sheet {noun} (cue sheets) conducteur Cuerdale Cuerdale Cuerden Cuerden Cuerdley Cuerdley cuff [/kʌf/] {noun, verb} (cuffs, cuffed, cuffing) gifler | manchette | souffleter cuff on the ear {noun} (cuffs on the ear) gifle cufflink [/ˈkʌflɪŋk/] {noun} (cufflinks) bouton de manchette Cufic {adjective} coufique Cuiba cuiba Cuicatec {noun, properNoun} (Cuicatecs) cuicatèque Cuicatec language cuicatèque cuirass [/kwɪˈɹæs/] {noun, verb} (cuirasses, cuirassing, cuirassed) cuirasse cuisine [/kwɪˈziːn/] {noun} cuisine | art culinaire cul noir limousin pig cul noir limousin cul-de-four {noun} (culs-de-four) cul-de-four cul-de-sac [/ˈkʌldəsak/ | /ˈkʌldəsæk/] {noun} (cul-de-sacs, culs-de-sac) bout de [[cul-de-sac]] résidentiel cul8r {phraseologicalUnit} ALP culantro [/kuːˈlɑːn.tɹoʊ/] {noun} coriandre chinoise | coriandre longue Culbokie Culbokie Culcheth and Glazebury Culcheth and Glazebury Culdee {noun} (Culdees) kuldéen culet {noun} (culets) culasse Culford Culford Culgaith {properNoun} Culgaith Culham {properNoun} Culham Culicidae culicidés culinary [/ˈkʌlɪn(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈkʌlɪˌnɛɹi/] {adjective} (more culinary, most culinary) culinaire culinary art {noun} (culinary arts) art culinaire | cuisine culinary speciality spécialité culinaire cull [/kʌl/] {noun, verb} (culls, culled, culling) cueillir Cullen [/ˈkʌlən/] {properNoun} Cullen cullet [/kʌlɪt/] {noun} calcin Cullingworth {properNoun} Cullingworth Culloden {properNoun} Culloden Cullompton [/ˈkʌləmptən/] {properNoun} Cullompton culmicolous culmigène culminate {adjective, verb} (culminates, culminated, culminating) culminer culmination [/ˌkʌl.mɪnˈeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌkʌlməˈneɪʃən/] {noun} aboutissement Culmington Culmington Culmstock Culmstock culottes [/kjuːˈlɒts/] {noun} (culotte) jupe-culotte culpability [/ˌkʌlpəˈbɪləti/] {noun} (culpabilities) culpabilité culpable [/ˈkʌlpəbəl/] {adjective} (more culpable, most culpable) coupable culpeo [/kʊlˈpeɪ.əʊ/] {noun} (culpeos) renard de Magellan Culpho Culpho culprit [/ˈkʌl.pɹɨt/] {noun} (culprits) coupable Culross {properNoun} Culross cult [/kʌlt/] {adjective, noun} (cults) culte | secte cult film {noun} (cult films) film culte cult of personality {noun} (cults of personality) culte de la personnalité cult place lieu de culte cult site lieu de culte cultipacker {noun} (cultipackers) cultitasseur cultist [/ˈkʌltɪst/] {noun} (cultists) sectateur cultivable {adjective} (most cultivable, more cultivable) cultivable cultivar {noun} (cultivars) cultivar cultivate [/ˈkʌltɪveɪt/] {verb} (cultivates, cultivated, cultivating) cultiver cultivated [/ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more cultivated, most cultivated) cultivé cultivated comfrey consoude officinale cultivated mushroom agaric bispore cultivation [/ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃən/] {noun} culture cultivator {noun} (cultivators) motoculteur Cults Cults cultural [/ˈkʌlt͡ʃəɹəl/] {adjective} (more cultural, most cultural) culturel cultural center {noun} (cultural centers) centre culturel cultural identity {noun} (cultural identities) identité culturelle cultural linguistics ethnolinguistique Cultural Revolution {properNoun} grande révolution culturelle prolétarienne | révolution culturelle cultural shock choc culturel cultural studies {noun} études culturelles culturality culturalité culturally {adverb} (most culturally, more culturally) culturellement culture [/ˈkʌlt͡ʃə/ | /ˈkʌlt͡ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (cultures, culturing, cultured) culture | cultiver culture hero {noun} (culture heroes) héros culturel culture medium {noun} (culture media) milieu de culture | substrat culture of death {noun} (cultures of death) culture de la mort culture shock {noun} choc culturel | choc des cultures culture war {noun} (culture wars) Kulturkampf cultured {adjective, verb} (most cultured, more cultured) cultivé culturoscientific culturo-scientifique culver [/ˈkʌlvə/] {noun} (culvers) ramier Culverhouse Cross Culverhouse Cross culverin [/ˈkʌlvəɹɪn/] {noun} (culverins) couleuvrine culvert {noun, verb} (culverts, culverting, culverted) buse | drain | ponceau Culverthorpe and Kelby Culverthorpe and Kelby Culworth Culworth cum [/kʌm/] {adjective, conjunction, noun, preposition, verb} (cums, came, cumming, cum, cummed) éjaculer | jouir | venir | foutre | jute | juter cum laude {adverb} avec distinction Cuman [/ˈk(j)uːmən/] {noun, properNoun} (Cumans) couman cumber [/ˈkʌmbə/] {verb} (cumbers, cumbered, cumbering) encombrer cumberland slider tortue à oreillons jaunes cumberlandism cumberlandisme Cumbernauld [/ˌkʌmbəɹˈnɔːld/] {properNoun} Cumbernauld cumbersome [/ˈkʌmbɚsəm/] {adjective} (most cumbersome, more cumbersome) encombrant | fastidieux | lent | lourd | pénible cumbersomely {adverb} (more cumbersomely, most cumbersomely) massivement Cumberworth Cumberworth cumbia [/ˈkumbja/] {noun} (cumbias) cumbia Cumbria [/ˈkʌm.bɹi.ə/] {properNoun} Cumbrie Cumbric {noun} cambrien cumin [/ˈkjuːmɪn/ | /ˈkumɪn/] {noun} (cumins) cumin Cuminestown Cuminestown Cummersdale Cummersdale Cummertrees Cummertrees Cummingston Cummingston cummingtonite {noun} (cummingtonites) cummingtonite Cumnock {properNoun} Cumnock Cumnor Cumnor cumquat {noun} (cumquats) kumquat Cumrew Cumrew cumshaw {noun, verb} (cumshaws, cumshawing, cumshawed) pourboire cumulate {adjective, noun, verb} (more cumulate, most cumulate, cumulates, cumulated, cumulating) cumuler cumulation [/ˌkjuːm.jə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/] {noun} cumulation cumulative [/ˈkjuːmjʊlətɪv/] {adjective} (most cumulative, more cumulative) cumulé | cumulée cumulative trauma disorder TMS cumulo-nimbus {noun} (cumulo-nimbi) cumulonimbus cumulonimbus [/ˌkjuːmələʊˈnɪmbəs/] {noun} (cumulonimbi, cumulonimbuses) cumulonimbus cumulus [/ˈkjuːmjələs/] {noun} (cumuli) cumulus Cumwhitton Cumwhitton Cundall with Leckby Cundall with Leckby Cundinamarca antpitta grallaire de Kaestner Cunegunde Cunégonde cuneiform [/kjuːˈni.ə.fɔɹm/ | /ˈkjuː.nɪ.fɔːm/] {adjective, noun} (cuneiforms) cunéiforme | os cunéiforme cuneiform bone {noun} (cuneiform bones) os cunéiforme Cuneo [/ˈkuːniəʊ/] {properNoun} Coni cuneus {noun} (cunei) cuneus cunnilingus [/ˌkʌnɪˈlɪŋɡəs/] {noun} (cunnilinguses) cunnilingus | minette cunning [/ˈkʌnɪŋ/] {adjective, noun} (more cunning, most cunning) rusé | astucieux | fourberie | malin | sournoiserie | talentueux cunning folk {noun} devins-guérisseurs | leveurs de sorts cunningly {adverb} (most cunningly, more cunningly) [[d’une]] manière rusée | astucieusement | ingénieusement cunt [/kʌnt/] {noun} con | chatte | connard | salaud Cup Coupe cup [/kʌp/] {noun, verb} (cups, cupping, cupped) tasse | coupe | bonnet | cloche cup holder {noun} (cup holders) porte-gobelet cup morel pézize veinée cup of tea {noun} (cups of tea) tasse de thé Cupar {properNoun} Cupar cupbearer [/ˈkʌpˌbɛəɹə/ | /ˈkʌpˌbɛɹɚ/] {noun} (cupbearers) échanson cupboard [/ˈkʌbəd/ | /ˈkʌbɚd/] {noun, verb} (cupboards, cupboarded, cupboarding) armoire | placard cupcake [/ˈkʌpkeɪk/] {noun, verb} (cupcakes, cupcaked, cupcaking) cupcake cupel [/ˈkjuːpəl/] {noun, verb} (cupels, cupelling, cupelled, cupeling, cupeled) coupelle cupellation [/kjuːpəˈleɪʃən/] {noun} coupellation Cupeño {properNoun} cupeño cupful {noun} (cupfuls, cupsful) tasse cupholder {noun} (cupholders) porte-gobelet Cupid [/ˈkjuːpɪd/] {properNoun} Cupidon cupid {noun} (cupids) cupidon Cupid's bow {noun} (Cupid's bows) arc de Cupidon Cupid's dart cupidone bleue cupidity [/kjuːˈpɪdəti/] {noun} (cupidities) avidité Cupido Cupidon Cupid’s bow arc de Cupidon cupola [/ˈkjuːpələ/] {noun} (cupolae, cupolas) coupole | dôme cupola furnace cubilot cupping [/ˈkʌpɪŋ/] {noun, verb} tuilage cupping glass {noun} (cupping glasses) ventouse cupping therapy incisiothérapie cuprate {noun} (cuprates) cuprate cupreine cupréine cupreous {adjective, noun} (more cupreous, most cupreous) cuivré cupric {adjective} cuprique cuprite {noun} cuprite cupro {noun} cupro cupro-allophane cupro-allophane cupro-aluminium cupro-aluminium cupro-elbaite cupro-elbaïte cupro-fraipontite cupro-fraipontite cuproammonium {noun} cupro cuproenzyme {noun} (cuproenzymes) cuproenzyme cupronickel {noun} cupronickel cupropotassic cupropotassique cuprosmithsonite cuprosmithsonite cuprous {adjective} cuivreux cur [[kɜː] | [kɝ]] {noun} (curs) clébard | clebs | corniaud | chien | roquet curable {adjective} (more curable, most curable) curable Curacao {properNoun} Curaçao curacao {noun} (curacaos) curaçao curacy {noun} (curacies) vicariat curare [/kjʊˈɹɑɹ.i/ | /kjʊˈɹɑː.ɹi/] {noun} curare curassow {noun} (curassows) hocco curate [/kjʊəˈɹeɪt/ | /kjʊˈɹeɪt/ | /ˈkjʊəɹət/ | /ˈkjʊɹɪt/] {noun, verb} (curates, curating, curated) curé | vicaire curation [/kjəˈɹeɪʃən/] {noun} curation curative [/ˈkjʊɹ.ə.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more curative, most curative, curatives) curatif curator {noun} (curators) conservateur | conservatrice curatorship {noun} (curatorships) curatelle curatress {noun} (curatresses) curatrice curatrix {noun} (curatrixes, curatrices) curatrice Curaçao [/ˈkjuːɹəsaʊ/ | /ˌkuːɹəˈsaʊ/] {properNoun} Curaçao curaçao [/ˈk(j)ʊəɹ.əˌsaʊ/ | /ˈkjuːɹəsaʊ/] {noun} curaçao Curaçaoan {adjective, noun} (Curaçaoans) Curacien | Curacienne curb [/kɜːb/ | /kɝb/] {noun, verb} (curbs, curbing, curbed) endiguer | restreindre curb bit {noun} (curb bits) mors curb chain gourmette curb cut {noun} (curb cuts) bateau Curbar Curbar curbing {noun, verb} (curbings) enrayement Curborough and Elmhurst Curborough and Elmhurst Curbridge and Lew Curbridge and Lew curd [/kɜː(ɹ)d/] {noun, verb} (curds, curded, curding) caillot | lait caillé curd cheese {noun} faisselle curdle [/ˈkɜː.dəl/ | /ˈkɝ.dəl/] {verb} (curdles, curdled, curdling) cailler Curdridge Curdridge Curdworth Curdworth cure [/kjʊə(ɹ)/ | /kjʊɹ/ | /kɜː(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (cures, cured, curing) guérir | soigner | traitement cure-all [/ˈkjʊəɹɔːl/] {noun} (cure-alls) panacée cured [/kjʊəd/ | /kjʊɹd/] {verb} guéri Curetonian {adjective} (more Curetonian, most Curetonian) curetonien curettage [/ˌkjʊəɹɪˈtɑːʒ/] {noun} curetage curette {noun, verb} (curettes, curetted, curetting) curette curfew [/ˈkɜː.fjuː/ | /ˈkɝ.fju/] {noun} (curfews) couvre-feu Curia {properNoun} curie curio [/ˈkjʊə̯ɹiˌəʊ̯/] {noun} (curios) bizarrerie curiosity [/ˌkjʊəɹɪˈɒsɪti/] {noun} (curiosities) curiosité curiosity killed the cat {proverb} la curiosité est un vilain défaut curious [/ˈkjʊ.ɹi.əs/ | /ˈkjʊə.ɹi.əs/] {adjective} (most curious, more curious, curiousest, curiouser) curieux curiously [/ˈkjɝi.əsli/ | /ˈkjʊəɹi.əsli/] {adverb} (most curiously, more curiously) curieusement Curitiba {properNoun} Curitiba curium [/ˈkjʊəɹiəm/] {noun} curium curl [/kəːl/ | /kɝl/] {noun, verb} (curls, curled, curling) boucle | boucler | rotationnel curl back rebrousser curl up {verb} (curls up, curling up, curled up) lover Curland Curland curled picarel picarel guetteur curled pondweed potamot crépu curler {noun} (curlers) curleur | curleuse curlew [/ˈkɜːlju/ | /ˈkɜːlu/ | /ˈkɝlu/] {noun} (curlews) courlis curlew sandpiper {noun} (curlew sandpipers) bécasseau cocorli curlicue {noun, verb} (curlicues, curlicued, curlicuing) fioriture curling [/ˈkəɹlɪŋ/ | /ˈkɜː(ɹ)lɪŋ/] {noun, verb} curling curling iron {noun} (curling irons) fer à friser curly [/ˈkɜːli/ | /ˈkɝli/] {adjective, noun} (curler, curlest, curlies) bouclé | frisé | courbe | courbé curly brace {noun} (curly braces) accolade curly bracket {noun} (curly brackets) accolade curly coated retriever retriever à poil bouclé curly kale {noun} chou frisé curly-hair hog porc laineux curly-leaf pondweed potamot crépu curmudgeon [/kɚˈmʌdʒən/ | /kɜː(ɹ)ˈmʌdʒ.ən/] {noun} (curmudgeons) baderne | bourru | ganache | rombière Curonians Coures currant [/ˈkɝənt/ | /ˈkʌɹənt/] {noun} (currants) groseille | raisin de Corinthe | groseillier currant bush groseillier currasow mitu currency [/ˈkʌɹ.ən.si/] {noun} (currencies) monnaie | devise | billet de banque | courant | numéraire currency exchange bureau de change currency option option de monnaies currency overlay {noun} gestion spécifique du risque de change currency swap échange de devises current [/ˈkʌɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (more current, most current, currentest, currenter) courant | actuel | présent current account {noun} (current accounts) compte courant current asset {noun} (current assets) actif circulant current density densité de courant current drive génération de courant current events {noun} (current event) actualités current liabilities {noun} dette à court terme current meter courantomètre currently [/ˈkʌɹəntli/] {adverb} (more currently, most currently) actuellement | maintenant currentology courantologie curricular {adjective} curriculaire Curriculum programme scolaire curriculum [/kəˈɹɪk.jə.ləm/ | /kəˈɹɪkjələm/] {noun} (curriculums, curricula) cursus curriculum vitae [/kəˈɹɪkjələm ˈviːteɪ/] {noun} (curricula vitarum, curricula vitae) curriculum vitæ Currie {properNoun} Currie curry [/kɜ.ɹi/ | /ˈkʌ.ɹi/] {noun, verb} (curries, currying, curried) curry | cari curry comb {noun} (curry combs) étrille curry favor {verb} faire la cour Curry Mallet Curry Mallet curry powder {noun} curry Curry Rivel {properNoun} Curry Rivel curry tree {noun} (curry trees) kaloupilé curry-comb {verb} (curry-combs, curry-combing, curry-combed) panser currycomb {noun, verb} (currycombs, currycombed, currycombing) étrille currying {verb} curryfication currywurst {noun} saucisse grillée au curry curse [/kɜːs/ | /kɝs/] {noun, verb} (curses, cursed, cursing, curst) maudire | malédiction | juron | mauvais sort curse of dimensionality {noun} fléau de la dimension curse word {noun} (curse words) gros mot cursed [/ˈkɜːsɪd/ | /ˈkɝsɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most cursed, more cursed) maudit | maudite cursinu cursinu cursive [/ˈkɜːsɪv/ | /ˈkɝsɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more cursive, most cursive) cursif | cursive cursively {adverb} (more cursively, most cursively) cursivement cursor [/kɜɹsəɹ/] {noun, verb} (cursors, cursored, cursoring) curseur cursorial {adjective, noun} (most cursorial, more cursorial, cursorials) coureur cursorjacking cursorjacking cursory [/ˈkɜː.sə.ɹi/ | /ˈkɝː.sə.ɹi/ | /ˈkɵː.sɘ.ɹi/] {adjective} (more cursory, most cursory) rapide | superficiel curt [/kɜːt/ | /kɝt/] {adjective, verb} (curter, curtest, curts, ing, ed) abrupt | sommaire curtail [/kɚˈteɪl/ | /kɜːˈteɪl/] {noun, verb} (curtails, curtailing, curtailed) abréger | restreindre | écourter curtailing {noun, verb} (curtailings) raccourcissement curtailment {noun} (curtailments) raccourcissement curtain [/ˈkɜːtn̩/ | /ˈkɝtn̩/] {noun, verb} (curtains, curtained, curtaining) rideau curtain airbag rideau gonflable curtain call {noun} (curtain calls) rappel curtain wall {noun} (curtain walls) courtine curtain-raiser {noun} (curtain-raisers) lever de rideau curtains [/ˈkɜː(ɹ).tənz/] {noun, verb} fichu | rideaux curtsey [/ˈkɜːtsɪ/ | /ˈkɝtsɪ/] {noun, verb} (curtsies, curtseys, curtseying, curtseyed) faire la révérence | révérence | révérencier curvaceous {adjective} (most curvaceous, more curvaceous) bien roulé | plantureux | pulpeux | qui a des formes curvature [/ˈkɝ.və.tʃɚ/] {noun} courbure curve [/kɜːv/ | /kɝv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (curves, curved, curving) courbe | courber | courbes curve-billed thrasher {noun} (curve-billed thrashers) moqueur à bec courbe curveball {noun, verb} (curveballs, curveballing, curveballed) balle courbe curved [/kɜːvd/ | /kɝːvd/] {adjective, verb} (more curved, most curved) courbé curvet [/kɚˈvɛt/ | /kɜːˈvɛt/] {noun, verb} (curvets, curvetting, curveted, curveting, curvetted) courbette curvilinear {adjective} curvilinéaire curvimeter {noun} (curvimeters) curvimètre curvy [/ˈkɜːvi/ | /ˈkɝvi/] {adjective} (curver, curvest) courbé Cury Cury cuscamine cuscamine cuscus [/ˈkʌs.kəs/] {noun} (cuscuses) couscous Cuscuta cuscute Cush {properNoun} Koush cushaw {noun} (cushaws) courge du Mexique cushion [/ˈkʊʃən/] {noun, verb} (cushions, cushioning, cushioned) coussin | amortir cushion calamint clinopode commun cushioned {adjective, verb} (most cushioned, more cushioned) amorti Cushite {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Cushites) koushite Cushitic {adjective, properNoun} couchitique cusimanse {noun} (cusimanses) mangue cusk {noun} (cusks) brosme commun cusk-eel abadèche Cusop Cusop cusp [/kʌsp/] {noun} (cusps) cuspide | point de rebroussement cusparine cusparine cuspid [/ˈkʌspɪd/] {noun} (cuspids) canine cuspidate {adjective} (more cuspidate, most cuspidate) cuspidé cuss [/kʌs/] {noun, verb} (cusses, cussed, cussing) jurer custard [/ˈkʌs.təd/ | /ˈkʌs.tɚd/] {noun} crème anglaise | crème pâtissière | custard custard apple {noun} (custard apples) cachiman custard pie {noun} (custard pies) tarte à la crème custodian {noun} (custodians) gardien | gardienne custody [/ˈkʌstədiː/] {noun} (custodies) custodie | garde | garde à vue custom [/ˈkʌstəm/] {adjective, noun, verb} (customs, customing, customed) coutume | connaissance | droit de douane | personnalisé | sur mesure | us custom and practice {noun} us et coutumes custom house {noun} (custom houses) douane custom-made {adjective} personnalisé | sur mesure customarily {adverb} (most customarily, more customarily) ordinairement customary [/ˈkʌstəm(ə)ɹi/] {adjective, noun} (more customary, most customary, customaries) coutumier | d'usage | habituel customer [/ˈkʌstəmə/ | /ˈkʌstəmɚ/] {noun} (customers) client customer book dossier du client customer contact employee achalandeur customer file dossier du client customer magazine magazine promotionnel customer marketing mercatique d’aval customer service {noun} service à la clientèle | service client | service clientèle customer specific IC circuit intégré spécifique à un client customer support {noun} soutien à la clientèle customer value valeur du client customisable {adjective} (more customisable, most customisable) personnalisable customisation {noun} (customisations) adaptation à l’usager customise {verb} (customises, customised, customising) customiser customizable {adjective} (most customizable, more customizable) dingii customization {noun} personnalisation customize [/ˈkʌst.ə.maɪ̯z/] {verb} (customizes, customized, customizing) customiser customizer {noun} (customizers) personnalisateur customs [/ˈkʌstəmz/] {noun, verb} (customs) douane | douanes customs clearance {noun} dédouanage | dédouanement customs officer {noun} (customs officers) douanier | douanière customs territory territoire douanier customs union {noun} (customs unions) union douanière custos {noun} (custodes) custode custumal {noun} (custumals) coutumier cut [/kʌt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most cut, more cut, cuts, cutting, cut) couper | coupe | coupure | réduire | coupé | coupée cut and paste {verb} couper-coller cut back {verb} réduire cut corners {verb} (cuts corners, cut corners, cutting corners) couper les coins ronds | prendre des raccourcis cut down {verb} (cuts down, cutting down, cut down) abattre cut in {verb} (cuts in, cut in, cutting in) couper | interrompre | relayer | resquiller cut into entamer cut it out arrêter les frais cut off {noun, verb} (cuts off, cut off, cutting off) couper | tailler | trancher | couper la parole | faire une queue de poisson cut off one's nose to spite one's face {verb} se tirer une balle dans le pied cut one loose {verb} (cuts one loose, cut one loose, cutting one loose) lâcher une caisse cut one's losses {verb} (cuts one's losses, cut one's losses, cutting one's losses) arrêter les frais cut one's teeth {verb} faire ses dents | se faire les dents cut out {adjective, verb} (most cut out, more cut out, cuts out, cut out, cutting out) arrêter | caler | enlever | supprimer cut scene {noun} (cut scenes) scène cinématique cut short {verb} (cuts short, cut short, cutting short) couper court cut taxes défiscaliser cut the crap {verb} (cuts the crap, cut the crap, cutting the crap) arrête tes salades cut the Gordian knot {verb} (cuts the Gordian knot, cutting the Gordian knot, cut the Gordian knot) trancher le nœud gordien cut the legs out from under couper l’herbe sous le pied cut the throat of égorger cut the umbilical cord {verb} couper le cordon cut through {verb} transir cut ties {verb} (cuts ties, cutting ties, cut ties) couper les ponts cut ties with couper les ponts cut to size tailler cut to the chase {verb} aller droit au but | aller à l'essentiel cut to the quick {verb} piquer au vif cut up {adjective, verb} (more cut up, most cut up, cuts up, cutting up, cut up) abaisser cut-and-paste {adjective} (most cut-and-paste, more cut-and-paste) copier-coller cut-cut-cut-clear- out cot cot codet cut-off {adjective, noun} (most cut-off, more cut-off, cut-offs) accord de règlement cut-off date date butoir cut-off grinder tronçonneuse cut-off procedures procédures de séparation des exercices cut-out [/ˈkʌt.aʊt/] {noun} (cut-outs) boite aux lettres cut-purse coupe-bourse cut-throat finch amadine cou-coupé cut-throat razor {noun} (cut-throat razors) coupe-choux cut-up {noun} (cut-ups) collage cutaneous [/kjuːˈteɪniəs/] {adjective} cutané | dermatologique | épidermique cutaway {adjective, noun} (cutaways) cut away Cutcombe Cutcombe cute [/kjuːt/] {adjective} (cutest, cuter) mignon | joli cuteness {noun} (cutenesses) mignoncité | mignonitude | mignonité Cuthbert {properNoun} Cuthbert cuticle [/ˈkjuːtɪkəl/] {noun} (cuticles) cuticule cuticular {adjective} cuticulaire cutie [/ˈkjuːti/] {noun} (cuties) mignon cutie pie {noun} (cutie pies) puce cutin {noun} cutine cutireaction {noun} (cutireactions) cutiréaction cutlass [/ˈkʌtləs/] {noun, verb} (cutlasses, cutlassing, cutlassed) sabre d'abordage cutlassfish {noun} (cutlassfish, cutlassfishes) sabre cutler {noun} (cutlers) coutelier | coutelière cutlery [/ˈkʌt.lə.ɹi/] {noun} (cutleries) couverts | couverts de table | services cutlet {noun} (cutlets) côtelette cutoff {adjective, noun} (cutoffs, more cutoff, most cutoff) de coupure | de seuil | seuil cutpurse [/ˌkʌtˈpɜːs/ | /ˌkʌtˈpɝs/] {noun} (cutpurses) coupe-bourse cutscene {noun} (cutscenes) cinématique Cutsdean {properNoun} Cutsdean cutter [/ˈkʌtə/ | /ˈkʌtɚ/] {noun} (cutters) cotre | chaloupe | coupeur cutthroat {adjective, noun} (most cutthroat, more cutthroat) poignardeur cutting [/ˈkʌtɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} bouture | coupure | découpage | montage cutting board {noun} (cutting boards) planche à découper cutting down {verb} abattage cutting grass aulacode cutting-edge {adjective} (more cutting-edge, most cutting-edge) dernier cri cuttings [/ˈkʌtɪŋz/] {noun} bouturage cuttlefish [/ˈkʌ.təl.fɪʃ/] {noun} (cuttlefish, cuttlefishes) seiche cuttlefish bone {noun} (cuttlefish bones) os de seiche cutwater {noun} (cutwaters) taille-mer cutworm {noun} (cutworms) larve CUV {noun} (CUVs) TCL cuvette [/kjuˈvɛt/] {noun} (cuvettes) cuvette Cuvier's beaked whale baleine à bec de Cuvier Cuxham with Easington Cuxham with Easington Cuxton {properNoun} Cuxton CV {adjective, noun, properNoun} (CVs) CV | PA CVA {noun} (CVAs) AIC CVR {noun} (CVRs) EP CVT {noun} (CVTs) TVC CW {adjective, adverb, noun} IAI Cwm Cwm cwm [/kuːm/ | /kʊm/] {noun} (cwms) cirque Cwm Cadnant Cwm Cadnant Cwm Penmachno Cwm Penmachno Cwm y Glo Cwm y Glo Cwm-Hwnt Cwm-Hwnt Cwmafan {properNoun} Cwmafan Cwmaman Cwmaman Cwmamman Cwmamman Cwmann Cwmann Cwmbach Cwmbach Cwmbargoed Cwmbargoed Cwmbran {properNoun} Cwmbran Cwmbran Central Cwmbran Central Cwmbrwyno Cwmbrwyno Cwmbwrla Cwmbwrla Cwmcarn Cwmcarn Cwmcarvan Cwmcarvan Cwmcoednerth Cwmcoednerth Cwmcych Cwmcych Cwmdare Cwmdare Cwmdauddwr Cwmdauddwr Cwmduad Cwmduad Cwmerfyn Cwmerfyn Cwmfelin Cwmfelin Cwmfelin Mynach Cwmfelin Mynach Cwmfelinfach Cwmfelinfach Cwmffrwd Cwmffrwd Cwmgelli Cwmgelli Cwmgwrach Cwmgwrach Cwmhiraeth Cwmhiraeth Cwmllynfell Cwmllynfell Cwmnantygwynt Cwmnantygwynt Cwmparc Cwmparc Cwmpengraig Cwmpengraig Cwmpennar Cwmpennar Cwmsychbant Cwmsychbant Cwmsyfiog Cwmsyfiog Cwmtillery Cwmtillery Cwmtwrch Cwmtwrch Cwmwysg Cwmwysg Cwmyoy Cwmyoy Cwmystwyth Cwmystwyth CWO {noun, phraseologicalUnit} (CWOs) AdjuC cyan [/ˈsaɪˌæn/] {adjective, noun} (most cyan, more cyan, cyans) cyan | turquois cyanic {adjective} (more cyanic, most cyanic) cyanique cyanic acid {noun} acide cyanique cyanide [/ˈsaɪənaɪd/] {noun, verb} (cyanides, cyaniding, cyanided) cyanure cyanidin [/saɪˈænədɪn/] {noun} cyanidine cyanine {noun} (cyanines) cyanine cyano- {prefix} cyano- cyanoacrylate {noun} (cyanoacrylates) cyanoacrylate Cyanobacteria cyanobactérie cyanobacterium {noun} (cyanobacteria) cyanobactérie cyanogen [/sajˈæn.ə.dʒɪn/] {noun} cyane cyanogenesis {noun} (cyanogeneses) cyanogenèse cyanogenic {adjective} (more cyanogenic, most cyanogenic) cyanogénétique cyanography cyanographie cyanophage {noun} (cyanophages) cyanophage cyanophilous {adjective} (most cyanophilous, more cyanophilous) cyanophile cyanosis [/ˌsaɪəˈnoʊsɪs/] {noun} (cyanoses) cyanose cyanotrichite {noun} (cyanotrichites) cyanotrichite cyanotype {noun} cyanotype Cybele [/ˈsɪbɨliː/] {properNoun} Cybèle cyber attack cyberattaque cyber censorship cybercensure cyber currency cybermonnaie cyber defence cyberdéfense Cyber Monday {properNoun} (Cyber Mondays) cyberlundi cyber protection cyberprotection cyber resilience cyberrésilience cyber security cybersécurité cyber- [/ˈsaɪbə/ | /ˈsaɪbɚ/] {prefix} cyber- cyber-bullying cyberharcèlement cyber-diplomacy cyberdiplomatie cyber-jihadist cyberdjihadiste cyber-monitoring cybersurveillance cyber-physical cyber-physique cyber-surveillance cybersurveillance cyberactivist {noun} (cyberactivists) cyberactiviste cyberaddiction {noun} addiction au numérique cyberattack {noun, verb} (cyberattacks, cyberattacked, cyberattacking) cyberattaque cyberbully {noun, verb} (cyberbullies, cyberbullied, cyberbullying) cyberharceler cyberbullying {noun, verb} cyber-harcèlement | cyber-intimidation | cyberharcèlement | cyberintimidation cybercitizen {noun} (cybercitizens) cybercitoyen cybercrime {noun} cybercrime | cybercriminalité cybercriminal {adjective, noun} (cybercriminals) cybercriminel cybercriminality cybercriminalité cyberdefense {noun} cyberdéfense cyberdelinquency cyberdélinquance cyberdiplomacy cyberdiplomatie cyberdissident {noun} (cyberdissidents) cyber-dissident cyberespionage {noun} cyberespionnage cyberexpert cyberexpert cyberfeminism {noun} cyberféminisme cyberfraud {noun} cyberfraude cyberglove gant de données cyberharassment {noun} cyberharcèlement | cyberintimidation cyberian {adjective, noun} (most cyberian, more cyberian, cyberians) cybérien cyberjihadist {noun} (cyberjihadists) cyberdjihadiste cybermarket {noun} (cybermarkets) cybermarché cybermarketing {noun} digital marketing cybermedia {noun} cybermédia cybermerchant cybercommerçant cybermonitoring cybersurveillance cybernaut {noun} (cybernauts) cybernaute cybernetic [/ˌsaɪbə(ɹ)ˈnɛtɪk/ | /ˌsaɪbɚˈnɛtɪk/] {adjective} (most cybernetic, more cybernetic) cybernétique cybernetician {noun} (cyberneticians) cybernéticien cyberneticist {noun} (cyberneticists) cybernéticien | cybernéticienne cybernetics [/ˌsaɪ.bə(ɹ)ˈnɛ.tɪks/] {noun} cybernétique | informatique cyberpirate {noun} (cyberpirates) cyberpirate cyberpolice {noun} cyberpolice cyberpredator {noun} (cyberpredators) cyberprédateur cyberprodigy {noun} (cyberprodigies) cyber-prodige cyberprostitution {noun} cyberprostitution cyberprotection {noun} cyberprotection cyberpsychology {noun} cyberpsychologie cyberpunk {noun} cyberpunk cyberresilience cyberrésilience cybersecurity [/saɪbəsɪˈkjʊəɹɪtɪ/] {noun} cybersécurité cybersex {noun, verb} (cybersexes, cybersexed, cybersexing) cybersexe cybershop {noun} (cybershops) cybershop cybersignature cybersignature cyberspace [/ˈsaɪ.bə(ɹ)ˌspeɪs/] {noun} cyberespace cybersquatter {noun} (cybersquatters) cybersquatteur cybersquatting {noun} cybersquat cyberstalking {noun, verb} cyberharcèlement cyberstrategy {noun} (cyberstrategies) cyberstratégie cybersurveillance {noun} cybersurveillance cyberterrorism {noun} cyberterrorisme cyberthreat {noun} (cyberthreats) cybermenace cyberwar {noun} cyberguerre cyberwarfare {noun} cyberguerre | guerre informatique cyborg [/ˈsaɪ.bɔː(ɹ)ɡ/] {noun} (cyborgs) cyborg cybrid {noun} (cybrids) cybride cyclability {noun} (cyclabilities) cyclabilité Cyclades [/saɪkleɪdz/] {properNoun} Cyclades Cycladic {adjective} (more Cycladic, most Cycladic) cycladique cyclamate {noun} (cyclamates) cyclamate cyclamen {noun} (cyclamens) cyclamen | artanite cycle [/ˈsaɪkəl/] {noun, verb} (cycles, cycled, cycling) cycle | faire du vélo | tour cycle ball cycle-ball cycle lane {noun} (cycle lanes) bande cyclable cycle rickshaw {noun} (cycle rickshaws) velotaxi cycle route véloroute cyclecar {noun} (cyclecars) cyclecar cycleway {noun} (cycleways) bande cyclable cyclic [/ˈsaɪklɪk/ | /ˈsɪklɪk/] {adjective} (most cyclic, more cyclic) cyclique cyclic redundancy check {noun} (cyclic redundancy checks) CRC | contrôle de redondance cyclique cyclical [/ˈsaɪklɪkəl/] {adjective} (most cyclical, more cyclical) cyclique cyclically [/ˈsɪk.lɪk.li/] {adverb} (more cyclically, most cyclically) cycliquement cyclide {noun} (cyclides) cyclide cyclin {noun} (cyclins) cycline cyclin-dependent kinase kinase dépendante des cyclines cycling [/ˈsaɪk(ə)lɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} cyclisme cyclist [/ˈsaɪ.klɪst/] {noun} (cyclists) cycliste | bikeur | bikeuse cyclize {verb} (cyclizes, cyclizing, cyclized) cycliser cyclo- [/saɪkləʊ/] {prefix} cyclo- cycloaddition {noun} (cycloadditions) cycloaddition cycloalkane {noun} (cycloalkanes) cycloalcane | cyclane cyclobutane {noun} cyclobutane cyclocross [/ˈsaɪkləʊˌkɹɒs/] {noun} cyclo-cross cycloheptane {noun} (cycloheptanes) cycloheptane cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene benzène cyclohexane [/ˌsaɪkloʊˈhɛkseɪn/] {noun} cyclohexane cyclohexanol {noun} cyclohexanol cyclohexatriene [/ˌsaɪ.kləʊˌhɛksəˈtɹaɪ.iːn/] {noun} (cyclohexatrienes) benzène cyclohexylamine {noun} (cyclohexylamines) cyclohexylamine cycloid [/ˈsaɪklɔɪd/] {adjective, noun} (cycloids) cycloïdal | cycloïde cyclomatic {adjective} cyclomatique cyclomatic complexity nombre cyclomatique cyclone [/ˈsaɪ.kloʊn/ | /ˈsaɪ.kləʊn/] {noun} (cyclones) cyclone cyclonesque cyclonesque cyclonic {adjective} (most cyclonic, more cyclonic) cyclonique cyclopentane {noun} cyclopentane cyclophane {noun} (cyclophanes) cyclophane cyclophoria {noun} cyclophorie cyclopropane {noun} cyclopropane cyclops {noun} (cyclopes, cyclops, cyclopses) cyclope cyclostome {noun} (cyclostomes) cyclostome cyclostyle {noun, verb} (cyclostyles, cyclostyling, cyclostyled) cyclostyle cyclothymia {noun} cyclothymie cyclothymic {adjective, noun} (cyclothymics) cyclothymique cyclotomic {adjective} cyclotomique cyclotron [/ˈsaɪklətɹɒn/] {noun} (cyclotrons) cyclotron Cydonia {properNoun} Cydon Cyfarthfa Cyfarthfa Cyffylliog Cyffylliog cygnet [/ˈsɪɡ.nət/] {noun} (cygnets) cygneau | jeune cygne | petit du cygne Cygnus {properNoun} Cygne Cylch y Garn Cylch y Garn cylinder [/ˈsɪləndɚ/ | /ˈsɪlɪndə(ɹ)/] {noun, verb} (cylinders, cylindering, cylindered) cylindre | barillet | bonbonne | cylindre phonographique cylinder block bloc-cylindres cylinder head {noun} (cylinder heads) culasse cylinder head gasket joint de culasse cylinder phonograph phonographe cylinder seal sceau-cylindre cylindrical [/sɪˈlɪndɹɪkəl/] {adjective} (more cylindrical, most cylindrical) cylindrique cylindro-ogival cylindro-ogival cylindroid {noun} (cylindroids) cylindroïde cylindroidal cylindroïde cymatics [/saɪˈmæ.tɪks/] {noun} cymatique cymatotrichous {adjective} cymatotriche Cymau Cymau cymbal [/ˈsɪmbəl/] {noun} (cymbals) cymbale cymbals [/ˈsɪmbəlz/] {noun} cymbale cymbalum {noun} (cymbalums) cymbalum cymene {noun} (cymenes) cymène Cymmer {properNoun} Cymmer cymophane [/ˈsʌɪmə(ʊ)feɪn/] {noun} cymophane cymotrichous [/saɪˈmɑtɹɪkəs/ | /saɪˈmɒtɹɪkəs/] {adjective} cymotriche cymotrichy {noun} cymotrichie Cymric [/ˈkɪmɹɪk/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Cymrics) gallois cymric cat cimrique cynanthropy {noun} cynanthropie Cyncoed Cyncoed Cynghordy Cynghordy Cynic {adjective, noun} (Cynics) cynique cynic [/ˈsɪnɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more cynic, most cynic, cynics) cynique cynical [/ˈsɪnɪkəl/] {adjective} (more cynical, most cynical) cynique cynically [/ˈsɪn.ɪk.(ə.)li/] {adverb} (most cynically, more cynically) cyniquement cynicism [/ˈsɪn.ɪˌsɪzəm/] {noun} cynisme Cynnull-mawr Cynnull-mawr cynocephalic {adjective} cynocéphale cynocephalus {noun} (cynocephali) cynocéphale cynocephaly {noun} cynocéphalie cynology {noun} cynologie Cynon Valley Cynon Valley cynophile {noun} (cynophiles) cynophile cynophilia [/ˌsaɪnə(ʊ)ˈfɪlɪə/] {noun} cynophilie cynophobe {noun} (cynophobes) cynophobe cynophobia [/ˌsaɪnəˈfoʊbi.ə/ | /ˌsaɪnəˈfəʊbi.ə/] {noun} (cynophobias) cynophobie cynophobic {adjective} (most cynophobic, more cynophobic) canophobe | cynophobe cynosure [/ˈsaɪnəʃʊɹ/ | /ˈsɪnəzjʊə/] {noun} (cynosures) chien d'aveugle | cible | foyer | guide | mentor | parangon Cynthia [/ˈsɪnθiə/] {properNoun} (Cynthias) Cynthia Cynthian [/ˈsɪnθiən/] {adjective} cynthien Cynthus {properNoun} Cynthe | Kynthos Cynwyd {properNoun} Cynwyd Cynwyl Elfed Cynwyl Elfed Cynwyl Gaeo Cynwyl Gaeo CYOA LDVELH cyphelloid cyphelloïde cyphelloid fungus champignon cyphelloïde cypher {noun, verb} (cyphers, cyphered, cyphering) chiffrement cypherpunk [/ˈsʌɪfəpʌŋk/] {noun} (cypherpunks) cryptomane cyphosomatic cyphosomatique cypress [/ˈsaɪ.pɹəs/] {noun} (cypresses) cyprès cypress spurge euphorbe petit-cyprès cypress-leaved plait-moss hypne cyprès Cyprian {adjective, noun} (more Cyprian, most Cyprian, Cyprians) Cyprien cyprin cyprine cyprinid fish cyprinidé cypriniform {noun} (cypriniforms) cypriniforme Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriot [/ˈsɪp.ɹi.ət/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Cypriots) Chypriote | chypriote | Cypriote cypris {noun} (cypris) cypris Cyprus [/ˈsaɪ.pɹəs/] {noun, properNoun} Chypre Cyr wheel roue Cyr Cyrenaica [/saɪɹəˈneɪ.ɪkə/] {properNoun} Cyrénaïque Cyrene [/saɪˈɹiːni/] {properNoun} Cyrène Cyril [/ˈsɪɹəl/] {properNoun} Cyril | Cyrille Cyrillic [/sɪˈɹɪ.lɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} cyrillique Cyrillic alphabet alphabet cyrillique Cyrillic script alphabet cyrillique Cyrillization {noun} cyrillisation cyrillization {noun} cyrillisation Cyrus [/ˈsaɪɹəs/] {properNoun} Cyrus cyst [/sɪst/] {noun} (cysts) kyste cystectomy {noun} (cystectomies) cystectomie cysteine {noun} (cysteines) cystéine cysteine-containing aspartate-specific protease caspase cystic [/ˈsɪstɪk/] {adjective} kystique cystic duct {noun} (cystic ducts) canal cystique | conduit cystique cystic fibrosis {noun} mucoviscidose cysticercosis {noun} (cysticercoses) cysticercose cysticercus {noun} (cysticerci) cysticerque cystine {noun} cystine cystitis {noun} (cystitides) cystite cysto- {prefix} cysto- cystocele {noun} (cystoceles) cystocèle cystolith {noun} (cystoliths) cystolithe cystoscopy {noun} (cystoscopies) cystoscopie cystotomy {noun} (cystotomies) cystotomie cystous {adjective} kysteux Cytherograph cythérographe cytidine [/ˈsaɪtɪdiːn/] {noun} (cytidines) cytidine Cytinus cytinet cytisus {noun} (cytisuses) cytise cyto- {prefix} cyto- cytochemistry {noun} (cytochemistries) cytochimie cytochrome [/ˈsaɪtəkɹəʊm/] {noun} (cytochromes) cytochrome cytogenetic {adjective} cytogénétique cytogeneticist {noun} (cytogeneticists) cytogénéticien cytogenetics {noun} cytogénétique cytokine {noun} (cytokines) cytokine cytokinesis {noun} (cytokineses) cytokinèse cytological {adjective} cytologique cytological diagnosis cytodiagnostic cytologist [/saɪˈtɑːlədʒɪst/ | /saɪˈtɒlədʒɪst/] {noun} (cytologists) cytologiste cytology [/saɪˈtɑləd͡ʒi/ | /saɪˈtɒləd͡ʒi/] {noun} cytologie cytolysis {noun} (cytolyses) cytolyse cytolytic [/ˌsaɪtəˈlɪtɪk/] {adjective} cytolytique cytometry {noun} (cytometries) cytométrie cytoplasm [/ˈsaɪtoʊˌplæzəm/ | /ˈsaɪtəʊˌplæzəm/] {noun} (cytoplasms) cytoplasme cytoplasmic [/saɪtə(ʊ)ˈplazmɪk/] {adjective} cytoplasmique cytosine [/ˈsaɪtəsiːn/] {noun} (cytosines) cytosine cytoskeleton {noun} (cytoskeletons) cytosquelette cytosol [/ˈsaɪtəˌsɒl/] {noun} (cytosols) cytosol | hyaloplasme cytosolic {adjective} (more cytosolic, most cytosolic) cytosolique cytotoxic {adjective, noun} (more cytotoxic, most cytotoxic, cytotoxics) cytotoxique cytotoxic T cell {noun} (cytotoxic T cells) lymphocyte T cytotoxique cytotoxicity {noun} (cytotoxicities) cytotoxicité cytotoxin {noun} (cytotoxins) cytotoxine cytula {noun} (cytulas) cellule souche czar [/zɑː(ɹ)/] {noun} (czars) czar czardas {noun} (czardases) csardas czarian {adjective} (more czarian, most czarian) tsarien Czech [/tʃɛk/] {adjective, noun} tchèque | Tchèque | Tchèques Czech hedgehog {noun} (Czech hedgehogs) hérisson tchèque Czech Republic [/ˈtʃɛk ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/] {properNoun} République tchèque | Tchéquie Czechia [/ˈt͡ʃɛkiə/] {properNoun} Tchéquie Czecho-Slovakia {properNoun} Tchéco-Slovaquie Czechoslovak {adjective, noun} (more Czechoslovak, most Czechoslovak, Czechoslovaks) tchécoslovaque | Tchécoslovaque Czechoslovakia [/ˌtʃɛk.ə.sləˈvɑ.ki.ə/] {properNoun} Tchécoslovaquie Czechoslovakian [/ˈtʃɛk.əz.lə.væk.i.ən/] {adjective, noun} (Czechoslovakians) tchécoslovaque Czechoslovakian wolfdog chien-loup tchécoslovaque Częstochowa {properNoun} Częstochowa càdlàg {noun} (càdlàgs) càdlàg Cádiz {properNoun} Cadix cão da Serra de Aires berger de la Serra de Aires cão de Castro Laboreiro chien de Castro Laboreiro cão fila de São Miguel fila de Saint Miguel cégep {noun} (cégeps) cégep Córdoba [/ˈkɔːdəbə/ | /ˈkɔːɹdəbə/] {properNoun} Cordoue Côte d'Ivoire [/ˌkoʊt diˈvwɑɹ/ | /ˌkəʊt diːˈvwɑː/] {properNoun} Côte d'Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire Côte Saint-Lucer Côte Saint-Luçois Côte Vermeille Côte Vermeille Côte-d'Or {properNoun} Côte-d'Or Côte-Saint-Lucer Côte Saint-Luçois Côtes-d'Armor {properNoun} Côtes-d'Armor Cœnozoic Cénozoïque c̓əsnaʔəm c̓əsnaʔəm c’est la vie c’est la vie