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Hello/goodbye, yes/no

You will find the French quite formal in their greetings, shaking hands both on meeting and on parting. French people, when they know each other well, greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. Bonjour, madame or bonjour, monsieur are the politest ways to greet someone. Mademoiselle is becoming less frequently used. Salut is more informal than bonjour. If someone offers you something, perhaps an extra serving of food, and you simply reply merci, they will take this to mean ‘no’. You must say oui, merci or you will go hungry!

PleaseS’il vous plaît seel voo pleh
Thanks (very much)Merci (beaucoup) mehr-see (boh-koo)
You’re welcome!De rien! duh ryañ!
YesOui wee
NoNon noñ
Yes, pleaseOui, merci wee, mehr-see
No, thanksNon, merci noñ, mehr-see
OK!D’accord! da-kor!
Sir/MrMonsieur/M. muh-syuh
Madam/Mrs/MsMadame/Mme ma-dam
MissMademoiselle/Mlle mad-mwa-zel
Hello/HiBonjour/Salut boñ-zhoor/sa-lew
Goodbye/ByeAu revoir/Salut oh ruh-vwar/sa-lew
Bye for nowÀ bientôt a byañ-toh
Good eveningBonsoir boñ-swar
GoodnightBonne nuit bon nwee
See you tomorrowÀ demain a duh-mañ
Excuse me! (to catch attention)Pardon, monsieur/madame! par-doñ, muh-syuh/ma-dam!
Sorry!Pardon! par-doñ!
I’m sorryJe suis désolé(e) zhuh swee day-zo-lay
How are you?Comment allez-vous? ko-mahñ ta-lay voo?
Fine, thanksTrès bien, merci treh byañ, mehr-see
And you?Et vous? ay voo?
I don’t understandJe ne comprends pas zhuh nuh koñ-prahñ pa
I speak very little FrenchJe parle très peu le français zhuh parl treh puh luh frahñ-seh
Collins Gem

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